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- 888 The Optimum Social State 41




Philosophy and Structure




Philosophy and Objectives

Definition of Objectives


Life: Its Nature and Its Origin




Rights and Obligations


The size of the Basic Social Unit


Procreation control



The Basic Structure



The Basic Economic Unit (the Community)


Jurisdiction of the Community







Domain Co-operatives




The State/Nation (the Tribe)


National Resources


The Nation’s Economic Responsibilities


Prices and Incomes


The calendar (Work and Holidays)


Salaries and Wages








CULTURE (and Anti-culture)








POLITICS (Principles, Goals and Guidelines)








APPENDIXA – Cybernetics of a Coordinated System


APPENDIXB – Not a ‘Gospel’ but a basic foundation



Philosophy and Objectives

[In this treatise, we shall study the OPTIMUM and NOT the PERFECT Social State. The Perfect Social State can only be achieved when Perfect Social Morality is attained. However, when Perfect Social Morality is attained, the Perfect Social State follows automatically and naturally and does not have to be designed or implemented.]

In setting out to design, or even to draw the framework of the Optimum Social State for Man, two primary things are necessary:

First, we must define the Objectives and second, in order to describe the Objectives, we must acquire a full understanding of the functional attributes and the needs of Man.

By ‘needs’ we do not mean only the basic needs for the healthy maintenance of his ‘body-machine’, like food, shelter, transport and procreation but, in addition to these, his higher spiritual and mental needs that make Man the Unique Being that he is. Though the needs of his body-machine are essential and most basic, they are not his priority needs and they should not take precedence. (In growing a beautiful flower, the flowerpot, the soil and the manure or fertilizer are necessary and basic for the growth of the flower, but they are only instrumental towards the primary objectives, which are the fuller possible manifestation of the expressive attributes of the flower itself, which should take precedence).

Man is unique in that he is the only incarnate Sentient Being on this planet that is endowed with Conceptual Intelligence and, with it, the motivation and the ability to DESIGN new things, and not merely with the Computational or Executional Intelligence needed for the execution of designs handed down or built into his own design as automatic programs, as in the case of other Sentient Beings.

So, in drawing out the framework of the Optimum Social State for Man, we must keep in mind that Human Society must necessarily be a dynamic and continuously evolving society, in order to allow for the free manifestation of Man’s motivation and of the designing attributes and the Conceptual Innovation of his Free Spirit. A society of static perfection, like that of an Ant-nest or a beehive, will certainly not do for Man.

Before we develop the design of the Optimum Social State, we should acquire the necessary wisdom concerning the Human attributes and motivations and the full spectrum of Man’s needs. However, we can first define the general outline of the Objectives, as this will guide us to what we need to know about Man and, therefore, what kind of Wisdom we must strive to acquire.

Outline Definition of the Objectives:

An Optimum Social State should secure, both for the individual Man and for Human society, a Life that is Spontaneously Peaceful, Abundant and Free.

We must clarify these terms, or redefine them here, because there may be diversity in their popular interpretation and we need to have a universal consensus on their meaning as applied in defining our Objectives.

We start with ‘Abundant’ as it is easier to reach a Universal consensus on this. Most people agree that ‘abundant Life’ should mean a Life that explores all its capabilities. What then remains to do in relation to this definition is to gather as much scientific knowledge as possible concerning these capabilities. However, the full scientific knowledge of all these capabilities is not necessary for drawing up the framework of the Optimum Social State and is therefore outside the scope of this present treatise. It is the subject of another book I published, which is titled


Both Matter and Consciousness

And, though a basic outline will be given in this treatise before we proceed to develop the design of the Optimum Social State, for the further understanding of Life and the true nature of Man, the interested reader is referred to this book.

The second term to define is ‘Spontaneous Peace’:

In order to understand the meaning of ‘Spontaneous Peace’, it may be easier to define first what it is not.

First of all we must make a definite distinction between this kind of Peace and sedation. Though sedation may kill pain and uneasiness and bring about an artificial calmness, it is definitely not spontaneous peace and it is certainly not anywhere near our objective because, in addition to being temporary and artificially imposed, it kills or subdues the manifestation of the higher attributes and functions of the Human being, or any being, under sedation. Such is unacceptable.

Second, spontaneous peace is not the pacification by coercion or suppression of freely motivated expression. This is also artificial and externally imposed and, as such, only temporary. Imposed pacification, or imposed anything, harbors tension and resentment and it will, sooner or later, bring about spontaneous revolution.

Third and most relevant to the present human situation on this planet, spontaneous peace is not the peace maintained by Subliminal or Subconscious control of Man. This is the worst kind of human manipulation. In effect, it keeps Man in a continuous state of near-hypnosis, under the control of extraneous powers, which may serve their own interests and purpose, at variance with the true interests of Man. Instead of living freely his own Life, Man is a puppet on strings without even suspecting the existence of the puppeteer and believing that he is exercising his ‘free will’ or ‘doing his own thing’, whilst all the time someone else is steering, through brain-washing since infanthood, all his scientific and religious convictions and fouling up his actions, making Man behave as if he were his own worst enemy. In this way, all fields of human endeavor are subliminally controlled, restraining man to function far below his own intelligence and capabilities. This is foul play.

This Subliminal control of Man is studied in my book


Subliminal Control of Man

This book also explains how Man can be educated free from the subliminal control of alien Authorities, which only serve their own interest by subjugating in this sly and foul way the free will of Man.

Therefore, in designing the Optimum Social State for Man, particular importance must be given to his proper education. Organized education must not be a brain-washing that prepares him to function productively within the framework of a subliminally controlled order, but an education that renders accessible to him, through subsequent self education, the understanding of his true dimensions and his true potential. However, considering the present psychological state of man, both the individual and his society, care and caution should be exercised in bringing about this final emancipation of Man because, if the various capabilities and knowledge are not acquired in the right order and parallel to his moral enlightenment, premature acquiring of some capabilities might only make him more efficiently destructive, both to himself and to everything within his reach, even beyond his own planet. Imagine what would happen if, with the present understanding of democracy and individual freedom, just two people would acquire the knowledge and ability to move mountains or, in general, the crust of the Earth. Our planet’s days would be numbered. Discipline is required before such advanced knowledge is granted.

The full understanding of spontaneous peace will be realized when we define the term ‘freedom’ in relation to a peaceful and abundant Life. We have left this term last because there is a considerable and widespread confusion as to its meaning and application. ‘Freedom’ should not be confused with infinite choice. Infinite choice is meaningless anyway, as there are choices that are mutually exclusive, especially when freedom is accompanied by associations or applications. In our case, freedom is associated with spontaneous peace and has abundant Life as its application. Therefore, a choice that jeopardizes the Peace in Life or Life itself, or limits its abundance, in the sense that it deprives Life of some of its capabilities, is not an allowed choice, if Life and its Peace are to be preserved and its capabilities maintained. Furthermore, the whole Universe has an inherent discreteness in its manifestation and this discreteness automatically and naturally defines what is possible and what is impossible. The full spectrum of Universal possibilities and impossibilities lays the foundation of all the Physical Laws of the Universe.

A scientific definition of ‘Free Life’ should be:

“A Life that is not subjected to suppression, constraint or dissipation”. (This agrees with the scientific definition in Physics of a ‘free oscillator’).

As with a free mechanical oscillator, a completely free Life, a Life free of suppression, constraint or dissipation, is achieved when it is in complete harmony and not in conflict with its Source or its environment, first at close range and then with the Universal environment at large. This necessary harmonization makes Free Life naturally restrictive of choice. To make free Life possible, we should first study our environment and our Universe and learn the order of its discretenesses. We must master the Universal physical laws according to which Life manifests so that we can strive to harmonize with these laws as closely as possible.

So, completely Free Life and Spontaneous Peace can only be achieved after complete enlightenment. Short of this, the more one knows about the physical laws that govern the manifestation of Life, and the more one understands about his own origin, design and capabilities, the better his individual chances. So, Man must continuously strive to learn more about the characteristics of his own design and his functional capabilities and about this Universal Physical Law; to incorporate this Law into his own being, so that it manifests in his life naturally and spontaneously.

