The AfterMath of DreamForce: The Best Way to Qualify Trade Show Leads

Post on 02-Dec-2014

458 views 1 download


It's great coming back from a trade show (especially one the size of DreamForce) with a bunch of new leads. But - how do you efficiently manage them? How do you reach all hot prospects first? Check out our intelligent automated demo platform - it'll revolutionize your sales cycle.


The AfterMath of DreamForce:The Best Way to Qualify Trade Show Leads



You put a lot of marketing dollars into a trade show


You put a lot of marketing dollars into a trade show

You come back with a few hundred leads


You put a lot of marketing dollars into a trade show

You come back with a few hundred leads

But how do you give each one the attention it deserves?


And when you do begin the follow up


…how do you figure out who the “hot” leads are so you can reach out to

them first?


With DemoChimpyou send a customized

product demo to each lead.


You’ll track all leads to see what features

they listed as important

and to see who watched the most of

your demo video

AND which leads requested contact


This allows you to know exactly who you should follow up with first


Smart demo automation qualifies

your trade show leads for the next

stage in your sales process


So you don’t have to leave money on the table anymore.#DreamChimp

Want to use DemoChimp to qualify your DreamForce leads?

Click below to learn exactly how it works:

the demo
