Sunday Services Prayer Meetings Sanctuary Every Wednesday ... Bulletin.pdf · Fairfield Methodist...

Post on 04-Aug-2020

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Sunday Services Prayer Meetings English 8.30am &

10.30am Sanctuary Every Wednesday 7.30pm Fairfield Hall

Youth Ministry 9.00am Fairfield Hall 1st Friday of the month – Corporate Prayer

8.00pm Fairfield Hall

Children’s Ministry 10.30am Fairfield Hall (except on 1st Sunday of each month & special occasions) Every Sunday 9.40am-

10.20am Room 201


Cantonese 2.00pm Sanctuary

Ministry for China Nationals

7.00pm Kuehn Hall

*Holy Communion Service on every 1st Sunday of the month

Electronic Fund Transfer For Tithes and Pledges

If you wish to use internet banking or PayNow using your bank app Scan and Pay, you may do so using the following details

Bank : DBS Bank Ltd / Bank Code : 7171

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Fairfield Methodist Church FMC-Fairfield MCP Fund FFMC Building Fund

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Rev Wendy Tay-Pastor-in-Charge (HP) 82538657 Mr Bai Jie-Mandarin/CN (HP) 98799607

Rev Ling Kin Yew-Pastor (HP) 89332056 Dr Lydia Sha-Mandarin/Training (HP) 94799828

Mr Chan Siew Leong-Pastoral Care/Outreach (HP) 85552544 Mr Chris Sham-Cantonese (HP) 81680873

Ms Teh Lay Thian-Pastoral Care/Outreach (HP) 97207783 Mr Daren Lee-Youth (HP) 94769743

Mr Yu Heng Kong-Senior Administrator (HP) 93629637

Fairfield Methodist Church 1 Tanjong Pagar Road Singapore 088437 Tel : 6221 7394 | Fax : 6220 9904 [general] [enquiries/feedback on Disciple Making]


Scan for Sunday bulletin

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Church Theme 2020:

What On Earth Is Discipleship?

18 October 2020

8th Sunday in Kingdomtide

Luke 14:26-27 (ESV) 26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and

children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. 27 Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.

For by a single offering he has perfected for

all time those who are being sanctified.

Hebrew 10:4 (ESV)


To be a disciple-making church.


That every member be committed to Magnify God, Multiply disciples and Minister to all peoples in Singapore and beyond.

Following Christ, Making Disciples

May each of us with reverence & awe experience the living presence of Christ in this hour of corporate worship.





SERMON By God’s Grace (3) - Dr Ho King Hee Cleansed Of Our Sins for Holy Living





1. WE ARE IN THE SEASON OF KINGDOMTIDE Kingdomtide (also called Ordinary Time) is the season after Pentecost. Kingdomtide signifies a time of spiritual growth. It is also a time where Christians declare the values and glory of the Kingdom of God. Christ is celebrated as King and Sovereign of the world, with emphasis on the Great Commission and the ongoing opportunity to witness to the living Lord who makes all things new. The liturgical colour for this season is green signifying growth. 2. STAFF ON LEAVE Mr Bai Jie, Ministry Staff (Mandarin/CN) is on sabbatical leave from 1 Sep to 30 Nov 2020.

3. MONTHLY CORPORATE PRAYER 2020 13 Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise. 14 Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the

elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. James 5:13-15 (ESV)

Date : 6 November, Friday, 2020

Time : 8:00pm

Venue : Via Zoom

Ministry Focus : 1. 45th Session of TRAC

2. Glowing Years Ministry

3. School Vacations

Meeting details will be made available via FFMC Connect

As a spiritual discipline, you are encouraged to fast from dinner in preparation for our time together. Note: There will be no prayer meeting on 4 November 2020.

