The Rainbow Junction Gazette - Clover...

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PSWTE President’s Letter

Where has the year gone? It’s already the middle of May. As I look at the flowers, plants and trees blooming in my yard, I recall the saying “April showers (and we had lots of those, didn’t we?) bring May flowers”. With the time flying by I have found myself extremely busy these past few months. Or is that with being so busy, the time seems to be flying by? Some days I find myself overwhelmed and wonder if I will get everything done (you should see my May & June calendars) and have time to just be still.

My sister-in-law, Sharon Decker, North Carolina Commerce Secretary and Presbyterian lay pastor, recently spoke at a YMCA prayer breakfast. The focus of her comments was to make more room in our busy lives for quiet time with God. She said “We have to learn to be still. The way most of us live our lives is ‘just keep moving, just keep moving.’ Yet God calls us to a still, quiet space.” She also encouraged those gathered at the breakfast “to build daily prayer into their lives, love others as the Bible commands – and never forget to also love and nurture themselves “so there’s more of you to give away for Christ’s sake every day.”

Reading that article in The Charlotte Observer and then reading a devotional by Joyce

Meyer (on YouVersion), was one of those wake up calls (or slap on the head) moments. God was talking to me, telling me to slow down, spend more time in the Word, and listen for His voice. Yesterday I came across this devotion that I’d like to share with you. I do not know the author or even where it came from. Again, I think God is talking to me. So, this article will be short as I go to my favorite rocking chair by the front window, open my Bible and spend some time being still before God. And all those “projects” – well, they can just wait.

Stillness Before God (author unknown)

One of the most important things we can learn in this day and hour is how to

be still.

I believe that one of the significant reasons so many of us are burned out and

stressed out is that we don’t know how to be still. We don’t really know God and

do not acknowledge Him. And it’s only by spending time getting to know Him

that we learn to hear His still, small voice so that He can direct our paths.

We need to learn to be quiet on the inside and stay in that peaceful state so

that we are always ready to hear the Lord’s voice. Many people today run from

one thing to the next. Because their minds don’t know how to be still, they don’t

know how to be still in their heart.

If we’ll just slow down and quiet our minds enough to hear His promptings,

we can live in a place of peace, ready to respond obediently. It is easy to see that

leading a peaceful, happy life, free from exhaustion and burnout, is not all that

complicated, as long as we remain still before God.

Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God”

Carol Decker, PSWTE Board President

Volume 31, Number 2 Updated June 10 May 2013

The Rainbow Junction



Lay Director Thoughts -Walk #213

Whew! When WTE President Carol Decker called me “to ask a couple of

questions,” I had no idea one of those questions would be “Would you prayerfully

consider being a Lay Director for an upcoming walk?” My first response was “No,

that’s not been an ambition of mine. I love to serve, but…”

Of course, Carol convinced me to pray about it...which I did, even to the extent

of flippantly suggesting to God that if He wanted me to say yes, He could “just send

me a rainbow.” Well, be careful what you say to God! A couple of weeks went by,

and I was about to call Carol and say no--even though in my devotional time I’d

been coming across statements like “God speaks to us through the voices of our

Christian friends,” and other similar ideas that seemed to be “gently” nudging me to

say yes.

Then, one evening I was at a meeting, standing with my back to a large picture

window, when I “felt” a tap on my shoulder. I shrugged it off...then “felt” it again,

along with an urge to “turn around, Joyce.” When I did, I saw the most beautiful

rainbow I’d seen in years, arching right over Oak Harbor Bay…“oh, nuts!”...or

something like that...went through my mind...and that explains the rainbows that

will be seen on Walk 213.

The theme and song come from Isaiah 6:8, when God asks Isaiah “Whom shall

I send?” Isaiah replies with “Here am I, send me.” This ties in with Jer. 29:11--“For

I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord--plans not to harm you, but to give

you hope and a future.” It’s what we are called to do--to serve Him wherever we are

sent--whether in our home, church, town, community, or around the world. He will

see to our future.

I praise God for the Emmaus community, and ask for His blessings on this, and

every, Weekend!

Serving Him, Joyce Atkinson

Directions to Walk 213

First United Methodist Church Olympia

1224 Legion Way Southeast , Olympia, WA

From North (I-5 Southbound):

Take exit 105B (the right lane to city center). This exit becomes northbound Plum Street.

