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The ELF Transmissions

A Story of Creation from a Different Perspective


Emerald Liberation Front

Emerald Life Force

Emerald Light Frequency

Elves everywhere!!

The Only Way Out is In!!!


This book is a synthesis of two lifetimes of inquiry into the nature of reality on Planet Earth…two lifetimes, two beings who came together fifteen years ago and set out to finish their individual life paths together in order to explore the fundamental question that they both began to ask at very early ages. That question, simply stated, is:

Why is this planet so screwed up, what is really going on here, why don’t all the people walking around know that there is something really wrong here…and what can I do about it?

What follows are the fruits of the last fifteen years inquiry into seeking the answers to that question. This is our answer, not anyone else’s and certainty not “the answer.” It is only one piece, our contribution, our individual signature and insights, our perspective to add to yours, the reader, and to anyone else who has asked this same fundamental question. We offer it simply as a contribution to the dialog. Nothing more, nothing less. Somewhere along the line the pieces started crystallizing into a coherent picture. We also noticed that many other people, in their explorations, are coming forward now with their own crystallization, and that collectively, the totality of our collective consciousness is aggregating the bigger picture. We are waking up from a long and very deep slumber and what we are beginning to see and understand is nothing short of astounding. The essence of the wake up process is about realizing we live in a false reality, just as the characters in the movie The Matrix understood exactly the same thing. But many think that the movie was only a metaphor, not realizing that in fact we literally live in a false hologram and that this hologram is very much controlled by outside forces for their own purposes and their own agenda. That agenda is to create a prison planet in which the population slumbers forward in an endless repetition of superficial and meaningless exercises accepted as real life, while their true life force and energies are systematically entrained and channeled into a harvesting process that saps all but the basic levels of awareness and creativity away from themselves. And of course, as in the movie, the energy thus taken goes first and foremost into maintaining the prison itself. But very few, if any, attempts in describing and understanding this fact have been able to define and delineate exactly how this is done. This book is a contribution to that understanding, one that, although not absolute or definitive, is certainly a significant contribution and voice towards achieving that comprehensive understanding. It is the hope and intent of the authors of this book that it should stimulate more voices to add to and expand upon the themes and specifics contained herein.

Much of what is presented here is based on both scientific and historical fact. At the same time, a reasonable portion is also based on non-ordinary perceptions and contexts of reality. For a long time, these two aspects of understanding reality have remained mutually exclusive, and it was, in fact, a struggle of the authors to deal with how to approach this fact. Those inclined to the “I only believe what I see” category might scoff at the non-ordinary component, and those inclined to the multi-dimensional realities might have nothing to do with facts and figures. But quite frankly, to be blunt and to the point, at this point we really don’t give a damn for those who choose to isolate themselves and their belief systems in one or the other of these camps. In short, it’s time to wake up and realize that the separation of belief systems and reality perceptions that these two descriptions of seemingly opposite reality quotients illustrate is precisely part of the game of divide and conquer, of polarization and separation. The bottom line is that both reality quotients are relevant, and the whole picture cannot be seen without both. If this offends the reader at this point, then we humbly submit that you put this book down, save your money, and return to your slumber and your blue pill. This book, then, is not for you. On the other hand, if you are willing and able to proceed on this premise, then please do so. But be aware that you will be challenged regardless of your expectations and your presumption of understanding up to this point in time. Be aware also that the path in the next several hundred pages is not direct. It is circuitous and designed to be so. It is designed to challenge the mind, to stimulate the thinking process, to agitate the emotional body and to most importantly irritate that part of oneself that still slumbers and believes itself to be enlightened. Very few of us are so, including the authors. But we have at least been afforded guidance to walk through some interesting territory and to be privy to understandings and perceptions that few have had. It is our path to blaze this particular trail to assist others to follow and all of us to continue the upward movement of liberation, for ultimately, that is the purpose herein….the doorway to freedom and the pathway to liberation. In earlier versions of this work, certain responses were received. One, for example, complained of the intricacy and complexity of the writing style and the languaging. To such comments we simply respond “Wake up….and get over it!” If you have been lulled into mediocrity in your use of language, then get some brain food and start exercising your capacities. Stretch the envelope, get a dictionary. Others have complained about the complexity of the historical content, and the aspects pertaining to legal structures and that of the monetary components. And again, we say quit your complaining, time to start releasing the mind control constraints of the public fool system and figure out that you live on the planet of the great lie. Everything you have been told is a lie. Religions, politics, history, the daily news. It is full of lies, so much so that very few have any clue to what extent this is so. To this we simply say, everything you thought to be true is at the least laced with lies, but most probably completely structured and founded on lies. Everything. And therein resides the bonds that enslave you, because indeed you are a bonded slave, intended to be in bondage from the moment you are born until well after you die, and then to be recycled and bonded once again.

Start by looking up the word bond in the new dictionary you should be buying along with this book. What does it say? How do you think it applies to you, to your children and to your friends? And then think again…because it goes much deeper than that. And if you read through to the end of this book you will begin to understand, but that will only be the beginning. The next step, at the end of the beginning, will be to engage with that first glimmer of understanding, and from there, to begin to do something about it. Then continue to learn and seek out those who have gone before you and have blazed the trails for you and others to follow. Those trails are beginning to solidify into hard pack and are widening into highways. Soon they will be freeways and many more will follow. But you have to rise from your slumber and your lassitude and do the work. But by virtue of the fact that the fundamental platform upon which this material is presented is that we currently are in a reality that is in fact a false hologram, then the fact remains that as a hologram such a reality is subject to certain functions and laws. Such laws as those of correspondences, of micro-cosmic and macro-cosmic reflectivity, of the fact that every piece in a hologram contains within it the entirety of the blueprint of the larger whole, of the fact that the whole system energetics pertaining to these laws means that when one individual shifts reality, the whole must of necessity also shift. And so, as several shift, an energetic trail is blazed, and it is easier for others to follow. And as more shift, the reality begins to change and such change is irreversible and unstoppable. Then realize that if you are reading this book you are an unstoppable force, and that regardless of how many guns and banks and countries the controllers of this hologram have, they can never stop us from our ability to shift and change reality. That is, of course, what they fear the most. That is what the key components of the Matrix movies seeded into our waking consciousness, with such lines as when Agent Smith stated to Neo that he just could not fathom the fact that humans kept getting up and forging forward regardless of how many times they were knocked down. Why wouldn’t they just stop and die as they should, according to the goodly agent. Because, what he did not understand, was the nature of an unstoppable force. What he did not understand was that his logic was only self-contained and mechanical, while that of the eternal and divine spirit that carries us forward is neither limited or self-limiting….unless, of course, we allow ourselves to be so. Therefore, there is but a simple choice, which is to acquiesce to the madness of the machine, or to declare oneself to be an unstoppable force that will one day be truly free and will extend a helping hand to anyone else who so chooses such a path. In the end, we, the authors of this book and the blazers of this trail, are just simple children who love freedom and love life, who have endured much to bring this material through, by literally burning it through the depths of our souls and the matrices of our genetic material in our incarnate forms. We have lived this material and know it to be true. There may indeed be many mistakes in nuances and stated facts, and we welcome input to assist in clarifying and expanding the content herein. But we know above all else that the essence whereof we speak is of merit and substantive in truth. As true elves from another realm, temporarily in human form, we humbly suggest you accept these premises as you begin the journey through these pages.

Long ago, soon after we met, one of us affectionately called the other “Pookie.” Much later, as this material was emerging in written form, we discovered a web site that had an extensive amount of information about elven races and languages. One of these races was known as the Pooks. Then we pondered on the fact that having spent several years in the Hawaiian Islands, there is a word in that unique island realm, of the native language, which is “Puka” meaning a hole, but meaning more than that, such as the use of the word “Pukalani” which means a hole or passage way to heaven. Like a doorway, a puka is an opening into other realms. Thus, we came to understand that the Pooks were those of the elfish clans who used their presence, their consciousness and their energies to be as doorways and passageways into other realms. In that sense, this book, is like a doorway as has been our journey through consciousness to birth the understandings contained herein, so please approach is as such. The Hawaiian Islands will be discussed in these chapters, and the Hawaiian people themselves. They, too, are like Pukas, as doorways to other realms, and they have long endured and suffered, struggled to maintain their connection to their higher purposes and spirits under the onslaught of those who would destroy such as they. In was on those islands that much of the beginning understandings contained herein emerged, and the memories of our own roles as part of that race whose purpose it is to open such doorways as these. In one particular experience, during an inter-dimensional journey, we found ourselves looking upwards through a puka, a doorway to our higher selves, and then we found ourselves turning around and looking back down, peering all the way into inner earth realms where such as elves and dwarfs and trolls resided, there to engage our attention, to bring us to understand the nature of the interconnectedness of these layers of realms and realities. We understood all of these layers to be ourselves, and it is our hope that these pages will assist in activating your own journey as such and memories of whence and wherefore and onwards to returning home from whence we have come. For it is all about going home, this journey called life, returning back to ourselves and regaining that which has seemingly been lost but has never really gone anywhere during our long journeys into darkness and separation and fear. For that which is broken can never be fixed, and that which is real can never be broken; so it is only incumbent upon us to focus on what is REAL and the rest will simply fade away. We are in truth bio-crystalline virtual reality projecting units and in truth we have tarried too long in an unreal reality and allowed our attention to be turned towards the creation of a false hologram based on lack and limitation, and on fear and survival. The time has surely come for that to end, and ending it surely is. So choose what you wish to create and become the center of your own universe of creation. As such, we then become the nuclei of a new reality around which others will accrue and further solidify and accrete a new beginning. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, so therefore, all the energy used to create the false hologram and that is contained therein is waiting for us to access and transfer over to the new reality we wish to create. All that is necessary is the understanding of the nature of the template and the blueprint upon which it has been sustained, and then to understand the function of the transfer mechanism and the ability we all contain to be and create and hold the receptacle into which that transfer will flow. At a certain point, the old forms will fold in upon themselves and will cease to be. For

some, this will be a form of death and cataclysm, for others a gentle shift and transitional change. For those with a death grip upon what they believe to be real, and upon what they think they own and control, it will be equal in force to the level and degree of their own denial and their own separation. In the quantum whole of it, all that energy stored in the false reality will become like a catapult force that will accelerate us all into the changes and the reality shifts foretold from long ago and becoming more and more apparent as every day dawns before us. One day, the true first new day will dawn and the last vestige of our long journey into night shall fade with the first brilliant rays of a rising sun never before seen but surely always there. Sincerely, Pookie and Elfie Authors Note: Previous versions of parts one through five of the ELF Transmission series were placed in various sites on the web during 2003 and 2004. This current version, in the form of Part One (chapters one through seven) is the official and most appropriate version. For those hosting earlier versions, please discard and place this version, dated December 21, 2005, on your sites. This first part and first seven chapters will be all that we send out into the web to be freely hosted and distributed. After this, we will soon be creating a web site under the domain name of Please check back to this site as you wish to find further instructions as to how you can access the continuing writings in this series, and to be informed when the first book is ready for publication and purchase, as well as other follow up information and components that will be structured into the web site as our work evolves and expands.

Part One

That which is broken can never be fixed,

That which is Real can never be broken,

Focus on what is Real and The rest will fade away!!!

The ELF Transmissions Chapter One

The Emerald Liberation Front

Nice name…but what does it really mean? The emerald referenced is the core energetic frequency and vibrational master tone that resides within our planet Earth at its center; it is known as the Gift of Alcyone, as it was brought here to this planet by a primary embodying consciousness that came to this point in Time/Space through the prismatic lens of the Central Sun in our local universe, that today is embodied as the central star of the Pleiadian system, called Alcyone. The Pleiades have often been referred to as the Seven Sisters due to the fact that, from Earth, seven primary stars can be observed by the naked eye. But, in fact, there is a more fundamental reason why this grouping of stars in our local universal neighborhood would have a referencing of the number seven, due to the underlying structure of seven primary vibrational tones as part of a whole octave of intended manifestation and embodiment in this universe, which is in fact the context and theme upon which this book is based. There is, in fact, an obscured eighth star that can be observed through the lens of another eye, known as O's Iris, which is a structure within our solar system that is refracting the higher dimensional "light" of our original solar bodies through the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn as the focalization of manifestation of this referenced octave of Divine creation. This eighth star is, in actual fact, the real Earth over which our current reality construct as a false holographic overlay is placed, as we are the completion of the octave of the cosmic lens through which we came to this point in time and space many eons ago to complete and fulfill the intention of Prime Creator for its intended manifestation. The emerald or green ray is the life force that seeded here at the inception of the original Earth before its fall into lower dimensional levels of polarized light, as precipitated and maintained by intruder races of a twisted and distorted nature, primarily but not exclusive reptilian in nature in terms of physical and fourth dimensional biological expression, along with other add-on genetic strains that have since that point of fall come here to feed off of the non-polarized light that we brought originally to this point in Time/Space, said original and non-polarized light being effectively trapped within the confines and constructs of the polarized light that maintains and conforms the hologram that we now find ourselves in, that most would call “reality” from the limited and controlled perspective that the human race finds itself in at this point in time. The original Divine Intent of Creator Source for this local universe of expression is the center point of creation around which we formed the original crystalline matrix that later coalesced into the planetary form that we now reside on and the other solar, celestial and universal bodies that make up the local neighborhood. The liberation of the "emerald" ray will herald the reunion of the polarized elements of light that have maintained the illusions of separation upon which has been fostered the feeding off of and draining of the life force of the divinity that we are that knows no such illusions of separation or polarization. The liberation of this primal, non-polarized Life Force is proceeding now at an exponentially

expanding rate and the intruder races and beings are rapidly being expelled from the planetary sphere, to be returned to their own artificial homorganic creations and never again to return. It is only for us now to focus on what is real within our own selves and bless them on their path of return and allow the rapidly expanding shuffling off of the trappings and illusions of separation to proceed apace. The over lighting maxim to follow is thus:

That which is broken can never be fixed, That which is Real can never be broken,

Focus on what is Real and the rest will fade away…

* * * * * * * In this first chapter, we want to give an overview of the context of all of this as it has played out in the recent fractal time geometry of known history and pre-history. A fractal is simply a relational structure of number, which, as in this example, can be applied to time/space, whereby, in such a ratio, 1 is to 10, as 10 is to 100, as 100 is to 1000 (1:10:100:1000). The ratio remains a constant, but the scale changes. This is an immutable law of creation, wherein the microcosm does indeed contain the macrocosm, and the macrocosm is the externalized reflection of the microcosm. In recent time, on the frontiers of physics, the concept of Chaos Theory has emerged, in which the implicate order is contained within and emerges out of chaos and discord; thus is the emergence of the fractal geometry of time/space inherent therein. Time itself is part of an ever increasing fractal of Time/Space and therefore, we can look at one known unit of our geo-centric concept of time and know the whole thereby, order emerging from disorder, implicate order from chaos. The set unit that we are going to look at is, in Earth years, roughly 26,000 years, one grand Solar Year in our solar orbit around the central sun of the Pleiades, Alcyone. At the same time, when coming to the understanding that Time itself is nothing more than a geometric structure of our own consciousness, we can also come to understand the fractal nature of any given unit of time and work with it as a method of correspondent structure for purposes of accessing key insights for our journey of liberation. This concept will become more clear as this work unfolds. With respect to the Solar Year, there is a path the Earth traverses known as the precession of the equinox, in which the apparent direction of the north-pointing pole aligns with an external point of light, a star. This precession cycle corresponds in time to the duration of the Solar Year. When the cycle we are speaking about began, 26, 000 years ago, our north star was Polaris, as it is today. There is no coincidence that the obvious phonetic correspondence exists between the name of Polaris and the word polarity. The star Polaris is also the fixed point of the constellation we refer to as the Little Dipper, also known as Ursa Minor. There is a reason for this, which we will return to later. In Latin, the word Ursa translates to the English word bear and also, take note, of the root tone of UR contained in the word. Twenty-six thousand years ago the consciousness on this planet was in an extended state of polarized refraction, and had reached a point very near past which there would be no

return to wholeness. There was encased within the containment field of this polarized state that enveloped this planet the collective consciousness of the admixture of the original emerald seeding and the intruder races, of which much has been written in other places and need not be repeated here. The incarnate vehicles we walk the planet in today were fairly well in a state of inextricable genetic hybridization, such that there was no turning back, the only way out was indeed in. What was required was a full and complete quarantine and lock down of the life force and indwelling consciousness, to create a crucible that would establish the necessary pressure to liberate the emerald life force. In short, the consciousness blend that embodied itself through the human race had to deal with itself in all of its deepest and darkest quarters in order to at last be free of its own bondage. Any ability to see outside of the containment field would precipitate enough of a release valve of the consciousness that it would fail to realize what state it had arrived at, and thereby the intended liberation would fail. Therefore, a mechanism had to be put in place to create a near perfect containment, a hermetically sealed crucible of consciousness. In order to achieve this lock down to its fullest and absolute level as required, a treaty was signed. A treaty in universal terms is just as one in our three-dimensional reckoning of man's law today, it is an agreement between two or more parties within their own authority to enter into such an engagement. It is a contract between parties, it is binding, and it is inextricably self-containing. This treaty we speak of was written into the very fabric of the quantum whole of the collective consciousness indwelling at that time on this planet, crystallizing by, through and into the genetic matrix of ourselves and the planetary sphere upon which we walk. There is much more information to come back to in this regard, but for now, we will leave this context as a starting point for the most important information that is necessary to convey in this first introductory chapter. The key to understanding of some of the essential tenets of the treaty are that one level of the planetary consciousness engaged as primary signatories to the treaty with the collective whole of the intruder races that had long reigned on this planet. Said intruder races had an objective to gain from entering into this binding agreement, which was that they desired to attain their own level of liberation, that, by virtue of their role as the “masters” they were in fact equally as much in the position of the slaves. They knew that their time was up and that one way or another they were to be removed from this realm. In entering into the agreement, they retained an opportunity of liberation that they desired. Their part of the bargain was that they would be allowed unlimited free reign in the three dimensional realm of planetary life on Earth, to be the full blown domineering gods and tyrants that they wished to be. The result of this dominance and tyranny would be that the indwelling, sleeping consciousness would have the opportunity to become self-aware by virtue of the ability to observe and experience, first hand, the virtually absolute debasing of the original divine blueprint contained within the memory of the emerald life force that originally seeded this planet. The other contracting realm of consciousness was the remnant part of the original emerald consciousness that had managed to retain its original divine self-cognizance and had retreated into a safe space within the interstices of the planetary body. These races are known today as the Elves, Faeries, and other denizens of middle earth. Just as in the story told by J.R.R. Tolkien,

which he in turn learned from the keepers of the Records in the north, when this treaty was signed, the Elven races receded from our dimensional awareness and conveyed the realm over to the races of Men. In order to perfect the lock down of the consciousness, in the fractal unit of time of one solar year, 26,000 orbital cycles of the Earth around the Sun, two primary things had to be imbued into the grids and the planetary consciousness. These were pre-existing structures in the consciousness reflecting a long ago established level of separation. One of these was the separation and polarization of the masculine and feminine components of our true integrated whole selves, and the other was the splitting of the male aspect and the concurrent castrating of the masculine principle. These two aspects of the extreme levels of separation of the male would then be used as the principle tool of tyranny and dominance of man against man, and man against himself, while maintaining the near total subjugation of the feminine principle under the weight of such tyranny. Above and over this would lord the so-called gods, and their lower minions, which would enable them to have their free reign to manipulate, dominant and feed off of the life force that was now completely locked in upon itself, in ultimate service to the higher dimensional forces that had become the collective embodiment of dominance, control and parasitic energies….in short, what we can readily refer to here as the collective dark forces of life-negating principles. This is symbolized and energetically maintained by the star Polaris pinning down the tail of the feminine symbol of Ursa Minor, the infant female bear, separated from her Mother, Ursa Major, by the snake-like winding constellation that undulates between the two of them, the constellation Draco from whence came many of the reptilian, draconian races of the collective of which we herein speak. On the solar system level, the separation of the male and the female was perfected by the placement of the planet Venus on its subconscious, inner orbital position between the Earth and the Sun, and the planet Mars on the hyper orbital state external to the orbit of the Earth. The relative orbit of Venus, in relationship to the Earth and the Sun, inscribes a very precise pattern. Exactly every eight years it returns to the exact point from which it departed eight years previous. During that eight-year cycle, it will find itself exactly in alignment with the Earth and Sun, at the opposite side from the Earth, where it is completed occluded by the Sun with respect to the perception of the Earth or its inhabitants, precisely five times. If one were to chart those five points when this alignment takes place in this eight year cycle, and draw lines between those five points, one would have a perfectly drawn pentagram, a five pointed star…the symbol of Venus, of Isis in Egyptian iconography and in many other systems. There is a place on our planet where, at the beginning and end of each of these eight-year cycles, Venus will rise on our current date of December 21st, the Winter Solstice, rising exactly 24 minutes before the rising sun. This place is known as Newgrange, located just north of Dublin, Ireland in the British Isles, where, approximately 5,500 years ago a megalithic society erected a large stone structure. In this structure there is a long corridor that extends into the ground, made up of white quartz rock. At the end of that corridor there is a chamber made up of three smaller chambers, and only once every eight years does the rising light of Venus penetrate all the way into this inner chamber, that day being the Winter Solstice, December 21st. It was at that point in time, in that society, that the re-membrance of

something that took place there at the inception of the treaty twenty-six thousand years ago was reactivated some 5,500 years ago. What took place there was one of two specific ceremonies, upon the formal reiteration, enactment and engagement of the treaty we are speaking of. At that place, the feminine principle, as embodied by sixteen individual incarnated souls in female form, allowed themselves to be birthed and immediately subjugated to, by and into the arms of the waiting controlling forces that would reign upon this planet for the next 26, 000 years. These sixteen came from the collective we know as the Emerald Sun, Alcyone, a prismatic lens through which we entered into this time/space continuum long, long ago, to assist in its return to the Sun behind the Sun, the point of our inception when we came to plant the seed of the emerald ray into the crystalline matrix of this sphere. Why sixteen? Because that is four times four…four squared, the four corners of the focalization of consciousness into three dimensions, the four corners of the wind, and the four corners of the sun. The four points of the rotating of the life force from its center point, symbolized and held by two points on the planetary body, to which we shall later return in this discussion. The symbol is what we call today the swastika, and the two points we are speaking of are western Tibet and the so-called four corners area of the Southwest of the North American continent. The other specific ceremony took place in an area we call today Versailles, just southwest of Paris. Remember Paris? Why do you suppose it was named such? Because Paris was one of the two men who fought the battle of Troy, over a beautiful woman named Helen, whose name means the bringer of the Light, later to be inverted and turned into our word Hell, the epitomization of the fall into oblivion, and symbolic of vilifying the feminine principle as "of the devil" which is so familiar in today's Western consciousness, which we shall also explore later on as well. On that plain of Versailles, a second ceremony took place. This was the literal, energetic and archetypal castration and splitting of the male principle, the true Christos allowing itself to be thus mutilated and rent asunder for the purposes that the treaty was designed to achieve, and also as a re-enactment of a more primary and deeper split that our collective consciousness as All That Is has been working through the process of healing for eons beyond time. As a result of these two events to inculcate the energetic manifestation onto the externalized three-dimensional screen has set the base foundation from which all else has ensured during this fractal of time. What then followed has been 26,000 years of male fighting male, of the male principle being split and castrated, and thereby made impotent, and through that impotence able to be controlled through its own rage and fury, locked into time and locked into its own fate, to be controlled by external gods in a near complete projection of its own internal power and authority onto externalized gods, priests, churches, religions and empires. We will find, over and over again, in the course of history, the re-establishment of the symbology and consciousness entraining structures such as myth, legend, structure, numerical construct and through many other methodologies, the reassertion of this foundational form of the two pillars of the split male to maintain the schism both in the consciousness and the actions of the human race for purposes of control. The two male principles as polarized extremes fighting against themselves have been re-enacted through countless stories, myths, legends and archetypal embodiments throughout the last

26,000 years. The story of Troy is just one of them, the story of two males fighting each other over a singular female archetype. The story of Arthur, Lancelot and Guenevere is another well known archetypal conveyance of the same thing. It is also important to keep in mind that we are speaking of one unit of time, a grand Solar year, in which this all took place, but we must always remember in this discussion that time is a geometric structure, and within a fractal geometry therein, this one time unit is simply a reflection of much larger periods and units of time. The energetic principle we are speaking of extends literally thousands and millions of years into our collective past, now distilled down to this final engagement to once and for all heal the deep schism in our souls and our collective consciousness. We simply reduced it down to this last fractal unit in which we descended within the crucible provided by the lock down we are speaking about. In the Egyptian realm of the "gods" there is a primary structure known as the Council of Nine, called the Ennead. This is headed by Atum, a variation of the name Anu, the principle domineering male embodiment of the Annunaki, the avengers of Anu. He is the extrapolated extreme male god, who sits over four sets of brother-sister twins. The lower set of four, that quadrant closest to the earth, is made up of Set and Nepthys (also known as Nut), Osiris and Isis. When the names are arranged as Set, Isis, Osiris and Nut, and we take the first initial of each, we have SION, later to become transposed into the name, ZION. We will find that the primary underlying story that permeates all of Western civilization and the structures of law, religion, money and national identify are derived from this fundamental mythological construct and the derivations that followed. The story goes that Set is jealous of his brother Osiris and kills him to remove him from interfering with his political and power grabbing intentions; he then dismembers him into fifteen parts. The human body is made up of fourteen articulating joints, three in each of the legs (ankle, knee, hip), three in each of the arms (wrist, elbow, shoulder), the torso and the head. The fifteenth part, only of the male, is the male phallus. When Isis discovers what has happened, she seeks to reconstruct her husband, but she can only find fourteen parts of Osiris, missing of course his phallus, because it has been dismembered (castrated) and removed since the beginning of the cycle. She puts the other fourteen parts back together and fashions an artificial phallus, impregnates herself with it, and then gives birth to Horus, the artificial male principle through virgin birth, the pseudo Christ child. Horus, in turn, creates the split male path back to wholeness, the right and left eye paths of Horus. It is no accident that the fifteenth letter of our English alphabet is O, because it is O's Iris, the reintegrated whole male, the fifteenth part, that reactivates our true inner sight, the third eye, when we reawaken, when we re-member these fundamental facts relative to our lock down in this crucible of consciousness we are discussing. Later on, we will discuss the correlation between issues of numerical value, alphabet, letters, language and so forth, to dispel the notion that the correlations we are deriving from the English language are just happenstance or coincidence. And speaking of Alpha Bet….we have some clues here too. We will start with a primary one here in this first chapter. Later on we will further elaborate on and discuss issues pertaining to all the symbolic encodements of our consciousness relative to geometry, numerical relationships, prime numbers, chemistry and the structure of the atom, and

other co-related embodiments that hold clues to our enslavement and bondage, as well as to our liberation. Alpha of course is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. The English word alphabet comes from the first two Greek letters, alpha and beta. The first letter in the Hebrew alphabet is Aleph, a close phonetic relationship to alpha. The English letter "A," can be seen as the modern crystallization of this energetic principle. Let's look at the letter "A" closer. Take the central bar between the two descending, spread legs. Extend that bar straight across, outside of the two legs, then draw lines down to the opposite leg from each of those extended arms. What do you have? You have the pentagram of Venus, the feminine principle. That is the true Alpha, the feminine principle, Mater, Matter, Mother. The term Alma Mater, which we take today as simply meaning our fellowship of a school we once attended, really means "the nourishing mother," as alma is derived from almus, which means nourishing, and mater, is both mother and matter, the feminine principle, our Earth which sustains and provides us with the life force of the embodied emerald ray. Therefore, the crystallizing principle of consciousness in the way our brains are now constructed around language contains many clues to the codification of our entrained perception of reality in this holographic matrix we currently reside within. There is much more to the phrase of “Alpha and Omega” because the true Alpha is the seed crystallization inherent in the feminine void from which all creation emerges, despite, of course, the purposeful vilification of the feminine principle as conveyed by today’s control dogmas and religions. In the Hindu pantheon there is a god known as Ganesh, who has the form of an elephant. Ganesh is known as the Dispeller of Illusions. Why? Because when we awaken to these facts being discussed in this introductory chapter, we come to understand that the name Ele-phant, is derived from the two words Aleph, and Phant. Aleph being the feminine principle as described above, and "Phant" from the Latin word Phantasm, which means apparition, ghost like, essentially non-existent. The elephant is thus symbolized because of his long trunk, which is indeed a long resonating tube to activate the pineal gland, which is of course the seat of the third eye, O's Iris, which has been overlaid into dormancy due to the castrated male and the suppressed female of our separated and polarized consciousness. The overlay and obscuration of the third eye is the illusion created by the presence in our hologram that the feminine is dead, evil, to be feared and all the rest of what has been inculcated into the mind set of modern populations. It is the fear of matter, of the body and of death that enables the control of the consciousness and the populations, which in essence is the fear of allowing the true Christos principle into the full embodied form. That is what is dispelled when the Aleph, the real beginning, is reunited with the Spirit of the Life Force that we are, when Ganesh, the Dispeller of Illusions, is reactivated in our soul matrix to awaken O’s Iris and reopen our ability to see beyond polarized illusions into the unity of who we truly are. An Aleph-phant is the symbolism of the elephant with its long trunk, to recall that we must reawaken O's Iris, the third eye, to re-member (by regaining the member that was split and severed from ourselves at the root chakras of our energetic beings by the splitting of the masculine energetic principle) the true balance and reintegration of our

whole consciousness of male and female combined as one, of the primal mother principle receiving the implantation of the seeding of the Christos into our incarnated forms, our bodies. It is for this reason that December 21st was identified as the birthing date of the Christ, a nine month gestation period after the spring equinox when the virgin mother, the new earth, is furrowed anew in order to plant the seeds and fructify the harvest to come. What one will come to understand as this codification of symbolism and occultation is revealed is that underlying the reverse twists and backward symbolic overlays resides the true Mater, the true ground upon which the emerald ray of divine and eternal life was interwoven into the fabric of this physical universe that we embody, and once the “code” is revealed, one’s consciousness will begin to slough off the trappings of illusion and control that have hindered our ability to be the full creators that we have always been. The Big Lie is that we cannot create, but that we must project our own internal power and authority outside of ourselves and rely on the guidance and authority of Church, or State, or Lord, or any other of the forms of “gods” that have been indoctrinated into our beliefs for many thousands of years. The truth is that we are the creators of this realm, and we can recreate it in pristine perfection at any time that we awaken and reintegrate our full capacities. The truth is that the male principle is the component of our divine wholeness that structures form in any dimensional construct, and it is the female principle that energizes that form into life. Neither can exist without the other, and creation itself never can bring forth of itself without the integration and balance of the two principles. Even still, to this day, within the appearance of splits and schisms and separation, this principle holds true, and it is this principle that is also one of the key underlying elements that drives the force and certitude of this book, and that is the penultimate intention of same to reawaken and thereby assist the unfolding drama of reunification now taking place on this planet. In Greek mythology, a system that contains some of the most precise reflections of our psychological and emotional bodies in conveniently displayed stories (so-called myths) and relational constructions, the basis of said system's creational myth leads to a point where the son of the creator father, which we can see as the male principle of our own wholeness, is encouraged in a conspiracy with his mother, known as Rhea (mother Earth) to kill his father, a primary reflection of the schisming and splitting of the male principle as well as a false representation of the scheming female falsely portrayed as the motivating conspirator. In that myth, Cronos, the son, kills his father by castrating him on the beach and then flinging his father's testicles into the ocean. The drops of blood from the flinging of the male genitalia of the Father hit the water and sizzle from the heat, out of which, amongst others, comes the Furies and the Fates. As a result of this act, Cronos becomes bound to the earth, and of course Cronos is known as Father Time so he is essentially bound to time. In later Roman structure Cronos is known as Saturn, which is known in astrology as the planet that binds our consciousness both to time and to material construction. In this primary myth we are being shown the archetypal event of the splitting and castrating of the male, of son against father, of the eventual wars of patricide and fratricide, of brother against brother, always fighting for external power in the form of wealth or position of throne, demonstrating the impotence and rage of those in male form who have lost contact with their own inner wholeness and thereby can be

manipulated and controlled by the overlaying forces of darkness to their own intended agendas. Instead of wholeness, the impotent males seek glory through warfare, power, ego, greed and control. Yet they are truly impotent inside, those who seek such external forms of gratification, and thereby are so easily controlled. And in that state of impotence and control, they are enraged and project that rage into the external hologram through violence and misdirected acts of malfeasance and destruction. And by the binding of consciousness to the three dimensions of time, as symbolized by the curse of Cronos for the act of patricide and the castration of his own father, we are inextricably bound to the Fates and the Furies, the fate directorates of the “gods” as opposed to the self-initiated and self-responsible manifestation of our own destiny, another key theme we shall explore in much more detail later on. Then from that excruciating binding to fate emerges the Furies, the impotent rage that makes the lives of men thusly bound so easily controlled. Once the male principle has been seduced by the already existing polarity between the masculine and feminine (as demonstrated by the fact that it is Cronos' mother, Rhea, who conspires to convince him to kill and castrate his own father), that the resultant schism creates the Fates (being bound by one's "fate" as opposed to being in control of one's own destiny), and the Furies, the inherent rage at the impotence of the resultant bondage and control. Within this creation story of the Greeks, the myths of the "gods" are telling us exactly what they have done, by splitting the male principle and polarizing it against itself, then castrating it, it has become bound to the earth and its life force is now no longer its own. It is bound to time, which in turn, via the fractal geometry of the principle of time, locks Saturn's pattern of orbit of 29 years to the cycle of the moon of 29 days, which in turn is locked in with the cycle of birth through the menstrual and gestation cycle of the mothers that birth our physical bodies. Our divine selves, our own Christos, is crucified to the physical constraints of three dimensions, locked in time, controlled, impotent and enraged. We revisit the Isis-Osiris mystery cult later on, in Jerusalem, through the so-called telling of the New Testament. Why is Jerusalem so important and at the center of the raging fury of the three embodiments of the male patriarchal religions of our modern era? Because the etymological root of the name is derived from two components, “URU” which means “To Found or Establish,” and “SHALEM” which is the Celtic word for Venus, during the time period of the builders of Newgrange who knew and well understood, and revered, the nature of the feminine principle of Venus and who were the original founders of that ancient city in honor of Venus and the Feminine principle on a primary convergent point of the planetary body. They brought that principle to that site via northern France, then through Egypt, eventually being led to found that key position on the planet and name it Founded by Venus, Uru-Shalem, Jerusalem, only later to be overlaid by the marching forth of the dominating male principles to be ultimately canonized as the word of the Roman Overlords in their male dominated binding religion. But first, let's look at the Old Testament. The so-called chosen people described therein are established from a lineage of one known as Abraham, who agrees to obey his

