Strategic Wood-Fuel Development in Brandenburg Stephen Dahle/ IHK Potsdam-ETI RW INTERREG IIIC Wood...

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Strategic Wood-Fuel Development in Brandenburg

Stephen Dahle/ IHK Potsdam-ETI

RW INTERREG IIIC Wood Energy Week 25.01.2006 Eberswalde

Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative

ETI: Support for Brandenburg‘s Energy Business Network

Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative

State Initiative financed by the Ministry of Economy and the Potsdam CCI

-Development and employment promotion for innovative energy technologies in Brandenburg

-Responsible for documenting the impelmentation of the State Energy Strategy 2010

ETI: Implementing the State Energy Strategy 2010

Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative

ETI-Advisory Board Energy Strategy Board

ETI-Stakeholder Groups

Energy Strategy 2010

Energy Network in Brandenburg

ETI-Task Force Solid Biofuels

Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative

Stakeholder Network for Brandenburg‘s Wood Fuel Industry

•Networks over 200 forest operators, bio-energy producers, SMEs, local administrations, and investors for the development of wood-fuel use

•Ca. 4 Million EURO Project Funding generated within the task force in 2003- 2004:


• 25 Key-State investment projects generated for State funding and dissemination via ETI in rural and municipal situations.

•Integration of wood-fuel recovery in forest management in Brandenburg

•Introduction of commercial SRF in Brandenburg

Bio-Energy investment in Brandenburg – Implementing the Energy Strategy

39 biogas plants (40 under construction)870 wood-fuel boilers <5 MW14 biomass power plants8 biodiesel plants1 bio-ethanol plant

95 Million Euros in State grants = Over 700 Millionen Euros bio-energy investment

Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative

Subsidies for Wood-Fuel Development

Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative

•Green Power production is promoted by a Federal feed-in-tariff (fixed purchasing price for 20 years: EEG •Federal grants for automatic wood-fuel boilers Marktanreizprogramm

•Low interest loans for biomass boilers: KfW-Programm zur CO2-Minderung

•State REN-Programm subsidizes innovative projects in wood fuel use (40% grant) 4,8 Mio. € - grants for wood fuel over 10 years

•13 LEADER-Regions subsidize investment projects for rural areas (SRF!, harvesting equipment, boilers)

•The INTERREG IIIA Euroregions provide grants for biomass projects along the Polish border

•Brandenburg participates in a number of EU-Projects, which support interregional experience transfer in wood energy INTERREG, EIE, Framework Programme

Green Power in Brandenburg: The old EEG

Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative

Waste Wood power production and the old EEG

Fuel requirements for biomass power production (2005)

Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative

14 Biomass plants:650.000 dry tonnes

Plants under construction400.000 t dry tonnes

Required Fuel 2005 1.050.000 t dry tonnes

plus CHP Dolna Odra 70.000 dry tonnes for co-firing

= where are we going to get all this waste wood?

The new EEG and Wood Fuel

Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative

The new EEG an wood fuel

Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative


Small scale CHP up to 5 MWel employing forest fuel and selling all heat enter the EEG 2005 at a rate of

177,50Euro/MWh + income from heat sales

Large scale biomass power plants (20 MWel ) employing waste wood and without heat sales are now passe‘.

The new EEG and Forest Fuel


The Feds reward small plants employing forest fuel.

These plants can be built in industrial parks, municipal situations and can provide district heating and can deliver the MWh under the price for oil and gas.

By participating in the EEG by converting to CHP (ORC or steam) exisiting units can become even more profitable

Gas and oil boilers deliver these days for over 60 € / MWh

Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative

Wood Fuel Price 500 KW CHP units

Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative

Versorgung der Kleinanlagen

Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative

Versorgung kleinerer BHKW in einem örtlich begrenzten Umfeld bringt:

•Einsparung von Transportkosten

• Verwertung von örtlichen Ressourcen auf Brachflächen der Land- und Forstwirtschaft

•Im Privat-, Staats- und Körperschaftswald, bei Jungbestandspflege, Erstdurchforstung und bei Kalamitäten.

Inwieweit kleine BHKW gebaut werden, hängt von der weiteren industriellen Entwicklung des Landes Brandenburg ab.

Visualising Bio-Energy Landscapes? Baltic Biomass Network

Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative

BSR INTERREG IIIB Project of the IHK Potsdam/FH Eberswalde for development of GIS decision making tools for bio-energy investment (Bio-energy and Spatial Development)

•13 partners networking bioenergy stakeholders in the Baltic Sea Region •Brandenburg, Pomorskie, Kaunas County, Tukums County, Ida-Viru County, North Karelia

GIS evaluations of biomass and „hidden reserves“ according to agro-technical indicators in harmony with local interests.