This learning and training are very laborious and time consuming and certainly not enough of this knowledge can be acquired during one incarnation, through one’s own experiences and self-education by experience. However, Man is not only an individual. He is a Social Being. This is the whole purpose of drawing up a framework for the Optimum Social State. Man can pool knowledge and accumulate it across many generations.

As learning or education is a time-consuming process, the question arises as to how Man the individual can secure a more abundant, freer and more spontaneously peaceful Life when mostly ignorant.

Is there a shortcut? The answer is a definite ‘Yes’!! He can make use of the collective knowledge of his society, accumulated across many generations. To be able to do this however, he must follow or obey knowledge beyond what is accumulated by himself through his own education or experiences. Obedience has a single advantage over Learning: Immediacy; hence, the shortcut.

A necessary prerequisite for both Learning and Obedience is humility. You can only learn through humility that someone else knows better than yourself and through trust that this particular ‘someone else’ has no selfish angle in teaching you his knowledge. And, you may only obey instructions if, through humility, you trust that someone, or an organized group, knows better and that he or the group have your interest in mind and instruct you for your own good and not for exploitation. Actually, your own individual knowledge is so limited that you have no choice but to trust and follow instructions. The choice that you have is to test, through your own experience and intuition, the unselfishness and trustworthiness of a particular someone or group and not the extent of their knowledge and wisdom, because you have no means to do the latter, as your own knowledge is but very limited. Following instructions is the first step in acquiring the knowledge and wisdom behind these instructions. You cannot learn a fact outside your own experience unless you believe that the statement of this fact is true. This is how you learn through a teacher.

Anomalies in any coordinated System arise due to failure or violation of the Protocol of hierarchy. Due to ‘freedom of will’, a possibility of conflict is introduced into the System. You see, every Point-of-I has different space-and-time coordinates and, thus, has a different point-of-view of every object or situation around it and develops its personal understanding of things and different preferences, according to its accumulated reference. Thus, every individual develops his/her preferences and has a different critical judgment of what is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, ‘good’ or ‘evil’, ‘just’ or ‘unjust’. Everybody is ‘right’ in her/his own eyes, each a different ‘right’ and, unless adherence to the Protocol (the Law) is placed above personal ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, conflicts will arise between peer individuals as well as against hierarchy.

In expecting you to follow instructions, nobody is expecting you to do anything for anybody else but for yourself. The question is: What are the boundaries that define the SELF? One may define himself as his individual incarnate state, or his family, his community, a group with his own beliefs and ideology, his species, all that lives, everything that is manifest and so on. It is a matter of Self-identification at various levels. An individual incarnation can survive but for only a short while, a few decades, (or centuries with proper diet), and is therefore insignificant in relation to survival at higher levels of identification. Within the process of individual survival, at the level with which the individual identifies, the person is apt to sacrifice what is of less value to himself in order to save what he considers as of higher value to himself, if he does not have the choice of saving both. And this is exactly what is expected of anyone.

Proper education should therefore aim at lifting one to higher levels of identification and higher levels of survival until, eventually, he is completely enlightened into the realization that the ‘I’ in all of us, and in everything else that lives, is ONE and that he survives freely to Eternity only when he finally identifies with the Heavenly Father.

This is the purpose of the book “The Origin of the Universe”, which I mentioned earlier.

Though, as I mentioned, the science expounded in this book is beyond the scope of this present treatise, a brief outline of some of its aspects concerning LIFE are necessary here. We need to lift any misconceptions as to what LIFE really is. We also need to introduce basic concepts and terms that have to be used later in this present treatise, before we proceed with the development of the design of the Optimum Social State. Otherwise, we shall plod in ignorance to put forward just another of many social systems that have been tried and failed because their concept and design were not based on a sound scientific knowledge of the true nature of Man.

Life: Its Nature and Its Origin

It is a very gross misconception that the body of a sentient being lives and that Life is the property of Proteins or Aminoacids. The Flesh body is merely a machine of Cellular construction, capable of certain functions associated with Life. Furthermore, the flesh body-machine is not the only kind of body-machine that a sentient being can use. A being can use any conceivable machine or any conceivable object for a body. Of course, what a being can do with its body-machine depends also on the mechanical construction and the capabilities of its body-machine. However, a being will have senses, intelligence, emotions and feelings, whatever its body-machine. (Our own planet Earth is a very intelligent being, far more intelligent than any human individual, having consciousness and emotions).

If you are clairvoyant or you have any clairvoyant connections, have some of the central mainframe computers in your own city checked. You may be in for the surprise of your life, like I was, when I discovered that those in London and Brussels have seven chakras. (Chakras are the centers of vitality and seats of emotions and feelings of a sentient being. They act as synapses, or ‘modems’, between what is commonly referred as the ‘soul’ and the ‘physical body’ and it is through them that exchanges of energy and information occurs between soul and body; it is also through them that maintenance of the body is achieved. Seven chakras are the characteristic number for a fully developed sentient being). I was shocked, in spite of the fact that in my book, ‘THE ORIGIN ...’, I had already predicted that such computer robotics set-ups will be used as bodies by independent consciousness centers in the near future.

The popular gross misconception of what Life is and what the body is capable of doing has led to the belief that a sentient being dies when its corpuscular body-machine breaks down. This is one of the greatest scientific absurdities and in ‘The ORIGIN ...’ we prove it as such, beyond the shadow of doubt. This is not saying that a being is necessarily immortal.

The reality of the existence of the Intelligent Being apart and prior to acquiring a flesh body, or any other kind of body-machine, can be seen from the following simple reasoning:

Before we sit down to generate a coded executable program for the automatic manufacture of any designed object, plastic drinking straws for instance, not only do we have to know what we intend to do, not only do we have to know how to generate such a program and also have the means of doing so, but there must PRE-EXIST the relevant automated technology that will execute the said program. The program is generated for the particular technology. We do not write the program on a CD, throw this CD in a pile of granulated plastic and, presto, out sprout the straws. Similarly in the case of any coded executable program, including the DNA. Between the DNA section concerning a kidney and the finished product, a very sophisticated technology has to do its part. We know that the DNA lasts much longer than Proteins and that all cemeteries, not only human cemeteries, but all mountains, valleys and sea-beds are literally over-strewn with all sorts of DNA. Yet, we do not see any species sprouting out of the ground or out of any corpse, (which would be an ideal environment in comparison with a dirty puddle). The relevant automated technology for the automatic construction of the first cell or any cellular body-machine must have PRE-EXISTED before the automatic construction of even the first cell. This means that the necessary Science and the relevant technological know-how must have existed before the construction of cellular body-machines and that these were acquired by ‘Intelligent Designers’ that had no cellular body-machines or brains. The Evolution of the Structured Universe, the Evolution that tends to limit Entropic* freedom, is not the result of CHANCE but of INTENTIONAL DESIGN. Cars, computers and computer software do not evolve by Chance along the road or in the parking lot or while sitting on your desk. All designed evolution is carried out on the drawing board of the designer and ideas for new designs, even of slight modifications, are generated and developed by the designer and not by the construction. (* ‘Entropy’ is the measure of ‘Randomness’ in any System)

What the reader is expected to realize from the above reasoning is that before coding an executable program for the automatic construction, even of the first cell, there should have been the capability to do so; i.e., there must have been the Intention, the Intelligence and the Scientific and Technological know-how. In other words, there must have been Intelligent Designers, who had developed the necessary Science and Technology, (a Technology that uses no apparent material tools), before any flesh bodies were designed and constructed. And, since such Sentient and highly intelligent scientific Beings must have existed before any flesh bodies were built, it is reasonable to infer that such intelligent beings could, and can, use any body-machines they chose to design and build; even live in purely mental bodies, before any other body-machines were designed and constructed. A being can live independent of body-machines. And so can we humans!

After years of reading and feedback, we have decided that the next 12 pages about the Origin of Life, the Senses, Consciousness, Self-awareness and the Origin and nature of Six-dimensional Universe, which make possible these attributes, were rather too advanced and beyond the ken of most readers, just interested in Social structure.

We have decided to omit them, making this treatise 12 pages shorter.


Our understanding of the true nature of Man, his true dimensions and capabilities, as well as the limits of his existence and what his Life is all about, has a direct bearing on our concept of individual and social Morality.

