Take Notes Right on a PowerPoint Slide

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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Information on how to take notes right on a PowerPoint slide without leaving "Slide View."


Take Notes right on a PowerPoint Slide

You need to have “Developer” on your Toolbar (Ribbon) to get this

click on “File”

Note: Macros do need to be enabled.(pptm)

Then click on “Options.”

This Window will appear.

Click on “Customize Ribbon.”

This Window will appear.

Click on the arrow on the drop down list to see

choices. You want the “Main Tabs” choice.

A list of Tabs appears, you want to click on the

“Developer” tab.

Make sure the “Developer” box is

under “Main Tab”, you might need to “Add.”


Then click “OK.” The “Developer Tab” will be added to your toolbar


Click on the icon that has “ab.”

Then drag and drop where you want the Notes to appear on


The Properties Tab will appear.

Key Properties to Edit:

Font: Arial (Default)

EnterKeyBehavior: (change to “True”) Set Multiline: (Change to “True”) Font Color: Change as required.

Text Align: Left, Right, Center

Then begin to enter text.

The text will be saved with the PowerPoint so you can capture notes asyou are in a session.