The Insight - ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH · May 2020 The Insight Page 4 Cross+Generational...

Post on 21-Aug-2020

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Volume LV Issue 5

May 2020

Inside this issue:

Senior Recognition 2

Lunch With the Word 2

Staying Connected 3


Ministries 4

Thank Yous 5


Finance &

Membership 6-7

Feeding Brookings

News 9

Calendar 10

Ministry List 11

Worship Schedule


Virtual Service


Facebook Live

& YouTube


We all know the story of Jonah, right? Jonah,

a prophet of the Lord told by God, “Go at

once to Nineveh, that great city; and cry out

against it; for their wickedness has come up

before me.” (Jonah 1:2) And Jonah thinks it’s

a better idea to run away from what God has called him

to do; so he rents a ship and sails for Tarshish in the

complete other direction. But along his journey, God sends a strong storm

and Jonah winds up in the belly of a fish. And there, Jonah does what? Cry for

help? I mean, I would; wouldn’t you? Picture that you’re Marlin and Dory

staring either at Bruce the Shark or the whale! You’d be scared too!

Many of us at this time can feel scared! Some of us might be pondering various

fears right now. Fears like: how long will this crisis go on, am I doing enough

to keep loved ones safe, do I have sufficient supplies to avoid the grocery

store for a few more days. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg we can see.

There’s also the mental stress we are all enduring right now too of grieving

our sense of normalcy, spaces, friends. And many of us might be wondering,

“am I doing the best I can for being a teacher or provider for my family?”

We’re each in our own belly of a fish. By the time that you read this, you

know that Christianne and I are expecting; and, I feel fear that I might bring

something home to put her or our baby’s health into jeopardy.

It’s good to acknowledge our worries, our fears, our moments when we feel

like we’re not enough. So here we are with Jonah, sitting in the belly of a fish.

Grateful! That’s what you read, grateful! Jonah prays within the belly of the

fish a prayer of thanksgiving:

“I called to the LORD out of my distress, and he answered me;

out of the belly of Sheol I cried, and you heard my voice…

As my life was ebbing away, I remembered the LORD;

and my prayer came to you, into your holy temple…

I with my voice of thanksgiving, will sacrifice to you…” (2:2, 7, 9a)

As this Covid-19 situation continues, I find myself very thankful for things that

I honestly wasn’t fully appreciative of before. I really value the connections

that I’ve strengthened with family and friends. I’m thankful for the ways that

y’all have reached out to one another and our community in this time of need,

as a sign of a loving and embracing God. And I’m thankful for a God of

deliverance and new life. And is that not what we embrace during the Easter

season, new life in the face of death? (It is!) As we continue in this unknown

time, I pray that all of us continue to strengthen our bonds and be the

presence of the Lord for one another when we feel in the belly of the fish. If

you want to get more involved in being that presence, I encourage that as

well, for “Deliverance belongs to the LORD!” (2:9b) Amen.

Page 2 May 2020 The Insight

The California Mission trip has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 restrictions

and concerns. Fees already paid will be refunded. By Council approval, the fundraising

proceeds and donations received for the trip will be transferred to a fund to support the

youth attending the 2021 National Youth Gathering in Minneapolis next year.

Upcoming Meals on Wheels

Meals on wheels continues to work to supply food for those needing the service in our community and thank

all volunteers who have assisted them in the past. They are hoping volunteers from Ascension will help out

again, June 22-July 3.

They are taking extra precautions with the home delivered meals to limit exposure for

both volunteers and those needing meals. A significant change at this time is that

recipients are asked to leave a cooler outside their doors for meals to be placed into.

Those without coolers already have been provided with one.

More information, including how to sign up, will be available by early June. Until then,

thank you and stay healthy!

Annual Senior Recognition

and presentation of quilts May 17th! We are planning a special service to celebrate all graduating seniors.

Lunch with the Word: Sermon on the Mount. Join us on Mondays between

May 4th and June 8th on Zoom from 12:10-1:00PM.

Anyone is welcome, whether you attend every week or only come once. Enjoy your own lunch. Read each

portion of Scripture before we meet and discuss the

questions. Please email the office or Pastor Fred for a

link to the meetings.

*Note we will not meet on Memorial Day (May


Page 3 May 2020 The Insight

Stay connected! Zoom with us! During this time of physically distancing from others, it is

important to maintain and encourage our connections with

each other. One way to do so is with Zoom meetings.

