The psychology of story telling for fluency development in English Language Teaching.

Post on 06-May-2015

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A look at what's behind the learning experience and how story-telling brings everything together in a natural, holistic and confidence-building spirit.


I may seem insignificant - but you don't know my connections;)

Poetic Metacognition of a Neuron

Arms and branches = dendrites

Eye = nucleus

Tail = axon

Flailing at the end = axon


Clothing = Schwan cells –

insulating coating

Who wants to trigger my

action potential?

YES – At Last – I’m ALL LIT UP!!

In a learning context – what might have

triggered the action potential?

How will this light up the whole mind and create an optimal

learning state?

This is me at a brain-storming party !!

Can you find me in the crowd?

Yeah, yeah, I know….We all look the same to you…That’s because our

sum is greater than our parts…..

A dearth of creativity

I’m a lone neuron (:

I’m connected,

I’m all lit up!!

Neurons and people are more alike than you think!!

In fact, neurons are so like humans that they create human experience. Just as people don’t like to stand alone at parties, neurons are no good alone either.

We need each other to grow. When WE grow, YOU grow. HOW?

By having FUN through


Why interactivity?

“If eyes are the windows of the soul, mirror neurons are the windows of social & emotional awareness.”

How do we connect?

The ancient art of story -telling

 As civilizations grew, so did the iconic nature of storytelling, yet we're no different today - our walls are just more likely to be on Facebook than deep inside caves. As we make our way through the digital transformation, a return to visualization is occurring that adheres to the storyteller's craft of appealing to our tribal sensibilities.


Help our students to ‘know about knowing’.

Start by being mindful of how stories can engage the whole-brain, heart and soul

Story-telling & language acquisition

Story-telling, memory & creativity



The Story Of Fluency!!

The ACT of story –telling ENHANCES fluency development by harnessing the


A good story, in turn, is made GREAT, by clever use of imagination and association, thereby creating fun, inspiring, artistic, memorable learning experiences!!!!!

Social and Emotional Learning

Image + dialogue


Graphic novels





Upstairs/downstairs brain

Working with implicit memories

Memory and fitting the pieces together

Poetry as a collaborative game

Sharing feelings, dreams, ideasTORY


Our collaborative poem

Our collaborative poem

Sharing feelings, dreams, ideas Treasure talking enthusiastically together Overwhelming open expression Realms of resourceful relaxing reflection Yearning, yielding youthfully year by year.

Tripping talented tournaments trigger the mind Exploring, experimenting, exploring escapades Love evolving likeable literature Leaps of language not lagging behind Intimate ,intriguing, involving initiative Natural, naïve, nature in a nutshell Genuine, grasping, giggling genius goals