Struktur Hewan Epithelial Tissues

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Complete report of animal structure with title “ Epithelial Tissues “ which

made by.

Name : Syaiful Bakhri

Reg. Numb. : 081404192

Group : II

Class : Biology ICP

Department : Biology Department

After checked by assistant and assistant coordinator, so this report is accepted.

Makassar, April 2009

Coordinator Assistant Assistant

Djumarirmanto Dian Anggreini



A. Background

In animals, tissue of closely packed cells that forms a surface or lines a cavity

or tube. Epithelial cells line the inside surfaces of fluid or air-filled tubes and spaces

within the body. Epithelium may be protective (as in the skin) or secretory (as in the

cells lining the wall of the gut). Epithelial cells join each other side to side to make

epithelial tissue. Epithelial cells are specialized cells. They protect cells below them

and may also carry out special functions. For example, in the human lung epithelial

cells line the alveoli (air spaces). These cells are very thin and form a large surface

area in order to facilitate the absorption of oxygen and the loss of carbon dioxide

during the process of gas exchange. They also make sure the alveoli remain moist at

all times to keep them healthy.

The epithelial cells lining the airways leading to the lung from the mouth and

nose are different. Here there are many are specialized ciliated cells. These cells have

tiny hairs or cilia which beat backwards and forwards. They sweep fluid up and away

from the lungs to the mouth. Any dirt or bacteria that have been inhaled are taken

away from the lungs where they may cause damage. Smoking harms these ciliated


Epithelial tissue is a layer which formed by cells with dense formation, its

extracell matrixes is just few and commonly bordering the cavities in our body or

covering body surface. That kind of epithelial tissue called covering epithelium in

general. Epithelial can also be found at some glands, that why some of them called

glandular epithelium.

B. Purpose

The purpose of this lab work was to observe various kinds of epithelial tissues

and glands.

C. Benefit

By this lab work, students would learn deeply about epithelial tissues and

would increase students’ interest of epithelial tissues.



In humans, epithelium is classified as a primary body tissue, the other ones

being connective tissue, muscle tissue and nervous tissue. Epithelial tissue is one of

four basis tissues that composing our body. For the time being, epithelial term used

for call pure colored membrane that lies on connective braided protrusion at

reddening lips (epithelia: above; thele: lips). This term now uses for the entire tissue

that covering some structure or channel (Keeton, 2003).

Epithelial tissue covers the whole surface of the body. It is made up of cells

closely packed and ranged in one or more layers. This tissue is specialised to form the

covering or lining of all internal and external body surfaces. Epithelial tissue that

occurs on surfaces on the interior of the body is known as endothelium. Epithelial

cells are packed tightly together, with almost no intercellular spaces and only a small

amount of intercellular substance.The basement membrane provides structural

support for the epithelium and also binds it to neighbouring structures. (Anonym,

2009 )

Epithelial tissue is a layer from the cells which have tight formation, a few of

extra-cellular matrix, and in most cases trace the opening at inner of body or it

surface. That epithelial usually called covering epithelial. Epithelial tissue also can

find at several glands, so called gland epithelial. ( Adnan,Drs.Ms, Halifah ,Ir.MS,

2009 )

Epithelial tissue have function to deliver materials from and to tissue and

cavity which it traced. Columnar epithelial on the digestive track produce the

dissolve enzymes to the lumen of digestive track and adsorb it digest product.

Epithelial also covering water tube and lung. ( Tim Pengajar, 2008 )

According Clevers, 2004, epithelial tissue or cells are classified into three


1. Based on the shape, epithelial tissue divide into three; squamous,

cubodial epithelial, and columnar epithelial.

2. Based on the stratified, epithelial tissue divide into three; simple

epithelial, stratified epithelial, and pseudo-stratified epithelial.

3. Based on the specializations, epithelial tissue divide into two;

keratinized cells of epithelial, and ciliated cells of epithelial

In epithelial tissue usually discuss about cell junction, secretory epithelia, and

glandular epithelium. A cell junction is a structure within a tissue of a multicellular

organism. Cell junctions are especially abundant in epithelial tissues. They consist of

protein complexes and provide contact between neighbouring cells, between a cell

and the extracellular matrix, or they built up the paracellular barrier of epithelia and

control the paracellular transport. As stated above, secretion is one major function of

epithelial cells. Glands are formed from the invagination / infolding of epithelial cells

and subsequent growth in the underlying connective tissue.



