stress mgmt project(hr)

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  • 8/14/2019 stress mgmt project(hr)



    Throughout the eighties and into the nineties, work stress has

    continued to rise dramatically in organizations. The eighties

    saw employees stressing out from working in a rapidly growing

    economy. During the nineties, beginning from the recession of

    1992 till present day, employees are stressed by their own job

    insecurities in the face of massive downsizing and restructuring

    of organizations in order to be competitive on the global stage.

    Thus, when the stress levels among the employees begin to rise

    as they deal with more and more clients, they would put up an

    even greater resistance to their own emotions. Over time, the

    professional may not be able to relax that emotional resistance.

    All their emotions would be masked and retained within

    themselves, resulting ult imately in mental and emotional

    disorders. In stressful times, employees are often displeased or

    angry at something. However, there are usually l imited

    channels in which employees can express their views. Since

    opinions, views, and feelings cannot always be expressed to

    anyone to change the current situation, there would be an

    accumulation of anger and frustration within the individual. Up

    to a certain point, the anger would be released, usually at the

    wrong person or time, such as colleagues, clients, or family

    members. This symptom has a tremendous impact on society

    because there is a potential that it may hurt other people.

    Stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a

    person perceives that demands exceed the personal and

    social resources the individual is able to mobilize.


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    A certain amount of stress is good for us as it can encourage

    change and activity. But if we are under too much stress our

    ability to function effectively suffers.

    When working in a team environment our stress is relayed to

    the rest of the team resulting in a decline of team performance

    making team building an imperative goal . For some a

    potential stressful situation leads to the effect of "riding on the

    crest of a wave" because it generates a certain chemical

    reaction in the body that gives exhilaration. For others, the

    same circumstances lead to different chemical reactions, which

    result in loss of performance.

    What is needed is environmental and self-regulation. Thereforestress management is a partnership between the employee

    and the employer.

    Isolation is a common side effect of working under tremendous

    stress. For many service practitioners, the clients that they

    serve do not always readily welcome them. A prime example

    would be policemen who are shunned often by the public. Over

    time, a feeling of isolation and rejection would envelop theperson. The natural thing to do would be to withdraw from

    others who do not understand their plight, resulting in profound

    human loneliness. There are much other short term,

    psychological effects of stress that can be readily seen or felt.

    Stress at workplace

    Feeling stress in the work place is a very common issue in

    many organizations, both large and small. For workers, the

    result of such stress is reduced job satisfaction. In extreme

    cases this can degenerate further into physical and

    psychological symptoms such as muscular aches and pains,


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    weakened immunity, irritability and depression to name a few.

    This ultimately leads to feeling burnt out. For the organisation,

    there is also an impact. Firstly a worker that is suffering from

    stress and burn out will typically be quite unproductive because

    of absenteeism and/or less than satisfactory job performance.

    The impact on the organisation will also vary depending on the

    type of role the worker engages in. For example a stressed out

    salesman who develops a detachment towards clients can

    potentially affect the public perception of the organisation.

    Similarly a stressed out worker involved in producing goods will

    not produce anywhere near his/her optimal output. There can

    also be an indirect impact on other fellow co-workers due to

    lower morale.

    Before one can look at how to deal with work place stress, it is

    important to look at the various sources of such stress. Stress

    will be either due to personal reasons or because of workplace

    issues. Personal stress can include anything unrelated to the

    actual workplace such as relationship issues, family conflicts,

    financial concerns etc. Workplace stresses will be based on

    either the nature of the job itsel f or the nature of the

    organization or both. The job itself may be too much of a load

    for the one person due to either lack of resources (people and

    equipment) or time. There may be some form of ambiguity as

    to what exactly the actual role of the job is. From an

    organizational perspective, there may be simply low morale due

    to downsizing and cost cutting. The management of the

    organization may also be perceived as not treating their

    workers fairly. Or perhaps the actual conditions of the

    workplace are below an acceptable standard. As workplace

    stress can be either personal or organizational, addressing and

    managing this stress will require a proactive approach from two


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    angles. Personally, there is a lot one can do to ensure that

    he/she is feeling content and happy including getting regular

    rest, exercising, eating well and even seeking professional help

    if necessary. If the stress is due to the nature of the role or

    organisation, then the worker must speak to the relevant

    authority, i.e. the manager or other individual, to discuss the

    concerns. If discussing this does not solve the issue, perhaps

    this the time to move on-there may be simply be not a good fit

    between the individual and the job, or the individual and the


    We work with teams to help them understand the causes ofstress and how team-building initiatives can help them cope

    with it.

    Stress related time off work costs organizations bill ions of

    pounds. To this can be added the effects of individual reduction

    of productivity, impaired judgment, poor decisions, lost

    opportuni ty, and the impact that can all have on the

    organizations culture and customers, etc.

    Managements Role in Reducing Work Stress

    Employee stress can have an enormous impact on an

    organization in terms of cost. As many studies have shown,

    there is a high correlation between stress and job performance.

    At moderate levels, stress is beneficial in that it can cause

    individuals to perform their jobs better and attain higher job

    performance. However, at high levels, stress1 can decrease

    productivity instead. This is the case often seen in employees

    at many organizations. Furthermore, as ide from costs


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    associated with lost productivi ty, there are costs with respect to

    stress-related absenteeism and organizational medical

    expenses. Specifically, these include costs of lost company

    time, increase in work-related, disrupting production, increase

    in health care costs and health insurance premiums, and most

    importantly, decrease in productivity. There are numerous

    methods that organizations could adopt to reduce undue stress

    in their employees. However, measures taken to counter this

    problem are usually tailored specifically for the particular

    organization. Therefore, this report has chosen two separate

    actions which are fundamental to most organizations that

    management can take Reduction of Employee Stress as an

    Organizational Policy. The first step any organization should

    take to help its employees reduce and cope with stress is to

    incorporate into the company policies a positive and specific

    intent on reducing undue stress. This would indicate that top

    management is committed to such a stress reduction program.

    Furthermore, the amendment to the policies should also include

    recognition that this initiative will benefit the achievement of

    other organizational goals by enhancing the productivity of

    employees through lowered stress levels. After the inclusion of

    the broad mission goal of reducing employee stress,

    management should draft out plans which specifically lay out

    the provisions to accomplish that goal. As earlier mentioned,

    there are many approaches to stress reduction, thus the

    provisions should detail only the methods specific to the

    organisation. For example, they could specify that employees

    measures for the individual. In any case, the most important

    beginning step is a total re-examination and revis ion of

    company policies, plans, and procedures to enhance employees

    own methods of coping with stress, and simultaneously,


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    promote an organizational climate which actively assists

    employees to minimize their stress.

    Fundamental Techniques to Employee Stress


    One method management can employ to alleviate employee

    stress is to make them f itter to deal with the everyday

    pressures of work. There are three basic management

    techniques that would accomplish this goal. Managers should be

    clear about their expectations of employees and clearly convey

    these expectations to each person. Secondly, management

    should devise a performance-evaluation-feedback system such

    that each employee would be aware of his / her performance

    level based on the feedback received. Lastly, employees should

    be fully capable of performing their job tasks. Stress arises

    when employees do not possess the necessary skills to carry on

    with the work assigned to them. Therefore, job-training

    programs are essential to reducing anxiety and stress

    associated when employees feel that they do not possess

    sufficient skills or knowledge to perform the job that they were

    hired for. Undergo periodic physical and psychological

    examinations and personnel surveys to ascertain current stress

    levels. Another alternative would be to provide personal

    counseling to employees to identify undue stress levels and

    then to advise any corrective measures.

