Syllabus, Rituals and Routines Quiz Show for Mrs. Roman’s ... · PDF fileSyllabus Which...

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Syllabus, Rituals and Routines Quiz Show for Mrs. Roman’s English Class

Portfolios are worth:A. 100 points per semester

B. 25 points per quarter

C. 10 points per quarter

D. 10 points per day

E. 50 points per semester

The only assignments that should stay in your portfolio are:A. Tests

B. Essays and extended response (Writing)

C. Quizzes

D. Worksheets

E. Nothing; you should empty your portfolio each time the opportunity is offered.

According to Mrs. Roman, this classroom belongs to:A. Everyone

B. No one

C. The Teacher

D. The principal

E. A and B

The current seating arrangement is:A. Temporary

B. Permanent

C. To be changed at the teacher’s whim

D. To be changed based on student behavior

E. A and D

Amnesty day is intended:A. For everyone

B. As an excuse to blow off regular assignments

C. To be changed at the teacher’s whim

D. To help slackers

E. As a final effort to keep a student from failing

Syllabus Which of the following are novels listed on the

syllabus to be read this year? Check all that apply.

A. The Great Gatsby

B. Moby Dick

C. The Crucible

D. The Art of Racing in the Rain

E. Both (Name the correct novels)

Syllabus Of the following, which is NOT a course objective?

A. to prepare students to write critically and analytically

B. to develop students’ vocabulary skills

C. To give students a good grade

D. To prepare students for college and/or the workforce

Syllabus Which of the following is part of the definition of


A. Copying and pasting without crediting the original

B. Copy another persons idea without credit

C. Paraphrasing another person’s idea/writing without credit

D. All of the above

Syllabus The penalties for plagiarism include which of the


A. A zero on the assignment

B. A call home

C. A referral

D. All of the above

Syllabus In Mrs. Roman’s class, a student has how long to

turned in an assignment missed due to absence?

A. One week

B. One month

C. One quarter

D. An indefinite period (it can be turned in at any time.)

Syllabus Late assignments are

A. Allowed but subject to a penalty.

B. Not allowed, with no possibility to redeem the points lost.

C. Not allowed, but may have one redemption opportunity for partial points.

D. It doesn’t matter because late work can’t hurt your grade.

Syllabus Mrs. Roman advises us to read for a certain length of

time every night. How long does she want us to read?

A. One hour

B. Two hours

C. Fifteen minutes

D. Thirty minutes

Syllabus Name three safety nets provided in this class.

Possible answers include:

• Amnesty day

• Reteach/Revision

• Remediation

• Tutoring

• Differentiated instruction

Syllabus Name three mandatory materials listed for this class.

• Composition Notebook

• Blue/Black ink pens

• #2 Pencils

Syllabus On what day(s) does Mrs. Roman provide tutoring?

Syllabus Name the correct web address for ACHS.

Syllabus What is Mrs. Roman’s web address?

Syllabus What is Mrs. Roman’s web site called?

Syllabus Bonus: (2 points for both possible answers)

What is the best way to contact Mrs. Roman other than face to face speech?

Two acceptable answers:

