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Alyssa Ayuningtyas

NIM. T8151539







submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements ta gain an S.Pd Degree in

English Education


Alyssa Ayuningtyas

NIM. T8151539



. 2018

Advisor 1

Advisor IIAddress

Jambi,22 April2019

: Dr. Jamaluddir, S.Ag M.Pd.I

: HilmaSuryani, M.Pd

: Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UUIN STS Jambi

To Dean of Education Faculty and Teacher Training





Assalamuaiaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading and fixing something, we stated that thesis by:

Name : Alyssa Ayuningtyas

Students ID : TE. 151539

Title : The Effect OfJambinese Folktales On Students' ReadingComprehension At MAS Al-Ikhlas Jambi

Could be submitted to Munaqasah exam as partial fulfillment of the requirementto get an undergraduate degree (S1) in English Education faculty and TeacherTraining of The State Islamic University Sultan ThahaSyaifuddin Jambi, assertthe thesis can be accepted well.

Thus, we hope this thesis will useful for education, religion and nation.

Wassalammualaikum, Wr. Wb

First Advisor

r. Jamaluddin S.As. M.Pd.I

Second Advisor


HilmaSui'varii, M.PdNIP:1986122620fi0B2405197412292003121002

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Ji. Jaft:hi-.M,a-$ul;q Kry. 16 Sir;:p." s

Ratifiaati**r af Tk*sisDocurns* Ccde FormC*da' Page


Number: B - tsr 1 D.t / ??. Mlo;/eots

Thesis entitled : The Effect of Jambinese Folktales on Sflrdents'Reading Cornprehension at lsiamjc SeniorHigh School A1Ikhlas Jarlbi.

That have prepared and arranged byI'{ame : Alyssa AyuninglyasNIM :TE. 15i539lfave examine* on . l"!ay, tdh:,ttqScore of exarnination : 80.82 (A)And stated tp be accepted by Facultr, of Education and Teacher Training of State IslamicUniversity Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

MUI.{AQASYAH TEAM:Chief of Examiner

Amalia Nurhasanah. S.Pd.. NI.HumNrP.198401 12 zottot 2 AA7

axniner IA

N1P.1975051s 200003 2 004Advisor I

Secretar-vNrP.19861226 201503 2 005

NIP.19870417 201503 2 003

Jambi, 18 June 2019Fneuig of Eiiueation and Teacher Training

State Islamit flniversity Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi



Exarxriner {l

WahvunJTitria. Nl.PdNIP.198606S5 2S1503 2

Dlt Jamaluddin. S.As.. M.Pd.INrh19741279 200312 I 002

Hilma Survdni. M.Pd


NIr.1962l223 r99t)03 2 0$1



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I who signed below stated that the thesis thhat i affange as arequirement toget undergraduate degree which is entitled "The Effect of Jambinose Folktales onStudents Reading Comprehension at Islamic Senior High School Al Ikhlas Jambi"is originally and truly my own work.

As certain parts of the thesis which I quoted from the work of otherpeople, I have written the source clearly in accordance with the norms, rules and

ethics of acientific writing.

If later found that some parts of the thesis are not my owrl work orindicated any element of plagiarism, I am willing to accept the consequences inaceordance with rules and regulation prevail. Therefore, in writing this statement,

I am in good health and mind.


arnbi, 13 }day 2019



Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin. I cannot finish this thesis without all support, affection, and the power to be successful. I would like to present this work sincerely for:

1. Allah SWT, who blessing me so that I can finish this thesis.

2. My great inspiration, the prophet Muhammad SAW, from whom I try to

implement his behaviors and attitudes.

3. My beloved family, who really understand me and give much time for me

alone without distrub me while i write my thesis. Especially my mother who

always motivate me and remind me to write my thesis, my aunt who always

help me getting idea for the content of my thesis, and my grandma who

always ask me “have you completed your thesis?” , which make my spririt on

fire, but always ask me tp not work so hard too.

4. My lovely Rengginang (Ardia Wulandari, Astari Maylani, Bella Utary, and

Intan Hartama) who always guidance and support me.

5. My bestfriends kembar 7 (Wak Esih, Bijen, Ayuk Nadiya, Buyut Jija, Ayufa,

and Siti). You all are will always be number one for me.

6. All of my friends in English Department 2015, especially my classmates, PBI

A, gratitude for our togetheeness and friendship for four years.




“(1) Recite in the name of your Lord who created -, (2) Created man from a clinging substance. (3) Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous -, (4) Who taught by the pen - (5) Taught man that which he knew not.“




By reciting Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, with all of mercies and blessing of Allah, finally the writer accomplished this thesis. The objective of this thesis is a partial requirement for the undergraduate degree (S1) in English Education Program, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training in the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi which is entitled “The Effect of Jambinese Folktales on Students’ Reading Comprehension At Islamic Senior High School Al Ikhlas Jambi”

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Jamaluddin, M.Pd.I as the first advisor and Hilma Suryani, M.Pd as the second advisor who have given guidance and support to accomplish in this thesis. The writer would also like to express many thanks to the following people who have contributed much in accomplishing this thesis, namely:

1. Dr. H. Hadri Hasan, MA as the Rector of the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Hj. Armida, M.Pd as the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

3. Amalia Nurhasanah, M.Hum as Chief of English Study Program of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

4. Dr. Jamaluddin, M.Pd.I and Hilma Suryani, M.Pd as first and second advisor. 5. All lecturers at Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of the State

Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. 6. All teachers in Islamic Senior High School Al Ikhlas Jambi. 7. All students in Islamic Senior High School Al Ikhlas Jambi.

Finally, the writer expects this thesis will give contribution, to be teaching of English especially. The writer hopes hopes critics and suggestions of the readers for the erfection of this thesis. May Allah SWT always gives guidance and blessing for me and readers. Amin ya rabbalalamin.

The writer

Alyssa Ayuningtyas NIM. TE151539



Nama : Alyssa Ayuningtyas Jurusan : Tadris Bahasa Inggris Judul : Kefektifan Cerita Rakyat Jambi Terhadap Pemahaman Membaca

Pada Siswa di Madrasah Aliyah Al Ikhlas Jambi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan apakah ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perlakuan Cerita Rakyat Jambi pada pemahaman membaca kelas sepuluh di MA Al Ikhlas Jambi. Penelitian ini menggunakan quasi experimen dengan bentuk pretest posttest control group design, sedangkan instrumen ppenelitiannya berupa pemberian soal dengan tes pilihan ganda. Sampel diambil dari siswa kelas sepuluh MA Al Ikhlas Jambi. Pada kelas eksperimental diajarkan menggunakan Cerita Rakyat Jambi, sedangkan pada kelas kontrol diajarkan tanpa menggunakan Cerita Rakyat Jambi. Sebelum diberikan perlakuan, kedua kelas eksperimental dan kontrol diberikan tes awal untuk mengetahui kemampuan mereka dalam pemahaman membaca. Pada akhir perlakuan, siswa diberikan tes akhir. Tes yang digunakan sebagai instrumen terdiri dari 25 soal pilihan ganda. Nilai rata-rata akhir diperoleh dari kedua kelas dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan rumus the pooled variance mode t-test dengan taraf signifikan α = 0,05 nilai rata-rata di kelas eksperimental adalah 0000 sedangkan di kelas kontrol adalah 0000. Hasil t-test menyatakan p > 0.05, p = 0.304. maka, Ha2 diterima bahwa tidak ada peningkatan yang signifikan pada pemahaman membaca menggunakan Jambinese Folktales di kelas sepuluh di MA Al Ikhlas Jambi.

Kata Kunci : Jambinese Folktales, Teks Naratif, Pemahaman Membaca



Name : Alyssa Ayuningtyas Subject : Tadris Bahasa Inggris Title : The Effect of Jambinese Folktales on Students’ Reading

Comprehension At Islamic Senior High School Al Ikhlas Jambi

This study was aimed to find out whether or not there is a significant effect of Jambinese Folktales between before and after giving treatment in the experimental class and also a significant different between experimental and control class. This research used quasi experimental design with pre-test post-test control group design, while the research instrument is the form of giving question with multiple choice test. The sample was taken from the tenth grade students of Islamic Senior High School Al Ikhlas Jambi. The experimental class was taught by using Jambinese Folktales as the supporting material, meanwhile the control class was taught without using Jambinese folktales as the supporting material. Before giving the treatment, the students from both the classes were given a pre-test to know their ability in reading comprehension. At the end of treatment, the students were given a pot-test. The tests used as instrument were consisting of 25 multiple choice questions. The final mean scores gained from both classes was analyzed by using t-test with significance level α = 0.05 by using the pooled variance mode t-test, it was found that the mean score of experimental class was 80.53 meanwhile, the control class was 78.84. the result related that was significant was determined by p > 0.05, p = 0.304. Thus, Ha2 was accepted that there was no significant improvement of Jambinese Folktales to the tenth grade students’ reading comprehension at Islamic Senior High School Al Ikhlas Jambi.

Keywords : Jambinese Folktales, Narrative Text, Reading Comprehension


LIST OF CONTENT TITLE COVER ........................................................................... OFFICIAL NOTE ....................................................................... ii RATIFICATION OF THESIS ................................................... iii ORIGINAL STATEMENTS ...................................................... iv DEDICATION ............................................................................. v MOTTO........................................................................................ vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................ vii ABSTRAK (Indonesian) ............................................................. viii ABSTRACT (English) ................................................................ ix LIST OF CONTENT .................................................................. x LIST OF TABLE......................................................................... xii LIST OF FIGURE....................................................................... xiii LIST OF APPENDIXES ............................................................ xiv CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION

A. Background of The Study .................................................................. 1 B. Formulation of The Problem .............................................................. 4 C. Limitation of The Problem ................................................................. 4 D. Objectives of The Study ..................................................................... 4 E. The Significance of The Research ..................................................... 5


A. Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text ....................................... 6 1. Reading ........................................................................................ 6 2. Comprehension ............................................................................ 7 3. Reading Comprehension .............................................................. 9 4. Narrative Text .............................................................................. 12

B. Folktales ............................................................................................. 13 1. Definition of Folktale ................................................................... 13 2. Jambinese Folktale ....................................................................... 15

C. Related Studies ................................................................................... 18 D. Action Hypothesis .............................................................................. 22


A. Time and Place of The Study ............................................................. 23


B. Method and Design of The Study ...................................................... 23 C. Population and Sample ....................................................................... 23

1. Population .................................................................................... 23 2. Sample .......................................................................................... 24

D. Technique of Data Collection ............................................................ 24 E. The Validity and Reliability of The Data ........................................... 24

1. Validity ......................................................................................... 24 2. Reliability ..................................................................................... 25

F. Data Analysis ..................................................................................... 25 1. Normality Test ............................................................................. 26 2. Homogeneity Test ........................................................................ 26 3. Sign Test ...................................................................................... 26 4. T-test ............................................................................................ 27

G. Research Prosedure ............................................................................ 27 H. Statistics Hypothesis .......................................................................... 28 I. Schedule of Research ......................................................................... 28


A. Finding of The Study ......................................................................... 29 1. Descriptive Analysis .................................................................... 29

a. The Result of Pre-test and Post-Test in Experimental Class ....................................................................................... 29

b. The Result of Pre-test and Post-Test in Control Class ........... 31 2. Statistical Analysis ....................................................................... 33

a. Assessing Normality .............................................................. 33 b. Homogeneity Test .................................................................. 34 c. The Analysis of One-Sample Sign Test in Experimental

Class ....................................................................................... 35 d. The Analysis of Indepentent Sample T-Test .......................... 36

B. Discussion ......................................................................................... 37

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion ......................................................................................... 41 B. Suggestion .......................................................................................... 41




Table 4.1 ........................................................................................................ 29 Table 4.2 ........................................................................................................ 31 Table 4.3 ........................................................................................................ 33 Table 4.4 ........................................................................................................ 34 Table 4.5 ........................................................................................................ 34 Table 4.6 ........................................................................................................ 35 Table 4.7 ........................................................................................................ 35 Table 4.8 ........................................................................................................ 35 Table 4.9 ........................................................................................................ 36



Figure 4.1 ...................................................................................................... 30 Figure 4.2 ...................................................................................................... 31 Figure 4.3 ...................................................................................................... 32 Figure 4.4 ...................................................................................................... 33



Appendix 1 The Instrument of The Test .................................................................... Appendix 2 Answer Key ............................................................................................ Appendix 3 List Attendances Try Out ....................................................................... Appendix 4 The Score of The Try Out ...................................................................... Appendix 5 The result of Reliability Test .................................................................. Appendix 6 List Attendances of Pre-Test in Experimental Class .............................. Appendix 7 The result of Pre-test in Experimental Class .......................................... Appendix 8 List Attendances of Post-Test in Experimental Class ............................ Appendix 9 The result of Post-Test in Experimental Class ....................................... Appendix 10 List Attendances of Pre-Test in Control Class ..................................... Appendix 11 The result of Pre-Test in Control Class ................................................ Appendix 12 List Attendances of Post-Test in Control Class ................................... Appendix 13 The result of Post-Test in Control Class .............................................. Appendix 14 Normality of Pre-Test and Post-Test in Experimental Class ............... Appendix 15 Normality of Post-Test Experimental Class and Post-Test in Control Class ..................................................................................................... Appendix 16 Homogeneity Test ................................................................................ Appendix 17 One-Sample Sign Test of Experimental Class ..................................... Appendix 18 Independent Sample T-test ................................................................... Appendix 19 Lesson Plan Experimental Class .......................................................... Appendix 20 Lesson Plan Control Class .................................................................... Appendix 21 Jambinese Folktales .............................................................................. Appendix 22 T-Table ................................................................................................. Appendix 23 Documentation ..................................................................................... Appendix 24 Consultation Card .................................................................................




A. Background of The Study

Reading has a significant place in learning English. It is important

because it can help the students to gain information such as general

knowledge, subject of school. According to Harmer (2007,p.98), Through

reading people can improve their own knowledge which is needed to ensure

the continuing personal growth and adapt the change in the world. Harvey (as

cited in Alam, 2008,p.1) argues that the purpose of reading is to inform

something, or challenges our knowledge on certain matters. In other word,

reading can help the students to broaden their experience of the world in

which they live.

Moreover, reading is an activity to get information from newspaper,

textbook, internet and other source, to gain their knowledge to enrich their

vocabulary or just pleasure. According to Harmer (2007,p.99), reading is not

beneficial for students career, study or simply for pleasure but also reading is

useful for language acquisition. In English Education field, reading skill

would be improving students to understand the text or integrate new idea

from the text. According to Baumel (as cited in Asriani, 2015,p.2), reading

does not need to comprehend the content of the message but also need to

understand the language used in the text.

Students have studied reading since it has been taught to learners as a

local curriculum lesson. In Curriculum 2013 it is stated that the senior high

school students should be able to comprehend various meanings

(interpersonal, idetional, textual) in various interactual text and monologue,

especially in form of descriptive, narrative, recount, procedure, report, news

items, anecdot, exposition, explanation, discussion, commentary, and


However, most of students in Indonesia have difficulties in

comprehending English texts although they have studied English since they


were in elementary schools. There are some factors affecting the students’

reading comprehension. According to Ruston (2006,p.3-5), those factors can

be categorized into two major factors; from the students and the other parties

surrounding the students. The factors from outside the students are related to

the teaching technique, material and media while the students’ factors are

related to vocabulary, interest and reading strategy.

In PISA report 2015, 540,000 students (representing about 29 million

15-year-olds) in 72 participating countries and economies partisipated in the

test. From 72 countries, Indonesia ranked 64th with 397 poins for reading

competency. Indonesia shows some improvements in the skills of students.

In particular, girls are performing better than boys in all subjects, significantly

better in reading (Pellini, 2016). On the contrary, the ability of senior high

school students in comprehending a reading text, as a matter of fact is still far

from the objectives stated in the curriculum.

Many senior high school students have difficulties in comprehending

the English text. Based on the researcher’s experience in a teacher training

program (PPL) in one of senior high schools in Kota Jambi, the writer found

some problems in reding activities for students such as: first, students have

limited vocabulary. It is the problem which made the students fail to answer

the question because they did not know the meanings of many words on the

text. Second, students had different background knowledge that did not

connect with the unfamiliar text. Third, teaching and learning environment

were problems that made them not interested in the subject.

Since Indonesian students learn English as a foreign laguage and they

can be called beginner in English, learning in pleasant circumtances is very

important for them. Interesting supporting material in learning can attract

their interest and help their concentration stay longer. The reading materials

in the text book were not interesting for them because the stories often came

from other countries and the reading texts were not appropriate to the

student’s background knowledge. Hence, it was difficult for the students to

comprehend the text. Eskey (as cited in Simanjuntak, 1988,p.12) says that


once reading material appropriate to the level and interest of particular

student has been identified, the more of the material that students read, the

better and the more quickly his reading compehension will develop.

Using the interesting supporting material, students will be curious to

read the story and often enjoy the book, even though there are some difficult

words that have to be looked up in the dictionary to get their meanings.

Therefore, the writer chooses folktales, especially Jambinese Folktales as a

teaching material that hopefully can solve the problem found. She chooses the

Jambinese Folktales because folktales is a kind of a narrative text. It is the

more suitable choice for learning story in learning narrative text because the

stories are familiar to the students, transmission of values and entertainment

value. In addition, narrative provides the climax and resolution of the

problem. This is the most exciting part of narrative and it will make the

students fun and enjoy the lesson.

Styasih (2009) in her study, She focused on the use of Indonesian

Fables to develop students’ reading comprehension skills. she found that her

students became better after the use of fables upon them along the study.

Fable is an effective tool for mastering reading skill, because it is easy to be

understood and it is quite interesting for anyone. Rahma Mustikarini (2009)

in her study, She focused on the use of Illustrated Folktale “The Careless Jaka

Tarub” to Improve the Students’ Ability in Understanding Narrative Reading

Text. She found that the experimental group’s understanding of narrative text

was better than the control group. The students were interested and

understood the story easily from the illustrated picture, so it can make them

enjoyed it. Another study was conducted by Badharul Nurtika Sari (2016). In

her study, She focused on the use of Illustrated Folktale “The Princess

Farmer” to Teach Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text. She found that

the use of illustrated folktale “The Princess Farmer” in teaching narrative

reading text to tenth grade students of SMK Diponegoro Juwana was very

useful and effective. Learning narrative reading text through illustrated

folktale “The Princess Farmer” made learning process more interesting.


Students study with pleasure. It made students participate actively. Since the

students study with pleasure, it will be easier for them to understand and

memorize the learning material.

Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested in investigating

the study in title “The Effect of Jambinese Folktales on Students’ Reading

Comprehension at Islamic Senior High School Al Ikhlas Jambi”.

B. Formulation of the Problem

The writer formulates the problem of this reseach, as follows:

1. Is there any significant effect in students’ reading comprehension between

before and after using Jambinese Folktales?

2. Is there any significant different in students’ reading comprehension

between experimental class and control class?

C. Limitation of the Problem

In this reseach, the writer focused on the effect of Jambinese Folktales on

Students’ Reading Comprehension for second grade students of Islamic

Senior High School Al Ikhlas Jambi Academic Year 2018. The type of

folktales are legend stories with title The Origins of The Name of The

Batanghari River Name, The Legend of Putri Ayu, Putri Rainun and Rajo

Mudo, Putri Reno Pinang Masak, Origin of the Jambi Villages of Lempur,

Tebat Gelang, and Tebat, Pendekar Bujang Sanaya, and Bujang Selamat

which the writer took from Sumatfeet’s Blog that already written in English

by American couple who resided in the Jambi Province of Sumatra from


D. Objectives of the study

Based on the reasearch question above, the objectives of this study are to find

out whether or not:


1. There is the significant effect on students’ reading comprehension

between before and after using Jambinese Folktales as supporting


2. There is the significant difference on students’ reading comprehension

between experimental class and control class.

E. The Significance of The Reseach

1. For the writer:

• To fulfill the requirement of bachelor degree of English Education


2. For the English teachers:

• To enrich teachers' knowledge in teaching English reading


• To encourage the English teacher to be more creative in teaching

reading comprehension.

3. For the Students

• To improve students' reading comprehension.

• To encourage the students to be more active in teaching learning




A. Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text 1. Reading

There are so many understanding in the meaning of reading.

One of another definition is from Carnie (1990, p. 30), she stated that

reading is defined as getting information from the text and

interpretation. In other words, reading is the ability to draw from the

printed text and interpret the information appropriately. Carnie says

that reading is the ability to get information from the text.

According to Daiek as stated in Nancy (2004, p. 5), reading is

an active process that depends on both an author’s ability to convey

meaning using words and your ability to create meaning from them.

Based on theory of Daiek, reading is a process that depends on the

skill of author to explain or convey the meaning in a text by using the

words and how the author delivers the opinion to create new word or

meaning of sentence and then explore it to be sentences or paragraph.

Another definition proposed by Grabe (2002, p. 11). He stated

that reading is a centralized process of understanding. People read to

understand what the author intended to convey on writing, although

they also do more. In addition, he said that one of the reasons to show

that reading assumes an understanding is becoming clear that all

cognitive processes involved in reading related to this basic purpose.

There are many different purposes of reading. Sometimes

people read a text to learn material, sometimes people read for pure

pleasure, and sometimes they need to follow a set direction. If a reader

wishes to get a general idea of text content, they will pay less attention

to the detail of the text and he may read in very different ways than if

he is studying a text in order to identify key information. Thus, it

becomes inevitable to say that the reason he is reading a text will


influence the way he reads it. Reading short story at bedtime is likely

different from reading a hand out for an examination to the next

morning of course. A readers’ purpose determines the way in which

he treats a passage and which comprehension skills he uses. Because,

according to Hennings (2003, p. 2), what the readers get from reading

also depends on what they bring to the reading of selection and the

purpose for reading it. On the other hands, it is clear to say that

reading purpose will influence the skills required or used. Skill is not

only to learn knowledge, but also abilities to process information.

Based on opinion above, reading is one form of the language,

which used the reader to get information by the author through

writtent language. Readers will read words, phrases, sentences, and


2. Comprehension

Comprehension is an active process that involves the child

integration of prior knowledge with information the text in order to

comprehend that text. According to Richards, Platt, and Weber (1998,

p. 558), comprehension is as the process by which a person

understand the meaning of the written or spoken language. It means

that someone can understand the meaning of written or spoken

language through the process of listening seriously, and it can make

him to be understood the meaning of the written or spoken language.

Another definition of comprehension was stated by Kustaryo

(2000, p. 67), he states that comprehension is the relationship among

the elements of reading skills, they are competence, reading

techniques, and good comprehension. It means it is dependent on

several cognitive processes, including decoding, word recognition,

and knowledge.

According to Danielle (2007, p. 28), comprehension means

different things to different people. Indeed, comprehension is not a

unitary phenomenon but rather a family of skills and activities. The


different types of comprehension share a common core set of

processes. A general component in many definitions of

comprehension is the interpretation of the information in the text, the

use of prior knowledge to interpret this information and, ultimately,

the construction of a coherent representation of picture in the reader’s

mind of what the text is about.

Level of comprehension refer to the degree in which a reader

can be categorized as good as poor readers, proficiency or less

proficiency readers. Heilman (2001, p. 22) states there are three main

level of comprehension: (1) Literal Comprehension:Understanding the

ideas and information explicitly stated in the passage. Abilities: (a)

Knowledge of words meanings. (b) Recall of detail directly stated or

paraphrased in own words. (c) Understanding of grammatical clues-

subject, verb, pronouns, conjunctions, and so forth. (d) Recall of main

idea explicitly stated. And (e) Knowledge of sequence of information

presented in passage.(2) Interpretative Comprehension: Understanding

of ideas and information not explicitly stated in the passage. Abilities:

(a) Reason with information presented to understand the author‟s

tone, purpose and attitude. (b) Infer factual information, main ideas,

comparisons, cause-effect relationships, not explicitly stated in the

passage. And (c) Summarization of story content.. (3) Critical

Comprehension: Analyzing, evaluating and personally reacting to

information presented in a passage. Abilities : (a) Personally reacting

to information in a passage indicating it meaning to the reader. And

(b) Analyzing and evaluating the quality of written information in

terms of some standards. (4) Creative Comprehension: Understanding

of ideas and information not explicitly stated in the passage. Abilities:

(a) Reason with information presented to understand the cause effect

relationship in a text, although it is not stated directly. (b) It must be

able to think and use the imaginations. And (c) Solving problem,

producing new creations or new ideas and develop new insights.


3. Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is complex skill that requires an active

interaction between text elements and the reader. The reader is an

active participant with a text and the reader makes sense of how ideas

based on the text relate to one another by interpretive interactions

between what the reader gleans from the text and what the reader

already knows. From the statement, it is clearly understood that

comprehension is the most important in reading. Since comprehension

of the text is the ultimate goal in reading. Understanding

comprehension processes is crucial to the study of reading.

According to Grabe and Stoller (2002, p. 7), reading

comprehension is an ability to understand or to gain the information

from a text. Furthermore, Partnership for reading defined reading

comprehension as the understanding of a text that is read, or the

process of constructing meaning from a text (Partnership for reading,

August 10, 2010). It means that a reader must be able to interpret what

the meaning of the text well.

Otto (1979, p. 70) states reading comprehension is as an

interaction between thought and language. It means that an interaction

in reading, it can produce a thought and then we are thinking, and we

has a question for asked to someone, that called is language.

A crucial factor affecting comprehension is the importance of

the reader‟s background of experience. One important area of a

student‟s background of experiences is that related to language

development and growth. The following factors are among those that

affect the comprehension of written material Otto (1979, p. 70): (1)

Oral language development related to real objects, experiences, and

pictures. (2) Ability to listen with understanding to stories read aloud.

(3) Firsthand experiences with people, object, and place. (4)

Continuous development of syntactic and semantic features of our


language. And (5) Oral language development of syntactic and

semantic features of our language.