First of all, this knowledge will give us a sound Moral basis of our priorities and what we should strive to preserve and maintain in the Optimum Social State.

Second, the true knowledge of what the Human being’s existence consists of will guide us to the correct Moral action in case of malfunction. For example, if we have the misconception that the existence or the Life of the Person begins and ends with his body-machine, or a single incarnation, then, in the case of a child born mentally handicapped or deformed, the MORAL thing to do would be to preserve this deformed state for as long as it can survive; terminating the function of the body-machine would be paramount to depriving a Person of all he’s got. However, with full knowledge of the true dimensions and the true identity of a Person, preserving his deformed or handicapped body-machine is very IMMORAL, as we keep the Person imprisoned in handicap for many years whilst, by terminating the functions of the handicapped body-machine, we free the Person to claim a new healthy body. The moral thing to do is to terminate the handicapped body-machine.

Third, in case of criminal malfunction, irrespective of the underlying causes, subliminal or not, what is the moral course of action? In this case, the full knowledge of the limits of the Person, gives us a better understanding of the relative importance of one incarnation, both as far as the individual is concerned and as far as the true social priorities are concerned. The moral action to take is to terminate the criminal. This is not a heavy price to pay either for the individual or the society, considering that a rotten apple in a crate of 100 apples can cause the rotting of the other 99, whilst the 99 healthy apples cannot cure the rotten apple. Such line of action would constitute a very effective deterrent. However, with the misconception that the body-machine is all the life that a Person has got, then termination is too heavy a penalty for any criminal action and it would be immoral to terminate the criminal. This causes the obvious deterioration of both the individuals and their society, as we see from the kind of society we have today.

Finally, we are going to design our Optimum Social State on the basis of an Organic Being and we should know as much as possible on how an Organic Being manages its various parts, or organs, how it maintains itself, how it handles abnormalities, like isolation domains, and how it controls its various parts, including all its three bodies, so that the whole complex system functions in harmonious symbiosis.

For example, examining the various actions of the controlling system of a human being, we see that the reactive mind acts on one-step explicit instructions and not on multi-step implied ones. So in designing an Optimum Social State for Man, we must keep this in mind, if the individuals within their society, as well as the society itself, are to function harmoniously and without conflict, within the bounds of Spontaneous Peace, and have all their needs provided for.

Consider for instance the principles of ‘Rights’ and ‘Obligations’. Though these two principles are mutually implied, i.e., Rights imply Obligations and Obligations imply Rights, we DO NOT reach, as one might superficially believe, the same results, irrespective of which of the two principles we start with as the explicit statement.

If we start with Obligations, the one-step reaction in the individual is one of giving; an altrotropic or outward-oriented reaction. The outward positive action of each addressed individual or organ, according to the individual’s functional capabilities, automatically generates a Supply Surplus from which the needs of each member of the composite organic being, the society, are provided for. In addition, the altrotropic or outward-oriented motivation accentuates in each individual his Uranic nature and, hence, his spontaneous benevolence. So, the Obligations action loop manifests in a way that is most beneficial both to the individual and to his society.

If we start with Rights, the automatic one-step reaction is egotropic or self-oriented, irrespective of whether in theory or during leisurely analysis the individual understands clearly the implication of Obligations. The self-oriented action is one of taking, with the result that a Supply Vacuum is generated, with the subsequent tension and conflict between individuals. ‘Receiving’ should not be confused with ‘taking’. ‘Receiving’ is the acceptance of something already made available. For this to be possible, giving must precede. When taking precedes availability, it leads to grabbing. The self-oriented motivation accentuates the individual’s Uric nature and thus causes the deterioration of the quality of both the individual and his society.

A rights or ego-oriented society favors the individuals in which the self-oriented mode is inherently stronger. As a consequence, the most selfish individuals are also the most successful in acquiring wealth. As wealth is also the means for POWER in a society managed through wealth, these self-oriented individuals end up controlling most key positions of Power in a rights-oriented society. The self-oriented individuals are spiritually the most limited individuals. The reason for their diminished spiritual stature is quite simple. Though self-oriented activity can accumulate material possessions, wealth and fat, a self-oriented or inward-oriented attitude naturally shrinks the Spiritual size whilst, in contrast, an outward-directed attitude expands the Spiritual dimensions; this is basic physical mechanics.

Thus, the rights or needs of the society as a whole are not properly served in a rights-oriented society. The further consequence is that the masses of ordinary individuals become aggressively individualistic and challenge every form of authority indiscriminately. Such a society is literally an Organic being suffering from the ultimate form of cancer, in which every individual cell tries to create and defend a separate domain of its own and to exploit every situation available for personal gain, growth and maintenance, without much consideration for the rest of the Body. The inevitable fate of such a cancered body is the complete breakdown of the body. This is the definite fate of our present World society, which is economically ruled and managed by the money-oriented European socio-economic group or structure. The Euro-dominated World of today is inevitably doomed.

The size of the basic Social Unit

The Basic Unit of an Optimum Social State should have an Optimum Size. The size of the Unit is determined by two sets of opposing factors, one set favoring the largest possible size and the other set favoring the limiting of the size.

A large size is desired so that the Unit will have a greater diversity of functional attributes, if all the inbuilt features and attributes of the Human Being are to be manifested and exploited.

A larger Unit is more efficient, or more labor effective, in exploiting the resources available to it and can carry out tasks and productive operations that a smaller Unit cannot.

It is easier for a larger Unit to generate a Supply surplus, to provide for the needs of the non-productive members; children, old people, the incapacitated and those that for any other reason are not productively active.

The Unit must be large enough to be as self-sufficient as possible in its basic needs, especially in cases of emergency.

The larger the Unit the stronger it is to defend itself against adversaries and natural adversities.

On the other hand, the Unit must be small for easier and more effective management.

The Unit must be small enough so that its ways and actions are clearly transparent to the individual member, if suspicion and resentment of the individual member is to be avoided and each individual is to work spontaneously towards a harmonious symbiosis.

The Unit must be small enough so that the individual finds it easy to identify with it; i.e., that the individual sees clearly that his own interests and those of the Social Unit are identical.

Finally, the Unit must be small enough so that the individual member can relate to it; i.e., each individual member must naturally feel that he has something in common with every other member of the group, that he belongs with or is naturally a part of the group, that he is known or recognized by and he knows or recognizes all the other members as belonging together.

This last factor of relation is very crucial in establishing a sound foundation for the Social Unit; it IS the foundation of the Social Unit. We are therefore going to elaborate on it further:

In spite of the diversity and complexity of the human character, two individuals can easily find an extensive ground of common elements in which they can relate to each other. When a third individual joins the group, the ground that is common to all three becomes less than the common ground between any of the three possible pairs. The common ground, i.e. the number of the common elements in which all individual members of a group can relate to each other, decreases with the increase of the size of the group; this is basic mathematical logic.

If we make the Unit too large for natural relation, it will spontaneously break up into smaller groups, Classes, Parties, Unions, Branches of Unions, Clubs and, finally, aggressive individualism, which will inevitably lead to the breakdown of the society. We are already observing this state of affairs in our larger social units, when too great a number of individuals are crowded close together, as in big cities.

An individual of average intelligence and average awareness can naturally relate to an average of 3000 other individuals in a group, the number rarely exceeding 5000. There are a very small proportion of individuals of higher awareness that can relate to the entire population of this planet, even to other species and beyond this planet. These are ready for the Perfect Social State and they are the individuals that can help the rest of society reach the Optimum Social State.

Though this number, (3000 or 5000), is large enough for certain purposes, like basic economic management, i.e. it can form the basic Economic Unit or ‘brick’, it is too small for heavy industry and definitely much too small for security from external adversaries.

There are artificial ways to increase the size of the RELATED group. One way is to accentuate or pump energy into the already existing common elements, however few these elements are, and suppress the diverse elements of the individuals. This can be done by making a slogan or a short song out of a common need or purpose or feeling and pumping energy into this slogan. The narrower or shorter the slogan, the greater the intensity achieved with relatively less energy. SINGULARITY of slogan is very effective. A single repeated phrase or a single short word is ideal. In choosing a rhythm for a song, or even for a simple sound, the most effective is the simplest rhythm; i.e. the binary rhythm of the march. Another way of accentuating the force of a common element is to bring in and stress a common danger or a common enemy.