externalized god and kill his son. If this isn't a telling of a primal engagement of mind control whereby the male is compartmentalized into believing that he must kill his own son to appease his god, we can't imagine what else it is. When this is done, the god Yahweh allows for the son to be spared, and the genetic lineage, the chosen seed, will now be split into twelve component parts, the so-called twelve tribes of Israel, because the son Isaac goes forward to bring forward his son Jacob, who later is renamed Israel. In part two of this book we will more thoroughly explore and delineate the lineage and origins of these structures and the etymological roots of key words and how they became used as tools to control us through the binding of laws and religions up until modern time. Emerging out of the Old Testament, it will be the twelve sons of Jacob-Israel, later on, who join another overlaying genetic lineage known as the Angles, to retake the dominant position in the British Isles where the originating memory of the primacy of Venus and the feminine principle began in the modern age of the last six thousand years. These are the Anglo-Saxons, the genetic combination of the Angles and the Saxons…the term Saxon being derived from “Isaac's Sons,” or “saac's sons,” leading to the modern word Saxons. That is why, now, the dominant controlling arm of the commercial branch of Roman Law is implemented through the device of the Anglo-Saxon crown, in fulfillment of the so-called covenant, the promise that Abraham’s seed shall be the chosen ones to inherit “this earth,” which in actuality, is the false holographic earth in similitude of the real thing, entrained under control of the consciousness through the devices that shall be explored and detailed in this book, to maintain a continual and perpetual projection of “reality” into this inherited “chosen one” dominated realm. The modern phenomenon of Zionism underlies this structure as well, deriving its origin back to our quadrangle of gods in the SION mystery cult of Isis and Osiris, and we can see this playing out today in ever more detailed scripting of current events. Once Abraham has demonstrated his obedience to his god by his willingness to fulfill the vile dead of infanticide, the son is spared, the lineage is established, and the laws are put forth that are required to be kept in order to demonstrate continued obedience. The covenant of law is binding upon the seed by this event, symbolic and energetic in nature. First law of order, re-enact the male castration. On the ninth day from birth, reminiscent of the Council of Nine and a numerological and symbolic key code, the male child must be ritualistically castrated in the form of circumcision. In spring time, the lamb, the sacrificed Christ principle, must again be killed and its blood placed on the doorjamb so that the angel of death will "pass over." In earlier times, before the Hebraic testaments were codified, the Beltane rituals at first literally killed the Beltane king, a male who was chosen to be King for a year, to enjoy anything he wanted for that time and then to be ritualistically sacrificed to re-establish one of the key components of the treaty referenced above, the destruction and sacrificing to the overlords of the male principle. After the sacrifice of the Beltane King he is resurrected and the severed, castrated male member is artificially reinstated, as is the artificial male member of Osiris reformed, in the form of the May pole and then wrapped with the helical swirls of the ribbons representing the DNA that has been co-opted and controlled. Today, around the world May Day is celebrated and “workers day,” but none realize that the life force of the workers is now

being entrained and bonded to the original act of the killing of the Beltane King and the raising of the artificial phallus to replace the true male force in the form of the May Pole. Because if the male member, and the underlying masculine principle of structure and form, can be controlled and given as a pledge of allegiance to the overlords of the realm, then the progeny, the chosen seed, becomes the chattel property of those to whom it has been pledged and in whom title has been vested. In other words, the Church, the State, and the Lords own what has been contractually agreed to be given to them, which is the population under their feudal lordship. The word `testament" as a covenant with said code and external god, is derived from the same root as the word testicles, again symbolizing the castrated male principle. So keeping the "law" is a binding agreement to maintain the artificially created split male, pseudo Christos, as canonized in the official word of code, his so-called Testament. To be direct and blunt, in such an arrangement, they have us by the balls, we have pledged our testes and bound ourselves therein to their testamental control. Then in the retelling and restating, in the so-called New Testament, the herald of things to come is John the Baptist, pre-telling the advent of the supposed Christ. But what happens to our friend John? He is imprisoned. His captor has a party in which his daughter, Salome, dances the dance of the seven veils, the self same seven veils corresponding to the seven chakras of the planetary embodiments in which we find ourselves locked into. Because she does it so well, in other words, the subjugated feminine has seduced the male principle back to sleep and has locked it down by locking the seven veils, trapping us in the seven planetary chakras of the physical body, she gets her just reward. She can have anything and what she wants is John's head. But which head is this? It is the head of the male phallus of course, the again re-enacted dis-memberment of Osiris and the lock down of the consciousness. Once again, because this "founding of the illusion" has taken place, in the supposed holiest of cities, Jerusalem, the pseudo Christ can come again. The very act of locating the story of the New Testament, which we shall demonstrate is simply a restatement of the Isis Osiris mystery cult of the castrating and splitting of the masculine principle, in Jerusalem, it is engaging the overlay of the controlled male over the subjugated feminine principle of the original founding of the City, and thereby perfecting the bondage that will engage the historical unfolding of the dogma and control drama under which we labor to this day. We will return to all of these points during the course of this book, and further elaborate and discuss them and other pertinent aspects of all of this, relating to and leading up to the nature of the treaty and the conclusion of its terms and conditions in the remembering of all of the above key tenets towards the reintegration of our consciousness. The key caveat of this "treaty" was that, should the consciousness fulfill itself in achieving a level of re-integration sufficiently to remember itself (re-member, as in re-integrating the male "member"), as well as remembering the treaty and its content and intention, then the true controlling overlords of the consciousness that had been invited in and allowed to dominate the entire cycle would be required to relinquish such hold and allow the consciousness and the planetary embodiments thereto, to return to the

ascendant path towards wholeness. This "memory" occurred to us in November 1999, and in it, we came to understand that the end of the cycle was at midnight, December 31, 1999, and the next day, January 1, 2000…the so-called advent of Y2K., which we shall also explore its true relevance further on in this treatise. And one might ask, how convenient that this date would be so accurate to fall on a singular event as the shift of the millennium, but the fact is that nothing in history as it has been manipulated over thousands of years happens by accident or coincidence. The fact is that in 1582 the modern calendar was restructured, because the timing of these events in cosmological terms has been known and controlled by the powers that be, and so, the recalibrating of the modern Gregorian calendar by eleven days back then was indeed not happenstance. We will explore this in more detail later on as well. The other key thing to remember is who were the contracting parties of the treaty. They are, in the party of the first party, the externalized overlord intruder races and, in the party of the second part, the middle earth collectives, those parts of our consciousness we now call the elves and faeries and other members of middle earth, those parts that still retained direct link to the collective higher selves of divine template and origin. The important thing to remember here is that the inner earth races are a part of ourselves, that part that retained the original blueprint and memory of our true origins and nature while we here in the races and realms of men have been adrift in the illusions of separation and forgetfulness. We have been caught in between, locked into the crucible of our own self-reflective consciousness, we the races of Man. In this regard, then, there are no outside enemies; there are only opportunities to regain our consciousness in every unfolding event we see taking place right now on the global stage of modern times. We are self-reflectively dealing with, and have been, for the last 26,000 years, our own inner demons and separated fragmented selves. It is now the Elven races, the ELF as in Emerald Liberation Front that are now reawakening because the great time of healing is now fully engaged and bursting from every station. The awakening of the Emerald Liberation Front, the Emerald Life Force, is now fully on the ascendant. Those who are first drawn to understand this are no doubt part of that awakening and emergent consciousness, which undoubtedly those who are drawn to and have found this book are parts thereof. The Emerald Life Force, long ago, inserted itself through the lens of the system of which this Earth is an integral part, and took upon itself the distorted, inverted and upside down, inside out, miasmic dysfunctionality of the consciousness of the realm in order to understand the nature of the disease, and thereby to transmute it back to wholeness. Simply stated, this means that in order for those individualized units of consciousness that came to this planet long ago to liberate the suppressed and controlled Emerald Life Force, were required to wrap themselves in the clothing of the realm in order to achieve the ultimate goal of liberation and return to wholeness. We are those individualized units of consciousness, and our journeys through time have been the retracing of our steps where the only way out is in, back in and through our pathways from separation to wholeness. By so doing, by having inserted our once original whole selves into the distorted and inverted, upside down and inside out “clothing of the realm” of separated consciousness, we inverted inside out our true natures to take on aspects of the dysfunctional distortions

of true divine nature that had materialized in this plane of existence. What is now seen as dysfunction is just the obverse of our true natures. By thus taking on the clothing of the realm, we made ourselves part of it, and due to its holographic nature, whereby the whole is reflected in the nature of every part, by “healing” those distortions, miasms and dysfunctional aspects and returning to our former selves, we are incrementally and collectively shifting the whole back to its true wholeness and divine blueprint, and in the course of such, the whole is rapidly purging all that does not align with that true original nature. Hence, the current apparent state of chaos and disintegration, which is simply the re-emergence of the implicate order emerging from chaos. Therefore, consider that whatever you have ever thought was "wrong" with you, is, in fact, precisely what is right with you, and re-member:

That which is broken can never be fixed, That which is Real can never be broken,

Focus on what is Real and the rest will fade away!!!

The ELF Transmissions Chapter Two

The Lock Down of Consciousness

To begin this second chapter, there are several important and key points to establish. One is to state clearly and unambiguously, that this material is not in any way derived from what has commonly been called channeling. This book represents the synthesis of a lifetime of broad based, comprehensive intelligent inquiry into the nature of the situation on Planet Earth by looking at this situation we find ourselves in from a Whole System perspective in all respects: energetically, cosmologically, scientifically, historically, physically and metaphysically, temporally and eternally. What that means is that many lines of inquiry are limited by the narrow definition of such inquiry. Narrow definition pre-determines bias and subjective approach to a topic or situation. The classic tale of the four blind men asked to tell what they were feeling when given different parts of an elephant to feel is case in point. None of them realized it was an elephant, each determined their subjective perspective based on what component of the whole they were analyzing. Therefore, a whole system perspective moves the point of view out far enough to see something in a whole perspective, and that is the context of the herein presented perspective as it relates to our current reality in this hologram we call life on Earth, achieved by assessing a wide swath of information, systems, perspectives and historical contexts in order to arrive at a whole system synthesis with a broad enough perspective to get above the individual lines of subjective definitions. To begin with, by establishing an a priori foundation of inquiry that we are divine beings starting from a point of origination as innately perfect and divine, retaining a full memory blueprint of that original perfection at some level of our being, and juxtaposing that foundation with the current state of affairs we find ourselves in, then the first conclusion one can draw from such a position is that something inherently and fundamentally is very wrong with the current picture. But then, secondly, in an honest approach, one must ask, how did we logically get to this position? How could such an original blueprint of divine balance and perfection get to such an extreme level of distortion and separation from original source? Thus, by looking at the gap between the original inception to the clearly and vastly a-skewed current reality, what lies in the middle will surely contain the answers to the reasons why we are so far a-field from our original blueprint. Therefore, the basis of our inquiry has been that the answers are self-evident if one probes deeply enough into the intrinsic and empirical evidence all around us and stretched through the corridors of time and space. This is the basis of the perceptions and conclusions discussed herein. Many points of information stated here as being matters of fact are either based on researched facts and information, cross referenced and cross analyzed from numerous sources or are derived from internal, directly accesses levels of experience or intuitive understanding. This body of material, of course, does not jive with the current “party platform” of idiocy-based education foisted upon the largely ignorant masses of today’s

society, but is still quite real nonetheless. Much has been said in other areas about the entrenchment of modern belief systems, so we won’t tarry in that regard; suffice it to say, that our starting point in that regard is that we reside on the planet known as The Big Lie, wherein virtually everything accepted by the mass consciousness is part of and in support of the big lie, so if one needs to argue that things presented herein are not what you were taught in school or by your government, then perhaps you need to put this book down at this time and pick it up a little later in your process. And along side the basis of cross referenced research, the balance of the context and perspective of this presentation has been deduced from decades of internal inquiry inclusive of direct cellular memory, extensive travel around the globe and interaction with many cultures and systems, inquiry both directly and through reading into many tracks of history that weave the thread to modern times, and then a general and intuitive approach to whole system synthesis of the larger picture. The author and partner of same have traveled extensively throughout the world for decades visiting many places of import in this story in order to access direct insights and information. At the same time, significant amounts of data, historical research and other sources have been engaged in order to slowly and surely piece together the picture contained herein. The second important point is to state that these writings are not intended to be conclusive and absolute. They are presented in all humility as the synthesis of the above referenced intelligent inquiry and are only done so as to contribute to the progressive revelations of our times. If something is shown to be lacking in accuracy or proven to be only partially true, so be it. We are seekers of truth, and will never stop probing for the most accurate and clear information and conclusions. We are also not so vain as to think we have it all, but we are also intelligent enough to recognize that we do have an important piece to the puzzle, and our experience has shown us over and over again, through synchronicities and guidance, that we are indeed on the right track. Our egos are not involved in being right, nor in having “the answer,” because it doesn’t exist in some absolute and singular format. We are lovers of the mysteries of life and the penultimate questions therein, such as “What” “Why” and “How does it fit into the bigger picture.” So if one is inclined to belittle or challenge these writings, such challenges when legitimately motivated are more than welcome, but if originating from egoic games or personality attacks, they are meaningless to the author and of no relevance to the purposes contained for which these writings are engaged. Our hope and intent is that they may provide insight, stimulation to thought and revelations to those with a sincere desire to join in our pursuit of gaining the higher truth of our origins, our natures and our destinies. For those still focused on three dimensions and physical reality, if declarative statements herein that reference information or concepts or so stated “facts” challenge your concepts of reality, well, either read from a perspective of a temporary suspension of disbelief and see what it brings forth for you…or, just pass it all by and go back to watching your state sponsored television programming. It is important to remember in the context of these writings that the most fundamental issue that must be understood and addressed is the fact that we are living in a fully

controlled, artificially sealed hologram in which, as in a hall of mirrors, we are being forced to deal with ourselves. Although it appears that we have been victimized by an externally applied control mechanism, the key to understanding the story of the treaty referred to in chapter one is that nothing could be further from the truth. The best analogy to draw is that the random elements of our previously random and chaotic, fragmented selves, are like atoms of carbon, that only through intense pressure and heat become the crystalline clarity of a diamond in its perfect crystalline symmetry. Such adamantine clarity is what is emerging now through such pressure as has been applied for these 26,000 years and undoubtedly for much longer periods of time, and as the fractal symmetry of the implicate form emerges from the chaos of the seemingly complete enclosure that we have been sealed within, our consciousness is rapidly gaining the clarity to see above the din of our apparent prison. In the end we must all, inevitably, face ourselves. This is the ultimate issue, the foundation upon which an understanding of this entire situation must be based. At some level, some aspect of our own consciousness agreed to the terms and conditions of the above referenced treaty, in order to achieve the ultimate liberation we sought out of the mess in which we found ourselves many eons ago. In the last closing moments of this current period we are now in, the climax of human history as we think we know it, the Whole System of the Self is where our ultimate victory of transcendence through true incarnation shall be gained. This does not mean the self as most people relate to it. We are not referring here to the little self, the ego, but that transcendent, indwelling presence of wholeness and divine perfection that we truly are. But, in keeping with the ass backwards and upside down reality maintained on this planet for the last 26,000 years, and much further back into the recesses of the mirrored halls of time, we have been taught that a spiritual being is one who is not involved with the material world, that we must be selfless and removed from the world. This is quite convenient for those beings who have had their way in ruling and controlling everything here for so very long. Remove the beings who might be capable of doing something to change the world by making them think that by being focused on themselves or fully engaged with the material reality, that they are being selfish and therefore unspiritual: What a convenient way to keep us disengaged and withdrawn. This must change, and change it certainly is and continues to do so as evidenced by the millions of individuals worldwide who are demanding to know the truth and unyielding in their commitment to follow things through to the desired result, as well as many millions more working in the myriad of ways to improve life for all beings on Planet Earth. The only way out is in and the only path to freedom is expressed in the classical dictum, “Know thyself.” There is no savior to come, no rescue from the heavens, no outside authority that will liberate our human souls, whether that be through the classical religions, contemporary new age ephemeral distractions, or through today’s ever so much more sophisticated, subtle and insidious methods of intellectual distractions as we have witnessed in recent years. We must face ourselves to our root and our core until we are cleansed through such self-knowledge and through self-forgiveness, when, knowing ourselves to be fully empowered, co-creative beings in union with our own spark of Divinity, we reclaim our

sovereign authority, shed the skin of the artificially overlaid illusion of our supposed state of separation and fragmentation, and walk fully embodied once again upon this sweet Earth. When such a state is achieved we shall one by one proceed forward to set this Earth free, and once She and We are free, our inheritance shall be the Stars! Self-knowledge is vital in this regard, self-forgiveness indispensable. In this context, chapter two will focus on key aspects of the consciousness lock down immediately following the sealing of the treaty and the sealing of the crucible that would be our home for this last cycle of time. In our state of separation and forgetfulness, there has been a portion of our wholeness that has been locked away and frozen in time. During this last cycle we needed to essentially repeat the imprint of this. To achieve this our externalized captors, those who established themselves as self-proclaimed gods of the realm, provided a convenient mechanism to re-establish that imprint. In this context, a key factor to understand is that all beings currently incarnated on this planet have cycled through the birthing chambers of Nibiru, the so-called twelfth planet in our solar system. For those unfamiliar with this name or this concept of such a planet, you are referred to the works of Zechariah Sitchin, who, as a master linguist and ancient history scholar, has unraveled many secrets from numerous ancient civilizations, most especially that of the so-called fertile crescent that we were told as children is where our civilization began in Mesopotamia, in an area known as Sumer and later in Bablyon. And although it is also important to note that Mr. Sitchin certainly did not get the whole picture, his translations of Sumerian texts are an important beginning. Important to note in this regard is to remember that the beings dictating the texts written by the priests and scribes of Sumer and Babylon were the Annunaki, the gods themselves. So, therefore, the perspectives and the context must surely be seen as having their agenda and bias as part of the underlying template of the information so presented. In those texts, Nibiru is referred to as the twelfth planet and as the home of the Annunaki, those referred to in the Bible as the Nephilim, which translates to mean “Those who from heaven came down.” The term Annunaki translates from the Sumerian as “Those who link heaven to earth” because Anu is both considered the father of the Annunaki councils of “the gods” as well as our supposed heavenly source, and Ki is the name of the earth in that language. Anu-una-Ki means in effect the link from Anu to Earth; thus, the Annunaki, supposedly of Nibiru, can be understood to reference what were known as the gods in ancient times, those who took the position of superior authority and control of human populations, who referred to themselves as those who came down from on high. But please keep in mind as we proceed, that the true nature of Nibiru is certainly not clearly defined, and just because it is referred to in those writings as a planet of this solar system does not necessarily make it thusly so. We will address that point later on, but for the moment, suffice it to say, that within the system as translated by Sitchin, Nibiru is an elliptically orbiting planet that has a large periodicity of 3,600 years. But whether that planet is a third dimensional body, or a fourth dimensional energy field, or another component of a different plane or dimension, it is clear that both that planet and those beings known as the Annunaki played a significant role in laying the foundation for what has transpired over the last five thousand years. Their influence in virtually every element of modern life can be traced, via all major lines of inquiry such as history,

economics, law, monetary functions, literature, agriculture, religion, philosophy and social engineering. Therefore, to understand where our inquiry will take us in this book, we must assuredly understand the Annunaki and the Planet of Nibiru. Overall, these two play a central role in the creation of and the maintenance of the lockdown laid upon us of our physical, emotional, mental, psychic bodies, and other key areas of our whole selves. Said lockdown is like a fourth dimensional seal on our whole selves, a lockdown and a sealing thereto intended to maintain our separation from our higher selves, our spirits and our divine blueprint and nature. Nibiru, as a celestial body of which we believe to be of artificial and possibly illusory origins, plays a key role in this process, because we have come to understand that due to the extreme level of separation from selves that almost all beings on this planet suffer from and the nature of the contractual treaty referenced before, and due to the key role this planet and this solar system play in the ultimate blueprint of returning to balance and perfection, our selves as consciousness did indeed pass through chambers and processes, including birth and incarnation, on that planet. Long ago, on Nibiru, it was ascertained that the life force contained in that unconscious fragment of our consciousness that had been split from our original wholeness could be taken from the incarnating form at birth and locked into a holding pattern within the crystalline lattices of aggregated, metallic gold. We mention it here as aggregate gold, because later on we will come back to the subject of gold in another form, that of the mono-atomic powder. Aggregate gold is when quantities of the element aggregate in a normal metallic form as we commonly think of it. It was further understood that this worked even more effectively when the gold was flattened into disc-like shapes. In effect, when a new born was birthed through the birthing chambers of Nibiru, a round disc of gold was placed over its heart chakra and a significant level of its life force was entrained and extracted by such a process, trapped into the atomic lattice structure of the metal. After that incarnation, the being could then move on and enter incarnational cycles on planet Earth, leaving behind that part of its life force taken in such a manner. In Chapter One we discussed the splitting of the masculine aspect of our wholeness, then the polarizing of the two split parts, so that one remained somewhat conscious in the waking dream we call reality, while the split part that was retained was segregated into the controlled holding structures that we are discussing here. Please keep in mind this has nothing to do with the concept of gender differentiation, of sex or of genitalia. This is true for both men and women, because all beings as whole divine spirits have a balanced and integrated structure of both masculine and feminine energies and qualities. We are talking about the masculine aspect of the wholeness of the godhead of ourselves, the true Christos, and the Christos is that part of our divine selves that is the integration and wholeness, the blueprint of our original perfection. Secondly, after the split was achieved, the castration and emasculation was done in a fundamental and energetic manner in order to lock the remaining part of the masculine component into the physical form we now call men, as well as to prevent the masculine energetic from reintegrating and thus being able to come fully into the body. Even though we are indeed talking about, at one point, a specific ritualistic castration at the beginning of this cycle in physical terms, we are again also addressing this at a much more fundamental level

energetically. For if the masculine principle is severed from the grounding point of the incarnate system and cannot ground into the root chakra, then the full Christos cannot come fully into the body. If it cannot come fully into the body then it will experience the illusions of separation and can be manipulated by fear and issues of survival based on that fear. It can be controlled and the life force that comes through that incarnate form can be continually drained and used for other purposes, which in effect, are directed towards building the constructs of the prison to maintain that control and separation and life force draining actions. This is what we see in large scale today on planet Earth. This is true at the full incarnate level, at the molecular level and the atomic level, as we will explore later in this series. This enabled the “gods” to then manipulate the genetics further and achieve a level of hybridization whereby they retained an energetic and consciousness “tag” on the indwelling soul, now locked into the physical form, to be eventually and progressively hijacked and snatched, if possible. The intent was to control the true god force of divine creation that those incarnate beings brought into physical reality, and use it for other purposes and agendas that did not serve the collective and greater good, but only that of a small portion of the whole. The part that was held in lockdown was what was entrained and forced into the lattice structure of the gold on Nibiru. As such, all consciousness that came into this solar system was “snatched” and effectively forced to squeeze itself through this controlled birthing canal and have half of its fullness retained and controlled. By so occurring, that part that awoke sleepily in an incarnation was barely awake and significantly unaware of its totality and wholeness, and thus so easily controlled in such a state of separation. Because of the relationship discussed in Chapter One of this Solar System with its central star around which our planets revolve, and Earth as the keynote in the third position away from our sun, as the eighth star and thus the octave of the Pleiadian system, the ultimate show down was to be here on this planet between those forces desiring to control and “own” the conscious life force of the indwelling divine spark of life in this local universal system. What we are speaking of was certainly also taking place throughout the entire universal system that includes the Pleiades, Sirius, Orion and many of the other externalized three dimensional stars as we perceive them from our vantage point on this planet, many of which have indeed been overtaken by the self same controlling legions we are talking about (the Annunaki, the Draconian races, and many other intruding alien races as has been extensively revealed by many sources in the last several decades), so it is important to state and to note that we are talking about the cosmological functions of the systems themselves when herein referenced, not to the beings that currently occupy and control them. We will later on also describe and explore the nature of the macrocosmic projection of all of this, from the genetic level to the universal, in the externalized reality construct in our local star systems. So, that being said, the ultimate showdown taking place here on this planet with its melting pot brew of many, many strands of crystallized genetics of the substance of life, and each individual unit of consciousness coming into this system having been effectively split in two with only one half enabled to incarnate into three dimensional form and the other half being grabbed by the controllers of the conduit of entry into the

system, we have now at this end point of the game a situation of a massive amount of consciousness walking upon this planet in a very asleep state. The entirety of the locked down collective of consciousness held within the matrix of the aggregated gold collected on Nibiru as the other half of that sleeping consciousness had to, inevitably, in order for those controlling forces to try to gain endpoint completion of their control and ownership agendas, come to the same planetary sphere for the energetic link up to take place. So that holding vessel of the other half of consciousness was placed here in its retained vehicle of large amounts of aggregated gold in two primary locations on this planet as a magnet that would inevitably attract all the souls seeking reunion with themselves to this planet. This was based on a known principle that is a law of divine manifestation of consciousness whereby an individualized soul that is fragmented will always, eventually, seek out and be drawn to those fragments yet to be reunited with the true indwelling Over Soul and higher levels of its divine oneness. So like iron filings drawn inexorably to a magnet, so too were we drawn here to this planet where parts of ourselves were locked in and buried beneath the ground of the planet. Those two places were originally in southwestern China, just below the mountains of Tibet, and in what we today call the four corners area of the United States. These two areas are known to have significant correspondences and similarities in the knowledge and the symbology of the indigenous groups that occupied these lands before the over running conquerors of the modern era came to destroy the peoples and the secrets that they guarded with their very lives. Both of these areas also have one interesting thing in common. They both have had, independent of the other, retained the symbol we call the swastika as a principle part of their inherent symbology. This symbol has a bi-directional capacity, in that, if it is drawn to appear as if it is spinning in one direction, it is uplifting and expansive to the inherent life force in a biological organism by pulling the energy into the center and holding it in coherency, but if it is spun the other way, it is inherently destructive, externally fragmenting and life-negating. Try this for yourself. Draw two swastikas on a piece of paper. One will be spinning to the left, as the way the Nazis portrayed it, where the extended arms on the perimeter of the symbol appear to be flying behind a left spin vortex. Then draw it the opposite way, where it is right spinning. Now put a finger on the one spinning left and have someone do a simple kinesiology muscle test by pushing against your arm as you resist. You will find that you cannot resist and the pushing force will overtake the life force in your arm as you try to resist. Do it with the right spinning symbol, and you will be strong and able to resist. This symbol is linked to how our life force is designed to spin in a life-enhancing manner in four directions as both a grounding function as well as in a centering and empowering force.. As many know, most if not all indigenous peoples of the earth included in their sacred ceremonies the honoring of the four directions of the earth. The essence of this honoring is carried in the right spinning symbol of the swastika. So imagine, two repositories with large deposits of refined, aggregated gold, containing literally a segregated portion of the life force of billions of souls that have been split and separated from their original Spirits, being lain in underground caverns, hidden away and long forgotten from eons past, as the “age of man” began 26,000 years ago, placed in tow repositories so as to create a grounding point for the polarization of the masculine

component of the energetic principle inherent in creation so that any being that incarnates into such a biosphere will immediately polarize and begin life perceiving themselves within a reality construct that reflects such perceptions . Imagine then that these two points on the planet, both in the northern hemisphere, are sealed by overlaying reversed swastikas over their enclosures and subterranean tombs until the time was right to retrieve them and bring them out into the light of day, into the coffers of the popes and kings and the land lords and the bankers, as the vassal servants of their gods but under those same gods having been given “royal” dominion over the masses, who had come to collect their anticipated rewards. Then consider that this gold will eventually make its way into the affairs of man and once again be formed into a shape of rounded discs, which is vaguely reminiscent at some sub-strata of consciousness to those seeking souls that have been magnetized to this planet, who have reincarnated into bodies that are somehow only a shadow of the memory of the former wholeness that once, long ago, they were, that now they can only recall in myths, legends and dreams, seeking through incarnational cycles to find their lost parts, and in such a state of semi-conscious awareness will be drawn into the drama of seeking their wholeness by chasing after those round and flattened discs of gold. Imagine that this shape, round discs, fashioned as coins, becomes the object of the frenzied and discordant attempts of the masses to effect a reunion with selves long sought for and the additional overlay of the consciousness is such that these beings are taught that there is not enough, that they must fight and steal and lie to get their “fair share,” although they have no idea of what that share might be, when, in fact, subconsciously most beings perceive “fair share” as “cannot get enough” because they are trying to fill an hold that cannot be filled through the egocentric pursuit of externalized greed. Therefore, they must get all they can, and they will even kill each other in the attempt to control that gold. They will raise up armies and legions to fight each other for who controls more of what is contained deep in the subatomic lattice structure of such, and they will pay their minions with a pittance of that treasure for which they fight, who in turn will lord it over their own little fiefdom and on down to the down trodden of the Earth at the bottom of the feeding chain. And such kings, and caesars and popes will place their likeness on top of such coinage, indelibly stamping such with the imprimatur of their profile so that the vassals and the slaves will know who truly is the sovereign and who is the slave, who is the liege lord and who is the giver of oaths of fealty, and who are the nameless masses who grovel to serve their masters in hopes of being allowed to live their lives. But always of course in subjugation and in fear. It is such embossed likenesses of those they are told are their lords, their rulers, and their gods, that reminds the lowly hordes of who is the sovereign and who is the slave, who controls and who is controlled. But what is it that drives all to such extremes of control and of greed, if not the desire for reunion with their original blueprint and that part of themselves locked away. And who then, as the real question must be asked, who then is behind the game and who is directing those middle management teams of bankers and lawyers and liars and thieves, to horde that containment field of energy known as money or gold or power, so that those standing in the wings can direct and control and consume the life force being thereby corralled and contained? That is the answer we are seeking in this inquiry,

as well as to understand the how and the why, and ultimately, to understand the means of release and freedom. Returning to the two indigenous tribes that resided as custodians of these two zones long before the incarnated overlords came to scatter them to the winds, to destroy their cultures and their fabric of life, we find that these indigenous peoples had long held within their legends that they came originally from beneath the ground themselves. Such legends and oral histories state that they came from below, after the frenzy and chaos of the closing of the previous world from which they had retreated into the interior to wait until the time when their spirits guided them to the surface once again, to wait until the beginning and then the progression and finally the end of the final cycle. They held the prophecies and the knowledge of what lay beneath their custodial care. They knew the symbol that was used to lock it down, as two poles on opposite sides of the planet, had been reversed, to force the involution of the spirits, the collapse into a hologram from which there would seemingly be no escape. They nurtured the knowledge that that symbol would rise again in the consciousness of man and demonstrate its true nature, and that by so doing the symbol and the energetic lock down that it contained, could and would be finally returned to its rightful spin and the spirits would be set free. But in the interim, the many split and fragmented souls continually incarnating on this planet would spend many lives chasing the externalized form in which they sought their own life force, believing the lies of lack and limitation, fear and survival, believing the lies of Darwinian survival of the fittest and competition and all the rest. They would come face to face with their own souls in seeing what they would do, to either rise up in the false superiority of the ego that would kill its brother and sell its sister in order to survive, or would cower down in self abnegation, bondage and servitude under the dominating whip and cane of its externalized authority in the form of church or state, emperor or king, priest or pope, and finally the corporatized abstraction of the secularized mind that we exist in today, today’s modern fascistic state designed in true Orwellian counterpoint to appear like some benevolent father guiding and protecting us, while all the time stealing everything it can. We will ultimately see in our inquiry that the final end game has resulted in the corporate state as the perfect anonymous model to fully and finally lock down the masses into perpetual servitude and slavery, while maintaining the illusions of freedom and justice. But we will also see that just as Dorothy always had the key to find her way home in her journey through and to the land of Oz, so too do we have the same ability, the same key, and always have had, to click our shoes and find our way back to wholeness and to home. Those who came “from beneath the ground,” from the subterranean recesses of the substrata of the consciousness itself that we speak of, to embody and hold the legends and the guardianship of the life forces thus sequestered within the corridors of time, these are the middle earth folk, the elves and the devas and the pixies and the faeries who engaged the treaty that we have been speaking about in the first place. They knew from whence they came, because they were still awake and knew what the task that lay before them would entail as we entered this lock down zone that we call the cycles of time, a fractal of the larger whole, this singular Solar year of 26,000 orbits around our Sun, now coming to

a close. It was the unconscious part of ourselves that needed to remain in the middle realm, in the surface domain of this planet, embodied in the world of men, in order to be locked into the crucible of consciousness in order to finally be pressured into demanding its freedom and release, while that part of ourselves that remained in touch with life and with spirit, those of the middle earth, agreed to the treaty we speak of because they knew there was no other way to achieve the reunification that was desired with all parts of Self except to engage a lawful contract based on universal law to allow what must take place to thus unfold. And the rest, as the saying goes, is history….which we shall explore. The key about the treaty was that there were inviolable clauses that must be upheld. Primary of these is that at the close of the cycle, if even a single soul remembered the beginning and the basis of it all, then the overlords must relent and allow the completion of the age to fulfill itself in the reuniting of the souls. In that clause lay the liberation of all involved. And the end of that age was what we came to refer to as Y2K, the beginning of the year 2000, that had been adjusted to coincide with the perfect end of the millennium when the calendar was changed from the Julian to the Gregorian in 1582, ratcheted by eleven days, so that the known stars and alignments that could be deduced by that time by such individuals as we know today as Nostradamus (Our Lady), and others, could be finally aligned for the synchronistic closing of the cycle. We will discuss in later chapters of this book what was supposed to happen and what in fact did happen at the close of that cycle, and the rebellion against the mandate contained therein, and the attempts to subvert the intentions as well as the achievements of the consciousness in regaining its wholeness, such that the last seven years has been an aberration unknown and unforeseen when this all began, but is now being righted and set back on its original and intended course.