Go north on Plum until you come to the fourth stop light (you will see a Jack-in-the-Box on the NE corner).

Turn right (eastbound) on Legion and go up four blocks. First United Methodist Church is on the

left side of the street, across from Madison Elementary School.

From South (I-5 Northbound):

Take exit 105 (stay right, follow signs to the Port of Olympia). At the light, turn left onto northbound Plum Street. Continue following above instructions “Go north on Plum…”


Pilgrim List

Women’s Walk #213

June 27 - 30, 2013

Theme: Here I am, Lord...Send Me

Song: Here I Am, Lord

Verse: “For I know the plans I have for

you, says the Lord...plans not to

harm you but to give you hope and a future.”

Jer: 29:11.

Co-verse: “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said,

“Here am I. Send me!” Isa 6:8

Walk #213 Church Sponsor(s)

Updated May 30 June 10

Gloria Braxton Northwest Community Church MikelAnn Robinson

Sarah Corral St Paul’s Lutheran boB & Deb Sinclair

Shirlee Dashow Christ Lutheran Carol Wray Sturgill

Judy Donley Christ Lutheran Kristi Kreamer

Linda Evanson Christ Lutheran Kristin Moultine

Elise Harshbarger Rose Hill Presbyterian Bob & Jeanne Harshbarger

Kathy Hicks Oak Harbor FUMC Shirley LeBlanc

Patty Huesers Christ Lutheran Michele Green

Christina Hunt Rose Hill Presbyterian Wendy Markham

Chrissy Kuhn Christ Lutheran Nick Roy

Robin LaMont Grace by the Sea Anglican Joanna Seppa

Annie Lund Centralia Comm. Church of God Briana Canfield

Andie Moawad Christ Lutheran Les Watts

Cindy Mosley Christ Lutheran Margot McKell-Warner

Kate Radzyminski Christ Lutheran Sandy Reed

Chrissie Scrimshaw Grace by the Sea Anglican D Sumner Fedele/D Leach

Shelley Smart Christ Lutheran Dianne Chamusco

Jane Starr Christ Lutheran Nancy Selland

June Zacharias Oak Harbor FUMC Joyce Tighe/J Roodzant


Walk 213 Team List

Director Jesus Christ

Lay Director Joyce Atkinson

Asst. Lay Director Janann Roodzant

Spiritual Director Kristi Kreamer

Spiritual Team Sara Hammersborg, Dave Johnson,

Steve Morrow

Song Team Lead Paige Rath

Song Team Cheryl Dyson, Jackie Linington,

Michelle Thompson

Head Cha Ida Richards

Cha Chas Georgia Gwyn, Bette Kohlenberger,

Judy Reeder, Barb Wilson

Chef, Assistant Dee Turley, Anne Tarrant

Kitchen Team Karen Claussen, Caroline Fewing,

Jana Fullerton, Jeanne Kirkpatrick,

Debb Leach, Shirley LeBlanc,

Yvonne Struthers

Palanca Boss, Assistant Ginger Opdyke, Carol Decker

Briana Canfield, Tracy Canfield,

Mary Jaquish, Christen Lanning-Weller,

Margo McKell-Warnick,

Margaret Mordhorst, Molly Perry,

Sandy Reed

Talk Room Speaker Backup

Priorities Georgia Gwyn (cha) Cheryl Dyson (song team)

Priesthood Bette Kohlenberger (cha) Lori Griffin

Life in Piety Krys Owens Deidre Davison

Growth/Study Jean Harris (Margo McKell-Warnick (palanca))

Christian Action Erin Buckley-Noonan (Jana Fullerton (kitchen))

Discipleship Kathi Van Pelt Jessica Berg

Changing Our World Marali Woessner Ida Richards (cha)

Body of Christ Joanna Seppa Diana Sumner Fedele

Love Team Chair Blair Prigge

Agape Boss Gary Buma

Send Palanca to: Ginger Opdyke

2806 Newell Dr

Oak Harbor, WA 98277

Updated May 30


2013 PSWTE Board Members

President Carol Decker

President-Emeritus Gary Buma

President-Elect Scott Coffinger

Secretary Ann Coffinger

Treasurer Bette Kohlenberger

Spiritual Directors Fred Gregory

Paul Kuhn

Women’s Walk Coord. Paula Wood

Men’s Walk Coord. Bill Gwyn


Ultreyas meet monthly in the following

locations. If you are in our area, please drop in and share the spirit with us. These Ultreyas are

open to all who wish to follow Jesus!

