Texas Wind Transmission Quarterly Report July 2011 Updated

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Competitive Renewable Energy Zone Program Oversight

CREZ Progress Report No. 4

(July Update)

Prepared for

Public Utility Commission of Texas

Prepared by


July 2011

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

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CONTACT INFORMATION ......................................................................................................... iii 

LIST OF ACRONYMS .................................................................................................................. iii 

1.0  INTRODUCTION AND REPORT OVERVIEW .................................................................. 1 

1.1  CREZ Program Background and Description .......................................................... 1 

1.2  Purpose of CREZ Progress Report ......................................................................... 2 

2.0  STATUS OVERVIEW OF CREZ PROGRAM ................................................................... 3 

2.1  General Status of the CREZ Program ..................................................................... 3 

2.2  Program Budget ...................................................................................................... 4 

2.3  Estimated Cost ........................................................................................................ 6 

2.4  Program Schedule ................................................................................................... 6 

2.5  Master Schedule ..................................................................................................... 7 

2.6  Updates and Baselines ........................................................................................... 7 

2.7  Progress Report #3 Data ......................................................................................... 7 

3.0  CREZ Progress Report ..................................................................................................... 8 

3.1  Project Summary ..................................................................................................... 8 

3.2  Bandera Electric Cooperative ................................................................................ 18 

3.3  Brazos Electric Cooperative .................................................................................. 20 

3.4  Cross Texas Transmission .................................................................................... 22 

3.5  Electric Transmission Texas ................................................................................. 25 

3.6  Lower Colorado River Authority Transmission Service Corporation ..................... 32 

3.7  Lone Star Transmission ........................................................................................ 40 

3.8  Oncor Electric Delivery Company ......................................................................... 44 

3.9  Sharyland Utilities .................................................................................................. 58 

3.10  South Texas Electric Cooperative ......................................................................... 62 

3.11  TMPA and Center Point ........................................................................................ 64 

3.12  Wind Energy Transmission Texas ......................................................................... 65 


Appendix A – Master Summary Schedule .................................................................................. 70 

Appendix B – Master Schedule Detail ........................................................................................ 71 

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CONTACT INFORMATION  For questions or comments on this report please contact: Steve Farmer, RS&H Project Manager 512‐279‐5469 


  CCN .......................... Certificate of Convenience and Necessity CREZ ........................ Competitive Renewable Energy Zones CTO…………………..CREZ Transmission Optimization Study ERCOT .................... Electric Reliability Council of Texas ETT ........................... Electric Transmission Texas, LLC LCRA TSC ................ Lower Colorado River Authority Transmission Service Corporation PUC, PUCT .............. Public Utility Commission of Texas ROW ........................ Right of Way RPG ......................... Reliability Planning Group STEC ........................ South Texas Electric Cooperative TSP ........................... Transmission Service Provider WETT ........................ Wind Energy Transmission Texas

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1.0 INTRODUCTION AND REPORT OVERVIEW This chapter provides a brief overview of the scope of the Competitive Renewable Energy Zones (CREZ) Program and identifies the purpose of this CREZ Progress Report (CREZ Report) as a component of the CREZ Program. The following report consists of the following chapters:

Chapter 1.0 – Introduction / Report Overview

Chapter 2.0 – Status Overview of CREZ Program

Chapter 3.0 – CREZ Progress Report

Chapter 4.0 – Listing of Previous CREZ Progress Report Submittals  

1.1 CREZ Program Background and Description Created in 1975 by the 64th Texas Legislature, the Public Utility Commission of Texas (also referred to as the Commission, PUCT, or PUC) is responsible for the oversight of the electric and telecommunications industries in Texas. The PUC is responsible for:

Regulating rates and terms for intra-state transmission service and for distribution service in areas where customer choice has been introduced

Oversight of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) market, including market monitoring and ERCOT administration fees

Adopting and enforcing rules relating to retail competition, including customer protection and the renewable energy goals

Licensing of retail electric providers and registration of power generating companies, power marketers and aggregators

Reviewing proposals for the construction of new transmission facilities

Regulation of rates and services for integrated utilities Senate Bill 20, passed in 2005 and codified in the Utilities Code Section 39.904, established Texas's Renewable Energy Program and directed the PUC to identify Competitive Renewable Energy Zones. A CREZ is a geographic area with optimal conditions for the economic development of wind power generation facilities. In response to this legislative action, the PUC issued a final order in Docket No. 33672 in 2008, establishing five CREZ Zones in Texas (McCamey, Central, Central West, Panhandle A, Panhandle B) and designating a number of transmission projects to be constructed to transmit wind power from the CREZs to the highly populated metropolitan areas of the state. The completed CREZ transmission projects will eventually transmit approximately 18,500 megawatts (MW) of wind power. The CREZ project is the PUC’s response to a public mandate to increase the generation of renewable energy in Texas to serve the electric needs of the state. The Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill (SB) 7 in 1999, which restructured a significant portion of the state’s electric industry and allowed Transmission Service Providers (TSPs) to offer transmission services to

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other utilities throughout the portion of the Texas electric grid operated by ERCOT. Ultimately, the CREZ effort will significantly increase Texas’s effective level of wind generation capacity to 18,500 MW. CREZ projects are primarily designed to move electricity generated by renewable energy sources (primarily wind) from the remote parts of Texas (i.e., West Texas and the Texas Panhandle) to the more heavily populated areas of Texas (i.e., Austin, Dallas-Fort Worth, San Antonio). However, a number of transmission lines designated as Priority CREZ projects also will provide transmission infrastructure necessary to meet the long-term needs of the growing area west of the I-35 corridor between San Antonio and Killeen. In addition, more wind energy will be brought to customers, which will displace some need for sources of electrical generation that cause carbon emissions, such as coal and natural gas and further diversify the fuel portfolio of Texas’s generation resources. 1.2 Purpose of CREZ Progress Report Docket No. 35665 delegated authority to the PUC’s Executive Director to “select, engage, and oversee persons with responsibility for oversight of the planning, financing, and constructing of all CREZ facilities to ensure that the facilities are completed in a timely manner.” The scope of work included “monitoring the reports that the TSPs are required to file, providing regular status updates to the Commission, and immediately reporting to the Commission any significant changes in the estimates reported by the TSPs, particularly regarding any schedules, financing methods or costs, or cost estimates.” Additionally, P.U.C. SUBST. R. 25.174(c)(1) states “The Commission must specify any additional reporting requirements or other measures deemed appropriate by the Commission to ensure that entities complete the ordered [CREZ] improvements in a timely manner.” Pursuant to Docket No. 35665 and P.U.C. SUBST. R. 25.174(c)(1), the purpose of this CREZ Progress Report is to present status summaries for each of the 144 CREZ-related projects to the PUC. The remaining chapters of this Report consist of the following:

Chapter 2.0 outlines the status of the CREZ Program by describing the overall state of the CREZ Program, budget and schedule completion of the Program, and an overview of the master schedule.

Chapter 3.0 begins with a complete listing of all current CREZ projects and associated data availability for this report. The chapter next provides status summaries of each CREZ project organized by TSP. Each section first provides a map, labeling each project with a number and corresponding project name. Sections next provide the status of every CREZ project by supplying the status of CCN applications, schedule summaries/adherence tracking, and budget summaries/adherence tracking. Each section containing project summaries also tracks the potential effects of the ERCOT RPG/Reactive Study on the overall performance of each TSP.

Chapter 4.0 provides a table, tracking previous CREZ Progress Report submittals to the PUC.

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2.0 STATUS OVERVIEW OF CREZ PROGRAM 2.1 General Status of the CREZ Program Three categories of CREZ projects were identified in Docket No. 33672: Default Projects, Priority Projects, and Subsequent Projects. Default Projects are those that refit, rebuild, or enhance existing transmission infrastructure. The CREZ Default Projects were awarded to the TSPs that owned the existing infrastructure. A number of the CREZ Default Projects have been completed and others are in various stages of completion. The CREZ Priority Projects are those identified as necessary to alleviate current or projected transmission congestion issues and were determined to have the highest priority for completion. CREZ Priority Projects were awarded to two incumbent utilities - Oncor Electric Delivery LLC (Oncor) and LCRA Transmission Services Corporation (LCRA TSC). The CREZ Subsequent Projects consist of the remaining CREZ transmission projects not identified as either Default or Priority. With some exceptions for the enhancement of existing infrastructure, a TSP must submit its application for a transmission project to the Commission in order to receive a certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN) which allows the TSP to proceed with constructing the project and exercise the power of eminent domain where necessary. CCN applications are contested cases that generally focus on the issue of which route for the transmission line will be selected from the alternative routes proposed by the TSP. CCN applicants are required to identify one route as their preferred route, though this designation does not mean that it is favored for selection by the Commission. The Commission may approve the CCN application by selecting one of the routes, approve it in part, or deny the application. CREZ CCNs are statutorily required to be completed within 180 days. Once the Commission issues an order approving a route for a transmission project, the TSP may then proceed to acquire the necessary right of way (ROW). ERCOT manages the flow of electric power for the majority of electric customers in Texas. It is responsible for ensuring the stability of the electric grid by managing the incoming and outgoing supply of power. Due to these responsibilities, in conjunction with the route selection process, ERCOT commissioned a study (the CREZ Reactive Power Study) to identity the size, type, and location of equipment needed to control, condition, and route the power flowing through the addition of the CREZ transmission projects to the electric grid. This study was awarded to ABB Inc. and was completed December 2010. The results of the CREZ Reactive Power Study are being reviewed by the TSPs and will likely require additional equipment to be added to a number of CREZ projects. A majority of the CREZ Default Projects did not require a CCN and have proceeded to completion or are in the process of being completed. All of the CREZ Priority and Subsequent projects required CCN applications. All of the CREZ Priority Project CCNs have been resolved. With the exception of one application, all were approved by the Commission and are proceeding towards ROW acquisition and construction. The LCRA TSC CCN application for the Gillespie - Newton transmission line project was denied by the Commission. Subsequently, a study by ERCOT determined that alternative enhancements to existing transmission infrastructure owned by LCRA TSC and Oncor could substitute for the construction of the Gillespie - Newton line in the short term.

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2.2 Program Budget The original CTO (CREZ Transmission Optimization) study was a planning-level evaluation to identify which areas of Texas were best suited to the continued expansion of installed wind farm electrical generation and what transmission infrastructure would be necessary to transmit that generation capacity to the population centers of the state. The CTO study included very preliminary cost estimates and designated the general locations of substations and transmission routes from a planning-level perspective. The study produced four different scenarios comprising various system configurations and power capacities. Scenario 2 was chosen to implement at a cost of $4.9 billion dollars with an effective capacity of 18,500 MW of wind-generated power. Some important aspects of the cost estimates produced by the CTO study are as follows:

The CTO study was a planning exercise to develop multiple transmission plan scenarios from which to select the most cost effective and optimal scenario for execution. As such, the study was performed before detailed engineering and design could occur, and therefore it was unlikely that all required Projects (lines and substations) could be identified in the study.

ROW costs vary across the State of Texas based on geographic location, population density, land use, and other factors. For the purposes of the CTO study, ROW costs were estimated using a standard per-acre cost. It is probable that the actual ROW costs will vary from the CTO study and from project to project based on these factors.

The purpose of the CTO study was to identify the facilities required to produce a working transmission system for each of the four identified scenarios. As such, it only identified the general locations and connection points of the substations and transmission lines. Because of the general nature of the project locations, a straight-line distance was calculated for the transmission lines and used to estimate the cost of new lines. As the new line projects progress through the CCN process and actual line routes are developed, it is probable that the actual line distances will not follow a straight-line path, therefore actual distances will likely be from 10% to 50% longer than the study estimates.

The per-mile unit costs used to calculate the project costs were in 2008 dollars. These unit costs do not appear to have been escalated through to 2013, and therefore the final costs for the CREZ program may be higher when adjusted for inflation and the value of the dollar in 2013. Typical escalation factors applied to multi-year projects run between 1% to 2.5% per year.

Large Program cost estimates typically apply contingency markups to the base estimate to cover unknown or undefined variables, risks, and uncertainties. Contingency markups do not appear to have been applied to the base CTO cost estimate, therefore final estimated costs may vary from the original estimate.

The unit costs used in the CTO study did not contain financing costs such as the interest rate applied to funds borrowed to build the CREZ projects.

Due to the planning nature of the CTO study, it was not possible to predict or include every component of the CREZ system at the completion of the study. Additional necessary projects have been identified after the publication of the study and are being finalized as the CREZ system continues to be developed. In addition, the full

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complement of reactive power compensation projects has not been finalized and will not be known until the results of the CREZ Reactive Power Study are analyzed by the TSPs.

In January 2010, the CTO cost estimate was updated to include projects and costs that were identified after the completion of the CTO study. This was done to ensure the correct unit prices were applied to each project, and to apply updated route lengths as had been determined by the TSPs assigned to those projects.

The following table lists project types identified after completion of the CTO study.

Project Type Number of Projects

Transmission Lines 2

Substations 24

Switches 6

Terminals 5

Reactive Power 29 Due to the early stages of the Program, the changes in cost seen to date, the anticipated addition of reactive power equipment determined necessary by the CREZ Reactive Power Study, and the many outstanding variables in the projects at this time, it is likely that costs may fluctuate and change over the next year. It is typical at this stage of program development to view estimated costs as a range of costs that becomes narrower, or more clearly defined, as the program continues through development and completion. The following figure illustrates the typical evolution of costs for a project.

Cost Range During Project Development


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Applying this methodology to the CTO estimate results in the following cost range:

 2.3 Estimated Cost The estimated cost of the CREZ Program based on current reported data is $6,789,775,933.  

2.4 Program Schedule  Based upon information provided by TSPs at the time of this report, the estimated schedule completion date for the last project in the CREZ Program is December 31, 2013. This is in alignment with the Commission’s stated goal of Program Completion by the close of 2013. However, due to the early nature of the program, there is opportunity for scheduling delays over the next year. As noted above, many of the projects are still being developed, routes selected, and designs finalized. Baseline schedules for most of the projects have not yet been finalized. Several drivers that may influence the overall schedule of the CREZ Program are as follows:

1. CCN Process

There have been several extensions to the CCN submittal schedule for CREZ Projects to date.

Denial of CCN applications or requests for re-submittal due to route inadequacies result in significant delays as the project must be restudied and filed with a new 180-day timeline.

Requirement by Commission orders that TSPs employ different structure types than proposed may cause delays in requisition and delivery of those structures.

2. CREZ Reactive Power Study










Estimated Cost

CREZ Estimate +40% Contingency

CREZ CTO Estimate

‐20% Contingency

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There has been one extension to the study.

Additional follow-up studies could impact design, material procurement, and construction schedules.

3. Material Procurement

Many of the reactive power and substation projects require equipment with long lead times for manufacture and delivery. Delays to the CCN process or additional studies could result in delays in material procurement.

2.5 Master Schedule  A Master Schedule of the CREZ Program is provided in the following appendices:

Appendix A depicts the Master Schedule in a summary form of one activity bar for each project by TSP and lists a start date and finish date.

Appendix B depicts the Master Schedule in detail for each project by TSP and lists a

start date and finish date for each stage of the project. 2.6 Updates and Baselines  Updated project data is submitted on a monthly basis and is compiled approximately every three months to produce this progress report. Data is submitted by the 15th of each month and covers project activity through the last day of the previous month. Baselines serve as reference points to track changes to a project and are updated at the following times: Project start, CCN application submittal, CCN approval (final order), and 6 months post CCN approval. 2.7 Progress Report #3 Data The data contained in this report was submitted by July 15th, 2011 and is current through June 30th, 2011.

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3.1 Project Summary

Project Summary

TSP CZPN Project Name Project Status

CCN Requirement

Reactive Study


Included in Progress

Report No. 4

Bandera BAAN001 Bandera Auto Completed None Required Yes Included

Bandera BALN002 Verde Creek to Bandera Line Completed None Required No Included

Brazos BRAN001 Whitney Auto Completed None Required No Included

Cross Texas CTLN001 Silverton to Tesla Line Active Approved No Included

Cross Texas CTLN002 Gray to Tesla Line Active Approved No Included

Cross Texas CTLN004 Gray to White Deer Line Active Approved No Included

Cross Texas CTSN003 Silverton to Tesla Compensation Active Approved Yes Included

Cross Texas CTSN005 Gray Reactive Compensation Active Approved Yes Included

Cross Texas CTSN006 Gray Substation Active Approved No Included

ETT ACLU001 Fort Lancaster to Hamilton Road Rebuild Active None Required No Included

ETT ANLU003 East Abilene to Putnam Line Upgrade Active Approved No Included ETT ANLU004 Putnam to Leon Line Active Approved No Included ETT ANSN001 Riley Cap Bank Active None Required Yes Included

ETT ANSU002 Abilene to Mulberry Terminal Upgrade Inactive / Canceled None Required No Not Included

ETT ANSU005 Cisco Station Inactive / Canceled None Required No Not Included

ETT ANSU006 East Abilene Station Active None Required No Included

ETT ETLN001 Clear Crossing to Dermott Line Active Approved No Included

ETT ETLN002 Tesla to Riley Line Active Approved No Included

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Project Summary

TSP CZPN Project Name Project Status

CCN Requirement

Reactive Study


Included in Progress

Report No. 4

ETT ETLN003 Riley to Edith Clarke Line Active Approved No Included

ETT ETLN004 Edith Clarke to Cottonwood Line Active Approved No Included

ETT ETLN005 Tesla to Edith Clarke Line Active Approved No Included

ETT ETLN006 Edith Clarke to Clear Crossing Line Active Approved No Included

ETT ETLN007 Clear Crossing to West Shackelford Line Active Approved No Included

ETT ETSN008 Tesla Station Active None Required Yes Included

ETT ETSN009 Tesla Compensation Active None Required Yes Included

ETT ETSN010 Tesla Cap Bank Active None Required Yes Included

ETT ETSN011 Edith Clarke Station Active None Required Yes Included

ETT ETSN012 Edith Clarke Cap Bank Active None Required Yes Included

ETT ETSN013 Edith Clarke Compensation Active None Required Yes Included

ETT ETSN014 Gauss Compensation Active None Required Yes Included

ETT ETSN015 Kirchhoff Compensation Active None Required Yes Included

ETT ETSN016 Edison Compensation Active None Required Yes Included

ETT ETSN017 Clear Crossing Station Active None Required Yes Included

ETT ETSN018 Oklaunion Station Active None Required Yes Included

ETT ETSN019 Riley Station North/South Active None Required Yes Included

ETT ETSN020 Riley 345 kV line to Oklaunion Active Filed Yes Included

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Project Summary

TSP CZPN Project Name Project Status

CCN Requirement

Reactive Study


Included in Progress

Report No. 4

ETT ETSN021 Bakersfield Station Active None Required Yes Included

ETT ETSN022 Big Hill Station Active None Required Yes Included

ETT ETSN023 STATCOM at Hamilton Road Active None Required Yes Included

ETT ETSN024 SVC at Tesla Active None Required Yes Included

ETT ETSN025 Edison Compensation Active None Required Yes Included

ETT ETSN026 Oersted Compensation Active None Required Yes Included

ETT ETSN027 Riley Compensation Active None Required Yes Included

ETT ETSN028 Clear Crossing Compensation Active None Required Yes Included

ETT ETSN029 Oersted Line Compensation Active None Required Yes Included

LCRA TSC LCAN007 North McCamey Autos Active None Required No Included

LCRA TSC LCAN025 Gillespie Auto Inactive / Canceled None Required No Not Included

LCRA TSC LCAN026 Kendall Auto Addition Active None Required Yes Included

LCRA TSC LCAU014 Kendall Auto Replace Active None Required No Included

LCRA TSC LCLN001 Gillespie to Newton Line Inactive / Canceled Denied No Not Included

LCRA TSC LCLN002 Kendall to Gillespie Line Inactive / Canceled Filed No Not Included

LCRA TSC LCLN003 Mason to Pittsburg Line Active None Required No Included

LCRA TSC LCLN005 Tippet to North McCamey Line Active Approved No Included

LCRA TSC LCLN010 Big Hill to Kendall Line Active Approved No Included

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Project Summary

TSP CZPN Project Name Project Status

CCN Requirement

Reactive Study


Included in Progress

Report No. 4

LCRA TSC LCLN011 Twin Buttes to Big Hill Line Active Approved No Included

LCRA TSC LCLN021 Divide Twin Buttes Line Upgrade Active None Required No Included

LCRA TSC LCLN026 Twin Buttes to Brown Line Active None Required No Included

LCRA TSC LCLU013 Kendall CTEC Line Rebuild Completed None Required No Included

LCRA TSC LCLU015 Raymond Barker to Verde Creek Line Rebuild Completed None Required No Included

LCRA TSC LCLU017 Goldthwaite to Evant Line Rebuild Completed None Required No Included

LCRA TSC LCLU019 Kendall to Miller Creek to Paleface Line Rebuild Active None Required Yes Included

LCRA TSC LCLU027 Morgan Creek Terminal Upgrade Inactive / Canceled None Required No Not Included

LCRA TSC LCSN012 Big Hill Compensation Active None Required Yes Included

LCRA TSC LCSN024 Gillespie Compensation Inactive / Canceled None Required Yes Not Included

LCRA TSC LCSN028 Gillespie to Newton Substation Inactive / Canceled None Required No Not Included

LCRA TSC LCSN029 Mason to Pittsburg Substation Active None Required No Included

LCRA TSC LCSN030 Bakersfield Substation Active None Required No Included

LCRA TSC LCSN031 Big Hill Substation Active None Required No Included

LCRA TSC LCSN032 Divide Substation related to WETT's Sandy Bluff (Central D) to Divide Active None Required No Included

LCRA TSC LCSN033 Twin Buttes Substation Upgrades for McCamey D Line Active None Required No Included

LCRA TSC LCSN034 Substations related to Kendall to Miller Creek to Paleface 138-kV line Active None Required Yes Included

LCRA TSC LCSN035 North McCamey Substation related to STECs Bakersfield to North McCamey to Odessa Lines Active None Required Yes Included

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Project Summary

TSP CZPN Project Name Project Status

CCN Requirement

Reactive Study


Included in Progress

Report No. 4

LCRA TSC LCSU006 Tippet and North McCamey Substation Active None Required No Included

LCRA TSC LCSU016 Raymond Barker Substation Completed None Required No Included

LCRA TSC LCSU020 Twin Buttes Substation Upgrades for Brown Line Active None Required No Included

LCRA TSC LCSU022 Divide & Twin Buttes Terminal Upgrades Active None Required No Included

LCRA TSC LCSU023 Gillespie Substation Upgrade Inactive / Canceled  None Required No Not Included

LCRA TSC LCSU034 Kendall to Gillespie Substations Inactive / Canceled  None Required No Not Included

LCRA TSC LCSU035 Big Hill to Kendall Substations Active None Required No Included

LCRA TSC LCSX018 Goldthwaite Evant Substation Inactive / Canceled None Required No Not Included

Lone Star LSLN001 Scurry County South to West Shackelford Line Active Approved No Included

Lone Star LSLN002 West Shackelford to Navarro/Sam Switch Line Active Approved No Included

Lone Star LSLN007 Sam Switch to Navarro Line Active Approved No Included

Lone Star LSSN003 West Shackelford to Navarro/Sam Switch Compensation Active Approved Yes Included

Lone Star LSSN004 West Shackelford Compensation Active Approved Yes Included

Lone Star LSSN005 Navarro Substation Active Approved No Included

Lone Star LSSN006 Sam Switch Substation Active Approved No Included

Lone Star LSSN008 West Shackelford substation Active Approved No Included

Lone Star LSSN009 Reactive Compensation at Romney Active Approved Yes Included

Oncor ONAN013 Eagle Mountain Auto Active None Required No Included

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Project Summary

TSP CZPN Project Name Project Status

CCN Requirement

Reactive Study


Included in Progress

Report No. 4

Oncor ONLN001 Bluff Creek to Brown Line Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONLN002 Scurry County South to Tonkaw Line Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONLN003 Dermott to Scurry County South Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONLN009 Clear Crossing to Willow Creek Line Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONLN011 Central Bluff to Bluff Creek Line Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONLN014 Newton to Killeen Line Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONLN016 Riley to West Krum Line Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONLN017 Parker to Everman Line Active None Required No Included

Oncor ONLN022 Sweetwater to Central Bluff Line Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONLN023 Tonkawa to Sweetwater Line Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONLN027 Ector County North to Moss Line Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONLN028 West Krum to Anna Line Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONLN029 West Krum to Carrolton NW Line Active None Required No Included

Oncor ONLN030 Willow Creek to Hicks Line Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONLN031 Riley-Bowman Line Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONLN032 Brown-Newton Line Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONLU012 Eagle Mountain-Hicks-Alliance-Roanoke Terminal Equipment Active None Required No Included

Oncor ONLU018 Jacksboro - Willow Creek - Parker Line Rebuild Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONLU021 Bowman to Jacksboro Line Upgrade Active Approved No Included

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Project Summary

TSP CZPN Project Name Project Status

CCN Requirement

Reactive Study


Included in Progress

Report No. 4

Oncor ONLU024 Bowman to Fisher Road Terminal Upgrade Active None Required No Included

Oncor ONLU025 Bowman to Graham Terminal Upgrade Active None Required No Included

Oncor ONLU026 Roanoke to Alliance Terminal Upgrade Active None Required No Included

Oncor ONLU038 Leon-Cisco Line Upgrade Active None Required No Included

Oncor ONLU039 Twin Buttes to Brown Line Active None Required No Included

Oncor ONLU041 Morgan Creek to Twin Buttes Terminal Upgrade Inactive / Canceled None Required No Not Included

Oncor ONLU042 Killeen - Salado Line Active None Required No Included

Oncor ONSN004 Scurry County South Compensation Active Approved Yes Included

Oncor ONSN005 Dermott Compensation Active Approved Yes Included

Oncor ONSN006 Scurry County South Station Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONSN007 Dermott Station Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONSN010 Clear Crossing to Willow Creek Compensation Active Approved Yes Included

Oncor ONSN033 Brown Station Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONSN034 Brown Compensation Active Approved Yes Included

Oncor ONSN035 Newton Station Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONSN036 Hicks Station Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONSN037 West Krum Station Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONSN045 Central Bluff Switch Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONSN052 Sweetwater East Switch Active Approved No Included

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Project Summary

TSP CZPN Project Name Project Status

CCN Requirement

Reactive Study


Included in Progress

Report No. 4

Oncor ONSN053 Ector County North Switch Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONSN055 Graham Compensation Active None Required Yes Included

Oncor ONSN056 Brown Capacitor Bank New None Required No Included

Oncor ONSN057 Brown SVC New None Required No Included

Oncor ONSN058 Krum West Shunt Reactor New None Required No Included

Oncor ONSN059 Krum West Capacitor Bank New None Required No Included

Oncor ONSN060 Willow Creek Shunt Reactor New None Required No Included

Oncor ONSN061 Scurry Capacitor Bank New None Required No Included

Oncor ONSN062 Killeen Capacitor Bank New None Required No Included

Oncor ONSN063 Parker SVC New None Required No Included

Oncor ONSU008 Tonkawa Station Expansion Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONSU015 Killeen Station Upgrade Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONSU019 Jacksboro Station Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONSU020 Willow Creek Station Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONSU043 Bowman Switch Upgrade Active Approved No Included

Oncor ONSU044 Carrollton NW Terminal Active None Required No Included

Oncor ONSU046 Everman Switch Upgrade Active None Required No Included

Oncor ONSU047 Leon Terminal Active None Required No Included

Oncor ONSU048 Moss Terminal Active Approved No Included

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Project Summary

TSP CZPN Project Name Project Status

CCN Requirement

Reactive Study


Included in Progress

Report No. 4

Oncor ONSU049 Odessa EHV Active None Required No Included

Oncor ONSU050 Parker Switch Upgrade Active None Required No Included

Oncor ONSU051 Salado Terminal Active None Required No Included

Oncor ONSU054 Anna Terminal Active Approved No Included

Sharyland SHLN001 Nazareth to Hereford Line Active Approved No Included

Sharyland SHLN002 Nazareth to Silverton Line Active Approved No Included

Sharyland SHLN003 Hereford to White Deer Line Active Approved No Included

Sharyland SHLN006 White Deer to Silverton Line Active Approved No Included

Sharyland SHLN007 Silverton to Cottonwood Line Active Approved No Included

Sharyland SHSN005 Hereford Reactive Compensation Active None Required Yes Included

Sharyland SHSN008 Silverton Reactive Compensation Active None Required Yes Included

Sharyland SHSN009 Silverton Collection Station Inactive / Canceled None Required Yes Not Included

Sharyland SHSN010 Hereford Substation New None Required No Included

Sharyland SHSN011 Silverton Substation New None Required No Included

Sharyland SHSN012 Nazareth Reactive Compensation New None Required No Included

Sharyland SHSN013 Nazareth Substation New None Required No Included

Sharyland SHSN014 White Deer Reactive Compensation New None Required No Included

Sharyland SHSN015 White Deer Substation New None Required No Included

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

17 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


Project Summary

TSP CZPN Project Name Project Status

CCN Requirement

Reactive Study


Included in Progress

Report No. 4

STEC LCLN004 North McCamey to Odessa Line Combined w/LCLN009 In Development No Not Included

STEC LCLN009 Odessa to Bakersfield Line Active Filed No Included

STEC STLN001 Bakersfield to Big Hill Line Active Order Issued No Included TMPA and Center Point CPLU001 Singleton to Gibbons Creek Terminal Upgrade Completed None Required No Included WETT WTLN001 Sand Bluff to Divide Line Active Approved No Included WETT WTLN002 Sand Bluff to Bearkat Line Active Approved No Included WETT WTLN003 Cottonwood to Dermott Line Active Approved No Included WETT WTLN006 Long Draw to Grelton Line Active Approved No Included WETT WTLN007 Long Draw to Sand Bluff Line Active Approved No Included WETT WTLN008 Grelton to Odessa Line Active Approved No Included WETT WTLN009 Scurry County South to Long Draw Line Active Approved No Included

WETT WTLN010 Cottonwood Substation Active Approved No Included

WETT WTLN011 Long Draw Substation Active Approved No Included

WETT WTLN012 Grelton Substation Active Approved No Included WETT WTLN013 Sand Bluff Substation Active Approved No Included WETT WTLN014 Bearkat Substation Active Approved No Included

WETT WTSN004 Cottonwood Cap Bank Inactive / Canceled Approved Yes Not Included

WETT WTSN005 Cottowood Reactive Compensation Active Approved Yes Included

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3.2 Bandera Electric Cooperative

 Bandera Electric Cooperative, Inc. has been member-owned since 1938 and serves the Bandera, Bexar, Kendall, Kerr, Medina, Real, and Uvalde Texas counties.

