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[TITULO DEL PROYECTO]Nombre y apellido alumno

correoTitulo del curso, Semestre (Enero-Junio o Agosto Diciembre), Año

ResumenEs un pequeño parrafo que describe la idea principal o los puntos principales del tema, se recomienda no sea mayor de 100 palabras have to modify its "layout". In Word 2003, select the image, then right-click to see options. Choose "Format Picture" in order to change the layout. To keep things simple, you may want

1- IntroducciónEn esta sección se describe la naturaleza del proyecto, que aplicaciones tiene el tipo de aplicación desarrollada, cuales fueran las herramientas utilizadas (lenguaje de programación y que librerías fueron utilizadas y porque)

[Feel free to include relevant images in your paper; this is encouraged and even expected. If you insert or paste images in Word, you will have to modify its "layout". In Word 2003, select the image, then right-click to see options. Choose "Format Picture" in order to change the layout. To keep things simple, you may want to use "tight, a popular choice.]

[Use a third-person narrative for the paper. That is, don't use "I", "me", "my", "you" pronouns. Keep focused on the professional nature of sharing information or ideas with

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busy teaching professionals. As a strategy, state the important idea right away and then discuss it and how it impacts teaching and learning. Be visual whenever you can by explaining with a relevant image. Try to include at least 2 images per page, if possible.]

[In your paper, when you make a key statement, provide a reference to your source, using APA format. Below, you will see some links to online references to APA format. As an effective strategy, provide evidence when you write by providing references, facts, and even active links. When you provide a link, please use the complete URL as text and then link it; there are advantages in providing your links in this way.]

Fig 1. Nombre de dibujo

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2 - DesarrolloDebera explicarse la estructura del código, modulos con los que cuenta y para que sirven puede agregarse uno o mas algoritmos desarrollados o su seudocódigo y diagramas de flujo de la aplicacion

Nombre de algoritmo : Objetivo : Parametros :Paso 1Paso 2Paso 3Paso 4Paso 5

3 – Manual En esta sección se puede desarrollar una guía de la aplicación de acuerdo a ejemplos , se pueden agregar pantallas de la aplicacion

Ind. Col. 1 Col. 2123

Tabla 1 - Nombre de tabla

[Don't write about an excessively broad subject. Instead, choose a perspective that has the professional interest of your audience.

Be as visual as possible. Use images when appropriate. If an image helps to communicate an idea effectively, use it.

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Provide active links whenever possible. Choose a topic that people, like yourself, would want to learn more about. This is

particularly important in "New Media" communication. Be interesting! At a minimum, your entire single-spaced paper should be between 3 and 7 pages

long. Don't create a paper that is more than 7 pages long. As a recommendation, try to make your paper about 4 pages long with at least 2 images per page.

Use this format. Use bullets, when appropriate. For example, this is a bulleted item. There are two steps to add a text link to an Internet address:]

Fig. 2 Nombre de la figura.


[1] Begley, S. (1998, January 19). Aping language. Newsweek, 131, 56-58.

[2] Booth, W. (1990, October 29). Monkeying with language: Is chimp using words or merely aping handlers? The Washington Post, p. A3.

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[3] Eckholm, E. (1985, June 25). Kanzi the chimp: A life in science. The New York Times, pp. C1, C3.

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