The meaning of two words

Post on 20-Jul-2015

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There are different ways to say what


People can see it as…

Part I

…something that we use to work, create new things and improve our live

…just a neutral tool that can be used to build a house or a gibbet

…something that gives us too much information and too many opportunities of entertainment

…something that can rise against us and kill us

…something that helps us to connect with people from all over the world

…something that replaces real personal contacts with different means of communiaction, putting each of us in the bubble

…something that is used to control us

…and I prefer to see Technology as a



• It has its own laws of evolution, but we can influence it to get what we need

• It consists of many different things and beings, from beautifully singing birds to evil eyes burning in the night

• We can try to fight it, to tame it or to ignore it, but in any case the mutual influence will exist

• We are part of the world if technology, and it is a part of us, part of our lives

• Maybe hundred years later people will try to protect the rights of artificial intelligence like now they try to protect the animal rights…

• …………………………………………………………………………….

… and like the world of nature, the world of

technology is

endless in its development and our attempts to understand it’s


And there is one more question:


Can we call somebody “human”, if we see…

Part II

… a human that modified his body to look like tiger or like lizard?

Eric Spraig, lizard-man Dennic Avner, tiger-man

… just brains in a jar, communicating with outer world via different gadgets?


… a backup of somebody’s memory and personality, a virtual copy living in a virtual world?

… a human using implants or even modified before his birth on DNA level to get certain physical skills and features?

Pictures by Jonathon Rosen

…actually, I think, human is any being that can say about

itself those beautiful ans inspiring words:

“I am a HUMAN”

• We change ourselves and change the world around us

• We live in ever changing world so we always need to discover new knowledge and develop new technologies

• I think, evolution continues, but humans take more and more active role in this process

• Maybe after many thousands years the Earth will be inhabited with totally different beings

• But they will still interact with each other, they will discover and create, self-develop and go further…

• ….and maybe they will even call themselves with this strange old word – “Humans”

• …………………………………………………………………………….