    Work stress places a very high toll on both employees and

    employers. An employee subjected to high levels of stress could

    experience both physical and mental side effects. Physical side

    effects such as hypertension, coronary disease, infections,

    ulcers could greatly decrease the lifespan of the person. The


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    psychological effects such as repressed emotions, anger, and

    isolation have a direct negative impact on organizational

    productivity. Thus, organisations have a great responsibility in

    reducing the stress of their employees, and in general are

    concerned about their well being. There are numerous methods

    to counter the stress problem. The report has cited only the

    basics which are applicable to most organisations. The first step

    for management is to set out the intention to reduce employee

    stress as an organisational goal. Provisions detailing the

    organisations planned approach should be drafted. Informing

    employees of managements expectations is one method to

    reduce a large portion of the anxiety employees may have

    about their jobs. Secondly, management must provide

    subordinates feedback on their performance. Management

    should also provide job training for all employees to enable

    them to better perform their jobs and reduce the stress

    associated with the feeling of inadequacy to perform ones


    Stress is one of the principal causes of lost productivity, social

    breakdown and ill-health. Adverse pressures at work or in

    social situations can cause it.

    Stress is increasingly recognized as a health and safety at

    work issue. Employers can now face claims in the civil courts

    for damages for the breakdown of an employee's mental health.

    There could also be additional employment related effects with

    victims seeking compensation in the industrial tribunal courts

    for unfair dismissal, for a detriment because of a stress-related

    deterioration in their health or for having complained about

    stress at work. The organizations main obligations are: to

    ensure, under the Health and Safety at Work Act etc, as far

    as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of


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    its employees, by ensuring that employees have a safe place of

    work, safe equipment and appliances with which to work and

    also a safe system of work to comply with health and safety

    legislation appropriate to its workplace to carry out r isk

    assessments (and this could increasingly be taken to include

    stress audits) and put in place appropriate protective and

    preventive measures as part of the risk assessment, it must

    ensure that its employees receive proper instruction, training

    and supervision and are kept fully informed of health and

    safety issues which may affect them and the steps which they

    should take to guard against health risks not to dismiss unfairly

    employees with two or more years service, whether on health

    grounds or otherwise not to dismiss or subject to a detriment,

    employees, regardless of length of service, on specified health

    and safety grounds.

    In addition to the legal case, the business arguments for taking

    care of an employee's mental health, of which unhealthy stress

    is only one manifestation, include ethical considerations such as

    respecting and valuing the individual, allowing for his or her

    unique personality differences and allowing for balance between

    corporate and private life so as to ensure continued health,

    commitment and motivation.

    Now a days new stress management course has also been

    introduced. It aims at raising awareness of stress, its causes,

    affects and techniques for managing it. Participants will identify

    their own stressors and stressors in the organization prior to

    forming a personal action plan to f irst cope with and then

    reduce their stress levels.


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    Participants will review the many potential daily stressors,

    coming not only from physical events but also social situations,

    our work, general l iv ing, our feel ings, our thoughts and

    perceptions. Mostly these stressors are perceived to be in

    balance. The response we generate can be both positive and

    negative and is characterized by the scale of the perceived

    importance. In order to survive, be energized and be creative.

    It is when the balance is wrong, however, that difficu lties arise.

    Everyone's response to stress will be different because each

    individual is unique. So, a person who is a high achiever may

    find it easier to cope with the pressures of an executive role

    than someone whose expectations are in another direction, and

    vice versa. Some people thrive in situations that others find

    totally overwhelming. It is the degree of adoption that people

    have to make to a situation, which determines whether they

    react positively or negatively and find they either go forward or

    fail to cope.

    All pressure is not harmful. A certain amount of pressure can

    enhance performance. But excessive, unrelenting negative

    pressure results in individuals experiencing stress.


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    Work stress is a very extensive topic ranging from research on

    the sources of stress, the effects of stress, to ways on

    managing and reducing stress.

    This report will focus first on the effects of stress at work,

    both mentally and physically. It will explain why management

    should be concerned with rising employee stress and wil l

    describe some actions management can take to alleviate work

    stress. It will also focus on the different techniques of reducing


    Objectives: -

    This study will focus on Stress in an organization, fundamental

    techniques of reducing stress, the cause of stress for

    employees and managements role in reduction of stress in an

    organization. It wil l also include the different models to

    measure ones stress level.


    Conceptual Base: To refer various management books

    (Managing stress), HR Journals (HR Focus, Harvard Business

    Review, and Human Capital)

    Secondary Data:Management books, Internet, Consultants,

    Academicians, Business Reviews

    Primary Data: The project is basically a sample survey

    conducted in NTPC. The motive of selecting this public sector

    unit is due to its rapidly changing environment. The emphasis

    was given on the quality of the questionnaire; the questionnaire

    consisted of questions related to stress at various levels of

    management, i ts optimum level, and degree of stress.


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    Questionnaire consisted of sector specific questions on how to

    deal with stress & its effect on productivity and job satisfaction.




    INTRODUCTION:National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd., (NTPC)

    constitutes a mega national capabil ity in terms of power

    generating utility in India and has also earned commendable

    international recognition. The organization is owned by the

    Government of India and has been accorded the 'NAVARATNA'

    status by the Government of India. 'Navratna' means 'Nine

    Gems'. Government of India gives this status to nine best

    performing public sector units. This number has increased to

    eleven. Amongst the eleven, the other ten are -

    Indian Oil Corporation.(IOC)

    Steel Authority of India Ltd.(SAIL)

    Gas Authority of India Ltd.(GAIL)

    Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd.(VSNL)

    Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.(BHEL)


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    Oil & Natural Gas Corporation.(ONGC)

    Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd.(MTNL)

    Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.(BPCL)

    Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.(HPCL)

    Indian Petrochemical Corporation Ltd.(IPCL)

    NTPC is the only Navratna with 100% equity holding by the


    NTPC's ranking world-wide is as under :

    1st in Power Generation Capacity in India.

    3rd in Efficiency among Navaratnas in India.

    7th in Capacity in Asia-Pacific.

    9th in Thermal Power Generation in the world.

    15 th in Power Generation in the World.

    SOURCE: Seminar on 'Global Electricity Utility Benchmarking

    1997' conducted by Market Line International Ltd.,U.K.

    NTPC was established and authenticated in 1975, to

    accelerate power development in India. Since then it has been

    performing unscrupulously wel l, be it the fulfi llment of

    corporate responsibil ity of not harming the society even

    unintentionally by adding to pollution of the environment

    through its by-products or consistent generation of reliable and

    quality power.

    The areas of operation of this premier enterprise may

    broadly be outlined as engineering, procurement, construction,

    project management, erection, commissioning, operation &


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    maintenance. The company also executes transmission lines

    and sub-station packages in India and abroad and has secured

    several contracts from within the country and the international


    Over the past two and half years decades, NTPC has becomeIndia's prime power house. It has contributed 18,440 MW

    electricity to the India's total generating capacity of 94,055 MW

    power through 15 coal-based power plants and 7 gas-based

    power plants. Another 3200 MW or more is under various

    stages of construction. Thus, NTPC's capacity is 20% of the

    total capacity of India. Its contribution to the total power

    generation of India i.e.,4,48,406 MW is 1,13,840 MW which ismore than 25% of the total generation of India. NTPC

    generates more than 1/4th of the total power generation of

    India. That is why it is said that every fourth bulb is lighted by


    NTPC added a capacity of 940 MW during the year 1998-

    99. This addition is through Vindhyachal-II (500MW),

    Kayamkulam (230MW) & Unchahar-II(210MW).

    With this, the installed capacity of the corporation has

    risen to 17,735MW plus 705MW of Badarpur Power Project ,

    which makes the total installed capacity equal to 18,440MW.A

    generating capacity of 1115MW is to be added during the year


    In India, electricity is produced through various resources

    such as coal, gas, diesel, water, windmill, nuclear energy etc.