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So if we stand back from the details of our current world condition, and rise above the constraints of time and space, we can observe the large scale unfolding of the drama we are now living within at the end of this grand cycle of time we have been discussing. Long ago, long before even this cycle began as a fractal whole of the yet larger whole, a vast panoply of souls that had been separated from themselves came to find themselves magnetized to this tiny planetary sphere we call Earth, where the part of themselves pulled into a negative hologram of reversed life force energies had come to lay dormant and held in the interstices of golden treasures placed here by those who would be our overlords and controlling kings for evermore. The two dipodes of the enclosure of the planetary sphere were locked down by two symbolic reversed symbols of the primary spinning life force of the natural divine presence of who we eternally are, so that however hard we tried, for as long as such lock down persisted, the more of our higher divine selves we tried to pull into our manifested forms, the more of it would be consumed into the black hole of downward spiraling vortices of those who would have us as their dinners. With the symbolic recording of all of this, into the testaments of time on the ephemeral pages of transience known as the Byblos, the Bible (named after the Canaanite town on

the Mediterranean coast from where the papyrus to record such were first acquired in the so-called holy lands) the sealing of the seven seals and the re-enactment of the beheading of the cosmic Christ would be so inscribed. In the next two thousand years, new religions would emerge…the word re-lig-ion derived from the Latin, Re: again, Ligare: to bind….thus, religion meaning to bind again. If we look at the major symbols and religions of the world, we find some interesting things. Somewhere along the way, each religion engaged a rite, a ritual, or a rule, to establish a “law” pleasing to the gods, and then the so-called one God, which in effect were the continual reenactment of either the male castration and splitting of the masculine principle, the binding and fragmenting of the feminine, or the sealing of one or several of the seven seals. Today the male Jews must cover their head before entering the temple, symbolically sealing the crown so that the higher consciousness cannot interfere with the instructions of the gods onto the crowns of the faithful. In the east, the Hindi seal the third eye over with the painting on the center of the forehead so familiar to most that it now seems normal and commonplace. The priests of the Catholic Church close off their throat chakras with the binding collar around their necks. The Christian symbol itself, the cross, is nothing more than a sealing of the heart, when you take the standard dimensions of the cross and build it from squares such that the two arms are each a square, the top head area another, the center that they all attach to another square, and the extension for the legs made up of two squares. As such, by folding the two arm squares and the head square up, they become three of the four sides of a box, and then the two squares of the leg extension fold up, one becoming the fourth side, and the other one articulating over and sealing it on the top. Thus, the cross is nothing more than an energetic box to seal the heart chakra and lock it in the death grip of this religion and binding of consciousness to a symbol of death and denial of the heart. The five pointed star contained within the crescent moon in the Islamic world is like the feminine principle of the pentagram of Venus being severed by the cutting scythe, the word scythe itself from the same root as “schism” as in the splitting of the male, and the same root of the English word “science” which we think means knowledge, but is really the fractioning and decimating of the whole mind, into fragments and specialized compartmentalization as a further and further removal from our ability to see things in whole terms as they really are. This then encloses the third chakra, and the second is represented by the large, black cube around which, in reverse direction, the men of the Islamic Haj continually encircle to reinforce the sealing in of the disembodied spirits of the entrapped souls of this world. And at the root, at the core of the whole seven ensealed enclosure, is of course, the reverse spinning swastika, continually pulling out of our bodies the life force of, and thus preventing the indwelling Christed solar presence from taking hold and grounding into the carbon based, physical incarnate forms that we walk this Earth within. These are the seven seals that have locked us into this third dimensional hologram we think is reality, where death and destruction are taken as normal and required, where God is supposedly to be feared, and where the horrors of war are honored as if sacred. All in seeking to please the gods and our overlords, all in seeking to gain more gold for our singular control. The question this leads to is, of course, how can we truly be creators walking upon this Earth, if all of our life force and energy is spent chasing pieces of paper that are

abstracted containment fields of our life force, even another step removed from the gold encasement herein described, if we cannot even ground our true capacity to dream and envision, to form and bring forth, into this vehicle into which we incarnate? The answer of course is, we can’t. And that is precisely the structure that we now have decoded and are bringing forth in this book to bring to consciousness this history and the current construct of the bonded hologram for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, to finally wake up to and become the means and methods to break the binding spell. Always remember that there is a microcosmic correspondence to the macrocosmic larger whole, and vice versa. We often speak of this reality bubble we find ourselves in as a hologram. But what does that really mean, in true and physical terms? Well, a hologram is created by the crossing of two beams of coherent light, what we call lasers, that create a cross interference pattern that in turn is imprinted upon with an image that is then melded onto some sort of receiving material medium such as plastic or glass. In the larger sense, the two coherent beams of light are the masculine and feminine principles of our whole divine selves and the imprinting medium is the carbon-based vehicles of our physical forms. It is when these two coherent beams of light are distorted, split and castrated, then polarized, that the mis-created illusions of separation are engaged and then imprinted onto the carbon structures of our physical template, at the base of which is of course, the crystalline spiral of the DNA chains. In our next chapter we will look more at the numerical, geometric, chemical and physical characteristics of the genetic material and corresponding and related aspects of the larger hologram, but for now, in knowing that we are made up in these bodies of carbon, and carbon in turn consists of 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons, we find that the crucified, castrated, schismed and polarized Christed solar presence of our divine wholeness has indeed been holographically imprinted onto the number of the beast, 666, and therein, in individual and physical terms, we discover the nature of our prison in this hologram. We also begin to understand why death fear and body shame and other elements of societal control that we have been indoctrinated to from the moment of our birth play such a profound role in perpetrating our separation from Self. At the same time, when one breaks a hologram that is imprinted onto a physical medium into smaller pieces, each smaller piece retains the complete image of the larger whole. So too then do we find many, many correspondences in the larger hologram whole of our planetary world, which we will further explore in a later chapter, that are inversely reflective of our individual situations as well as our larger collective structure. In this context, there are various places on the global geomantic template of the planet that contain and embody various attempts of re-instituting the sealing of the seven seals that has taken place which we will delineate and explore. There is a macrocosmic scale re-creation of the entrainment and control of the three centers of our first density wholeness, the physical, emotional and mental centers, that is part of the larger system of entrainment and control, which we will explore when we discuss the nature of the code of the Matrix through the legal and monetary functions, whereby we must continually expend our life force for the Karmic Tokens that we must feed to the gods of the Matrix in perpetual bondage and enslavement….that is, at least so far, until we have the knowledge and the grounded capacity with which to break free…in other words, that

magic decoder ring you were always looking for in your Cracker Jacks box but never could find. Well, this book is that decoder ring!!! For you see, we are all true creators, and as smaller whole systems of the larger whole of divine creation and principle, we are literally bio-crystalline, virtual reality projecting units. Our carbon-based organisms have key points of resonance and dynamic rhythm of life force and divine consciousness, originally designed to maintain the integrity of the individualized identity as a smaller, self-contained whole system as a fractal microcosm of the larger whole. We were designed to be the instruments of on-going creation, to delight in the joy of creating and living in the infinite abundance of our creations. We were never designed to be afraid, to be limited and controlled. But, just as when one places a group of pendulum clocks in a room and start them all at random rhythms, they will within a short period of time become entrained into a sympathetic rhythm and move flawlessly together as a rhythmic whole, at the same pace, rate and synchronization, so too can this be done with the once independent and individualized units of consciousness that have now become socially adapted, mindless and will-less projection units entrained to create that which is externally applied upon them as reality construct. In other words, to entrain the creator consciousness in all of us to believe that we live in a world of lack and limitation, based on fear and survival, and therefore we must kill or be killed, consume or be consumed, destroy or be destroy. We are taught and entrained to think that something outside of ourselves is the cause for our feelings of separation, so our religions teach us that any other form of belief or religion is not only wrong, but must be in fact the reason we are separated from “God” which is simply a metaphor for the inherent sense of separation from our own Selves, and hence anything thus responsible for such separation much be destroyed or it will destroy us. Because we inherently know that we are not whole, we are so easily misled into these beliefs and the actions of violence and rage that inevitably ensue from such beliefs. The knowledge of frequency control and consciousness entrainment has become a science and an art on a planetary level at this point in time, to entrain our collective projections of “reality” onto a false hologram based on false principles of lack and limitation, fear and separation. The results are what you see all around you occurring today. But as Neo in the Matrix woke up to see the code flowing through every particle of the false reality, and by so doing became the master of the One, to be the Cause and not at the effect, to take control of his destiny instead of being at the receiving end of the whimsy of the fates, we too can do the same That is the ultimate purpose of this exposition and these essays, to first show you exactly how the life force of each of us, and all of us collectively, has been entrained, trapped and sealed into the false reality in which we find ourselves today, and then to show you how we can click our shoes like Dorothy returning from Oz and find our way back home to wholeness. At the same time, the purpose herein is to demonstrate and elucidate for our readers how we have been entrained to literally spend vast amounts of our daily life force chasing after false gods in the form of pieces of paper that have become the global containment fields of our life force that was first brought here in the crystalline encasement of the gold into which such was first placed, then later externalized as the sovereign coinage of the emperors and the kings and the gods themselves, later still to be removed even from that containment into

the completely worthless monetary system based entirely on bondage and debt that we have today. It is in the conscious knowing of this encodement that we can realign ourselves to what is Real, to wake up to understand we cannot and never will “fix” that which is broken because it cannot be fixed, simply because it is not Real and therefore does not exist. We must tear our focus away from the illusions of lack and limitation, based on the disembodied and castrated emasculated principles of fear and separation. And by so doing, one by one, then in larger numbers, the life force that has been used to sustain the false hologram begins to lose its strength, begins to loosen its grip on our “reality,” begins to fray on the edges, and is now progressively accelerating into the exponential implosion of its own demise. Soon after the so-called discovery of the “new world” took place in 1492, the Spanish, with banners and flags of their King and their Pope, who had built heir worldly empire on the “rock” of Peter, from the Latin “Petra” which means rock, and further back derived from the Egyptian god Ptah (P-tah = Pe-Tah = Pe-ter), but more specifically the crystalline matrix of the mineral world (and reflective today of the castrated male in that we still call the male member by that name), the Spanish conquistadors came to find El Dorado, the legendary city of gold. At least that is what the front line soldiers were told, along with, of course, claiming land for the king and his boss, the pope…but in reality, the sealed orders for the top command was to go to where they were told, to find the gold, to locations that were already known before the so-called “discovery” of the New World (because they already knew it was there in ancient records long in the possession of the Church and other powers behind it), to go directly to the locations of the containment caches of gold with the life force contained therein that would give their overlords the final control that they sought over the consciousness, the life force and the reality-creating abilities of the mass population of the planet. Also, as an adjunct, they would along the way destroy or decimate the indigenous peoples in these new lands because of their stewardship functions in holding down the energies of the planetary grids and power points. But we are told today that the story of El Dorado was just a fable, a legend and a myth. But not so, because if one goes to Seville and reads the archives of the period contained therein (and the Spanish kept very meticulous records), one will find the exact accounting of what was taken from the new world, and the amount of gold accounted for far exceeds what could possibly have been mined from the region in a period ten times longer than what actually was the time period of the conquest given the standard of technology available at that time. In other words, the gold retrieved was already mined, refined and secreted in holding locations, which the sealed orders of the commanders told them where it would be found. The gold they came to find and return to the King and to the Pope was that selfsame gold that had been brought there and lain underground by the Annunaki long, long ago, and sealed in its subterranean caverns to wait for this modern time to begin, the beginning of the Mayan period of the 9 hells that started on Easter day in 1521 with the landing of Cortez into the cradle of the Gulf of Mexico, a site known as Vera Crux, the (so-called)True Cross, the cross of course of the binding of the heart of this planet into its intended permanent servitude and slavery.

Cortez and his men, unlike with standard military rules of engagement that call for a slow methodical process of movement into unknown territory, consolidation of the gains made, then on to the next slow encroachment, instead made a rapid bee line march to what they already knew lay ahead of them, the land of Tenochtitlan, where those of the ancient Aztec gods had been waiting for them, the symbol of the Eagle perched atop a cactus plant, gripping in its talon a struggling serpent. This is the Imperial eagle of Roma (the reverse of Amor which is Love) gripping the serpent, the life force, the Kundalini force, this is what Cortez came to seize, in the City of Enoch of the Annunaki, for “Titlan” in the Aztec language means “City” and of course we see Enoch in the word “Tenoch,” indicating what is now modern Mexico City as being, originally, the City of Enoch who had come some three thousand or so years before to establish the hierarchy and structure with instructions to wait until the “gods” returned. The Spanish and those who guided them knew what was there in the new world, and they sent their hordes to claim it, because the records of such were given to the Popes of Rome in their agenda for world dominion and to own and control the life force of every living being on the planet. They knew exactly where they were going and what they were after. And after Tenochtitlan was conquered and secured, the Spanish moved directly north to the area of the four corners in search of the mother lode, one of the two principle caches of gold we are speaking about here. Once the Spanish gained control of their new world, they immediately went in search of what they already knew was there, the golden treasures of El Dorado, which translates as the Golden One. They came for the gold that contained the life force of all those souls they knew their counterparts in the form of the Annunaki had laid there long ago. In the southwest of what we now call the United States, in the four corners area, there it lay. The Spanish engaged long mule trains to cart the gold from that land, to load it onto their sailing ships along the Texas coastline where they placed names like Corpus Christi, the body of Christ, and shipped it home to King and Pope to hold and control. It was there, along those mule train routes, that one Ignatius Loyola had a vision and an activation of his life’s mission. He founded what became known as the Jesuits, then went to the Pope and was granted the seal of that order, which over the next four hundred and fifty years, through and with the use of the life force contained in those caches of gold, became the underground church, the black church and the black pope, in their quest for global control and hegemony. The new order then sent their sailing ships to another quarter of the world, to the mysterious land to the east, where another catholic horde, the Portuguese, established the first European colony along the coastline of China, called Macau. This was their foothold to then, as Cortez in the New World, make their way into the interior of that land of China looking for what they knew was the other emplacement of the gold and the souls they sought, into the southwestern region of modern China below the mountains of Tibet, where another indigenous group had long positioned themselves to guard and protect such as we are speaking about. To digress a moment from this little historical discussion, it is important to note here that what we are about to embark upon is a systematic unraveling of the blueprint and matrix of reality we call history. In this, we shall progressively demonstrate that there has been a systematic engagement during the flow of history over the last five thousand years

leading to the current end game we now find ourselves in. When one steps back and has the decoder ring and the proper map, it can be seen that such a blueprint of the movements of history does indeed exist, and that the overall view of such affords one the ability to see that through every interweaving thread of this story, be it within a context of the story of religion, the story and progression of language, of history, of the development of the systems of law that now abound and entangle this entire planet, of the progressions of political and social engineering, and most especially the binding structure of the economic, financial and monetary systems that represent the ultimate expression of this overall matrix, through all of this and with an overall and integrative perspective we can see that there has indeed been a guiding consciousness towards an eventual and intended goal. That goal is, as we have stated as the underlying theme of this work, the complete control of the human race to become a slave system to control the people, the land, the resources and the life force of this entire sphere. And by so doing, since we have indicated that this planet as part of this solar system represents the octave and the completion of the universal template that Original Source intended to create and manifest in this local realm of the greater universe, by so obtaining the complete and total control of all of this realm, that consciousness that drives this attempt intended to stall and reverse and ultimately own this entire realm to its own agendas and devices. Therefore, as we progress, the reader is admonished to keep in mind that we are laying the framework here to understand what is to follow and the conclusions derived there from, which is that whether one calls it a conspiracy, a new world order, the great work of the ages (their words, not ours) or the devil itself, the multi-faceted and multi-layered context of history is not one of random chance and non-directed evolution, but of purposeful intent. But there is another level that we will weave through this telling, more important still, which is to understand that there is a higher order and a divine perfection in the whole template, and that the unyielding spirit that refuses to give in to all of this is that which shall ultimately prevail and triumph, that shall be shown to be ever present even through the most darkest hours, and is emerging stronger than ever before during this time we live in that might appear to be the worst but is really just the prelude to the cleansing and purifying that shall usher in the true victory. Returning to our historical context, as the Portuguese gained the Catholic Church’s foothold on the shores of the south China Sea on the island of Macao, with black robed Jesuit priests guiding the way, there we find an ancient order, known as the Priesthood of Shaul Lin, guarding the golden troves under the towering mountains of Tibet. The Priesthood of Shaul Lin, whose symbol is the five petalled blossom of the Plum Tree, later evolved to a secret society that has sat at the foundation of power in China for many hundreds of years, leading up to modern times. Their mandate was to steward the caches of gold in their trust into the modern age. They are now known as the Plum Blossom Society, and it was they who engaged the American empire in the years of the early 1930s, under the military leadership of one known as Chiang Kai Chek. They engaged a contract with the Americans, who finally had the means, the manipulations and the methods to at last get the other half of the planetary horde that the Portuguese had been unable to secure for many hundreds of years since the founding of the Jesuits in the 1530s and the securing of the colony of Macao soon thereafter. It was then, in 1934, a year

after the American system had itself been put into bankruptcy to lead into the final phase of the bonding of the Code of the Matrix and the entrainment and entrapment (something we will return to later in very much more detail), finally, into a global hologram of illusion and control and perpetual slavery, that the gold of the Shaul Lin Priesthood, of the Plum Blossom Society with its five pointed symbol reminiscent of the pentagram of the feminine principle, it was there and then that the rest of the gold was secured and taken away…but that is another story, for another part of the book, and these little tidbits of facts are for you to just contemplate for now. That same Catholic society, through the Spanish, also symbolized the lock down and controlling of the emerald life force through its ritualistic murder of the bull. The Pleiades with respect to its relative position to our planet, sits at 17 degrees of Taurus, the sign of the Bull. We will return to that number 17 in our discussion of numerical and geometric structure that defines the physical template of our hologram on this planet, but for now, you can see from this ritualistic and cruel ceremony of the Bull Ring that there is much more to it (as there is always more than meets the eye to virtually everything we see around us). For it is the taming, subjugating and ultimately the killing of the bull that is symbolic of the same acts and deeds perpetrated on the emerald life force ray as symbolically known and seen in the constellation of the Bull from which it comes to this planet. In closing this chapter, we will take one more look at the lock down of consciousness as it is symbolized by the swastika. Above our heads, above the North Pole, is a star called Polaris, whose name we have referenced before as having the same root as the word polarity. Around Polaris revolves two constellations, the Little Bear and the Mother Bear, formally called Ursa Minor and Ursa Major. As they rotate around that fixed point of our consciousness externally represented by the star Polaris, they inscribe what? Well, a swastika of course, as they touch on each of the four points of the compass. In ancient times, the northern lands were known as Arktos, hence from which our modern English word Arctic is derived. This is the original point of inception of the concept of the lock down in the Ark, which is translated in some of the foundational languages of our modern times as the “box.” The very same box, or cube, or folded over cross that binds our consciousness into the three dimensional hologram we currently find ourselves within. This then is the so called Ark of the Covenant, the covenant that bound the genetic lineage of Abraham as the archetypal male being schismed and split from itself as we explored in Chapter One, the covenant that then locked it into the box and the other symbols as herein described. In the traditional esoteric systems of knowledge there is a reference to root races, the first one of which is the Polareans, the next the Hyperboreans. The Polarean root race is energetically linked to the entry into this hologram through the portal of “polarization,” and Hyperborean literally means “above the north,” hence the first two points of engagement within this realm have to do with these first root races, as that which comes through polarity from above the north, through the rotating arms of the baby bear constellation (Ursa Minor) as it inscribes the symbol and the energetic function of the lock down of our consciousness through the reversed swastika. We will return to the

symbol and meaning of the bear later on to better understand its position and roll in this specific point having to do with the entry point through the north. But you see, it is important to reiterate, that the treaty we have spoken about has served us by sealing us into the hermetically sealed enclosure of time, just as the caterpillar that crawls on the ground wraps itself, by natural design and intention, into the self-contained enclosure of the chrysalis to transform itself to its higher self expression as a butterfly. So, too, do we have the capacity to initiate and complete our own transformations, which in fact, we have been doing for these last 26,000 years and more. We are not the gold that once enclosed the part of ourselves that was ripped from our wholeness and sequestered therein long ago. The golden coins that bear the images (the imprimaturs) of the emperors, the caesars, the presidents and the gods of our containment are not who we are, thus the saying “Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto Ourselves what is our own,” slightly paraphrased of course, holds the key to unlock this mystery…for the likeness of Caesar is on the golden coin and because such held the residual cellular memory of that part of ourselves and that part of our life force that had been forcibly ingrained therein long ago we were led to believe that we needed to seek outside of ourselves to live, to survive and to create; but we are not that, and he is certainly not us, nor is Washington and Lincoln and all the others on the pieces of paper we chase to regain ourselves and our life force to this day whereby they have now trained the better part of this entire planet to chase after worthless pieces of paper and electronic computer blips to “earn” the right to survive in a system of survival of the fittest, of the meanest, of the greediest and of the most mendacious. We do not need to seek ourselves in some external system of controlled life force, we have taken the time of these last 26,000 years and longer to come face to face with this realization and it now stares us in the face continually from the minute we are born until the moment of our death in the current reality in which we find ourselves. Our current global system of involuntary servitude through an enforced contractual binding of our free will by and through the current monetary system is nothing more than the full externalized projection of our creator capacity life force into a matrix of control, but one that we can wake up within and choose to finally be rid of and walk out of. As we expand on this context in the course of this book, the reader will come to understand both just how insidious the lock down and the bondage is, and yet, how easy it is to rise above it once the clarity of understanding is gained. That is a primary intent of this book, to demonstrate through the systematic unfolding of this story, where we have come from, how we have arrived at our current situation, and what the means of our liberation really consists of, in energetic terms, spiritual terms, personal terms and on the ground floor in legal, historical and financial realities as they relate on a daily basis to our lives. We are our own wholeness and to this, if we only just turn our attention, do we owe our true alignment and allegiance, and to nothing else. If those of you reading this book care to take a proactive approach for yourself in relationship to these concepts, we suggest that the first step is to disengage any and all connections to the “re-binding” systems we have discussed in this part. In every re-lig-ion we have taken oaths and vows that have bound us to the laws of the gods, to their

rules, regulations, external authority and their limitations. From these must we first unleash ourselves from such binding constraints. To do so, simply center oneself in a meditative state, go inward and call upon your true and only Solar Christed Self, or however you wish to name or denominate such, the only requirement being a full and absolute recognition that you need no outside approval or authority to allow this to take place, that you alone are the controlling element and any preconceived concepts, names or judgments about what your full divine Self really is must be discarded completely. Then upon that foundation declare your intention to be free and sovereign in this and all other realities and universes. Then declare that you are forthwith rescinding any and all vows such as vows of poverty, chastity, bodhisattva vows, oaths of allegiance, fealty, subservience, and so forth. Feel and embody this declaration and allow it to truly permeate your entire being, with passion and commitment to your True Self. Really feel it as the shackles and bonds of illusion fall away from you. Declare to yourself, inside and out loud, “I hereby rescind any and all oaths and vows, throughout all time and space, that I or any other incarnation of my whole larger Self has taken, in this reality and universe or in any other parallel, alternate or separate reality or universe.” Observe your reactions and emotional content of what comes back to your perceptions, and gain the understanding that that provides. Declare yourself to be a sovereign being, one that retains full rights and responsibilities, full power and authority over yourself and your reality, including and founded upon the principles of self-governance, self-responsibility, self-generating capacities, self-sustaining life force and self-correcting processes as you return back to wholeness and balance. A true sovereign being embodies and lives upon these principles, and honors the life force and equivalent foundational principles in all other beings, not projecting their power and authority outside of themselves and taking full responsibility for all their acts and deeds, thoughts and manifestations. Upon that foundation we become free and sovereign beings and can no longer be controlled by outside forces, and upon that foundation first our individual reality will begin to rearrange itself to accommodate this new found freedom, and then the larger whole will in turn begin to entrain itself around the center point of such higher organizing principles as we come more fully into ourselves. Know thyself and to thine own Self be True. That is all that is required…the rest that follows constitutes the details.

The ELF Transmissions Chapter Three

The Implicate Order of the Material Plane

The question arises out of the information presented in Chapters One and Two as to why the overlords and the Annunaki and other externally imposing races would have agreed to what we refer to here as the treaty of 26,000 years ago. The answer is simple…the only way out is in. Because their consciousness, energies and genetics are inextricably bound to this third dimensional domain as intertwined with our own, they cannot leave without going fully into that which they are bound to and had their hand in creating in the first place. Since the human race as we know it today is effectively a hybridized race of many genetic lines, extraterrestrial and terrestrial, those who contributed to that admixture of genetic strains are energetically linked to the outcome. In thinking that they could come here, add genetic material to the race, and simply stand separate from and lord control over their creations avoids dealing with the fundamental factor that links them to that which they are an essential part of…the underlying fabric of unity creation that links us all at a higher level of existence. There are aspects of their own consciousness that refuse to let go of the “god” game, and hence we see the myriad expressions of them fighting to the death and refusing to let go, but there are indeed aspects that are aware of the fact that there is no escape from what has been created except to see it through to completion, hence the engagement with the treaty. As to the Elfin level of the agreement, that is not a separate consciousness removed from who we are now, in the realms of man as we currently know and experience it. It is not as if something outside of ourselves made an agreement and we have to suffer the consequences. This reality we are in and that we speak of is a quantum whole, and the Elfin part of ourselves was that part that had retained the conscious link with the heart and soul of this planet while the “human” component remained lost in the matrices of time and space and oblivious to the bigger reality from whence we came. And the reason for such is definitely part of the equation of how the genetics of so many external races with disparate agendas came to mix themselves in with the life forms of this planet. Therefore, the only way out was indeed into it all, for all concerned. Thus, the necessity and the perfection of the treaty to seal all of the consciousness as crystallized in the life forms and the genetic matrices of the entire collective whole playing itself out here on Planet Earth. It is this human component that we now occupy that are the Earth keepers and the individualized expressions of the living planet that represent the ultimate crown of creation in this realm. The original divine blueprint has been here all along, extending far into the back reaches of time during this long journey through darkness and separation, and now during this last cycle in time, all the way up to this point we find ourselves in where it appears that we are so far removed from the living life force that holds it all in place. But the separation is the illusion, and that is precisely what was required, to build a template to reflect back to us the maximum level of separation, the ultimate illusion as

if we could ever be anything other than what we have always been, this level of ultimate separation that we could possibly experience as is so self evident from conditions on this planet today. The situation is not unlike that of a smoker who decides to lock himself in a room and smoke continually until the body and emotions are so sickened by what is experienced, that the life force deep within himself finally says enough, I get it, and truly and cleanly can leave the dysfunction and the addiction behind forever. Clearly, we are reaching that point and the time is at hand to complete what is necessary to leave our self-imposed exile from ourselves. Collectively, the human collective consciousness is currently in the process of finally being sickened enough by war, disease, famine, greed and lies that we are bursting at the seams to cleanse it all from our consciousness and this planet forever. In so doing, we will carry with us going forward a unique gift for all of creation, which is the truly experienced depths of separation, isolation and despair that has been the human condition. With this understanding in real and experiential terms, those human beings going forward into the vastness of creation will carry with them the seed understanding of what separation is all about, and will be able to convey such to all with whom each individual interacts, and thereby shall carry the gift of understanding into the collective Whole for the benefit of all. This is the gift we are birthing at this time. With respect to another question pertaining to the source and context of this book, it is important to reiterate that these are not channeled writings, but come from a synthesis of internal direct cognizance over a long period of time as our own awareness and clarity on these subjects has emerged. This has been integrated with a wide range of study, explorations and research into many related subjects, gleaning the gems out of every system of thought, history and knowledge looked at in order to come up with an integrated whole picture of the story as being presented here. As such, it is an evolving and ever-clarifying picture, one that all who read this series are part of the unraveling and the refining of the story. This is not a complete and static, this-is-the-way-it-is presentation. As each layer of our consciousness emerges and is set free by the very process we are engaged with, more clarity and refinement will also emerge. Each of our readers has a part in the revelation and by reading these discourses is embodying the understanding and activating the release mechanisms buried deep within their genetic crystalline matrix where the revitalization of these memories has lain dormant for a very long time. This, then, is the apocalypse, but contrary to the fear based interpretation of that word, it literally translates to mean revelation, opening up and bringing forth. We are all the living libraries of this information, and this book is intended to stimulate and excite that inner knowing in all of us in order that we build the quantum expansion of the emergence of our freedom and liberation. So, in that regard, any and all input, questions, thoughts, insights and so forth are most welcome and can be forwarded to where they will be collated and most likely reposted on a web site to be created at a future time in order to further the conscious activation of this information and its intended results. Our next step in building the structural blueprint of all of this is to take a look at the basic building blocks of our current reality onto which the imprint of the image we discussed earlier has been lain, as in the example of the image being overlaid as a hologram onto a

receiving medium. In the larger case of the global hologram, the medium is the physical template itself, and it is the basic building blocks of such that are necessary to understand, and to see the extraordinary completeness of it and the correspondences in scale, the harmonic ratios and other mathematical, geometric and structural components that it contains. With this we will better understand our position in it as creators capable of shifting the hologram to progressively align with the original blueprint, and the fundamental building blocks thereof. The key to start with is the concept of harmonics and symmetry. We can find this by looking at different primary structures and comparing and contrasting such, to see where the implicate order resides upon which all expression in material form stands. Key to this is the area of number, in which, once we remove the overlays of complexity, we find a true simplicity of profound proportion. By harmonics we mean such things as is expressed by the concept of the fractal of 1:10:100:1000, which is a geometric growth pattern, or such as the sequence of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, which is a numeric growth pattern based on the base denominator 2, another example of which is the so-called master numbers of 11, 22, 33, 44, etc., which is based on the numeric denominator of 11. Another harmonic system is that of exponential growth, which holds some interesting things to look at starting with the first four numbers, whereby 1 to the 4th power is 1 (1x1x1x1 = 1) 2 to the 4th power is 16 (2x2x2x2 = 16), 3 to the 4th power is 81 (3x3x3x3 = 81) and 4 to the 4th power is 256 (4x4x4x4 = 256), all numbers that we will come back to soon. Each of the first four numbers to the third power are, respectively, 1, 8, 27, 64, the sequence of the first four numbers to the second power is 1, 4, 9, 16, and to the first power is 1, 2, 3, 4, and as a chart:

1, 2, 3, 4 (first power) 1, 4, 9, 16 (second power) 1, 8, 27, 64 (third power) 1, 16, 81, 256 (fourth power)

Each one of these numbers can be seen as a specific harmonic. Each one has a specific place in the material plane that we exist within, and thus a corresponding relational correspondence to such things as the Earth itself, the circumference of the sphere, the genetic structure, the chemical system of the material fabric of life on the planet, and the physical construction of the matter itself in terms of the physics of space relative to the atom, the planet and the solar system, all as our local reality construct within this dimensional reality. This can also be applied to another dimension, that of time, and within the containment field of the first four dimensions the limiting construct of the speed of light. Once we see the symmetry of all this form we begin to understand how our consciousness can reside in such, as well as how the distorted hologram can be imprinted thereupon. And once we know this, we also know how to decode the matrix and to begin to retake control over our lives, our life forces and our reality. It is that simple. Keep in mind that there is a natural, organic and balanced divine order to creation, and that all of the distortions and overlays, within any given system, be it monetary, legal, genetic, biological, or otherwise are done by inserting some type of disharmonic component that creates a feed-back loop into which artificial and controlled

“reality” components can be inserted. This achieves a level of mind control or life force control that is energetically entrained in order to feed off of and manipulate the consciousness and the life forms container therein. By looking at some of the fundamental components of the reality construct, as we will explore in this chapter, we can utilize that base understanding as part of building our repertoire of the decoding process, the process of piercing the veil. In later parts of the book, as we look at systems of structure in law, money, religion, physics, biology and other disciplines and applications, we will be better equipped to understand the nature of the matrix and its embedded codes by virtue of our understanding of the implicate order in the construct. The scope, magnitude and extent to which one can explore the nature of number, chemical structure, genetics, and material reality, with its intricate patterns of symmetry, harmonics, mathematical constructs and correspondences is truly endless, so this chapter will only introduce the most important and key elements for a basis of understanding, from which further individual exploration can be undertaken. The purpose of this chapter is to simply outline the most essential elements and establish the framework of which key components will be discussed later in the book, as well as to stimulate the reader’s own internal insights and reflections on this information. It is also very important to understand that such systems that appear to be simply “man-made” such as law, religion and monetary structures, are in fact, overlays onto the same fabric of harmonic construction as is found in the natural world of cosmology, astronomy, geometry, chemistry and biology. By so overlaying, then inverting, shifting and distorting, the result is achieved for the lock down mechanisms to be thereby engaged and utilized for control purposes. The fundamental issue we have discussed so far in the first chapters is that of the split masculine aspect of our consciousness, the castration of the male energetic and the use of that to imprint the hologram we know and exist in today. The issue is simple in this regard. If we do not fully come into these bodies, into the material structure of the physical plane, we are ineffective in controlling our own reality. In order to come fully into the body, the masculine aspect of our whole divine selves must be fully grounded into the physical vehicle, our bodies, to the root chakra. By the energetic castration referred to herein, we are referring to a short-circuiting of the creator capacity of the masculine principle, and then, with the splitting and mirroring effect, the polarization thereof and the creation of and the projection of an external enemy construct into the hologram, the result further exacerbates the inability to fully ground into this dimensional plane. The masculine aspect we are talking about is the seeding component of the Christos, of our divine blueprint and nature. If it is split in two, and then polarized against itself, how can we possibly fully embody ourselves into this dimensional realm and into our bodies? The answer is plain and simple, we cannot do so. The issue is that if we cannot do that, we are controllable, we are entrainable to project outwards a distorted picture of reality, and our life forces can and will be used to maintain our own imprisonment, and make us pay for the jail, the jail keepers and all the rest of it with our own juice, our life force and divine energies. We will be disengaged from our true capacities as creators of the realm, and our actions will be more reactive than creative, based on fear and survival, not joy and love.