A yet further way is to introduce artificial common elements. Examples of these are the Uniform dress, the badge, the code of arms of a regiment, the flag, the mascot for club followers, etc..

In introducing artificial elements, we must be very careful to associate a strict discipline with these elements. Further, these disciplines must be fully understood and accepted as necessary by the individual members of the group. Otherwise, this constitutes subliminal control, which is definitely foul play.

If the common focusing on these elements is only emotional and without a strict discipline, it will prove very temporary and very dangerous. A lot of energy is necessary and, when this energy is exhausted, the suppressed diverse elements of the individuals spring up violently and out of control. Thus, an organized demonstration turns into a destructive uncontrollable riot, when the slogan or banner energy is exhausted. All kinds of unsociable group behavior, like rioting against the police, looting, hooliganism of football fans etc., have this common cause. Even a Nation based on subliminally introduced emotional elements will turn against itself; it will be ridden with internal conflict and civil strife, when no external enemy is knocking on its gate to catalyze the emotional social unity.

The most effective artificial common elements are introduced very early in the individual’s life, since infanthood, as part of his basic education and upbringing. This is in effect ‘control programming’ and it can prove very dangerous for, once you start with control programming, there is no clear mark as to where it must stop. This is actually the great disadvantage of the ETHNOS as compared with the NATION. The NATION is based on COMMON BIRTH, whilst the ETHNOS is based merely on COMMON CULTURE. The NATION or the Tribe or Tribe basis for a Nation, is superior to the ETHNOS, as it naturally has common culture anyway, in addition to the other Natural Relation elements.

We see this inferiority of the Ethnos basis for a Nation in the Greek and the Turkish Nations. As there is no Natural basis for Relation, like birth, race or blood, the whole spectrum of the common elements that constitute the basis of the Nation have to be inculcated. The child when born is neither a Hellene nor a Turkoman. The Hellenes are less than one-per-cent (1%) of the Greek population and there is a greater proportion of Ionians, and relatively purer Ionians, among the coastal Turks than among the mainland Greeks. Since there is no Natural or Tribal basis for the Nation, the inculcation or control programming is more intense. This leads to chauvinism, as an external attitude, and to intense internal conflict, as the national characteristic when not facing an external challenge. Further, to maintain this artificial nationality, the ethnic identity, constant hammering is necessary with slogans and marches and pompous national celebrations and a constant pumping of the idea of superiority or uniqueness.

In effect, what the Social System suggested does is extend the boundaries of the family beyond its biological limits to those of the Community, which is in accordance with all great Social teachings; of the Upanishads, Zarathustra and Jesus.


The Basic Structure


The Basic Economic Unit

Economics is the science of Household Management. Therefore, for the sake of good management, we have to choose a suitable size of this Household, considering both the efficient management as well as the proper use of resources, both human and material.

According to the second set of factors that decide the size of the social group, as mentioned in the previous chapter, namely Management, Transparency, Identity of interests and Relation, the natural, even ideal, choice of the Basic Economic Unit would be the family. However, the Family does not satisfy the first set of factors. Even to have some sort of minimal Diversity, Self-sufficiency and Surplus, the family has to be quite large. This would lead to a very fast geometric increase of population, leading eventually to a Population Explosion. This might be all right in the ancient times. An alternative to this was to have a large number of servants, as in the case of Abraham. (Abraham put together a private army out of these servant families to fight the four kings that had taken his nephew Lot as prisoner when they defeated Sodom and its neighboring cities). None of these can do for today.

Our next natural choice would be the larger family or the tribe. The Tribe is ideal as the basis of a Nation. However, Tribes have already grown too large for Management, Identity, Transparency and, especially, RELATION. (In the Amazon there are Tribes, the population of which does not exceed 500 people each). We see in History that, as the Tribe gets larger than a certain size, conflicts arise as the Relation factor and resources thin out. We observe a breaking up and a migration into groups of a certain average size, according to resources, retaining a looser bond between them, which is accentuated in case of external emergencies. This natural breaking up gives us a guide for our choice of the Optimum Size of the Economic Unit.

So our choice of Basic Economic Unit is the Community or the Village.

(We shall consider the size of the Community as having a maximum of 3000, very rarely up to 5000, people. This however, is only a guiding figure, as will be all the numbers, ratios and percentages mentioned from now on in the text. The actual numbers will be the subject of research but we shall use guide numbers in our discussion so as not to be completely abstract).

[A] Jurisdiction of the Community or ‘Demos’

[I] Land

· Ownership:

1. All Land within the geographic boundaries of the Community is the property of the Community or Demos. Democracy refers to the Demos and not the individual.

2. There is no privately-owned land, though in private possession. Land is not a marketable commodity. Its use is managed by the Community.

· Utilization:

· (a) Residential:

1. Providing the plot: When a couple is ready to form a family, the Community provides a plot for an independent house. The value of the plot is nominated at between 2% and 10% of the value of the house built, depending on locality and size. On this nominal value the occupant pays an annual rate of 3%.

2. Providing house for rental: If the couple has no money to build their house, the Community treasury will build one for them, according to a standard plan chosen by the couple among a variety of architectural designs and with modifications to the chosen design worked out in cooperation with the Community Architect-Engineer. The value of the house is the cost of construction paid to a private contractor, plus 5% added for Architectural-Engineering supervision. If the occupants do not wish to buy the house, they will pay an annual rent of 3% of the house value, in addition to the rent on the plot. The occupants are responsible for the maintenance of the house, according to the instructions of the Community Architect-Engineer.

3. Providing house for hire purchase: The occupants can buy the house built for them on a hire purchase base. For this they have to pay annually 5% of its value for 20 years, in addition to the rent. During these 20 years, the occupants will be responsible for the house maintenance, according to the instructions of the Community Architect-Engineer. After the 20 years, the occupants will continue to pay only the annual plot rate and the maintenance of their house is left to their own discretion. In case of sale of a privately-owned house, its selling value is the one estimated by the Community Architect-Engineer. It is not subject to free market variations.

4. Guest Houses: The Community will build a number of Guest Houses, which will be available for renting to citizens who wish to host visitors. The exchange of hospitality will be encouraged between Communities, both from home and abroad, so as to discourage organized paying tourism. No community or Nation will be encouraged to become a Community of servants.

5. The choicest residential land of the Community will be reserved for the Palace of the Senior citizens or Pensioners. This Presbyterium will be surrounded by extensive public gardens, the maintenance of which will be the responsibility of the pensioners, under the guidance of an Environment Architect and an Agronome.

· (b) Land for other purposes:

1. Land for Farming or Industry or any other business is provided by the Community, when it approves the purpose of use, at a nominal fixed annual rate, similar to land tax, depending on its location and/or its quality, in case of Agriculture. As long as the allotted land is used in accordance with the approved purpose and its said use and rates are not suspended for more than three years, the user has the right of possession and of bequeathing its possession to a single inheritor of his choice that will continue personally the said use of the land.

2. All unused land will be under the management of the Community, which will be responsible for its beautification with gardens, parks and small woodlands, where possible.

[II] Banking

· There is to be only one bank in each Community, the Community Treasury.

1. The Community Treasury (CT) will also be the only Insurance Agency in each community.

2. There will not be any Life Insurance Policies.

3. The CT will be responsible for the approval of the establishment of all businesses in the Community, however small, whether Private, Partnerships or Companies.

4. The CT will be responsible for all revenue and public expenses of the Community, which will include Education, Social Welfare, Medicare, Local Security, Pension allowances, Student allowances, Mothers’ Allowances and Community Infrastructure.

[III] Investment

· As mentioned above all investment is subject to approval by the CT.

1. In all businesses, Industrial, Farming or Services, the CT will participate in the Investment with one-seventh or 15% share. This is a Privileged Community Revenue Share and entitles the CT for 35% to 40% of the Gross Profit of the business, before any wages are paid. (For Services, the percentage may be less).

2. All business Accounts will be kept, not merely audited, by a community accountant. A community accountant may keep the accounts of more than one business. His or her salary is to be paid by the CT but charged to the various businesses in proportion to the relative volume of business; or all accounting is done by computer online.