    Out of which coal and gas contributes nearly 70%, water

    contributes nearly 26% and other resources 4%. In this, NTPC

    contributes only through coal and gas as much as 25.4% of the

    total coal and gas power generating capacity of India. The first


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    power station of NTPC was commissioned at Singrauli,

    Sonebhadra district of U.P. with an installed capacity of 200MW,

    in 1982.(Details of sector-wise contribution to India's total

    power is given in Annexure-I and details of all the existing

    projects and projects under construction of NTPC is given in



    The Registered Office of the Company also known as NTPC

    Bhavan is located at Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.

    The company is headed by Chairman & Managing Director

    (CMD) with Functional Directors including Director (Technical),

    Director (Personnel), Director (Finance), Director (Operation),

    Director (Commercial) and Director (Projects). The CMD is also

    assisted by General Manager (Planning) and Executive Director

    (Vigilance) at the corporate level.

    The company has 3-Tier Management Systems


    1. Corporate Level Management

    2. Regional Level Management

    3. Different Site Level Management

    At Corporate Level, the CMD heads its team of Directors and

    is assisted by General Manager (Planning) and Executive

    Director (Vigilance).

    At Regional Level, the regions are headed by Executive

    Directors, who intern report to CMD. There are in all 5 regions -

    Eastern Region (ER), Western Region (WR), Northern Region

    (NR), Southern Region (SR) and National Capital Region (NCR).


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    At Site Level , the sites are under the direct control of General

    Managers or Additional General Managers, who in turn report to

    respective Executive Directors.


    NTPC's mission is to make available reliable and quality

    power in increasingly large quantity. The company wil l

    spearhead the process of accelerated development of the power

    sector by planning and expeditiously implementing power

    projects and operating stations economically and efficiently.

    The company will augment its power generation through tie-ups

    with other organizations in areas of conventional energy

    sources as well as non-conventional energy sources. NTPC will

    contribute to all-round sector improvement by sharing its

    experience and expertise with other organizat ions. The

    company will participate in the execution of power projects

    abroad, i f necessary in col laboration with other reputed



    To add generating capacity, within the prescribed time and


    To operate and maintain power stations at high availability

    ensuring minimum cost of generation.

    To maintain the financial soundness of the company by

    managing the financial operations in accordance with good

    commercial utility practices.


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    To develop appropriate commercial pol icy leading to

    remunerative tariffs and minimum receivable.

    To function as a responsible Corporate Citizen and discharge

    responsibil ity in respect of environment protection and


    To adopt appropriate Human Resources Development policy

    leading to creation of a team of motivated and competent

    power professionals.

    To attain self-sufficiency in technology and disseminate

    knowledge essentially as a contribution to other constituents

    of the power sector in the country.

    To develop Research and Development for achieving

    improved plant reliability.

    To expand the consultancy operations and to participate in

    ventures abroad.

    To participate in social justice and removing the social



    NTPC, a front runner in the Indian power sector; to be one

    of the largest and best power utilities of the world; and thereby

    contribute to India's emergence as one of the world's leading



    The R & D center at Noida continues to play an important

    role in economic power generation. The center has entered into

    a MOU with Bhabha Atomic Research Center; Australian


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    Government for a study on coal characteristics; Trireme

    Institute for Industrial Research, Delhi; Central Mechanical

    Engineering Research Institute (CMER), Durgapur and a number

    of other organisation.


    NTPC signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the

    Government of India in 1987 for the first t ime. NTPC has

    entered into a MOU with the government with commitment for

    efficient performance and ensuring fair return to the

    investment. The organisation has been rated "excellent" for

    eleven consecutive years ever since the inception of MOU

    system in the country.


    The Engineering Divis ion of the company has been

    awarded ISO-9001 certification by the internationally reputed

    certification body M/S Lloyd's Regatta Quality Assurance

    Ltd.(LRQA),U.K. All stations of NTPC in the Western Region

    located at Vindhyachal, Kawas, Jhanor-Gandhar, Korba and

    Balco Captive Power Plant has also been awarded ISO-9002

    certification by the Bureau of Indian Standards.


    NTPC has taken a number of initiatives to improve the

    performance of its stations in line with its environmental policy.

    These include institutional strengthening, environmental

    monitoring, environmental audit reviews, renovation and

    retrofitting, ecological impact monitoring and afforestation. One

    of the examples of this is ash utilization by changing it into fly

    ash bricks.


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    NTPC, as a responsible citizen, is making constant efforts

    to improve the socio-economic status of Project Affected

    Persons (PAPs).The PAPs are sensitized to the change in the

    social matrix of the area through a greater consultation processby formation of Village Development Advisory Committees and

    better transparency through establishment of Public

    Information Center (PI). PAPs are encouraged to participate in

    planning and implementation of Rehabilitation and Resettlement

    (R & R) activit ies. For improving R & R activit ies, training

    workshops are organized regular


    NTPC's apex training organisation, the Power Management

    Institute (PMI) at Noida, was set up to provide vital

    management development support to meet the challenges in

    the Indian power sector. It imparts high-end training through

    its management development programs, research and

    consultancy. PMI and the Training Centers at various projects

    organized about 189 training programs covering nearly 4,170

    participants during the year 1998-99. PMI has tied up with IIT,

    Delhi for an accredited course in M.Tech in Power Generation

    Technology and has plans for such tie-ups with other

    universities for MBA in power management. Arrangements have

    also been made to impart Power Engineering Graduation in

    association with BITS, Pilani, for employees having Diploma in



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    Employer-employee relations in NTPC continue to be

    cordial and harmonious throughout the life of the organisation.

    Bel ieving in the phi losophy of participate management,

    employees at all level interact with the management throughstructured as well as informal meetings. MOU has been signed

    with employee associations or unions for introduction or the

    self-contributing Superannuation Benefit (Pension) Scheme.

    The total human strength of the corporation stands at

    23674 as on 31st March 1999, as against 23585 as on 1998 in

    various power plants and establishment located in various parts

    of the country. The overall Manpower-MW ratio for the year

    1998-99 was 1:1.18. The turnover rate of the executives during

    the year was as low as 0.81% compared to 1.28% during the

    previous year.


    The corporation has drawn up an ambitious plan for the new

    millennium to become a 30,000 MW company by 2007 A.D. and

    40,000 MW by 2012. NTPC has at present 16 projects in hand

    to achieve this target.


    The study undertaken regarding the Organizational role stress

    was to know about the major dimensions of stress which the

    executives experience while performing their roles in the

    organization. The primary objectives of the study thus

    conducted with the help of National Thermal Power Corporation

    are as under:

    To identify and measure the ten dimensions of Role


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    Stress as given below in NTPC:

    1. Inter Role Distance (IRD)

    2. Role Stagnation (RS)

    3. Role Expectation Conflict (REC)

    4. Role Erosion (RE)

    5. Role Overload (RO)

    6. Role Isolation (RI)

    7. Personal Inadequacy (PI)

    8. Self-Role Distance (SRD)

    9. Role Ambiguity (RA)

    10. Resource Inadequacy (RIn)

    And further to identify the Role Stress, which is mostly

    experienced by the executives in NTPC.

    To study the variation of Role Stress in accordance with the

    level of responsibility of executives in NTPC.

    To study the variation of Role Stress in accordance with the

    age of executives in NTPC.

    Through this study an effort has been made to identify the

    most prominent role stress among the executives in NTPC. Also

    an assessment of the relationship of role stress with age and

    level of responsibility has been made. This will help the HRD

    department to deal with the prevalent situation.