Furthermore, Shepherd as stated in Edithia (1988) states some

principles of learning that must be applied to reading comprehension,

they are: (1) A background knowledge of experience and knowledge

is necessary for learning. A reader‟s background knowledge influence

reading comprehension. Background knowledge includes all of the

experiences that a reader brings to a text: life experiences, educational

experiences, knowledge of how text can be organized rhetoritically,

knowledge of how one‟s first language works, knowledge of how the

second language works, and cultural background knowledge. If

students are reading on an unfamiliar topic, teachers need to begin the

reading process by building up background knowledge. New ideas

must be connected to existing ideas and information. A background

that provides a basic understanding of the vocabulary and enables the

student to apply concrete illustrations of the new ideas forms the base

on which he can build the new information. (2) Learning must have

meaning for the learner. The goal of reading is to enable the reader to

get meaning from the printed material it means that he reader must be

able to understand the information and to determine its significance.

(3) The students must have a purpose and a motivation to learn. It is

the fact that practice is a necessary part of skill development, so, if the

students do not read because of lack of a purpose and a motivation, he

does not get the practice he needs in reading skills. As a result, any

instruction he may get in the skills of reading will be useless to him,

and it makes him unsuccessful in comprehending. (4) The learner

must be active in his learning. Learning to read is not a passive

process. It is nearly impossible to teach skills to a student if he puts

forth little or no effort. The teacher can tech techniques, but the

students must practice and apply them. (5) Learning requires the

forming of habits. When a student learns how to use reading skills and


how to attack a reading assignment he is learning techniques habits

that will insure success and efficiency in his effort. For the student to

become an efficient reader, many of the skill must be so well

development that they function smoothly and simply. (6) Much

learning is by association. Learning to read is no exception. The

students learns first to use and understand language through listening

and speaking. Reading is one additional from the form of using

language. When he reads he recognizes the words and attaches

meanings to them from his oral knowledge about them. In addition, a

new meaning for a word is easier to remember if the students already

knows the word another meaning. (7) Learning requires practice. This

is particularly true of learning to read. The student does not learn an

effective reading technique merely by being shown.(8) Favorable

attitudes toward learning foster toward learning foster effective

learning. Students who have difficulty in reading and who develop

negative attitudes toward the reading act will find it difficult to use

reading an effective learning tool. Their whole mental set will oppose

this avenue of learning. (9) Students learn at different rates and in

different modes. Humans vary in their traits, capabilities, and

development, and the teacher must take these differences into account.

Therefore, the teacher cannot expect all students to have the same

abilities, needs, and levels of reading. (10) Learning is more effective

if the learner knows the reason for what he is learning. In reading skill

development the students need to understand the importance and

usefulness of each skill. He needs to understand how he skills can

increase his reading competence. Such realizations will not only help

his improvement in reading, but his motivation will also improve.

4. Narrative Text

Narrative text is one of English text types. In narrative text,

students are expected to understand about the context and to find the

moral value of the story. There are many types of narrative. They can


be imaginary, factual or a combination of both. They may include

fairy stories, horror stories, fable, legend, folktale, short story, etc.

According to Anderson (2003,p. 3), narrative text is a text that

has a purpose to entertain the reader or listener. However, narrative

can also be written to teach or inform, to change attitudes or social

opinions and to show the moral of a story. Similarly, Meyers

(2005:52) argues that narrative is telling a story and to be interesting

for readers to respond to some event in your life as if it were their


In addition, Pradiyono (2007,p. 94) defines narrative text is a

kind of text to retell the story that past tense. The purpose and social

function of the narrative text is to entertain or to amuse the readers or

listeners about the story. So, narratives text is text that tells a story

which raises the problematic expeerience in the past and resolution to

amuse the reader which consist of some character, plot, setting, and

action wich have the problematic like fable,legend, folktale, etc and to

teach the students of story’s lesson which divided into orientation,

complication, sequence of events and coda (moral value).

According to Anderson (2003,p. 3), the steps of narative text

are an orientation, a complication, a sequence of events, a resolution,

and a coda. An orientation is about the opening paragraph where the

characters are introduced, where and when the story takes place. A

complication is about the problems that the participants have. The

complication is pushed along by a serious of events, during which we

usually expect some sort of complication or problem to arise. It just

would not be so interesting if something unexpcted did not happen.

This complication will involve tha main charcters and oven serves to

(temporally) toward them from reaching their goal. A sequence of

events where the characters react to the complication. A resolution is

about how the problem is solved. It includes their feeling and what

they do. The event can be told in chronological order (the order in


which they happen) or with flashback. The audiens is given the

narrator’s point of view. And a coda provides a comment or moral

based on what has been learned from the story, but it is an optional


There are language features of narrative text. According

Anderson (2003,p. 4), the language features usually found in a

narrative text are specific characters such as The King, time words to

tell when they occur such as one upon a time, verbs to show the

action, and descriptive words to portray the characters and settings.

Beside that, the reader usually found direct and indirect sentences in

narrative text and the writer uses past tense ; simple past, past

continuous and past perfect tense.

According to Anderson (2003,p. 6), the purpose of narratives is

to present a view of the world that entertains or informs the reader or

listening. Similarly, the basic purpose of narrative is to entertain, to

amuse and to hold reader’s interes. Therefore, narrative is a kind of

text which make the reader enjoy and interest with the story and to

teach or inform narrative. The readers more than enjoy to read kinds

of story that them feel amuse and make them laughing.

In conclusion, reading narrative text is the activity of getting

information from the text which aims to entertain or amuse the readers

through a sequence of events and ends in resolution.

B. Folktale 1. Definition of Folktale

Folktale is the general term of any kinds of narrative story.

According to Hucks and Kiefer (2010,p. 227), folktale is all forms of

narratives, written or oral, which have come to be handed down

through the years. This definition is in line with Thompson (1977,p.

4), he stated that folktale is legitimately employed in a much broader

sense to incude all forms of prose narrative, written or oral, which has


come to be handed down through the years. It means that folktale is all

forms of narratives, written or oral, which have come to be handed

down through the years from generation to generation. Frequently the

story is taken from the people, recorded in a literary document, carried

across continents or preserved through centuries, and then retold to a

humble entertainer who adds it to his repertory.

In addition, The American Heritage Dictionary of the English

Language (2000,p. 628) defined folktale as a story or legend forming

part of an oral tradition. In other words, it can be said that folktale is

one of the stories passed on by word of mouth rather than by writing.

In another source, folktale defined as oral narratives that do not

have a singular, identifiable author, expanded and shaped by the

tongues of tellers over time d passed down from one generation to the

next; folktales often reflect the values and customs of the culture from

which they come (Kiwi, April 5, 2016). It is in line with this definition

that stated folktale is a general term for different varieties of

traditional narrative. The telling of stories appears to be a cultural

univer al, common to basic and complex societies alike (Kiwi,

November 14, 2018). It means that folktale is a narrative story which

had a culture or traditional values passed down from generation to

generation, but it does not have an identifiable author.

Meanwhile, according to Hornby (2003,p. 521), folktale is a

very old traditional story from a particular place that was originally

passed on to peop n a spoken form. It means that folktale is form of

traditional story passed down orally to the people in the particular


From the definitions above, the writer concludes that folktale is

a general term for any varieties of traditional narrative which has a

cultural values; the story which has been handed down from one

generation to the next either spoken or written.

2. Jambinese Folktales


Jambinese Folktale is a story from ancient times in the form of

oral literature from birth and until it developed from the traditional

Jambi community which contained speeches and described a

phenomenon or event in Jambi. There are more than 40 folktales in

various categories which are myths, legends, and also fable. In this

study, researchers will only focus on folktale in the legend category.

The researcher will use several Jambinese Folktales which are The

Origins of The Name of The Batanghari River Name, The Legend of

Putri Ayu, Putri Rainun and Rajo Mudo, Putri Reno Pinang Masak,

Origin of the Jambi Villages of Lempur, Tebat Gelang, and Tebat,

Pendekar Bujang Sanaya, and Bujang Selamat as the supporting

material for teaching reading comprehension in narrative text.

The researcher got both folktales in English from a blog which

name is Sumatfeet. It was written by an American couple, Chet

Swearingen and his wife Phyllis Swearingen, who resided in the

Jambi Province of Sumatra from 2009-2015. It was written from a

perspective of great appreciation and love for the Jambi People and

for their way of life. To got those folktales and the content of their

blog, they went to various regions in Jambi Province and also to other

cities in Indonesia, which can be seen on their YouTube

channel So it can be

concluded that they got this folktale orally from Jambi culturalists and

also in writen from books and blogs in Indonesian then they

translated into English.

The first is The Origin of The Name of The Batanghari River.

This legend illustrates the “stranger-king” theme that was common

throughout the Austronesian culture. It’s as if these cultures believed

that outsiders were always more competent to lead than they

themselves, thus legends illustrate these peoples looking to other

nations from which they would find their kings. Becoming the king

was not easy, they had to enter the mouth of Batang hari River. When


the candidate to become Jambi’s king entered the mouth of the

Batanghari River, he was asked if he knew the name of it. At that time

the name of the river wasn’t known by the other travelers, and the

candidate’s quick and witty response named the river, and brought

amazement to the Jambi people who were looking for a wise and

capable candidate to become their king (Sumatfeet, May 22, 2012).

Next is The Legend of Putri Ayu. In Jambi’s history there is a

legend of a woman with the name of Nyi Mas Rahima, or Putri Ayu,

as she is commonly known today. She was a young beautiful girl who

also happened to be the wife of Sultan Muhammad, who ruled the

Jambi kingdom from 1812-1833 (that’s around 178 years ago). Not

only was she beautiful physically, she was also beautiful in character.

She always supported the war effort of her husband with diligence and

willingly sacrificed her desires of always having her husband together

with her and her son (Sumatfeet, July 25, 2011).

Then, the folktales titled Putri Rainun and Rajo Mudo. This

legend gives a little insight into the customs of forced marriages.

Through this story the reader learns about the dangers that could be

involved with this practice. This legend also has elements of

witchcraft, as a deceased person is brought back to life again.

(sumatfeet, June 16, 2014)

Moreover is Putri Reno Pinang Masak. In the village of Pasir

Mayang, located in the Bungo-Tebo regency of the Jambi Province,

there is a famous grave named “Makam Upih Jatuh” (literal

translation of the 3 words: grave; pinang tree bark; fall). The name is

used in reference to the main character in this story, who was said to

have died, and when she did, “she floated to and fro as she fell to the

earth, just like the thin pinang tree bark falls.” This grave is

considered to be sacred, and many people go there to pray for spiritual

and physical blessings. There are even yearly observances that are

held there to commemorate the person who is buried there. Below is a


legend that describes the story behind the grave called “Makam Upih

Jatuh.” (Sumatfeet, June 23, 2012)

Furthermore, the folktale about Origin of the Jambi Villages of

Lempur, Tebat Gelang, and Tebat. This legend describes how several

Jambi villages obtained their names. It also gives insight into the

Indonesian view of how children are to respect their mother, or dire

consequences will result! The moral lesson Indonesians get from this

legend is that children have a responsibility to honor and respect their

mothers. Another lesson derived from this legend is that they must

never do anything that will hurt their mother’s feelings. From the

western mindset, this legend is disturbing. It’s possibly disturbing to

many Indonesians as well. The westerner’s view of God is that he is a

God of reconciliation and forgiveness, even of the most serious of

offenses. He is not a God that delights in judgment or retribution, like

what we see in the below story. Another thing from the western

mindset: if a mother truly loved her daughter, no matter how

rebellious her daughter would be, and no matter how much hurt she

would cause, the mother would continue to love, forgive, and always

be ready to welcome her back into a relationship with her. (Sumatfeet,

June 23, 2014)

After that is Pendekar Bujang Sanaya. This legend originated

from the Kerinci region of the Jambi Province. The dominant

character is Pendekar Bujang Sanaya. In this story the main character

is guided by the spirit of his deceased grandmother, who would appear

to him in dreams. This legend could not be translated to make it

comprehensible without us making adjustments in several areas. The

legend was written with gaps and different threads that did not

connect. We did add a small amount of additional story line, just to

connect the errors the original writer made. The plot and story in

general was not altered. (Sumatfeet, July 28, 2012)


The last is Bujang Selamat. This story is about a young man,

who though not very educated, was extremely honest and obedient

towards his King. Through fortunate circumstances, this young man,

without it ever having entered his mind, was raised up and was placed

in the position as a king. (Sumatfeet, June 14, 2012)

C. Related Studies

There are several researches that have been done by researcher

which relevant with this study. First, Susilowati (2014) in her study, “The

Effectiveness of Using Javanese Folktale to Improve Reading

Comprehension of Narrative Text (A Case of The Eight Grade Students of

MTs NU Demak in The Academic Year 2013/2014)”. The objectives of this

study are to explain how teaching reading comprehension using Javanese

Folktale can improve students’ comprehension of texts and to find out the

significant difference in reading achievement between the student who are

taugh using short story. The analysis of data showed that the students’

achievement on the pre-test was 65.1 for control group and 62.6 for

experimental group. However, in the post-test they showed the different

mean scores. The mean score of the control group was 65.5 and thet of the

experimental group was 80.2. based on the result, it could be seen that the

treatment gave a significant improvement in the students’ reading

achievement. Based on observation, Javanese Folktale could motivate the

students to read the material. Beside that, it also helps the students to

understand the material and improve their vocabularies.

Second, Rahma Mustikarini (2009) conducted a research entitle

“The Use of Illustrated Folktale “The Careless Jaka Tarub” to Improve

the Students’ Ability in Understanding Narrative Reading Text (An

Experimental Research at the Eight Year Students of MTs Abadiyah

Gabus-Pati in the Academic Year of 2009/2010)”. The objectives of this

study were: 1) to know the effectivenessof using ilustrated folktale “the

Careless Jaka Tarub” in improving students’ understanding of narratve


texts and 2) to find out the way the illustrated folktale “the Careless jaka

Tarub” are effective to teaceh narrative reading. The result of the pre-test

and post-test showed that the average score of pre-test for the experimental

group was higher than the control group. After the treatment, the average

score of post-test for the experimental group was 78.00, and the average

score of post-test for the control group was 64.93. After the test of

significance, the t-test number (4.359) was higher than t-table (1.66). It

means that the experimental group’s understanding of narrative texts was

better than the control group. Besides using test, this study was also using

questionnaire. From the result of the questionnaire, it can be seen that the

use of illustrated folktale “The Careless Jaka Tarub” was effective to teach

narrative reading because of some reasons: 1) the students like to read

English story books, 2) the students were interested in the illustrated

pictures of the story “The Careless Jaka Tarub”, 3) the students could

understand the story easily from the illustrated pictures, 4) the students

knew the meaning of vii the words in the story from the illustrated

pictures, 5) the students enjoyed reading the story “The Careless Jaka

Tarub” more than the story from other countries.

Third, Sari (2016) conducted a research entitle “The Effectiveness

of Using Illustrated Folktale “The Princess Farmer” to Teach Reading

Comprehension of Narrative Text (A Quasi Experimental Research at the

Tenth Year Students of SMK Diponegoro Juwana in the Academic Year of

2015/2016)”. The aim of this study is to find out whether or not the use of

illustrated folktale “The Princess Farmer” is effective to teach reading

comprehension of narrative text at the tenth grade students of SMK

Diponegoro Juwana in the academic year 2015/2016. The result of the

posttest showed that the average score of experimental group was 90.25

and the average score of the control group was 82.75. It can be seen that

the average score of experimental group was higher than the average score

of control group. To determine the significance of score between two

groups, t-test was done. The result of the t-value was 3.02 and the critical


value of the t-table was 1.68 since the t-value was higher than the t-table, it

showed that there was significant difference between the two means of

pre-test and post-test. It means that the use of illustrated folktale “The

Princess Farmer” to teach reading comprehension of narrative text was

more effective.

Fourth, Styasih (2009) in her study, “The Use of Indonesian Fables

To Develop Students’ Reading Comprehension Skills In Junior High

School. The Case of The Eighth Grade Students In SMP N 1 Prembun,

Kebumen In Academic Year of 2009/2010”. She held a research on eighth

grade students og junior high school class VIII-4. The result of her study is

that after conducted her study, she found out that her students became

better after the use of fables upon them along the study. She stated that

fable is an effective tool for mastering reading skill, because it is easy to

be understood and it is quite interesting for anyone.

Fifth, Widyatmoko (2017) in his study, “The Effectiveness of Using

Folktales to Improve Speaking Skill of The Seventh Grade Students at

Madrasah Tasanawiyah Raudhatul Mujawwidin Rimbo Bujang Jambi”.

The research was an experimental research which involved two groups:

first grups was VII-A as the experimental group who were taught using

narrative speaking and the other one was VII-B as the control group who

were taught using text book. Each class consisted of 20 students. The

writer used speaking test in the pre-test and post-test to get the data. As

soon as the students finished the pre-test, they were given a treatment. The

result of the analysis indicated the mean score of students’ speaking test by

using folktales was higher than the mean score of students’ speaking test

ability not using folktales. The second, the researcher has computed these

to means scpre by using t-test formula; the value of t-test was higher than

the value of t-table. It indicated that there was a difference on the students’

ability that was taught using folktales. It means that the effect of using

folktales or students’ speaking ability at MTs Raudhatul Mujawwidin

Rimbo Bujang Jambi was accepted.


Those researches also produced results in which pictures, games,

and stories were effective supporting material for attracting students’

interest in lesson. All of above researches used experimental research as

the method for solving the problems. Those materials are needed to help

students in increasing their interest toward English. Although the writers

of those studies used different supporting material, the result of the studies

showed that the subjects of the researches were more motivated and they

made better achievement because they engaged to the teaching process and

did the tasks given by the teachers.

Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested in

investigating the study in title “The Effect of Jambinese Folktales on

Students’ Reading Comprehension at MAS Al Ikhlas Jambi”. The writer

apply several Jambinese Folktales which are The Origins of The Name of

The Batanghari River Name, The Legend of Putri Ayu, Putri Rainun and

Rajo Mudo, Putri Reno Pinang Masak, Origin of the Jambi Villages of

Lempur, Tebat Gelang, and Tebat, Pendekar Bujang Sanaya, and Bujang


D. Action Hypothesis Action hypothesis is proposed in this research has a formula as

follows: Jambinese Folktales are affect on students' reading

comprehension and improve their ability in comprehending text at the first

grade of Class XA MA Al Ikhlas, Mayang, Jambi.




A. Time and Place of the Study This research was conducted in Islamic Senior High School Al

Ikhlas Jambi in the academic year of 2018/2019 from February to March

2019. There are six classes in Islamic Senior High School Al Ikhlas Jambi

and each grade consists of two classes. Each class has their own facilities

such as a board, some tables, and some chairs. In addition, the school

provides some facilities to support the learning and teaching process such

as a computer laboratory, and a library. The school is on the process of

completing the facilities.

B. Method and Design of the Study

Research method deals with how the research questions proposed

in the first chapter are process with a particular method. According to

Cohen, Manion & Morrison (2007: p. 446), method is an approach used in

educational research to gather data which is to be used as a basis for

inference and interpretation, for explanation and prediction. It means that

method is the way use to discuss and examine the problem.

The researcher applies a quasi-experimental research design,

involving pre-test and post-test to measure students’ ability in reading

comprehension. The pre-test will be give in the first meeting and the post

test in the last meeting. It is to know about the effect of Jambinese

folktales on students’ reading comprehension.

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

The total number of students in Islamic Senior High School Al

Ikhlas Jambi especially in grade tenth are 61 students, and the classes

are into second classes. The distribution of population is as follows:


Class Male Female Total

A 20 10 30

B 19 11 31

Total 39 21 61

Source: Islamic Senior High School Al Ikhlas Jambi 2. Sample

Creswell (2012) states that sample is the group of participants in a

study selected from target population from which the researcher

generalizes to the target population. The sample in this research are

class XA and XB. Technique that will be made to take a sample is total

sampling. Creswell (2012) state that total sampling is sampling

technique when all of the number of population used as the sample.

D. Technique of Data Collection

In order to collect the data, the researcher used reading test. The

test (pretest and posttest) was identifying the quality of students’ reading

comprehension before and after treatment. This test was monologue. It

was intend to administer in order to gain the needed data. It was addressed

to both experimental group and control group. The researcher used a

ready-made test. It was in the form of multiple choice items which was

consist of 25 questions with six passages. The expected answer were A, B,

C, D, and E. Each correct answer had 4 point and incorrect answer got 0


E. The Reliability of the Data

1. Reliability

Reliability was referring to the consistency of scores obtain by

consistent they were for any other individual. Problem the realibility

demonstrated in a sense that an instrument was reliable for use as a

means of collecting data because the instrument is good and the


coefficient reliability is 0.70 Arikunto, S (2015,p. 102). In this case the

researcher used Cronbach Alpha and calculate it using SPSS 21.

Table 3.1 The Result of Reliability Test

F. Technique of Data Analysis In order to find out whether there was significant effect of folktales

to students’ reading comprehension, the researcher used prerequisite

analysis and statistical analysis. After the writer getting students’ score of

reading pre-test and post-test between experimental and control classes.

The writer analyzed the data by using requirement test before. It consists

of normality test, homogeneity test, sign test, and T-test.

1. Normality test

According to Susetyo (2010, p. 137), Normality test was to

determine whether the data from population normal or not. This test

was purpose for ensuring the distribution of data which were

accomplished from the population had normal distribution or not.

Normality test used is the Chi Square test. The writer tested normality

of test by using SPSS 21. The criteria of the testing follow:

1) If the value (p) > significant (α=0,05) it means H0 was

accepted and H1 was rejected (normal distribution).

2) If the value (p) < significant (α=0,05) it means H0 was rejected

and H1 was accepted (not normal distribution).

2. Homogeneity test

Homogeneity test was done to know the variance in population of

research homogeny or not. Homogeneity test was to measure the data

of the population homogeny or not. The writer used SPSS 21 in this

research. The criteria of the testing follow:

1) If the value (p) > significsnt (α=0.05), h0 is accepted, it means

that sample has homogenous vatiant which means, the students

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items .725 25


had the same characters on reading comprehension in narrative

text, moreover the data was valid.

2) If the value (p) < significant (α=0.05) H0 is rejected, it means

that sample does not have homogenous variant which means,

the students had the same characters on reading comprehension

in narrative text, moreover the data was valid.

3. Sign test

According to Sudijono (2009, p. 273) sign test use when the

population not normally distribute. It use to evaluate any significant

effect from a certain treatment. Standart significant of the successful

test is 0.05 between pre-test and post-test in experimental class.

This research used one-sample sign test to see whether or not there

is significant effect to students’ reading comprehension before and

after the treatment. The data will be calculate using SPSS 21.

4. T-test

T-test use to look any different between experimental class and

control class. Standart significant of the successful test is 0.05

between pretest and post-test or experimental class and control class

(Anas Sudijono, 2009, p:346).

This reserach used test, with independent sample t-test. The

independent sample t-test is used to compare the means of one

variable for two groups of cases. The data calculated using SPSS 21.

G. Research Procedure

1. The writer observed the location and population were carried out. The

research was done in two classes (experimental class and control

class). Before treating the students with Jambinese Folktales, the writer

administered the pre-test to the students in both classes with the same

instrument to know the homogeneity of students’ reading



2. The treatment was the application of Jambinese folktales in XA class as

the experiment class and without the application of Jambinese

Folktales in XB class as the control class. The presentation of the

lesson was done by the writer.

3. Post-test was administeres after finishing the treatment. The writer

used the same format of the test for both of classes. Even though the

test instrument was same, students did not realize that would examined

again later. Finally, the writer made a calculation of the result from

both of the tests. The further explanation will discuss later.

H. Statistics Hypothesis The hypothesis of this research as follow :

Ha1 : There was significant effect of jambinese folktales on students’ reading

comprehension at Islamic Senior High School Al Ikhlas Jambi.

Ho1 : There was no significant effect of jambinese folktales on students’

reading comprehension at Islamic Senior High School Al Ikhlas Jambi.

Ha2 : There was significant difference between the students taught by

jambinese folktales and students’ who were not.

Ho2 : There was no significant difference between the students taught by

jambinese folktales and students’ who were not.


I. Schedule of Research

No Activities Month

November December January February March 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 Preparation of proposal √

2 Arranging proposal √

3 Preparation of seminar √

4 Seminar √

5 Improvement of seminar √

6 Making research permission

7 Collecting data √ √ √ √

8 Arranging research list √

9 Writing final report √




A. Finding of The Study

The data of students’ reading comprehension in the pre-test and post-test in

experimantal and control class were scored by the writer. After the writer got the

data, the writer analyzed the data by using t-test in using Statistical Product and

Service Solution (SPSS) version 21 program. The finding include: 1. Descriptive

analysis of students’ reading comprehension test, 2. Statistical analysis of

students’ reading comprehension test.

1. Descriptive Analysis

In this section, the writer explain the frequencies, percentages and means score of

the test based on the result of the tests before and after the treatment in both

experimental and control class. The score categories used in the results can be

seen in table 4.1

Table 4.1 Score categories

Range 100 Range 10 IKIP Characters Qualification

80 – 100 8.0 – 10 8.1 – 10 A Very good

66 – 79 6.6 – 7.9 6.6 – 8.0 B Good

56 – 65 5.6 – 6.5 5.6 – 6.5 C Satisfactory

40 - 55 4.0 – 5.5 4.1 – 5.5 D Poor

30 – 39 3.0 – 3.9 0 – 4.0 E Very poor

Source: Arikunto,S (2015)

a. The Result of Pre-Test and Post-Test in Experimental Class

The experiment class consisted of 30 students. The lowest score achieved

by this class before the interventation was 48.00. then the lowest score was in

fairly good interval, it was between 40-55 and the highest score was in very good


interval that was between 66-79, it checked the result using Statistical Product and

Service Solution (SPSS) version 21 program.

Figure 4.1 Pre-test experimental class

Based on calculation, it can be seen that from 30 students, there were 43.3%

(13) students got score between 40-55 (Poor), 46.7% (14) students got score

between 56-65 (Satisfactory), and 10% (3) students got score between 66-79


After the treatment, the writer gave post-test to the class to see the

improvement of the students’ reading comprehension. The average score achieved

by this class was 80.53. Then the lowest score was in very good interval, because

it was between 66-79 score and the highest score was in excellentinterval that was

between 80-100 score. The calculaton by using SPSS version 21 program.


