Super online secrets

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By Ray Allen

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Super Online Secrets

Table of Contents

1. The Correct Mindset And Why You Must

Have It

2. Use Techniques and Strategies That

Really Work

3. The Importance Of Creating Your Own


4. Answering Questions Professionally

5. Master the Power of Article Marketing

6. Use Social Networks

7. The Importance Of List Building

8. Create Your Own Information Products

9. Build Solid Relationships For Long Term


10. The Power Of Joint Ventures

11. How To Leverage Other’s Efforts

For Extra Profits

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Thank you for making the time for yourself to read this book. I have to say, there are many people out there that really don’t know a lot about anything yet claim too… I am going to show you things in this book that many

people online might be afraid to tell you about…enjoy!

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Chapter 1: The Correct Mindset And Why You Must

Have It

You need skills to run and manage an online business. There's no way around that fact. So…why are these other marketers telling you that you don't need any skills? Do they know something that the rest of us don't know? Do they really have some hidden money-making secret? The answer is no. They don't know anything different than what you and I already know. You see…they are trying to sell their product, and they think that by telling you that there are no skills needed to make money, it will make you purchase their products, and the sad thing is; is that it actually works. They want you to believe that you don't need to know anything about online business in order to make money with it. They offer you some piece of software that is supposed to do everything for you, and is supposed to cure cancer

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right?? Wrong. You need skills plain and simple. What skills are needed in order to make this all work? There are a number of very important skills that are needed to insure some success.

1. You need to know how to use the Internet. You must

know how to surf the web. You also need to know how to use an email client and be able to check your email.

2. You need to know how to create your own line of

products, and you need to know some basic Internet terminology. You need to know how to type and use a computer, and you need to know how to communicate with people.

3. You need to know the basics of Internet Marketing,

how to do research, and how to set up a web site, or how to find someone who can do it for you.

4. You also need to know how to download and upload

files, how to write blog posts and handle a blogging platform and so much more. We could go on and on here, but you do get the idea.

There are numerous skills that you need to learn in order to properly run and manage a business such as how to set

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up a payment structure for your products, how to handle customers who are asking for refunds, how to handle problems with your products and so on. If you're new to Internet marketing, and you're being told that you need no skills to run an online business, then you've better not listen to that individual because he or she doesn't know at all what they're talking about. Not only does it take skills to run and manage an online business, but it also takes the right mindset too ( I can’t stress this enough). Your skills will change as technology becomes more efficient, but you have to remember that even though technology increases, the basics of running an online business still stay the same. As long as you realize that then you will be fine, but once you start to forget about the basics, and stray off into unknown territories that haven't yet been proven to work, then all bets are off. Internet marketing is all about skill, products and relationships. You need to have products, and you need to have the right skills, and most importantly, you need to begin building long lasting relationships with people. That's what will make your business successful is the combination of these things. In the next section, we're

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going to talk about building relationships with others to grow and prosper your online business.

2. Use Techniques and Strategies That Really


It is very easy to get into the trap of trying out everything that comes down the pipeline these days. It seems that no matter where you turn, someone is coming out with yet another brand new system that supposedly makes people millions online and they have proof to show you that it really does indeed work. However, what you fail to see here is that you're involved in an endless trap that gets you to spend more and more of your money, and worse, keep you distracted from really making it online with your own business. Many newbie’s fall into this trap because they're desperate to make money online and they'll try anything. However, if you're a smart marketer, you will stay away

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from all that and only use techniques, strategies and systems that have already been proven to work time and time again throughout the years. Sure it is easy to get caught up in the latest marketing fad that comes around because it is shiny and new, and according to the fancy sales copy, it has been proven to work by some slick marketer who has video proof that it does work. So what do you do then? You guessed it, you whip out your wallet, buy into the thing and before you know it, and you’ve been had. Sounds too familiar doesn't it? (trust me, I’ve done it thousands of times…yes thousands) This is the plight of so many new marketers today. They get into this wild endless trap and all their money has been spent on stuff that doesn't work, and then they end up in huge credit card and financial debt. Then, because of that debt, they're even more desperate to make money online, so they get into the trap again and buy the next shiny thing with a syndrome I call ADOSS… It means Attention Defeciate ….Ooooo Something Shiny!!!! And the then get even deeper into the hole until there's no possible way out. This sounds like a very bad dream doesn't it? Of course it

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does. However, it isn't a dream. This really happens on a daily basis with so many people online today. Well, that's where using common sense is so vitally important. Everybody has that, but many people don't use it. Many people don't use their heads because they're listening to that fancy sales letter that they're reading of how someone just made $30,000 per month, and so can you… So many people are getting into this trap while these marketers are banking hundreds and thousands of dollars into their bank accounts and laughing all the way there. The real problem here is distraction. Many people want to make money online, so they buy these products on these so-called internet marketing secrets of how they made their millions, only to leave out more than half of the techniques and strategies that you need to make it all work, and then expect you to buy their expensive courses, products, and coaching programs. However, what you need to do is to simply get back to the basics. You need to start using the things that have been proven to work in most online businesses. Start using the tools, techniques, strategies and education that has been proven to work time and time again by well-known marketers who know what they're talking about.

