SV3® Secure Vehicle, Visitor, and Vendor · 2017-10-13 · Adding New Vendors ... The Secure...

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SV3® Secure Vehicle, Visitor, and Vendor Tenant User Manual

Updated 10.13.17


Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3

Navigation and Page Layout ........................................................................................................................................... 3

Activate Your Account ........................................................................................................................................................ 4

Setting an Initial Account Password ............................................................................................................................... 4

Sign In ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4

Tenant Groups .................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Delivery Scheduling ........................................................................................................................................................ 5

Schedule Delivery ....................................................................................................................................................... 5

Delivery Scheduling Page ............................................................................................................................................ 6

Adding New Vendors .................................................................................................................................................. 6

Manage Contacts When Scheduling a Delivery .......................................................................................................... 8

Cancel a Delivery......................................................................................................................................................... 9

Renew Recurring Deliveries ........................................................................................................................................ 9

Delivery Notifications ............................................................................................................................................... 10

Watch List ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Admin Approval Process ............................................................................................................................................... 11

User Account Responsibilities ...................................................................................................................................... 11

Certificate of Insurance -COI ......................................................................................................................................... 12



The Secure Vehicle, Visitor, and Vendor (SV3®) Software enables vehicles to gain access to the Hudson Yards Campus.

This manual is designed to help you understand and use the system. All of the features and functions of SV3®

Software can be found at:

Navigation and Page Layout Instructions throughout this document refer to clicking on links in the Main Navigation and Top Navigation bar. The

Main Navigation refers to the left-side panel of the page, which contains a list of primary features available to a user

of the system.

The Top Navigation refers to the menu bar at the top of every page.

See the diagram below.


Activate Your Account New users receive an email from with a link to activate their account. Open the email and click on the Activate link. Your web browser (operates best in Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer 11) will open to the activation page, where you will be prompted to set a password for your account. In some cases the invitation email may be blocked and in your spam folder. Please check your spam folder if the invitation email is missing from your inbox. The invitation email can be resent if necessary. Email the help desk and they will resend your invitation

Setting an Initial Account Password Once you click the Activate link in the account activation email, a web browser will open and you will be prompted to set a password for your account. Passwords must be at least 8 characters long, contain capital and lower-case letters, and at least one number and symbol. Enter your chosen password into the Password field, then enter it again into the Confirm new password field and click Save.

Sign In In a web browser:

1. Go to 2. Enter your account email address. 3. Enter your password. 4. Click Sign In.

When you sign into the system, it will provide you access to features, functions and information relevant to your role.

Stakeholders (Building Operators), tenants, and vehicle operators have unique set of functions and features within

the system.


Tenant Groups

Delivery Scheduling This section describes how to schedule a delivery.

Schedule Delivery 1. Click Calendar or Delivery tab on the

main navigation. The delivery calendar will appear.

2. Click on the Schedule New Delivery link located at top right of the screen.


Delivery Scheduling Page 3. Select tenant contact from the

dropdown list. This will be the person responsible for receiving the delivery.

4. Select the vendor from the dropdown list. Type in part of the vendor name to quickly find the vendor you are looking for. If vendor is not in that list click Search Vendor List and search for the vendor in Global Vendor List (see pg8, finding existing vendor).

5. Select the tab for the type of delivery schedule required: recurring for a regularly scheduled delivery, one-time for a single entry authorization, or round-trip for a pickup and drop-off.

6. Select Start Date and End Date on calendar.

7. Check off corresponding days (recurring only).

8. Select a time slot to reserve the loading dock for delivery.

9. Add any notes (optional). 10. Enter notification emails (see page 10). 11. Click Save.

You will be brought to a delivery confirmation page which allows you to edit or remove occurrences and notifications. Here you can see the approval progress: Green- approved. When whole bar is green schedule is approved. Yellow-pending approval. Grey- next in progress for approval.

Adding New Vendors Occasionally you may need to schedule a delivery for a vendor who is not on your list of regular vendors. Adding a

new vendor to the list can be done while scheduling a delivery by clicking on the link to Search Vendor List under the

vendors drop down tab. There are two ways a vendor can be added to your list:

1. Go to Delivery Scheduling page.

2. Select Search Vendor List.

3. Search tab allows you to search for a vendor who is already enrolled.

4. Request Vendor tab allows the addition of a new vendor.


Find Existing Vendor-Search Tab All vendors enrolled will be listed in the Campus vendor list. When adding a new vendor, first search for the vendor by name.

