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YEARBOOK YEARBOOK 2008 - 20092008 - 2009

Trinity Academy pr esents An Ideal Husband 10th, 11th, 12th Novembe r 2009

A splendid time is guaranteed for all.

Trinity Academy

2008 - 2009

Chairman’s Message

Message from the Principal

The Emmanuel Schools Foundation

The Academic Year

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Summer Holiday


House News


Trinity Academy Staff


4 - 5


7 - 12

13 - 34

35 - 38

39 - 48

49 - 66

67 - 72

73 - 76

77 - 84

85 - 95

96 - 97


Editorial Team:

Mrs C Dudley & Mr R Mapletoft

Printed by G. H. Smith & Son, Easingwold, York

Trinity Academy | Page 4

It was been another outstanding year of achievement for the ESF family of schools and I want to thank everyone who played their part in bringing this about. We have just seen another amazing set of exam results (GCSE pass rates at 55% with English and Maths – another record performance). Students should rightly celebrate their achievements; you may be one of them and if so I hope that you will pause and re� ect on the huge team effort which was behind you as you went into the examination hall:

Parents who believed in your potential even when you doubted it yourself, did your washing, ran a taxi service for you, bought your school equipment with hard earned money, cooked for you and came along to parents evenings. Parents who listened to your moans when you had a bad day, celebrated with you when you had a good one and who ultimately sacri� ced their wants so that you could have yours;

Teachers who whilst you were off on holiday were putting together inspiring lesson plans, who ferried you to sports events, who gave way

beyond their contract requirements to put on incredible dramatic productions and school speech days. Teachers who stayed behind long after you had left to mark your work and offer you feedback, who encouraged you to reach your personal best and advised you on how to continue your education and play to your strengths;

Support staff who ensured that you came to work in a clean and safe environment, who gladly washed up and wiped up. The project management team who oversee the construction and maintenance of the building. The � nance, IT and human resources staff who make sure that you have great teachers and they are equipped with the best resources. The directors who oversee the smooth running of the school, appoint and encourage staff, listen to appeals by parents and answer to the Department for Children, Schools & Families for what happens – and do so for free for the good of the school.

All this said, we know that we can provide the best staff, best facilities and teaching resources. We can provide outstanding opportunities

which will bene� t students, parents, teachers and the support staff.

Doing well and achieving your personal best is down to you, students. If at times we seem a little anxious perhaps it is because we care too much, know what you are capable of and just want you to show the world. In many ways it can feel like being a football coach: you do so much work on the training ground but when the game comes you are on the sidelines.

Sir Bobby RobsonThis year I lost a friend to cancer, his name was Sir Bobby Robson. Sir Bobby embodied many of the characteristics which, over the past 20 years, we have strived to promote in ESF schools:

Enthusiasm for life – sometimes the modern way is to be ‘cool’ by looking as if you don’t care. Sir Bobby was ‘cool’ because he cared deeply - about the things which were dear to him and his family, his roots and, of course, football and he wasn’t afraid to show it. He gave 100% to life and it paid him a handsome return.

Respect for others – Sir Bobby

Key achievements

• GCSE pass rates, � ve grades A*-C: 85% overall, 55% with English and maths putting Trinity 3rd/17 in Doncaster.

• Seventy three students collecting A Level passes, almost double the 44 of last year.

• Forty eight students progressing to university.

Chairman’s Message

Bede Academy Secondary Years Bede Academy Primary Years

was from a tough mining village in County Durham but he knew that being gentlemanly is the way we show respect to others and in respecting others we are at the same time respecting ourselves.

Courage to face challenges – life is tough, Sir Bobby knew what it was like to be cheered but he also knew that those cheers could quickly turn to jeers with a few bad results. Despite this he was not bitter and didn’t dwell on the past but instead focussed on what he could do, rather than what he couldn’t. He was diagnosed with cancer � ve times over 15 years and his response was not to collapse in a heap of self-pity but to get up and try and raise a million pounds for a cancer charity before he died.

Thankfulness – we live in an age which demands ‘more’ and ‘now’ and as a result we have a generation which can seem at times to care more about what it doesn’t have than what it has. Sir Bobby was always grateful for the opportunities and blessings he had and I have found in my own life too that the more thankful I am, the more things I seem to have to be thankful about.

Try it and see.

Future plansLooking forward to the year ahead we have some very exciting developments as we gear up for more growth: the opening of the new all-age (3-18) Bede Academy in September got the year off to a � ying start.

Work is starting on a brand new Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) which will be the � rst of its type in the UK, harnessing the best resources for the bene� t of teachers, students and parents and make them available from home and school via the worldwide web.

Then, in January 2010, we will be joined by Mr. David Wootton who will take on the new role of Chief Executive of the Emmanuel Schools Foundation. He has tremendous experience having been a Principal and having recently worked as Chief Executive of three city academies in the Midlands. With our plans for further growth, he will help to achieve our goal of having seven schools, educating 10,000 students by 2015.

It has been an amazingly successful

year and we are going to have a hugely demanding year ahead. So as we go forward let us try to carry forward those qualities evident in the life of Sir Bobby Robson – enthusiasm for the opportunities we have; respect for others and ourselves; courage to overcome dif� culties which will arise and thankfulness in all circumstances for all that we have and will achieve together.

Sir Peter Vardy

Chairman of the Emmanuel Schools Foundation

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September 2009

In a year from now England will be playing in the World Cup Finals in South Africa and we look forward to seeing their progress in that fantastic competition. The tension mounts and everyone is asking whether the players have what it takes to succeed in the most demanding of environments and whether we will be celebrating as a nation. World Cups come along every four years and it does not seem like four years since Trinity Academy opened her doors for the fi rst time, but just as we hope that England will rise to the challenge it is good to report to you that we are able to celebrate that our students have risen to their personal challenges. They have shown that they do have what it takes in a very demanding environment and over that four years we have received praise from OfSTED for being “a good school with outstanding features” and have also been judged most improved academy in Britain.

2008-2009 has seen further accolades and achievements because early in the school year we also received an award from the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust as the school or academy in the Yorkshire and Humber region with the most improved GCSE 5+ A *- C results from 2005-2008. When the “value added” league tables, which record how much value schools in Doncaster added to their students’ progress, were published, Trinity came top out of 17 schools, at both pre- and post-16 levels, with scores of 1025 and 1026 respectively. .

I am also delighted to see that our GCSE and post-16 examination results are the best in our brief history and show that for the fi rst time in many years students in Thorne and Moorends have achieved results above the local and national averages. We have now formally risen from sixteenth (four years ago) to the third best school out of 17 in Doncaster with 55% of students achieving 5 or more A*-C grades at GCSE including English and Mathematics and 85% of students achieving 5 or more A*-C grades at GCSE overall. More students from Trinity are going on to higher education than ever before and students at all levels are achieving their personal best. I hope you will join with me in congratulating our staff and studentsand celebrating their successes.

It has been a year of other ‘fi rsts’ for Trinity: our fi rst Careers events for parents and students to attend; the fi rst year when all of our football and rugby pitches were available to us; we were also able to use our specially prepared cricket pitches forthe fi rst time; our fi rst Summer Concert. Thanks to all who made these things possible.

Throughout the year we have enjoyed three great productions: The Taming of the Shrew from the sixth form; the musical Annie; and fi nally the thought-provoking Diary of Anne Frank. Trinity students have been active in so many areas, including the Sciences, Technology, Sport, Languages, the Arts and the Humanities that it is impossible to pay them all due tribute.

I would however like to highlight our student-giving to charity this year: it has been exceptional and it points to the selfl ess and compassionate character of our young people. Since the opening of Trinity, four years ago, a total of nearly £40,000 has been raised and this year our students raised over £17,000, including over £14,000 towards the Sheffi eld Sick Children’s Trust, a charity supporting the facility that allows parents to stay nearby if their children are in the Sheffi eld Children’s Intensive Care Unit. This giving was a palpable response to the tragic loss of Megan Hennessey and the time that Sophie, her sister, spent in Sheffi eld Children’s Hospital intensive care unit. I would like to record my thanks to all of the community of Thorne and Moorends for their support of the Hennessey family during the diffi cult days from December onwards and pay tribute to the outpouring of compassion which has been evident. It is in dark days that deep-rooted, strong family ties and values in the community shine out, and this has been the case in the last year.

My thanks go to all parents and carers for your support and I look forward to another year when consistent standards, at home and in school, allied to team work between staff, parents and students, will allow our students to achieve their personal best and become active independent learners. Just as we say ‘Come on England!’ we also say ‘Come on Trinity!’

Yours sincerely

Ian BrewPrincipal

The EmmanuelSchools Foundation

...and they will call him “Immanuel” - which means, “God with us”. Matthew 1.3

In June we were overjoyed to hear of Emmanuel’s great success in being regarded as “outstanding” by OfSTED, and as even better since the previous inspection.

Inspectors particularly highlighted:

the overwhelmingly positive response of parents in their questionnaire• students’ excellent relationships with staff, enjoyment of school life, and their con� dence, independence and • maturitythe exceptional progress all students make (and especially those with special educational needs) • the signi� cant improvement in the Sixth Form since the last inspection• the outstanding care, guidance and support students receive• curriculum breadth and enrichment•

Dear friends

Wish you were here in Gateshead, where the sun always shines (well, occasionally) and the Angel stands with arms wide open to embrace anyone who makes it this far North. Many congratulations to you all for the fantastic A Level and GCSE results you have just achieved. Our jaws just about hit the ground when we heard your news!

We’ve had our own encouragements this year. Most recently we’ve been celebrating with our Year 11 and 13 students. A Level results saw us placed second in the North East, but at GCSE, with 91.4% of our students achieving � ve passes including English and Maths, we have set a new record, recording the highest GCSE exam results of any mixed comprehensive school in the North of England. God is good, and we thank him for His grace.

Ofsted came calling in July, � nding our students “exceptionally mature and positive”, and making an “excellent contribution to the community… bringing about signi� cant change”. They got very excited about the visits we make as three schools together – like those to South Africa and Uganda, and the annual Tall Ships voyage. Since Ofsted’s visit we’ve had two groups of students return safely from Africa, and the stories they tell make it obvious that their lives will never be the same again. This is education at its best, and we’re grateful to you for making these visits possible. This year your Principal and I are trying to forge links with China, so… perhaps next year the Forbidden City and the Great Wall?

Also in July was our annual Presentation Evening at The Sage, Gateshead, where we were able to wish four sixth form lads all the best as they prepared to cycle from one end of New Zealand to the other in their gap year: a distance of two thousand miles. They’re raising money for the intensive care unit that saved Mark Coffell’s life when he contracted blood poisoning during a Royal Marines training exercise. We also interviewed Chris Rouse, a Y8 motorcyclist who is already racing – and beating – seventeen year olds in national competition. Chris has just won at Brands Hatch (August 31), and achieved the fastest lap of the weekend at Snetterton this September.

Whatever your own talents, congratulations on the contribution you make to your fabulous school. Best wishes for the year ahead!

Mr J WinchPrincipal

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From Emmanuel

impact on the community• the strength of leadership provided by directors• the contribution provided by shared services to the “exceptional” value for money the school represents. •

Teaching is described as “consistently good with a signi� cant proportion outstanding”, and inspectors agree with the school self-evaluation that our next challenge is to raise the proportion of outstanding lessons.

Mr Winch, Principal of Emmanuel College, wrote “We thank God for this feedback, which will give staff and students a sense that their efforts have been recognised at the end of a demanding year.”

Once again we are able to rejoice in the achievements elsewhere in our family of schools and take encouragement in noting a number of areas for which OfSTED have said similar things about Trinity.

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“I bring you hearty felicitations from Middlesbrough, the home of steel, oil rig platforms and all things petrochemical!

“The King’s Academy is delighted to report its best ever GCSE results (with a 5+ A*-C pass rate of 73%) and its best ever A-Level results (with 72% of grades being C and above). Allied with an impressive CVA score and strong attendance � gures, the year of 2008-9 has been quite remarkable. Huge congratulations also to the many academic successes being enjoyed by Emmanuel and Trinity. All three ESF schools have plenty to be pleased about, as we delight in God’s goodness.

“This term, of course, we welcome the fourth ESF school, Bede Academy, into the family. The excitement of the doors opening for the � rst time and students walking into the gleaming building in their brand new uniform took us back to September 2003 when we � rst opened. So much has happened at The King’s over the last six years that we feel sure Bede will enjoy the journey and the many high points along the way. A huge welcome to all new Bede students and staff – you will be in our thoughts and prayers during this � rst term and beyond.

“King’s Academy sports teams have enjoyed an unparalleled season this year. Our Year 9 boys’ football team won the treble of the Town League, Town Cup and County Cup. Our girls’ hockey teams were Town Champions in every single age group, trouncing the opposition. In rugby, netball and athletics, too, our teams acquitted themselves well, playing with passion and representing the school with huge dedication and pride.

“In the arts, we presented the musical “Godspell” to four sell-out nights and hosted our � rst Summer Music Concert, High Scorers’ Concert and Reg Vardy Band Concert. With the formation of a new School Band and Brass Ensemble, and the reputation of the Gospel Choir continuing to grow, music is de� nitely a rising star in this sector of the constellation.

“We are all greatly looking forward to 2009-10 and all that the year will bring our Foundation of schools. Best wishes to all our fellow students in Gateshead, Thorne and Blyth – perhaps we’ll next see you at The Business Game, or on the Tall Ships or in South Africa. We may even go into battle against you in the forthcoming ESF Olympics – for more “healthy and hearty competition”. Whatever the next twelve months holds in store, it is great to know that we are all pulling together, wanting the best for one another. That is what families are all about, after all!”

Mr C DrewPrincipal

From The King’s

For the Trinity boys, it was a nervy start, stopping over at the Emmanuel boys’ houses. Getting through this would start the tour off spectacularly.

Luckily for me I was to be chosen as Captain, while Lewis Lacey (Emmanuel) was my right-hand man.

The � rst game was against North Berwick High School and was going to be our hardest; that was proven to be the case when we were beaten 42-10. The conditions were unbearable with a very strong wind sailing across the pitch. We did ourselves proud in the second half though, scoring two tries through Sam Cassidy (Emmanuel) and Lee Smith. John Armstrong (Emmanuel), our � rst choice � y half, sadly broke his collar bone, but stayed with us for a few more days on tour.

Our next scheduled game was cancelled due to extremely wet conditions. This game was going to be against Lenzie Academy.

From the many activities we did together, we decided the highlight was de� nitely curling; it was weird and different, but clearly demands a lot of skill.

Our � nal match took us to Balfron High School, where the Lions squad were at their peak as a team and as friends. A big effort was made during the game with big hits and some well worked tries. We won this game 36-10 with four tries from me and two from Lewis Lacey.

On behalf of the entire team, thanks to all the coaches for their amazing work and commitment.

Antony Bull (11Cooper)

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Result: Year 8 reached the semi � nals; 1st XV VII reached the � nal.

Both the Year 8 team and the Senior team performed with great credit. Every player turned up at 7.15 on Saturday morning, March 14th and therefore we set off for Emmanuel on time. Very windy conditions for all teams made control of the ball dif� cult but there was some excellent rugby on display. The Year 8 team defeated all three opponents, The King’s Academy, St Thomas More and Emmanuel ‘B’ team by the same score, 17 - 0, in their league and therefore � nished top.

They had played extremely well and played Dame Allan’s School in their semi � nal; unfortunately they were beaten 17 – 5. A good performance though, as Dame Allan’s went on to beat the Emmanuel ‘A’ side in the � nal.

The senior team went one better, actually � nishing second in their league having beaten Emmanuel ‘B’ and Dame Allan’s, but losing heavily to Longridge Towers. Nevertheless they reached the semi � nal and played the winner of the other league, Emmanuel ‘A’. A very exciting and tense struggle ensued which resulted in a draw at full time, the game going into two minutes each way of extra time. We scored the vital try near the end of the game and made the � nal where we once again faced Longridge Towers who had beaten us easily in the league round. The boys were really up for it however, and at 12 - 5 down towards the end of the match it looked like we had grounded the ball over the line to go 12 - 10 with the conversion to come but the referee was unsighted and disallowed the score. Unfortunately Longridge went straight up the � eld from the resulting scrummage and scored to seal their victory. A brave and much improved effort from our � rst encounter.

Quite a few previous Lions met up and exchanged memories and best wishes.