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What are these basics that we're speaking of here? Well, they're the same things that others claim are dead. Things like e-books, blogging, email marketing, and article writing just to name a few. None of these things are dead. People are still using them and they're getting great results from using these techniques and strategies in their businesses. If blogs are dead, then why are so many new blogs being started on a daily basis? If e-books are dead, then why is Amazon raking in millions for E-books? If article writing is dead, then why do the article sites still exist and why are people still submitting to them? Good question. Could it be that they're very much alive and doing quite well? Of course, these methods and strategies are still doing well. The reason why some marketers like to say that these techniques and strategies are dead is because they want to sell their own brand of marketing to draw you away from what really works, and get you even more frustrated and confused so that you don't make money online while they rise far above you by peddling their own “new system.” If you were really able to make boatloads of cash online, these people would be quickly put out of business. So, why is that? Well, there is a good reason for that.

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People who use the techniques, tools and strategies that have been proven to work are the successful people online. Even though you may not be making millions per month, as long as you're honest and sincere and have a good following, then you're already successful. You're successful because you have integrity, honesty and good business ethics that people can look up to and trust in. You have developed a following and a solid reputation that is sure to keep your business alive for a very long time to come. It is all due to the fact that you're u sing the techniques and strategies that will work for any online business no matter the niche. You are using the stuff that will work for years and years to come while other people are still buying into the latest Internet "system." As long as you keep using the techniques, tools and strategies that have been proven to work, then you should be fine. This doesn't mean that you will not have your share of problems because as we all know, from time to time, problems do arise, and we as business owners have to deal with them. There is a real reason why at least 95% of people online aren't making anything. It is because they're being drained dry by these so-called marketers who are peddling

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their so called “solutions” and they're being distracted from really running and managing their own online businesses that could be making them real income online. Instead, these people are following the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow only to quickly discover that there is no end of the rainbow, or pot of gold waiting for them there. Most of these online sales people don't want to keep things simple. They love to make things more complicated than what they really are. They make online marketing seem like some sort of closely guarded secret, and then they have you buy their expensive courses that are filled with module after module, and bonuses after bonuses until you end up with a lot of fluff and no real way to run and manage a business online. Use the KISS method, (Keep It Simple Stupid). There's no reason to complicate things and make them harder than what they really are. Marketing isn't always easy, but it doesn't have to be rocket science either. That is why the simpler stuff really does work. It is simple, and easy to implement into your business.

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Things like blogging, writing e-books, and writing and submitting articles all take time to do and yes, they're work, but it is work that does pay off. The problem with most people who want to make money online is that they want the fast ways to make money without having to do the work. They'd rather use some crazy software that supposedly does everything for them without lifting a finger. People today don’t want to do the hard work required to make their business profitable. Instead, they read some crazy sales letter that promises them everything under the sun, and they fall for it and then they're in debt up to their eyeballs.

3. The Importance Of Creating Your Own Blog…

The first step you need to take when marketing through the internet is to create your own blog. Many people have a blog to interact with people and potential future customers to see what's happening in their online community. You also have the option of interacting with other users and people that might eventually take an interest in

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investing in your products or services. This is really your online “hub”. You have to treat it that way. Put all your knowledge into this blog in order for all your readers to see it and then comment. You must use your blog consistently. This is the key to maintaining your audience and entertaining them. The more often you update your blog and interact with others, the better you will be at promoting your profession, selling products and services and making money. People will appreciate the unique content and the fact that you are going out of your way to educate them and keep them up to date on your progress and expansion. Your audience is going to have questions, and you need to answer them quickly in order to be credible with your audience. You must have unique content when you submit your posts as well. Remember, you must make the content of your blog very educational and unique or else people are not going to read it. A great way to do this is to have multiple videos on your blog as well. This will help keep the potential customer from looking

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elsewhere for educational and useful content. If you choose to partner up with other businesses that are similar or local, you can do so easily by asking them to place the hyperlink to your blog on their blog, as this creates something called backlinks, which promotes ones page and helps with rankings in the search engines. The great thing about blogging is that it’s FREE! The World Wide Web phenomenon has saved investors, marketers, and online marketers so much money because they have had the ability to advertise through social networks to attract others to their business page. Getting into contact with your local community before reaching out to strangers is the best way to get your business and its name out in the open. The fear of being shut down and criticized holds many back from reaching their true business potential. It also stops them from achieving the feedback they desire from their followers and potential customers. DO NOT LET THIS STOP YOU! The key in the business realm is to enhance your marketing skills by incorporating your individuality, personality and your business ethics. As you begin to market yourself through your blog you are building a solid foundation for your business.