A. Time and Place

Day/Date : Thursday, March 26th, 2009

Time : At 02.00 – 04.00 pm

Place : In Eastern Biology Laboratory of FMIPA of Universitas Negeri

Makassar (UNM)

B. Tools and Materials

1. Tools

a) 1 set of microscope

2. Materials

a) Preserves slide of mammal kidney

b) Preserves slide of intestine / duodenum

c) Preserves slide of rabbit’s trachea

d) Preserves slide of human skin

e) Preserves slide of circumvallate papillae

f) Preserves slide of pancreas

g) Preserves slide of adrenal gland

C. Work Procedure

In this lab work, we did nine observations which the procedures were:

1. Observation I

a. Prepared a mammal kidney object glass.

b. Observed carefully endothelium from vessel. Watched the nucleus of

epithelial cell that was thin and long, contained with endothelium cells and

basal membrane.

c. Observed carefully parietal layer of Bowman’s capsule. Watched the

nucleus from epithelial that had flat and long shape and then basal


2. Observation II

a. Prepared a mammal kidney object glass.

b. Observed carefully tubule contortus proximal of kidney, which consisted

of lumen, cube epithelium cells and basal membrane. This structure was

beginning segment from neuron and crooky and bordered by simple

cuboidal epithelium.

c. Observed carefully tubule contortus distal of kidney, which consisted of

lumen, flat epithelial cells and basal membrane. This structure has thinner

epithelial cells than tubule contortus proximal.

3. Observation III

a. Prepared an intestine object glass.

b. Observed carefully the atwarthy slice of intestine, especially in borderer

epithelial layer at mucous layer.

c. Drew cylindered epithelial with 10 x 40 zoom in.

4. Observation IV

a. Prepared a rabbit trachea object glass.

b. Observed carefully the epithelial tissue that bordering lumen. Watched

basal cell position, ciliated cylinder epithelial, goblet cell and basal


c. Drew the observation result.

5. Observation V

a. Prepared a human skin object glass and papilla sirkumvalata at tongue.

b. Observed carefully the epithelial tissue at skin epidermis. Watched

stratum germinativum, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum

hisidum, stratum corneum and basal membrane positions.

c. Observed carefully the epithelial tissue at tongue papilla sirkumvalata

epidermis zone. Watched the stratum germinativum, stratum spinosum,

stratum granulosum, stratum lusidium, stratum corneum and basal

membrane positions.

6. Observation VI

a. Prepared an intestine object glass.

b. Observed carefully goblet cell position between intestine epithelial cells

and argentafin cell.

c. Observed carefully crypt of lieberkuhn position between intestine viles at

mucosa area.

7. Observation VII

a. Prepared a papilla sircumvalata and pancreas object glasses.

b. Observed carefully papilla sircumvalata, watched lamina propria area and

serosa gland position.

c. Observed carefully serosa and nucleus of sentra-asiner. And also observed

one of Langerhans island.

8. Observation VIII

a. Prepared an adrenal gland object glass.

b. Observed carefully cortex area. Watched glomerulose, vasikulata, and

reticule zones. Those zones were obvious separated.

c. Observed carefully medulla area. Watched epithelia cells which were

chromaffin cell that compose and forming dense fish-net.

9. Observation IX

a. Prepared a human skin object glass.

b. Observed carefully sweat gland. Watched sekretory segment from its duct


c. Observed carefully sebaceous gland around hair folikelle.



A. Observation Result

Endothelium of blood vessel in kidney.


1. Basal membrane

2. Nucleus

3. One layered flat cell

1. lumen

Parietalis layer of Bowman’s capsule.


1. basal membrane

2. nucleus

3. lumen

4. one layered cuboid epithelia cell

5. cytoplasm

Cuboidal epithelium in tubule contortus proximal.


1. basal membrane

2. nucleus

3. one layered cuboid epithelia


4. lumen

5. cytoplasm

Cuboidal epithelium in tubule contortus distal.


1. basal membrane

2. nucleus

3. lumen

4. one layered cuboid epithelia


5. cytoplasms

Artwarthy slice of intestine.


1. basal membrane

2. intensine flake

3. lumen

Columnar epithelium.

Notes :

1. nucleus

2. Basal membrane

3. Lumen

4. One layered cylindrical


Stratified flat epithelium.

Notes :

1. Cilia

2. Cylindrical epithelia cell

3. Basal cell

4. Basal membrane

5. Goblet cell

Goblet cell.$

Notes ;

1. goblet cell

2. lamina propina

Papilla sircumvalata.

Notes :

1. Epithelia cell

2. Lamina propsin

3. Connective tissue

4. Mucusa gland

5. Serusa gland


Notes :

1. Blood capillary

2. Cell

3. Cell

Adrenal cortex.

Notes :

1. Glomerulosa zone

2. Fesicullaila zone

3. Keticularis zone

Adrenal medulla.

Notes :

1. Nucleus

2. Basal membrane

Sweat gland.

Notes :

1. Epiderm

2. Dermis

3. Sweat gland

Sebaceus gland.