Players of the match: Sam Appleby (Year 8) and Zak Holgate (1st XV VII)

Mr Marks


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Academy students displayed their athletic prowess once more this year at the spectacular ESF Olympics. Youngsters from Trinity Academy excelled themselves in a variety of disciplines: they tackled cross-country running, netball, hockey, football, rugby and volleyball during an action-packed day after travelling to their sister school, Emmanuel College, in Gateshead.

Trinity faced opponents from Emmanuel College as well as The King’s Academy, near Middlesbrough, and the soon-to-be-opened Bede Academy, in Blyth – the other schools sponsored by the Emmanuel Schools Foundation.

Students of all ages, from Year 7 through to sixth formers, competed in the popular event which the schools take turns to host. The gruelling cross-country race saw them complete a route around the nearby Watergate Forest Park, while Year 8 students competed in a netball tournament on the multi-use games area. A Year 9 hockey tournament was staged at Gateshead International Stadium, football and rugby were played on the sports � eld and the college’s sports hall hosted the volleyball.

Academy Principal Ian Brew says: “The ESF Olympics is an event that everyone eagerly looks forward to. It is one of the real highlights of the sporting calendar for us. As always our students performed exceptionally well, playing each sport in the right spirit, meeting up with old friends and making new ones among our sister schools.”

Trinity Academy (in gold and maroon) in action against Emmanuel College in the Year 10 rugby tournament.

Trinity Academy (in gold and maroon) in action against The King’s Academy in the Year 10 football tournament.

Trinity Academy (in gold, white and maroon) in action against The King’s Academy in the Year 8 netball tournament.

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The Academic Year

‘Poor is the pupil who does not surpass his master’.Leonardo Da Vinci

This year sees a further dramatic increase in GCSE results at Trinity Academy, with 84% of students achieving the equivalent of � ve or more passes at grades A*-C (5+ A*-C) and 54% of students achieving � ve or more passes at grades A*-C including English and Mathematics. The scale of this achievement is striking against a background where students from the predecessor school were on average gaining less than 20% 5+ A*-C grades with English and Maths and less than 30% 5+ A*-C grades. Despite the fact that Trinity was awarded “Most Improved Academy in Britain” in 2007, this year sees a dramatic increase in those results by a further 20% and 14% respectively.

On an individual level the Academy is thrilled with the news that Sophie Hennessey, who made a remarkable recovery from a tragic road accident earlier in the year, has earned an outstanding set of GCSE results (4A*, 8A, 3B).

The facts, more facts and statistics

84% of all students achieved the equivalent of 5+ A*-C GCSE passes in all subjects.• 54% of all students achieved the equivalent of 5+ A*-C GCSE passes including English & Mathematics. This • year’s results are far in excess of the nationally recognised estimates provided by the Fischer Family Trust who predicted that only 42% of students would reach this threshold.Last year the Academy topped the local league table for science results. This year even more students • achieved the equivalent of a GCSE pass at grade C or higher in Double Award Science with 90% of all pupils achieving this benchmark (up from 83% in 2008). In addition, the 26 students who took GCSE Triple Award Science managed to achieve 100% A*-C pass rates in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.Business and Enterprise are the Academy’s specialist subjects, and 83% of all students gained the equivalent • of at least one GCSE pass at grade C or higher in a business-related subject.A*-C pass rates in English Language showed a huge improvement, up from 44% in 2008 to 72% this year. In • English Literature, 98% of the students entered achieved a grade C or higher.Pass rates in Mathematics also continued to improve, up from 52% in 2008 to 62% A*-C this year.• The � gure with English and Mathematics included has, for the � rst time in Thorne’s recent history, beaten the • national average of 54 per cent.

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Individual Students

At our annual Prizegiving Ceremony earlier in the year Sophie Hennessey received a standing ovation as she received the award for being the Student of the Year. This was in recognition of her remarkable recovery from a tragic road accident last November which left Sophie unconscious in the intensive care unit at Shef� eld Hospital for several weeks. She was unable to return to school until February, missing 10 weeks of her � nal year, but showed incredible determination and courage as she worked through her rehabilitation. We are delighted that Sophie has now been rewarded with an excellent set of GCSE results, the equivalent of 4 A*, 8 A and 3 B grades. This is a remarkable achievement and a tremendous answer to the prayers of all the staff and students at the Academy.

Our top student was Elizabeth Gitsham, who managed to achieve an • incredible 9 A* and 6 A grades. Elizabeth’s grades were as follows:

English Language A* German A* Art A

Mathematics A* Religious Studies A* Business Communications A

Science A* Biology A* Business Studies A

Additional Science A* Chemistry A* History A

French A* English Literature A Physics A

Rebecca Silvester also achieved outstanding results in 15 subjects: 8 A*, 5 A and 1 B grade.• Sam Goldsworthy achieved the equivalent of 6 A* grades plus 7 A, 1 B and 1 C.• Emily Harbottle gained 4 A*, 6 A, 3B and 1 C in 14 subjects.•

Sixth Form

The tremendous GCSE results this year have boosted the number of students who intend to continue their studies at Trinity Academy. 135 students from Year 11 have applied to join the Sixth Form in September, and this will boost the total number of Sixth Form students to well over 250.

Principal Ian Brew says: “The results are quite astonishing and actually surpass my own hopes and expectations for what was achievable. We identi� ed some weaker areas last year and immediately took action which has resulted in improvements across all departments. The important message behind these results is that whoever you are you can achieve, you can get good exam results and you can enjoy the same success as young people anywhere else. The difference is being able to go to a school that believes in you and that does everything it can to help you succeed.

“Ofsted inspectors gave us the greatest praise when they said Trinity had “transformed the life chances and opportunities of its students”. Our aim is to support our students to achieve higher than they ever thought possible and I am delighted for them and our staff that our results just get better and better.

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“Finally, I must pay tribute to Sophie Hennessey and her family. Their courage during a time of terrible tragedy has impressed everyone who has come into contact with them. Sophie rightly received a standing ovation when she was made Student of the Year for her incredible determination. Her success is a tremendous answer to all our prayers and Sophie and her family truly deserves to enjoy her success today.”

National averages, local averages and “value added”

On closer inspection the achievements at Trinity are even more remarkable .

The percentage of students from Trinity Academy (55 per cent) achieving � ve GCSEs at A*-C grade with English and Mathematics – regarded by many as the key indicator of success – was above the national average (49 per cent in 2008). This is also the � rst time this has happened in recent years in Thorne and Moorends and the � gure far surpasses the expectations of the Department for Children, Schools and Families.

The result is around 14 per cent better than the Doncaster average per school.

Also, the Academy achieved 12 percentage points above what was predicted by the DCSF for the value it adds to children’s education. Based on this measure, Trinity adds more value to each student than any other school in Doncaster.

The Academy also achieved the highest percentage of A*- A grades in the Local Education Authority.

As mentioned above, overall results in the GCSEs saw Trinity celebrating outstanding success with 85 per cent of students achieving � ve or more passes at grade C or above. Before the Academy opened in 2005 the � gure was just 21 per cent.

In this year’s A levels, Trinity saw again a record number of students achieving the results they needed to go to university with 73 collecting A level passes, almost double the 44 of last year.

The success has also had an impact lower down the school with numbers in the Academy’s Sixth Form rising to 225.

Ian Brew, Principal, says: “Our improvement this year has been dramatic even by our own standards of 2007 when we doubled our pass rate for � ve A*-C grades at GCSE with English and Mathematics. I do not think it is an exaggeration to say that our teachers have done a remarkable job and our students have worked exceptionally hard to achieve such outstanding results. This year we have the evidence that Trinity is now performing on a par with the very best state schools in Doncaster after just four years and, as we have seen by the value added estimates, we are exceeding all expectations placed upon us. Of course we are not complacent and recognise that there is still a lot of work to be done. But I believe that parents in Thorne and Moorends can take heart from this and be reassured that we are doing the very best we can for all of their children.”

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Subject Entries A* A B C D E F GEnglish 187 2 20 63 50 26 18 5 1English Literature 82 6 29 45 1Mathematics 187 5 19 30 61 34 19 12 6Gateway Science 102 13 23 36 25 3Gateway Additional Science 101 7 26 37 25 5Art 13 1 4 4 1 2 1Business Communications 170 3 9 21 53 42 20 11 5Business Studies 59 9 15 27 8Drama 7 2 3 2French 53 7 9 15 16 5 1Geography 27 3 10 7 4 3German 14 3 3 3 4 1Graphics 7 1 1 1 2 1 1Health & Social Care 22 4 8 4 2 2 2History 53 1 6 20 15 6 4 1Leisure & Tourism 20 1 5 2 6 4 2Physical Education 34 4 10 15 4 1PTE (Full) 132 2 13 38 42 28 6 1 1PTE (Half) 35 2 2 4 6 10 11Biology 26 2 11 13Chemistry 26 2 12 12Physics 26 13 10 3

Subject Entries Dn+ Dn Mt Ps Fl

BTEC Media 113 28 9 19 40 13

BTEC Science (Diploma) 70 5 11 17 31 3

BTEC Business 112 4 24 43 34 4

BTEC Child Development 19 10 1 1 6 1

BTEC Hospitality 11 2 9

BTEC Information Technology 36 23 7 1 5

BTEC Motor Vehicles 10 3 1 5 1

BTEC Science (Certi� cate) 20 19 1

SubjectCumulative % of students entering gaining grades:

A* A B C D E F GEnglish 1% 12% 45% 72% 86% 96% 98% 99%English Literature 7% 43% 98% 99% 99% 99% 99%Mathematics 3% 13% 29% 61% 80% 90% 96% 99%Gateway Science 13% 35% 71% 95% 98% 98% 98% 98%Gateway Additional Science 7% 33% 69% 94% 99% 99% 99% 99%Art 8% 38% 69% 77% 92% 100% 100% 100%Business Communications 2% 7% 19% 51% 75% 87% 94% 96%Business Studies 15% 41% 86% 100% 100% 100% 100%Drama 29% 71% 71% 100% 100% 100% 100%French 13% 30% 58% 89% 98% 100% 100% 100%Geography 11% 48% 74% 89% 100% 100% 100%German 21% 43% 64% 93% 100% 100% 100% 100%Graphics 14% 29% 43% 71% 86% 100% 100%Health & Social Care 17% 50% 67% 75% 83% 92%History 2% 13% 51% 79% 91% 98% 98% 100%Leisure & Tourism 5% 30% 40% 70% 90% 100%Physical Education 12% 41% 85% 97% 100% 100%PTE (Full) 2% 11% 40% 72% 93% 98% 99% 99%PTE (Half) 6% 11% 23% 40% 69% 100%Biology 8% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%Chemistry 8% 54% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%Physics 50% 88% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

SubjectCumulative % of grades:

A+ Dn Mt Ps Fl

BTEC Media 25% 33% 50% 85% 96%

BTEC Science (Diploma) 7% 23% 47% 91% 96%

BTEC Business 4% 25% 63% 94% 97%

BTEC Child Development 53% 58% 63% 95% 100%

BTEC Hospitality 18% 100% 100%

BTEC Information Technology 64% 83% 86% 100% 100%

BTEC Motor Vehicles 30% 40% 90% 100%

BTEC Science (Certi� cate) 95% 100%

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Sophie Hennessey (11Derry) received a standing ovation when she was given the Outstanding Student of the Year Award at the annual prize giving ceremony at Trinity Academy. Sophie survived a tragic road accident late last year, which also claimed the life of her sister, Megan.

An audience of students, staff and dignitaries was also treated to a moving tribute to Sophie and her sister Megan, who died after the girls were knocked down by a car as they walked to their grandparents’ house; students performed You Raise Me Up to a packed hall of guests invited to celebrate the success of another school year.

Principal Ian Brew said: “Before this year, and certainly since this terrible event, Sophie has exempli� ed the values of the school showing great humility, courage and determination.”

The school also awarded a new accolade in memory of Year 7 pupil Megan: The Megan Hennessey Prize for Art, presented by her father Andrew, was won by Jessica Banner (11Porter).

Guests at the prize-giving were taken on a journey through time to celebrate successes past and the academy’s plans for the future; they were treated to excerpts from school productions Annie and The Diary of Anne Frank as well as other musical and dancing interludes.

Special guest, chaplain of Liverpool Football Club Bill Bygroves, told them: “You will be successful if you think big, work hard, do good, press on and love God. I have seen people here whose horizons are obviously big ones – who dream big dreams – and who are working hard to ful� l them. Do good to all the people you can, for as long as you can, wherever you can and never give in.”

Mr Brew added: “We have had in front of us our prize winners, but every single student is a prize winner in my book because of who you are. You are all fantastic young people and a credit to the school.”

Trinity Academy Student of the Year Sophie Hennessey with her parents Amanda and Andrew Hennessey and the Civic Mayor of

Doncaster Ros Jones


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Most promising students: Fiona Green (12Law), Abbie-Bethany Turner (9Linley), Julie Ann Laguio (10Fothergill), Harry Middleton (9Boughey), Jonathan Bower (10Muthiah), Imogen Raper Linley (9Lathwood), Jodie Harrison (10Yeadon), Joshua Chappel (8Fletcher), Ava Connell (7Beaman), Charlotte Duckitt (10Yeadon), Jordan Hardman (10Ramsden), Zoe Green (10Rhodes).

Merit champions: Max Russell (7Claringbold), Rebecca Watkins (8Harrison), Jordan Shaw (9Linley), Elizabeth Kane-Burns (10Flint).Citizenship Awards: Emily Liddle (7Claringbold), Timothy Watkins (8Callaghan), Joe Potter (9Demaude), Jonathan Bower (10Muthiah).

Sports Awards:Victrix Ludorum: Katy Blackham (7Stockey), Jasmine Winterbottom (8Furniss), Freya Hustwaite (9Linley), Lauren Harrison (10Ramsden).Victor Ludorum: Cameron Jones (7Crane), Connor Swift (8Furniss), Aidan Harbottle (9Skillen), Jonathan Bower (10Muthiah).Sportswoman of the Year: Abigail Riddle (7Beaman).Sportsman of the Year: Lee Lawson (10Muthiah).

Special Prizes:

The Special Lecture Award: Nikita Watkins (7Kennedy).The Academy Drama Bowl: Toni Goulden (10Rhodes).The Chairman’s Award for the Musician of the Year: Rebecca Scorer (8Fletcher).Alumni Award – for contribution to the academy and the local community: Ellie Weatherald (8Harrison).Megan Hennessey Prize for Art: Jessica Banner (11Porter).

Outstanding achievement in external examinations: Naomi Green (13).

The House Cup: PoetsThe King’s Academy Short Story Award: Chelsea Card (10Muthiah).Outstanding Student of the Year: Sophie Hennessey (11Derry)

Academic Awards for Excellence

(l-r) Imogen Raper-Linley (Y9), Rebecca Leng (Y7), Rebecca Watkins (Y8), Freya Hustwaite (Y9), Jack Morris (Y7), Alexander Frost (Y8), Chelsea Card (Y10), Harry Middleton (Y9), Alexander Dockerty (Y8), Kirstie Green (Y10), Jodie Harrison (Y10)

Academic Awards for Endeavour

(l-r) Abigail Riddle (Y7), Joshua Bull (Y8), Charlotte Watkins (Y8), Connor Swift (Y8), Rachael Middleton (Y7), Kerry Chappell (Y9), Daisy McMurdo (Y10), Jessica Forshaw (Y10), Christina Evans (Y10), Megan Thomas (Y9)


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Academic Awards for Improvement

(l-r) Chloe Skidmore (Y8), Chloe Corbett (Y9), Amy Fletcher (Y10), Rebecca Dodds (Y10), Hannah Gitsham (Y9), Gabrielle Edwards (Y7),Gabrielle Thompson (Y7), Jonathan Wright (Y7)

Most Promising Students

(l-r) Charlotte Duckitt (Y10), Zoe Green (Y10), Abbie-Bethany Turner (Y9), Joshua Chappel (Y8), Jonathan Bower (Y10), Fiona Green (12Thomson), Harry Middleton (Y9), Jordan Hardman (Y10), Julie Ann Laguio (Y10), Jodie Harrison (Y10), Imogen Raper-Linley (Y9), Ava Connell (Y7)

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Merit Champions

(l-r) Ellizabeth Kane-Burns (Y10), Rebecca Watkins (Y8), Jordan Shaw (Y9), Max Russell (Y7)

Citizenship Awards

(l-r) Joe Potter (Y9), Timothy Watkins (Y8), Jonathan Bower (Y10), Emily Liddle (Y7)

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Vocational Work Placement Awards

(l-r) Matthew Fearon (Y10), Jennifer Wright (Y12), Ben Simpson (Y12), Cassie Smith (Y12), Adam Finch (Y10)

Sports Awards

(l-r) Jasmine Winterbottom (Y8), Freya Hustwaite (Y9), Lauren Harrison (Y10), Jonathan Bower (Y10), Aidan Harbottle (Y9), Connor Swift (Y8), Cameron Jones (Y7), Katy Blackham (Y7)

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Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year Awards

Special Prizes

(l-r) Thomas Tunstill (Y9), Rebecca Scorer (Y8), Toni Goulden (Y10), Ellie Weatherald (Y8), Chelsea Card (Y10), Samuel Appleby (Y8), Jessica Banner (Y11), Nikita Watkins (Y7)

(l-r) Lee Lawson (Y10), Abigail Riddle (Y7)

Megan HennesseyPrize for Art

Jessica Banner (Y11)

Trinity’s gifted and talented students contin

selection is g

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Gifted and T

There are now 50 students in the school who are associate or full members of the Young Gifted and Talented (YG&T) programme developed by the DfES. This scheme replaced the old National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth and provides members with access to online resources, summer schools and events run by the Yorkshire and Humberside Excellence Hub based at York University.

Five Year 10 students (Stephanie Hall, 10

Gooing, Guy Winstanley, 10Briggs, Isabelle

Brittain, 10Flint, Owen Taylor, 10Fothergill

and Samuel Thurlow, 10Muthiah) visited

Loughborough University in June to look at

Sports Science. During the day, which was

aimed at students who might be looking at

a career in sport, they took part in several

physical exercises and also attended

lectures about science in sport.

The Artist in Residence week was hosted by Trinity this year and involved pupils from Trinity, Campsmount and Hat� eld. The students worked over four days with a professional artist to produce an outstanding piece of original work which is displayed in the school’s main entrance. Year 8 pupils (Rebecca Watkins, 8Harrison, Connor Swift, 8Furniss, Katy Wood, 8Furniss, Liam Foreman, 8Dyson, Emma Skillcorn, 8Dyson, Ben Brint, 8Pashley and Gemma Cuttell, 8Dyson) were the talented artists. Trinity will host this event again in 2010.

Year 9 pupils Aidan Harbottle, 9Skillen,

John Hardy, 9Boughey, Lewis Marshallsay,

9Howlett, Thomas Clark, 9Havlin took part

in the Buxton World Challenge in June.

This aims to provide gifted students with

real outdoor challenges and problems to

solve and improve their communication

and team building skills.

The G&T cohort produced excellent results in the internal examinations with 100% gaining 5 grade A* to Cs in Years 7 and 8, 95.83% in Year 9 and 94.74% in Year 10.



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tinue to excel in a whole range of areas. A

s given below.

Bailey Chappell, 9Demaude, completed a series of Maths Masterclasses over a number of Saturdays between February and April. Th ese were run by Sheffi eld University and included such topics as Code Breaking and Proof, Justice and the Mathematical Way.

The Year 9 dual language set were able to visit McAuley school in June to see The Flying Theatre Company’s production of ‘The Three Musketeers’ in French. This was a very enjoyable production performed entirely in French which proves how accessible a foreign language can be.

The academic performance of our G&T students continues to be very strong, particularly with Trinity’s strong commitment to delivering academic GCSEs and A Levels. We are hopeful that this year’s GCSE results will show an increase in the percentage of A* and A grades. As a further commitment to our top performing students many initiatives are planned behind the scenes in departments to ensure that G&T students receive the best possible education here.

Many of our gifted students contributed to a “learning styles” survey which aimed to show how best they learn (and how they don’t!). Such a survey will serve to improve still further the education they receive here in the academy.

A group of Year 10 students visited

Cambridge University in July. They were

shown around the university and the

town and had a chance to meet current

students. We hope such visits will inspire

our students to aim for the highest possible


Mr Ramsden

renes ’

G&T students ularly with Trinity’s strong CSEs and A Levels We are hopeful that


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Cubist (Painting

and Sculpture) by Sophie

Moss (13Kendell).

Fashion by Christopher Clarke (11Goddard). Eye-Pod by Elizabeth Gitsham (11Potts).

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Lion by Sophie Moss (13Kendell).Tiger by Sophie Moss (13Kendell).

Birds by Elizabeth Gitsham (11Potts).

Japanese Lake by Christopher Clarke (11Goddard).

Horse - studies by Rebekah Coggon (11Smyth).

Tulips in Tulip by Rebekah Coggon (11Smyth).

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The American Dream by Jake Benjamin Ogden (11Porter).

Peacock by Sophie Moss (13Kendell).

Two Girls by Natalie Saul (11Smyth).

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Self portrait by Lydon Eccles (12Robotham).

Eye by Lydon Eccles (12Robotham).

This is the � nal piece for one of my recent projects, in which I have combined all the new skills that I have learned and the experimentation that I have explored throughout the project. The piece is a very personal self-portrait in which I have incorporated harsh, bold brush strokes, text and a slash through the canvas, all of which represent my experiences of the numerous operations I have had due to my cleft lip and palate. The bright but violent tones help to illustrate this, especially through the use of the red tones. This portrait and the use of the media and tones has been in� uenced by the portraits and self-portraits by Jenny Saville. The text incorporated into the portrait relates to my experiences, memories, etc.

Lydon Eccles (12Robotham)

Alan Carr by Jake Taylor (11Goddard).

Abstract Landscape by Jake Taylor (11Goddard).

Viva La Vida by Jake Taylor (11Goddard).

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Another product from Reece Jones. This abstract executive desk sculpture makes use of a variety of high level skills incorporated when working different metals. The artefact is made from a combination of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys and has been designed to include a rotating pen holder (painted metallic blue) alongside a requirement to exhibit a high level of � nish.

Advanced level Design (A2). Miss Dyson is seen sampling the ergonomic delights of James Holder’s A2 major project. This fully independently sprung sun lounger has been made by hand in the academy workshop and displays a high level of both thought and manufacture. James was awarded a top A grade for this project.

Ben Smith spent many hours manufacturing a desk organiser speci� cally for Miss Dyson’s needs. The unit was actually manufactured through a process known as lamination, making full use of the department’s laser cutting facilities. Produced to Miss Dyson’s speci� cation the � nal artefact can be seen fully operational in room 30 at the academy. Ben was awarded a grade A in the manufacturing element of the A2 course.

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This timber-derived toy was designed and made by Reece Jones as part of the advanced level (AS) course. The product is manufactured from both hard and soft woods and has been designed to include a mechanism and make use of a variety of high level skills.

This advanced level (AS) timber-derived toy was designed and made by Ryan Bland. It follows the same brief as Reece Jones’ response, being manufactured from hard and soft woods and designed to include a mechanism and display a range of high level skills.

This advanced level Design (AS) shows Arron Hess’ metal sculpture. This product makes use of traditional forge work alongside state of the art computer-aided design and manufacturing processes.

Peter Batchelor’s unique X-Box work station shows a novel approach to product design. This piece of furniture has been designed in an “X” shape - for obvious reasons. This A2 major project gained a straight A grade for both design and manufacture.

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We were touched, humbled and honoured to read this letter in the Thorne and District Gazette (13th August 2009 edition). In keeping with the anonymous nature of the letter there is no name, no photograph, just the letter, which speaks for itself.

I WOULD like to respond to your story of July 9 "Dad claims Trinity Academy cherry-picks Students". I am the parent of a 13-year-old child who attends Trinity Academy. My child has a condition called Aspergers Syndrome which makes the sufferer fi nd mix-ing with other people very diffi cult. They struggle to understand the unwritten social rules which make us speak and act ap-propriately. It requires a lot of understanding and routine to keep a sufferer calm and happy. Since my child was very young I have bat-tled to keep her in mainstream school. I refused a place at a school predominantly for children with special needs and behav-ioural disorders as I was concerned about her academic needs. If Trinity Academy was cherry-picking stu-dents, I can assure readers they would not have taken my child and, as I live out of the catchment area, her place was by no means guaranteed. Her last school found it very diffi cult to cope with my daughter's condition and there were various issues during her time there including

threats of exclusion. From her fi rst day at Trinity my child has been very different. The school has such a fantastic structure in place for all students and the discipline within the school is obvious when you walk around it. She is now able to interact with other stu-dents, take part in activities both in and out of school time and generally enjoys her time at school, the same as every other student. Ian Brew, the school principal, and his staff have been a revelation to my child and our family. My daughter's special needs have made no difference to the way she is treated and nor should they. I have listened to many parents' observations regarding the rights and wrongs of Trinity Academy's rules and regulations and I be-lieve that discipline should begin and end in the home. If your child breaks rules they should be punished. I thank God for Trinity Academy and think we are all lucky to have it in Thorne.

Academy isa blessing

Courtesy of Thorne & District Gazette

Autumn TermSeason of mists and mellow fruitfulness,Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;

Conspiring with him how to load and blessWith fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;

John Keats: To Autumn

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The deep mystery surrounding the Year 12 residential is � nally revealed.


The residential was fantastic because it gave everyone a chance to bond. This was especially good for me as I was new to the academy. Samantha Johnson (12Ellerington)I bonded with many whom I probably wouldn’t have without it, and I particularly enjoyed rock-climbing, abseiling, zip-wiring and raft-building. Natasha Temperton (12Law)The sixth form residential was a very good opportunity for all of us, even those who didn’t want to come took part and had fun. The trip brought out people’s true characteristics and personalities, which brought us all together as a team. Victoria Urwin (12Law)

Best bits

The best bits were the rock-climbing and abseiling, swimming in the lake (even though the water was cold!) the quiz and the raft-building. Jack Elliott (12Kernaghan)The best part of the residential was building and racing a raft; however the raft got stuck so we had to pull it back to shore. Mitchel Bonner (12Ellerington)The zipline was the highlight for me, as it made you push yourself to do something you wouldn’t normally do in everyday situations. Rachael Robson (12Ellerington)

Funniest parts

I enjoyed waking up and seeing Lake Windermere in the morning with the fresh smell in the air, but the highlight of the trip was overcoming my fears of rock-climbing and abseiling by actually trying them out! Being in a varied group of people, male and female, was great, and seeing Gareth overcoming his fear of heights on the zip wire was really humbling. And seeing Ben Simpson on the zip wire hurt himself where it really hurts (bless him!) made me feel sorry for him - but it was really funny too! The residential made the whole year closer. Natasha Temperton (12Law)

“Not long enough!”

But the whole thing was not long enough. MitchelI disliked the length of the residential - I would have liked to stay longer. EmilyI would have liked to stay longer so that I could have done more activities! Rebecca

Fifty students from Trinity Academy took part in the school’s second annual trip to Belgium to see the battle� elds of World War One, a timely reminder of the horrors of war - and the heroism of those who fought for their country.

Students toured the visitor centre at the chilling site of the infamous Trench of Death at Diksmuide, where the Belgian Army battled in horrendous conditions to try to prevent the German advance.

The group then visited � rstly the Tyne Cot Cemetery and Memorial to the Missing near Passchendale, where nearly 12,000 soldiers of the allies are buried, and then the German military cemetery in Langemark, where 33,000 soldiers are buried.

At the Menin Gate Memorial students witnessed the sounding of the Last Post. With the exception of a four-year period during World War Two, the Last Post has been sounded there every night since November 11th, 1929, and is attended by hundreds of people. Students from the Academy placed wreaths of remembrance at the historic site.

A ParkerSuffolk

November 7th 2008

Dear Mr Brew

On a recent visit to Ypres, Belgium, a friend and I had the pleasure of meeting some pupils from Trinity Academy. We were attending the service at the Menin Gate on Saturday 25th

October and the pupils were standing in front of us. They had been patiently waiting with their teacher for an hour in what they assumed would be a good position to see their friends and others lay wreaths in remembrance. Unfortunately, a choir arrived and stood in front of them ready to take part in the service. Due to the gathering crowds, the children were unable to fi nd a better place to view the proceedings. In spite of this they accepted the situation, talked to us about their visit to the area and seemed genuinely interested in the war memorial, cemetaries and museums we had visited. Although they could see very little, they were very moved by the service.

Shortly afterwards, a lady from the choir, who assumed we were all staff from Trinity Academy, tapped me on the shoulder and said the children were a credit to us. . . .

Kind regards

A Parker (Mrs)

Mr Brew’s name and the Academy’s address were on the wreath and a couple of weeks after the trip Mr Brew was proud to receive this letter, which speaks for itself:

Thank you Mrs Parker, and congratulations everyone, on being such terri� c ambassadors for Trinity and your country!

The Belgium trip was a great experience and also very moving; welearned about all the people who died for us and also about thetrench system in greater detail. The most moving parts were whenthe six people from Trinity went up to lay the wreath at the MeninGates. And the funny parts were at the roller disco when lots of people were falling over, including Mr Brew! Simon Gerrard (10Jenkins)


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The academy’s sixth form play has now become an annual event, following the success of last year’s performances of Much Ado About Nothing and, previously, Romeo and Juliet. Students put on some shrewd (“Oh no!” - Ed.) performances as they entertained audiences in November with sixth formers and students from years 10 and 11 at Trinity Academy taking to the stage with their version of The Taming of the Shrew.

The action-packed romantic comedy has an array of feisty characters: Bianca, with an army of suitors; her sharp-tongued, temperamental older sister Katherina, with none; fortune-hunting Hortensio; rich, old Gremio; never-say-die Petruchio...

Emma Russell (12Law: Gremio), writes: “This experience was absolutely amazing; it was my � rst main role in a play, and the rest of the cast were so supportive, helping me with advice and guidance. I made some good friends and developed as a performer with the support of Miss Foster, Miss Jenkins and Mr Mather.”

Claire McClusky (13Grace: Baptista, mother of Bianca and Katherina): “The experience of rehearsal and performance was unbelievable; I would like to thank everyone for all the help I received and for making the whole play fun and enjoyable.”

Sophie Beggs (13Grace: Bianca): “I loved the whole experience. Rehearsals were very relaxed and enjoyable; all the cast worked so well together - we really bonded! Thank you to everyone for making it a fab show!”

Spring TermSpring is sprung, the grass is ris.I wonders where the birdies is.

They say the birds is on the wing.Ain’t that absurd?

I always thought the wing was on the bird.Anonymous: frequently but wrongly attributed to Ogden Nash or ee cummings

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Something in the Mistby Chelsea Card, 10Muthiah

Winner of “The King’s Academy Short Story Award” 2009

I gazed silently out of the car window. I had countless questions that needed answers, but I felt like the knot was being tightened around my throat. Clenching my � sts, I tried to absorb my teardrops, not wanting people around to see me weep. I longed to say one � nal goodbye...

“Over nice?” I thought, as my dad asked me if I wanted to go to the park, but with a forced smile I agreed and put on my shoes. As we were driving, Dad kept glancing at me with knowing eyes; he knew something I didn’t and I was desperate to know what. “Why are you being so nice?” I asked him constantly, but my answer came in a series of muf� ed words. Every now and again, he would utter a swear word at someone in a passing car. This wasn’t my dad - it just wasn’t him. My mind began to turn to her, my mum.

As we approached the car park, I noticed an ice-cream van through the soaring, slender trees. I leapt out of the car; excitement was painted across my face. “Slow down!” my dad called. As I came to a halt, for a split second I could feel the sun burning my face intensely before it seemed to be engulfed by the looming canopy. For a moment I felt afraid, but as soon as that feeling reached my tummy, my hand was enclosed in his. I felt safe, safe from everything damaging around me.

We wandered around the park most of the day, and as we were nearing the car to return home, Dad breathed the words I had dreaded all day, the words that were going to shatter me into so many pieces; it would be impossible to ever � x me again. As he spoke them I looked beyond him; I couldn’t bear watching him say the words. I began to barricade my ears against everything that was being said - I didn’t want to hear it. Likewise, my eyes closed unconsciously and as the teardrops crept down my face, I became what she was - numb.