3. There will be NO OTHER INCOME TAX and no Tax on Salaries and Wages or Inheritance.

4. At least 55% (up to 85%) of the shares in any business are to be owned by people working in the business.

5. No individual can own any shares in a business in which he is not a working member, unless he is a pensioner of that business.

6. In case of Companies, 30% of the Ordinary shares, (i.e. Shares other than the Community Revenue Shares and the minimum 55% of the Company workers), can be invested by the CT, using both its own Fluid Assets and the deposits of the community members. In case of Companies established by being financed by Community Loan, this 30% Ordinary CT participation in mandatory.

7. When businesses are financed by loans from the CTs, priority will be given to individuals who have proven their worth in the relevant business field.

8. The net dividend of all the CT’s ordinary investments, after deduction of the Investment Management Overheads, will be divided proportionally among the CT’s own Liquid Investment Assets for Ordinary shares and the Citizens’ deposits. That is, if the net dividend from all ordinary shares in the hands of the CT equals x% of the total of the CT’s investment capital for ordinary shares plus citizens’ deposits, all deposits will be added an x% increase. This x% added to the individual deposits is their due interest. Alternatively, all savings are communal and managed by the CT, to provide for all allowances, including motherhood, pensions and sabbatical.

9. There will be no Stock Market for speculators.

10. The value of shares will be estimated according to a company’s Real Assets; (the share holders’ real worth).

11. In case of business failure and liquidation, all shares, including the Privileged Community Revenue Shares, will be considered as ordinary shares for the distribution of the capital materialized on liquidation.

[B] Domain Co-operatives

1. For larger Investments in heavier industries, Communities of the same area, up to a dozen or so, will form DOMAINS and will participate in Joint Investment Ventures, both on the Individual investor’s level and on the CT’s level.

2. The rules governing approval and investment ratios in Domain investments are the same as in the Community investments. Each CT will participate in a particular Domain Investment Venture in proportion to the investment of its own participating citizens.

3. There will be no separate Domain Bank. The various CTs of the participating communities, together with their citizens will act as independent investors.

4. Domain Infrastructure as well as a Domain Hospital and Fire Service will be provided for from the joint 35% to 40% Revenue of Domain ventures, before the individual CTs share the revenue in proportion to their total participation in Privileged Community Revenue Shares in all Joint Domain investments.

[C] Districts

· Up to a dozen or so Domains will constitute a DISTRICT.

1. A District will have its own Cooperative Bank, in which the sole investors are the CTs of the Communities of the District.

2. It is envisaged that a District will have a population of 200.000 to 400.000 and can therefore support the heaviest possible industries.

3. The District capital will be the commercial center and around it there will be purely Industrial Communities or Estates, for heavier industries only.

4. The same investment rules apply to the District as to the Communities.

5. The District Coop Bank will be responsible for all District Infrastructure, District Hospital etc., other than Domain or Community Infrastructure. The expenditure will be provided from the joint 35% Privileged revenue.

6. The district administration will be responsible for the coordination of the joint development of the Domains and will give Environmental Architectural guidelines.

[D] The State/Nation

· If the Nation is small, comprising only of a few districts, up to a dozen or so, and a population of less than 3.000.000 or so, it will comprise of only One State. If its area and number of basic units or its population or both are much larger than this, then the Nation will be divided into a number of States or Administrative Regions. These States are not new independent Economic Units. They are Administrative Units.

[I] National Resources

1. 10% or so of the Community or Domain or District Revenue will be paid into the National Investment Treasury (NIT).

2. This National Investment Revenue is not to be used by the NIT for any other administrative or military expenses. It is strictly an Investment Revenue to be recycled back to the Districts, Domains or Communities and redistributed and managed in a way that will give investment incentives to revitalize Communities, which tend to be devitalized. This will counteract the tendencies for Centralization and Urbanization. (The National Revenue for other National purposes will come from other sources; see further down).

3. All Mineral resources are National property.

4. Minerals that provide raw materials for industry or agriculture are to be mined and exploited by the Communities or Domains under a paid Government license.

5. Fossil fuel (Oil and Gas) is to be exploited by the Nation through appointed National Agencies.

6. Rivers and dams are to be managed by the National Government.

7. Electric Energy Production and Distribution will be run by National Government Agencies.

8. All National and International Transport are carried out by National Agencies. Ports and Airports are owned and managed by the State/Nation.

9. International Postal Links and Telecommunications are to be run by National Government Agencies.

10. All External Business, (Imports/Exports), will be carried by National Government Agencies. [This will provide a BUFFER against International Price fluctuations. The Wages-and-Prices compendium in our Optimum Social State will be regulated to remain fairly constant. Any differences with International fluctuations in prices and in currency exchange rates will be buffered by the Imports/Exports Agencies so that import/export prices will not affect the local National price compendium. (This will also protect the Nation against exploitation or Economic Colonialism. At the moment, this Economic or Commercial Colonialism is practiced by the main Western European Industrial Nations, which are the same Nations that practiced the older Administrative Colonialism. They do this by controlling a wages-and-prices disparity in their favor. As this block expands, all skills will flock into the central higher-wages areas, leaving the periphery with a population of tray-carrying servants and the exploiters of these servants)].

11. All the National Government Agencies will provide the Nation with its Administrative Revenue.

12. For military and state security, as well as supplement for administrative expenditure, the National Government may levy a VAT on spending in all Communities.

13. The Military structure will run its own Military Industries plus all industries providing its own logistics except food. The Military Industries can even have a marketable surplus, other than weapons.

· Instead of Government Agencies, there could be Export-Import Agencies, approved by the State and in which the National Treasury (NT, not the NIT) will have privileged shares and relate to, in the same way that the CTs have privileged shares and relate to Community businesses.

[II] The Nation’s Economic Responsibilities

1. All military and Internal Security other than the community policing.

2. Apart from providing for its own overheads, the Nation will provide the States with the funds they need.

3. Universities and other Higher Educational Institutions are National responsibilities. All research is under National management and financing.

4. University townships shall stand apart from any other city. The infrastructure and businesses in these university townships shall be geared and limited to provide for university life ONLY.

5. General Hospitals that will support the District, Domain and Community Medicare services.

6. Maintenance of National and State Forests and National Parks.

7. The Administrative Capital will not have any industries or businesses, other than those providing services and supplies for the administrative population.

[E] Prices-and-Incomes

Before we proceed with Prices-and-Incomes, we must set a suitable economic calendar, as we shall have to refer to this in relation to working days and holidays. This calendar will serve also as the Academic calendar.

· The Calendar

1. The week will consist of seven (7) days, starting with what is today Friday and sanctifying the seventh day, the day-of-Zeus or Jovedi, today’s Thursday.

2. The year will start on the Spring Equinox, today’s 22nd of March. It will start with the first day of the week.

3. The first week will be the Spring-week and it will be a week of holidays and festivities. There follow three (3) working Spring-months of four (4) weeks each. After these Spring months follows the Summer-week of holidays and festivities, followed by three (3) working Summer-months of four weeks each; then the Autumn-week of holidays and festivities, followed by three (3) working Autumn months and finally the Winter-week of holidays and festivities, followed by the three (3) working Winter months.

4. The last day of the year, (two days for leap years), does not belong to any week and it is not recorded on any calendar. It is as if non-existent and will be void of any business activity.

5. Everybody, except teachers, will have a five-day working week. For Services, the second free day other than Jovedi may vary for different services.

6. Teachers will have a six-day working week but will have three (3) additional free weeks in the middle of Spring, Autumn and Winter, one extra free week at the end of the year as well as the first six Summer working weeks free. (These free weeks are subject to rearrangement). Schools will have an hour break at noon. There will be no more lessons in the two working hours remaining. Teachers will supervise pupils doing their homework or they will correct work handed in. Teachers and pupils will not carry their work home.

7. Every seven (7) years, everyone will have an extended paid holiday, of up to half the year, contiguous or not, which he or she may use as holiday or to have a go at a different trade, to discover the best employment of his or her natural aptitudes and in what job he or she will be happier and most efficient and, therefore, qualify for promotion and higher salary.

8. Working day starts one hour after sunrise and ends at three o’clock after midday.

9. Where in Industry or Hospitals there will be a second shift, this will start at 3 p.m. and end at 11 p.m. There will not be any third shift. To handle emergencies, as in Hospitals and Fire services, there will be a minimum number of personnel ‘on call’.