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    Performance Leadership

    To continuously improve on project execution time andcost in order to sustain long run competitiveness in


    To operate & maintain NTPC stations at par with the best-run uti lities in the world with respect to availabil ity,

    reliability, efficiency, productivity and costs.

    To effectively leverage Information Technology to drive

    process efficiencies.

    To aim for performance excellence in the diversification


    To embed quality in all systems and processes.


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    Human Resource Development:

    To enhance organizational performance by

    institutionalizing an objective and open performance

    management system.

    To align individual and organizational needs and develop

    business leaders by implementing a career developmentsystem.

    To enhance commitment of employees by recognizing and

    rewarding high performance.

    To build and sustain a learning organization of competent

    world-class professionals.

    To institutionalize core values and create a culture ofteam building, empowerment, equity, innovation and

    openness which would motivate employees and enableachievement of strategic objectives.

    Financial Soundness:

    To maintain and improve the financial of NTPC by prudentmanagement of the financial resources.

    To continuously str ive to reduce the cost of capitalthrough prudent management of deployed funds,

    leveraging opportunities in domestic and international

    financial markets.

    To develop appropriate commercial policies and processes

    which would ensure.

    Remunerative tariffs and minimize receivables. To continuously strive for reduction in cost of power

    generation by improving operating practices.

    Sustainable Power Development:


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    To contribute to sustainable power development bydischarging corporate social responsibilities.

    To lead the sector in the areas of resettlement andrehabil itation and environment protection including

    effective ash-utilization, peripheral development and

    energy conservation practices.

    To lead developmental efforts in the Indian power sector

    through efforts at policy advocacy, assisting customers inreform, disseminating best practices in the operation and

    management of power plants etc.


    To realize the vision and mission, eight key corporate objectives

    have been identified. These objectives would provide the link

    between the defined mission and the functional strategies.

    Business Portfolio growth:

    To further consolidate NTPCs position as the leadingpower generation company in India and establ ish a

    presence hydropower segment.

    To broad base the generation mix by evaluation

    conventional and non-conventional sources of energy to

    ensure long run competitiveness and mitigate fuel risks.


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    To diversify across the power value chain in India byconsidering backward and forward integration into areas

    such as power trading, transmission, distribution, coal

    mining, coal beneficiation, etc.

    To develop a portfolio of generation assets in international


    To establish a strong services brand in the domestic and

    international markets.

    Customer Focus:

    To foster a collaborative style of working with customers,growing to be a preferred brand for supply of quality


    To expand the relationship with existing customers byoffering a bouquet of services in addition to supply of

    power e.g. trading, energy consult ing, distr ibut ionconsulting, management practices.

    To expand the future customer portfolio through profitablediversification into downstream businesses, inter alia

    retail distribution and direct supply.

    To ensure rapid commercial decis ion making, using

    customer specific information, with adequate concern forthe interests of the customer.

    Agile Corporation:

    To ensure effectiveness in business decis ions andresponsiveness to changes in the business environment


    Adopting a portfolio approach to new business


    Continuous and coordinate assessment of the business

    environment to identify and respond to opportunities andthreats.

    To develop a learning co-organization having knowledge-based competitive edge in current and future businesses.


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    To effectively leverage Information Technology to ensure

    speedy decision-making across the organization.



    All employees & their family member employed in the regular

    establ ishment including a probationer, a l ien holder, a

    deputationist, and a person appointed on contract for a periodof two years or more, with one years continuous service.


    Entitle Class means the class and mode of travel applicable as

    per traveling allowance rules of the company subject to thecondition that the travel by air or 1st class AC by rail

    permissible to employees in the grade of E6 and above.



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    All regular employees, trainees and apprentices (other than Actapprentices) and their family members.


    All employees and their family members are entitled to free

    medical attendance and treatment in NTPChospitals/Dispensaries


    Admissible to all regular employees

    75% of total EL is treated as encashable.


    Executive, supervisor & workmen are entitled to HPL @ 20 daysper calendar year

    HPL is not admissible to Trainees/ apprentices and employee on


    Half pay for this purpose means half of the basic day. All other

    allowance are paid in full.

    5. Admissible Benefits/Facilities

    The sponsored employee is normally expected to stay in the

    accommodation available with institution where study is

    undertaken. However if any accommodation is not provided by

    the institute, some assistance towards HRA as prescribed underthe riled in lieu may be sanctioned.

    Examination fee

    Traveling allowance

    All of pocket allowance


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    Reimbursement of membership fees for professional

    bodies/Institutes is admissible to executives in respect of

    professional bodies/ Institutes duly registered in India or setupunder and act/statue in India and which is relevant to the

    concerned executive profession/ field of work and allied field.The scheme provides for reimbursement of

    membership/admission fee and annual/periodic institutes for

    which the reimbursement may be allowed is limited to two incase of executives in the rank of managers and above and one

    for executive in the ranks of deputy manager and below.


    To assist executives and employees in selection grade in theirprofessional development and to make NTPC a learning

    organization, it has been decided to reimburse charges forinternet connection at residence on production of proof ofpayment subject to a maximum of Rs 2000/- per annum, in lieu

    of one membership of professional body/ Institutes


    The company provides opportunities and facilities to employees

    to obtain the following qualification:

    Qualification equivalent to class 8th

    Qualification equivalent to Matric

    Qualification equivalent to Graduation.


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    9) Workers Education Scheme

    The scheme operated in collaboration with the central board ofworkers education, covers all employees in the workman

    category irrespective of their educational qualification.

    Books and stationary are provided free of cost to all the

    participants in the program. Thirty minutes times off per day isgiven for attending classes. On the successful completion of the

    course the participants are awarded certificates to that effect.The participants adjusted first second and third best trainees

    are given cash awards from Rs 51/- to 201/-


    HR DEPARTMENT act as employer of the organization on the

    behalf of the management. The functions dealt by hr rangesfrom recruitment to provide training to regularizing various

    entitlements of employees to provide training to regularizing

    various entitlements of employees, marinating good employeerelation, welfare practices, implementation of various HR

    initiatives of the company, furniture and sitting space toemployees, providing residential accommodation to employees

    company school, guest house, ladies club, Liason with RWA andpartic ipate in various activ ities concerned with social

    responsibility of the company.

    1. HR Employees Benefits

    2. HR Employees Services3. HR Employees Relation and Welfare

    4. HR Industrial Engineering and Employee Development5. Public Relations

    6. Law Section

    7. Raj- Bhasha8. Corporate Social Responsibility

    9. HR Employee Development Centre


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    An employee services is an important section of HRdepartment which provides the employees at BTPS a variety ofservices in order to them perform their duties to their level

    best. We did our training in HR department and tried to analyze

    the services environment over there. The various servicesprovided by this section are as follows:

    House Allotment


    Tele Communication


    BTPS Canteen

    Stationary and Furniture

    Meeting and function arrangements

    Rent payment for employees houses


    House allotment facil ity is one of the employees servicesprovided to the employees at BTPS by the HR department. This

    facility can be availed by every according to hid entitlement.

    This is one interest of the employees that whether they want toavail the facility or not.


    House accommodation facil ity at BTPS is provided to both

    Exercise as well as non-executives.

    In case, if the employees have their own house or wants to live

    outside the premises of the company then

    The executives can take lease instead of the

    accommodation provided to them by the company

    And the non-executives are g iven HRA(house rentallowance) in place of house accommodation facility.


    Lease is the contract of house or accommodation for a given

    period of time.


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    BTPS provides its employees with the communication facility

    that varies for different level of employees.

    The basic communication facility provided by BTPS is to all level

    employee, offices, departments, townships, CISF security andall the other areas within its premises is the intercom facility,

    communication becomes so easy and the time factor is saved toa great extent.

