T. ISaturday, May rment. - Florida Senatearchive.flsenate.gov/data/Historical/Senate... · T....

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T. ISaturday, May 23, 11925

rrhe Senate conivened at 10 A. M. pursuant to adjourn-rment.rille President I'll the chair.

P ~~~~~The~ roll was called anti thec following Senatfors answeredto tli1-ir name1s:

- 1 liv. un idea I 2 Vmn-}.An delnoil, BidlIre, Calk ins, Clark,Col 0ct >Ewrod!a, Jlcedgs~. MJabei c, 21 e~nii.( rIrot

8u~,-+ eso. S in-letan y, Swe~-arhif-or, Taylor (31str' ' ~~Dist.). Turnier, Walker, Watson, Wieker-iP.I ~~~~A quorum present.

Prayer by the Chaplain.Ileaningl of die Journal was dispensed with.The Journal of May 22nd was corrected and as cor-

recte-d was alpiroved.


Mr. Ph illips, Cianrinan of the Committee on Engrossed:Bills, submitted the following report:

Senate (hamlb"'.Tallahassee, Florida, May 23, 1925.

1/onl. Jahit S. Taylor,P;'oridcuit of the Senate.

YourL Ceninmittee Onl Eu~gi'ossdd Bills, to whoml was re-ferred (wvith ameiind meals) after th irci reading(-

Conimn'ttee Substitute for-Seaiate Bill No. 219:A bilfl to b.e entitled An Act to amnend Section 1 of Chap-

ter 84194, Acts of 1921, relative to compensation of StateAttorlevs.

h1ave carefullv examinfed the smimm, and find samle cor-rectly ellgToSsUtl, and ret urnl s:uuIe ]Ii rcw~tlh.

A'ery resp eci 1mm 1lY,2V7. W. PTIIILTIS,

Ch11111airma of Conmnittee.


And Seniate Bill No. 219, contained in thle above report,waTs ordered to be certiffied to tile 1-ouse of liepresenLa-Livyes.

Mr. Anderson, Chairmnan of the Joint Comm,11ittee on En-rolled tills on the part of the Senate, submitt ed the foT-lOwing- report:

Senate Chiamber)Tallahassee, hla., May 23, 1925.

]Henl. Johta S. Taylor,TFrolic/ea;t of the Senate.


Your Jo~it Comin ittec on Enrolled Bills, to wo wasr~eferred-

(eae Bi No 4-10)Ani Aut' to a-,umcid Section~ 1 of the Act of tile LtclllIi.r-

'imre of ibiS event 7'-a at)U st'(iig a 1IMIi in iipits' 10be~ knowit as~ tle (' live ot Largo ill -Pinedas Countyv lioridn.

Also-*(S'en~ate Bill No. 454)* Ani Act graniting Poezan pii'estoobers

agvlcits mud(' c'nploycee~ of the City of Illilatlkn, providinig fortile zolinnil- 4 ~-aid Ci~r to 0011-(2' cr alld( prinllote tl I iiil-

* le~t e. n I s nu1 Cil' v' w i h refer~enceC to ha clngs. arehliti'-Itui, PulJ an 'am ad Ito conter othler IOe2I ir

* Also-

A- Ad I,, auflo 'a" the~ Board of County Cmisoez% ,of I)i(i'u~'m'n Fz oridan to vsit' tte!'vhu""'

t'''e wVrr'I`It" iM"'•'d" 1w ile Poard of Th51 1 'i a Ti'wI 'it-1t' I O "(1 Of! Pr] it' Inid i" a-ie La w a' bI ''('_LlY

COTl-9, ue, t utpon the eme111011o of samd DPco" Coum3 , a ndlto pmrovde for t Ic paym~-Ient theme' f


Also-7(Senate Bill No. 444):An Act creating the Southi Shore Drainage District,

naming the Supervisors of said district, prescribing thepowers, duties, privileges and liabilities of said districtand its Supervisors.


(Senate Bill No. 273)Vt 1 An Act fixing the. compensation of the Superintenldentof Public Instruction in counties which have a populationof more than two thousand four hundred and forty (2,440)and not more than two thousand five hundred (2,500)according to the Federal census of 1°20, and which hada total assessed valuation of one millin eight hundredtwenty-seven thousand ,land no hundred and twenty-thlreedollars ($1,827,023.091).

Also-(Senate Bill No. 420)An Act authorizing and empowering the County Conm-

missioners of Walton County, Florida, to levy an alnualtax for publicity and promotion purposes and to expendthe funds so raised for cadvertising and promoting the re-sources of Walton County.

Also-(Senate Bill No. 428)A n Act to legalize, validate and confirm a bond

election held in the City of DeLand, Volusia County,-l0.orida, on the 28th Clay of November, 1924, for the pur-p.;e of sulbm itting to the qualified electors of said Cityof DeLand the question of the issuance of bonds inthe total aggregate amount of seven hundred fifty thou-sand dollars, for the purposes of erecting, constructingand installin.g or acquiring a municipal electric light plantand system; for the completion of sanitary sewer exten-sions; for the construction of and completion of certainwater xvorks extensions; for the grading, paving andotherwise improving certain streets, and for erectin.g amunicipal building to be known as the City Hall, and tovalidate, legalize and cenfirm said bonds in the aggregateamount of seven hundred fifty thousand dollars and au-thlorize the sale and delivery of said bonds.



Also-(Senate Bill No. 455)

* An Act providing a supplemlental, additional and alter-native method for the esablaishment, government andmaintelance of a City Planning Board in thle City of Pa-lalka, a municipal corporation in Putnam County, Floricla,aini prescribhilg its polwers and duties.

Also-(Senate Bill No. 467)An Act requiring the County Commissioners of Taylor

County, Florida;, to open up and remove obstructions inditches and excavations along the public roads and higll-ways of said county to facilitate drainage.

Also--(Senate Pill No. 450)An Act to define the manner ii which fish may be caught

andl removed from the fresh waters of Sullmter County,Florida.

Also-(Senate Bill No. 404)An Act lesignatinlg the mutnicipality of Seabreeze, as the

(City of Seabreeze, andl autllorizing the City of Seabreeze toconstruet a board, concrete, rockl or cement- walk and seawall, olr eithler of them, along the Atlantic Ocealn, of sluehsize and lengtil as thle Citv (Council may dleeml best, writhinthe limits of the City of Scablreeze, anltl to authorize thleC'it- ol Senbree1:0o issute Ibonds for said plllpose orl pur-poses.

Also-(Senate Bill No. 357):Ano Act to constitute the City of Miamli Bleachll. T)ade

(Counlty, F'lorida, a speci3l tax school district.

Also-(8enate Bill No. 432)An Aet authllorizing and empowering thle Board of

Couilntly Colmmissioners of Taylor County, Florida, to le-\ya special tax for publicity purposes.

Also-(Senate Bill No. 449)An Act authorizing the County Commissioners of Ala-106-s. B.


ch-La County to call an election for the purpose of votingfor bonds to build a County Hospital in Alachua Countyand authorizing the levy and collection of taxes to retiresuch bonds and to maintain and support said hospital.

Also-(Sena-le Bill No. 464)1 ''h j An Act to ainthorize and empowver the Board of County

Commiis.ioners of Dixie County, Florida, to issue and sellinterest-bearinr time warrants to the amount of ($25,000)

___. I· tw~-envty-finc thonanci dollars for- tile purpose of paying of f[ w ja judgmenut against Dixie County, Floridffr and for the pur-

pose of finishira construction of the coninion jail of DixieConntv Florida, and providing for the payment of prin-cliad and iuteirest on said time warrants.

Also--(Seanite Bill No. 460)An Act relating to the creation of Greenville Special

Taix SchIlool District and for the holding of an electiontherein.

Also--(Senate Bill No. 431)

An Act to valida te and conf irm the creation of SpecilRoad and Bridac District No. 2, H-lardec County, Florid'a,an'i, to vnliate and confirm the creation of Sneeial Roadanid Bridge District No. 2, Ilardee County, Florida, an(Ito valiTdate and confirim an issue of two hundred twventy-five thiusand (3225,000.00) dollars bonds of said district,and to authorize the levy and collection of a tax for thepavilcnt thereof.

Also-(Senate Bill No. 439)Au Act to authorize and empower the Town Council

of the Town of Oranige City, Volusia County, Florida, toissie and sell negotiable interest bearingfl r tine warrants ofsasid town im an amount not to exceed in thle agregatethlinly-five thousand ($315.000.00) dollars, in the denonuna-tion of onie hundrred ($100.00) dollars or snomc multiplethereof; to b-mr interest not exceeding eight per cent peraiijiiim, payable annually or semi-annnally ; to mature notlonger- than ten years from dnate thereof to provide that


the proceeds from the sale of said -warrants shall be used bythe tow r council through its ownv direction, or by contract,or by turninig over said proceeds or mijy part thereof to theSta, Road Departmient to pave. and otlici wise improve acertain avenue of said town, or supplcment or widen thep)ax -in g and other improvements to be placeLd on said aven-ueby the State Road Department or by the County ofVolwia- to provide the manner of execution and sale ofsaid wnafrants, ant to provided for the paYment thereof,and the raaising of funids for such payment.

Also-(,Senate D'iii No. -138)A-u Act to authorize and dmpower the Town Council of

the Trowvii of Or1ange City, Volusia County, Florida, to issueand sell negotiable interest bearing time warranlts of saidtown in anl amount not to exceed ii the aggregate sixtythousand ($60,C00.00) dollars, in the decminommt'o n of citehundred ($100.00) dollars, or some multiple therncj!'; Iobear interest not exceeding eight per cent per annuni, pay-able annually or semi-annually; to mature not longer thanten years froni date thereof; to provide that the proc_-eedsfrom the sale of said warrants shall be used to pave andotherwi'se improve, certain streets anild avenues of saidtownn; to provide tile manner of execution anid sale or saidwarran~ts, and to provide for the paymenlt thereof anld theraisivg of funds for such payment.

Also-(Senatate till No. 461)A2n clit relating to the creation of Madihoni Spoeial Tax

School District anti for the holdiing of ani electolln therein.

Also-(Sec -ate Bill No. 458)Aln Act to authorize anid empiowr the Board of Countyuoii!:rior crs of Voohisin Counlty, Florida, to cowlstruct"in ir 1 d rdinm'l 1 1ad' 01 dli iib ridaes and to 0reonistret

n(ld rc~ilnd ce'Ia'il ro o'ls end bvidcv in Dcc idl-ficeTIdeTe1 Rinm. cl l ( t l "nd Bridae Distrtiet as at t Ins timeom''titutedt i'i s"i uIeo" to appi 0C i mlit

N''' A r~~ I 'f P n'9 l e u t-- m (-" I-lcie 11 (]il ofd

I' Eln- it for i'e p ''"'cci' eiuun whet-


er or nlot such roads and bridges sholllld be constructedreclion-:tructcd andc rebuilt, and the additional roads andbridges constructedl and paid for as specified in the peti.tion for such election. to-wit: by the issuance and sale ofbonds; to anthorize the issuance and sale of said bondsand to provide for the payment of said bonds.

F v-g ~~Also-2(1'elte Bill No. 462):

>'' ~ i ~ An Act to anthorize and empower the Board of Countyr%,.,I~ Conmmissioners of Dixie County, Florica, to issue and' tSI sFell interest-bearing time wvarrants for the lpurpose of eon-

, $,;- j ~~strucet'ilg andcl hard-sarlfacilig State R~oadl No. 19, throllcgiDixie Counlty, rloriia, anc provilillg for the payment ofthe interest and the creation of a sinlking fund for the pay-meit of the principal of said interest-bearing time warrants.

Also-(f9erlje 1Bill No. 453)

Anl Acet providing a sullplemlental, additional, andalternative methodl of malking local improvements in theCity of Palatfk. and autllorizing an(d ploviding for specialasae-smnents for tlhe cost thereof, and authllorizillg the iSSu-ance and sale of bonlds of snuch mun1ic.ipality in connectionwith said local improvements, saicl bonds to be generalobli,vationls of said City of Palatka.

Also-(Senate Bill No. 411)An Act to abolish the preseit municipal government of

DeSoto City, in I-Iighlandcls County, Florida, to legalizeand validate the ordlinances of said To-wn of DeSoto City,and all official acts thereuncler; to create and establish anewv municipality to be known as the Towvn of DeSotoCity, in Highlands County, Florida; to fix and determinethe territorial limits, jurisdiction and powers of saidtown and the jurisdiction and powers of its officers.

Also-(Senate Bill No. 19S):An Act to provide for the advertising and resources

and possibilities of the State of Florida throtugh the Bu-reau of Immigration in the Department of Agriculture.


Also-(Senate Bill No. 32):An Act establishing a Spring Term of the First Judi-

cial Circuit Court of this State for Santa Rosa Cuuntyand prescribing the time and place for holding the same.

Also-(Senate Bill No. 181)An Act fixing the compensation of County Commis-

sioners of counties having a population of more than5,321 inhabitants and up to and including but not in ex-cess of 5,625 inhabitants according to the last Federalcensus.

Also-(Senate Bill No. 85)An Act to amend Seetion Seven of Chapter 8414, Laws

of Florida, Acts of 1921, relating to the setting out offires in the Everglades Drainage District and preseribillgpunishment therefor.

Also-(Senate Bill No. 193)An Act relating to the tinme of holding the regutlar ter-ms

of the Circuit Court of the Eiglhth Judicial Circuit ofFlorida.

Also-(Senate Bill No. 365)

An Act fixing the compensation of members of the CountySchool Boards in Counties having a popullation betweentwenty thousand (20,000) and twenty-three thousand fivehunLdred (23,500) persofls, according to the Federal Cell-s,,us of 1920.

Also-(Senate Joint Resolution No. 322)A joint resolution proposing an amendment to Article

V of the Constitution of Florida, relating to the judceiarvdepartmenlt, to be known as Section 44 of said Article.

Also-(Senate Bill No. 519)An Act to authorize and encourage the County of Pinel-

las in the State of Florida, to build and maintain a free


bridge ancl causeway across Clearwater Bay in the City ofClearwater, State of Florida, and to grant the land neceR.sarv for such purlposes.

Beg leave to relport that the same have this dlay been presentedl to the Governor for his apploval.

Very respectfully,S. W. ANDERSON,

Chairman of the Joint Commlittee on Enrolledb. Bills on the Part of the Senate.

Mr. Anderson, Chllairmlan of the Joint Committee onEn.rolled Bills oil the part of the 8-enate. subn itted tl:hefollowing report:

Senate Chamber,Tallalassee. Fla., MJay 22, 1925.

lionl. Jol/in S. ['taylor,President of the Senate.


onlar Joint Comm1ittee onl Enolledl Bills, to lwhom was,referrled

Also-An Acet to anmend and silppleielit the Charter of the

City of Pensacola; to elipow-el said city to levy specialtaxe; for pulbhicitv purpllloses; to ovln, control allnd opelrategolf colrses, and to levy speial taxes, incur indebtediiessand to issue bonds tllerefor.

Also-(HIonse Bill No. 06G):An Acet authorizing TBayl County, Florida, to issue

bonds in thle sum of one million dollars for the construc-tionl of blardl-surfacedel roads of a perlmanent type in saidcounty.

Also-(Hiousie Bill No. 746)An Act in relation to thle issuance of bonds of the City

of Pensacola, Florida, to provide for the payment thereofand to othelrwise almend and supplement the Charter ofsaid city.


Also--fliouse 1Bi1l o. 634):An Act to autthorize the trustees of Sub-road District

No. 9, of AiaehLua County, Florida, coimmonly know\qn asthe Treuton Sub-road District, to issue bonds for the piir-pose of ileetilng State aid inl building- a certain road with-in said vnub-road district.

Also-(1lHouse 11il No. 780)An Act to amend Section 30 and Section 43 of Chapter

6385, Acts of 1-911, Laws of Florida, and Section 37 ofChapter 6365, Acts of 1911, Laws of Florida, as amendedby Chapter 7666. Acts of 1917, Laws of Florida, relativeto the mniiicipal government of the Townr of Lnwtey inBradford Colunty, Florida.

Also-! i-Tense l Bill No. 812)An Act to anienl Sections 1, 2, 6 and 9 of Chapter

9496, SpTecial Acts of the Legislature, 1923, being An Actto provide for tile protection of the Public roads of LeeCounty. Florida. and to provide penalties for thie violationof the same.

Also-I -~,*,·e Bi! No. 1030)

iAi Act to e ttend the corporate limits of Pile town ofLuslsis Likure Counmt, F.lorida, adil to give the said town ofFulis Leke County. Flor-ida, jurisdiction over the tern-torv ro-lb:ihraced i-in said extension.

