Subject and Predicate

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Mr.Bono’s Grammar Class

Subject and Predicate


Learning Goals

• Students will learn how to develop a subject in a sentence

• Students will learn how to identify a subject in a given sentence

• Students will learn in what form of subject they will need given certain grammatical situations

What is the Subject?


• The subject of a sentence is simply what or whom the sentence is about. It usually comes before the predicate.

Simple Subject

• A simple subject is a noun or topic without any modifiers or descriptors

• Example: “The Apple”

Complete Subject

• A complete subject is a subject with modifiers and adjectives

• Ex: “The shiny red apple was bitten and tossed.”

Compound Subject

• When a sentence has more than one subject it can be noted that it has a compound subject

• Ex: Zombies and Vampires are monsters

Test Yourself…

• The next slide has four pictures

• Write three sentences in regards to the four pictures in the next slide

• The first sentence should be a simple subject sentence from that picture

• The second sentence should be a complete subject based on that picture

• The third sentence should be a compound subject based on that picture



Mr. Bono’s Grammar Lesson

Learning Goals

• Students will learn how to develop a predicate in a sentence

• Students will learn how to identify a predicate in a given sentence

• Students will learn in what form of predicate they will need given certain grammatical situations


• The predicate is the part of the sentence that says something about the subject.

• The main part of the predicate is the verb.

• The predicate usually comes after the subject. Just ask yourself what the sentence is telling you about the subject.

Simple Predicate

• A simple predicate is the action of the subject

• Ex: “The zombie runs.”

Complete Predicate

• The complete predicate is the verb and all its modifiers in a sentence

• Ex: “Someone was attacked yesterday by a zombie.”

Compound Predicate

• When a sentence’s subject has more than one action it is referred to as a compound predicate

• Ex: The zombie runs after a person and rips into their flesh


• Write a three lines beginning with a simple subject and a simple predicate.

• The second line will be a sentence of a complete subject and a complete predicate

• The third line will be a sentence containing a compound subject and a predicate

• Feel free to search online for two mins to find a picture to use as a prompt.