Figure 4.2 Post-Test Experimental Class

Based on calculation, it can be seen that from 30 students, there were

43.3% (13) students got score 66-79 (Good), and 56.6% (17) students got scored

80-100 (Very Good). The result provide, after the interventions by using

Jambinese Folktales, more students were categorized as very good and excellent.

In fact, the mean score differences between pre-test (56.13) and post-test

(80.53) in experimental class shows that there was some improvement in

experimental class after the students were taught by using Jambinese Folktales.

The completed calculation can be seen in the table below.

Table 4.2 Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Preexperimental 30 48 68 56.13 6.516 Postexperimental 30 72 92 80.53 6.947 Valid N (listwise) 30

b. The Result of Pre-Test and Post-Test in Control Class

In order to strengthen the evidence that Jambinese Folktales bring effect to

teh students’ reading comprehension, the writer also calculated the result in

control class.


The control class consisted of 31 students. The result of pre-test and post-

test in control class showed that the lowest score obtained was 48,00. Then the

lowest score in fairy good interval, because it was between 40-55 score and the

highest score was in excellent interval, it was between 80-100.

Figure 4.3 Pre-Test Control Class

Then the result of pre-test of control class showed that from 31 srudents

there were 35.5% (11) students got score between 40-55 (Poor), 51.6% (16)

students got score between 56-65 (Satisfactory), and 12.9% (4) students got score

between 66-79 (Good).

After the teaching and learning activities, the writer calculated the students

post-test. The result of post-test showed that the lowest score was 72.00. Then the

lowest score was in very good interval, because it was between 66-79 score and

the highest score was in excellent interval, it was between 80-100.


Figure 4.4 Post-test Control Class

The result of post-test of control class showed that from 31 students tere

were 61.3% (19) students got score between 66-79 (Good) and 38.7% (12)

students got score between 80-100 (Very Good).

Moreover, the mean score difference between the result of pre-test and

post-test in control class is 21.42 between pre-test (57.42) and post-test (78.84).

Thus, it can be said that the treatment applied in experimental class

Jambinese folktales gave better effect, the completed calculation can be seen in

the table below.

Table 4.3 Descriptive statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Precontrol 31 48 72 57.42 7.046 Postcontrol 31 72 92 78.84 5.768 Valid N (listwise) 31

2. Statistical Analysis of The Test

a. Assessing Normality

This test was carried out in order to check whether or not the data was

normal. If the data was normal, the parametric test was used, if the data was

not normal, the non-parametric test was used. The normality was employed


by using chi-square test to find out whether or not score that students were

obtained normality distributed. The result of the analysis was presented in

table below

Table 4.4 Test Statictics of Pre-test and Post-test of Experimental Class

Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Pearson Chi-Square 131.250a 25 .000 Likelihood Ratio 96.057 25 .000 Linear-by-Linear Association 24.794 1 .000 N of Valid Cases 30

In the test, the level of significance was set up at 0.05. As presented in

table 4.5, the data of pre-test experimental and post-test experimental class

are lower than the level of significance (0.05) or 0.000 < 0.05. It suggested

the data are not normally distributed.

Table 4.5 Test Statictics of Post-test Experimental and Post-test Control


Value df

Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 25.065a 25 .459 Likelihood Ratio 24.431 25 .495 Linear-by-Linear Association 1.195 1 .274 N of Valid Cases 30

In the test, the level of significance was set up at 0.05. As presented in

table 4.8, the data are higher than the level of significance (0.05) or 0.459 >

0.05. It suggested the data are normally distributed.

b. Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity test is done to see whether the both samples have a

homogeneous variance or not, the assumption of variance is that the variance

each of the population is equal. And to know the data homogeneous or no, we

can see the result of the analysis was presented in table 4.6.


Table 4.6 Test of Homogeneity of Variances Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

2.580 1 59 .114

In the test, the level of significance was set up at 0.05. As presented in

table 4.10, the Significance is 0.114. to test the variance if the significant

value > 0.05 then the data has the same variance. If the significant value <

0.05 then the data has a different variance. The result of data above, the

significant is 0.114 > 0.05, then the data above has the same variance or


c. The Analysis of One-Sample Sign Test in Experimental Class

Firstly, to see whether or not significant effect by using Jambinese

Folktales between before and after treatment. The writer used one-sample

sign test. The result of the calculation showed that the differences between

positive and negative was (30 > 0), it means there is some significant effect

between before and after treatment. The result can be seen in table 4.7.

Table 4.7 One-Sample Statistics

N post_experimental - pre_experimental

Negative Differencesa 0 Positive Differencesb 30 Tiesc 0 Total 30

a. post_experimental < pre_experimental b. post_experimental > pre_experimental c. post_experimental = pre_experimental

Secondly, to look whether or not differences by using Jambinese

Folktales between before and after treatment can be seen in table 4.8.

Table 4.8 One-Sample Sign Test

post_experimental - pre_experimental Z -5.295 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000


In line with this, the result of the calculation showed that the

significance score was 0.000 with (0.000<0.05). Based on the hypothesis, If

the value (p)>significant (α=0.05) then it can be said Ho1 there is no

significant effect of Jambinese Folktales on students’ reading

comprehension. If the value (p) <significant (α=0.05) then it can be said Ha1

there is significant effect of using Jambinese Folktales on students’ reading

comprehension. It means Ho1 is rejected and Ha1 is accepted or indicated

Jambinese Folktales affected students’ reading comprehension at Islamic

Senior High School Al Ikhlas Jambi.

d. The Analysis of Independent Sample T-test

An independent sample t-test was conducted to find out whether or

not any significant difference between experimental and control class after

the students’ were given the treatment, the calculation of independent

sample t-test was used to analyzed the score of post-test in experimental and

control class. The result can be seen in table 4.9.

Table 4.9 Independent Sample Test

Firstly, we read Levene’s test for equality of variances to look

homogeneity test. The result of the calculation showed that the score was

F=2.580 (p=0.114) because p above 0.05 it can be said there is no difference

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. T Df

Sig. (2-


Mean Differenc


Std. Error Differenc


95% Confidence Interval of the

Difference Lower Upper

Equal variances assumed

2.580 .114 1.038 59 .304 1.69462 1.63264 -1.57229 4.96153

Equal variances not assumed

1.035 56.357 .305 1.69462 1.63765 -1.58553 4.97478


of variances data between experimental and control class (the data


Secondly, because the data homogeny, we read left line, there is equal

varianceses assumed. If the data not homogeneity, we read right line, there is

equal variance not assumed. From the data above, we can conclude that the

data is homogeny because 0.114>0.05.

Third, the purpose is wanted to know the hypothesis. The hypothesis

is when Ttable<Tobtained then it can be said Ho2, there is no difference between

students taught by Jambinese Folktales and those who were not. If

Ttable>Tobtained then it can be said Ha2, there is significant differences of using

Jambinese Folktales on students’ reading comprehension.

Then we can look at the table 4.9. The T=1.038 (p=0.304) and df=59.

The result is (T=2.001>1.038) and (p=0.304>0.05) then Ho2 was rejected and

Ha2 was accepted or indicated there is no significant difference of variances

data between experimental and control class at Islamic Senior High School Al

Ikhlas Jambi.

B. Discussion

The use of Jambinese Folktales was faced by the students when the

researcher did the treatment. At the first meeting was pre-test and students do the

test confusely. At the second meeting, the researcher explained the material about

narrative text to the students with the Jambinese Folktales as supporting material.

At the third meeting, students are still confused about the applying of Jambinese

Folktales as the supporting material, and the class was noisy. So the result of the

third meeting was not satisfied. At the fourth meeting, some of students began

understand in the application of Jambinese Folktales, but the class situation was

still crowded because the researcher divided the students into groups and they

must disscussed it with their friends. At the fifth meeting, the first group presented

their discussion and the most of students have clearly understanding of the

application of Jambinese Folktales and students become active. The sixth meeting

untill the ninth meeting, the group presentation was continued with the second


until the fifth grups. Most of students were more active because they mastered

Jambinese Folktales. They read Jambinese Folktales very enthusiastic. At each

presentation, each group presents their result of discussion about the generic

stuctures and language features of different Jambinese Folktales. After that, the

researcher asked another group to respond the story by asking questions or

comment about the story that has been presented. The last meeting was post-test

and the students can do the test carefully.

The result of experimental class students’ test at the last meeting increas

very well. The mean score for the pre-test was 56.13 with the maximum score was

68 and minimum score was 48. After the treatment the maximum score for the

post-test was 92 and the minimum score was 72 with the mean score was 80.53.

So, it can be conclude that there was some improvement on students after taught

by using Jambinese Folktales. The result of the present study was congruent with

the study conducted by Mustikarini (2009). The result of her study reveald that the

result of the pre-test and post-test showed that the average score of pre-test for the

experimental group was 61.02. After the treatment, the average score of post-test

was 78.00.

The result of the post-test in experimental and control class showed

differences. The score of the post-test in experimental class was higher the the

control class. The mean score for the post-test of experimental class was 80.53.

Besides, the mean score for the post-test of control class was 78.84. this result was

in line with Susilowati (2014). In her study, the analysis of data showed that the

students’ achievement on the post-test they showed the different mean scores. The

mean score of the control group was 65.5 and the experimental group was 80.2.

Based on the result, it could be seen that the treatment gave a significant

improvement in the students’ reading achievement.

The writer used one-sample sign test to see whether or not significant effect

by using Jambinese Folktales between before and after treatment. The result of the

calculation showed that the significance score was 0.000 (0.000<0.05). Based on

the hypothesis, Ho1 is rejected and Ha1 is accepted or indicated Jambinese

Folktales affected students’ reading comprehension at Islamic Senior High School


Al Ikhlas Jambi. Based on the analysis, it is found that there is improvement

between before and after taught by using Jambinese Foktales. The difference can

be seen from the pre-test and the post-test result in experimental class.

The result of the T-test in this present study was The T=1.038 (p=0.304)

and df=59. The result is (T=2.001>1.038) and (p=0.304>0.05) then Ho2 was

rejected and Ha2 was accepted or indicated there is no significant difference of

variances data between experimental and control class at Islamic Senior High

School Al Ikhlas Jambi. On the contrary, Widyatmoko (2017) computed the

tobtained was 4.8191 and ttable was 2.0930. the result was (T= 2.0930<4.8191) orthe

value of t-test was higher than the value of t-table. It indicated that there was a

difference on the students’ ability that was taught using folktales. This study also

in reverse with the study conducted by Sari (2016). On her study, The result of the

t-value was 3.02 and the critical value of the t-table was 1.68 since the t-value was

higher than the t-table (T=1.68<3.02), it showed that there was significant

difference between the two means of pre-test and post-test.

In this research, the researcher found that the students very enthusiast to

read Jambinese Folktales, and they easily understood the meaning of the folktale.

Students were interested with Jambinese Foktales because they just know about

the folktales and they want to know about the interesting story. It hepls the

students to understand narrative text. This study was congruent with the previous

study conducted by Styasih (2009). She found out that her students became better

after the use of fables upon them along the study. She stated that fable is an

effective tool for mastering reading skill, because it is easy to be understood and it

is quite interesting for anyone. So, Jambinese Folktales and Fables were an

effective supporting material to teach reading skill especially narrative texts.

It could be concluded from the description above, the mean score of post-

test in experimental class which given treatment Jambinese Folktales had higher

score compared with control class was using traditional method while reading

comprehension process. So, the researcher conclude that there was a significant

effect of Jambinese Folktales on students’ reading comprehension at Islamic

Senior High School Al Ikhlas Jambi.





A. Conclusion Based on the results of this research activity can be concluded as

follows: 1) In this research activity, the average score of the students in pre-

test was 56,13 and increase very well to 80,53 in the post test was, so there

is a significant effect in students’ reading comprehension between before and after

using Jambinese Folktales. 2) There is no significant different in students’ reading

comprehension between experimental class and control class. It is shown by the

mean score of post-test in both classes. That was 80,53 for the experimental

class and 78,84 for the control class.

B. Suggestion There are some suggestion that the writer would like to suggest

based on the result of the study suggested for the school, English teacher,

students, and other researcher.

Firstly, the school can support the learning process of English by

facilitating and infrastructuring the students which aims to enhance the

creativity, activeness, and motivation of the students in learning English.

Then, teacher should use Jambinese Folktales in teaching reading,

because it helps students to improve reading comprehension by using

Jambinese Folktales. Otherwise, students will not get bored in teaching

learning process because they can interact and share one other about their

material since use Jambinese Folktales involves.

Besides, students are expected to be more active in the learning

process especially in Islamic Senior High School Al Ikhlas Jambi. Because

English is very important in life and English also an international language

that will greatly help you in the future if you study it seriously.

Moreover, Other researcher who going to conduct an experimental

research, it suggested to using more passage in teaching learning process. It

also suggested that the study consider the students’ reading comprehension

relation to the students’ motivation or students’ learning style.



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Appendix 1 Instrument of the test

Reading Comprehension Test Specification

Kompetensi Dasar:

3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait legenda rakyat, sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

4.8 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan dan tulis sederhana terkait legenda rakyat.

Test specification of reading comprehension

Rated aspect Indicator Item instrument total


The main idea 4, 11, 16, 3

Vocabulary 5, 10, 13, 18, 4 Scan for supporting details in the text and stated fact

1, 2, 3,6 ,7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25


Total 25

Range of students’ reading comprehension

Range 100 Range 10 IKIP Characters Qualification

80 – 100 8.0 – 10 8.1 – 10 A Very Good

66 – 79 6.6 – 7.9 6.6 – 8.0 B Good

56 – 65 5.6 – 6.5 5.6 – 6.5 C Satisfactory

40 - 55 4.0 – 5.5 4.1 – 5.5 D Poor

30 – 39 3.0 – 3.9 0 – 4.0 E Very Poor Source: Arikunto, S (2015, p. 281) Page 1


Read this text and then aswer the question by yourself! Text for number 1-5

A farmer came across a bird with a broken wing. He picked it up, took it home and looked after it lovingly, even though his wife complained bitterly about his wasting too much time on the creature. After some time, the wing mended and, because the bird did not want the farmer to have kept on arguing with his wife all the time, it decided to go back to its nest. When the farmer discovered that the bird was gone, he was so upset that he went out to look for it. Eventually, he found it again, and was greeted happily by the whole family of the bird. As a sign of their thanks for his care and attention, the birds gave him a little box, and told him not to open it until he got home. To his surprise, the farmer found the box full of precious stones. When his wife saw them, she decided that she too deserved a reward, and she went to see the birds. The birds gave her a little casket; but this one was full of devils. The devils jumped on her as soon as she opened the casket and chased her away. Left alone, the farmer went to live near his friend, the bird. There he built a hut of perfumed wood; and the birds decorated it with flowers of every kind.

1. Which of the following statements

do you agree with ?

A. The farmer chased his wife away.

B. The farmer lived happily with his wife.

C. The farmer’s wife took care of the bird.

D. The bird was very thankful to the farmer.

E. The farmer’s wife was a very kind woman.

2. The farmer’s new hut was…. A. Well furnished B. Built by the birds C. A gift from the birds D. decorated luxuriously E. built of perfumed wood

3. What do we learn from the text? A. A gift shows kindness. B. Sufferings bring happiness. C. Arguing makes you distressed. D. A good deed deserves a

reward. E. Having no heart makes you

isolated. 4. What is the main information

discussed in the third paragraph? A. The bird left the farmer. B. The birds welcomed the farmer C. The farmer got a little casket

from the birds. D. The farmer was so angry and

went out to find the bird. E. The farmer was happy having

got a box of precious stones. 5. The word “discovered” (p3)

means…. A. Proved B. Found out C. Saw D. Invented E. Believed

Read this text and then aswer the question by yourself! Text for number 6-10

Once upon a time, there lived a group mice under a tree in peace. However, a group of elephants crossing the jungle unknowingly destroyed the homes of all the rats. Many of them were crushed to death.

Then the king of rats decided to approach the elephant’s chief and request him to guide his herd through another route. On hearing the sad story, the elephant’s king apologized and agreed to take another route. And so the lives the rats were saved.

One day elephant hunters came to the jungle and tripped a group of elephants in huge nets. Then the elephant king suddenly remembered the king of rats. He summoned one of the elephant of his herd which had not been trapped, to go seek help from the king and told him about the trapped elephants.

The rat’s king immediately took his entire group of rats and they cut the nets which had trapped the elephant’s herd. The elephant’s herd was totally set free. They danced with joy and thanked the rats.

6. What destroyed the homes of all

rats? A. Group of mice did. B. The hunters did. C. Elephant hunters did. D. A group of elephants did E. Elephant’s herd did.

7. What helped the elephant’s herd free?

A. The elephant’s herd did. B. The hunter did. C. A trapped elephant did. D. A group of kings did. E. Entire group of rats did.

8. When did the story occur? A. Deep in the writer’s mind B. In the jungle C. In the black forest D. In the home of mice group E. In the nests which had trapped

the elephant’s herd 9. At the end of the story, how was

the elephants’ herd? A. Angry B. Sad C. Happy D. Dead E. Disappointed

10. The word “ summoned” means …. A. ordered to come B. asked to do C. offered to come D. got to make E. forced to do

Read this text and then aswer the question by yourself! Text for number 11-14

The Good Stepmother The old witch locked Hansel in a cage and set Gretel to clean the house. She planned to eat them both. Each night the children cried and begged the witch to let them go. Meanwhile, at home, their stepmother was beginning to wish she had never tried to get rid of the children. “I must find them,” she said and set off into the forest. Many hours later, when her feet were tired from walking and her lips were dry from thirst, she came to the

cottage belonging to the witch. The stepmother peeped though the window. Her heart cried out when she saw the two children. She picked up the broom leaning against the door and crept inside. The witch was putting some stew in the oven when the stepmother gave her an almighty push. The witch fell into the oven and the stepmother shut the door. “Children, I have come to save you,” she said hugging them tightly. I have done a dreadful thing. I hope in time you will forgive me. Let me take you home and become a family again. They returned to their home and the stepmother became the best mother anyone could wish to have, and of course they lived happily ever after! 11. The story is about a stepmother

who …… A. cried every night B. planned to eat her children C. begged a witch for money D. tried to run away from a witch E. saved her children from a witch

12. Which statement is TRUE about the step mother? A. She was the witch’s friend. B. She loved her stepchildren. C. She hit the witch with a broom. D. She locked her children in a

cage. E. She visited the witch to see her

children. 13. “The witch fell into the oven and

the stepmother shut the door.” (Paragraph 4) The underlined word can be replaced by the word ………….. A. Closed B. Opened C. Painted

D. Marked E. Polished

14. How did the witch die? A. She was burn in the oven. B. She was trapped in a cage. C. She was hit with a broom. D. She was locked in her house. E. She was pushed against the


Read this text and then aswer the question by yourself! Text for number 15-18

The Lion and The mouse Once when a lion was asleep, a little mouse began up and down upon him; this soon awoke the lion, who placed his huge paw upon the mouse, and opened his big jaws to swallow him. “Pardon, O King “cried the little mouse “forgive me this time. I shall never forget it: who knows I may be able to do you a good turn some of these days? ”. The lion was so tickled at the idea of the mouse being able to help him. Then he lifted up his paw and let him go. On day the lion was caught in a trap. Some hunters who to carry him alive to the king, tied him to a tree while they went in search of a wagon to carry him in. Just then the little mouse happened to pass by and see the sad plight in which the lion was. The little mouse went up to him and soon gnawed away the ropes that bound the king of the beats. Soon the little mouse had finished growing away the ropes, he asked the lion to run away.

15. What is the moral lesson from the text? A. Don’t look at someone because

of his clothes B. It is best to prepare for the days

of necessity C. .Common people may prove

great ones D. United we stand, divided we

fall E. Honesty begins at home.

16. Paragraph three mainly tells that… A. the little mouse asked

forgiveness B. the hunters carried the lion alive

to the king C. the lion was tied to a tree by the

hunters D. the little mouse could prove that

he could help the lion E. from the first, the lion believed

in what the little mouse said 17. What did the little mouse do to

prove his words? A. He would never forget the lion. B. He tried hard to help the lion

free. C. He ran up and down upon the

lion D. He asked for apology to the

king of the beast E. He tied the lion to the tree so

that the hunters could carry him 18. The word “huge” (p.1) means

very….. A. Old B. Large C. Tall D. Tiny E. Giant

Read this text and then aswer the question by yourself! Text for number 19-21

Once upon a time there lived as neighbors, a bear and a rabbit. The rabbit was a good shot, and the bear, being very clumsy, could not use the arrow to good advantage. The bear would call over the rabbit, and asked the rabbit to take his bow and arrows and came with the bear to the other side of the hill. The rabbit, fearing to arouse the bear’s anger by refusing, consented and went with the bear and shot enough buffaloes to satisfy the hungry family. Indeed he shot and killed so many that the was lots of meat left after the bear and his family had loaded themselves, and packed all they could carry home. The bear was gluttonous and did not want the rabbit to get any of the meat, so the poor rabbit could not even taste the blood from butchering. As the bear would throw e blood and dry it up. Poor rabbit would have to go home hungry after his hard day’s work. The bear was the father of five children. The youngest child was very kind to the rabbit. The mother bear, knowing that her youngest child was very hearty eater, always gave him an extra large piece of meat, but the youngest child didn’t eat. He would take with him and pretend to play ball with it, kicking it toward the rabbit’s house. When he got close to the door, he would give the meat with such a great kick, that it would fly into the rabbit’s house, and in this way the poor rabbit would get his meal unknown to the papa bear. 19. The poor rabbit didn’t get any of

the meat because ….. A. They are already given to the


B. They are eaten by the youngest bear

C. The bear carried all the meat home

D. They are already dried up E. The bear ate all the meat

20. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text ? A. The papa bear was not very

kind to the rabbit B. The rabbit got nothing from his

shooting C. The mother bear always gave

her youngest extra meat D. The papa bear didn’t like giving

the rabbit some meat E. The papa bear knew that his

youngest child gave the rabbit some meat.

21. The story teaches us that …… A. Poverty makes people suffer B. We must keep our promise C. Being greedy makes other

people happy D. People should love each other E. We must keep our relationship

with others

Read this text and then aswer the question by yourself! Text for number 22-25

The Magic Box Once upon a time, there was a

poor farmer who lived with his wife. One day, he dug up his field and found a big box. He took it home with him and showed it to his wife. His wife cleaned the box and kept it in their house.

One sunny morning his wife dropped an apple into it. Suddenly the box began fill up with apples. No matter how many the apples were taken out, more apples took their place, So the

farmer and his wife decide to sell the apples and in short time they were able to live quite comfortably.

One day, the farmer dropped a gold coin into the box. At once, apples disappeared and the box began to fill itself with coins. Everyday, the farmer and his wife collected hundreds of gold coins from the box. Soon they became very rich.

Having heard that his son had gone rich, the farmer’s grandfather visited the couple. He was not very strong and he could not go out to work anymore. So the farmer asked the old man to help him take the money out of the box. When his grandfather told his son that he was tired and wanted to have arrest, the farmer shouted at him,” why are you so lazy? Why can’t you work harder?”

The old man didn’t say anything, and continued to work until he fell into the box and suddenly died. At once, the money disappeared and the box began to fill up with dead grandfathers.

The farmer had to pull them out and bury them. To do this, he had to spend all the money he had collected. When he had used up all the money, the box broke and the farmer was just as poor as he was before.

22. How was the farmer according to

the writer ? He was…. A. Mean B. Generous C. Kind D. Humorous E. Rich

23. The complication started when …… A. the farmer dug up a big box in

his field, took it home, and showed it to his wife.

B. his wife dropped an apple into a big box and suddenly the box filled up with apples.

C. the farmer and his wife sold the apples were able to live quite comfortably

D. the farmer dropped a gold coin into the box

E. the apple disappeared and the box began to fill itself with coins.

24. Which statement is TRUE according to the story ?

A. His wife cleaned and kept the box for her.

B. The box was full of valuable things when it was found

C. The farmer had to pull dead grandfathers out and bury them

D. The poor farmer was finally killed by his grandfather

E. The farmer’s wife was happy after the grandfather passed away

25. What did we learn from the story ? A. Being honest is not always wise B. All that glitters is not good C. It is good to be honest in life D. We must respect our parents E. Being a miser is sometimes


Appendix 2 Answer key

Answer key

1. D 2. E 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. D 7. E 8. B 9. C 10. A 11. E 12. B 13. A

14. A 15. A 16. D 17. B 18. B 19. C 20. E 21. D 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. D

No Nama Tanda Tangan1 Adam Rizki lWt--.