IT Pp Bll No\1. 918)In Act providing for the issuance anti sale of bonds

by Miia County, Florida, with which to derive fundsfor the pavinlent of the indebtedness of the Department ofPublic Inst udeion of Manatee County, Florida. to pro-vide for deter milring thle amotunt of said bonds and rateof initerest oil naid bonls; the time when the principal andinterest shatl be due and payable; for prescrib-,ing theform and denomi nation; to provide their deposit witha8 depository or for their sale; and to provide for a levyof an annual tax; for the purpose of creating an interest

* ~~~~~~~~~~~1800

and sinking fund; for the paymnent of the intcrces! oii saidbonds when due, and to retire the same at tleir niatmiil-t.

Also--(House Bill No. F94)An Act to amend Section 911 of tht Revised (General

Statutes of Florida relating to insurance com)anies, sickand funeral benefit companies and other associatiors, firmsor individuals doing business in this State and providingfor payment of licenses and license taxes and paymentof percentage of receipts from policyholders. Providingfor the collection thereof, requiring reports and providingpenalty for failure to comply therewiitlh.

Also-(Committee Substit.;te for IHouse Bills Nos. 14 and

; ~~~~~~-Air Act providliii- foi- tlle apploilfinenlt of all additional('ircuit Jud-e in andl for the eightlh Judicial Circuit ofFlor0 ida.

Also-(House Bill No. 851)An Act to ratify and confirm all deeds and conveyances

of snlinierged or partially submerged lands within thecorporate limits of the City of Tampa, County of Hills-borouggh, Florida, as now existing, made on behalf of theCity of Tampa by the City Commissioners, and to relin-quish to the grantees therein all right, title and interestof the State of Florida.

Also-(House Bill No. 398)An Act relating to every county where there are more

than 100,000 inhabitants and where more than two Cir-cuit Judges reside, to authorize and empower the Clerkof the Circuit Court of Record, and all instrumentsfiled for record, by a photographic process in its mostgeneral sense not excluding any heretofore or hereafterdevised however designated, such as may be recom-mended by the Clerk and approved by the Board ofCounty Commissioners, and to direct the Board to pro-vide out of the general revenue fund adequate equipmentfor making and preserving such records.

(Ilonse iii' 905

Also-'IIonse Bill No. 905):

An Act to provide that Bay County, Florida, shall here-after become and be a part of the fourteenth Judicial Cir-edit of Florida and fixing the regular terms of the Cir-cuit Court within said Bay County.

Also-(House Bill No. 755)An Act creating and constituting a special road and

bridge district in Palm Beach County, Florida, knownand designatel as the Cross-State Highwvay Bridge Dis-trict; pr:ovidling for a Board of Supervisors of said dis-trict; authorizing the construction of roads and buidgesin sai(l district and providing for a Board of Supervisorsto enter into contracts thelrefor; authorizing and maklingprovision for levy and collection of a tax for maintenanceof such roads and bridges and to pay any bond issue ofsuch roads and bridge district; authorizing the issuanceof boncls; and relating to the powers and duties of saidroad and bridge clistrict and said Supervisors of saidroadl and blridge.

Also-(House Bill No. 798)An Act authoriziig the County C'omlmissionelrs of Pin-

ellas ,County, State of Flodila, to issue iu Special Roadand Brlidcge District No. Six, Pimellas Coullty, Florida, spe-cial load and( bridge district varlanlllts aaggi gating tile sumof twro hullndred thousandl dollals and to assess a tax againstall taxable property ill sai district and create a sinkingfulld for the paylment of pvinipal adl interest of saidwarrants.

Also-(IIouse Bill No. 677)An Act prohllibitini;g connection of falrml dlitches in Indian

River Falms lDraillage District in St. Lucie Coulty, Flor-ida, witii ally oi thle caiials, ditlches, laterals o- watelrwayscolsl.tctdcl, controlledl or mlailtaillnd( by saidl (lrainage dis-

.ict, except in accordllance with planls alnd speificationlls asprescribed by the boald(l of stupervisors oi said cldraillagedistrict, and providing penalties for the violatiou of IkiqAct.

1 8 02

Also-( iiouS1P kill No. 784):An Act lo anllnd Sections 4, 5, 9, 10 and II of Chapter

8989, Laws of Florida, relating to the appointment ardduties of the tax assessor of the City of Kissimmee, Flor-ida, and the method of making and collecting city taxes.

Beg leave to report that the same have this day been-i-7 I~ ~ plresent to the Governor for his approval.

Very respectfully,S. W. ANDERSON,

Chairman of the Joint Committee on EnrolledBills on the Part of the Senate.

Mr. Andersont, Chairman of tile Joint Committee on En-rolled Bills on the part of tile Senate, submitted the tol-lowing report:

Senate Chiamber,Talaliassee, Florida, May 23, 1925.

hoir Jolliti S. TJo pier./ .''½'N ,ii IIIe Scimtie

nail Joini( o nnittee on Enrolled Bills, to whom was,3referred-

(i m low--e Bill No. 495)A i '1to £0 (hejid time corporate limits of the City (:f

Lee d 1ii Flori idi and provid ing for the calling anda holl-mug. iof a- cleciOion for tile approval of this Act.

j ~ ~~~Also--(: liuse Bill No. 787):Al Act crecating a Police Pension and Relief Fund for

tile iosc nd benefit of tile Police Department of the City

of West Palm Beach, Florida, to be known as West PahaBeach Police Pension and Relief Fund, authorizing thelevy of a special tax and otherwise providing a source ofrevenue to aid said fund, and to create a boamd of trusteeswithi authority to receive, deposit, manage and disburse orpy' cot t lie proceeds of such fund, prescribing the benefitsand beneficiaries onder sneli fmnid, and defining the powe: sii I.7id! hoaid.


13 1(-,lis-'i Bill No. fiG")5)A-11 At, providing aL stlpplemental, additional and alter-

native melhodl of malkiillg loeal improve-mentts in the Cityoi-' 'l plpon Spliils, F;lorida, a mlllunieipal corporation, aa-Ilth.;ziag and lpoviding for special assessenlllts for theeo o l-^l-oef, andl autllopizilln tle issuance and sMe of boneieo',' -ni i nnllniipality.


(Ilou-,?e BiLl No. 927)Aln Aet relatilong to th improvec or hnard-sur-

acEc~l roads of Clay CounilJy, Florida, prooibitingthe operlation u(pon or over the said lliglleays andpublie roacds of vellicles, truceks, tractors, implements, logerlrts, log %-ag'ons ald trailers, tractioln engines, trailersajld other iilpienllents, withoult rulber or smootll-sullfacednletal tires. or hlavinlg tires or sulpportinag surfaees of acharlacterl' injUliollS to saidl roadls or tlle sulrface tlereof,and p oviding ia penalty for violation of sucell provisions;and providillg for tlle olperatioll of su;h vehilesi by per-jaiss.ion of tBle Boaoa of Coouty Coiniissiose-s; and pro-hlibiting thle opelationl on saleh roacls of vehieles Lised fortranslolrtationn of logs or tilmbel exeept il acecoldance AVitilrnl.s add regulatios of tle Boarld of Corulty Cionfort pissiol-ers andl for repair of dallages lone by said reoli;les; andprovicding Ipenalties fo h violatioll of such provisions; f td

nLAovicitg for tecovecty of dlamaege an i attorley's f an isfrom pelrs,;os dlamigillg snell roadls- and exemlptilig tlhe

Fedceral, State ancl Conlty Government from the pl'ovi-sions liereof vllile building, maintaing ill or improvingsesuch roas; and vesuing il the Poad Brdof County Comhmis-sioners cef said conllty porelr anl alithority to minae. pre-scribe a.nd plolglulffn te rules and regulations for tile pro-tectiou of ancl governing traffic on said roads; anc re-pealing all larvs in eon'liet hlerewithl; providing for thevalidity of all seetiolls ancd palrts hereof not fleld invalicland ploviling whven this Aet shall tale effect.

Also-(HIIouse Bill No. 967):An Act for the protection of the -wild animuals anld wild

birdls of Lee Contmy, Florida, plovidinfg for an open sea-son foi- hluntini g snlh anidals and bilcls, and prohibiting


the hunting, chasing and killing of such birds and animalsaS ff at any other time; providing a penalty for the violation of

fl^ . ~this Act, and repealing all laws or parts of laws in eon-W ~~* ~ flict with this Act.

Also-^'~~ (I I(House Concurrent Resolution No. 18)

'-'.. ;. ~ A resolution empowering the State Board for Toca-1.^.*i. jtional Elducation to co-operate wvith the Federal Board of

fLtJ/g-i Vocational Education in the administration of An Act of*ill;'!1 Congress relatis g to the promotion of vocation rehabilita.; wl>4 tion of persons disable in industry or otherwise, and their.;., 8< return to civil employment.

Beg leave to report that the same have this day beenpresented to the Governor for his approval.

~i~~~~ '~~~~Very respectfully,S. W. ANDERSON,

Chairman of the Joint Committee on EnrolledBills on the Part of the Senate.

'4 t~BM1r. Etheredge moved that Senate Bill No. 411 be re-called from the House of Representatives.

Which was agreed to.And the Secretary was instructed to request the Hlouse

i^~~ ~ of Representatives to return the bill to the Senate.


Bv Mr. Swearingen (1By Request)-Senate Bill No. 556:A bill to be entitled An Act authorizing banks and trust

companies incorporated under the laws of this State to in-vest in the capital stock of a Central Reserve Bank or TrustCompany organized under the laws of this State to a lim-ited extent

Which v\,, reacd the first time by its title and referredthe Commitlee on Banking.

Bv Mr. Watson-Senate Bill No. 557:A bill to be entitled An Act abolishing Boards of Bondl

Trustees in Dade County, Florida, and providing for thedisposition of fulnds held by them.

Whichl was read the first time by its title.Mr. Watson moved that the rules be waived and that

1t 1805SSes .ale Bill No. 557 be read the seconcl time by its title only.

Wihicll was agreed to l.by a twvo-thirds vote.Ancl Senate Bill No. 557, with title above stated, was

reatl ihe secontd time by its title only.Mr. Wiatson moved. that the rules be -wairedl and that

Selntae Bill No' 557 be read the thirdcl time in full and put1lponll its passl:e.

Which Naus a irrureed to by a two-thirtds vote.And Senate Bill No. 557. Avitlh title above stated, was

reeld the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. President. Messrs. Anderson, Callkins, Clarl,

(Jolsonl Etheredge, HIodges, Malonc, MeDaniels, Overstreet,Phillips, Russell, S'Aearilgen. Taylor (31st Dist.), Turnler,Walker, Watson, Wicker-iS.

Nayvs-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.Andtl the saime was ordered to be certified to the EHouse of

Re-.resentAtives nlder thile rule.

By l\Mr Watson-Selnate Bill No. 558:A bill to be entitled An Act to amend Chapter 9904 of

the Laws of Floriclda, relating to the municipal govern-ment of the Tornv of Silver Bluff in County of Dacue andState of Florida.

Which wvas read the first time by its title.Mr. Watson moved that the rules be waived an-] that

Senate Bill No. 558 be read the second time by its titleonlv.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And! Senate Bill No. 558, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Watson moved that the rules be waived and that

Senate Bill No. 558 be read the third time in full andput ulpon its passage.

Which xvas agreed to by a two-thlircls vote.And Senate Bill No. 558, wvith title above stated. was

rescl the third timne in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote ras:Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Antderson, Butler, Cal-

kins, Clarlrk, Colson, Etheredge, Hodges, Malone, Ale-Daniels, Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swear-ingen, Taylor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Wa:tson,WTick er-20.


Nays-None.So thle bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the Hlouse

of -L-cpirc~eiiiaives liminedia Ley, tie ruiC ha-ving, beenwaived.

ByMr. l~xvcarin~gen-

SDenate Bill INo. 559:A bill to be, entitled An Act legalizing, validating, ajp-

provinig aind conftirming wvaterivorks bonuis in the sum oftwventy-live thiousan-d (:h215.000.00) dollars of the Town ofDmndee, Polk Cut.Foida, and validating anl election,lie~d Plvi), 19v25, for thle a ltiOi-iziitOfl OfsaifI bonds,aji([ i~fn'' oililm adapoii ec n vr

act f te Afvorand oivi Conci andtheOfficers and~tm L of sid to~ui te ofsaid bonds and the

poceedting-s taken in connection therewith, and declaringbadlondcs wvheni delivered and paid for to be binding,

viidi-rect ob-igations of safid town and authorizing thlelevy of a tax to pay same.

W~itici was read the lint time by its title.MI . Swearingen moved that time rules lie wvaivedl anid that

SQ1enlate Lihi N\o. 55-9 be icad the second time by its titleonly.

Whlich-! was agreed to by a two thurds vote.-,And Senate iltl N. 59, ivith tiiie abov-e stated, was

read tile second time hi~ -,; tifl ollikMr. 'SweaIringenl nlov~d that tite rum be further wtaived

mi-Ld futhteae ili1 N~o 55D be 1-end the~ third t'ime infl ~~~~~fud and put uJ)On its, pa ~s'ge.mhcli was~ agreed tLo bv aw tivotird(s vote.F And ~~~~~Senamte i hi No. nJ-9 w th title abov-e stated, waxs

Ic0' f(1 e third lime In fuhi.Utmp t ii pxi sioc ci ti b l1 the vote wvas:Y1 IE-Mii- Pi e Went, Tessrs. Aiiderson, Butler, Ca'k-i IlsCad (1(1 01 i htici edoc Hodoo.Mog 2eaiiR

Ill, (l 01 1i-t 111(1X14&i Vcione \Vieker-20.ISvel,'ef. 14in011', ay

An~d th" sneAm'.; ordec! in c eeti"edtii(~' I" VIt ILeusi-of ii epi'e~~genf atv" In m edamux. c Iil;- lmviw aset beewaived.


By Mr. Swearingen-Senate Bill No. 5650:A bill to be entitled An Act to establish the territorial

limits of' the City of ilaines City, Florida.Which w vas lead the first time by its title.Mr. Swearingen moved that the rules be -waived and that

Senate Bill No. 5(60 be read the second time by its title only.Wmelc was or P cI to by a two-thirds vote.And bclnatc Bill No. 560, wvith title above stated, was

read diiie .econd ilme by its title Only.Mr. Swearineien moved that the rules be further waived

and that cialte tilI No. 5(0 be react the third time in fullanld put upomi its passage.

Whichli wvi~s aor-eid to by a two-thirds vote.And[ Senate Bill No. 560, wvith title above stated, was

read[ t'he ton ci tune in full.ComImittee 'vote was as follows:Yeas- Mv O'a -Mr n' dert. Mesrs,. Andersolln, Bntler, Calkins,

("Lark, (oConl Etheireige, hllodges, _Mailo-ne, MedcDaniels,(V·ermstrcct 1r nhillip, huscll Singletary, Swearinlgell, Tay-lor (O31ls Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watsoni, Wicker-20.

So tile bill passed, title as stated.And the sanme w a. oircd l to he certified to the Hou-se

of Riepresentatives immediately, the rule having beenwvaired.

By Mr. Sxve'iringon-Senate Bill No. 561 :A hill to he eiifitled An A ct validating, approving,

leg:aizing a:1lnd confirminge bonds inl tile min of 95, 000.00

of B'n Par); Special Tax Schdool District NumberViftv.i-elit (58), a legally constituted and existing Dis-trict of Polk Cou-ntyn FloridlO validatfiii], approving,legaizing 011(1 con'S' li mmno election May 9tIh, 1925. anild all

proceecling to ken in connection therewith and declaringsai(id bonds, wheni deCiverIed aiml paid for, to be valid,blendirg, and dirseat oblriar11tons of s:aid district 0-(1_ authior-ivi!g lthe levy of siifrileie't t-x to pay same, -with interestII croon.

Wble at was r cvd th,-e first time by its; title.A V C 1eitrn'i e] Il11X tIHditt thle 1rt110 1 ]e ' \ a. N- l a~ld

1i1!' 'I -'i e Pill No. 561 he read time second timle bw its

¾' I Ii i \as air tgl e to' 1y a t wo-tblirds vote.


~~~~~1~~ ~180S

A'~ AiiAd Senate Bill No. 561, with title above stated, wasread the second time by its title only.

_Nh'. Swearingen moved that the rules be further waivedand that Senate Bill No. 561 be read the third time in fulland put upon its passage.

Which was agreed tol by a two-thirds vote.And Senate Bill No. 561, with title above stated, was

f'·~irt I ~ read the third tinme in full.Upon the passage of tlhe bill the vote was:

;ifS~r i ~ Yeas-Mr. Pre~ident, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,,.1~~~· Clark, Colson, Ethereclge, Hlodges, Malone, MeDailielse

*Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singl]etary, Swearingen, Tay-'4 ·I4 ;lor, Turner, W'alker, Watson Wrieker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed. title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to th. l Honse

of Representatives immlnediately, the rule havil)g beenwaived.

By Mr. Swearingen-Senate Bill No. 562:A bill to be entitled An iAct validating, approving, legal-

izing alnd confilliumng bonds in the sum of $14,0900.0 ofI-Ia.skell Splecial Tias School District NIumber Eihllleen(18), a legally constituted and existing distlrict of PolkCoulnty, Florioa; vaii(lating, approving, legalizing and eon-firmiing election I\ay 19, 1925, and all proceedings talenin conneelion tlhelewitvll and deelaring saicd bondls, whendelivelred and paid for, to be valid, binding and direct obli-gatioin' of said district, and authorizing the levy of suf-ficient tax to pay same, with interest thereon.

'Which was red,(l *h fi-st time by its title.Mr. Swearingeu movedl that the rules be waived and that

Senate Bill No. 562 be read the second time by its title only.W6Th0iilli s aui eed to by a twvo-thirds vote.Andl Senate Bill No. 562, with title above stated, was

rlead the second time by its title only.Mr. Swearingen moved that the rules be further waived

and that Senate Bill No. 562 be read the third time in fulland put upon its passage.

Which was agreel to by a two-thirds vote.And Senate Bill No. 562, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. Presicdent, Messrs. Anlerson, Butler, Callins,


Clark, Colson, Etleredge, Hodlges, Mlalone, MeDaniels,

Overstreet, Phillips,, Russell, Singletary, Swiearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Wallker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the IHonse of

IR.epresentatives imlmediately, the rule having been waivedl

By 1Mr. Swearingen-Senate Bill No. 563:A bill to be entitled An Act validating, approving,

legalizing and confirming bonds in the sum of $200,000.(00

of Special Tax Sehool District Number One (1), a legally

constituted and existing district of Polk County, Florida;

validating, approving, legalizing and confirming eleetion

held April 21st, 1925, and all proceedings taken in con-

nection therewvith, and declaring said bonds, when deliv

eyed and paid for, to be valid, binding and direct obliga-tions of said district and authorizing the levy of suffi

cient tax to pay same, wTith interest thereon.Wlhich wvas read thle first time by its title.Mr. Swearingen lmovedl that the rules be waivedl and

that Senate Bill No. 563 be read the second thuime by itstitle only.

Which wvas agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And Senate Bill No. 563, wvith title above stated. was

read the second time b;y its title only.1Mr. Swearingen moved that the rules be further waived

and that Senate Bill No. 563 be read the third time in fullanl put upoln its passage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thircls vote.And Senate Bill No. 563, with title above stated, awas

read the third time in full.

Upon the passage of the bill the vote wvas:

Yeas-lMIr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Bntler, Cal-

kIins, Clark, Colson, Ethereclge, Hoclges, Malone, Me-

Daniels, Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swear-ingen, Taylor (31st Dist.), Turamner, Walker, Watson,Wicker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.

And the same was ordered to be certifie to the House

of Representatives imnmlediately, the rule having beenwaived-

1o7---S. 1:.


By Mr. Swearingren-Senate Biii No. 564:A bill to be entitled Ain Act validating, approving, IegalI

iziug and confirmingg bonds in the sum ot $250,ooU.00 ofWintcr Ilaven Spccial Tax School Di nrict Numnber Thrcee(3), a legally constituted and existinm district of PolkContiy, II'lorida; validating, approvimg,, lcgalizing andcoutlimirig election held April 2_1st`- iS 05 and all propeecl-ings taken in connection therewith a'nd decliarnig saidbond&-s, w71hen idelivered and paid for, to be vald, bindhiiganid direct- obligations of said district and tuthorizixig thelevy of sufficient tax to pay samne, wjithj interest thereon.

aiX ~~~~~~Whichi was read the first tunie b3y its' title.M1.r. Swearingen moved that the mules, be waived an] thfiat

Senate Bill No. 564 be read the scond time by its titleonly.

Whiebh was agreed to by a two-thjjirds vote.And Senate Bill No. 564, with title above stated, was

read tile second time by its title only.Mr. Swvearingen moved that the rules be further waiveri

and that Scuate Bill No. 564 be read the third time in fulland put upon its passagce.

WVhlich wa_,s agreced to by a two-thirds vote.And Senate Dill No. 564, with title above slated, was

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of tie bill the vote was:Yens-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, EtheredSge, llodg es, Malone. MeDaniels,Overl~street, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor· (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same wias ordered to be certified to the 'louse

of Representatives imunmdiately, the rule hiavinIg beenwaived.

By Mr. Sn earIngen-,'-icnatc Bll, No. 565p

A b'!! 'o be Pn "itled An Ac validlatii-n- approwving, legal-izing alrd rr]fi unni g bond's in the s1um of $65/hut of

ha .es w:--~' eiii 'i x Selaool District NMmnber lTwo (2),e c]Stil4uiterl mi3d existing district of Polk County,

l'Im a v t1

. eying. leg'aliziaz and confirming1' C:t on?.Tiv1919 1925. msiad all prced lgsIahenl in eon-


nection therewith and declaring said bonds, when deliveredandl pawtl for, to be valid, bindlingi 01( (]iire-t obligations ofsaul district, aid aut'ori Pini'; the leVy of sufficient tax I-pay saiiev, ith interest tlxieicon.