As the seconds crawled by, every breath I took became a battle. I could feel the tears burning my eyes as I fought to keep them from falling. Agonizingly, I clutched my stomach; the anguish was crushing me whilst the words echoed around my head. I looked up to the sky, but instead of feeling the sun scald my face like it had done previously, I envisaged how hollow my life would now be. Although I felt as if I had been wounded, inside all feeling had been eradicated. My future had been demolished by the person I treasured the most.

I gazed silently out of the car window. Although I was besieged with familiar sympathetic faces, I remained alone; alone was best. I was fast becoming a victim of the mist that had descended over my life.

One by one we got out of the car, and as we entered the towering building, everyone’s attention was drawn towards us. I could feel their stares piercing me and suddenly I began to realise everything that had happened was reality. I must have been a child wrapped in cotton wool; I had thought I would walk down the aisle only on my wedding day. Never had I realised that at nine years of age I would be walking down the aisle, teardrops falling from my eyes, behind the wooden box that was separating me from the person I loved the most. As I made my way to the front of the overcrowded building, my dad was nowhere to be seen. I was scared. Scared of him disappearing, just like she had. Scared of having nobody beside me whilst salt was being rubbed into my open wounds. Scared of being alone.

The service began.

Every time the vicar said her name, it felt like a hand was clutching my throat violently and someone was whispering sharply in my ear, “Cry”. I refused to listen and stared at the � oor. Inside, I was overcoming the bullies that wanted me to cry but as I glanced to my right, I saw tears � ooding from my sister’s delicate eyes. That was the point when I surrendered to the tears - they began to rapidly spill from my eyes. Instead of feeling my dad’s hand enclose mine like it had in the park, I felt my brother’s arm reach around my shoulder. As I took a � nal glance at the wooden box, in a hushed voice he said, “Everything’s going to be � ne”. The wreath on top of the cof� n read: “Mum”.

I had known that my mum was ill, but everyone around me had refused to tell me why or how. Maybe if I’d known she hadn’t had long to live, I would have been able to say one � nal goodbye. Maybe if I’d not been so stubborn, I might have seen her before she passed away. However, the past is already written and cannot be erased, just like the memories I have of my mum cannot be forgotten. It is impossible. Sometimes I still feel as if the mist is looming over my life, but I look to the stars and remember the times my mum and I shared; she is my something in the mist.

The more eagle-eyed of our readers will have spotted a number of Beatles song titles and lyrics (that’s words from songs – Ed) scattered throughout the year book. Now, if you are a student at Trinity Academy, � nd those titles and lyrics; write them down in BLOCK CAPITALS in the order in which they appear on the year book; complete the tie breaker and bring your list to Mr Mapletoft (Room 107). Make sure your name, tutor group and the date are on the top of the paper. In the case of lyrics please write the title of the song in which they appear too. And remember, no wrong answers please: not everything that looks like a Beatles song title is in fact a Beatles song title.

Tie breaker: � nd a photograph in the year book that illustrates a Beatles song title or the words from a Beatles song. Under your list of answers write TIE BREAKER and then describe the photograph by page and position, e.g. PAGE 6 TOP LEFT “MEAN MR MUSTARD” (only kidding, Mr Brew, only kidding).

The entry with the most complete list of song titles and lyrics, the best tie breaker and no mistakes will win a Beatles Remastered CD of their choice (and if you don’t like the Beatles you can always give it to Dad or Mum for Christmas).

So go on: start digging amongst your Mum’s old CDs and your Dad’s cast-off guitar and “Complete Beatles Songbook”.

Closing date: Friday, November 5th. The judge’s decision is � nal.


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It was a hard knock life for students rehearsing every night after school and at weekends to perfect their production of the popular musical Annie. Students at Trinity Academy once again threw themselves into the annual stage show, which took place on March 4th – 6th. The production broke the Academy’s box of� ce records with an audience of 500 for each night of the run.

Assistant Vice Principal Mr Mather says: “This was our best production yet. Rehearsals started way back in September and it’s one academy event that brings together children from every year group, allowing them to make new friendships with their fellow students across the Academy.”

Set in Depression era America, the rags-to-riches tale follows feisty orphan Annie as she leaves the orphanage run by the mean-spirited Mrs Hannigan for the opulent mansion of Daddy Warbucks.

The show contains classic songs including It’s a Hard Knock

Life, Tomorrow, You Won’t be an Orphan For Long and You’re Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile.

A great production of a great show.

Proceeds from the performances went towards the Academy’s three charities – Bluebell Wood Hospice, Cancer Research UK and SAO Cambodia – as well as student expeditions this year on the Tall Ships and to Uganda.

Trinity’s � rst 24 hour football marathon was a memorable occasion for all involved. Over seventy football-mad students and dedicated staff gave up half their weekend to participate in the event held in the sports hall (and the Sower Restaurant).

The event was conducted in the style of a tournament, 8 teams of 6 players playing matches of 20 minutes. All participants began keen and eager to play games at a frenetic pace. Those not playing were supposed to use their time in order “to eat and rest” so perhaps the succeeding WWE Royal Rumble style game which took place was maybe not the best form of recuperation.

The marathon was something no one involved in it will ever forget: how could they with a random � re alarm shrieking through the Academy at 4am? And I’m sure cries of “I’m not doing this again”, and “Go away, I’m tired!” were all in good taste and in good humour!

Huge congratulations must go to all staff that helped to make the event a success, in particular those who played non-stop for four hours! A special mention needs to be given to Liam Ridgill (10Briggs) and his partner in crime Keiran Bowman (10Briggs), whose hard work in the organisation of the event was for all to see.

Mr Stuart

The 24-hour netball marathon saw dozens of girls take part in the round-the-clock netball event, splitting into ten teams to battle both each other and a lack of sleep. They competed throughout the night in a series of 15-minute matches, with the marathon also raising funds for the Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice in Shef� eld.

Student Hannah Fenwick (9Havlin), says: “It was great fun, it brought lots of us together and it’s a good way to raise money.”

Lauren Read (8Dyson), says: “We had to play in the early hours of the morning, which was quite tough, but we’re proud of completing the marathon.”

Trinity ca e y stu ents essica Guest ath oo auren ee Dyson an annah en ic a in et set for the net a arathon


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Monday assembly on March 9th was a real blast from the past when � gures from the Science Hall of Fame descended on us as if from Dr Who’s Tardis. Mr Brew was stopped in his tracks when Galileo arrived on the scene demanding to know why he had been whisked into the 21st century when he had been happy at home star-gazing in 1610. He was soon accompanied by Florence Nightingale who rolled up wondering why all the children were looking so clean. Pandemonium broke out when a whole host of Scienti� c giants was suddenly transported to the sports hall.

We also discovered what the Science Department do when everyone’s gone home on Friday. Hubble, bubble toil and trouble with a few hair-raising experiences including Mr Bourn unleashing the animal within as his recent discovery turned him into a Mr Hyde. Seems something was missing in his elixir of youth potion as he regressed to primeval man.

Meanwhile later in the day the � u epidemic hit the school, by evening 2.6% of the population being infected; rumour has it that Mr Brew had never had so many people interested in Everton as he had that week, but with true guile he kept his eye on the clock and for four days had countless 4.5 minute conversations - so no one won the star prize for infecting him.

Other highlights included a range of visitors from Flamingo Land: one python, a corn snake, a huge stick insect and a large leaf insect, not forgetting Terry the tarantula who we gather, when he’s angry, rises up on his front legs to sink his huge fangs, normally tucked away under his body, into the offender. He also has other tricks: if he is just mildly annoyed he can � re out his hair with deadly accuracy like mini harpoons to keep unwanted visitors at bay. Thankfully he was in good humour that day as some 300 students came, saw and enjoyed the talks by Amanda Gott who displayed all the wildlife.

3D � lms were also a big hit with some 600 students trying on the glasses over the six lunchtimes to watch heart and liver bound up before their very eyes. In fact the 3D effect was so good many were jumping up to try and touch or duck away from the human organs that seemed to leap out of the screen.

Then there was the AVi Flu virus, the advanced Chemistry lecture from Mr Clark.... A big “thank you” to all staff for entering into the spirit of the week.

Mr Towers

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The Inter-House Science Quiz

Do you know the formula of glucose?What’s the electrical charge of a ‘strange’ quark?Which scientist jumped out of a bath naked and ran down the road shouting ‘Eureka’?

A mighty clash of science brains took place on the Tuesday and Friday lunch times in the second week of March. Like University Challenge, the Quiz featured quick-� re rounds of questions, but just on Biology, Physics and Chemistry. Representing each house was one student from each year group. The questions ranged from the common sense to the mind-bogglingly dif� cult.


1 11 1

9 1 11 11 1

11, 1 13 3 1

Well down Kings and Poets. Better luck next time Shepherds!

Mr Bourn


Students were challenged to make their own rockets out of card and imagination in a meagre 15 minutes. What resulted was excellent teamwork, top notch designs and a tiny model that NASA themselves would be proud of. Using nothing but air pressure, the rockets were then launched on Thursday; they � ew majestically over the rails in the sports hall before landing safely on the other side. Good fun, great designs, terri� c � repower, students leaping backwards in surprise, smiles, laughter: “Woah!”

Mr Clark

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48 excited Year 8s set off early on Friday 3rd April along with Mr Ramsden, Mr McArthur, Mr Potts, Miss Chapman, Ms Smaje and Miss Dyson. Miss Dyson, in particular, was possibly even more excited than the pupils!!!

In many cases the coach experience was a new one as many pupils had never been through the Channel Tunnel. Many were convinced that you’d be able to see � sh out of the train windows as it passed underneath the Channel so they were disappointed when this proved not to be the case. Nevertheless the journey passed without incident and we arrived in Menecy after spending what seemed like hours on the Paris Peripherique. Having been fed and watered and rooms having been allocated the pupils settled down and got some rest before the events began the following morning.

The � rst trip was to a typical French cheese farm. The pupils were shown around the farm, got to meet many of the animals and were also shown how the cheese was made. This was fascinating and the visit was completed by a tasting session of the many types of cheese made at the farm. For those who were used to nothing more adventurous than Dairylea this was a major test, so it was surprising how many pupils liked these cheeses, including goat’s cheese and some pretty strong soft cheese. Unfortunately, the coach was quite a smelly place to be after many pupils bought lumps of cheese to take home to their families!! On the other hand, this was no worse than Mr McArthur’s feet, so nobody complained.

Back in Paris itself, the home of haute cuisine, we decided to do something typically French, so we went to McDonald’s. And the McDonald’s on the Champs Elysees is quite possibly the busiest McDonald’s in the world!!! However, the pupils excelled themselves by displaying patience and maturity and also ordering in French, which is what the trip was all about. After lunch we travelled to Trocadéro to take some scenic pictures and then went up the Eiffel Tower. We had booked a speci� c school party ticket so we were able to dodge the enormous queues of tourists and although some (including the teachers) weren’t overly keen on heights everybody went to the top to enjoy the views of Paris.

The afternoon was completed by a trip to Aquaboulevard, a swimming complex on the other side of Paris. This was enjoyed by all but the highlight was the sight of Mr Ramsden and Mr McArthur running through the centre to the nearest sports shop to buy 14 pairs of trunks. Unfortunately we had been misinformed as to the type of male swimwear allowed at the centre and a number of boys wouldn’t have been able to swim without these trunks. It has to be said that the shop assistant raised an eyebrow at this purchase, but needs must!

Sunday saw an early start and a trip to the Stade de France. This was still kitted out in the pink of the Stade de France rugby union side which had played there the day before. An interesting tour was followed by a trip on a Bateau Mouche on the River Seine where the pupils were able to see the major sights of Paris such as Notre Dame and also a trip around the city to see the Louvre, the Place de la Concorde and the Arc de Triomphe.

Monday was the � nest day of the week with warm sunshine and this was perfect for the trip to Eurodisney. The pupils enjoyed their day on the rides, in the shows and watching the � nale of the parade of Disney characters, followed, of course, by the customary exhaustion and collapsing on the bus.

This was a memorable trip for many reasons but most of all for the behaviour and maturity of the pupils. Every single pupil met every meeting deadline, including when in the shopping mall near Eurodisney and in Eurodisney itself. In the Italian restaurant on the Sunday evening our pupils were shown in their best possible light as they dressed for the occasion. The boys in their smart shirts and trousers and the girls in their beautiful dresses sat on their own tables and behaved like adults as the public ate nearby. A great time was had by all here as everyone relaxed and enjoyed each other’s company over a meal – a very French tradition.

Along with their humour, character and hard work (when they were asked to write their diaries every evening) this group of young people was a credit both to the school and to their families.

Mr RamsdenHead of MFL


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For six weeks in February and early March students from Trinity Academy worked with Doncaster Inclusive Rugby Education and Community Trust (DIRECT) to help organise the Doncaster Knights match against Plymouth Albion on March 14th. This was a part of the Knights’ Sports Enterprise Challenge and included students from the academy writing part of the programme for the day.

Both pre-matchday and on the day itself students also helped in organising activities. Corey Moore, Amber Bennett, Luke Marsh and Freya Emerson worked alongside Ali Wood of DIRECT on pre-matchday events, organising for example a Sports Challenge Day at Trinity, when Donny the Knight, the club’s mascot, and two players in the squad gave students a chance of winning tickets to the match – which � ve lucky people did.

Large-scale sports events take a huge amount of organising, from upkeep of the pitch to cleanliness of the stands, from sale of food and drink to matters of health and safety.

The students agreed “We had the opportunity to attend the match to see how the day was run; this was useful to us as we can write about how successful the event was in our business coursework.”“It was something different that I’d not done before”: Amber Bennett (12Law).“It has helped me to develop my management skills”: Corey Moore (12Law).“This was a great opportunity to get involved in the sports community”: Luke Marsh (12Marks).“It will de� nitely help me in the future”: Freya Emerson (12Robotham).

Daniel Farmer (11Porter) and Michael Johnson interviewed Knights’ prop Lewis Thiede for the programme’s In the Spotlight page, and Keeli Hodgson (11Goddard) and Louise Tyas interviewed full-back Steve Slingsby.

Liam Coetzee (11Foster) took a different turn , when he interviewed students from various different groups to help explain to Knights fans what Trinity students had been doing to prepare for the Plymouth game.

Jake Hepworth (12Ellerington) of the Community Group told him that the Business Enterprise Scheme is a regular feature in the Doncaster Knights’ diary, Danum School taking part last year for example, which serves to add fuel to the (friendly) � re of inter-school rivalry as each one tries to better the others’ efforts.

The Commercial Group informed him that their involvement with the scheme started with posters to advertise the March 14th game against Plymouth , which was an important National League One clash; following that, they structured a commercial for radio and organised the hospitality table.

The Hospitality Group itself was not short of things to do either, producing menus to be used on matchday by the Knights’ guests and of� cials; these are the kind of details that nobody wants to get wrong on the day.

Rowan Brocklesby (11Potts) , a member of the PR and Media Group, reported that their role was to interview players, of� cials and fans of the Knights; they also had to produce the matchday programme; they took photos of the game which would then available for use by the press; they wrote a match report too, which meant that they got to know the procedures that reporting a professional game to the right authorities entails. Rowan said, “It was a huge opportunity to forge a possible career in journalism. It also looks good on a CV, showing you’re able to work and succeed as part of a team.”

Summer TermMiddle English

Sumer is icumen in,Lhude sing cuccu!

Groweth sed and bloweth medAnd springth be wde nu,

Sing cuccu!Anonymous, c1260

Modern EnglishSummer has come in,Loudly sing, Cuckoo!

The seed grows and the meadow bloomsAnd the wood springs anew,

Sing, Cuckoo!

We would like to say that the trip to Hatfi eld Water ark was ama ing and a fantastic experience. ven though it was our fi rst trip at Trinity Academy we think it will be one of the best ever and it will always be in our minds. It would have been even better as a residential, but going on a day trip was very good as we have never been there before. We would like to say a great Thank you to Mr Sandford for organising it for us, and also to Mr Winkley, Miss Linley and Miss Beaman for supervising us. Hopefully next time we go we will do more activities and fi nd the day even more challenging. But this time was very good for us as we had never done any of the activities before. ext time we go we will defi nitely do archery and canoeing again, but we would also like to try raft-building. When we had to crack the code to get into the lock we enjoyed the challenge because we had to think when we found the right code it was an ace feeling.