    Videoconferencing and fax are also included in the services

    provided by HR-ES at BTPS to i ts enti tled employees.

    Videoconferencing at BTPS has been made possible though BRIlines.

    A part from intercom facility all the executives and above arealso provided with the landline and mobile facility according to

    the entitlements. Lower level executive are provided with thecell phone and landline fac ili ties whi le the upper level

    executives can procure both mobile phones as well as landlinefacility.


    Dispatch is one of the major services provided by the HRES.

    This is an important medium, which facilitates communicationboth externally as well as internally to it and in the station. The

    important mails are delivered to departments and concerned

    people through messengers specially employed for the purpose.

    Various types of documents are received as well as dispatched.The documents includes


    Official Non-official


    Speed Post




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    This department handle; the relation of industrial relation andwelfare of employees and workers. Employee relations may be

    defined as those policies and practices, which are concerned

    with the management and regulation of relations between theorganization, the individual, staff member and group of staff

    within the working environment. So employee relations is allabout maintaining harmonious relationships between employers

    and employees and employees. Employee relation strategy in

    the company is aimed at foster ing a maintaining a goodrelationship based on concern for productivity, employee

    growth and development and welfare consistent with thegrowth of the company. In conducting industrial relations the

    management lay emphasis in participative style involving the

    union/association for sharing of information and participation indecision making. Suitable forums are created for various

    interest groups to interact on matters on mutual concern andthus develop a sense of participation and belongings to the

    organization in the day to day working. Every employees is

    given importance and a status in order to gives feeling of beingimportant and a status in order to gives feeling of being

    important to the organization in achieving the organizationalgoals and objectives:

    Sound employees relation are based on:


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    Effective mechanism for communication and participation.

    A safe effective work environment.

    Commitment and motivation of all staff.

    Objectives of this department

    To safeguard the interest of labor and management byfostering highest level of misunderstanding and good will

    among different section of the plant.

    To avoid industrial conf lict or strife and developharmonious relations which are essential for productivity

    of workers.

    To lessen the tendency of high turn over and frequentabsenteeism.

    Participants of employee relations are:

    Workers and their organization

    Manders and their association


    This department also handles misconduct of employees,

    which includes loss, waste of companys property,

    misbehaving with peers, superiors or subordinates when

    an employee disrupts the office with aggressiveness and

    abusive behavior affecting the morale and performance

    of others, an employee has a leave abusive problem or

    other time and attendance problem. Theft, violence and

    conviction of a criminal offence during the course of

    employment and willful disobedience to reasonable


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    employer requests have been kind of conduct, which gas

    traditionally been viewed as serious conduct

    Minor conducts are handled by giving warnings and memos.If the misconduct is of medium nature, is a charge sheet is

    prepared against the person and an enquiry committee is set

    up for investigation, after the completion of which thepunishment is decided. If the misconduct is of serious

    nature, the person is suspended and then a charge sheet isprepared against the person and an enquiry committee is

    set-up for investigation, after the completion of which may

    be dismissed.



    "Stress is very much a part of a manager's job. He must learn

    not only to cope with it, but use it to help him work better".

    Modern life is full of stress. As an organisation becomes more

    complex, the potential for stress increases. Urbanization,

    industrialization, and increase in scale of operations are some

    of the reasons for r is ing stress. Stress is an inevitable

    consequence of socio-economic complexity and to some extent

    it is a stimulant as well. People experience stress, as they can

    no longer have complete control over what happens in their

    lives. Theyre being no escape from stress in modern life; we

    need to find ways of using stress productively, and reducing

    dysfunctional stress. Even as stress is inevitable in today's

    complex life, so is it necessary for human progress. It is like a

    musical instrument, where an optimum stress is needed to


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    produce good music, loose wires ( less stress) would not

    produce the notes and too much tautness (too much stress)

    might result in screeching.

    A distinction has been made between productive or functional

    stress (stress for creative work, entrepreneurial activities etc.)and dysfunctional stress (stress of boredom, unmanageable

    conflicts, over worker etc. the former has been called estruses

    and the latter distress.

    Rapid industrialization and mechanization have changed the

    way of life of humans at home and at work. The corporate rat

    race is made to order to rattle people. More and more

    executives are suffering from stress and stress-induced

    problems like hypertension, increased turnover, absenteeism,

    decreased productivity etc. this has created a lot of panic. It is

    thus necessary to understand executive stress. A manger's role

    is essentially to get resources from owners, work from the

    worker and convert the resources and work into results. This

    role looks very simple. But in practice it is very complicated

    because neither the resources nor the work is given - it has to

    be extracted. Thus, i t is said, 'if you are going to be a

    manager, you will have to face tension. If you do not want

    tension, be a consultant". Tension or stress is thus inevitable

    for a manager.

    An organization, two individuals may be identical regarding

    their position, but may differ in terms of the abilities, motives,

    moods and above all the personality as a whole. These persona

    differences interact with organizational factors and create

    predisposing conditions for stress experiences that may

    influence the overall performance of the individual.


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    Interest in organizational stress has increased a great deal in

    recent years. There has been a spate of writings on managerial

    and executive stress.

    Researchers came with the definition of role as the position

    occupied by a person as def ined by the expectations of

    significant persons, including the role occupant, indicates that

    there are inherent problems in the performance of a role, and

    therefore stress is inevitable.

    Since the concept of role is inextricably linked with expectations, the organizational factors and context assume

    importance due to their influence on the moulding of

    prescriptions and proscriptions associated with a particular,

    position. These could be looked upon as structural components

    organizational processes. Authoritative organizational structure

    and control systems area potent source of stress as they are

    seen to breed dependency, afford little scope for initiative ancreativity in role enactment and channelize behaviors along

    narrowly defined paths.

    In the concept of role proposed above, several variables are

    involved he self, the other roles, the expectations held by the

    other roles, the situations in which there is no conflict among

    the variables. The very nature of role has built in potential for

    conflict these variables. The very nature of role has built in

    potential for confl ict or stress. Thus conflict is a natural

    variable in role performance. Kann an Quinn ( 1970) have

    proposed a response inferred definition of stress and an

    experiments or noxious stimulus with general results in


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    psychological change, behavioral change, perceptual cognitive

    change, affective change an in both overt and intrapsychic

    coping efforts. Role conflict has been defined in terms, of

    conflicting expectations. The main characteristic of conflict is

    the incompatibility of some variables relating to the role of an

    individual which many have some consequences for the

    individuals role performance. The word strain has been used

    in the literature to denote the effect of stress on the individual.

    The word pressure has also been used. Buck

    (1972) defines job pressure as the resultant psychological

    state of the individual when the perceives that (1) conflicting

    forces and incompatibility commitments are being made uponhim in connection with his work, (2) at least one of the forces

    of demands is an induced one, and (3) the forces and recurrent

    or stable over time. Several studies have shown that role stress

    or pressure is very bad for mental and physical health.

    Although conflict, role and stain have been given different

    connotations, we do not f ind any use in making such finer

    distinctions, and shall use them interchangeably.

    Role conflict or stress need not necessarily be negative. As

    Klausner (1968) has suggested, success in business, sports,

    and politics depends on stress-seeking tendency. Kiretz and

    Moos (1974) have proposed three factors in the effect of

    stress: kind of adjustment required, perception of control over

    stress-source, and valence (loss-for example in death, vs. gain

    for example, in marriage or business). Bernard (21968)

    proposed two types of stress: dystress (unpleasant stress)

    and estruses (pleasant stress). Stress is a necessary factor in

    the success of people in organizations. However, if the stress

    experienced goes beyond a particular level, it may adversely


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    affect the individuals performance and psychological and

    physical health.