Notes :

1. Sebaceus gland

B. Discussion

1. Observation I

At the observation I, we observed simple squamous ephitelium mammal

kidney, that was endothelium blood vessel and parietal capsule Bowman’s.

ephitelium tissues composed of endothelium blood vessels which consist of

basal membrane, simple squamous epithelium, nucleus, and lumen or cavity.

Basal membrane or basal lamina was the connective tissues that was lay under

epithelium tissue. The other as place of attached epithelium cells, basal

membrane functioned as block to prevent microorganism enter the parts of the

body, to prevent water and cell liquid loss from body, works as selective filter,

and preventing the form of upper epithelium tissue. This membrane contained

many kinds of macromolecule like lamina, fibronektin, and entaktin. Simple

squamous epithelium cell, when we looked from inside, this looked like string

that separated by nucleus place I the center. In this observation of epithelium

type, we would observed simple squamous epithelium origin from endoderm.

Simple squamous epithelium consists of flat and thin cell in the ferifer not

regulation, each other to close up formed a layer which complete. At the

horizontal of cells cytoplasm like thin, widened in the nucleus place. Nucleus

from the each cells is sircular and concentric place. Parietal capsule Bowman

layer generally has structure of tissue at similar, but has oval shaped or formed

like capsule. The cytoplasm nearly saw but we could saw in the nucleus area,

where the cytoplasm seems to blow up.

2. Observation II

At the observation II, we observated simple cuboidal epithelium at the tubules

contorts proximal and tubules contorts distal. Between both haven’t to

different structure tissue of contrax, that only the tubules contorts distal

cuboidal epithelium cels smaller than tubulescontorts proximal. We called

simple cuboidal epithelium because the cut trans section with is surface, each

cells like box or cube. If the surface shaped polygonal. In the vertical notched,

the cell like cornered with circular nucleus in each cell central. Cornered

shaped change is trapezium if the cell be group in the lumen around small

layer. These cells cytoplasm is clear particle, and in the last limited cells

commonly not clear in the notched material.

3. Observation III

At the observation III, we observated simple columnar epithelium place the

duodenum. At the enlargement 10 x 10, seem diagonal from intestine. At the

lumen seem intestine lining and we found vili, this endothelium modification

to enlargement absorption area. Found connective tissue, these tissues has

functioned as to support of epithelium tissues. Another , connective tissues

enter in the cells area. After that enlargement 10 x 10 and the part of the vili

seem simple columnar epithelium with it par. At the surface like cuboids

epiyhelium, and inside like columns to close up vertical section with nucleus

oval shaped, proximal place toward basal membrane. Membrane basal lower

found based lamina.

4. Observation IV

At the observation IV, we observated pseudostratified epithelium trachea of

rabbit. This epithelium called pseudostratified because have diagonal trans

section, like pseudostratified. This caused the pkace nucleus raised not

strength. This epithelium is build by three types of cells, that is basal cells,

cylincrical cells, and goblet cell basal shaped cuboidalwith found nucleus and

higher is lower Cilyndrical cilia at the help to prevent the lungs is cleaned it

way to snare the dust and other particle and sweat them back above trachea.

Goblet cells or mucus cells secretion the solution which called mucus, to

smooth or to smear the surface of duct and kept it damp like generally the

epithelium so support in basal membrane.



A. Conclusion

Based on the experiment and observation result, we could make some

conclusion such as.

1. Simple squamous epithelium consists of one layer flat shaped cells. Disk

shaped nucleus, if we look from upper side, the shape is unregulated and cell’s

compound stand of basal membrane.

2. Epithelium is a tissue composed of cells that line the cavities and surfaces of

structures throughout the body.

3. Functions of epithelial cells include secretion, absorption, protection,

transcellular transport, sensation detection, and selective permeability.

1. Suggestion

Better if the object glasses prepared well before lab work starts so when the

lab work in process, the students wouldn’t find any defect object glass that

made the students couldn’t find any vision when they observed from



Adnan,Drs, M.S and Pagarra, Halifah,Ir, M.Si. 2009. Penuntun Praktikum Struktur Hewan. Makassar. Biology Department of Makassar State University.

Anonym, 2009. Epithelium . Acessed at March, 30th 2009.

Alberts,2002. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 4th edition, U.S.A: Addison-Weasley Published.

Clevers, 2002. Biology Molecular, Jakarta: Erlangga.

Keeton. W. T. 2003. Biological Science, fifth edition. USA: Norton & Company Inc.

Tim Penyusun, 2008. Biology Umum. Makassar: Biology Department of Makassar

State University Keeton. W. T. 2003. Biological Science, fifth edition. USA:

Norton & Company Inc.