Visualising Bioenergy Landscapes: Baltic Biomass Network

Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative

•Integration GIS gestützter Bioenergie-Informationsebenen in die regionale Planungsdatenbanken in Brandenburg (Januar 2005)

•Erarbeitung Rohstoffverfügbarkeitszenarien für spezifischen Produktlinien (Rapsöl/Biodiesel, Ethanol, Biogas, Holzwärme/BHKW) in Zusammenarbeit mit industriellen Anwendern (6 Branchenszenarien bis Dezember 2007)

•GIS Erfassung Brandenburger Waldrestholzverfügbarkeit auf der Feldblockebene (Juni 2006)

•GIS Erfassung geeigneter Standorte für Feldholzplantagen nach Auswahlkriterien (in Zusammenarbeit mit VW, CHOREN NORD AG, regionalen Biomasseproduzenten) (Dezember 2007)

•Aufbau integrierter Feldholz-/Waldrestholzgewinnungssysteme für nachhaltige Energieholzsicherung

ETI-Key State Project: Waldholzcontracting in Zempow

Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative

•Key State Project (REN-Program Ministry for the Economy) for optimizing forest wood-fuel supply chain

•Complete mechanization

•Supply chain from recovery to operation of boiler via heat contracting in one hand,Eliminating the middleman! Forest chips for under 60 EURO t/ATRO

•Demonstration of wood fuel harvesting and industrial harvesting in harmony

•Demonstration of profitability of forest fuel harvesting for Brandneburg‘s private forest owners

LEADER + Motor for Development of Rural Wood Fuel Projects?

Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative

13 LEADER+ Regions in Brandenburg

State LEADER target: Establishment of regional energy supply chains within the framework of rural development

LEADER + and SRF: Strittmatter Land leading the way

Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative

Cooperation project Landschaftspflegeverband Spree-Neißee.V. and local farmers

•Target: 40 Ha. Commercial SRF14 ha 2005 sucessfully planted

•LEADER reduces investment hurdle

•Local heating plants give contracts for fuel

INTERREG IIIA SNB „Agronetzwerk“ SRF for Brandenburg?

Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative

•Landschaftspflegeverband cooperates with Polish partners in establishing production co-ops.

•ATB says SRF can be produced for 60 – 70 Euro / dry tonne

•INTERREG III A project says 49 Euro/ dry tonne

These prices are under current conditions competitive, especially for small-scale CHP purchasers.

BtL für Brandenburg? Biomasse für Sun-Fuel

Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative

•Ländervereinbarung mit Niedersachsen, Hessen und der VW-AG zur Entwicklung von Sun-Fuels

•Brandenburg bringt Know-How in Rohstoffproduktionssysteme in das Projekt ein

•SUN-REG : ATB Modellierung für Bioenergie-Anlagen in künftigen Energielandschaften

•MORES: Kostenoptimierung in der Produktion schnellwachsender Gehölze zur ganzjährigen Versorgung von BtL-Anlagen

•DENDROM: Leitbilder und Szenarien für die nachhaltige energetische und stoffliche Verwendung von Dendromasse aus Wald- und Feldgehölzen

•Einbindung der LEADER-Regionen

•Aufbau einer FT-Synthese, dezentrale Pyrolyse in Bbg.?

Further targets in Wood-Fuel use in Brandenburg

Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative

 •Identify investors for appropriate locations for further small scale forest fuel CHP, provide subsidies for start up where needed.•Development of small scale wood fuel gasification technology as alternative to biogas!•Further eficiency in the forest harvesting supply chain (Mobile chippers!)•Mobilise considerable wood-fuel potential in private forests (50% in Brandenburg!)•Harmonise wood –fuel harvesting and industrial timber production: forest owners can cash in twice!

Voraussetzung für den Anbau und Einsatz von Feldhölzer

Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative

•Wood fuel producers need long term planning security: contracts with State Forestry.• GIS planning tools for long term harvesting/management decisions•Wood-Fuel mobilisation for mobility (Sun-Fuel)•Introduce combined forest/agricultural wood fuel production systems (agricultural SRF) for long term biomass resource security.

The fossil energy price makes wood fuel profitable today: Act now!

Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative

Vielen Dank!


Stephen Dahle

Brandenburgische Energie Technologie Initiative (ETI)

Bei der Industrie- und Handelskammer Potsdam

Breite Straße 2a-c

14467 Potsdam

Tel: 0331 27 86 282