4. WEDNESDAY PRAYER MEETING Come join us this Wed, 21 October 2020 at 7:30pm via Zoom. Meeting details will be made available via FFMC Connect. 5. PULPIT CALENDAR (2020) - ALL SERMONS WILL BE PRE RECORDED AND UPLOADED


Date Preacher Topic Text

25 October W&M Sunday

Dr Daniel Poon By God’s Grace (4) –

To Bear Fruit Colossians 1:9-14

1 November Rev Ling Kin Yew By God’s Grace (5) –

For The Unity of The Church

Ephesians 4:1-16

8 November Conference Sunday

Rev Dr Gordon Wong (via video)

The WELCOME of God’s Love Isaiah 54:8-14

15 November Dr Roland Chia By God’s Grace (6) – To Care for Creation

Psalm 24:1-12; Genesis 1:26-30

6. HOLY COMMUNION SECOND OFFERING FOR OCTOBER 2020 The Holy Communion offering for October 2020 will be received for FFMC Building Fund. You may give via PayNow (UEN: S87CC0541F); internet banking (DBS A/C 00103202353) or send a cheque to church. Please indicate as “OCT-02” under Bill Reference or at the back of the cheque for reference. For more details on giving, please visit our webpage Thank you! 7. JOIN THE HOLY COMMUNION SERVICE VOLUNTEER TEAM To cater for more worshippers to return for Holy Communion, our church is planning to conduct more on-site Holy Communion Services starting in November. Due to Safety Measures Management, we need TWO separate teams of Holy Communion Service Volunteers (HCSV) for the same day services. To make these services happen, we need more volunteers to step in to serve as Holy Communion Service Volunteers. Come and be part of the HCSV team to serve the body of Christ. Please sign up at 8. HOLY COMMUNION SERVICE ON-SITE (NOVEMBER) We thank God that we are able to have 100 people in each of our services, starting November. The 100 people will be seated in two zones (Zone A and Zone B). The entry point of each zone into church and toilets to be used are different. Please take note

Zone A (Sanctuary Left)

Zone B (Sanctuary Right)

Entry Point Tanjong Pagar Road Maxwell Road

Entry Opens for registration 10.30 am 10.45 am

Toilets 2nd Level 3rd Level

In line with regulations by the authorities, worshippers are not allowed to change Zones, cross into the other Zone, or interact with worshippers from the other Zone. We advise worshippers from the same household attending the same service to register for the same Zone.

Service Time: 11am, Sanctuary Dates: 1st November, 8th November, 22nd November & 29th November 2020

We have set aside every third Sunday for Mandarin and Cantonese Services to conduct Holy Communion services. Please note that the church’s carpark will be closed on Sundays to avoid cross mingling between Zones. Registration for November’s On-site Service will open on Wednesday, 21 October, 9am. Please visit our webpage for more details on the registration. There are many guidelines to observe in order for us to hold the on-site services. We seek your co-operation to observe all safety management measures and follow the instructions of staff and Service Volunteers on duty. Should you wish to join in the singing when you are on-site, please sing in your heart under your breath. Thank you.

9. FAIRFIELD TEACHING PROGRAMME (FTP) OPEN FORMAT We are in the second year of Fairfield Teaching Programme (FTP); a journey to ground our members in a Bible-based foundation of life. This weekly teaching programme provides a broad overview of Bible-based Christian beliefs and practices. It is designed to be interactive, and complements our pulpit ministry and small group interactions. FTP covers systematic and biblical theology, Bible book studies and topical subjects. At the end of the programme, participants should have a clearer grasp of basic Christian doctrine and a Bible-based approach to major areas of Christian life. Time: 9am to 10:15 am on Sunday (Online) Format: 1 hour of classroom teaching, followed by approximately 15 minutes of Q&A How do I join in? Starting from the module on 18/10/20 we will pilot an open method where the Virtual meeting link to the online session will be sent weekly via the FFMC Connect WhatsApp group (so do sign up if you haven’t already!) as well as through the Small Group Leaders’ WhatsApp group to the SG members. Do visit for more details. Schedule 2020 Cycle 2 Module 2

Date/Topic Title Key Coverage

25 Oct 2020 Book Study: Jonah (II)

Dr Ho King Hee

Jonah’s Prayer Jonah and the sailors; Jonah in the sea (1:4 – 1:16)

