The Age of Religious Wars and European Expansion.

Post on 27-Mar-2015

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The Age of Religious Wars and European Expansion

The End of The Hapsburg-Valois Wars

Treaty of Cateau –Cambresis 1559Spain wins Dominates ItalyEnds dynastic and continues religious warsLarger modern armies with gunpowder

Difficulties in France 1515-1559Francis I – Places all French under royal law

French National LanguageThe Habsburg-Valois Wars were expensiveThe Nobility of the Robe – Raised money and made these families tax exemptThe Concordat of Bologna – Supremacy of the Papacy but could appoint bishops and abbots = $$$$ Protestants are growing in number

Religious Riots and Civil War in France

Catherine D’ MediciCharles IX – Mama’s boy – 1560-74Henry III – Wild parties with his boy friends and then drama-queen –1574-1589Catherine wanted peace as long as her sons were ruling

Clashes between Catholics and Calvinists - Huguenots

St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre 1572Henry of Navarre and Margaret ValoisColingy a Huguenot had gained control of Charles IXHenry Guise the night before the wedding attacked the and slaughtered the Huguenot gentry in ParisWide-spread violence erupted

The War of the Three Henry’s

Henry III a Catholic joined with Henry Navarre the ProtestantGuise and Catholic nobles founded the Holy League

The Politiques

After fifteen years of devastation many want to reconcile.Catherine D’Medici dies, Henry of Guise and Henry III are assassinated “The Greatest Frenchman Ever to Live”

Henry Navarre (IV) Drinker, lover and fighter“Paris is worth a Mass” – real politiqueThe Edict of Nantes - 1598

The Netherlands Under Charles V

The Low Countries

The Hub of international commerce – Antwerp The Bourse - exchange

Protestant reform and the Low Countries

A mixed FederationCharles V – responds with mild condemnationCharles abdicates in 1556Philip of Spain takes control of the Low Countries

Revolt of the Netherlands

Militant CalvinismPhilip II appoints sister to quell the disorder – Margaret Her big problem was raising taxesCalvinists revolt in 1566

1568-1578 civil war in Holland

The King sends 20,000 troops to the Low CountriesDuke of Parma appointed to crush revolt William of Orange leads the home team

The Spanish Netherlands and the Union of Utrecht

Ten Southern provinces – Spanish Habsburgs – Landed nobility

Seven Northern – Protestant Union of Utrecht –Commercial aristocracy

The Union asked Elizabeth I for aid

The English Dilemma

Help the Union and anger Philip II

Not Help and await the invasion from the Spanish

The death of WilliamThe collapse of the wool tradeThe fall of Antwerp

Philip and the Armada -1588

The Escorial –Symbol of Philips values

Philip the Man

As a young man was a party animal

After the death of his fourth wife he becomes somber and pious

In terms of religious tolerance he was inflexible

The Armada Sails 9 May 1588

The death of Mary Queen of Scots 130 vessels sail to EnglandDrakes plan and poor sailing – 65 Spanish ships return home

The Thirty Years War 1618-48

Starts as a religious war and ends as way to keep Habsburgs in check and Germany divided

Four phasesBohemianDanishSwedishFrench

Discovery, Reconnaissance and Exploration 1450 -1650

The geography was not understoodMigration and colonizationEconomic exploitation and religious dominanceGold, God, and Glory

Muslim Expansion

Muslims expand toward western EuropeMedieval trade routes interrupted

Spain and Portugal

Spain – Central government provides supportPortugal – Geographic advantage

Other centralized states followed



On to the East

India… SpicesEthiopia – Prester John

Prince Henry the Navigator

The laboratory – Earth


Down the coast of AfricaDiaz –1487Da Gama – 1497 reaches India

The Europeans take over

Ships with powerful gunsBuddha came to China on white elephants, Christ was borne on cannon ballsBegin to control the Indian ocean and Asian trade. Columbus sails 1492, financed by Spain.

Technology and attitudes stimulates exploration

CompassAstrolabeCaravelCannonsThe psychology of the RenaissanceGold, God and Glory


Devout CatholicMessenger of GodExcellent sailor Estimated the distance from Portugal to Japan was about 2800 miles ( 12000)Little interest in government

Later Explorers

1493 – News of Columbus’s voyage travels throughout Europe

Natives are Christianized, killed and destroyed by disease

1519 Magellan

The Conquistadors

Cortez – Aztecs - Mexico

Pizarro – Incas - Peru

Economic Effects of Spain’s discovery in the New World

16th century – The Golden Age of SpainSpanish economy could not the meet demand of rising populationPrice increases hampered the international demand for Spanish goodsThe Price Revolution – State debt not paidSpanish inflation spread through Europe Nobles and poor were hurt middle class did OK

Colonial AdministrationSpainViceroyalties

Audiencia Intendants – later

PotrugaL – Corregidores Mercantilist – Strict control of Brazilian

production Slave labor

Status of Women

Arranged unions were discouraged Double standards were discouraged regarding infidelityEmotional and physical attraction were not sound reasons for enduring relationshipsStandards of beauty 1566 pope expels prostitutes, but has to rescind the expulsion due to lost revenue

Women continued

single women in the 16th and 17th centuries worked in many occupationsMarried women assisted their husbandsUpper- class… ex nuns were encouraged to marryFrom one master to another?Marriage the only occupation for upper class protestant women.

Malleus Maleficarum  

Why the witch craze

Perhaps the ReformationExplain what is not understoodA way of eliminating non-conformists or rivalsChristian repression of sexualityPerhaps as many 60,000Declines during the Enlightenment

Witches Everywhere?

Smart and stupid alike- believed in witchesIndividuals that could mysteriously harm othersCould cause blindness and impotenceMajority were 50-70 crippled and pockmarked femalesAnd… they talked back to men