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CCN Application Status ‐ Bandera Electric Cooperative Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN  CCN Status  Docket  CCN Filing  CCN Decision 

1  Verde Creek to Bandera Line  BALN002  None Required  36146       

2  Bandera  Auto  BAAN001  None Required  36146       

Schedule Summary ‐ Bandera Electric Cooperative 

Map #  Project  CZPN 

Baseline Construction 

Start Baseline 

Energization Current 

Energization Days 


% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based 


1  Verde Creek to Bandera Line  BALN002  2/1/2010 6/16/2010 6/16/2010 0  0%   Project Data 

2  Bandera  Auto  BAAN001  2/15/2010 7/1/2010 7/1/2010 0  0%    Project Data 

Budget Summary ‐ Bandera Electric Cooperative 

Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN 

CTO Miles 

Current Miles 

CTO Estimate 

Baseline Estimate 

Current Estimate 

% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based 


1  Verde Creek to Bandera Line  BALN002  16 15 $16,000,000 $8,450,000 $3,929,734 ‐53%    Project Data 

2  Bandera  Auto  BAAN001  0 $4,000,000 $2,570,000 $1,929,567 ‐25%    Project Data 

   Totals     16.0 15.0 $20,000,000 $11,020,000 $5,859,301 ‐47%    

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3.3 Brazos Electric Cooperative  Brazos Electric is a 3,000 megawatt generation and transmission cooperative whose members' service territory extends across 68 counties from the Texas Panhandle to Houston. Organized in 1941, Brazos Electric was the first cooperative formed in the Lone Star state for the purpose of generating and supplying electrical power. Today, it is the largest generation and transmission cooperative in Texas. Brazos Electric is the wholesale power supplier for its 16 member-owner distribution cooperatives and one municipal system.

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CCN Application Status ‐ Brazos Electric Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN  CCN Status  Docket  CCN Filing  CCN Decision 

1  Whitney Auto  BRAN001  None Required  N/A       

Schedule Summary ‐ Brazos Electric 

Map #  Project  CZPN 

Baseline Construction 

Start Baseline 

Energization Current 



% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

1  Whitney Auto  BRAN001  2/23/2009 12/20/2009  12/20/2009 0 0%  Project Data 

Budget Summary ‐ Brazos Electric 

Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN 

CTO Miles 

Current Miles  CTO Estimate 

Baseline Estimate 

Current Estimate 

% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

1  Whitney Auto  BRAN001  0 $5,000,000  $19,022,000 $16,548,929 ‐13%  Project Data 

   Totals     $5,000,000  $19,022,000 $16,548,929 ‐13%    

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3.4 Cross Texas Transmission  Cross Texas Transmission is a designated transmission service provider in Texas. Cross Texas Transmission will construct, operate and maintain over 200 miles of double circuit 345-kV transmission lines and associated equipment generally located in the Texas Panhandle.   


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CCN Application Status ‐ Cross Texas Transmission Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN  CCN Status  Docket  CCN Filing  CCN Decision 

1  Silverton to Tesla Line  CTLN001  Approved  38435 7/28/2010 (Actual) 

1/19/2011  (Actual) 

2  Gray to Tesla Line  CTLN002  Approved  37956 5/3/2010 (Actual) 

9/15/2010  (Actual) 

3  Gray to White Deer Line  CTLN004  Approved  38650 9/29/2010 (Actual) 

3/4/2011  (Actual) 

4  Silverton to Tesla Compensation  CTSN003  Approved  38435 7/28/2010 (Actual) 

1/19/2011  (Actual) 

5  Gray Reactive Compensation  CTSN005  Approved  37956 5/3/2010 (Actual) 

9/15/2010  (Actual) 

6  Gray Substation  CTSN006  Approved  37956 5/3/2010 (Actual) 

9/15/2010  (Actual) 

Schedule Summary ‐ Cross Texas Transmission 

Map #  Project  CZPN 

Baseline Construction 

Start Baseline 

Energization Current 



% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

1  Silverton to Tesla Line  CTLN001  11/1/2011 9/1/2013  9/1/2013 0 0% Final Order 

2  Gray to Tesla Line  CTLN002  7/1/2011 3/1/2013  3/1/2013 0 0%6 Mo Post Order 

3  Gray to White Deer Line  CTLN004  9/1/2011 3/1/2013  3/1/2013 0 0%CCN Approval 

4  Silverton to Tesla Compensation  CTSN003  11/1/2011 9/1/2013  9/1/2013 0 0% Project Data

5  Gray Reactive Compensation  CTSN005  7/1/2011 3/1/2013  3/1/2013 0 0% Project Data

6  Gray Substation  CTSN006  7/1/2011 3/1/2013  3/1/2013 0 0% Project Data

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Budget Summary ‐ Cross Texas Transmission 

Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN 

CTO Miles 

Current Miles  CTO Estimate 

Baseline Estimate 

Current Estimate 

% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

1  Silverton to Tesla Line  CTLN001  80 85 $136,690,000 $130,130,000 $128,963,000 ‐1%  Final Order 

2  Gray to Tesla Line  CTLN002  105 109 $176,720,000 $171,946,000 $169,788,000 ‐1% 6 Mo Post Order 

3  Gray to White Deer Line  CTLN004  37 40 $62,160,000 $77,100,000 $62,000,000 ‐20% CCN Approval 

4 Silverton to Tesla Compensation  CTSN003     $25,000,000 $50,000,000 $24,345,500 ‐51%  Project Data 

5 Gray Reactive Compensation  CTSN005     $2,000,000 $8,000,000 $12,800,000 60%  Project Data 

6  Gray Substation  CTSN006     $21,706,000 $20,780,000 ‐4%  Project Data 

   Totals     222.0 234.0 $402,570,000 $458,882,000 $418,676,500 ‐9%    

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3.5 Electric Transmission Texas   Electric Transmission Texas, LLC (ETT) is a joint venture between subsidiaries of American Electric Power and MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company, which is certificated to build and own transmission projects within ERCOT.      

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CCN Application Status ‐ Electric Transmission Texas (ETT) Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN  CCN Status  Docket  CCN Filing  CCN Decision 

1  Fort Lancaster to Hamilton Road Rebuild  ACLU001  None Required  Exempt CCN       

2  East Abilene to Putnam Line Upgrade  ANLU003  Approved  38423 8/24/2010 (Actual) 

1/27/2011  (Actual) 

3  Putnam to Leon Line  ANLU004  Approved  Exempt CCN 8/24/2010 (Actual)    

4  Clear Crossing to Dermott Line  ETLN001  Approved  37951 5/3/2010 (Actual) 

8/30/2010  (Actual) 

5  Tesla to Riley Line  ETLN002  Approved  38494 8/18/2010 (Actual) 

12/20/2010  (Actual) 

6  Riley to Edith Clarke Line  ETLN003  Approved*  38562 9/8/2010 (Actual) 

3/7/2011  (Actual) 

7  Edith Clarke to Cottonwood Line  ETLN004  Approved*  38562 9/8/2010 (Actual) 

3/7/2011  (Actual) 

8  Tesla to Edith Clarke Line  ETLN005  Approved  38743 10/20/2010 (Actual) 

4/18/2011  (Actual) 

9  Edith Clarke to Clear Crossing Line  ETLN006  Approved  38743 10/20/2010 (Actual) 

4/18/2011  (Actual) 

10  Clear Crossing to West Shackelford Line  ETLN007  Approved  38743 10/20/2010 (Actual) 

4/18/2011  (Actual) 

11  Riley Cap Bank  ANSN001  None Required       

12  Abilene to Mulberry Terminal Upgrade  ANSU002  None Required  Project Canceled 

13  Cisco Station  ANSU005  None Required  Project Canceled 

14  East Abilene Station  ANSU006  None Required       

15  Tesla Station  ETSN008  None Required       

16  Tesla Compensation  ETSN009  None Required       

17  Tesla Cap Bank  ETSN010  None Required       

18  Edith Clarke Station  ETSN011  None Required       

19  Edith Clarke Cap Bank  ETSN012  None Required       

20  Edith Clarke Compensation  ETSN013  None Required       

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CCN Application Status ‐ Electric Transmission Texas (ETT) Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN  CCN Status  Docket  CCN Filing  CCN Decision 

21  Gauss Compensation  ETSN014  None Required       

22  Kirchhoff Compensation  ETSN015  None Required       

23  Edison Compensation  ETSN016  None Required       

24  Clear Crossing Station  ETSN017  None Required  37951       

25  Oklaunion Station  ETSN018  None Required       

26  Riley Station North/South  ETSN019  None Required  38494       

27  Riley 345 kV line to Oklaunion  ETSN020 


9/28/2010 (Actual) 

12/16/2010  (Actual) 

28  Bakersfield Station  ETSN021  None Required       

29  Big Hill Station  ETSN022  None Required       

30  STATCOM at Hamilton Road  ETSN023  None Required       

31  SVC at Tesla  ETSN024  None Required       

32  Edison Compensation  ETSN025  None Required       

33  Oersted Compensation  ETSN026  None Required       

34  Riley Compensation  ETSN027  None Required       

35  Clear Crossing Compensation  ETSN028  None Required       

36  Oersted Line Compensation  ETSN029  None Required       * Indicates a motion for rehearing has been received for a project

Schedule Summary ‐ Electric Transmission Texas (ETT) 

Map #  Project  CZPN 

Baseline Construction 

Start Baseline 

Energization Current 



% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

1 Fort Lancaster to Hamilton Road Rebuild  ACLU001  6/1/2011 2/1/2012  2/28/2012 27  11%  Project Data 

2 East Abilene to Putnam Line Upgrade  ANLU003  8/1/2011 10/1/2012  10/1/2012 0  0%  Pre‐CCN 

3  Putnam to Leon Line  ANLU004  9/21/2010 6/1/2011  10/1/2012 488  193%  Project Data 

4  Clear Crossing to Dermott Line  ETLN001  3/1/2012 9/7/2013  9/1/2013 ‐6  ‐1%  Final Order 

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Schedule Summary ‐ Electric Transmission Texas (ETT) 

Map #  Project  CZPN 

Baseline Construction 

Start Baseline 

Energization Current 



% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

5  Tesla to Riley Line  ETLN002  10/1/2011 6/12/2013  6/30/2013 18  3%  Final Order 

6  Riley to Edith Clarke Line  ETLN003  12/22/2011 7/10/2013  3/25/2013 ‐107  ‐19%  CCN Filing 

7  Edith Clarke to Cottonwood Line  ETLN004  11/23/2011 7/10/2013  10/1/2013 83  14%  CCN Filing 

8  Tesla to Edith Clarke Line  ETLN005  10/11/2011 6/1/2013  3/27/2013 ‐66  ‐11%  CCN Filing 

9  Edith Clarke to Clear Crossing Line  ETLN006  2/23/2012 6/1/2013  9/25/2013 116  25%  CCN Filing 

10 Clear Crossing to West Shackelford Line  ETLN007  2/23/2012 6/1/2013  9/1/2013 92  20%  CCN Filing 

11  Riley Cap Bank  ANSN001  4/1/2012 9/30/2012  6/1/2013 244  134%  Project Data 

12 Abilene to Mulberry Terminal Upgrade  ANSU002  Project Canceled 

13  Cisco Station  ANSU005  Project Canceled 

14 Abilene to Mulberry Terminal Upgrade  ANSU002  6/1/2011 10/1/2012  10/1/2012 0  0%  Project Data 

15  Cisco Station  ANSU005  8/9/2010 6/1/2013  3/1/2013 ‐92  ‐9%  Project Data 

16  Tesla Compensation  ETSN009  4/1/2012 9/30/2012  3/1/2013 152  84%  Project Data 

17  Tesla Cap Bank  ETSN010  10/1/2010 3/27/2013  3/1/2013 ‐26  ‐3%  Project Data 

18  Edith Clarke Station  ETSN011  11/23/2011 7/10/2013  3/25/2013 ‐107  ‐18%  Project Data 

19  Edith Clarke Cap Bank  ETSN012  4/1/2012 3/25/2013  3/25/2013 0  0%  Project Data 

20  Edith Clarke Compensation  ETSN013  4/1/2012 3/25/2013  3/25/2013 0  0%  Project Data 

21  Gauss Compensation  ETSN014  4/1/2012 9/30/2012  12/15/2013 441  242%  Project Data 

22  Kirchhoff Compensation  ETSN015  3/1/2012 9/7/2013  12/15/2013 99  18%  Project Data 

23  Edison Compensation  ETSN016  4/1/2012 9/30/2012  12/15/2013 441  242%  Project Data 

24  Clear Crossing Station  ETSN017  8/1/2011 3/31/2013  9/1/2013 154  25%  Project Data 

25  Oklaunion Station  ETSN018  2/1/2011 5/31/2011  12/1/2011 184  155%  Project Data 

26  Riley Station North/South  ETSN019  4/10/2010 6/1/2013  6/1/2013 0  0%  Project Data 

27  Riley 345 kV line to Oklaunion  ETSN020  8/1/2012 6/1/2013  12/1/2011 ‐548  ‐180%  Project Data 

28  Bakersfield Station  ETSN021  5/1/2013 10/31/2013  10/31/2013 0  0%  Project Data 

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Schedule Summary ‐ Electric Transmission Texas (ETT) 

Map #  Project  CZPN 

Baseline Construction 

Start Baseline 

Energization Current 



% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

29  Big Hill Station  ETSN022  5/1/2013 10/31/2013  10/31/2013 0  0%  Project Data 

30  STATCOM at Hamilton Road  ETSN023  6/1/2011 2/28/2012  10/1/2013 581  214%  Project Data 

31  SVC at Tesla  ETSN024  11/1/2012 10/1/2013 10/1/2013 0  0%  Project Data 

32  Edison Compensation  ETSN025  12/1/2012 12/15/2013 12/15/2013 0  0%  Project Data 

33  Oersted Compensation  ETSN026  12/1/2012 12/15/2013 12/15/2013 0  0%  Project Data 

34  Riley Compensation  ETSN027  3/1/2012 6/1/2013 6/1/2013 0  0%  Project Data 

35  Clear Crossing Compensation  ETSN028  8/1/2012 9/1/2013 9/1/2013 0  0%  Project Data 

36  Oersted Line Compensation  ETSN029  12/1/2012 12/15/2013 12/15/2013 0  0%  Project Data 

Budget Summary ‐ Electric Transmission Texas (ETT) 

Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN 

CTO Miles 

Current Miles  CTO Estimate 

Baseline Estimate 

Current Estimate 

% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

1 Fort Lancaster to Hamilton Road Rebuild  ACLU001  88 115 $88,000,000 $115,903,451 $115,903,451 0% 

Project Data 

2 East Abilene to Putnam Line Upgrade  ANLU003  56 32 $56,000,000 $20,551,611 $20,551,611 0%  Pre‐CCN 

3  Putnam to Leon Line  ANLU004  31 $18,073,553 $20,551,611 14% Project Data 

4 Clear Crossing to Dermott Line  ETLN001  68 85.2 $127,840,000 $152,967,342 $171,127,000 12%  Final Order 

5  Tesla to Riley Line  ETLN002  45 64 $75,280,000 $111,763,676 $128,046,000 15%  Final Order 

6  Riley to Edith Clarke Line  ETLN003  62 43 $104,160,000 $87,230,334 $86,000,000 ‐1%  CCN Filing 

7 Edith Clarke to Cottonwood Line  ETLN004  37 89 $62,160,000 $147,692,071 $158,000,000 7%  CCN Filing 

8  Tesla to Edith Clarke Line  ETLN005  25 47.6 $42,710,000 $89,102,199 $76,922,862 ‐14%  CCN Filing 

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Budget Summary ‐ Electric Transmission Texas (ETT) 

Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN 

CTO Miles 

Current Miles  CTO Estimate 

Baseline Estimate 

Current Estimate 

% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

9 Edith Clarke to Clear Crossing Line  ETLN006  117 85 $219,960,000 $158,716,745 $139,647,093 ‐12%  CCN Filing 

10 Clear Crossing to West Shackelford Line  ETLN007  34 $63,251,351 $54,940,962 ‐13%  CCN Filing 

11  Riley Cap Bank  ANSN001     $11,000,000 $11,333,000 $3,355,000 ‐70% Project Data 

12 Abilene to Mulberry Terminal Upgrade  ANSU002     $1,000,000 Project Canceled 

13  Cisco Station  ANSU005     Project Canceled 

14  East Abilene Station  ANSU006     $6,941,000 $6,941,000 0% Project Data 

15  Tesla Station  ETSN008     $20,000,000 $43,184,676 $44,865,327 4% Project Data 

16  Tesla Compensation  ETSN009     $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $8,188,000 173%  Project Data 

17  Tesla Cap Bank  ETSN010     $6,000,000 $6,001,000 $3,411,000 ‐43% Project Data 

18  Edith Clarke Station  ETSN011     $15,000,000 $54,323,016 $45,180,149 ‐17% Project Data 

19  Edith Clarke Cap Bank  ETSN012     $9,000,000 $9,000,000 $3,466,000 ‐61% Project Data 

20  Edith Clarke Compensation  ETSN013     $5,500,000 $5,500,000 $8,229,000 50% Project Data 

21  Gauss Compensation  ETSN014     $60,000,000 $38,431,000 ‐36% Project Data 

22  Kirchhoff Compensation  ETSN015     $30,000,000 $40,696,995 $38,431,000 ‐6% Project Data 

23  Edison Compensation  ETSN016     $60,000,000 $125,135,839 $39,020,000 ‐69% Project Data 

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Budget Summary ‐ Electric Transmission Texas (ETT) 

Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN 

CTO Miles 

Current Miles  CTO Estimate 

Baseline Estimate 

Current Estimate 

% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

24  Clear Crossing Station  ETSN017     $40,791,000 $44,667,000 10% Project Data 

25  Oklaunion Station  ETSN018     $16,553,752 $5,407,000 ‐67% Project Data 

26  Riley Station North/South  ETSN019     $39,524,626 $39,784,831 1% Project Data 

27 Riley 345 kV line to Oklaunion  ETSN020     $5,569,484 $5,497,000 ‐1% 

Project Data 

28  Bakersfield Station  ETSN021     $2,751,052 $2,649,000 ‐4% Project Data 

29  Big Hill Station  ETSN022     $8,526,537 $8,206,000 ‐4% Project Data 

30 STATCOM at Hamilton Road  ETSN023     $50,343,162 $58,940,000 17% 

Project Data 

31  SVC at Tesla  ETSN024     $49,837,834 $53,763,000 8% Project Data 

32  Edison Compensation  ETSN025     $4,000,000 $4,286,000 7% Project Data 

33  Oersted Compensation  ETSN026     $4,021,298 $4,286,000 7% Project Data 

34  Riley Compensation  ETSN027     $12,063,894 $9,545,000 ‐21% Project Data 

35 Clear Crossing Compensation  ETSN028     $12,063,894 $12,834,000 6% 

Project Data 

36 Oersted Line Compensation  ETSN029     $22,275,626 $39,011,000 75% 

Project Data 

   Totals     498.0 625.2 $936,610,000 $1,598,690,018 $1,500,083,897 ‐6%    

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3.6 Lower Colorado River Authority Transmission Service Corporation LCRA TSC is an existing ERCOT transmission utility that commenced operations in 2002 as a successor in interest to the transmission business unit of the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA). LCRA is a conservation and reclamation district that provides energy, water and community services to improve the quality of life for the people of Texas. Created by the Texas Legislature in 1934, LCRA owned and operated its transmission system for over 60 years, receiving its Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN No. 30110) from the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) in 1978. In 2001 the PUCT authorized transfer of the LCRA transmission system and its CCN to LCRA TSC.

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CCN Application Status ‐ Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN  CCN Status  Docket  CCN Filing  CCN Decision 

1  Gillespie to Newton Line  LCLN001  None Required  37448  Project Canceled  

2  Kendall to Gillespie Line  LCLN002  None Required  38354  Project Canceled 

3  Mason to Pittsburg Line  LCLN003  None Required  36802       

4  Tippet to North McCamey Line  LCLN005  CCN Approved  36686 2/27/2009 (Actual) 

7/9/2009  (Actual) 

5  Big Hill to Kendall Line  LCLN010  CCN Approved  38354 7/28/2010 (Actual) 

1/24/2011  (Actual) 

6  Twin Buttes to Big Hill Line  LCLN011  Approved  37778 1/15/2010 (Actual) 

7/1/2010  (Actual) 

7  Divide Twin Buttes Line Upgrade  LCLN021  None Required  36146       

8  Twin Buttes to Brown Line  LCLN026  None Required 35665 and 36146       

9  Kendall CTEC Line Rebuild  LCLU013  None Required  36146       

10  Raymond Barker to Verde Creek Line Rebuild  LCLU015  None Required  36146       

11  Goldthwaite to Evant Line Rebuild  LCLU017  None Required  36146       

12  North McCamey Autos  LCAN007  None Required  36146       

13  Gillespie Auto  LCAN025  None Required  36146  Project Canceled  

14  Kendall Auto Replace  LCAU014  None Required  36146       

15  Big Hill Compensation  LCSN012  None Required  35665       

16  Gillespie Compensation  LCSN024  None Required  36146  Project Canceled 

17  Gillespie to Newton Substation  LCSN028  None Required  Project Canceled 

18  Mason to Pittsburg Substation  LCSN029  None Required       

19  Bakersfield Substation  LCSN030  None Required 35665 and 36146       

20  Big Hill Substation  LCSN031  None Required 35665 and 36146       

21  Tippet and North McCamey Substation  LCSU006  None Required  36146       

22  Raymond Barker Substation  LCSU016  None Required  36146       

23  Twin Buttes Substation Upgrades for Brown Line  LCSU020  None Required  36146       

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

34 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


CCN Application Status ‐ Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN  CCN Status  Docket  CCN Filing  CCN Decision 

24  Divide & Twin Buttes Terminal Upgrades  LCSU022  None Required  36146       

25  Gillespie Substation Upgrade  LCSU023  None Required  36146       

26  Goldthwaite Evant Substation  LCSX018  None Required  36146  Project Canceled 

27 Divide Substation related to WETT's Sandy Bluff (Central D) to Divide  LCSN032  None Required       

28  Twin Buttes Substation Upgrades for McCamey D Line  LCSN033  None Required       

29  Kendall to Gillespie Substations  LCSU034  None Required  Project Canceled 

30  Big Hill to Kendall Substations  LCSU035  None Required       

31  Kendall Auto Addition  LCAN026  None Required  38577       

32  Kendall to Miller Creek to Paleface Line Rebuild  LCLU019  None Required  38577       

33  Morgan Creek Terminal Upgrade  LCLU027  None required  36146  Project Canceled 

34 Substations related to Kendall to Miller Creek to Paleface 138‐kV line  LCSN034  None Required       

35 North McCamey Substation related to STECs Bakersfield to North McCamey to Odessa Lines  LCSN035  None Required       

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

35 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


Schedule Summary ‐ Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) 

Map #  Project  CZPN 

Baseline Construction 

Start Baseline 

Energization Current 



% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

1  Gillespie to Newton Line  LCLN001  Project Canceled

2  Kendall to Gillespie Line  LCLN002  Project Canceled

3  Mason to Pittsburg Line  LCLN003  7/31/2010 11/30/2011  11/30/2011 0  0%  Project Data

4  Tippet to North McCamey Line  LCLN005  7/15/2010 12/15/2010  10/1/2010 ‐75  ‐49% 24 Mo Post Order 

5  Big Hill to Kendall Line  LCLN010  9/30/2012 12/31/2013  12/31/2013 0  0%  Final Order 

6  Twin Buttes to Big Hill Line  LCLN011  12/31/2011 12/31/2012  12/31/2012 0  0% 12 Mo Post Order 

7  Divide Twin Buttes Line Upgrade  LCLN021  1/30/2010 6/30/2010  6/3/2010 ‐27  ‐18%  Project Data

8  Twin Buttes to Brown Line  LCLN026  1/1/2010 6/30/2010  6/14/2010 ‐16  ‐9%  Project Data

9  Kendall CTEC Line Rebuild  LCLU013  9/30/2009 9/30/2009  9/30/2009 0  0%  Project Data

10 Raymond Barker to Verde Creek Line Rebuild  LCLU015  9/30/2009 12/31/2009  12/11/2009 ‐20  ‐22%  Project Data

11  Goldthwaite to Evant Line Rebuild  LCLU017  1/1/2010 6/30/2010  5/24/2010 ‐37  ‐21%  Project Data

12  North McCamey Autos  LCAN007  9/30/2012 7/31/2013  7/31/2013 0  0%  Project Data

13  Gillespie Auto  LCAN025  Project Canceled

14  Kendall Auto Replace  LCAU014  6/30/2011 1/31/2012  1/31/2012 0  0%  Project Data

15  Big Hill Compensation  LCSN012  11/30/2012 5/31/2013  5/31/2013 0  0%  Project Data

16  Gillespie Compensation  LCSN024  Project Canceled

17  Gillespie to Newton Substation  LCSN028  Project Canceled

18  Mason to Pittsburg Substation  LCSN029  6/30/2010 11/30/2011  11/30/2011 0  0%  Project Data

19  Bakersfield Substation  LCSN030  8/31/2012 8/31/2013  8/31/2013 0  0%  Project Data

20  Big Hill Substation  LCSN031  2/28/2011 12/31/2012  12/31/2012 0  0%  Project Data

21  Tippet and North McCamey Substation  LCSU006  7/15/2010 12/15/2010  10/1/2010 ‐75  ‐49%  Project Data

22  Raymond Barker Substation  LCSU016  6/30/2009 6/30/2009  6/30/2009 0  0%  Project Data

23 Twin Buttes Substation Upgrades for Brown Line  LCSU020  1/1/2010 6/30/2010  6/14/2010 ‐16  ‐9%  Project Data

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

36 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


Schedule Summary ‐ Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) 

Map #  Project  CZPN 

Baseline Construction 

Start Baseline 

Energization Current 



% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

24  Divide & Twin Buttes Terminal Upgrades  LCSU022  11/30/2009 6/30/2010  6/3/2010 ‐27  ‐13%  Project Data

25  Gillespie Substation Upgrade  LCSU023  Project Canceled

26  Goldthwaite Evant Substation  LCSX018  Project Canceled

27 Divide Substation related to WETT's Sandy Bluff (Central D) to Divide  LCSN032  3/31/2011 8/31/2011  10/31/2012 427  279%  Project Data

28 Twin Buttes Substation Upgrades for McCamey D Line  LCSN033  12/1/2011 12/1/2012  12/31/2012 30  8%  Project Data

29  Kendall to Gillespie Substations  LCSU034  Project Canceled

30  Big Hill to Kendall Substations  LCSU035  9/30/2012 12/31/2013  12/31/2013 0  0%  Project Data

31  Kendall Auto Addition  LCAN026  12/31/2011 10/31/2012  10/31/2012 0  0%  Project Data

32 Kendall to Miller Creek to Paleface Line Rebuild  LCLU019  9/30/2012 6/30/2013  6/30/2013 0  0%  Project Data

33  Morgan Creek Terminal Upgrade  LCLU027  Project Canceled 

34 Substations related to Kendall to Miller Creek to Paleface 138‐kV line  LCSN034  9/30/2012 6/30/2013  6/30/2013 0  0%  Project Data


North McCamey Substation related to STECs Bakersfield to North McCamey to Odessa Lines  LCSN035  6/30/2013 12/31/2013  12/31/2013 0  0%  Project Data

Budget Summary ‐ Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) 

Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN 

CTO Miles 

Current Miles  CTO Estimate 

Baseline Estimate 

Current Estimate 

% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

1  Gillespie to Newton Line  LCLN001  105 0 $136,500,000 Project Canceled 

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

37 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


Budget Summary ‐ Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) 

Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN 

CTO Miles 

Current Miles  CTO Estimate 

Baseline Estimate 

Current Estimate 

% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

2  Kendall to Gillespie Line  LCLN002  18 0 $23,400,000 Project Canceled 

3  Mason to Pittsburg Line  LCLN003  18 34 $18,000,000 $20,218,000 $20,505,000 1%  Project Data 

4 Tippet to North McCamey Line  LCLN005  15 15 $3,750,000 $7,106,000 $4,220,103 ‐41% 

24 Mo Post Order 

5  Big Hill to Kendall Line  LCLN010  137 140 $257,560,000 $341,128,000 $341,128,000 0%  Final Order 

6  Twin Buttes to Big Hill Line  LCLN011  31 38 $46,500,000 $76,155,348 $58,233,423 ‐24% 12 Mo Post Order 

7 Divide Twin Buttes Line Upgrade  LCLN021  25 31 $7,000,000 $14,379,000 $8,640,000 ‐40%  Project Data 

8  Twin Buttes to Brown Line  LCLN026  94 88 $28,200,000 $40,718,000 $27,175,175 ‐33%  Project Data 

9  Kendall CTEC Line Rebuild  LCLU013  0 0.21 $90,000 $130,577 $129,683 ‐1%  Project Data 

10 Raymond Barker to Verde Creek Line Rebuild  LCLU015  2 1.91 $2,000,000 $4,765,251 $3,030,552 ‐36%  Project Data 

11 Goldthwaite to Evant Line Rebuild  LCLU017  24 $25,000,000 $14,790,000 $9,546,603 ‐35%  Project Data 

12  North McCamey Autos  LCAN007     $16,000,000 $30,752,000 $30,752,000 0%  Project Data 

13  Gillespie Auto  LCAN025     $8,000,000 Project Canceled 

14  Kendall Auto Replace  LCAU014     $8,000,000 $19,748,000 $19,710,000 0%  Project Data 

15  Big Hill Compensation  LCSN012     $3,000,000 $15,323,000 $15,323,000 0%  Project Data 

16  Gillespie Compensation  LCSN024     $3,000,000 Project Canceled 

17 Gillespie to Newton Substation  LCSN028     Project Canceled 

18 Mason to Pittsburg Substation  LCSN029     $6,486,000 $5,800,000 ‐11%  Project Data 

19  Bakersfield Substation  LCSN030     $6,103,000 $6,089,000 0%  Project Data 

20  Big Hill Substation  LCSN031     $10,246,000 $13,037,000 27%  Project Data 

21 Tippet and North McCamey Substation  LCSU006     $3,435,000 $1,421,694 ‐59%  Project Data 

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

38 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


Budget Summary ‐ Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) 

Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN 

CTO Miles 

Current Miles  CTO Estimate 

Baseline Estimate 

Current Estimate 

% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

22  Raymond Barker Substation  LCSU016     $318,574 $228,082 ‐28%  Project Data 

23 Twin Buttes Substation Upgrades for Brown Line  LCSU020     $3,079,000 $1,857,000 ‐40%  Project Data 

24 Divide & Twin Buttes Terminal Upgrades  LCSU022     $6,420,000 $5,024,000 ‐22%  Project Data 

25 Gillespie Substation Upgrade  LCSU023     $20,000,000 Project Canceled 

26 Goldthwaite Evant Substation  LCSX018     Project Canceled 


Divide Substation related to WETT's Sandy Bluff (Central D) to Divide  LCSN032     $1,401,000 $1,401,000 0%  Project Data 


Twin Buttes Substation Upgrades for McCamey D Line  LCSN033     $4,695,000 $3,308,359 ‐30%  Project Data 

29 Kendall to Gillespie Substations  LCSU034     Project Canceled 

30 Big Hill to Kendall Substations  LCSU035     $8,000,000 $4,022,000 ‐50%  Project Data 

31  Kendall Auto Addition  LCAN026     $11,850,000 $11,850,000 0%  Project Data 

32 Kendall to Miller Creek to Paleface Line Rebuild  LCLU019  57 $33,225,000 $33,225,000 0%  Project Data 

33 Morgan Creek Terminal Upgrade  LCLU027     $1,500,000 Project Canceled 


Substations related to Kendall to Miller Creek to Paleface 138‐kV line  LCSN034     $485,000 $485,000 0%  Project Data 

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

39 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


Budget Summary ‐ Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) 

Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN 

CTO Miles 

Current Miles  CTO Estimate 

Baseline Estimate 

Current Estimate 

% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 


North McCamey Substation related to STECs Bakersfield to North McCamey to Odessa Lines  LCSN035     $2,659,000 $2,659,000 0%  Project Data 

   Totals     445 429.12 $607,500,000 $683,615,750 $628,800,674 ‐8%    


CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

40 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


3.7 Lone Star Transmission  Lone Star Transmission plans to construct, own and operate Competitive Renewable Energy Zone high-voltage electric transmission facilities within Texas. Lone Star's™ transmission rates will be regulated by the Public Utility Commission of Texas, and their service will meet reliability requirements as set by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas and the North American Electric Reliability Corporation. As a subsidiary of FPL Group, Lone Star Transmission has the capability to license, construct, operate and maintain the CREZ Texas transmission facilities.   


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41 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


CCN Application Status ‐ Lone Star Transmission Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN  CCN Status  Docket  CCN Filing  CCN Decision 

1  Scurry County South to West Shackelford Line  LSLN001  Approved  38230 5/24/2010 (Actual) 

11/17/2010  (Actual) 

2  West Shackelford to Navarro/Sam Switch Line  LSLN002  Approved  38230 5/24/2010 (Actual) 

11/17/2010  (Actual) 

3  Sam Switch to Navarro Line  LSLN007  Approved  38642 5/24/2010 (Actual) 

10/14/2010  (Actual) 

4  West Shackelford to Navarro/Sam Switch Compensation  LSSN003  Approved  38230 5/24/2010 (Actual) 

11/17/2010  (Actual) 

5  West Shackelford Compensation  LSSN004  Approved  38230 5/24/2010 (Actual) 

11/17/2010  (Actual) 

6  Navarro Substation  LSSN005  Approved  38642 5/24/2010 (Actual) 

10/14/2010  (Actual) 

7  Sam Switch Substation  LSSN006  Approved  38642 5/24/2010 (Actual) 

10/14/2010  (Actual) 

8  West Shackelford substation  LSSN008  Approved  38230 5/24/2010 (Actual) 

11/17/2010  (Actual) 

Reactive Compensation at Romney  LSSN009  Approved  38230 5/24/2010 (Actual) 

11/17/2010  (Actual) 

Schedule Summary ‐ Lone Star Transmission 

Map #  Project  CZPN 

Baseline Construction 

Start Baseline 




% Variance from 


Baseline Based On 

1 Scurry County South to West Shackelford Line  LSLN001  8/1/2011 3/31/2013 3/31/2013 0  0% Final Order 

2  West Shackelford to Navarro/Sam Switch Line  LSLN002  1/23/2012 3/31/2013 3/31/2013 0  0% Final Order 

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

42 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


Schedule Summary ‐ Lone Star Transmission 

Map #  Project  CZPN 

Baseline Construction 

Start Baseline 




% Variance from 


Baseline Based On 

3  Sam Switch to Navarro Line  LSLN007  1/8/2013 3/31/2013 3/31/2013 0  0% Final Order 

4 West Shackelford to Navarro/Sam Switch Compensation  LSSN003  12/5/2011 3/31/2013 3/31/2013 0  0% 

Final Order 

5  West Shackelford Compensation  LSSN004  6/3/2011 3/31/2013 3/31/2013 0  0% Final Order 

6  Navarro Substation  LSSN005  1/5/2011 3/31/2013 3/31/2013 0  0% Final Order 

7  Sam Switch Substation  LSSN006  5/29/2011 3/31/2013 3/31/2013 0  0% Final Order 

8  West Shackelford substation  LSSN008  6/3/2011 3/31/2013 3/31/2013 0  0% Final Order 

   Reactive Compensation at Romney  LSSN009  6/3/2011 3/31/2013 3/31/2013 0  0% Final Order 


CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

43 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


Budget Summary ‐ Lone Star Transmission 

Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN 

CTO Miles 

Current Miles  CTO Estimate 

Baseline Estimate 

Current Estimate 

% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

1 Scurry County South to West Shackelford Line  LSLN001  75 91 $141,000,000 $164,000,000 $203,500,000 24%  Final Order 

2 West Shackelford to Navarro/Sam Switch Line  LSLN002  168 187 $308,240,000 $377,900,000 $376,900,000 0%  Final Order 

3  Sam Switch to Navarro Line  LSLN007  33 $54,300,000 $58,700,000 8%  Final Order 

West Shackelford to Navarro/Sam Switch Compensation  LSSN003     $60,000,000 $76,750,000 $62,850,000 ‐18%  Final Order 

5 West Shackelford Compensation  LSSN004     $4,500,000 $3,800,000 $2,140,000 ‐44%  Final Order 

6  Navarro Substation  LSSN005     $30,000,000 $40,910,000 $34,480,000 ‐16%  Final Order 

7  Sam Switch Substation  LSSN006     $20,000,000 $26,050,000 $21,590,000 ‐17%  Final Order 

8  West Shackelford substation  LSSN008     $25,000,000 $33,980,000 $33,940,000 0%  Final Order 

Reactive Compensation at Romney  LSSN009     $4,800,000 $0 ‐100%  Final Order 

   Totals     243.0 311.0 $588,740,000 $782,490,000 $794,100,000 1.5%    

CREZ Program Oversight

July 2011

44 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


3.8 Oncor Electric Delivery Company  Oncor Electric Delivery Company, LLC (Oncor) is a regulated electricity distribution and transmission business that uses superior asset management skills to provide reliable electricity delivery to consumers. Oncor operates the largest distribution and transmission system in Texas, delivering power to more than 3 million homes and businesses and operating approximately 117,000 miles of transmission and distribution lines in Texas. While Oncor is owned by a limited number of investors (including majority owner, Energy Future Holdings Corp.), Oncor is managed by its Board of Directors, which is comprised of a majority of independent directors.   


CREZ Program Oversight

July 2011

45 CREZ Progress Report No. 4




CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

46 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


CCN Application Status ‐ Oncor Electric Delivery Company Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN  CCN Status  Docket  CCN Filing  CCN Decision 

1  Bluff Creek to Brown Line  ONLN001  Approved  37530 10/28/2009 (Actual) 

4/15/2010  (Actual) 

2  Scurry County South to Tonkaw Line  ONLN002  Approved  37409 9/16/2009 (Actual) 

3/4/2010  (Actual) 

3  Dermott to Scurry County South  ONLN003  Approved  37409 9/16/2009 (Actual) 

3/4/2010  (Actual) 

4  Clear Crossing to Willow Creek Line  ONLN009  Approved  38517 8/18/2010 (Actual) 

2/10/2011  (Actual) 

5  Central Bluff to Bluff Creek Line  ONLN011  Approved  37529 10/28/2009 (Actual) 

4/1/2010  (Actual) 

6  Newton to Killeen Line  ONLN014  Approved  37463 10/7/2009 (Actual) 

4/1/2010  (Actual) 

7  Riley to West Krum Line  ONLN016  Approved  38140 5/3/2010 (Actual) 

10/29/2010  (Actual) 

8  Parker to Everman Line  ONLN017  None Required       

9  Sweetwater to Central Bluff Line  ONLN022  Approved  37407 9/16/2009 (Actual) 

3/4/2010  (Actual) 

10  Tonkawa to Sweetwater Line  ONLN023  Approved  37407 9/16/2009 (Actual) 

3/4/2010  (Actual) 

11  Ector County North to Moss Line  ONLN027  Approved  38677 9/29/2010 (Actual) 

2/10/2011  (Actual) 

12  West Krum to Anna Line  ONLN028  Approved  38597 9/8/2010 (Actual) 

3/7/2011  (Actual) 

13  West Krum to Carrolton NW Line  ONLN029  None Required  36146       

14  Willow Creek to Hicks Line  ONLN030  Approved  38324 6/16/2010 (Actual) 

12/13/2010  (Actual) 

15  Riley‐Bowman Line  ONLN031  Approved  37408 9/16/2009 (Actual) 

3/4/2010  (Actual) 

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

47 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


CCN Application Status ‐ Oncor Electric Delivery Company Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN  CCN Status  Docket  CCN Filing  CCN Decision 

16  Brown‐Newton Line  ONLN032  Approved  37464 10/7/2009 (Actual) 

4/1/2010  (Actual) 

17 Eagle Mountain‐Hicks‐Alliance‐Roanoke Terminal Equipment  ONLU012  None Required       

18  Jacksboro ‐ Willow Creek ‐ Parker Line Rebuild  ONLU018  Approved  37119 6/30/2009 (Actual) 

12/1/2009  (Actual) 

19  Bowman to Jacksboro Line Upgrade  ONLU021  Approved  37015 5/29/2009 (Actual) 

9/1/2009  (Actual) 

20  Bowman to Fisher Road Terminal Upgrade  ONLU024  None Required       

21  Bowman to Graham Terminal Upgrade  ONLU025  None Required       

22  Roanoke to Alliance Terminal Upgrade  ONLU026  None Required       

23  Leon‐Cisco Line Upgrade  ONLU038  None Required       

24  Twin Buttes to Brown Line  ONLU039  None Required       

25  Killeen ‐ Salado Line  ONLU042  None Required  36146       

26  Eagle Mountain Auto  ONAN013  None Required       

27  Scurry County South Compensation  ONSN004  Approved  37409 9/16/2009 (Actual) 

3/4/2010  (Actual) 

28  Dermott Compensation  ONSN005  Approved  37409 9/16/2009 (Actual) 

3/4/2010  (Actual) 

29  Scurry County South Station  ONSN006  Approved  37409 9/16/2009 (Actual) 

3/4/2010  (Actual) 

30  Dermott Station  ONSN007  Approved  37409 9/16/2009 (Actual) 

3/4/2010  (Actual) 

31  Clear Crossing to Willow Creek Compensation  ONSN010  Approved 8/18/2010 (Actual) 

2/10/2011  (Actual) 

32  Brown Station  ONSN033  Approved  37464 10/7/2009 (Actual) 

4/5/2010  (Actual) 

33  Brown Compensation  ONSN034  Approved  37464 10/7/2009 (Actual) 

4/5/2010  (Actual) 

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

48 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


CCN Application Status ‐ Oncor Electric Delivery Company Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN  CCN Status  Docket  CCN Filing  CCN Decision 

34  Newton Station  ONSN035  Approved  37464 10/7/2009 (Actual) 

4/5/2010  (Actual) 

35  Hicks Station  ONSN036  Approved  38324 6/16/2010 (Actual) 

12/13/2010  (Actual) 

36  West Krum Station  ONSN037  Approved  38140 5/3/2010 (Actual) 

10/29/2010  (Actual) 

37  Central Bluff Switch  ONSN045  Approved  37407 9/16/2009 (Actual) 

3/4/2010  (Actual) 

38  Sweetwater East Switch  ONSN052  Approved  37407 9/16/2009 (Actual) 

3/4/2010  (Actual) 

39  Ector County North Switch  ONSN053  Approved  38677 9/29/2010 (Actual) 

2/10/2011  (Actual) 

40  Tonkawa Station Expansion  ONSU008  Approved  37407 9/16/2009 (Actual) 

3/4/2010  (Actual) 

41  Killeen Station Upgrade  ONSU015  Approved  37463 10/7/2009 (Actual) 

4/1/2010  (Actual) 

42  Jacksboro Station  ONSU019  Approved  37119 6/30/2009 (Actual) 

12/1/2009  (Actual) 

43  Willow Creek Station  ONSU020  Approved 37119 and 38324 

6/30/2009 (Actual) 

12/13/2010  (Actual) 

44  Bowman Switch Upgrade  ONSU043  Approved  37015 3/23/2009 (Actual) 

9/19/2009  (Actual) 

45  Carrollton NW Terminal  ONSU044  None Required       

46  Everman Switch Upgrade  ONSU046  None Required       

47  Leon Terminal  ONSU047  None Required       

48  Moss Terminal  ONSU048  Approved  38677 9/29/2010 (Actual) 

2/10/2011  (Actual) 

49  Odessa EHV  ONSU049  None Required       

50  Parker Switch Upgrade  ONSU050  None Required       

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

49 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


CCN Application Status ‐ Oncor Electric Delivery Company Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN  CCN Status  Docket  CCN Filing  CCN Decision 

51  Salado Terminal  ONSU051  None Required       

52  Anna Terminal  ONSU054  Approved  38597 9/8/2010 (Actual) 

3/7/2011  (Actual) 

53  Graham Compensation  ONSN055  None Required       

54 Brown Capacitor Bank  ONSN056  None Required       

55 Brown SVC  ONSN057  None Required       

56 Krum West Shunt Reactor  ONSN058  None Required       

57 Krum West Capacitor Bank  ONSN059  None Required       

58 Willow Creek Shunt Reactor  ONSN060  None Required       

59 Scurry Capacitor Bank  ONSN061  None Required       

60 Killeen Capacitor Bank  ONSN062  None Required       

61 Parker SVC  ONSN063  None Required       

Morgan Creek to Twin Buttes Terminal Upgrade  ONLU041  None Required  Project Canceled 

Schedule Summary ‐ Oncor Electric Delivery Company 

Map #  Project  CZPN 

Baseline Construction 

Start Baseline 

Energization Current 



% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

1 Bluff Creek to Brown Line  ONLN001  5/1/2011 6/30/2012  6/30/2012 0  0% 12 Mo Post Order 

2 Scurry County South to Tonkaw Line  ONLN002  3/1/2011 6/30/2011  6/30/2011 0  0% 12 Mo Post Order 

3 Dermott to Scurry County South  ONLN003  4/19/2011 12/15/2011  12/15/2011 0  0% 12 Mo Post Order 

4 Clear Crossing to Willow Creek Line  ONLN009  9/1/2012 12/15/2013  12/15/2013 0  0%  Final Order 

5 Central Bluff to Bluff Creek Line  ONLN011  9/1/2011 12/15/2011  12/15/2011 0  0% 12 Mo Post Order 

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

50 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


Schedule Summary ‐ Oncor Electric Delivery Company 

Map #  Project  CZPN 

Baseline Construction 

Start Baseline 

Energization Current 



% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

6 Newton to Killeen Line  ONLN014  4/1/2012 12/15/2012  12/15/2012 0  0% 12 Mo Post Order 

7 Riley to West Krum Line  ONLN016  1/1/2012 6/30/2013  6/30/2013 0  0% 6 Mo Post Order 

8 Parker to Everman Line  ONLN017  5/1/2009 11/15/2009  11/15/2009 0  0%  Project Data

9  Sweetwater to Central Bluff Line  ONLN022  6/20/2011 12/15/2011  12/15/2011 0  0% 12 Mo Post Order 

10  Tonkawa to Sweetwater Line  ONLN023  11/1/2010 6/30/2011  6/30/2011 0  0% 12 Mo Post Order 

11  Ector County North to Moss Line  ONLN027  1/1/2012 6/15/2012  6/15/2012 0  0%  Final Order 

12  West Krum to Anna Line  ONLN028  2/1/2013 12/15/2013  12/15/2013 0  0%  Final Order 

13  West Krum to Carrolton NW Line  ONLN029  7/1/2009 3/31/2011  3/31/2011 0  0%  Project Data

14  Willow Creek to Hicks Line  ONLN030  9/1/2012 6/30/2013  6/30/2013 0  0%  Final Order 

15  Riley‐Bowman Line  ONLN031  5/16/2011 12/15/2011  12/15/2011 0  0% 12 Mo Post Order 

16  Brown‐Newton Line  ONLN032  8/1/2011 12/15/2012  12/15/2012 0  0% 12 Mo Post Order 

17 Eagle Mountain‐Hicks‐Alliance‐Roanoke Terminal Equipment  ONLU012  3/23/2009 3/27/2009  3/27/2009 0  0%  Project Data

18 Jacksboro ‐ Willow Creek ‐ Parker Line Rebuild  ONLU018  11/1/2009 12/30/2010  12/30/2010 0  0% 

6 Mo Post Order 

19  Bowman to Jacksboro Line Upgrade  ONLU021  11/1/2009 6/30/2010  6/30/2010 0  0% 12 Mo Post Order 

20  Bowman to Fisher Road Terminal Upgrade  ONLU024  10/1/2011 12/15/2011  12/15/2011 0  0%  Project Data

21  Bowman to Graham Terminal Upgrade  ONLU025  10/1/2011 12/15/2011  12/15/2011 0  0%  Project Data

22  Roanoke to Alliance Terminal Upgrade  ONLU026  3/23/2009 3/27/2009  3/27/2009 0  0%  Project Data

23  Leon‐Cisco Line Upgrade  ONLU038  2/7/2011 6/30/2011  6/30/2011 0  0%  Project Data

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

51 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


Schedule Summary ‐ Oncor Electric Delivery Company 

Map #  Project  CZPN 

Baseline Construction 

Start Baseline 

Energization Current 



% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

24  Twin Buttes to Brown Line  ONLU039  5/31/2012 6/30/2012  6/30/2012 0  0%  Project Data

25  Killeen ‐ Salado Line  ONLU042  1/15/2010 6/1/2010  6/1/2010 0  0%  Project Data

26  Eagle Mountain Auto  ONAN013 6/1/2009 12/1/2009  12/1/2009 0  0%  Project Data

27  Scurry County South Compensation  ONSN004  5/1/2010 6/30/2011  6/30/2011 0  0% 12 Mo Post Order 

28  Dermott Compensation  ONSN005  8/1/2010 6/30/2011  6/30/2011 0  0% 12 Mo Post Order 

29  Scurry County South Station  ONSN006  5/1/2010 6/30/2011  6/30/2011 0  0% 12 Mo Post Order 

30  Dermott Station  ONSN007  8/1/2010 6/30/2011  6/30/2011 0  0% 12 Mo Post Order 

31 Clear Crossing to Willow Creek Compensation  ONSN010  7/15/2012 12/31/2013  12/31/2013 0  0% 

6 Mo Post Order 

32  Brown Station  ONSN033  5/1/2011 6/30/2012  6/30/2012 0  0% 12 Mo Post Order 

33  Brown Compensation  ONSN034  5/2/2011 6/30/2012  6/30/2012 0  0% 6 Mo Post Order 

34  Newton Station  ONSN035  1/1/2012 12/15/2012  12/15/2012 0  0% 12 Mo Post Order 

35  Hicks Station  ONSN036  8/1/2012 6/30/2013  6/30/2013 0  0% 6 Mo Post Order 

36  West Krum Station  ONSN037  2/1/2012 6/1/2013  6/1/2013 0  0% 6 Mo Post Order 

37  Central Bluff Switch  ONSN045  3/7/2011 12/15/2011  12/15/2011 0  0% 12 Mo Post Order 

38  Sweetwater East Switch  ONSN052  6/1/2010 6/30/2011  6/30/2011 0  0% 12 Mo Post Order 

39  Ector County North Switch  ONSN053  1/1/2012 6/15/2012  6/15/2012 0  0%  Final Order 

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

52 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


Schedule Summary ‐ Oncor Electric Delivery Company 

Map #  Project  CZPN 

Baseline Construction 

Start Baseline 

Energization Current 



% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

40  Tonkawa Station Expansion  ONSU008  6/1/2010 6/30/2011  6/30/2011 0  0% 12 Mo Post Order 

41  Killeen Station Upgrade  ONSU015  3/1/2010 12/15/2012  12/15/2012 0  0% 12 Mo Post Order 

42  Jacksboro Station  ONSU019  6/15/2009 12/4/2009  12/4/2009 0  0% 12 Mo Post Order 

43  Willow Creek Station  ONSU020  5/11/2009 6/1/2013  6/1/2013 0  0%  Final Order 

44  Bowman Switch Upgrade  ONSU043  3/1/2010 12/15/2011  12/15/2011 0  0% 12 Mo Post Order 

45  Carrollton NW Terminal  ONSU044  10/15/2009 6/1/2010  6/1/2010 0  0%  Project Data

46  Everman Switch Upgrade  ONSU046  3/23/2009 11/17/2009  11/17/2009 0  0%  Project Data

47  Leon Terminal  ONSU047  11/8/2010 6/30/2011  6/30/2011 0  0%  Project Data

48  Moss Terminal  ONSU048  1/1/2012 6/15/2012  6/15/2012 0  0%  Final Order 

49  Odessa EHV  ONSU049  1/3/2012 12/15/2012  12/15/2012 0  0%  Project Data

50  Parker Switch Upgrade  ONSU050  4/13/2009 11/21/2009  11/21/2009 0  0%  Project Data

51  Salado Terminal  ONSU051  10/28/2009 6/1/2010  6/1/2010 0  0%  Project Data

52  Anna Terminal  ONSU054  2/1/2013 12/15/2013  12/15/2013 0  0%  Final Order 

53  Graham Compensation  ONSN055  6/1/2013 12/31/2013  12/31/2013 0  0% 6 Mo Post Order 

54  Brown Capacitor Bank  ONSN056  5/1/2013 12/31/2013  12/31/2013 0  0% 6 Mo Post Order 

55  Brown SVC  ONSN057  7/15/2012 12/31/2013  12/31/2013 0  0% 6 Mo Post Order 

56  Krum West Shunt Reactor  ONSN058  6/15/2012 6/30/2013  6/30/2013 0  0% 6 Mo Post Order 

57  Krum West Capacitor Bank  ONSN059  5/1/2013 12/31/2013  12/31/2013 0  0% 6 Mo Post Order 

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

53 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


Schedule Summary ‐ Oncor Electric Delivery Company 

Map #  Project  CZPN 

Baseline Construction 

Start Baseline 

Energization Current 



% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

58  Willow Creek Shunt Reactor  ONSN060  1/1/2013 12/31/2013  12/31/2013 0  0% 6 Mo Post Order 

59  Scurry Capacitor Bank  ONSN061  5/1/2013 12/31/2013  12/31/2013 0  0% 6 Mo Post Order 

60  Killeen Capacitor Bank  ONSN062  5/1/2013 12/31/2013  12/31/2013 0  0% 6 Mo Post Order 

61  Parker SVC  ONSN063  7/15/2012 12/31/2013  12/31/2013 0  0% 6 Mo Post Order 

  Morgan Creek to  Twin Buttes Terminal Upgrade  ONLU041  Project Canceled

Budget Summary ‐ Oncor Electric Delivery Company 

Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN 

CTO Miles 

Current Miles  CTO Estimate 

Baseline Estimate 

Current Estimate 

% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

1  Bluff Creek to Brown Line  ONLN001  75 87 $141,000,000 $130,188,571 $130,188,571 0% 12 Mo Post Order 

2 Scurry County South to Tonkaw Line  ONLN002  43 15 $80,840,000 $23,676,218 $23,676,218 0% 

12 Mo Post Order 

3 Dermott to Scurry County South  ONLN003  12 33 $22,560,000 $48,807,604 $48,807,605 0% 

12 Mo Post Order 

4 Clear Crossing to Willow Creek Line  ONLN009  100 110 $188,000,000 $177,094,000 $177,094,000 0%  Final Order 

5 Central Bluff to Bluff Creek Line  ONLN011  6 10 $11,280,000 $14,760,028 $14,760,028 0% 

12 Mo Post Order 

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

54 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


Budget Summary ‐ Oncor Electric Delivery Company 

Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN 

CTO Miles 

Current Miles  CTO Estimate 

Baseline Estimate 

Current Estimate 

% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

6  Newton to Killeen Line  ONLN014  26 28 $7,280,000 $69,572,096 $69,572,096 0% 12 Mo Post Order 

7  Riley to West Krum Line  ONLN016  106 161 $199,280,000 $257,139,786 $257,139,786 0% 6 Mo Post Order 

8  Parker to Everman Line  ONLN017  110 86 $30,800,000 $30,479,042 $30,479,042 0%  Project Data 

9 Sweetwater to Central Bluff Line  ONLN022  25 36 $47,000,000 $55,025,902 $55,025,902 0% 

12 Mo Post Order 

10 Tonkawa to Sweetwater Line  ONLN023  18 32 $33,840,000 $42,030,949 $42,030,949 0% 

12 Mo Post Order 

11 Ector County North to Moss Line  ONLN027  6 21 $6,000,000 $18,059,000 $18,059,000 0%  Final Order 

12  West Krum to Anna Line  ONLN028  43 70 $80,840,000 $129,513,000 $142,248,251 10%  Final Order 

13 West Krum to Carrolton NW Line  ONLN029  60 50 $16,800,000 $20,434,822 $20,434,822 0%  Project Data 

14  Willow Creek to Hicks Line  ONLN030  31 40 $58,280,000 $83,120,000 $94,068,101 13%  Final Order 

15  Riley‐Bowman Line  ONLN031  37 43 $62,160,000 $50,872,999 $50,872,999 0% 12 Mo Post Order 

16  Brown‐Newton Line  ONLN032  88 99 $132,800,000 $164,428,448 $164,428,448 0% 12 Mo Post Order 


Eagle Mountain‐Hicks‐Alliance‐Roanoke Terminal Equipment  ONLU012     $2,000,000 $86,086 $86,086 0%  Project Data 