1 Nov 2020 Book Study: Jonah (III)

Dr Ho King Hee

Jonah’s Preaching Jonah in the fish; Jonah in the city (1:17 – 3:10)

8 Nov 2020 Book Study: Jonah (IV)

Dr Ho King Hee

Jonah’s Lesson Jonah’s anger and God’s compassion (4:1-11)

15 Nov 2020 New Testament Survey (I)

Dr Roland Chia

Jesus, the Gospels and the early Church

Introduction to the NT

The Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark Luke)

The Gospel of John

The Acts of the Apostles

22 Nov 2020 New Testament Survey (II)

Dr Roland Chia

Pauline Corpus Eschatological Group (I & II Thessalonians

Soteriological Group (Galatians, I & II Corinthians, Romans)

Christological Group (Colossians, Philemon, Ephesians, Philippians)

Ecclesiological Group (I & II Timothy, Titus)

29 Nov 2020 New Testament Survey (III)

Dr Roland Chia

Non-Pauline Epistles James


I & II Peter

I, II & III John

6 Dec 2020 New Testament Survey (IV)

Dr Roland Chia

Apocalypse The Book of Revelation

13 Dec – 27 Dec 2020 Break





A series of 20 key studies covering the essential first steps in following Jesus for new and old Christians alike who feel they have missed out on a solid foundation to their faith Through the simple and clear studies, you will be able to lay that solid foundation as we cover essential areas of the Christian life. It is available in English and Mandarin. If you would like to join, or are interested to find out more, kindly contact Kevin Zhang @ 89323658 or Beng Keng Kung @ 91766848 from the Discipleship and Nurture (D&N) Committee. 11. FFMC BUILDING RENEWAL FUND UPDATE

Fairfield Methodist Church building lease ends in 2027 and we need to raise at least $6M to renew the lease for the next 30 years. Amount raised thus far: $5,125,102 Pledges to be received: $843,570 Outstanding Amount to raise: $874,898

For cheque donations, please issue cheques in favour of “FFMC Building Fund”.


12. Methodist Message continues to bring to you important MCS updates and thought-provoking editorial pieces. The October issue is now out! If you would like to subscribe to MM online, it is free AND easy to get on board! Sign up here at today!

Please stay connected with the Church through FFMC Connect and visit the church’s website to sign up today!


PRAYER & INTERCESSION 18 - 24 October 2020


Interactive conversation with God about what we and God are thinking and doing together. Prayer is how we come to God and participate in our growing love relationship with him. The mid-twentieth-century minister and writer George Buttrick refers to prayer as “friendship with God.” Author Richard Foster tells us in Prayer Finding the Heart’s True Home that prayer is the key to the heart of God, the one place we truly belong. Yet, for many of us, prayer is a constant source of guilt or confusion. We fear we don’t pray enough or we don’t pray the right way. For some of us prayer might feel more like a punishment or an onerous task rather than a friendship. But the example of those in the Bible, especially Jesus, makes it clear: we are to talk to God often, in solitude when possible. Foster offers some encouragement as we set about talking with God: we should not panic about doing it right, having pure motives, or asking for the right things. As Foster writes, “We will never have pure enough motives, or be good enough, or know enough in order to pray rightly. We simply must set all these things aside and begin praying. In fact, it is in the very act of prayer itself – the intimate, ongoing interaction with God – that these matters are cared for in due time.” One thing is certain. If we set forward on this journey of prayer, we will change and so will the world around us. God uses prayer as the primary way to transform us, to make us more like Christ. When we pray we find our thoughts and our will becoming more and more like God’s. And we are better able to pray for the right things, to join God in His Kingdom work in the world. We do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. Romans 8:26

Prayers in Eternity Then I saw between the throne and four living creatures and among the elders a Lamb standing as if it had been slaughtered. He went and took the scroll from the right hand of the one who was seated on the throne. When he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell before the Lamb, each holding a harp and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. Another angel with a golden censer came and stood at the altar; he was given a great quantity of incense to offer with the prayers of the saints on the golden altar that is before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, rose before God from the hand of the angel.