We are having nightly Zoom conversations at 7:00pm, if you

haven’t tried one out yet, we encourage you to do so. Just

check your email for the meeting link, ID and password.

Zoom is also being used for other meetings such as Ministry

Teams and Circles. This provides a way to not only talk to

others, but to see who you are talking with as well. Check

with your group leader if you aren’t sure if they are

participating in Zoom or not.

As Social Distancing continues we want to stay

connected with our church family. Hopefully

everyone has been reached by staff or volunteers

either by phone or email. As always, feel free to

contact us if you have a need we can help with.

What are some of the things you are doing in

your homes?

Ways you are worshiping, projects the kids are

doing, projects the adults are doing, etc. We

would love to see any pictures you are willing to

share on Facebook and/or in the next Insight!

Page 4 May 2020 The Insight

Cross+Generational Ministries

“Just as the ancient roadways used stones to mark the miles traveled, so

homes can use faith milestones to mark our journey.”

Upcoming Milestones High School Senior Class Recognition: May 17, 2020, 9:30 am

Sunday School News

Sunday School Offering: God’s Global Barnyard -- It’s Not Too Late to Donate!

Our Sunday School offering this year was pledged to go to God’s Global Barnyard, a

program of ELCA World Hunger. Through donations this great organization provides

animals to families in need of food to eat, fertilizer to grow crops and offspring to sell at the

market. Just $10 provides 10 chicks; $30 provides a pig, $20 provides honeybees, $500

provides a cow, $50 provides a goat. Because we haven’t had Sunday School for so many

weeks, our offering total for this worthy cause is lower than normal. The end of May we

will be sending the check to ELCA for God’s Global Barnyard. If you would still like to give

toward this ministry, please send your offering to Ascension by May 15th. Remember

Hebrews 13:16 – Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are

pleasing to God.

Sundaes for School Teachers is cancelled due to the current situation. But, that doesn’t mean

we don’t really appreciate those people who stepped up the plate to teach Sunday School!

We give a big shout out to:

Michelle Nelson and Sarah Mooney - Preschool; Jamie Fryslie and Sarah Dammen - Kindergarten; Dana

Culver & Jamie Grimsrud - 1st and 2nd Grade; Christianne Bartelt & Carmen Johnson, Nichole Russell,

Heidi Hulberg - 3rd, 4th and 5th grades; Pastor Fred - 6th, 7th, and 8th grades; Gail Tidemann - high

school youth. Also, we had some phenomenal substitutes: Kyle Kepner, Heather Kepner, Sue Knutzen,

Melissa Ochsner, Larry Osborne, Becky Ekeland, Laura Plowman, & Jennie Wagner. Last, but certainly not

least, a big thank you to Darla Biel for being the music director for Sunday School and doing such a

fabulous job! Thank you so much to all these people who make up our wonderful Sunday School

volunteers at Ascension. Watch for more information coming soon!

Adult Sunday School:

Thanks to Elaine Rietz, Dianne Kludt, Duane Matthees, and Lois Haertel for preparing

and teaching lessons for Adult Sunday School. We truly appreciate you!


We are still planning on having VBS on August 2-6, 2020; however, this is subject to

change. At this point, put in on your calendars.

Page 5 May 2020 The Insight

Dear Partners in Ministry,

Thank you so much for your recent financial contribution in support of the

ministry of the reconciliation center.

Your willingness to partner with us is an encouragement to us as we continue to

be present with the Lakota people in Pine Ridge.

During this time of transformation may you remember the promise of Easter—

He is Risen! Alleluia!

Servants Together,

Pastor Karen

Lutheran Lakota Shared


Friends at Ascension,

Thank you for the card and the lovely floral

arrangement for my Dad’s funeral.

