The kofun period

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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The Kofun periodBy Nick Dimoff and Jasper Larcombe


The Kofun period is an period in the history of japan from 250 to 538

The definition of Kofun is the type of burial mounds dating back from this era

Kofun and Asuka are referred to as Yomoto Why was Yamoto called Yamoto?

Map of Kofun

Tombs and Burial

The Kofun period is named after the burial mounds in Japan.

These large, distinctive earth mounds contained large stone burial chambers containing the dead.

These burial chambers can come in many shapes, such as round and square

Kofuns ranged largely in size, from just a few metres, to over 400 metres in length.

Pottery figures called Haniwa were buried alongside the corpse to show what type of person they were.

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