Team Quest – Mission Statement · Web viewAmar Bhatti Param GrewalIwona HayashiTaylor...

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Team QuestAmar BhattiParam GrewalIwona HayashiTaylor LouieAndrej RanisavljevicStephen Sung Won Yoon

TEAM Charter

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Team Quest – Mission Statement

The mission statement for Team Quest is to successfully complete all team assignments in an efficient manner by utilizing all team members’ strengths and to ensure all members have and equal opportunity to participate in decision-making.

Team Assignments, Due Dates, Expected Grades

Organizational Behavior Marketing Business Systems

Team Charter - 10%

Due Mon, Oct 1

Practice Case Due Wed, Oct 3

Project #1 – 15%

Due Fri, Oct 5

Leaders’ Forum - 10%

Team Charter Due Wed, Oct 3

Project #2 – 15%

Due Fri, Nov 30

Guest proposal Due Tue, Oct 2 Team Discussion Due Wed, Oct 10

Document Due Tue, Nov 13

Case Studies– oral 7.5%

Guest in Lab Due Tue, Nov 20

-written 22.5%

Case #1 Due Wed, Oct 24

Case #2 Due Wed, Nov 7

Case #3 Due Wed, Nov 21

Case #4 Due Wed, Dec 5

Grade Expected On All Team Assignments -90%(A)


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Mutual Team Goals

To complete all assignments on time and achieve a grade of 90% or higher. To gain Insight to our team members and develop lasting relationships with

each other. To be respectful, encouraging, and welcoming to each other. To remember to enjoy the process

Individual Team Member Goals Amar – Build lasting relationships Andrej – Effectively communicate as a team Iwona – Having a comfortable and enjoyable working environment Param – Learn to work as an effective team Stephen –Learn how to deal with conflicting ideas Taylor- To succeed with all of our goals

Left to Right: Param, Taylor, Amar, Stephen, Iwona, Andrej


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Team Roles – Task Roles

Task Roles Task Role Responsibilities and Descriptions

Project Organizer Organizes and outlines the project requirements (due date, oral or written, visuals needed, etc..) and confirms the assignment of task roles to each member as per the rotation system; ensures all members have equal opportunity to offer ideas toward the project; possibly assists with other task roles

Team Secretary Records and distributes meeting minutes to team members; broadcasts any relevant news or information to team members; monitors the pace and duration of team meetings; possibly assists with other task roles

Project Researcher(s) Provides research materials from online sites, news media, books, etc…for the project

Project Assembly (Rough Draft)

Assembles and edits research materials and other data to compile a rough draft of the project; includes written and oral assignments

Project Completion (Final Draft)

Polishes and prepares the rough draft into the finished product; includes written and oral assignments

Oral Presenter & Visual Displays

Prepares for and executes the oral presentation portion of a project (when required); creates visual displays such as power point


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Team Roles – Assignment Rotation ChartTask Role ORBG

Team Charter

ORGBLeader’s Forum

MKTGPractice Case

MKTGCase #1

MKTGCase #2

MKTGCase #3

MKTGCase #4

BSYSProject #1

BSYSProject #2

Project Organizer

Andrej Iwona Amar Stephen

Param Taylor Andrej Iwona Amar

Team Secretary

Stephen Taylor Iwona Amar Andrej Param Stephen

Taylor Iwona

Project Researcher

Amar Param Taylor Iwona Stephen

Andrej Amar Param Taylor

Project Assembly

Iwona Andrej Param Taylor Amar Stephen

Iwona Andrej Param

Project Completion

Taylor Stephen Andrej Param Iwona Amar Taylor Stephen Andrej

Oral Presentation & Visual Displays

Param Amar Stephen Andrej Taylor Iwona Param Amar Stephen

Task Challenges Challenge - Members not fulfilling their responsibilities Solution - Comment to the offender about his/her shortfall; then a friendly

warning; then implement the Progressive Discipline Process Challenge - Members being apprehensive about taking on a particular task

Solution - Encourage that member and offer support if needed. If that member is unwilling to take on a task, the team will accommodate that member by trading tasks.

Team Evaluation

The first team assessment will be made on Tuesday, October 16th.