East King County

Third Sunday at 2:30 St. Peter’s United Methodist, Bellevue

Bob Jones

(c)206 832-7883 or (w)425 861-2685


First Friday at 7:00 p.m.

Silverdale UMC Jessica Berg

North Snohomish/South Skagit

Currently not meeting

See “Ultreya News” below

Oak Harbor Third Friday at 7:00 p.m.

Oak Harbor FUMC

Ginger Opdyke 360-679-9071

South Sound Third Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Christ Lutheran,


Lee Chaffee-Birnbaum

Whatcom Third Friday at 7:30 p.m.

Gail Sullivan

2013 Committee Chairs

Facilities Kathy Hawkes

Fourth Day Lance Calisch & Charlene


Gazette Editor Joyce Atkinson

Historian Dee Turley

Kitchen Bob Berndt

Music Chair John Decker National/Int’l Palanca Georgia Gwyn

Notebooks Nina Buma

Pre-Walk Joan Pierce

Supplies Karl Brackmann

Team Selection Gary Buma

Web Site Darrin Canfield

*Ultreya News* Help is needed to restart the North Snohomish/

South Skagit Ultreya. All it takes is a willing

group of volunteers and a location to meet

monthly (or at least quarterly). Contact Carol Decker if you (or a group of you) wish to take on

this leadership role. Help is available for meeting



Presidential Notes

A Note from the President regarding the cancellation of Men’s Walk 212. After much prayer and discern-

ment, the PSWTE Executive Board (with the understanding and concurrence of the Lay Director, Steve

Westerside) made the difficult decision to cancel the Men’s Walk in June. At the time of cancellation (3

days before the Combined Team Meeting), there were only 30 team members signed up (10 less than the

minimum required) and zero pilgrim applications. As hard as the decision was to make, we all agreed it was

the right thing to do. Please contact me if you have any questions about this decision.

Electronic Donations. As mentioned in the e-Blast last month, PSWTE is now able to accept secure elec-

tronic donations (debit/credit card or bank transfers) via our web site. Several people have already taken

advantage of this new option. The electronic donation option is located under the 4th Day tab. You have

three options from which to choose: (1) a one-time donation, (2) paying for serving on a walk or sponsoring

a pilgrim. The payment is set to default $90, or (3) setting up a monthly recurring

donation to provide ongoing support to PSWTE. Please note: The monthly recur-

ring donation can also be used to pay for serving or sponsoring when the entire $90 at

one time is not within your budget. The donation form gives you the option to set the

amount and a start/stop time frame. For example, you can donate $10 a month for

nine months. For all of the donations, please use the organization line to list infor-

mation about the donation, such as, walk #, purpose (general budget, walk weekend

support, my service on walk#, pilgrim, trailer fund, etc.) This will help us designate the money to the correct

location.Please let us know how this experience works. We appreciate any and all feedback.

Facilities. Due to ongoing life events, Karen Claussen, Facilities Chair (South) has submitted her resigna-

tion from the Board. Thank you, Karen, for all your hard work in helping secure churches for our Walk

weekends. At times it has not been an easy task; we appreciate your efforts. All of the churches for 2014 Walk weekends have been arranged. We will be hosted by Immanuel Lutheran, Rosehill Presbyterian and

Des Moines United Methodist.

PSWTE Database. The Board Historian is working hard to keep the database current. If you change any of

your contact information, (email address, home address, phone number(s), church affiliation, etc.), please

send an email to the Historian or complete the form on page 7 and mail to her. Also - please notify her if

you change your name. Last year we added an "instrument" section to the database to help the Music Com-mittee identify current and future song team members. If you play an instrument (and have not previously

provided us with that information), please provide that information to the Historian as well. A quick email to

Dee would be greatly appreciated.

Help PSWTE reduce costs! If you are currently receiving the Gazette via regular mail and would like to

receive it via email, please send us a request by going to the Gazette page on the web site and clicking the

link in the top paragraph to sign up online. Or you can send the Historian an email and request to receive the

Gazette via email. The Historian is Dee Turley; You will be taken off the "snail

mail" list, and will receive an e-mail when the Gazette is updated. Thank you for helping us control costs--

and save paper!

