The Library is the Place to Be! The Library Song Music Video!The Library Song.

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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The Library is the Place to Be!

• The Library Song Music Video!


Good books. Good times.Good stories. Good rhymes.

Good beginnings. Good ends.Good people. Good friends.

Good fiction. Good facts.Good adventures. Good acts.Good stories. Good rhymes.Good books. Good times.

Open A Book By Jane Baskwill

Open a bookAnd you will find

People and places of every kind Open a book

And you can be Anything that you want to be:

Open a book And you can share

Wondrous worlds you find in there Open a books And I will too

You read to me And I'll read to you.

Wild about Books!


I met a dragon face to facethe year when I was ten,

I took a trip to outer space,I braved a pirate's den,

I wrestled with a wicked troll,and fought a great white shark,I trailed a rabbit down a hole,

I hunted for a snark. I stowed aboard a submarine,

I opened magic doors,I traveled in a time machine,and searched for dinosaurs,

I climbed atop a giant's head,I found a pot of gold,

I did all this in books I read when I was ten years old.

Book Rapby Caoimhe & Sophie

There are books about fantasyBooks about loveBooks about anythingYou can believeOn the throne in the librarySits the QueenReading books by Wilson And books by KeeneBooks are rockin’Books are coolIf you don’t read you become a fool!There are books about RomeAnd books about homeTravel to the starsGo near or farThere’s a book about teddyAnd now we’re ready To end this rap STEADY!

THERE IS A LAND Leland B. Jacobs

There is a land -A marvelous land -

Where trolls and giants dwell;Where witches

With their bitter brewCan cast a magic spell;Where mermaids sing,

Where carpets fly,Where, in the midst of night,

Brownies danceTo cricket tunes;

And ghosts, all shivery and white,Prowl and moan.There is a land

Of magic folks and deeds,And anyone

Can visit thereWho reads and reads and reads.

Reading Cheer

•We like reading, yes we do, we like reading, how ‘bout YOU???

Reading is Cool(a Skit)

The Library Song