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Team Roles- Belbin Team Process RolesRole Role Description

Creating The “ideas” person; looks at problems and solutions from different angles; typically looks at the major issues as opposed to the fine details

Investigating The provider of information; has the ability to stimulate ideas and encourage innovation

Coordinating The coordinator of team’s efforts to meet objectives; has the ability to recognize team members’ strengths

Supporting Very aware of team members’ needs; active internal communicator; holds the team together

Shaping Shapes the team’s efforts; usually the self-elected team leader

Evaluating Has measured analysis and monitoring; can assimilate, interpret, and evaluate large amounts of complex material

Implementing Practical organizer; turns decisions and strategies into manageable tasks; concerned with what is feasible and practical

Finishing Makes sure that nothing is overlooked; motivates team members into activity by maintaining a permanent sense of urgency

Team Roles- Belbin Team Role ResultTeam Member Primary Role Secondary Role Optional Role

Amar Finishing (15) Implementing (13) Shaping

Andrej Implementing (14) Shaping (13) Finishing

Iwona Coordinating (19) Finishing (11) Shaping

Param Implementing (18) Investigating (12) Coordinating

Stephen Shaping (14) Implementing (12) Investigating

Taylor Finishing (15) Creating (14) Supporting

Team Roles- Belbin ChallengesAs shown on the chart above, Team Quest’s shortfalls are in the Evaluating and Supporting roles. In an effort to minimize this unbalance, the team’s members will give extra effort to be mindful of all members’ personal and work needs. We will


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also pay extra attention to project preparations, making sure we have all relevant requirements to start any assignments.

Team Processes

TEAM COMMUNICATION Team Quest will communicate all meeting minutes, requests, and news by personal email.


Our team expects all members to attend and participate in meetings, to be constructive with our attitudes and criticisms and to do our part to complete tasks on time, to the best of our skill level.

CELEBRATING SUCCESS When the team is collectively satisfied that our objectives have been achieved, we will celebrate by enjoying a Tim Horton’s lunch together.


Each team member will have the opportunity to fulfill every task by revolving the task distribution at each team project. If, after encouragement from members, a team member is still uncomfortable performing a certain task, they will not be forced to perform that task.


Team meetings will be held regularly on Monday’s at 12:30pm. Extra meetings will be scheduled as needed. The team has agreed that we will complete all projects a minimum of 2 days before the due date. This will allow extra time in case of last minute editing.


If, after using the democratic process (voting) fails, we will use the highly technical method of flipping a coin.


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We will make an honest effort to deal with conflict openly and try to resolve any unsettled disagreements within the team. If the matter cannot be resolved within the team then we will confer with a third party like a teacher.


Performance Criteria #1: Quality of Work

Description: Work is done to the best of his/hers ability. Also, work must show understanding of material and look professional.


Exceeds Expectations5

Meets Expectations3

Below Expectations1

Work Criteria Work is completed

ahead of time that is detailed, shows thorough understanding

Work that is carefully proofread so there are no grammar mistakes

Did not only complete their own work, but also did extra work to benefit the team.

Work that looks not only clean and neat, but also looks like they spent more time on the work than normal

Have done extra work to surpass the normal expectation; for example, researching more in depth for a case study.

Work that is completed and meets the deadline.

Work shows thorough understanding

Work is proofread so there isn’t a lot of grammar mistakes

Work is clean and organized up to a presentable standard.

Thoroughly included all the information needed.

Focused on the task and worked to the best of their ability

Work was incomplete and has not met the deadline.

Does not show understanding of material through their work

Work is not met to a presentable standard and is not clean or neat

Does not show that they were focused and determined.

Did not focus on the task and showed that they didn’t put effort into their work

Example: Teammate does the extra mile to complete their work and shows professionalism. He/She shows thorough understanding of course material and has done extra work to benefit the group. This team member would receive a 5

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Performance Criteria #2: Participate in Group Meetings

Description: All the members of the group must attend group meetings with the necessary preparation in accordance to the agenda. Members must be at the meetings on the designated times ready to be active in group discussion and contribute insightful ideas that benefits the team’s objectives.


Exceeds Expectations5

Meets Expectations3

Below Expectations1

Behavioral Criteria Always participating to

group discussions Completing

assignments in a manner that exceeds what was expected

Contributing insightful and creative ideas

Being open-minded and considering all your group members’ ideas.

Working together with all your teammates

Never distracted with your phone or laptop during meetings

Always respectful to all the members of your team

Acknowledging your groups accomplishments and achievement for good morale

Sometimes participating in group discussions

Completing assignments in a manner that is expected of you (not going above and beyond)

Sometimes tardy to group meetings

Considering the essential ideas and excluding some ideas you don’t agree with

Sometimes get distracted with phones and laptops

Sometimes straying off topic during group discussions

Occasionally contributes insightful and creative ideas

Works well with most of the group members

Sometimes acknowledging your groups accomplishments and achievements

Never participating in group discussions

Not always completing assignments on time and completing with the bare minimum expectations

Constantly distracted with your phone and laptop

Getting into conflicts with group members

Never acknowledging group accomplishments and achievements

Never contributes creative and insightful ideas

Rarely considering other group members ideas and opinions

Usually late or absent for the group meetings

Discouraging members of the group by giving negative feedback for the opinions and ideas

Example: A group member is always on time to meetings. Usually active in the group discussions and sometimes contributes new and insightful ideas. The assignments are always completed in a manner that was expected but there is always room for improvement. Sometimes gets distracted by phone or laptop but usually attentive in group meetings. This member would score a 3.