18 Jacksboro ‐ Willow Creek ‐ Parker Line Rebuild  ONLU018  18 41 $67,680,000 $55,766,783 $55,766,783 0% 

6 Mo Post Order 

19 Bowman to Jacksboro Line Upgrade  ONLU021  37 47 $9,620,000 $36,295,388 $36,295,388 0% 

12 Mo Post Order 

20 Bowman to Fisher Road Terminal Upgrade  ONLU024     $1,000,000 $545,000 $545,000 0%  Project Data 

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

55 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


Budget Summary ‐ Oncor Electric Delivery Company 

Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN 

CTO Miles 

Current Miles  CTO Estimate 

Baseline Estimate 

Current Estimate 

% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

21 Bowman to Graham Terminal Upgrade  ONLU025     $1,000,000 $537,000 $537,000 0% 

Project Data 

22 Roanoke to Alliance Terminal Upgrade  ONLU026     $1,000,000 $85,993 $85,993 0% 

Project Data 

23  Leon‐Cisco Line Upgrade  ONLU038  10 9 $10,000,000 $5,151,344 $5,151,344 0%  Project Data 

24  Twin Buttes to Brown Line  ONLU039  12 0.2 $3,600,000 $100,000 $100,000 0%  Project Data 

25  Killeen ‐ Salado Line  ONLU042  16 $6,014,262 $6,014,261 0%  Project Data 

26  Eagle Mountain Auto  ONAN013     $8,000,000 $6,550,544 $6,550,544 0%  Project Data 

27 Scurry County South Compensation  ONSN004     $3,000,000 $1,972,625 $1,972,625 0% 

12 Mo Post Order 

28  Dermott Compensation  ONSN005     $4,500,000 $1,972,625 $1,972,625 0% 12 Mo Post Order 

29 Scurry County South Station  ONSN006     $34,325,000 $34,325,000 0% 

12 Mo Post Order 

30  Dermott Station  ONSN007     $31,845,730 $31,845,730 0% 12 Mo Post Order 

31 Clear Crossing to Willow Creek Compensation  ONSN010     $30,000,000 $40,000,000 $40,000,000 0% 

6 Mo Post Order 

32  Brown Station  ONSN033     $15,000,000 $19,065,924 $19,071,924 0% 12 Mo Post Order 

33  Brown Compensation  ONSN034     $4,500,000 $11,379,910 $11,379,910 0% 6 Mo Post Order 

34  Newton Station  ONSN035     $20,000,000 $8,970,208 $8,970,208 0% 12 Mo Post Order 

35  Hicks Station  ONSN036     $25,000,000 $13,490,000 $14,220,000 5% 6 Mo Post Order 

36  West Krum Station  ONSN037     $20,000,000 $14,930,000 $14,930,000 0% 6 Mo Post Order 

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

56 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


Budget Summary ‐ Oncor Electric Delivery Company 

Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN 

CTO Miles 

Current Miles  CTO Estimate 

Baseline Estimate 

Current Estimate 

% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

37  Central Bluff Switch  ONSN045     $32,993,713 $19,876,260 ‐40% 12 Mo Post Order 

38  Sweetwater East Switch  ONSN052     $16,780,544 $16,780,544 0% 12 Mo Post Order 

39  Ector County North Switch  ONSN053     $3,799,000 $3,799,000 0%  Final Order 

40 Tonkawa Station Expansion  ONSU008     $13,284,721 $13,284,721 0% 

12 Mo Post Order 

41  Killeen Station Upgrade  ONSU015     $19,001,021 $19,001,021 0% 12 Mo Post Order 

42  Jacksboro Station  ONSU019     $6,527,215 $6,527,215 0% 12 Mo Post Order 

43  Willow Creek Station  ONSU020     $14,524,455 $15,414,455 6%  Final Order 

44  Bowman Switch Upgrade  ONSU043     $15,100,000 $15,100,000 0% 12 Mo Post Order 

45  Carrollton NW Terminal  ONSU044     $1,100,000 $1,100,000 0%  Project Data 

46  Everman Switch Upgrade  ONSU046     $4,306,288 $4,306,288 0%  Project Data 

47  Leon Terminal  ONSU047     $1,154,532 $1,154,532 0%  Project Data 

48  Moss Terminal  ONSU048     $1,900,000 $1,900,000 0%  Final Order 

49  Odessa EHV  ONSU049     $15,540,000 $15,540,000 0%  Project Data 

50  Parker Switch Upgrade  ONSU050     $12,811,828 $12,811,828 0%  Project Data 

51  Salado Terminal  ONSU051     $2,129,999 $2,130,000 0%  Project Data 

52  Anna Terminal  ONSU054  51 $4,450,000 $4,450,000 0%  Final Order 

53  Graham Compensation  ONSN055     $10,000,000 $10,000,000 0% 6 Mo Post Order 

54 Brown Capacitor Bank  ONSN056     $6,000,000 $6,000,000 0% 6 Mo Post Order 

55 Brown SVC  ONSN057     $75,000,000 $75,000,000 0% 6 Mo Post Order 

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

57 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


Budget Summary ‐ Oncor Electric Delivery Company 

Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN 

CTO Miles 

Current Miles  CTO Estimate 

Baseline Estimate 

Current Estimate 

% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

56 Krum West Shunt Reactor  ONSN058     $4,900,000 $4,900,000 0% 6 Mo Post Order 

57 Krum West Capacitor Bank  ONSN059     $2,000,000 $2,000,000 0% 6 Mo Post Order 


Willow Creek Shunt Reactor  ONSN060     $5,500,000 $5,500,000 0% 

6 Mo Post Order 

59 Scurry Capacitor Bank  ONSN061     $4,000,000 $4,000,000 0% 6 Mo Post Order 

60 Killeen Capacitor Bank  ONSN062     $4,000,000 $4,000,000 0% 6 Mo Post Order 

61 Parker SVC  ONSN063     $45,000,000 $45,000,000 0% 6 Mo Post Order 

Morgan Creek to  Twin Buttes Terminal Upgrade  ONLU041     $1,500,000 Project Canceled 

   Totals     863.0 1082.65 $1,346,160,000 $1,926,090,202 $1,938,282,102 0.6%    

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

58 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


3.9 Sharyland Utilities  Sharyland Utilities, L.P., is a Texas-based public transmission and distribution electric utility that is fully regulated by the Public Utility Commission of Texas. Sharyland Utilities is committed to providing quality customer service, safe and reliable electric delivery, and increased investment in the electric grid of Texas. Its current service territory is located along the Rio Grande border in the South Texas cities of Mission and McAllen. Its corporate office is located in Dallas, with additional offices in McAllen and Amarillo. Sharyland Utilities is privately-owned by Hunter L. Hunt and other members of the family of Ray L. Hunt, and is managed by Hunter L. Hunt. For more information, please go to www.sharylandutilities.com.   

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

59 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


CCN Application Status ‐ Sharyland Utilities 

Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN  CCN Status  Docket  CCN Filing CCN 


1  Nazareth to Hereford Line  SHLN001  Approved  38750 10/20/2010 (Actual) 

3/22/2011  (Actual) 

2  Nazareth to Silverton Line  SHLN002  Approved  38750 10/20/2010 (Actual) 

3/22/2011  (Actual) 

3  Hereford to White Deer Line  SHLN003  Approved  38290 6/16/2010 (Actual) 

12/13/2010  (Actual) 

4  White Deer to Silverton Line  SHLN006  Approved  38829 11/10/2010 (Actual) 

5/9/2011  (Actual) 

5  Silverton to Cottonwood Line  SHLN007  Approved  38560 9/8/2010 (Actual) 

2/10/2011  (Actual) 

6  Hereford Reactive Compensation  SHSN005  None Required  38290 6/16/2010 (Actual) 

12/13/2010  (Actual) 

7  Silverton Reactive Compensation  SHSN008  None Required  38560 9/8/2010 (Actual) 

2/10/2011  (Actual) 

8 Hereford Substation  SHSN010  None Required       

9 Silverton Substation  SHSN011  None Required       

10 Nazareth Reactive Compensation  SHSN012  None Required       

11 Nazareth Substation  SHSN013  None Required        

12 White Deer Reactive Compensation  SHSN014  None Required       

13 White Deer Substation  SHSN015  None Required       

   Silverton Collection Station  SHSN009  None Required  Project Canceled 

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

60 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


Schedule Summary ‐ Sharyland Utilities 

Map #  Project  CZPN 

Baseline Construction 

Start Baseline 

Energization Current 



% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

1 Nazareth to Hereford Line  SHLN001  6/15/2012 5/21/2013  5/21/2013 0  0%  Final Order 

2 Nazareth to Silverton Line  SHLN002  4/15/2012 4/4/2013  4/4/2013 0  0%  Final Order 

3 Hereford to White Deer Line  SHLN003  8/31/2011 7/31/2013  7/31/2013 0  0% 6 Mo Post Order 

4 White Deer to Silverton Line  SHLN006  10/19/2011 9/30/2013  9/30/2013 0  0%  Final Order 

5 Silverton to Cottonwood Line  SHLN007  8/29/2011 2/18/2013  2/18/2013 0  0%  Final Order 

6 Hereford Reactive Compensation  SHSN005  8/31/2011 7/31/2013  7/31/2013 0  0% 6 Mo Post Order 

7  Silverton Reactive Compensation  SHSN008  8/29/2011 2/18/2013  2/18/2013 0  0%  Project Data 

8  Hereford Substation  SHSN010  8/31/2011 7/31/2013  7/31/2013 0  0% 6 Mo Post Order 

9  Silverton Substation  SHSN011  8/29/2011 2/18/2013  2/18/2013 0  0%  Project Data 

10  Nazareth Reactive Compensation  SHSN012  4/15/2012 4/4/2013  4/4/2013 0  0%  Project Data 

11  Nazareth Substation  SHSN013  4/15/2012 4/4/2013  4/4/2013 0  0%  Project Data 

12  White Deer Reactive Compensation  SHSN014  8/31/2011 7/31/2013  7/31/2013 0  0% 6 Mo Post Order 

13  White Deer Substation  SHSN015  8/31/2011 7/31/2013  7/31/2013 0  0% 6 Mo Post Order 

   Silverton Collection Station  SHSN009  Project Canceled 

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

61 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


Budget Summary ‐ Sharyland Utilities 

Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN 

CTO Miles 

Current Miles  CTO Estimate 

Baseline Estimate 

Current Estimate 

% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

1  Nazareth to Hereford Line  SHLN001  25 25 $35,000,000 $37,480,000 $37,480,000 0%  Final Order 

2  Nazareth to Silverton Line  SHLN002  56 46 $78,400,000 $72,360,000 $72,360,000 0%  Final Order 

3  Hereford to White Deer Line  SHLN003  60 91 $84,000,000 $127,500,000 $127,500,000 0% 6 Mo Post Order 

4  White Deer to Silverton Line  SHLN006  56 68 $94,080,000 $136,376,000 $136,376,000 0%  Final Order 

5 Silverton to Cottonwood Line  SHLN007  56 65 $94,080,000 $118,600,000 $118,600,000 0%  Final Order 

6 Hereford Reactive Compensation  SHSN005     $2,000,000 $4,680,000 $4,680,000 0% 

6 Mo Post Order 

7 Silverton Reactive Compensation  SHSN008     $4,000,000 $3,740,000 $3,740,000 0% 

Project Data 

8 Hereford Substation  SHSN010     $24,220,000 $24,220,000 0% 6 Mo Post Order 

9 Silverton Substation  SHSN011     $48,780,000 $48,780,000 0% Project Data 


Nazareth Reactive Compensation  SHSN012     $2,650,000 $2,650,000 0% 

Project Data 

11 Nazareth Substation  SHSN013     $25,840,000 $25,840,000 0% Project Data 


White Deer Reactive Compensation  SHSN014     $2,630,000 $2,630,000 0% 

6 Mo Post Order 

13 White Deer Substation  SHSN015     $38,270,000 $38,270,000 0% 6 Mo Post Order 

   Silverton Collection Station  SHSN009     $2,000,000 Project Canceled 

   Totals     253.0 295.37 $393,560,000 $643,126,000 $643,126,000 0%    

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3.10 South Texas Electric Cooperative  South Texas Electric Cooperative (STEC) was formed in 1944 to provide wholesale electric power to member cooperatives. Presently the South Texas Electric Cooperative serves eight distribution cooperatives: Karnes, Wharton County, Victoria, Jackson, San Patricio, Nueces, Magic Valley, and Medina electric cooperatives. These cooperatives provide service to over 170,000 members in 65 South Texas counties.   


CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

63 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


CCN Application Status ‐ South Texas Electric Cooperative (STEC) Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN  CCN Status  Docket  CCN Filing  CCN Decision 

1  Bakersfield to Big Hill Line  STLN001  Order Issued  38648 9/29/2010 (Actual) 

3/25/2011  (Actual) 

2  North McCamey to Odessa Line  LCLN004  In Development  TBD  Project Canceled 

3  Odessa to Bakersfield Line  LCLN009  Filed  39298 4/18/2011 (Actual) 

10/18/2011  (Planned) 

Schedule Summary ‐ South Texas Electric Cooperative (STEC) 

Map #  Project  CZPN 

Baseline Construction 

Start Baseline 

Energization Current 



% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

1  Bakersfield to Big Hill Line  STLN001  3/5/2012 8/31/2013  8/31/2013 0 0% Final Order 

2  North McCamey to Odessa Line  LCLN004  Project Canceled

3  Odessa to Bakersfield Line  LCLN009  12/11/2012 12/31/2013  12/31/2013 0 0% CCN Filing 

Budget Summary ‐ South Texas Electric Cooperative (STEC) 

Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN 

CTO Miles 

Current Miles  CTO Estimate 

Baseline Estimate 

Current Estimate 

% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

1  Bakersfield to Big Hill Line  STLN001  75 110 $105,000,000 $130,411,000 $130,411,000 0%  Final Order 

2 North McCamey to Odessa Line  LCLN004  50    $70,000,000 Project Canceled 

3  Odessa to Bakersfield Line  LCLN009  12 65 $16,800,000 $92,208,444 $92,208,444 0%  CCN Filing 

   Totals     137 175.0 $191,800,000 $222,619,444 $222,619,444 0%    

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64 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


3.11 TMPA and Center Point  


CCN Application Status ‐ TMPA and Center Point Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN  CCN Status  Docket  CCN Filing  CCN Decision

1  Singleton to Gibbons Creek Terminal Upgrade  CPLU001     N/A       


Schedule Summary ‐ TMPA and Center Point 

Map #  Project  CZPN 

Baseline Construction 

Start Baseline 

Energization Current 



% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

1 Singleton to Gibbons Creek Terminal Upgrade  CPLU001  9/5/2009  9/3/2009 ‐2 0%

General ‐ Non CCN 

Budget Summary ‐ TMPA and Center Point 

Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN 

CTO Miles 

Current Miles  CTO Estimate 

Baseline Estimate 

Current Estimate 

% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

1 Singleton to Gibbons Creek Terminal Upgrade  CPLU001       $2,000,000 $0 $0   

General ‐ Non CCN 

   Totals     $2,000,000 $0 $0 0%    

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

65 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


3.12 Wind Energy Transmission Texas  Texas-based Wind Energy Transmission Texas, LLC, (WETT) is a joint venture between Brookfield Asset Management and Isolux Corsan Concesiones, SA. Two worldwide leaders in electric transmission development who have come together to build and operate high-voltage greenfield transmission lines in Texas.   


CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

66 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


CCN Application Status ‐ Wind Energy Transmission Texas Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN  CCN Status  Docket  CCN Filing  CCN Decision 

1  Sand Bluff to Divide Line  WTLN001  Approved  38825 11/10/2010 (Actual) 

4/15/2011  (Actual) 

2  Sand Bluff to Bearkat Line  WTLN002  Approved  38825 11/10/2010 (Actual) 

4/15/2011  (Actual) 

3  Cottonwood to Dermott Line  WTLN003  Approved  38295 6/14/2010 (Actual) 

10/14/2010  (Actual) 

4  Long Draw to Grelton Line  WTLN006  Approved  38484 8/18/2010 (Actual) 

1/13/2011  (Actual) 

5  Long Draw to Sand Bluff Line  WTLN007  Approved  38825 11/11/2010 (Actual) 

4/15/2011  (Actual) 

6  Grelton to Odessa Line  WTLN008  Approved  38484 8/18/2010 (Actual) 

1/13/2011  (Actual) 

7  Scurry County South to Long Draw Line  WTLN009  Approved  38484 8/18/2010 (Actual) 

1/13/2011  (Actual) 

8  Cottonwood Cap Bank  WTSN004  Approved  38295 6/16/2010 (Actual) 

10/14/2010  (Actual) 

9  Cottowood Reactive Compensation  WTSN005  Approved  38295 6/16/2010 (Actual) 

10/14/2010  (Actual) 

10  Cottonwood Substation  WTLN010  Approved  38295 6/16/2010 (Actual) 

10/14/2010  (Actual) 

11  Long Draw Substation  WTLN011  Approved  38484 8/18/2010 (Actual) 

1/13/2011  (Actual) 

12  Grelton Substation  WTLN012  Approved  38484 8/18/2010 (Actual) 

1/27/2011  (Actual) 

13  Sand Bluff Substation  WTLN013  Approved  38825 11/10/2010 (Actual) 

4/15/2011  (Actual) 

14  Bearkat Substation  WTLN014  Approved  38825 11/10/2010 (Actual) 

4/15/2011  (Actual) 


CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

67 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


Schedule Summary ‐ Wind Energy Transmission Texas 

Map #  Project  CZPN 

Baseline Construction 

Start Baseline 

Energization Current 



% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

1  Sand Bluff to Divide Line  WTLN001  4/20/2012 3/11/2013  5/9/2013 59  18%  CCN Filing 

2  Sand Bluff to Bearkat Line  WTLN002  4/20/2012 3/11/2013  5/10/2013 60  18%  CCN Filing 

3  Cottonwood to Dermott Line  WTLN003  1/9/2012 12/19/2012  12/19/2012 0  0%  Final Order 

4  Long Draw to Grelton Line  WTLN006  3/5/2012 2/6/2013  2/6/2013 0  0%  Final Order 

5  Long Draw to Sand Bluff Line  WTLN007  4/20/2012 3/11/2013  5/10/2013 60  18%  CCN Filing 

6  Grelton to Odessa Line  WTLN008  2/1/2012 1/18/2013  1/18/2013 0  0%  Final Order 

7 Scurry County South to Long Draw Line  WTLN009  3/5/2012 2/6/2013  2/6/2013 0  0%  Final Order 

8  Cottonwood Cap Bank  WTSN004  Project Canceled

9  Cottonwood Reactive Compensation  WTSN005  1/9/2012 12/19/2012  12/19/2012 0  0%  Final Order 

10  Cottonwood Substation  WTLN010  1/9/2012 12/19/2012  12/19/2012 0  0%  Final Order 

11  Long Draw Substation  WTLN011  2/1/2012 1/18/2013  1/18/2013 0  0%  Final Order 

12  Grelton Substation  WTLN012  2/1/2012 1/18/2013  1/18/2013 0  0%  Final Order 

13  Sand Bluff Substation  WTLN013  3/22/2012 3/11/2013  3/11/2013 0  0%  CCN Filing 

14  Bearkat Substation  WTLN014  3/22/2012 3/11/2013  3/11/2013 0  0%  CCN Filing 

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

68 CREZ Progress Report No. 4


Budget Summary ‐ Wind Energy Transmission Texas 

Map #  Project Short Name  CZPN 

CTO Miles 

Current Miles  CTO Estimate 

Baseline Estimate 

Current Estimate 

% Variance from 

Baseline Baseline Based On 

1  Sand Bluff to Divide Line  WTLN001  30 37 $8,400,000 $42,279,999 $47,112,285 11%  CCN Filing 

2  Sand Bluff to Bearkat Line  WTLN002  27 29 $37,800,000 $39,621,501 $39,140,832 ‐1%  CCN Filing 

3 Cottonwood to Dermott Line  WTLN003  68 74 $114,240,000 $142,381,000 $142,381,000 0%  Final Order 

4  Long Draw to Grelton Line  WTLN006  25 55 $35,000,000 $79,328,000 $76,790,436 ‐3%  Final Order 

5 Long Draw to Sand Bluff Line  WTLN007  50 77 $70,000,000 $75,460,000 $89,157,389 18%  CCN Filing 

6  Grelton to Odessa Line  WTLN008  43 50 $60,200,000 $70,542,000 $69,392,238 ‐2%  Final Order 

7 Scurry County South to Long Draw Line  WTLN009  43 51 $72,240,000 $92,266,000 $88,436,487 ‐4%  Final Order 

10  Cottonwood Substation  WTLN010     $20,000,000 $22,950,000 $22,950,000 0%  Final Order 

11  Long Draw Substation  WTLN011     $20,000,000 $10,838,000 $10,824,000 0%  Final Order 

12  Grelton Substation  WTLN012     $20,000,000 $6,736,000 $9,818,989 46%  Final Order 

13  Sand Bluff Substation  WTLN013     $7,734,500 $7,734,429 0%  CCN Filing 

14  Bearkat Substation  WTLN014     $20,000,000 $4,163,000 $4,151,000 0%  CCN Filing 

8  Cottonwood Cap Bank  WTSN004     $2,500,000 Project Canceled  

9 Cottonwood Reactive Compensation  WTSN005     $2,000,000 $13,790,000 $13,790,000 0%  Final Order 

   Totals     286.0 373.6 $482,380,000 $608,090,000 $621,679,085 2.2%     ** Note – this cost of this project was incorrectly calculated in the CTO Study with a length of 8 miles instead of 30, resulting in an inaccurate low price.  

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

69 CREZ Progress Report No. 4



Report No. Reporting Period Submitted to PUC

Report No. 1 As of August 15, 2010 September 28, 2010

Report No. 2 As of December 31, 2010 January 28, 2011

Report No. 3 As of February 28, 2011 April 8, 2011

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

70 CREZ Progress Report No. 4



Activity ID Activity Name OriginalDuration

Start Finish

PUCT - CREZ Oversight - Baselines currentPUCT - CREZ Oversight - Baselines current 1440.0 15-Sep-08 A 31-Dec-13

BANDERABANDERA 546.0 15-Sep-08 A 28-Jun-10 A

BAAN001 Bandera AutoBAAN001 Bandera Auto 339.0 15-Mar-09 A 28-Jun-10 A

BALN002 Verde Creek to Bandera LineBALN002 Verde Creek to Bandera Line 546.0 15-Sep-08 A 21-Jun-10 A

BRAZOSBRAZOS 322.0 28-Oct-08 A 11-Dec-09 A

BRAN001 Whitney AutoBRAN001 Whitney Auto 322.0 28-Oct-08 A 11-Dec-09 A

CROSS TEXASCROSS TEXAS 1045.0 01-May-09 A 02-Sep-13

CTLN001 Silverton to Tesla LineCTLN001 Silverton to Tesla Line 957.0 01-Feb-10 A 02-Sep-13

CTLN002 Gray to Tesla LineCTLN002 Gray to Tesla Line 805.0 01-Feb-10 A 01-Mar-13

CTLN004 Gray to White Deer LineCTLN004 Gray to White Deer Line 826.0 01-Jan-10 A 01-Mar-13

CTSN003 Silverton to Tesla CompensationCTSN003 Silverton to Tesla Compensation 1045.0 01-Sep-09 A 02-Sep-13

CTSN005 Gray to Reactive CompensationCTSN005 Gray to Reactive Compensation 805.0 01-Feb-10 A 01-Mar-13

CTSN006 Gray SubstationCTSN006 Gray Substation 805.0 01-May-09 A 01-Mar-13

ETTETT 1076.0 30-Sep-09 A 16-Dec-13

ACLU001 Fort Lancaster to Hamilton Road RebuildACLU001 Fort Lancaster to Hamilton Road Rebuild 522.0 01-Feb-10 A 28-Feb-12

ANLU003 East Abilene to Putman Line UpgradeANLU003 East Abilene to Putman Line Upgrade 578.0 01-Mar-10 A 01-Oct-12

ANLU004 Putnam to Leon LineANLU004 Putnam to Leon Line 349.0 01-Feb-10 A 07-Jun-11 A

ANSN001 Oklaunion Cap BankANSN001 Oklaunion Cap Bank 697.0 20-Aug-10 A 03-Jun-13

ANSU006 East Abilene StationANSU006 East Abilene Station 599.0 01-Sep-10 A 01-Oct-12

ETLN001 Clear Crossing to Dermott LineETLN001 Clear Crossing to Dermott Line 872.0 03-May-10 A 03-Sep-13

ETLN003 Riley to Edith Clarke LineETLN003 Riley to Edith Clarke Line 681.0 08-Sep-10 A 25-Mar-13

ETLN002 Tesla to Riley LineETLN002 Tesla to Riley Line 766.0 18-Aug-10 A 01-Jul-13

ETLN005 Tesla to Edith Clarke LineETLN005 Tesla to Edith Clarke Line 644.0 20-Oct-10 A 27-Mar-13

ETLN004 Edith Clarke to Cottonwood LineETLN004 Edith Clarke to Cottonwood Line 817.0 08-Sep-10 A 01-Oct-13

ETLN006 Edith Clarke to Clear Crossing LineETLN006 Edith Clarke to Clear Crossing Line 783.0 20-Oct-10 A 25-Sep-13

ETLN007 Clear Crossing to West Shackelford LineETLN007 Clear Crossing to West Shackelford Line 766.0 20-Oct-10 A 02-Sep-13

ETSN008 Tesla StationETSN008 Tesla Station 816.0 15-Jan-10 A 01-Mar-13

ETSN009 Tesla CompensationETSN009 Tesla Compensation 631.0 01-Oct-10 A 01-Mar-13

ETSN010 Tesla Cap BankETSN010 Tesla Cap Bank 740.0 03-May-10 A 01-Mar-13

ETSN011 Edith Clarke StationETSN011 Edith Clarke Station 841.0 15-Jan-10 A 25-Mar-13

ETSN012 Edith Clarke Cap BankETSN012 Edith Clarke Cap Bank 647.0 03-Jan-11 A 25-Mar-13

ETSN013 Edith Clarke CompensationETSN013 Edith Clarke Compensation 647.0 01-Feb-11 A 25-Mar-13

ETSN014 Edith Clarke to West Shackelford CompensationETSN014 Edith Clarke to West Shackelford Compens... 837.0 01-Oct-10 A 16-Dec-13

ETSN015 Dermott to Willow Creek CompensationETSN015 Dermott to Willow Creek Compensation 925.0 01-Mar-12 A 16-Dec-13

ETSN016 Big Hill to Kendall CompensationETSN016 Big Hill to Kendall Compensation 837.0 01-Dec-11 A 16-Dec-13

ETSN017 Clear Crossing StationETSN017 Clear Crossing Station 805.0 01-Jun-10 A 02-Sep-13

ETSN018 Oklaunion StationETSN018 Oklaunion Station 305.0 29-Mar-10 A 01-Dec-11

ETSN019 Riley Station North/SouthETSN019 Riley Station North/South 936.0 30-Sep-09 A 03-Jun-13

ETSN020 Riley 345 kV Line to OklaunionETSN020 Riley 345 kV Line to Oklaunion 425.0 30-Sep-09 A 01-Dec-11

ETSN021 Bakersfield StationETSN021 Bakersfield Station 132.0 01-May-13 31-Oct-13

ETSN022 Big Hill StationETSN022 Big Hill Station 132.0 01-May-13 31-Oct-13

ETSN023 STACOM at Hamilton RoadETSN023 STACOM at Hamilton Road 1022.0 15-Nov-11 A 01-Oct-13

ETSN024 SVC at TeslaETSN024 SVC at Tesla 490.0 16-Nov-11 01-Oct-13

ESTN025 Edison CompensationESTN025 Edison Compensation 533.0 01-Dec-11 16-Dec-13

ESTN026 Oersted CompensationESTN026 Oersted Compensation 533.0 01-Dec-11 16-Dec-13

ETSN027 Riley CompensationETSN027 Riley Compensation 631.0 03-Jan-11 A 03-Jun-13

ETSN028 Clear Crossing CompensationETSN028 Clear Crossing Compensation 762.0 01-Oct-10 A 02-Sep-13

ETSN029 Oersted Line CompensationETSN029 Oersted Line Compensation 747.0 04-Feb-11 A 16-Dec-13

LCRA TSCLCRA TSC 1370.0 01-Oct-08 A 31-Dec-13

LCAN007 North McCamey AutosLCAN007 North McCamey Autos 1153.0 02-Mar-09 A 31-Jul-13

LCAN026 Kendall Auto AdditionLCAN026 Kendall Auto Addition 438.0 28-Feb-11 A 31-Oct-12

LCAU014 Kendall Auto ReplaceLCAU014 Kendall Auto Replace 784.0 29-Jan-09 A 31-Jan-12

LCLN003 Mason to Pittsburg LineLCLN003 Mason to Pittsburg Line 697.0 31-Mar-09 A 30-Nov-11

LCLN005 Tippet to North McCamey LineLCLN005 Tippet to North McCamey Line 488.0 27-Feb-09 A 01-Oct-10 A

LCLN010 Big Hill to Kendall LineLCLN010 Big Hill to Kendall Line 1176.0 30-Jun-09 A 31-Dec-13

LCLN011 Twin Buttes to Big Hill LineLCLN011 Twin Buttes to Big Hill Line 915.0 30-Jun-09 A 31-Dec-12