Whlich Aas iead the fiLut tine by its, title.Mr21. Swna-ingoc oi ovcd tint the rules be waived maid that

Sentiie Bill No. 5,1'5 be reld the sechvond! time by its t'lle only.Whitll wasa apnreed tLO by I a two-tllirds vote.And;t Scente 1511 NOJ \ ho. , with title above stated, was

resid tile seconld 110lc 117 b it's title only.Mri. f1wC'- ·11frl jmoved thiat the rufled be further, watliived

and that S enate lill U No. 565 . be read tile third time in full1:( pit l L upon it, pasage.

Whiichl was a'irccd to lv a two-thirds vole.Antd Senate flIj No. 565, w-ithl titler above stated. -waO

rend! the thirid tinie in full.Upen the passage of the bill the vote wvas:Yevs M1ri Pie ident, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Caiin',

CI'd-k CHl ,oni, EtileredoC I-lodges, Malwlaion, Mllniets,O -crm Aclt, Philfip *,, Rus cll, Siafgietary, Swearingenl" , 'Pay-loi. '1u;turier, 1C Vllier, Watsoii, Wicker-20.

Na s-None.he tile bill pnssed, title as stated.Aid tbe saine v-as or1deired to he certifiedl to tile lous;e

cl Ilenlesclnativc N incately. tlhe rule hvngiI beenwaived.

By Mr. Swearinzen--Senate Bill No. 566:A bill to be entitled An Act valildathing, praviflg,

Legalizing anld confirniiiflg bonds in the simn of $,20 000.00of Winston Specinal Tax School Dis:trict Niniber Sixtoeen(16), a le-ally con.,4iltitlt and existing District of PolkCounty. Floriida vaplilat 1g, approving. lcgaiiziiig andconfrmingi e'ection held Al 'v 19th. 1925, ai(l nl1 proceed-iigs taken in connectmn tblierccwith. and declaring saidbonds, whien delivered and poili for, to be valid, bindingand (liret obligations of said dis atrict and anthorizingthe ievy of sulfficient tax to pay same with interest direron.

-Which was read tlhe first time by its title.Mr. Sweariineeca moved that the rules be waived and

tll.t Seinate Bill No. 566 be read the second time by itstitle only.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.


And Senate Bill No. 566, with title above stated, Wasicad tlhe second time by its title only.

Mr. Swearingen moved that the rules be. further waivedand that Senate Bill No. 566 be read the third time in all,anil put upon its passage.

Which wvas agreed to by a two-thirds vote.

And Senate Bill No. 566, with title above stated, Wvasread tile third time in full.1: tIty.~ Upon tie passage of the bill the vote was:

Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, (Daj~iasCU lark, Colson, Etheredge, I-Hodges, Malone, Melianjeis,

£i .'-~-iOverstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st. Dist.), Turner. Walker, Watson, Wicker--20o

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the 1ouse

of Bepresentativezs immediately, the rule having beenwaived.

By Mr. Swearingen-Senate Hill No. 567:A bill to be entitled An Act validating, approving,

legalizing and confirming bonds in the suns of $77,000.00or Auburndale Special Tax School District Number Six(6), a legally constituted and existing district of Polk(Iounty, Florida villidating, approving, legalizing anlld con-firming election iheled April 21, 1925, and all proceedingstaken in connection therewith, and dIeclaring said bonds,when delivered anm paid for. to be valid, binding and di-rect obligations of saijd district and anthomrizing the levyof sufficient tax to pay same, with interest thereon.

WlXicli was, read the first time by its title.Mr. Swearingien moved that the rulesr be wvaived, and that

Senate Bill No. 567 be read the seconld timne hr its litleoniy.

Wlhichi was agreed to by a twvo-thiirds vote.An-d Senate Bill No. 567, wvith title above stated, wvas

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Swearingen mroved that the rules he further waived

and that Senate Bill No. 567 be read the third time in fulla'nd put ipoi its, passage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.Anti Senate Bill No. 567, with title above stated, wais

read the third time in full.


UJpon the passage of the bill the vote was:

Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anclerson, Butier, (aik-

ins, Clarkl, Colson, Etllereclge, Hlodges, MLalone, MleDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Sweariilgein, Tay-

lor (31st Dist.), Turlnet, Walker, Watsonl, Wiclker-20.


So the bill passed, title as stated.

Ancl thle samle w\as ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives imnediately, tlhe rule hlaving beenwaived.

By Mir. Swearingen-Senate Bill No. 568:A bill to be entitled An Act validating, approving, legal-

iZing and confirmiing bonlds in the sum of $160,000.00 of

Lake Wales Special Tas School District Number Fifty-

three (53), a legallyV constitutedl ant esisting district of

Pollk County, Florida; valicating, approving, legalizing

and confirming election held May 19, 1925, and all pro-

ceedings taken in connectionl therewith, and dclaring said

bonds, when delivered ant paid for, to be valid, binding

ant direct ollligaticols of said district and anthorizillg the

levy of sufflecielnt tas to pay same, wvith interest thlereon.

Which l: as read the first time by its title.

Mr. Sw\earingen moved that the rules be -aived and that

Senate Bill No. 568 be read the second time bIy its title

only.Wllichll aas agreel to by a two-tllirds vote.

And Senate Bill No. 568, With title above. stated, was

readL the second tiLie by its title only.Mr. Swearingenll movecd that the rules be further waived

and that Senate Bill No. 56S be read the third time in full

andl put upoi its passage.Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And Senate Bill No. 568, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:

Yeas-Mr. President, Mlessrs. Anclerson, Butler, Calkins,

Clalrk, Colson, Etheredge, IIolges, MIalone, MeDaniels,

Ovelrstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swvearingen, Tay-

lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Wallker, Watson, Wicel:er-20.Nays-None.So the hill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the. I-Iotse of


Repres3entativc:; under the rule inimediateiy, the rule hav-ing been wvaived.

ByMr. Swearingen-Senate Bill No. 569:A bill to be entitled An Act validating, approvingi, lerah

izing and confirmuing bonds in the sum of *20,0 00 *0 0 ofBar'tow Special Tax School District Number Seven (7), a;leally conistituted and existing district of Polk County,Florida 7; validating-, approving, legalizing and confirmingelection held April 21st, 1925, and all proceedings takenin connection therewith, and declaring said bonds, whendelivered and paid for, to be valid, binding and direct obli-gations of said district and autlhovi-zing the levy of suffi-

iemit tax to pay same, with interest thereon.Which was read the first time by its title.Mr. Swearingecn moved that the rules be xvaived and

that Senate Bill No. 569 be reac the second time by its titleonly.

Whichl nwa.s a-recd to hr a two-thirds vote.And Senate Bill No. 569, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Swearingen moved that the rules be further waived

aud thet Senate Bill No. 569 be read the third time in fulland put ulponI its passage.

Whiclh wa.s agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And Senate Bill No. 569, with title above stated, wasread the third time in full.Ulpon the passage of the bill the vote wreas:Yeas-MTr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,Clark. Colsoii, Etheredge, 1-odges, Malone, MecDaniels,

Overstreet, Phillips. Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nays--None.So 1hw bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives. immediately, the rule having-I beenwaived.

By Mr. Swvearingen-Senate Bill No. 570:A bill to be entitled An Act validating, approving,

legalizing and confirming bonds in the sum of $100,000.00of Special Tax School District Number Four (4), a legally


constituted and existing district of Polk County, Florida;validating, approving, legalizing and confirming electionheld April 21st, 1925, and all proceedings taken in con-nection therewith, and declaring said bonds, wher de-livered and paid for, to be valid, binding and direct obli-gations of said district and authorizing thle levy of suffi-cient tax to pay same, with interest thereon.

Whjich wras read the first time by its title.M\v·. Swearingen moved that the rules be waived and

tOiAt Scuate Bill No. 570 be read the second time ,by itstitle only.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And Senate Bill No. 570, wvith title above stated, wvas

read the secend time by its title only.Mr. Swearingen moved that the rules be further waived

and that Senate Bill No. 570 be read the third time in fulland put upon its passage.

-Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And Senate Bill No. 570, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Cal-

kins, Clark, Colson, Etheredge, Hodges, Malone, Mc-Daniels, Overstrect, Phillips, Russell, Sing-letary, Swear-ingen, Taylor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson,Wiceker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the seine was ordered to be certified to the HIonse

of Representatives immiediately, the rule having beenwaived.

BY' Mr. .Swearingcn--Se'nate B3ill No. R71IA h!ili to he at iieti tdAn Act validatiniig, approving, legal-

iziuni'' Aol COeirml14ingnf; I bonds inl tile sum of $L'0;00.00 ~f,')p,, iax -s chool D)istrict Number Forty-six (46), a It-gallyv constituted and existing district of Polk County,Floride- veidathng, approving, legalizing and confiriming·cletion hieldI April 21st, 1925, and all proceedings takenin conneectioi tbcrewvith, and declaring said bonds, whjteiidelivered and paid for, to be valid, binding and direct ob-ligations of said district, and authorizing the levy of suf-ticjetfll tax to pay same, %with interest thereon.

WhN!ich was read the first time by its title.



Mr. Swearingen moved that the rules be waived and thlatSenate Bill No. 571 be read the second time by its titiqoanly.

\\TJhj-j 1 was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And Senate Bill No. 571. with title above stated, was

re ad the second time by its title only.Mr. Swearingen moved that the itle-s be further waived

7 -; and that Senate Bill No. 571 be read the third tune in full

aill put 111)0p 1 its passage.W'lireh was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And Senate Bill No. 571, with title above stated, was

tie third time in full.

Upon tile passage of the bill the vote was:V -eat-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, (Colson, Etheredge, I-Hodges, Malone, MeDaniels,Ovenstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor. T1inner', Walkier. Watson, Wieker-20.

Navs-Nolie.So the bill passed, title as stated.Anti the sonic was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives immediately, the rule having been

Illv Mr. Swearingen- -

Senate Bill No. 572.A bild to be entitled An Act validating, ap)roving,

legaiizintr and conlirming bonds in the sum of +15,000.00of Dundee Special Tax Scfhool District Nnumber Forty-seven (47). a legally, constituted and existing distiidc, ofPolk Couinty. Florida validating, approvring, legalizing

ant confirrming, election 11ed1( May 19, 10, 253, and all pro-eeedinagsg taken in conniction thlerewith and defcciarihgsaid bondsl-, wheni delivered and palid for to be Na id, hind-ing ail dilrect olbligations of sicui (listrik-It ail'ad aid fiizinigthe levy of sufficti-f ent tax to pay somiae, wiVi(1 inrer' 't thereoll.

Whichl was reau thLe firs t. Iiae by 1r its 1.£

MRA1. Swearingen moved tiat the iuleA lbe waivwed andthat Seiate Bsill No. 572 he" -eald the s( a It fe hr itstitle only.

W'itichl was agreed to by I a two-thirds voie.

Andi Senate B~ill NTo. 572., 'itli title aho-c dtated, wasjead the second time by its title only.

Mr. Swearingen nimved that the rules be further aivrevd

and that Senate Bill No. 572 be read the third time in fulland put upon its passage.


Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And Sienate Bill No. 572. with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas--Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calk-

ins, Clark, Cjolson, Etheredge, Hodges, Malone, MeDaniels,Overstrcet, Pl'ljlips, Russell, Singletar'y, Swearingen, Tay-* or (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wieker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed title as stated.And the sanme was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives inmmediately, the rule having beenwaived.

Bv 'Mr. MNalone-* Senate Dill No. 573:A bill to be entitled An Act to permit the qualified

voters of Lee County. Florida, to decide whether livestock shall be allowed to run or roam at large wvithlin theterritorial limits of said County, providing for the en-forcement aind Carrying out, of thiis Act, piroviding a pen-altv for a Iwilful and repeated violation thereof, and fortile impoundiiirc anid sale of live stock running or roamingat large in said County.

Whlich iris r'ead the first tinie by its title.Mr. Mqlomie aN'edo that thle rules be waived and that

Senate Bill No. 5F) be read the second time by its titleonly.

Whichl was agreed to by a two-thirds Vote.And Seinate Bill No. 573. with title above stated, was

* read thie ceoemd timve by its title only.Mdr. Maolore moved that the rules be further waived

and tat Si ' enate Bill No. 573 be rend the third time in fulland put ilpon its passage.

Whici eiras ari'cred to liv a two-thiirds vote.And Senate Bill No. 573, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote wias:Yeras-Mr\'l. Pr·esidenit, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calk-

ins, C(lark, Clolson. Etlie-edge. Hodges, M,11alone, Me'Daniels,Overstreet. P11illips, Ruissell, Singletary. Swearingen, Tay-*or (31st Dist.). Turner. Walker, WTatson. Wieker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passQed, title as stated.

_18JENG ~ ~~181.,

Anlid thle samll!e was orlered to be certified to the IIouseof IRepre.elntative, im-nnediately, the rule bal\ing beenwraived.

Mrl. Etheredlge gave notice that hle woucl lmove to recon-74 sider th.e vote v bwiich Senate Bill No. 573 passed the

Senllate.Mr. Malone moved to waive the rules and that the notice

L -;.. ~ to reconsider said vote be now -talken up and considered bythe Senate.

Whielu as agreed to by a two-thirds vote.So the motion fol consideration was placed before thle

Qmlor A Senate.V tI~ ~ The Senate refused to recolsiderll the vote by wahich Sen-ate Bill No. 573 passedl.

By Mr. Wickelr-Senate Bill No. 574:A bill to be entitled An Act to prohibit the runlning or

roaming at large of cattle, hogs, sheep, and otllher live stocklin Mar-ion CounLty; to provide for an election to be held bythe registered votelrs who are freeholders in said county todetermile if tlhin: Act slhall become operative; to provicepenalties for the violation of this Act, and to provide thatthe owners of pr.olp-;e-ty dalaged or destroyed by suchl livestoelk runlniig or roannii"g at large may recover cdamaagesfr, ;uchll injury or destlruction.

Which was read the first time by its title.Mr. Wlicker moved that the rules be waived and that

Senale lill No. 574 be readcl the second time by its titleonly.

Which was agrecl to bv a two-thirds vote.And Senate BCill No. 574. wvitll title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.

Mr. Turnrer offered the following amendment to SenateBill No. 574:

Add Section 11, to read as follows:"Provided, however, that this Act is s-lbject to the eon-

dition that no cattle w-hich may stray into Marion Countyfrom any adjoining county shall be seized or impolllided,under the provisions of this Act, until Marion Counlltyshall have constructed a legal cattle fence sufficient toprevent the intrusion of cattle, along the entire boundaryline separating Ma.rion Counlty and such adjoining coun-ties, except that no boludary line fence shall be reqluired


between Marion County and any territory or any ad-joining couniy in which live stock is prohibited by lawfrom ruanning at large, or along any portion of the boun-dary line of said Marion County which consists of astream of water sufficient in size or depth to prevent thecrossing of cattle into such Marion County from any ad-joining- county where live stock is permitted to run atlarge. All cattle straying into Marion County fromt ad-joinhig territory wfhere live stock is permitted to run atlarge may be driven back out of said county. For thepurpose of providing the boundary line fence hereinbe-fore mentioned, Marion County be and the same is herebyauthorized to annually levy a special tax not to exceedtwvo mills for the purpose of ra'sing money to pay the ex-pense of construction of such fence and the maintenancethereof as hereinbefore mentioned, which tax shalt be as-sessed and collected as other county taxes arc assessedanti collected, when authorized by said county."

Mr. Turner moved to adopt the, amendment.Pending the consideration of the amendment. Mr.

Wieker, by unanimous consent, witlhdrew the bill.

By Mr. Wiicker (by request)-Sc'enate Bill No. 575 A bill to he entithlrd An Act to amiiind Section 1844 of

the Rlevised General Statutes of Flori-:da relating to termfor which franehises may be granted.

Whieh was read the first time by its title and referredto the Coinihittec on Jndiciary A.

The Senate took up for consideration the Calendar ofLocal Bills:

House Bills Nos. 169, 299, 277, 293 anid 298 werer takenup ii their orders and the consideration of the samIe Wasinformally passed overf.

Inumse Blill N\o. 30%:A\ 1b,11 to be entitled An Act to provide for a Closed Sea-

nutn for hiunting, killing, chasing. molestation or possessionof iill d(her or wil~d tinhlily iii the counties of Char-lotte,Grlades, Laee, Ilendily. Coflini% Dade, and Monroe, in thef tat'e. of Floridma'. andl pino ing penalties for the violationthereof, anmd rpepaliir. -fectioni 1, Chiapter 9411.1 Acts of1923, and all laws and parts of laws in conflict her·ewith,and)( to autlborize the Poard of (Cointm Cnommissioners of

g ~~~~~~~~~~1820

said respective counties to appropriate funds for the en-forcement hereof.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Malone moved that the rules be waived and that

Hiouse Bill No. 308 be read the second time by its title only.\sVTlicli wras agreed to by a two-thirds vote.Andl I-Ionse Bill No. 308, with title above stated, was

ivad the second time by its title only.IMr. Etherledge offered the following amendment to

I-louse Bill No. 308:In title, add the word ''Highlands'' after the word

''lonroe.''Mr. Etlheredge moved the adoption of the amendment.Which was agreed to by unanimous vote.Mr. Malone moved that the rules be further waived and

that House Bill No. 308, as amended, be read the thirdtiare in full and put upon its passage.

Whic.h was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And Hourse Bill No. 30S, as amendedl, with title above

stated, was read the third time in full.Uipon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-IMr. P1resiclent, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Callkins,

Clark, Colson. Etheredge, I-oclges, Malone. McDaniels,Overstreet. Phillips, Russell, Singletarv, Swearingen, Tay-lo. Trlller·, Walker, Watson, Wieker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as, stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the House

or Replrevsentativ.es ullder tihe rule.

Senate Bills Nos. 254 and 255 were taken up in theirorders and the consideration of the sanle was ilnformallypassed over.

Hlouse Bill No. 464:A bill to be entitled An Act authorizing the Board of

County Commissioners of DeSoto County, Florida, to is-sue county bonds in an amount not to exceed three hun-dred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) to provide fundswith which to purchase a site and to erect and equip ageneral hospital in said county, and to provide for thelevy and collection of an annual tax to pay the principaland interest of the said bonds.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Etheredge moved that the rules be xvaived and that


House Bill No. 464 be read the second time by its titleonly.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 464, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Etheredge moved that the rules be furthler waived

and that House Bill No. 464 be read the third time in fulland put upon its passage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.Andcl House Bill No. 464, with title above stated, was

Ieadl a third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mlr. Presidlent, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Etheredge, Hodges, IM:lone, McDaniels,()verstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lnJ (31st Dist.), Turner, Wallker, Watson, Wieker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passecl, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives under the rule.

Senate Bill Nuo. 32 was talken up in its ordler, and tie iconsidelration of the same Avs infolrmIally passed over.