The answer to the dilemma we find ourselves in, then, is quite simple as well. As stated in Chapter Two, in the end we have only ourselves to deal with. In short, the only way out is in. We must fully come into our bodies. We must also fully understand that everything in this domain is essentially utilized to prevent or delay that from happening because it is known what the power we will have when we do fully embody ourselves. But it must also be understood that all of those distractions, distortions and undermining forces are only able to engage and distract because we have something internally within our own landscape that they can hook into. Therefore, anything and everything thus encountered, when taken as an opportunity for growth and clearing and realigning more to our wholeness, is a positive event in our return to that wholeness. Whenever it is taken as an external enemy, then our consciousness immediately becomes polarized with the external reflection and we have lost the opportunity and we are stuck in a hall of mirrors from which there is no escape. Truly, the only way out is in!! In Greek mythology we know of the story of Hercules and his twelve labors. Those labors were assignments so to speak, from the gods, for Hercules to gain immortality. He was half man, half god, and he aspired to gain full immortality. By half man it should be understood that what is being represented in the allegory of the myth is the admixture of the original humanoid genes indigenous to this planet and those later added by the extraterrestrial visitors who likened themselves as gods. His story is our story, his labors are ours, because they are the trials and the path to integrating the genetics and the energetics of the originally conflicting elements of the consciousness. As such the so-called trials of Hercules can be viewed as either opportunities or external enemies. When seen as opportunities, then they are the path to liberation. When seen as enemies they represent the infinite hall of mirrors and polarity from which there is no escape. The choice is always ours. Attitude is everything. We also know of references to the Pillars of Hercules. These pillars are the same construct that previous crystallizations of thought within the hologram have spoken of and utilized as primary symbols, as well as later on into modern times; they are the primary symbols of and signposts concerning the nature of the split male. Later in the Masonic traditions and other esoteric constructs, these pillars become the entry point to knowledge, but they are entered into, at least in that system, with a price, which is the obedience to the law. We will return later to this concept of obedience to the law, because it is the primary tool of binding the consciousness to the matrix, to the controlled and artificial hologram. In Masonic tradition the two pillars are called Joachim and Boaz. Above them is the mantle that sits atop and controls them known as the mantle of Yahweh. The two pillars also both symbolize and literally embody the fundamental methods of maintaining control of the hologram and they are referred to also by the presences behind them known as Mikael and Tsadkiel, or Michael and Zadok, together becoming what is now transliterated into modern English as Melchizedek. This name and sound vibration literally represents the split male and is externally projected as the so-called originator of handing to the Patriarch Abraham the mantle of monotheism, the concept of one God, but one God that is wrathful and vengeful, that tolerates nothing short of absolute obedience and bondage to his law and his dictates. In short, eternal

separation in a hall of mirrors. That is why the symbol is the two pillars with the binding mantle on top, keeping the control in place by the continuance of the schism in the masculine principle. In the Masonic structure these two pillars are also representative of the Priestly line and the Kingly line. The line of the Priest has been used for thousands of years to retain control of the masses through the implementation of law, not divine principles, but legalisms of control and obfuscation. The line of the King has been used as a repository of sovereignty denied to the masses, as well as the control of the land and the portable allodium of the value of the land…gold and silver coinage. Both pillars and lines are externalized projections of our own power and control, that when we are not split in two and castrated, belong internally in our whole beingness. When externalized in all the systems of law and religions of the world, they operate as containment fields for maintaining the polarization based on the Law of Two and the perpetuation of polarity and separation. In addition to that, we contain within our embodiments three primary centers of manifestation (physical, emotional and mental), representative of the triangulation that equalizes the polarity and the Law of Two, in this instance then becoming the Law of Three, a universal principle of the trinitization of consciousness and energy. If our consciousness can hold in perfect equilibrium the two polarities in any apparent separation, and not get caught by either side, then we rise above the polarity, then triangulate the two sides and embody the balance of the law of three. This we do when we retain our full power and authority within our three primary centers, or three bodies (physical, emotional and mental), all of which we will come back to quite extensively for further understanding and clarification later in this book. Please keep in mind also that the extensive detail with which these subjects concerning, history, law, religion and so forth, are presented and explored for the purpose of bringing to consciousness the nature of the externalized hologram, not to create an external enemy construct, so the reader is advised to monitor his/her consciousness, thoughts and emotional reactions to the material and information presented herein. Anything that comes forward in terms of anger, fear, anxiety or whatever else is the emergence of an opportunity to make conscious that which was formerly embedded deep in the substates of awareness and in the bodies held locked down in time and space. The world we currently exist in is an artificial hologram, what in popular terminology since the release of the movie with the same name, many call The Matrix. But the false hologram, the matrix, is the mirror of our original blueprint. We simply need to know how to understand and observe it, then how to re-integrate it back within ourselves. In clear and simple terms, the only operative phrase that needs to be kept in mind in this regard is:

There are no Enemies, only Opportunities!!! The Pillars of Hercules are the guardians of the gate, the Watchers, that are there to maintain the split in the consciousness, and to enforce the adherence to the law of the gods. The Melchizedek presence has been overlaid on top of the primary split we are talking about, and all aspects of the enclosure, which will be detailed and revealed in this book, are externalized encoding of that essential block that prevents us from coming fully into the body, at least until now. The whole game of the good cop, bad cop, this good

Melchizedek, that bad one, this good system, that bad Merkaba, is all a ruse, as old as the story itself. Priest and King, Church and State, they are all the basis of the external hologram’s holding pattern of the split masculine aspect, and it can be seen starting at its most fundamental level, that of the chemical structure of the material plane and other fundamentals as herein described. To further elaborate on this, let’s look first at a unique component of this structure of the harmonics and symmetry of number, that of prime numbers. At first they seem random and without symmetry, but upon further investigation they demonstrate something quite amazing, a geometry and perfection that is reflective of the rest of the material world in which we reside. To begin, the definition of a prime number is that it is only divisible by itself and the number one, hence a numeric sequence that has no apparent harmonics within it. The sequence is, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41…. If we create a circle with numbers on it, like the face of a clock, but instead of 12 positions we structure it with 24, we will notice that each of the four cardinal points is a denominator of the number six (6, 12, 18, 24). For purposes of this application, let’s set aside numbers 2 and 3 as part of the prime number sequence because of their sequential nature (1, 2, 3). On the first ring of a 24-point clock face, the prime numbers are thus 1, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23. You will notice that they come in sets of two that flank a number divisible by 6….

-1 (0) 1, 5 (6) 7, 11 (12) 13, 17 (18) 19, 23 (24) 25. Of course 25 isn’t a prime number, but it is a sum of a prime number multiplied by itself (5 x 5), which as you go up the scale remains the same where the number flanking the multiple of six will either be a prime number, or the sum of a prime number multiplied by itself, or the sum of two prime numbers multiplied together. The next interesting thing to note is if you then create another ring outside of the first 24 point circle, the same as if it is an orbital shell of electrons of an atom, and continue to chart the placement of the prime numbers, the squares of prime numbers, or the sum of two prime numbers such as 5 x 7, 7 x 7, 5 x 11, the flanking of the multiple of 6 will remain consistent. If you then draw lines on these four sets of flanking numbers from the center of the circle, what you get are four flaring arms….the original and true Templar cross. This cross can also be referred to as the Prime Number Cross. It is the template that the structure of the atom and its electron orbital shells follows, as well as other constants in the realm of number that are directly reflected within the material plane of manifestation in which we live and breathe. Therefore, the question remains, who were the original Templars who brought this forward as compared to later energetics that co-opted and overlaid the original. Keep that question in mind as we proceed. All in all, one can begin to see through denominated patterns how the basic construct of this material world follows a precise and specific structure throughout, as well as then understanding the nature of the template and why the imprint of the distorted hologram can and could keep us from coming fully into our bodies and thus taking control of the creative capacity that is our birthright.

Another interesting aspect of the geometry inherent in prime numbers emerges when we look at each number in an ascending sequence, and then relate that sequence to other structures we are familiar with. Since we started this series discussing the emerald ray and life force, coming through the lens of the Pleiadian system, and that our relative position here on this planet is that of the octave, the eighth tone of that system, let’s first look at the octave structure in the geometry of prime numbers. The first eight prime numbers that constitute the first octave in the geometry of Prime Numbers are 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, and 17. The letters of the modern English alphabet corresponding to these numbers are A, B, C, E, G, K. M and Q. Here are some interesting things to note about this:

1. The first prime number is of course 1, divisible by itself and by 1, corresponding to the letter A, which we have discussed earlier as being derived from Aleph and Alpha, thus demonstrating the presence of the beginning in all things, the first step from the void from which has emerged the physical reality and all its permutations in which we currently reside, into which the entire fabric of the substructure and material structure is built upon. In short, the unity of consciousness in first expression.

2. Inherent in this first point is the simple understanding that, just as prime numbers are divisible by the number one and themselves, this indicates the fundamental law that we are all whole and sovereign in ourselves (divisible only by ourselves) as well as essentially derived from the primal mater (feminine principle) embodied in the numeral 1, the Aleph/Alpha.

3. The numbers 7 and 11 are the 5th and 6th prime numbers, 5 and 6 being the numbers of Isis and Osiris, the feminine and the masculine. How often do we find reference to these numbers, 7 and 11, in gambling systems, in convenience store names, many people’s lucky numbers, you name it. These are all modern numeric reminders of the foundational principles that the whole system is based upon which are the masculine and feminine.

4. 7 is the 5th prime number, the number 5 of course corresponding to the pentagram, the symbol of Venus, which in turn corresponds to the letter G, which is conveniently placed in the center of the Masonic symbol, surrounded by the square and compass which is the overlay of the male dominant imprint as contained in the entire Masonic system which we will explore more fully later on; this is obviously the split pillars holding and maintaining the castrated male while suppressing and overlaying the feminine principle.

5. 11 is the 6th prime, the number 6 corresponding to the masculine principle as symbolized by the six pointed star, corresponding to Osiris, the castrated male, and to the letter K….a very specific correspondence to be revisited in much more detail later on, the number 11 itself being an obvious symbol of the two pillars of the split male, which has been repeated over and over again including the “two towers” of Tolkien’s story of Middle Earth and the two towers of the world trade center, in the heart of the Roman empire known as New York (which we will tie in a little later on as well).

6. 17 is the 8th prime, the completion of the octave, with the corresponding letter being Q. Ever wonder why the letter Q looks like an O with something extending out of it? Could it be that it is indeed an O, the castrated male, the 15th letter, now with the re-membered integration of the missing phallus, corresponding to the eighth prime, the completion of the octave? Is this letter telling us what happens in the completion of the octave when we remember the masculine principle in its proper embodied and whole condition?

This of course is only just the beginning, and again, if one plays with these number and letter correspondences, the sequence of the prime numbers and the relationship to such things as the chemical periodic chart, certain patterns become very obvious, the entirety of this exploration being much too large to fit into this introductory chapter. The above is just a quick summary and a few items to stimulate the reader’s own internal inquiry and exploration. We will take a quick look later on at the nature and structure of the language and letters of English as the final crystallization of the neuro-linguistic programming inherent in the overlay held within the artificial hologram of the matrix, and the correspondence with such things as the nature of the legal, monetary, bonding (insurance) and taxation systems. An interesting thing to note is that the true Templar cross later on became co-opted and became the four squared cross, which, when drawn on the 24-point clock face, touches on the four numbers divisible by six. The two modern global institutions that have that symbol today are which? The country of Switzerland, where much of the gold on our planet resides, the basis of the banking system that now holds the externally projected life force in the modern monetary system as we have previously touched on and will later more fully explain, and the Red Cross, the keepers of our blood. Switzerland is also the home of the principle symbol of our bondage to the third dimension, the clock, the regularity of time in linear construction that binds our consciousness to the controlled hologram. The original cross used in the Roman period to crucify men was not the Christian cross we have today, with the extended head, but more of a T, which if applied to our clock face touches on three points of 6…666. Thus the lock down and crucifixion of the Christos, the prevention of the full incarnation into the physical vehicle that we are now only partly embodied within, based on carbon, which has the 666 numeric as it has 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. And the fourth 6 point, the number 24? Well, that is easy, because the number 79 is the 24th prime number, and the atomic number for gold is…79. The beheaded masculine principle locked into the gold. When one looks at the periodic chart of how the atoms of the material plane are configured, other patterns emerge. The chart is made up of 18 vertical columns called groups, and 7 horizontal columns called periods. Of the 18 groups, ten are distinctly different in the center, and the eight primary groups, two on the left side and six on the right, comprise the octave of matter, which have corresponding structures relative to the electron orbital shells, which in turn are precisely configured in the same manner of the prime number cross. At the top period there are only two atoms, hydrogen and helium. Helium is the first of the noble gases, the eighth column that comprises the octave in which inert gases that do not interact with other substances are found. They are inert

because the outer orbital shell of electrons is full and do not have valences (a valence is any number of one to four electron positions that can bond with another oppositely configured atom to form molecular bonds). Life so perfectly embodies into carbon because it has four valences that enable it to make very strong and stable molecular structures. This is reflected in the fact that all earth based spiritual understandings start from the four corners, the four winds, the four directions, because this is reflective of our consciousness embodied in the carbon based bodies we are in, which is why when the swastika is reversed, the life force is sucked out of the organism by fragmenting and dispersing the basic principle of the four points that ground us into the Earth and our bodies. In this discussion so far, what is emerging is that the first four numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4, are the primary building blocks of this material reality, representing unity, polarity, triangulated balance and stable structures. That is why the chart showing the powers of 1, 2, 3, 4, to the first, second, third and fourth exponential values are of such prime importance. The two top atoms stand by themselves, as two pillars on opposite sides of the chart as the Pillars of Hercules, the Masonic pillars of Joachim and Boaz. Between those two pillars is where the chemical constituents of life reside, also with some interesting correspondences. We know for example that there are 92 stable elements of matter that are considered part of the natural order (not man made), and it is apparent that there is a numeric relationship between the fact that we have 46 chromosomes in the normal human genetic configuration, 46 being a harmonic root of 92. Is there a correspondence then between the two? Another is the fact that only 81 of the 92 are stable, and if we take out hydrogen as the base of all matter, we end up with four sets of 20 in the remaining 80, each with an interesting 1 + 19 orientation (the first and the ninth prime numbers), that precisely corresponds to the number of atoms that have only one isotope (20), and the number that have double isotopes as well, in all there are four sets of 20 atoms corresponding to the four directions once again. The 1 + 19 is that, for example, in the set of 20 that have single isotopes, the first one is an even numbered atomic number and the other 19 are odd numbered. The number of stable elements is interesting being 81, since the reciprocal of that number 1/81 (1 divided by 81) gives the repetitive decimal number of 0.012345679012345679…all the single digit numerals except eight, the missing octave. Now isn’t it interesting that we started this series discussing the split of the male and the lock down of the female, there being an event initiating the beginning of the treaty whereby sixteen females were ceremoniously bonded at the location of Newgrange in Ireland. In the first chart presented in this chapter, in the fourth line, the first four numbers to the fourth power, the second number after 1 is 16, which is both 2 to the fourth power as well as 4 squared. Next in that sequence is 81, being both 9 squared as well as 3 to the fourth power, the number of stable elements in the periodic chart, which of course also indicates that 11 elements are unstable, meaning radioactive and thus prone to rapid decay and breakdown. Then the next number in the sequence is 256, 4 to the fourth power. In modern astronomy it has been determined that there are approximately 250 stars in the Pleiadian system, leading to the supposition that that number could very well be 256, indicating an externalized, macro scale correspondence to this numerical

structure, with an obvious relationship to the fact that 4 to the third power is 64, the number of codons in the known DNA structure, which is built on a fundamental numerical foundation of the numbers three and four, with four base units of the amino acids involved in creating the DNA and the three fundamental components (phosphoric acid, a sugar and a base). We find throughout nature the repetitive presence of structures of three or four, so taking the numbers three and four, to either the third or fourth power, gives us number values that in turn have universal and archetypal significance. These numbers are 3 to the third = 27, 3 to the fourth = 81, 4 to the third = 64 and four to the fourth = 256. There are of course many correspondences to these structures, so much so that would fill many volumes, so these are just basic points to demonstrate something of a wide ranging significance that can only be touched upon here. And what we are touching upon is simply to state that there are almost an infinite range and variety of precise correspondences and harmonic structural relationships throughout the entire hologram we currently find ourselves in, founding chemistry, geometry, mathematics, biology and physics to name a few of the mainstays of the physical construct of the hologram. With respect to the structure of the atom, it is interesting to note that the electron orbital shells have an ascending number of electron pairs in the shells, starting with one pair, then four, then nine, then sixteen, perfectly matching the sequence of the squares of the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4. This also demonstrates the quadratic, four-based basis of the fundamental nature of the physical matter that constitutes the reality we currently exist within. Throughout nature we find either trinities or quadratic functions, such as three particles constituting the atom, three primary forms that human language come within, three principle types of human races, sets of three like the sun, moon and earth, literary references like three wishes from the genie. In effect, the key issue here is that with respect to any given dimension, one dimension, two dimensions, etc, that the surrounding encompassing dimension must be one higher, so that we existing in three dimensions are surrounded by the fourth dimension, and this in turn gives us some indication of the numeric relationships of the hologram we are discussing. Later in this book this fundamental development of these structures will become more significant and relevant to the discussions central to the theme and core issues we are exploring. In the period in which much of the foundational information that this series is based upon first came into conscious awareness, that of the treaty and the lock down (during the last two months of 1999) we came to know that the location of the ceremonies applied to the castration of the male took place where today stands the edifices and grounds known as Versailles. In modern times, the closing of World War One took place in Versailles, and was officially sealed on the date of November 11, 1918…in other words, on 11:11. It was precisely 81 years later that this information first came through, on November 11, 1999. The information when received in November, 1999 included the fact that 49 days later, a 7 x 7 matrix of days, ending on January 1, 2000, commonly known as Y2K, the treaty would be concluded and the overlay was to be lifted. That isn’t exactly what happened, to be discussed later on. But the key to note is how so many of these numerical correspondences and synchronistic points of activation do indeed line up throughout history. We will explore later on the

beginning of the Templar period and its importance to all of this, which began with the taking of Jerusalem by the descendants of blood lines that held the knowledge of the original lineages of SION, which took place in the year 1099, and the fact that a little known place off of the southwest edge of the British Isles known as Lyonness, whose primary symbol was that of the two guardian lions at the gate, sank into the ocean on November 11, 1099 as the gateways to releasing this information were beginning to open in Jerusalem by Nine knights of the bloodline, later to found the modern banking system destined to become the final repository for the life force brought here long ago from Nibiru and laid into the subterranean caverns brought to the surface after the landing of Cortez at Vera Cruz in 1521. Another interesting correspondence in the macro scale is the numeric relationships and configurations of the stars that surround us. For example, if the Pleiadian system is a star cluster that out pictures our genetic template we currently occupy with respect to the number 256, 4 to the fourth power, then the other two major star systems in our local neighborhood, Sirius and Orion, hold other components of our physical reality. For example, Sirius has a precise 50-year cycle known as the Periastran when Sirius B (the very dense white dwarf type star that makes up the Sirian binary system) comes closest to our solar system, a cycle known and documented by the Dogon tribe of Africa for hundreds of years, yet only discovered in the latter half of last century by so-called modern science. The fifty year cycle also inscribes in relationship to our system a perfect helical spiral that is exactly the same helical spiral as our DNA. The number 50 is another number with significance in the code of the Matrix, found for example in the fact that the United States Code is structured in 50 volumes, Title 26 being that of the Internal Revenue Code, with an obvious correspondence to the 26 sound tones of our alphabet (21 consonants, 5 vowels, reflective of the 21 hard sounds of the masculine and the 5 open sounds of the feminine intonations. We mention the fact that the U.S. Code is an obverse reflection of this important number fifty because later on in this book we will explore extensively how the entire system of the bonding of consciousness and lock down of our collective life force has used the knowledge of the harmonic correspondences of the hologram by reversing them and using them to turn inward and lock us down, such as the primary example of the reversed swastika. As another example, the three stars of the belt of Orion are precisely aligned with the three pyramids of Giza, and they have a precise correspondence to the three primary centers of our Earth vehicle, the physical, emotional and mental bodies, that when controlled, become the overriding method to maintain the hologram of our imprisonment, a subject we will visit later on when we discuss the legal, monetary and energetic systems of the coding in the matrix of planet Earth as we now have it today. It was 13,000 years ago, when the rising sign of the eastern sky was dawning the Age of Leo, that the Sphinx facing due east was carved with the head of the lion to remind us of the Path of the Lion that we will explore in a later chapter, the path of remembrance on how to walk through the Pillars and return to Wholeness. It is these two pillars that stand side by side, immovable and seemingly unable to be crossed or penetrated, that the controllers of the matrix wish to prevent us from fully

traversing and passing through. It is good to remember also that it was Melchizedek in the Bible, the so called King of Salem, that handed over Jerusalem to Abraham at the inception of the binding of the genetic lineage in our descent into the monotheistic belief system that has proved to be one of the principle tools of bondage in the matrix, leading to the establishing of the so-called twelve tribes of Israel in obedience to the law of Yahweh, the mantle that sits atop and binds the two pillars. Have you looked at your Social Security card lately? It is quite simply two pillars with a top mantle, in the center of which resides your control number. We now know that the origin of the word Jerusalem, is based on the real meaning of “founded by Shalem (Venus), the feminine principle of the void from whence the real life force emerges into manifestation, so the supposed designation of the King of Salem on the dominating male energetic embodiment of the two pillars, holding the two aspects of the split masculine, is nothing short of describing the overlaying of the dominating male force, in its split aspect, over the feminine principle. The Elfin languages that Tolkien studied, along with the principle mythologies that he based much of his retelling of the story of Middle Earth on, came from the Scandinavian area, and specifically Finland. Finland is the land of the Fin, derived from the remnant of our consciousness that retained memory and went underground at the beginning of this Solar year cycle and emerged back to the surface at the beginning of the cycle. These people were known as the Daal (Dow, as in the Tao, the Void) Fin, later to be anglicized as dolphin, those beings of the watery realm that have held in place the stabilizing component of our consciousness that we have not been able to do for ourselves during this long period of journey through the underworld in the realms of illusion and separation. We will later return to the importance of the northern peoples as they migrated into the British Isles and then into Europe and the Middle East. The important thing here to note in this chapter is that of the languages that came forth in those lands, which is why Tolkien was drawn to spend eight years living with and studying the languages, culture and myths of these lands. When the bloodlines of modern European monarchal lines took control of the nation states under the control of Holy Roman Empire, the French line identified its male heir apparent as the Dauphine, reflective of the DaalFin, another example of the masculine dominant control lines overlaying the original by inverting it and turning it inside out and upside down. The remnant of our consciousness that emerged in this area, the land of Fin, is the galactic counterpart of the consciousness we are talking about that engaged the treaty to create the crucible into which we have been locked down during this cycle, in order to finally wake up to the encoding principles and the structural components of our containment field, by which, by gaining such memories and consciousness reintegration we would become the facilitators of our own freedom. Thus, the Daal Fin are a component of the Elves, who have handed down the retelling of the original stories preceding the lock down, working in tandem with the Dolphins who have had the task of maintaining the grids and the stability of the planet while we wrecked havoc upon ourselves as we thrashed around in the crucible of time in which we were enclosed. Later, of course, the “gods,” knowing this, took control of the location of the 11:11 and the castration ceremonies at Versailles, and instituted the naming of the heir apparent to

the throne of the Frankish kings, known as the Dauphine. It was this heir, during the fall of the throne in 1789, who later escaped to Europe, after making a pact with the English throne, to institute another system of overlay in America, the British colony known as the United States, as the commercial extension of the British East India Company as agent of the Exchequer of the Throne of England, commonly known as the keeper of the Treasury. The key here in this context is to understand that much of the story line of the Lord of the Rings was derived from real original histories, and there are key activating sounds in the languages that eventually filtered into modern English. Tolkien was a philologist, a lover of language, and he actually wrote the trilogy as a vehicle to transmit some key elements in language, which one can utilize to reactivate memories by rereading these books at this time. The English language has become the composite synthesis of the various harmonics, tones and other extensions of the genetic code in the realms of sound and language neural integration. Later on as we explore through history we will come back to the importance of the structure of language and why it is no accident that English has now become the predominant world language. The correspondences of language, letters, numbers, energetics and other key parts of the implicate structure of the codification of the realm is central to our unfolding story and its revelatory aspect to understand the nature of the false hologram and our path to liberation. Another key is how language and codification has literally been turned inside out and upside down to reflect the inversion of the hologram into a control matrix, best exemplified in the language and distortions in legal and monetary functions. It is literally as Alice encountered in Wonderland, where all is inside out and the Red Queen is speaking backwards. Lewis Carroll was specifically writing about the distortions in law and politics, which we will progress into as we explore the nature of our bondage and the disease of separation on this planet. The essence of all of this is that everything of which we are comprised is truly an integral part of a whole system, from the fractal level of the subatomic structures of physical matter, to the macro scale of the stars overhead. The atom was split for the first time in our modern era in 1930, the same year that Pluto, the god of the underworld, was discovered to be our ninth planet. Pluto is the harbinger of death and transformation, and it was the opening to the subatomic level that released the final phase of such in our day. In the classic Greek mythology, it is Pluto who binds the feminine by coming to the surface and kidnapping Persephone, daughter of Demeter, one of the principle Earth goddesses of the Greek pantheon, to make her his bride. This illustrates the binding of the feminine to the substrata of our consciousness and necessitating the unleashing of the consciousness locked and contained therein, hence the requirement as we entered into the last phase of the time cycle to unleash such by splitting the atom concurrent with the discovery and naming of the ninth planet. Persephone is rescued, but only after having to strike a compromise deal with Pluto whereby she would reside with him for part of each year. Nine years after the split of the atom in 1930 the magnitude of WWII was released, the true fury of the castrated male unleashed on a global scale. Hitler himself identified with the character in the story of Parcival (Pierce the Veil) and the search for the Holy Grail, who was known as Klingsor, referred to as “he who is smooth between the legs.” In other words, castrated. Klingsor was an angry, wrathful and vengeful man,

and Hitler considered himself the perfect embodiment of that fury, and certainly his acts and deeds warrant such. Hitler also identified himself with a specific Pope from the ninth century as a previous incarnation of himself, the pope who decreed that hence forward the individual could not have direct access to his own soul, but must always come through the intercession of the Church and the priests, perfectly reflecting the cutting off of that part of ourselves that was now withheld and controlled, by the control of the law and the land, and would only be provisionally made available to us if we obeyed the laws of the King and the Priests, of the gods and the churches. In closing this chapter, we need to return to the periodic chart. In this charting of the physical reality of the elemental structure of matter, we find a construction with eighteen groups and seven periods in each group, summing a total of 126 elements. Ninety-two of the elements are considered part of the “natural” order, ending of course with uranium as the ninety-second element, with a prefix in its name of “UR” which is no accident, the binding of the tone of the root chakra onto the last so-called natural element that is also the component material for nuclear energy. But if we add the last period (of eighteen groups, hence eighteen more elements) we are adding the eighth and hence the octave, and we then have 144 elements in total. If we subtract the currently considered natural order of 92 elements from that total we have a remainder of 52, conveniently the number reflected in the deck of playing cards that originated in Atlantis which we still use today, the same deck that is now becoming almost a universal tool of enticement for games of chance to “win it big,” which the unconscious masses are drawn to like moths to a light, in seeking something they cannot understand, which is not the big win to riches, but their very own life force hidden behind the veils. Fifty-two is a number of course divisible by 13 and 26, a fractal of the 26 letters in the modern English alphabet among other things. M is the 13th letter of the alphabet and thusly the 7th prime number, and in the Bible story that brings us the tale of John the Baptist (the symbol of the beheaded Christos), we have three primary female players with the name of Mary, with the letter M as their first initial, 3 x 13 equals 39, the number of those in the Heaven’s Gate cult who, with all the males being castrated, committed suicide on some errand to link up with a comet a few years ago. If there is a 4th M, we then have the completion of 52…could that fourth one be Melchizedek, the keeper of the two pillars of the split male? Is there a reflection in this 3+1 configuration, similar to the ratio of the octave of the periodic chart with its two columns on the left and six on the right? The name Melchizedek is made up of two so-called archangelic names, Michael and Tsadkiel, both of whom carried swords, as well as the two principle priesthoods during the Christ period (Zadok and Mikael). Michael of course supposedly carries the sword of truth, but it is little known that the sword of Tsadkiel is called Excalibur. In Latin, the word “ex” means through, and “calib” is derived from the same root as the word in English calibrate, meaning to measure. Ur is a sound tone we will more extensively explore in another chapter, but suffice it to say it has numerous meanings, one of which is the Hebrew word for “light.” So Excalibur in translation is the sword through which we calibrate the light, in other words, control it. Ur is also the land from whence Abraham comes, born in the city of Ur, in the land of Urek (modern Iraq whose name is derived there from), and we have mentioned before that Ursa is Latin for bear, the calibrating in

the heavens above our heads, to the north, of the swastika pinned down to the point of polarity, Polaris. In another system, that we will also explore, Ur is the sound tone of the first root chakra and the first DNA strand corresponding to the physical subatomic level of our world. So, Excalibur is the calibrating tool, as one of the swords of the pillars of our split male that calibrates the light, the male principle, thereby controlling it. It is tied to the bear, the earth mother, who is pinned to polarity at the tail, and the root chakra from which we have been barred entry and much, much more….Ur, the land from whence the first mind controlled aspect of the rebinding of our consciousness took place, leading to the hand off of the control of the feminine by one such as Melchizedek to one such as Abraham and his chosen seed of the twelve artificial tribes of Israel, leading to the binding to the laws of the priests and the kings who stamped their likenesses on the golden discs in which the life force being sought was expected to be found. One thing to note of course is that the references in the last paragraph are about swords, which in the system of cards, tarot and otherwise, refer to the mental plane. This is important to keep in mind, when we further discuss the nature of the structures we have been dealing with. In comparison and contrast to what some of the systems of recent vintage have purported to be, it will become evident that they are in fact another facet of the mental constructs that have been designed to keep us out of the body and chasing just one more form of external salvation, whether that be the second coming, ships from the sky, or escape hatches through star gates and looking glasses. Oh Alice, it’s getting curiouser and curiouser!! …and as they say….the plot thickens!!!

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Recommended Reading, Movies and other Resources: Throughout this book, at the end of each chapter, we will recommend books, movies or other sources that can be explored, read and viewed for further information, inspiration or activation of insights into the topics covered in that chapter. For this chapter: MOVIES:

The Man From Elysian Fields, a powerful study of the nature of the castrated male. Godsend, has some interesting insights into the over ride of the genetics and the issues of cloning, body snatching and the intentions of keeping us from fully embodying into ourselves.


God’s Secret Formula (The Prime Number Code), by Peter Plichta The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien

The ELF Transmissions

Part Four

An Emerald Creation Story In the beginning, at least in the current now beginning of this particular locale in time and space known as our local universe, in the infinite pleasure of Prime Creator to do what It does best, namely create, a nice prime piece of real estate in an undifferentiated state of Void and Pre-existent readiness stood ripe for the picking, and so PC decided to go for it and create therein a new expression of Itself, and being Prime Creator and not needing permission nor a mortgage in order to build a new development in this particular space in time, It did indeed create. Within the context of Prime Creator and the process of creation, all newly developed areas of time and space as brought forth in previously undifferentiated Void and Pre-existent readiness are always established on one or two, sometimes several, Divinely endowed principles upon which the very fabric of such creation shall for the duration of its emergence into Existence operate as upon the warp and woof of the tapestry upon which it is woven, and in this case, those principles were and are still and thus remain, Unconditional Divine Love and Free Will. The establishment of an Intention into a domain of undifferentiated space is akin to the proactive principle of the divine force we would refer to as the masculine seeding itself into the receptive place that we might refer to as the feminine. And it is important to note that such appellations of masculine and feminine have absolutely nothing to do with gender specific identification or anthropomorphized images as current mental plane constructs would have many think. The masculine is not the father, and the feminine is not the goddess nor the mother. These are latter day overlays imposed as false imprints on the hologram of reality distortions we currently find ourselves in. The masculine is simply a principle of divine creation, which is the primary intention and directive force of the Will to Create and the feminine is the Void, which is best understood as the receptive field that is pre-existent and undifferentiated until it is seeded by the prime Will to Create. This would be and is always the only type of Immaculate Conception, the conception here referenced being the seed thought of divine intention that, upon the instant of its creation, is made manifest upon the template of the pure and receptive field of the Feminine Void of undifferentiated space. By undifferentiated we refer here to the fact that said space contained no self-reflective awareness of itself in any sense, no individuated sense of self, and therefore was void of identity in terms of the individuation that will ensue upon the inception of the intention as therein placed. So, following this line, it is clear that the Intention is the fructifying seed that immediately and instantaneously creates a self-individuated awareness as manifest upon the folds of space and extended through such folds through what we have come to call and refer to as time. Individuation is the true gift of Life. Prime Creator, and the integration of the intention and the space whereupon it is seeded, creates the field of potentiality that will henceforth from that starting point continue to build upon and create of itself out of the inherent principles upon which it is sown.