LCLN021 Divide Twin Buttes Line UpgradeLCLN021 Divide Twin Buttes Line Upgrade 414.0 28-Nov-08 A 03-Jun-10 A

LCLN026 Twin Buttes to Brown LineLCLN026 Twin Buttes to Brown Line 433.0 03-Nov-08 A 14-Jun-10 A

LCLU013 Kendall CTEC Line RebuildLCLU013 Kendall CTEC Line Rebuild 63.0 31-Jul-09 A 30-Sep-09 A

LCLU015 Raymond Barker to Verde Creek Line RebuildLCLU015 Raymond Barker to Verde Creek Line Rebuild 248.0 31-Dec-08 A 11-Dec-09 A

LCLU017 Goldthwaite to Evant Line RebuildLCLU017 Goldthwaite to Evant Line Rebuild 429.0 01-Oct-08 A 24-May-10 A

LCLU019 Kendall to Miller Creek to Paleface Line RebuildLCLU019 Kendall to Miller Creek to Paleface Line Reb... 587.0 07-Mar-11 A 28-Jun-13

LCSN012 Big Hill CompensationLCSN012 Big Hill Compensation 654.0 25-Jan-11 A 31-May-13

LCSN029 Mason to Pittsburg LineLCSN029 Mason to Pittsburg Line 698.0 30-Mar-09 A 30-Nov-11

Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan FMar

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


28-Jun-10 A

28-Jun-10 A

21-Jun-10 A

11-Dec-09 A

11-Dec-09 A











07-Jun-11 A





































01-Oct-10 A



03-Jun-10 A

14-Jun-10 A

30-Sep-09 A

11-Dec-09 A

24-May-10 A




PUCT - CREZ Oversight Summary Schedule PUCT View 1 01-Aug-11 13:25

Remaining Level of Effort

Actual Level of Effort

Actual Work

Remaining Work

Critical Remaining Work


Page 1 of 3

Activity ID Activity Name OriginalDuration

Start Finish

LCSN030 Bakersfield SubstationLCSN030 Bakersfield Substation 592.0 26-May-11 A 30-Aug-13

LCSN031 Big Hill SubstationLCSN031 Big Hill Substation 838.0 15-Oct-09 A 31-Dec-12

LCSN032 Divide Substation related to WETT's Sandy Bluff to DivideLCSN032 Divide Substation related to WETT's Sandy ... 759.0 04-Dec-09 A 31-Oct-12

LCSN033 Twin Buttes to McCamey D SubstationsLCSN033 Twin Buttes to McCamey D Substations 985.0 24-Mar-09 A 31-Dec-12

LCSN034 Substation related to Kendall to Miller Creek to Paleface 138-kV ineLCSN034 Substation related to Kendall to Miller Cree... 413.0 30-Nov-11 28-Jun-13

LCSN035 North McCamey Substation related to STEC's Bakerdield to North McCamey to Odessa LinesLCSN035 North McCamey Substation related to STEC... 588.0 30-Sep-11 31-Dec-13

LCSU006 Tippet to North McCamey SubstationLCSU006 Tippet to North McCamey Substation 442.0 31-Aug-09 A 01-Oct-10 A

LCSU016 Raymond Barker SubstationLCSU016 Raymond Barker Substation 108.0 31-Dec-08 A 30-Jun-09 A

LCSU020 Twin Buttes SubstationLCSU020 Twin Buttes Substation 357.0 01-Nov-08 A 14-Jun-10 A

LCSU022 Divide Twin Buttes SubstationLCSU022 Divide Twin Buttes Substation 414.0 30-Nov-08 A 03-Jun-10 A

LCSU023 Gillespie Substation UpgradeLCSU023 Gillespie Substation Upgrade 458.0 28-Feb-09 A 29-Dec-10 A

LCSU035 Big Hill to Kendall SubstationsLCSU035 Big Hill to Kendall Substations 1176.0 30-Jun-09 A 31-Dec-13

LONE STARLONE STAR 1000.0 10-Jul-09 A 29-Mar-13

LSLN001 Scurry County South to West Shackelford LineLSLN001 Scurry County South to West Shackelford L... 745.0 24-May-10 A 29-Mar-13

LSLN002 West Shackelford to Navarro/Sam Switch LineLSLN002 West Shackelford to Navarro/Sam Switch Line 809.0 24-May-10 A 29-Mar-13

LSLN007 Sam Switch to Navarro LineLSLN007 Sam Switch to Navarro Line 1000.0 24-May-10 A 29-Mar-13

LSSN003 West Shackelford to Navarro/Sam Switch CompensationLSSN003 West Shackelford to Navarro/Sam Switch C... 745.0 24-May-10 A 29-Mar-13

LSSN004 West Shackelford CompensationLSSN004 West Shackelford Compensation 745.0 24-May-10 A 29-Mar-13

LSSN005 Navarro StationLSSN005 Navarro Station 745.0 21-Jul-09 A 29-Mar-13

LSSN006 Sam Switch StationLSSN006 Sam Switch Station 745.0 10-Jul-09 A 29-Mar-13

LSSN008 West Shackelford SubstationLSSN008 West Shackelford Substation 745.0 24-May-10 A 29-Mar-13

LSSN009 Add. Reactive Equip. per ERCOT StudyLSSN009 Add. Reactive Equip. per ERCOT Study 745.0 24-May-10 A 29-Mar-13

ONCORONCOR 1372.0 29-Sep-08 A 31-Dec-13

ONAN013 Eagle Mountain AutoONAN013 Eagle Mountain Auto 282.0 16-Nov-08 A 15-Dec-09 A

ONSN063 Parker SVCONSN063 Parker SVC 795.0 15-Dec-10 A 31-Dec-13

ONSN061 Scurry Capacitor BankONSN061 Scurry Capacitor Bank 457.0 02-Apr-12 31-Dec-13

ONSN062 Kileen Capacitor BankONSN062 Kileen Capacitor Bank 457.0 02-Apr-12 31-Dec-13

ONLN001 Bluff Creek to Brown LineONLN001 Bluff Creek to Brown Line 698.0 28-Oct-09 A 29-Jun-12

ONLN002 Scurry County South to Tonkawa LineONLN002 Scurry County South to Tonkawa Line 550.0 16-Sep-09 A 30-Jun-11 A

ONSN056 Brown Capacitor BankONSN056 Brown Capacitor Bank 457.0 02-Apr-12 31-Dec-13

ONSN057 Brown SVCONSN057 Brown SVC 720.0 15-Dec-10 A 31-Dec-13

ONSN058 Krum West Shunt ReactorONSN058 Krum West Shunt Reactor 587.0 01-Apr-11 A 01-Jul-13

ONSN059 Krum West Capacitor BankONSN059 Krum West Capacitor Bank 457.0 02-Apr-12 31-Dec-13

ONSN060 Willow Creek Shunt ReactorONSN060 Willow Creek Shunt Reactor 1304.0 01-Jan-09 A 31-Dec-13

ONLN003 Dermott to Scurry County SouthONLN003 Dermott to Scurry County South 603.0 16-Sep-09 A 15-Dec-11

ONLN009 Clear Crossing to Willow Creek LineONLN009 Clear Crossing to Willow Creek Line 868.0 18-Aug-10 A 13-Dec-13

ONLN011 Central Bluff to Bluff Creek LineONLN011 Central Bluff to Bluff Creek Line 557.0 28-Oct-09 A 15-Dec-11

ONLN014 Newton to Killeen LineONLN014 Newton to Killeen Line 833.0 07-Oct-09 A 14-Dec-12

ONLN016 Riley to West Krum LineONLN016 Riley to West Krum Line 825.0 03-May-10 A 28-Jun-13

ONLN017 Parker to Everman LineONLN017 Parker to Everman Line 229.0 01-Jan-09 A 16-Nov-09 A

ONLN022 Sweetwater to Central Bluff LineONLN022 Sweetwater to Central Bluff Line 587.0 16-Sep-09 A 15-Dec-11

ONLN023 Tonkawa to Sweetwater LineONLN023 Tonkawa to Sweetwater Line 467.0 16-Sep-09 A 15-Jun-11 A

ONLN027 Ector County North to Moss LineONLN027 Ector County North to Moss Line 448.0 29-Sep-10 A 15-Jun-12

ONLN028 West Krum to Anna LineONLN028 West Krum to Anna Line 853.0 08-Sep-10 A 13-Dec-13

ONLN029 West Krum to Carrollton NW LineONLN029 West Krum to Carrollton NW Line 586.0 01-Jan-09 A 31-Mar-11 A

ONLN030 Willow Creek to Hicks LineONLN030 Willow Creek to Hicks Line 793.0 16-Jun-10 A 28-Jun-13

ONLN031 Riley-Bowman LineONLN031 Riley-Bowman Line 587.0 16-Sep-09 A 15-Dec-11

ONLN032 Brown to Newton/Salado LineONLN032 Brown to Newton/Salado Line 833.0 07-Oct-09 A 14-Dec-12

ONLU012 Eagle Mountain-Hicks-Alliance-Ronoke Terminal EquipmentONLU012 Eagle Mountain-Hicks-Alliance-Ronoke Ter... 75.0 05-Jan-09 A 27-Mar-09 A

ONLU018 Jacksboro-Willow Creek-Parker Line RebuildONLU018 Jacksboro-Willow Creek-Parker Line Rebuild 393.0 30-Jun-09 A 01-Dec-10 A

ONLU021 Bowman to Jacksboro Line UpgradeONLU021 Bowman to Jacksboro Line Upgrade 280.0 29-May-09 A 24-Jun-10 A

ONLU024 Bowman to Fisher Road Terminal UpgradeONLU024 Bowman to Fisher Road Terminal Upgrade 381.0 01-Jul-10 A 15-Dec-11

ONLU025 Bowman to Graham Terminal UpgradeONLU025 Bowman to Graham Terminal Upgrade 381.0 01-Jul-10 A 15-Dec-11

ONLU026 Roanoke to Alliance Terminal UpgradeONLU026 Roanoke to Alliance Terminal Upgrade 145.0 29-Sep-08 A 27-Mar-09 A

ONLU038 Abilene South to Leon Line UpgradeONLU038 Abilene South to Leon Line Upgrade 242.0 05-Jul-10 A 04-May-11 A

ONLU039 Twin Buttes to Brown LineONLU039 Twin Buttes to Brown Line 240.0 01-Aug-11 29-Jun-12

ONLU042 Killeen - Salado LineONLU042 Killeen - Salado Line 249.0 18-Jun-09 A 22-May-10 A

ONSN004 Scurry County South CompensationONSN004 Scurry County South Compensation 467.0 16-Sep-09 A 23-Jun-11 A

ONSN005 Dermott CompensationONSN005 Dermott Compensation 467.0 16-Sep-09 A 30-Jun-11 A

ONSN006 Scurry County South StationONSN006 Scurry County South Station 467.0 16-Sep-09 A 23-Jun-11 A

ONSN007 Dermott StationONSN007 Dermott Station 467.0 16-Sep-09 A 30-Jun-11 A

ONSN010 Dermott to Willow Creek CompensationONSN010 Dermott to Willow Creek Compensation 880.0 18-Aug-10 A 31-Dec-13

ONSN033 Brown StationONSN033 Brown Station 713.0 07-Oct-09 A 29-Jun-12

ONSN034 Brown CompensationONSN034 Brown Compensation 713.0 07-Oct-09 A 29-Jun-12

ONSN035 Newton StationONSN035 Newton Station 834.0 07-Oct-09 A 17-Dec-12

Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan FMar

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014







01-Oct-10 A

30-Jun-09 A

14-Jun-10 A

03-Jun-10 A

29-Dec-10 A













15-Dec-09 A





30-Jun-11 A











16-Nov-09 A


15-Jun-11 A



31-Mar-11 A




27-Mar-09 A

01-Dec-10 A

24-Jun-10 A



27-Mar-09 A

04-May-11 A


22-May-10 A

23-Jun-11 A

30-Jun-11 A

23-Jun-11 A

30-Jun-11 A





PUCT - CREZ Oversight Summary Schedule PUCT View 1 01-Aug-11 13:25

Remaining Level of Effort

Actual Level of Effort

Actual Work

Remaining Work

Critical Remaining Work


Page 2 of 3

Activity ID Activity Name OriginalDuration

Start Finish

ONSN036 Hicks StationONSN036 Hicks Station 841.0 16-Jun-10 A 28-Jun-13

ONSN037 West Krum StationONSN037 West Krum Station 1056.0 18-May-09 A 03-Jun-13

ONSN045 Central Bluff SwitchONSN045 Central Bluff Switch 587.0 16-Sep-09 A 15-Dec-11

ONSN052 Sweetwater East SwitchONSN052 Sweetwater East Switch 544.0 01-Jun-09 A 15-Jun-11 A

ONSN053 Ector County North SwitchONSN053 Ector County North Switch 513.0 30-Jun-10 A 15-Jun-12

ONSN055 Graham CompensationONSN055 Graham Compensation 632.0 01-Aug-11 31-Dec-13

ONSU008 Tonkawa Station ExpansionONSU008 Tonkawa Station Expansion 544.0 01-Jun-09 A 15-Jun-11 A

ONSU015 Killeen Station UpgradeONSU015 Killeen Station Upgrade 969.0 01-Apr-09 A 17-Dec-12

ONSU019 Jacksboro StationONSU019 Jacksboro Station 253.0 17-Dec-08 A 04-Dec-09 A

ONSU020 Willow Creek StationONSU020 Willow Creek Station 1186.0 17-Nov-08 A 03-Jun-13

ONSU043 Bowman Switch UpgradeONSU043 Bowman Switch Upgrade 664.0 23-Mar-09 A 15-Dec-11

ONSU044 Carrollton NW TerminalONSU044 Carrollton NW Terminal 250.0 17-Jun-09 A 01-Jun-10 A

ONSU046 Everman Switch UpgradeONSU046 Everman Switch Upgrade 285.0 15-Oct-08 A 17-Nov-09 A

ONSU047 Leon TerminalONSU047 Leon Terminal 259.0 01-Jun-10 A 04-May-11 A

ONSU048 Moss TerminalONSU048 Moss Terminal 448.0 29-Sep-10 A 15-Jun-12

ONSU049 Odessa EHVONSU049 Odessa EHV 554.0 30-Jun-10 A 14-Dec-12

ONSU050 Parker Switch UpgradeONSU050 Parker Switch Upgrade 640.0 15-Oct-08 A 21-Nov-09 A

ONSU051 Salado TerminalONSU051 Salado Terminal 302.0 06-Apr-09 A 17-Apr-10 A

ONSU054 Anna TerminalONSU054 Anna Terminal 853.0 08-Sep-10 A 13-Dec-13

SHARYLANDSHARYLAND 859.0 16-Jun-10 A 30-Sep-13

SHSN015 White Deer SubstationSHSN015 White Deer Substation 674.0 31-Dec-10 A 31-Jul-13

SHSN014 White Deer Reactive CompensationSHSN014 White Deer Reactive Compensation 674.0 31-Dec-10 A 31-Jul-13

SHSN013 Nazareth SubstationSHSN013 Nazareth Substation 528.0 29-Mar-11 A 04-Apr-13

SHSN012 Nazareth Reactive CompensationSHSN012 Nazareth Reactive Compensation 527.0 29-Mar-11 A 04-Apr-13

SHSN011 Silverton SubstationSHSN011 Silverton Substation 523.0 17-Feb-11 A 18-Feb-13

SHSN010 Hereford SubstationSHSN010 Hereford Substation 659.0 31-Dec-10 A 31-Jul-13

SHLN001 Nazareth to Hereford LineSHLN001 Nazareth to Hereford Line 675.0 20-Oct-10 A 21-May-13

SHLN002 Nazareth to Silverton LineSHLN002 Nazareth to Silverton Line 642.0 20-Oct-10 A 04-Apr-13

SHLN003 Hereford to White Deer LineSHLN003 Hereford to White Deer Line 816.0 16-Jun-10 A 31-Jul-13

SHLN006 White Deer to Silverton LineSHLN006 White Deer to Silverton Line 771.0 10-Nov-10 A 30-Sep-13

SHLN007 Silverton to Cottonwood LineSHLN007 Silverton to Cottonwood Line 640.0 08-Sep-10 A 19-Feb-13

SHSN005 Hereford CompensationSHSN005 Hereford Compensation 816.0 16-Jun-10 A 31-Jul-13

SHSN008 Silverton Cap BankSHSN008 Silverton Cap Bank 639.0 08-Sep-10 A 18-Feb-13

STECSTEC 773.0 29-Sep-10 A 13-Sep-13

STLN001 Bakersfield to Big Hill LineSTLN001 Bakersfield to Big Hill Line 764.0 29-Sep-10 A 02-Sep-13

LCLN009 Bakersfield to North McCamey LineLCLN009 Bakersfield to North McCamey Line 630.0 18-Apr-11 A 13-Sep-13

WETTWETT 1008.0 01-Jul-09 A 10-May-13

WTLN001 Sand Bluff to Divide LineWTLN001 Sand Bluff to Divide Line 769.0 01-Jun-10 A 10-May-13

WTLN002 Sand Bluff to Bearkat LineWTLN002 Sand Bluff to Bearkat Line 725.0 01-Jun-10 A 11-Mar-13

WTLN003 Cottonwood to Dermott LineWTLN003 Cottonwood to Dermott Line 689.0 30-Apr-10 A 19-Dec-12

WTLN006 Long Draw to Grelton LineWTLN006 Long Draw to Grelton Line 703.0 31-May-10 A 06-Feb-13

WTLN007 Long Draw to Sand Bluff LineWTLN007 Long Draw to Sand Bluff Line 769.0 01-Jun-10 A 10-May-13

WTLN008 Grelton to Odessa LineWTLN008 Grelton to Odessa Line 690.0 31-May-10 A 18-Jan-13

WTLN009 Scurry County South to Long Draw LineWTLN009 Scurry County South to Long Draw Line 703.0 31-May-10 A 06-Feb-13

WTLN010 Cottonwood SubstationWTLN010 Cottonwood Substation 689.0 01-Jul-09 A 19-Dec-12

WTLN011 Long Draw SubstationWTLN011 Long Draw Substation 928.0 01-Jul-09 A 18-Jan-13

WTLN012 Grelton SubstationWTLN012 Grelton Substation 928.0 01-Jul-09 A 18-Jan-13

WTLN013 Sand Bluff SubstationWTLN013 Sand Bluff Substation 964.0 01-Jul-09 A 11-Mar-13

WTLN014 Bearkat SubstationWTLN014 Bearkat Substation 964.0 01-Jul-09 A 11-Mar-13

WTSN004 Cottonwood Cap BankWTSN004 Cottonwood Cap Bank 657.0 16-Jun-10 A 18-Dec-12

WTSN005 Cottonwood Reactive CompensationWTSN005 Cottonwood Reactive Compensation 906.0 01-Jul-09 A 19-Dec-12


CPLU001 Singleton to Gibbons Creek Terminal UpgradesCPLU001 Singleton to Gibbons Creek Terminal Upgra... 23.0 01-Sep-09 A 01-Oct-09 A

Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan FMar

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014




15-Jun-11 A



15-Jun-11 A


04-Dec-09 A



01-Jun-10 A

17-Nov-09 A

04-May-11 A



21-Nov-09 A

17-Apr-10 A


































01-Oct-09 A

01-Oct-09 A

PUCT - CREZ Oversight Summary Schedule PUCT View 1 01-Aug-11 13:25

Remaining Level of Effort

Actual Level of Effort

Actual Work

Remaining Work

Critical Remaining Work


Page 3 of 3

CREZ Program Oversight July 2011

71 CREZ Progress Report No. 4



Activity ID Activity Name OriginalDuration

Start Finish

PUCT - CREZ Oversight - Baselines currentPUCT - CREZ Oversight - Baselines current 1440.0 15-Sep-08 A 31-Dec-13

BANDERABANDERA 546.0 15-Sep-08 A 28-Jun-10 A

BAAN001 Bandera AutoBAAN001 Bandera Auto 339.0 15-Mar-09 A 28-Jun-10 A

P100 Procurement 251.0 15-Mar-09 A 19-Mar-10 A

ED100 Engineering & Design 241.0 19-Mar-09 A 02-Feb-10 A

C100 Construction 99.0 15-Feb-10 A 28-Jun-10 A

EN100 Energization 0.0 28-Jun-10 A

BALN002 Verde Creek to Bandera LineBALN002 Verde Creek to Bandera Line 546.0 15-Sep-08 A 21-Jun-10 A

ED110 Engineering & Design 88.0 15-Sep-08 A 01-Feb-10 A

P110 Procurement 131.0 20-Aug-09 A 31-Jan-10 A

C110 Construction 186.0 01-Feb-10 A 21-Jun-10 A

POD110 Planned Outage Dates 1.0 01-Feb-10 A 01-Feb-10 A

EN110 Energization 0.0 21-Jun-10 A

BRAZOSBRAZOS 322.0 28-Oct-08 A 11-Dec-09 A

BRAN001 Whitney AutoBRAN001 Whitney Auto 322.0 28-Oct-08 A 11-Dec-09 A

ED120 Engineering & Design 1.0 28-Oct-08 A 27-Feb-09 A

P120 Procurement 1.0 06-Jan-09 A 30-Apr-09 A

C120 Construction 20.0 23-Feb-09 A 11-Dec-09 A

POD120 Planned Outage Dates 0.0 18-May-09 A 18-May-09 A

EN120 Energization 0.0 28-Oct-09 A

CROSS TEXASCROSS TEXAS 1045.0 01-May-09 A 02-Sep-13

CTLN001 Silverton to Tesla LineCTLN001 Silverton to Tesla Line 957.0 01-Feb-10 A 02-Sep-13

ED130 Engineering & Design 586.0 01-Feb-10 A 30-Mar-12

CCN130 CCN Process 155.0 28-Jul-10 A 19-Jan-11 A

TPW130 Copy TPW 44.0 28-Jul-10 A 30-Sep-10 A

ROW130 ROW Aquisition 306.0 20-Jan-11 A 30-Mar-12

P130 Procurement 349.0 01-Apr-11 A 01-Aug-12

C130 Construction 435.0 02-Jan-12* 30-Aug-13

POD130 Planned Outage Dates 1.0 03-Jun-13* 03-Jun-13

EN130 Energization 0.0 02-Sep-13*

CTLN002 Gray to Tesla LineCTLN002 Gray to Tesla Line 805.0 01-Feb-10 A 01-Mar-13

ED140 Engineering & Design 370.0 01-Feb-10 A 03-Jun-11 A

TPW140 Copy TPW 1.0 03-May-10 A 30-Jun-10 A

CCN140 CCN Process 98.0 03-May-10 A 15-Sep-10 A

ROW140 ROW Acquisition 262.0 18-Oct-10 A 01-Nov-11

P140 Procurement 327.0 01-Nov-10 A 31-Jan-12

C140 Construction 436.0 01-Jul-11 A 01-Mar-13

POD140 Planned Outage Dates 1.0 01-Jan-13* 01-Jan-13

EN140 Energization 0.0 01-Mar-13

CTLN004 Gray to White Deer LineCTLN004 Gray to White Deer Line 826.0 01-Jan-10 A 01-Mar-13

ED150 Engineering &Design 565.0 01-Jan-10 A 02-Apr-12

CCN150 CCN Process 130.0 29-Sep-10 A 04-Mar-11 A

TPW150 Copy TPW 41.0 29-Sep-10 A 08-Dec-10 A

ROW150 ROW Acquisition 263.0 01-Mar-11 A 02-Apr-12

P150 Procurement 246.0 01-Nov-11 A 07-Feb-12

C150 Construction 295.0 02-Jan-12* 15-Feb-13

POD150 Planned Outage Dates 1.0 01-Jan-13* 01-Jan-13

EN150 Energization 0.0 01-Mar-13*

CTSN003 Silverton to Tesla CompensationCTSN003 Silverton to Tesla Compensation 1045.0 01-Sep-09 A 02-Sep-13

ED160 Engineering &Design 1.0 01-Sep-09 A 02-Apr-12

CCN160 CCN Process 133.0 28-Jul-10 A 19-Jan-11 A

TPW160 Copy TPW 44.0 28-Jul-10 A 30-Sep-10 A

ROW160 ROW Acquisition 130.0 03-Jan-11 A 15-Jun-11 A

P160 Procurement 362.0 15-Mar-11 A 01-Aug-12

C160 Construction 436.0 02-Jan-12* 02-Sep-13

POD160 Planned Outage Dates 1.0 01-Jul-13* 01-Jul-13

EN160 Energization 0.0 02-Sep-13*

CTSN005 Gray to Reactive CompensationCTSN005 Gray to Reactive Compensation 805.0 01-Feb-10 A 01-Mar-13

ED170 Engineering &Design 370.0 01-Feb-10 A 01-Nov-11

CCN170 CCN Process 131.0 03-May-10 A 15-Sep-10 A

TPW170 Copy TPW 1.0 03-May-10 A 30-Jun-10 A

ROW170 ROW Acquisition 262.0 01-Nov-10 A 01-Nov-11

P170 Procurement 306.0 15-Mar-11 A 02-Jan-12

C170 Construction 327.0 01-Dec-11* 01-Mar-13

Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan FMar

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


28-Jun-10 A

28-Jun-10 A


Engineering & Design



21-Jun-10 A

Engineering & Design



Planned Outage Dates


11-Dec-09 A

11-Dec-09 A

Engineering & Design



Planned Outage Dates




Engineering & Design

CCN Process

Copy TPW

ROW Aquisition



Planned Outage Dates



Engineering & Design

Copy TPW

CCN Process

ROW Acquisition



Planned Outage Dates



Engineering &Design

CCN Process

Copy TPW

ROW Acquisition



Planned Outage Dates



Engineering &Design

CCN Process

Copy TPW

ROW Acquisition



Planned Outage Dates



Engineering &Design

CCN Process

Copy TPW

ROW Acquisition



PUCT - CREZ Oversight Detailed Schedule PUCT View 1 01-Aug-11 13:30

Remaining Level of Effort

Actual Level of Effort

Actual Work

Remaining Work

Critical Remaining Work


Page 1 of 17

Activity ID Activity Name OriginalDuration

Start Finish

POD170 Planned Outage Dates 1.0 01-Jan-13* 01-Jan-13

EN170 Energization 0.0 01-Mar-13*

CTSN006 Gray SubstationCTSN006 Gray Substation 805.0 01-May-09 A 01-Mar-13

ROW180 ROW Acquisition 262.0 01-May-09 A 01-Aug-11

ED180 Engineering & Design 370.0 01-Feb-10 A 01-Nov-11

CCN180 CCN Process 98.0 03-May-10 A 15-Sep-10 A

TPW180 Copy TPW 43.0 03-May-10 A 30-Jun-10 A

P180 Procurement 306.0 01-Nov-10 A 02-Jan-12

C180 Construction 327.0 01-Dec-11* 01-Mar-13

POD180 Planned Outage Dates 1.0 01-Jan-13* 01-Jan-13

E180 Energization 0.0 01-Mar-13*

ETTETT 1076.0 30-Sep-09 A 16-Dec-13

ACLU001 Fort Lancaster to Hamilton Road RebuildACLU001 Fort Lancaster to Hamilton Road Rebuild 522.0 01-Feb-10 A 28-Feb-12

ED190 Engineering & Design 398.0 01-Feb-10 A 07-Sep-11

P190 Procurement 370.0 03-May-10 A 08-Dec-11

ROW190 ROW Aquisition 195.0 02-Aug-10 A 07-Feb-12

C190 Construction 367.0 04-Oct-10 A 28-Feb-12

EN190 Energization 0.0 28-Feb-12*

ANLU003 East Abilene to Putman Line UpgradeANLU003 East Abilene to Putman Line Upgrade 578.0 01-Mar-10 A 01-Oct-12

ED200 Engineering & Design 303.0 01-Mar-10 A 29-Jul-11

CCN200 CCN Process 371.0 24-Aug-10 A 27-Jan-11 A

ROW200 ROW Aquisition 154.0 01-Mar-11 A 01-Nov-11

P200 Procurement 131.0 01-Apr-11 A 30-Sep-11

C200 Construction 240.0 01-Nov-11* 01-Oct-12

EN200 Energization 0.0 01-Oct-12*

ANLU004 Putnam to Leon LineANLU004 Putnam to Leon Line 349.0 01-Feb-10 A 07-Jun-11 A

ED210 Engineering & Design 297.0 01-Feb-10 A 07-Jun-11 A

P210 Procurement 115.0 03-May-10 A 07-Jun-11 A

C210 Construction 203.0 23-Sep-10 A 07-Jun-11 A

EN210 Energization 0.0 07-Jun-11 A

ANSN001 Oklaunion Cap BankANSN001 Oklaunion Cap Bank 697.0 20-Aug-10 A 03-Jun-13

ED220 Engineering & Design 174.0 20-Aug-10 A 29-Feb-12

P220 Procurement 197.0 01-Feb-12* 01-Nov-12

C220 Construction 328.0 01-Mar-12* 03-Jun-13

EN220 Energization 0.0 03-Jun-13

ANSU006 East Abilene StationANSU006 East Abilene Station 599.0 01-Sep-10 A 01-Oct-12