IHouse Bill No. 708:A bill to be entitledl A Act To Authorize the Boaird of '

Public Instructionl of Bay County, Florida, to procure a loan of not exceedinig One hunldred thousand dollars ($100,- 00U0.00) and to pay ilitelecst thereon at a rate not exsceding six per cent (G'0%) per alnnuml for tile pI)'ptosc of erect-ilg anid fullrnishing a IHigh School Buildillg to belolg tot1e Fsaid Boa1rd. whereill to mainitain a County Hligh Schoolifol said Bay county; to authorize said Board, in order toploeulre said loan, to issue and sell not exceeding One hun-dicld thousand dollars ($100,000.00) in principal andamomunt of initerest bearing coupon bonds; to make plo-vision for a sinking fund for the retirement of said bondsand the intelrest to become due thereon and to regulate theexpelndlitiire of the sum derivedl from the sale of said bonds.

Wa:, takelln lip and placed before the Senate.Mi'. Etherledge moved that the rules be -waived andcl that

Ilouse till iNo. 708 be read the second time by its title only.Wllich wasz agreed to by a twvo-thirds vote.And Honusie Bill No. 70i8, with title above stated, was

e.sd tler s;fencondl time bl its title only.


Mr. Etberedge moved that the rules he fur-ther waivjIani that 1louse Bill No. 708 be read the third tinie in fulland put upon its passage.

Which was agi-e-d to Lx' a two-thirds vote.And Ioluse Bill No. 708, with title abjove slated, waas

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote ivas:

Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, C!ahtpills,Clark, Colson, Etheredge, Ilodges, IhIMaloue, JMteDaniet.,

L ~r~Q Overst'Oihce Phillips, Russell, Singzetary, Searin0gen, 'l'lalor (81Jit Di ;-.)L 'tun;·uer, Walker-,, Watson, Wicker-2o

So the hi I passed, title as stated.Atll( ie ' s" ' was ordered to be certified to the flooise ot

Rlepnu~e:ntativCs uicer the rule.

House l'i'l N". 702 and Senate Blls, Nos. 427 and 44-t:wver-e telken un1) inl tOei r o i'd em. iawd tie coflsidleIijtii ofthe saume Avas informally passed over.

H-louse Bill INo. 815:A 11ill to he entitled An Act aholislding Boards of Boud

Trustees in Lee County, Florida, and providing for thedispositiou of funds heabld] by them.

Was taken up and ,placed before thie Senate.Mr. Maloiie moved that the rules be va ived and that

House Bill No. 815 be read the second timie by its titleonly.

Avhieh bwas agreed to ly a two-fliirds vote.And I-louse Bill No. 815, with title above stated, was

read the second time Lv its title oily.Mr. Malone moved that the roles be further waived

and that House Bill No. 815 be read the third time in fulland pult o11)011 its passagnVe.

AN Ii eli was agreed to by a two-tb irds vote.And H-louse Bill No. 815, wvith. title above stated, was

reald the third time in full.Upon"1 tlie passaire of the bill tIme vole was:Yeas-Mr. Presidenlt, Messr~s. Anderson, Butler, Cal-

Btrus, Clark, colsonl, E, theredge, ilodges, MaIlonic, Mle-Daniels, Overslircet , Phillips, Russell, iiingletair, Swear-iiigen, Taylor (31st Dist.), Turier, UValker, WVatsoii,

V iel:er-20J.Navs-o t oi , sSo the bill passed, title as stated.


And the same was ordered to be certified to the Houseof Representatives under the rule.

I-house Bills Nos. 288, 745 879, 880 and 881, were taken

up in their orders, and the consideratioli of the same wasinformally passed over.

House Bill No. 882:A bill to be entitled An Act effecting the governmaent

of tile City of Jacksonville Beach, a mnniicipal corpora-

tion in Duval County, State of Florida, abolishliig certain

offices and boards, creat ting a city commissiioln and p'e-

5 cribing its powvers and duties, and coiierring" additioialjurisdiction, powers and duties on said city.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.

Mr. Butler moved that the rules be waived and that

hlouse oBill No. 882 be read the second time by its title

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.

And I-House Bill No. 882, with title above stated, was

read tie second time by its title only.Mli-. Butler moved that the rules be further waived anid

thaft hlouse Bill No. 882 be read thre third timei in full and

1mt upon its passage.Which was ag-reed to by a two-thirds vote.

Anti d louse Bill No. 882, with title above stated, wasread the third tmOO in full.

Upon the passage of the bill the vote waxs:

Ye·as-Ms. Pcsi dent, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, (,olsenrl Eldtrledrlge, Ihodezes, MKalone, MeDaniicls,

Overetsreet, 1hillops, Russelil, Si'ogletary, 5o-arilg Cen, Tay-

lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wieker-20.Nays-None.So trie bill passed, title as stated.And the same was oiddrlri to be? certified to the House

ol Represenitatives under the ruile.

By unanimous consent-

mr. hloderas was p1iinhtt d to withdrawv from the Calen-

dar and before the Senate, bill No. 212.

House Bill No. 82~f) A b~ill to 1ic entitel Ai N Ac~t aitliorUiilg, the (btl' of

.ln r-kr-n-iinil1 e Bench11 to i'mic IhoOds andir v at 'dot z and coil-

firmiing that, certain 0r(li )'mie muised by tlle City C.0ouncil

AMp~~~~~ ~1824

of said City on the 5th day of May, A. D. 1925, and todeclare the improvement bonds of the City of JacklsonvilleBeach, issue of 1925, to be valid and legal obligationls ofthe City of Jacksonville Beach, Florida.

Was talken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Butler moved that the rules be waived and that

EIouse Bill No. 883 be read the second time by its title

*tj I >7lWhich wras agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And I-louse Bill No. 883, with title above stated, was

I" Iellad tile seconld timIe by its title only.Lt:;s~t ilMi. Butler moved that the rules be further wvaived and

.h;:t IIou-se Bill No. 883 be read the third time in full andp nt upon its passage.

YllWhich woos agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And IHouse Bill No. 383, with title above stated, was

read thle third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:

cans-Mr.· IPre;idct:. Messlss. Anderson, Butler, Callkins,(Cla!rk Colson, Etele(edlge IIlodges, Malone, MeDaniels,Overstr-leet, Phillips, l:,ssell. Sinaletary, Swvearingen, Tay-lor, Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.Anid the samlie Rwan orderedl to be certified to the Honuse

eL; Representatives under the rule.

house Bill No. 872:A bill to be entitled Al] Act to prohibit thle taki-ng or

catclling of fish in tile fresh lakes and streams of AlaelnaCounty, Florida. for comillmercial pitrposes, except bIy horland line.

Was taken ul) alld placed before tile Senate, and redntile second time.

Mr. Col-on nmovel that the bill be indefinitely post-Ip( !]' .

Which was agreed to.

House Bill No. 873:A bill to be entitled An Act to validate and confirm all

state and county assessments of lands for taxes for theyear 1924 in Jackson County, Florida; to validate andconfirm all uncancelled and unredeemed tax sale certifi-cates upon which no deed has been made issued in pur-


suance of sales for taxes heretofore miade by any Statetax collector or State collector of revenue embracinglands in said County of Jackson, and to validate and con-firm all proceedings, assessments and sales upon which suchcertificates arc based; to cure all defects, omissions,errors and ir-regularities ii such assessments, proceedingsand sales and in the said assessments for 1924 ; to providefor the redcunption, sale and assignment of such of saidcertificates as arc held- by the State; to fix the time for suchredemption; and to declare that the invalidity of any por-tion of this Act shall not affect the validity of the re-m1ainder.

Was taken up! an 'Ild placed before the Senate.Hr. Singletary mloved that tile rules be wvaived and that

louse 1111 ilNo. 373 be reat thle second timae by its titleonly.

Whbich ivas agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 373, wAith title above stated, was

r'ead tile second timie by its title only.

Mr. Singletary offered the following amendimtent toHouse Bill No. 8 73:

Strike out all of Section 2 except the first four lines.Mr. Singletary moved the adoption of the amenchuent.Whlich wvas agreed to.Mr. Singietaary moved that the rules be furiher waived

antd that house Bill No. 873, as amended, be read the thirdtime in full and put upon its passage.

WhichJI wans ag ree--d to by a twro-thirds vote.Anid House Bill No. 873, as amended, with title above

statccl, rwas read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeasi--Mr. Presidtent, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Bthetredge, I-Hodges, MHalone, MreDanliels,Ovcrstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singlctary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Wats; ;n, WieIker-20.

Navs~----on e.So) the bill passed, as amendcd, title as stated.

And the same was ordered to be certified to the House ofRepresentatives under the( rule.

louse Bills Nos. 874, 862 aud 863 were taken up intheir orders, and the consideration of the same was in-formally passed over.

los--s. B.


Ihous-e Bill No. 866:A bill to be elititled Ai Act to create, establish and

organize a muniicipality to be known and dIesignated astile City of Charlotte-on-the-Bay. and to define its terri-torial bcundaries and to provide for its governent, jntris-dm Ion. 1 owers, Li on e1ises and ur)iv'ilcucs.

V/as taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Ethered ge moved that the rules be waived and that

4House Bill No. 866 be read the second time by its titleonly.

\ Uhich was agreed to by a twio-thirds vote.And I-House Bill No. 866, with title above stated, was

·J- i rend the second time by its title only.i\lr Etheredge moved that the rnles be fnrther wvaived

andi thiat I-louse Bill No. 866 be read the third time in fulland put upoLI its passage.

Which wvas agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And H-ouse Bill No. 866, with title above stated, was

read the thirid time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-M11r. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Cal-

kins, Clark, Colson, Etheredge, Hodges, Malone, lIe-niel~~ics. C) verstcut, Phillips, uussell, Singtetai'y. SwNear-

ingen, Taylor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson,Wieker-20.

Nays-None.So the Bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the H-louse

of Representatives under the rule.

House Bill No. 870:A bill to be entited Anl Act to enable the municipalities

of the City of Feort Myers, and the Cilty ofl East FortMyer-s, in the County of Lee ant State of Florida, toadopt zoning regulations and to enforce the same, andi pro-vidino for the creation of zoning commissioners and boardsof adjustment anti prscribing their powers ant duties.

Vas taken tp and placed before the Senate.Mr. Malone moved that the rules be waived and that

House Bill No. 870 be read the seconad time by its title only.Whilch was aglreed to by a tvo-thirls vote.And House Bill No. 870, with title above stated, was

read the second time by i4s title only.Mr. Malone moved that the rules be further waived and

a~ I-------


that House Bill No. 870 be read the third time in ful.l andput upon its pass-Uage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds -vote.And House Bill No. 870, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill tile vote was:Yeas-Mr. President, 1Icssres. Aniderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, CJolson, Etheredige, Ilodires, Malone, MelDaniels,OvrlCSti-eet, Phillips, Russell, Singletarv, Swuariiigcn, Tay-b(r (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wieker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the IHouse

of Representatives under the rule.

Hlonue Bill ii. w54 was taken tip iii its order, and theconsideration of the samite was informally passed over.

House Bilf No. 855:A bill to bie entitled Anu Act creating- and establishing a

bird reservation to be kun)nv as "The Tainilami BirdReservation o- Sarasota Counity, Florida"; (letinhvvr thleboar-daries therJe;f; abolirhing ali opeen seasoni for wildbirds within said reservation; prohibiting-, an punllishingriclations of this Act; and providing for public noticeof the exis'enee of said reservation and of the penaltyfor violation of this Act.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Ethereiogre moved that the rule3 be waived and that

ilomw.e Bill No. 855 he read the second time by its titleonlN.

WhihN was iagareed to by a two-thirds vote.Anid Home Bill No. 855, wiNth title above stated, was read

the scond timne by its title only.Mr. Etberedge moved that the rules be further waived

and that hlouse Bill No. 855 be read the third time in fulland put upon its passage.

W11inch waz's agireed to by a two-thirds vote.And Hlouse Bill No. 855, with title above statedl, wvas

read thie third timte in full.i teni tthe piasage of I be bib, the vote -was'Yeas,-Mr. Pie .:ileotM s Amdersem. Butler, (!knsbijl,

Clhak C(son, Ijtheru-cdge, llodges, Ilone, M cDanIeOre1 sTeen, Pluifips Te-nell. inletary, f8werorflineen. ' av-lor, Turee-n, Yalaki-e, Watson, Wie(kei'-L0.


Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to he certified to the Bouse

of Representatives under the rule.

Howse Bill No. 8.56:4~:w;--· · BA bill to be entitled An Act to amnend Section 2, Article

F- J 1, and Section 1, Article 10. of Chapter 9059 of theLaws oi 1921, relating to the establislling of thle iiuajcilality of the Town of Sarasota Heights, Florida.

Was, taken upl and lplae( before the Senate.F:: ;Zt~r- 1 lMr. Etheredge mloved] that the rules be waived aLLd lint

1ouse IPill No. %i5i h)e i-ad the seconod time bY its title

Whfich was. agreed to by a two-thirds %vote.And House Bill No. 856, withi title above statelilVeal toe ·econdl time by, its title onlv.Ti-·. Ethinreze da moved that the rules be further waiveil

aind that House Bill No. 856 be read the third time in fulland lput upon its a'Isa"ge.

Whljich urns ao'reed to by a two-thirds vote.And E.Houme Bill No. 856(. withi title above stated, was

read tile thind time in full.lpan! thle l'sai- DY thle bill, tie vote wrasIYeas-iiXr. Pr(-idendt, Messrs. Anderson, Buttler, CaIl k-

ins. Clark, Colson, Etlieredgcxe, Hlodgbsi, Malone. AleDanileis'Over.street, Phillins, Ru:ssell Singletarv, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Tnrner%. Wa'er. Watsoni. Wicker--90.

Ho the bill passed, title as stated.Anid tile same wvas ordered to hle certified to the Homue

orf TPonre:-Antatives under the rule.

House Bills.Nos. 875, 860 and 861 were taken up in theirorders, and consideration of the same was iuformallypassed over.

House Bill No. 850:A bill to be entitled An Act prohibiting the owner or

nwer,-on hIarino' tile custody and control of cattle or, hqogsfrom permitting them running at large within the follow-ing described boundaries in Hillsborongh County, Florida.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Taylor (11th District) moved that the rifles lie


waived and that House Bill No. 850 be read the secondtime by its title only.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 850, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Taylor (11th Dist.) mo-ved that the rules be fur-

ther waived and that House Bill No. 850 be read the thirdtime in full and put upon its passage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And I-House Bill No. 850, with title above stated, was

read thethircd time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas- 4 'Ir. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, (Jolson, Etheredge, Hodges, Malone, MDaniiels,Oyecrstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tav-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker--20.

Nays-NoneSo the bill passed, title as stated.And the sanit icesr ordered to be certified to the Rouse of

Representatives under the rule.

nouse Bills Nos. 85:3', 854 'mud 845 were taken up in theirorders and the consideration of the samne was inforimaillypassed over.

llouse Bill No. 846:A Tiii to lie entitled An Act to enable municipalities of

the Co-unty of Piiiieals, State of Florida, to ndopt zningregulationis amid to enforce the same, and providing' forthe creation of zoanath coniniissmiols and boards of adjust-nents; anid preserimbinai their powcrs and dauties.

WVa.; taklren up nDied pla1 ci bhefole the Senate.Mr. Taylor, of 11th Dl!,,triet, moved that the rules be

avlfted and that IHoul? I"ll No. 846 be read the sccoud timeby its title only.

Which was lrmered to byv a two thirds vote.Aimd House till No. 846, with title above stated, was

real the s'econd time by its title only.Mr. Taylor, of 11th District, moved that the rules be fur-

ther waived and that Ihonse Bill No. 846 be read ths thirdtime in full and put upon its passaue.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And house Bill No. 846, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:


Yeas.-MBr. Presid cut, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, CalkillsClark, CJolson, Etlieredge, Hodges, Malone, MeDailels'Oversireet, Phillips, Russell; Siugletary, Swearingen 'aylor (81st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20g

Na vs-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same wras ordered to lie certified to the House of

Representatives under the rule.

,1~Fr ' louse Dill No. 847:'~v.z_ A bill to be entitled Ani Act providing, a suppleuieilit,

additional and alternative method for tile establishment,government and maintenance of City Planing Ids

Florida, and prescribing- their powevcrs and duties..Tas tnik-n up and placed before the Senate.

Mr. Taylor, of 11th District, moved that the rules bewvaived and that IotIse Bill No. 847 le read the secondtime b'y its title rniiv.

Which was agrceed to by a Inwo- thcirs vote.Antld House~ Bill No. 847i with I itle above stated, Was

cad time se·ond thue by its title only.Mr. Taylor, of 11th Disdi it, in-',met ovdiat the rules be

flurther wvaived ant that Hucse Lill No. 847 be, read thrtin jul tifie in full andi([ put upon it, passage.

YTlVlch iwas '"reed to b- a two-thuds voteAn\d HTolmu Bill No. 847. with iiitV above stated, was

c-Iad thl thu d time in full.FpOln tile pascal.e of the bill the vote WrasiXa - S1 Presideint, Messr·s. _ Y1atu01·oli. Butter, Calkius,

Clark. C.olson, Etheredge, hodesl Malone, McDaiicls,(Iveistrectl Phillips. Russell, Singbetaryv SIn "ringeim, Tay-lor (31st Diit.), Turlner. Walker. Wa'con, W'eker-20.

Nays-None.So t1w bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to time H-louse

of Representatives under the rule.

House Bill No. 831:A bill to be enitlud Ani Act to confer additional powers

upon the City of Tampa in relation to tile widening, ex-tension andll improvement of street and other public ways,the laying of sidewalks , sewvers amid water mains, and theconstruction of bulkheads. seawalls and other retaining-

toauthorize, said city to issue bonds and notes for the

cost of clearing p)ropety 01 unlsi~ghtly and unsanitary miat-

tcr adtecost of fillhnlo 1i unsanitary execavat ionis anddei-sio ', passed................1925,alidnowilleffect.

Wstaken up and placed beforc thle Scnate.Ar.ravlor, of 1111 Dictri et. moved that thle !uilcs be

lvavef 13-dthat lion oc 1)1111 N'o. 8,'31 he rcad tl cSecondtim byitstitle only.

Which Was aixrecd to lix i two-thirdts votc.

Anjd Iloune B'ill N-o. 881' with title above statcd, wvas

rcaid Ih Icc t 3acb its tri e onh1ylyli Tz,, or. l 'Ill' I)PzDiet, ci ovoJ that tiic 1 ules lie

fur hler w- p c. J 1!inht lleu e I ill No. 83le rcail the

tin,( i i(1 -I' oll ondl pit 111)0) ItS pvl-ae

WTi-n w acs 9-en'pl to liv a two ftliids vote.

And 1House Bill No. 331, xxith title aboyc stated, was

Unad tcalt tu timle inl full.L e'i t e r" 'n of tIle lull t-lie N-ste wais:

L~i H 1e I Me meA'ulersonl. Blutler. Catkinls.

'{I T. K0 1 i lotl ,i. c> Mlonie. Meann i-ls,

Ow i u~~~~~~~~-I i Ti) -- ( ii Swearigen , Trybr I, eI -r TV -*-IV d i 20

or T-Ill i i-, Tociere0

Amnd I lie Ma-ic xo ordci el to lie u-irtificil to the House

of Renres~eltiltl-, u-nder the rle.

htousel Bill No. 832:A hill to be entitled Ani Act relating to adlvertisemeiits

for bids onl public work and material in tlu' City of Tampa.

