The Journey issue 1

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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an instagram timeline by brave&co issue one

Suriname ’14

explore. dream. discover

this coin has a special place in my heart, for it is when i realized that it’s not stuff that make us happy, but the memory of how, where and who you got it from

sometimes what you’re most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free. be brave, friend

the best moments in life happen spontaneously. and it couldn’t be any better than a spontaneous walk in the forest of suriname when all you hear are birds, leaves, sound of a

waterfall and some apes in a heavy metal band

this was one of the best journeys i’ve had this year. i disconnected myself from technology and connected my soul with mother earth and the heavenly stars these couple of days. i built sand castles with kids, showered in the river among stars

and moonlight. and even though i coped with fear while climbing a huge mountain halfway and almost experienced death while taking this photo, i also got to experience the most amazing sun that faded through giant trees in the horizon and

learnt to let fear and disappointment go quickly. teboe top, we will meet again soon

i don’t know where you are in life, but wherever you are, never forget to live it. at the end of your days, it’s moments like these that will matter the most. live it