ROW230 ROW Aquisition 66.0 01-Sep-10 A 01-Mar-11 A

ED230 Engineering & Design 196.0 15-Dec-10 A 01-Nov-11

P230 Procurement 154.0 01-Mar-11 A 30-Sep-11

C230 Construction 371.0 02-May-11 A 01-Oct-12

EN230 Energization 0.0 01-Oct-12*

ETLN001 Clear Crossing to Dermott LineETLN001 Clear Crossing to Dermott Line 872.0 03-May-10 A 03-Sep-13

CCN240 CCN Process 130.0 03-May-10 A 30-Aug-10 A

TPW240 Copy TPW 24.0 03-May-10 A 30-Jun-10 A

P240 Procurement 435.0 01-Jul-10 A 26-Apr-12

ED240 Engineering & Design 458.0 01-Nov-10 A 01-Aug-11

ROW240 ROW Aquisition 373.0 01-Nov-10 A 01-Nov-11

C240 Construction 480.0 02-Nov-11* 03-Sep-13

EN240 Energization 0.0 03-Sep-13*

ETLN003 Riley to Edith Clarke LineETLN003 Riley to Edith Clarke Line 681.0 08-Sep-10 A 25-Mar-13

CCN260 CCN Process 70.0 08-Sep-10 A 07-Mar-11 A

TPW260 Copy TPW 40.0 08-Sep-10 A 08-Oct-10 A

P260 Procurement 384.0 10-Dec-10 A 07-Jun-12

ED260 Engineering & Design 406.0 01-Mar-11 A 02-Apr-12

ROW260 ROW Aquisition 340.0 08-Mar-11 A 02-Apr-12

C260 Construction 256.0 02-Apr-12* 25-Mar-13

EN260 Energization 0.0 25-Mar-13

ETLN002 Tesla to Riley LineETLN002 Tesla to Riley Line 766.0 18-Aug-10 A 01-Jul-13

CCN250 CCN Process 55.0 18-Aug-10 A 20-Dec-10 A

TPW250 Copy TPW 40.0 18-Aug-10 A 13-Oct-10 A

P250 Procurement 402.0 05-Jan-11 A 17-Apr-12

ROW250 ROW Aquisition 273.0 01-Feb-11 A 01-Mar-12

ED250 Engineering & Design 397.0 01-Mar-11 A 30-Mar-12

C250 Construction 348.0 01-Mar-12* 01-Jul-13

EN250 Energization 0.0 01-Jul-13

Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan FMar

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Planned Outage Dates



ROW Acquisition

Engineering & Design

CCN Process

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Planned Outage Dates




Engineering & Design


ROW Aquisition




Engineering & Design

CCN Process

ROW Aquisition




07-Jun-11 A

Engineering & Design





Engineering & Design





ROW Aquisition

Engineering & Design





CCN Process

Copy TPW


Engineering & Design

ROW Aquisition




CCN Process

Copy TPW


Engineering & Design

ROW Aquisition




CCN Process

Copy TPW


ROW Aquisition

Engineering & Design



PUCT - CREZ Oversight Detailed Schedule PUCT View 1 01-Aug-11 13:30

Remaining Level of Effort

Actual Level of Effort

Actual Work

Remaining Work

Critical Remaining Work


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Activity ID Activity Name OriginalDuration

Start Finish

ETLN005 Tesla to Edith Clarke LineETLN005 Tesla to Edith Clarke Line 644.0 20-Oct-10 A 27-Mar-13

CCN280 CCN Process 298.0 20-Oct-10 A 18-Apr-11 A

TPW280 Copy TPW 18.0 20-Oct-10 A 20-Nov-10 A

ROW280 ROW Aquisition 357.0 18-Apr-11 A 01-May-12

ED280 Engineering & Design 423.0 02-May-11 A 30-Apr-12

P280 Procurement 404.0 01-Aug-11 A 03-Sep-12

C280 Construction 237.0 01-May-12* 27-Mar-13

EN280 Energization 0.0 27-Mar-13

ETLN004 Edith Clarke to Cottonwood LineETLN004 Edith Clarke to Cottonwood Line 817.0 08-Sep-10 A 01-Oct-13

CCN270 CCN Process 593.0 08-Sep-10 A 07-Mar-11 A

TPW270 Copy TPW 40.0 08-Sep-10 A 08-Oct-10 A

P270 Procurement 383.0 29-Oct-10 A 07-Jun-12

ROW270 ROW Aquisition 340.0 08-Mar-11 A 02-Apr-12

ED270 Engineering & Design 405.0 01-Apr-11 A 30-Mar-12

C270 Construction 392.0 02-Apr-12* 01-Oct-13

EN270 Energization 0.0 01-Oct-13

ETLN006 Edith Clarke to Clear Crossing LineETLN006 Edith Clarke to Clear Crossing Line 783.0 20-Oct-10 A 25-Sep-13

CCN290 CCN Process 58.0 20-Oct-10 A 18-Apr-11 A

TPW290 Copy TPW 40.0 20-Oct-10 A 20-Nov-10 A

ROW290 ROW Aquisition 345.0 19-Apr-11 A 01-May-12

ED290 Engineering & Design 414.0 02-May-11 A 30-Apr-12

P290 Procurement 393.0 01-Aug-11 A 03-Sep-12

C290 Construction 367.0 01-May-12* 25-Sep-13

EN290 Energization 0.0 25-Sep-13

ETLN007 Clear Crossing to West Shackelford LineETLN007 Clear Crossing to West Shackelford Line 766.0 20-Oct-10 A 02-Sep-13

CCN300 CCN Process 60.0 20-Oct-10 A 18-Apr-11 A

TPW300 Copy TPW 40.0 20-Oct-10 A 20-Nov-10 A

ROW300 ROW Aquisition 345.0 19-Apr-11 A 01-May-12

ED300 Engineering & Design 428.0 02-May-11 A 30-Apr-12

P300 Procurement 393.0 01-Aug-11 A 03-Sep-12

C300 Construction 261.0 03-Sep-12* 02-Sep-13

EN300 Energization 0.0 02-Sep-13

ETSN008 Tesla StationETSN008 Tesla Station 816.0 15-Jan-10 A 01-Mar-13

ED310 Engineering & Design 365.0 15-Jan-10 A 29-Jul-11

P310 Procurement 377.0 03-May-10 A 01-Mar-12

C310 Construction 452.0 01-Aug-11 A 01-Mar-13

EN310 Energization 0.0 01-Mar-13*

ETSN009 Tesla CompensationETSN009 Tesla Compensation 631.0 01-Oct-10 A 01-Mar-13

ED320 Engineering & Design 174.0 01-Oct-10 A 29-Jul-11

P320 Procurement 241.0 02-May-11 A 02-Apr-12

C320 Construction 153.0 01-Aug-12* 01-Mar-13

EN320 Energization 0.0 01-Mar-13

ETSN010 Tesla Cap BankETSN010 Tesla Cap Bank 740.0 03-May-10 A 01-Mar-13

P330 Procurement 218.0 03-May-10 A 01-Aug-12

ED330 Engineering & Design 66.0 01-Feb-11 A 29-Jul-11

C330 Construction 196.0 01-Aug-11 A 01-Mar-13

EN330 Energization 0.0 01-Mar-13*

ETSN011 Edith Clarke StationETSN011 Edith Clarke Station 841.0 15-Jan-10 A 25-Mar-13

ED340 Engineering & Design 498.0 15-Jan-10 A 29-Jul-11

P340 Procurement 138.0 05-May-11 A 02-Apr-12

C340 Construction 321.0 02-Jan-12* 25-Mar-13

EN340 Energization 0.0 25-Mar-13

ETSN012 Edith Clarke Cap BankETSN012 Edith Clarke Cap Bank 647.0 03-Jan-11 A 25-Mar-13

C350 Construction 581.0 03-Jan-11 A 25-Mar-13

ED350 Engineering & Design 174.0 01-Feb-11 A 29-Jul-11

P350 Procurement 263.0 01-Nov-11* 01-Nov-12

EN350 Energization 0.0 25-Mar-13*

ETSN013 Edith Clarke CompensationETSN013 Edith Clarke Compensation 647.0 01-Feb-11 A 25-Mar-13

ED360 Engineering & Design 174.0 01-Feb-11 A 29-Jul-11

P360 Procurement 263.0 01-Nov-11* 01-Nov-12

C360 Construction 60.0 01-Jan-13* 25-Mar-13

EN360 Energization 0.0 25-Mar-13*

ETSN014 Edith Clarke to West Shackelford CompensationETSN014 Edith Clarke to West Shackelford Compens... 837.0 01-Oct-10 A 16-Dec-13

ED370 Engineering & Design 174.0 01-Oct-10 A 24-Jul-12

P370 Procurement 196.0 13-Jun-12* 13-Mar-13

Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan FMar

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PUCT - CREZ Oversight Detailed Schedule PUCT View 1 01-Aug-11 13:30

Remaining Level of Effort

Actual Level of Effort

Actual Work

Remaining Work

Critical Remaining Work


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Activity ID Activity Name OriginalDuration

Start Finish

C370 Construction 271.0 03-Dec-12* 16-Dec-13

EN370 Energization 0.0 16-Dec-13*

ETSN015 Dermott to Willow Creek CompensationETSN015 Dermott to Willow Creek Compensation 925.0 01-Mar-12 A 16-Dec-13

ED380 Engineering & Design 458.0 01-Mar-12 A 24-Jul-12

P380 Procurement 435.0 13-Jun-12 A 13-Mar-13

C380 Construction 271.0 03-Dec-12* 16-Dec-13

EN380 Energization 0.0 16-Dec-13*

ETSN016 Big Hill to Kendall CompensationETSN016 Big Hill to Kendall Compensation 837.0 01-Dec-11 A 16-Dec-13

ED390 Engineering & Design 174.0 01-Dec-11 A 24-Jul-12

P390 Procurement 196.0 13-Jun-12* 13-Mar-13

C390 Construction 271.0 03-Dec-12* 16-Dec-13

EN390 Energization 0.0 16-Dec-13*

ETSN017 Clear Crossing StationETSN017 Clear Crossing Station 805.0 01-Jun-10 A 02-Sep-13

ED410 Engineering & Design 174.0 01-Jun-10 A 31-May-12

P410 Procurement 218.0 03-Aug-10 A 02-Apr-12

C410 Construction 546.0 01-Aug-11* 02-Sep-13

EN410 Energization 0.0 02-Sep-13*

ETSN018 Oklaunion StationETSN018 Oklaunion Station 305.0 29-Mar-10 A 01-Dec-11

ED430 Engineering & Design 174.0 29-Mar-10 A 29-Jul-11

P430 Procurement 218.0 04-Oct-10 A 15-Apr-11 A

C430 Construction 129.0 01-Aug-11 A 01-Dec-11

EN430 Energization 0.0 01-Dec-11*

ETSN019 Riley Station North/SouthETSN019 Riley Station North/South 936.0 30-Sep-09 A 03-Jun-13

ED440 Engineering & Design 350.0 30-Sep-09 A 01-Feb-11 A

P440 Procurement 218.0 02-Nov-09 A 01-Feb-11 A

C440 Construction 129.0 01-Jun-10 A 03-Jun-13

EN440 Energization 0.0 03-Jun-13*

ETSN020 Riley 345 kV Line to OklaunionETSN020 Riley 345 kV Line to Oklaunion 425.0 30-Sep-09 A 01-Dec-11

ED450 Engineering & Design 174.0 30-Sep-09 A 28-Feb-11 A

P450 Procurement 218.0 16-Apr-10 A 29-Jul-11

CCN450 CCN Process 58.0 28-Sep-10 A 16-Dec-10 A

C450 Construction 89.0 01-Aug-11* 01-Dec-11

EN450 Energization 0.0 01-Dec-11

ETSN021 Bakersfield StationETSN021 Bakersfield Station 132.0 01-May-13 31-Oct-13

C560 Construction 132.0 01-May-13* 31-Oct-13

EN560 Energization 0.0 31-Oct-13

ETSN022 Big Hill StationETSN022 Big Hill Station 132.0 01-May-13 31-Oct-13

C670 Construction 132.0 01-May-13* 31-Oct-13

EN670 Energization 0.0 31-Oct-13

ETSN023 STACOM at Hamilton RoadETSN023 STACOM at Hamilton Road 1022.0 15-Nov-11 A 01-Oct-13

ED1550 Engineering & Design 350.0 15-Nov-11 A 01-Jun-12

C1550 Construction 129.0 01-Jun-12 A 01-Oct-13

P1550 Procurement 218.0 01-Jun-12 A 01-Feb-13

EN1550 Energization 0.0 01-Oct-13*

ETSN024 SVC at TeslaETSN024 SVC at Tesla 490.0 16-Nov-11 01-Oct-13

ED1560 Engineering & Design 143.0 16-Nov-11* 01-Jun-12

C1560 Construction 348.0 01-Jun-12* 01-Oct-13

P1560 Procurement 176.0 01-Jun-12* 01-Feb-13

EN1560 Energization 0.0 01-Oct-13*

ESTN025 Edison CompensationESTN025 Edison Compensation 533.0 01-Dec-11 16-Dec-13

A1000 Engineering & Design 169.0 01-Dec-11* 24-Jul-12

A1020 Procurement 196.0 13-Jun-12* 13-Mar-13

A1010 Construction 271.0 03-Dec-12* 16-Dec-13

A1030 Energization 0.0 16-Dec-13*

ESTN026 Oersted CompensationESTN026 Oersted Compensation 533.0 01-Dec-11 16-Dec-13

A1040 Engineering & Design 169.0 01-Dec-11* 24-Jul-12

A1060 Procurement 196.0 13-Jun-12* 13-Mar-13

A1050 Construction 271.0 03-Dec-12* 16-Dec-13

A1070 Energization 0.0 16-Dec-13

ETSN027 Riley CompensationETSN027 Riley Compensation 631.0 03-Jan-11 A 03-Jun-13

A1080 Engineering & Design 303.0 03-Jan-11 A 29-Feb-12

A1100 Procurement 372.0 01-Jul-11 A 03-Dec-12

A1090 Construction 328.0 01-Mar-12* 03-Jun-13

A1110 Energization 0.0 03-Jun-13*

ETSN028 Clear Crossing CompensationETSN028 Clear Crossing Compensation 762.0 01-Oct-10 A 02-Sep-13

Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan FMar

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PUCT - CREZ Oversight Detailed Schedule PUCT View 1 01-Aug-11 13:30

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Actual Work

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Activity ID Activity Name OriginalDuration

Start Finish

A1120 Engineering & Design 413.0 01-Oct-10 A 01-May-12

A1140 Procurement 283.0 02-Apr-12* 01-May-13

A1130 Construction 284.0 01-Aug-12* 02-Sep-13

A1150 Energization 0.0 02-Sep-13

ETSN029 Oersted Line CompensationETSN029 Oersted Line Compensation 747.0 04-Feb-11 A 16-Dec-13

A1160 Engineering & Design 383.0 04-Feb-11 A 24-Jul-12

A1180 Procurement 196.0 13-Jun-12* 13-Mar-13

A1170 Construction 271.0 03-Dec-12* 16-Dec-13

A1190 Energization 0.0 16-Dec-13

LCRA TSCLCRA TSC 1370.0 01-Oct-08 A 31-Dec-13

LCAN007 North McCamey AutosLCAN007 North McCamey Autos 1153.0 02-Mar-09 A 31-Jul-13

P400 Procurement 1001.0 02-Mar-09 A 31-Dec-12

ED400 Engineering & Design 196.0 30-Sep-11* 29-Jun-12

C400 Construction 196.0 28-Sep-12* 28-Jun-13

EN400 Energization 0.0 31-Jul-13*

LCAN026 Kendall Auto AdditionLCAN026 Kendall Auto Addition 438.0 28-Feb-11 A 31-Oct-12

P1570 Procurement 305.0 28-Feb-11 A 02-Jan-12

ED1570 Engineering & Design 175.0 24-Mar-11 A 31-Mar-11 A

C1570 Construction 195.0 02-Jan-12* 28-Sep-12

EN1570 Energization 0.0 31-Oct-12*

LCAU014 Kendall Auto ReplaceLCAU014 Kendall Auto Replace 784.0 29-Jan-09 A 31-Jan-12

P420 Procurement 675.0 29-Jan-09 A 30-Sep-11

ED420 Engineering & Design 174.0 10-Aug-10 A 01-Aug-11

C420 Construction 185.0 18-Apr-11 A 30-Dec-11

EN420 Energization 0.0 31-Jan-12*

LCLN003 Mason to Pittsburg LineLCLN003 Mason to Pittsburg Line 697.0 31-Mar-09 A 30-Nov-11

ED460 Engineering & Design 327.0 31-Mar-09 A 21-Jun-10 A

P460 Procurement 132.0 31-Mar-10 A 01-Aug-11

ROW460 ROW Aquisition 220.0 02-Aug-10 A 01-Aug-11

C460 Construction 260.0 30-Aug-10 A 31-Oct-11

EN460 Energization 0.0 30-Nov-11*

LCLN005 Tippet to North McCamey LineLCLN005 Tippet to North McCamey Line 488.0 27-Feb-09 A 01-Oct-10 A

CCN470 CCN Process 20.0 27-Feb-09 A 09-Jul-09 A

ED470 Engineering & Design 140.0 28-Feb-09 A 30-Mar-10 A

TPW470 Copy TPW 1.0 04-Mar-09 A 29-May-09 A

ROW470 ROW Aquisition 90.0 31-Aug-09 A 25-Jun-10 A

P470 Procurement 150.0 31-Dec-09 A 28-Jun-10 A

C470 Construction 108.0 01-Jun-10 A 01-Oct-10 A

EN470 Energization 0.0 01-Oct-10 A

LCLN010 Big Hill to Kendall LineLCLN010 Big Hill to Kendall Line 1176.0 30-Jun-09 A 31-Dec-13

ED480 Engineering & Design 1154.0 30-Jun-09 A 29-Nov-13

P480 Procurement 1.0 30-Jun-09 A 02-Dec-13

CCN480 CCN Process 149.0 28-Jul-10 A 24-Jan-11 A

TPW480 Copy TPW 1.0 04-Aug-10 A 30-Sep-10 A

ROW480 ROW Aquisition 643.0 15-Jun-11 A 29-Nov-13

C480 Construction 305.0 01-Oct-12* 29-Nov-13

EN480 Energization 0.0 31-Dec-13*

LCLN011 Twin Buttes to Big Hill LineLCLN011 Twin Buttes to Big Hill Line 915.0 30-Jun-09 A 31-Dec-12

ED490 Engineering & Design 20.0 30-Jun-09 A 31-Jan-12

P490 Procurement 741.0 30-Jun-09 A 30-Apr-12

CCN490 CCN Process 1.0 15-Jan-10 A 01-Jul-10 A

TPW490 Copy TPW 1.0 22-Jan-10 A 22-Mar-10 A

ROW490 ROW Aquisition 349.0 28-Oct-10 A 02-Jan-12

C490 Construction 261.0 02-Jan-12* 31-Dec-12

EN490 Energization 0.0 31-Dec-12

LCLN021 Divide Twin Buttes Line UpgradeLCLN021 Divide Twin Buttes Line Upgrade 414.0 28-Nov-08 A 03-Jun-10 A

ED500 Engineering & Design 1.0 28-Nov-08 A 30-Nov-09 A

P500 Procurement 1.0 28-Nov-08 A 31-Dec-09 A

C500 Construction 86.0 27-Jan-10 A 03-Jun-10 A

EN500 Energization 0.0 03-Jun-10 A

LCLN026 Twin Buttes to Brown LineLCLN026 Twin Buttes to Brown Line 433.0 03-Nov-08 A 14-Jun-10 A

P510 Procurement 1.0 03-Nov-08 A 15-Jan-10 A

ED510 Engineering & Design 1.0 07-Nov-08 A 02-Nov-09 A

C510 Construction 129.0 19-Jan-10 A 14-Jun-10 A

EN510 Energization 0.0 14-Jun-10 A

Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan FMar

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01-Oct-10 A

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Activity ID Activity Name OriginalDuration

Start Finish

LCLU013 Kendall CTEC Line RebuildLCLU013 Kendall CTEC Line Rebuild 63.0 31-Jul-09 A 30-Sep-09 A

ED520 Engineering & Design 20.0 31-Jul-09 A 30-Sep-09 A

P520 Procurement 20.0 31-Aug-09 A 30-Sep-09 A

EN520 Energization 0.0 30-Sep-09 A

C520 Construction 20.0 30-Sep-09 A 30-Sep-09 A

LCLU015 Raymond Barker to Verde Creek Line RebuildLCLU015 Raymond Barker to Verde Creek Line Rebuild 248.0 31-Dec-08 A 11-Dec-09 A

ED530 Engineering & Design 20.0 31-Dec-08 A 30-Sep-09 A

P530 Procurement 175.0 02-Mar-09 A 30-Oct-09 A

C530 Construction 53.0 30-Sep-09 A 11-Dec-09 A

EN530 Energization 0.0 11-Dec-09 A

LCLU017 Goldthwaite to Evant Line RebuildLCLU017 Goldthwaite to Evant Line Rebuild 429.0 01-Oct-08 A 24-May-10 A

ED540 Engineering & Design 1.0 01-Oct-08 A 02-Nov-09 A

P540 Procurement 1.0 01-Oct-08 A 01-Dec-09 A

C540 Construction 1.0 04-Jan-10 A 10-May-10 A

EN540 Energization 0.0 24-May-10 A

LCLU019 Kendall to Miller Creek to Paleface Line RebuildLCLU019 Kendall to Miller Creek to Paleface Line Reb... 587.0 07-Mar-11 A 28-Jun-13

ED1580 Engineering & Design 218.0 07-Mar-11 A 31-May-12

P1580 Procurement 490.0 15-Apr-11 A 28-Feb-13

C1580 Construction 436.0 30-Sep-11* 31-May-13

EN1580 Energization 0.0 28-Jun-13*

LCSN012 Big Hill CompensationLCSN012 Big Hill Compensation 654.0 25-Jan-11 A 31-May-13

ED550 Engineering & Design 502.0 25-Jan-11 A 31-Oct-12

P550 Procurement 133.0 25-Jan-11 A 31-Jan-13

ROW550 ROW Aquisition 218.0 07-Feb-11 A 22-Apr-11 A

C550 Construction 108.0 30-Nov-12* 30-Apr-13

EN550 Energization 0.0 31-May-13*

LCSN029 Mason to Pittsburg LineLCSN029 Mason to Pittsburg Line 698.0 30-Mar-09 A 30-Nov-11

ED570 Engineering & Design 20.0 30-Mar-09 A 15-Dec-10 A

ROW570 ROW Aquisition 240.0 31-Aug-09 A 21-Jul-10 A

P570 Procurement 412.0 31-Dec-09 A 29-Jul-11

C570 Construction 349.0 22-Jul-10 A 31-Oct-11

EN570 Energization 0.0 30-Nov-11*

LCSN030 Bakersfield SubstationLCSN030 Bakersfield Substation 592.0 26-May-11 A 30-Aug-13

ROW580 ROW Aquisition 287.0 26-May-11 A 29-Jun-12

ED580 Engineering & Design 240.0 31-Oct-11* 28-Sep-12

P580 Procurement 196.0 02-Apr-12* 31-Dec-12

C580 Construction 239.0 31-Aug-12* 31-Jul-13

EN580 Energization 0.0 30-Aug-13*

LCSN031 Big Hill SubstationLCSN031 Big Hill Substation 838.0 15-Oct-09 A 31-Dec-12

ROW590 ROW Aquisition 20.0 15-Oct-09 A 19-Mar-10 A

ED590 Engineering & Design 151.0 26-Jul-10 A 01-Aug-11

P590 Procurement 217.0 22-Nov-10 A 28-Feb-12

C590 Construction 460.0 10-Jan-11 A 30-Nov-12

EN590 Energization 0.0 31-Dec-12*

LCSN032 Divide Substation related to WETT's Sandy Bluff to DivideLCSN032 Divide Substation related to WETT's Sandy ... 759.0 04-Dec-09 A 31-Oct-12

ED600 Engineering & Design 304.0 04-Dec-09 A 30-Apr-12

P600 Procurement 322.0 04-Dec-09 A 31-May-12

C600 Construction 87.0 31-May-12* 28-Sep-12

EN600 Energization 0.0 31-Oct-12*

LCSN033 Twin Buttes to McCamey D SubstationsLCSN033 Twin Buttes to McCamey D Substations 985.0 24-Mar-09 A 31-Dec-12

ED610 Engineering & Design 20.0 24-Mar-09 A 30-Nov-11

P610 Procurement 20.0 20-Apr-09 A 30-Apr-12

C610 Construction 262.0 07-Dec-09 A 30-Nov-12

EN610 Energization 0.0 31-Dec-12*

LCSN034 Substation related to Kendall to Miller Creek to Paleface 138-kV ineLCSN034 Substation related to Kendall to Miller Cree... 413.0 30-Nov-11 28-Jun-13

ED1590 Engineering & Design 132.0 30-Nov-11* 31-May-12

P1590 Procurement 133.0 29-Feb-12* 31-Aug-12

C1590 Construction 175.0 01-Oct-12* 31-May-13

EN1590 Energization 0.0 28-Jun-13*

LCSN035 North McCamey Substation related to STEC's Bakerdield to North McCamey to Odessa LinesLCSN035 North McCamey Substation related to STEC... 588.0 30-Sep-11 31-Dec-13

ED1600 Engineering & Design 370.0 30-Sep-11* 28-Feb-13

P1600 Procurement 110.0 31-Dec-12* 31-May-13

C1600 Construction 110.0 01-Jul-13* 29-Nov-13

EN1600 Energization 0.0 31-Dec-13*

LCSU006 Tippet to North McCamey SubstationLCSU006 Tippet to North McCamey Substation 442.0 31-Aug-09 A 01-Oct-10 A

Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan FMar

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Activity ID Activity Name OriginalDuration

Start Finish

ED620 Engineering & Design 110.0 31-Aug-09 A 21-Jun-10 A

ROW620 ROW Aquisition 85.0 30-Nov-09 A 28-Apr-10 A

P620 Procurement 204.0 28-Mar-10 A 17-Aug-10 A

C620 Construction 108.0 21-Jun-10 A 24-Sep-10 A

EN620 Energization 0.0 01-Oct-10 A

LCSU016 Raymond Barker SubstationLCSU016 Raymond Barker Substation 108.0 31-Dec-08 A 30-Jun-09 A

ED630 Engineering & Design 0.0 31-Dec-08 A 31-May-09 A

P630 Procurement 1.0 31-Jan-09 A 30-Jun-09 A

C630 Construction 1.0 30-Jun-09 A 30-Jun-09 A

EN630 Energization 0.0 30-Jun-09 A

LCSU020 Twin Buttes SubstationLCSU020 Twin Buttes Substation 357.0 01-Nov-08 A 14-Jun-10 A

ED640 Engineering & Design 238.0 01-Nov-08 A 01-Oct-09 A

P640 Procurement 345.0 01-Nov-08 A 26-Feb-10 A

C640 Construction 0.0 15-Jan-10 A 17-May-10 A

EN640 Energization 0.0 14-Jun-10 A

LCSU022 Divide Twin Buttes SubstationLCSU022 Divide Twin Buttes Substation 414.0 30-Nov-08 A 03-Jun-10 A

ED650 Engineering & Design 1.0 30-Nov-08 A 30-Nov-09 A

P650 Procurement 1.0 30-Nov-08 A 28-Feb-10 A

C650 Construction 153.0 30-Nov-09 A 03-Jun-10 A

EN650 Energization 0.0 03-Jun-10 A

LCSU023 Gillespie Substation UpgradeLCSU023 Gillespie Substation Upgrade 458.0 28-Feb-09 A 29-Dec-10 A

ROW660 ROW Aquisition 1.0 28-Feb-09 A 30-Sep-09 A

ED660 Engineering & Design 1.0 31-Jul-09 A 05-May-10 A

P660 Procurement 1.0 31-Oct-09 A 29-Dec-10 A

C660 Construction 155.0 29-Mar-10 A 29-Dec-10 A

EN660 Energization 0.0 29-Dec-10 A

LCSU035 Big Hill to Kendall SubstationsLCSU035 Big Hill to Kendall Substations 1176.0 30-Jun-09 A 31-Dec-13

ED680 Engineering & Design 1154.0 30-Jun-09 A 29-Nov-13

P680 Procurement 1154.0 30-Jun-09 A 29-Nov-13

C680 Construction 305.0 01-Oct-12* 29-Nov-13

EN680 Energization 0.0 31-Dec-13*

LONE STARLONE STAR 1000.0 10-Jul-09 A 29-Mar-13

LSLN001 Scurry County South to West Shackelford LineLSLN001 Scurry County South to West Shackelford L... 745.0 24-May-10 A 29-Mar-13

CCN690 CCN Process 130.0 24-May-10 A 17-Nov-10 A

TPW690 Copy TPW 40.0 25-May-10 A 19-Jul-10 A

ED690 Engineering & Design 322.0 20-Jul-10 A 12-Sep-11

ROW690 ROW Aquisition 173.0 05-Jan-11 A 29-Sep-11

P690 Procurement 328.0 31-Jan-11 A 29-Jun-12

C690 Construction 228.0 17-Aug-11* 29-Jun-12

EN690 Energization 0.0 29-Mar-13*

LSLN002 West Shackelford to Navarro/Sam Switch LineLSLN002 West Shackelford to Navarro/Sam Switch Line 809.0 24-May-10 A 29-Mar-13