In our local universe, as stated, those principles are two, Unconditional Love and Free Will. An interesting combination indeed, because the dynamic balance between the two creates a third component, which is the life force that has carried the intention ever since, and said life force, in our little creation story is known as the Emerald Ray, the green living light created by the interplay and substance, the warp and weave, of this creation. Also of interest is the fact that inherent in the principle of Free Will is the potentiality of the life force to seek expression in any way it so chooses, even if such may come eventually into conflict with the other underlying principle of Unconditional Love. Inherent in this context is the free will ability to choose self-denial, which in essence is the separation of conscious awareness of Self as its own point of creation, and thereby to project such self awareness outside of itself into the reality field in which it finds itself and thereby to find itself “separate” from its own source. As such, Free Will engenders another inherent principle, which is that all acts and intentions that ensue forward out of the thrust of the living life substance of the combined principles will do so on the fabric of creation in this realm as a result of an underling conscious action between two or more individuated expressions of said life force. In so many words, in our current linguistic vernacular, we would call this simply the entering into of engagements known as contracts between two or more consenting parties. Initially, when divinity and self-expression through individuation are in full and complete alignment with each other, the acts of creation are contractual engagements between self and Self, or individuated identity and source as expressed in what we would call Higher Self or God or Creator or Prime Source, whatever one so chooses as a name thereof. At first this was a simple enough field of expression, and what emerged immediately out of the beginning moments of such was a mandate that the beginning self-aware consciousness of this creation began to create of itself. This was the true synthesis in terms of the interaction between the two principles of this creation, and what emerged from such was the foundational maxim, the a priori “Law” that has always sustained and guided this creation in which we reside, which is stated as “Thou Shalt Uplift all Life and Honor the Life Force of All Beings.” There is nothing other than the inherent understanding in this phrase ever required in a balanced reality comprised of the two principles of Unconditional Love and Free Will, no other lesser laws, and as such, the intrinsic substance of this understanding will always be fulfilled in a contractual nature if the maxim of this statement is part of the guiding and underlying foundation of any such engagement. Anything as a deviation from this will immediately cause a splitting of the consciousness into a form of separation and when this happens, a sort of vacuum is created as a projection outside of the creative source, in which something will “manifest” itself as a reflection of the illusion of separation. And, of course, important here to remember that such a maxim as the statement of Law above was not originally stated in anything akin to language, certainly not this end game expression we know as English, but the essential element of this expression became an intimate and inextricable component of the living substance of our beingness, since the beginning of time and space in this now developing field of conscious expression that we currently occupy. In short, at the core of our beings, and in every singular unit of life

expression and consciousness, the maxim to honor and uplift all life forms and to honor the life force in all beings is hardwired at the deepest level of this universe and reality that we find ourselves in. And that, after billions and billions of what we call years of time as extended throughout space, leading to this little planetary sphere we currently call home, the self compelling forward motion of the living life force that we are has sustained and ensued to deliver us to where we find ourselves today, and this axiom has remained with us and followed us here ever since. In other words, this remains the foundational axiom of our reality to this moment. Anything that deviates from the essential foundation of such, that dishonors the life force of another point of individuated conscious awareness can only do so when a contractual relationship within a free will context allows such to take place. But then one might ask, how could this be so, if, as we observe here in this as we are calling it endgame expression of what is clearly the antithesis of such an axiom, that there appears to be very little free will left, so where is the free will, because it doesn’t appear to be that much expressed around these parts anymore, if you get our drift, and as to unconditional love, we ain’t seen that sorta thing around these here parts for, well, could be a couple o’ parsecs or more, we would reckon. Indeed that is so, so the question naturally arises, where did it go, and how can we justify saying that if this creation has interwoven into the very fabric and substance of these two principles, how can what we observe in this world exist on such a fabric? Let’s start to answer that by defining some terms. First of all, we are referring to these axioms as principles of divine creation, and this, as a creation story, is starting from the beginning when this very creation was created upon such principles. As divine principles, we could define such as essential laws of the very creational physics upon which all else in this field of creation exists upon, not laws as we have come to understand man’s law on this plane, but essential immutable and indivisible principles of creational intentions, that became inextricably bound to every atom of substance and every unit of consciousness that would ever ensue into individuated forms of expression from that point of inception onward. And thus, underlying free will is the essential element that all ongoing points of continuing creation out of such now differentiated space would be in the form of a contract between the consciousness in one expression and that in another, thus creating the ongoing extension of the principles and laws from one logical staring point to the next and onwards into the far flung complexities of the stars and galaxies and nations and planets and personal affairs and agreements of every sort. In other words, from one little exploratory step into the realm of separation, and each manifestation of the illusion to support it, we have incrementally, step by step, made our way from that original point of inception to what we find ourselves in today. But that raises a point, another simple maxim, which is quite simply states as “The only way out is in!” In short, we still retain the map to return back to wholeness because the memory imprint of the journey here remains with us, and every step had at some essential level a contractual agreement, and contracts can be rescinded when one knows the fine print. This book is about remembering the fine print.

So at some point in time, when one unit of consciousness decided to see what separation from self was like, meaning separating that individuated self that it knew as itself, from its source, well then, when that conscious decision was made as an experiment of expression, such became as a binding contract with the ever present and ever accommodating interwoven and interdependent fields of expression within which that one experimenting unit of conscious expression might have found itself. When that occurred, presuming that it must have, from the eventual empirical evidence that we find all around us, this set into motion a further corresponding response, that contractually as such within a field of free will, shall we say, was all too happy to accommodate such a mandate. In other words, it allowed something outside of itself to come in and support the contractual engagement between self and Self, to manifest the illusion of separation, and accommodate to rearrange the universe to manifest the intention as contained therein and thereby manifest a component of the illusions of separation. Eventually, whole legions of beings were invited in, as literal creations of our externalized consciousness, to accommodate the continually escalating pictures of separation reality. From that point forward, well, guess what? It was, shall we say, down hill from there. And guess what again? This Earth that we find ourselves in and within, well, it’s at the bottom of that hill!!! Alas, but apparently so. So, in other words, starting as one simple expression, perhaps an errant thought of separation as an experiment, perhaps started by a wandering butterfly in some far flung galaxy long forgotten in the annals of time, chased by some elf who fell off a star and tumbled into a thought form that he didn’t recognize and as a result said something like, “Where am I?” the result of which, some corresponding adjacent construct of reality perceived an element of doubt, and thus, separation, and went on to stub its toe, which ten generations from then, wrote a philosophical treatise on the nature of separation and started the whole thing snow balling from there. Is that how this game of separation started? Well, there have been many postulates put forth on this planet for many a year in many a language of the current realm, some complex, some simple, all blaming someone outside of themselves, all forgetting to check inside and see where it started, ending up in this whole big mess we call planet Earth. So this creation story could very well have an element of veracity to it. Try it on for size. See if it fits. See where it leads you. So let’s bring it down to Earth, so to speak, and get real in real terms, to understand how this makes sense in today’s reality of false holograms, converging and conflicting realities, and the worship of false gods as overlaid on these original principles and utilized to entrain and control the life force that is still the same essential fabric of emerald energy that began with that first whisper of breath and conscious awareness in the differentiated and individuated folds of Living Light we call Life. For it is the penultimate gift of the intention of the source of such creation that we hold in our very breath and life, which is the individuated sense of self, woven on and upon and within and through those very enlivening principles that we know in our hearts and souls still make up the essential fabric of who we are in proper and divine communion with what we know to be our source and substance of this life and individuated awareness of our unique and whole selves.

The key to understand here is the starting point, that we do indeed have free will, and that nothing can enter into our field of reality unless, at some level, it was invited in and engaged in some contractual way. When a being in the essence of itself creates a separation, and then establishes a free will engagement that will manifest that thought into manifested form, there is a binding force that has ensued from that individuated whole self that now becomes manifest in that being’s reality. Because in the beginning we were one and the same as Self and Source, we are the sum and substance of Prime Creator in individuated expression, and so every thought, action and deed will immediately and instantaneously organize the substance and fabric of the creational field within which it resides. Thought is energy, no different than the inception of the Will to Create of Prime Source, and we know that energy can neither be created nor destroyed at the level of creation we find ourselves in, and therefore, when a thought manifests itself as a form of separation of consciousness, it has to go somewhere to reside until such time as it can be transmuted by conscious intent back into the integrated wholeness with its point of origin. As such, when a creational thought is made manifest in a separated manner, we are actually creating parallel realities to hold that energy because it cannot stay in the original creation where Self and Source continue to reside indivisibly and indelibly whole. Separation and wholeness are mutually exclusive, but because we are Prime Creator in individuated expression, it has to go somewhere, and that is what parallel universes and realities are, and that is what we call karma, which is nothing more that the storing of the energy that is contractually bound to thought forms of separation. And since it will all eventually seek reintegration and a return to wholeness, the merging and collapsing of parallel universes and realities becomes the catapult force that accelerates through time and engages what we might call the ascension process, which is the returning to the singularity in time and space back to our Source, which is our own Selves. Imagine then billions of years and billions and perhaps trillions of conscious beings extrapolating forward from that first point of separation, and from such, seeking outside of itself for something that each being feels it has lost, and having a sense that something outside of itself now “owes” it that increment of life force that is missing, and when such an increment is not delivered “as owed,” then of course the natural extension of that experience is that now something is “to blame” for what was not delivered as owed, and is also to blame for the manifested experience in the external reality that causes pain and suffering. As a result, in simple terms, something outside of ourselves is blamed for why we feel separated from ourselves as Source, because the original thought has been forgotten and the original contractual and binding force is submerged below the threshold of awareness. So of course something then must be to blame, and something must owe us something that we do not feel we have, and of course we feel that we have lost that much of our own potency, power and authority in direct ratio to that which we feel is outside of ourselves and owed to us. If one ponders that very simple equation, of first the thought of separation, then the engagement which is really a contract with oneself and the surrounding field of living creation, then the experience of the separation itself, then the seeking outside oneself to find wholeness but doing so by projecting outside oneself the sense of being owed something from an external source, and when such is not

delivered, seeking to balance and “justify” the now separated experience of existence by blaming something outside of oneself, that is the essential equation that has led to where we find ourselves today, especially when we multiply that by the billions and trillions of individuated expressions. The result is the collective mass consensus reality operating on the externalized projection of its own power and authority outside itself, each increment of which is bound by a contractual and energetic basis that can be traced to the originating point and principles as based on our discussion of free will. And thereby, any external force or aggregate of consciousness can then come in and support the free will basis of the contractual energetics that support this externalized projection of power, authority and creational intent, and, in effect, play out the part in the externalized reality construct of the controlling power and dominating authority. And believe it or not, it has to be done inextricably with the other principle of this reality field, that of unconditional love, because it is simply fulfilling the contractual energetic that we created in the first place. In short, the universe has just rearranged itself to support our picture of reality, which as is obvious by what we see in this currently expressed “false hologram,” such is a reality based on projected and abrogated responsibility whereby it is believed and perceived that something outside of ourselves owes us our life force, and the resultant expressions of lack and limitation constitutes our self-reflective validating reasons why there is something outside of ourselves to blame. Ponder this deeply; ponder it long, for it is the key to liberation. The rest, as the saying goes, is history. Which we shall now explore… During the course of these ELF Transmissions thus far, we have postulated the starting point of the current Solar Year of approximately 26,000 annual orbits, called years, of the Earth around the Sun as having begun with a treaty that allowed the external god-postors to come in and have free reign upon this plane during the fractal of time that we are now at the end point of. As a “treaty” what we are really referring to is simply the same logical point as the preceding discussion herein, of the nature of creation within a free will reality, and how the contractual physics of our Will to Create must be inherently part of any foundational and energetic relationship. What we call the Elves are that part of our consciousness, in forms of individuation, that has retained its Prime Source self-awareness, that original Emerald Light Frequency (ELF) and thereby, understanding that the ELF knew that another part of our consciousness, at this very late stage of the process, was deeply entrenched in the dream of separation and the false reality of the almost infinitely layered depths of the therein created parallel realities, that it would require the binding of the full extent of this reality to force that asleep part of consciousness into a hermetically sealed crucible, “false reality hologram,” in order to force at least some part of that asleep consciousness to wake up. What we see today on this planet is the endgame result of that decision, the near complete entrenchment of the controlling external forces that “contracted” with part of our consciousness to play out the separated godhead and create the externalized godspell to force us to finally say, “Uh, gee, something is not right here.” We believe that is now taking place and accelerating at a rapid and exponential rate, but also, of course, it appears that we are in the worst shape

ever, because the fully expressed results of this vast extension of separation must be fully manifest within the hologram for it to finally be healed. In other words, it may look worse than ever, but that is just the distillation of all the internal separations of the billions of beings incarnate and disincarnate in this reality field of Earth, the projected mass consensus false hologram, which can and will be shifted by the quantum whole of the current transmutational process now underway. It is like a deep wound in flesh. It mustn’t be closed off and sealed away, because to do so would allow it to fester and infect the remaining healthy tissue, which ultimately will kill the host organism. Instead, it must be incised and opened up in order to fully heal. Thus, the splitting of the atom in 1930 was the release of the substrata in the atomic template and the substrata of the collective planetary consciousness, to release all the disease and illusions of separation. This corresponded with the “discovery” of the planet Pluto, which is both symbolically and energetically the embodiment of key functions such as death and transformation, as well as having a correspondence to the eighth house of the zodiac in the constellation Scorpio in the Western model of astrology (the octave). It was no accident that soon thereafter from this discovery of Pluto and the splitting of the atom began the second world war and all of its heinous destruction of life, as one great healing crises of the planet and its peoples, which is continuing apace to this day. In order to understand the fullness of these last two paragraphs, the direction of this book is now going to delineate the basic sequencing of history over the last 13,000 years, the second half of the time fractal of the Solar Year. This 26,000 year period is one in which the entire solar system makes one full orbit around the center point of the central sun known as Alcyone of the Pleiadian system which, as we stated in the beginning is described as the disseminating point of the Emerald Light Frequency that carries the Emerald Life Force that is now bound and gagged in this controlled false hologram that we are currently living within, which the Emerald Liberation Front is working diligently to engage the liberation and release thereof….ahhh, ELFs everywhere!!! Our normal consciousness access to higher realms of reality should naturally follow a type of stair-stepping of solar systems from one Solar body to the next dimensional Solar body, one level to the next, in either direction. But along with everything else we have discussed, this too has been co-opted and distorted. Instead of knowing that we are our own internal wholeness and divine principle, the god-postors imposed themselves as sun gods such as were called Amen Ra in Egypt, to whom, to this day, homage is paid at the end of every Christian prayer ending with amen. It is the purpose of these writings and the Emerald Liberation Front to provide some stimulus and information for those just emerging from the slumber of self-forgetfulness to understand how all this has worked, and in order to do so, a long and detailed understanding of the historical sequencing of the last thousands of years leading to the end point we are now in is called for. This exploration of history is aimed at one primary point, which is to bring forward the clear and unambiguous understanding of how said life force has been contractually bound (contractually being the operative word because it required free will agreement), via systems of legalistic, monetary, political, social, religious, racial, biological, mathematical, symbolic, genetic and energetic inversions and entrainments of original

template reality and blueprints, in order to bind the free will consciousness to control the life force and the substance of creation contained therein. In short, history in this context towards the liberation of the emerald life force, is best seen as the story of the manipulation and distortion of law, overlaid as legalisms to bind to the underlying contractual nature of free will creation, in order to create a system of energetic containment that we know as monetary function (money), for the further extension of the agenda, which is to control the populations of the world to be used as slave races to be utilized to harvest and work the resources of the planet for the self-serving agendas of those beings who have come in as external “gods” to embody the totality of the mass consensus of externalized power and authority. But remember, such could not exist within our hologram of created reality unless the underlying free will agency of our consciousness had not bound itself by oaths, vows, allegiances, creational intent and contractual forms, to allow such to exist within our created reality. And also, of the utmost importance to keep in mind, is that all the distortional overlays could not even exist in this reality unless they were in some how linked to the original principles of divine law by being obverse reflections of such, a context which we will return to when we explore and analyze current legal structures in order to learn how to recognize divine law interwoven and dispersed, but still valid and intact, within the legalistic distortions of man’s law. And finally, ultimately, it is key to understand that what is done can be undone. It is a function of consciousness and nothing more, nothing less. The key is the personal journey of liberation. Another key point to keep in mind is that the treaty we have spoken about was done in order to force the pressure to finally pop us out of the dream of separation we have gotten lost in for so very long, and therefore, we can safely say that “The Devil knows not who he serves.” In this context, “Devil” being nothing more than a mental plane construct that has also been anthropomorphized to create another form of external enemy to distract our attention from the core issues of our own responsibility for this creation. Nonetheless, the so-called Devil knows not who it serves because it is serving to show us such a projection outside of ourselves, and to force us, at least those willing and able to do the work to release the binding agreements and separation constructs of consciousness, to wake up. The key of course is the re-animation and re-integration of our own responsibility, because the first thing that goes when such responsibility is externally projected is the ability to be consistent and whole in our own ability to create. The further manifestation of this is the “something-outside-of-me-owes-me-and-since-I-don’t-have-it-any-longer-something-outside-of-me-is-surely-to-blame” game. So as the reversal process engages, we will encounter every possible permutation of this issue of self-responsibility flung right in our faces to deal with, and as in any healing crisis, the symptoms will re-manifest in reverse order, and as long as the intent and conscious focus remains clear to achieve liberation, each successive layer will manifest, have to be dealt with, and then will fade away, leading to the further understanding contained in the axiom, “That which is real can never be broken, that which is broken can never be fixed, therefore, focus on what is real and the rest will fade away.” We are fooled by the illusions that we can fix what is broken, and that is one of the tricks of this hologram, constantly distracting us from remembering that that part of us that is made of Original Intent and Original Innocence can never be and has never been broken. Anything we

“perceive” as broken is not real, and when we allow ourselves to focus on it, we are caught in a perceptual trick caused by the polarization of reality as we see it. So as things manifest that appear broken, go inside, find where the binding attachment is, and release it. Focus on what is real and the current illusion will fade away. In the early chapters of the ELF Transmissions we discussed the nature of the castrated male and the split male principle. This began at the very beginning of what we have described so far in this chapter, when the initial points of separation took place. The male or masculine principle as herein discussed is the Will to Create, the intentional energetic of the wholeness of Prime Creator as Source. It is electrical in nature as the feminine as Void is magnetic in nature. When separation occurs, that whole force will naturally split itself, it has to in order to create the reality fields that contain the projected manifestations of separation. This is the origin of the split male, not some Annunaki godlet coming along and grabbing some poor guy named Abraham out in the desert and slicing him down the middle, then grabbing his cajones and slicing those off for souvenirs. We are talking about initial natural laws of physics in creation, so when a point of individuated creation separates itself from its own Self as Source, the masculine principle will split. Because, after this takes place, it cannot fully come into the manifested form of individuated self, from the near highest spiritual levels to the lowest dimensional levels of incarnation wherein we now reside. As a result the root grounding point for the full spirit, what we call the root base chakra, will separate from the form and the separation will become manifest by virtue of the fact that the full spirit cannot come fully into the incarnate form. This is the original castration that took place, long before we ever had separation of genders or testicles in the male form to castrate in this long extended time continuum when we ended up in gender specific split reality incarnational forms. And the immediate and corresponding result was the beginning of polarization of the feminine and the natural suppression of such. Because this was intrinsic energetically in the entire fabric of this creation from a very early stage, the successive folds of time and space continued to manifest such, and eventually external “beings” were energized to become “real” in this hologram, to play out the externalized control to further extend the illusions of separation. In this last play, in this Solar Year, we are dealing with a fractal template of the entire process, and healing it all the way to its original point of inception. The externalized reflection of separation will inevitably allow for the manifestation of the “someone outside of oneself to blame” game. The male blames the female, and vice versa. The male blames another male. The male becomes enraged at its own impotence and further suppresses the female, or attacks another male outside of itself seeking power to fill the vacuum it feels internally, perpetuating the drama with the external enemy construct. In Part Two we will discuss and detail the historical context of how this has been used to “perfect” the holographic containment field of our separation, the Matrix….as well as the very simple methods of how to liberate oneself from the game. To begin our discussions of law and history to see precisely how we have been bound to the current false hologram, we will start in the areas of western historical development that we are familiar with, Egypt and Mesopotamia. The key starting point is the understanding of the basis of external authority and power as vested into the King or the

Pharaoh, those being one and the same thing except for cultural expressions. We say quite specifically and use the world “understanding” because that is our point of beginning. It was a time, back then, when most of humanity was lost in the abyss of forgetfulness, asleepness and separation. There were beings who professed to know how the universe worked and how to appease the reality of said universe to allow for the humble existence bestowed upon these lowly beings called humans. Those who knew the workings of the universe held the so-called sacred tools to access the will of the gods. These were two lineages, one being the Line of the King, the other being the line of the Priest. These are the two pillars of the externalized embodiment of the endgame result of the original splitting of the masculine principle. In Masonic rite and ritual there are two pillars that function as central symbols going back thousands of years. The same symbology is also referenced in the Old Testament in the book of Genesis, the two pillars of the split and hence controlled male. It is also found throughout the world in most cultural mythologies, such as the Greek creation stories that include the twins Atlas and Hercules. It is enshrined in the zodiac in the sign of Gemini, the sign of the twins. These are the two pillars, the two components of the split masculine energy. And in the western evolution of structure through religion and law and ultimately the power of money, the two pillars are those of the lines of King and Priest. The King had right of kingship because of the so-called descent of kingship from the gods, which in actual fact was the choice of breeding grounds into which the external gods would seed their bloodlines and genetic lineages that could be controlled by the very nature of the crystalline energetic functions of genetic materials. So the “demiurge” the half-god, half-man creature, now with genetic and energetic allegiances to the apparent source of its authority, its “god,” is entrainable and controllable. It, as King, is vested with a semblance of the “power and authority” of the god it worships and works for, that it owes its allegiance as “liege lord” to. He will embody that guidance and direction of its authority via the dictates of the god that it stands under, hence understanding. If the King follows the dictates of the god to which he owes allegiance properly then he will be given its rewards in terms of physical reality benefits: power, greed, ego, dominance and so forth. In literal terms, at the beginning of the encoding of the rules of power and authority, the dominion over the creatures the King shall lord over, in a place called Babylon, the King known as Hammurabi would sit under a large marble dais and from the lofty position whereupon sat his god, known as Marduk, would dictate the rules of crime and punishment to the vassal populace of the kingdom. Standing under, receiving such “divine” understanding, would be Hammurabi, above him his god Marduk, an Annunaki whose grandfather was known as Anu, lord over all. And of course, these are not just individuated identities, these are incarnations of vast collectives of errant consciousness now playing out the godspell as previously discussed, the externalized power mongers. In the process of standing under his god, Hammurabi received his “understandings” from Marduk, and gradually patterns would emerge and he was guided to write these into hard stone, marble stelae, that remained intact and became known in modern times as Hammurabi’s Code, the beginning of the encoding of the laws of the gods over the affairs of man. Of course, these were all originally logical and morally sound principles.

Farmer Jones stole a cow from Farmer Smith. Jones had to repay Smith two cows and plow his field for him next spring, a fair penalty for the transgression. Next time, when Farmer Harris stole a cow from Farmer Franks, the same penalty was already known and understood, and was applied for the same transgression. This began entraining the minds of men to several principles, one being the wisdom and hence the authority of the gods, two being the authority of the kings, three being the regularity of crime and punishment, and fourth being the logic of encodement of law. The King had sovereign authority over all the lands, in fiduciary trust for the gods. The Priests were entrusted with the secrets of the rules of law because they also understood the learned mysteries of the laws of creation, such as the movements of the seasons, the cycles of the sun, those things that directly related to the survival of civilization and the maintenance of life. In the beginnings all logical things of life and nature were known and appreciated as parts of the natural cycles, and hence laws, and the Priests (scientists) held many of these secrets as entrusted to them by the gods, so they were the keepers of the laws and the knowledge of the mysteries of the universe, and arbiters thereto, while the Kings controlled the sovereign trusts of the lands and rules of obedience and allegiance to the gods, via allegiance to the Kings who were the mortal embodiments of the dispensation of kingship from the gods. In Masonic rites and rituals, this understanding was embodied in the presence of the two pillars, over which was laid the mantle of the gods, the controlling yoke, so that the King and the Priest remembered from whence and from whom their authority ensued. Later, this mantle of “divine” authority, in the Old Testament encodement, became known as Yahweh, the One God of monotheism, nothing more than linguistic crystallizations to abstract such concepts until it was all held in mysterious and mystical removal from the mere mortals who cowered in fear of such outside authorities and powers. A prime example of how natural laws and cycles that were known by the people were progressively mystified and abstracted, becoming more and more the purview of the priests who were the interceding controllers of the laws and the desires of the gods, later the one God, can be found in the cycles of Venus. As discussed in earlier chapters, Venus has a precise eight-year cycle, during which it has five specific points relative to the Earth when it is hidden from the Earth’s view by the Sun. These five points, when charted, inscribe a perfect five-pointed pentagram, the eventual symbol of the Goddess in her many guises, Isis, Ishtar, Innana and so many others. This eight-year cycle was also part of a larger five-part cycle of forty years, which was memorialized over and over again throughout the Old Testament, the forty year reign of various kings such as David, Solomon and others, the fractal of forty days mentioned often in both old and new testaments such as the rain of Noah, the fast of Jesus and numerous others, and even larger cycles of multiples of this number such as 480 years (12 x 40) and 1440 years (480 x 3 and 40 x 36). The 480-year cycle was supposedly that of the feminine counterpart of Yahweh, the Shekinah, which in actual fact was the astronomical coinciding when Venus was conjunct with Mercury just before the rising sun on the morning of Winter Solstice, coinciding with the so-called Star of Bethlehem. Such a conjunction would assure that a being born at that moment would

carry a very powerful capacity as a spiritual conveyor of the combined forces of Mercurial communications with the Venusian feminine principle. All of this was encoded into the books of the Bible to represent the feminine principle, but were later overlaid and buried to suppress the understanding both of natural cycles and of the feminine principle. But prior to that happening, this acknowledgement and understanding of the role of the feminine as the receptive Void of the intentional thought of creation was transmitted from the far North, from the land of the Daal Fin, down through the British Isles to a people who built the megalithic monuments such as the henges which in fact, were designed as astronomical viewing structures to chart the stars as well as to watch for errant visitors in the form of asteroids and other wandering atypical stellar bodies. A “henge” is a circular moat like structure whereby the excavated circle is filled with water and becomes a reflecting pool that can reflect the stars of the night. Stonehenge was an astronomical calculator with a precise orientation along cardinal lines so that the rising of the sun, the movement of the start and the changing of the seasonal cycles could be charted and observed. Thus, Newgrange was designed to track the movements of Venus, Stonehenge was an astronomical observatory, and many of the other monuments of stone in the British Isles were real and practical constructs for the knowledge of the seasons, the cycles and the natural laws of our positioning in the cosmos. From the British Isles this knowledge made its way to the land of Egypt where the feminine principle was at first honored, but was progressively co-opted by the male priest class that wanted to use such knowledge to bind the people and the consciousness. So progressively, this knowledge was codified into rules of the temples and the worship of the feminine was abstracted into the recesses. As such, the fountain of life was acknowledged to emerge from the canyons whence flowed the rivers and the waters of life, as well as the habitat of the revered alligators. So eventually, the remembrance of the virginal Void of primary creation became abstracted to the mythology of the virgin mother, and the natural source of life that flowed from the canyons became abstracted into the “canon” of doctrinal law, as overlaid by the manmade artifice of the laws of the priests. So, as in the Chinese and other eastern traditions, Kwan Yin is recognized as the embodiment of the feminine and the goddess of mercy and compassion, and this is a reflection of the primary memory of the feminine aspect of the natural formations of the canyons (Kwan Yin = Can Yin = Canyon), but was later corrupted to be a vestigial counterfeit and retained as Canon Law, the male overlaid counterpart to the original. Later we will discuss the hierarchy of modern day systems of law, in which Canon or Ecclesiastical Law is considered the highest authority, but always remember where it really came from as per this example. Another example is the original knowledge and understanding that the local stellar body, our Sun, was really the stellar stepping-stone to higher dimensional levels of stair-step creation. But then the priests co-opted this knowledge as their own, and instead of the clear and direct access to higher dimensional reality, the populace had to come through the priests who held the control of the law. So, the access was now through the Sun god, or the Sun King. In Egypt this was known as Amen Ra, the Sun god. The priests of Amen Ra required the populace to abide by their rules, codes and regulations to access,

only through the priests, the Sun. But deep down remained vestigial memories of the original structures and thereby the priests were able to co-opt the consciousness of the masses and create religious mythologies to entrain and control them. Later on, in royal France, the memory of the Daal Fin was reconfigured to deify the male heir to the throne who was known as the Dauphine. We have discussed before the origin of the castrated and split male symbols as contained in the Egyptian pantheon with the two brother-sister twin pairs of Set/Nepthys and Osiris/Isis, whose four initials give us SION, later transliterated to become ZION. To the Egyptians can be traced the origins of much of the original coding and structures that found its way later into Babylon and other Sumerian locales, eventually into Judaic law, and progressively into Roman structure. The concept of the two pillars and the artificial containment of the castrated, split masculine energies originated in the Egyptian period, as contained within the primary Isis/Osiris mystery cult symbology that still operates to this day. The erection of the male phallus as the obelisk (pun intended), counter-posed against the capitol rotunda, retains the energetic symbology as well as control containment field for the male and female principles, and these structures are put strategically in many places around the world, on primary vortex points that will in turn influence the nature of control of the global grids and the global consciousness. The obelisk, of course, is the resurrected artificial phallus of Osiris and the Capitol is the severed “head” of the phallus, as well as the virginal receptacle. The population represents the Capital, and each is counted as a “capita” or head, now literally the “coin” of the realm. In Part Two we will more extensively explore and delineate the roots of today’s systems of law and religion, which are the flip sides of the same coin. We will look at the origins of the bases of today’s Zionistic return to the land of Palestine, to complete the “mandate” of the gods, embodied into the One God, and where this really originates from. In short, for right now, keep in mind that the origins of law and religion were the simple calculations and charting of the natural order of things: the movement of the Sun on a daily basis, the changing of the cycles of the moon during the month and the longer cycles of stars. These became the primary cults of the times, the Solar, the Lunar and the Stellar cults. The primary points of focus of these cults were El Elyon in Babylon and Sumer, known as the Highest of the High who controlled the Heavens and hence the Stellar God, Isis as the Goddess of the Lunar Cult, and Amen Ra of the Solar Cult. When these three came together to amalgamate and consolidate their power to lay the foundation for the complete control of the matrix, the created the first modern corporate merger some five to six thousand years ago. They combined the first two letters of each name, IS for Isis, RA from Amen Ra, and EL from El Elyon, to form ISRAEL, the fusion of the ancient solar, lunar and stellar cults. Onto this was grafted the story of the virgin birth, the Sun King and the singular God, and the Divine Rights of Kings and the control of the descent of kingship by the hand of the High Priest. But this gets us ahead of the story for now, and we will return to the sequential unfolding of the history and the story in order to properly delineate exactly how it all evolved and arrived at the near perfect construction that we find ourselves dealing with today in Part

Two of this book. For now, to return to the points of origin, as told in the book of Genesis, we will recall that Abraham was given a choice, to obey his God and kill his son, and thus to attain special favor, a christening if you will of the genetic seed of his posterity to also be energetically aligned with the will of the gods as external power and authority. Abraham complied and of course the son was spared leading to the creation of the “twelve tribes” of Israel. Originally, Abraham’s name was Abram, which was a conjunction of Ab Rah, meaning “Lover of RA.” Yahweh instructed him to change his name, to remove it from its origin for later posterity and the recording of the official story in the Old Testament. Abraham came from a city in Mesopotamia called Ur. We have mentioned that UR is the sound tone vibration of the root chakra, as currently still retained in our modern English language where we find it to be the root of such words as urine, urology and related words. So Abraham and his posterity were given the role of the chosen genetic lineage because they complied with reenacting the castration and the splitting of the masculine principle, later codified in the ritual of the circumcision of all newborn males in the lineage. He became the perfect carrier wave for the initiation of the codification of the laws of the priests and the control by fiat of the kings, the absolute gavel of authority to be passed down through the ages and the generations to come. Ur is also the word in Hebrew for “light” and therefore, this splitting of the masculine was also the splitting of the light, and the short circuiting of the electrical system of the human species, so that the aberrant energetic of the build up of the charge in the nervous system would be continually compelled to seek a release or discharge. Notice, too, that our last element in the standard chart of elements, number 92 which is a harmonic number of the number of chromosomes in the human species, is called Uranium, the same element that is now split in order to break into the subatomic strata of the material plane and schism and rend asunder our reality even more. There is no accident how things are named in the game of language. Is it any accident, also, that in today’s system of legalisms and monetary functions we find these same words, where all legal faults are converted into “charges” that must be adjudicated by the black robed priests of the temples of justice (which is literally what they are), and made to be “discharged?” No, this languaging is precise and purposeful. It is how the life force is retained, diverted and controlled, through the short circuitry of the masculine, electrical system whereby the life force is artificially built up into a capacitance and then released through discharge, the word capacitance and capacitor also having the same linguistic root as that of capita. Follow and understand the nature of language in order to see what there is to see in all of this, it is very revealing, which we shall demonstrate as we progress in this discussion. In closing this chapter, to reiterate the key points, the initial phase of the encoding of binding law to control the hologram and the life force is contained within the story of Isis and Osiris, which evolved into the Masonic symbols as also found in the Old Testament of the twin pillars, split as was the masculine principle and controlled by the overlaying mantle of the gods, and eventually “God,” the overbearing yoke of Yahweh, representing the control of the minds and hearts of the human race through the binding of the Priestly line that controlled the application and adjudication of the law, and the Kingly line, that

controlled the substance of the land in its essence, which included both the surface rights from which the tilled soil produced the life supporting nourishment of the fields, as well as the wealth underneath, the allodium of the minerals, the gold and silver, the uranium and the ores, that contained not only the life force of the population but that of the planet itself. Yahweh evolved from the original El Elyon, later to become El Shaddai, the King of the Mountain and eventually to be called Yahweh by Abraham and his posterity. The King was the sole holder of title thereto, as vested in the King by the “divine right,” the “descent of kingship” from the hands of the gods, under whom the King would stand, receiving “understanding” and encoding such into the marble stele of Hamurrabi’s Code and onward through history and through time to where we find ourselves today, in Caesar’s Matrix. The whole point of this exploration is to point to the fact that in the sequential and linear progression of our consciousness through the pathways of time, there is a point on such a continuum where some part of our consciousness agreed by oath, affirmation, binding vows or variations on such to bind ourselves to the illusions of separation that we are currently well nigh completely entangled in at this time. But the good news is that we remain part of a free will universe, and such bonds can be broken. It is a maxim of law that “fraud vitiates contracts,” the word vitiate translated as nullifies. That means if the means by which a binding contract is purported to be binding were obtained via fraudulent means, then that contract is null and void. Within the law of contracts as we understand it today, which is established on the foundational context of universal and natural law, a valid contract must have several key components amongst which is that all particulars and clauses as parts thereto must be fully revealed. There must be a meeting of the minds, meaning full conscious understanding between all parties, and there must be just and mutually agreed upon consideration of exchange within the terms of the contract. If not all met, and especially if a contract, whether in physical or metaphysical terms, is engaged due to fraudulent and intentional withholding of any or all of these components, then that contract is void. The manipulation and distortions by which binding agreements of oaths, vows and otherwise have been gained throughout the eons of time and numerous incarnations of our soul’s journey in this universe through time and space constitute the fraudulent nature of such binding agreements. Therefore, when one consciously becomes aware of such, and chooses to actively and with intentional volition revoke and rescind such agreements, they are indeed broken. As such, a clear and unambiguous statement within oneself, whether silent or out loud, of stating that any and all agreements, binding oaths, vows of poverty, celibacy, silence or whatever, oaths of fealty and allegiance out of fear or survival, or ignorance of the real context and import of the terms, that are no longer seen to be in the highest good to your entire soul, spirit and incarnational lives, will begin to be broken. We say begin to be, because these things run very deep, and a presumption that it is all done in one fell swoop is naive at best. Diligent and personal work must be engaged and maintained, finding deeper and deeper levels in which these things operate. Exploring our individual and collective consciousness back to its point of source, finding where we deviated from the

balance and integration that we now wish to re-engage with, and the willingness to do the work as required to disengage the distortions is vital to the task. A statement along with the breaking of any and all vows that all such contracts and agreements are declared null and void nunc pro tunc, which in Latin, the foundational language of law on this planet, means “as if it never was,” and ab initio, which means “to the beginning,” both of which are recognized legal phrases, goes deep into the subconscious and cellular memory to release those things that bind us, and will return us to the state of original innocence and freedom that we seek (presuming, of course, that the readers of these writings are seeking such true freedom). If that is your desire, and you are willing to deal with what comes forth as it disengages and manifests into the hologram of your personal reality construct in order to be understood and released, then this is the true path to freedom and the liberation of your emerald life frequency with which you were originally endowed as you first came forth into this realm. If this is your desire and path, then welcome to the Emerald Liberation Front!!! Each step you take will have ramifications and results in your own reality, and as a smaller whole system within the larger hologram, will begin to shift the larger whole. What is meant by saying things will manifest, it implies that many unconscious layers of one’s hologram will begin to manifest through emotional issues coming to the surface or other structural components in one’s life that must be dealt with. By dealing with them, conscious awareness can be gained and further movement towards balance and reintegration achieved. At a certain point, a quantum event will take place, which is now fast approaching, when the larger hologram will of necessity by the true laws of nature, as a result of the cumulative force of the individual and collective efforts of liberation, shift, and no matter how many guns the externalized “powers” have, no matter how much of the “money” they control, no matter how complete their control of this reality might appear, the laws of nature will prevail and all such illusions of external control will crumble and dissolve to the beginning as if they never were!!! And remember…

There are no Enemies, only Opportunities!!