Revelation 5:6a, 7-8; 8:3-4 OUR PRAYERS ARE honoured beyond anything we imagine here on earth. They break through the time barrier to join the eternal worship. Angels bring them before God with reverence and tenderness. The prayers of the faithful are placed upon the altar. At long last those noiseless cries for justice are about to be answered. Try to enter your time of prayer today with a feeling of gratitude and assurance that your prayers and petitions are heard, that they matter, even if you do not receive the results or answers you want.

O, most merciful God, incline your loving ears to our prayers, and illuminate the hearts of those called by you, with the grace of the Holy Spirit, that they may be enabled worthily to minister to your mysteries, and to love you with an everlasting love, and to attain everlasting joys; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. - Charlemagne A Year With God “Living Out the Spiritual Disciplines” (edited by Richard J. Foster and Julia L. Roller) 1. PRAY FOR SPEAKERS

This Sunday (18 October 2020) Next Sunday (25 October 2020)

English Service Dr Ho King Hee Rev Dr Gordon Wong Mandarin Service Dr Lydia Sha Rev Dr Simon Quah Cheok Hooi Cantonese Service Rev Koh Soon Meng Miss Fan Soon Ying (Ruth)

Pray that the hearts and minds of God’s people will be receptive and ready to act upon His Word.

Pray that the glory of God will weigh upon the people in all the services. CN Ministry (Sunday evening) is suspended due to Covid-19 Pandemic. 2. BIRTHDAYS PRAYER BLESSINGS We rejoice with the following people who are celebrating their birthdays this week. We thank God for these wonderful birthday babies for another year to glorify Him and may they enjoy His grace and goodness throughout this year. Mrs Sabrina Keoy-Tang Li Leen Ms Brenaline Poh Liang Ping Mrs Chan-Gan Bee Nah Mrs Catherine Chan-Tsoi Yee Wan Ms Chia Kwai Sim Mr Eugene Tan Beng Yew Mr Paul Hui Tong Wah Mrs Kaline Khoh-Ng Hui Ping Ms Stella Loh Mui Joon Mrs Stella Tan-Wee Bee Lian

3. PRAYER IN FOCUS “I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip— He who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, He who watched over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep” (Psalm 121:1-4)


LCEC members to fulfil their primary responsibility as spiritual leaders (Fathers & Husbands) at home and disciple-makers of their children (Parents).

LCEC members will hold fast to FFMC’s vision and be role models for the church regarding personal discipleship and intentional disciple-making.

New LCEC members and Existing LCEC members taking on new roles will seek wisdom from God to balance time for personal devotion, family, work and ministries.

b. LCEC Retreat (17 Oct 2020)

Pray that the LCEC and Pastor Wendy will get to know one another better during the retreat.

We also want to hear about the ministry impact of Covid-19 from one another.

We will review our progress in disciple-making and look into the aspect of mentoring our youths and young adults.

We plan to start working out plans in alignment clusters and according to our strategic roadmap.

II. SCHOOL EXAMS (GCE ‘O’ & ‘A’ Levels & End-of-Year Exams) a. Pray for the children and youth who are taking their year-end/national examinations to do their

best, not for their own glory, but for the glory of God. Pray that they see learning as a means to understand God’s creation, how wonderfully made it is, and not just a way to get good grades.

b. Pray that the Lord honour their efforts; that they are blessed with the memory to remember what they’ve learnt and the wisdom to apply their knowledge and skills.

c. Pray that they find time in the midst of their hectic schedules to rest in the Lord and seek refuge in His presence. As they continue to wait on the Lord and draw closer to Him, may they soar on wings of eagles, run and not be weary, walk and not faint.

d. Pray for their well-being in body, soul and spirit, and for God’s gentle hand to be on them when they rest at night. May our children and youth be disciplined in the care of their bodies through healthy eating and regular exercise.

e. Pray that parents will be able to overcome whatever anxiety they might have, and allow Christ to be the anchor and security that their children need. Pray also for parents not to give undue stress to their children, but to love them unconditionally while nurturing the gifts and talents that God has given to each one of them.

f. May they develop strong self-esteem that is rooted in the realisation that they are God’s workmanship, fearfully and wonderfully made. Pray that they rest in the assurance of God’s love and be a testimony to their teachers and fellow schoolmates.

g. Pray for the health of the children and their families in the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 situation.


Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3).

Pray for unity among believers. Every believer to live in peace, in compassion and in understanding with one another.

Pray for the English, Mandarin and Cantonese believers to be united and grow together; one mind and one heart to be the salt and light to the community. They come together as one, in unity of purpose in the name of Christ to love and serve the community with practical help, and in meeting their needs.

Pray that every believer believe that they can be a catalyst for unity, peace and love in their neighbourhood and in their sphere of influence.

Pray that every believer will seek God, and allow the God of compassion reveal His heart for the broken-hearted and equip them with prayer, strength, wisdom and discernment, and the leadership to make an impact in the community for God’s glory.

Pray for unity even among diversity and disagreement, for God’s honour and glory. Pray that God enable unity even in the most difficult and impossible of situation. Pray that the God of hope and grace unite every believer, leader, pastor and staff. Pray that everyone will stand together, and see each other as one community in the name of Christ.

Pray that this church community stand strong together in prayer and in the Word of God.

Pray for church families struggling with hurt. Let God’s healing begin, and let there be peace again. Let the God of peace and unity, reveal the beauty of unity; that even in the midst of chaos and strive; UNITY CAN THRIVE IN THE MIDST OF DIVERSITY. Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?” Psalm 85:6

Pray for the Holy Spirit to move in people’s heart and bring renewed spiritual fervour for God, and for the things of God. Believers will grow in the passion of Christ and be hungry and thirsty for His Word and His Presence in their lives. Believers will remove false gods, idols that have come to steal, rob, destroy and lure them away from God.

Pray for pastors, teachers and church leaders and church workers to stay true to God’s Word in their teachings and ministry. Holy Spirit to move powerfully through their faithful teaching of the Word; bringing restoration and nourishment to the souls, and leading the community to committed faith in God.

Pray for the pastors, teachers and church leaders (in our community). Pray for a sanctified and devoted heart to God. Holy Spirit will deliver them from ‘business as usual’, ‘it’s another job’ lifestyle. Pray that they move in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, to lead them in shepherding the flocks entrusted to them. The Holy Spirit will expose the condition of their heart when they are caught in the rat race, keep up with the Joneses, intent only on “filling up churches with people”, “build mega churches”, “fear man’, instead of being devoted to filling up the hearts of the people with God. “For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears from the truth and turn aside to myths.” 2 Timothy 4:3-4

Pray for those who have strayed from God; let there be a yearning and a longing for God again. “How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the living God. Where can I go and meet with God?” Psalm 84:1-2

Pray for lives set apart and ‘sold out’ for God revival to spread across the community, believers declare by word and deed, “Have your way in me, LORD”, “Take my heart and my life, and let it count for You, LORD”. “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10

Pray for awakened hearts for prayer; praying at all times, without ceasing and with all kinds of prayer, bringing petitions before God. “My heart says to you, ‘Seek His face!’ Your face, Lord, I will seek.” Psalm 27:8 “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3 “Then my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and forgive their sins and restore their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

4. KEEP ON PRAYING: a. Salvation (our loved ones and people whom we know):

Our loved ones will have a personal encounter with God.

We will travail in prayer for them, no matter how difficult the situation seems to be.

We be delivered from complacency and indifference. God give us the boldness and urgency to speak God’s love and salvation, as in John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”, without fear to our loved ones, friends, colleagues and those we cross path with.