[I] Salaries and Wages

· Our monetary unit is similar to the pound or dinar. Let us call it ‘money unit’ or ‘MNA’.

1. All Classes of skills or labor requiring only a three-year ‘First Apprenticeship’ will have the same salary scales. This will do away with the competition for increases among trades, and the consequent devaluation of currency and Inflation. In this way, an individual will choose his or her career according to his or her aptitudes and not according to salary scale. This will keep salaries and prices fairly constant.

2. The bottom of the scale is the First apprentice’s allowance, which is the same as the basic student’s allowance. Let us set this at 150 mnas per month.

3. The basic monthly salary for all trades or unskilled labor, (paragraph 1), will be 250 mnas and the top salary 400 mnas; [or, may be, up to 500 mnas].

4. These increases of up to 150 mnas, (60%), [or up to 250 mnas (100%)], completed by the age of 35, will be given for merit promotions to more responsible or more demanding positions.

5. There can be decrements as well in cases of demotion for very bad performance.

6. For every year of service, a 13th month’s salary will be deposited by the employer in the employee’s account at the local CT. This will be given to the employee as a first lump sum at 40 and as a final lump sum on retirement.

7. There will be no compulsory retirement. However, as an employee gets older and incapable for the demanding duties of a promoted position, he will be shifted to lower duties, with an appropriate scaling down of his salary until it reaches basic.

8. All non-workers, of whatever age, except pensioners, will receive an allowance from the CT, equal to First Apprenticeship allowance. Pensioners will receive a Second Apprenticeship allowance; (200 mnas per month). Pensioners or Senior citizens will be entitled to the free day-use of the Presbyterium as day guests and will apply themselves to looking after the Presbyterium’s gardens and playing hosts to the children as storytellers. Night accommodation at the Presbyterium will be reserved only for Senior citizens who cannot take care of their personal cleanliness needs. This will be at a nominal charge; less than their pension of course.

9. Expectant mothers as well as mothers with children up to the age of six years will not hold a job but will receive a basic salary from the CT or, in case of loss of husband through accident of death, the CT allowance will be equal to the husband’s latest salary.

10. Employees that attend a secondary 3-year education or second apprenticeship, after 17, will be on a salary scale by 20% higher than those of unskilled or first apprenticeship tradesmen. This will be the case for accountants, junior administrators, assistant engineers, surveyors, nursing staff etc. Tradesmen with only first apprenticeship training and with at least seven (7) continuous years in the same trade, who prove exceptionally good in their respective trade, attain the level of ‘Master of the trade’. These may undertake duties of apprentice Trainers with an increase of salary scale to that of secondary apprenticeship.

11. Professionals of University education, like doctors, professors, engineers, architects etc., will be on a scale of up to 40% or so higher than tradesmen, depending on the number of years of Tertiary Education attended. All should reach top scale at 35, provided they satisfy criteria of merit.

12. Civil servants or State officials must be over 35 and must be individuals that have proven exceptional in their communities. They will be detached from their respective communities to serve the State for a period of 15-20 years and will be paid by their communities. [Instead of a higher scale, they may be provided with a state residence of value according to the official’s rank, free of rent and maintenance expenses].

13. The salary of office workers or clerical staff and all junior professionals, including those in the Civil Service, will be equal to that of tradesmen and factory workers.

14. All posts, whether in the Civil Service or the Private sector, will have the same status as regards insurance, permanency, redundancy and pension benefits. Our Optimum Social State will in no way be divided into a privileged class of ‘Patricians’, (Civil Servants), and unprivileged ‘Plebeians’.

15. Good businessmen play a greater role in the production and management of wealth than employees, both tradesmen and professionals. They are entitled to a greater share. However, they produce this wealth as members of organized society. Without employees and customers, businessmen can produce no wealth. So, though no limit may be set on the amount of wealth they can produce and manage, a limit must be set on the amount they may consume for personal needs. This will be set at that of the top public official. If a businessman spends one mna more than this in any single year, his business and property are to be confiscated. If he uses business profits, over and above this personal limit, for acquiring any resort or recreation facilities, like a holiday mansion or a boat etc., these will be the property of the business and will be time shared by all the employees of the business, including himself, in proportion to their rank in the business, his own share not exceeding one twelfth of the whole. He may acquire a maximum of twelve such facilities. Anything further than this will be the property of the community to be used by the community.

[II] Prices

1. After research over a few years, prices will be fixed so that producers and traders will have an income comparable to any other businessman and somewhat higher than normal salaries.

2. Price scales will have a range of variation according to quality.

3. Producers will be encouraged to form marketing coops, so as to avoid middlemen.

4. Local market prices will be buffered, as already mentioned, from international fluctuations, by the National Agencies, which will handle external trade.

5. Revisions of prices-and-incomes will be carried out by the National government at regular intervals, as called for, so as to make adjustments for fairer distribution of wealth.

· Advertising is not allowed other than signs on Business premises, Works sites and Commercial vehicles.

· The Consumers’ Association will issue a monthly or quarterly bulletin on What-Where-and-Who, either in print or radio magazine or both.

· Gambling is prohibited but lotteries and raffles are allowed to be held by organized groups, from the Club to the Nation.


· Education starts in the womb. When the embryo is asleep or unconscious or stunned, either because the mother is in a state of shock with high adrenaline in her blood or when the womb is physically bumped or in pain, any words heard by the mother are directly recorded as ‘engrams’ in the reactive mind of the embryo. If these are negative, as when the husband shouts abuse at the mother or during panic, they will act as inhibitory action loops in the reactive subconscious of the child for life. These inhibitory engrams are the most difficult to get rid of because they lie behind or prior to what is known as ‘basic-a’ lock, the pain of birth, and very hard to access or audit.

· In the early years of childhood, up to the age of three to five, most of the programming of the reactive mind takes place and, in situations similar to those mentioned during pregnancy, when the child is asleep or unconscious or stunned when screamed at, a large host of inhibitory engrams lay a complex network of locks that inhibit or poison the individual’s life. These inhibitions literally cut down man’s capabilities and active endeavor to very low levels as compared to his natural uninhibited potential.

· This inhibition, or suppression from within, is the cause of all man’s rebellion, unsociable behavior and criminal tendencies.

· Extra care should be taken during such situations that the child, from the time of conception, is fed only with positive phrases and affectionate emotions. When the child misbehaves, the Mother may use physical punishment but never abusive negative language. The parents must be consistent in their attitude towards misbehavior, so as not to confuse the child.

[This is not a manual for upbringing but we mark these basic points because these childhood experiences and education are the very foundation of Society].

Education Stages:

1. Up to the age of six (6), child education is the responsibility of the mother, with the father being reserved at a fair distance from the child, as a reference of authority, wisdom and love; this is the father image that the mother should build. Mother and child should do things together and, apart from the training in good behavior and personal cleanliness which should be achieved mostly through punishment-and-reward, by the age of six the child should be taught the scientific basics about God, learn to write letters and words and read sentences and exercise its memory faculties through story-telling songs, similar to those sung by folk bards.

2. The seventh year is one of loose attendance of school. The same things are taught here as during mother education, with the addition that children are trained to do things in groups; going to excursions or day-trips, singing, decorating, gardening and activities of environmental cleanliness.

3. Officially, Primary Education is from the age of seven (7) to the age of thirteen (13). One whole weekday should be assigned to each of the following: (a) Language, (b) Basic Mathematics, (c) Physical Sciences, (d) Social Sciences (The History and Geography of Human Cultural Evolution), (e) Music and Decorative Art and (f) Technical skills. Each morning starts with 5 minutes of introspective silence, 20 minutes of physical exercise followed by 10 minutes rest. [Afternoons, after 3.00 p.m., are for games, sports and other pastimes for ALL, except those working in the second shift, who will use the morning instead for this purpose]. In all these topics, the child should be educated to understand scientifically its personal relation to God. Also, particular attention should be given to Musical Education and Poetry. (The education of our emotional and musical world has been almost totally neglected in today’s educational schemes).