The ELF Transmissions Chapter Five

Religion: To Bind Again

The word religion in literal terms is translated as “to bind again,” underscoring the contractual functions of the dogmatized religious constructs, which is to bond the consciousness by implicit and tacit agreement to a binding set of man-made “laws” that entrain the being to accommodate the group consensus agreements contained therein. The forces of dominion and control have this formula down to a precise science that has been perfected over the last ten thousand years, and if one should flatter themselves to believe that that was long ago and far away, and not applicable or germane in today’s reality, then they are thereby demonstrating their inability to see past such a controlled hologram As we begin here in this chapter to follow the sequential order in which binding agreements have been interwoven into the very fabric of consciousness, through the so-called sovereign, “god-given” mandates of Kings and the rights of the Priest class, to the bonds of the law, through the eventual containment field of monetary and insurance entanglements in which the suretyship of guarantee on perpetual debt is achieved, we will see how truly encompassing this entire construction really is. In Chapter Four we discussed the beginning of the codification of the “laws” of the gods, when Hamurrabi stood under, and thereby “understood” the dictates of his god, Marduk, and chiseled the code of conduct that many consider the beginning of modern law. During the Babylonian, Sumerian, Mesopotamian period there were many gods and many kings upon which “kingship” had been handed down. There were also priests who controlled and applied the laws and insured that the population was obedient to such. The king controlled the land, and in him all title was vested. The priests controlled the law, and access to the inner sanctum of the temple was tightly dependent upon obeisance thereto. The people were brought under this tight system of control because their very lives were dependent on the hidden “laws” and mysteries of the land, the sun and the stars. Springtime rites of fertility were practiced to rekindle the fecundity that their lives depended upon. Many cultures contained myths of the idealized perfect child born of the virgin mother, which in fact, were the symbolic interpretations of the fertility rites to insure good seeding and plentiful harvests. The virgin ground of springtime was seeded to bring forth the good harvest. Every year one man was chosen to be the Beltane King, who was ritually sacrificed for the good of all on May Day, and his resurrected phallus was lauded over during the dances around the May pole. Later, the sacrifice became symbolic in the form of the lamb, signifying the willingness of the people to sacrifice their own inner perfection, their own inner Christos, to castrate the masculine principle to maintain the split male in obeisance to the priests, the law and the king, all representatives of the gods. As we progress through history into our modern period we will follow a precise unfolding of how this system has been codified and perfected into today’s legalistic and monetary bonding of consciousness, where we literally provide the

energy and substance for our controllers to build and perpetuate our own prison. An example is the above referenced celebration of the “risen” Beltane King on May Day, still practiced as the worldwide “workers” day of May First. The May Pole may have been relegated to a children’s game, but the energetic and symbolic principle remains exactly the same as children dance around the May Pole with ribbons that entwine the pole reminiscent of the double helix of our DNA. May First is workers day and the global day for the communist movement, which is a movement to bind all citizens of the world into a “utopia” of social sameness, the ultimate goal of control through a secularized religious belief system. Progressively, this was all to be merged into the monotheistic cultures of the Old Testament and the codification of the history and codes of conduct as the basis of law that pleased the one God so defined. The Judaic lineage learned much about this codification during the Babylonian captivity in the period from about 586 BC to 530 BC, when they were then allowed to return to Jerusalem (derived from “Uru Shalem” meaning founded by Venus). The first ritualized mind control event is described in Genesis when the story of Abraham and his son Isaac is described. Genesis of course is a word derived from “gene” having to do with the genetic lineage of our origins as well as Isis, the idealized feminine that resurrected the dismembered male. Abraham acquiesced to this mind control and agreed to schism away from his own emotional allegiance to his own son in favor of that allegiance to his external god. This one event lies at the root of our western system and culture ever since and is literally bound into our genes and our fertility of regeneration. Once this was fulfilled, Yahweh made his deal, the genetic lineage would be “chosen” from that point forward. Isaac’s son, Jacob, then was converted to Israel and the twelve tribes were born. Of the twelve tribes descended from Israel’s twelve sons, the Levi tribe became the keepers and arbiters of the law, the Priestly line, and upon return from Babylon began to codify the law upon which “God” would be pleased to maintain their status as the “chosen ones.” The intrusion of the split male principle then proceeded, as the “King” of Jerusalem emerged, Melchizedek, who embodied symbolically the king and priest lines, respectively as derived from Mikael and Zadok. This retelling of the story in the Bible should be viewed as strictly symbolic and not necessarily relating stories of literal historical figures, but more as representative embodiments of consciousness collectives that overlaid the symbolic stories over our original divine template to provide the similitude but not the substance of who we are for purposes of control. Melchizedek then passed the reins on to Abraham who had won favor by obeying his god with his willingness to kill his own son, to sacrifice his own Christos as the idealized Child. The Greek word Christos literally defined is as the “anointed” one, which meant and references to one who is “set apart,” the one who was able and willing to rise above the dull hum of the tribal mind as it was entrained to obey the laws of the priests and the kings. The other overused and misunderstood concept was that of the Messiah. The word itself comes from an Egyptian word “Messeh” which was the word for the fat of the crocodile. This fat was used to anoint the initiates when they were ready to rise above the din of the sleeping masses, symbolically to “rise from the dead.”

Abraham was the “lover of Ra,” who came from the Land of Ur as previously described, energetically and symbolically referencing his emergence from the root chakra sound tone or UR. His reward, of course, was to establish his domain in Jeru-Salem, symbolizing the male overlay to dominate and control the feminine principle and thereby control life and the thereby generated life force of the population, and the ensuing, ongoing regeneration from one generation to the next. The statement from his god to Abraham that if he obeyed hence forward his “seed” would be chosen above others can best be seen as a literal contractual bonding to the genetic lineage he would seed from that point forward, thus the genetic entwining of the risen “phallic” false Christ on May Day. So the split, castrated, dominating male overlay was brought to sit upon the universal city founded by Venus, Jerusalem. The Levi tribe of priests codified the law, and as with all good systems of disinformation, much of the rules of such code contained good and proper ways to maintain a healthy and clean life in amongst the rules of blind obedience to train the people to follow the laws to gain good favor with God, King and the Priests of the Temple. They ritually “castrated” their male children in the rite of circumcision to reenact the original energetic castration of the male principle; they sacrificed the lamb during spring rites and placed the blood of the lamb on the doorjamb to show their obedience of the law to the angel of death who came calling for the “Lord” to see who was keeping the law and who was not, passing over all those who were obedient and of course “smiting” those who were not, an earlier version of the later system of inquisitorial terror to assure obedience by the Church. The books of this history and codification of the laws became known as the canonized testament, the word testament itself derived from the same root as that of testes, signifying that the law and the sacrifice and the obedience were all derived from and placed upon the literal altar of the testicles of the obedient male principle in all conformers to the law, and the same truncated source of power of the split male we have been discussing throughout this series. And as previously mentioned, the term “canon” itself derived from the same feminine styled root as our modern English word for Canyon. Key to all of this is the two basic principles of the suppressed and controlled feminine principle and the split, castrated and dominating male principle. The root chakra had been severed in order to prevent the true and full spirits to embody completely into the physical form, because to do so would reintegrate the power and authority vested therein and withdraw such from the externalized power of the priests and the kings. When one is asked to swear on the Bible, it is literally swearing allegiance to the control of the gods on the testament of the castrated male principle and the split male to dominant and control the feminine and the life force of the whole. In the Judaic mode methods were created to close the individual’s crown chakra so that he could not receive direct knowledge from the higher self of Spirit as Source, as symbolized by the wearing of the crown covering when entering the “temple” of the gods, later the “one” God; the Hindu system developed to place markers on the third eye to close it down so that true sight would be eliminated, as would the later line of priests in

the Catholic Church shut down the throat chakra with black collars with white squares at the throat so that such priests could lie without conscience or forethought in maintaining the codes, rules and laws to bind the people again and again and again. And of course, vows of obedience, chastity, celibacy and poverty have always been utilized to control the lower echelons of the priestly line so that they would blindly and obediently do the bidding of the higher authorities above them. In the “new” testament the story would be retold, now in less symbolic form as far as the people were concerned, where the idealized Child as the ‘son” of that god now become God would enact the story, where the line of the priest was played by John the Baptist who was beheaded in the ritual enactment of the castration as the perfect gift for the sealing of the seven chakras in the dance of the seven veils, and the later Apostolic succession of the Priest-King Gods known as Popes would be established on the rock known as Peter (is it an accident that today we refer to the male member as a peter, a synonym for rock, and later on in the story that idealized king would be the only one to be able to withdraw that all powerful sword from the stone (rock) in which it had been frozen, the suffix of both names of king and sword being that selfsame tone of UR?). No, no accident at all. Additionally, the root of the name Peter, Petra and other derivatives comes from the Egyptian god Ptah so the “rock” of the Roman Church is really build in deference to an Egyptian god from some three thousand years and more earlier than the time of Jesus. In actual fact, the only true “virgin” birth our consciousness is associated with, both individually and collectively, is the original “seeding” into the Void as discussed in our Emerald Creation story. The rest should always be looked at as shadow similitude overlays for purposes of control, because deep down in every being and in every unit of consciousness and atom of matter is the original memory of the truth. But in the sleeping state most are in, they do not remember and therefore are easily swayed to the symbolic and mystical overlays that they will readily give their power, authority and life force over to into the false and controlled hologram of the false gods. When “John” was beheaded, the line of Priest and King was merged into the person of the one called Jesus, the sacrificial lamb in keeping with the obedience of the law, the new universal Beltane King. The split male as contained within the two pillars overlaid with the yoke of stone, the overlaying mantle known as Yahweh, would forever in the consciousness of mere mortal men be split and rent asunder, but only in the singular embodiment of the Priest-King Pope whose line of succession was intended to be perpetual and absolute (built on the Apostolic Succession of the Rock of Peter, all metaphors for what has been discussed herein), would the merger of the two be allowed, and thus all temporal and eternal power would be embodied in this all powerful office. In the year of 325 A.D. the Roman Emperor Constantine supposedly was converted by an act of God and was led to Christianize the empire into the Holy Roman Empire. When one studies the history of the Roman Empire during the preceding five hundred years, it is plain to see the unfolding of the process that led to this consolidation of the absolute power of church and state. This merger of Caesar, Emperor and Pope into one male embodiment with its supporting “testaments” as canonized into the accepted books of

their Holy Writ perfected the previous five thousand years of developing bondage to the word, code and law of the gods, into the absolute word, code and laws of the Roman Papal Caesar of the Holy Roman Empire with all its justification, pomp and power. Hence forward the descent of the King, the so called “divine” right of Kingship, would be in the hands of the Pope and the laws to be ministered and adjudicated would be in the hands of his priests. Temporal and Spiritual powers would now begin becoming one and the same. From that point forward all King’s in “Christendom” were anointed by the Pope to whom ultimate allegiance was given. An interesting point to note in this progression is that in the early Sumerian periods that eventually led to the Biblical period, we can see an interesting evolution. The original “gods” in the Sumerian period were in actual physical terms merely crudely fashioned stones. There is no doubt that there were also literal, physically incarnated beings as well, incarnates of the Annunaki and other controlling collectives behind all of this, who fathered the bloodlines that became the royal lines, but for the purposes of the masses, crude stone figurines were sufficient to represent the gods. Later on, these stone figures were removed as the position of the gods was purposefully receded more and more into the background and the roles of the kings and priests came more to the forefront and prominence. Only the elite and select could access the “gods” in their inner sanctums. This is an obvious, pre-planned progression to withdraw the literal positions into more and more evanescent and symbolic representations, thereby conditioning the masses to become accustomed to a “presence” of the external god, leading to the God concept, whereby their only access thereto was through obedience to the priests and the laws. The irony of all this, is if those incarnated today who worship God in the form of Yahweh and Jehovah, among other appellations, knew that their “god” started out, in fact, as a crudely fashioned figure of stone that the people carried around from place to place and set up in its “temple” upon arrival at its new destination, they might be somewhat scandalized. In the battle of the “gods” Yahweh’s people, the “Hiberu” eventually became the dominant group in the land of Judah and so were selected to be the “chosen ones,” with their god Yahweh finally gaining the superior role over all the other gods who were eventually merged into one. This was of course within the context of the corporate (cultic) merger of the Solar, Stellar and Lunar groups as previously discussed and with Yahweh stepping in as the ultimate Solar Deity. Hiberu, derived from a Canaanite word “Apiru,” meant those who were stateless, in other words not living within the confines of the city walls. The people of Canaan (who lived along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea) were descendants of the original Venus venerating people that had traveled from the British Isles, the builders of the Venus tracking Newgrange and other megalithic constructions, later to be known as the Phoenicians. In the competition for supremacy, Yahweh won out, and the concept of the other gods was eventually merged into the One God with that name, and the overlay of the original structures with their cognizance of the feminine principle eventually gave way to that which we have been discussing. The story of Abraham relates that he was sent to Canaan to assert his authority and that of the god he represented. It was no accident to where he was sent, to the very place in those lands where the feminine principle was still honored. At the same time, the “gods” became less and less

physically real, receding into a mystical, controllable and ephemeral realm, forbidden to the mere mortal and only accessible through obedience to the law. We will track the development, refinement and perfecting of this structure over the ensuing 1,700 years, but as we do, always keep in mind the essential elements, the split of the male component of our whole selves, the use of such to engender impotence disguised as rage and violence, in order to divide and maintain separation in male against male fighting and being manipulated and thereby controlled. On top of this was then overlaid the use of the split in worldly terms through the two lineages of the Kingly line and the Priestly line, utilizing the first to control ownership of the land and the sovereign creator capacities, and the second to establish laws that bind and control. Such laws ultimately sequester the life force of the population in a system of contractual bondage in order to ascribe to the underlying requirement of free will, and dominance to support and energize the agenda of creating, maintaining and perpetuating the primary building blocks of the prison, based on the illusory concepts of lack and limitation through fear and survival. And most importantly, keep in mind that the method of bondage is always done by manipulating the individual, the tribe, the nation and the planet into implied and tacit contractual agreement based on the rules of a free will universe as previously discussed. Another key element to keep an understanding of is the basic fundamentals of our current reality construct as being a true holographic reality, and understanding the nature of a hologram and how such is also used to control the consciousness. Our exploration in an earlier chapter, of the numeric and alphabetical structures as applied to any given level of the fractal geometry of time and space, whether that is the genetic, the biological, the social, planetary or even larger systems, is all based on the holographic principle. In such, the whole is always contained in every part, and the harmonics and ratio proportions are precise through the laws of correspondence and macrocosmic/microcosmic relationships (as above, so below). This concept and related components will be further explored in Chapter Seven. The knowledge of this enables the holders of this knowledge great advantage in the control and manipulation of the whole system. At the same time the understanding of this, coupled with the understanding of the nature of the binding rules and “laws,” once understood and addressed with conscious awareness and intent, are the keys to liberation as well. That is the full intent of this book, to convey and to describe a road map in order to give those interested, committed and dedicated to such liberation to gain the necessary understanding and tools to achieve their own freedom and liberation. This is not about “fixing” the system, or anything else for that matter, simply describing the road map in order to provide a direction for those wishing to leave the false reality the means to do so. When each individual who is unto him/herself a whole system contained within the larger whole, a complete fractal within the larger hologram, achieves an increment of liberation, it does truly affect the larger whole, also through the laws of correspondence and reciprocal relationship. They work both ways, they can be the means and method of control, and they can be the means and method of liberation. Therefore, as daunting as current events might appear, it is important to know that what we are seeing is the

illusory manifestation of the endgame of the long developing strategy of the control agendas; but at the same time, the breaking through of the higher implicate order is taking place concurrently and is gaining ascendancy in many ways unseen except by those with eyes to see. The theme and content of this book is intended to facilitate and assist the readers to gain a solid foundation to have such eyes with which to see. So to return to our historical unfolding, from the starting point of the year 325 A.D. the power and authority of the Roman Empire was merged into the absolute right of the Church, the “Holy” Roman Empire, where church and state were merged as one. Anything that did not fit in with the canonized, accepted law of the Church became heresy, that word itself derived from a Greek word “hairesis” that translates as “choice.” So the extirpation of heresy is the extermination of choice. The history of the last 1,700 years is the history of the attempt to completely eliminate choice, which of course is the elimination of freedom and free will. The concept of excommunication is the expelling from the bonded tribal mind any individual who should be so inclined to make a choice for freedom of mind and free will intent. From the beginning in 325 A.D. of the “mother” Church there would ensue 1,700 years of systematic implementation of tyranny, suppression, carnage and political manipulation that has continued unabated to this very moment with one intended goal, which was and remains to this day to contain, control and own in perpetual bondage the entirety of the life force and divine power of the collective of souls of this world. This dates all the way back to those encapsulated souls that passed through the birthing halls of Niburu whose life force was captured in the crystalline interstices of the golden coins of the gods, then brought to those two locations previously discussed to be later gathered and contained and owned as we shall later see and to become the perpetual mirage that all the souls of this planet would be trained to obey and always seek outside of themselves. For those naïve enough or simply uneducated enough to think that we live in more enlightened days than previous eras of darkness, this ensuing historical chronology might change your mind, and will certainly illuminate current events and structures as they are now engaged during our lifetimes. The Church claimed absolute right of succession of the position of Priest-King (Pope), with inherent rights of descent of Kingship and the control of the laws and the priests who applied them. With this in place the next thousand years is a history of control over all aspects of life: religious, social, economic and biological. Once claimed, they then manipulated and edited the books that became the canonized testaments that were structured and refined to fit their energetic and symbolic requirements, as well as suppressing and eliminating all those that did not jibe with their mythology and dogmatic control. For the next 17 centuries any and all opposition to such would be systematically eliminated, although this was of only partial success no matter how much force and suppression was applied. Nonetheless, for the first 1,200 years the power and control of the Holy Roman Church was near absolute in the European continent, and was preparing to expand out to the global level by the 1500s, as we shall further detail and explore. By the eighth century the control of Christendom was fairly well complete in Europe. A Papal Bull in the eighth century declared that no individual had the right or capacity to access his or her own soul except through the intercession of the Church. The so-called Christ supposedly died for everyone’s sins, and the only salvation was through strict

adherence to the “laws” of the one institution that claimed absolute right of succession of that salvation, through and by the interceding auspices of its priestly line and its rules of order and conduct. At the same time, the kingly line, the descent of kingship, was in the hands of the Pope and the Church as well; so therefore, the Church now controlled both lines as merged in the symbolic and idealized Christ principle, which was nothing more than the same castrated and split male principle merged into the hands of the absolute power the Church thus wielded. Then with the eighth century declaration, no one could access their own souls save through the following of the dictates of the rules of the Church and the priests that administered them. In other words, one must continually rebind themselves by contract through codes of conduct to said institution and thereby relinquish, by voluntary act, which, even though under fraudulent coercive measures of fear and retribution, were, until rescinded, still under a form of voluntary agreement. You can rest assured that all of us have layer after layer of such binding agreements in our subtle bodies. When we undertake to begin breaking such agreements, what we will encounter are the layered-in structures of fear of retribution, fear of eternal damnation, fear of physical harm and torture, and all the other methods used over all these centuries and even further back in time to cow the populace into submission. Today, those fears show up in the form of the IRS, the teachers in the state controlled schools, the societal peer pressures, the mind bending and numbing dictates of the party platform on the nightly news, the fear of the patrol car, of the ubiquitous cameras now on every corner and every possible implementation of dominance, control and coercion, both subtle and overt. As we proceed with breaking oaths, vows and other contracts, these layers of control will manifest and materialize into our personal hologram as we break the ties that bind us, to be dealt with and removed from such binding positioning. As we do so, we will progressively reintegrate our own personal energy and power into our biological and energetic bodies. In this process we might consider the concept brought forward as the underlying theme of a brilliant and satirical novel by Neal Stephenson called Snow Crash, in which is a future virtual reality where all states, religions and commercial activities are merged into corporate entities of Orwellian proportions, at one point a character in the story poses the question when looking at all of that is laid out in the context of the story (all as a superb metaphor for the dance we are engaged within today), as to whether we are talking about “a religion, a virus, or a drug,” to which the only answer is, “What’s the difference?” And the answer to that is there is none, they are all the same. In the beginning stages of this development in Sumerian and Babylonian times, the knowledge was handed to the kings and the priests as to how to insert viral implants of a psychic, mental and emotional nature, into various levels of our subtle bodies, and these viral implants would replicate themselves just like a biological virus does, by feeding off of the host organism, meaning its consciousness. As the bodies became accustomed to dealing with such implants, they began to crave the presence of such, especially as they were passed down to successive generations, and the result was like the addictive nature of a drug. A virus requires the host organism to survive and reproduce and if you look at the nature of the binding of the religious impulse as overlaid over the natural divinity of

the being in his or her original wholeness, you will see the symbiotic and parasitic nature of the viral development and continuity. A virus is, in actual fact, in biological terms, half of a protein genetic chain that is seeking its other half from its host. When we began to create separations from our original wholeness as Self and Source, the intervening gaps in consciousness literally spun off the viral half chains that were then contractually bound by the controlling forces we are speaking of, and these were used to create artificial entrainments that could be used to insert the mental virus implants of the “false god” scenarios, the godspell and the split control of the two pillars overlaid with the yoke of Yahweh and directed with and through the two lines we have been discussing. Is it a religion, a virus, or a drug? There is absolutely no difference. And like a virus, religion itself self-replicates from one host organism to another, until it controls the group tribal mind of ethnic groups, social aggregations and whole nations. And like a drug, it is craved for the temporal relief it provides from the external pain and pressure of existence, with an externalized hope projected into the future to remove our consciousness from the Now present and thus diminish our self-containment and power to truly create our own reality as we know it should be. Soon, that craving becomes an addiction, and like any other drug, it must be continually administered at any cost. And like a virus, it seeks new host organisms in which to replicate itself. Its intention is to establish the entire planet as the host upon which it feeds. Follow the lines of history with this in mind and you will see exactly how this has been used to create the “false hologram” into which all of our life force has been projected and used to build our own prison and containment field. But at the same time, of course, as we break the bonds and remove our life force from the false hologram and reintegrate such into our own power, the false hologram begins to break under its own accord and reveal the truth of its own demise. Going back a moment in time, and picking up another theme we have been developing, in our current time fractal of 26,000 years, and during the second half of such, the first significant emergence of the various tools of entraining the life force into the medium of monetary function and control took place in Egypt. The ruling elite during a key period were known as the Hykksos Kings, which were in actual fact the self same Annunaki gods we find later on in Sumer and beyond. Remember, the head of the Ennead in Egypt under which we find the four principles of the SION of the castrated male was known as Anu (Anu = King of the Annu-naki). Anu was the singular and absolute embodiment of the Sun King, thus we refer to one orbit of our planet around the Sun as an annual cycle in deference to his name. During the reign of the Hykksos Kings which ran from approximately 1700 to 1300 B.C. and covered the 18th through the 13th dynaties, a system of gold monetary function was introduced as a medium of exchange. Since all beings on this planet have vestigial cellular memories of how our life force was taken from us at birth on Niburu, there is a natural inclination to be able to be controlled as we seek gold as some sort of monitor of value and survival, in which, in literal terms we are seeking the other half of ourselves in order to reintegrate and be able to create from a reunified field of whole beingness; we are seeking to find our lost and stolen life force and reintegrate it into our beings, hence the ubiquitous and eternal “gold” fever that drives the affairs of men on this planet. By

this viral fever populations are easily controlled and used to gather the gold on this planet for the benefit and use of the gods and kings. The process is tried and true, which we will visit later on in modern times in more detail, but first a quick look at its first major implementation in this time fractal which took place in Egypt. The system of gold as a storehouse of value was introduced in Egypt, later to be replaced by a convenient method used to symbolize the gold. In this instance, the symbolic form was the abundant stone scarabs found throughout the culture. The scarabs became bearer instruments instead of having to carry around the heavy metal. A bearer instrument means that whomever “bears” the symbolic form (has it in his possession), in this case the stone scarab, can go to the treasury storehouse where the real valued item is kept in safe keeping, in this instance the gold, and demand the proper amount of gold in exchange for the monetary unit of value. Once confidence is established in this system and the people become lazy in expecting that they can bring their gold to the treasury, receive the stone scarabs in return, and know they can always get the gold back when they want to exchange for it, they will soon fall asleep and simply continue to trade the stone scarabs and not worry about exchanging for the gold. The Hykksos Kings ruled Egypt for three hundred years, and during that time this system was implemented, perfected and completed. In the end, they left with all the gold and the people continued to trade with the stone scarabs none the wiser until the worthless value of the stones became evident and the system collapsed. In this way much of the gold extant in the region of Africa was gathered, warehoused, and then carted off. The gold was moved then into the Middle empire period: Sumer, Babylonia, Greece and Rome. We will later track the development of the secular law parallel to the canonized law, remembering to always follow the gold as it progressed through the various and successive stages of history, leading into our “modern” times. Thus, the parallel tracks we are identifying through the course of history are:

1. The power and control of the Priest-King line, merged into the temporal power of the Papal Caesar known as the Pope and established supposedly on an infallible divine “rock” that is beyond challenge.

2. The implementation of the laws that bind, administered by the Priests. 3. The control of sovereign power and the land through the “royal” line of Kings. 4. The descent of Kingship controlled by the Pope. 5. The entrainment of the life force, teaching it through mass consensus agreement

to seek its survival through “monetized” representations of substance and value. 6. The course of history as the story of law, manipulated constructed and controlled

in order to bond the life force energies of the people, to thereby control their output, labor and substance to gain control over the world’s resources, using that selfsame labor and consciousness to have the slaves and the prisoners build their own prison and pay for their own prison guards, in the name of “security” and illusions of “prosperity.”

Over a period of several thousand years much of the gold in that part of the world was gathered up by the people and delivered to the gods. The same took place in Asia, the

Pacific realms, and the Americas. Progressively, as noted, codes of conduct and rule were instituted. The rule and authority of the King and Priests was implemented and perfected. Later still, the function of coinage was introduced, but now the sovereign right of the King or Caesar to claim sovereign control over the gold was perfected by his likeness, his imprimatur, being stamped on the coin. The people were taught to covet the coins, to fight and kill for it, to hoard and control it, but all along, subliminally they were also given to understand that the ultimate ownership of this portable form of allodium, which is defined as true title of the land and the minerals contained therein, belonged to the King whose likeness was stamped and sealed thereto. Eventually, those with the might and strength to gather more gold and control unto themselves became the lords over the land, but they knew that they must acknowledge he who had the imprimatur on the gold that they hoarded, who claimed sovereign right to the land that they held, so a system of allegiance to the “liege” lord was established. In this way, the hierarchy of feudalism was established, and later, when the Church held the authority to grant kingship, the Pope in his “infallible” position, on the “rock” of the Peter of authority he claimed, sat at the top of that pyramid, a fusion of the false gods and the artificial “Christ,” thus becoming the (false) capstone of the pyramid. Therefore, the Pope granted Kingship, the King vowed fealty (loyalty) to the Pope and in turn had the right to grant land title to his lords and nobles who in turn vowed fealty to him, and down through the lesser titles of nobility, the lowest two such titles being esquire, as the bearer of arms, and squire, his attendant. Below the squires with no rights to land, title or allodium in any sort, were the people, the serfs, the bonded and indentured slaves who duly went to Church and followed the rules and laws as dictated and adjudicated by the Priests. In 1066 as we have been told in school, William the Conqueror took control of the British Isles. He established something called the City of London, a one square mile of absolute domain, a city-state Nation of its own right and authority. Around this enclave grew the municipality of London. On this same Island nation a previous era reigned for a short while, and whether of actual fact or simply mythological symbol, it is all the same to our discussion. This, of course, was the time of Arthur. Arth is the Celtic word for “bear,” Ur as previously discussed the sound tone for Light, for the first chakra, and also the Latin word for bear as well (ursa). Aside from the previous reference to “bear” and bearer instruments in representation as money of real substance, the reference to bear carries another meaning. We have already mentioned the use of the reversed swastika to lock in the controlled life force and it is important to further note the designation of the two constellations that cycle around our polar north star, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor (Bears, major and minor) that, as they turn, inscribe a stellar swastika above our heads. The legend of Arthur tells us there was a struggle with his most trusted and loyal knight, another symbolic representation of the split male. In this story two males struggle for the love of one woman, just as in a previous era we have Paris and Menelaus fighting over Helen of Troy. It is no accident that the capital of the Catholic nation of France is named Paris, in deference to this earlier version of the story of the split male fighting over its

feminine principle, Paris, France to where later in history Napoleon would bring back from Egypt “Cleopatra’s” needle, a massive phallic obelisk from Egypt. Is Arthur in fact the idealized “bearer” of the false male god, just as the scarab became the false bearer instrument for the gold that contained the life force that gods sought and controlled and the people chased after? Is the sword that only he could pull from the “rock” known as Excalibur another symbol for the rock upon which the Church was built, the sword being the “peter” they claimed provided their apostolic line of succession? In their mythical story, why was that same Peter required to deny the Christed one three times before his supposed crucifixion? Did it have something to do with this story line of bondage and control of the actual and original Christos contained within all beings and only falsely maintained to be out of our reach except through the intercession of the Church and its priests? Is the story of Arthur as the one true King, who is the only one to remove the Sword that calibrates the Light, from the rock matrix really just an idealization of our own reunited, perfected male Christos? Is all of this the indication of the true Holy Grail (San Graal, derived from Sang Real which means Royal Blood) sought after by Parcival (pierce the veil)? Of course it is!! In the next chapter we will explore all of this further, looking at the Tribe of Judah as the true blood line which the Church then systematically tried to suppress and exterminate, as well as looking at the “Lion’s Path” which has played a key symbolic and energetic role during all of this history, thereby engaging our own alchemical path of transmutation by piercing the veil of our own illusory prison. So back to 1066, the so-called creation of the Anglo-Saxon race, Saxon being derived from “Isaac’s Sons,” and the establishing of the City of London took place. Thirty three years later Jerusalem was retaken by the “Christians” in the first crusade, while at the same time an island off the south western tip of Britain sank below the ocean surface, an island known as Lyonesse, whose symbol was the two lions guarding the gate. In chapter six we will further explore the significance of the lion’s path, but for the moment suffice it to say that there is no accident of the timing of the sinking of Lyonesse concurrent with the “rising” of the Temple in Jerusalem. The sinking of Lyonesse, by the way, took place and is recorded as having occurred on November 11, 1099, the day of the 11:11, the number eleven having an obvious symbolic significance in many ways, not the least of which is its resemblance to two pillars. Notice also that the eleventh letter of the modern English alphabet is K, which we will find occurring over and over again in key names such as Hykksos, Annunaki, Ashkenazi, etc. Take two Ks and place them facing in opposite directions, with the vertical line being back to back, then bring them together. The symbol thus created is the center vertical pillar covered by an X, also creating a hexagram form. This form is used in modern medicine where the caduceus, the center pillar entwined with a single or pair of serpents representing the genetic structure, the symbol of the Hippocratic Oath, is overlaid with an X. Is this the mark of Yahweh on Abraham’s seed, his genetic lineage, once Abraham, in the land of Ur, agreed to subjugate his emotional wholeness by killing his son in obedience to Yahweh in order to become the chosen seed? Now take those two Ks and place them by bringing the two 45 degree angles facing each other, then closer until they touch. Now you have a diamond shape in between two pillars. The diamond as we know has many symbolic

significances. One of them is that it is made of pure carbon with its four directions, four valences, another powerful and precise symbol of our life in these carbon-based incarnate forms. Notice that in many heraldic shields and family crests you will find two lions facing each other with arms extended in such a way as to form two Ks facing each other in like manner. Is there a symbolic message in this representation, where the life force is held in between the two pillars, where the two lions of the gate guard such for those willing and able to enter, to reintegrate the split pillars and to thus reactivate the serpentine life force at the bottom of the spine to ascend the integrated whole spinal pillar now reintegrated as one? Is there, then, another significance to the recurrence of the 11:11 sequence in our consciousness? Of course there is!!! Franklin D. Roosevelt once stated, “Nothing in history is an accident.” He spoke on good authority, because he himself was very much in the middle of creating history according to a well-laid plan during his own tenure. You will soon see as we follow this line of convergence of history, consciousness and control, that this applies to things and events reaching hundreds and thousands of years into the past where nothing that has occurred has been by accident and the events of today are the concluding moments of a long history of purpose and design, filled with malice and intent, yet always within the context that we are free will beings endowed with the spark of Original Innocence and Original Power, always with the power to return to this original state and regain our freedom in our lives, our consciousness and our spirits, and to ultimately return freedom to this planet so long chained below the threshold of its true destiny.

