Taking Your Coaching to the Next Level with Personality Type

Post on 22-Apr-2015

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Coaching, goal setting, change management, realizing our potential - they all go hand in hand. Every person approaches change differently, is motivated by different goals, and has different development needs. This presentation helps coaches to a) use their own Type preferences effectively to uncover their blind spots, and b) use their client's Type preferences effectively to connect more deeply and support their transformation. Also included is an introduction to Matrix Insights, a new software that offers preference descriptions, comparative Type reports, and personalized development strategies and action items in one platform. Contact doris at building the life you want dot com for a demo and a complimentary license.



With Doris Füllgrabe,www.buildingthelifeyouwant.com

DFW APT Chapter Meeting,

March 18th, 2014

Taking Your Type

Coaching to the Next Level

+My Journey so far…

Barcelona• Executive PA

Las Palmas• Soul searching

Aguas-calientes• Coaching


USA• DFW, NYC• MBTI® Master• Berens CORE• Neuroscience

Germany• Born &


Stirling• BA HR Mgt &


London• Recruitment


+Define Coaching


Coaching is a training or development process via which an individual is supported while achieving a specific personal or professional competence result or goal.



a person who teaches and trains an athlete or performer

a person who teaches and trains the members of a sports team and makes decisions about how the team plays during games

a private teacher who gives someone lessons in a particular subject


Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.


Focusing on the problem reinforces it. Focus on the results; problems will take care of themselves.Thomas J. Leonard (1955 – 2003)

+Quick Coaching Session

Think about a topic you’d like coaching on

Pair up

Follow your model of choice, e.g. GROW – Goal, Reality, Options, Will STAR – Situation, Task, Action, Result CIGAR – Current reality, Ideal, Gap, Action, Review GAINS – Goal, Assessment, Ideas, Next Steps, Support

Spend 5 minutes and switch

+Please share

How was it?

What did you observe?

How did you listen?

How did you respond to questions?

How effective was your pacing?

How effective was your reframing?

Did you feel more energized before or afterward?


Realize that by the time you can fully explain, describe, or articulate something, most of the opportunity has already passed.Thomas J. Leonard (1955 – 2003)

+General Overviewfrom Introduction to Type® and Coaching

STs want their coaches to

Be honest

Be brief

Provide specific facts

NTs want their coaches to

Be businesslike

Show respect for their expertise

Present a range of options

SFs want their coaches to

Be friendly and open

Listen carefully

Give practical information

NFs want their coaches to

Provide individualized approach

Listen carefully

Relate information to possibilities

+Making Your Feedback Heardfrom Introduction to Type® and Coaching

With STs

Give practical reasons for change

Provide all of the specifics

With NTs

Respect their competency while asking them to stretch

Factor gains to be made into long-term goals

With SFs

Show the positive impact of change on people

Demonstrate awareness of their values

With NFs

Show connections to the needs of others; values served

Pay attention to their feelings and need for integrity

+Encouraging Changefrom Introduction to Type® and Coaching

IS emphasize preserving what is already effective

Ask about practical reasons

Like to follow a set plan

Help understand positive aspects

ES emphasize action and efficiency

Ask about practical results

Like to discuss expectations

Help understand improvements

IN emphasize envisioning / researching alternatives

Ask for information, resources

Like to avoid routine

Help add voice to set new standards

EN emphasize embracing new ideas and novelty

Ask about connections

Like to brainstorm

Help them enact actual change

+Past ResponsesImage courtesy of www.mbtiparty.com


Excels at talking, listening, normalizing, compassion, empathy, and connecting

May overdo the optimism and overlook listening and boundaries

Focuses on possibilities when delivering feedback

Takes feedback personally, is quite sensitive, needs a positive outlook and spin

Needs positive feedback, a-ha moments, good evaluations, and progress towards the goal to be successful

Finds no emotional reaction and silence annoying

Motto is "Go be awesome!"

Excel at listening, creative, empathy, connecting pieces, using past experience

May overdo definitive speech, inflexibility

May overlook facts

Look for real meaning in feedback and be encouraging

Prefer to receive gentle feedback, feel that they’re understood

Motto is “you can improve”


Excels at listening, connecting the dots, naming insights and the elephant in the room

May overdo listening in the hope for new information, not everything is related

Prefer truthful but palatable feedback

Like to receive direct but human feedback, consider it and look at merit

Success is paying attention to the whole person, having clear expectations and responsibilities

Get annoyed by people being late, or sounding like a broken record

Excel at intuition, sizing up, making people comfortable, valuing goals, and planning

May overdo closure

Frames feedback by using language and having a good rapport, always telling the truth

Like to receive feedback openly, to learn and grow, but may quietly feel hurt. So, it is important to frame the feedback

Success is to see results, to structure the methodology, and to have community

Procrastination is annoying

Motto is “take action and get results”


Excels at listening, intuiting, empathizing, making them feel understood

May overlook details

Prefers feedback in context for success

Success is an a-ha moment, when the client realizes part of their potential

Can get annoyed by too much detail, context always matters

Motto is “Knowing yourself”

Excels at being flexible

Feedback does not need to be too gentle, appreciate fact and planning

Motto is “motivate and support”


Excels at providing incremental, measurable steps

May overlook allowing enough time for the insight to come to the client, not sure how to change the structure and communicate it

Needs little schmoozing for feedback, better to be straight to the point, the gems are in the constructive aspects

Likes to receive constructive feedback, have to be better all the time, “don’t let me down by holding back”

Needs a goal to be successful, prefers realistic goals, has to ”get people there”

Gets annoyed by no energy and the vagueness

Motto is “you can do it, make a plan, make it work”


Excels at openness

May have too many ideas and overlook what’s really going on

Only accept feedback from trusted people

Success is in the structure

Gets annoyed by being told

”Allow me to notice”

+The greatest discovery of my generation is that we are unique. The greatest discovery of the next generation, I pray, is that we are one.Thomas J. Leonard (1955 – 2003)


+Our Belief

There is a better way to develop effective leaders and teams.”

+Who are we?

Our team consists of individuals with decades of experience in leadership development, personality type, coaching, and e-learning.

We share a vision to deliver an innovative, effective, and superior leadership development experience.

Paul KrauseManaging Partner, Co-Founder

Linda V. Berens, Ph.DPartner, Co-Founder

Roger Pearman, EdDPartner, Co-Founder

Dario Nardi, Ph.DPartner, Co-Founder

+Our Lenses

Interaction StylesEnable High-Performing Relationships and Teams

Personality TypeA Powerful Resource for Leader Development

Essential MotivatorsBuild Understanding at a Deeper Level

Emotional CompetenciesAn Emotionally Intelligent Approach to Emotional Competency Development

+Building More Effective Relationships

• Relevant action tips based on my relationships

• Available on-demand at point of immediate need

• Accessible: Learners do not need to be a personality expert.

+Enhance Teams Effectiveness

+Personalized development strategies and action tips

+ Same Competency, Different Needs

Sample Content: “Managing Change and Complexity, ENTP & ISTJ

+Three Leaders: Unique Path to Become More Effective

Research offers insights into typical development opportunities for each personality






Krebs Hirsh, Sandra and Kise, Jane: Introduction to Type® and Coaching

Exercise inspired by Bernie Goldstein’s presentation at the NYC APT Chapter www.goldsteinprofessionaldevelopment.com