When we jumped off the jetty it was scary but we enjoyed it. And working in a team can be really good fun

ar e a e m n e Ma a r rane

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Year 7 spent the day at Hat� eld Water Park doing low ropes climbing, archery and a canoe treasure hunt. 48 students and four members of staff (ASA, AWI, LLI and

RBE) went on the day and a good time was had by all! Let the students speak for themselves….

We gained teamwork skills, navigation skills, thinking skills and accuracy and precision skills.

Callum Hopkins (7Stockey); Celine Bell (7Steele); Natalie Bate (7Muthiah); Abigail Riddle (7Beaman)

The best and cleverest moment was when our group worked out how to complete the low ropes challenge.

Katie Hill (7Linley); Alannis Sharpe (7Kennedy)

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The funniest moment was when we went along a wire in the low ropes course and the instructor

was putting everyone off.

Jack Green (7Kennedy)

The best moment of the day was when I hit Manchester United with my bow and got 50 points in archery.

Nikita Watkins (7Kennedy)

(Now that really would be the best moment of a day, wouldn’t it? To hit Man U - Ed.,: not a Man U supporter.)

Climbing through the spider’s web without touching it was the cleverest thing we did.

Nicola Coward (7Beaman)

(How do you do that? – see photos)

The Three Peaks Challenge is a “standard” recognised walk, the challenge being to walk 24 miles, nearly a marathon, across the Yorkshire Three Peaks in 12 hours: Ingleborough (427m), Pen-y-Ghent (306m) and Whernside (408m) in the Yorkshire Dales, just over from the Lake District.

On June 19th - 21st and saw 58 students, mostly from Year 10 but supported by sixth formers, and members of staff engaged with the challenge. 46 walked, climbed and scrambled up and down all three peaks, with 31 completing the course in less than twelve hours; some did it in only ten and a half! A great achievement and one that gave all concerned the realisation that they can achieve great things if they only push themselves – which they can and did! The sixth form proved very competent leaders of several groups and it is the hope that this event can be a springboard for future leadership training. Many students and staff achieved much more than they had ever expected, and all either established or improved on their personal best.

Most of the students, and some of the staff, had never attempted anything like this. Initial reactions, when the idea was � rst mooted in the � rst part of the year, included “Well, it’s just walking: how hard can it be?” but when it was all over, on being asked what was the best moment of the day, Lauren Calow (10Ramsden), unabashed, said simply. “Finishing!” But the most common reaction was best put by Zoe Green (10Rhodes): “It was a shock – but a good one! A great experience – strenuous, but fun!” Chelsea Card (10Muthiah), and Charlotte McCallum (10Jenkins), both agreed that teamwork and the moral support of others are really important when tackling something like this: “Your friends will stand by you, no matter what,” said Charlotte. This was echoed by Connar Henry (12Kernaghan) who was given more than a helping hand, literally, “when Josh threw me over his shoulder and ran up the mountain”.

Jodie Harrison (10Yeadon) learned loads from the day: “Abbie always moans, I’m clumsy on my feet, Ruth has nightmares, Callum is ruthless and Miss Dyson just goes for it…” (Ah, bliss! - the kind of compliment a teacher will kill for).

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The � rst to arrive at the top of Ingleborough, the � rst of the three peaks: (l – r) Jake Browne (10Briggs), Carloandrea Gerosa (10Ramsden), Mr P Kernaghan, Adam Day (10Gooing), Jon Appleby (10Rhodes), Liam Fitzpatrick (10Fothergill), Lee Smith (10Yeadon). The picture was taken in cloud: visibility was about thirty yards; note the misted spectacles.

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The day was not without other memorable incidents, all apparently part and parcel of the event. For example, Lee Lawson (10Muthiah), David Pickersgill (10Muthiah), Gavin Wales (10Gooing), and Jonathan Bower (10Muthiah) enjoyed “Sliding down the third peak” – it was supposed to be fell running, lads. Kirstie Oldknow (13Skinns) could not let the day go by without “Slipping into a boggy patch – not to be recommended!” Maryna Petriv (10Jenkins) and Ellie Williams (10Ramsden) can make cow noises so well that they fooled Mr Harrison, who actually began looking for a cow in distress. Several students apparently witnessed Mr Kernaghan catch a sheep (!) whilst Joshua Gowthorpe (12Shields) was simply amazed that there were so many of them (sheep, that is).

Mr Brew, the Principal of Trinity Academy, comments “These young people will never forget this experience. Such a simple idea, but a terri� c accomplishment for all concerned. And the friendships that are forged by going through such a tough time together are priceless. This will be an annual event!”

Few members of the academy’s cricket teams will forget the visit of arguably the greatest all-round player the country has ever produced, Sir Ian Botham.

Sir Ian visited the academy to help open of� cially the academy’s brand new cricket pitch. Even the weather must have realised the importance of such an occasion as the threat the wash it out suddenly lifted upon his arrival.

After tea (in the � nest cricketing tradition) and shaking hands with players and staff, Sir Ian had a brief interview with Academy 205’s Owen Taylor (10Fothergill) before overseeing the coin toss.

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Owen: Sir Ian, when did you � rst pick up cricket?Sir Ian: When I was too young to remember! But my

parents tell me if it wasn’t a cricket bat or a tennis racquet it was a football or a rugby ball. Once I could start moving and running about, I suppose, so - a very young age.

Owen: And when did you hit your � rst century?Sir Ian: That’s a dif� cult question... when I was at junior

school, I suppose, about nine or ten, maybe seven or eight. I hit a couple of hundreds there. And then I went into the county under 15s, and the runs came from there on.

Owen: You’ve played all over the world. Where is your favourite venue and why?

Sir Ian: Well, excluding England, the Boxing Day test match at Melbourne Stadium, when you’ve got 110,000 Aussies screaming for your blood. Enormous stadium: number one.

Owen: You are a cricketing legend, Sir Ian, but who is the best player you have ever played against?

Sir Ian: With and against - Vivian Richards, now Sir Vivian Richards, from Antigua. We grew up together. In my humble opinion he’s the best player ever.

The Opening Match

The � rst cricket match on the new wicket was the clash of Team Potts, captained by Jon Appleby (10Rhodes) and managed by Mr D Potts, and Team Marks, captained by Andrew Durant (10Ramsden) and managed by Mr Marks. With the sun � nally shining after a damp afternoon and a great deal of expectation, the opening ball of the Trinity cricket season approached, with its own unique twist, pitting Raja against Raja, with the younger brother, Saif (7Beaman), facing a delivery from his older sibling, Umair (10Rhodes). It was the older Raja who came out on top, scoring a maiden over at the � rst attempt on the new wicket.

Team Potts started taking early control with a � urry of wickets falling early, taking four wickets from Team Marks with only � ve runs in response. Particularly notable was the early bowling of Simon Gerrard (10Jenkins) (3 wickets for 6 runs), while Umair Raja helped keep the score down. Then Year 11’s Matthew Taylor (11Booth) took the crease. He immediately set about recovering the scoring for Team Marks by smashing a loose ball straight over mid-off for the � rst boundary of the new pitch. Matthew and Owen Taylor built up a strong partnership but eventually the depth of bowling from Team Potts proved too much for the tail end of the Team Marks batting order, with James Yeaman (9Linley) (2 for 3) and Luke Cockburn (7Kennedy) (2 for 5) making outstanding contributions to add to the earlier bowling show, � nally taking the last wicket with overs to spare and leaving a score of 43 all out to beat.

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The opening partnership for Team Potts of Liam Coetzee (11Foster) and Declan Cook (10Jenkins) set about the task of chasing down the run total, looking steady for a couple of overs until Cook was trapped lbw from a ball that straightened after looking to be going down his leg side. The pattern continued, with a steady trickle of runs interrupted by good bowling from Seif Raja, who took 2 wickets for just 5 runs. With clouds gathering, Thomas Taylor (8Harrison) looked to try and up the pace of the scoring and made a couple of boundaries over the bowler’s head on the on side. With the score at 17 for 3 however, the heavens opened once more. The umpires, Mr Clark and Mr G Linley looked to play on but had to take the decision to call the players in as the rain came down in torrents.

With the game cut short, the match was taken to the Duckworth-Lewis method, leaving Team Potts 3 runs short of their target score of 20 at the point of abandonment.

Mr Clark

The scorecard:


Matthew Taylor 20

Simon Gerrard 3 for 6James Yeaman 2 for 3Luke Cockburn 2 for 5


17 FOR 3 (9.3 Overs)

Thomas Taylor 8 not out

Saif Raja 2 for 5


The laws of the game [of cricket] are just and reasonable as the laws of chivalry were,and it is a sport which interests rich and poor, old and young,

and promotes good will towards men.Frederick Gale

Many students got the chance to visit the Yorkshire Sculpture Park in June and enjoy the incredible range of sculptures there. With their lungs � lled with country air, they explored the extensive grounds and were intrigued by the unusual structures and objects they discovered. From towering metal hares to dry stone walls and a musical � oor, each work of art sparked intelligent debate.

It was encouraging to see the students run from one sculpture to the next and when we stopped for a well earned lunch on a hill overlooking the park, they had chance to re� ect on their experience. They chatted about their favourite pieces and browsed through photographs they had taken. Before leaving the park, as the group admired the beautiful landscape, one student was overheard telling her friend that she could quite happily stay there all week!

Mr Norton

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Leavers’ MealLeavers’ Meal20092009

Copyright Ultimate Images, Thorne - With thanks


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Year 11 PromYear 11 PromJune 2008June 2008

Copyright Ultimate Images, Thorne - With thanks






o Call


o Call


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For nine days in June, pupils from Trinity Academy joined with others from the Foundation to become the crew of the “Stavros S Niarchos”, a 200ft, two-masted sailing brig. Leaving from Southampton, we plotted a course which took in the North of France, Brugge in Holland, and back home to Newcastle. I don’t think any of us quite knew just what lay ahead!

For each member of the crew the challenges met were different. Some of us had to conquer real, tangible fear when climbing the rigging to work aloft; it’s a great accomplishment that every single member of the crew managed the “up and over” (climbing to the � rst level of the rigging) before the voyage ended. Others had to cope with the pressures of living in close quarters, sharing space with others, and getting up at the right times through the night for what was a very demanding watch schedule. Still others learned to deal with sea-sickness, as well as clean toilets and showers!

It was a spectacular sight to see our ship under sail, cruising through the English Channel. Even more extraordinary was the knowledge that we were the ones who were responsible for making it happen. Regardless of whether someone was acting as look out, plotting our position on the chart, or working aloft in a rolling sea (any movement is ten times worse when you’re clinging to a yardarm 30 feet up!), we all played our part in showing the courage, responsibility and determination needed to get our job done to the best of our abilities.

All the pupils (and staff!) who took part gained something from the voyage. We all had new accomplishments to tell of, and discovered parts of our character that we hadn’t known existed. Comment from the permanent crew? This voyage was one of the easiest they had done because of the behaviour and discipline of the pupils who took part: high praise indeed from a captain and crew who expected the very best!

Mr Thomson

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After last year’s record-busting performances (36 records were broken, remember) the question to be asked was; would this year be a bit of a let down?

Everyone, staff included, set off knowing that this would actually be a key day in deciding the overall outcome of the House Cup competition: it was that close. A record number of students took part in the event and the House Managers were really encouraging their teams to give of their best in the challenges that were to face them in the coming hours.

The conditions were better than last year but the howling gale down the � nishing straight would not be there to help the sprinters and jumpers. It would however help the throwers and distance runners. The crowd encouraged, screamed at and willed their team mates to give that extra effort, gain that extra place and win those very important points. Times and distances did not seem to matter, it was points that were important. POINTS! POINTS! POINTS!

So what happened? Surprisingly many athletes set new personal bests and no fewer than 27 new records were set. Given the conditions on the day and the pressures on the students it was a fantastic achievement, not in the context of producing great performances but in terms of the effort and willingness to give everything for their team.

The best performances of the day were produced by Lauren Tagg (8Dyson) who smashed the Year 7 1500 metres record by 51 seconds, Jon Appleby (10Rhodes) who ran under 12 seconds for the 100metres, Jessica Royle (7Beaman) who ran the 800 metres 23 seconds faster than the previous record, Robert Phillips (9Dalby) who threw 12 metres further than any one before in the Year 9 Javelin and Aaron John (10Yeadon) who improved the Y10 long jump record by 15 centimetres. Fantastic achievements.

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The Victrix and Victor Ludorum shields reward the athletic abilities of the best boy and girl from each year group and the results are as follows.

Victrix Ludorum Victor Ludorum

Year 7 Katy Blackham Cameron JonesYear 8 Jasmine Winterbottom Connor SwiftYear 9 Freya Hustwaite Aidan HarbottleYear 10 Lauren Harrison Jonathan Bower

This was to be my last year in charge of the day and the handing over of the starting pistol and cap was a wrench but I leave them in the very capable hands of Mr Potts.

Many thanks to the staff and upper academy students who have of� ciated over the past four years and to the house managers for the organisation and selection of their teams. The biggest thanks must go however to the pupils for their continued support of the school sports day. They have turned up in large numbers each year to give of their best and support their house and house manager.

era an s e erds 1e s

Many thanks to all.

Mr Mar sead s a d a n

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ouse Time/




ouse Time/



Year 7 Katy Blackham P 15.19s 14.19s

100mCameron Jones K 13.95s 13.96s

Year 8 Stephanie Speight K 14.35s 13.71s Joshua Chappel K 13.10s 12.71sYear 9 Freya Hustwaite K 14.44s 13.44s Robbie Spence S 12.60s 12.42sYear 10 Lauren Harrison S 13.65s 13.71s Jon Appleby K 11.53s 12.12sYear 8 Jasmine

WinterbottomP 32.44s 29.36s

200mDanny Zhan P 28.97s 27.86s

Year 9 Abbie Eddleston S 33.38s 31.15s Callum Tiffany S 25.38s 26.72sYear 10 Lauren Harrison S 31.78s 26.01s Lian Fitzpatrick K 25.40s 25.68s

Year 10 Isabelle Brittain P 53.44s 43.83s 300m No Event

Year 8 No Event

400mKieran Smith K 60.12s 60.11s

Year 9 No Event Callum Tiffany S 60.02s 60.06sYear 10 No Event Jon Appleby K 60.03s 60.05sYear 7 Jessica Royle K 3.00m 3.22.88m

800mCameron Jones K 2.44m 2.48.45m

Year 8 Rebecca Watkins P 3.44m 3.13m Jamie Lindley K 2.49m 2.51.71mYear 9 Fern Brookes P 3.19m 3.10.24m Harry Middleton S 2.37m 2.38.34mYear 10 Isabelle Brittain P 3.27m 3.29m Lee Lawson P 2.33m 2.31.08mYear 8 Lauren Tagg K 6.54m 7.45m

1500mConnor Swift P 5.44m 5.54m

Year 9 Fern Brookes P 6.56m No previous Ben Middleton S 5.23m 5.55.93mYear 10 Rebecca Quean K 7.10m No previous Lee Lawson P 5.18m 5.28.15mYear 9 Freya Hustwaite K 15.16s 14.19s Hurdles Aidan Harbottle P 13.85s 12.14sYear 10 Alice Porter S 15.62s 15.72s Daniel Phillips K 14.47s 10.64s

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ouse Time/




ouse Time/



Year 7 P 60.08s 61.11s4 x 100m


S 60.02s 60.04sYear 8 S 60.06s 61.07s K 60.00s 60.00sYear 9 K 62.01s 61.07s S 54.50s 56.17sYear 10 S 53.00s 61.06s K 54.52s 53.00sYear 7 Shannon Holland

(Rounders)K 23.40m 45.40m Throw Saif Raja

(Cricket)K 42.00m 45.01m

Year 8 Carla Kendell S 11.39m 12.83m

DiscusJohn Hardy S 16.86m 19.22m

Year 9 Imelda Fossu K 12.67m 16.36m Billy Kirkham P 19.58m 17.00mYear 10 Bethany Smith S 13.95m 12.80m Adam Divers P 21.52m 21.72mYear 8 Chloe Charnley P 9.82m 16.90m

JavelinOliver Faulkner S 18.60m 28.70m

Year 9 Lauren Cole K 14.04m 19.00m Robert Phillips S 34.70m 22.93mYear 10 Lauren Harrison S 16.00m 17.95m Samuel Thurlow P 26.32m 30.30mYear 7 Shannon Holland K 1.25m 1.10m


Jack McDonald P 1.25m 1.30mYear 8 Kayleigh Flower S 1.23m 1.25m Jordan Middleton P 1.37m 1.30mYear 9 Esme Scott P 1.35m 1.20m Aidan Harbottle P 1.46m 1.55mYear 10 Chelsea Card P 1.20m 1.25m Jonathan Bower P 1.50m 1.55mYear 7 Jessica Royle K 3.52m 3.50m


Jack Collins S 3.79m 4.29mYear 8 Chloe Skidmore S 3.39m 4.09m Connor Egan S 4.37m 4.60mYear 9 Freya Hustwaite K 4.07m 3.61m Matt Carol K 4.32m 4.83mYear 10 Jessica Forshaw P 3.87m 4.31m Aaron John P 5.24m 5.09mYear 8 Carla Kendell S 7.16m 6.33m

ShotDean Roberts S 7.47m 8.47m

Year 9 Esme Scott P 6.85m 7.65m Robert Phillips S 10.17m 9.77mYear 10 Anabel Housley S 8.34m 9.00m Jonathan Bower P 9.18m 10.68m

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Five students from Trinity joined � ve from The King’s and twenty from Emmanuel College for three days of study and intellectual games at Oxford University.