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You should begin your work without insecurities or fears. Your confidence will help you to focus on your work and it will give you the motivation that you need. If YOU believe that your business will be successful then others will begin to believe it as well. It's a matter of perception when you participate in the online marketing area. Everything that you complete and publish should be done so by incorporating all of the available resources. If you aren't hurting anyone else in the process of doing business then what is there to fear? What you bring to the table as an individual has everything to do with your products and intentions as a business person. If your intentions are satisfactory and planned out well then you won't have any guilt when it comes to an individual attacking you for a minor slip-up. After all, we all make mistakes from time to time, no matter how honest we are. Blogging can be a really fun part of your business especially if you use it to communicate with your customer base. That is why most Internet marketers use blogs today. They wish to provide quality content, updates on

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products, and information on the latest trends in that particular industry. The ease of it all is another reason why you need to seriously think about starting a blog. You don't need to know anything about HTML, or any other web programming language. If you can fill out a form, then you can set up and manage a blog. It really is that easy to do. Anything that you can do on a traditional static web site can be done on a blog as well. Blogs can handle video, audio, downloads and more. A wide variety of fancy plug-ins are available that can further enhance the blog to do even more exciting things. Businesses that have blogs can make more money because the blog is a means by which the business owner can relate to his or her customer base by providing them with updates and relevant information on the niche topic. Plus, the blog can act as a means of allowing for the customers to communicate with the business owner too which helps to build stronger relationships.

Get Your Own Blog For $25

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4. Answering Questions Professionally

After you have created your blog, your social network and marketing videos then you will begin to see the type of questions that your readers and viewers will begin to ask you. What would you ask yourself if you knew nothing about your own product or service? The best thing for you to do is put yourself in their shoes so that you can begin to see the details that they need to know. The best way to capture their attention is by being real with your audience, without any exaggerations and letting them know the answer to their question in a step by step manner. You should ensure your audience that you want them to reach out to you and contact you for further information. On your review and comment boards make an extra effort to cater to your customers. The more reassurance they have that you rare trustworthy and know what you are doing, the more likely they are to invest in you. That will be easy to do if you are using blogs and social pages because you have the tools necessary to do so. What sets your business apart from the others and why

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should they choose you? As you are marketing yourself online you should be detailed in every question that you answer, and explain everything. When someone is more consistent when it comes to publishing then you may not be keeping your readers up to date enough to expand. Explain: What are you selling? If you were the buyer, what kind of questions would

you have? Answer their questions. Provide them with a way of contacting you for further

answers. This is your goal as a business entrepreneur, and you need to allow the customer to do so with confidence!

The more that you make yourself available to your customers, the more they will look up to you as an expert. You want to answer their questions in a professional and prompt manner. You don't want to leave them hanging, or wondering why you didn't answer their questions. If you really want to be an Internet marketer who is truly recognized, and well-respected, then you must answer the questions of your customers, subscribers, and even those who haven't bought a thing from you yet. Yes, even those who haven't yet become your customers have valuable questions that need to be answered.

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If you answer them promptly, they will begin to admire you and possibly come back to make purchases from you. Not only that, but because you had answered their questions in a timely manner and were very professional about it, they will more than likely spread your business around by word of mouth, and we all know just how powerful word of mouth advertising is for our businesses. The more that you are ready to answer questions, the more that people will look up to you. Don't be afraid to place your email address, telephone number or any other form of contact info on your site. This is very important because you want people to contact you. Don't make these hard for people to find. Put them in plain view where they can get them right away. Don't make people have to dig through your site to get your contact info because if you do, then they will not return, and your business will not grow. Make it plain that you're ready to answer any questions that people have. Also make it clear that you don't know everything, but you will answer their questions the best that you possibly can. If you spend time on the phone, make sure that you are as professional as possible, and that you make sure that

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the individual on the other end understands the answers that you give to their questions. Be as thorough as possible, and try not to use complicated language when answering their questions. Most people read and understand on a 5th to 8th grade level, so keep it that simple and you will do fine. Not all of these individuals will become your customers, but if you answer their questions properly and in a professional manner, they may send others your way that could become your customers. You see, even answering questions is a part of the business relationship building process. It may well be that the only time that you interact with a particular individual is to simply answer their questions, but even that is a relationship in itself. Do you see how crucial being professional is even when you have to answer questions is? You may get tired from answering the same questions over and over again, but remember, not everybody knows what you know, so don't assume that they do. Never ever assume that everyone in Internet marketing knows the things that you know because more than likely, they don't know what you know. So you may find yourself answering

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the same questions over and over again. Now you may think that just offering a recording of the answers is enough, but what you have to remember is that some individuals may need more extensive answers than that. In other words, they may need the answer thoroughly explained in greater detail than what you gave on the recording, if you have one. That is why it is much better to deal with people directly either through email, the phone, or whatever means you have to communicate so that you can properly answer their questions and help them to understand. That's just part of being a really smart Internet marketer.

5. Master the Power of Article Marketing

What can article marketing bring to you and your

business? A whole lot of valuable traffic, but not just any

traffic either.

We're talking about laser focused, highly targeted traffic.

We're talking about traffic that is ready to begin trusting

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in you, ready to look up to you as the expert, and ready

to buy from you.

Why is that you ask? It all begins with the articles that

you write and where you have placed them on the article

directories. When you write articles and place them into

the right categories on the article directories and then

people who are passionate about what it is that you're

offering will see them and possibly visit your site or blog

to see what it is that you are offering to them.

Article marketing is one of the most well-known Internet

marketing techniques around today. Even though some

Internet marketers would like to try and tell you that

article marketing is dead, if you have a long look at sites

like Ezine Articles, you will see that article marketing is

far from being dead and dormant.

It is still being used by today's most brilliant and

brightest Internet marketers. Why is that you ask?