    Several systems of classification have been used to discuss role

    conflict and stress. Kahn and Quinn (1970) have classified role

    stress under tree main headings: expectation generated stressin which they inc lude role ambiguity and role confl ict:

    expectations resource discrepancies, in which they include role

    overload, responsibility-authority dilemma and inadequate

    technical information; and role and personality. We find it more

    functional to use the two main role constellations as areas of

    conflict and stress.

    Marshall and Cooper (1979) have suggested seven sources and

    therefore classification of managerial stress: (1) job (working

    conditions, overload) (2) Organisational role (role ambiguity,

    role conflict, responsibility, etc.), (3) relationships at work

    (relationships with superiors, relationships with colleagues (4)

    career development (lack of job security, status incongruity),

    (5) Organizational structure and climate (7) the individual

    (psychometric characteristics, behavior patterns, self-help


    In view of the two proposed concepts of role systems (role

    space and role set), we shall discuss role conflicts or stress

    under these two categories. Five main role stresses or conflicts

    in the role space of an individual have been identified.


    Self-role distance:This is the conflict between the self-

    concept and the expectations from the role as perceived by

    the role occupant. If a person occupies a role, which he may

    subsequently find conflicting with his self-concept, he feels

    the stress. For example, a usually introvert person, who is


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    fond of studying and writing, may have self-role distance if

    he accepts the role of a salesman in an organization and

    come to realize that the expectations from the roles would

    include his meeting people and being social. Such conflicts

    are fairly common, although these may not be so severe.

    2. Intra-role conflict: Since the individual learns to

    develop expectations as a result of his socialization and

    identification with significant others, it is quite likely that he

    sees some incompatibility between the two expectations from

    his own role. For example, a professor may see

    incompatibi li ty between the expectations of teaching

    students and that of doing research. These inherently maynot be conflicting but the individual may perceive these as

    incompatible. .

    3. Role Stagnation: As the individual grows physically, he

    also grows in the role he occupies in an organisation. With

    the advancement of the individual, his role changes and with

    this change in role, the need for his taking his new role

    becomes crucial. This is the problem of role growth. This

    becomes an acute problem especially when an individual has

    occupied a role for a long time, and he enters another role in

    which he may feel less secure. However, the demand of the

    new role is for the individual to out-grow his previous role

    and occupy the new role effectively. This produces some

    stress in the individual.

    Role stagnation also includes stress related to career

    progression. Marshall and Cooper (1979) have commented on

    this type of stress in the American context. A lot of this is true

    of India, as Marshall and Cooper (1979) have commented,

    career progression is perhaps a problem by its nature. At


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    middle age, and usually middle-management levels, career

    becomes more problematic and most executives find their

    progress slowed, if not actually stopped. Job opportunities

    become fewer, those jobs that are available take longer to

    master, past (mistaken?) decisions cannot be revoked, old

    knowledge and methods become obsolete, energies may be

    flagging or demanded for family activities and there is the

    press of fresh young recruits to face in competition.

    The fear of demotion or obsolescence can be strong for those

    who know they have reached their career coiling and most

    will inevitably suffer some erosion of status before they finally


    From the company perspective, on the other hand, McMurray

    (1973) puts the case for not promoting to a higher position if

    there is doubt that the employee can fill it. In a syndrome he

    labels the executive neurosis, he describes the over-promoted

    manager as grossly over working to keep down a top job, and

    at the same time hide his insecuri ty, and points to the

    consequences of this for his work performance and the

    company. Age is no longer revered as it was it is becoming a

    young mans world. The rapidity with which society is

    developing technologically economically and socially) is likely to

    mean that individuals will now need to change career during

    their working life (as companies and products are having to

    do). Such trends breed uncertainty and research suggests that

    older workers look for stability. Unless managers adapt their

    expectations to suit new circumstances career development

    stress, especially in later life, is likely to become an

    increasingly common experience.


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    4. Inter-role Distance: An individual occupies more than

    one role. There may be confl icts between two roles he

    occupies. For example, an executive often faces the conflicts

    between his organizational role as an executive and his

    family role as the husband and the father. The demands

    from his wife and chi ldren to share h is time may be

    incompatible with the organizational demands on him for

    spending a lot of time on Organisational problems. Such

    inter-role conflicts are quite frequent in modern society when

    the individual is increasingly occupying multiple roles in

    various organisations and groups.

    Marshall and Cooper (1979) have mentioned two problemsregarding managers relationships with his family and wife:

    time and spillover of stress from one to the other. Rappel and

    Paul (1971) found that the majority of wives in their middle-

    class sample saw their role in relation to their husbands job as

    a cooperative, domestic one; all said that they derived their

    sense of security from their husbands (only two men said the

    same of their wives). Barber (1976) interviewing five directorswives finds similar attitudes. Gowler and Legge (1975) have

    dubbed this bond the hidden contract in which the wife agrees

    to act as a supportive team so that her husband can fill the

    demanding job to which he aspires. Handy (1975) supports the

    idea that this is typical, and that it is the path to career

    success for the manager concerned.

    5. Role Boundness: If an individual feels highly obligated

    to the expectations of significant role senders, and sacrifices

    his own interests, preferences, values, comforts etc., he may

    be said to be role bounded. He may experience the conflict

    between his tendency to live as a person, and live as a role. For


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    example, in the traditional Indian homes, the boys experienced

    the conflict between their son role and their living as persons

    giving preferences to their son role. Indian culture promoted

    such role bounded ness. .

    Role Set Conflicts

    An individual occupying a particular role may have some

    expectations from his role. Interacting with him (role senders)

    may have quite d ifferent expectations from him. Such

    incompatible expectations and other problems arising in the

    role set are called role set stress or conflicts. Some of these

    discussed below.

    As Marshal and Cooper (1979) have pointed out, role ambiguity

    exists when an individual has inadequate information about his

    work role, i.e. where there is lack of clarity about the work

    objectives associated with the role, about work colleagues'

    expectation of the work role and about the scope and

    responsibilities of the job. Kahn, Wolfe, Quinn, Snoek and

    Rosenthal (1964) found in their study that men who suffered

    from role ambiguity experienced lower job satisfaction, high

    job-related tension, greater futility and lower self-confidence.

    French and Caplan (1973) found, at one of NASA's bases, in a

    sample of 205 volunteer engineers, scientists and

    administrators, that role ambiguity was significantly related to

    low job satisfaction and to feelings of job-related threat to

    one's mental and physical well-being. This also related to

    indicators of physiological strain such as increased blood

    pressure and pulse rate. Margolis, Kroes and Quinn (1974) also

    found a number of significant relationships between symptoms

    or indicators of physical and mental i ll health with role

    ambiguity in their representative national sample (n-1496). The


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    stress indicators related to role ambiguity were depressed

    mood, lowered self-esteem life dissatisfaction, job

    dissatisfaction, low motivation to work and intention to leave

    the job. Whilst these were not very strong statistical

    relationships they were significant and do indicate that lack of

    role clarity may be one among many potential stresss at work.

    Kahn (1973) feels that it is now time to separate out distinctive

    elements of role ambiguity for individual treatment (just as he

    and his research team have done for 'overload' and

    'responsibil ity'). He suggests that two components are

    involved; those of present, and future-prospects ambiguity

    (much of the material he assigns to the latter is here includedunder 'role stagnation').

    2. Role overload: When the role occupant feels that there

    are too many expectations from the significant roles in his role

    set, he experiences 'role overload'. They measured this stress

    by asking questions about the feeling of people whether they

    could possibly finish work given to them during the modified

    work day and whether they felt that amount of work they did

    might interfere with how well it was done. Most of the

    executive role occupants experience role overload. Kahn and

    Quinn (1970) have suggested some conditions under which role

    overload is likely to occur. According to them, role overload is

    l ikely to occur more in the absence of mechanism of role

    integration, in the absence of power of role occupants, in the

    large variations in the expected output and when delegation or

    assistance cannot procure more time.

