Superintendents and the Role of Technology

Post on 11-May-2015

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November 3, 2012 presentation to the Supervisory Officer Qualification program (SOQP). Focus on how Superintendents use technology in their jobs.


Learning in the 21st CenturyThe Role of the Superintendent

T. D’Amico

BREAKING NEWSBREAKING NEWSSuperintendents Win the Lottery!

Time to Create a Team

Pick a Role

5 Superintendents - Portfolios

1.Superintendent of Planning and Facilities

2.Superintendent of Student Services

3.Superintendent of Student Success

4.Superintendent of Learning Technologies

5.Superintendent of Continuing and Community Education

How will you use technology in your role?

What tasks and responsibilities do you have related to teaching and learning in the 21st Century?

My Responsibilities

Family of Schools


Networks / Projects



What skills do you need?

National Educational Technology Standards for


Institute for Education Leadership

Presentation SkillsYou will be doing presentations…

Click to view video

Leadership & RelationshipsLeadership & RelationshipsTechnology is not the

Key to success

Technology is not the

Key to success

A new SO’s JourneyA new SO’s Journey

Where to start?

Systemic Review in 2010

The world has changed and there is no turning back

Looking Back… 3 years ago



Information Technology Silo

Overhead projectors – minimal LCDs

Small number of Interactive Whiteboards – various brands

Desktop computer in each class

Some wireless spots in some classes

Lock down philosophy (Filter/Block)

No central repository for information

Slow and unreliable network

No help desk or tracking of issues

Students with special needs – withdrawn to use locked down laptops

Information Technology Silo

Look how far we’ve come!Look how far we’ve come!


we go next?

21st CenturyLearningSchoolBoard

21st Century Learning


Board PrioritiesBoard Priorities

Learning goes beyond the classroom

Learning goes beyond the classroom

• No matter how much equipment a school or classroom has, unless the educators are well prepared,

confident, and have had the chance to practice, little will

change in the classroom

Pg. 107

Students are the focusStudents are the focus

• Focus Groups• Work with Partners• Environmental scan• Inter-departmental

Infrastructure StabilityInfrastructure Stability

• Where



• Network Stability

• Increased Bandwidth

• Enterprise Wireless

• Bring Your Own Device

• Support to VPs and Ps

• Parent Presentations

• Information to Trustees (WiFi research summary)

Flexible Implementation

Wireless / BYOD SnapshotWireless / BYOD Snapshot

• Where



Wireless Device Count

Device Type 29-May-11 16-Dec-11 25-May-12 iPod 4457 4213 4695 Laptop - Board 3610 4186 3573

Iphone 1571 2394 2898 Netbook 1630 Android 888 1413 Blackberry 821 941 1107 iPad 120 390 834 Laptop - User 915 634 Phone 67 68 Macbook 65 Others 429 26 71 Total 11008 14020 16988

Older Schools / Re-toolOlder Schools / Re-tool

• Where



• Laptops / SmartBoards / LCD projectors

• Link to Numeracy and Literacy - goals

• 21st Century Learning contest and pilot projects

• Innovation fund

• Digital resources budget (2 year cycle review)

• Learning Commons transformation

Leadership and Capacity BuildingLeadership and Capacity Building

• Where



• Senior Leadership Team use of Technology

•Google Docs – collaborate on Board Improvement Plan

• 21st Century Learning - Journey to Leadership

• Board-wide 21st Century Learning PD day focus

• Variety of training and in- service opportunities – respect generation differences

• Director’s System Address

Networking and Social MediaNetworking and Social Media

Expand your professional learning network

• Twitter• Google Alerts (scan your environment)• Global Networks (• Connected Learning Networks

– Example ScoopIT

• Look for time savers– Teleconference vs travel to Toronto– Video conference options

Networking and Social MediaNetworking and Social Media

Expand your professional learning network

• Twitter

• Global Networks (Edweb)

• Connected Learning Networks

• *School

Be YourselfThe role changes but the person shouldn’t

Leading ChangeLeading Change

• Empowerment

• Relationship Building

• Facilitating and Coordinating

• Developing Others (Priorities and Focus)

• Strategic Planning and sharing the vision

• Positional Power (be aware of it at all times)

• Tough Decision and Honest Feedback

• Students as the focus for decisions

Look into the future… and make it happen