Student Stories Why study General Nursing at GMIT Mayo? · 2017-11-13 · General Nursing involves...

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Contact us:Justin Kerr Head of Department Nursing, Health Sciences & Social Care

T 094 9043249 or E

Student Stories

The decision I made in coming to GMIT Mayo Campus has been a great one and has exceeded all my expectations. I have made friends for life from all over Ireland which I think may have been more difficult in a larger college.

It was quite daunting at 17 years of age to move out from home and try and find your feet, I can easily say it was the best thing I could have done. I have certainly made the most of the GMIT experience by getting involved in and attending many events throughout the year.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my course particularly Clinical Practice Placement as this entails being out in the wards delivering care to patients alongside your mentor.

Mairead Linnane

As the class size is small the lecturers know all the students by name. Everyone is great friends and we are always willing to help each other out.

GMIT Mayo is a lovely place to go to college. The town of Castlebar is a nice place to live. The people in both the campus and the locality make outsiders feel welcome with their friendly and hospitable nature.

All of these together create a good environment in which to study.

Kristin McKenzie Vass

General Nursing

Why study General Nursing at GMIT Mayo?• GMIT Mayo is located in Castlebar which is a warm and vibrant

town. It is small enough to find your way around, but large enough to offer a wide range of activities and entertainment for students.

• The campus itself has state of the art lecture theatres, video conferencing suites, IT labs with the latest technology and a purpose built hospital ward for our general nursing students.

• Clubs and societies are at the heart of campus life. From surfing to soccer, yoga to archery, mountaineering to martial arts you are guaranteed to find the ideal activity to help you strike the balance with the academic side of college life.

• The cost of renting accommodation in Castlebar is lower than many college towns.

• Students are close enough to nearby Westport (16kms away) to enjoy all the tourist attractions and social life it offers.

• We have close ties with local and national employers and this link can often lead to employment upon graduation.

Course Level Duration CAO Code


BSc (Hons) in General Nursing

8 4 years GA880 Mayo

GMIT Mayo @GMITMayoCampus GMIT Channel



GMIT Channel

Entry RequirementsFor CAO entry, applicants must have obtained in the Leaving Certificate Examination a minimum of Grade H5 in two papers and a minimum of Grade O6/H7 in four papers in the following subjects:

• Irish or English• Mathematics• a laboratory science subject (Biology, Physics, Chemistry,

Physics & Chemistry (Joint) or Agricultural Science).

For QQI FET Award entry, applicants must meet the following specific requirements: a pass with five distinctions in one of the following linked QQI FET Level 5/6 awards:

• DCHSN/5M4349 (Nursing Studies)• DCHSX/5M4468 (Community & Health Studies)• DHSXX/5M4339 (Healthcare Support)• 5M3782 (Health Service Skills).

A pass with distinction in each of the following modules must be included:

• D20001/5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology)• D20012/5N4325 (introduction to Nursing Theory &

Practice, and• D20032/5N1279 (Human Growth and Development) or• C20006/5N2746 (Biology).

More InformationPlease refer to NMBI website for further information, in particular if you would like to apply as a Mature Student (if you are over 23 in January of the year of application).

What is General Nursing?General Nursing involves caring for people of all ages both in hospital and community care settings.

This course will give you the knowledge and skills to work as a general nurse both in Ireland and overseas.

You will spend time in class and in our specially built clinical skills labs. This will prepare you for your student placement so that you can deal with the daily challenges of caring for patients.

Work PlacementStudents usually complete their placements in the Mayo/Roscommon/Galway region which may require periods of travel or residency outside of the Castlebar area. Time is given to students each week to think and reflect on their work experience. In fourth year, students will undertake a 36 week paid internship to gain more valuable practical experience.

What will I study?Areas of study include:

• Biological and Related Sciences

• Social Sciences

• Fundamental Nursing Knowledge and Skills

• Nursing the Adult with Physical and Mental Illness

• Person Centred Interpersonal Skills

• Research

• Clinical Practice Placement

See for more

Career OpportunitiesGraduates are entitled to enter the professional register of General Nurses maintained by Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI), and work at Staff Nurse grade in the Irish Healthcare sector.

Staff Nurses are equipped to work in a variety of settings including:

• Intensive Care• Cancer Care• Palliative Care of the Older Adult• A & E• Surgical• Medical• Theatre

A degree in General Nursing can also be a “Passport to the World”. Many of our graduates choose to travel and work overseas at some point in their career.

Graduates may also choose to work in Nursing Administration, Management, Education, or to develop a Clinical Nursing Specialism.

Further StudyIf you want to specialise in a particular area of nursing, there are many postgraduate courses at various third level institutes throughout Ireland.

Garda VettingIt is a requirement that all students are Garda Vetted for this programme by GMIT on commencement of their studies.