Blessings on your ministry, Paul Hanson


In Memory of Joel Thvedt: Jerry & Mary Fiedler, Arne & Doris Brown, Mary Negstad

In Memory of Ray Ofstedal: Mark & Becky Ekeland, Myrt & Arnie Severson

In Memory of Rick Holm: Arne & Doris Brown

In Memory of Adelaide Swanson: Lynn Slaney

In Memory of Dolores Ostroot: Linda Salmonson, Jerry & Mary Fiedler, Roberta Hansen, Larry & Gail

Tidemann, Lois Bellows, Arne & Doris Brown, Bill & Nancy Flynn

In Memory of Milton Hanson: Roberta Hansen

In Memory of Marge Stinton: Larry & Jan Fjeldos

Following the social distancing recommendations at this time, we will continue to have

livestream services only until further notice. Any Ascension meetings that are being held continue to be

held online. Thank you to all those individuals who are/have been hosting or participating through the

remote options. Thank you to those who have been connecting with other members by phone. You are

an extension of the love of Christ through these efforts. “We remember before our God and Father

your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our

Lord Jesus Christ.” I Thessalonians 1:3 We look forward to gathering with you again soon!

Page 6 May 2020 The Insight

Finance &

Membership News


Richard Overby

Transfers/Removals: Jon & Ashley Hubregtse,

Eli, Mya






January February Mar

Income & Expenses by Month

Budgeted Income & Expenses

Actual Income

Actual Expenses












2020 YTDBudgetedIncome &Expenses

2020 YTDActual Income

2020 YTDActual


2020 Income & Expenses,as of March 31, 2020

March 2020-Financial Report

Annual Budgeted Income & Expenses for 2020................ $ 690,161.00

Monthly Budgeted Expenses .............................................. $ 57,513.41

March Income .............. $ 54,513.54 YTD Income ......... $ 139,608.16

March Expenses ........... $ 59,366.64 YTD Expenses ...... $ 152,102.54

March Income Less Expense ............................................... $ - 4,853.10

Year to Date Income Less Expense ................................... $ - 12,494.38

REMINDER: If you have recently or plan to give a stock donation or through a retirement distribution, please

contact Lanita at the church office to let her know. Not all checks received list the donor name.

Organ Fund Update:

We have one final payment due on the organ (about $20,000) after installment and tuning

is done. The Organ fund balance right now is $17,152.47. Outstanding organ pledges equal


Page 7 May 2020 The Insight

Giving Options It is through your generous giving that we are able to minister the gospel of Jesus Christ to our families, our

congregation, our community, and the world.

Ascension offers several automatic or electronic giving options for members’ convenience.

Direct Deposit Giving: Once-a-month automatic withdrawal of your offering from your checking or

savings account. Contact Lanita in the church office to sign up (692-6565 or

Give by Text: You can make a contribution to Ascension Lutheran Church with a quick text message!

1) Simply send a text to 605-610-1202 with the amount you would like to contribute. Make sure to include the

dollar sign before the amount (example: $25).

2) Within a few minutes, you’ll be sent a text with a link to register. Click on the link and enter your cardholder

name and credit or debit card information.

3) Once your registration is complete, you will receive a text verification and a receipt via email.

For future giving, simply text "repeat" or your donation amount to the same number and it will process


Give+ Mobile App: Giving through our GivePlus Mobile app is easy and convenient. It only takes a moment

to set up an account:

1. Download the free GivePlus app from the App Store or Google Play.

2. Find our church by ZIP code or by searching for our Church name.

3. Donate!

Online Giving: Simply click the “Give Online” quick link on the website homepage at

and complete the donation page.

Of course, if you prefer, you may also give by mailing a check to the church.

Thank you for your generous giving to God’s work!

Coronavirus Financial Relief: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government enacted the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and

Economic Security (CARES) Act. One provision of the CARES Act is the establishment of the Paycheck

Protection Program for small businesses, including churches, to help prevent workers from losing their jobs.

The program provides small businesses and nonprofits (including churches) with federally guaranteed loans to

cover payroll and other operating expenses. The loan money may be forgiven in full if it is used for payroll

costs (including group health care expenses and retirement benefits), utilities, and mortgage interest (which

Ascension does not have) during the 8-week period after origination of the loan. Any amount not forgiven

continues as a loan at 1%. Any unused funds could be immediately repaid. After learning about this quickly

developing option and because of the urgency of a decision, the executive committee agreed to proceed with

application for this program. Using the formula provided (2.5 times the average monthly payroll cost in 2019),

the dollar amount applied for was $67,918. The loan request was approved through First Bank & Trust. The

treasurer signed the loan papers (as authorized by executive committee), and the funds ($67,900) were

deposited in Ascension’s bank account on April 15. It is the intention that this money will be used in the next

8 weeks for payroll costs and utilities only, thereby making us eligible to have the loan forgiven—so essentially

it becomes like a grant.