Was taken Lip and placed before the Senate.

Mr. Taylor, of the 11th District, moved that thle rules be

waived and thwat House Bill No. -332 be read the second thime

by its title only.Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.

And H-ouse Bill No. 832, with title. above Stated, was

readl the Second time by its, title only.


Mr. Taylor; of 11th District, moved that the rules befurther wvaived and that HIouse Bill No. 832 be read thethird time in full and put upon its passage.

Which wvas agreed to by a two-thirds vote.Andc House Bill No. S32, with title above stated, was

readl the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the --ote wvas:Yeas-Mr. Presiclent, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Callkins,

?·,,~ Clark, Colsoll, Etheredge, HIodges, Malone, McDaniels,-Tm' ;. ~Overstleet, Phillips, PLussell, Singletalry, Swearingen, Tay-!g5~~ ~ lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walkter, Watson, WVieker-20.


^> K y So the bill passed, title as stated.Aj~ W ;.,And the same was ordered to be certified to the I-ouse

>$a4.t S 4 of Rtepresenntatives uleder the rule.

ouse L B ill N\o. 833:A bill to I;e enlit led Al .\ It altholi'iznig thle City (Coinl-

inis:iion of tile City. oi T'l':rp to b;orriov nolney in altici-pation of cullrrent re.eniuele (1 isislies of notes olr bolids asevidence thereof.

Was taken up and placed before the Sinate.Mr. Taylor, of 11th District, mov;cd thallt the rules be

wNaivedl and that IIouse 1Bill No. 833 be read tlle secondtime by its title only.

Which was agreed to by a tvo-thiirds vote.Andl HIouse Bill No. 833, writh title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mri. Taylor, of 11th District, moved that the rules be

flirther wvaived and that IHouse Bill No. 833 be e(ad tlhethird time in full and put Uiponl its passage.

Which was agreedl to by a twvo-thirdls vote.Anl IIHouse Bill No. 833, wvith title above state(l. was

read the third time in full.

IUpon tile passage of the bill the vote wvas:Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Andclerson, Buntler, Calkins,

Clarkl, Colson, Etheredge, IIodges, Mlalone, MIeDaniels,O-erstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wickelr-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives under the rule.


Rouse Bill No. 834:A bill 'o Lue c!tiuo1l _e!1 ku t amtlorizi'igy tile (lityof

Tra-nnml- 0 Il a I uniieted amo11unt, of 1)e01l1lltellt li!!lpl OVt

plenOt bo)011 '115 d ;Iit0 t011 vote of lie Imoil t'_

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Taylor, of 11th District, moved that the rules be

vaived and that House Bill No. 834 be read the secondtime by its title only.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And Iouse Bill No. 834, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Air. Taylor, of 11th District, moved that the rules be

further waived and that louse I Bill No. 834 he read thethird time ii full and put upon its passage.

Which was a greed to by a two-thirIrs vote.And IHouse Bill No. 834, \vith title above stated. was

rjead the third tine in full.* Upon the passage of the bill the vote wahs:Yeas-MITr. Presidenti, TMdessrs. Anderson, Butler Cabins,

ClarkI;, Colsonv, Eth eredge, I.lodas, M'alone. 1\leDaniels,Oversstveet Phillips, Russell, Sfingletary, Swaringen, Tay'-lobr (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wieker-20.

Na vs-Nrone.So the bill pas,,sed. title as stated.Ai il the same was ordered to lie certified to the Ilouls'e

ol' IRepresentatives unnder the rule.

House Bill No. 840:A bilt to he entitled An Act to repeal Chapter 9345

of the Laws of Florida, Acts of 19223, andri entitled 'AlnAct to organize and establish a County Court for GladesCounty, Florida; to prescribe the termns thereof; to pre-set 1·o flte . 1 and powerl: to lprovide for tile ap-pointminnt of a Judge and Prosecuting Attorney.' Toabolish the Couity Court thereby created and to pro-vide for the disposition of the causes, records and papersill or of said court, and appellate proceedings thlerefrom;to prescribe the effect of judg-ments of the said Courtand the issuance of appellate proceedings therefrom, andto provide the effect of executions heretofore issued onjudgiments of said County Court.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mri-. Etheredge moved that the rules be waived and thavt

House Bill No. 840 be read the second time by its title only.Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.


And House Bill No. 840, with title above stated, wasf·ind the, second tiie by its title only.

Mlr. Etheredge moved 'that the rules be further waiveh;dand tbat, House Bill No. 840 be read the third time in fulland put upon its passage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And Rouse Bill No. 840, woith title above stated, -was read

the second time by its title only.Mr. Etheredge moved that the rules be further waived

,-. I and that Iouse Bill No. 840 be reac the third time in fullantl put upon its passage.

WXtidi was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And I-Iouse Bill No. 840, with title above stated, wras

reati the thurd time in fulljUPOn the paissage of the bill the vote was:~ ci' Mr--1II. 1-iesnent, Mess;s. Anderlson, Butler, CalkinM.

(1aiki ( csn, EtL-redge, Hodges, Mlalone, McDailiels,Oveil ict, 'u Rui i lu se ,! Singletary, SArearin-get, Tay-o1, Wi-i r k, \aor, Watson1, Wieker-20.

''o th~e hall passe-, title as stated.i t;ic sai11e WWas ordered to be certified to the hlousecim i eata lives under the rule.

T ouse tili No. 827:xi'i vl:1 to w) ct1tit'cd Anl Act ratif-ing, validathing andl

coiln riiiag, aill the acts' and p)roceedingps of the CircuitCent '<F B ieva"rd Co(unty taken~I or renlderedt in behalf ofthe Tpi r S ot l hins Dr-ainalge District since the last regu-lar se -orion of flin; Legislatucre, and all of the actsl ailnd pr-o-Ceeednvvos of the 1Loord of Sutpervisors aiid of the officersof :i3i tistsict, and of Brevard County admint for and onbehat of said distijt in carrying out the affairs of saiddismr~ci sn 5ce tIm- last regular session of this Legislature;,articuhiux ai' deeds executed by the tax collector of saul

co u, isy pinsuant to deree of said Circuit Court.Was taken up end placed before the Senate.Mr. Watson moved that the rules be waived and that

House Bill No. 827 be read the second time by its titleonly.

Which was agreed to by a twvo-thirds vote.And H-house Bill No. 827, with title above stated., vas

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Watson mnoved that the rules be further wvaived

and that House Bill No. 827 be read the third time in full


and put upon its passagge.YVhieih was agreecd to by a two-thirdis vote.An-d House Bill No. 327, with title above stated, was

*react the thir~d time inl full.* ~~~Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:

Iecas-Ilr. frst Ut, Mssrs. Andersoni, buLlder, CJalkins,Clark, (Jolson, Litheredge, lind e:, Malonie, MeDaniels,Oveui-rteel, Pb itlips, Russell, Shingtetary, Swearingen, rray-lnc (Slot Dist. ), Turner, Walker, Watson, W'ieker-2t12.

* ~~Nav-s-None.So the bidi pa'ssed, title as stated.And11 thle same wias ordered to be cent ified to the Ihouse

o4 Representatives under the rule.

[lomte Bill INo. 825:A bill to be entfitled Ali Act ratifying-, validlatin~g anti

co.lifii'ning all of the acts, and proceedhings of the Board*Of S pi' sisaii al othc i oficii u and ag cots of thle

0Crane I rcek Draiinage dishtrlet alid of Lrev',,rd Counltyad ing fc m~~11d (--II ofll &Ijsid dci.;te;t , I)ig.- n P, r Ill~ m ot

thie aitaii, o 0 s'jl(I Lfll -cellQ' c ihietIreg-I£ it ii eCssonoi in lcflh l m ie lc -my -ndt 'dl ian klevi "4 mssels-mineits, ai( limtloim'a 0r otbcvimr 11 , 1 adc I' san1( 1)0 maid an dall1 bon-ds. '",idjinmal or 01i'1' \i of aid di i~i stod01' a-thoor~zed to x., 1 ne Usai l 1 ni 1 I ISu '81rvenous.

'\\TŽ, fe 11)n amti pmined be1o01 0 din Sena11tte'Mr. Viatou 10d tIip! fi nc hter wa.ivzledl and that

* house C~Iili No. ~'22% ic en the tmcltime Lv its titleonly.

Whichi was igr~ccd to by atwvo tlilida; cbAnid I-luse~ Bill No. w nud title above stated, was

i-cad tilie sescLondi time bV i4~ title eal Me. Wlatison 1)ov50d th~at Ithe rules be further waived

and hat i nu Bill N~,o. P28 be read the third times inl fullndput 1I)O11)0 n~- p aeWhtich wsas, ao-iced to by a tsvo-tliirds, vote.And Housi V ihl No,(. 1228,, with title above stated, w'as

r-ead~ thie thud1- love Inl full.Upon title pass.~age of time bill the vote was:Y reas-ldir. Precsident, Messrs. Anjdersoni, Buttler, Calkins,

CI li-,(olson, Etheredge, H-odges, Malone, MeIDarniels,overstrcet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (311st list.), Turnier, Walker, Watson, Wieker-20.

Nays-None.So thle bill passed, title as stated.


And the same was ordered to be certified to the ilois.vof Representatives undcler the rule.

HIouse Bill No. 829:A bill to be entitled An Act ratifying, validating and

confirming all of the Acts and proceedings of the Board; -l of Supervisors and all other officers and agents of the

'~' BlMelbourlne-Tillmaln Drainage District and of Brevardt,9, ~ Coullnty acting for and on behalf of said district since the

last regular session of this Legislature, and any and allt*,;J ~ tax levies and assessments wvhich have been made by said,H¢-~ Board; and all bonds issued by the said district; and

ratifying, valicating and confirming the construction ofthe plan of reclamation of said district incluling all de-tail changes in said plan that have been approved by saidBIoarcl of Snupervisors.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Watson nioved that the rules be waived and that

House Bill No. 829 be read the second time by its titleonly.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And Honse Bill No. 829, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Watson moved that the rules be further waived and

that House Bill No. 829 be read the third time in fulland put upon its passage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And I-Iouse Bill No. 829, wvith title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was.Yeas-Mr. Presidenlt, lMessrs. Anldersonl, Butler' Calkins,

(Clark, C'olon, Etheredge, Ilodges, MIalole, MIeDaniels,Oversilreet. Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Navs-NoneSo the bill pIw:tl, title as stated.Andl the samle wvas ordered to be certified to the HIouse

of Representatives under the rule.

Ilouse Bill No. 830:A bill to be entitled An Act authorizing the City of

Tampa to issue notes in auticipation of receipt of the pro-ceeds of the sale of bonds and providing for the issue,disposition and retirement of the samine.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.


Mr. Taylor, of 11th District, moved that the rules bewaived and that H~ouse Bill No. 830 be read the secondtime by its title only.

Which was agreed to by a twiothirds vote.And I-House Bill No. 830, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Taylor, of 11th District, moved that the rules be

further waived ard that House Bill No. 830 be read thethird time in full and put upon its passage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Dill No. 830, with title above stated, wvas

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the h ill tihe vote wavs:

Yeas-Mr. President, Ms Anderson, Butler, Calkins,Clark, Colson, Etheredge, Hodges, Malone, MeDaniels,(iversireet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), rrlrner Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

N'avx-None.5o the bill passed, title as stated.And the same n-as ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives under the rule.

iHouse Bills No,,,. 741 and 744 were taken up, in theirorders awl! the consideratio-n of the same was informallypouns-d ove-r.

t(flAis2 Bill No. 826:A bill to be entitled An Act requiring the County Com-

missionevs of Glades County, Florida. to let all Avorkt tobe pflcl for from any bond issue of Glades County, Flor-ida. for any Special Road and Bridge District therein bycm' 0car' and providinga method for performing ice saidwnihk in case the Board of County Coimmissioners deemI Ie h)id', to be too high.

Was taken)] mii andl placed before the Senate.MAlr. Etlwvedg e moved that the rules be waived and that

Touse Bill No. 826, be rend the second time by its title

Which waw as ngr d to by a two-thirds vote.Andi-;l TTcwe-! B-ill No. 826. ivitli title above 4atafed, was

read the, second time by its title only.Er. Etheredge moved tflit the rules be further waived

antd thlat hlouse Bill No: 826 be rend the third time in fulland put upon its passage.

Wlich was agreed to by a. two-thirds vote.


And Hlouse Bill No. 826, with title above staled, wasread the third time ii full.

Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:I Ui5ILI IiiC,;AL~i 110515 nic~esoi, 3 ttler, Calkins,

Obirk, Cols,;on, Etheredilge, liodges, TIalone, Mecaiiieis,oersiree't. lhiliips, s:; set1, Singletary, i~aaringen, Tarv-bor (31st Di!;t.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker--2d.

Navs-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the hlouse

of Representatives under the rule.

HIouce Bill No. 007:K~i; A bill to he entitled An Act providing for the creaition

F:-7 1 of the office of Traffic Officer ill Minatec County, lD'or-idala and providing for the appolr ilntite expeiinc deties

aii powers of sLiucII traffic otficer and the term of oFfice

(I proVidnn forl tile appoiisetI11CJ of one or mare DeputyTrylfffie ( ffh ers; anid providing for the eompel cis-:tiof of

such traffic officers and deputy or. deputies to he fixedIjV I lie Boar-d of ou~llIt CGommis-,·sionrters-; in Manatee Coon-tv. Flonrida.

'Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Bthercdg e moved that the rules be , waived and that

lIeu ;c Bill No. SO! be ~ read Lthe secon.id time by its titleonly.

W7hich was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 807, writh title above stated, -was

read the' second tiue by its title only.MIr. Etheredge moved that the rules be furth-r waived

waived and that hlouse Bill No. 807 be read the third timein full and put upon its passage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thilrds vote.And House Bill No. 807, with title abov.e stated, was

rees]d the tli ird time in ful].Upou the passage of the bill the vote wvasq

Yeas-MBlr. Presi;denit , Me~ssrs. Aindcrsm),i. Butle-. Calkins,Clark, (ol:son. Ethe-edge, Hodges, Malone, Me'Daniels,

Oversl;~reet. Phillips,, rus!isell, Singletar-AY, Sweeninee, rIlr

Ic ,~t Dieit.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wieker-20.

So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the hlonuse

of Jicice c.:eiitaii-,'C·eS underCl the rule.


house Bill No. 608 :A bill to be entitled An Act providing for the re-con-

struction, repair, re-paving, re-har'dsurfacing, re-calbingor· the wideing of the pn'ing or haiu(lsurfacing,, of public

cds, tr io ;ily niitiiuouns lportions thereof, or. the dloing- ofalit ur all of said thinirs. outside the corporate limits ofatl. uniicipality, and for assessing the costs thereof* against alinttinc property, in Counties of not less than* one hend tlred twenty-five tliousand population, accordingto the census taktn lnby the State of Floridla in the tear1025. andl givinm the Board of County Colnmmissionersg fullpoWer- anil a utlioir'r Ittin' refor.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Taylor (11th DUst.) moved that the rules he waived

and that I-louse Bill No. 603 be read the second time byits title only.

Which was aggreed to I)IT a twjo-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 608, v-ith title ahove stated, was

read the second tim7e hi its title only.Mr. Taylor (11th Dial) 1 unved that the rules he fur-

ther waived and that House Bi11 No. 608 be real the thirdtime in full and put upon its Passage.

Which was agreed ta by a two-thirds vote.And H1ouse Bill No. 6)8, witlh title above stated, was

read the thlicrd time in full.Upon the passage of tied bill the vote wvas:Yea s-MIr. PrmleatentMs Anderson, Butler. Calkiuls,

Clairk, Co'Vion, Etheredge, Hodges, Maloie, Me7)amnesid,o0-eci"'sreet. Phillips, RuIssell, Singletary, Swea ri agen, Tay-lor Di1st Dist.), Tiurner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nays-Nonc.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same -was ordered to he certified to the House

of Represenitatives under the rule.

House Bill No. 620:A hill to he entitled An Act authorizing and emnpower-

nig 'rnty( 'm~ winwrsof ceuh)inl count icr hiavuig~ atpopulat'on of not less than one hundred twenoty-five thon-san1d (125 000) accordinl-g to tile last precedino.g cenlsus,wlhether the same shall have been taken iby the UnifedStates of America or the State of Florida, to enter intocontract wtli attorneys at law to collect ainonilts (Incno1 vis·-:~cv~iInIllnaml Imtlltera etAreatedI by courts sittingin said counties.


Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Taylor, of 11th District, moved that the rules be

waived and that House Bill No. 620 he read the secondtime by its title only.

Which waIs agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And I-loiise 1ill No. 620, with title above stated, wvas

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Taylor, of 11th District, offered the follonviu,

amendment to House Bill No. 620:In Section 1, strike out the words and figures as follows.

''That the board of county commissioners in coantiesha-ving a population of not less than than 1_25,000 onehundred and twenty-five thousand, according to the lastpreceding census whether the same shall have been takenin the United States of America in the State of Florida''and insert in lieu thereof the words and figures as follows:."That the board of county commissioners of countieshaving a population of not less than 130,000 accord in'' tothe last preceding state census.''

Mrl. Taylor, of the 11th District, moved the adoption ofthe amendment.

Which was agreed to.M1r1 Taylor, of the 11th District, offered the following

amnendm ent to lIone bill No. 620:in the title, s;trike out the wvords and figures as followis·

`A bill to be enti' tled An Act authiorizing anil empowerling,Coemi- C(omuiiamssiouiers of certain counties hiaving a pol~o-ioterii of bio i Q : fi~n one linudred and twenty-five thou-"I"A, aecor ding to the 'an-t preceding census. wihether same:lilot ha e been t'a en byr the United States of America or

the bate of 101oabd(Cmn- insert a ii u thfwoof the followingi: 'A bill to hie

cuiitifed An Ant autlhorinzin' anl emnowering County4'mlil'p ibiloili-s of counties havtng a population of 130,000inmhiaiitamts or -rovre, rc'ording to the last preceding State

Mill-. Taiylor moverl the adoption of the amendment.Whi;ch was agreed to.Mv. T~iyl-n, of 11th District, moved that time rules be fur-

thier waived and that house Bill No. 620, as amended, h eread the third timle in full and put upon its passage.

Whlich was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.* And h ,ouse Bill No. 620, as amended, with title above

sttated, was read the third time in full.

ie!~~~~ ~~1841

a * U'pon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Ethelredge, Hodges, Malone, McDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Ru:,sell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the lHouse

of Representatives under the rule.

Mlr. Taylor, of 11th District, gave notice that he wouldmove to reconsider the vote by wlhich House Bill No. 608passed the Senate.

Mr. Taylor, 11th District, moved to waive the rules andthat the notice to reconsider said vote be now taken upand consideredl by the Senate.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.So the motion for consideration was placed before the

Senate.The vote by which House Bill No. 608 passed the Senate

was reconsidered.Mr. Taylor, of 11th District, moved to waive the rules

and that House Bill No. 608 be placed back on the secondreading for amendment

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And the bill was again placed before the Senate on the

second reading.Mr. Butler offered the following amendment to House

Bill No. 608:In Section One strike out the words and figures as fol-

lows: "One hundred twenty-five thousand according tothe censuls of the State of Florida of 1925," and insertin lieu thereof the following:

"One hundred and thirty thousand according to thelast preceding census of the State of Florida."''

