THE PILOT November 9 Page Six I AUTOMOBILE...

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Page Six THE PILOT F r M a y , November 9


AUTOMOBILE RACESC jr* U A T T r ^ n A U T W orld’s speed king to drive his three miles a 0 1 \ I n / V U U L r i n r l l j l m inutes world’s wonder car, the fastest wonder car in the world in a special attem pt to lower his own world s track record.

© EVENTS RACES 6Nine Famous Dirt Track Stars including Cleo Sarles well known Ford Champion

A u to Polo AUTO RACES P ony PoloThe most com­

plete day of

SrORTSever staged in

the South

A r m is tic e D ayF inelivirst, N. C.



We are glad to report Mrs. A. C. Al- den’s condition greatly improved a f ­ter a w eek’s illness.

Miss E lsie Addor spent last week nursing Mrs. Jno. Blue in Aberdeen, and spent Sunday and Monday with Miss Margaret Keith in Vass.

Friends of Miss A gnes Keith, who recently began training a t H ighsm iths Hospital, will be glad to know that she is gettin g along well after receiv­ing several gashes and bruises in an auto smash a week ago. A drunken man ran into the car in which Miss Keith was riding with a party of friends on the Parkton road. No one was injured seriously, tho all w e ie bruised and badly shaken up. Miss Keith’s wounds necessitated several stitches.

Miss Jeanne Addor came home Mon­day night after having nursed Mrs. Reid Page and baby for three weeks.

Mrs. Claudell le ft Monday for her Connecticut home after a pleasant v is ­it of two months to her daughter, Mrs.F . G. Wiley.

Mr. B. J. W eathers and his lady friend, of Moncure spent last week w ith Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Burns here, and attended the Sandhill Fair. Mr. W eathers is pleasantly remembered here where he has many friends who are always glad to see him back. He w as a former second-trick operator here.

Miss Viola Smith, who is in training a t St. Johns in W ilmington, is at home on a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Smith.

Mrs. Grady Gardner, of Hoffman, visite^l her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lu­ther .':mith last week and attended the fair.

Miss Jeanne Addor, Mrs. Henry Addor and “l it t le” Henry, are spend­ing a few days in Fayetteville with Mrs. Addor’s sister, Miss A gnes Keith and her aunt, Mrs. H. S. Averitt.

Rev. Litcher Smith, Presbyterian evangelist of Fayetteville , will begin a series of protracted services at the Christian church on Sunday morning next, at 11 o’clock. Services will last throujhout the week, being held at 8 in the evening, and everybody is cordially invited to hear Mr. Smith who has conducted many revivals in this county and once before at Addor. Everybody remembers Mr. Smith pleasantly, all enjoy his preaching, and considers it a great privilege to have him in the community again.



Mr. E. H. Perry, of Siler (!)ity, won the churn given away by the* Delco L ight Co., a t the Sandhill Fair last week. The contest was open only to farm ers and out of over five hundred chances, Mr. Perry was the lucky one. Mr. John A. McLeod, of Carthage, represents the Delco company in this territory.


The Chas. M. Stieff Piano Co., of Charlotte, are calling attention, in ^ i s issue of The Pilot, to their Xm as ^lub plan for buying pianos. Look ™ i r ad up and make inquiry of them.

11 ^ glad to furnish you withall information necessary pertaining to the purchase of a piano.

D efault having been made in the paym ent o f certain notes secured by the M ortgage Deed hereinafterwards referred to whereby the pow'ers of sale contained in said M ortgage Deed have become operative, and under and by virtue of the pow-ers and term s of sale in said M ortgage Deed contained, and as by law provided, I w ill offer and sell at public outcry for cash to the h ighest bidder at the court house door in Carthage, Moore county. North Carolina, on

Monday, December 3rd, 1923, at 2 o ’clock P. M., the fo llow ing de­scribed land for the purpose o f pay­ing said notes and sa t is fy m g said M ortgage Deed, said land being s itu ­ated in Greenwood tow'nship. Moore county. North Carolina, and described by m etes and bounds as follows.

FIR ST TRACT, Beginning at a stake by an old road near an old to ­bacco barn Mary Belle Ferguson’s 4th corner and runs thence the reverse of her line N. 25 E. 16 chains to stake, pine pointers, M. B. Ferguson’s 3rd and beginning corner of Bettie A. F er ­guson 53 acres, thence w ith her line reversed N. 3 W. 15 chains to a stake in the road, thence as the road N. 83 W. 11.65 chains, thence as the ’oad S. 67 W. 5 chains, thence as che road S. 70 W. 13 chains, thence S. 62 W. 7 chains to a stake in Johnson’s lino, thence S. 34 E. 4.20 chains to a stake and pine pointers, thence S. 38 E. 8.50 chains to Bosw ell’s line, thence N. 65 E. 3.50 chains to said B osw ell’s cor­ner, thence with B osw ell’s line S. 5 E. 6 .8 ) chains to B osw ell’s corner, thence thence as the old line S. 42 E. 13 chains to an old corner of the origin ­al survey (F ergu son ’s ) , thence ".9 E. 8.5 chains to the place of beginning, containing 47 3-4 acres more or less.

SECOND TRACT: Beginning at apine knot the corner of M atthews and Poindexter land thence S. 22 E. 6 chains to the center of Carthage and Cameron road and even cornex’ with J. H. McDonald’s, pine stump pointers in M atthews and Poindexter’s line, thence as middle of the road with Mc­Donald’s line S. 63 E. about 12 chains in the public road, a corner of F ergu ­son’s line opposite a tobacco barn, containing 1 1-2 acres, more or less, and for a more minute description of said land and premises see M ortgage Deed dated the 13th day of Decem ­ber, 1919, from R. E. Bryant to H. G. ElFis as appears of record in the o f ­fice of the R egister o f Deeds for Moore county in M ortgage Deed Book Number 30, pages 500 et sequitur, to which record reference is he:e and now made.

This first day of November, 1923.G. H. ELLIS, M ortgagee,

L. B. Clegg, A tty . W ilson, N. C. R. F. D. 2.

H. W. DOUBScreened 2 x 4

E G G C O A LDelivered to Aberdeen Pine-

bluff and Southern Pines.

Run and Operated for the Tobacco Grower


Latest Styles in HatsBeautiful new line of Neck­wear, Notions, Dress Goods

IVass Millinery


On the single prin­ciple of service

That includes max imum Cash re­

turns in full the day you sell



WarehouseAberdeen, N. C.

Four Door Sedan

rFiOTy •vtipptd, $6B9, f, c. Detroit

Inside and out, the new Ford Four-door Sedan shows improvements of far more than usual im­portance.

It is lower and sturdier in appearance. N ew cowl, hood, radiator and apron add size and finish to the front. Sun visor, and wide, well-finished alum­inum doors w ith bar

handles perfect the design of the body.

Silk window curtains, deep broad-cloth uphol­stery; dome light, door lock, window regulators and handles, all finished in n i c k e l , complete a refinement you would ex­pect only at a far higher price.

T h u car can be obtained through tLe F o rd fyeekly Purchase PUiH