    Marshall and Cooper (1979) have summarised the recent work

    on quantitative and qualitative overload. Quantitative refers to

    having 'too much to do' while qualitative means work that is


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    'too difficult'. (The complementary phenomena of quantitative

    and qualitative underload are also hypothesized as potential

    source of stress but with l ittle or no supportive research

    evidence). Miller (1969) has theorized that 'overload' in most

    systems leads to breakdown, whether we are dealing with

    single biological cells or individuals in organizations. In an early

    study French and Chaplain (1970) found that objective

    quantitative overload was strongly linked to cigarette smoking

    (a sign of tension and risk factor in CHD). Persons with more

    phone calls, office visits and meetings per given unit of work

    time were found to smoke significantly more cigarettes than

    persons with fewer such engagements. In a study of 100 young

    coronary patients Russek and Zohman (1958) found that 25%

    had been working at two jobs and an addit ional 45% had

    worked at jobs which required (due to work overload) 60 or

    more hours per week. They add that although prolonged

    emotional strain proceeded the attack in 91% of the cases

    similar stress was only observed in 20% of the controls.

    Breslow and Buell (1960) have also reported findings which

    support a relationship between hours of work and death from

    coronary diseases. In an investigation of mortality rates of men

    in California they observed that workers in light industry under

    the age of 45 who are in the job more than 48 hours a week

    have twice the risk of death from CHD compared with similar

    workers working 40 or under hours a week. Another substantial

    investigation on quantitative workload was carried out by

    Margolis, Kroes and Quinn (1974) on a representative national

    sample of 1496 employed persons aged 16 or older. They fond

    that overload was s igni ficantly related to a number of

    symptoms or indictors of stress; escapist drinking, absenteeism

    from work, low motivation to work, lowered self-esteem and an


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    viewed in isolation but as relative to the individual's capacities

    and personality.

    4. Role Isolation: In role stress, the role occupant may feel

    that certain roles are psychologically near to him, while

    some other roles are at a distance. The main criterion ofrole-role distance of frequency and ease interaction. When

    linkages are strong, the role-role distance will be low. In the

    absence of strong linkage, the role-role distance can

    therefore, be measured in terms of existing and desired

    linkages. The gap between the desired and the existing

    linkages will indicate the amount of distance between the

    two roles.

    Marshall and Cooper (1979) have suggested one main source of

    managerial stress connected with relationships at work. French

    and Caplan (1973) define poor relations as those which include

    low trust, low supportiveness and low interest in listening to

    and trying to deal with problems that confront the

    organizational member. The most notable studies in this area

    are by Kahn, et al. (1964), French and Caplan (1970) and Buck

    (1972). Both the Kahn, et al. and French and Caplan studies

    came to roughly the same conclusion that mistrust of persons

    one worked with was positively related to high role ambiguity

    which led to inadequate communications between people and to

    psychological strain in the form of low job satisfaction and to

    feel ing of job-related threat to one's wel l being. It was

    interesting to note, however, in the Kahn, et al. study that poor

    relations with one's subordinates was significantly related to

    feelings of threat with colleagues and superiors but not in

    relationship to threat with subordinates.


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    Buck (1972) focused on the attitude and relationship of workers

    and managers to their immediate boss using Fleishman's

    leadership questionnaire on consideration and initiating

    structure. The consideration factor was associated with

    behaviors indicative of friendship. He found that those workers

    who felt that their boss was low on 'consideration' reported

    feeling more job pressure. Workers who were under pressure

    reported that their boss did not give them criticism in helpful

    way, played favorites with subordinates and 'pulled rank' and

    took advantage of them whenever they got a chance. Buck

    concludes that the 'lack of considerate behaviour of supervisors

    appears to have contributed significantly to feelings of job


    4. Role Erosion: A role occupant may feel that some

    functions which he would like to perform are being performed

    by some other role. The stress felt may be called 'role erosion'.

    Role erosion is the subjective feeling of an individual that some

    important role expectations he has from his role do not match

    with the expectations other roles have for him. Role erosion islikely to be experienced in an organisation which is redefining

    its role an creating new roles. In several organisations which

    were redefining their structure, the stress of role erosion was

    inevitably felt. In one organization, one role was abolished and

    two roles were created to cater to the executives and planning

    needs. This led to a great stress in the role occupants of both

    roles who experienced role erosion.

    5. Role inadequacy: Role inadequacy refers to two types of

    feelings; a) that the role occupant does not have adequate

    resources to perform the role effectively, and (b) that he is not


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    fully equipped (lacks internal resources) for ef fective

    performance of the role.


    It is an attempt to compared the organizational role stress

    among executives of the Personnel and Administration

    department of the Corporate Office of three Public Sector

    Organisations, namely Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL),

    Engineers India Limited (EIL), and Indian Oil Corporation

    Limited (IOC). An attempt was also made to the respondents

    were classified according to their designation categories -

    senior managers, middle managers and junior managers of the

    middle management - as specific to the hierarchical positions in

    their respective organisations. Such a classif ication was

    basically made to find out whether it was the position of the

    respondents in the organizat ional hierarchy which was

    contributing to the stress to the individuals.

    According to Srivastava , and Sen. (1995), stress results from

    a combination of various individual characteristics (such as age,

    achievement need, type of personality) and organizational

    stresses (role conflict, role ambiguity). Stress may also result

    from a variety of organizational, supervisory, individual, and

    work factors. Kahn, Wolfe, Quinn, Snock, and Rosenthal(1964)

    identified two primary factors of organizational stress, nearly

    role ambiguity and role conflict. Selye (1956), the father of

    modern stress, defined stress as the non-specific response of

    the body to any demand made upon it. McMichael (1978)

    defined it in terms of the product of a dynamic mismatch

    between an individual and his or her physical, social, and

    psychological environment. Stress, in general, is the

    psychological or physiological reaction that occurs when people


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    perceive an imbalance between the demands placed upon them

    and their capacity to met those demands, and stress, specific

    to work environments, is the reaction of individuals to new or

    threatening factors in their work environment. The personality

    characteristics of the individual, the environmental

    characteristics, i.e., the stimulus of the external force active on

    the organism, and the person environment interaction, i.e., the

    overall prevail ing ethos of interpersonal behaviors - it is

    contended that stress can originate from an o these factors or

    in combinations thereof. In other words, it originates from

    organizational demands, which are experiences by a individual.

    Recent reviews of literature have examined variousorganizational variables and their effects on work stress. These

    include factors intrinsic to the job (e.g. boredom, information

    overload, time pressures, etc.) role in the regularization (e.g.

    under promotion, over-promotion, lack of security, etc.) and

    organizational climate (lack of participation, pressures towards

    conformity, etc). the person-environment paradigm emphasizes

    the view that having too l ittle to do is as stressful for theindividual as being overloaded with work. As an individual

    phenomenon, stress is a personal response to a certain

    variation in the environment.

    Singh and Singh (1992), say that in an organization, two

    individuals may be identical regarding their position, but may

    differ in terms of the abilities, motives, moods and above all

    the personality as a whole. These personal differences interact

    with organizational factors and create predisposing conditions

    for stress experiences that may influence the overall

    performance of the individual. Another important dimension of

    the organization is its psychological atmosphere i.e., its


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    climate. organizational climate has been studied in terms of

    those characteristics that distinguish the organization from

    other organizations and that influence the behaviour of people

    in the origination. Each organization differs from the other not

    only in structure but also in the attitudes and behaviour it

    elicits in people. Litwin and Stringer (1968) stated that

    organizational climate refers to a set of measurable properties

    of the work environment, perceived directly or indirectly by the

    people who live and work in its environment and assume to

    influence motivation and behaviour of the employee. They

    identif ied nine dimensions of organizational climate viz.

    structure, responsibil ity, reward, r isk, warmth, support,

    conflict, identity and standards.