Mr. Taylor, of 11th District, moved the adoption of theamendment.

Which was agreed to.Mr. Butler offered the following amendment to House

Bill No. 608:In the title, strike out the words as follows: In conU-

ties of not less than one hundred and twenty-five thou-sand population according to the census taken by theState of Florida in the year 1925, and insert in lieuthereof the following: In counties of not less than one

10io9-s. B.


hundred and thirty thousand population, accorling tothe last preceding census taken by the State of Fl:)rida.

Mr. Tavlor (11th Dist.) movedl the adoption ot theamiendmlent.

Which \was agreed to.Mr. Taylor (11th Dist.) moved that the rules be further

wvaivedl and that House Bill No. 608, as amended, be readthe third time in full and put upon its passage.

,-., A' 1VWhich was awreed to by a two-thirds vote.il K. Acl IlAnd House Bill No. 608, as amended, with title above

-Js>> I ~stated, was read the third time in full.4w' is S Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:

Yeas-Mr. President, Mlessrs. Andclerson, Butler, Callins,4> =- Clarlk, Colson, Etheredge, HIodges, BMalone, MIcDaniels,

1's i 0~overstrceet, Phillips, Rlussell, Singletary, Sw\earingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Wallker, Watson, Wickler-20.

Nays-None.So the bill, as amended, passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to.the House

of Representatives under the rule.

IIonse Bill No. 5939:A bill to be entitled An Act abolishing Boards of Bond

Trustees in Seminole County, Flolida, and Iproviding forthe disposition of funds held by them.

Was: talkenL up allndc placedl before the Senate.MI r. Oversstcet moved that the rules be waivedl and that

I-Iouse Bill No. 599 be read the second time by its title onlyMhllhich avs agreed to by a two-thirds vote.Anld Ionuse Bill No. 599, with title above staled, was

readl the seconld time by its title only.Mr. Overstreet moved that the rles be further waivedl

andl that Ilouse Bill No. 599 be read the third time in fullan(d nut rpon, its plassage.

7Which waels agreed to by a two-thircLds vote.Andl I-ouse Pill No. 599, vitll title above stated, -was

read thle third time in full.IUpol tfe pa-sage of thle bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. IP'resident, M\essrs. Andersivi. Butler. Calkl.ins.

Callark, C'olson, Etheredge, HIodges, IMalone, MeDanliels,Ove-s rreeL Phillilps, Russell. Singletary, Swa1.>lingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wickler-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.


JiY the same was ordered to be certified to the IHouseof lupdesc:iaivc; ulller the ruhle.

IIHouse Bill No. 891:A bill to be entitled An Act to confer upon the City of

St. lP(.tcrsburg the power to regulate electric light, elec-tric pover rates alllnd service and to presciribe the lueansanl metholld of exercising such power.

WNas taken up allnd placed before the Senate.Air. Taylor, of 11tll District, moved that the rules be

waived and that I-House Bill No. 891 be read the secondtile by its title only.

Which was agreedl to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 891, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Taylor, of 11th District, moved that the rules be

further waived and that IHIouse Bill No. 891 be read thethird time ii full and put upon its passage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.Ancl IIouse Bill No. 891, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon tle lpassage of the bill the vote was:Yreas-Ml President, MIessrs. Anid erson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, C'ol,,o, Etheredge, I-Iodg(.,, Malone, MeDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Wallker, Watson, Wieker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the louse

of Representatives undlcler the rule.

House Bill No. 894:A bill to be entitled An Act granting to the Town of

Lake Wales, IFlorida, a mu:-iicipal corporation of PolkConnty, Flolrida. powers in addition to those contained inits Chalrter, to regulate ald restrict the heighllt. number ofstories, anld size of buildings and other structre.s; tile per-centage of lot that may be occupied, size of yards, courts,and other open spaces; tlle density of poplulatioln, and theregulation and une of buildings, open spaces. stlreets anddifferent stlletures for trade, indulqtry, residence reerea-tion, arnd otllher nluroses; and grantinwg lpowers, and creat-ing a Boarld of Conminission to carry into effect such regu-lations ainrd 1l1ovisinns.

Was taken lnp andl placed before the Senate.



Mr. Taylor, off 11th District, moved that the rules bewaived and that House Bill No. 894 be read the second timeby its title only.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 894, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Taylor, of 11th District, moved that the rules he

further waived and that House Bill No. 894 be read thethird time in full and put upon its passage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 894, with title above stated, warSF

read the third time in full.Kte 1r ~ Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:

Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,Clark, Colson, Etheredge, Hodges, Malone, MeDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives under the rule.

House Bill No. 895:A bill to be entitled An Act providing for the change

of the name of the town of Lake Wales, Polk County,Florida, incorporated uLnder Chapter 8997, Laws of Flor-ida, Acts of 1921.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Taylor (11th Dist.) moved that the rules be waived

and that House Bill No. 895 be read the second time byits title only.

'Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 895, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Taylor (llth Dist.) moved that the rules be fur-

ther wvaived and that House Bill No. 895 be read the thirdtime in full and put upon its passage.

Whilch wvas agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 895, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Etheredge, Hodlges, Malone, MeDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.


Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives under the rule.

I-House Bill No. 886:A bill to be entitled An Act to repeal Chapter 7440,

Special Acts of 1917, Laws of Florida, relating to takingmussels from fresh water lakes and streams of CalhounCounty, Florida.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Etheredge moved that the rules be waived and that

House Bill No. 886 be read the second time by its title only.Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 886, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Etheredge moved that the rules be further waived

and that House Bill No. 886 be read the third time in fulland put upon its passage;

Whilch was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.Anid House Bill No. 886, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Etheredge, I-Hodges, Malone, McDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.

J ~And the same was ordered to be certified to the Houseof Representatives under the rule.

House Bill No. 887:A bill to be entitled An Act to vacate for public street

purposes the East twenty feet (E-20) of the West Forty(W-40) feet of the South one-half (Si/2) of the South-west Quarter (SWI/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW'V/)of the Northwest Quarter (NW4 /t) of Section Thirty (30)Township Thirty-one (31) South, Range Seventeen (17)East, in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Taylor, of 11th District, moved that the rules be

waived and that House Bill No. 887 be read the secondtime by its title only.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.



Anld hIouse Bill No. 887, withl title above stated, wasread the secondl tnime by its title only.

8Mr. Taylor, of 11th District, moved that the rules befurther waived-cl and that IIouse Bill No. 887 be read thethilrdl time in full and put upon its passage.

Which was agreed to by a twvo-thirdls vote.iAnd I-Iouse Bill No. 887, with title above stated, was

reac the third time in full.mt')ii Upon the passage of the bill the vote wvas:

E .aFTww XYeas-Mr. Presilent, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Callkins,i··f: ~(Mlalrt, Colson, Etheredge, IHodges, Malone, MeDaniels,Ovelstreet, Phillips, Ilussell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-

V-'IR'F b lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.70=>a. 1 Navs-None.

So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same wvas ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives under the rule.

IIouse Bill No. S8S:A bili be entifiilecid An Act to amenl Chapter S910 of

tl-e Spe:i ial cts of Floridal! of 1921, to authorize the 13Boardllof ('onilnissiorelrs of Jlpilter Ilnlet Distlict to isslue addi-tionidal nenotialbe calnon bonds in the eorporate name ofsai(1 (1istrict. clmailging tlie aggregate amount of bonds au-tlloiizolfl Ir s:aid et frlom one hInudred thousand ($100,-00O.00) daollals to two hlndredcl e and fifty thousand ($250,-000.00) dolla.rs, aned also ehanina thle terms of office ofconni i-sioflls of said di!trict froml six to four years, iIeolformnitv- vitll the Collnstilutioln of tile State of Florida.

Was talken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Watson movedl that the rules be waived and that

House Bill No. 888 be read the second time by its titleonlyr.

Which was agreed to by a tPvo-thirds vote.Andcl HIouse Bill No. 888, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Watson moved that the rules be further waived

and that House Bill No. 888 be read the third time in fulland put upon its passage.

Whieh vas agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 888, with title above stated, was

read tlhe third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-IMr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Callkins,

Clark, Col-son, IEthereclge, I-Ioldges, .Malone, MeDaniels,


Oversireet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Taylor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to b1e certified to the 1omevgo

of Representatives under the rule.

hlouse Bill No. 889:A bill to be entitled An Act empowering the (Gity of 8'.

Petersburg to manufacture, distribute and sell electricalener~gy· ithin and without the limits of said city and pie-scrib1a- the limitations of such power.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Recalled from the Executive Office by the action of the

Senate.Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mir. Taylor, of 11th District, moved that the rules be

waived an(] that house Bill No. 889 be read the secondtine hA ii> title only.

\\Tlicii ws agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 889, with title above stated, was

read tile Fesond time by its title only.Mri-. Tatylor, off 11th District, moved that the rules b2

waived andul that Ilouse Bill No. 889 be read the third timein fail and n-ut upon its passage.

Whicl w as acgreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 889, with title above stated, w-as

read the third time in full.U 0pon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Etheredge, I-Hodges, Malone, McDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker--20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.Anti the same was ordered to be certified to the h.Touas

of Representatives under the rule.

H-louse Bills Nos. 930 and 931 were taken up in tiheirorders and thie consideration of the same was informfallypassed over.

House Bill No. 928:A bill to he entitled An Act to regulate the takiing of

oysters in F rankl in County, Florida.


agE,, T~~Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Walker moved that the rules be waived and that

House Bill No. 928 be read the second time by its titleonly.

MlWhich was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.^d5~~ ~ And House Bill No. 928, with title above stated, was

?"'~~ ~ read the second time by its title only.*a. ~.'s. Mr. Walker moved that the rules be further waived and

»" <'*; ~ that House Bill No. 928 be read the third time in full and'1 put upon its passage.

t^?bi.'~ ~ Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.,l?' j ~~And House Bill No. 928, with title above stated, wasi,,.^' l ~ read the third time in full.

!»--*;- Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:^*"' 4 I Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

B!| jd Clark, Colson,' Etheredge, Hodges, Malone, McDaniels,ry~~ ~ Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-

lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives under the rule.

I-House Bill No. 911:A bill to be entitled An Act providing a supplemental,

i>~~ ~ additional and alternative method of making local improve.ments for the City of Orlando; authorizing and providingfor special assessments for the cost thereof, and authoriz-ing the issuance and sale of bonds for said municipality.

Was taken uLp and placed before the Senate.Mr. Overstreet moved that the rules be waived and

that House Bill No. 911 be read the second time by itstitle only.

Which was agreed to by a tw-o-thirds vote.And IHouse Bill No. 911. with title above stated, was

readl the second timle by its title only.Mr. Overstreet moved that the rules be further waived

