The Creative Facets of 3D Visualization

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Visualization is an art of the mind and 3D visualization makes it a science as well. With a fully functional and competent 3D visualization tool, there is nothing this science cannot achieve.


The Creative Facets of 3D Visualization

Visualization is an art of the mind and 3D visualization makes it a science as well. With a

fully functional and competent 3D visualization software, there is nothing this science

cannot achieve.

Besides, aiding graphics and animation industry, the software facilitates several other

domains with solutions to investigate natural and man-made occurrences. For instance,

studying seismic activity and potential earthquake occurrence is done using new 3D

visualization techniques that have averted many disasters. Analysis and distribution of

information through supercomputing and 3D apps on mobile devices prove as beneficial

solutions for predicting earthquakes.

Applications of 3D Visualization

There are dormant seismic activity areas and ones that are very active. In both cases,

prediction of earthquakes becomes an inevitable need. Intensive 3D simulation of

earthquake ground motions and large volumes of data for analysis are a significant part of

earthquake prediction process. Similarly, 3D visualization solutions can be applied in the

fields of architecture, mining, oil & gas and industrial arenas. Observation of earth through

3D satellites, construction of information models, development of 3D healthcare

technologies, 3D city models in architecture and forest monitoring are some of the other

applications of the concept.

Behind the Scenes of 3D Architectural Visualization

Industry leaders have increasingly adopted 3D visualization tools as they continue to

discover new uses and more efficiency in production. Most 3D visualization tools rely on a

combination of software and state-of-the-art visual capture tools. Many of these modeling

efforts incorporate and improve on digital design staples, such as computer aided design

(CAD), infrared imaging, animation software, and photo capture in order to lay out their


The capture phase may involve regular photography, laser scanning, aerial imagery, or

motion capture technology, among others. Using image processing software, captured data

can be reconstructed into a 3D model. Once the rough model is completed, lighting and

material aspects are included to depict the image as it exists or would look in its

environment. Capture data is rendered on the modeling software to create 3D images and

bring the visions to life. These models act as true representations that will guide the users

to achieving their mission and speed up the processing stage. The 3D model will have all of

the exact details, depth, and accuracy of the intended target

The tool is a facilitator for various science,

engineering and geological functions. The diversity

of opportunities the software provides is unique,

informative and beneficial to the environment at

large. Processes have become smarter and more

intelligent. The entertainment industry breathes life

into inanimate images and processes streamlined from pre-visualization through post-

production. Speed, precision and detail are thus not compromised on with the

comprehensive and meticulous 3D visualizatio n software.


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