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Performance Criteria #3: Showing Respect to Others

Description: Team member stays positive in all situations, acknowledges each team member, Uses problem solving skills to overcome any conflicts and listens actively.


Exceeds Expectations5

Meets Expectations3

Below Expectations1

Stays positive in all situations and gives value to each individual

Follows through with their responsibilities to the team

Conducts and maintains an organized structure at team meetings and acknowledges the presence of every team member

Always uses active listening skills

Always is aware of tone and body language used to ensure another member is not offended

Encourages and strongly supports every team member

Recognizes the strengths and weaknesses of every team member

Handles problems with maturity and puts aside their own needs in order to compromise on solutions that benefit both sides equally

Does not negatively criticize a members ideas which are not agreed upon

Avoids putting others down

Acknowledges their responsibilities to the team and acts upon them

Stays focused on tasks and is actively engaged in team meetings and discussions

Stays aware of body language and tones used to ensure another member is not offended

Immediately rejects unwanted ideas and inputs

Uses electronic devices during team meetings

Ignores the feelings of others

Does whatever he or she desires

Interrupts group discussions and destructs team concentration

Looks up to or down on other team members

Allows disagreements within team to build tension between members

Is not aware of using inappropriate tone or body language that could offend other team members

Does not use active listening skills

Exceeds Expectations (5) Example: Team member always stays positive when dealing with all group work. They follow through with all of their responsibilities to the team and they acknowledge each member courteously. They are always aware of their tone and body language and are active listeners. Team member encourages the team and supports them in times of need while handling problems or conflicts maturely and reasonably.

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Performance Criteria #4: Communication Skills

Description: Communicates with other team members effectively and shares their thoughts and ideas with the rest of the team. Methods of communication include: email, written, and verbal.


Exceeds Expectations5

Meets Expectations3

Below Expectations1

Behavioral Criteria Leads discussions

and brings a unique point of view to the discussion’s topic

Always exercises proper communication styles for every circumstance

Creates ideas and insight for themselves as well as the team

Very empathetic with team member’s feelings when communicating in discussions

Takes part in discussions

Communicates with team and shares ideas and thoughts with everyone

Uses methods of communication. (Face-to-face or email or text messages)

Asks for clarification and help when needed

Uses caution when communicating in group discussions

Refuses to take part in discussion and does not mention why they are not discussing with the group

Disregards communication towards and isolatesthemselves from the team

Does not ask for help or clarification when needed

Does not communicate with team

Little or no regard for the feelings of others when in group discussions

Example: Does not communicate with the team to let them know what advances are happening with the project. Fails to inform team members when they are going to be absent from team meetings. Rarely takes part in team discussions.


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This team member would receive a 1 for below expectations.

Performance Criteria #5: Decision Making Description: Foreseeing any possible problematic situations, which might occur, and developing efficient techniques to find a resolution. Effective use of time to achieve objectives.


Exceeds Expectations5

Meets Expectations3

Below Expectations1

Behavioral Anchors (Descriptors)

Using time efficiently to move forward

Basing team decisions strategically upon new data learnt

Analyzing problems which could occur and making efficient decisions to overcome them

Taking full responsibility for any and all decisions made as a team

Seeks additional information

Having a realistic approach to any situation which could possibly occur

Taking data collectively from the entire team to make strategic decisions

Basing team decisions strategically upon new data learnt

Having a realistic approach to any situation which could possibly occur

Taking full responsibility for any and all decisions made as a team

Using time efficiently to move forward

Taking data collectively from the entire team to make strategic decisions

Rarely basing team decisions strategically upon new data learnt

Does not make an effective use of time

Rarely takes responsibility for any decisions made as a team

Doesn’t have a realistic approach to any situations which could possibly occur

Consistently makes poor team decisions

Doesn’t make effective use of data from the team to make a strategic decision


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The undersigned agree and accept the terms of the Team Quest contract.


Example: In order to obtain a mark of 5 the team member must be exceeding expectations. This member must display phenomenal, analytic and problem solving skills. They must hold themselves to the highest degree of accountability. They always need to be thinking strategically to help the team move forward.

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___________________________________________Amarpreet Bhatti

___________________________________________Paramvir Grewal

___________________________________________Iwona Hayashi

___________________________________________Taylor Louie

___________________________________________Andrej Ranisavljevic

___________________________________________Stephen Sung Won Yoon