The name game – chapter 12

Post on 07-Jan-2017

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The Name Game – An Alphabet Legacy

Chapter 12 – Shock Twist

Welcome back to my alphabet legacy. When I last left off, the first member of generation G was born (Gallagher). I have two more kids required before I can call it quits.

Speaking of that, baby two is right on track.

Gallagher became a toddler as is discovered to be a virgo (10/2/10/4/5).

Time for baby two!

Oh… well it looks like the pink skin didn’t die out after one generation.

This is Goode Name. She’s a cancer (9/2/6/4/10). Her name is English for being… good.

One more baby before I can call it quits.

Child Gallagher!

Toddler Goode. I really wish all my sims would stop growing up into the dreadlocks I have in my CC. There are so many more hairstyles to choose from.

For example, this one that I may have just downloaded. Although it’s in the custom content bin so I will have to constantly update Goode as she grows up.

Time for baby three!

Oops… not pink again. This is Guo Name. He’s a pisces (6/1/10/4/10). It’s Chinese and means the wall around the city.

Goode grows up again and manages to lose the hair like I predicted.

And these two decide to use a little bit of ACR to give me a surprise fourth baby. Figures.

This is your own fault.

Another generic day to day shot.

Toddler Guo!

A shot of the entire family right now.

Hi Centowski. I see you hate being dead. In all fairness, you survived the most chapters so you have nothing to complain about.

Baby time!

It’s a girl! Her name is Gwozdek. She’s a virgo (9/6/4/1/5). It’s Polish and derived from an ancient word for forest.

Perfect spot for an unnecessary baby.

Guo becomes a child with bad Freetime clothing.

And Gallagher becomes a teenager. For a moment, I was tempted to make him the heir… you’ll see who I picked in the end.

He’s a family sim who wants to be the minister of education. Like last time, I no longer care about turn ons and turn offs.

Guo dyes his hair white because of some reason I couldn’t decide. I just thought it looked cool.

Toddler Gwozdek.

It’s Fuchs, the spared that died last time!

Another birthday! Goode rolls romance and wants twenty lovers.

Oh, and Tyler died soon after. RIP my first custom spouse.

Gwozdek becomes a child.

Firkus: I find it insulting that your hair is not as bouncy as mine. What sort of daughter are you?

Gwozdek: Um… one that is kind of taken aback right now?

Ek becomes the next sim to go. RIP my second self-chosen heir.

Guo: I’m so sad my grandma just died.

Random: Uh… I have to go.

Guo grows up into a teenager and rolls pleasure. He wants to be a celebrity chef.

Unfortunately, I can’t find his hairstyle in white, so he’s stuck with his natural hair colour for now.

Gwozdek becomes the final member of the generation to grow up. She rolls popularity and wants to own five businesses.

And that one girl is back. I will never grow her up with that freetime feature.

Berjes grows into elderhood.

Which means so does Firkus. What an awful tracksuit.

So, for the past generation of so all of the appliances have been crapping out. I’ve had my sims repair them myself and it has all gone fine. Until recently.

Of course, Berjes gets electrocuted. This is the first time it has happened in my game.

Quite shocking.

Now here’s the shock twist the title was going on about.

I lost both my generation F heir and spouse to electrocution. Something that has never happened before in my game.

I now have four orphan sims living alone.

Gallagher rolls the fear of being uneducated, so I get him his scholarships so he can start at college. This is the main reason why I didn’t want to make him heir. College takes too long.

Gallagher left the night he was meant to grow into adulthood.

That leaves me with three choices and some time.

Goode was the next to grow up. She made it to adulthood without any accidents.

After much deliberation, I decided that she would not be the heir. I didn’t want to work on her lifetime want because I felt it would get in the way of a cohesive home life. Also, there aren’t enough attractive townies to use for later if they all contribute to the family now.

This left two sims.

Guo got a job in culinary as a teenager to give himself a head start on his LTW.

He maxed it out pretty quickly.

Then Guo became an adult. Moment of truth for me because this meant I had to make my choice fast.

Guo with his old hair back.

This is Veronika Erikkson. She’s a romance sim who wants to be a rock god. She’s a gemini (4/7/8/3/3).

Yes, she is a custom sim. Yes, I reduced her family income to zero and moved her in.

Yes, Guo is the heir.

Part of this decision came down to the fact that out of all my heirs so far (Last, Araya, Blum, Centowski, Du, Ek, & Firkus), one more has been a girl than a boy. This is to even it out.

And with a lullaby comes generation H.

Here’s where I’ll leave everything (since I did so in game). I’m about 30% complete this legacy that I started 3 months ago. Pretty proud of my progress so far, although I could stand to be further.

Til next time!