and that House Bill 911 be read the third time in fulland put upon its pasage.

~~~i ~ Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.~~~i ~ And House Bill No. 911, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Etheredge, Hodges, Malone, McDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the Hlouse

of Representatives -under the rule.

Mr. Etheredge moved to waive the rules and take up outof its order House Bill No. 931 for consideration.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And-House Bill No. 931:A bill to be entitled An Act authorizing, empowering

and permitting the consolidation of any two, or more, spe-cial tax school districts in the County of Manatee, State ofFlorida, and prescribing the incidents, procedure and ef-feet of such consolidation.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.AMr. Etheredge moved that the rules be waived and that

House Bill No. 931 be read the second time by its titleonly.

And House Dill No. 931, with title above stated, wasFwad the second time by its title only.

Mdr. Etheredge moved that the rules be further waivedand(l that lHouse Bill No. 931 be read the third time in fulland put upon its passage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And house Bill No. 931, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.

Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas--Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, t(olsoii, Etheredge, Hodges, Malone, MeDaniels,Owe ts' reet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor :lt Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wieher-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives under the rule.

Flouse Bill No. 932:A bill to be entitled An Act to establish Manatee Valley

Drainage Distriet in the County of Manatee. State ofFlorida. and define its boundaries, to create a Board ofSupervisors for said district, and to define its powers, in-

1ill~~~~~~~~ 1850

cidents, immunities and liabilities and to provide for thegovernlmenlt and operation of said drainage district unlderthe provisions of this Act and the provisions of Chapter6458 of the General Acts and Resolutions adoptcdl by theLegisature of the State of Florida at its regular seision

fftI~ ~ for thle year 1913, and all amenldmenlts to said Chapter_, GdxFS 6458.i'.: -I \'Was taken up) and placed befolre the Senate.

a , i~~i Mr. Etlerecldge moved that the rules be waived and that· 91~ ~ House Bili No. 932 be reacd the second time by its title

only..w.~F~~ ~ Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.

And Hlouse Bill No. 932, wvith title above stated, wasread the second time by its title only.

Mr. Etheredge moved that the rules be furthle.r wvaivedand that HIouse Bill No. 932 be read the third time in fulland put upon its passage.

!Alfich wVas agreed to by a t-wo-thirdcls vote.And IIouse Bill No. 932, with title above stated, was

rea(l the third tine in full.IUpon t' e passage of thle bill the vote was:Yeacs-4\ r. President, MAessrs. Andclerson, Butler, Caikins,

Clalrk, Colson, Etheredge, IHodges, Malone, lceDaniels,Overltreet, Plil ips, Russell. Singletary, Swvea.ringen, 'Tay-lolr (3-1st Dist.), Turner, Wallker, Watson, Wieler-20.

Nays;-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.A rtd the same vwas ordered to be certified to the IIouse

of Representatives llder the rule.I-Iouse Bill No. 935:A bill to be entitled An AMt to permit any drainage dlls-

trict of Glades County. Plorida, whlolly or in part inGlades County. Florida, to use all or any part of the canals,ditchlles, dlykes, levees or otller works of said district foriri'igvlAion as well as drainage.

W as taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Etlleredge moved tliat the rules be waived and thbt

Hout c Bill No. 935 be read thle second time by its titleonly.

Whlicli wass agreed to by a tw-o-thirds vote.Andcl Ilouse Bill No. 935, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mi. 1Etlieredge moved that the rules be further waived


and ttt'.f Jlouse Bill No. 935 be read the third time in fulland ptit upon its pa-.;sage.

Wihicnl was agreed to by a twvo-thirds vote.And hlouse Bill No. 935, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Urpon the passage of the bill the vote was:Ycai-l\r. President, Mlessrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Cl'ark, Colson, Etlifredge, I-odges, Malone, MleDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearing-en, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives under the rule.

Hlouse Bill No. 936:Ak bill to be entitled An Act to permit the Couinty Comn-

nissioniier of GlIadles County, Florida, to change the CountyComroisioners' district lines in Glades County, Florida,and the linies of registr·ation and election dlistricts inGladles 'onntv. Floridla.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Ethleredge moved that the rules be waived and that

HIouse Bill No. 936 he read the second time by its titleonly.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 936, with title above stated, was

readi the second time by its title only.Mr. Etheredge moved that the rules le further waived

and that House Bill No. 936 be read the third time in fulland put upon its passage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And house Bill No. 936, woith title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. President, Mfessrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Etheredge, hlodges, MIalone, MeDaniels,o urst reet, Phllhips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-

lou (:31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.INays-Nohe.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the I-louse

of _Representativei s under the rule.


Senate Bill No. 518:A bill to be entitled An Act to legalize, validate and

confirm all proceedings had and done in the calling andfi^, ~~holding an election in Special Tax School District No. 28^Hs~ ~ of Jackson County, Florida, on May 12, 1925, and legaliz.

ing, validating and confirming an issue of bonds of $40,..,,-.~ ~ 000.00 in pursuance of said election and authorizing and,7:.^'.. empowering the Board of Public Instruction of Jacksoni'~.^l^ County, Florida, to issue said bonds and requiring a tax

> A< l levy to pay the principal and interest of said bonds.Was taken up and placed before the Senate.

r^SF^ q~AMr. Singletary moved that the rules be waived and thatL's9** -}Senate Bill No. 518 be read the second time by its titleW^ k -- g^ 'only.g|~~~ ~ Which wvas agreed to by a two-thirds vote.rsF~~ ~ And Senate Bill No. 518, witlh title above stated, was~~~I ~ read the second time by its title only.

;* Mr. Singletary moved that the rules be further waivedi;~~ ~ and that Senate Bill No. 518 be read the third time in fullL~~ ~ ~and put upon its passage.

Which wvas agreed to by a two-thirds vote.~~~I ~ And Senate Bill No. 518, with title above stated, wvas

!'~~ ~ read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote wvas:Yeas-VMr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Ethelredge, Hodges, Malone, McDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nays-None.i';~~~ ~ So the bill passed, title as stated.

And the same was ordered to be certified to the Houseof Representatives uinder the rule.

\8~ S~~Mr. Watson moved to waive the rules and take up out~~~* ~ of its order Senate Bill No. 332 for consideration.;+ |~ ~ Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.

And-, ;,~ ~ Senate Bill No. 332:\b~~ * A bill to be entitled An Act relating to that certain

suit lately pending in the Circuit Court of the FifteenthJudicial Circuit of Florida, in and for Palm Beach Countyand on the chancery side of said court, wherein Lake

Ij~~ ~ Worth Drainage District, a corporation under the Gen-~~~! ~ eral Drainage Laws of the State of Florida, is complain-

ant, and Dr. L. C. Adams, et al., are defendants, being


, .


a suit brough by said Lake Worth Drainage District toforeclose liens for unpaid Taxes due said district, author-ising, approving, validating and confirming all of theproceedings in said suit, the final decree entered therein,the report of the Master therein, the sales made by saidMaster and all certificates of sales issued by said Masterto purchasers at said sale.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Watson moved that the rules be waived and that

Senate Bill No. 332 be read the second time by its titleonly.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And Senate Bill No. 332, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Watson moved that the rules be further waived

and that Senate Bill No. 332 be read the third time in fulland put upon its passage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And Senate Bill No. 332, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mir. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Ethelredge, Hodges, Malone, MBleDaniels,Overstrcet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated. And the same was ordered to be certified to the Hlouse

of Representatives under the rule.

And-Senate Bill No. 433:A bill to be entitled An Act to abolish the present mn-

nicipal government of the City of Coconut Grove, DadeCounty. Florida, and to create establish, and organize amunicipality to be known and designated as the City ofCoconut Grove. and to define its territorial boundariesand to provide for its government, jurisdiction, powers,franch0ic; i:ndl privileges.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Watson moved that the rules be waived and that

Senate Bill No. 433 be read the second time by its titleonly.

W'lich was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.


Anid Senate Bill No. 433, with title above stated, wasread the second time by its title only.

Mr. Watson offered the following amendment to SenateBill No. 433 :

In Section 6, strike out tile whole of sub-section (b) andinsert ii lien thereof the following

Section 6. (b) To pave, grade, curb, re-pave, milaca{amize, re-macadainize, lay, out, open, wviden, and other-wise improve streets, alleys, avenues, boulevards., lanes,

-I sidewalks, parks, promenadeat and other public highways

?F~:l or any part thereof, and to hold liens therefor as herein.

after provided; to construct and maintain bridges, via-duets, subways, tunnels, sewers and drains, and to regu-late the u.se of all such highiways, iarlcs, public grounid5

and works; to prevent the obstruction of such sidewalks,

streets and high-ways; regulate the operation and e!peed ofall cars and vehicles using the same, as well as the opera-tion and speed of all engines, ears, and trains of rail-roads within tile City-; to regulate the service to be ren-dered and rates to be charged by busses, motor ears, cabsand other vehiclese for the carrying of passengers and byvehicles for the transfer of baggage.

Mr. Watson moved the adoption of the amendment.Which was agreed to.

Mr. Watson offered tilm following amendment to SenateBill No. 433:

In iSetion Six, change sub-section (in) to read (i)Chianige sudb-section (n) il read (in); change sub-section(o) to r eaid (n) ; sub-sectiomi (p) to -crad (o) ; sub-sectiou(dl) to Iead (p); sub -secCio (r) to read (q); sub-sectilon(a) to readl (r); sub-section (t) to read (s); sub-sectionu) to read (t); seb- 'eslioll (v) to read (u); sub-section

(xv) to iced (v) ;s 51-sctIii (x) to read (w) ;sub-section

(y) to read (x); sub-section (z) to read (y).M\r. Watson moved the, adoption of the amtendment.Wlhichl wxas agreed to.Mr. WLVai o-en offered tlte following amendment to Senlate

it1 Nf\o. 433:lin L'ect ion 6, strike, out all of sub-section (k), and insert

in liien thflereof, the following '' (k) To establish, imposeanIl eniflor~e wateCir rates and rate!; andl charge; for gas andelectricity, rendered or furnished by the city or by anyother persom, persons, firm or corporation."

18551 Sr,5

Mi. Watsoil moved the adoption of the amendment.Wlhich wTas agreed to.

rIr. Watsonll offered the following amendment to SenateBill No. 433:

In Seetion 6, strike out all of sub-section (L).* Mr. Watson Imoved thle aidoption of tile amenldmenlt.

i VWichll nas agreed to.

iMr. Watson offered the following amendment to SenateBill No. 433:

Strike out all of Section 87, and insert in lien thereofthe followlving:

"Section 87. Assessment of property of transportationcomlpanies, railway and railroad companies, telepllone andtelegraph companies, shall be subjcet to tasation on realandc personal property owned by them or operated withinthe limits of the municipal corporations, in the same man-ner and at the same rate of valuation as all other prop-erty. The property of street railway companies whoselines or traclks lie within the corporate limits of said cityshall be assessed in like manner as other property is as-sessec and at the ftll cash value of the entire property.In assessing property of railway, street railway, telephoneand telegraph companies, the city clerkl inl his capacity asex-offieio assessor, shall specify what property is assessed as nsedl for right of way and depot ploperty by suchdescription as w-ill clearly lefilne the property covered bythat assessment, and their property other than that so dce-scrib-ed and assessed shall be separately assessed by suffi-cient dceserdliptionl as is other property, each lot, part of lot,or tract being assessed separately, except that the cityauthorities may, at the request of the company, or itsagents, assess several pieces together and the description,ass;essmenets and valuation shall be subject to be checkeld,correctedl and fised b) ythe equalizing board of the city."

Mr. WVatson mlloved the adoption of the amendlllnt.Whlhiull icwas aglreedl to.

Mlr. WVatson mov\ed tlhat the rules le furtller waived anedthat Senate Bill No. 433, as allmelndel, be read the thirdtilme ill full allnd put uponl its passage.

WYflichll wa.:(s av!ee(l lo.And S-nate IBill No. 433. as am-nded, vwith title above

stated, was readl the third lime in full.

183 6

Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-MAr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

_^jjtf" ~ ~~Clark, Colson, Etheredge, Hodges, Malone, McDaniels,^^5~~ ~ Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-

,zaai~ ~ lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wieker-20.Nays-None.

s^~f'-~ ~ ~So the bill passed, title as stated.«.:,,,>7-; ~ And the same was ordered to be certified to the lHouse

Esli~l^ 9°of Representatives under the rule.

B| gl^ ~House Bill No. 854:$ ^I'g^ ~A bill to be entitled An Act prohibiting the change in

>&*N : I location or the abandonment of any part or portion of>*f.l>p^l ~ certain public roads in the County of Palm Beach with-j ~- '4~ ~ out first submitting the question to the qualified voters^Hj-~ ~ of said coulnty for them to determine by majority vote

whether or not the location of said public roads or anyportion thereof shall be changed or abandoned; providingfor the calling and holding of elections in such cases andproviding penalties for the violation of said Act.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.NlM. Watson moved that the rules be waived and that

I,~~~ ~ House Bill No. 854 be read the second time by its title;j~~~~ only.~~I M~~~~Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.!9~~~ ~ And House Bill No. 854, with title above stated, wasiK|s~ ~ read the second time by its title only.

Mr. Watson moved that the rules be further waivedIJ|Do~ ~ and that House Bill No. 854 be read the third time in full

and put upon its passage.Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.

c^~~~ ~ And House Bill No. 854, with title above stated, wasySB~~ ~ read the third time in full.r|~ I~~~Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:(| Wsc~~Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Etheredge, Hodges, Malone, MeDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives under the rule.

House Bill No. 853:A bill to be entitled An Act to promote the health,



safety, morals and general welfare of the City of WestP- palm Beach, Florida, by authorizing said city to regulateand restrict withini its corporate limits, the height, num-ber of stories and size of buildings and other structures,the percentage of lot that may be occupied, the size of yard,courts or other open spaces, the density of population andthe location and use of buildings, structures and land fortrade, industry, residence or other purposes and to dividethe city into districts and to provide that said regulationsbe uniform in each district; to provide for public hearingsupoll said regulations, restrictions and boundaries of saiddistricts and notice for said hearings; to provide that theCity Planning Board of said city shall have authority tomake recommendations as to boundaries of the variousdistricts and the regulations herein; to provide for the

* creation of a Board of Appeals to hear and decide appealsfromn orders made under any ordinance adopted underthis Act and to prescribe powers and duties of said Boardof Appeals.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Watson moved that the rules be waived and that

House Bill No. 853 be read the second time by its titleo011y.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 853, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Watson moved that the rules be further waived

and that House Bill No. 853 be read the third time in fulland put upon its passage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 853, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Etheredge, Hodges, M alone, McDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives under the rule.

House Bill No. 842:A bill to be entitled An Act organizing and incorpor-

ating a Special Taxing District in St. Lucie County,

110-S. B.


^igr~g ~ Florida, to be known and designated as Jensen Road andiw 1l®® Bridge District, prescribing the boundaries thereof; pro.

's ~ virding for the government and administration of said3_ '|§ district; to define the powers and purposes of said Dis-Hgt~ ~ trict and of the Board of Commissioners thereof toFrw"~ ~ authorize said Board to construct, improve, and main-

f>„ ^ ~tain a bridge across the Indian River in said District14

- -/, ~ and the roads and approaches and bridges connecting said.5k'* bridge wvith the Atlantic Ocean Beach and the western

;'^'* .; part of the District; to construct all other works neces-sF~it' ~ ~sary or proper in connection withl said bridge, and roads;T*;' ~~~to require the Board of Comnn;u-,ioners to charge tolls for^w! -;~ ~ use of said bridge; to provide tior the acquiring of prop-'*'- 1a ~oerty or condemnation thereof, for District purposes; to

provi(le for the levy and collection of taxes for district:purposes; to vali(late and confirm former tax levies and

i*~~ ~ assessments; to authorize said board to borrow moneyand issue and sell bonds; to procure money to carry outthle provisions of this act; to prevent injury to worksconstructed under this act and to provide penalties there-for; to confer upon and charge to said district all prop-erties, debts and obligations of the citizens, inhabitantsand property owliers of the Fourth Commissioners Dis-triet, acting or claiming to act as an Incorporated Taxing

\Q~~ ~ District under the name of Jensen Bridge District; togive owner of bonds or other obligations of tbe District alien on the bridge; to repeal all laws in conflict herewithand generally to provide for the construction, improve-

iment and maintenance of said bridges and roads and abol-'!8~~ ~ ishing thle special taxing district in said Counfty knownr'~~ ~ as Jensen Bridge District.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Watson moved that the rules be waived and that

House Bill No. 842 be read the second time by its title only.Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And I-Iouse Bill No. 842, with title above stated, was

i ~: ~ read the second time by its title only.Mr. Watson moved that the rules be further waived and

| ~: ,~. that House Bill No. 842 be read the third time in full and~~~~: ^put upon its passage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And I-House Bill No. 842, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was


Yeas-Mr. President, Miessrs. Anderson, Butler, Callkins,Clarlk, Colson, Etheredge, I-lodges, MIalone, MeDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russsell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), 'l'urner, Wallker, Watson, Wieker-20.

Nayvs-None.So the bill passecl, title as stated..Ancd the same wvas ordered to be certified to the I-Iouse

of Representatives under the rnle.

Mr. Overstleet moved to waive the rules and take upout of its ordler IIou.e Blill No. 845 for considelration.

Whlich waas agreedl to by a two-tllirds vote.And-hloluse Bill No. 845:A bill to be entitled An Act to fixs the compensation of

the County Comlllmissionlers in counties having a populitionof thirty-eight thousand three hundmlclrecl and forty-nine ac-colrdling to the State census of 1925, and an assessed valua-tion of property of eighteen million thirty thousand twohunldred and twelty-eight dollars in 1924. r

Mr. Overstreet moved that the riles be xvaived and thatHouse Bill No. 845 be read the second time by its title only.

\\Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And I-Iouse Bill No. 845, rith title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only. Mr. Overstreet moved that thle rules be further nwaivecl

and that House Bill No. 845 be read the third time in fulland put upon its lpassage.

Which was agreed to by a twvo-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 845, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of thle bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anlerson, Butler. Callkins,

Cla rk, Colson, Etheredge, Holdges, Malone, BMeDaniels,Overstreet. Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Wallker, Watson, Wieker-20.

Nays-Nrone.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certifiecl to the IHouse

of Representatives under the rule.

-lowice Bill No. 741:A bill to be entitled An Act to amenld ,Section 2 of Chap-

Iclr 70095: LJawS of Florida, approved June 8, 1915, en-

titled '"An Act to create and establish a juvenile court inand for Duval County, Florida; to confer its powers and

_X^Bp"" ~ ~ define its jurisidetion; to provide for the judge of saidJ---_~ court and to define his powers and duties; and to provide*^m i~ ~ ~ for the expenses of said county and compensation of said

judge."Was taken up and placed before the Senate.

I'^sar_. Mr. Butler moved that the rules be waived and thatll^-i ^^fe House Bill No. 741 be read the second time by its title only.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.|r^g§|Se ~ And I-House Bill No. 741, with title above stated, ,was

^p~l^ - ~ read the second time by its title only.i r~^=^; t~Mr. Butler moved that the rules be further waived and

t'.^ 6 1 that IHlouse Bill No. 741 be read the third time in fullB8

h.'?'-'*- put upon its passage.^H| N~~lWhich was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.s_^w~ ~ And House Bill No. 741, with title above stated, w;;s

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Callins,

Clark, Colson, Etheredge, Hodges, Malone, McDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nays-None.: So the bill passed, title as stated.

And the same was ordered to be certified to the H-louse_Effli~ ~ of Representatives under the rule.

-J~ : ~~House Bill No. 1001:^gt~~ ~A bill to be entitled An Act to enable counties having a

BBs~~ ~ population of one hundred twventy-five thousand (125,000)llt~~l ~ inhabitants or more and County Comnissioners' District|pi(~~ ~ in such counties having a population of ten thousand (10,-tlKJ~ ~ 000) or more inhabitants to establish and maintain publicf|W~ *hospitals, levy a tax and issue bonds therefor, for eonstruc-IF~~~ , tion and maintenance of such hospitals, elect hospital trus-

i~ ~ ~tees, maintain a training school for nurses, provide suitablemeans for the care of such hospital and disabled persons.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Taylor, of 11th District, moved that tlhe rules be

L.~~ ~ waived and that House Bill No. 1001 be read the secondtime by its title only.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.

And House Bill No. 1001, with title above stated, wasread the second time by its title only.

Mr. Butler offered the following amendment to HouseBill No. 1001:

Tn the title strike out the words and figures "125,000or one hundred and twenty-five thousand inhabitants orm11ore", and insert in lieu thereof the following: "onehundred and thirty thousanid inhabitants or more accord-jag to the last preecling State census".

M1r. Taylor. of 11th District, moved the adoption of theamlendiment.

* Which was agreed to.

Mr. Butler offered the following amendiment to HouseBill No. 1001:

In Section 1, strike out the words and figures as fol-lows: "125,000 inhabitants or more" and insert in lieuthereof the following: "one hundred and thirty (130,000)inhabitants or more according to the last preceding Statecensus.'

Mr. Taylor, of 11th District, moved the adoption of theamendment.

Which was agreed to.Mr. Taylor, of 1111 I)istriet, moved that the rules be

further waived and that House Bill No. 1001, as amended,be read the third time in full and put upon its passage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 1001, as amended, ivith title above

stated, -was read the third time in full.Uponl.the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Air. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Etheredge, Hodges, Malone, MeDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wieker-20.

Nays-None.8o the bill as amiended, passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives under the rule.

House Bill No. 968:A bill to be entitled An Act to validate and confirm all

State and County Assessments of lands for taxes hereto-fore made in Santa Rosa County, Florida; to validate andconfirm all uncancelled and unredeemed tax sale certifi-


cates upon which no deed has been made issued in pursu-ance of sa'es for taxes heretofore made by any State taxcollector or State collector of revenue embracing lands in

fl3| ~ 'said County of Santa Rosa, and to validate and confirmnXS^~ ~ all proceedings, assessments and sales npmn which such*w)~~ ~ certificates are based; to cure all defects, omissions, errorsp.^, ~ and irregularities in such assessments, proceedings and

F sales and in the said assessments to provide for the re-T<~.'^^-demption, sale and assignment of such of said certificates

as are held by the State; to fix the time for such relemnp-tion; and to declare that the invalidity of any portion ofthis Act shall not affect the validity of the remainder.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Az .^3 ~ Mr. Clark moved that the rules be waived and that15.^ 4 House Bill No. 968 be read the second time by its title

only.Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 968, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Clark offered the following amendment to House

Bills No. 968:Immediately following Section 3 insert the following:"Section 4. This Act shall go into effect on Jamnuary

1st, 1926. ";:~ ~ Mr. Clark moved the adoption of the amendment.

Which wvas agreed to.i'~ ~ Mr. Clark offered the following amendment to House

Bill No. 968:Re-numnber Section 4 as Section 5.Mr. Clark moved the adoption of the amendment.Which was agreed to.Mr. Clark moved that the rules be further waived and

that House Bill No. 968, as amended, be read the thirdtime in full and put upon its passage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No, 968, as amended, with title above

stated, was read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Etheredge, Hodges, Malone, MeDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill, as amended, passed, title as stated.


And the same was ordered to be certified to the IHonuseof Representatives under the rule.

Hlouse Bills Nos. 738 and 837 were taken up in their or-dlers and the consideration of the same was informallypassed over.

IIouse Bill No. 1017:A bill to be entitled All Act to amnend Sections 4 andl 5

of (haptter 9460, Special Acts of 1923, entitled "An Actto pI'ol!ihit andl make it unlaw7ful for live stock to run orroanm at large withinl certain territorial limits of High-lanids County, Florida; to provide for the impoundinganld sale of said live stock when found running ior roaln-inlg at large in violation of this Act, and to provide forthe recovery of damages suffered by persons or propertyby reason thereof, and to provide for a referendum inconnection therewith."

Was talken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Ethereclge moved that the rules be waived and that

House Bill No. 1017 be read the second time by its titleonly.

Whlicil was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And Ilouse Bill No. 1017, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Ethereclge moved that the rules be further waived

and that IIouse Bill No. 10)17 be read the third time in fulland put upon its passage.

Whie.h waL sagree'l to by a two-tllirds vote.And hIouse Bill No. 1017, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote \was:Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Etheredge, IHodges, Malone, MeDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nay s-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the House

of Replresentatives under the rule.

Hlouse Bill No. 1020:A bill to be entitled An Act to repe& SRermon 17 of an

Act entitled ''An Act relating to the charter powers of theCity of St. Cloud and amending such charter.powers as


they now exist and granting to the said City of St. Clouda commission form of government and authorizing saidCity of St. Cloud to act under a commission form of gov-ernment and granting to said City of St. Cloud certainadditional powers, rights and authorities, and fixing theduties and powers of the City Commission and City Man-

It~~ ~ ager of said City of St. Cloud and providing for electionrpn.,; ~ of members of the City Commission, and approving, rati-r.;-,:', fying and confirming the amendments to the city charter~tt¢^ ~ of St. Cloud, adopted by said city pursuant to electioni,;;:-: ~ held on the 6th day of January, A. D. 1925," and to>-.i~ "amend Sections 10 and 16 of said Act.

jf~a^£ ! ~ Was taken up and placed before the Senate.L- ^'1 Mr. Overstreet moved that the rules be waived and that

I|~~ ' 'House Bill No. 1020 be read the second time by its title

~~~~P ~ only.Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 1020, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Overstreet moved that the rules be further waived

and that House Bill No. 1020 be read the third timne infull and put upon its passage.

I~ A~~~Which wvas aoreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 1020 witlh title above stated, was

I}~~ ~ read the third time in full.

I}~~~ ~ Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anclerson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Ethelredge, Hodges, Malone, MeDaniels,~~~; ~ Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-

lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.iz~ ~ Nays-None.

So the bill passed, title as stated.kAnd the same was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives under the rule.

Hlouse Bill No. 1027:A bill to be entitled An Act to create a speeial Road

and Bridge District out of certain territory in JacksonCounty; and to provide for the election of trusteesthereof, the construction of certain roads and bridgestherein, by said trustees, and to authorize the issuanee andsale of bonds of said district for that purpose.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Singletary moved that the rules be waived and that

House Bill No. 1027 be read the second time by its titleonly.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 1027, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Sinig'etary offered the following amendment to

Houise Bill No. 1027:Strike out Section 13 and insert in lieu thereof the fol-

lowing: "The Board of County Commissioners of JacksonCounty, through the Commissioner of the Third Commis-sioners' District, of said county, shall not discriminateagainst the building or the expenditures of such moneys onroads and bridges in the proposed district as he, in hisjudgment, would deem right and proper."

Mr. Singletary moved the adoption of the amendment.Which was agreec to.Mr. Singletary moved that the rules be waived and that

House Bill No. 1027, as amended, be read the third timeill full and put upon its passage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 1027, as amended. with title above

stated, was read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Etheredge, Hodges, Malone, MeDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell,. Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives under the rule.

House Bill. No. 1037:A bill to he entitled An Act to amend Section 15 of

Chapter 7659. Law-,s of Florida, Acts of Legislature of1923, an Act entitled "An Act affecting the governnmentof the City of Jacksonville, abolishing certain offices andboards, creating a city commission and prescribing itspowers and duties, and providing for and prescribing thep)owvers and duties of trustees of the Jacksonville free pub-lie library, creating a board of charities and prescribingits powers and duties and its relation to the Board ofCounty Commissioniers, providing other officers ancd pre-scribing their powers and (luties and conferring additionaljunrisdietion, pow ers and duties of said city.


_ \VSS Was taken up and placed before the Senate.^SS~li^ ^Mr. Butler moved that the rules be waived and that

_^ay~ ~ House Bill No. 1037 be read the second time by its titleonly.

