The Middle Ages 500-1500. I.Fall of the Western Roman Empire results in the Middle Ages: 1....

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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The Middle Ages


I. Fall of the Western Roman Empire results in the Middle Ages:1. Disruption of Trade – merchants face invasion

2. Downfall of cities – cities are no longer economic centers

3. Population shifts – people move to the countryside

4. Decline of learning – Germanic invaders could not read/write. People become illiterate except for priests and monks.

II. Roman Catholic Church: provides security and order during this chaotic time

1. Missionaries – (Priests who wished to convert non-Christians to Christianity)converted many Germanic peopleby 600

2. Monasteries – religious communities of monks and nuns became centers of learning

a. Illumination—


copied books, opened

schools and libraries

3. During the Middle Ages, the Church also became a secular (non-religious/worldly) political powerEx. LAW, MILITARY, EDUCATION, TAXES,


III. After Roman Empire declines, small kingdoms emerge all over Europe

1. France – ruled by Franks – Charles Martel (the Hammer) extended Frankish ruler through conquest

2. Pepin the Short – Martel’s son continues expansion

3. Charlemagne – Pepin’s son conquered new lands spreading Christianity making an empire greater then any since Rome

•France, Italy, Spain, and Germany

Coronation (crowning

as Holy Roman

Emperor) of Charlemagn

e by the Pope.

4. 800 A.D.–Charlemagne is crowned Holy Roman Emperor

by the PopeA. This

unified church and politics through- out the Middle Ages

On a separate sheet of paper answer the following questions: [pages 320-321]: 1. Name 4 modern day countries Charlemagne’s empire was a part of.2.What did Charlemagne accomplish these areas:

-Military [3] -Culture[3] -Politics[3]