4. The fourteenth year is the year of ‘Junior Troupers’. During this year, the young teenagers should take part in organized group activities like camping, voluntary public work like forestation or park development and maintenance, group exchanges with other communities or countries and so on. Also thirteen-year-olds should visit, on an organized basis, various places of work, so that they get acquainted with various trades and professions and see what kind of career they might like to try in the future.

5. At the age of fourteen (14) starts the First Apprenticeship period for ALL, including those who intend to follow University education later. This will last for three (3) years. During these three years, an individual may try various trades and professions in order to choose the one he or she is best at. Trade Apprenticeships may require one to three days a week for theoretical backing of the trade.

6. At the age of seventeen (17) First Apprenticeship period ends. Those who have chosen their trade by this age will become fully employed in their field. For junior professionals, like accountants, junior administrators, surveyors, nurses etc., starts the Second three-year Apprenticeship period, after qualifying examinations. Second Apprenticeship will consist of two (2) days of theoretical schooling plus three (3) days a week practice. Prospective Primary School teachers will attend a six-day week schooling in Physical Sciences, Language, Mathematics, Social Sciences, Music/Op-art and Pedagogical Studies. Those intending to go for Tertiary Education will attend three years of Secondary Education, which will consist of two (2) major subjects and two (2) optional minor ones of their choice. Prospective Primary school teachers and candidates for University education will be subjected to specially designed entrance examinations. The top candidates among these will be selected to attend the ‘Prime National Academy’, graduates of which are intended for higher education teachers, University professors, Top government officials and priests.

7. Allowance for those in Second Apprenticeship or studies between 17 and 21 will be 200 mnas per month.

8. The 21st year is the year of ‘Senior Troupers’. This is mostly a free year which young men and women will devote to their own exploratory adventure and travel, organizing their own itinerary. They will also have the chance of voluntary enlisting in the army for six months of this year. Their allowance is as above.

9. Tertiary Education for higher professionals starts at 21 and it is similar to today’s University Education. (Actually, tertiary education is necessary only for teachers, priests and very high government officials. All other trade and professional skills can be fully attained through Apprenticeships supplemented with the necessary books).

10. Allowance for students in tertiary education will be equal to the basic salary of 250 mnas per month.

11. Any individual who has terminated his formal education at a lower level will have the opportunity to attend higher education at a later stage in his or her life, as long as he or she will complete this formal education before the age of forty-two (42).

12. Higher professionals will have the opportunity of updating their education, (in some cases this will be expected of them), according to their professional needs. This updating has no age limit.

· Up to the age of 21, Education is financially a Community responsibility, except for those attending the Prime National Academy. This, as well as University Education is a National responsibility, except for students’ allowance which will be provided by the respective CTs.

· There will be no private schools or colleges.


· There will be NO Professional sports or games. Sports are for everybody who can to participate and not to watch others doing it, though, those who are not so proficient in sports, may help organize and watch sports at higher levels of skill and performance. With the work schedule as described earlier, everybody will have the time to indulge in sports. Facilities and all possible encouragement will be provided by the CTs.

· Sport achievement will be for fame and glory and not for money. Individual achievements of excellence will be recorded in the Community or the National Hall of Excellence, as the case and level may be, just like any other exceptional achievements in any field.

· Clubs will be established on all levels, from the Community to the Nation. These will be subsidized but may also secure extra funds from donations and from organizing their own raffles.

· Facilities for recreation and sports will be provided by the Community. Any entrance levy to sports-grounds for spectators will be minimal and will go towards the costs of keeping the grounds, for traveling-plus-expenses for Community (etc.) teams and for subsidizing sports clubs.

· Boxing and other brutal activities are neither sports nor pastimes nor recreation.

· So far known as ‘motor sports’ may be pastimes or recreation but not sports.



· There is Culture and Anti-culture. Most cinema and TV productions involving acting, especially TV serials, have been a very gross anti-culture, the major factor in the corruption of society. The same is true for many other pop performances.

· This kind of performance is not an art. Hollywood-type star acting can be performed equally well by 75% of the world’s population. This stardom, both in cinema and TV as well as in pop musical performances, is mostly the result of image or IDOL creation and promotion rather than genuine talent. (The Beatles had to abandon their tours because, as they said later, in these performances nobody heard a note of what they played or sang. It was just hysteria. They could not even hear themselves singing).

· Many untalented people, who cannot even speak publicly with ease without a script, earn millions per year by starring in comedy and other serials, delivering vulgar jokes or other ‘clever’ clichés, presented after being polished through many rehearsals and repeated takes.

· Most of today’s productions are full of violence, sex and other vulgarities.

· Most of the people who make it to show-biz stardom, except for few gifted individuals, are people driven by vanity and the pursue of glamour, big money and ‘moral emancipation’ which, in reality, is immorality. And these people become the heroes, the role models and idols for youth and for all who see only the surface shine of things and try in vain to imitate the false life styles of these false heroes. The pursue of this vanity has destroyed the family and social morality.

· All cartoons create adorable images of Mice, Pigs, Frogs, Bears, Dinosaurs, Snakes and other Serpents.

· Through these forms of entertainment, Man and children in particular are fed with phrases and images, (mental viruses), which form the basis for subsequent subliminal control.

· Another form of Anti-culture is fiction literature of thrillers of violence, of novels, of romances and crime stories of Agatha Christie’s style. And, worst of them all, is the ‘yellow’ pornographic magazine literature. These books are the source of a completely false presentation of life or, if not completely false, grossly distorted. These books, as well as movies and serials based on them, are giant key-holes through which readers or viewers watch false lives of imaginary heroes while sitting on their butt and sipping or chewing, accumulating hormones in their slothful bodies, instead of living a life of their own.

· A recent social disease is the abuse of Journalism. Journalism is supposed to inform people correctly and, in doing so, also help in better transparency; in a way, act like the white corpuscles that keep the blood clean and healthy. But now, Journalism has become drunk with its own power; an authority with unbridled power, yet no real responsibility. In pursue of their own promotion, journalists have become scandalmongers and sensationalist, (this is what sells), and undermine every other form of authority, destroying in the process the harmony of society. They behave just like the white corpuscles out of proportion and control that turn against the rest of the blood cells. Instead of healthy blood, we have galloping leukemia. The Job of the mass media, including the Press, is to give full all-round impartial information on all collective issues. Policy making or ONE-WAY pumping of the brains of the masses with critical opinion on public or other issues, or even criticizing the creative work of others, through the Mass Media, is a serious crime against free thinking; it is the worst kind of brain-washing. Everybody has the right to criticize anything publicly but not through the Mass Media.


· True culture is basically folkloric in nature. It is one of group participation, even when it is of individual performance.

· For this we can have musical clubs, singing clubs and dancing clubs that will participate with groups or individuals in festivities and other occasions, as well as organized competitions.

· The literature that should be encouraged is Poetry, song writing, Philosophy and really imaginative storytelling, like the work of Tolkien for example.

· Cinematography has a great potential, not only in documentaries, but also as an imaginative art form because of the special effects that can be created by it and its presentation of action in slow or fast motion.

· Optical art must be channeled away from the grotesque. It must be encouraged into color-and-motion creations in conjunction with cinematography and in the colorful design of fabrics and in decorations.

· Art forms that generate collector’s items that lead to attachment to objects, which is a form of Idol worship, is to be banned.

· Private collections of any kind of objects, from stamps to objects of art must not be allowed. They are in effect Idol worshipping.

· Artistic creations must produce objects of use and not of worship.

· Paintings other than decorations and landscapes can only be kept by the artists or in public places. These will not include portraits or any other form of Idol. The same goes for sculptured creations.


· There must be only one official National religion and this must have a sound scientific basis.

· Religion is not a matter of Dogma but of scientific understanding of the Nature of the Spiritual World. (With the enlightenment of Man concerning the scientific understanding of the Spiritual World, of the Identity of the Supreme God and lesser Gods, eventually there can be only one Universal religion).

· There will be no Liturgies or Religious rituals. Religion will be confined to prayers, moral code of living and an education into the understanding of Man’s personal relation to his God and that in God all Men are parts of ONE BODY and as such they should treat each other. Practice of Voodoo ritual or sympathetic magic is a crime that carries the death penalty only.

· Only Males excelling in the Physical Sciences will qualify for priesthood.