3 b$ile/"2kb4 k+r1




22 MP\21










32r p,_I)34 lltrh3694










2 Akmal Lukman Agung3 Anggi Prasetyan

4 Afrilia Amelizar5 Dea Fitri Anggraini6 Dimas Dwi Andika7 Ayu Wulandari8 Gino Ramadaniel

9 Imelda Shelfianita10 M. Albari Abrar1i Maulana Saputra

I2 Nurhalisyahr3 Rahan Rizki Pratama

t4 fuansyah Adha15 M. Syahrul Z1k:ra

16 Sasa Afrilial7 Sask a Isabela

18 Sandi Fimansyaht9 Tesa Ameiia20 Rano Damara21 Tri Saraswati

22 M. Abi Ramadhan

Z) Muhammad Raihan24 Muhammad Rizki Fadillah25 Amelia Rahmawati26 Agung Anugrah Bakti27 Ade Aulia Alfani28 Fadilaturrahma29 Dita Inayatul Afifah30 A.nggraini Suharti3i Darul Awal Ridwan32 Dewi RahaluJ-) Hendra Aji Maulana34 M. Mario Ardiansyah35 Mardikal Leonardo

36 Rima Hanifah)t Rahmad Ardiansyah38 Pradinda Wulandari39 Triana40 M. Noval Riski Putra

Appendix 3 List Attendances Try Out

List of Attendances Try Out MAS Nururrodhiyah Kota Jambi

















Fina Aliva

Riski OktavianiSaskia AiniSari YulistiarVivi Havizah

Vera Gustia Ra

Nadia Permata PutriAditva Pratama

Appendix 4 The Score of The Try Out

The Score of The Try Out MAS Nururrodhiyah Kota Jambi

No Nama Nilai 1 Adam Rizki 44 2 Akmal Lukman Agung 68 3 Anggi Prasetyan 36 4 Afrilia Amelizar 32 5 Dea Fitri Anggraini 44 6 Dimas Dwi Andika 28 7 Ayu Wulandari 60 8 Gino Ramadaniel 36 9 Imelda Shelfianita 28 10 M. Albari Abrar 60 11 Maulana Saputra 32 12 Nurhalisyah 68 13 Rahan Rizki Pratama 28 14 Riansyah Adha 68 15 M. Syahrul Zikra 68 16 Sasa Afrilia 28 17 Saskia Isabela 60 18 Sandi Firmansyah 44 19 Tesa Amelia 36 20 Rano Damara 60 21 Tri Saraswati 32 22 M. Abi Ramadhan 60 23 Muhammad Raihan 60 24 Muhammad Rizki Fadillah 60 25 Amelia Rahmawati 32 26 Agung Anugrah Bakti 36 27 Ade Aulia Alfani 28 28 Fadilaturrahma 28 29 Dita Inayatul Afifah 60 30 Anggraini Suharti 32 31 Darul Awal Ridwan 44 32 Dewi Rahayu 68 33 Hendra Aji Maulana 28 34 M. Mario Ardiansyah 32

35 Mardikal Leonardo 60 36 Rima Hanifah 28 37 Rahmad Ardiansyah 36 38 Pradinda Wulandari 44 39 Triana 68 40 M. Noval Riski Putra 36 41 Winaldi 60 42 Wahyu Afzal 28 43 Fina Aliya 28 44 Muhammad Zaki 60 45 Fahrurrozi 36 46 Riski Oktaviani 28 47 Saskia Aini 60 48 Sari Yulistiar 68 49 Vivi Havizah 44 50 Vera Gustia Rahayu 60 51 Nadia Permata Putri 28 52 Aditya Pratama 60 53 Izky Wardaniah 44

Appendix 5 The result of Reliability Test

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 53 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 53 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all

variables in the procedure.

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if

Item Deleted

Scale Variance if

Item Deleted

Corrected Item-

Total Correlation

Cronbach's Alpha

if Item Deleted

Q1 10.83 13.682 .406 .704

Q2 10.83 12.067 .903 .659

Q3 10.83 13.682 .406 .704

Q4 11.09 14.510 .300 .715

Q5 10.83 13.682 .406 .704

Q6 10.47 15.408 -.055 .739

Q7 11.09 15.587 -.109 .737

Q8 10.45 13.637 .511 .698

Q9 10.72 14.130 .270 .716

Q10 10.87 16.271 -.281 .758

Q11 10.72 14.899 .066 .733

Q12 10.72 13.899 .334 .710

Q13 10.72 14.438 .187 .723

Q14 10.96 13.037 .676 .684

Q15 10.57 12.712 .724 .677

Q16 11.09 14.510 .300 .715

Q17 10.23 15.409 .000 .726

Q18 10.49 14.947 .077 .730

Q19 10.87 17.655 -.610 .780

Q20 11.09 14.510 .300 .715

Q21 10.96 13.037 .676 .684

Q22 11.09 14.510 .300 .715

Q23 10.96 13.037 .676 .684

Q24 10.23 15.409 .000 .726

Q25 10.72 14.438 .187 .723

Scale Statistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

11.23 15.409 3.925 25

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.725 25

Appendix 6 List Attendances of Pre-Test in Experimental Class

List of Attendances Pre-Test Experimental Class

No Nama Tanda Tansan1 Atika Purnama Sari

' 1--/^r%








22Y;,o@,,N28 q)P




2 Alba RidwanaJ Al Akib Wiiaya4 Danti Wulandari5 Dinda Suci Ramadhani6 Doni Saputra

7 Esi Putra Wiiava8 Firmansyah9 Handa Nur10 I]ham YanuarII Jefri Ananda12 Kardiyansyah Putra13 Mario Pattimura

14 M. Arip15 Natasya l(rairunnisa16 Ningsih Safitri17 Rahma Dwi Lestari18 Rand Gustiawan19 Rend Septian

20 Rina Mariana2t Tiara Indriawansyah22 Yeyen FebriantiZ) Marvira24 Said Abdurrahman25 Ramadhani26 M. Akbar27 Erlanssa Deski Saputra

28 Ade Baeus Saputra

29 Syahrul Hasan

30 Bima Ramadhan

Appendix 7 The result of Pre-test in Experimental Class

The Score of The Pre-Test Experimental Class

No Nama Nilai 1 Ade Bagus Saputra 56 2 Al Akib Wijaya 52 3 Alba Ridwan 56 4 Atika Purnama Sari 68 5 Bima Ramadhan 60 6 Danti Wulandari 48 7 Dinda Suci Ramadhani 68 8 Doni Saputra 60 9 Egi Putra Wijaya 52 10 Erlangga Deski Saputra 48 11 Firmansyah 64 12 Handa Nur 48 13 Ilham Yanuar 52 14 Jefri Ananda 60 15 Kardiyansyah Putra 48 16 M. Akbar 60 17 M. Arip 52 18 Mario Pattimura 60 19 Marvira 56 20 Natasya Khairunnisa 48 21 Ningsih Safitri 68 22 Rahma Dwi Lestari 52 23 Ramadhani 60 24 Randi Gustiawan 60 25 Rendi Septian 48 26 Rina Mariana 64 27 Said Abdurrahman 48 28 Syahrul Hasan 52 29 Tiara Indriawansyah 56 30 Yeyen Febrianti 60

Appendix 8 List Attendances of Post-Test in Experimental Class

List of Attendances Post-Test Experimental Class

No Nama Tanda Tangan

1 Atika Purnama Sari 1
































2 Alba RidwanaJ Al Akib Wiiaya4 Danti Wulandari5 Dinda Suci Ramadhani6 Doni Saputra

1 Esi Putra Wiiava8 Firmansyah

9 Handa Nur10 Ilham Yanuar11 Jefri Ananda12 Kardiyansyah Putra13 Mario Pattimura14 M. Arip15 Natasya Khairunnisat6 Ningsih Safitri17 Rahma Dw Lestari18 Rand Gust awan

l9 Rend Sept an

20 Rina Mariana2t Tiara lndriawansyah22 Yeyen Febrianti23 Marvira24 Said Abdurrahman25 Ramadhani26 M. Akbar27 Erlangga Deski Saputra

28 Ade Bagus Saputra

29 Syahrul Hasan

30 Bima Ramadhan

Appendix 9 The result of Post-Test in Experimental Class

The Score of The Post-Test Experimental Class No Nama Nilai 1 Ade Bagus Saputra 88 2 Al Akib Wijaya 80 3 Alba Ridwan 76 4 Atika Purnama Sari 72 5 Bima Ramadhan 88 6 Danti Wulandari 84 7 Dinda Suci Ramadhani 76 8 Doni Saputra 92 9 Egi Putra Wijaya 72 10 Erlangga Deski Saputra 76 11 Firmansyah 84 12 Handa Nur 72 13 Ilham Yanuar 84 14 Jefri Ananda 76 15 Kardiyansyah Putra 72 16 M. Akbar 88 17 M. Arip 76 18 Mario Pattimura 84 19 Marvira 72 20 Natasya Khairunnisa 92 21 Ningsih Safitri 80 22 Rahma Dwi Lestari 84 23 Ramadhani 80 24 Randi Gustiawan 72 25 Rendi Septian 84 26 Rina Mariana 92 27 Said Abdurrahman 72 28 Syahrul Hasan 80 29 Tiara Indriawansyah 76 30 Yeyen Febrianti 92

Appendix 10 List Attendances of Pre-Test in Control Class

List of Attendances Pre-Test Control Class

No Nama Tanda Tangan1 Aldian Syaputra

2 4q4+






















2 AldoJ Anggara Suharto

4 Bintang5 Dito Lesmono6 Eka Widia Ninesih7 Firdaus

8 Juliansyah

9 Lisa Aul a Putri10 M. Nurd n

t1 M. Rifki Adryan12 M. Ridwan Maulana13 M. Rivo Siregar14 Nayla Ayu Maharani15 Putri Eleanora Aldina16 Putri Rahma Fitri17 Prawirva Yuda Widavan18 Raditya Prayoga

19 Revandi Erlan.sga

20 Rifaldi Syaputla21 Rini Lestari

22 Rio Darmawan23 Sarnia Sri Aniani24 Syaka Nurdiansyah25 Vira Aulia26 Wahru Alfath Sidiq27 Winami28 Winda Sari

29 Yuhandri

30 Yulinda31 Zaki Abdurrahman

Appendix 11 The result of Pre-Test in Control Class

The Score of The Pre-Test Control Class No Nama Nilai 1 Aldian Syaputra 56 2 Aldo 52 3 Anggara Suharto 60 4 Bintang 52 5 Dito Lesmono 60 6 Eka Widia Ningsih 48 7 Firdaus 72 8 Juliansyah 56 9 Lisa Aulia Putri 72 10 M. Nurdin 56 11 M. Rifki Adryan 64 12 M. Ridwan Maulana 52 13 M. Rivo Siregar 64 14 Nayla Ayu Maharani 48 15 Putri Eleanora Aldina 52 16 Putri Rahma Fitri 48 17 Prawirya Yuda Widayan 56 18 Raditya Prayoga 60 19 Revandi Erlangga 48 20 Rifaldi Syaputra 56 21 Rini Lestari 60 22 Rio Darmawan 64 23 Sarnia Sri Anjani 56 24 Syaka Nurdiansyah 60 25 Vira Aulia 56 26 Wahyu Alfath Sidiq 52 27 Winarni 68 28 Winda Sari 72 29 Yuhandri 52 30 Yulinda 56 31 Zaki Abdurrahman 52

Appendix 12 List Attendances of Post-Test in Control Class

List of Attendances Pre-Test Control Class

No Nama Tanda Tangan1 Aldian Syaputra 1





Xulillt ,AN+

4 HI',2ww-r4\10wt2


16 l'Xr,+







26 UI,"+

,r D,t,r{4




,r?*[nawre Prrr,4


2 Aldo-) Anggara Suharto

4 Bintang5 Dito Lesmono

6 Eka Widia Ninesih7 Firdaus8 Juliansyah

9 Lisa Aulia Putril0 M. Nurdin11 M. Rifki Adryanl2 M. Ridwan Maulana13 M. Rivo Siregar14 Nayla Ay-r Maharanr15 Putri Eleanora Aldina16 Putri Rahma Fitri17 Prawirya Yuda Widayan18 Raditya Prayoga

19 Revandi Erlangga20 Rifaldi Syaputra

2t Rini Lestari22 Rio Darmawan23 Sarnia Sri Aniani24 Syaka Nurdiansyah25 Vira Aulia26 Wahr.u Alfath Sidiq27 Winarni28 Winda Sari

29 Yuhandri30 Yulinda3l Zaki Abdurrahman

Appendix 13 The result of Post-Test in Control Class

The Score of The Post-Test Control Class No Nama Nilai 1 Aldian Syaputra 76 2 Aldo 76 3 Anggara Suharto 80 4 Bintang 76 5 Dito Lesmono 80 6 Eka Widia Ningsih 72 7 Firdaus 92 8 Juliansyah 76 9 Lisa Aulia Putri 92 10 M. Nurdin 76 11 M. Rifki Adryan 84 12 M. Ridwan Maulana 76 13 M. Rivo Siregar 84 14 Nayla Ayu Maharani 72 15 Putri Eleanora Aldina 76 16 Putri Rahma Fitri 72 17 Prawirya Yuda Widayan 76 18 Raditya Prayoga 80 19 Revandi Erlangga 72 20 Rifaldi Syaputra 76 21 Rini Lestari 80 22 Rio Darmawan 84 23 Sarnia Sri Anjani 76 24 Syaka Nurdiansyah 80 25 Vira Aulia 76 26 Wahyu Alfath Sidiq 76 27 Winarni 88 28 Winda Sari 92 29 Yuhandri 76 30 Yulinda 76 31 Zaki Abdurrahman 76

Appendix 14 Normality of Pre-Test and Post-Test in Experimental Class

Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Pre_experimental * Post_Experimental 30 56.6% 23 43.4% 53 100.0%

Pre_Experimental * Post_Experimental Crosstabulation



Total 72 76 80 84 88 92

Pre_Experimental 48 7 0 0 0 0 0 7

52 0 6 0 0 0 0 6

56 0 0 4 0 0 0 4

60 0 0 0 6 0 2 8

64 0 0 0 0 0 2 2

68 0 0 0 0 3 0 3

Total 7 6 4 6 3 4 30

Chi-Square Tests

Value df

Asymp. Sig. (2-


Pearson Chi-Square 131.250a 25 .000

Likelihood Ratio 96.057 25 .000

Linear-by-Linear Association 24.794 1 .000

N of Valid Cases 30

a. 36 cells (100.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected

count is .20.

Appendix 15 Normality of Post-Test Experimental Class and Post-Test in Control Class

Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

POST_EX * POST_CON 30 56.6% 23 43.4% 53 100.0%

Post_Experimental * Post_Control Crosstabulation



Total 72 76 80 84 88 92

Post_Experimental 72 1 3 1 0 1 1 7

76 1 3 1 0 0 1 6

80 0 2 1 0 0 1 4

84 1 1 1 3 0 0 6

88 1 1 1 0 0 0 3

92 0 4 0 0 0 0 4

Total 4 14 5 3 1 3 30

Chi-Square Tests

Value df

Asymp. Sig. (2-


Pearson Chi-Square 25.065a 25 .459

Likelihood Ratio 24.431 25 .495

Linear-by-Linear Association 1.195 1 .274

N of Valid Cases 30

a. 36 cells (100.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected

count is .10.

Appendix 16 Homogeneity Test

Test of Homogeneity of Variances


Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

2.580 1 59 .114



Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 43.782 1 43.782 1.077 .304

Within Groups 2397.660 59 40.638 Total 2441.443 60

Appendix 17 One-Sample Sign Test of Experimental Class



POST_EX - PRE_EX Negative Differencesa 0

Positive Differencesb 30

Tiesc 0

Total 30




Test Statisticsa



Z -5.295

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000

a. Sign Test

Appendix 18 Independent Sample T-test

Group Statistics CLASS N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

SCORE EXPERIMENTAL CLASS 30 80.53 6.947 1.268

CONTROL CLASS 31 78.84 5.768 1.036

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test

for Equality

of Variances

t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t df

Sig. (2-tailed)

Mean D


Std. Error




Interval of the


Lower Upper



Equal variances


2.580 .114 1.038 59 .304 1.695 1.633 -1.572 4.962

Equal variances not

assumed 1.035 56.357 .305 1.695 1.638 -1.586 4.975

SchoolSubjectClass/SemesterText Typeski1lTime Alocation







MA Al-ikhlas Kota JambiEnglish)VIINarrative TextReading72 x 40 Minutes (6 Meetings)


: Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.: Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalamberinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalamj angkauan pergaulan dan kebera daanny a.

: Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

: Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyajidalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)sesuaidengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalamsudut pandang/teori.


1.1 Mensyrkuri kesempatan dapatmempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagaibahasa pengantar komunikasiinternational yang diwujudkan dalamsemangat belajar

1.1.1 Mengagumi suara, dialek, dangesfure temannya sebagaikesempurnaan makhluk ciptaantuhan.

2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun danpeduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasiinterpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disipiin,percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawabdalam melaksanakan komunikasitransaksional dengan guru dan teman.

2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku tanggungjawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cintadamai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasifungsional.

2.1.1 Menunjukkan sikap sopan, dalambertutur kata baik terhadap gurumaupun teman.

2.2.1 Menunjukkan sikap percaya dirisaat melakukan percakapan BahasaInggris di depan kelas.

2.3.1 Menunjukkan sikap tanggung jawabdalam mengerjakan tugas BahasaInggris.

3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, strukturteks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teksnaruif lisan dan tulis dengan memberidan meminta informasi terkait legenda

3.8.1 Menentukan gambaran umum teksterlulis berbentuk naratif.

3.8.2 Menentukan informasi rinci tersuratteks tertulis berbentuk naratif.

Page | 1

rakyat, sederhana, sesuai dengan kontekspenggunaannya.

3.8.3 Menentukan informasi tertentu teksteftulis berbentuk naratif.

3.8.4 Menentukan makna kata tekstertulis berbentuk nai atif.

4.8 Menangkap makna secara kontekstualterkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, danunsur kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan dantulis sederhana terkait legenda rakyat.

4.8.1 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulispendek dan sederhana terkaitlegenda rakyat denganmemperhatikan fungsi sosial,struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaanyang benar sesuai dengan konteksDengzunaannva.


Setelah mempelajari materi teks naratif, siswa diharapkan mampu:

l. Menjelaskan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teksnaratif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang legenda rakyat sesuai kontekspenggunaannya.

2. Menjelaskan isi cerita legenda rakyat lisan dan tulis dengan memperhatikan tujuankomunikasi, strukfur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai kontekspenggunaannya.

3. Menceritakan legenda rakyat secara iisan dan tertulis dengan memperhatikantujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai kontekspenggunaannya


1. Narative text : text that tells a story which raises the problematic experience inthe past.

2. Purpose of nanative text : to enterlain the reader about the story.3. Generic Structure of narrative text4. Language features:

a. Using the simple past tenseb. Using adver'b of time (Once upon a time, one day, etc)c. Using time conjunction (when, then, suddenly, etc)d. Using action verte. Direct speech

E. METODE PEMBELAJARANCooperative Learning : Jambinese Folktales


1. Media/Alat : \Mhite Board, LCD, Laptop

2. Sumber : - Internet Sources

- Buku Bahasa Inggris

- English Dictionary

Page | 2


Pertemuan ke-1

Activity Experimental Class Time


o Guru mengucapkan salam dan siswa merespono Berdoa bersama sebelum pembelajaran dimulaio Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswao Guru menielaskan tuiuan pembelaiaran




. Guru membagi siswa menjadi lima kelompok yangmasing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 6 orang.

o Guru membagikan narrative text kepada tiap-tiapkelompok dengan cara masing-masing perwakilankelompok maju ke depan untuk mengambil gulungankertas yang sudah dituliskan judul JambineseFolktales yang berbeda.

. Guru meminta siswa untuk membaca teks secaraberkelompok dan menerj emahkannya.

o Guru meminta- siswa menggaris-bawahi kosa katayang sulit dan menemukan artinya di kamus.

o Guru meminta tiap kelompok untuk mengidentifikasinarrative text vanq mereka daoatkan.



o Siswa diminta membuat presentasi dari hasil yangdidapatkan dari diskusi kelompok dan mempersiapkandiri untuk tampil ke depan kelas pada pefiemuanselanjutnya.

o Menutup pelaiaran dengan berdoa bersama.



Pertemuan ke-2

Activity Experimental Class Time


. Guru mengucapkan salam dan siswa merespono Berdoa bersama sebelum pembelajaran dimulaio Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswao Guru merrielaskan fuiuan pembelaiaran




Guru meminta siswa duduk sesuai dengan kelompokyang telah dibagikan.Guru meminta kelompok yang pertama untuk maju kedepan kelas yang mempersiapkan presentasinya danmeminta kelompok lain untuk mengeluarkan teksnaratif kelompok pertama yang dibagikan seharisebelumnya.

Kelompok pertama membagikan hasil diskusi merekakepada kelompok yang 1ain.

Kelompok pertama menyajikan hasil diskusi mereka.

Kelompok lain memberikan pertanyaan, komentar,dan saran untuk kelompok pertama berdasarkanpresentasi dan hasil diskusi mereka.Kelompok pertama menyimpulkan hasil diskusimereka serta menambahkan saran dan masukan dari


Page | 3

kelompok lain.


. Guru memberikan pertanyaan untuk mengetahuiapakah siswa sudah memahami topik.

o Guru memberikan masukan dan saran terhadappenampilan kelompok pertama.

o Guru dan siswa membuat kesimpulan pembelajaranpada pertemuan ini.

o Menutup pelaiaran dengan berdoa bersama.



Pertemuan ke-3

Activitv Experimental Class Time


. Guru mengucapkan salam dan siswa merespon

. Berdoa bersama sebelum pembelajaran dimulaio Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswao Guru menielaskan tuiuan oembelaiaran




Guru meminta siswa duduk sesuai dengan keiompokyang telah dibagikan.Guru meminta kelompok yang kedua untuk maju kedepan kelas yang mempersiapkan presentasinya danmeminta kelompok lain untuk mengeluarkan teksnaratif kelompok pertama yang dibagikan seharisebelumnya.

Kelompok kedua membagikan hasil diskusi merekakepada kelompok yang lain.Kelompok kedua menyajikan hasil diskusi mereka.Kelompok lain memberikan pefianyaan, komentar,dan saran untuk kelompok kedua berdasarkanpresentasi dan hasil diskusi mereka.Kelompok kedua menyimpulkan hasil diskusi merekasefia menambahkan saran dan masukan dari kelompoklain.



. Guru memberikan perlanyaan untuk mengetahuiapakah siswa sudah memahami topik.

. Guru memberikan masukan dan saran terhadappenampilan kelompok kedua.

. Guru dan siswa membuat kesimpulan pembelajaranpada pertemuan ini.

o Menutup pelaiaran densan berdoa bersama.



Pertemuan ke-4

Activitv Experimental Class Time


. Guru mengucapkan salam dan siswa merespono Berdoa bersama sebeium pembelajaran dimulai. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswao Guru menielaskan tuiuan pembelaiaran


Intio Guru meminta siswa duduk sesuai dengan kelompok

yang telah dibaeikan.70


Page | 4

o Guru meminta kelompok yang ketiga untuk maju kedepan kelas yang mempersiapkan presentasinya danmeminta kelompok lain untuk mengeluarkan teksnaratif kelompok ketiga yang dibagikan seharisebelumnya.

o Kelompok ketiga membagikan hasil diskusi merekakepada kelompok yang lain.

o Kelompok ketiga menyajikan hasil diskusi mereka.o Kelompok lain memberikan perlanyaan, komentar,

dan saran untuk kelompok ketiga berdasarkanpresentasi dan hasil diskusi mereka.

o Kelompok ketiga menyimpulkan hasil diskusi merekaserta menambahkan saran dan masukan dari kelompoklain.


o Guru memberikan pertanyaan untuk mengetahuiapakah siswa sudah memahami topik.

o Guru memberikan masukan dan saran terhadappenampilan kelompok keti ga.

o Guru dan siswa membuat kesimpulan pembelajaranpada pertemuan ini.

o N{enutuo oelaiaran densan berdoa bersama.


Perlemuan ke-5

Activitr, Experimental Class Time


. Guru mengucapkan salam dan siswa merespon

. Berdoa bersama sebelum pembelajaran dimulaio Gum memeriksa kehadiran siswao Guru menielaskan tuiuan pembelaiaran




Guru meminta siswa duduk sesuai dengan kelompokyang telah dibagikan.Guru meminta kelompok yang keempat untuk maju kedepan kelas yang mempersiapkan presentasinya danmeminta kelompok lain untuk mengeluarkan teksnaratif kelompok keempat yang dibagikan seharisebelumnya.

Kelompok keempat membagikan hasil diskusi merekakepada kelompok yang lain.Kelompok keempat menyajikan hasil diskusi mereka.Kelompok lain memberikan pertanyaan, komentar,dan saran untuk kelompok keempat berdasarkanpresentasi dan hasil diskusi mereka.Kelompok keempat menyimpulkan hasil diskusimereka serta menambahkan saran dan masukan darikelompok lain.



. Guru memberikan pertanyaan untuk rnengetahuiapakah siswa sudah memahami topik.

. Guru memberikan masukan dan saran terhadapoenamoilan kelomook keemoat.



Page | 5

a Guru dan siswa membuat kesimpulan pembelajaranpada pertemuan ini.

a aiaran denMenutuo oelaiaran densan berdoa bersama.

Pertemuan ke-6

Activity Experimental Class Time


o Guru mengucapkan salam dan siswa merespono Berdoa bersama sebelum pembelajaran dimulaio Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswao Guru menielaskan tuiuan pembelaiaran



Guru meminta siswa duduk sesuai dengan kelompokyang telah dibagikan.Guru meminta kelompok yang kelima untuk maju kedepan kelas yang mempersiapkan presentasinya danmeminta kelompok lain untuk mengeluarkan teksnaratif kelompok kelima yang dibagikan seharisebelumnya.

Kelompok kelima membagikan hasil diskusi merekakepada kelompok yang lain.Kelompok kelima menyajikan hasil diskusi mereka.Kelompok lain memberikan pertanyaan, komentar,dan saran untuk kelompok keiima berdasarkanpresentasi dan hasil diskusi mereka.Kelompok kelima menyimpulkan hasil diskusi merekaserta menambahkan saran dan masukan dari kelompoklain.



o Guru memberikan pertanyaan untuk mengetahuiapakah siswa sudah memahami topik.

o Guru memberikan masukan dan saran terhadappenampilan kelompok kelima.

. Guru dan siswa membuat kesimpulan pembelajaranpada pertemuan ini.

o Menufup pelaiaran dengan berdoa bersama.



H. PENILAIANt. Teknik penilaian

. Sikap : Observasi

. Keterampilan : Praktik dan Project

Page | 6

z. Rubrik Penilaian dan

a. Rubrik Penilaian

Pedoman Penskoran

Keterampilan (Praktik/Kinerj a/Proj ect)


. t.l




Skor.!kor .,,::.



;ecara lisan,ancar mencapai fungsi sosial, struktur

engkap dan unsur kebahasaan sesuai(8e - 100)

ancar dan kosa kata dan kalimat;rkembang, selta ada transisi


esekali melihat teks, kosa kata terbatas tapi(61-7 s)

embaca script, kosa kata terbatas, dan tidak(0-60)


Menulis Teks Fungsi sosial tercapai, struktur dan unsur

<ebahasaan tepat(8e - 100)

Fungsi sosial tercapai, struktur tepat dan

:nsur kebahasaan kurang tepat(76-88)

ungsi sosial tercapai, struktur dan unsur

ebahasaan kurang tepat(6r-75)

3ungsi sosial, Penggunaan kata, kalimat, dan

;truktur tidak sesuai(0-60)


Guru Mata Pelajaran

NIP. 1 96702112001 012005

Jambi, 26 Februai 2019

Mahasiswa PPL


Alyssa Ayuningtyas97008 1 02000t2t002

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SchoolSubjectClass/SemesterText TypeskillTime Alocation







MA Al-Ikhlas Kota JambiEnglishxlIINarrative TextReading2 x 40 Minutes (1 Meetings)

: Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.: Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalamberinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalamj angkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

: Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

: Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyajidalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,mengurai, merangkai, memodihkasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)sesuaidengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalamsudut pandang/teori.