When we were � rst picked up on July 5th, we were put into groups immediately so that we could complete our � rst task. This was a challenge which was to be completed during our journey. It included maths and literacy puzzles. The groups we were in were to be our groups for the entirety of the trip. We had to work as teams to complete the number of tasks we had to perform in order to gain points. The team with the greatest number of points at the end of the trip won a prize. These tasks fell into three main categories - research, presentational and technical. This was a great opportunity for us to get to know everyone and make friends. It was how it would be when we actually leave school and go into the world of university and work.

There was so much to do that it � lled the time we were given. We were also given free rein to visit the library at Oriel College as well as looking around Oxford. All the resources available to us we had to use in order to complete the tasks to the best standard. For example, we had to use the shops nearby to get material for the technical challenges and the museums for our research for the essays. We also were given brie� ngs on each of the tasks. On one task, the Shakespeare drama, we were given a lecture by Dr James Methven who is the Dean of Oriel College.

The whole time were there we were like undergraduates. This meant we stayed in student accommodation and had to organise our time around our brie� ngs, tasks and deadlines. The accommodation we were staying in was about a mile from Oriel College and was called James Mellon Hall. We had student ensuite rooms to ourselves and we shared two breakfast rooms per � oor. We ate every evening at Oriel College in the main hall. This we shared with other students and American students who had come to visit. Our lifestyle while we were there was that of a student of Oxford University.

Oxford is an amazing place which has been modernised for the number of students there are while keeping its history. The amount of culture there is fascinating. The road on which James Mellon Hall is situated is full of shops from different cultures, such as a Jamaican bar and a Brazilian restaurant. There is also a pedestrian precinct just down the road from Oriel College which is full of the more usual shops like HMV and Sainsbury’s.

The trip was an amazing experience and an insight into what university life is like. I would now love to go to university at Oxford. I am also more prepared for what university is like which will make me feel more comfortable when the time comes for me to go there.

Emily Harbottle (11Scott)

Narelle Hill, Becky Bunce, James Caldwell, Ben Smith and James Bunce set out on the four day expedition on a Saturday, rucksacks very full, boots clean, food (lots), tents (dry)and spirits high.

The � rst day we had amazing weather for walking, taking us along a riverside walk and then to a nice picnic at lunchtime: idyllic. The next meal we had was at the campsite at Grassington, standing in the pouring rain standing by slow-cooking trangias (camping stoves).

The next day was the � rst bit of challenging walking we had, a very steep ascent followed by a steep descent and then another ascent, � nally descending again to campsite number two at Gordale Scar. The weather was again mixed, with beautiful sun, followed by wind and rain. Nevertheless we got the tents up in the dry again and found a nice waterfall to have a little wash in, or at least some of us did.

Day three was a long day of walking taking us through Giggleswick and Settle, admittedly stopping for an ice cream along the way. The weather stayed pleasant however and we made good time, � nding a very good campsite with showers!

Day four: Narelle’s birthday! She wanted to � nish as early in the day as possible, but we had to do eight hours of walking, so we came up with a plan: we left the camp site at � ve o’clock in the morning, waking up Mr Bourn and Miss Rhodes along the way. By nine o’clock we had passed our lunchtime stop point and were making good progress. The objective of the trip was to make a video diary or “how to do a Duke of Edinburgh expedition”. This consisted of lots of examples of activities, such as packing a rucksack. One of these was what to do in an

emergency; after many humorous outtakes and some high class acting we packed the very high-vis emergency blankets away and carried on. We � nished at 1:30pm to the sight of some birthday cake and a minibus, the seats being very appealing after having nothing but the good earth for a bench for four days. Our rucksacks were lightened, our boots and socks were off, our eyes were shut and we had a very satis� ed feeling because of having walked about 75km.

James Bunce (13Grace)“Which way should we go?” The four expeditioners consult a map whilst Mr Bourn monitors their accuracy.


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Before going to Uganda, we can honestly say that we had no idea what to expect. The only impression we had of Africa was what we had seen on TV of Red Nose Day and we already had family members telling us about the ‘treacherous conditions in Uganda’.

However, now we can look back on the experience and safely say that it was nothing like we expected it to be, which probably shows our naivety towards the African culture before the trip. The opportunity to be a part of a project like Kings Sports Ministry is something that we feel very lucky to have been involved in.

One of the main events of the trip was a day at a project called Youth for Christ. We asked a young boy if he wanted to join in with our rugby session and his reply was that he was too hungry to play! How much we simply take for granted back home. Instead of complaining about what we don’t have we ought to be thankful for what we do have.

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Being forced outside of our comfort zone in some aspects of the trip was a very good thing for us, because it enabled us to understand what we are capable of and made us realise some of the hardships that these people have to face in day to day life. One paradox that struck us on the trip was that most of the children in Uganda are actually much happier than the people at home, when they have literally nothing but know how to make the most of what they have and don’t need much to have fun.

The two weeks we spent in Uganda have been the best two weeks of our lives without a doubt and it has been such a life-changing experience. We gained con� dence, our teamwork skills improved and we made some great friends. We also hope to return to Africa in the future to take part in something similar as it has been such an unforgettable experience. What we gave to some of those children is something money can’t buy, but what they gave to us is just as special.

Laura Morrison (12Skinns) and Hannah Fawcett (12Skinns)

Although I am not a Christian, I surprised myself at how much I wanted to become involved in the Bible sessions with the children as singing the songs and teaching the words of the Bible can really put a smile on the children’s faces. Laura


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After months of bag packing in supermarkets, cake sales, car washing and other fund raising events, July � nally came and the date we’d all been waiting for…destination South Africa! In the middle of the night on 12th July, with suitcases packed and hearts and minds full of anticipation, Emily Best (12Thomson), Jade Harrison (12Kernaghan), Robert Lee (12Marks), Sophie Moss (13Kendell), Kelsey Sheppard (12Shields) and Bethan Williams (12Marks), accompanied by Mr and Mrs Muthiah set off on our epic journey from Newcastle to Johannesburg (via Amsterdam). Each of us was equipped with the essentials: mosquito repellent, gardening gloves, camera, summer clothes and of course the extra-essential bags of crisps and other such food supplies for those who were worried about the foreign food they would be faced with!

Our team of six sixth-formers joined with students from Emmanuel College and The King’s Academy for the two weeks adventure working with the organisation Hands @ Work. We were a team of eighteen students and � ve members of staff in total. The thirteen hours of � ying allowed the students plenty of time to start getting to know each other!

After a very welcome overnight stay in a hotel by Johannesburg airport, we boarded a coach for the four hour drive to White River, situated in the Mpumalanga Province. On arrival at the Hands @ Work base in White River, we were greeted by the project’s founder, Carol Snyman, who gave us an overview of the projects we would be working on. She very helpfully advised us all at the outset to place any expectations that we came with to one side so that we could fully appreciate all the different projects we would be joining in with.

On a daily basis we were generally divided between four main projects: home-based care, de-worming, youth camp and building work. The students all had an opportunity to participate in all of the projects, starting at 8am and working through until 3pm.

Home-based care involved travelling to remote communities and accompanying some of the local volunteers to visit sick patients in their homes. Sometimes this involved simply sitting and chatting to the patients and their families; sometimes we were able to offer more practical help such as washing their clothes (if there was water), sweeping their homes or bathing the patients. This project work was de� nitely the most challenging emotionally. Some of the shocking sights, smells and stories we experienced will stay with us for the rest of our lives.

A de� nite favourite activity amongst the students was the de-worming project. The project coordinator would provide us with twenty loaves of bread and a couple of large tubs of peanut butter and our job would be to make up some sandwiches. When we arrived, in what were often very remote communities, up to two hundred children would turn up and start queuing. We provided them with a sandwich, a piece of fruit, a packet of crisps and a cup of orange juice, but only after the all-important de-worming tablet had been swallowed! The gratitude the children showed was humbling. What appeared to us as a not particularly inviting lunch was gobbled up without a single fuss. The children were all classi� ed as ‘vulnerable,’ many were orphans, yet they were so friendly and accepting of us. Once they had all been fed we would spend an hour or so teaching them some games, playing with the parachute canopy or singing some songs.

The other days were a real mixture of activities, from shifting bricks from one building site to another, to packing hundreds of school uniforms for orphans, even to a spot of gardening at times! Some of the projects were undoubtedly more challenging and rewarding than others, but they all certainly served to show us that there is so much need in South Africa. Many of us were left with a feeling of real frustration at the grand scale of need and the seemingly lacking resources.

A highlight, but not part of the project work, was of course the time we spent on safari in Krugar Park. For two consecutive days we rose early at 5am armed with cool bags packed full of breakfast to be barbecued: bacon, eggs and mushrooms. We managed to see four of the ‘Big Five’: water buffalos, lions (from a distance), rhinos (a little too close for comfort!) and elephants. Although we missed the leopard as well as the cheetah we were well entertained by the monkeys, giraffes, hippos, warthogs, crocodiles...I could go on! A fantastic two days and some amazing photos later and we reached the end of our adventure. Built into the daily programme was a regular evening slot for the students to de-brief with a designated member of staff. This was a valuable time as there was so much to process emotionally, from feelings of missing home and re� ection on life in England to frustration and upset at the vast poverty they witnessed, the students were challenged beyond belief.

If you talk to our students today I am sure they will recount memories of the chicken’s feet stew, mpani worms and all the other African delicacies we bravely tried, but what will really have made an impact on them went deeper than that. Every one of us will have taken home a unique story of a particular place, community, orphan or AIDS victim that really touched us and no doubt we will recount our life story and how it changed us for the better. There is no doubt that the experience has changed our outlook on life. No longer will we take our health, families, possessions and even our education for granted! Or at least that’s the challenge…

Mrs Muthiah

Gonna change my way of thinking,Make myself a different set of rules.Gonna put my good foot forward,

And stop being in� uenced by fools.Bob Dylan: Gonna Change My Way of Thinking


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Trinity Academy is a school in a small town called Thorne in the north of England, but this summer three students from there packed their bags and headed to one of Germany’s largest cities, Cologne, in order to complete two weeks of work experience in Toys ‘R’ Us. Stephanie Willerton (13Cole), Jennifer Amesbury (13Grace), and Connar Henry (13Thorpe) were welcomed into the Toys ‘R’ Us head of� ces for Germany, Austria and Switzerland and were split into different departments within the building such as logistics, store planning and marketing. During the two weeks, the three girls had to deal with other people in their departments and even with people from other companies whom they had never even met. Throughout this time, only German was allowed to be spoken, and the girls found that their language skills vastly improved because of this.

“I was quite surprised at how much more of the language I was able to understand after just a few days of being in Germany.”: Jennifer Amesbury

However, as well as the German language our talented students also discovered Germany the country, visiting castles of the Rhine and other German cities such as Koblenz. This is what they had to say:

Connar Henry: “We hired a Mini and Ms Smaje took us everywhere! The altstadts are what is left of Germany after the war; they are amazing!”

Stephanie Willerton: “German architecture is so beautiful; it was fabulous to actually see it”

Jennifer Amesbury: “I really enjoyed going down the Rhine and visiting all the small villages; it was a brilliant experience.”

Charities“And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three;

but the greatest of these is charity.”1 Corinthians 13:13

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One of the proudest achievements of Trinity Academy this year, its students and their parents and carers, plus its staff and the local community, is the exceptional giving to charity that has taken place this year.

The academy supports three main charities, Bluebell Wood Hospice, a local facility, Cancer Research UK, a well known national charity and SAO Cambodia, an international concern. This is an important commitment not only providing foci for giving but also giving students a perspective on local, national and global needs. It is a continuing commitment, so those who are familiar with the history of the academy from its opening four years ago will know something of the work of these three bodies and know of our giving to them.

Part of our vision as an academy is to broaden the horizons of our students, giving them the opportunity to travel and partake in activities that are very different from life at home and life at the academy itself. This year once again there was the opportunity sail on a “tall ship” or work in either South Africa or Uganda. These ventures need to be paid for, so students taking part are also encouraged to raise money for their own travel and keep.

Additional to this, support is also given to the normal national fund-raising schemes such as the Poppy Appeal, Children In Need and the Great Daffodil Appeal. Members of staff as well as individual students might also undertake a sponsored run or bike ride for other charities. Again, these happen every year.

But this year the academy and all those in and connected with it had another, very different concern. Late in the autumn term a tragic road accident left Megan Hennessey of Year 7 dead and her sister Sophie Hennessey of Year 11 � ghting for her life in intensive care at Shef� eld Children’s Hospital. We are relieved and pleased beyond words to now have Sophie back with us, but her struggle in hospital was long and hard. During this time her parents were able to stay by her because of the existence of facilities near to the hospital where they could stay. These were supported entirely by the Sick Children’s Trust at Shef� eld Hospital. And so we � nd that our response to the

tragic accident, spear-headed by academy students, has been to raise a phenomenal amount for the Sick Children’s Trust. This is in addition to the “normal” giving already mentioned.

The total raised for charity by Trinity students this year is in the region of £19000. We highlight here some of the details. Our apologies if we omit here something and someone that should have been mentioned: we have not the space for all the stories and we do not know all the stories either!

Admiring the view in South Africa.

In the Autumn Term:

£1420 was donated to Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice • £1000 was donated to Cancer Research UK • £1000 was donated to SAO Cambodia • We have had three whole-school assemblies, featuring the contributions made by our • students on their visits to South Africa and Cambodia, as well as updating students and staff on the work of Bluebell Wood, Cancer Research UK and SAO Cambodia by invited speakers from the three charities. £299 was received in sales of tickets for our House competition Performing Arts � nal • (“Trinity’s Got Talent”) The poppy appeal supported for Royal British Legion • £177 raised for Bluebell Wood by Mr. Ramsden doing the Leeds Half-Marathon • Other staff/students were engaged in raising money for our charities on an individual basis •

In the Spring Term:

Great Daffodil appeal was ongoing through March • Donations to Shef� eld Children’s Hospital stood at £13,026.85 at the end of • term, including: 24 hour netball £1051.35, 24 hour football £1589.25, “Sophie’s Night” £1935.27, Carol Service £479.97

In the Summer Term:

By then the amount raised for The Sick Childrens Trust/Shef� eld Hospital on-• going from December 2008) was £14,241.49 BITE department donations £408 • Mr Winkley sponsored run £197.10 • Great Daffodil appeal - £36.01 • Student Council (co-ordinated by Mr M Linley) sponsored silence £152.65 • Leavers sweatshirt donation (Mr Bunce) £8.25 • Fund-raising from car washes, CD sales, car boot sales, and a movie night, • has also continued for our three major ventures in the summer, the Tall Ships project, the Uganda project and the South Africa project.


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The Real Yorkshire

Pudding Company £150

NKL Automotive, Goole £250

Andrew Street, 13Hanna, won a prize for naming “The Hennessey” barn development. He too gave his prize money to Sophie’s Fund.

Sixth Form Young Enterprise £184

Sir Peter

Vardy £2000

Christopher Clarke, 11Goddard,

with his prize-winning drawing of

the new “The Hennessey” barn

development. Christopher gave

the money he won to Sophie’s


Sophie’s Night,

entertainment organised

by Year 11, raised £1888.