CCN700 CCN Process 130.0 24-May-10 A 17-Nov-10 A

TPW700 Copy TPW 40.0 25-May-10 A 19-Jul-10 A

ED700 Engineering & Design 768.0 20-Jul-10 A 13-Sep-12

ROW700 ROW Aquisition 283.0 05-Jan-11 A 12-Apr-12

P700 Procurement 510.0 31-Jan-11 A 11-Jan-13

C700 Construction 285.0 12-Dec-11* 11-Jan-13

EN700 Energization 0.0 29-Mar-13*

LSLN007 Sam Switch to Navarro LineLSLN007 Sam Switch to Navarro Line 1000.0 24-May-10 A 29-Mar-13

CCN710 CCN Process 130.0 24-May-10 A 14-Oct-10 A

TPW710 Copy to TPW 40.0 25-May-10 A 19-Jul-10 A

ED710 Engineering & Design 616.0 20-Jul-10 A 21-Nov-12

ROW710 ROW Aquisition 348.0 22-Oct-10 A 19-Apr-12

P710 Procurement 559.0 31-Jan-11 A 21-Mar-13

C710 Construction 50.0 11-Jan-13* 21-Mar-13

EN710 Energization 0.0 29-Mar-13*

LSSN003 West Shackelford to Navarro/Sam Switch CompensationLSSN003 West Shackelford to Navarro/Sam Switch C... 745.0 24-May-10 A 29-Mar-13

CCN720 CCN Process 130.0 24-May-10 A 17-Nov-10 A

TPW720 Copy TPW 40.0 25-May-10 A 19-Jul-10 A

ED720 Engineering & Design 413.0 03-Sep-10 A 13-Aug-12

P720 Procurement 363.0 29-Oct-10 A 07-Sep-12

ROW720 ROW Aquisition 23.0 17-Jan-11 A 15-Jun-11 A

C720 Construction 215.0 05-Dec-11* 28-Sep-12

EN720 Energization 0.0 29-Mar-13*

LSSN004 West Shackelford CompensationLSSN004 West Shackelford Compensation 745.0 24-May-10 A 29-Mar-13

Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan FMar

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Activity ID Activity Name OriginalDuration

Start Finish

CCN730 CCN Process 130.0 24-May-10 A 17-Nov-10 A

TPW730 Copy TPW 40.0 25-May-10 A 19-Jul-10 A

ED730 Engineering & Design 327.0 03-Sep-10 A 12-Oct-12

ROW730 ROW Aquisition 23.0 05-Jan-11 A 07-Jun-11 A

P730 Procurement 382.0 28-Jan-11 A 12-Oct-12

C730 Construction 315.0 01-Aug-11* 12-Oct-12

EN730 Energization 0.0 29-Mar-13*

LSSN005 Navarro StationLSSN005 Navarro Station 745.0 21-Jul-09 A 29-Mar-13

ROW740 ROW Aquisition 23.0 21-Jul-09 A 12-Nov-10 A

CCN740 CCN Process 130.0 24-May-10 A 14-Oct-10 A

TPW740 Copy TPW 0.0 25-May-10 A 19-Jul-10 A

ED740 Engineering & Design 200.0 03-Sep-10 A 02-Jan-12

P740 Procurement 306.0 29-Oct-10 A 04-Apr-12

C740 Construction 281.0 28-Feb-11 A 04-Apr-12

EN740 Energization 0.0 29-Mar-13*

LSSN006 Sam Switch StationLSSN006 Sam Switch Station 745.0 10-Jul-09 A 29-Mar-13

ROW750 ROW Aquisition 23.0 10-Jul-09 A 22-Nov-10 A

CCN750 CCN Process 130.0 24-May-10 A 14-Oct-10 A

TPW750 Copy to TPW 0.0 25-May-10 A 19-Jul-10 A

ED750 Engineering & Design 242.0 03-Sep-10 A 02-Jan-12

P750 Procurement 349.0 29-Oct-10 A 04-Apr-12

C750 Construction 236.0 09-May-11 A 02-Apr-12

EN750 Energization 0.0 29-Mar-13*

LSSN008 West Shackelford SubstationLSSN008 West Shackelford Substation 745.0 24-May-10 A 29-Mar-13

CCN760 CCN Process 130.0 24-May-10 A 17-Nov-10 A

TPW760 Copy to TPW 0.0 25-May-10 A 19-Jul-10 A

ED760 Engineering & Design 285.0 03-Sep-10 A 12-Oct-12

P760 Procurement 392.0 29-Oct-10 A 12-Oct-12

ROW760 ROW Aquisition 23.0 05-Jan-11 A 07-Jun-11 A

C760 Construction 315.0 01-Aug-11* 12-Oct-12

EN760 Energization 0.0 29-Mar-13*

LSSN009 Add. Reactive Equip. per ERCOT StudyLSSN009 Add. Reactive Equip. per ERCOT Study 745.0 24-May-10 A 29-Mar-13

CCN770 CCN Process 130.0 24-May-10 A 17-Nov-10 A

TPW770 Copy to TPW 0.0 25-May-10 A 19-Jul-10 A

ED770 Engineering & Design 326.0 03-Sep-10 A 13-Aug-12

ROW770 ROW Aquisition 23.0 17-Jan-11 A 01-Jun-11 A

P770 Procurement 382.0 28-Jan-11 A 07-Sep-12

C770 Construction 290.0 01-Aug-11* 07-Sep-12

EN770 Energization 0.0 29-Mar-13*

ONCORONCOR 1372.0 29-Sep-08 A 31-Dec-13

ONAN013 Eagle Mountain AutoONAN013 Eagle Mountain Auto 282.0 16-Nov-08 A 15-Dec-09 A

ED780 Engineering & Design 20.0 16-Nov-08 A 15-Jul-09 A

P780 Procurement 20.0 16-Nov-08 A 15-Jul-09 A

C780 Construction 20.0 01-Jun-09 A 15-Dec-09 A

EN780 Energization 0.0 15-Dec-09 A

ONSN063 Parker SVCONSN063 Parker SVC 795.0 15-Dec-10 A 31-Dec-13

A1400 Engineering & Design 1.0 15-Dec-10 A 17-Sep-12

A1410 Procurement 623.0 15-Jun-11 A 01-Nov-13

A1420 Construction 382.0 16-Jul-12* 31-Dec-13

A1430 Energization 0.0 31-Dec-13*

ONSN061 Scurry Capacitor BankONSN061 Scurry Capacitor Bank 457.0 02-Apr-12 31-Dec-13

A1440 Engineering & Design 196.0 02-Apr-12* 31-Dec-12

A1450 Procurement 394.0 01-May-12* 01-Nov-13

A1460 Construction 175.0 01-May-13* 31-Dec-13

A1470 Energization 0.0 31-Dec-13*

ONSN062 Kileen Capacitor BankONSN062 Kileen Capacitor Bank 457.0 02-Apr-12 31-Dec-13

A1480 Engineering & Design 196.0 02-Apr-12* 31-Dec-12

A1490 Procurement 394.0 01-May-12* 01-Nov-13

A1500 Construction 175.0 01-May-13* 31-Dec-13

A1510 Energization 0.0 31-Dec-13*

ONLN001 Bluff Creek to Brown LineONLN001 Bluff Creek to Brown Line 698.0 28-Oct-09 A 29-Jun-12

CCN790 CCN Process 127.0 28-Oct-09 A 15-Apr-10 A

ED790 Engineering & Design 176.0 01-Jul-10 A 27-Apr-11 A

P790 Procurement 306.0 01-Jul-10 A 30-May-12

ROW790 ROW Aquisition 50.0 01-Aug-10 A 28-Feb-11 A

Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan FMar

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Activity ID Activity Name OriginalDuration

Start Finish

C790 Construction 296.0 13-May-11 A 29-Jun-12

EN790 Energization 0.0 29-Jun-12

ONLN002 Scurry County South to Tonkawa LineONLN002 Scurry County South to Tonkawa Line 550.0 16-Sep-09 A 30-Jun-11 A

CCN800 CCN Process 116.0 16-Sep-09 A 04-Mar-10 A

ED800 Engineering & Design 294.0 03-May-10 A 31-Mar-11 A

ROW800 ROW Aquisition 240.0 01-Jun-10 A 13-Dec-10 A

P800 Procurement 267.0 23-Sep-10 A 27-May-11 A

C800 Construction 171.0 15-Feb-11 A 23-Jun-11 A

EN800 Energization 0.0 30-Jun-11 A

ONSN056 Brown Capacitor BankONSN056 Brown Capacitor Bank 457.0 02-Apr-12 31-Dec-13

A1200 Engineering & Design 196.0 02-Apr-12* 31-Dec-12

A1210 Procurement 394.0 01-May-12* 01-Nov-13

A1220 Construction 175.0 01-May-13* 31-Dec-13

A1230 Energization 0.0 31-Dec-13*

ONSN057 Brown SVCONSN057 Brown SVC 720.0 15-Dec-10 A 31-Dec-13

A1240 Engineering & Design 458.0 15-Dec-10 A 17-Sep-12

A1250 Procurement 623.0 15-Jun-11 A 01-Nov-13

A1260 Construction 382.0 16-Jul-12* 31-Dec-13

A1270 Energization 0.0 31-Dec-13*

ONSN058 Krum West Shunt ReactorONSN058 Krum West Shunt Reactor 587.0 01-Apr-11 A 01-Jul-13

A1280 Engineering & Design 293.0 01-Apr-11 A 15-May-12

A1290 Procurement 523.0 02-May-11 A 01-May-13

A1300 Construction 295.0 15-May-12* 01-Jul-13

A1310 Energization 0.0 01-Jul-13*

ONSN059 Krum West Capacitor BankONSN059 Krum West Capacitor Bank 457.0 02-Apr-12 31-Dec-13

A1320 Engineering & Design 196.0 02-Apr-12* 31-Dec-12

A1330 Procurement 394.0 01-May-12* 01-Nov-13

A1340 Construction 175.0 01-May-13* 31-Dec-13

A1350 Energization 0.0 31-Dec-13*

ONSN060 Willow Creek Shunt ReactorONSN060 Willow Creek Shunt Reactor 1304.0 01-Jan-09 A 31-Dec-13

A1360 Engineering & Design 945.0 01-Jan-09 A 15-Aug-12

A1370 Procurement 1.0 01-Jan-09 A 01-Nov-13

A1380 Construction 261.0 01-Jan-13* 31-Dec-13

A1390 Energization 0.0 31-Dec-13*

ONLN003 Dermott to Scurry County SouthONLN003 Dermott to Scurry County South 603.0 16-Sep-09 A 15-Dec-11

CCN810 CCN Process 116.0 16-Sep-09 A 04-Mar-10 A

ED810 Engineering & Design 305.0 15-Apr-10 A 22-Mar-11 A

ROW810 ROW Aquisition 240.0 03-May-10 A 14-Jan-11 A

P810 Procurement 264.0 28-Sep-10 A 30-Sep-11

C810 Construction 189.0 28-Mar-11 A 15-Dec-11

EN810 Energization 0.0 15-Dec-11*

ONLN009 Clear Crossing to Willow Creek LineONLN009 Clear Crossing to Willow Creek Line 868.0 18-Aug-10 A 13-Dec-13

CCN820 CCN Process 129.0 18-Aug-10 A 10-Feb-11 A

ROW820 ROW Aquisition 327.0 17-Mar-11 A 30-May-12

ED820 Engineering & Design 306.0 08-Apr-11 A 01-Aug-12*

P820 Procurement 479.0 17-Jan-12* 15-Nov-13

C820 Construction 335.0 03-Sep-12* 13-Dec-13

EN820 Energization 0.0 13-Dec-13

ONLN011 Central Bluff to Bluff Creek LineONLN011 Central Bluff to Bluff Creek Line 557.0 28-Oct-09 A 15-Dec-11

CCN830 CCN Process 20.0 28-Oct-09 A 01-Apr-10 A

ROW830 ROW Aquisition 283.0 15-Mar-10 A 02-May-11 A

ED830 Engineering & Design 196.0 02-Aug-10 A 30-Aug-11

P830 Procurement 206.0 04-Feb-11 A 15-Nov-11

C830 Construction 76.0 01-Sep-11* 15-Dec-11

EN830 Energization 0.0 15-Dec-11

ONLN014 Newton to Killeen LineONLN014 Newton to Killeen Line 833.0 07-Oct-09 A 14-Dec-12

CCN840 CCN Process 129.0 07-Oct-09 A 01-Apr-10 A

ED840 Engineering & Design 325.0 03-May-10 A 30-Mar-12

ROW840 ROW Aquisition 226.0 02-Aug-10 A 30-Sep-11

P840 Procurement 316.0 01-Sep-11* 15-Nov-12

C840 Construction 185.0 02-Apr-12* 14-Dec-12

EN840 Energization 0.0 14-Dec-12*

ONLN016 Riley to West Krum LineONLN016 Riley to West Krum Line 825.0 03-May-10 A 28-Jun-13

CCN850 CCN Process 130.0 03-May-10 A 29-Oct-10 A

ROW850 ROW Aquisition 261.0 29-Oct-10 A 01-Feb-12

Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan FMar

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Activity ID Activity Name OriginalDuration

Start Finish

ED850 Engineering & Design 197.0 02-Feb-11 A 31-Dec-12

P850 Procurement 500.0 01-Jul-11 A 30-May-13

C850 Construction 390.0 02-Jan-12* 28-Jun-13

EN850 Energization 0.0 28-Jun-13

ONLN017 Parker to Everman LineONLN017 Parker to Everman Line 229.0 01-Jan-09 A 16-Nov-09 A

ED860 Engineering & Design 20.0 01-Jan-09 A 01-Aug-09 A

P860 Procurement 130.0 01-Jan-09 A 01-Jul-09 A

C860 Construction 20.0 01-May-09 A 16-Nov-09 A

EN860 Energization 0.0 16-Nov-09 A

ONLN022 Sweetwater to Central Bluff LineONLN022 Sweetwater to Central Bluff Line 587.0 16-Sep-09 A 15-Dec-11

CCN870 CCN Process 20.0 16-Sep-09 A 04-Mar-10 A

ROW870 ROW Aquisition 132.0 15-Mar-10 A 12-May-11 A

ED870 Engineering & Design 247.0 20-May-10 A 09-May-11 A

P870 Procurement 293.0 01-Oct-10 A 15-Nov-11

C870 Construction 129.0 20-Jun-11 A 15-Dec-11

EN870 Energization 0.0 15-Dec-11*

ONLN023 Tonkawa to Sweetwater LineONLN023 Tonkawa to Sweetwater Line 467.0 16-Sep-09 A 15-Jun-11 A

CCN880 CCN Process 20.0 16-Sep-09 A 04-Mar-10 A

ED880 Engineering & Design 192.0 08-Mar-10 A 28-Jan-11 A

ROW880 ROW Aquisition 142.0 01-Apr-10 A 03-Dec-10 A

P880 Procurement 238.0 01-Jul-10 A 26-May-11 A

C880 Construction 174.0 04-Oct-10 A 15-Jun-11 A

EN880 Energization 0.0 15-Jun-11 A

ONLN027 Ector County North to Moss LineONLN027 Ector County North to Moss Line 448.0 29-Sep-10 A 15-Jun-12

CCN890 CCN Process 129.0 29-Sep-10 A 10-Feb-11 A

ROW890 ROW Aquisition 208.0 14-Feb-11 A 30-Nov-11

ED890 Engineering & Design 213.0 09-Mar-11 A 30-Dec-11

P890 Procurement 258.0 06-Jun-11 A 30-May-12

C890 Construction 120.0 02-Jan-12* 15-Jun-12

EN890 Energization 0.0 15-Jun-12

ONLN028 West Krum to Anna LineONLN028 West Krum to Anna Line 853.0 08-Sep-10 A 13-Dec-13

CCN900 CCN Process 129.0 08-Sep-10 A 07-Mar-11 A

ROW900 ROW Aquisition 433.0 07-Mar-11 A 31-Oct-12

ED900 Engineering & Design 481.0 31-Mar-11 A 31-Jan-13

P900 Procurement 394.0 01-Aug-11* 31-Jan-13

C900 Construction 226.0 01-Feb-13* 13-Dec-13

EN900 Energization 0.0 13-Dec-13

ONLN029 West Krum to Carrollton NW LineONLN029 West Krum to Carrollton NW Line 586.0 01-Jan-09 A 31-Mar-11 A

ED910 Engineering & Design 248.0 01-Jan-09 A 28-Aug-09 A

P910 Procurement 262.0 01-Jan-09 A 04-Jan-10 A

C910 Construction 20.0 01-Jul-09 A 31-Mar-11 A

EN910 Energization 0.0 31-Mar-11 A

ONLN030 Willow Creek to Hicks LineONLN030 Willow Creek to Hicks Line 793.0 16-Jun-10 A 28-Jun-13

CCN920 CCN Process 128.0 16-Jun-10 A 13-Dec-10 A

ED920 Engineering & Design 197.0 14-Dec-10 A 01-Aug-12

ROW920 ROW Aquisition 325.0 13-Jan-11 A 02-Apr-12

P920 Procurement 413.0 01-Nov-11* 30-May-13

C920 Construction 215.0 03-Sep-12* 28-Jun-13

EN920 Energization 0.0 28-Jun-13

ONLN031 Riley-Bowman LineONLN031 Riley-Bowman Line 587.0 16-Sep-09 A 15-Dec-11

CCN930 CCN Process 20.0 16-Sep-09 A 04-Mar-10 A

ED930 Engineering & Design 285.0 15-Mar-10 A 27-Apr-11 A

ROW930 ROW Aquisition 173.0 19-Apr-10 A 09-Jun-11 A

P930 Procurement 265.0 18-Nov-10 A 27-Apr-11 A

C930 Construction 159.0 09-May-11 A 15-Dec-11

EN930 Energization 0.0 15-Dec-11*

ONLN032 Brown to Newton/Salado LineONLN032 Brown to Newton/Salado Line 833.0 07-Oct-09 A 14-Dec-12

CCN940 CCN Process 20.0 07-Oct-09 A 01-Apr-10 A

ROW940 ROW Aquisition 225.0 03-May-10 A 01-Aug-11

ED940 Engineering & Design 284.0 01-Jun-10 A 30-Aug-11

P940 Procurement 458.0 11-Mar-11 A 01-Nov-12

C940 Construction 360.0 01-Aug-11* 14-Dec-12

EN940 Energization 0.0 14-Dec-12

ONLU012 Eagle Mountain-Hicks-Alliance-Ronoke Terminal EquipmentONLU012 Eagle Mountain-Hicks-Alliance-Ronoke Ter... 75.0 05-Jan-09 A 27-Mar-09 A

ED950 Engineering & Design 20.0 05-Jan-09 A 02-Feb-09 A

Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan FMar

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Activity ID Activity Name OriginalDuration

Start Finish

P950 Procurement 20.0 05-Jan-09 A 02-Feb-09 A

C950 Construction 20.0 23-Mar-09 A 27-Mar-09 A

EN950 Energization 0.0 27-Mar-09 A

ONLU018 Jacksboro-Willow Creek-Parker Line RebuildONLU018 Jacksboro-Willow Creek-Parker Line Rebuild 393.0 30-Jun-09 A 01-Dec-10 A

CCN960 CCN Process 20.0 30-Jun-09 A 01-Dec-09 A

ED960 Engineering & Design 20.0 03-Aug-09 A 01-Jul-10 A

P960 Procurement 0.0 03-Aug-09 A 01-Jul-10 A

C960 Construction 44.0 01-Jan-10 A 24-Nov-10 A

EN960 Energization 0.0 01-Dec-10 A

ONLU021 Bowman to Jacksboro Line UpgradeONLU021 Bowman to Jacksboro Line Upgrade 280.0 29-May-09 A 24-Jun-10 A

CCN970 CCN Process 20.0 29-May-09 A 01-Sep-09 A

P970 Procurement 20.0 03-Aug-09 A 01-Dec-09 A

ED970 Engineering & Design 20.0 24-Aug-09 A 25-Jan-10 A

C970 Construction 17.0 05-Nov-09 A 24-Jun-10 A

EN970 Energization 0.0 24-Jun-10 A

ONLU024 Bowman to Fisher Road Terminal UpgradeONLU024 Bowman to Fisher Road Terminal Upgrade 381.0 01-Jul-10 A 15-Dec-11

ED980 Engineering & Design 87.0 01-Jul-10 A 15-Sep-11

P980 Procurement 87.0 01-Mar-11 A 15-Nov-11

C980 Construction 54.0 03-Oct-11* 15-Dec-11

EN980 Energization 0.0 15-Dec-11

ONLU025 Bowman to Graham Terminal UpgradeONLU025 Bowman to Graham Terminal Upgrade 381.0 01-Jul-10 A 15-Dec-11

ED990 Engineering & Design 87.0 01-Jul-10 A 15-Sep-10 A

P990 Procurement 87.0 01-Mar-11 A 15-Nov-11

C990 Construction 54.0 03-Oct-11* 15-Dec-11

EN990 Energization 0.0 15-Dec-11

ONLU026 Roanoke to Alliance Terminal UpgradeONLU026 Roanoke to Alliance Terminal Upgrade 145.0 29-Sep-08 A 27-Mar-09 A

ED1000 Engineering & Design 0.0 29-Sep-08 A 06-Feb-09 A

P1000 Procurement 0.0 05-Nov-08 A 23-Feb-09 A

C1000 Construction 20.0 23-Mar-09 A 27-Mar-09 A

EN1000 Energization 0.0 27-Mar-09 A

ONLU038 Abilene South to Leon Line UpgradeONLU038 Abilene South to Leon Line Upgrade 242.0 05-Jul-10 A 04-May-11 A

ED1010 Engineering & Design 140.0 05-Jul-10 A 10-Jan-11 A

P1010 Procurement 152.0 31-Aug-10 A 10-Feb-11 A

C1010 Construction 87.0 07-Feb-11 A 13-Apr-11 A

EN1010 Energization 0.0 04-May-11 A

ONLU039 Twin Buttes to Brown LineONLU039 Twin Buttes to Brown Line 240.0 01-Aug-11 29-Jun-12

ED1020 Engineering & Design 207.0 01-Aug-11* 15-May-12

P1020 Procurement 108.0 02-Jan-12* 30-May-12

C1020 Construction 22.0 31-May-12* 29-Jun-12

EN1020 Energization 0.0 29-Jun-12

ONLU042 Killeen - Salado LineONLU042 Killeen - Salado Line 249.0 18-Jun-09 A 22-May-10 A

P1030 Procurement 1.0 18-Jun-09 A 15-Jan-10 A

ED1030 Engineering & Design 1.0 22-Jun-09 A 12-Feb-10 A

C1030 Construction 1.0 22-Feb-10 A 22-May-10 A

EN1030 Energization 0.0 22-May-10 A

ONSN004 Scurry County South CompensationONSN004 Scurry County South Compensation 467.0 16-Sep-09 A 23-Jun-11 A

CCN1040 CCN Process 0.0 16-Sep-09 A 04-Mar-10 A

ED1040 Engineering & Design 163.0 01-Feb-10 A 20-Sep-10 A

C1040 Construction 304.0 01-Apr-10 A 23-Jun-11 A

P1040 Procurement 239.0 30-Jun-10 A 08-Jun-11 A

EN1040 Energization 0.0 23-Jun-11 A

ONSN005 Dermott CompensationONSN005 Dermott Compensation 467.0 16-Sep-09 A 30-Jun-11 A

CCN1050 CCN Process 0.0 16-Sep-09 A 04-Mar-10 A

ED1050 Engineering & Design 188.0 01-Feb-10 A 29-Oct-10 A

P1050 Procurement 239.0 30-Jun-10 A 30-May-11 A

C1050 Construction 304.0 02-Aug-10 A 29-Jun-11 A

EN1050 Energization 0.0 30-Jun-11 A

ONSN006 Scurry County South StationONSN006 Scurry County South Station 467.0 16-Sep-09 A 23-Jun-11 A

CCN1060 CCN Process 0.0 16-Sep-09 A 04-Mar-10 A

ED1060 Engineering & Design 163.0 01-Feb-10 A 20-Sep-10 A

C1060 Construction 304.0 01-Apr-10 A 23-Jun-11 A

P1060 Procurement 239.0 30-Jun-10 A 30-May-11 A

EN1060 Energization 0.0 23-Jun-11 A

ONSN007 Dermott StationONSN007 Dermott Station 467.0 16-Sep-09 A 30-Jun-11 A

CCN1070 CCN Process 129.0 16-Sep-09 A 04-Mar-10 A

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Activity ID Activity Name OriginalDuration

Start Finish

ED1070 Engineering & Design 188.0 01-Feb-10 A 29-Oct-10 A

P1070 Procurement 239.0 30-Jun-10 A 30-May-11 A

C1070 Construction 239.0 02-Aug-10 A 29-Jun-11 A

EN1070 Energization 0.0 30-Jun-11 A

ONSN010 Dermott to Willow Creek CompensationONSN010 Dermott to Willow Creek Compensation 880.0 18-Aug-10 A 31-Dec-13

CCN1080 CCN Process 129.0 18-Aug-10 A 10-Feb-11 A

ED1080 Engineering & Design 194.0 01-Oct-10 A 17-Dec-12

P1080 Procurement 557.0 15-Sep-11* 01-Nov-13

C1080 Construction 382.0 16-Jul-12* 31-Dec-13

EN1080 Energization 0.0 31-Dec-13

ONSN033 Brown StationONSN033 Brown Station 713.0 07-Oct-09 A 29-Jun-12

CCN1090 CCN Process 20.0 07-Oct-09 A 05-Apr-10 A

ED1090 Engineering & Design 130.0 01-Jun-10 A 30-Aug-10 A

P1090 Procurement 153.0 02-Aug-10 A 30-May-12

C1090 Construction 283.0 01-Jun-11 A 29-Jun-12

EN1090 Energization 0.0 29-Jun-12

ONSN034 Brown CompensationONSN034 Brown Compensation 713.0 07-Oct-09 A 29-Jun-12

CCN1100 CCN Process 1.0 07-Oct-09 A 05-Apr-10 A

ED1100 Engineering & Design 326.0 01-Jun-10 A 01-Dec-11

P1100 Procurement 87.0 30-Jun-10 A 30-May-12

C1100 Construction 283.0 01-Jun-11 A 29-Jun-12

EN1100 Energization 0.0 29-Jun-12

ONSN035 Newton StationONSN035 Newton Station 834.0 07-Oct-09 A 17-Dec-12

CCN1110 CCN Process 20.0 07-Oct-09 A 05-Apr-10 A

ED1110 Engineering & Design 129.0 01-Nov-10 A 30-Nov-11

C1110 Construction 250.0 02-Jan-12* 14-Dec-12

P1110 Procurement 212.0 25-Jan-12* 15-Nov-12

EN1110 Energization 0.0 17-Dec-12*

ONSN036 Hicks StationONSN036 Hicks Station 841.0 16-Jun-10 A 28-Jun-13

CCN1120 CCN Process 129.0 16-Jun-10 A 13-Dec-10 A

P1120 Procurement 569.0 28-Mar-11 A 30-May-13

ED1120 Engineering & Design 284.0 01-Jul-11 A 01-Aug-12

C1120 Construction 238.0 01-Aug-12* 28-Jun-13

EN1120 Energization 0.0 28-Jun-13

ONSN037 West Krum StationONSN037 West Krum Station 1056.0 18-May-09 A 03-Jun-13

ED1130 Engineering & Design 199.0 18-May-09 A 02-Jan-12

P1130 Procurement 199.0 06-Jul-09 A 02-Jan-12

CCN1130 CCN Process 130.0 03-May-10 A 29-Oct-10 A

C1130 Construction 349.0 01-Feb-12* 03-Jun-13

EN1130 Energization 0.0 03-Jun-13

ONSN045 Central Bluff SwitchONSN045 Central Bluff Switch 587.0 16-Sep-09 A 15-Dec-11

CCN1140 CCN Process 129.0 16-Sep-09 A 04-Mar-10 A

ED1140 Engineering & Design 197.0 30-Jun-10 A 31-Mar-11 A

P1140 Procurement 207.0 31-Jan-11 A 15-Nov-11

C1140 Construction 204.0 07-Mar-11 A 15-Dec-11

EN1140 Energization 0.0 15-Dec-11

ONSN052 Sweetwater East SwitchONSN052 Sweetwater East Switch 544.0 01-Jun-09 A 15-Jun-11 A

ED1150 Engineering & Design 283.0 01-Jun-09 A 30-Jun-10 A

CCN1150 CCN Process 129.0 16-Sep-09 A 04-Mar-10 A

P1150 Procurement 346.0 01-Feb-10 A 06-Jan-11 A

C1150 Construction 283.0 01-Jun-10 A 15-Apr-11 A

EN1150 Energization 0.0 15-Jun-11 A

ONSN053 Ector County North SwitchONSN053 Ector County North Switch 513.0 30-Jun-10 A 15-Jun-12

