Survey Analysis

Post on 11-Mar-2016

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Survey Analysis


Survey Analysis.

This question has shown me that mostly females have taken this survey. I am going to have to try to make my magazine as much for males as for females.

Most of the people that have taken this survey are between the ages 15 and17, some of the people are between the ages 18 and 20. No-one over the age of 20 have taken this survey. This is good as I was hoping to base my magazine on teenagers rather than an older audience.

This question is useful as it shows me what attracts people to a magazine which they are going to read. I have found that most people like to see a strong front cover, and they also like an exclusive article with an artist. Most people like to see lots of favourite artists on the front, and they also like gig information and interviews to be featured in the magazine. For a lot of people, free CD’s are more attractive that free posters. I am happy with this result, as I wanted to make the front cover as strong as I possibly could.

Over 50% of people who took this survey go to a gig 2 or more times a year. This shows me that gig information would be a good thing to feature in my magazine or on my front cover.

Over half the people who done this survey prefer R&B music, and just under 50% of people like rock. Hip Hop is the least popular; therefore it shows me that I won’t need to include much of that in my magazine. I am happy with these results, as I wanted to include rock in my magazine, I will also think about including R&B as this was the most popular.

Six people have said that they read or would read Kerrang magazine, and some people have said NME. This shows me that I can get some ideas from these magazines to help me with mine.

This shows me that the majority of people prefer magazines which are image led. This has helped me as I now know not to put too much text in my magazine, and maybe include more images. I

originally had wanted to use more text as I thought it would be better, although now I have seem the results, I will be including more images.

This shows me that I shouldn’t put too much information on the front cover, as my survey has shown they don’t like this. I need to make it informative through pictures and as little text as possible. I had wanted to make it more informative, with hierarchy of text, although now I think I will have to try to make the pictures stand out and say what I had originally wanted to put in text.

The majority of people enjoy doing competitions, therefore I will have to try include competitions in my magazine, and also, as 84% of people have said they like them, I will also try and put a flash or something to show that there will be competitions inside the magazine. I am pleased with this as I had wanted to include competitions in my magazine as I personally also find them fun.

This shows me that most people like to have Discount Vouchers in the magazine, which I now know that I will try to include. As such a high amount of people chose this; I will include it on the front cover. Also, free CD’s and posters are quite popular, so I will try to include those also. Badges/Stickers aren’t that popular, therefore I won’t be including them.