Students carol singing over Christmas £51

Michael ‘Milky’ Thomas,

11Porter, Sponsored Tan


“Guess the name of the Teddy” £122

Carol Service



Trinity Academy Year 10 v Thorne Colliery FC raised £800

Jozie Hall, 10Gooing, raised £310 by doing a sponsored swim, entirely on her own initiative

Nicholas Palmer, 11Cooper,

raised £471 from a sponsored


House News“His house was perfect, whether you liked food, or sleep, or work, or story-telling,

or singing, or just sitting and thinking, best, or a pleasant mixture of them all.”JRR Tolkien

Poets House

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After a few years of ‘love’, ‘compassion’, ‘fair play’ etc… the Poets this year decided enough was enough! The ‘Bravehearts’ had arrived. No longer satis� ed with being second or third, the Poets geared up for action. Did they deliver? You bet they did, and with some style. From the very � rst competition we shocked our opponents: they couldn’t believe the energy, enthusiasm and determination the Poets displayed in every shot, dance, answer, move, song etc... The Shepherds had to call an emergency meeting to try and work out how to stop us. The Kings just disappeared in the face of such opposition. Again and again poets turned out for their house, bravely facing the other two houses and emerging victorious from hard fought battles. Again and again, we heard the ‘Haka’ being chanted before competitions.

Thanks to some great work by the two house captains Zak Lewis and Katie Brough, ably assisted by Ben Smith and Cassandra Craddock, each team The Poets put forward was well prepared and ready for action. Turbo McMurdo kept the spirit of Poets going, even through the long dark nights of winter, so we could emerge victorious in the spring! What a year, what support from everyone! Well done all of you, no matter how big or small a part you played: you all helped Poets to wrestle the House Cup away from the Shepherds.

This year we face an even tougher battle: getting our names on the board once is hard enough, but can we do it again? I want to hear the name of Poets shouted out by Mr Brew at next year’s prize-giving as the winners again. Now we’ve got our hands on the cup, let us never let go! C’mon Poet Bravehearts!

Mr Mather

r m e n se Mana er

This year has been a momentous one for all in oets House, under the new leadership of Mr Mather with Brave Hearts, the oets got off to a great start.

The fi rst victory, at the gruelling cross country, was well deserved for all who participated. It was followed by outright victories in Swimming, etball, ui , Fishing, Food and Tennis and by sharing victories with the ings in BenchballBasketball and with the Shepherds in Badminton and


Throughout the course of the year I have been ama ed at the sheer determination and willpower exhibited by every single oet who has taken part, whether that be in the house competitions, collecting merits or coming out to support their team mates. our efforts have not gone un-noticed, and the work that each one of you has put in has been instrumental in the fi rst House up ictory for oets it is well deserved and I am so very proud of each and every one of you.

The out-going house captains atie Brough and ak Lewis have given 11 in their roles and I am honoured they were our champion winning house captains they are a hard act to follow, although Ben Smith and assandra raddock will no doubt be up for the challenge of retaining the house cup.

In my fi nal year as house manager I have gone through many emotions, and I am very sad to be saying goodbye although I know you will still continue to work hard and achieve the things you set out for. There is now no turning back you have now seen what you can achieve when you concentrate all your efforts, and as next year looms there is no doubt in my mind that oets can sei e the House up for a second time.

Thank you.

Mrs M M rd

“Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our

hearts, and we are never, ever, the same” Flavia Weedn.


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Shepherds HouseEvery year the Trinity Academy House competition begins with a Cross Country race for all year groups. Every year Shepherds House had come � rst in the Cross Country and gone on to win the House Competition – a Hat-Trick of victories. Could we do it yet again?

Well, for the � rst time ever Poets won the Cross Country and, despite the Shepherds responding with a win in the Six-a-side Football, Poets then went on to win three events in a row – the Swimming Gala, Netball and the Quiz. And so, almost from nowhere, the Poets House rose out of the doldrums and took the lead. For the � rst time ever in the history of the Academy, Shepherds had some opposition. After having had more House Leaders than hot dinners, perhaps Poets had found someone to inspire them at last?

Not to be outdone, Shepherds fought on valiantly under Mrs Taylor’s able direction. With determination, courage, integrity and (yes!) humility, they pulled together, winning the Chess, Table Tennis, Hockey and Fun Time. Inspired by the best house assemblies the academy has seen they then went on to win the biggest event of all – the Sports Day Athletics. It was now Shepherds and Poets neck and neck; could we do it……?

In the end it was all down to the Merit Points (with Shepherds beating Poets into third place and Kings pulling off a surprising win) and then, � nally, the House Notice Board. And then at Prizegiving the � nal announcement was made – Poets were the new House Champions. Well done to the Poets!

So, what of the future? The Kings House has a lion as their mascot and they continue to sing their theme song – “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”. Poets have a new House Manager, keeping up their reputation for leadership changes. And Shepherds? Well, guess who has already won the Cross Country this year….. Yes! Shepherds as usual. And you know what they say……!

Mr Richardson

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Kings HouseI’ve looked at life from both sides nowFrom win and lose and still somehow

It’s life’s illusions I recallI really don’t know life at all.

Joni Mitchell: Both Sides Now

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In the Year of the King there has been a great deal of excitement, enthusiasm, co-operation and competition. As a house we are second to none for taking part in all events. All members of the house want to be involved, which is just a brilliant place to be. Whether it is � shing, netball, rugby, chess, cooking or any of the many events staged there are many more for the event than we can accommodate. Thank you to everyone who has taken part - and if you haven’t taken part this year, why not?! Fortunately there is always next year.

The lead in the competition swung wildly between the Shepherds and Poets with us pushing close once or twice but not quite managing the top slot.

The house assemblies were – well! We had a mixture of the Time Warp, from the Rocky Horror Picture Show, a strange mixture of plastered faces and funny dances that left us wondering what has happened to the Shepherds! Poets used the emotional pull of William Wallace, Brave Heart, to drag their house through the ditches of Scotland to temporarily conquer England. But remember, young Poets, that William Wallace and his followers were eventually dispersed across the countryside and the rightful heirs to the Throne were returned..

So a year to re� ect on with no cup to hold high, but nevertheless heads are still held high – and they don’t need as much polishing!!

Kings rise majestically above all competition – well, actually we want to win next year, so maybe not so majestically but certainly with � nesse and - if necessary - devious means the cup will be ours next year! Kings House is on the move and has made big strides forward this year to compete in all events; step by step they are coming to collect.

Life is so much more than a cup…just!!

Congratulations to Poets on winning this year and to Shepherds for a good � ght to the end. Watch your backs though, for just when you thought it was safe to sit back and relax…….!

Mr Bunce

r se M er r es

a a ear n a e r ears e s res a e ne er een s se n e as ee d

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and e e a a ns a e a d fi a n er r m em ard r n e an d

Mrs er

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Cross Country 3 9 6

6-a-side Football 3 6 9

Trinity’s Got Talent 9 3 6

Swimming Gala 3 9 6

Netball 3 9 6

Quiz 6 9 3

Chess 6 3 9

Benchball / Basketball 7½ 7½ 3

Maths Competition 9 6 3

Short Story 9 6 3

Badminton 3 7½ 7½

Table Tennis 6 3 9

Hockey 6 3 9

Rugby 7’s 9 6 3

Photography 9 3 6

Rounders 3 7½ 7½

Fun Time! 6 3 9

Fishing 3 9 6

Cricket 9 3 6

Food Competition 3 9 6

Tennis 3 9 6

Athletics 3 6 9

Merit Points 9 3 6

House Noticeboard 6 9 3

TOTAL 136.5 148.5 147

Congratulations, Poets!House Cup Winners of 2008 - 2009

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Doctors and scientists said that breaking the four-minute mile was impossible, that one would die in the attempt. Thus, when I got up from the track after

collapsing at the � nish line, I � gured I was dead.Roger Bannister (after becoming the � rst person to break the four-minute mile, 1952)


Year 7 Netball

After introducing Year 7 to Netball early on in the academic year we were keen to get a Year 7 netball team together ready for our up and coming league � xtures. The team that was formed after four weeks into the term had no prior experience of netball, but were nevertheless keen to get started and play some matches. We had a total of three practice sessions before our � rst match and we wanted to show how much progress we had made since September. Unfortunately, the weather played a huge part in the number of matches we actually played. There were some great high points, but the team was also much depleted against Hay� eld because of illness and let down against Hall Cross by one player simply not showing up for the match. We need to build on the team in Year 8, focusing on our shooters and building their con� dence, and we look forward greatly to next season.

Miss Fitzgerald

Year 8 Netball

Netball this year has been a very successful extra curriculum activity because it has helped everyone that joined the team make new friends and learn skills. This event has always been the type of thing you look forward to after school: you can’t wait to get started!

In the team there has always been the right balance between competition and humility whenever we have played against another school; after each game, whether we have won or lost, we have always shaken hands with and cheered our opponents. As this is one of the academy’s core values it demonstrates just how well � tted the game is for our type of school.

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back (l-r): Grace Worrall, Shannon Holland, Amber Dennis, Danielle Todd, Emily Hodgsonfront (l-r): Bethany Holden, Natalie Adams, Megan Hopgood, Laura Langston, Tara Oxberry, Jessica Royle

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When the team moved up into year eight we had already formed our own group of friends, so when we went to netball and had to work as a team we had to make friends with people we wouldn’t normally hang around with. This really helped everyone build con� dence in playing; it also helped us to communicate a lot better.

Team captain Carla Kendell (8Towers) kept us all together, made playing organised and always had tactics for us to fall back on if the one we had been using had started to lapse.

The manager for our year was Miss Claringbold who always put a smile on our faces. We played in all weathers and she was always there by our sides, shouting at us for travelling with the ball. She gave us many tactics that helped us gain victories. She brought us all together and she showed a massive amount of commitment all the time. She helped us to learn to commit to things and she taught us that failure is not an option. In a personal act of sheer commitment she will always be remembered for putting her own shoulder back in place during the 24-hour netball.

Everyone is very proud to be part of this team and we are all very grateful to the teachers like Miss Claringbold who give up their own free time to help to teach us sports like this. This is a fabulous opportunity that everyone in the team feels honoured to have.

As a traditional English girls sport it was no surprise when the craze caught on at our school. We have since been all round the Doncaster area playing teams left, right and centre, as well as at the school Olympics against our sister schools Emmanuel College and The King’s Academy.

We girls have loved every minute of netball this year; we can’t wait to start it again in Year Nine; we are very grateful for the time and effort the teachers have put in organising matches and training sessions.

Ellie Weatherald (8Harrison)

Year 10 Netball

It is always good to start the season in � ne form, which Trinity did by beating Armthorpe 4 - 3, the player of the match being Stephanie Hall. The girls all played extremely well and deserved to win.

A little later in the season the team came a creditable � fth in a tournament of ten schools, playing rivals Hungerhill, McAuley, Hay� eld and Ridgewood in the process. The girls understood that they would have a challenge on their hands but they chose to play with determination and effort throughout the day. Players of the match: Rio Muscroft and Maryna Petriv.

back (l-r): Chloe Charnley, Niamh Hodkin, Laura Dayfront (l-r): , Jasmine Smith, Carla Kendell, Robyn Walton,

Ellie Weatherald

Year 7 Hockey

Under 19 Netball

On October 8th Trinity came fourth in a tournament of 16 schools, a terri� c achievement.

As a team the girls have been together for three years now and have gradually improved through the years. A massive improvement from the � rst year was last year as we came second in the Doncaster Schools League. After that we were invited into a ladies summer league, which helped us to grow in con� dence in the sport, establish our positions, and show excellent teamwork throughout. Therefore with the determination to come � rst this year, we arrived at the tournament at Hall Cross Upper School for the annual Doncaster schools tournament, in great spirits.

The games were very fast but we all managed to keep up with the play, showing great netball knowledge throughout and using our initiative in the more dif� cult games when needed. Our netball was simply fantastic, with some excellent link-up play. The defence was excellent, everyone blocking out the majority of the shots in their reach. Centre and the wings also played well, changing the speed of the game when need be, and playing some excellent passes in to our shooters. Many of the games were extremely close, with only one point between the teams.

Player of the match: No-one stood out because they all played out of their socks.

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back (l-r): Tanya Sullivan, Rebecca Bunce, Vicky Clark, Laura Morrison, Charlotte Raper

front (l-r): Amy McMillan, Katie Brough, Kirstie Oldknow

back (l-r): Jessica Royle, Emilie White, Rachael Middleton,Shannon Holland, Natalie Bate

front (l-r): Grace Worrall, Abigail Riddle, Ava Connell, Yasmin Bruce

Year 9 Hockey

Senior Hockey

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back (l-r): Jessica Aldsworth, Lauren Smith, Laura Parish, Kellie Harrison, Alicia Shepherd, Ella Fitzpatrickfront (l-r): Jade Robinson, Freya Hustwaite, Jessica Guest, Lauren Cole, Lucy Brown

back (l-r): Fiona Green, Rachael Robson, Emma Brettfront (l-r): Victoria Cowan, Kelsey Sheppard, Gemma Eddleston

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The Rounders teams have continued to go from strength to strength this year, developing on an extremely good season last year. We have � elded at least one team in all age groups, and two in some. The Year 12/13 team competed in one Doncaster tournament this year and did extremely well, coming third with opposition from Balby Carr, Hall Cross, Danum and McAuley. We have played Hungerhill, Hat� eld, Rossington, Hill House and in the lower school Armthorpe and Hay� eld, whilst the senior teams played Campsmount and NDTC.

Year 7

Year 9 Year 12 / 13

back (l-r): Bethany Holden, Ava Connell, Megan Hopgood, Laura Langston, Amber Dennis, Shannon Holland, Natalie Bate, Rebecca Leng, Emily Hodgson

front (l-r): Natalie Adams, Yasmin Bruce, Abigail Riddle, Jessica Royle, Grace Worrall, Tara Oxberry

back (l-r): Rachael Robson, Laura Morrison,, Amber Bennett, Stephanie Lancaster

front (l-r): Kelsey Sheppard, Emma Brett, Victoria Cowan

back (l-r): Jessica Aldsworth, Megan Radley, Lauren Smith, Kellie Harrison, Alicia Shepherd

front (l-r): Jade Robinson, Freya Hustwaite, Lucy Brown, Lauren Cole,

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Year 7 Football

A varied but exciting season saw match results like the following:

Against Rossington in a one sided contest Trinity quickly took the initiative and took the game to the opposition. It was not long before the � rst goal came and Trinity made it two before half time. After the break Trinity continued to press and the goals began to � ow. The game saw two hat-tricks - one from Cameron Johnson and the other from man of the match Connor Martin. Overall this was an excellent performance. 9 - 0.

At home to Vermuyden, Trinity drew 2 - 2, producing a strong � rst half performance but being unable to convert one of many chances. They did however take the lead early in the second half when Cameron Johnson lobbed the keeper. Jimmy Gutterage doubled Trinity’s lead before being pegged back by a � uke goal from the touchline. In the last minute a free kick was awarded and a great strike made the scoreline 2 - 2. Player of the match: Jamie Quean

In a topsy turvy encounter against Armthorpe Trinity took an early lead with a great goal from Lewis Collins, but Armthorpe soon equalised. Trinity again went in front taking a 3 - 1 lead before being pegged back to 3 - 3. However Trinity went into the break ahead by the odd goal in seven. The second half saw Trinity go further ahead but Armthorpe were not to be denied and ran out 6 - 5 winners. They had only been ahead once in the whole game - for the last few minutes! Trinity tried in vain to equalise but even the late introduction of Liam Simpson was not enough to avoid defeat. Player of the match: Jake Taylor

back (l-r): Shaun Logan, Sam Walton, Luke Cockburn, Max Russell, Ben Green, Jimmy Gutteridge, Jamie Stroud, Dominic Cleland, Dale Smith

front (l-r): Connor Martin, Lewis McCarthy, Cameron Jones, Elliot Redmile, Lewis Greenough, Ben Poulston

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Year 8 Football

In the County Cup Trinity very nearly won in an exciting match. After starting slowly Trinity, playing uphill on a terrible pitch, conceded 5 in the � rst half but managed to bring the game back to 5 - 5 in the second, Jack Wooldridge (2), Kieron Smith (2), and Michael Robertson scoring the goals. With a minute to go Priory scored the winning goal, which looked offside from the sideline.

