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Seattle, WA

March 12-16, 2018


Adam Lang | Senior Product Marketing Manager – SAP Concur

Mike Dailey | Sales Executive – SAP Concur

Wendy Sward | Strategic Solutions Expert – SAP Concur

Solution SeriesUnlock the Value of Strategic Spend Management

Adam LangSenior Product Marketing Manager - SAP Concur

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Just for a moment

• Airlines

• Meals

• Rental cars

• Conferences

• Marketing collateral

• Team events

• Coffee

• Office supplies

• Market research

• Hotels

• Sponsorships

• IT equipment

• Education &


• Client dinners

• Mileage

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Taking it one step further

• Checks

• Cash

• Ghost cards

• Virtual cards

• P-cards

• Corporate cards

• Personal cards

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The complexity of managing


Managing employee initiated

spend is time-consuming and

complicated; it’s hard to be

anything but reactive.

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Disconnected Systems

• Lack of accurate and timely


• Challenging to stay on top

of payment due dates,

which leads to late fees

• Limited Insights to maximize

working capital

Mike DaileySales Executive - SAP Concur

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Managing spend is a distraction, not a differentiator.

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There’s a Lot of Spend to Manage!







P-card Expense


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Automation and Efficiency Alone

Are Not the Answer

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What does AP Prioritize?

Reducing processing costs

Increase invoice /payment data visibility

Improve reporting & analytics

Better collaboration w suppliers

Better collaboration w procurement

“What are the most important factors driving AP in the functions it can deliver on for its organization?”

Source: Ardent Partners, August, 2016.

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Real World Example

Office supplies

$200,000 $150,000

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Another Real World Example…

Conference expensesConference Expenses

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And another…

Conference expensesTechnology Equipment


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Qtr Ofc Supplies1Q17










Ofc Eq/Hdwr





12-mo Expense Report, by Category

You ARE Missing Out…


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So what’s the answer?

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SAP Concur: Captures/Manages All Company Spend












3.7Avg cycle


120K+Avoided dupe







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Deliverin-depth insight.

Integrate data from any source.

Create a mobile experience.

Create an efficient AP engine.

The Concur Approach


21© 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Concur Invoice Business Value








Five year ROI

Payback period

Average annual savings per 1,000 invoices

Time on invoice mngt tasks

Average vendor pay acceleration

# of questions to AP from vendors

LOB staff productivity from mobile

“The Business Value of Concur Invoice” report, IDC, Inc., February, 2017

Wendy SwardStrategic Solutions Expert- SAP Concur

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Removing the touch points of Invoice ProcessingAP

Analytics of your Organizations Spend & OpportunitiesPurchasing

Identify & Reduce your Invoice Cycle TimesFinance

New Payment & Cash Optimization StrategyController

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Traditional Paper process & AP Processor Role

30-40% of the processor day can be spent resolving PO Issues

Paper AP Process:

1. Receive Paper Invoices from the mailroom

2. Sort Invoices – PO vs Non PO Invoices

3. Data entry Invoice for payment• If PO Is received and OK to Pay – submit for payment

• If PO Is NOT received or has PO Exceptions

– make a pile of Invoices & email Buyers or Receiving Dept

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Managing Receipt Issues: • Wait a couple days. Re-enter Invoices & see if received.

• May need to enter an Invoice w/PO 2-3 times before it is OK to Pay.

Action: 1. Email the DC – alerting of PO Receiving Issues

2. Wait a couple days and re-enter Invoices to see if received

3. Alert Buyer or Requisitioner if Goods are still not received

• Continue to hold Invoice and check back

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Get out of the Weeds of PO & Non-PO Invoice handling

PO Matching Rules Based on:

• Quantities and Unit Prices

• Line and Header Totals

• Amounts (net/gross)

• One-to-One and/or Life-to-Date

Receive the Invoice

• Read the Invoice via OCR & Verify

• Create a Payment Request

• Automatically Match to the PO

Smart Technology – No Learning




• Allow or Prevent Submission

• Icons and custom messages

• Auto Submit

= Reduce touch points

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Get out of the Weeds of Invoice PO matching

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Optimizing the Data Analytics of your Organizations Spend

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Reporting on your Organizations Spend by Role




ProcessorPurchasing Receiving

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Burst a report to Receiving Department


Submit= Reduce touch points

Once Received

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Procurement Dashboard Analytics

Example: Invoice PO Exception - Purchasing Workflow Cycle Times

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Actionable Analytics for Receiving & Purchasing Teams

Aging of your Open PO’s & what’s matched to an Invoice

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AP Processor

Cash Optimization: identifying Invoices that are at risk of missing a discount

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Leverage the strength of a Concur Expense & Invoice Platform

Stronger Analytics of your Organization Spend

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What’s New: Invoice Payment Strategies

• What is Invoice Pay

• Concur Invoice Pay is now integrated with Virtual Card Payment Providers

Concur Pay Provider

Credit cards(virtual)

Concur Invoice Pay One Time Use Card Authorization


Credit Card Posting is sent back to Concur

One-Time Use Card – Concur Pay Provider

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What’s New in Invoice Payment Strategies you should know

Here are a few of the Concur Pay Provider Virtual Card Program Features:

• One Time use Credit Card

• Card Data is sent securely to Vendor

• Credit Card is authorized for specific amount and expiration date

• Virtual Card Reconciliation back to Concur Invoice

• The ability to gain Credit Card Rebate dollars

• The ability to optimize your cash flow

• Alerts can be triggered, if a Vendor has not processed the Virtual Card Payment