ED1160 Engineering & Design 199.0 30-Jun-10 A 02-Jan-12

CCN1160 CCN Process 129.0 29-Sep-10 A 10-Feb-11 A

P1160 Procurement 295.0 21-Mar-11 A 15-May-12

C1160 Construction 120.0 02-Jan-12* 15-Jun-12

EN1160 Energization 0.0 15-Jun-12

ONSN055 Graham CompensationONSN055 Graham Compensation 632.0 01-Aug-11 31-Dec-13

ED1380 Engineering & Design 143.0 01-Aug-11* 15-Feb-12

P1380 Procurement 558.0 14-Sep-11* 01-Nov-13

C1380 Construction 152.0 03-Jun-13* 31-Dec-13

EN1380 Energization 0.0 31-Dec-13

ONSU008 Tonkawa Station ExpansionONSU008 Tonkawa Station Expansion 544.0 01-Jun-09 A 15-Jun-11 A

ED1170 Engineering & Design 218.0 01-Jun-09 A 31-Mar-10 A

Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan FMar

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15-Jun-11 A

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15-Jun-11 A

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Activity ID Activity Name OriginalDuration

Start Finish

CCN1170 CCN Process 122.0 16-Sep-09 A 04-Mar-10 A

P1170 Procurement 367.0 01-Jan-10 A 06-Apr-11 A

C1170 Construction 283.0 01-Jun-10 A 06-Apr-11 A

EN1170 Energization 0.0 15-Jun-11 A

ONSU015 Killeen Station UpgradeONSU015 Killeen Station Upgrade 969.0 01-Apr-09 A 17-Dec-12

ED1180 Engineering & Design 195.0 01-Apr-09 A 15-Feb-12

P1180 Procurement 325.0 01-Apr-09 A 15-Nov-12

CCN1180 CCN Process 122.0 07-Oct-09 A 01-Apr-10 A

C1180 Construction 175.0 01-Mar-10 A 17-Dec-12

EN1180 Energization 0.0 17-Dec-12*

ONSU019 Jacksboro StationONSU019 Jacksboro Station 253.0 17-Dec-08 A 04-Dec-09 A

ED1190 Engineering & Design 20.0 17-Dec-08 A 14-Aug-09 A

P1190 Procurement 20.0 17-Dec-08 A 15-Jun-09 A

C1190 Construction 20.0 15-Jun-09 A 04-Dec-09 A

CCN1190 CCN Process 20.0 30-Jun-09 A 01-Dec-09 A

EN1190 Energization 0.0 04-Dec-09 A

ONSU020 Willow Creek StationONSU020 Willow Creek Station 1186.0 17-Nov-08 A 03-Jun-13

ED1200 Engineering & Design 20.0 17-Nov-08 A 03-Sep-12

P1200 Procurement 20.0 17-Nov-08 A 01-May-13

C1200 Construction 20.0 15-May-09 A 03-Jun-13

CCN1200 CCN Process 380.0 30-Jun-09 A 13-Dec-10 A

EN1200 Energization 0.0 03-Jun-13*

ONSU043 Bowman Switch UpgradeONSU043 Bowman Switch Upgrade 664.0 23-Mar-09 A 15-Dec-11

CCN1210 CCN Process 1.0 23-Mar-09 A 18-Sep-09 A

P1210 Procurement 1.0 01-Jun-09 A 04-Feb-11 A

ED1210 Engineering & Design 0.0 01-Dec-09 A 01-Dec-10 A

C1210 Construction 469.0 01-Mar-10 A 15-Dec-11

EN1210 Energization 0.0 15-Dec-11

ONSU044 Carrollton NW TerminalONSU044 Carrollton NW Terminal 250.0 17-Jun-09 A 01-Jun-10 A

ED1220 Engineering & Design 1.0 17-Jun-09 A 15-Jan-10 A

P1220 Procurement 1.0 17-Jun-09 A 15-Jan-10 A

C1220 Construction 1.0 15-Oct-09 A 01-Jun-10 A

EN1220 Energization 0.0 01-Jun-10 A

ONSU046 Everman Switch UpgradeONSU046 Everman Switch Upgrade 285.0 15-Oct-08 A 17-Nov-09 A

ED1230 Engineering & Design 1.0 15-Oct-08 A 15-Jul-09 A

P1230 Procurement 1.0 15-Oct-08 A 15-Jul-09 A

C1230 Construction 1.0 23-Mar-09 A 17-Nov-09 A

EN1230 Energization 0.0 17-Nov-09 A

ONSU047 Leon TerminalONSU047 Leon Terminal 259.0 01-Jun-10 A 04-May-11 A

ED1240 Engineering & Design 86.0 01-Jun-10 A 15-Dec-10 A

P1240 Procurement 108.0 05-Jul-10 A 18-Mar-11 A

C1240 Construction 169.0 08-Nov-10 A 15-Apr-11 A

EN1240 Energization 0.0 04-May-11 A

ONSU048 Moss TerminalONSU048 Moss Terminal 448.0 29-Sep-10 A 15-Jun-12

CCN1250 CCN Process 129.0 29-Sep-10 A 10-Feb-11 A

ED1250 Engineering & Design 197.0 31-Mar-11 A 30-Dec-11

P1250 Procurement 290.0 06-Apr-11 A 15-May-12

C1250 Construction 120.0 02-Jan-12* 15-Jun-12

EN1250 Energization 0.0 15-Jun-12

ONSU049 Odessa EHVONSU049 Odessa EHV 554.0 30-Jun-10 A 14-Dec-12

ED1260 Engineering & Design 129.0 30-Jun-10 A 01-Nov-11

P1260 Procurement 160.0 02-Nov-10 A 16-Jul-12

C1260 Construction 249.0 03-Jan-12* 14-Dec-12

EN1260 Energization 0.0 14-Dec-12

ONSU050 Parker Switch UpgradeONSU050 Parker Switch Upgrade 640.0 15-Oct-08 A 21-Nov-09 A

ED1270 Engineering & Design 1.0 15-Oct-08 A 15-Jul-09 A

P1270 Procurement 1.0 15-Oct-08 A 13-Apr-09 A

C1270 Construction 1.0 13-Apr-09 A 21-Nov-09 A

EN1270 Energization 0.0 02-Nov-09 A

ONSU051 Salado TerminalONSU051 Salado Terminal 302.0 06-Apr-09 A 17-Apr-10 A

ED1280 Engineering & Design 1.0 06-Apr-09 A 21-Dec-09 A

P1280 Procurement 1.0 06-Apr-09 A 01-Oct-09 A

C1280 Construction 1.0 28-Oct-09 A 17-Apr-10 A

EN1280 Energization 0.0 17-Apr-10 A

ONSU054 Anna TerminalONSU054 Anna Terminal 853.0 08-Sep-10 A 13-Dec-13

Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan FMar

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17-Apr-10 A

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Activity ID Activity Name OriginalDuration

Start Finish

CCN1290 CCN Process 129.0 08-Sep-10 A 07-Mar-11 A

ED1290 Engineering & Design 394.0 01-Aug-11* 31-Jan-13

P1290 Procurement 132.0 01-Aug-11* 31-Jan-12

C1290 Construction 226.0 01-Feb-13* 13-Dec-13

EN1290 Energization 0.0 13-Dec-13

SHARYLANDSHARYLAND 859.0 16-Jun-10 A 30-Sep-13

SHSN015 White Deer SubstationSHSN015 White Deer Substation 674.0 31-Dec-10 A 31-Jul-13

A1520 ROW Acquisition 1.0 31-Dec-10 A 31-Jan-12

A1530 Procurement 1.0 31-Dec-10 A 01-Aug-11

A1560 Engineering & Design 1.0 31-Dec-10 A 31-Dec-10 A

A1540 Construction 479.0 31-Aug-11* 01-Jul-13

A1550 Energization 0.0 31-Jul-13*

SHSN014 White Deer Reactive CompensationSHSN014 White Deer Reactive Compensation 674.0 31-Dec-10 A 31-Jul-13

A1570 ROW Acquisition 1.0 31-Dec-10 A 31-Jan-12

A1580 Procurement 1.0 31-Dec-10 A 01-Aug-11

A1610 Engineering & Design 1.0 31-Dec-10 A 30-Sep-11

A1590 Construction 478.0 31-Aug-11* 28-Jun-13

A1600 Energization 0.0 31-Jul-13*

SHSN013 Nazareth SubstationSHSN013 Nazareth Substation 528.0 29-Mar-11 A 04-Apr-13

A1620 ROW Acquisition 1.0 29-Mar-11 A 04-Oct-11

A1630 Procurement 1.0 29-Mar-11 A 31-Jan-13

A1660 Engineering & Design 1.0 29-Mar-11 A 06-Jul-11 A

A1640 Construction 231.0 16-Apr-12* 04-Mar-13

A1650 Energization 0.0 04-Apr-13*

SHSN012 Nazareth Reactive CompensationSHSN012 Nazareth Reactive Compensation 527.0 29-Mar-11 A 04-Apr-13

A1680 Procurement 1.0 29-Mar-11 A 31-Jan-13

A1710 Engineering & Design 1.0 29-Mar-11 A 06-Jul-11 A

A1690 Construction 231.0 16-Apr-12* 04-Mar-13

A1700 Energization 0.0 04-Apr-13*

SHSN011 Silverton SubstationSHSN011 Silverton Substation 523.0 17-Feb-11 A 18-Feb-13

A1720 ROW Acquisition 1.0 17-Feb-11 A 16-Feb-12

A1730 Procurement 1.0 17-Feb-11 A 23-Oct-12

A1760 Engineering & Design 94.0 17-Feb-11 A 28-Jun-11 A

A1740 Construction 332.0 29-Aug-11* 04-Dec-12

A1750 Energization 0.0 18-Feb-13*

SHSN010 Hereford SubstationSHSN010 Hereford Substation 659.0 31-Dec-10 A 31-Jul-13

A1770 ROW Acquisition 1.0 31-Dec-10 A 31-Jan-12

A1780 Procurement 1.0 31-Dec-10 A 01-Aug-11

A1810 Engineering & Design 1.0 31-Dec-10 A 30-Sep-11

A1790 Construction 478.0 31-Aug-11* 28-Jun-13

A1800 Energization 0.0 31-Jul-13 A

SHLN001 Nazareth to Hereford LineSHLN001 Nazareth to Hereford Line 675.0 20-Oct-10 A 21-May-13

TPW1300 Copy to TPW 37.0 20-Oct-10 A 21-Dec-10 A

CCN1300 CCN Process 129.0 20-Oct-10 A 22-Mar-11 A

ED1300 Engineering & Design 57.0 23-Mar-11 A 06-Jul-11 A

P1300 Procurement 468.0 23-Mar-11 A 31-Jan-13

ROW1300 ROW Acquisition 124.0 14-Apr-11 A 04-Oct-11

C1300 Construction 221.0 15-Jun-12* 19-Apr-13

EN1300 Energization 0.0 21-May-13*

SHLN002 Nazareth to Silverton LineSHLN002 Nazareth to Silverton Line 642.0 20-Oct-10 A 04-Apr-13

TPW1310 Copy to TPW 37.0 20-Oct-10 A 21-Dec-10 A

CCN1310 CCN Process 129.0 20-Oct-10 A 22-Mar-11 A

ED1310 Engineering & Design 57.0 23-Mar-11 A 06-Jul-11 A

P1310 Procurement 468.0 23-Mar-11 A 31-Jan-13

ROW1310 ROW Acquisition 124.0 14-Apr-11 A 04-Oct-11

C1310 Construction 231.0 16-Apr-12* 04-Mar-13

EN1310 Energization 0.0 04-Apr-13*

SHLN003 Hereford to White Deer LineSHLN003 Hereford to White Deer Line 816.0 16-Jun-10 A 31-Jul-13

CCN1320 CCN Process 129.0 16-Jun-10 A 13-Dec-10 A

TPW1320 Copy to TPW 23.0 16-Jun-10 A 12-Aug-10 A

ED1320 Engineering & Design 108.0 31-Dec-10 A 30-Sep-11

P1320 Procurement 151.0 31-Dec-10 A 29-Jul-11

ROW1320 ROW Acquisition 283.0 31-Dec-10 A 31-Jan-12

C1320 Construction 478.0 31-Aug-11* 28-Jun-13

EN1320 Energization 0.0 31-Jul-13*

Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan FMar

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Activity ID Activity Name OriginalDuration

Start Finish

SHLN006 White Deer to Silverton LineSHLN006 White Deer to Silverton Line 771.0 10-Nov-10 A 30-Sep-13

CCN1330 CCN Process 130.0 10-Nov-10 A 09-May-11 A

TPW1330 Copy to TPW 42.0 12-Nov-10 A 11-Jan-11 A

ED1330 Engineering & Design 111.0 16-May-11 A 17-Oct-11

P1330 Procurement 481.0 16-May-11 A 18-Mar-13

ROW1330 ROW Acquisition 235.0 16-May-11 A 06-Apr-12

C1330 Construction 500.0 19-Oct-11* 17-Sep-13

EN1330 Energization 0.0 30-Sep-13*

SHLN007 Silverton to Cottonwood LineSHLN007 Silverton to Cottonwood Line 640.0 08-Sep-10 A 19-Feb-13

CCN1340 CCN Process 129.0 08-Sep-10 A 10-Feb-11 A

TPW1340 Copy to TPW 37.0 10-Sep-10 A 08-Nov-10 A

ED1340 Engineering & Design 81.0 17-Feb-11 A 28-Jun-11 A

P1340 Procurement 426.0 17-Feb-11 A 23-Oct-12

ROW1340 ROW Acquisition 239.0 17-Feb-11 A 16-Feb-12

C1340 Construction 332.0 29-Aug-11* 04-Dec-12

EN1340 Energization 0.0 19-Feb-13*

SHSN005 Hereford CompensationSHSN005 Hereford Compensation 816.0 16-Jun-10 A 31-Jul-13

CCN1350 CCN Process 129.0 16-Jun-10 A 13-Dec-10 A

TPW1350 Copy to TPW 42.0 16-Jun-10 A 12-Aug-10 A

ED1350 Engineering & Design 108.0 31-Dec-10 A 30-Sep-11

P1350 Procurement 151.0 31-Dec-10 A 29-Jul-11

ROW1350 ROW Acquisition 283.0 31-Dec-10 A 31-Jan-12

C1350 Construction 478.0 31-Aug-11* 28-Jun-13

EN1350 Energization 0.0 31-Jul-13*

SHSN008 Silverton Cap BankSHSN008 Silverton Cap Bank 639.0 08-Sep-10 A 18-Feb-13

CCN1360 CCN Process 129.0 08-Sep-10 A 10-Feb-11 A

TPW1360 Copy to TPW 23.0 10-Sep-10 A 08-Nov-10 A

ED1360 Engineering & Design 81.0 17-Feb-11 A 28-Jun-11 A

P1360 Procurement 426.0 17-Feb-11 A 23-Oct-12

ROW1360 ROW Acquisition 239.0 17-Feb-11 A 16-Feb-12

C1360 Construction 332.0 29-Aug-11* 04-Dec-12

EN1360 Energization 0.0 18-Feb-13*

STECSTEC 773.0 29-Sep-10 A 13-Sep-13

STLN001 Bakersfield to Big Hill LineSTLN001 Bakersfield to Big Hill Line 764.0 29-Sep-10 A 02-Sep-13

CCN1370 CCN Process 132.0 29-Sep-10 A 25-Mar-11 A

TPW1370 Copy to TPW 23.0 29-Sep-10 A 02-Dec-10 A

ED1370 Engineering & Design 261.0 02-May-11 A 30-Apr-12

ROW1370 ROW Acquisition 436.0 02-May-11 A 31-Dec-12

P1370 Procurement 415.0 01-Jul-11 A 31-Jan-13

C1370 Construction 391.0 05-Mar-12* 02-Sep-13

EN1370 Energization 0.0 02-Sep-13*

LCLN009 Bakersfield to North McCamey LineLCLN009 Bakersfield to North McCamey Line 630.0 18-Apr-11 A 13-Sep-13

CCN1390 CCN Process 132.0 18-Apr-11 A 18-Oct-11

TPW1390 Copy to TPW 23.0 18-May-11 A 17-Jun-11 A

ED1390 Engineering & Design 406.0 12-Sep-11* 01-Apr-13

ROW1390 ROW Acquisition 411.0 11-Nov-11* 07-Jun-13

P1390 Procurement 250.0 01-Oct-12* 13-Sep-13

C1390 Construction 38.0 11-Dec-12* 31-Jan-13

EN1390 Energization 0.0 31-Jan-13*

WETTWETT 1008.0 01-Jul-09 A 10-May-13

WTLN001 Sand Bluff to Divide LineWTLN001 Sand Bluff to Divide Line 769.0 01-Jun-10 A 10-May-13

ED1400 Engineering & Design 549.0 01-Jun-10 A 06-Jul-12

TPW1400 Copy to TPW 22.0 08-Oct-10 A 18-Oct-10 A

CCN1400 CCN Process 130.0 10-Nov-10 A 10-May-11 A

P1400 Procurement 421.0 14-Mar-11 A 22-Oct-12

ROW1400 ROW Acquisition 223.0 18-May-11 A 23-Mar-12

C1400 Construction 276.0 20-Apr-12* 10-May-13

POD1400 Planned Outage Dates 1.0 07-May-13* 07-May-13

EN1400 Energization 0.0 10-May-13*

WTLN002 Sand Bluff to Bearkat LineWTLN002 Sand Bluff to Bearkat Line 725.0 01-Jun-10 A 11-Mar-13

ED1410 Engineering & Design 20.0 01-Jun-10 A 06-Jul-12 A

TPW1410 Copy to TPW 22.0 08-Oct-10 A 18-Oct-10 A

CCN1410 CCN Process 130.0 10-Nov-10 A 10-May-11 A

P1410 Procurement 421.0 14-Mar-11 A 22-Oct-12

ROW1410 ROW Acquisition 223.0 18-May-11 A 23-Mar-12

Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan FMar

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Activity ID Activity Name OriginalDuration

Start Finish

C1410 Construction 232.0 20-Apr-12* 11-Mar-13

POD1410 Planned Outage Dates 1.0 11-Mar-13* 11-Mar-13

EN1410 Energization 0.0 11-Mar-13

WTLN003 Cottonwood to Dermott LineWTLN003 Cottonwood to Dermott Line 689.0 30-Apr-10 A 19-Dec-12

TPW1420 Copy to TPW 21.0 30-Apr-10 A 28-May-10 A

ED1420 Engineering & Design 251.0 01-Jun-10 A 28-Feb-12

CCN1420 CCN Process 134.0 14-Jun-10 A 14-Oct-10 A

ROW1420 ROW Acquisition 231.0 13-Aug-10 A 15-Nov-11

P1420 Procurement 350.0 14-Mar-11 A 13-Jul-12

C1420 Construction 255.0 13-Dec-11* 03-Dec-12

POD1420 Planned Outage Dates 1.0 03-Dec-12* 03-Dec-12

EN1420 Energization 0.0 19-Dec-12*

WTLN006 Long Draw to Grelton LineWTLN006 Long Draw to Grelton Line 703.0 31-May-10 A 06-Feb-13

TPW1430 Copy to TPW 314.0 31-May-10 A 04-Aug-10 A

ED1430 Engineering & Design 389.0 01-Jun-10 A 18-Apr-12

CCN1430 CCN Process 133.0 18-Aug-10 A 13-Jan-11 A

ROW1430 ROW Acquisition 182.0 28-Jan-11 A 16-Jan-12

P1430 Procurement 380.0 21-Mar-11 A 31-Aug-12

C1430 Construction 253.0 01-Feb-12* 18-Jan-13

POD1430 Planned Outage Dates 1.0 18-Jan-13* 18-Jan-13

EN1430 Energization 0.0 06-Feb-13*

WTLN007 Long Draw to Sand Bluff LineWTLN007 Long Draw to Sand Bluff Line 769.0 01-Jun-10 A 10-May-13

ED1440 Engineering & Design 549.0 01-Jun-10 A 06-Jul-12

CCN1440 CCN Process 207.0 11-Nov-10 A 10-May-11 A

P1440 Procurement 421.0 14-Mar-11 A 22-Oct-12

ROW1440 ROW Acquisition 223.0 18-May-11 A 23-Mar-12

TPW1440 Copy to TPW 22.0 15-Aug-11 A 17-Oct-11

C1440 Construction 276.0 20-Apr-12* 10-May-13

POD1440 Planned Outage Dates 1.0 08-May-13* 08-May-13

EN1440 Energization 0.0 10-May-13

WTLN008 Grelton to Odessa LineWTLN008 Grelton to Odessa Line 690.0 31-May-10 A 18-Jan-13

TPW1450 Copy to TPW 48.0 31-May-10 A 04-Aug-10 A

ED1450 Engineering & Design 492.0 01-Jun-10 A 18-Apr-12

CCN1450 CCN Process 133.0 18-Aug-10 A 13-Jan-11 A

ROW1450 ROW Acquisition 230.0 28-Jan-11 A 13-Jan-12

P1450 Procurement 380.0 21-Mar-11 A 31-Aug-12

C1450 Construction 253.0 01-Feb-12* 18-Jan-13

POD1450 Planned Outage Dates 1.0 18-Jan-13* 18-Jan-13

EN1450 Energization 0.0 18-Jan-13

WTLN009 Scurry County South to Long Draw LineWTLN009 Scurry County South to Long Draw Line 703.0 31-May-10 A 06-Feb-13

TPW1460 Copy to TPW 23.0 31-May-10 A 04-Aug-10 A

ED1460 Engineering & Design 389.0 01-Jun-10 A 18-Apr-12

CCN1460 CCN Process 133.0 18-Aug-10 A 13-Jan-11 A

ROW1460 ROW Acquisition 230.0 28-Jan-11 A 16-Jan-12

P1460 Procurement 268.0 21-Mar-11 A 31-Aug-12

C1460 Construction 253.0 01-Feb-12* 18-Jan-13

EN1460 Energization 0.0 06-Feb-13*

WTLN010 Cottonwood SubstationWTLN010 Cottonwood Substation 689.0 01-Jul-09 A 19-Dec-12

ROW1470 ROW Acquisition 231.0 01-Jul-09 A 31-Dec-09 A

TPW1470 Copy to TPW 21.0 30-Apr-10 A 28-May-10 A

ED1470 Engineering & Design 251.0 01-Jun-10 A 30-May-11 A

CCN1470 CCN Process 128.0 16-Jun-10 A 14-Oct-10 A

P1470 Procurement 218.0 07-Jan-11 A 02-Jan-12

C1470 Construction 414.0 06-May-11 A 05-Dec-12

EN1470 Energization 0.0 19-Dec-12*

WTLN011 Long Draw SubstationWTLN011 Long Draw Substation 928.0 01-Jul-09 A 18-Jan-13

ROW1480 ROW Acquisition 178.0 01-Jul-09 A 05-Mar-10 A

TPW1480 Copy to TPW 48.0 31-May-10 A 04-Aug-10 A

ED1480 Engineering & Design 492.0 01-Jun-10 A 18-Apr-12

CCN1480 CCN Process 133.0 18-Aug-10 A 13-Jan-11 A

P1480 Procurement 373.0 30-Mar-11 A 31-Aug-12

C1480 Construction 253.0 01-Feb-12* 18-Jan-13

POD1480 Planned Outage Dates 1.0 18-Jan-13* 18-Jan-13

EN1480 Energization 0.0 18-Jan-13

WTLN012 Grelton SubstationWTLN012 Grelton Substation 928.0 01-Jul-09 A 18-Jan-13

Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan FMar

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


Planned Outage Dates



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Engineering & Design

CCN Process

ROW Acquisition



Planned Outage Dates



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CCN Process

ROW Acquisition



Planned Outage Dates



Engineering & Design

CCN Process


ROW Acquisition

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Planned Outage Dates



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CCN Process

ROW Acquisition



Planned Outage Dates



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Engineering & Design

CCN Process

ROW Acquisition





ROW Acquisition

Copy to TPW

Engineering & Design

CCN Process





ROW Acquisition

Copy to TPW

Engineering & Design

CCN Process



Planned Outage Dates



PUCT - CREZ Oversight Detailed Schedule PUCT View 1 01-Aug-11 13:30

Remaining Level of Effort

Actual Level of Effort

Actual Work

Remaining Work

Critical Remaining Work


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Activity ID Activity Name OriginalDuration

Start Finish

ROW1490 ROW Acquisition 178.0 01-Jul-09 A 05-Mar-10 A

TPW1490 Copy to TPW 48.0 31-May-10 A 04-Aug-10 A

ED1490 Engineering & Design 492.0 01-Jun-10 A 01-Aug-11

CCN1490 CCN Process 133.0 18-Aug-10 A 27-Jan-11 A

P1490 Procurement 373.0 30-Mar-11 A 31-Aug-12

C1490 Construction 253.0 01-Feb-12* 18-Jan-13

POD1490 Planned Outage Dates 1.0 18-Jan-13* 18-Jan-13

EN1490 Energization 0.0 18-Jan-13

WTLN013 Sand Bluff SubstationWTLN013 Sand Bluff Substation 964.0 01-Jul-09 A 11-Mar-13

ROW1500 ROW Acquisition 178.0 01-Jul-09 A 05-Mar-10 A

ED1500 Engineering & Design 185.0 01-Jun-10 A 14-Feb-11 A

TPW1500 Copy to TPW 33.0 01-Sep-10 A 15-Oct-10 A

CCN1500 CCN Process 130.0 10-Nov-10 A 10-May-11 A

P1500 Procurement 421.0 14-Mar-11 A 22-Oct-12

C1500 Construction 253.0 22-Mar-12* 11-Mar-13

POD1500 Planned Outage Dates 1.0 11-Mar-13* 11-Mar-13

EN1500 Energization 0.0 11-Mar-13

WTLN014 Bearkat SubstationWTLN014 Bearkat Substation 964.0 01-Jul-09 A 11-Mar-13

ROW1510 ROW Acquisition 0.0 01-Jul-09 A 05-Mar-10 A

ED1510 Engineering & Design 185.0 01-Jun-10 A 14-Feb-11 A

P1510 Procurement 421.0 14-Mar-11 A 22-Oct-12

C1510 Construction 253.0 22-Mar-12* 11-Mar-13

POD1510 Planned Outage Dates 1.0 11-Mar-13* 11-Mar-13

EN1510 Energization 0.0 11-Mar-13

WTSN004 Cottonwood Cap BankWTSN004 Cottonwood Cap Bank 657.0 16-Jun-10 A 18-Dec-12

CCN1520 CCN Process 395.0 16-Jun-10 A 14-Oct-10 A

ED1520 Engineering & Design 0.0 14-Feb-11 A 09-Sep-11

P1520 Procurement 200.0 18-Apr-11 A 10-Apr-12

C1520 Construction 155.0 16-May-12* 18-Dec-12

EN1520 Energization 0.0 18-Dec-12*

WTSN005 Cottonwood Reactive CompensationWTSN005 Cottonwood Reactive Compensation 906.0 01-Jul-09 A 19-Dec-12

ROW1530 ROW Acquisition 132.0 01-Jul-09 A 31-Dec-09 A

TPW11530 Copy to TPW 33.0 30-Apr-10 A 27-May-10 A

CCN1530 CCN Process 395.0 16-Jun-10 A 16-Dec-10 A

ED1530 Engineering & Design 334.0 03-Jan-11 A 09-Sep-11

P1530 Procurement 200.0 31-Jan-11 A 04-Nov-11

C1530 Construction 240.0 14-Dec-11* 13-Nov-12

POD1530 Planned Outage Dates 1.0 13-Nov-12* 13-Nov-12

EN1530 Energization 0.0 19-Dec-12*


CPLU001 Singleton to Gibbons Creek Terminal UpgradesCPLU001 Singleton to Gibbons Creek Terminal Upgra... 23.0 01-Sep-09 A 01-Oct-09 A

ED1540 Engineering & Design 20.0 01-Sep-09 A 04-Sep-09 A

EN1540 Energization 0.0 04-Sep-09 A

C1540 Construction 1.0 01-Oct-09 A 01-Oct-09 A

CCN1540 CCN Process 1.0 01-Oct-09 A 01-Oct-09 A

P1540 Procurement 1.0 01-Oct-09 A 01-Oct-09 A

POD1540 Planned Outage Dates 1.0 01-Oct-09 A 01-Oct-09 A

ROW1540 ROW Aquisition 1.0 01-Oct-09 A 01-Oct-09 A

TPW1540 Copy to TPW 1.0 01-Oct-09 A 01-Oct-09 A

Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan F Mar Apr M Jun Jul A S Oct N D Jan FMar

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

ROW Acquisition

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Engineering & Design

CCN Process



Planned Outage Dates



ROW Acquisition

Engineering & Design

Copy to TPW

CCN Process



Planned Outage Dates



ROW Acquisition

Engineering & Design



Planned Outage Dates



CCN Process

Engineering & Design





ROW Acquisition

Copy to TPW

CCN Process

Engineering & Design



Planned Outage Dates


01-Oct-09 A

01-Oct-09 A

Engineering & Design



CCN Process


Planned Outage Dates

ROW Aquisition

Copy to TPW

PUCT - CREZ Oversight Detailed Schedule PUCT View 1 01-Aug-11 13:30

Remaining Level of Effort

Actual Level of Effort

Actual Work

Remaining Work

Critical Remaining Work


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