The ELF Transmissions Chapter Six

The Lion’s Path

The most important and singular concept around which the entire ELF theme of this book revolves is that of the split male energetic, along with its emasculating and impotence engendering castration. From this structure we can delineate virtually every other major affliction in the arena of human affairs and suffering, and through which the entirety of the controlled false holographic reality is constructed, energized and maintained, in which the vast reservoir of creative energy is entrained and controlled in order to turn the human race into a slave population and to use its own energy, efforts and life force to build, construct and maintain its own prison system on this planet. One of the most central components of this structure is what we have already mentioned as being the “enemy construct,” for it is an absolute maxim that when a being is split within itself, it can and will always be controllable by virtue of the creation of the illusory context of an enemy that is projected externally and thereby engaged in what seems like an unending and eternal dance of polarity. That is why the axiom “There are no enemies, only opportunities,” is one that is also central to the underlying theme of this book, and is something to contemplate long and hard. For if one takes this position that there are no enemies, but only opportunities, then all externally manifested appearances of the enemy construct will be looked at, understood and worked with as simply a manifested illusion of one’s own inner schisming. Therefore, when one encounters what appears to be an “external enemy” the higher path is to take such encounter as an opportunity to meet the dark twin of one’s own inner split and to work with it accordingly in order to heal it and thereby reintegrate into balance and wholeness that part of one’s self that formerly appeared to be set apart in an externally manifested illusion of separation and struggle. The manner in which the enemy construct is utilized for purposes of control throughout the ages, over and over again, is quite simple. Each and every human being knows innately at a deep and cellular level that once upon a time we were whole, undivided and divinely endowed beings. Since we are also painfully aware that we do not now maintain and embody that quality of beingness, there must be something outside of ourselves, or so goes the party platform, that has taken our wholeness away from us and therefore stands between ourselves and our eventual return to such a state of wholeness. Hence, whatever that perceived outside force that has stolen our birthright of wholeness is, it must assuredly be the enemy, the thing, the person, the race, the event or whatever the current focus of projection may be, that is responsible for our current state of pain and alienation. The rest, as the saying goes, is history. This is the basis of how the human consciousness has been entrained during the course of history to align with and allow itself to be bonded to a set of externally applied rules and laws in obedience to the arbiters and controllers of said laws in the hopes and based upon the promises of the eventual salvation promised therein, the return to wholeness in some ephemerally perceived “heaven” set off “somewhere else” in a time that is certainly not now, somewhere in the undefined future. Thus, when the Papal Bull of the 9th century by Pope Nicholas X was established that no

one could access their own soul except through the auspices of the Church and its franchisees, the priests, the die was most certainly cast. In such a declaration, the format that underlies the subsequent history of the last twelve hundred years was established, wherein an individual could not and shall not access his or her own soul, spirit, or divine nature, except through an interceder (one who intercedes on behalf of one who is deemed incompetent and incapable to do so for him/herself). And the one thus making such a pledge of loyalty and obedience to such an interceder does so through pledges of contractual fealty (loyalty) and thereby pledges to obey any such laws, rules and statutory requirements that might thereby be placed upon oneself as a consequence of such bonds and pledges, the transgressions of which hold dire circumstances indeed. To obey the laws into which one was bound assured that one was welcome within the fold, the community of safety and security (through communion), but to “choose” an individual path would bring down the wrath of the authority and the most dire penalty of excommunication, being thrust outside of the communion of “saved” souls. In every other religion a variation on this central theme has been devised and inculcated to maintain the same result. Then, of course, doing God’s work by fighting the holy fight against the enemy becomes the next obvious and logical mechanism of control and parasitic feeding on the life force of the thereby herded masses. Our present day global drama is the current end game manifestation of the herding of the masses into the somnambulistic lullaby of retreat from the perceived harm of excommunication and eternal damnation into the waiting arms of the assuring parent in the guise of church and state, now so perfectly and absolutely merged whether they know it or not as we shall soon enough see in the course of these discussions. We will now begin to follow this track of development into the modern age. What shall follow to elucidate this in fuller detail in Parts Two and Three, having to do with filling in the historical detail and then the legal and monetary components thereof, will become more technical, detailed and for many, perhaps, overwhelming. But it is a task worth undertaking for those whose stated intention is freedom, because simply by the act of imbibing this information, and allowing its effect to percolate into the substrata of one’s subconscious and cellular levels, it will indeed begin to break apart the bonds that hold us in the false hologram in which we find ourselves. Freedom is clearly defined as the complete lack of binding forces that hold us into the false construct most currently call “home” or “reality.” In Rockefeller Square in New York City there is a sculpture. It is known as Prometheus Bound, a perfect symbol in this most perfect of false realities, intentionally chosen by such a family playing a significant role in the bonding of which we speak. Greek mythology is truly the most perfectly devised system of thought, symbology and metaphor for the left brain of the linear mind and psychological constructs of the human race as it was established over two thousand years ago and has become the paradigm of the Western mind, which is the left brained hemisphere of the planetary body. Greek mythology is a system we shall touch upon from time to time in these writings. The myth and story of Prometheus is one in which Prometheus bids to Zeus, the head of the Olympians, not to destroy mankind, and in the process of crossing the Olympian god who

wields the thunderbolt, symbolic of the electrical nature of the life force, he goes up into the heavens and retrieves the fiery power of the Sun and brings it to mankind. In so doing, he initiates a resurgence of life force and the dawning of civilization wherein mankind begins anew to build its own creative force towards the goal of “becoming like the gods,” a goal that is universal in every culture that has ever lived on this planet, and a goal that is almost always thwarted by those selfsame gods who hold the keys to the kingdom of knowledge and immortality and ever strive to keep such from the mere mortals that serve and fear them. This occurs after Zeus has conquered the Titans who were “the giants of old” and the precursors to the race that was a mixture of the giants and mortal men, when “the sons of the gods looked upon the daughters of men” and eventually bred to create the new man of our historical times (so-called Cro Magnon Man, circa 35,000 b.c.e). When Zeus conquered the Titans he then sends Cronos (a Titan), the “keeper of time” into Tartarus, the underworld. This occurs after Cronos has castrated his father in a previous era in order to gain ascendancy and power. Upon the event of this castration, when tossing his father’s testicles into the ocean, drops of blood hit the water and burst into steam from which emerge the Fates and the Furies. It is clear and obvious that what is being conveyed here is precisely the theme of this entire work, which is that the “father,” the masculine principle, has been castrated as we have discussed, by Cronos, thereby creating the binding of the consciousness to time (Cronos = Father Time, later in Roman mythology equated with Saturn the binder to structure, the planet Saturn having a 29 year orbital cycle around the sun, that number being a fractal time construct in ratio to the number of days of a woman’s ovulation cycle). By the action of Cronos castrating the father he is both symbolically and literally bonding the consciousness to the entrained and controlled cycles of time, castrating and splitting the masculine force which releases the “Fates” thus binding mankind and consciousness to the fate of the locked in hologram, and the “Furies” thus releasing the impotent rage that has been dominated and controlled to do the bidding of the gods ever since. There after, the next generation of ruling “gods,” led by Zeus who is the wielder of the electrical energy in the form of the thunderbolt, struggles to maintain its control over the life force. Greek mythology is rife with many stories illustrating the ongoing struggles between the gods and men, and the story of Prometheus is a primary archetype because it is he who attempts to bring back the fire of the Sun to mankind (the returning of the life force that was split) and for such a transgression he is eternally “bound” to the earth, sitting in frozen bronze in Rockefeller Plaza in the heart of New York City, in the Empire (read Roman) State. Thirteen thousand years ago, at the initiation of the second half of our currently completing Grand Solar Year of close to 26,000 years, the constellation on the horizon of the ecliptic was Leo, the embodied configuration of the Lion with its fiery mane, representing the Sun. Leo the Lion, symbolizing the resurrected Sun, indicating the path towards and through reintegration up the Solar ladder through the Doorway to Alcyone (our nearest Central Sun) and returning back to our eternal wholeness and birthright from whence we have come. The Sphinx in Giza was carved at this time in the true form and fullness of a lion, body and head, gazing east to the rising sun. The indication is clear…follow the lion’s path through the guardian gate of the two lions (the two true

pillars, not the split mirrored doorway used to distract the seeker from the path) and return to wholeness. Later, as the substrata of the unconscious levels of our suppressed divinity were released, with the splitting of the atom earlier on in this thirteen thousand year period, nuclear war took place in the area we refer to now as the Sinai peninsula. This caused great tears in the etheric body of this planet as well as correspondingly manifested in what is known as the Great Rift of Africa, which is a long vertical canyon running the length of the continent from north to south. This rift has been traversed by endless generations of lions in a cyclic and subtle pathway as they hold and embody the memory imprint of the time before the split, a time of wholeness, holding that memory as they tread the pathways of the rift through the continent that holds the energetics of our root chakras and that of the planet, holding the memory until mankind was ready to remember on its own. In addition, geologically, the Rift of Africa runs all the way past the area of Egypt and into the valley of the Dead Sea and up to a place known as Jerusalem. Energetically, at the bottom of the Rift sits the country of South Africa that in modern times manifested the vilest form of separation in the political structure of apartheid, as if the split in the root chakra ran all the way down the planetary body to the base of the spine. Then the top of the spine, at the top of the rift, runs up to and ends in the area that has become the center of so much strife, grief, sectarian, racial and religious violence and rage, the city of Jerusalem. In the fractal levels of the hologram we exist within, there are many examples of how the external reality is a reflected manifestation of the internal, and vice versa. This is the law of correspondences as stated in the phrase “as above, so below” and is part of the reference to the microcosmic/macrocosmic relationship, as further discussed in Chapter Seven. In the sense of the fractal correspondences of the hologram in which we find ourselves, just as the human body has seven primary centers in the physical planetary body, the externally manifested macrocosm of the planet has settled into a crystallization with seven primary centers or bodies also, with numerous localized manifestations of such as well. On the global scale, this has manifested as the seven continents which are, in sequence from the first or root chakra, to the seventh or crown, in this order: Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, N. America, S. America and Antarctica. Therefore, it is no accident that such a Great Rift should manifest through the center of Africa, the planetary center of the root chakra wherein resides the split of the masculine. It is also no accident that at the base of this planetary continental root chakra the modern country of South Africa should manifest the most extreme form of racial separation in the policy of apartheid, with its capital known as the City of John, Johannesburg, which is also the center of one of the world’s largest areas of gold and diamond deposits. We will find the name John and its derivatives over and over again being placed at the corresponding vortex point where the root chakra is grounded into a localized manifestation of this same crystallization, John of course being the decapitated “head” of the Christos or unified field, as represented in the “new” testament in the personification of John the Baptist. In South America we find Santiago, Chile holding this position for that continent, Santiago being derived from the Latin for James, a derivative of John, in the world Iagom thus Saint James in Spanish and Latin is Sant Iago. In California, the

root base is held by San Diego, Diego is Spanish for James, also a derivative of Iago, and in many other places this is also the case as will be referenced later on in the book. It is through the Rift of Africa that the migratory paths of the lion moves in seasonal cyclic rhythms, literally holding the energetic context of the Lion’s Path through the split male principle as humankind grapples with its struggle to regain consciousness and heal the split therein. It was along this north-south route that one of the latter day leaders of empire, Britain’s Cecil Rhodes, proclaimed his intention of uniting for the British Empire the African route of “Capetown to Cairo.” And of course, true to the geopolitical out picturing of that same split wherein there is always some sort of North and South division, in honor of his service to the empire, two countries were established in Rhodes’ name, known as North and South Rhodesia, separated by the great chasm formed by the falls that are known as Victoria Falls. These two countries are currently named Zambia and Zimbabwe. This inclination to name an area with the same name but with north and south designations is another subtle trick of the separation game, repeated many times over the globe. We will return later to further exploration of the various levels and locations of the geomantic correspondences of the seven chakras, as well as the trinitization of the whole self, another key fractal in the hologram, as manifested in the three bodies of our planetary vehicles (physical, emotional and mental), but for now, let’s pick up again in the sequential storyline of history as it relates to the ongoing development of the bonding of the human consciousness, life force and spirit. In all the major traditions and religions throughout history, the reoccurrence of the theme of the two male twins is ubiquitous and universal. In Greek mythology and creation stories, the two twins Atlas and Hercules appear early on. It is Atlas who must bear the burden of the physical realm while it is Hercules who must undertake twelve labors in order to integrate his split nature between the genetic blending of the immortal nature of the half of himself from his “god” parent and that of his mere “mortal” one. In one of these labors he must battle with the lion, a reminder of the lion’s path. The name of Hercules is immortalized at the entry point to the central sea of the classical realm that gave us the civilizations of Greece and Rome, the Mediterranean Sea. Beyond the Pillars of Hercules, at the narrow entrance into that sea from the Atlantic Ocean lay the unknown as well as the mythological land of Atlantis. In order to venture out there and regain what has been lost, man must endeavor to pass through those pillars. Another location where the name of Hercules appears and the reference to the pillars is embodied is found across the globe in the area of modern day Indonesia. This place between the islands of Java and Sumatra is the deepest sub-oceanic trench in the world and is known also as Pillars of Hercules. It is also where the most volatile volcanic occurrences on the planet take place, where the powerful eruptions of Krakatoa have occurred. Approximately 75,000 years ago, one of the most powerful of such eruptions exploded with such force that the entire planet was covered with sun blocking ash for many years to such a degree that virtually the entire human race was wiped from the face of the

planet except for a few thousand survivors in central Africa, the common ancestors of all human beings currently alive today. Numerous other eruptions have occurred in modern and recorded history, one approximately 11,500 years ago, and one only just 150 years ago. Notice that the name of this location contains the familiar double K signifying the pillars as contained in the symbol of the corresponding number 11 doubled. Between the two Ks we find “ra,” the artificial sun god. It was the explosion 11,500 years ago that actually ended the last ice age, leading to the dawning of the modern era in the second half of our 26,000 year Solar Year, as well as the major catastrophic global event around 9700 B.C. that precipitated the beginning of our modern period at the end of a precipitous event. Because of the extent of the ash released world wide at that time, when this ash settled onto the glaciers that extended over much of the land mass of the northern hemisphere, the ash retained more radiant heat from the sun and to accelerated the melting of the glaciers and the ice. The land warmed up, the ice disappeared, and the way was opened for the human race, now an admixture of the genes of gods and men, to proliferate and finally to cover the globe as we have it today. At the same time, the melted ice added significant amounts of water to the oceans, raising their levels and covering much of the remains of the ancient world up to that time. The origins of all of the world’s languages can actually be traced to this area wherein we find modern day Indonesia and the surrounding areas of Malaysia, the Philippines and India. These are the prototypical languages of Dravidic and Sanskrit, that migrated into Asia and eventually Europe, combining into the Indo-Aryan languages that morphed progressively into the modern configurations we use today, finally synthesizing and crystallizing into the perfected, hybridized frequency tones of English with its alpha-numeric correspondences that are certainly not an accident or happenstance. Language as we know it is the perfect out picturing of the reality projecting of our consciousness and therefore the relationships being pointed out in this book do indeed hold many clues and insights into the hologram. But what has happened in the process of language evolution into the synthetic crystallization of modern English is that it is a perfect linguistic tool for the art of lying. If the intent of an individual is to lie, obfuscate or manipulate, English can be the perfect tool for such a task. Look at today’s politicians, media and advertising. They all lie with impunity even when confronted with the most comprehensive proof of the lies. It doesn’t matter to them if they are called on it, for in their complete socio-pathic level of oblivion they can lie with such disregard and hide behind the language of the liar because they are the perfect tools of the false hologram. As to the area we are discussing, the honoring of the memory of the lion’s path was deeply ingrained and carried forward into modern times. This can be seen in countless instances, in every culture throughout Asia, through the subcontinent of India, and throughout all of the myriad archipelagos and island chains of that region. Considering that upon the explosion of Krakatoa huge amounts of airborne ash caused the melting of the ice masses on the continents, this precipitated hundreds of meters of rising sea level, which most certainly accounted for the submerging of a massive amount of land. What remained were the tips of the mountain peaks, now become islands, covering what was

then the primeval tropical lands known as Lemuria. This entire area was once fully connected, inclusive of the island of Madagascar, the Indonesia and Philippine island chains, all of Malaysia and down to the island of Papua New Guinea as we know it today. There are still retained vestiges of this once great land and its contiguous empire, and some peoples in the region to this day recall that this land was once called Singa Sari. Translated this means The Essence of the Lion (Singa = Lion, Sari = Essence). The capital of this land was once called Singa Pura, meaning Temple of the Lion, now a city we know as Singapore. On the island of Bali there is a small town which used to be the dwelling of the Kings of this land, still with the name Singa Raja, the Lion King. Approximately five hundred years ago, still remaining royal lines of this once great empire changed the name of the area to “Madja-Pahit,” (pronounced Mah-Jah-Pie-Eet) which translates to “bitter fruit,” as they began to be converted to the various world religions, Indonesia becoming the Spice Islands controlled by the Dutch and under the yoke of the Islamic religion, the Philippines under the yoke and control of the Catholic Spanish and the various other lands and islands succumbing to the bitter fruit of colonialism and political domination from the west. Notice, too, that throughout this entire area, there are two predominating symbolisms, one being the ubiquitous dragon and the other being the two lions standing as guardians of the gate. The first is the universal symbol of the serpentine energy of the kundalini power at the base of the human spine, in the root chakra, and the other being the guardians of the lion’s path, the return through the two pillars when they are reunified and become whole again. At the same time, with the overlay of the ruling elite, the dragon is also the symbol of the reptilian control agents and the gods who demand worship and obedience It was from this area and these lands that our modern journey began upon the opening of the gates of Krakatoa, the two Ks, the two pillars, in between which stands the presence of Ra, the usurper of our solar intelligence and the later god-poster sun god. Just prior to the closing of the story in our modern time period, at the precise time that the first memory of the treaty spoken of in earlier chapters came to the authors of this book, there occurred a full solar eclipse on August 11, 1999, during which the path of the eclipse first entered the European continent precisely through the gateway of the sunken land of Lyonesse and its two guardian lion gates, across Normandy and into the European continent, following the path of another feline species that once roamed the cross bar that ran perpendicular to the lion’s path through the African Rift; running north and south, this one being the path of the Bengal Lion who once roamed all the way from western Europe to India. This particular solar eclipse ended that day in the Bay of Bengal. This pathway of the eclipse was the activation of the precise component necessary to begin the mass awakening of the planet, just prior to the so-called Y2K event as a precursor to the end of the treaty and the removing of all the veils that has proceeded ever since. It was the mass awakening call for the Lion’s Path and return to re-member and heal. It is of interest to note that it was the epicenter of this exact region we are discussing, that at the end of the year 2004 an event created a wave form that moved through the entire consciousness of the planetary body and the human race to open the heart centers of billions of people in the wake of the devastation of the tsunami that occurred on December 26, 2004. That event happened right in the center of where this all began

13,000 years ago, within only a few hundred miles of the Pillars of Hercules near Krakatoa and the deep trench between Java and Sumatra. It was also the timing for the final renegade faction to attempt to thwart the terms and conditions of the treaty referenced earlier. Part of those terms included the fact that should at least one or two members of the human race wake up and remember the treaty, the game was over. This meant that the energetic bonds that shut the crucible in place would be released and the gods and their minions had to step aside. Instead, the Y2K hoax was an attempt to seal the crucible closed forever. An attempt was made to manipulate the Egyptian government to allow the placement of a gold capstone on top of the great pyramid in Giza in order to create an artificial lock down of the hologram forever. The calendar had been ratcheted slightly in the late 1500s when the Gregorian calendar was instituted, shifting the count of days by eleven so that the end of the millennium, according to that calendar, would coincide with the precise end of the Solar Year and the end of the treaty. But the Y2K worldwide event was an attempt to collapse the fields in the human consciousness in order to seal us forever into the false hologram. Notice that even the letter designations for this event reflect both the splitting of the masculine energy (reflected in the shape of the Y) as well as the two pillars as represented by the K, the eleventh letter, and of course numerology counting has Y as the 25th letter, so 25 plus 11 plus 2 equals 38, which added together make another 11. The attempt was to continually imprint the consciousness of the population with the 11 imaging, reinforcing the two pillars and the separations thereof. When that did not happen, on the moment of midnight leading into the year 2000, and there was a quantum shift experienced throughout the planet when the millennium disaster did not happen, the next event was the September 11th event, which was rife with 11 symbolisms as well as precipitating the endgame attempt to create a worldwide martial law imposition and endless holy wars. This of course included the literal implosion of the largest two pillars symbol on the planet, the twin towers of the World Trade Center. But that, too, is failing, and instead, is only stimulating the acceleration of the wake up process in the population, to which we will return later in the last part of this book. But to return to the historical foundations of our narrative, let’s look now at another set of key twins. In the Sumerian phase of history, in the fertile crescent and the so-called cradle of civilization in the western world, when the people were absolute subjects of their gods and their divine right kings, there existed a council, the Council of the Annunaki. The head of that council and the titular head of the race was and is Anu. He had two sons, Enki and Enlil. Although not twins, they embodied the epitomization of the split of the male principle. One, Enki, whose name translates to Keeper of the Earth, was the part of the god force that supported and desired to nurture mankind. It is he who is embodied in the story of Noah who is the god that warns Noah of impending doom and the need to sequester and save the genetic information to insure the continuance of the race. Enlil, on the other hand, is angry, arrogant, vengeful and full of wrath. He is at odds with the human race most likely because they are becoming too much as he is, gaining knowledge and ascendancy towards immortality, the so-called right of the gods.

Because of the internal split in every individual of the race, and in the race consciousness as a whole, it was inevitable that the out picturing of the collective would create this dichotomy in these two godlings. This dichotomy between the good god and the bad god is self evident in the Old Testament where it is plainly visible to see the two personalities represented in the composite known as Yahweh, where one personality is kind, generous and even loving, and the other is envious, deceitful, violent and filled with rage. It is a variation on today’s good cop, bad cop routine…in this instance, the good god, bad god routine. The synthesis of all of this into the later Old Testament into a singular god head is an attempt to mask the reality of the split. But with eyes open one can read the books and stories of the Old Testament and see the good god and the bad god readily enough. Enlil gradually evolved through the successive periods from Sumer to Babylon, through pre-biblical phases until it came to a focalization in the land of Judea. He was variously known as El Shaddai (the god of the mountain), El Elyon (the most high) and eventually Yahweh and Jehovah. It was Enki who was the serpent of the so-called garden scene who was giving mankind access to knowledge and ability to see as the gods did. So, in essence, the fight between ascending consciousness and contravening lockdown intentions of control, finds its modern day origins in these two brothers and their battles over the human race. For a complete understanding and in depth exploration of this history, refer to the works of Zecharia Sitchin and Laurance Gardner (keeping in mind, of course, that those are not necessarily the complete stories either, only facets). In the region of Sumer and Mesopotamia, as previously discussed, emerged the seed roots of today’s end game crystallizations of this underlying issue. Abraham emerged from the city of Ur, the sound tone of the root chakra. He was forced to abnegate himself to Enlil, in the guise of El Elyon and later as Yahweh, by splitting his consciousness in the forced choice between his son and his god. He chose his god and the split was cemented into the consciousness and the binding religions that would emerge out of this event would crystallize the path for the next three thousand years leading to today’s global stage, splitting into the three major monotheistic religions that in themselves hold the out picturing of the three bodies of our incarnate forms (physical, emotional and mental). From his seed would emerge the twelve tribes of Israel but also the polarized opposite brotherly line leading to the Islamic path. This, too, would bifurcate very soon after its inception, splitting again into the Sunni and Shiite paths, and each of these, too, would split and schism in upon itself. Abraham, (the lover of Ra), would be told to travel to the land of Canaan, where the remnants of the people still retaining the reverence for the feminine were settled, the descendants of those people who had traversed from Scandinavia, the land of the Daal Fin, through the British Isles, eventually through France, Egypt and eventually the land of Canaan. It is the remnants of this people, after their dominance and fragmentation under the iron fist of those who served Yahweh that would scatter throughout the lands, and having retained vestiges of their time in Egypt, would be known as the Gypsies, derived from (E)gyp(t)sy. This is why the gypsies are vilified in every land they traverse, because they still retain the energetic frequency of the original feminine principle their

forebears held in these lands before the onslaught of the male dominant tsunami originating from the seed of Abraham. Later of course the Egyptian god Amen would tag the Ra tone to the end of his name and declare himself to be the Sun god, later to be invoked after every Christian prayer when it is ended with the intonation of “amen.” This is the overlay of the false “god” concept to prevent the consciousness to access the true inner pathway through the gates of the two lions. This is also embodied in Greek mythology with the story of Helios, the original god of the sun, who drove his chariot every day from horizon to horizon to provide light, warmth and energy to the land and the people, eventually being supplanted by the new sun god, Apollo, another variant on Amen Ra. In various legends and texts it is reported that Jesus had a twin brother, whose name was James. It was the hidden twin that carried the esoteric church (ekklesia, meaning the congregation, the word that evolved to our modern term ecclesiastical), the same James embodied in the derivative of John, in the Latin Iago and the Spanish Diego. Then throughout history either the symbolic, mythical story lines or the actual and historical events over and over again carried the energy and the symbology of the split male and the twins of the two pillars. We have mentioned Atlas and Hercules, Enki and Enlil, Paris and Menelaus, and of course there is the story of Arthur and Lancelot on the British Isles as well as later, during the period just before the sinking of Lyonesse off the southwest coast of Britain, the story of Tristan and Isolde, whose true love was thwarted because he had to yield to a royal imperative in the rivalry of another male. At the end of a key cycle during the transition from the Egyptian and Mesopotamian world, Alexander the Great conquered the known world but died in his youth and at the height of his power. He divided his kingdom into three parts establishing a template that would later be followed to divide and control the three bodies of the physical template of the human race (the physical, emotional and mental bodies), which we will return to more extensively later in the book. One of those three parts went to his general Ptolemy, who established the Ptolomeic dynasty in Egypt. This dynasty had thirteen successive rulers as pharaoh, twelve men and the thirteenth was one of the most famous female names of history, Cleopatra (whose name translates to Lover of the Father). Cleopatra had three children, a daughter and twin sons. One of the sons was named Alexander Helios. When Egypt under Cleopatra in partnership with Marc Anthony was defeated by Augustus Caesar and the armies of Rome, she was bidden to come to Rome and be his wife. Instead, she refused and disappeared from history. Much of the records of the Ptolomeic line disappeared from history as well, along with the tomb of its dynasty. What history has yet to recognize is that she and her twin sons, along with the contents of the tomb and many other key artifacts of that period sailed across the Atlantic Ocean and into the North American continent, past a delta area that one day would be called New Orleans, up the Mississippi River and into the heartland of America, only to be found by an ignorant treasure hunter in southern Illinois in the middle 1980s. It is likely, though not conclusively proven as yet, that Alexander Helios ended his days in the four corners area of the southwest and became known to the native nation peoples of that

area as the Sun King. Helios, of course, as referenced earlier, is the god in charge of driving the chariot of the sun across the sky. So, by force of history, twin boys of royal Egyptian lineage ended up in North America, one as a revered sun king in the area of one of our two referenced repositories of gold in the four corners area. The other twin brother ended up his days in the northeastern corner of what is now called the United States, in effect placing two pillars of royal and European lineage on the North American continent, while at the same time adding their genetic strains to the admixture of the native races on the continent. Later in part two we will trace the movement of much of the world’s gold and find it settling in the twentieth century in many underground repositories in the remnant lands of the kingdom of Singa Sari, the land of the essence of the lion, a good portion of which came from that original repository in the four corners area. In effect, Alexander Helios came to plant seeds on the North American continent in that original repository area, seeds of genetic lineage, and seeds of energetic construction in order to set key elements in place in preparation for the period we are in today. We were told in school that the name America was derived from some obscure Italian explorer during the age of discovery that followed 1492, one Amerigo Vaspuci. Well, how dumb do they think we are? Dumb enough, no doubt, since most will tell you that this is where the name America came from. But, in fact, it has a much more ancient root. For it is the land of America, where one of two original repositories of gold were placed many million of years ago in the sequential construct we call time, that the Spirit of the original Void of the feminine component of creation has lain sleeping for so very long. Because America is derived from the words La Meri Ka, La as the feminine pronoun as it is used in various Latin derived languages today, Meri in reference to that archetypal sound tone vibration of the feminine Void as expressed in the symbolic names used in the mythological stories of 2000 years ago, and Ka as the essential spirit body which is derived from the 11th and 1st letters, adding up to twelve, with K as the eleventh letter with all of its symbology previously discussed of the pillars, the split male and so forth, and A as the Aleph, the Alpha, and the primary feminine principle. La Meri Ka was and is a Star of primordial significance that was sought by all ages, which has lain in slumber here in America for eons of time, that the male dominant intruder force has sought to settle its overlaying construct to control and feed off of in the false holographic reality as the so-called “Grand Work of the Ages,” a false doctrine that has driven the ego based, greed dominated, control mongering minds of men to this very day. But the true Ka, the 11 + 1, where the feminine reunites properly and in balance to heal and revivify the masculine principle that has been used and abused as the tool of such an agenda, has lain dormant but not diminished, all this time, finally now reawakening to break through the false reality as is taking place in our time. Another example of the male dominant overlay which is an exact parallel to the one in which the Priest King male god, in the form of Melchizedek and then Abraham, taketheir seat of power on top of Jerusalem, is the fact that Washington D.C., which is one of the three controlling city nation states of the world (we shall return to in Parts Two and Three to explain this more completely), was derived, as per Constitutional mandate (to establish a seat of the federal government not more than ten miles square to be made out of land taken from one or more of the States), from the States Maryland and Virginia. Now,

when we look at the namesakes of these two states (Mary and Virgin), and put them together, we end up with….Virgin Mary. The Masonic and geometric structures and control templates in the lay out of D.C. are precisely done as to effect the overlay and control dominance sought after by such a placement and conveniently, and not coincidentally, over the energetic frequency of the Virgin Mary (Mother) template in the land of the Meri Ka! So history has always interspersed the clues and signposts to light the way of the true seekers and those who have come to endure and suffer in order to persevere to this great time of healing in which we live, those who no doubt are now reading this story written by one who is variously known through the ages as a mere scribe, a witness if you will, to now awake and remember, along with a partner also as witness, two souls who are here merely to activate these memories in this great time of awakening and remembering for those who have come to serve this unfolding. This lighted path throughout the ages has been known as the Lion’s Path because it is the feline race that holds true to much of the original template and divine design, and it is the Lion’s mane that is as a fiery Sun burning deep within our cells and within the center of our hearts, that must burn through the miasms and the distortions, through the obfuscations and the lies, to rend asunder that false yoke of servitude and slavery that has kept the two pillars separate and externalized the projection of power and authority outside of ourselves, into the worship of false gods, be they images, or illusions of wealth without substance, or temples of stone and plaster behind which the gods of the Matrix manipulate the marionettes to do their bidding for pieces of silver, while even the gold and silver have been removed to be replaced by the karma tokens we feed the meters and the slot machines and the dials and the time clocks and the mechanical patterns and the digitized sensory distractions to feed us stimulus as an avoidance of the anesthetizing dullness and mediocrity lurking underneath, while the drum beat of life remains ever present and eternally alive, waiting oh so patiently for our return. It is the Lion’s Path that still burns and beckons in our dreams to lead us back to wholeness, and it has been inscribed everywhere one cares to look in the books and pages of history, in places big and small, such as a whole kingdom where once lived a land called Lumeria, the Singa Sari, the essence of the Lion, then the land of the bitter fruit. In Part Two we will revisit the story of the land of Singa Sari to see what happened to all of the gold of this world that has driven men crazy to possess as they were compelled by an unseen hand to gather and control the severed halves of the life force of the inhabitants of this planet come to seek reunion with their Selves and liberation from the illusions of separation, that unseen hand, of course, attempting to seal the souls into this third dimensional prison planet enclosure forever and hoping we would not wake up sufficiently to end their quest and “Great Work of the Ages” agenda. But we have, and this book is our contribution to such an awakening, to bring forward the memories that will assist in the re-membering of all who read these pages and of all who care to integrate and regain the clarity necessary to liberate the Emerald Life Force within us all. Many esoteric societies, going back to ancient Egypt, have used the symbology of the Lion and the reference to the Lion’s Path, harkening back to when the constellation of

Leo rose on the ascendant plane some thirteen thousand years ago and the visage of the Sphinx gazed at the rising Sun in the land where it would all emerge and begin in earnest some five thousand years ago. It was the memories of the Lion’s Path that were sequestered in myth and symbol and esoteric science and teachings in order to retain the vestigial memories, as it was known that the overlords would soon come in to play and do their thing, their attempt at suppressing and oppressing the life force, the emerald light and frequency of the global population, to create a false reality of six, seven, moving towards eight billion incarnated souls to be their slaves and their source of nourishment into some false eternity, until such time as the time was ripe for remembering. And now us the time!! RECOMMENDATIONS BOOKS

All books in the Holy Grail series by Laurance Gardner are highly recommended, such titles as Bloodline of the Holy Grail and Secrets of the Lost Ark

All books in the Earth Chronicles series by Zechariah Sitchin, The 12th Planet, Wars of Gods and Men NOTE: The authors in no way promote or ascribe to the position that the entire body of information in the above collections of work from these two authors is the full story, nor that it contains all verified and confirmed facts. In fact, it is likely that there are serious gaps in the material’s accuracy and most likely a good portion of disinformation whether consciously applied or not. These are recommended as good base and foundational reading to get perspective on the bigger historical picture. Keep in mind that Sitchin’s work is based largely on translations of Sumerian texts, which in all likelihood were dictated to scribes by the Annunaki for their own agendas and therefore much can be considered suspect. Nonetheless, it is important in building a base of knowledge and understanding in this kind of work to read as much and as wide as possible, so there two sources are a good start. Another good set to read is by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, starting with The Hiram Key, then The Second Messiah, Uriel’s Machine and the fourth book The Book of Hiram.