KOMPETENSI DASAR INDIKATOR1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapatmempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagaibahasa pengantar komunikasiinternational yang diwujudkan dalamsemangat belajar

1.1.1 Mengagumi suara, dialek, dangesture temannya sebagaikesempurnaan makhluk ciptaantuhan.

2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun danpeduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasiinterpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin,percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawabdalam melaksanakan komunikasitransaksional dengan guru dan teman.

2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku tanggungjawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cintadamai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasifungsional.

2.1.1 Menunjukkan sikap sopan, dalambertutur kata baik terhadap gurumaupun teman.

2.2.1 Menunjukkan sikap percaya dirisaat melakukan percakapan BahasaInggris di depan kelas.

2.3.1 Menunjukkan sikap tanggung jawabdalam mengerjakan tugas BahasaInggris.

3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, strukturteks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teksnaratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi

3.8.i Menentukan gambaran umum tekstertulis b erbentuk naratif.

3.8.2 Menentukan informasi rinci tersuratteks tertulis berbentuk naratif.

dan meminta informasi terkait legendarakyat, sederhana, sesuai dengan kontekspenggunaannya.

3.8.3 Menentukan informasi tertentu teksterlulis berb entuk naratif.

3.8.4 Menentukan makna kata tekstertulis berb entuk naratif.

4.8 Menangkap makna secara kontekstualterkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, danunsur kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan dantulis sederhana terkait legenda rakyat.

4.8.1 Menyrsun teks lisan dan tulispendek dan sederhana terkaitlegenda rakyat denganmemperhatikan fungsi sosial,struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaanyang benar sesuai dengan konteksDenssunaannva.


Setelah mempelajari materi teks naratif, siswa diharapkan mampu:

1. Menjelaskan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teksnaratif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang legenda rakyat sesuai kontekspenggunaannya.

2. Menjelaskan isi cerita legenda rakyat lisan dan tulis dengan memperhatikan tujuankomunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai kontekspenggunaannya.

3. Menceritakan legenda rakyat secara lisan dan tertulis dengan memperhatikantujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai kontekspenggunaannya


1. Narrative text : text that tells a story which raises the problematic experience inthe past.

2. Purpose of narrative text : to entertain the reader about the story.3. Generic Strucfure of narrative text4. Language features:

a. Using the simple past tenseb. Using adverb of time (Once upon a time, one day, etc)c. Using time conjunction (when, then, suddenly, etc)d. Using action verbe. Direct speech

Example of the text:

Pendekar Bujang Sanaya

A long time ago there were four young brothers: 1) Pendekar Bujang Sanaya;2) Bujang Pengukir; 3) Bujang Penakuk Mato; and 4) Bujang Buruk. These fourbrothers always got along well with each other. They were very considerate ofeach other, and always ready to defend each other. They had a Queen over theirKingdom that was loved and honored by all the citizens (and she happened to betheir mother).

From the time he was very young, Pendekar Bujang Sanaya was educated inthe sciences. Because of his knowledge, he rose to take the position of his father


who had recently passed away. His three younger brothers didn't hold anyposition of great importance in the Kingdom, they were just like all the othercitizens, but they were very loyal to their Kingdom. The three brothers wouldfrequently visit their older brother in the palace to discuss topics of inrportanceand to work on plans that would help the Kingdom and their people to becomemore prosperous.

One day while the four brothers were in the palace discussing a matterconcerning a problem in their Kingdom, having to do with security and safety,Bujang Buruk said to Pendekar Bujang Sanaya, "My King, would you like toinvite our uncle to come and join in on our discussion?" Bujang Pengukir added,"It would be good that he was invited, because he is the only brother our latefather had."

The younger brother of the late King was living at that time far across theocean. At the ceremony to inaugurate Pendekar Bujang Sanaya as their new King,their uncle had come for a visit, but he hadn't been back to visit their Kingdom inRanah Keiinci Alam Sakti since that time. "Yes! I also desire to meet with ouruncle. But, now isn't the time. Let's wait a while," replied Pendekar BujangSanaya.

Si Jelita was an extremely beautiful young lady, and she also happened to bethe daughter of the newly inaugurated King's uncle. This beautif;l young ladywas advised by her mother to go and visit her older cousin, King PendekarBujang Sanaya. The reason her mother told her to go see the King was becausethe clothing that Si Jelita desired to have could not be obtained in their country.Her mother thought that maybe there was a possibility that Pendekar BujangSanaya would be able to fuIfilI her desires. "If that's what you think is best,mother. I'11 go and meet King Pendekar Bujang Sanaya," said Si Jelita to hermother.

When Si Jelita arrived at the Kingdom of her older cousin, she approachedhim using the culturally appropriate honors that is always given to kings. It wasthen that Si Jelita informed the King of the reason why she had come. PendekarBujang Sanaya responded after he heard her explanation: "You surprise me withyour request! What you have asked for is an extremely difficult thing to fulfiIl,Jelita! Do you think I'm a merchant? I'm not! I'm just an ordinary person. Doyou expect me to sell our Kingdom's ancient treasures and heirlooms so we canbuy you fine clothing, bracelets, earrings, and a necklace filled with jewels?"

Si Jelita was offended by the King's reply. She sadly bowed in submission.The tears from her eyes began to trail down her face. In her hearl she whispered:"Even if you're not willing to give rne what I ask, you don't need to be so

offensive and hurt my feelings with such a harsh response."Si Jelita pouted, but quietly she left the palace and made her way toward the

shoreline. She was hoping she would be able to find a ship that was preparing tosail on which she could immediately return to her home. To attract the attentionof passing ships, she would wave her scarf so she would be noticed and theywould then stop and bring her on board. She wanted to take any ship she could,just so she could leave. She didn't ever want to see the face of her older cousinagain.

Spread out in front of her was the sea's surface that was covered with mist andfog. The waves were rolling in, crashing down on the beach's coral. Her eyeswere transfixed toward the middle of the sea when she finally saw a ship.Following prayer, she began waving her scarf. The lookout on the ship saw the

scarf waving in the distance and they altered course towards the shoreline. Whenthey got a little closer to land they 1et down a small row boat to go and pick uptheir new passenger.

The captain of the ship was very happy to have such a pretty ioung lady (Sijelita) as a passenger. That ship was currently heading toward a port along thesame coast that was not too far from the palace of Pendekar Bujang Sanaya. TheKing himself was at that time heading there to meet that ship and to see whattypes of interesting cargo he could purchase. On his walk to the port he wasthinking to himself what a fine wife and queen Si Jelita would have been.

King Pendekar Bujang Sanaya was surprised when he got to the pier and sawSi Jelita on that ship. He asked her why she would ever want leave such a secureand prosperous kingdom such as his. With a voice that was harsh and loud, SiJelita told him why she was so upset. "Okay! Just be calm and listen to me a

second. All the things you ask of me I'11 give you. The entire Kingdom, as well as

every beautiful thing within it, and yet more, I'11 give you bracelets, earrings, andnecklaces of gold studded with all types ofjewelry."

Si Jelita decided to remain on the ship, and after they conducted their businesswith the merchants at that port they pu1led out again, heading to a distant shore.King Pendekar Bujang Sanaya considered the tragic error he had made. In hisheart he said: "Why did I respond so harshly to Si Jelita when she came to see methe first time? Where on earth would that ship have taken Si Jelita? And, whatwould her father say to me when he found out that she ran off to a distant shorebecause I was so cold and heartless?"

The King then commanded an aid to call his three brothers. After they arrivedthe King said to them, with a loud and clear voice, "Yesterday Si Jelita, ouryorlnger cousin came to the palace. She requested from me extremely fineclothing, bracelets, earrings, and necklaces studded with diamonds and all typesof jewels. I said that I didn't have the ability to give ail that she requested.Evidently she became so offended that she doesn't ever r.vant to see me again. Golook for her! Bring her to the palace. We will fulfiII all that she has requested."

The three brothers quickly went out and began their search for Si Jelita. Inevery nook and cranny of surrounding kingdoms they looked for her. Everyperson they met in their search they asked if they knew her, or if they knew whereshe was. It was evident that there wasq't a single person that had seen thatbeautiful young lady. Si jelita was no longer in the entire region. It was a

possibility that the ship she was on had retumed across the sea and that She wasgoing back to her father's home.

King Pendekar Bujang Sanaya became extremely depressed hearing the reportfrom his brothers that she could not be found. He felt as though his hearl had beenstabbed with a knife. The great sadness he experienced made him lose strength.And because of that he said to his brothers, "Take a break from your search!Tomorrow go out and look again."

That night the King tossed and turned on his bed and couldn't sleep. For abrief time he drifted off to sleep, and when he did he had a dream. In the dreamhis grandfather and grandmother, who had already been dead a long time, came tohim. He was cxtremely angry with himself because he had hurt the t-eelings of SiJelita. In his dream his grandmother said, "Si Jelita is already written about inLuh Mahfus (Lauh Mahfuzh-is a book that God maintains. In it are all theevents that will take place throughout all of history). She will become your wife.At this time she's at a palace across the sea. Both you and Si Jelita fe1l in love

with each other at the same time. Now hurry! Go find Si Jelita! Bring her back toyour palace and marry her."

Immediately the King lept from his bed and called for an aid to go and get histhree brothers. When his brothers arrived he communicated .Lo them his dream.After hearing the dream retold the three brothers said, "Okay King! We'llimmediately saii and find your wife. We will search for her in every kingdomuntil we find her. And we will find her!". "To sail, we need supplies for the trip,"said Bujang Buruk. "And we certainly need a ship that is seaworlhy. But, ourKingdom doesn't have a ship like that. What are we going to do?"

An old boat stuck in the mud on the bank of the Batang Hari River. This islocated in front of Ancol, also known as Tanggo Rajo. "There is an old ship," saidBujang Pengukir. "It's been laying along the beach for years. We can repair anduse it.". "Good idea," said Bujang Penakuk Mato. "We'll install a sail on it. We'Ilequip it with oars as well. Hopefully with a ship like that we'll get to the kingdomthat our grandmother told you about in your dream.". "Okay! We need to go toihe coast no'w," said the King. "But, we need to keep our plan a secret so thecitizens won't know what we're up to."

After the four brothers arrived at the coast they inspected the condition of theship that was half buried in mud. While mumbling to himself, King PendekarBujang Sanaya rolled a sirih leaf cigarette and then srnoked it. It seemed as

though the sea was proudly welcoming them to set sail using that ship, so thateventually it would be able to swallow them up during a storm. The ship was invery poor shape!

The four brothers were drenched in sweat as they labored to free the ship fromthe mud. Even with all their effort the ship was sti1l in its original position. Theyrealized that they didn't have the ability to free the ship from the thick slipperymud. Each one of them felt as though they had been cursed. They then left theshore and returned to their homes.

After bathing and eating, Pendekar Bujang Sanaya went to bed. Like before,he tossed and turned in his sleep. In a dream his grandmother came to him again.She said to him in a very stern tone, "You al1 appear as though you wanteverything to come to you easy and free. You ali know that you are not allowedto disturb what doesn't belong to you without first getting permission from theowner. That ship is the property of your deceased father. It appears as though youwant to rob him of his property without permission. If you actually need a ship tofind your future wife, make one yourself. If you need one, you can cut down atree from the jungle, but remember, trees that you don't need, you shouldn't cutdown. You always need to remember to preserve those trees for yourdescendants, because someday they will be in need of them."

The four brothers obeyed the guidance of their dead grandmother. Through thejungle they searched for a tree that would be big enough from which they couldmake a ship, but after several days of searching they still hadn't found one. KingPendekar Bujang Sanaya said, "Let's go horne! 'Ihere isn't a tree that will work.All the trees are just too small."

That night as Pendekar Bujang Sanaya tried to sleep, but he was very restless.He was finally able to drift off to sleep, and when he did his grandmother againcame to him in a dream and said to him, "You're not able to sleep well again areyou Sanaya? Why is it that you would rather sleep than think about your futurewife?" Pendekar Bujang Sanaya responded, "Grandma, we haven't been able tofind a tree that has a trunk large enough for us to make a ship. The trees we found

were only large enough to make a boat. We've already searched through manyjungles, grandma. There's no use in us trying again if it's impossible to find whatwe need.". "Your attempts aren't sufficient. You still haven't searched in the areaof Mount Perentak Cermin. There is a tree there that would be large enough tomake a ship," replied his grandmother.

Pendekar Bujang Sanaya asked, "What type of tree do you mean? What does itlook like?" She replied, "The top of that tree is in the clouds. The roots reach andpenetrate throughout the entire earth. If you would attempt to walk around it, itwould take you three months.". "That's impossible, grandmother," said PendekarBujang Sanaya. "There isn't a word "impossible! Now go to Mount PerentakCermin! Cut down that tree and make the ship you need and go and get Si Jelita,"said his grandmother.

After discussing his dream with his brothers, he said, "If there really is a treethat would take three months to walk around, it's not possible for us four to cut itdown. I'll command all the people in my Kingdom to work together and get it cutdown. With a joint effort we can make it happen. I'11 prepare all the tools, as wellas supplies we'll need for the job. What do you all think about this plan?" askedPendekar Bujang Sanaya. "We agree," responded Bujang Pengukir, "But, itwould be best if we went there ourselves first. We need to first confirm that therereally is a tree there as large as our grandmother told you in that dream."

The four brothers agreed with Bujang Pengukir and set off to confirm thedream. When they arrived at Mount Perentak Cermin, there it was, just as it wasdescribed by their grandmother in the dream. That giant tree was thousands ofyears old. It was the tallest, the largest around, and the one with the most leavesthat has ever been seen. "It would take the entire population of our Kingdom 4-5years to cut this tree down, and that is if they would work every single day,"blurted out Bujang Buruk. "My King," said Bujang Panakuk iVlato, "We'llattempt it, although some may say that it is impossible to be cut down, even in a10 year time period, and even if thousands of axes and picks w'ere striking itevcry second. But, if God so r,vills, it's not impossible for this tree to come downin the blink of an eye. With that, many hundreds of citizens began to work on thatgiant tree. Even so, there was little to show for all their work. Not even a smalldent was made in the task that needed to be accomplished. The edges of the axesand picks were always chipping and breaking because the wood was so hard. Thesound of steel striking steel would be heard when the axes would come intocontact with the tree!"

A delegation returned to the palace to report to the King about the situationwith the tree. "Oh, King, Please forgive the thousands of workers, because eventhough we have been working with all of our strength, there still hasn't been anynoticeable progress. Please present an offering to the spirits so they will bedelighted in us and allow that tree to be cut down."

Pendekar Bujang Sanaya contemplated the situation, and without giving a

reply to that report, he immediately went to his bedroom and went to sleep. Assoon as he closed his eyes, his thoughts began to roam, but they didn't disturb andkeep him from drifting off to sleep. Like before, in his sleep his grandmothercame to him in a dream. His grandmother listened to the explanation of hergrandson about all the citizens who were working to cut down that mammothtree. "You are wrong," his grandmother said to him. "You commanded yourpeople to go and sweat to fuIfilI your desires. But you and your three brothers sitwith your hands in your laps. Is that praiseworthy? You should, as a leader, stand

before that tree yourself. You should be swinging that ax. Your people willfollow your example. You four must do the work. Now, I'll te1l you again, youfour go and cut that tree down." After the King awoke, he told his three brothersthe dream and then they discussed the situation. Tliey all agreed that they werecertain that they were the ones that should go there and cut down that tree.

When the four arrived at Mount Perentak Cermin, fear and worry began toarise. They were shocked to see such a huge tree which had been worked on by somany people, and yet there was so little progress. They then bowed down inweakness. Bujang Penakuk Mato complained: "Dozens and dozens, no, hundredsand hundreds of people haven't had the ability to cut down this tree, what can wefour do? Let's just retum home." The King then said, "You should give it all yourenergy, Penakuk! It seems that before you've tried you're ready to admit defeatand start complaining. Let's start our work right now, and don't 1et it be said byany of our people that we are women."

The four brothers didn't take a break during their work. They continually laidinto the tree with their axes. Is seemed as though the tree had become weak andsoft when struck by the edges of their axes. In less than a half a day they began tohear sounds of things beginning to crack and splinter. "Hey! If this tree is to comedown, we need it to fall into the sea so that a huge wave will be created, whichwill reach all the way to where Si Jelita is located.". "Yes, we did it!" was the crythat rang out when the tree came down with a reverberating echo. The waves itmade in the sea were thrown all the way to the beach of distant side of the ocean.The tree was then cut up so that it could be made into the ship that would enablethem to find Si Jelita. To make that tree into boards, with which they would makethat ship, they used 700 chosen people. Those 700 worked very hard to preparethat ship so that it would safely reach the other side of the ocean.

After 40 fu1l months the ship was completed, and now the task of getting theship off land and launched into the sea was on hand. Hundreds of people r,vorkedvery hard to pull and push that ship to the beach, but they failed. They triedeverything to get it off dry land, but they couldn't.

As usual, King Pendekar Bujang Sanaya retumed home, took a bath, atesupper, and went to sleep. Again his grandmother came to him in a dream he saidto her, "Grandma, the ship is ready, but we don't have the energy to pull the shipto the sea. I'm very disappointed, grandma! What more do I have to do? Or whatmore do I have to make?". "I've already told you! You and your four brothersneed to do the work. Up until now the people have been trying to pull the boat,whereas you have only been standing around watching. You have only beencommanding this and that! It's not hard to pull the ship to the beach," sheexplained.

The four brothers were then certain that their grandmother's directions wouldwork. They themselves, without the rest of the workers, in just a short period oftime had the ship launched and floating on sea. With the ship ready to sail, thefour brothers departed for the opposite side of the sea. After a full month theyarrived at a kingdom that they were to search for Si Jelita. The four brotherssearched for her when they landed. Several people were asked if they had heardof her. One person responded, "Yes, actuaily that young lady, Si Jelita, is beingkept in seclusion, because next week there's to be a huge celebration. The capitalcity will become extremely festive and full of people, because our King willmarry her. It will be a great event that will last 7 days and 7 nights."



The four brothers had a discussion, and they developed a strategy on how theycould kidnap Si Jelita and get her back to their Kingdom. The strategy theydecided on was that the King Pendekar Bujang Sanaya would pretend that he wasa guest that wanted to present a greeting of congratulations to the bride. At thesame time, two others would sneak into the room where Si Jelita was being heldin seclusion. Before that step, those same two would act as though they were alsobringing special gifts for Si Jelita. During this time Bujang Pengukir had the dutyto guard the ship.

Their strategy and tactics were successful. The King that had hoped to marrySi Jelita that week was tricked. When they saw King Pendekar Bujang Sanaya'sship leaving the port, that King realized that he had been deceived. That Kingwished he had a ship he could use to chase them and get his would be bride back,but they didn't. With that Si Jelita was rescued from being married to that King.While on their ship, King Pendekar Bujang Sanaya said to his brothers, "Let'sdon't go straightway to our kingdom." Let's first go and visit our uncle, SiJelita's father. We will go with him to the capital city of their kingdom, and thereI'll marry Si Jelita."(Source:,/2012/07128/spir-it-euide/#more-6746)

METODE PEMBELAJARANCooperative Learning : Jambinese Folktales


1. Media/Alat

2. Sumber

: White Board, LCD, Laptop

: - Interrret Sources

- Buku Bahasa Inggris

- English Dictionary


Activitv Experimental Class Time


o Guru mengucapkan salam dan siswa merespono Berdoa bersama sebelum pembelajaran dimulai. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa. Guru menielaskan tuiuan pembelaiaran




. Guru membaca text di depan kelas.

. Guru meminta siswa secara bergantian membacanarrative text yang diberikan kepada siswa danmeminta siswa unfuk menerj em ahkannya.

. Guru meminta siswa menggaris-bawahi kosa katayang sulit dan menemukan arlinya di kamus.

. Guru meminta siswa menjawab soal yangberhubungan dengan text yang mereka baca untukmemeriksa kepemahaman siswa terhadap narrativetext yang diberikan dan membahasnya bersama.


Penutupo Guru memberikan pertanyaan untuk mengetahui

apakah siswa sudah memahami topik.10


o Siswa diminta membuat kesimpulan pembelajaranpada pertemuan ini.

o Menutuo oelaiaran densan berdoa bersama.



a. Teknik penilaianb. Bentuk penilaianc. Cara penilaian

: Test tertulis: Isian: Nilai : Jumlah BenarX2

Guru Bahasa Inggris

NIP. 1 967021 7 2007 01 200 5

Jambi, 72Fehruai2}l9


lndicatorForm of


Giving a narrativetext to the students

and they are able toanswer questionbased on thereading text given.

Isian 1. What is the main idea of the text?2- Who is Pendekar Bujang Sanaya?

3. What does Pendekar Bujang sanaya and histree brothers do to find Si Jelita?

4. Why the ship cannot launch to the beach?

5. What their strategy to kidnap si Jelita?

Alfssa Ayuningtyas008102000121002



School : MA Al-Ik'hlas Kota JambiSubject : EnglishClass/Semester : )UIIText Type : Narrative TextSkill :ReadingTime Alocation: 2 x 40 Minutes (1 Meetings)





NSI INTIMenghargai dan menghayatr ajaran agama yang dianutnya.Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalamberinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalamj angkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.Memahami pengetahuan (faktua1, konseptual, dan prosedural)berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyajidalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)sesuaidengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalamsudut pandang/teori.


KOMPETENSI DASAR INDIKATORi.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapatmempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagaibahasa pengantar komunikasiinternational yang diwujudkan dalamsemangat belajar

Mengagumi suara, dialek, dangesture temannya sebagaikesempurnaan makhluk ciptaantuhan.

2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun danpeduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasiinterpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

2.2 Menunjukkan perilaicu jujur, disiplin,percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawabdalam melaksanakan komunikasitransaksional dengan guru dan teman.

2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku tanggungjawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cintadamai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasifungsional.

2.1.1 Menunjukkan sikap sopan, dalamberfutur kata baik terhadap gurumaupun teman.

2.2.1 Menunjukkan sikap percaya dirisaat melakukan percakapan BahasaInggris di depan kelas.

2.3.1 Menunjukkan sikap tanggung jawabdalam mengerjakan tugas BahasaInggris.

3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, strukturteks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teksnaratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi

3.8.1 Menentukan gambaran umum tekstertulis berbentuk nar attf .

3.8.2 Menentukan informasi rinci tersuratteks tertulis berbentuk naratif.

dan meminta informasi terkait legendarakyat, sederhana, sesuai dengan kontekspenggunaannya.

3.8.3 Menentukan informasi tertentu tekstertulis berbentuk naratif.

3.8.4 Menentukan makna kata tekstertulis berbentuk naratif.

4.8 Menangkap makna secara kontekstualterkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, danunsur kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan dantulis sederhana terkait legenda rakyat.

4.8.1 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulispendek dan sederhana terkaitlegenda rakyat denganmemperhatikan fungsi sosial,struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaanyang benar sesuai dengan konteksDenggunaannva.


Setelah mempelajari materi teks naratif siswa diharapkan mampu:

1. Menjelaskan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teksnaratif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang legenda rakyat sesuai kontekspenggunaannya.

2. Menjelaskan isi cerita legenda rakyat lisan dan tulis dengan memperhatikan tujuankomunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai kontekspenggunaannya.

3. Menceritakan legenda rakyat secara lisan dan tertulis dengan memperhatikantujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai kontekspenggunaannya


1. Narrative text : text that tells a story which raises the problematic experience inthe past.

2. Purpose of narrative text : to entertain the reader about the story.3. Generic Structure of narrative text4, Language features:

a. Using the simple past tenseb. Using adverb of time (Once upon a time, one day, etc)c. Using time conjunction (when, then, suddenly, etc)d. Using action verbe. Direct speechExample of the text:

The Origin of the Name of the Batanghari River

A long, long time ago, when the population of the Jambi w-as beginning toincrease, it was evident that they were in need of king that could unite all of thevillages and regions and enable them to become one united kingdom. In theireffort to find a fitting king, they conducted a competition that would weed outthose who didn't have the qualification to ru1e. The testing process was extreme,because to become a candidate, you had to have the ability to:

1. Endure a roaring fire.2. Endure immersion in the river for three days and three nights.

3. Survive being shot out of a cannon like a cannon ball.4. Withstand being ground in an iron mill.The people living in Jambi didn't have the ability to withstand the testing that

was required, so the wise leaders from the villages of Tujuh i(oto, SembilanKoto, and Batin Duo Belas, agreed to look outside their region for potentialcandidates to become their king. The people of Jambi assembled delegates totravel to distant countries in their search for a qualified individual. It was veryhard for this delegation to travel, because they at times had to walk considerabledistances on footpaths, then at times breakthrough very dense jungle vegetation.They also had to travel far on the rivers, all the while facing robbers and wildanimals. Finally the delegates arrived at a very distant country, namely thesouthern part of the country of India, a people who's skin was very dark. Aftertheir arrival in India they began traversing that country in their search for a

candidate to become their king.Fortunately for them they didn't lose hope, because they did finally meet a

man who expressed his abilities to fulfiII Jambi's testing requirements, and thenbecome their king (all of which were mentioned above). It was the deiegation'shope and expectation that this man would be able to rule their country withwisdom, and turn the Jambi Kingdom into a safe and prosperous place for themall to live. Being overjoyed at finding a high quality candidate, they boarded theirship and cornmenced their traveis back to Jambi. The joumey was long, as theyhad a very wide ocean to cross, and it took a very long time. Sometimes therewere great fears, as the travelers experience typhoons, high and very rough seas,heavy rains, mixed with lightening. Fortunately there were days when things r.vere

bright and clear, and the sailing was enjoyable, being brought along by favorablewinds and a clear bright moon to give them iight during the nights.