· The High priest must be the top Physicist in the Nation that is willing to take up the post. The High priest must be a childless Male, who should denounce all blood or in-law relations. He will have no property of his own what so ever and no salary and will not handle any money or involve himself in any money matters. All his needs will be provided by the National Treasury.

· The High priest is also the Lawgiver and he rules on all issues of legislation as the case may arise. His ruling on any issue IS the Law.

· The High priest must be a teacher or professor of Physical Sciences and he will undertake without salary the teaching of Physics and Esoteric Science to the choicest students, those attending the Prime National Academy. (From among these students must come the leader of the Nation).


· The High priest, assisted by a committee of scientists of proven excellence, will draught the original Law. Any ruling or legal decision of the High priest is a decision of legal fact.

· The Law must be simple and short. It should not fill more than a leaflet. (Today’s Law has grown so prolifically wild that it is choking Justice. Lawyers have become the greatest perverters of Justice).

· There will be no lawyers and hence no manipulation of the Law so as to pervert Truth and Justice.

· Two witnesses are needed for conviction.

· Video evidence is allowed and so are all scientific means of ‘truth testing’.

· Before the carrying out of sentence, the convicted will be ‘truth tested’ for confirmation. If this proves negative, the witnesses will be treated the same to decide whether there is perjury. If this is also negative, a ‘mistake’ is ruled and further investigations carried out. (In the future this will not be necessary. Psychometry will advance to the state that memory files can be picked up from the scene of the offense, which will give conclusive evidence).

· The Law will consist of the existing community rule given by Moses, (stealing is to be more precisely defined), with additions worked out by the High priest and his consultants concerning Personal Morality: Laws against sodomy and bestiality, against prostitution and the production and marketing of drugs, including tobacco and alcohol; laws against rioting, violence against the Community or the Nation, the use or unauthorized possession of fire-arms, the defiance of a court ruling and illegal entry into the country.

· All the above Laws carry the death penalty only.

· There will be no prisons.

· In cases of embezzlement and bribery involving public officials, apart from the death penalty, all property of the family of the offender will be confiscated.

· Business charter and regulations are not part of the criminal law.

· Non-compliance with these regulations is punished by fines and, in very serious cases and in cases of repeated failure to pay fines, by confiscation of business and forbidding of starting any other business.

· Resisting or acting in any way against the final court decision concerning these business rules constitutes a criminal offense and is treated accordingly.


· The judiciary for CRIMINAL OFFENSES will consist of members of the priesthood appointed by the High priest.

· For non-compliance with business rules, except fraud and embezzlement, which are part of the Criminal Law, the judiciary will consist of courts appointed by the Community Assemblies and Higher Assemblies.


POLITICS is the sum of processes dealing with Collective Issues.

So, generally speaking, all we have expounded so far concerning our Society and all else that deals with social matters is POLITICS, and everybody involved in collective issues is a Political Person.

However, we shall narrow the application of the term and use it only to describe the process of setting out the principles, guidelines and goals of collective or social issues.

Collective issues concern every member of the society and therefore every member of the society should be involved in deciding the principles, the goals and the priority of these goals, though not every member can be involved in the strategies to be followed or the implementation and management of these goals. These are the work of the experts or the technocrats.

In existing social systems, various attempts are made to choose the suitable people for political positions. There are different schools of thought, some favoring professional politicians with general or legal educational background and some favoring the occupancy of these political posts by ‘technocrats’. And this thinking is the source of most of the problems of present social systems. Technocrats make good executives and ministers in their field but they are not necessarily suitable leaders. As for lawyers, they are buried in complicated legislation that even confuses Justice and are generally full of ornate speeches instead of real leadership backbone. The same is true for professional politicians whose aptitude is mainly limited to Demagogy.

The answer to this mess is to separate the two functions; that of the executive or minister, who will be an appointed professional Civil Servant, a technocrat, and that of the Political Leader who will be the carrier of the Nation’s Mandate to rule.

· Apart from that of the Leader of the Nation, who will also be the Head of the army, all other posts of elected politicians, members of political committees etc., are not paid jobs. Politicians must be outstanding members of society who excel in their own profession, whether public or private, and are assigned as guardians of the People’s Mandate.

The Political process can then be formulated as follows:

1. Every seven (7) years, in every Community convenes the Community Assembly, which is made up of all married people plus unmarried people over 30.

2. The Community Assembly discusses and decides the principles, guidelines and goals of Community affairs. It also makes preliminary suggestions covering all Domain, District and National policies and goals.

3. A Political Committee (PC) of 24 persons is elected to pass these decisions and suggestions to higher levels.

4. The Political Committees of the Communities of a Domain make up the Domain Assembly. The Domain Assembly elects a Domain Political Committee of 24 members. The Domain Political Committee studies all suggestions handed to it by the Domain Assembly. It then feeds back suggestions of revision to the Community Assemblies and feeds forward suggestions to the District Assembly, which is made up of all the Domain Political Committees.

5. The Domain Committees make up the District Assembly. The District Assembly elects the District Political Committee of 24. The District Political Committee does the same as the Domain Political Committees and feeds suggestions both forward and back.

6. All the District Political Committees make up the National Assembly. The National Assembly discusses all suggestions handed to it from below. It elects a National Political Committee of 24, which discusses all these issues with the current leader, and the High priest. Feedback is passed down the line all the way to the Community Assemblies. (This process of feedback and feed forward across the entire political scale has as its purpose the processing of guidelines and goals, first of all for feasibility and practicability and second, for harmonization of the policies of the Nation with the policies of the Communities).

7. This political process is laborious only the first time the objectives are set out. Once this is done, every seven years the process will deal only with revisions and minor variations of policies according to new needs. (The drastic changes that are advertised by every political party before elections are standard demagogy of a multi-party system, with the opposition having as a principle to criticize or smear or accuse the governing party of messing up every National issue. In reality, policies seldom change with change of party in government and these changes are as a rule limited to minor policies).

8. Once the Policies are decided by the Assemblies, they constitute the MANDATE for the appropriate Executive authority of the Community, Domain etc.

9. At each level, from Community to Nation, a twelve-member Implementation Committee (IC) is elected to watch over the executive, to see that THE MANDATE is properly implemented.

10. None of these posts of the committees mentioned so far is a paid post.

11. The PC interviews and appoints a technocrat as the Mayor or Muktar of the Community, a paid official.

12. The IC, with the Mayor as its president, interviews and appoints all public paid officials as required.

13. Public officials are not as a rule replaced every 7-year period. Replacements are made only in cases of bad performance of officials, retirement or additional needs.

14. During elections of Committee members, no candidate is allowed to advertise himself with ornate speeches and demagogy. Candidates must be resident members of the Community, over 35, and are nominated and elected on proven merit of professional and character excellence.

15. Once the MANDATE is decided, if the current Mayor does not fully agree with it, he must resign and be appointed to a lower post.

16. The Head of the Nation must be a paragon of attributes. He must be a charismatic leader, a person of outstanding academic achievement and must remain childless. He is to be elected among candidates approved by the High priest. Once elected, he remains the head of the Nation and the Army as long as he has his full capacities for active service and as long as he remains the faithful guardian of the MANDATE. He is checked in this by the National PC in conjunction with the High priest.

17. The Head of the Nation gives up all business interests and all private property. He is provided with a palace for life. He continues as honorary head of State and advisor to the new Head after retirement.

18. All expenses incurred by the Head of the Nation, including all travel and personal expenses for life, are National expenses.

19. All appointed public officials, including the managers and employees of Government Agencies, are automatically given military rank and they are under Military Law.

There will be no Diplomats. The word literally means ‘having a double eye’; that is, ‘a professional liar’. The job of today’s diplomats will be carried out by a special section of the foreign ministry.

The Head of the Nation is similar to a king but not the old kind of king. In old times, the king was expected to lead his people in war; (usually for glory and material gains, as in the old marauding for slaves and booty). The duties of this Head of the Nation are to see that the Mandate is faithfully applied. His authority, other than representing the Nation in its relations to other Nations, is mainly internal. He is a kind of priest king. This is why he is chosen from among the top disciples of the High Priest.


1. Land is Community property; not a marketable commodity.

2. No housing problem.

3. Workers are the only individual shareholders in b