Taming the post-Obama and the post-Brexit World

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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March22,2017Pr.JeremyGhez– ghez@hec.fr



Copyright©2017,J.Ghez 2


Three proposition about leadership in the “Post-World”:

1. Uncertainty and chaos are not hurdles but strategic assets,according to a growing number of political leaders;

2. Firms that strive must not only devise a business strategy, buta political and societal one as well;

3. The entrepreneur, looking to fix what is broken, is still therelevant figure to look to.

Copyright©2017,J.Ghez 3


Three proposition about leadership in the “Post-World”:

1. Uncertainty and chaos are not hurdles but strategic assets,according to a growing number of political leaders;

2. Firms that strive must not only devise a business strategy, buta political and societal one as well;

3. The entrepreneur, looking to fix what is broken, is still therelevant figure to look to.

Copyright©2017,J.Ghez 4


Copyright©2017,J.Ghez 5

“... we must as a nation be more unpredictable. We are totally predictable.We tell everything. We’re sending troops. We tell them. We’re sendingsomething else. We have a news conference. We have to be unpredictable.And we have to be unpredictable starting now.”

Source: Donald Trump, Speech on Foreign Policy, April 27, 2016


Three proposition about leadership in the “Post-World”:

1. Uncertainty and chaos are not hurdles but strategic assets,according to a growing number of political leaders;

2. Firms that strive must not only devise a business strategy, buta political and societal one as well;

3. The entrepreneur, looking to fix what is broken, is still therelevant figure to look to.

Copyright©2017,J.Ghez 6


Copyright©2017,J.Ghez 7

Lessons from the ultimatum game in game theory…

Public opinion suggest people believe they have nothing to lose by tryingout more radical options and/or candidates, the mainstream optionshaving brought so little in their opinion.


Three proposition about leadership in the “Post-World”:

1. Uncertainty and chaos are not hurdles but strategic assets,according to a growing number of political leaders;

2. Firms that strive must not only devise a business strategy, buta political and societal one as well;

3. The entrepreneur, looking to fix what is broken, is still therelevant figure to look to.

Copyright©2017,J.Ghez 8


Copyright©2017,J.Ghez 9

The most successful entrepreneurs don’tonly talk about going to Mars or about thehyperloop. They also find solutions totoday’s most concrete problems…


Copyright©2017,J.Ghez 10


Copyright©2017,J.Ghez 11

This is by no means a trivial point in the day offake news, alternative facts and polarization.Find out what the truth is.


Copyright©2017,J.Ghez 12

An increasing number of firms are looking tohone the tools they to understand the realityof their landscape internally.


Copyright©2017,J.Ghez 13

If the past few months have taught me anything, it’s that impossibleand improbable don’t mean the same thing. So broaden yourhorizons and don’t get blindsided by your lack of curiosity.


Copyright©2017,J.Ghez 14

Just yesterday, people were complaining that this is not the futurethey expected, the one that movies like Back to the Futuredescribed: there were no flying cars… Well, it only took a fewmonths to get there!


Copyright©2017,J.Ghez 15

Dream all you want. But don’t ignore market forces. They will determinewhether you are successful or not. And sometimes, they require you to beboring…


Copyright©2017,J.Ghez 16

There are plenty of “simple,” down to earthproblems that can be solved and have a real,long-term impact. It doesn’t have to be onlyabout mind boggling technology only…


Copyright©2017,J.Ghez 17


Copyright©2017,J.Ghez 18

The ultimate warning comes from the Silicon Valley…

“The America that voted for Trump does not own a Tesla, nor anIPhone and when it needs money, it does not ask business angelsfor help: it relies on bad credits. It is time to recognize that weneed to develop technologies and businesses that will benefit thewidest range of people possible, algorithms that do not divide butthat bring together.”

Source: Carlos Diaz, «Le mur de Trump, c’est la Silicon Valley qui l’a construit», L’Opinion, November 13, 2016