During the journey back to Jambi the delegates were unrelenting in askingtheir potential king many questions. As they discussed many things with him, hiswisdom and knowledge of many aspects of life emerged. He had a tremendousamount of knowledge of the stars. Due to this Indian's knowledge, the delegateswanted to continue to test him with many questions, but they were a littlehesitant, because they were concerned that they may ask him a question thatwould offend him, and then he might lose his interest in becoming their king. Asthey continued their journey there was a continual change in the weather, fromrough seas, blasting winds, striking heat from the sun, to beautiful and pleasantdays. This was the way the joumey progressed, with the weather successivelychanging. Due to their need for fresh water and supplies, they stopped in thecountry of Aceh, rested, and took on much needed supplies. They also stoppedand rested in the country of Malaysia. The journey was becoming increasinglylong as they continued their journeyback to Jambi.

One day as their ship was approaching Jambi, they entered the mouth of ahuge river. The travelers had departed from that river on their journey to India.Although this particular river very large and well known, and that they hadalready sailed it and had drank of its water, they had not yet learned the river'sname. Seeing this as an opporlunity to test their would be king, they discussedamong themselves if this man, who knew the answers to so many of their otherquestions, would know the name of this river. They hesitated asking him becausethey thought it would be impolite to do so, seeing that he had never been to thislocation before. At the time they were entering the mouth of this river the



darkness of night was beginning to fall ("petang" is this time of day). The Jambidelegates agreed together to ask this Indian man if he knew the name of this river.

"My lord, we have a question we would like to present to you," said a delegatefrom Batin Duo Belas. "Ask whateyer question you wouid like," rcphed theIndian. "This huge river that we've just entered, whqt in the world could its namebe," asked the man from Batin Duo Belas. "Haa... This river is namedKepetangan Hari," said the Indian.

The candidate responded very fast, even though he never had any knowledgeof that river. A11 of the delegates were very happy when they heard his quickresponse, which was without hesitation. They all became strengthened andincreasingly energetic as they continued rowing their ship up the river toward thevillage of Mukomuko.

When they arrived at Mukomuko they quickly spread the news about thisIndian man that they had met. They also told everyrbody that the name of the hugeriver was Kepetangan Hari. After a number of years the name of the rivergradually transformed and became Petang Hari River, and then finally, its namebecame B atanghari River.(Source: 2/05/22lbatang-hari-rivers-name/)

METODE PEMBELAJARANCooperative Learning : Jambinese Folktales


1. Media/Alat

2. Sumber

: White Board, LCD, Laptop

: - Intemet Sources

- Buku Bahasa Inggris

- English Dictionary


Activity Experimental Class Time


o Guru mengucapkan salam dan siswa merespono Berdoa bersama sebelum pembelajaran dimulaio Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa. Guru ment'elaskan tuiuan pembelaiaran




. Guru memberikan penjelasan tentang mediapembelajaran yang akan digunakan selama riset.

o Guru memberikan dan menjelaskan materi tentangnarrative text.

. Guru mengidentifikasikan ciri-ciri dan unsurkebahasaan narrative text.

. Guru meminta siswa untuk membaca teks di dalamhati, setelahnya guru membaca text itu di depan kelasdan mengidentifi kasikannya.

. Guru meminta siswa secara bergantian membacanarrative text yang diberikan kepada siswa danmeminta siswa untuk menerj emahkannya.

. Guru meminta siswa menggaris-bawahi kosa kata


yang sulit dan menemukanartinya di kamus.o Guru merninta siswa menjawab soal yafiE

berhubungan dengan text yang mereka baca untukmemeriksa kepemahaman siswa terliadap narrativetext yang diberikan dan membahasnya bersama.


r Guru memberikan pertanyaan untuk mengetahuiapakah siswa sudah memahami topik.

o Siswa diminta membuat kesimpulan pembelajaranpada pertemuan ini.

o Menutup pelaiaran dengan berdoa bersama.



1. Instrument

2. Penilaian

a. Teknik penilaianb. Bentuk penilaianc. Cara penilaian

: test tertulis: isian: Nilai : Jumlah BenarX2

Guru Bahasa lnggris

Jambi, 11 Februari 2019


WAlyssa Ayuningl

IndicatorForm of


Giving a narrative text to thestudents and they are able toanswer question based on thereading text given.

Isian 1. What is the main idea of the text?2. What ability that someone must

have if they want to become thecandidate to be the king?

3. Mention the name of thecountries that the delegates


4. Where they found the man whofullfi I the requirements?

5. how can the man become theking of Jambi?

700810200u21a02 NrP. 1 9670211 2007 At2005yas



SchoolSubjectClass/SemesterText Typeski11

Time Alocation

MA Al-Ikhlas Kota JambiEnglish)(/IINarrative TextReading2 x 40 Minutes (1 Meetings)

A. KOMPETENSI INTIKI 1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.KI2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,

peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalambennteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalamjangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

KI3 : Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

KI4 : Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyajidalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak(menulis, membaca, menghifung, menggambar, dan mengarang)sesuaidengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalamsudut pandang/teori.


KOMPETENSI DASAR INDIKATOR1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapatmempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagaibahasa pengantar komunikasiintemational yang diwujudkan dalamsemangat belajar

Mengagumi suara, dialek, dangesture temannya sebagaikesempumaan makhluk ciptaantuhan.

2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun danpeduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasiinterpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, Cisiplin,percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawabdalam melaksanakan komunikasitransaksional dengan guru dan teman.

2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku tanggungjawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cintadamai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasifungsional.

2.1.1 Menunjukkan sikap sopan; dalambertutur kata baik terhadap gurumaupull teman.

2.2.1 Menunjukkan sikap percaya dirisaat melakukan percakapan BahasaInggris di depan kelas.

2.3.1 Menunjukkan sikap tanggung jawabdalam mengeq'akan tugas BahasaInggris.

3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, strukturteks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks

3.8.1 Menentukan gambaran umum tekstertulis berbentuk narati f.

naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberidan meminta informasi terkait legendarukyat, sederhana, sesuai dengan kontekspenggunaannya.

3.8.2 Menentukan informasi rinci tersuratteks tertulis berbentuk naratif.

3.8.3 Menentukan informasi tertentu tekstertulis berbentuk nai atif.

3.8.4 Menentukan makna kata tekstertulis berbentuk narati f.

4.8 Menangkap makna secara kontekstualterkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, danunsur kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan dantulis sederhana terkait legenda rakyat.

4.8.1 Menyusun teks lisan dan tuhspendek dan sederhana terkaitlegenda rakyat denganmemperhatikan fungsi sosial,struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaanyang benar sesuai dengan konteksDenggunaannva.


Setelah mempelajari materi teks naratif siswa diharapkan mampul

1. Menjelaskan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teksnaratif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang legenda rakyat sesuai kontekspenggunaannya.

2. Menjelaskan isi cerita legenda rakyat lisan dan tulis dengan memperhatikan tujuankomunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai kontekspenggunaannya.

3. Menceritakan legenda rakyat secara lisan dan tertulis Cengan memperhatikantujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai kontekspenggunaannya


1. Narrative text : text that tells a story which raises the problematic experience inthe past.

2. Purpose of narrative text : to entertain the reader about the story.3. Generic Structure of narrative text4. Language features:

a. Using the simple past tenseb. Using adverb of time (Once upon a time, one day, etc)c. Using time conjunction (when, then, suddenly, etc)d. Using action verte. Direct speech

E. METODE PEMBELAJARANo Metode Scientifico Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Learning

F. MEDIA DAN SUMBER BELAJARo Media/Alat : White Boardo Sumber : - Buku When English Rings A Bell


Activit Experirnental Class Time


o Guru mengucapkan salam dan siswa merespono Berdoa bersama sebelum pembelajaran dimulai. Gunr memeriksa kehadiran siswao Guru menielaskan tuiuan pembelajaran



Exploration. Guru memberikan dan menjelaskan materi tentang

narrative text.. Guru mengidentifikasikan ciri-ciri dan unsur

keb ahasaan narrative text.o Gum menuliskan kosa kata yang sulit.

Elaborationo Siswa befianya tentang narative text.. Siswa membuat narrative text sederhana.

Confirmationo Memberikan konfirmasi terhadap hasil explorasi dan




r Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana mereka pahamtentang text tersebut, guru memberikan pertanyaaankepada murid.

o Menutup pelaiaran dengan berdoa bersama.




1. Instrument

IndicatorForm of

instrument Question

Giving a narrativetext to the studentsand they are able toanswer questionbased on the readingtext given.


Read the following and answer the question.

Once upon a time there was a poor widowwho had an only son named Jack. They wereso poor that they didn't have anything except

a cow. When the cow had grown too,old, hismother sent Jack to the market to sell it. Onthe way to the market, Jack met a butcherwho had some beautiful beans in his hand.

The butcher told the boy that the beans wereof great value and persuaded the si1ly 1ad tosell the cow for the beans.

Jack brought them, happily. When he toldhis mother about this, his mother became so

angry that she threw the beans out of the

window. When Jack woke up in themorning, he felt the sun shining into a pan ofhis room, but all the rest was quite dark and

shady. So he iumped to the window. What

did he see? The beanstalk grew up quite

close past Jack's window. He opened thewindow and jumped to the beanstalk whichran up just like a big ladder

He climbed and climbed till at last he

reached the sky. While looking around, hesaw a very huge castle. He was veryarnazed- Then Jack walked along the path

leading to the castle. There was a big tailwoman on the doorstep. Jack greeted herand asked for the giantess mercy to give himbreakfast, because he fsll very hungry.Although the giantess grumbled at first,finally she gave Jack a hunk of bread and

cheese and a jug of milk.

Jack hadn't finished when the whole house

began to tremble with the noise of someone'scoming. "Oh! It's my husband!" cried thegiantess. "What on earth shall I do?" Hastilythe giantess opened a verybig cupboard and

hid Jack there.

1. what is the story aboutA. jack and a butcherB. jack and the giantess

C. a poor widow and his son

D. Jack and the bean stalkE. The giantess and her husband

2- "Oh ! It's my husband !" cried thegiantess" (paragraph 7). From thesentence we know that the grantess is -..-.her husband

A. afraid ofB. angry withC. fed up withD. annoyed withE. displeased with

3. Jack's mother looked very furious whenjack told that...A. the beans were precious

B. the butcher bought his cowC. he traded his cow for the beans

D. he had sold his cow to a butcherE. he met a butcher an the way to the


4. What do learn from the text ?

A. Jack's mother was a furious motherB. Poverty makes people hopeless

C. The giantess pity on jackD. Jack was innocent boyE. Sincerity makes jack get something


a. Teknik penilaianb. Bentuk penilaianc. Cara penilaian

: test tertulis: Pilihan Ganda: Nilai : Jumlah Benar X2.5

Guru Bahasa Inggris

Jambi, 26 Februai 2019


Alyssa AyuningtyasNrP. 1 9670217 2407 01200s102000121042



SchoolSubjectClass/SemesterText TypeskillTime Alocation





MA Al-Ikhlas Kota JambiEnglishxlilNarrative TextReading2 x 40 Minutes (1 Meetings)

Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agarna yang dianutnya.Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalamberinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalamj angkauan pergaulan dan kebera daannya.Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyajidalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)sesuaidengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalamsudut pandang/teori.


KOMPETENSI DASAR iNDIKATOR1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapatmempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagaibahasa pengantar komunikasiinternational yang diwujudkan dalamsemangat belajar

Mengagumi suara, dialek, dangesture temannya sebagaikesempumaan makhluk ciptaantuhan.

2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun danpeduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasiinterpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin,percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawabdalam melaksanakan komunikasitransaksional dengan guru dan teman.

2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku tanggungjawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cintadamai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasifungsional.

2.1.1 Menunjukkan sikap sopan; dalambertutur kata baik terhadap gurumaupun teman.

2.2.1 Menunjukkan sikap percaya dirisaat melakukan percakapan BahasaInggris di depan kelas.

2.3.1 Menunjukkan sikap tanggung jawabdalam mengerjakan tugas BahasaInggris.

3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, strukturteks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks

3.8.1 Menentukan gambaran umum tekstertulis bertentuk naratif.

naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberidan meminta informasi terkait legendarakyat, sederhana, sesuai dengan kontekspenggunaannya.

3.8.2 Menentukan informasi rinci tersuratteks tertulis berbentuk naratif.

3.8.3 Menentukan informasi tertentu tekstertulis berbent.rk naratif.

3.8.4 Menentukan makna kata teksterlulis berbentuk naratif.

4.8 Menangkap makna secara kontekstualterkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, danunsur kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan dantulis sederhana terkait legenda rakyat.

4.8.1 Menyrsun teks lisan dan tulispendek dan sederhana terkaitlegenda rakyat denganmemperhatikan fungsi sosial,strukfur teks, dan unsur kebahasaanyang benar sesuai dengan kontekspengzunaannYa.


Setelah mempelajari materi teks naratif, siswa diharapkan mampu:

1. Menjelaskan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teksnaratif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang legenda rakyat sesuai kontekspenggunaannya.

2. Menjelaskan isi cerita legenda rakyat iisan dan tulis dengan memperhatikan tujuankomunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai kontekspenggunaannya.

3. Menceritakan legenda rakyat secara lisan dan terlulis dengan memperhatikantujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai kontekspenggunaannya


1. Narrative text : text that tells a story r.vhich raises the problematic experience inthe past.

2. Purpose of narrative text : to entertain the reader about the story.3. Generic Structure of narative text4, Language features:

a. Using the simple past tenseb. Using adverb of time (Once upon a time, one day, etc)c. Using time conjunction (when, then, suddenly, etc)d. Using action verbe. Direct speech

E. METODE PEMBELAJARAN. Metode Scientific. Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Leaming

F. MEDIA DAN SUMBER BELAJARo Media/Alat : White Board. Sumber : - Buku When English Rings A Bell


Activi Exoerimental Class Time


. Guru mengucapkan salam dan siswa merespono Berdoa bersama sebelum pembelajaran dimulai. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa. Guru menielaskan tuiuan pembelaiaran




Explorationo Guru memberikan dan menjelaskan materi tentang

narative text.. Guru mengidentifikasikan ciri-ciri dan unsur

kebahasaan narrative text.o Guru menuliskan kosa kata yang sulit.

Elaborationo Siswa bertanya tentang narrative text.o Siswa membuat narrative text sederhana.

Confirmationo Memberikan konfirmasi terhadap hasil explorasi dan




o Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana mereka pahamtentang text tersebut, guru memberikan pertanyaaankepada murid.

o Menutup pelaiaran dengan berdoa bersama.




1. Instrument

IndicatorForm of

instrument Question

Giving a narrativetext to the studentsand they are able toanswer questionbased on the readingtext given.


Read the following and answer the question.

Once upon a time there was a prince he

wanted to get himself a princess, but she hadto be real princess. So he traveled all overthe world to find one, but in every case

something was the matter. There were lotsof princess, but he could never quite makeout whether they were real or not. So he

came home feeling very unhappy, for reallywanted to find a true princess.

One evening a terrible storm came;

lightening flashed, thunder rolled, and therain poured down in torents-it was simplyawfu1 ! suddenly there was a knock at thectty gate, and the old king went out to answerit.

There was a princess standins outside. but

what a sight the rain and the bad weather hadmade of her ! The water streamed down herhair and her clothes, and yet she said she was

a real princess.

"It won't take long to find that out," thoughtthe old Queen. Without saying anything, she

went into bed chamber, took off all the

bedclothes, and places one pea on the bottomboards of the bed. Then she took twentymattresses and put them on top of the pea,

and after that she put twenty feather-pillowson top of the mattresses. That was where theprincess was to spend the night.

In the morning they asked her how she hadslept.

"Oh, dreadfully! said the princess. "I hardlyslept a wink all night. Whatever could havebeen in the bed ? I was lying on somethingso hard that I'm black and blue all over."

So of course they could see that she was areal princess, since she had felt the pea

through twenty mattresses and twentyfeather-pillows. No one but a real princesscould have such a tender skin as that. So theprince took her for his wife, and they livedhappily ever after.

l. What kind of the text is it?A. ReportB. RecountC. NarrativeD. DescriptiveE. news item

2. The generic structure of the text is....A. Orientation Complication

Resolution - Re-OrientationB. Orientation - Events - ReorientationC. General Classification - DescriptionD. Identification - DescriptionE. Newsworthy Events - Background

Events - Sources

3. What is the purpose of the text ?A. to inform about princess and the pea

B. to describe the storv of the orincess


and the pea

C. to give information that the princelooked for the real princess

D. to amuse the reader with the story ofthe princess and the pea

E. to describe how the princess couldfeel the pea on the bottom boards ofthe bed

What is the dominant structure used in thetext ?

A. the simple present tanse

B. the simple past tense

C. the present continuous tense

D. passive voiceE. imperativeNo one but a real princess could havesuch a tender skin as that. TheSYNONYM of 'tender'is ...A. HardB. LishtC. WeakD. StrongE. Soft


2. Penilaian

a. Teknik penilaianb. Bentuk penilaianc. Cara penilaian

: test tertulis: Pilihan Ganda: Nilai : Jumlah Benar X 2

Jambi, 25 Februari 2019

PenelitiGuru Bahasa Inggris

A'#artatiffiaNIP. 1 9670217 2007 At2A0 5

A16u Ayuningtyasr02040,21402



SchoolSubjectClass/SemesterText TypeskillTime Alocation





MA Al-Ikhlas Kota JambiEnglishxlrNarrative TextReading2 x 40 Minutes (1 Meetings)

Menghargai dan menghayatt ajaran agama yang dianutnya.Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalamberinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalamj angkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyajidalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak(menu1is, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)sesuaidengan yang dipelajari di sekclah dan sumber lain yang sama dalamsudut pandang/teori.



1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapatmempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagaibahasa pengantar komunikasiinternational yang diwujudkan dalamsemangat belajar

Mengagumi suara, dialek, dangesture temannya sebagaikesempumaan makhluk ciptaantuhan.

2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun danpeduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasiinterpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin,percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawabdalam melaksanakan komunikasitransaksional dengan guru dan teman.

2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku tanggungjawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cintadamai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasifungsional.

2.1.1 Menunjukkan sikap sopan; dalambertutur kata baik terhadap gurumaupun teman.

2.2.1 Menunjukkan sikap percaya dirisaat melakukan percakapan BahasaInggris di depan kelas.

2.3.1 Menunjukkan sikap tanggung jawabdalam mengerjakan tugas BahasaInggris.

3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, strukturteks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks

3.8.1 Menentukan gambaran umum teksterlulis berbentuk naratif.

naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberidan meminta informasi terkait legendarakyat, sederhana, sesuai dengan kontekspenggunaannya.

3.8.2 Menentukan informasi rinci tersuratteks tertulis berbentuk naratif-.

3.8.3 Menentukan informasi terlentu tekstertulis berbentuk naratif.

3.8.4 Menentukan makna kala teksterlulis berbentuk naratif.

4.8 Menangkap makna secara kontekstualterkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, danunsur kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan dantulis sederhana terkait legenda rakyat.

4.8.1 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulispendek dan sederhana terkaitlegenda rakyal denganmemperhatikan fungsi sosial,struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaanyang benar sesuai dengan konteksDengzunaannYa.


Setelah mempelajari materi teks naratif, siswa diharapkan mampu:

1. Menjelaskan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teksnaratif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang legenda rakyat sesuai kontekspenggunaannya.

2. Menjelaskan isi cerita legenda rakyat lisan dan tulis dengan memperhatikan tujuankomunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai kontekspenggunaannya.

3. Menceritakan legenda rakyat secara lisan Can tertulis dengan memperhatikantujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai kontekspenggunaannya


1. Narrative text : text that tells a story which raises the problematic experience inthe past.

2. Purpose of narative text : to entertain the reader about the story.3. Generic Structure of narative text4. Language features:

a. Using the simple past tenseb. Using adverb of time (Once upon a time, one day, etc)c. Using time conjunction (when, then, suddenly, etc)d. Using action verbe. Direct speech

E. METODE PEMBELAJARANo Metode Scientific. Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Learning

I.-. MEDIA DAN SUMBER BELAJARo Media/Alat : White Board. Sumber : - Buku When English Rings A Bell


Activit Exoerimental Class Time


o Guru mengucapkan salam dan siswa merespono Berdoa bersama sebelum pembelajaran dimulai. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa. Guru menielaskan tuiuan oembelaiaran




Exploration. Guru memberikan dan menjelaskan materi tentang

narative text.o Gur-u mengidentifikasikan ciri-ciri dan unsur

kebahasaan narative text.. Guru menuliskan kosa kata yang sulit.

Elaboration. Siswa bertanya tentang narrative text.. Siswa membuat narrative text sederhana.

Confirmationo Memberikan konfirmasi terhadap hasil explorasi dan




r Untuk mengetahui sejauh rlana mereka pahamtentang text tersebut, guru memberikan pertanyaaankepada murid.

o Menutup pelaiaran dengan berdoa bersama.




1. Instrument

IndicatorForm of

instrument Question

Giving a narativetext to the studentsand they are able toanswer questionbased on the readinotext given.


Read the follow,ing and answer the question.

In the Kingdom of Medang Kamulan, inJava, came a young when man, by the name

of Aji Saka to fight Dewatacengkar, the r:ruel

King of The Country who had a habit to eat

human flesh of his own people. Aji Saka

himself he came from Bumi Majeti.

One day he told his two servants, by thename of Dara and Sembodo, that he was

going to java. He told them that while he

was away, both of them have to guards hisHeirloom / Pusoko. No one except Aji Saka

himself not a allowed to take the Pusoko. Inthe big battle, Aji Saka could successfullypush Dewata Cengkar to fall to the South

Sea. Dewata Cengkar did not die, he became

a Bajul Putih (White Crocodile). Aji Saka

became a ruler of Medanekamulan.

Meanwhile a woman of the village ofDadapan, found an egg. She put the egg inher L',imbung (Rice Barn). After a certainperiod the egg vanished, instead a snake

found in the rice barn. The villagers wouldlike to kill the snake, but the snake said :

"I'm the son Aji Saka, bring me to him".

Aji Saka told the snake, that he would berecognized as his son, if the could kll theBajul Putih in the South Sea. After a longstormybattle which both sides demonstratingphysical strength and showing skillfullability of fighting, the snake could kill BajulPutih.

As had been promised the snake wasrecognized as Aji Saka's son and he wasgiven a name Jaka Linglung (a stupid boy).

In the palace Jaka Linglung greedily ate

domestic pets of the palace. He waspunished by the Krg, expelling him to livein the Jungle of Pesanga. he was tightlyroped until he could not move his head. Hewas instructed only to eat things which fal1 tohis mouth.

One day, a group of 9 (nine) village boyswere playing around in that Jungle.

Suddenly it was raining heavily. They had tofind a shelter, luckily there was a cave. Only8 (eigh| boys went inside the cave, the otherone who was suffering from very b,ad skindisease, sting and dirty, he had to stay out ofthe cave. All of a sudden, the cave was

falling apart. The 8 (eieh| boys vanished,only the one who stayed outside was sat-e.

The cave in fact was the mouth of Jaka


1. Who was Dewatacengkar ?

A. a young wise manB. The cruel kingC. White crocodileD. Bajul PutihE. Jaka linglung

2. Where did the woman put the ese ?


A. In a rice barnB. In the south sea

C. In the palace

D. In the jungle ofpasangaE. Inside the caye

Where did Aji Saka come from ?A. Medang KamulanB. South Sea

C. Jungle of Pesanga

D. Bumi MajetiE. Dadapan VillageWho was Jaka Linglung ?

A. A greedy pet belong to Aji Saka

B. The cruel kingC. A stupid boyD. The snake was recognized as

Dewaracengkar's son

E. The snake was recognized as AjiSaka's son

Why did the king punish Jaka linglung tolive in the jungle of Pesanga? because

A. Jaka linglung greedily ate humanflesh of the village

B. Jaka linglung greedily ate domesticpets of the palace

C. Jaka linglung put the egg in the riceborn

D. Jaka linglung could kill Bajul PutihE. Jaka linglung pushed Dewata



Cenekor to fall to the Sout sea

2. Penilaian

a. Teknik penilaianb. Bentuk penilaianc. Cara penilaian

: test tertulis: Pilihan Ganda: Nilai : Jumlah Benar X 2

Guru Bahasa Inggris

Jambi; 23 Februai2079


WAlyssa Ayuningtyas

102000121002 NrP. 1 96702172007 A1200s



SchoolSubjectClass/SemesterText Typeski11

Time Alocation



MA Al-Ikhlas Kota JambiEnglishxlilNar:rative TextReading2 x 40 Minutes (1 Meetings)


Menghargai dan menghayatr qaran agama yang dianutnya.Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalamberinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalamj angkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.Memahami pengetahuan (faktua1, konseptual, dan prosedural)berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyajidalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)sesuaidengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalamsudut pandang/teori.


KOMPETENSI DASAR INDIKATOR1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapatmempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagaibahasa pengantar komunikasiinternational yang diwujudkan dalamsemangat belajar

Mengagumi suara, dialek, dangesture temannya sebagaikesempurnaan makhluk ciptaantuhan.

2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun danpeduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasiinterpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin,percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawabdalam melaksanakan komunikasitransaksional dengan guru dan teman.

2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku tanggungjawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cintadamai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasifungsional"

2.1.1 Menunjukkan sikap sopan; dalamberlutur kata baik terhadap gulumaupun teman.

2.2.1 Menunjukkan sikap percaya dirisaat melakukan percakapan BahasaInggris di depan kelas.

2.3.1 Menunjukkan sikap tanggung jawabdalam mengerjakan tugas BahasaInggris.

3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, strukturteks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks

3.8.1 Menentukan gambaran umum tekstertulis b erbentuk naratif.

naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberidan meminta informasi terkait legendarakyat, sederhana, sesuai dengan kontekspenggunaannya.

