T HE R EUNIFICATION OF C HINA Mr. Ermer World History Miami Beach Senior High School.

Post on 14-Jan-2016

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World History

Miami Beach Senior High School

CHINA: RISE OF THE TANG DYNASTY After the Han collapse; China ruled by many warlords

Sui Dynasty reunites China, rules for 34 years Tang Dynasty succeeds Sui as rulers of united China

618 CE: Emperor Li Shimin takes advantage of Sui disorder

Expands Tang Empire into Inner Asia (Tang were ethnically Turkic)

Defeated by Abbasid Arabs at Battle of Talas River, expansion ends Nobility exercises regional power, decentralized

organizational structure Continued Han-style civil service exam for bureaucrats Respected Inner Asian cultures Confucian philosophy of state

THE TANG EMPIRE After Han collapse, Buddhist state cults proliferate in Inner

Asia and northern China Mahayana Buddhism and the role of kings—bodhisattvas Fostered language learning, invigorated travel/cultural exchange

Tang princes enlist the help of monasteries Tax exemptions, land privileges, gifts for loyalty and support Tang emperors target monasteries as political threats

Tang capital, Chang’an, is center of communication & trade Decentralized system allows for Tibetan and Uighur

Grand Canal connects Chang’an to vast transit network Link between northern capital and southern port cities (Canton)

Transportation crucial to sustaining the Tang tributary system Spread of information, goods, people, and disease (bubonic plague)

Turkic style and culture influences Chinese (pants, polo, wine) Uighurs (Turkic Inner Asians) control area around Tarim River

Tibetan Buddhist kingdom dominates Himalayas Tibetan kings follow Tang lead to diminish monastic power Monks overthrow king, royal authority passes to monasteries

TANG REPRESSION & COLLAPSE Buddhism attacked for weakening Confucian order

Also for empowering women—Empress Wu Zhao Claims to be bodhisattva—favors Buddhism & Daoism Wu discredited by later Chinese officials and historians

Buddhism seen as barbaric, weakened secular authority Defeat at Talas River weaken military loyalty, funding

cut Rebellions weaken power of Tang emperors

An Lushan’s rebellion (755-757) strengthens regional governors

Huang Chao’s rebellion (879-881), violence against non-Chinese

Destabilized Tang authority, ruled in name only afterward

907: Tang Dynasty terminated Three new states emerge:

Liao: Northern, Mahayana Buddhist Khitan nomads related to the Mongols

Tanggut: Buddhists related to Tibetans, modeled after the Tang Song Empire: Chinese/Confucian, expanded from Central Asia from


SONG CHINA Song Chinese make many technological, scientific

advancements, especially in astronomy Mechanical clock, chain driven machines, water wheels Adapt the magnetic compass for seafaring (fixed needle, glass

case) The Chinese junk ship promotes maritime trade/exploration

Song Chinese discover gunpowder Neo-Confucianism

Sage: one who preserves mental stability/peace, while solving probs.

Zen Buddhism rises as counter to Neo-Confucianism Women subordinated by Confucian men, minimally educated

Foot-binding becomes status symbol

Adoption of moveable type printing from Korea Growing population prompts new to deal with crowded

cities Issuance of paper money





On page 86, write and answer questions 1-6