It simply works. Long before video marketing and even

audio marketing really got as big as they are today,

article marketing was the number one method used to

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get traffic to your site, and believe it or not, article

marketing still has a huge presence online, and it

accounts for at least half of the traffic generated today.

That says a whole lot about this form of marketing.

Article marketing is still done by many of today's

marketers to drive highly targeted traffic to their blogs

and sites.

Here's the problem that so many people have with article

marketing. People don’t know what to write an article

about. That seems to be one of the most important

questions that people ask when confronted with the idea

of writing and submitting articles. Start writing a bit on

the niche that you're associated with. Try to give pointers

and bits of information that can lead people right down

to your resource box to click on your link to visit your site

or your offer. Articles are designed to give a bit of quality

information without spilling the entire can of beans at

one time. You give a little, and then have people click on

the link in the resource box to learn more.

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That is called driving traffic, and it works quite well,

especially if the article is written well, and the resource

box ties into the body of the article seamlessly. Writing

an article requires the most basic of computer skills, but

if done right, can not only drive hoards of highly targeted

traffic to your site, but also greatly increase your search

engine rankings by leaps and bounds. Here's how that


Let's suppose that you have submitted a few articles to

Ezine Articles. Let's say that these articles have been on

the site for a while and people are starting to take notice

of them. Then a few weeks go by and you start to notice

a spike in your search engine rankings. Why the spike?

The spike is a result of people taking your articles and

placing them onto their sites along with the resource box

that came with the article, and the more links pointing

back to your site shows Google that your site has some

importance and therefore, that's why other sites are

linking to it. The more articles that point back to your

site, the better it is for you in the long run.

Article marketing definitely has its advantages, especially

for the online business owner. The more articles that you

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produce and submit the better it is for you in the long

run. Not only are you trying to rake in high amounts of

highly targeted traffic, but you are also helping others to

provide rich content for their blogs as well. Providing rich

content and driving traffic is the name of the game here,

and it really does work. There's no doubt about it.

Did you ever stop to think how long that content stays on

the web, and how many web sites it may be on? You

need to look at the big picture because once the article

has been up on the web for a while; you will definitely

see traffic spikes, as well as sales spikes too. All of these

is a result of placing articles on article sites where people

in your niche can get them and benefit from them. This

really isn't hard to grasp. However, it does take time to

implement, but rest assured, once you get started, you

will be moving very quickly in the right direction towards

success online.

6. Use Social Networks

The outline use of social networking is extremely

advantageous to businesses, entrepreneurs and

individuals in general. These networks are often very

tight nit and bond with each other on a personable level.

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By utilizing a social network you have the capability of

introducing your product, information and service to your


The reason why a social network is so appealing is

because individuals are attracted to being together. After

you have gained friends, otherwise known as your

clientele, you are then literally connected with your

community. They will begin to see everything that you

are publishing to your page and will then likely take an

interest into what you‘re doing.

You have the opportunity to elaborate on the great

things that you have to offer and you can invite your

friends into your business community. With the network

abilities that are available, your friends have the option

of accepting or denying your invitations. This will give

you an idea of who is really interested in doing business

with you and who is not.

As you share your feelings and ideas with others you are

gaining ties with your friends who will appreciate you’re

reaching out to them, and some will not. The idea that

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you can connect with individuals on an intimate level is

very appealing; which is why social networking is

controlling the internet activity of many.

Social networking is free of cost and you have the ability

of joining into groups that revolve around the same

business that you do. Create your page, add friends and

after you have incorporated your community into your

business you can begin marketing. The advantage in a

social network is that the activity that you produce will

show up on your friends’ home pages. They cannot miss

what you are publishing and the comments that you are

making. This can be a good or bad thing. Always

remember, you are representing your company and

product at all times.

• Create a Group Page for your business (facebook).

• Describe your business in detail.

• Incorporate “appeal” by creating an offer of value.

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• Add friends and get in touch with your online or local


•Add group pages which are similar to yours. This will

allow you to speculate your competition, or partner up

with a business page that is similar to your own.

• Advertise yourself using pictures, videos, articles and


• Interact with other users and contact them using

personal messages.

•Social media can be a really great avenue by which you

get with clients and customers, plus build long lasting

relationships with your existing customers. This is why so

many people are attracted to social media because it is a

way to connect, communicate and exchange ideas. Social

networking has revolutionized the way that business is

done online these days.

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•Many of the social networking sites such as Facebook

and Twitter allow for the user to connect with literally

thousands of potential prospects and clients. This greater

enhances the online business experience because instead

of spamming everyone with unwanted email messages,

you can find these people through the social networking

sites and communicate with them through your posts

that you place on these sites.

•Because of sites like Facebook and Twitter, many of

today's online businesses have grown quite considerably.

The owners of these businesses have larger lists, they

make more money, and they build many relationships all

because of social sites like these. Not only that, but since

advertising costs are through the roof in most cases,

using social media just makes practical sense in the mind

of the business owner who is keen on saving a buck or

two in advertising costs.

•So as you can see here, social media provides you with

a virtually unlimited potential to reach literally hundreds

of thousands of new prospects, clients and customers,

and if that's not enough, there are new social media sites

popping up onto the Internet all of the time that give the

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online business owner even more tools to use to promote

his or her online business.

7. The Importance Of List Building

Another great way of ensuring success as an internet

marketer is to make sure you build a list of customers

that are not only happy to buy from you, but look

forward to your emails.

If you have been online for any amount of time, then you

will have heard the old saying that the money is in the

list, although I prefer this old proverb.

“Give a man a fish, he will eat, teach a man to fish, and

he will eat for a lifetime.”

In other words, a list that you have taken the time to

build, and more importantly, develop a relationship with

will not only feed you once, but for however long you

remain an internet marketer.

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So what are the basics of building a list? There is no right

or wrong way to go about building a list, other than to be

careful that you do not send unsolicited (SPAM) emails to

your potential clients as that will get your email account


So, first of all invest in an autoresponder. Now an

autoresponder for those unfamiliar with this term, is

simply a way of storing your list of subscribers and then

sending them emails with great free content, and

occasionally commercial emails that they will hopefully

buy from you.

For a good autoresponder, follow the chapter in my

recommended resources in a later chapter.

So, first of all, you must setup a email capture page that

has a link to your email address so they can join your list,

and then ensure you have a domain name and a hosting

account to store this on.

Then simply send people to this gift, and when they sign

up for your gift, they become your subscriber.

There are many great ways to start building your list,

some are free, and some you need to pay for.

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However, I always recommend that you buy some solo

ads, to drive people to your offer.

A solo ad, is simply your email that you give to a person

that guarantees to send you clicks (people) to view your


A quick word of warning though, before you buy a solo

as from anyone, check out there testimonials, and try

and contact the satisfied clients they show.

If the person you are buying from is not willing to allow

you to contact their happy clients, then do not do

business with them.

Also, once you have some people on your list, you can

then turbo charge your list building efforts with adswaps.

An adswap is a free way of growing your list. All you do

is contact another marketer with a list in the same

marketplace, and swap a guaranteed number clicks

(people) to each other’s offer.

So now we have covered the basics of list building, let’s

move on.

To get the best autoresponder on the internet,

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Go here >

8. Create Your Own Information Products

While affiliate products are good to sell, it is still best to

have your own line of information products. Why is that?

Having your own line of high-quality information products

means that you become the expert in your business and

you become the one to whom people will go to for advice

and information about a particular topic, or niche. This is

important because people who sell their own products

make the most money in the end.

Affiliate marketing is also great, and you can make pretty

good money with affiliate programs, but owning your own

products and selling them along with the affiliate products

just adds yet another stream of income to your already

expanding business model.

The more products that you have of your own under your

belt, the better off you will be in the end. That way, if the

affiliate program quits working, or the owner of the

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affiliated product decides to pull the product from the

market, you still have your own products to fall back on.

There's nothing worse than to give those on your list an

affiliate link only to quickly discover that the link is no

longer valid. Dead links can really look bad on you and

your business. That's why selling your own products that

have live links to them are really the best way to go. While

this book isn't specifically about creating your own

information products, what we will discuss here in this

chapter are some of the many different types of

information products that you can create to sell online.

E-books are one of the most well-known types of

information products available today. The mere mention

of the words, info product automatically conjures up e-

books. That's because e-books have been around the

longest, and they're the format of information products

that most people are most familiar with. There are other

types of information products that people sell online as


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Today, video is one of the hottest forms of information

products around. Audio ranks second and then there are

of course e-books with the rise of Kindle. A few years back

companies tried to release e-readers to the public, but the

timing wasn't right for it. Formatting had to be

established, and a generalized standard had to be

recognized before these companies could release an e-


At that time, e-books had too many security features

which made them act more like Fort Knocks rather than

user-friendly products. PDF files weren't yet invented. It

wasn't until Adobe had developed the PDF file format that

e-book authorship really took off. After the invention of

the PDF file format, e-books once again, had a second

chance at reaching the world, and this time, they did do

so in a hugely successful way.

Before the newer e-readers came onto the scene, PDF

style e-books were actually being sold online by thousands

of Internet marketers and authors. It was at this time that

the new e-book revolution had finally begun. There are

now new e-reading devices, and due to the development

of the Kindle e-reader, e-book sales have more than

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tripled within the past couple of years. A matter of fact, e-

books have actually surpassed print books by leaps and

bounds, so don't let anybody tell you that e-books are


Even in light of in-demand video presentation, e-books are

still selling like gangbusters! Just look around because

people are reading e-books on their Kindles, Blackberries,

I-phones, and other smart phones and reading devices.

More of these devices are getting prepared to come onto

the scene with more exciting features that are sure to

totally blow you away!

While e-books are taking off well, so are videos. Mobile

devices now account for at least half of the Internet

access today thanks to smart phones, tablet computers

and other devices made to go online portably. Who would

have ever thought that a cell phone would be getting onto

the Internet? Back when cell phones first started, the

Internet was just being born, and nobody knew what the

very near future would be bringing them. Nobody had

even the slightest clue that the cell phone would become

a device that you could send texts on, watch videos, read

e-books, make phone calls and much more.

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Look at what we now have today, and you can see this

brand new revolution taking place right in front of your

eyes. It is not a new Internet, but a new way of accessing

it. The internet is still the same, but there are new and

innovative ways that people access it, and that's where

information products can really take off. With today's

smart phones and other Internet devices, people can

watch videos, listen to audios and even read e-books

which make mobile computing the hottest market for

information products right now.