1. From the schedule delivery form, click the link Search Vendor List located under vendor dropdown tab.

2. Type the name of the vendor in the search and see the results populate.

3. Click on the vendor name to add the vendor to your list and continue scheduling.

Request New Vendor-Request Tab If the vendor cannot be found in the global vendor list, you may add them by filling out the Request Vendor form.

1. Click on the Request Vendor tab. 2. Fill in the Vendor Information and the company

federal tax ID number (EIN) unless the company is a sole-proprietorship. This number will be used to help prevent the addition of duplicate vendors.

3. Fill in the Address for the company. 4. Specify the name, phone number, and email

address for your primary point of contact. As the vendor’s primary point of contact, this person will be asked to enroll the vendor company and specify the vehicles and drivers authorized to perform deliveries.

5. Click Submit.


Managing your vendor contacts while scheduling delivery When scheduling a delivery select the vendor from the dropdown. Then to add a contact email click on Manage Vendor Contacts under the vendor dropdown. Enter the name and email of the person to receive notifications and check of the notification box and click Save.

Manage Contacts When Scheduling a Delivery Add vendor email to receive notifications for delivery.

1. First select the vendor. 2. Click Manage Vendor Contact. 3. Enter the contact information for notification.

Check off who will receive delivery notifications.


Manage Contacts from Your Vendor List

1. Click Vendors tab on main navigation. 2. Click Manage next the desired vendor name and you will be brought to their profile page. 3. Click the Contacts link on the right then enter the email and name of your vendor contact and make sure

the notification check box is selected. 4. Click Save.

Cancel a Delivery Cancel a scheduled delivery from the Calendar tab.

1. Select the scheduled delivery from the Calendar.

2. Click the Cancel button next to the occurrence or cancel the whole delivery.

The canceled delivery will turn red on your calendar.

Renew Recurring Deliveries 1. You will receive emails 10 days, 4 days,

and 1 day before delivery expires. 2. To renew your delivery click the Deliveries

tab to the left then click the Recurring list button top right of delivery page.

3. Search for delivery by vendor or click the default filters i.e. Expired, Ending Soon.

4. To renew the delivery select the box to the right of that delivery.


Renewed- Delivery has been renewed and created a new recurring delivery ID.

N/A -Delivery is renewed. No action needed.

Check box- Able to renew the delivery.


Delivery Notifications 1. Contact emails are added by default. 2. Notification events (Scheduled, Arrived,

Checked In, Checked Out, Changed, and Cancelled) are all checked by default.

3. Remove a notification event by unchecking the box.

4. Add email notification by clicking Add contact and checking off desired notifications.

5. Remove contact by clicking Delete at end of row.

6. Click Save when done configuring notifications.


Watch List View facility watch list by clicking on the Watch List tab along main navigation. Here you can view watch lists based on Vehicle, Vendor, Driver or type of vehicle. Select the watch list name to view the list. You can click the Request Change link to request the removal or addition an item to the list. If approved the request will be completed. From the drop down select Add or Remove. Then enter the plate information if vehicle request and add notes if necessary. Click Add. This request will go to the campus admin for review.

Admin Approval Process Tenant Group Admin approves/denies new Delivery, Vehicle, Driver, Vendor, and User requests from lower level users in the group. An email notification will be sent upon approval or denial.

User Account Responsibilities PERMISSONS TAB

Admin- Filled-in Gold Star. Only need Stakeholder approval for requests.


Add/Remove Users- Permission to manage user accounts for this group. Basic User- Both Stars are hollow Can create deliveries but need admin approval before it is sent to Stakeholder.

Certificate of Insurance -COI Building Managers, vendors, and tenant users have the ability to manage vendors Certificate of Insurance (COI).

Your vendor COI can be uploaded and updated from you rSV3 portal.

Refresh COI Status- The refresh COI status allows a user to refresh the page if your newly uploaded COI does not


COI Information Tab-Enter the COI information.

Upload COI tab- This tab is where you upload a PDF copy of the vendors COI.

COI requirement tab- These are the COI building requirements the vendor has to comply with.