3.8.2 Menentukan informasi rinci tersuratteks tertulis berbentuk naratif.

3.8.3 Menentukan informasi tertentu tekstertulis berbentuk naratif.

3.8.4 Menentukan makna kata tekstertulis berbentuk naratif.

4.8 Menangkap makna secara kontekstualterkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, danunsur kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan dantulis sederhana terkait legenda rakyat.

4.8.1 Menlusun teks lisan dan tuhspendek dan sederhana terkaitlegenda rakyat denganmemperhatikan fungsi sosial,struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaanyang benar sesuai dengan kontekspengzunaannva.


Setelah mempelajari materi teks naratif, siswa diharapkan mampu:

1. Menjelaskan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teksnaratif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang legenda rakyat sesuai kontekspenggunaannya.

2. Menjelaskan isi cerita legenda rakyat lisan dan t,:lis dengan memperhatikan tujuankomunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai kontekspenggunaannya.

3. Menceritakan legenda rakyat secara lisan dan terlulis dengan memperhatikantujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai kontekspenggunaannya


1. Narrative text : text that tells a story which raises the problematic experience inthe past.

2. Purpose of narrative text : to entertain the reader about the story.3. Generic Structure of narrative text4, Language features:

a. Using the simple past tenseb. Using adverb of time (Once upon a time, one day, etc)c. Using time conjunction (when, then, suddenly, etc)d. Using action verbe. Direct speech

E. METODE PEMBELAJARANo Metode Scientific. Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Leaming

F. MEDIA DAN SUMBER BELAJAR. Media/A1at : White Boardo Sumber : - Buku When English Rings A Bell


Activit Experimental Class Time


o Guru mengucapkan salam dan siswa merespono Berdoa bersama sebelum pembelajaran dimulaio Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswao Guru menielaskan tujuan pembelaiaran




Explorationr Guru memberikan dan menjelaskan materi tentang

narrative text.. Gur-u mengidentifikasikan ciri-ciri dan unsur

kebahasaan narrative text.. Gunr menuliskan kosa kata yang sulit.

Elaboration. Siswa bertanya tentang narrative text.. Siswa membuat narrative text sederhana.

Confirmationr Memberikan konfirmasi terhadap hasil explorasi dan




o Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana mereka pahamtentang text tersebut, guru memberikan pertanyaaankepada murid.

o Menutup pelaiaran dengan berdoa bersama.



1. Instrument

IndicatorForm of

instrument Question

Giving a narrativetext to the studentsand they are able toanswer questionbased on the readinotext given.


Read thefollowing and answer the question.

Once upon a time, there r.vas an old womanwho lived in a very old hut near a forest withher only daughter. The dauglrter's name isMisna. She is beautiful but she had pnvious


One day she saw girl of her age passing byher hut. The girl was joining her fatherhunting. She dressed in beautiful cloth. Hisfather's assistants respected her. Misnacould not sleep when she was rememberingthis. She was very angry with her condition.She hated her hopeless mother.

In the morning she shouted at her mother.She wanted her mother to buy the mostbeautiful gown in the markets for her. Ofcourse her mother could not afford it. Then

she cried and cried. She did not want to eat

anything. Her mother was very sad. She

decided to sell a piece of 1and, the onlyvaluable thing that she had. She bought herbeloved daughter a very beautiful dress.

Misna admired herself. She wanted to showeverybody that she was a very beautiful girl.She asked her mother to bring her to anothervillage. Along the way, she smiled toeveryone. People in the village thought thatshe was a princess. They gave her a highrespect and invited her to have meal in theirhouse. Misna enjoyed this and toldeverybody that she was princess and motherwas maid. Her mother was very sad but she

kept her felling deep in the heart.

On the way home Misna met a handsome

prince. He was interested in her and wantedto marry her. Misna told the prince that hermother had died and father went married toanother woman. She was having a long tripwith her loyal maid. Listening to this, hermother was very upset. She cried loudlyMisna was very angry to her and told her tobe away from her.

Suddenly there was a heavy rainaccompanied with big thunders. Everyonerun away to save themselves. Misna was

very afraid. She cried. Her mother wantedto help her but she did not want to at thattime a big thunder hit her to dead.

1. "She is beautiful but she had enviousheart." What is the synonym of the word"envious"?A. AmbiguousB. Jealous

C. FierceD. FestiveE. Humble

2. When did she ask her mother a beautifuldress?

A. After she saw another gtrl withbeautiful dress

B. on the wav home she met a handsome


princeC. after her mother sold a piece of her

landD. when a heavy rain and big thunders


E. since the villagers invited her to havemeal in their house

How could her mother buy her a beautifuldress?

A. from her savingB. by asking her relative some moneyC. by robbed a bankD. from her salaryE. by selling the only land she had

What made her mother cried aloud?

A. she told everyone that she was hermaid

B. she told the prince that her mother haddied

C. she told the prince that she was hermaid

D. she wanted her mother to buy themost beautiful gown

E. she was joining her father hunting fora long time

What happened at last?

A. Misna got married to a princeB. Misna was wet in rainC. Her mother bought her the most

beautiful gownD. A thunder hit Misna to dead



E. She had meal in villasers house

2. Penilaian

a. Teknik penilaianb. Bentuk penilaianc. Cara penilaian

: test terlulis: Pilihan Ganda: Nilai : Jumlah Benar X 2

Jambi, 19 Februari 2019


008i02000121002 NIP. 1 96702t1 2AA7 01200 5Alyssa Ayuningtyas



SchoolSubjectClass/SemesterText TlpeskillTime Alocation





MA Al-Ikhlas Kota JambiEnglishXiIINarrative TextReading2 x 40 Minutes (1 Meetings)

: Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.: Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalamberinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan ala-m dalamj angkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

: Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

: Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyajidalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)sesuaidengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalamsudut pandang/teori.


KOMPETENSI DASAR INDIKATOR1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapatmempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagaibahasa pengantar komunikasiinternational yang diwujudkan dalamsemangat belajar

1.1.1 Mengagumi suara, dialek, dangesture temannya sebagaikesempumaan makhluk ciptaantuhan.

2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun danpeduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasiinterpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin,percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawabdalam melaksanakan komunikasitransaksional dengan guru dan teman.

2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku tanggungjawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cintadamai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasifungsional.

2.1.1 Menunjukkan sikap sopan,' dalambertutur kata baik terhadap gurumaupun teman.

2.2.1 Menunjukkan sikap percaya dirisaat melakukan percakapau BahasaInggris di depan kelas.

2.3.1 Menunjukkan sikap tanggung jawabdalam mengerjakan tugas BahasaInggris.

3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, strukturteks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks

3.8.1 Menentukan gambaran umum tekstertulis berb entuk naratif.

naratif lisan dan tulis dengan membendan meminta informasi terkait legendarakyat, sederhana, sesuai dengan kontekspenggunaannya.

3.8.2 Menentukan informasi rinci tersuratteks tertulis berbentuk naratif.

3.8.3 Menentukan informasi terlentu tekstertulis berbentuk naratif.

3.8.4 Menentukan makna kata teksterlulis ber'bentuk naratif.

4.8 Menangkap makna secara kontekstualterkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, danunsur kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan dantulis sederhana terkait legenda rakyat.

4.8.1 Menyusun teks lisan dan tuhspendek dan sederhana terkaitlegenda rakyat denganmemperhatikan fungsi sosial,struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaanyang benar sesuai dengan kontekspengzunaannYa.


Setelah mempelajari materi teks naratif, siswa diharapkan mampu:

1. Menjelaskan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teksnaratif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang legenda rakyat sesuai kontekspenggunaannya.

2. Menjelaskan isi cerita legenda rakyat lisan dan tulis dengan memperhatikan fujuankomunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai kontekspenggunaannya.

3. Menceritakan legenda rakyat secara lisan dan terlulis dengan rnemperhatikanfujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai kontekspenggunaannya


1. Narrative text : text that tells a story which raises the problematic experience inthe past.

2. Purpose of narrative text : to entertain the reader about the story.3. Generic Structure of narrative text4. Language features:

a. Using the simple past tenseb. Using adverb of time (Once upon a time, one day, etc)c. Using time conjunction (when, then, suddenly, etc)d. Using action verbe. Direct speech

METODE PEMBELAJARANo Metode Scientific. Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Leaming

MEDIA DAN SUMBER BELAJARo Media/Alat : White Boardo Sumber : - Buku When English Rings A Bel1


Activit Experimental Class Time






o Guru mengucapkan salam dan siswa merespon. Berdoa bersama sebelum pembelajaran dimulaio Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa. Guru menielaskan fuiuan pembelaiaran




Explorationo Guru memberikan dan menjelaskan materi tentang

narrative text.. Guru mengidentifikasikan ciri-ciri dan unsur

kebahasaan narrative text.o Guru menuliskan kosa kata yang sulit.

Elaboration. Siswa bertanya tentang narrative text.o Siswa membuat nar:rative text sederhana.

Confirmationr Memberikan konfimasi terhadap hasil explorasi dan




r Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana mereka paharrrtentang text tersebut, guru memberikan pertanyaaankepada murid.

o Menutup pelaiaran dengan berdoa bersama.




1. Instrument

Giving a narrativetext to the studentsand they are able toanswer questionbased on the readingtext given.


Read the /bllowing ond answer the question.

The old witch locked Hansel in a cage and

set Gretel to clean the house. She planned toeat them both. Each night the children criedand begged the witch to let them go.

Meanwhile, at home, their steprnother was

beginning to wish she had never tried to get

rid of the children. "I must find them," she

said and set offinto the forest.

Many hours later, whel her feet were tiredfrom walking and her lips were dry fromthirst, she came to the cottage belonging tothe witch. The stepmother peeped throughthe window. Her hearl cried out when she

saw the two children.

She picked up the broom leaning against the

IndicatorForm of


door and creot inside. The witch was outtin

some stew in the oven when the stepmothergave her an almighty push. The witch fellinto the oven and the stepmother shut thedoor.

'Children, I have come to save you,' she said

hugging thern tightly. I have done a dreadfulthing.

I hope in time you will forgive me. Let metake you home and become a family again.

They returned to their home and thestepmother became the best mother anyonecould wish to have, and of course they livedhappily ever after!

l. The story is about....A. Two children went to school for the

first timeB. A witch who is really kindC. A father who begged a witch for

moneyD. A stepmother who saved her children

from a witchE. Two children saved their stepmother

from a witchWhich statement is FALSE about thewitch?A. She locked Hansel in a cage

B. She planned to eat Hansel & GretelC. She fell into the ocean

D. She hated the childrenE. She set Gretel to clean the house

"The witch fell into the oven pnd thestepmother shut the door." (Paragraph 4).The underlined word "shut" can bereplaced by the word...A. MarkedB. PaintedC. Opened

D. PolishedE. ClosedHow did the stepmother find herchildren?

A. She walked into the forestB. She got tired and met her childrenC. She the window of




the witch's cottageD. She fell into the cliffE. She was pushed against the wall

5. How did the stepmother savo herchildren?

A. She run to the witch,s houseB. Her children come by theirselfC. She peeped through the window of

the witch's cottage and call herchildren to come out

D. She fell into the oven with the witchE. She was pushed the witch into the


2. Penilaian



Teknik penilaianBentuk penilaianCarapenilaian

: test tertulis: Pilihan Ganda: Nilai : Jumlah tsenar X 2

Guru Bahasa Inggris

A4Artati. S.ildNrP. 1 9670 217 2007 U2oA5

Jambi, 18 Februari 2019


WAIyssa Ayuningtyas




SchoolSubjectClass/SemesterText TypeskillTime Alocation





MA Al-Ikhlas Kota JambiEnglish)vIINarrative TextReading2 x 40 Minutes (1 Meetings)

Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agaTta yang dianutnya.Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalamberinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalamj angkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyajidalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)sesuaidengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalamsudut pandang/teori.



1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat

mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai

bahasa pengantar komunikasiinternational yang diwujudkan dalamsemangat belajar

1.1 Mengagumi suara, dialek, dan

gesture temannya sebagai

kesempurnaan makhluk ciptaan


2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun danpeduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasiinterpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin,percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab

dalam melaksanakan komunikasitransaksional dengan guru dan teman.

2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku tanggungjawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cintadamai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasifungsional.

2.1.1 Menunjukkan sikap sopan, dalambertutur kata baik terhadap guru

maupun teman.

2.2.1 Menunjukkan sikap percaya dirisaat melakukan percakapan Bahasa

Inggris di depan kelas.

2.3.1 Menunjukkan sikap tanggung jawab

dalam mengeq'akan tugas Bahasa


3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur 3.8.1 Menentukan gambaran umum teks

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks

naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberidan meminta inforrnasi terkait legenda

rakyat, sederhana, sesuai dengan kontekspenggunaannya.

tertulis berb entuk narati f.

3.8.2 Menentukan informasi rinci tersuratteks tertulis berbentuk naratif.

3.8.3 Menentukan informasi terlentu teks

tertulis b erbentuk narati f.

3.8.4 Menentukan makna kata teks

tertulis berbentuk naratif.

4.8 Menangkap makna secara kontekstualterkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan dan

tulis sederhana terkait legenda rakyat.

4.8.1 Menyusun teks lisan dan tuhspendek dan sederhana terkaitlegenda rakyat dengan

memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaanyang benar sesuai dengan kontekspenggunaannya.


Setelah mempelajari materi teks naratif, siswa diharapkan mampu:

1. Menjelaskan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teksnaratif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang legenda rakyat sesuai kontekspenggunaannya.

2. Menjelaskan isi cerita legenda rakyat lisan dan tulis dengan memperhatikan tujuankomunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai kontekspenggunaannya.

3. Menceritakan legenda rakyat secara lisan dan tertulis dengan memperhatikantujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naraiif sesuai kontekspenggunaannya


1. Narrative text : text that tells a story which raises the problematic experience inthe past.

2. Purpose of narrative text : to entertain the reader about the story.3. Generic Structure of narrative text4. Language features:

a. Using the simple past tenseb. Using adverb of time (Once upon a time, one day, etc)c. Using time conjunction (when, then, suddenly, etc)d. Using action verbe. Direct speech

E. METODE PEMBELA.IARANo Metode Scientifico Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Learning

F. MEDIA DAN SUMBER BELAJARo Media/Alat : White Board. Sumber : - Buku When English Rings A Bell

- English Dictionary



1. Instrument


Activity Experimental Class Time


o Guru mengucapkan salam dan siswa merespono Berdoa bersama sebelum pembelajaran dimulaio Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswao Guru menielaskan tujuan pembelaiaran




Explorationo Guru memberikan dan menjelaskan materi tentang

narrative text.. Guru mengidentifikasikan ciri-ciri dan unsur

kebahasaan narrative text.o Guru menuliskan kosa kata yang sulit.

Elaborationo Siswa berlanya tentang narative text.. Siswa membuat narrative text sederhana.

Confirmation. Memberikan konfirmasi terhadap hasil explorasi dan




r Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana mereka pahamtentang text tersebut, guru memberikan pertanyaaankepada murid.

o Menutuo pelaiaran densan berdoa bersama.



IndicatorForm of

instrument Question

Giving a narativetext to the students

and they are able toanswer questionbased on the readingtext given.


Read the,following and answer the question.

Once upon a time in west java, lived a writerking who had a beautiful daughtet. Hername was Dayang Sumbi. She likedweaving very much. Once she was weavinga cloth when one of her tools fell to theground. She was very tired, at the same timeshe was tao lazy to take it. Then she justshouted out loudly.

Anybody there! Bring me my tool. I willgive you special present. If you are female.I will consider you as my sister if you are

male, I will many you sunddenly a male dog,

its name was Tumang came. He brought herthe falline tool. Dayans Sumbi was very

surprised. She regretted her words but she

could not deny it. So she had marry Tumangand leave her father. Then they lived in a

small village. Several months later they had

a son. His name was Sangkuriang. He was ahandsome and healthy boy.

Sangkuriang liked hunting very much,

especially deer. He often hunted to the woodusying his arrow. When he went hunting ,

Tumang was always with him.

One day Dayang Sumbi wanted to have

deer's heart so she asked Sangkuriang tohunt for a deer. Then Sangkuriang when tothe wood with his affow and his faithful dog.

Tumang, but afher several days in the woodSangkuriang could not find any deer. Thenwhere all disappeared. Sangkuriang was

exhausted and desperate. He did not want todisappoint her mother so he killed Tumang.He did not know that Tumang was his father.

Tumang's heart to her mother. But DayangSumbi knew that it was Tumang's heart. She

was so angry that she could not control heremotion. She hit Sangkuriang at his head

Sangkuriang was wounded. There was a scar

in his head. She also repelled her son.

Sangkuriang left her mother in sadness.

Many years passed and Sangkuriang became

a strong young man. He wanderedeverywhere. One day he arrived. at his ownvillage but he did not reahze it. There he metDayang Sumbi. At the time Dayang Sumbiwas given an etemal beauty by God so she

stayed young forever. Both of them didknow each other. So they fall in love and

then they decided to marry. But then DayangSumbi recognized a scar on Sangkuriang'shead. She knew that Sangkuriang was hisson. It was impossible for them to marry.

She told him but he did not beliave her. He

wished that they maffy soon. So DayangSumbi gave very difficult oondition. She

asked Sangkuriang to build a lake and a boatin one nieht! She said she needed that for


Sangkuriang agreed. With the help of genie

and spiritis, Sangkuriang tired to build them.By midnight he had completed the lake bybuilding a dam in Citarum river. Then hestarted making the boat. It was almost dawnwhen he almost finished it. MeanwhileDayang Sumbi kept watching on him. She

was very worried when she knew this. Sc

she made lights in the east. Then the spiritisthought that was already dawn. It was timefor them to leave. They left Sangkuriangalone. Without their help he could not finishthe boat.

Sangkuriang was angy. He kicked the bcat.Then the boat turned upside down. It, leter,became Mounth Tangkuban Perahu. Whichmeans an upside-down boat. From a distantthe mount really looks like an upside downboat.

1. What is the story about?

A. A wrath son

B. West java's tales

C. Tumang a Dog husband

D. The legend of Tangkuban Perahu

E. Dayang Sumbi's rejection to marrySangkuriang

2. According to he story, Tumang was....A. actually a handsome princeB. married to Dayang SumbiiC. Sangkuriang pet dogD. good at hunting deer

E. in fact Dayang Sumbi's father3. What did Dayang Sumbi look like?

A. She liked weaving clothersB. She looked for the heart of a deer

C. She vras beautifulD. She was looking at her fallen toolE. She and her son were alike

4. What made Dayang Sumbi stay young?

A. She set up conditions in doing thingsB. A young man fall in love with herC. She married a dogD. She knew how to take care her bod

E. God gave her an eternal beautyWho are the main caracthers in the story?

A. Dayang Sumbi and SangkuriangB. The king Dayang Sumbi, the dog and

SangkuriangC. The king, Dayang Sumbi, the dog,

Sangkuriang, the ganie, and thespiritis

D. The king, Dayang Sumbi, the dog,

Sangkuriang, the mount, the boat, thegenie, and the spiritis

E. The king, Dayang Sumbi, sister,

daughter, the dog, a young man,Sangkuriang, the mount, the boat, thegenie, the spiritis and God

What moral value can we learn fiom thestory?

A. People must keep their words all thetime

B. Do not make a promise to easilyC. Never be reluctant to do good thingsD. We should not hate our decendants

E. Just do what vre have planned

"He brought her the falling tool". Theunderline word "He" refers 1o".....A. SangkuriangB. TumangC. Dayang SumbiD. The kingE. Father"if you are male, I will marry you'(paragraph 2). the sentence mean that theone who helped Dayang Sumbi'becameher....A. HusbandB. MaidC. Boss

D. Son

E. KingThe complication starts when....A. Sangkuriang arrived at his own

villageB. Tumang came bringing Dayang

Sumbi fallen thingC. Dayang Sumbi asked Sangkuriang to

find deer's heart

D. Dayang Sumbi and Sangkuriangfellinlove and decided to marry

E. Dayang Surnbi asked Sangkuriang tobuild a lake and a boat in one night

10. "once upon a time, in west java,

Indonesia lived a wise king who had

beautiful daughter." (paragraph 1). Whatis the function of the above sentence?

A. A crisisB. A complicationC. An orientationD. A reorientationE. A resolution

Jambi, 16 Februari 2019




a. Teknik penilaianb. Bentuk penilaianc. Cara penilaia-n

: test tertulis: Pilihan Ganda: Nilai : Jumlah Benar X 2

Guru Bahasa Inggris

NIP. 1 9670217 2007 0 1200 s7008 1 02000t2t002



SchoolSubjectClass/SemesterText T1,pe

skillTime Alocation




MA Al-Ikhlas Kota JambiEnglish)VIINarrative TextReading2 x 40 Minutes (1 Meetings)


: Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.: Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,peduli (toleransi, gotong roycng), santun, percaya diri, dalamberinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalamj angkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

: Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

: Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyajidalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan rnembuat) dan ranah abstrak(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)sesuaidengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalamsudut pandang/teori.



1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat

mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai

bahasa pengantar komunikasiintemational yang diwujudkan dalamsemangat belajar

Mengagumi suara, dialek, dangesture temannya sebagai

kesempumaan makhluk ciptaantuhan.

2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun danpeduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasiinterpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin,percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawabdalam melaksanakan komunikasitransaksional dengan guru dan teman.

2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku tanggungjawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cintadamai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasifungsional.

2.1.1 Menunjukkan sikap sopan, dalamberlutur kata baik terhadap gurumaupun teman.

2.2.1 Menunjukkan sikap percaya dirisaat melakukan percakapan Bahasa

Inggris di depan kelas.

2.3.1 Menunjukkan sikap tanggung jawab

dalam mengerjakan tugas Bahasa


3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur 3.8.1 Menentukan gambaran umum teks

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks

naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberidan meminta informasi terkait legenda

rakyat, sederhana, sesuai dehgan kontekspenggunaannya.

terlulis berbentuk naratif.3.8.2 Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat

teks terlulis berbentuk naratif.3.8.3 Menentukan informasi tertentu teks

tertulis berbentuk naratif.3.8.4 Menentukan makna kata teks

terlulis b erbentuk naratif.

4.8 Menangkap makna secara kontekstualterkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan dantulis sederhana terkait legenda rakyat.

4.8.1 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulispendek dan sederhana terkaitlegencia rakyat dengan

memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

strukfur teks, dan unsur kebahasaanyang benar sesuai dengan kontekspenggunaannya.


Setelah mempelajari materi teks naratif, siswa diharapkan mampu:

1. Menjelaskan tujuan komunikasi, str-rikfur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teksnaratif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang legenda rakyat sesuai kontekspenggunaannya.

2. Menjelaskan isi cerita legenda rakyat lisan dan tulis dengan memperhatikan tujuankomunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai kontekspenggunaannya.

3. Menceritakan legenda rakyat secara lisan dan tertulis dengan mernperhatikantujuan komunikasi, strukfur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan ieks naratif sesuai kontekspenggunaannya


1. Narrative text : text that tells a story which raises the problematic experience inthe past.

2. Purpose of narrative text : to entefiain the reader about the story.3. Generic Structure of narative text4. Language features:

a. Using the simple past tenseb. Using adverb of time (Once upon a time, one day, etc)c. Using time conjunction (when, then, suddenly, etc)d. Using action verbe. Direct speech

E. METODE PEMBELAJARANo Metode Scientifico Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Learning

F. MEDIA DAN SUMBER BELAJARo Media/Alat : White Board. Sumber : - Buku When English Rings A Bell

- English Dictionary



1. Instrument


Activity Experimental Class Time


o G'ltu mengucapkan salam dan siswa merespono Berdoa bersama sebelum pembelajaran dimulaio Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswao Guru menielaskan tuiuan pembelaiaran




Explorationo Guru memberikan dan menjelaskan materi tentang

narative text.o Guru mengidentifikasikan ciri-ciri dan unsur

kebahasaan narative text.o Guru menuliskan kosa kata yang sulit.

Elaborationo Siswa berlanya tentang narrative text.. Siswa membuat narrative text sederhana.

Confirmationo Memberikan konfirmasi terhadap hasil explorasi dan




o Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana mereka pahamtentang text tersebut, gurrt memberikan pertanyaaankepada murid.

o Menutup pelaiaran dengan berdoa bersama.



IndicatorForm of

instrument Question

Giving a narrativetext to the students

and they are able toanswer questionbased on the readin"text given.


Read the following and answer the question.

A long time ago, there lived on the island ofBali a giant-like creature named Kbo lwo.The people of Bali used to say that Kbo Iwowas everything, a destroyer as well as a

creator. He was satisfied with the meal, butthis meant for the Balinese people enoughfood for a thousand men.

Difficulties arose when for the first time the

bams were almost empty and the new halestwas still a long way off. This made Kbo Iwowild with great anger. In his hunger, he

destroyed all the houses and even all thetemples. It made the Balinese turn to rage.

So, they came together to plan steps to

oppose this powerful giant by using hisstupidity. They asked Kbo Iwo to build therna very deep well, and rebuild all the houses

and temples he had destroyed. After they fedKbo Iwo, he began to dig a deep hole.

One day he had eaten too much, he fellasleep in the hole. The oldest man in thevillage gave a sign, and the villagers began tothrow the limestone they had collectedbefore into the hole. The limestone made thewater inside the hole boiling . Kbo Iwo wasburied alive. Then the water in the well rose

higher and higher until at last it overflowedand formed Lake Batur. The mound of earth

dug from the well by Kbo Iwo is known as

Mount Batur.

1. Which the fcllowing fact is true aboutKbo Iwo?A. Kebo Iwo ate a little amount of meatB. Kebo Iwo is a destroyer that cannot

make anythingC. Kebo Iwo was ansy because his food

was stolen by Balinese people

D. Kebo Iwo destroyed all the house butnot the temple

E. Kebo eat food was equal for food ofthousand people

Why did Kbo Iwo feel angry to theBalinese people?

A. Because Balinese people ate his mealB. Because Balinese people tdok his

food so his barns was emptyC. Because Balinese people didn't give

him foodBecause



According to the story, if Kbo Iwa isnever existed in Bali island, what do youthink will happen?