This is where you come in because developing your own

line of information products that can reach a mobile

market, as well as the traditional Internet market is

exactly what you need.

If you can develop your own line of high-quality, and in-

demand products that can sell on both mobile and

traditional Internet platforms, then you have it made.

Because of the mobile market, information products have

really taken off, and there are even more product

launches because of the mobile market.

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Even if you don't target the mobile market, you can still

rake in the dough with information products because

information products of all sorts are in high demand these

days, especially ones that cover niches like weight loss,

handling debt and even how to make money online. There

are also sub niches that are just as good as the main ones

are, and it is these niches that you need to be targeting

and making money from. Sure you can sell affiliate

products in these niches too, but wouldn't it be great if

you had your own product that you could sell and keep

100% of the profits from, rather than just 50 or 75% of

the profits? Just think about it for a moment, having your

own line of hot, in-demand information products that you

sell day in and day out and keep 100% of the profits.

Doesn't that sound like something that you want?

When you develop your own information products, you're

in full control over every aspect of the product's

development, and that includes the pricing of that product

as well. You have full control over what goes into the

product, and what doesn't go into it. It doesn't matter

what niche you're involved in.

All niches can have their own information products that

can be sold to a target audience that is ready to buy, and

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that's key to a successful information product sale is that

it reaches the intended target audience by which it was

meant for.

Whether you're a natural writer or speaker, it really

doesn't matter. Even if you're not any of these, you can

still create hot, in-demand information products

professionally and flawlessly. There are ways that you

can take advantage of that will help you to craft a quality

information product, even if you don't have the expertise

to actually create that product. You have no excuse as to

why you're not creating and selling your own line of

information products.

You need quality information products if you really want to

make money in your business. You can use affiliate

programs as a supplement to your income with

information products that you create and you will then

have multiple streams of income which many Internet

marketers talk about in their courses and training sessions

with their students. Having multiple streams of income is

the key to making the big bucks online. It is what most

Internet marketers try to get their students to really grasp

the power of this because there is money to be made in

multiplication, plain and simple.

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Most people have trouble creating their own information

products. They get scared of the whole idea of having to

create their own products. Here's no need to freeze up

and get scared of creating information products because it

can actually be quite easy to do, as well as a whole lot of


While it can be easy, rest assured that there is a whole lot

of work involved to create a winning information product

that will sell.

Depending upon the type of information product that you

create will also determine the amount of work that needs

to be done to insure the release of the final product. If

you're creating an e-book, then you need to do things like

research, e-book formatting, placing the e-book into the

final file format and much more.

If you're creating a video, then you will still need to do the

research, but there is extra work involved because you

want the video to be of the highest quality possible. You

will want to have a good video camera, you will need to

upload the video onto YouTube or your site, and then you

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need to get out there and heavily promote the video and

so on. The same can be said for e-books, audios, and any

other types of information products not mentioned here.

It takes time to create a winning information product. No

good product is put together in a huge hurry. Most all

really good Internet marketers spend lots and lots of time

crafting their information products because they want to

insure that they really sell well. They may work with

others to create the product. They have to get writers,

graphics designers, video technicians, audio technicians,

and other people just to launch a new product. However,

if the marketer is creating the product themselves, then

they may find themselves doing a lot of work that may

take longer to do. Nevertheless, they will come out with a

winning information product that is solid and has the

information that their customers have requested for them

to provide.

You will be selling something whether it is a video, audio,

service or e-book. After all, you're doing this to make an

income. If you do your very best at it, you will have a far

greater chance of succeeding. Targeting your niche,

coming up with the right product for that niche is only half

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of the story. You need to relentlessly promote your


The only way that you're going to get the word out about

your new products and services is to simply get out there

and promote them, plain and simple. You need to get the

word out about your new products so that people will

know about them and come and purchase them.

You can use other people to help you in the promotion of

your products such as other Internet marketers, or you

can promote your products yourself, but whatever way

that you choose to use to get the word out about your

products, stick with it, and you will see results. You can

use a combination of methods and that too is even better.

The more ways that you promote your products, the

better it is for you and your bottom line.

There are many ways which you can get the word out

about your products. You can use articles, free reports,

commenting on other people's blogs that directly relate to

your niche, use Facebook, Twitter and other media

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sources. All of which will help you to become profitable in

the end.

If you have a really great product and you want to make

money with it, and you deserve to make money with it

plain and simple. That is why it is so important that you

roll up your sleeves, and do what you need to do to get

the word out. It isn't going to happen by itself. That's

where much of your work will come in. This business isn't

run on autopilot like a lot of people dream it to be.

If a plane has autopilot, then why are there still human

pilots in the cockpit? If the plain were really truly

autopilot, then there would be no need for human pilots

and the plane could just fly itself from one destination to

another with no problems whatsoever right?

The reason why there are still pilots in the cockpit is

because there are some things that the autopilot can't do,

and therefore, humans are needed to make it all work like

it is supposed to work.