A topsy-turvy game ended in defeat 6 – 5. Player of the match: Jack Wooldridge

back (l-r): David Pickersgill, Luke Skillcorn, Daniel Phillips, Jonathan Bower, Andrew Durant, Jordan Hardman

front (l-r): Gavin Wales, Jay Hannan, Liam Fitzpatrick, Lee Lawson

Year 10 Football

Against Hat� eld it was a comfortable game for Trinity in which we were able to dominate throughout. After taking a few minutes to settle the academy took the lead through Richard Barrass and kept scoring at regular intervals thereafter to run up an impressive � rst league win of the season. Man of the match Barrass went on to record a hat trick with Dale Glynn also managing to net 3. Second half substitute Umar Raja replaced Jay Hannan, sporting a new comb-over hair cut, and with his � rst kick Umar was able to convert a penalty. A late consolation for Hat� eld completed the scoring and was just reward for them as they kept plugging away throughout the match. The Trinity team took the result with suitable humility and were able to congratulate their opposition with sporting handshakes at the end. Notable performances were new Italian student Carloandrea Gerosa impressing during his � rst appearance, a very steady display from Liam Fitzpatrick at centre back and man of the match Richard Barrass scoring three from the right wing. Won 11 - 1.

Year 11 Football

Trinity won their � rst game in over a year an exciting match against Hill House. Despite going down to an early goal, Trinity went in at half time in the lead through Ryan Todd and Ben Ogden.

Trinity scored again early in the second half through Ben Ogden and scored a fourth through Lewis Wright. Two goalkeeping mistakes gave Hill House hope and brought the scores to 4-3 Trinity. A � fth goal from Steven Munn and another from Hill House ensured the game � nished a close 5 - 4. Player of the match: Ian Hills

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Year 7 Rugby

Trinity v Wath High School

Result: This was a series of 4 coaching games.Player of the match: The Year 7 Team

This was the � rst competitive rugby game for both schools and all players, from both sides, deserve credit for their enthusiasm and determination. We played a series of ten-a-side matches and although Wath dominated the � rst two games Trinity stuck at it and the team played much better in the last two matches, winning one and narrowly losing the other. Luke Astill unfortunately sustained a broken wrist within two minutes of the � rst game which slightly unsettled us but overall the twenty-one players performed with credit. Well done to one and all: a very encouraging start to your rugby careers.

Mr Marks

back (l-r): Sam Walton, Bradley Day, Liam Hall, Thomas Howsley, Matthew Elwood, Luke Cockburn

front (l-r): Harrison Hookway, Dale Smith, Connor Martin, David Harvey

Trinity v Wickersley Sports College

This match was a cracking contest, an end to end game. Trinity took a two try lead only to lose that as Wickersley came back into the match and they took a 3 try to 2 lead. We fought back and claimed the lead again before half time: 4 tries to 3. Wickersley equalised just after half time but we went in front scoring three more tries making the score 35 to 16. The game however wasn’t over as Wickersley scored 2 more tries to bring the score to 35 -26. After tries were taken alternately by the teams, Trinity eventually running out winners by 45 points to 35.

Mr Marks

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Year 9 Rugby

The Year 9 rugby team are potentially a very good side. They have several talented players who are keen to train regularly and improve their knowledge and skills of the game. Once again they have been well led by the captain Evan Johnson (9Havlin) with support from Jay Corbett (9Skillen), Luke Kerrison (9Linley) and John Hardy (9Boughey). Results this year have improved but regular attendance at training sessions, as in the past, has been a problem. Next year will be a big year for this group. If they can enlarge their squad and train as a unit they have the ability and experience to have a really good season. Time will tell but I hope the major players in the squad read this, rally around the captain and encourage their team-mates to come along to coaching sessions. A big incentive should be that it is the Lions year.

Mr Marks

back (l-r): Callum Tiffany, Daniel Linley, Luke Kerrison, Robert Phillips, Robbie Spence, Robert Raper, Edward Evans, Thomas Clark, John Hardy

front (l-r): Billy Kirkham, Jay Corbett, Jack Clarke, Evan Johnson, Joshua Mawdsley, Brett Moogan

Year 9 / 10 Cricket

Trinity v Hungerhill

Competition: Doncaster Schoools Cricket CompetitionResult: Hungerhill won by 39 runs.Player of the match: David Pickersgill (Year 10)

Our � rst competitive match of the season after a couple of practice matches involving all four year groups.Trinity, captained by Jon Appleby, won the toss and decided to � eld. Hungerhill got off to a � ying start and were 79 for one after seven overs. Fielding wasn’t the high point of Trinity’s performance and unfortunately we dropped a total of eight catches, some of which were to say the least run of the mill: re� ections of Pakistan’s performance against the Netherlands in the Twenty20 World Cup at exactly the same time. This enabled Hungerhill to reach a total of 180 for 4 wickets. The boundary was short and the out� eld was fast and therefore there was a glimmer of hope: we could have a go at their total. We did not start well however, losing two wickets cheaply for nine runs in the � rst two overs. David Pickersgill arrived at the crease and started to build an innings which was a delight to watch. Ably assisted in short spells by Jon Appleby, Owen Taylor and towards the end Simon Gerrard, David � nished on 83 not out, but we could not quite reach our target and the innings closed after the twenty overs on 141 for 8 wickets. A good effort but our � elding and to a certain extent our accuracy when bowling is in need of improvement - unlike those of Pakistan, who � nished off victors on the night.

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A popular head of school PE is stepping down after 35 years encouraging young people in Thorne to take part in sport. But Barry Marks’ legacy will live on because one of his former pupils is taking over his role as Head of PE.

Mr Marks has led the PE department at Trinity Academy in Thorne since it opened in 2005 and prior to that taught at Thorne Grammar School for more than 30 years. One of his pupils at the Grammar School and currently his deputy at Trinity, Mr D Potts, is to take over when Mr Marks retires this summer.

“Students come up to me all the time saying I taught their dad but now they’re starting to say I taught their granddads. That tells me it’s time to move on,” said Mr Marks. “It’s right that I move aside and let someone else take over and I’m delighted Mr. Potts has been appointed. His father was in the PE department at the Grammar School and became head of PE. I taught Mr Potts junior (!) and now he’s to be head of department at Trinity, which is great. It’s nice to keep that link and continuity in the community.”

Mr Marks, who grew up in Moorends, only left the area brie� y to study at Sunderland Polytechnic and to teach in the city for a year before coming back to Thorne in 1974.

Always a supporter of the Academy, he believes it has made a positive difference to the area.

“I could see from the start that the facilities were going to be the best of the best and I really think it’s given the town a new lease of life. As much as I loved the Grammar School and what it stood for in the early days the young people have now been given chances they probably wouldn’t have had. Things at the Academy could not have gone much better and I’ve loved every minute. We’ve had some successes already but the stage is set now for our students to go on to really great things. The best thing for me has been seeing the students improve, not just in PE but academically too. Having a Principal who will not only teach sport but also recognises its importance alongside academic subjects has been great. Altogether it makes for a really good school. Being a local lad, it’s fantastic to me that the students of Thorne and Moorends have been given this opportunity to move forward. I don’t think it would have happened if we hadn’t had the Academy.”

Mr Marks said his highlights included the house competitions at Trinity and sixth form games, which give hardworking Year 12 and 13 students the chance to enjoy sport that they do not always get in other schools.

Formerly a regular player at Thornensians Rugby Club, he will continue to coach some rugby at the Academy and be involved part-time with the PE department. At 57, he is keen to maintain his place in the Trinity staff � ve-a-side competition as well as enjoying retirement with his wife Marilyn and daughter Kate.

Mr Brew, Principal at Trinity, paid tribute: “Mr Marks has been a dedicated and very popular servant to the young people of Thorne and Moorends for more than 35 years and has really helped put the place on the map when it comes to sport. He has many friends at the Academy and is renowned for his happy disposition and the time he is always willing to give people. The great thing is we won’t be losing him altogether and he will still be a regular feature of PE at the Academy. However, we do hope he will put his feet up for a little while and take a well earned rest with his family.”

Principal Mr I Brew PA: Mrs J Seagrave

Vice Principal (Pastoral) Mr D Blackledge PA: Mrs K Barley PA: Mrs A BrownVice Principal (Teaching and Learning) Dr J McGonigle PA: Mrs L Aldsworth PA: Mrs R HeapVice Principal (Academic Standards) Mr I Richardson PA: Mrs K Cuttell PA: Mrs C Dudley

Senior Teacher Mr J Bunce

Assistant Vice Principal Mr A AshtonAssistant Vice Principal Mr M AveyardAssistant Vice Principal Mr A CowlingAssistant Vice Principal Mr A MartinAssistant Vice Principal Mr N MatherAssistant Vice Principal Mr A ThurlowAssistant Vice Principal Mr N Westhead

Data Manager Mrs J Wilson

Administration Miss L Cocking Mrs M Lyszyk* Mrs C Sweed Mrs D Gallagher Mrs K Moorhouse* Mrs E Sykes Mrs C Garnett Mrs K Richardson Mrs C Hill Miss L Ridgeway

Business, ICT and Enterprise (BITE) Mr M Aveyard Miss R Fox Miss R Pashley Miss E Chapman Mr M Furniss* Mr C Potts Mr S Ellerington Mr M Muthiah Mrs R Steele Mr P Flint Miss S Oates Mr D Thomson

Building Services Mr P Carolan Mr R Hall* Mr G Linley

Creative Arts Mrs E Barnett Mrs A Hodgson Mrs P Shaw Mrs V Booth Miss L Howlett* Mrs N Stockey Mr G Dixey Mr P Norton Mrs K Whittaker Mrs E Fothergill Mrs J Scott* Mrs S Woolley

Engineering Miss E Dyson Mr S Kendell Mr G Salmon Mr P Fenton-Coopland Mr D Robotham*

English and Media Mrs C Chamberlain Mr M Hanna* Mrs S Price Miss C Derry* Mrs H Linley Miss R Skillen Mr D Fletcher Mr R Mapletoft Mrs M Smyth Miss L Harrison Dr J McGonigle Miss S Yeadon Miss M Havlin Mrs E Muthiah

Geography Mrs B Carter* Miss L Linleyincluding Travel and Tourism Mr D Harrison* Mr S McArthur

History Mrs K Harrison* Mr T Shay Mr M Linley Mr M Stockey

House Managers Mrs J Fowler Mrs J McMurdo Mrs K Taylor

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Individualised Learning Mrs S Allen Mrs E Moore Mrs J Stone Mrs L Aveyard* Mrs C Morris Mrs J Tate Mr S Boast Mrs D Priestley Mrs S Temperton Mrs V Doleman* Mr S Pritchard Mrs P Tracey Mrs B Goulding Mrs J Robinson Mr D Ward Mr M Hardman Mrs E Smith Mrs S Wells Mrs H Jones Mrs H Sprakes Mrs N Whitehead

Law Mr R Mapletoft

Library and Information Services Mrs S Beddoes Mrs V Smith*

Mathematics Mr R Briggs Mr J Law Mrs K Piercey Mr P Forster Mrs J Laycock Mrs J Rhodes Mr P Goddard Mr A Martin Mrs L Skinns Mrs S Grace* Mrs J Martin Mr N Westhead Modern Languages Miss N Claringbold Mrs S Holloway Mr A Ramsden* Mrs V Demaude Mrs V Lathwood Miss J Smaje

Music, Drama & Dance Mr D Blackledge Miss C Gooing Miss J Orsborn Miss G Fisher Miss K Jenkins Miss S Foster* Mr N Mather*

Network Services Mr R McLean Mr S Steele Mr C Tubby*

Philosophy, Theology and Ethics (PTE) Mr J Bunce Mr A Crane Mr P Kernaghan*including Sociology and Psychology Mr I Brew Mrs C D’Italia* Miss L Neville Mrs J Cooper Mrs M Kennedy Mrs C Porter

Physical Education (PE) Ms R Beaman Mr B Marks* Mr A Sandford Mrs A Brown Mr D Potts Mr D Stuart Mrs E Fitzgerald Miss A Rhodes Mr A Thurlow

Science Mr A Ashton Mrs K Cuttell Mr I Richardson Mrs N Boughey Miss S Dalby Miss C Shaw Mr D Bourn* Dr I Fillingham Miss C Shields Mr J Burnip Miss C Grace Mr C Towers Dr J Callaghan Mr D Iveson Miss E Whiteley Mr L Clark Mr D King Mr A Winkley Mr J Cole Miss A Lawn Mrs M Cook Mrs M Prior

Teaching & Learning Leaders Mrs C Chamberlain Mrs C D’Italia Mr A Sandford Miss E Chapman Mrs H Linley Mr T Shay Mrs E Fitzgerald Mr D Potts Mr M Stockey

Technical Services Mr J Chapman Mr C Evans Mrs L Walker

* Head of Department

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TERM DATES 2009 - 2010

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Academic Year 2009 - 2010

Trinity Academy would like to thank the following organisations and companies, all of whom were generous enough to accommodate Year 10 students on work experience in 2009.

A G Saul Carpentry + Joinery Custom Made Kitchens Jon Linsdell Builders & Joiners St James Centre

A Redmile D B Wright Dental Practice Joynes, Pike & Associates Ltd Stainforth Kirton Lane Primary School

A Y Creative Services Dee-Licious Ken Urwin Motorcycles Super Tots

Acorn Arts Discount Tyre Services Key Cars Ltd T Greening (Doncaster) Ltd

ACS South Yorkshire DMBC - Human Resources King Edward Road Garage Tanks A Lot

Action Housing Association DMBC - Leisure Services Kings Klub Out of School Care The Scotts Company (UK) Ltd Adeline House DMBC - Neighbourhood Services Laws Flower Shop The Vermuyden Centre

Adrian Welch Glass & Glazing Ltd Doncaster Women’s Centre Little Rascals Thorne Brooke Primary School

AJK Ltd Dr Anderson Lodge Little Rascals Day Nursery Thorne Golf Club Ltd

Alexander Ellis Dunsville Primary School Lockermarsh Residential House Thorne Green Top Primary School

Angeliques Beauty Salon Elation Models Mason Pinder (Toolmakers) Ltd Thorne Hydraulics Ltd

Annette Bedford Evolution Animal Care Montracon Ltd Thorne King Edward Road Primary School

Armitage Funeral Directors Ltd EWS Moorends and Thorne Children’s Centre Thorne Moorends Marshland Primary School

Asbestos Services Partnerships Ltd Extreme Sports Ltd Mr Tony Thorne Moorends West Road Primary School

Atteys Solicitors Fishlake Commercial Motors Ltd Network Rail Thorne Motor Company

Auto Components Ltd Fitness Evolution Next plc Thorne News

Autoteq Ltd Gel Construction P & L Upholstery Thorne Superbikes Ltd

Barnets Gold Workshop UK Ltd Paul Craven Automobile Services Thorntons plc

Belmont Hotel Grampian Country Transport Ltd Pete Thompson Dismantlers Tickled Pink

Benn� eld House Nursing Home Great North Eastern Railway Pizza Hut (UK) Ltd Tickley Tots Childminding Services

BHS Greentree Car Centre Plover Primary School Toby Carvery Bessacarr

Black & White Designs Ltd GT Motors Punch Bowl Inn Toys ‘R’ Us

BMW (UK) Ltd Hairworks at Geoffrey Page R A Imaging Photographic Studios Venture Portraits

Boots Heavenly Bodies Rafwell UK Ltd Vue Cinemas

Broderick Accountants HSBC Bank plc Real Conservatories W Hallam Castings Ltd

Burtons (Top Man) Inspirations S.I.T.A. (GB) Ltd Westmill Foods

Busy Lizzie Interlock Block Paving Scunthorpe Utd W H Smith & Son Ltd

Café Luna J C Smith, Butcher Service Garage William H Brown

Card Warehouse J R Holt Accountancy Simon Poulston Plumbing & Heating

Carlton House Computers Jack in the Box Small World Day Nursery

Chase Community School Jackson Food Stores Smart Alec Close Motor Finance Jacquisu Hair Studio Somer� eld

CMB Hydraulics Jo’s Fencing South Yorkshire Newspapers Ltd


Trinity Academy, Church Balk, Thorne, Doncaster, DN8 5BY Telephone: 01405 813000 Fax: 01405 818382Website: www.trinityacademy.org.uk