JBJ8 \ Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.^|iW~ ~ And house Bill No. 1037, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Butler moved that the rules be further waived andl

,3^,1S ~ that House Bill No. 1037 be read the third time in full and=SI4 , pit up on its passage.

' Mlli/-lWhich was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.,^l^', ^And House Bill No. 1037, with title above stated, was

* .i",- read tlhe third time in full.[^^*œ ~ Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:

to'"'^ ~ Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,ie~ dClark, Colson, Etheredge, IHodges, Malone, McDaniels,

Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletfary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker; Watson, Wicker-20.

iNays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the samie was ordered to be certified to the Hlouse

of Representatives under the rule.

House Bill No. 1034:A bill to be entitled An Act amending the Charter of

the City of South Jacksonville, Florida, generally, and de-fining, fixing and estabiishinr, its territorial limits, area,and boundaries, and amplifying and extending its juris-diction, powers and privileges.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Butler moved that the rules be waived and that

*House Bill No. 1034 be read the second time by its titleonly.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 1034, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.IMr. Butler moved that the rules be further waived and

that House Bill No. 1034 be read the third time in full andput upon its passage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.~~i ~ And House Bill No. 1034, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.ITpon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Etheredge, Hodges, Malone, McDaniels,


) verstreet, Phillips, Rnussell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, WTicker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the 1louse

of IRepresentatives under tlhe rule.

IHlouse Bill No. 1038:A bill to be entitled An Act in relation to the imposition

of taxes, tolls, or other charges onl street cars or receiptstherefrom owned or operated by the City of South Jack-sollville.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Butler moved that the rules be waived and that

House Bill No. 1038 be read the second time by its titleonly.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 1038, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Butler moved that the rules be further waived and

that louse Bill No. 1038 be read the third time in fulland put Upoll its passage.

Which wvas agreed to by a tvo-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 1038, writh title above stated, was

read the thircl time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-MIr. President, Mlessrs. Anlerson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Ethereclge, IHodges, Malone, MeDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, WVallker, Watson, Wicker-20.

'Navs-None.So the bill passed, title as stated..A-miL the same was ordered to be certified to the HIouse

of Representatives under the rule.

I-lou;e Bill No. 1039 was talken up in its order, and theconsideration of the same was informally passed over.

On motion of Mr. Russell, thle holur of adjournmentwas extended to 1:15 o'clock P. M.

House Bill No. 961:A bill to be entitled An Act to authorize the City of

South Jocksonville to issue and sell bonds and to levytaxes for the payment of the principal thereof and interestthereon.


*'! ;~Was taken up and placed before the Senate-.Pal^ F~Mr. Butler moved that the rules be waived and that

House Bill No. 961 be read the second time by its titleonly.

~; M~~lWhich was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 961, with title above stated, was

,„U ; ~read the second time by its title only.Mr. Butler moved that the rules be further waived and

l %! ~ that I-House Bill No. 961 be read the third time in fulli t ~and put upon its passage. .

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 961 with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

i~ d~Clark, Colson, Etheredge, Hodges, Malone, MeDaniels,!i~~ ~ Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-

lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives under the rule.

House Bill No. 264 was taken uLp in its order, and the~~j ~consideration of the same wvas informally passed over.

House Bill No. 965:A bill to be entitled An Act to legalize, ratify, confirm

~~I ~ and validate all acts and proceedings of the mayor andij~ ~ City Council of the City of South Jacksonville in connee-

tion with the issuance of thirty thousand municipal imu-provement bonds of the City of South Jacksonville, Flor-ida, including ordinance numbered 288 of said city.

Was taken -up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Butler moved that the rules be waived and that

House Bill No. 965 be read the second time by its titleh'~ ' ~ only.

'' Wll~Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.li~ ~ And House Bill No. 965, with title above stated, was

read the second time bh its title onlyiMr. Butler moved that the rules be further waived and

that House Bill No. 965 be read the third time in fulland put upon its passage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.


And House Bill No. 965, with title above stated, wasread the third time in full.

lUpon the passage of the. bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. President, Messlrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Etheredge, Hodges, Malone, McDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Waller, Watson, Wickler-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives under the rule.

House Bill No. 945:A bill to be entitled An Act to permit any drainage dis-

trict located wholly or in part in Heudry County, Florida,to use all or alny part of the canals, ditches, dikes, leveesor ottlcr wolrks of saidl district for irrigation as well asdrainage.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Malone moved that the rules be wlaived and that

House Bill No. 945 be read the second time by its title r_only.

W\1hich wvas agreed to by a two-thirdcls vote.And House Bill No. 945, with title above stated, was read

the seconl time by its title only.Mr. Malone moved that the rules be further waived a

that House Bill No. 945 be read the third time in full andput upon its passage.

Which wras agreed to by a twvo-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 945, with title above stated, wns

read the third time in full.IUpon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Callkins,

Clark, Colson, Ethereclge, HIodges, MIalone, McDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tayv-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicler-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives under the rule.

House Bill No. 946:A bill to be entitled An Act to extend the corporate

limits of the City of Jacksonville Beach, Dnval County,


Florida, and to give the said City of Jacksonville Beachjurisdiction over the territory emuraced in said extention.

Was taken up and placed betore the S-niate.Mr. Butler moved that the rules be waived and that

house Bill No. 946 be read the second tinie by its titleonly.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 946, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Butler moved that the rules be further waived and

that house Bill No. 946 be read the third timie in fulland put upon its passage.

Whfich was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 946, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. Presidenit, Mlessrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Etheredge, Hodgles, Malone, MeDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wieker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And.(! the same was ordered to be certified to the 'louse

of Representatives under the rule.

TIouse Bill No. 949:A bill to be entitled An Act to repeal Chapter 9316 of

the Laws of Florida; to continue in fall force and effectthe provisions of said Cliapter with regard to any peti-tion for thle paving, grading and curbing, or paving, grail-ing or curbing, of any public road, or -any continuousportion thereof, Outside tic corporate limits of rily mu-nieipality, wherever such petition shall have been pre-s~eated to the board of county comnmissioners of the coun-tv prior to this Act becoming a law : and confirming andvalidating any and all proceedings thie-ein. inclbdingr theimaking of asse-ptsmcts. issuing of cevrtificate- of jodehted-nem. and cveryt0iiu' rise reqiiired or intbiorizcd to be done]by said Chamnoi cm 315, ANhe1hler heretofore done or here-:iftnr to be donre.

Was taken tip and placed before the Senate.Mrh·. Taylor (Ilth D st.) moved that the rules be waived

and that H-louse Bill No. 949 be read the second time byits title wlyh.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.



And House Bill No. 949, with title above stated, wasread the second time by its title only.

Mr. Taylor (11th Dist.) moved that the rules be furtherwaived and that House Bill No. 949 be read the third timein full and put upon its passage.

Which wvas agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 949, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Etlcredge, Ilodges, Malone, McDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, S-wearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives under the rule.

Iloutse Bill No. 949 was taken up in its order, and theconsideration of the same was informally passed over.

Hlouse Bill No. 858:A bill to be entitled An Act to authorize and empower-

the City of Palatka, Florida, to purchase, construct, estab-lish and maintain municipal golf courses, tennis courts,athletic fields and such other athletic or amusement parksand places as the City Commision of the City of Pasatka,Florida, may deem expedient and for the best interest ofs;aid city and its inhabitants; to provide for the mainte-nance thereof and to legalize, validate and confirm all ofthe proceedlings, contracts, disburtsemients, acts and doingsof the City of Palatka and the City Commission of saidCity of Palatka, in the piurehase and construction of theprleent municipal golf course in the saicl City of Palatha.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Russell moved that the rules be waived and that

Ilouse Bill No. 858 be read the second time by its title only.Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 858, -with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Ruissell moved that the rules be further waived and

that House Bill No. 858 be read the third time in full andput upon its passage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.


And House Bill No. 858, with title above stated, wasread the third time in full.

Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Etheredge, Hodges, Malone, McDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives under the rule.

IHouse Bill No. 859:A bill to be entitled An Aet to authorize and require the

County Commissioners of Putnam County, Florida, to levyand colleet for the year A. D. 1925, and for each and everyyear thereafter a special tax upon the taxable property insaid county, to be expended by the Board of Public In-struction of Putnam County. Florida, in employing acounty school nurse or county school nurses, and for healthwork in the public free schools in said county.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Russell moved that the rules be waived and that

House Bill No. 859 be read the second time by its titleonly.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 859, with title stated above, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Russell moved that the rules be further waived and

that House Bill No. 859 be read the third time in full andput upon its passaec.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 859, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.UTpon the paksnge of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Etheredge, Hodges, Malone, McDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives Lunder the rule.

House Bill No. 893 was taken up in its order and theconsideration of the same was informally passed over.


House Bill No. 884:A bill to be entitled An Act to amend Section 4 of Chap-

ter 8318, Laws of Florida, being "An Act to abolish thepresent municipal government of Okeechobee, in Okeecho-bee County, Florida, to legalize and validate the ordi-Lances of said City of Okeechobee, and all official actsthereunder, to create and establish a new municipality tobe known as the City of Okeechobee, in Okeechobee Coun-ty, Florida, and to fix and provide its territorial limits,jurisdiction and powers, and the jurisdiction and thepowers of its offices.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Watson moved that the rules be waived and that

House Bill No. 884 be read the second time by its titleonly.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 884, %with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Watson moved that the rules be further waived

and that House Bill No. 884 be read the third time in fulland put upon its passage. r.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. !And House Bill No. 884, with title above stated, was I

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butllr, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Etheredge, Hodges, Malone, Mcl)aniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Sweanringen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicler-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same wvas ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives under the rule.

House Bill To. 1031 was taken up in its order, and theconsideration cf the same was informally passed over.

House Bill No. 1.0l2:A bill to be entitled An Act to amend Sec(tio Three (3)

of Chapter 8573, Laws of Florida, approved TMay 13, 1921,entitled: "An Act for the appointment, comlpensation, ex-penses, duties and powvers of probation officers in countiesof one hundred thousand (100.000) or more populationand having two or more Circuit Courts."''

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.111-s. r.


Mr. Butler moved that the rules be waived and thatHouse Bill No. 1032 be read the second time by its titleonly.,

W'hichl was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 1032, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mlr. Butler moved that the rules be further waived and

that House Bill No. 1032 be read the third time in full anda;'< i : put upon its passage.

Ceil~ ~ Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.L 43And louse Bill No. 1032, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon tile passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas--M]L President, Mlessrs. Anderson, Butler, Callkins,

Clarlk, Jolson, Etheredge, HIodges, Malone, McDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Wallker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives under the rule.

House Bill No. 1022:A bill to be entitled An Act to repeal certain sections

of Chapter 8352, Laws of Floirida, relatilng to the City ofSt. Cloud, and to amend certl n cther-' seions of saidehaptelr.

Was talken up and placed before the Senate.Mr. Overstreet moved that the rules be waived and that

House Bill No. 1022 be read the second time by its titleonly.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.Ant Iiouse Bill No. 1022, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.lMr. Ovelrstreet moved that the rules be further waivedl

and that House Bill No. 1022 be read the third time infull and put uLpo its passage.

WVhich wvas agreedl to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 1022, with title above stated, was

read the third( time in full.UJpon the passile of the bill the vote was:

j{~ ~Yeas-MAr. Pnlid(lent, Miessrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,I* (~Clark, Colson, Etheredge, H-olges, Malone, MeDaLniels,

Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Svwearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Wallker, Watson, Wielker-20.


Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives under the rule.

Senate Bills Nos. 525, 526 and 527 and House Bill No.836 were taken up in their order, and the considerationof the same was informally passed over.

By permission the following bills were introduced:By Mr. Taylor (11th Dist)-Senate Bill No. 576:A bill to be entitled An Act to provide for the creation

of a municipal corporation to be known as the Town ofIndian Rocks Beach, in the County of Pinellas, State ofFlorida; to fix and determine the territorial limits, juris-diction and powers of said town and the jurisdiction andpowers of its officers.

Which was read the first time by its title.Mr. Taylor (11th Dist.) moved that the rules be waived

and that Senate Bill No. 576 be read the second time by its title only.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote. KAnd Senate Bill No. 576, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only. Mr. Taylor (11th Dist.) moved that the rules be fur-

ther waived and that Senate Bill No. 576 be read the third time in full and.put upon its passage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And Senate Bill No. 576, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. Pvresident, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Cal-

kins, Clark, Colson, Etheredge, Hodges, Malone, Mc-Daniels, Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, S-vear-'ingen, Taylor (31st Die ), Turner, Walker, Watson,Wicker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the samne was ordered to be certified to the Hlouse

of Representatives under the rule.

By MBr. Watson-Senate Bill No. 577:A bill to be entitled An Act authorizing Dade County,



Florida, to issue bonds for the purpose of refunding bondsof said County in the sum of three hundred thousand dol-lars issued during the years 1913 and 1914.

Which was read the first time by its title.Mr. Watson moved that the rules be waived and that

Senate Bill No. 577 be read the second time by its titleonly.

A- I Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.eAnd Senate Bill No. 577, with title above stated, was

lead tle second time by its title only.;~1 i BII. Watson moved that the rules be further waived and

that Senate Bill No. 577 be read the third time in full andput lpon its passage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And Senate Bill No. 577, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.UTpon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-iMr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clarlk, Colson, Ethereclge, Hlodges, Mlalone, BcIDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wiclker-20.

Naysr-None.So the bill passecld, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the I-Iouse

of Representatives uLnder the rule.

Mr. Watson moved to waive the rules and take up outof its order IHIouse Bill No. 879 for consideration.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.Ancl-louse Bill No. 879:

A bill to be entitled An Act providing for the drainageof land within cerltain sections of Township 51 Southl.Range 42 East, all being. lying and situnatedl in BrowvardCounty, State of Florida; designatinig said sections asHolh-woodl Drainage District; providinig for the annexa-tion thelreof to the Evelrgladles Drainage District of thleState of I'le'ida ; definillg its bouncldaries, aultthorizing thelevying, assessmeent and collection of an annual mainte-nance taxs; autllorizing the levying, assessment and collec-tion of ta-es, and inmposil]g assessments upon the lands insaid distriet.

Was taken up and placed before the Senate.MAr. WVatson moved that the rules be waived and tilat


House Bill No. 879 be read the second time by its titleonly.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 879, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Watson moved that the rules be further waived and

that House Bill No. 879 be read the third time in full andput upon its passage.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 879, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Etheredge, Hodges, Malone, McDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives under the rule.

Mr. Etheredge moved to waive the rules and that theSenate do now take up and consider messages from theHouse of Representatives.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.


The following message from the House of Representa-tives was received and read:

House of Representatives,Tallahassee, Florida, May 23, 1925.

Hlon. John S. Taylor,President of the Senate.


I am directed by the House of Representatives to informthe Senate that the House of Representatives returns here-with as requested by the Senate-


Senate Bill No. 411:A bill to be entitled An Act to abolish the present mun-

nicipal government of DeSoto City;'in.Highlands County,Florida; to legalize and validate the ordinances of saidTown of DeSoto City, all official acts thereunder; to createand establish a new municipality -to be known as theTown of DeSoto City, in Highlands County, Florida; to

*ug- 'fix and determine the territorial limits, jurisdiction and*iff :powers of said town and the jurisdiction and powers of

its officers.Very respectfully,

B. A. MEGINNISS,Chief Clerk IHouse of Representatives.

And Senate Bill No. 411, contained in the above mes-sage, was placed before the Senate.

Mr. Etheredge moved that Senate Bill No. 411 be inde-finitely postponed.

Which was agreed to.And the bill was indefinitely postponed.Pending the further consideration of House messages,

Mr. Taylor, of the 11th District, moved that when theSenate adjourns to-day it shall adjourn to 11 o'clockA. M., May 25th.

Which was agreed to and so ordered.The consideration of messages from the House of Re-

presentatives was resu-med.

Also-The following message from the House of Representa-

tives was received.

House of Representatives,Tallahassee, Fla., May 22, 1925.

Hon. John S. Taylor,President of the Senate.


I am directed by the House of Representatives to informthe Senate that the Hlouse of Representatives has passed-

House Bill No. 267:A bill to be entitled An Act to validate tax levies here-

tofore made in this State and to provide that when lands


have been actually assessed in the name of the ownerthereof- that the levy under such assessment shall not beheld invalid because of the fact that the owner thereofhas not made: return to the Tax Assessor of the propertyassessed, and to require the payment of all taxes whichcould have been lawfully assessed before any tax salecertificate shall be- cancelled.

Whichwas read the first time by its title and referredto the Committee on Finance and Taxation. .

j~~~~~~ . , . -. -' I ',I

Also-House Bill No. 1083:A bill to be entitled An Act to authorize the construc-

tion, maintenance and operation of a toll bridge, cause-way, across .the Apalachicola River and East Bay, be-tween Apalachicola and East Point in Franklin County,to be used in connection with the public roads in theCounty of Franklin, in the State of Florida, and regulat-ing the operation thereof; granting a franchise therefor;and granting the right of eminent domain to the person,persons or corporation receiving said franchise and pre-scribing certain conditions and penalties; and providinghow such bridge may be acquired by Franklin County orthe State of Florida, or both.

And respectfully requests the concurrence of the Senatethereto.

Very respectfully,B. A. MEGINNISS,

Chief Clerk House of Representatives.And House Bill No. 267, contained in the above message,

was read the first time by its title and referred to theCommittee on Finance and Taxation.

And House Bill No. 1083, contained in the foregoingmessage, was read the first time by its title.

Mr. Walker moved that the rules be waived and thatHouse Bill No. 1083 be read the second time by its titleonly.

Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill No. 1083, with title above stated, was

read the second time by its title only.Mr. Walker moved that the rules be further waived and

that IHouse Bill No. 1083 be read the third time in fulland put upon its passage.

- ---- Tt---,- -ME7 -- _- me-


Which was agreed to by a two-thirds vote.And House Bill. No. 1083, with title above stated, was

read the third time in full.Upon the passage of the bill the vote was:Yeas-Mr. President, Blessrs. Anderson, Butler, Calkins,

Clark, Colson, Ethereclge, Hlodges, Malone, MeDaniels,Overstreet, Phillips, Russell, Singletary, Swearingen, Tay-lor (31st Dist.), Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-20.

Nays-None.So the bill passed, title as stated.And the same was ordered to be certified to the House

of Representatives under the rule.

The hour of 1:15 o'clock P. M., the extended hour foradjournment, having arrivdcl, the Senate was declaredadjourned to 11 o'clock A. M., Monday, May 25th, A. D.1925.

Monday, May 25, 1925


Fi;f~ ~ The Senate convened at 11 A. M. pursuant to adjourn-j:Si ~ ment.

The President -in the Chair.

The roll was called and the following Senators answeredto their names:

Mr. President, Messrs. Butler, Calkins, Clark, Coe, Col-son, Cone, Edge, Etheredge, Hale, Hineley, Hodges,Knight, Malone, MeDaniels, Overstreet, Phillips, Rowe,Russell, Scales, Singletary, Smith, Swearingen, Taylor(31st Dist.), Turnbull, Turner, Walker, Watson, Wicker-29.

A quorum present.Prayer by the Chaplain.Reading of the Journal was dispensed with.The Journal of May 23rd was corrected and as cor-

rected was approved.