Well, the same can be said about online business. There

are parts of the business that can be set on autopilot, but

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not every aspect of it can. There are no machines that can

write the e-books, reports and articles for you, and there

are no machines that can submit the articles, upload files

and manage web sites for you. All of that needs a human

presence. Parts of the business can be set on autopilot

such as automatic blog posting, accepting online

payments and so on, but it still takes the presence of

someone who knows what they're doing to make it all

work like it should, and that individual is you.

Whether you're selling information products, running a

membership site or whatever, it still takes an individual to

oversee it all and to make it work. Therefore, that

individual needs skills and abilities to do what needs to be

done, and that leads us into the next section which will be

on having the right skills to run and manage your online


9. Build Solid Relationships For Long Term


This business requires the development of strong

relationships with your customer base. You need to not

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just try and sell to these people, but you need to

constantly provide them with unique content that they can

really sink their teeth into and get something out of. The

problem with so many of today's marketers is that they're

too busy trying to sell something all of the time and they

miss out on the relationship-building process which is an

all too important step in this business. People who forget

to build long lasting relationships are people who won't

last very long online. Today's marketers focus too much

on the selling process. They send out emails filled with

affiliate links, and spend very little time really

communicating with their customer base trying to find out

what it is that they really want and need.

It is not just finding out what they want and need that is

the most important, but adding small talk, and general

conversation is perhaps one of the most important

relationship-building steps that any marketer can take.

Wouldn't it be more interesting to open an email filled

with not only rich content, but interesting talk and general

conversation from your favorite marketer? Of course it


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Marketers who provide their customers with not only rich

content that they can easily consume, but also strive to

have a conversation with their customers are marketers

that are the most successful. The reason for this is really

simple. It is because people love general conversation,

and that coming from a marketer really says something

about that marketer.

Marketers who really care about their customers are

marketers who succeed the most because they're not just

selling to them. They become their customer's friends, and

they're willing to help their customers out whenever the

help is needed. By offering generalized conversation in

their communications with their customers gives the

customers a sense of feeling like they're a part of

something valuable. The customers feel more comfortable

with the marketer and they're more likely to visit their

blogs and web sites and make purchases from them based

upon their high level of trust that they had placed into

that particular marketer.

Communications with your customers helps to build a solid

rapport, as well as long-lasting trust between you and

your customers. However, if you keep promoting product

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after product to them, and don't communicate with them

on a more generalized level, then you will quickly discover

that you're losing customers instead of keeping them. This

is definitely not what you want or need in your online

business because you have spent a lot of time working on

the business and building it up to what it is right now.

Therefore, you don't want to ruin any chances at building

a solid, long-lasting business with a solid customer base

that follows you and your every move.

How do you begin to build that solid relationship that you

need with your customers? You need to spend time talking

to your customers, finding out what it is that they're

interested in and what they would like for you to sell in

your business. Then spend time just talking to them about

generalized stuff such as the weather, hobbies and

anything else that isn't really related to marketing or

selling online. If you do this, then you will keep your

customers coming back for more.

Try to mix in a bit of humor in your email messages, as

well as facts and figures. Doing this will keep your

customers opening up your emails because they're not

only getting quality information that they can use, but

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they're also receiving things that will brighten their days,

keep them laughing and much more. Should you put all

the fun stuff first, or save it until later? Well, that is really

up to you. There's no rule saying that you have to place

things in a particular order inside your email messages to

your customers.

Just make sure that you provide the reader with quality

information that they can use, as well as providing things

that they can think about and brighten their day with. If

you do that, then you will be someone that they look up

to and respect. The more that you provide contact with

your customers, the better it is for you and your business.

Your customers do want to hear from you. They want to

know what you're up to. They want to know about new

projects and developments as well as what is going on in

your personal life.

This doesn't mean that you need to give out personal

information here, but what it does mean is that you share

some of your life's most interesting moments such as

having a new baby, spending time with grandchildren,

fishing, hunting, or whatever it is that you may do in your

spare time.

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This shows the human side of you and it makes your

customers feel that you're no different from them.

Offering a bit of general conversation inside your

communications with your customers puts that all too

important human touch that your customers all want and

need from you. The same can be done with your blog and

your web site, especially on sales copy. Why? If you add a

bit of humor and general conversation on these places,

you will also attract new customers and subscribers as

well. Just keep it up even after they see these things on

your site and you'll do well.

10.The Power Of Joint Ventures

After you have created your social network pages then

you can find other ways to begin marketing your brand

and your blog. The key to advertising yourself the right

way is by interacting with individuals and other

businesses. Don’t be afraid to get into contact with

someone of a greater profession. You don’t only have to

stick to the people that you know and that are “safe.” At

times small marketing skills will get you somewhere, but

then you will only grow so much. You have to use

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marketing everyday as a way to continue to build


Have you thought of looking into sponsors for your

business? Look at what you want to achieve and then

map out what you have to offer in a possible business

partnership. Look into individuals willing to donate money

or be a member of your organization for a small

organizational fee. With this small amount of cash you

can reach out to the public through different means of

marketing and have a little money for marketing.

As you gain memberships and a clientele from your

products and your website, you then begin to offer deals

and discounts for people who have supported you from

the beginning. This will gain appreciation and respect

from your supporters, and this will cause them to say

good things about your service, and hopefully buy your

products in the future.