We be the channel of blessings to them and carry the testimony of Christ by our word and deed.

b. Healing, Comfort and Restoration (ourselves and people whom we know):

God’s peace, comfort and restoration upon those who are still in grief, in mourning and in deep despair over the passing of their loved ones.

God’s love and peace free them from every accusing voice, condemnation, and every sense of regret for not being there for their loved ones before they passed on.

God enable them to forgive themselves and release to God all their hurts and pains, broken memories of their relationships with their loved ones before they passed on.

God set them free from regrets and self-condemnation, “I should have done better/ I did not do enough/ If only I knew”. God restore and heal them. God give them the strength, hope and courage to move forward and embrace life again and enter in fellowship with God again.

God enable friends, colleagues and neighbours to journey with them in love, care and support. c. Inability to pray (ourselves and people whom we know), where words and prayers are overtaken by gritting of teeth and clenching of fists (against others and God), and breaking into deep sighs, laments, moans and groans. Too bashed up and battled by unceasing torments and challenges, and at threshold of mental and emotional meltdown. “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27)

God rescue and show His mercy during this difficult passage.

God secure their lives on days when they would not and could not be comforted.

God provide good and caring friends to walk in understanding, prayer and love.

God provide godly counsel and help.

God enable the body of Christ to look out for one another and extend kindness and help.

God enable the body of Christ to look out for one another and extend kindness and help. d. Financial challenges (ourselves and people whom we know): Many are bound by worries, fears, anxieties and angers. Deep set fears of the unknown, business and job uncertainties, loss of jobs and the financial drains. The impact it has brought upon their own family, their own mental health, and even their children’s well-being, education and future.

Pray that, the Almighty God who sees, the Almighty God who hears, the Almighty God who provides, the Almighty God who is with them, the Almighty God whose hands are never short to reach out to them.

Pray that, the Almighty God who does far more exceedingly than they can ever imagine or think of give sustenance and grace upon them during this challenging period, and to take them through their difficulties victoriously.

e. Kindness in our community But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law (Galatians 5:22-23)

Pray that Fairfield Methodist Church and I will be filled with, and known for our kindness and compassion.

Pray that the Holy Spirit hone you and I to grow this fruit in us until it overflows into the community around us.

Pray that the Holy Spirit prompt us with practical and sincere ways to reach out (by word and deed) and offer God’s loving kindness to those around us every moment of each day.

Pray that God give us the courage to show genuine kindness; kindness not for recognition, self- acclaim, or feeling good about it, or proud that we have done it and even expecting something in return.

Pray that our kindness be done quietly, out of love for God, in appreciation for the kindness and mercy God has shown us and poured into our own lives.

Pray that God will bridle our mouth and convict us from our bad habit of spewing unkind words and acts.

Pray that I will be humble enough to admit when I am in need, and to allow the kindness of others into my life.

Holy Spirit show us who we have been unkind to, who needs encouragement, a kind gesture, a prayer or even a helping hand. God enable us to walk in kindness with them.

f. Day to Day Life – Mundane Life “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” (Corinthians 10:31)

Pray that we be conscious of God in every small matter in our lives; and in every moment of each and every day.

Pray that we do not let each day glide past; and we just go about our normal day, and not give much thought to the God who give us the one breath to live for that day.

Praise and thank God, that “Whatever concerns us, concerns God”. Pray that God is our strength and our refuge.

Praise and thank God that He is still with us and is very interested in our day, no matter how mundane, routine and unexciting day we think it is.

Acknowledge God is in everything - Pray over the elements, meals we prepare and take and in whatever we will be doing for the day. No matter how so routine, ordinary it seems to be.

Acknowledge that God is the Lord, that I honour. “God is the Lord of my day”.

With thanksgiving, “declare God’s steadfast love in the morning, and His faithfulness by night (Psalm 92:2).

g. Elderly in our community Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you (Isaiah 46:4).

Thank and praise God for blessing us with the elderly in our community. They teach us humility, fragility of life, and the need to look to God for our very existence.

Pray that the elderly in our family, and community would be honoured and blessed until the end of their time on this earth.