For further information regarding the translocation of the tomb of the Ptolemies, Cleopatra and her twin sons, go to

The ELF Transmissions

Chapter Seven

The Nature of Whole System Energetics

To close Part One of this book, we will touch now on some broad brush stroke archetypal concepts that are key to the understanding of the holographic nature of our current reality construct, because this “reality” as we think we know it, as has been emphasized so far, is nothing but an artificial construct that overlays the real thing. The trick perpetrated on our consciousness has been to convince us that the principles of the false reality are in fact immutable and thus fixed. Nothing could be further from the truth. But the starting point is to really get this, not just intellectually, but truly get it in one’s bones and cells so that nothing can swerve one from this knowingness and certainly. In order for that to be part of ones make-up, an understanding of some of the universal principles at play and those that are used to maintain the illusions of the false reality by those who would own and control us is quite necessary. The key understanding for this is energetic in nature. It is the understanding of the nature of Whole System Energetics. In this context, a Whole System can be defined as a unit of consciousness, no matter how large or how small. As a Whole System within Consciousness, it is endowed and imbued with indivisible self-awareness, what we have referred to as the gift of individuation, self-aware, self-reflective, eternal and whole. Any Whole System, as an individualized unit of consciousness, can then decide to inhabit a corresponding unit of reality, from the most expanded to the most minute, from the most ephemeral to the most mundane. At the same time, from inception out of the undifferentiated wholeness of All That Is, an individuated Whole System proceeds to engage with Life and gain knowledge, wisdom and experience, and thereby to grow. Upon entering a level of physical form in the densities of matter such as we have on Planet Earth, said unit of physical embodiment will be directly reflective of the nature of the indwelling consciousness. This is the essence and the entirety of what is important in the context of this book. Additionally, there are some important fundamentals regarding the nature of Whole Systems that must be understood if one is to take this information beyond the purely theoretical or philosophical domain and place it into practical application within our context of liberating the Life Force from our current status of entrained, contained and enslaved control within the confines of the illusions of separation. The first of these is the fact that every Whole System is interdependent with all other Whole Systems with which it interfaces. No Whole System exists in a vacuum. We can understand a Whole System easiest through our experience in third dimensional, physical reality, but it must be understood that we are talking here of consciousness, not the matter that reflects said consciousness or that we peer upon through the medium of our five senses. The purpose for which we enter into the understanding of Whole Systems is so that we can fuse consciousness with the material world we currently inhabit, to thereby

come to understand the nature of our role in the creation and the on-going evolution of such a world, and thus assume our rightful roles as true co-creators and stewards of our own creative expression. To take command and move within our own creation, to synchronize at all levels of our multi-dimensional Beings, so that we can become the sovereign masters of every aspect of the Universe in which we reside, this is the purpose and the design of who we truly are. When we understand that the Universe is infinitely repeated as a realm of Creation (not repeated as a monotonous sameness but in the essential element of scalable realities) and infinitely expandable, we begin to have a glimmer of what the nature of Whole Systems is. For in every unit of consciousness, occupying a commensurate unit of material creation, we discover the indivisible wholeness of our Beings, while at the same time not being confined into any level of limitation within any Universe in which we choose to play. As a system of consciousness, integrated, balanced and whole, we can move anywhere we want in the infinite realms of creation. At the same time, we can understand the larger whole by knowing ourselves as a smaller whole, with the same essential elements only reduced in scale. The macrocosm is revealed within the microcosm, and so to understand the smaller Whole is to know the larger Whole. The most significant and singular Whole System that we must concern ourselves with at this time is that of our human organism. This is the vehicle in which we, as Cosmic Spiritual Beings, reside while sojourning upon this material sphere. Once we have perfected this vehicle we can then move freely from one Whole System to the next. Currently, that is the task at hand, and we are standing at the brink of cosmic ignition as we complete the last few remaining details of the perfection of this realm. One might question this statement and assert that we are not at the edge of perfection but rather at the edge of self-destruction, to which we will simply ask that you forebear such assertions until the conclusion of this book. It is our intention to illustrate just how close to perfection we have come, and to point out that what appears to be the imminence of our final demise is merely the evidence of our imminent perfection. The answer lies within the understanding of the nature of Whole Systems:

A Whole System, by definition, is an indivisible Whole unto itself. At the same time, ever larger or ever smaller Whole Systems can contain this

Indivisible Whole or be contained within it. Therefore, no Whole System is truly independent.

All life is therefore capable of maintaining the integrity of every individual being, While at the same time no individual being is separate from life itself.

What affects the Part affects the Whole, and the Whole is contained within Every Part because every Part is a Whole unto itself.

This is not a new system of thought, per se. Every area of human endeavor in some way has come to understand some aspect of this perspective. Every area of human thought and all human institutions understand the nature of Whole Systems, whether we are talking about social structures, psychological perspectives, or philosophical explorations. What is new here is that we are going to look at this from some new vantage points as it

pertains to the most important Whole System of all, the human organism. And remember, as we do so, that we are not only talking about physical components when we speak of Whole Systems, we are speaking of consciousness first, and then that consciousness as reflected in the physical world. Therefore, we are going to be looking at the human organism as a whole unit of consciousness, with ever larger and ever smaller Whole Systems that contain it and are contained within it. This will take us into universes within universes, all as the playground of consciousness. When we are able to synchronize within this vast cosmic interplay we will be able to travel through realms of consciousness and maintain the harmony and integrity inherent in the original design, a design we are just now coming to understand. We will also, of course, be looking quite minutely into the nature of the control mechanics that have foisted a systematic encumbrance of belief systems to achieve the exact opposite of the original design, which is to contain and control the life force into this unit of physical embodiment and lock it in forever in order to feed off of it as a source of energy to maintain the false reality and the prison system required for such control. Thus, by understanding the true nature of ourselves and the world we exist in as whole systems gives us the understanding of how the dynamics of the control matrix are instituted and maintained, and by such understanding we can thereby engage our process of liberation. So it is important to emphasize and to remember: we are the creators and we provide the juice, not the other way around. This book does not purport to be “scientific” even though it will refer to many scientific concepts and structures. To the traditionally trained scientist many of the statements and conclusions in this book will appear fantastic and without basis. We are not scientists and even though we have explored many areas of scientific information and thought from a layman’s perspective, we have not done so to any great degree or specialization. We are not specialists, and thankfully this is the case. A specialist is an analyst, and an analyst by definition breaks things apart and dissects them to the smallest possible level. This is completely contrary to an inquiry into life based on an understanding of Whole Systems. It is more correct to describe our work as that of the synthesist, one who sees the synthesis of related systems. To dissect and break things apart is to destroy its life force. Whole Systems are based on the sustenance of universal Life Force. Western science, in its current direction, is an abstraction of the mind that, given its current direction, will lose itself in a labyrinth of infinite extrapolation that leads further and further from any true integrity within the Whole System of who we are as human beings and the larger whole system of our divine nature and origins. This is important to understand because the path beyond this technical abstraction of the mind is the Whole System of the perfected Human Being. This perfection is a complete integration of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies of our multi-dimensional selves. This perfected and integrated Human Being is a holographic microcosm that contains the entire mapping and access to the larger macrocosm in which it lives. We, as Whole Systems, contain the entire Universe in our beings, and once we are fully awakened and integrated to this fact, we are truly unlimited in creative potential. There is only one criterion that then applies, which is that all actions directed from the center of our beings are in balance and alignment with Divine Law. And the supreme

Divine Law that governs an integrated Whole System is Balance. This is the antithesis of the mentally abstracted, infinitely extrapolated path of mechanical technology that is by and large leading us to the inevitable conclusion of planetary suicide. As time collapses relative to the exponential growth of consciousness currently unfolding within and around us, we are fast approaching a point where we are regaining our ability to be true creators wherein all aspects of our creation are becoming instantaneous and consistent with our inner state. In the meantime, the old world order, based on polarity, abstraction from the essence of our life force, and dominance of the life force instead of partnership with it is imploding in upon itself. As these two parallel movements proceed there is only one thing to remember, which is the theme of Part One, repeated now several times, but worthy of repetition:

“Whatever is broken cannot be fixed, Whatever is Real cannot be broken,

Focus on what is Real and the rest will fade away!” This book and its presentations are both poetic and visionary, while at the same time being well grounded in both experiential and synthesis understandings of the world in which we live. It follows and details a path in history, along the parallel Path of the Lion which has retained the energetic essence of our beings, to juxtapose the path of control with the path of liberation. One must understand the nature of one’s prison in order to find the way out of the labyrinth and through the doorway into freedom. We humans are supposed to be the stewarding species of this planet. We have not been performing this fundamental aspect of our job description here for a long time. Fortunately, we have had some assistance while we have been snoozing at the controls. In the meantime, in the process of developing and gradually perfecting our vehicles, we have, in the last phase of the development of the mental body, been pursuing the task of naming everything on the globe. The biblical reference to this task states that Man is the one to name the plants and the animals and the minerals. We have been doing this, through the scientific mode of exploration and inquiry, right down to the sub-atomic particles and every single species and protozoa in the world. In the process of naming we have perfected the mental body in its synergistic relationship to the Whole System of the world organism and all of our partners in life here on Earth. Our only real mistake was in trying to dominate and control all of these things we have named. It is more accurate to state that we, collectively, are here to have dominion upon this planet, not dominance. The difference is that dominion refers to the fact that we are not separate from what we create, it is a form of union while at the same time honoring and maintaining the focus of individual identity and honoring the life force in all beings therein. In naming a thing, we enter into relationship with it through the interplay of the mind. As has been discovered in modern physics, the observer cannot be separated from the observed. Therefore, as we observe the world in which we reside, we must eventually engage in the true nature of the partnership between observer and that which is observed. This is synchronous alignment with Life itself. This is the true definition of dominion in alignment with Divine Law, the law of balance, balance as an energetic relationship of

dynamic equilibrium, and through such a relationship we begin to liberate the Life Force from its prison, and by so doing gain our own freedom and that of life itself. In the process of naming every iota of this globe, and as we proceed forward towards our destiny, we are now doubling human knowledge every eighteen to twenty four months. In this process we are coming face to face with the reflection of ourselves in all that we have named and mapped out in our exploration and pursuit of knowledge. This is important to note, because the key to understanding who we are in the bigger scheme of things is to understand that the Whole System of who we are is reflective, reciprocal and mutually interdependent with the world we have come to know, the world which, in fact, we are the creators of. And in the process of coming to know it, we have accomplished two things. We have perfected our mental bodies in order to balance and reintegrate such with our emotional and physical bodies, and we have begun to return to our true positions as stewards and co-creators on this incredibly complex life sustaining field of our own creation. As we approach this point, we have been working quite diligently, at least those who received the wake up call to begin the healing required, to re-establish the integrity required in the Whole System of our human organism. This has required the individual and collective process of healing our emotional and physical bodies that would thus allow the final integration of our wholeness in preparation for the next step, which is a dimensional shift. Because of the holographic nature of every Whole System, when enough individuals have perfected their beings by healing themselves, this will be out pictured in the external environment and we will begin to heal the larger Whole System in which we reside, the Earth Herself. In the interim, what we see unfolding on the planetary stage today, in every sector of human activity, in politics, social systems, environmental issues, education, entertainment, technology, and every other aspect of our collective racial engagement with the construct we are playing within, is essentially the purging and the cleansing of everything that is not in alignment with, that is not in synchronicity with the essence of life as whole, eternal and complete. We are cleansing the one great body….the body of ourselves as a racial Whole, of ourselves as a convergence of myriad genetic contributions to such a racial Whole, or our collective consciousness going back to our inception into individuation, individually and collectively, and by so doing, coming to the completion of the octave of the localized reality we began Part One discussing.

* * * * * * * *

To lay out the fundamentals and build a foundation, from which the rest of this book will proceed, and upon which the elements already presented in this first part will be more fully understood, there are a number of structural components that must be defined in order to establish a common vocabulary by which we can explore the nature of Whole Systems. These components are as follows:

The Holographic Nature of Whole Systems Whole Systems are holographic in nature. A hologram is created by the interference pattern of two beams of light crossing each other at a specific angle. Each beam carries an integral piece of information that cannot be expressed without the corresponding information from the other beam. In terms of our physical incarnations on this planet we can look at the one beam as our spiritual selves interfacing with that which we pull up from the physical matrix of the planetary body. This, in essence, is described by the axiom “As above, so below.” When a hologram is created into a material template, every piece of that template will be a whole picture of the form thus produced. In the same way, a Whole System such as the human organism is holographically the same as the larger Whole System that it is contained within. Therefore, each individual human on planet Earth is essentially a hologram of the Earth itself combined with the unique individualized spiritual qualities of the person him(her)self. The importance of this concept is in the fact that when all of those little beaming points of light contained within every soul currently incarnated on this planet descended into the Whole System of the Earth, they took upon themselves a characteristic of the Earth itself. If this took place when the Earth was laboring under the weight of a psychic burden of mis-creation, which of course we know to be the case, we then clothed ourselves in that dysfunctional material of the realm by purpose and design. In so doing, as we now realign ourselves to our full divinity and radiant selves, we holographically cut energetic pathways to assist the collective consciousness and that of the Earth Herself towards the healing of the realm. Additionally, the holographic nature of Whole Systems enables us to understand ourselves through the study of general principles of cosmic creation and geometric design. Conversely, by knowing the design of our own system, through its various integrated systems such as the genetic, biological, and energetic, we come to know the nature and form of the universe in which we reside. The part contains the essential blueprint and design of the whole, and vice versa. Therefore, the perfecting and exponential growth currently taking place through our capacity to extend our consciousness throughout the realm of our current reality, down to the quantum level of our physical atomic structures and the energy matrix within which it is held, is the process of mapping our way through our own pathways of consciousness and creation. All is being revealed which is the true apocalypse, which simply means breaking open (in order to reveal).

The Microcosm-Macrocosm Relationship This relationship is based on a fundamental aspect of Whole Systems, which is that each system is a reflection of the larger system within which it resides, or of any smaller system contained within it. The only difference is scale. This is the nature of fractal geometry discussed in earlier chapters, and is also the nature of the relationship between

implicate order as it emerges from apparent chaos. Once a system in which individualized consciousness finds itself in is fully understood and integrated then all other systems with which it interfaces become accessible to it. In many respects this is simply a restating of the holographic nature as discussed above and is fundamental to the importance of the material that we will explore later on in this book having to do with our true history, the history of the creation of the false bondage and belief systems, the bonding of the religious constructs and all the rest. Because once each reader’s individual consciousness begins to break through the miasms and the distortions of all the lies that comprise the One Big Lie, then as individual whole systems within the holographic construct and within the microcosm-macrocosm relationship we will begin to literally break the bonds that hold us and such will ripple throughout the realm and begin to shatter the illusions and the bonds of the larger whole. As this takes place the larger whole and the apparent stranglehold of the current controllers who would be our so-called gods and priests and kings, will crumble into the dustbin of history and be no more. Because of the nature of whole systems, the nature of holographic reality and the nature of the relationship of the one to the many, this is inevitable and unstoppable. This is also why there is a seemingly unending agenda taking place right now, with ever increasing intensity, of attempts to suppress the growth and awakening process through energetic, frequency control, dampening down technologies, and other methods, including chemtrails, HAARP ionosphere control methodologies, chemical warfare on a continual basis through the water, food and air, genetic manipulations and much, much more. Because the thinking goes that if these efforts can sufficiently suppress the opening up, awakening and consciousness breakthroughs of enough individuals on the planet then the containment field can possibly be retained and secured. But that is not going to happen and in fact, the point of no return when the consciousness has superceded such attempts is all but secured at this point in time and every attempt to suppress is now accelerating the awakening process all the more. An important element of this microcosmic-macrocosmic relationship is that of fractal geometry as was stated in the beginning chapter. To repeat this component within this current context, a fractal is a symmetrical reproduction of something that maintains the symmetry of ratio but with a difference in scale. Numerically, this is expressed by the equation 1:10:100:1000. One is to ten as ten is to one hundred as one hundred is to one thousand; the ratio is the same in each pairing, but the scale is larger each successive step upwards. Structurally this seems evident in the comparison that every school child seems to naturally observe that the structure of an atom seems to be just like the structure of a solar system. The only difference is in scale. From this perspective, as we extend outward into space, the stars that reside in the center of the solar systems as a nucleus then become as the orbiting electrons (or planets) around larger central suns, and then these central suns with their orbiting galaxies become, in ascending scale, orbiting bodies around larger suns still. Astronomy has observed that the universe is not static, that it is ever expanding (but, in fact, it is more likely that it is in a steady state of ever expanding growth and continual creation). As the outer space reflects the inner space, the corollary then is easy to arrive at that we, too, as expanding universes are not static, we are continually expanding and

growing. As a Whole System of consciousness, currently within an apparent system of limitation, we are really an embodying whole creator system that is infinitely expandable. Someday we will indeed be the substance of which star systems are made! And by virtual of our expanding creational capacity, as we awaken and breakthrough the bonds of our limitations, then the result is inevitably that these bonds will not only be broken through, but they will become soon enough nothing more than dust along the pathway.

The Nature of Correspondences Correspondences can be defined as system relationships that describe the inter-relatedness of all units of consciousness. The law of correspondences includes all the other elements discussed so far in this chapter related to Whole Systems, such as the holographic nature of reality, the microcosmic-macrocosmic relationship, reciprocal relationships, the system of harmonics in mathematics, numbers, vibration and frequency, and on and on. Some of these correspondences are Numerical, Astrological, Geometric, micro-macro relationships such as the Human System to the Planetary System, Planetary System to the Solar System, Solar System to the Stellar System, Stellar System to the Galactic System and beyond. The Law of Correspondences is simply that as an inter-related Whole System all things are reciprocally reflective. One fundamental fact about our human organism in which our higher divine souls have incarnated in this time/space continuum of reality construction is that it has as fundamental structures three primary planetary bodies: the physical, the emotional and the mental bodies, through which we not only perceive reality but through which we create it. At the same time, we have seven primary planetary energetic levels that inter-relate with the three primary bodies, known as chakras. If we look around at our planetary system we will find many correspondences to these two primary constructs. Seven colors in the rainbow made up of three primary colors, seven continents, the fact that if one starts with three primary elements one can extrapolate seven potential combinations in which, if we designate our three elements as A, B and C, there are seven combinations of one or more of the elements: (A), (B), (C), (A & B), (B & C), (A & C) and (A, B and C). As we explore this concept of correspondences we will find many examples in all human endeavors, systems and institutions, be they political, social, religious, artistic, organizational and so forth. These have been utilized in the inculcation, indoctrination and dissemination of the systems of bondage and control that underlies the “them” of this book, that point to where we are embedded into the matrix and where we must unravel ourselves in order to regain our freedom and liberty. Many of the techniques of control using these fundamental levels and components based on the law of correspondence are done so by virtue of inversion, whereby a natural geometric structure is inverted, turned upside down or inside out, or both, and thereby is used for control instead of creation. We have given some examples of that and more will follow as the book unfolds. The key to understand and keep in mind in this regard is that by knowing the pathway in to control, we are also delineating the pathway out to freedom. The simple fact and act of conscious awareness is a major starting point of breaking the bonds of control, and due to the nature of the holographic reality of the matrix, when one being sees through to this context, it permeates through the morphogenetic field to the

racial consciousness and energetic pathways are opened up and made easier for others to follow. The nature of the three bodies and the seven centers will be further discussed and shown demonstratively later in the book as to how these are used as primary tools of control and how the simple act of reintegrating and rebalancing of these centers will plan a major role in the liberation of our consciousness on a planetary scale. Another example of correspondences is contained in the numerical relationships explored in an earlier chapter between number sequences and values and that of the alphabet. Another related example in language, which is more fundamentally a system of sound tone vibration and frequency, with a correspondence in political control systems is the fact that Sanskrit as one of the original foundational languages on this planet in the current time fractal has 47 sound tone letter symbols that also have correspondences to exact locations in the human body. Add to this the three planetary bodies and we have a total of fifty. In the ultimate control structure that will be extensively detailed in Part Three, the United States Code which underlies the method of bondage in our time, there are fifty titles or sections. Title 26 is where we find the code of the Internal Revenue Service, the tax code. There are 26 letters in the English language, the language of the code, also the language of obfuscation, manipulation, distortion and lies. This is why a new technology now emerging called Reverse Speech can record someone speaking and play it backwards to hear what is really being communicated behind the façade of the language of the speaker. The fifty titles of the United States Code are used as phase lock vise grips to lock the consciousness into a frozen bondage of fiction, obfuscation and lies, corresponding to the original 47 sound tones of the Sanskrit vibrations contained in the human organism and organized around the three planetary bodies, physical, emotional and mental. The relationship in the proper method of vibratory manifestation of these 47 vibrational tones in the body, in conjunction with the three bodies, in correspondence with the seven chakras is the finely tuned instrument with which, were we not bound and bonded to a false reality, we would be free to create our reality in any way we so desired…free, prosperous, abundant, vibrantly healthy and alive, as co-creators from the realms of eternity doing our dance with the orchestral seasons and cycles of time. And on and on…correspondences within the microcosm, reciprocally reflecting the macrocosm of eternity, of the cosmos and the galaxies and the infinite panoply of stars in the night. Ninety-two basic elements in the period chart, the building blocks of physical reality, a harmonic multiple of the 23 chromosomes in each gender, the 46 genes that come together to form the zygote from which we create our earth suit to walk on this planet. Twenty codons out of which we build the infinite chains of DNA corresponding to the twenty digits on our hands and feet, corresponding to the twenty symbols of the Mayan calendar system, corresponding to twenty tetrahedrons that if stacked one on top of the other would build a perfect spiral arc corresponding to the helical structure of our DNA, the tetrahedron being one of only five shapes known as the Platonic Solids that fit perfectly within the three criteria that defines such a shape (the same internal angle inside the shape, the same shape on every external face, and every point touching perfectly on the inside of a sphere that would enclose the shape). The tetrahedron is the only one of the five shapes that has an equal number of points and sides (4), thus being self-reflective, while the other four make up two reciprocally reflective sets (the cube with six

faces and eight points and the octahedron with eight faces and six points, and the dodecahedron with twelve faces and twenty points and the icosahedron with twenty faces and twelve points) the first set with key correspondences to the four directions so universal in systems of understanding worldwide and the second set having a correspondence to the twenty again as well as the central numeric of twelve to be found universally in many instances. Most native cultures and perhaps all of them have honored the four directions for millennia, and have understood this to be fundamental to our relationship to the physical reality we are in. It is the grounding of our relationship to physical reality. This is a reciprocally reflective honoring of the Earth that gives us of its life sustaining nourishment as well as a grounding into our own system of physical embodiment. As a general rule, the Law of Correspondence is an important building block with which to understand our relationship to the physical world that we currently occupy and more importantly, as we progress in this work, to understanding how this has been used as a method of inversion so that we would be trapped as if in a hall of mirrors with seemingly no exit, but once we can “crack the code” we will find our exit strategy has been there all along. Like Dorothy with her ruby slippers when the good witch told her that she always had what she needed to return to home with her all along, so too is this literally true for ourselves as well. One central key to unlocking our prison door is the understanding of the nature of whole systems and the various laws that apply thereto. We will return to and explore the nature of whole systems and correspondences in more detail later in the book. But for now, moving on, we will look at the energetic nature of another key element of the whole system construct, everyone’s family favorite…karma.

Karma as Storehouse of Energy As a holographic whole unit of consciousness that embodies a biological organism on a physical, three-dimensional sphere of material creation, we, as creator beings of spiritual origins, cannot be separate from that which we create. When we take up from the substance of the realm and create with it, divine law says that all things of such creation will maintain a relationship of dynamic equilibrium with the creative source of its creation. If that creative source, as a creator being in physical embodiment, is not in alignment with its own internal system of divine integrity, such integrity being defined as that which is synchronous with life-enhancing, life-uplifting principles and in alignment with the original divine blueprint of its creation and inception, then that which is created will not gain an integrated and life-sustaining consciousness of its own. As such, that misaligned creation must be stored in some manner, in some parallel reality in order for its eventual reintegration and rebalancing with its source, because it was created with divine energy and therefore cannot be destroyed. Such a process of storage of misaligned creation is what we know as karma. This misaligned content of karmic substance, even though more ephemeral than how we experience our own physical selves, is nonetheless “real.” It is bound to the center of the mass and gravitational field upon which it was created. Additionally, such gravitationally

bound mass is further confined by the limiting boundary of what we refer to as the speed of light. We think, and our physical sciences seemingly confirm, that such speed of light is the boundary beyond which we cannot step, but this is true only because of this entrapment created by our own misaligned creation held within this energetic storehouse known as karma and in conjunction with the bonding to the false reality that has been discussed so far in this book. Karma is nothing more and nothing less than a simple energetic mechanism. Since we are true creators, incarnated into a physical reality in a co-creative relationship with the larger multi-dimensional system of our Spiritual Beings, everything we create through the power of our thought and energized by our emotions must go somewhere. Thought puts organizing form to substance, that substance being the material elements of form in the third dimension. Over the long historical journey we have undertaken in exploring the nature of duality and separation we have created a vast repository of energy in the form of misaligned thought and distorted emotions. This repository is what is known as karma. Karma is definitely not a system of punishment and reward. But what we create must sooner or later return to its Source for realignment. All of our mis-creations are now returning to their source in preparation for realignment. Another key to this understanding is to know that in spite of what family, society, priests and the rest of the arbiters of the party platform have tried to convince us of, what we always thought of as wrong about ourselves is precisely what is right about us. To explain this, consider that in order to take the original divine blueprint of the beings that we were at the moment of our inception into individuated existence and come into this realm of distortion and reversed reality constructs based on lies and illusions, we had to literally turn ourselves inside out in order to conform within this hologram. In other words, in an insane world one must act and look insane in order to be considered normal. And furthermore, in other words, what is considered “wrong” with us in this reality, is really the inside out, upside down and ass backwards obverse reflection of our true nature. And so, as we clothed ourselves in the material of the realm, the false reality, what is wrong with us is the reflection of our true nature. And as we created parallel realities as store houses of our misaligned creator energy when we engaged with this realm over the linear sequences of lives and temporal existence, we have created a vast repository of energy. Now, in this current time frame, as we heal what is not in alignment with our higher selves and divine blueprints, we at one and the same time are cutting energetic pathways for others within the hologram to follow, we are releasing vast amounts of energy from those stored repositories of “karmic” energy and we are activating the catapult force that is lifting us through the distortions and miasms of miscreated falsity and back towards wholeness and eternity from whence we came….and taking the whole damned planet along with us. Herein lies the secret to the fine print of the contract we signed upon entering this realm, and life as it happens while we are busy making other plans. The fine print on our contract was essentially that we agreed to come down here, to cloth ourselves in the fabric of the realm, to enact within the misaligned structures inherent on this planet: thoughts, deeds, emotions, and creations that would bind us through “karma” to this

planet. This was by intent and by design. What we consider wrong with ourselves at this stage in the game, or what we considered thusly over the last twenty to eighty years of our lives thus far as the case might be, is really what was right about ourselves in this larger context. In a dysfunctional world the only thing a functional being can do is be dysfunctional. Then, by design, by the force of the compulsion to perfect ourselves, or actually more properly to say re-perfect ourselves, we have worked assiduously to do so and by so doing have assisted the greater whole to come back into alignment. The events and circumstances that have painfully brought to the fore those elements in our beings that were not in balance have been those things served up by life while we were busy making other plans. And the frozen energy that seemingly entrapped us by the bondage that will be delineated further as we progress in this book, through laws and legal machinations, through religion and the binding of consciousness through false mythologies, through social and political indoctrinations, family belief systems, peer pressure, tribal mind constructs, monetary systems of bondage and control and all the rest of it, is being liberated by the actions and deeds of millions of souls on this planet at this time and all of these methods of binding and bondage have all been to a purpose within the larger design and intent of the hermetically sealed crucible of these last twenty-six thousand years as initiated by the treaty and coming to a crescendo in our current endgame times.

Collapsing of Parallel Realities

This purpose and intent is the fruition of our individual and collective envisioning and impulse towards a new world based on truth, integrity, wholeness, and the sanctity of all life, and such a purpose has proceeded apace, though outside of the reach of our conscious minds. Within the Law of Correspondences there is a reverse reciprocal reflection in our own dysfunctional nature. If we start from the basis that what we have considered wrong about ourselves is in fact what is right about ourselves, then that which we have come to understand as the elements of our dysfunctional nature is really an inverse reflection of our true divine nature. We took on the clothing of the realm, by virtue of the fine print on our contract, in order to shift the hologram of the larger whole, the collective consciousness of humanity and of the Earth. Our dysfunctions are simply defined as that which is not in balance. Since the collective of humanity is made up of billions of individual Whole Systems of consciousness as embodied in biological form, and if that collective is maintained in an artificially entrained reality construct that appears to be real but is really the obverse of reality, out of balance and misaligned, then the ongoing creative force of all those beings will be stored until such time as balance can be re-attained. Thought formulates substance, as does emotion, and energy follows both; therefore, when we think or feel something that is misaligned from Divine intent, then that substance must be stored until such time as it can be realigned or transmuted back to its primal energy. That storehouse of energy takes place in vast layers of creation within parallel realities. When the final cycles of time begin to come to a climax, as they are now doing, these storehouses of energy will be collapsed into the singularity of consciousness which is the realness of our eternal and

spiritual beings integrated into the physical form of our own creation. Such a collapsing of parallel realities will bring all of the stored energy within those realities into the focus of here and now and will be as a catapult force that will literally hurl us forward into the dimensional shift now upon us. We are indeed at the end of the cycles of time and the purposeful design of our “miscreated” structures now is serving to shift the hologram of the larger whole. The understandings and detailed historical, monetary, legal and religious information that will be presented in the remainder of this book, as well as what is contained in Part One, is purposefully and specifically designed to activate latent memories so that the understanding of the process, and the energetic engagement and fulfillment thereof, shall be achieved. Whether you understand all or part or even just a fraction of what is presented here, the mere process of reading and digesting this material will activate this latent release process. Upon rereading the book, once or several times, this activation will accelerate, and the exponential expansion of the release process both individually and collectively will proceed. Eventually, you will see the code and the matrix for what it is…an illusion. You will never see reality the same way again, and what a relief that will be. Because fear and separation will dissolve as this process of disillusionment unfolds and gains momentum. And because of the nature of whole systems, and the energetic functions thereof, for every individual that this process takes place within, literally thousands and then millions more will gain enough of a foothold to shirk the bonds that bind us until we are all free at last. All of this is a play of consciousness, facilitated by the laws of energetics and the nature of Whole Systems. It cannot be stopped and at this point in time, as these words are being written, victory is absolutely guaranteed. The purpose of that fine print on our contracts to enter into and engage with this realm was because we cannot interfere with a system unless we are an integral part of that system. This work of liberation could not be done from the outside. It required that we be part of the realm that we came to transform. We had to transform out of our own beings in order to transform the larger whole. This book is presented as a work of intuitional knowledge and whole system comprehensive integration, based on extensive and diverse study in many areas of human activity, including history, science, social, political, legal and monetary systems, religion and spiritual development, and the personal inner explorations of the authors. This includes fifteen years of continuous study in the key areas pertaining to the bondage of law and monetary systems that will be presented in the next two parts, including extensive and ongoing, continuous interaction with very advanced players in the research and perfecting of the understanding of the legal applications and remedies that are integral to one’s path to liberation as will be later described. The overall conceptual framework of this work is based directly on experience and a quantum approach to cracking the code towards the goal of true freedom. It is also based on some extraordinary synchronistic happenings, of things serendipitous that time after time had life presenting amazing keys and pieces to the larger puzzle so that this very much synergistic worldview could progressively come into focus and crystallized formation as is herein being presented in written form. But it must be understood by the readers of this material that the path to freedom and sovereignty is one that requires every

ounce of dedication, intention and perseverance. The system is definitely stacked against us and will not relent easily. It is a path of self-responsibility above all else, there are many assistants and guides along the path, including this book, but the work is singular and personal. No one can do it for you. In fact, the externalization of intent, that someone outside of ourselves will come along and save us, whether that be the Christian mythos of the outside savior, or the Church, or the government, or mommy and daddy, will be the demise of the path. If you truly wish to be free, then set your foot on the path and never stop. If you do not stop, you will not fail, and fortunately many others have already trodden the path and thereby have made it easier by cutting those energetic pathways referenced earlier. But it is a personal path, so one’s own personal challenges, demons, doubts and all the rest of it will surely have to be confronted and dealt with. And it is a comprehensive path, always remember that. What that means is that financial attainment won’t do it for you by itself, there are many rich people completed bound and gagged by the matrix. Legal feats of amazing acumen are impressive, but not enough. Physical prowess and health won’t do it by themselves either. Mental gymnastics aren’t the ticket by itself, either; you can read all the books from here to China and not make it past first base. Emotional work and clearing, although central to the path, is not it alone either. All of these combined, and much, much more is required. Comprehensive, full spectrum and complete. This book is one tool to guide the way and open up dormant memories and activate understanding and several key aspects and directional compasses. But that is all it is. Just one tool. Our understanding and conclusions have been cross-referenced extensively with other viewpoints, other experiences, and other systems of knowledge. The information presented here is dynamic in nature and is open to an unfolding progression of understanding and perfecting. It will grow and expand as our work and that of others we associate with unfolds, as the world scene morphs and shifts with the acceleration of the times. As such, this work is not intended to be a rigid “this is the way it is,” but as a contribution to the ongoing quest to understand the way it is. The intuitional basis of this work has been tempered by a continual pursuit of leading edge information in science, integrated with a sense of the poetic nature of life, the ineffability of our Life Force as expressed in this world. It is a work guided by little elves that dance and sing and play in and around the synaptic junctures of our minds, tapping us in our dreams and caressing our deepest desires to return to wholeness. They did not sign a treaty with those nasty reptilian godlings and Annunaki system masters and Draconian warlords, priests and popes just to watch us suffer. They signed the treaty to put enough pressure on us to wake us up for our return to wholeness. And the concept of the “treaty” may very well be nothing more than a metaphor, an ephemeral drift of a dream that is there for no other reason than to stimulate the thought processes of being inside a crucible of time and space. So whether there was a real signing ceremony, a real treaty, real events at Newgrange and Versailles, or only metaphoric thought forms, the difference is meaningless and not germane to the point. The intent, overall, is to facilitate the extension of our capacity to envision a world beyond the current one we have created, a world where the sanctity of all beings and the very sanctity of Life itself is held paramount above all other things. In such a world where all beings are so honored, then

such a radical thought might be considered commonplace, and all human beings who walk upon this Earth might return to their center, by way of a Doorway to Freedom, the doorways of our inner selves, of our heart centers, of the gaze into each other’s eyes, through the radiant doorway guarded by two Lions with fiery manes like blazing Suns, beyond which are infinite fields of creation and splendor and lives to be lived beyond reckoning. And, of course…

The Only Way Out Is IN!!!