There are opportunities for you to “co-brand or joint

venture partner” with someone else when an important

event is coming up. By adding your name into an event

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that a separate business is putting on, you will publicize

your name and your logo design. There are many ways

you can get your logo done at a very economical price.

Remember, you have to invest your money and sacrifice

something to gain! If you take a look at the industry, it’s

very rare that you see a company that hasn’t used a

business or joint venture partnership to their own


By asking someone to help you advertise your business

you will gain a competitive advantage over your

competition. Before you do this make sure that the role

of the partnership is clear and written out if necessary.

You both should have a mutual understanding of how

you are going to help each other out and your business

relationship. You never know- the business that you

partner up with may give you pointers and resources to

help better your marketing strategies. This is the

quickest and most efficient way to speed things up! This

strategy can eliminate insecurities that you may have and

may even open up an opportunity with a permanent

business partnership.

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Joint ventures are great ways to make lots of money, but

both parties involved must be in agreement with one

another first before any work can begin on any projects.

You should lay everything out on the table prior to

making any final agreements.

Partnering up with someone else can not only be

profitable, but as far as relationship-building goes, it

could be very beneficial to you and your business in the

future. The reason for this is because if you partner up

with the right individual, they may have a huge list of

customers and prospects that you can also tap into to

make even more money with and build additional great

relationships with. You will be building a very profitable

business built on trust, friendship and quality products

and services.

It is good if you’re able to JV with someone else because

that will also help you to build your brand, get your

products out there in the open, plus spread the word out

about you and your business. The more JV partners that

you have solid relationships with, the more money you

will be making, the more relationships you will be

building and more.

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Just make sure though, that you partner with someone

who has a strong working knowledge about your niche

because you don't want to partner with someone that

doesn't really know anything about the niche. This is

crucial because partnering up with the right person can

be extremely beneficial later on.

Landing a joint venture deal isn't always that easy to do.

The reason is because marketers are quite busy and they

only want to work with serious-minded individuals who

don't fool around, or that are just dabbling in Internet

marketing. Be prepared for a lot of rejections in your

inbox when y you’re first starting out because if you're

new, more than likely, not very many people will want to

do a JV deal with you.

It has nothing to do with you, but it has everything to do

with your online experience an online knowledge. Don't

think that people don't like you or what you're offering

because you're getting all these rejections. It is normal to

get these from time to time. Even well-seasoned

marketers who have been in business for years still get

rejections from time to time. Don't let that frustrate you

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and cause you to throw in the towel. Just keep pushing

forward towards your goals.

Once you land that joint venture partner, treat them like

pure gold because in your eyes, they are as good as pure

gold. These joint venture partners can be a real positive

asset to your business and to your bottom line. You will

also be the same to them. After all, this is a partnership

and both parties should benefit from the partnership.

This should be a long-lasting partnership where you and

the other person, or people involved create products,

render services and much more to establish yourselves

as experts in your fields.

12. How To Leverage Other’s

Efforts For Extra Profits

It is one thing to do many of these things that we have

discussed in this book yourself, but what if you could

leverage this by simply having others do some of the work

for you? Leveraging the power of others is almost

automatic. The reason is because other people will pick up

your articles and place them onto their blogs and web

56 Copyright 2013 Super Online Secrets |

sites, which is something that you don't do yourself. That's

why article marketing is so very powerful.

There are other things that you can do to leverage the

power of others by simply instructing people to give things

away for you to help to spread the word about your

business and so much more. Viral marketing is one of

these leveraging tools that many Internet marketers use

in their businesses to gain traffic, subscribers as well as

additional customers. Viral marketing has been around a

while and it involves the transferring of information by

using others to simply pass it around free of charge. Think

of how YouTube works, many videos on that site go viral,

and once they do, you find that many people are flocking

to those videos to watch them. Once something goes

viral, it pretty much is unstoppable. That is what makes

viral marketing such a powerful tool in one's arsenal of

marketing techniques and strategies. This is a technique

that you will want to use in your business whenever it is


Think of affiliate marketing and how it works. If you have

your own affiliate program, then you have an army of

individuals who are promoting your products and services

57 Copyright 2013 Super Online Secrets |

for you right? Sites like ClickBank have an awesome

affiliate program which allows for people to join up for

free and promote any number of information and software

products that they have.

The really cool thing about ClickBank is that their affiliate

program is easy to use and you don't have to worry about

getting paid because ClickBank handles all payments to

the affiliates. Just like traditional viral marketing, the

affiliates of ClickBank products just keep right on growing.

The sheer number of individuals promoting the products

helps to increase the bottom line. It is what determines

your overall success and stability online as a business

owner. However, money isn't the only thing that keeps the

business alive because you have to remember all those

individuals who are a part of spreading the word about

your products and services, whether it is through an

affiliate program, or through traditional viral marketing

techniques and strategies. These people do matter and

they're a valuable part of your success online. Without

them and their leverage, you wouldn't be as successful as

you may be right now.

Well, I hope this book gave you some clues, helpful hints,

and a basic knowledge on internet marketing and ways to

58 Copyright 2013 Super Online Secrets |

use things online to your advantage. To check out my blog

and contact me, you can go to

Here’s to your continued success!

Sincerely Yours,

Ray Allen

Recommended Resources

Get Your Own Blog For $25


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