The Pitch

Post on 01-Dec-2014

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  • 1. The PitchBy Hannah Costello, JacobGould and Louis Cornwell

2. The song and genre Our music video will be for Naive by TheKooks. This song is in the indie-rock genre. It is very common for artists in this genreto use music videos as part of theirpromotional material, therefore makingthis a mainstream video. 3. The Video Our video will consist of a mixture ofperformance and narrative shots. The narrative will show a male and a femalecharacter walking around a woodland areatogether, with the lead singer also featuringin some of the shots looking at the coupletogether but never being noticed by either ofthem. 4. The Lyrics The narrative of our video will be looselybased around the lyrics of the song. Significant lines include: Just dont let me down as the lead singer has been let down by the girl for her lack of realisation of his feelings Oh youre so naive for not realising his feelings towards her I may say that it was your fault because he blames her for his sadness 5. Costumes & Props The band in our video will be dressed incasual clothing as this appears to be theconventional look for an indie-rock band. They will also be dressed in dark colours asthis is a convention of the rock genre. We will not be using a large number ofprops in our video, other than theinstruments that the band will be playingand stones for the lead singer to throw intoa lake. 6. InspirationsThe first music video we took inspiration from was StandingIn the Dark by Lawson (2012). The lyrics from this songstrongly relate to the music video in which the lead singer isshown displaying jealousy towards a couple and feelingawkward and upset when he sees them together. This videoalso combines performance and narrative shots. 7. Inspirations: The Killers We took inspiration from the video for Mr Brightside by the Killers (Alternate Version), in particular the bright lighting in the performance scenes. The use of close ups on individual instruments will also be something we will utilise in our music video. 8. Inspirations: Arctic Monkeys We took inspiration from the mis en scene of this music video with the set up of the stage for the performance shots. 9. Inspirations: Bloc PartyWe took inspiration from the video for Bloc Party - I StillRemember, the narrative and performance coinciding witheach other through the lead singers presence in thestoryline of the video as well as in the performance shots. 10. Codes & Conventions Music videos in general do not have manyfixed codes and conventions. Indie-rock music videos have a very looseset of genre conventions, usually thevideos consist of largely performanceshots with a simple narrative integratedalongside this, with many videos focusingon relationships.