    According to study by Ahmed and Jha (1989), human beings

    prefer jobs that possess characteristics like variety, autonomy,

    and task significance. Increased participation in decision

    making have a significant negative effect on role conflict and

    role ambiguity. Social support also plays a moderating role in

    reducing individual stress. In other words, persons with highsocial support are assumed to express a lower stress-strain

    relationship. Their study also revealed that the employees

    lower in the organizational hierarchy experience more stress

    and strain but less supervisory support than the employees

    higher in to hierarchy. The employees who had risen from lower

    ranks (those of workers, for example) have little experience of

    manpower -management, need to drive hard to achieve targetsset by management, and are also influenced by the workers

    unions. The employees in the higher grades, however, do not

    have to face such situations.


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    The stress an individual expresses as a result of the fact that

    there are too many expectations, regarding his or her role,

    from the significant others in his role set.

    Bharti, Nagarathnamma, and Reddy (1991) and Ahmad and

    Khanna (1992) found that occupational stress was significantlyrelated to job satisfaction: greater stress accompanied with

    lower satisfaction. However, the latter study also found that

    occupational stress was negatively related with job

    involvement. According to Venna (1993) the factors, which can

    affect the development of tension in Public Sector Units

    employees, may either be personal and /or environmental.

    Personal factors are those factors which are related to theindividual e.g. age, sex, intelligence, physical ability, et.

    Environmental factors are those factors, which are related to

    the surroundings of the individual e.g. family, culture, job

    environment, etc.

    Stress is the most frequently used word in the workplace today,

    raising tempers, lowering productivity, and having an insidious

    impact on both morale and bottomlines. According to

    Chakraborty, Director of Management Centre for Human Values

    at the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, values in

    corporations have collapsed, and stress is a repercussion of

    that. In other words, if the values are put back into corporate

    life, the stress will disappear Bose 1996). According to Selye,

    top stressors at work include, overload, deadline pressures,

    demanding bosses, non-performing juniors, competitive pairs,

    excessive touring, domestic disharmony. Most of all, it is the

    increasing uncertainty in today's corporate world that is leading

    to so much executive stress. Another factor that can badly

    stress employees whether they feel useful n a organization or


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    peripheral. To really bring about long-term stress relief, it will

    mean acknowledging that stress will be constant companion

    demanding constant attention (Bose 1996).

    A 1993 study by Northwestern National Life Insurance Company

    concluded that job stress generally is a consequence of two keyingredients: a high level of job demands and little control over

    one's work. An atmosphere where employees are empowered,

    where they have more control over how they perform their

    work, reduces the risk of burnout and stress considerably

    (Froiland 1993), Bharti, Nagarathnamma, and Reddy (1991)

    found that occupational stress was significantly related to job

    stupefaction: Greater stress accompanied with lowersatisfaction. Organizational stress originates from

    organizational demands, which are experienced by an


    Srivastava, Hagtavet and Sen (1994) fond that middle

    managers suffer maximally in organizational role stress and

    anxiety, followed by workers and top managers. The liability or

    difficulty in meeting the various expectations caused stress.

    The study also revealed that the same stressful event can be

    perceived quite differently by top mangers, middle managers,

    and even by workers, this perception may depend on what the

    situation means to individuals at their own level. An evaluation

    of the situation by each of them in relation to themselves

    determines the degree of stress they face. Stress-in terms of

    adverse effect, its cost to human resources, material, and

    progress- is tremendous. Management within an organization

    should function so as to maximize the coordination of human

    resources and work system and to minimize conflict.


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    care skills (eating well, staying physically fit, not smoking and

    maintaining a desirable weight) that are at the core of most

    stress-management programs, actually have a negligible effect

    on people's ability to cope with work pressures and rapid

    change. According to the findings of Essi Systems inc. (ESI) in

    San Francisco, a stress-research consulting firm, the only factor

    with any significant impact on a person's ability to withstand

    work pressures is what Esther Orioli President (ESI) calls

    "Personal Power" - having control over your time, resources,

    important information, work load and so on. According o him

    it's not the volume of work or work demand that makes people

    sick, it is the extent to which they feel they (lack) control over

    their work and their workplace. As the pace and intensity of

    work increases, so does the need for control.

    In order to tackle the organizational aspects effectively,

    researchers recommend the use of stress audits like:

    Redesign the task

    Analyze the work roles and establish goals

    Include the employee in career development.

    It is, therefore, not surprising that faced with the complex

    nature of stress and how to deal it, it is difficult to answer the

    questions about the effectiveness of stress management.

    Furthermore, adding this complex organizational picture to the

    already complex make-up of the individual, the question

    becomes even harder to answer. There is, however, enough

    evidence to work on the premise that well carried out stress

    management interventions by appropriately quali fied

    practitioners are beneficial for the individual and organization.

    Employees need to be made more aware of the issues to make


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    informed decisions about investment in stress management. For

    them, the effective stress management is one that will reduce

    or minimize role ambiguity and role expectation conflict, thus

    minimizing absenteeism and premature retirement, and will

    maximize employee productivity and leading to increased

    company profits.

    Personality Characteristics

    Play an important role n the development of stress. Jenkins

    (1971) arrived at a coronary prone Behavioural pattern.Individuals who are subject to this syndrome are characterized

    by extreme competitiveness, an urge to achieve, aggression,

    haste, impatience, restlessness, hyperlaterness, tension and

    time pressure.

    Roserman and Friedman called this mental and behavioral

    pattern, the type A behavior. Some psychologists feel that this

    type of behavioral is an extreme variant of what is socially

    highly recommended and positively rewarded. Other think that

    Type-A behavior is dysfunctional and tat the better jobs are

    only for the quiet, detached, contemplative Type -B (Mathews,


    Glass (1977) has theorized that A -types demonstrate hyper-

    responsiveness with regard to challenging situations, meaning

    that they always expose themselves to fight situations. If they

    fail to succeed, they will, much more so than B-types, start to

    achieve less and experience learned helplessness. Luzarus

    found that the way in which a person interprets a situation is of

    great importance for the occurrence or non-occurrence of stress


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    problems. The interpretation of a situation is related to an

    individuals personality structure. A very competitive person will

    regard a situation in which he had the worst of it as more

    threatening than someone who is not competitive.

    Other personality characteristics which are of significance instress research are rigidity, conformism, suppression of

    aggression, dogmatism, authoritarianism, internal versus

    external control etc. (Winnubst, 1984).

    Role Overload

    It is described as a condition in which the individual is faced

    with a set of obligations which require him to do more than he

    is able to in the time available (ales, 1969). In the case of too

    many activities, we speak of quantitative overload, when an

    individual has perform tasks that are too difficult for him, we

    speak of qualitative overload (French and Caplan, 1972).

    The bearer may be bombarded by expectations; a force which

    he eventually cannot cope with. A sensible tactic then is to

    organize 'role negotiation' or 'role bargaining' (Harrison, 1973)where by the threatened individual tries to organize hi

    obligations with or without outside help.

    In research on middle management (Van Vucht Tijssen et al,

    1978), role overload was shown to be related to physical

    complaints and even more clearly to greater obesity, higher

    blood pressure and more smoking.

    Thus role overload is an element to be rejected with in

    organizations, especially because of the higher risk of illness

    and exhaustion. However, it is stil l not clear whether self-

    inflicted overload and overload inflicted by other make a

    significant difference.


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    Role Conflict

    It is the s