The game of life pt2

Post on 26-May-2015

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It should say CHAPTER 1, PART 2. on the first page


The Game of Life: Chapter 1, Part 1

Hey, welcome back! Last time our founder fell in love and got engaged to the charming Joe Carr (pictured on the right)!

“So, Joe. I’m a family sim, and I have an urge to get married.”

“Now?” “Uh, yeah. Now.” “Ok!”

*wedding music*

Aaand they tied the knot.

“Joe... Can we Try for a Baby?” “Well, yeah!” Woo.

‘Nuff said.

YAYAYAYAY! OMG! I’ve had Seasons for AGES now, and this is my FIRST sunburnt sim! Yay!

Just after Joe got sunburnt, Poppy arrived home from work.

“Wow, Joe. You feel hot.” “I know... But keep your hand there. I like it.”

“Ooh, it burns!”

That’s right, Poppy! Wake your husband up with a glass of cold water.

“Woah! What was that?”

“What the-? Joe! I’m pregnant!”


“Yay! I’m gonna be a daddy!”

Marisa, you’re creeping me out. Walking round the lot in the middle of the night.

“No, wrong number. Not interested in buying a new shower... Well I am, but you know...”

Okay. I broke my own rules. But Joe was constantly getting so sunburnt that I sort of had to... I couldn’t have my founding generation dying before generation 2 is born! I’ve never had that happen!

Poppy and Joe are addicted to water fights. Seriously. It’s all they ever do.

Oh dear. Not you too.

Joe got a job in the Law career for his LTW.

Do you ever feel really bad that the postman’s JUST been, then you put the newspaper in the bin? “No.” I wasn’t talking to you.

Turns out Joe had LOTS of expensive stuff in his inventory. Go Joe!

If you do that too much, Poppy, you’ll turn into a plantsim.


Mr. Popular, your wife is lying on the floor with heatstroke.

For goodness sake!

Don’t you love her undies? “I’m burning to a crisp here, and all you care about it what I’m wearing!?” It’s your own fault for having water balloon fights all the time!

Not you again!

Just no, Poppy.

“AWW, it HURTS!”

“My wife is... My wife is having a baby.”

“My wife is having a baby.” It is a legacy.

Please welcome to the family: Henry Game! (the square said ‘Baby Girl!’ but I saved and re-did the birth three times and they were all boys, so I’m swapping one later on which says Baby Boy for a girl.)

It was only then that I realized they were meant to have moved into a Starter Home as the square I landed on before Henry was born, so here it is – based on Tudor Style from the cards you choose from.

Poppy was a good mum... Obviously. She’s a family sim.

Unfortunately, the Game’s don’t have enough money for an exercise machine. Grr.

Get out of my sight, Joe. “Don’t worry, I will.”

Meanwhile, Poppy washed up.

Yes. That was the only picture I took whilst Joe was at work.

When he came back, ACR kicked in again. Yay.

But that didn’t mean Joe forgot about his fatherly duties.

“Who’s a good little boy? You are!”

“Birthday time, Henry!” Indeed, birthday time.

And here is – toddlerfied Henry! He looks mostly like his mum. Or is he completely like his mum? I don’t know.

Nothing like a nice bath.

Since it was both their wants, Henry learned to walk.

And talk? That depends on whether he decided to co-operate.

“I feel sick.” It’s called pregnancy, darling.

And that’s where I leave you! ;)