Page 8 May 2020 The Insight

Circle Meetings

Check with the contacts listed below to see if specific circles are meeting virtually.

Dorcas Circle

meets at 1:15 PM on the 4th Thursday each month. Contact Bette Johnson at 692-4148.

Esther Circle

meets at 9:00 AM on the 4th Thursday each month.

Contact Mary Kidwiler, 692-2511 or Cheryl Kriese, 692-2947.

Eve Circle

Eve is meeting by way of Zoom.

Contact Doris Brown at 692-5901 or Nancy Nelson at 692-5312.


meet at Ascension each Thursday at 9:00 AM. Contact Joanne Matthees

(692-1783) or Dianne Hoff (692-1797) for more information.

Every Ascension woman, and even non-

members, are welcome to attend any Circle

meeting. What other group offers the

opportunity to talk about God and one’s faith so


Women of the


For the next few weeks, WELCA members who are members of one of the three circles at Ascension

are calling other circle members to stay in touch and stay connected with one another. It is GREAT

to visit with other circle members to see how they are doing, share our social distancing experiences,

and just hear a loving voice. If anyone, whether you are a man, woman, circle member or non-circle

member, would like to share in our calling experience the next few weeks, please call Shirley

Nelson at 695-4039 or Nancy Nelson at 692-5312 for more information.

Please note that the staff is unavailable to answer phone calls during their weekly

staff meeting on Thursdays from 9:00-10:30am (in case of holiday, meeting time

may change). If you have an emergency during that time, please call Pastor Steve at


Follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and find up-to-date news, announcements, and calendar

on our website,

Page 9 May 2020 The Insight

support is greatly appreciated, it has helped reach over


Ascension Lutheran has been home to Feeding Brookings since 2010. Every Thursday,

community members come through our doors to receive much needed food to feed

themselves and their families. This ministry has always been important and now, in this

new Covid-19 crisis, even more critical. With physical distancing requirements in place,

Feeding Brookings has become a drive-through ministry. As many of you know, most of the regular

volunteers are over 60 and had to take a step back at this time. Bill Alsaker has the lead role along with a

great group of younger volunteers from the community, including 2 of our board members, Emily Howell

and Aidan Bunkers, to make this distribution possible. From all reports, it sounds like it is working well. A

core group of 10 volunteers prepare grocery boxes inside to be placed in vehicles. Volunteers help direct

traffic. For the last two weeks 150 households received food each Thursday. BATA is delivering at no charge to some who are unable to come in person and there are a few volunteers making deliveries as well.

Joanne still orders the food and supplies and coordinates with other food programs in town.

Not all food distributed is donated. We do still get some donated food from Walmart every week.

We are purchasing most of the groceries from the Feeding S.D. warehouse at reduced cost such as meat,

pasta and canned goods. We buy eggs from Dakota Layers, bananas and milk vouchers from Hy-Vee and

some hygiene products when available. We also buy other items occasionally from Hy-Vee such as cereal

or fresh produce. We are unable to accept many grocery donations right now at the Church, but cash

donations in any amount are always appreciated with the increased demand for food supplies as we see the

numbers of those in need grow. Thrivent Action Team cards can also be used to purchase food or hygiene

items from our local businesses. Volunteers are being called as needed, so if you would like to be added to

a list let Bill know ( or email the church office. If you have any questions about

anything related to the new normal for Feeding Brookings, please do not hesitate to ask one of us. We are

taking things a week at a time, for as long as we can manage and sustain it.

The generosity of the heart is evident in the ministry and members of Ascension Lutheran. Truly,

God's work. Our Hands.

Page 10 May 2020 The Insight

1 2

3 Fourth Sunday of Easter

9:30am Worship by Livestream


12:00pm Lunch with the Word via Zoom

5 6

6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal


9:00am Staff Meeting 4:00pm Feeding Brookings Drive-thru Distribution 6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal

8 9

10 Mother's Day

Fifth Sunday of Easter

9:30am Worship by Livestream: Remembering the Promise w/HC & Praise Team


12:00pm Lunch with the Word via Zoom


5:00pm Executive Committee Meeting 6:30pm Ministry Team Meetings by Zoom

13 14

9:00am Staff Meeting 4:00pm Feeding Brookings Drive-thru Distribution


5:00pm Insight Deadline


17 Sixth Sunday of Easter

9:30am Worship by Livestream: Senior Recognition


12:00pm Lunch with the Word via Zoom


6:30pm Church Council Meeting

20 21 Ascension Day

9:00am Staff Meeting 4:00pm Feeding Brookings Drive-thru Distribution

22 Trinity Sunday 23

24 Seventh Sunday of Easter

9:30am Worship by Livestream

25 Memorial Day Holiday - Church Closed 6:00pm Eve Circle via Zoom

26 27 28

9:00am Staff Meeting 4:00pm Feeding Brookings Drive-thru Distribution

29 30

31 Day of Pentecost

9:30am Worship by Livestream

Ministry List Ascension Staff Office 692-6565 or

Pastor ........................................................ Rev. Stephen Palo 592-0028 (C) Pastor .................................................. Rev. Frederick Bartelt (727) 403-8545 (C) Business Administrator ......................... Lanita Vanderbush Director of Music Ministry .............................. Naomi Stout Joy Singers, Trinity Teens & Spirit Singers Director Communications Coordinator..........................Joni Mueller Administrative Asst for Faith Development....Pam Ishmael Organists ........................................ Leah Brink, Joan Riessen

Executive Committee Congregational President ............... Brian Lueders, 651-3974 President-Elect .................................... Darcie Bien, 692-0802 Secretary ......................................... Mary Kidwiler, 692-2511 Treasurer ..................................... Larry Tidemann, 692-1267 Past President .................................... Kathy Miller, 692-7680

Council Members Christian Education ........................... Shar Quam, 697-5255 Church & Community ................. Gail Tidemann 692-1267 Church Finance ...................... Jennifer Soma, 507-230-0323 Membership Participation .................... Darla Biel, 690-7258 Operations & Maintenance .................. Steve Ust, 692-3150 Stewardship ........................... Jean Josephson, 507- 829-9094 Worship & Music ......................... Lori Bjorklund, 696-0750 Youth Ministry ............................................ Steve Scarbrough

Ministry Team Chairs Christian Education ........................... John Miller, 692-7680 Church & Community ............... Jamie Grimsrud, 695-8377 Church Finance ............................... Dan Bielfeldt, 690-4859 Membership Participation ........Lori Munsterman, 695-7978 Operations & Maintenance .......... Don Jacobson, 697-5577 Stewardship ................................ Paul Richter, 612-518-8277 Worship & Music .......................... Tim Campbell, 480-1250 Youth Ministry ................................. Tami Thvedt, 692-5025

Endowment Committee Co-Chairs .............................................. Bill Kees, 697-7637 Steve Pohl, 692-9081

Mutual Ministry Committee Andy Stremmel ..................................................... 692-8833 Mari von Fischer……………………………………………692-3384 Chad Munsterman ............................................... 695-0628 Sarah Smith…………………………………………………..692-7114 Shar Quam…………………………………………………...697-5255 Ben Culver ............................................................ 690-5204

ALCW Co-Presidents .............................. Shirley Nelson, 695-4039 Nancy Nelson, 692-5312 Treasurer ........................................ Dianne Hoff, 692-1797 Secretary .......................................... Elaine Rietz, 692-8373

Quilters Joanne Matthees ................................................... 692-1783 Dianne Hoff ......................................................... 692-1797

Altar Guild Joan Riessen .......................................................... 692-8833

Communion Coordinator Becky Ekeland ...................................................... 692-7934

Office Hours Monday: 8:30 AM-4:00 PM

Tuesday: 8:30 AM-4:00 PM

Wednesday: 8:30 AM-4:00 PM

Thursday: 8:30 AM-4:00 PM

Friday: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM

Lunch Hour: 11:30 AM-12:30 PM *Hours may vary occasionally.

Page 11 May 2020 The Insight

The Insight Volume LV - Issue 5

May 2020

Return Service Requested

Ascension is a house of hospitality built on the foundation of sharing

the living faith in Jesus Christ at home, in the congregation, and in

the community.

Our Purpose is to be in relationship with God, the creation and one another.

Our Passion is the love of Christ for all people.

Our Power is the Holy Spirit gifting us to fulfill our purpose and passion.

2030 Third Street

Brookings, SD 57006

Phone: 605-692-6565 / Fax: 605-692-6808



All Ministry Teams


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Individual Team Meetings

Virtually at 6:30 PM

There will be NO meals

until further notice.