Pray that even as the elderly endure bodies and minds breaking down with time, God grant them strength, hope and courage to face each day.

Pray that the elderly who are going through loneliness, know that You, Abba Father is always with them and You will never leave them nor forsake them. Pray that even in the most trying days, they remember that You are the God who made them, and You will sustain them. Deliver them from hopelessness, helplessness, uselessness, death wish, and being a burden to the family.

Pray that even as we confess that we obey and love God, our actions reciprocate it, “love in action”.

Pray that the elderly in our community are surrounded with people, family members who patiently care for and unselfishly serve them.

Pray that the facilities, social workers and care-givers offering care and assistance to the elderly in our community, will treat them with patience, precious loving care, honour, respect their dignity and not abuse or mistreat them or treat them as just another case.

Pray for the convicting power of God to come upon family, where the elderly has been ill-treated, abused and even disowned. Pray for healing and restoration to take place.


The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD makes His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26 Lord, bless Singapore with peace, prosperity and goodwill. As children of God, we desire to be a blessing to our leaders and avail ourselves in faithful service to Singapore. As citizens of Singapore, we will honour and lift up the nation of Singapore in prayer before our Abba Father. A land like an olive branch; a nation of peace, a voice of peace and a peacemaker.

Singapore within is blessed with peace in all her undertakings. Let the peace of God, clarity, wisdom, and “one heart and one mind” be upon the policy makers and strategists in this nation. In such unprecedented times as this, let unity and peace prevail in the leadership as they work together and steer the nation forward. May God grant them insight and capability to do what is required for the safety, good and well-being of this nation.

Singapore is known as a peaceful nation, with peaceable people. Singapore is blessed with the strength and testimony to be a voice of peace, and with the ability to build peaceful relationship with neighbouring countries, and even with striving nations. May those who come into contact with Singapore be blessed.

A land flowing with milk and honey with abundant opportunities for all.

May we be seen as “Singapore is big in heart.”

May God grant us His grace to touch the lives of the foreigners-migrant workers in our land. May the Gospel of Truth, and salvation come upon them and their loved ones back in their home country.

May the convicting power of the Holy Spirit reveal and deliver us from pride, superiority complex and antagonistic attitude towards them and their presence in our country. May we know that each and every one of them is precious to God. Let us be kind in our words and deeds to the foreigners in this land, and we can count it a privilege from God to bless them. Let our resources, homes and businesses impact their lives - let the Gospel of Love, Truth and Kindness be lived in and through us.

A land like a big tree, with many branches providing shelter and safety for all.

With the current situation spiralling into so many other economic and social issues causing many to be retrenched, and many families going through each day with bare necessities, marriages suffering and suicide rate getting higher, let us be spurred by God to be known as ‘a gracious and generous people’ active in good works for those in our midst. Let us arise to the clarion call, “Feed and care for the poor, the hungry, the widows and widowers and the orphans.”


"Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere."

Ephesians 6:18

6. MISSIONS Ephesians 6:18 "Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere." Ho Wen Jin Thanksgiving

Thank God for good interactions and relationship with my players in the past month. While we

have to keep to small groups, it has given us more opportunity to go into deeper conversations

with each player


Planning of camp/year-end programme for the players in December. Pray that we may be

creative as we think of ways to connect with the players during the year-end holidays and

create opportunities for sharing

Recruitment of interns for the first half of next year. We are hoping to get 10-15 young people

on their school breaks to join us for 3-6 months to be trained in football ministry and sent out

into the community

Sean Foo

Thank God for sustaining him this far in work and studies. He is starting his Masters.

Please pray that as he tries to juggle between work, studies and new lives together with his wife that the Lord will grant him strength and wisdom.

Pray also for his family to continue to be healthy and help him to build greater bond with his family.

Martin Sham

Pray that he and team will persevere through the change of seasons – getting used to a new rhythm of life with the coronavirus as they continue to persist in looking forward, trusting in the promises that God has for them.

Pray for him and family to keep a close walk with God and honour Him in all their ways.