Thank you for your help!



Current Information. Please remember to keep your E-mail address, home address, and phone numbers updated with PSWTE. Often Lay Direc-

tors contact the Board for help in filling their teams, especially for clergy and

song team members. Anytime you change your contact information, please

send the Historian an email to update the database.

For those of you receiving the print Gazette, please remember to keep your mailing address current. You may send in changes the following ways:

Send to: Puget Sound Walk To Emmaus OR

P. O. Box 77314 (indicate PSWTE Address

Seattle, WA 98133 Change in the subject line)

Name _______________________________________________________

New Address _________________________________________________

City ______________________________ State ________ Zip __________

Home Phone: ( )___________________ Work Phone: ( ) __________

Church ______________________________________________________

Email: _______________________________________________________

Check here if you’d like to receive the Gazette electronically

Board Meeting Highlights

At our March meeting, we welcomed Bette Kohlenberger as new Board Treasurer. We wish to thank Cheryl

Goodwin for her hard work and commitment to Puget Sound Walk to Emmaus finances for the past two terms.

Watch for updates in the Gazette and online for the introduction of the new e-payment system.

The trailer has been ordered and will be ready for delivery at the first part of May. It will be used to transport the supplies from First United Methodist Church in Olympia in June. The Supplies Committee is looking for

someone to be the North Sound point of contact for storing the supply trailer between Walks and helping move

the trailer to/from the churches where the Walks are held. Contact Scott Coffinger for more information.

Suggested Donation Increase. Due to the rising cost of supplies and food, the Board has approved a $10.00 increase in the suggested donation for serving on a Walk and for

sponsoring pilgrims. The suggested donation is now $90.00

Revised Child Care Policy. The PSWTE Board recently made a change regarding child care for the Combined

Team Meetings, Closura and 4th Day Celebrations. Child care will only be provided if pre-arranged with the

Love Team Chair at least one week in advance and only for children 5 and under.


To help protect the privacy and

security of all persons, the

PSWTE Board has opted to password-protect the 4th Day

information on the web site.

When you click on 4th Day,

you will be prompted to enter a

password. That password is decolores. Note: no spaces, no


* Go to to

check out our updated

website, and to keep up

with team and pilgrim


Help PSWTE reduce costs! If you are currently receiving the Gazette via regular mail and

would like to receive it via email, please send us a request by going to the Gazette page on

the web site and clicking the link in the top paragraph to sign up online. Or you can send

the Historian an email and request to receive the Gazette via email. The Historian is

Dee Turley; You will be taken off the "snail mail" list, and

will receive an e-mail when the Gazette is updated. Thank you for helping us control

costs--and save paper!


The Rainbow Junction Gazette Puget Sound Walk To Emmaus

PO Box 77314

Seattle, WA 98133

Address Service Requested

Non-Profit ORG

U.S. Postage Paid

Permit No. 484

Bellevue, WA Women’s Walk #213 FUMC Olympia June 27 - 30, 2013

Fourth Day August 10, 2013

Men's /Women’s Walks #214-215 Silverdale UMC

Men’s: #214 Sept 26 - 29, 2013

LD Kevin Pickard

Women’s #215 October 3 - 6, 2013 LD Jessica Berg

Team Meeting: August 24, 2013

Newsletter Deadline August 22, 2013 Fourth Day October 26, 2013

Men's /Women’s Walks #216-217

Emmanuel Lutheran, Centralia Men’s: #216 March 20 - 23, 2014

LD Wes Neely

Women’s #217 March 27 - 30, 2014 LD Deb Hoheisel

Team Meeting: February 8, 2014

Newsletter Deadline February 6, 2014

Fourth Day May 10, 2014

Upcoming Walks & Activities

Request to Serve

on a Puget Sound Walk to Emmaus

Requests to Serve on a Walk to Emmaus weekend

can be found on the PSWTE website at Click on the “4th Day” link.

Be sure to read and sign the Statement of Leader-

ship Commitment on page 2 of the form.

To All AV techs and Music Leaders:

Please remember that whenever we copy mu-

sic, which includes projecting the words on a screen by whatever method, we have to in-

clude the proper Christian Copyright License

information. If you don’t know what that is or where to find it, you can contact me. Thanks

for your help. John Decker, Music Committee