Test interpretation and report writing

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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NCIP Test Interpretation

Carlo Magno, PhD.

Lasallian Institute for Development and Educational Research

De La Salle University, Manila

Objectives: Provide an experience in

scoring and interpreting a scale.

Use norms to interpret a score.

Observe and develop guidelines in scoring and interpreting measures.

Observe and report the contents of the individual and group report using the results of the NCIP aptitude test.

Scoring keyFactors Items Mean of Norm


Deportment D1-D10 M=4.66>4.72 High4.62-4.71 Moderate< 4.61 Low

Learning Process LP11-LP20 M=3.08>3.11 High3.06-3.10 Moderate< 3.06 Low

Motivation M21-M30 M=4.65>4.71 High4.61-4.70 Moderate< 4.60 Low

Review: Uses of Tests1. Screen applicants for jobs and

educational/training programs2. Classification and placement of people in different

contexts3. Educational, vocational, and personal counseling

and guidance4. Retention/dismissal/promotion/rotation of

students/employees in programs/jobs5. Diagnosing and prescribing treatments in

clinics/hospitals6. Evaluating, cognitive, intra and interpersonal

changes due to educational and psychotherapeutic programs

7. Conducting researcher on individual development over time and on effective of a new program

What is used to interpret test scores? Norm reference Criterion reference IRT ability and item maps

Criterion-reference Criterion reference is a given set of standards. The scores are then compared on the given

criterion. For example, in a 25 item test:

21-25 very high, 16-20 high, 11-15 average, 6-10 poor, 0-5 low.

In a criterion-reference the score is interpreted for a particular cut off scores.

Criterion-reference Most commonly the grading system in schools

are criterion reference where 100-95 is outstanding, 90-94 is very good, 85-89 is good, 80 to 84 is satisfactory, 75 to 79 needs improvement, and 74 and below are poor.

What is the use of a norm? A norm is a basis for interpreting a test score You use a norm to interpret a particular score

Norm reference The interpretation for norm reference would

depend on the distribution of scores of the sample.

The mean and standard deviations are computed and it will approximate the middle area of the distribution.

The standing of every individual in a norm reference is based on the mean and standard deviation of the sample.

Standardized tests commonly interpret scores using norm reference where they have standardized samples.

Creating a norm?

0.13% 2.14% 13.59% 34.13% 34.13% 13.59%

- 3 SD - 2 SD +2 SD+1 SD0- 1 SD + 3 SD


Creating a norm? Suppose that a general ability test with 100

items was constructed and it was pilot tested to 25 participants.

Creating a norm?

Creating a norm?

Raw scores to standard scores

Raw score of 94

Standard scores

Verbal Interpretation Identify the range of your score The verbal interpretation is found in the test

manual These interpretations are based on the items They are copied when writing a report The are read when verbally interpreting for

the client

Activity 3 Form a group and go over the Psychological

Profile of XXXX YYYY. List down the parts of the psychological profile

and describe the content that can be found in each part.

Writing the psychological profile Presentation: What are placed in the

psychological profile?