A. There will be no Bali island



Balinese people were in

Balinese people tumed to

B. Bali le will never be

C. All Bali people will live in a

prosperous wayD. We are not able see the beauty of

Lake BaturE. Mount Batur will not be a sacred

place now4. "So, they came together to plan steps to

oppose this powerfulgiant..... ."(Paragraph 3). The antonym ofthe word "oppose " is....A. SupportB. DefeatC. Turn AgainstD. BeatE. Change

5. What is mount batur?

A. A lake build by Kbo IwaB. A well dugby Kbo iwaC. The mountain build by Kbo IwaD. A mound of earth dug from the well

by Kbo iwaE. A home build by Balinese peopie to

Kbo Iwa

2. Penilaian

a. Teknik penilaianb. Bentuk penilaianc. Cara penilaian

: test tertulis: Pilihan Ganda: Nilai : Jumlah Benar X 2

Guru Bahasa Inggris

NIP. 1 96702t7 2007 0 nA} 5

Jambi, l2Februai20l9


WAlyssa Ayuningtyas




School : MA Al-Ikhlas Kota JambiSubject : EnglishClass/Semester : )UIIText Type : Narrative TextSkil1 : ReadingTimeAlocation: 2 x 40 Minutes (1 Meetings)





Menghargai dan menghayati ajarat agaffia yang dianutnya.Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalamberinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalamj angkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyajidalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)sesuaidengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalamsudut pandany'teori.



1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat

mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai

bahasa pengantar komunikasiinternational yang diwujudkan dalamsemangat belajar

1.1.1 Mengagumi suara, dialek, dangesture temannya sebagai

kesempurnaan makhluk ciptaantuhan.

2.I Menunjukkan perilaku santun danpeduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasiinterpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin,percaya diri, dan berlanggung jawabdalam melaksanakan komunikasitransaksional dengan guru dan teman.

2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku tanggungjawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cintadamai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasifungsional.

2.1.1 Menunjukkan sikap sopan, dalambertutur kata baik terhadap guru

maupun teman.

2.2.1 Menunjukkan sikap percaya dirisaat melakukan percakapan Bahasa

Inggris di depan kelas.

2.3.1 Menunjukkan sikap tanggung jawab

dalam mengerjakan tugas Bahasa


3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur 3.8.1 Menentukan gambaran umum teks

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan b"be.apa t k.naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberidan meminta informasi terkait legendarakyat, sederhana, sesuai dengan kontekspenggunaannya.

terlulis berbentuk naratif.3.8.2 Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat

teks tertulis berbentuk naratif.3.8.3 Menentukan informasi tertentu teks

tertulis berbentuk naratif.3.8.4 Menentukan makna kata teks

tertulis berb entuk narati f.4.8 Menangkap makna secara kontekstualterkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, danunsur kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan dantulis sederhana terkait legenda rakyat.

Menyusun teks lisan dan tuLispendek dan sederhana terkaitlegenda rakyat denganmemperhatikan fungsi sosial,struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaanyang benar sesuai dengan konteks



Setelah mempelajari materi teks naratif siswa diharapkan mampu:1' Menjelaskan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teksnaratif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang legenda rakyat sesuai konteks

penggunaannya.2' Menjelaskan isi cerita legenda rakyat lisan dan tulis dengan memperhatikan tujuankomunikasi, sttuktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai konteks

penggunaannya.3 ' Menceritakan legenda rakyat secara lisan dan tertulis dengan memperhatikan

tujuan komunikasi, strukfur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif sesuai kontekspenggunaannya


1' Narrative text : text that tells a story which raises the problematic experience inthe past.

2- Purpose of narrative text : to entefiain the reader about the story.3. Generic Structure of narrative text4. Language features:

a. Using the simple past tenseb. Using adverb of time (Once upon a time, one day, etc)c. Using tirne conjunction (when, then, suddenly, eic)d. Using action verbe. Direct speech

METODE PEMBELAJARANo Metode Scientific. Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Learning

MEDIA DAN SUMBER BELAJARo Media/Alat : White Board

: - Buku When English Rings A Bell- English Dictionary



r Sumber



1. Instrument


Activity Experimental Class Time


o Guru mengucapkan salam dan siswa merespon. Berdoa bersama sebelum pembelajaran dimulai. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswao Guru menielaskan tuiuan pembelaiaran




Explorationo Guru memberikan dan menjelaskan materi tentang

narrative text.o Guru mengidentifikasikan ciri-ciri dan unsur

kebahasaan narrative text.. Guru menuliskan kosa kata yang sulit.

Elaborationo Siswa bertanya tentang narrative text.. Siswa membuat narrative text sederhana.

Confirmation. Memberikan konfirmasi terhadap hasil explorasi dan





Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana mereka pahamtentang text tersebut, gun: memberikan pertanyaaankepada murid.Menutup pelaiaran dengan berdoa bersama.





IndicatorForm of

instrument Question

Giving a narrative text to thestudents and they are able toanswer question based on thereading text given.


Read the.following and answer thequestion.

Long, long ago, when the gods

and goddesses used to mingle in the

affairs of mortals, there was a smallkingdom on the slope of Mo.mtWayang in West Java. The King,named Sang Prabu, was a wiseman. He had an only daughter,called Princess Teja Nirmala, whowas famous for her beauty but she

was not married. One day Sang

Prabu made up his mind to settle thematter by a show of strength.

After that, Prince of Blambangan,named Raden Begawan had won the

competition. Unfortunalely, the

wicked fairy, Princess Segara fell inlove with Raden Begawan and used

magic power to render himunconscious and he forgot hiswedding. When Sang Prabu was

searching, Raden Begawan saw himand soon realized that he had been

enchanted by the wicked fairy. Thefairy could not accept this, so she

killed Raden Begawan. WhenPrincess Teja Nirmala heard this,she was very sad. So a nice fairytook her to the Kahyangan.

1. Which one of the followingstatements is false about Sang


A. Sang Prabu was a father of hisonly daughter

B. Sang Prabu was a king of a

kingdom in West Java

C. Sang Prabu was taken toKahyangan by a wicked fairy

D. Sang Prabu was a wise manE. Sang Prabu didn't have a son

Why the wicked fairy did used hermagic to make Raden Begawanunconscious?A. She didn't like Raden

BegawanB. She didn't want Raden Prabu

marry the princess

C. She wanted Teja Nirmala toforget about her wedding

D. She didn't want the prince ofBlambangan marry theprincess

E. She didn't want the prince ofBlambangan feel love with her

Slhat do you think will happen ifgods or goddesses cannot minglein the affairs of people in the earth

at that time?

A. Princess Segara will havemarried with Raden Begawan

B. Sang Prabu will not holdstrength competition

C. Raden Begawan will not die

D. Teja Nirmala will stay in theKahyangan

E. Wicked Fairy will not takeRaden Begawan's life

So a nice fairy took her to theKahyangan. (Paragraph 2) Theword her in the sentence refersto...A. The wicked fairyB. The nice fairyC. Princess NirmalaD. Prince TejaE- The prince of Blambangan

The similarity between fairy and

human according to the text.A. The place they liveB. The jealousy that they posses

C. The way they don't feel a loveD. The strength they haveE. Their life that is immortal

2. Penilaian

a. Teknik penilaianb. Bentuk penilaianc. Cara penilaian

: test tertulis: Pilihan Ganda: Nilai : Jumlah Benar X 2

Jambi, 11 Februari 2019

PenelitiGuru Bahasa Inggris

Ayuningtyas102000121002 NIP. 1 9670217 2007 41200 5

Appendix 21 Jambinese Folktales

The Origin of the Name of the Batanghari River

A long, long time ago, when the population of the Jambi was beginning to

increase, it was evident that they were in need of king that could unite all of the

villages and regions and enable them to become one united kingdom. In their

effort to find a fitting king, they conducted a competition that would weed out

those who didn’t have the qualification to rule. The testing process was extreme,

because to become a candidate, you had to have the ability to:

1. Endure a roaring fire.

2. Endure immersion in the river for three days and three nights.

3. Survive being shot out of a cannon like a cannon ball.

4. Withstand being ground in an iron mill.

The people living in Jambi didn’t have the ability to withstand the testing

that was required, so the wise leaders from the villages of Tujuh Koto, Sembilan

Koto, and Batin Duo Belas, agreed to look outside their region for potential

candidates to become their king. The people of Jambi assembled delegates to

travel to distant countries in their search for a qualified individual. It was very

hard for this delegation to travel, because they at times had to walk considerable

distances on footpaths, then at times breakthrough very dense jungle vegetation.

They also had to travel far on the rivers, all the while facing robbers and wild

animals. Finally the delegates arrived at a very distant country, namely the

southern part of the country of India, a people who’s skin was very dark. After

their arrival in India they began traversing that country in their search for a

candidate to become their king.

Fortunately for them they didn’t lose hope, because they did finally meet a

man who expressed his abilities to fulfill Jambi’s testing requirements, and then

become their king (all of which were mentioned above). It was the delegation’s

hope and expectation that this man would be able to rule their country with

wisdom, and turn the Jambi Kingdom into a safe and prosperous place for them

all to live. Being overjoyed at finding a high quality candidate, they boarded their

ship and commenced their travels back to Jambi. The journey was long, as they

had a very wide ocean to cross, and it took a very long time. Sometimes there

were great fears, as the travelers experience typhoons, high and very rough seas,

heavy rains, mixed with lightening. Fortunately there were days when things were

bright and clear, and the sailing was enjoyable, being brought along by favorable

winds and a clear bright moon to give them light during the nights.

During the journey back to Jambi the delegates were unrelenting in asking

their potential king many questions. As they discussed many things with him, his

wisdom and knowledge of many aspects of life emerged. He had a tremendous

amount of knowledge of the stars. Due to this Indian’s knowledge, the delegates

wanted to continue to test him with many questions, but they were a little hesitant,

because they were concerned that they may ask him a question that would offend

him, and then he might lose his interest in becoming their king. As they continued

their journey there was a continual change in the weather, from rough seas,

blasting winds, striking heat from the sun, to beautiful and pleasant days. This was

the way the journey progressed, with the weather successively changing. Due to

their need for fresh water and supplies, they stopped in the country of Aceh,

rested, and took on much needed supplies. They also stopped and rested in the

country of Malaysia. The journey was becoming increasingly long as they

continued their journey back to Jambi.

One day as their ship was approaching Jambi, they entered the mouth of a

huge river. The travelers had departed from that river on their journey to India.

Although this particular river was very large and well known, and that they had

already sailed it and had drank of its water, they had not yet learned the river’s

name. Seeing this as an opportunity to test their would be king, they discussed

among themselves if this man, who knew the answers to so many of their other

questions, would know the name of this river. They hesitated asking him because

they thought it would be impolite to do so, seeing that he had never been to this

location before. At the time they were entering the mouth of this river the

darkness of night was beginning to fall (“petang” is this time of day). The Jambi

delegates agreed together to ask this Indian man if he knew the name of this river.

“My lord, we have a question we would like to present to you,” said a

delegate from Batin Duo Belas. “Ask whatever question you would like,” replied

the Indian. “This huge river that we’ve just entered, what in the world could its

name be,” asked the man from Batin Duo Belas. “Haa… This river is named

Kepetangan Hari,” said the Indian.

The candidate responded very fast, even though he never had any

knowledge of that river. All of the delegates were very happy when they heard

his quick response, which was without hesitation. They all became strengthened

and increasingly energetic as they continued rowing their ship up the river toward

the village of Mukomuko.

When they arrived at Mukomuko they quickly spread the news about this

Indian man that they had met. They also told everybody that the name of the huge

river was Kepetangan Hari. After a number of years the name of the river

gradually transformed and became Petang Hari River, and then finally, its name

became Batanghari River.


The Legend of Putri Ayu

Many years ago in the Jambi Province there was a young beautiful girl

named Putri Rahima. She was the only daughter of Kemas Mahmud, an honorable

man that lived in that area. The beauty of Putri Rahima was like an angelic being.

Besides her beauty, she also was blessed with a beautiful voice. She was known to

have very good manners, both with her actions and her words. She was also gifted

with the ability to cook, sew, weave, and embroider. All of these qualities caused

this young lady to become the longed for ideal of every young man. The news

about the beauty of Putri Rahima spread so much that she was known throughout

the entire Jambi area.

During that time period there was continual battles with the Dutch colonial

powers that had dominated the people of Jambi. Even though many of the

guerrilla soldiers were living deep in the jungles, the news of Putri Rahima

reached even to them. The news about this beautiful young girl, with excellent

character qualities, also reached the ears of Sultan Muhammad. Sultan

Muhammad was a still a young man, very handsome, filled with honorable power

and authority, and was well known as being devout, pious, and obedient toward

his religion.

One day Sultan Muhammad quitely left the palace to confirm that the

news about Putri Rahima’s beauty was true. The moment he saw her he was

amazed and exclaimed, “Oh, Putri Rahima truely is a perfect young lady. Her

beauty is absolutely extraordinary, and cannot be compared with any other in the

entire country.”

The beauty of Putri Rahima so overwhelmed Sultan Muhammad that he

immediately wanted to ask her to marry him. But following his customs, he

returned to the palace and gathered several dignitaries from his kingdom and

delegated them with the task of proposing to Putri Rahima’s father on his behalf.

The delegation immediately left to speak with Kemas Mahmud, the father

of Putri Rahima. When the delegation arrived at the home of Kemas Mahmud a

spokesman from the group said: “Excuse us Mr Kemas, our arrival here is for the

purpose of extending a proposal for the marriage of your daughter to Sultan


Kemas Mahmud responded: “We all wish the best for the king, but let us

have one day for my family to discuss this situation. Please come back tomorrow

and we will give you the decision our family has reached concerning your

proposal for the marriage of Putri Rahima.”

The delegation from Sultan Muhammad said good-bye and returned to the

palace. On the next day they returned to the home of Kemas Mahmud, and the

spokesman from the delegation asked, “What is the decision of your family Mr.


Mr. Kemas Mahmud responded that his family did indeed agree to the

wedding proposal, and they were all in favor of it. The wedding plans could not

be conducted according to the cultural norm because the war was still going on. A

large wedding party would attract the attention of the Dutch colonialists, so the

wedding ceremony was conducted in a quiet and secret manner.

After the wedding Putri Rahima moved to the palace and had the title of

“Nyi Mas Rahima.” The couple lived in harmony and mutually loved each other

deeply. After two years Nyi Mas Rahima gave birth to a son whom they named

Prince Adipati. The arrival of the son brought great happiness to Sultan

Muhammad and Nyi Mas Rahima. The love Sultan Muhammad had for his wife

continually grew, although in the middle of their happiness the war was still going

on, and it continued to grow with intensity. As an honorable leader of their

people, Sultan Muhammad sensed his great need to defend their land.

Sultan Muhammad frequently left the palace to actively be involved in the

war against the Dutch colonialists. Due to his absences, he wasn’t able to give

attention to his family as he would have liked. Fortunately for him Nyi Mas

Rahima was a wise mother. She always gave their son the attention required.

Prince Adipati grew strong and became very understanding about the war that his

father had to be involved with.

One day Nyi Mas Rahima said to Prince Adipati” “My son, your father is

a soldier, that is the reason he always leaves us. He has a responsibility to defend

our land.” Statements like that were continually made to Prince Adipati by his

mother every time Sultan Muhammad left the palace.

During this time the Dutch military were increasing their activity. They

continued to spread their authority and control over larger and larger areas of

Jambi, until almost the entire area was subdued. They had even built a fortress

close to the palace. This situation caused Nyi Mas Rahima to become increasingly

concerned. On top of all that, she was also expecting their second child.

Putri Ayu and her son, Prince Adipati, observing the Dutch soldiers

patrolling outside the palace window. When Sultan Muhammad would leave the

palace the Dutch soldiers would frequently roam the area outside the palace. This

caused Nyi Mas Rahima to feel that the security and future of Jambi was in great

jeopardy. She was carrying a tremendous load of stress because of her concerns

for the safety of her husband, and that of her people’s freedom. The child within

her was growing rapidly, but she was becoming weaker and weaker, and was

frequently sick. Finally her body and spirit could no longer take the stress and she

passed away, before she was able to give birth.

The death of Nyi Mas Rahima brought great grief and sadness to Prince

Adipati, especially because his father still had not heard the news of his mother’s

death. Because Nyi Mas Rahima was so friendly, loving, and always supportive of

her husband during the war, the families living in the palace erected a beautiful

gravesite as a memorial to her. After it was built they diligently maintained it to

keep the memory of her alive, as well as to honor the values she demonstrated as

an example to all who came after her.

Due to the continual threat from the Dutch fortification outside the palace,

the families living in the palace decided to flee into the jungle where they could

find security. One evening, when it was very dark, the families secretly fled the

palace, taking Prince Adipati with them. The next day the Dutch soldiers

immediately took possession of the palace, which they found had been vacated the

night before. When they entered they were startled to see a beautiful and well

maintained tomb.

The Dutch soldiers began to ask: “Hey, whose grave is this? It has been

decorated very beautifully and maintained with diligence.” Their thoughts were

that it couldn’t be just some ordinary person. It had to be someone of special


The curiosity of the Dutch soldiers led them to begin questioning the

Jambi citizens who were still living in the area.

“Whose grave is that which is located close to the palace?” asked one

Dutch soldier. One person responded, “The grave is that of the young beautiful

girl named Nyi Mas Rahima, who also happened to be the wife of Sultan

Muhammad. Not only was she beautiful physically, she was also beautiful in

character. She always supported the war effort of her husband with diligence and

willingly sacrificed her desires of always having her husband together with her

and her son.”

At that time the Dutch soldiers named the grave of Nyi Mas Rahima

“Makam Putri Ayu,” which means, the grave of the beautiful princess.


Putri Rainun and Rajo Mudo

A long, long time ago, in the area of Jambi, there was a young lady from

the royal family named Putri Rainun. She was a very pretty, as well as elegant. In

addition to her outward beauty, she also had a very beautiful nature. Her outer

beauty could be seen with the eyes, and her inner beauty could be heard with the

ears, because when she would talk she was always sweet, forgiving, kind, and

gentle. Because of these tremendous qualities, she became the desire of many

young men. Many young men from the royal families proposed to her, as well as

those from outside the royal families. In spite of the many marriage proposals, she

rejected them all. It had become obvious to everyone that Putri Rainun had her

heart and affection set on one person, Rajo Mudo. Though this young man was

very handsome, he wasn’t from one of the wealthy families of the Kingdom, nor

from one of the royal families. He was merely an ordinary person. In spite of his

family origin, he had many inner qualities that made Putri Rainun very attached to

him, and those qualities were that he was very deeply in love with Putri Rainum,

he was devoted to God, and he was very intelligent.

To expand Rajo Mudo’s knowledge, he decided he needed to travel

outside the Kingdom to obtain more exposure to the outside world. After deciding

that he really needed to do this for his education, he approached Putri Rainun one

day and said to her, “Hey Putri Rainun, I want you to know that you are the pearl

of my heart. I need to let you know that I need to cross the ocean to gain more

knowledge to make me a better and more equipped person. If you would give me

permission to go, I want to sail on the ship that’s departing from the port

tomorrow morning.”

“Yes, my love, you can go, I’ll pray for God to bless your travels, but don’t

be gone long. Come back to me as fast as possible. I don’t want you to be

separated from me for a long period of time.” said Putri Rainun to Rajo Mudo.

“Okay Putri Rainun! I’ll come back as fast as I can. If we really are meant to get

married and spend our life together, God will certainly bring us back together

again,” said Rajo Mudo.

The next day, Rajo Mudo boarded the ship and they set sail to a country

across the ocean. Seeing the center of her heart’s affection depart was more than

she could bear, and the tears began to pour from the eyes of Putri Rainun. When

the ship sailed out of eye sight, she left the port and returned home.

The news of Rajo Mudo’s departure quickly spread throughout the

Kingdom. It brought great happiness and joy to all the young men because they

knew that with Rajo Mudo’s departure, they had a chance to get Putri Rainun for

themselves. The young men conducted a competition for the purpose of attracting

attention to themselves, so that hopefully they would be able to endear Putri

Rainun to themselves, and away from Rajo Mudo. Even though many handsome

young men were showing their strength, bravery, and courage, trying to impress

Putri Rainun, her deep love for Rajo Mudo was not shaken. She easily rejected

every young man’s attempt to turn her affections away from Rajo Mudo.

After many months had passed there was still no news of Rajo Mudo and

Putri Rainun was beginning to grow concerned. Down deep in her heart she was

yearning for his return. To try to comfort her heart and not think about him so

much, she tried to fill her time with activities like working in the rice fields.

One day a young man was passing by the home of Putri Rainun, and when

he saw Putri Rainun he was very much interested in her when he saw how pretty

she was. That young man’s name was Biji Kayo. He was the son of an extremely

wealthy man, but he had a very bad nature about him. He was known to

frequently disturb young ladies and always brought trouble into their lives. He

accomplished all his nasty work through his clever ability to capture the hearts of

people. He would then persuade them to do whatever he wanted them to do.

The next day Biji Kayo came to the home of Putri Rainun. He wasn’t so

bold as to immediately propose to her, because he knew that Putri Rainun was still

deeply in love with Rajo Mudo. So, instead of speaking with Putri Rainun, Biji

Kayo spoke with her mother. Using his clever skills in getting people to feel sorry

for him, or to believe what he says and to go along with him, he succeeded in

winning over the heart of Putri Rainun’s mother.

“Okay, Biji Kayo. I’ll try to persuaded my daughter to accept your

wedding proposal,” said the mother of Putri Rainun. Receiving the response he

was hoping for, Biji Kayo smiled, then said goodbye as he returned to his home.

That evening, Putri Rainun’s mother began to persuade her daughter to accept the

wedding proposal from Biji Kayo.

“My daughter, you know that Biji Kayo is very wealthy. I think it would be

a very good match if you were to marry him. I think it would even be a better

match than you and Rajo Mudo,” said her mother. “Biji Kayo is quite wealthy and

will always have everything you could ever need, while Rajo Mudo is only an

ordinary person and rarely has enough to meet his basic necessities. And on top

of all that, we haven’t heard any news about Rajo Mudo for a very long time. Who

knows, maybe he already married a sweet young girl from across the ocean in

another country.”

“Mother, please don’t compare Biji Kayo with Rajo Mudo,” said Putri

Rainun. “Although Rajo Mudo doesn’t possess tremendous wealth, he has a heart

that is very sweet and special, and I’m deeply in love with him.”

This discussion would go on and on, with Putri Rainun always rejecting

Biji Kayo’s proposals. However, the continual skills he used to win over Putri

Rainun’s mother, by making her feel sorry for him won out, and Putri Rainun was

forced to marry him. One week later a huge wedding was planned and there was a

tremendous celebration. Sitting in his wedding seat, Biji Kayo had a huge smile

on his face, while Putri Rainun was evidently very sad. She felt she had betrayed

her one true love, Rajo Mudo.

When the wedding was over the newlyweds lived in an elaborate home.

Nevertheless, Putri Rainun refused to sleep in the same room with her new

husband, and she decided to not let him come close to her. At this same time Rajo

Mudo returned from his journey. He was devastated upon hearing that his

precious Putri Rainun had married. He then invited Putri Rainun to meet with him

in a secret place. But, Putri Rainun sent one of her servants to meet with him

instead. When the servant and Rajo Mudo met, he said, “Hey, where’s Putri

Rainun?” asked Rajo Mudo. “I’m sorry, Sir. Putri Rainun is very ashamed and

feels that she couldn’t stand to look you in the face after what has happened. But,

if you would want me to set up another meeting with her, just let me know. When

would you want to meet with her,” asked the servant.

Rajo Mudo, took a deep breath and then paused for a few moments, then

responded, “It’s okay, just pass along my greeting to Putri Rainun, and, please

give her this ring.” said Rajo Mudo, “Okay, Sir,” said the servant as she was

saying goodbye. When the servant returned to the home of Putri Rainun she

immediately gave her the ring from Rajo Mudo. Putri Rainun was extremely sad

when she received that ring. She thought Rajo Mudo felt disappointed in her and

that she had betrayed him. She never wanted to marry Biji Kayo. She did it

because she was forced into it!

In her heart Putri Rainun said, “I’m sorry, my love. Please forgive me. I

didn’t want to betray you. I did it because I was forced into it.” Feeling that she

had terribly disappointed Rajo Mudo, Putri Rainun then killed herself. When her

mother found out what she had done. She began screaming hysterically. However,

she seemed startled when she saw the ring on her ring finger, the ring that was

given to her by Rajo Mudo. Her mother then realized she had done something

terribly wrong and deeply regretted that she had forced her daughter to marry Biji


Rajo Mudo was present at the funeral of Putri Rainun. He was very

overwhelmed by what had happened to his true love. When the funeral was over

and all the people had left the grave side, Rajo Mudo sat down next to the grave.

He immediately felt that someday his true love would live again.

Not many days after that, as Rajo Mudo went to visit the grave of Putri

Rainun, he noticed that a stem of a flower immediately sprung up from the grave.

That stem then budded, and the wind caught it and it began to fly. “I’m positive

that that flower is the reincarnation of Putri Rainun, “ said Rajo Mudo. Rajo

Mudo immediately chased that flower until he caught up with it and grabbed it out

of the air. One of Putri Rainun’s servants happened to be there, and she saw Rajo

Mudo catch that flower.

She said to him, “It would be best if we would immediately take that flower

to Nenek Rubiah (an elderly woman named Rubiah), since she has magical

powers.” Rajo Mudo and that servant immediately took that flower to the home of

Nenek Rubiah. When they arrived there they told her the events which had

transpired at the grave. After that Rajo Mudo asked Nenek Rubiah to transform

the flower back into Putri Rainun.

“Nenek, please transform this flower! I’m certain this flower is the

reincarnation of Putri Rainun,” said Rajo Mudo. Nenek Rubiah then performed a

magical ceremony and the flower transformed back into Putri Rainun. Rajo Mudo

was overjoyed! He immediately hugged his lover, and finally in the end the two

were married and they lived happily ever after.



Putri Reno Pinang Masak

A long time ago there was a small kingdom that was called the Limbungan

Kingdom. Its Queen was a woman named Putri Reno Pinang Masak. This young

woman was beautiful, intelligent, and had a very pleasant nature. She was the

desire of all young eligible bachelors, both those of royalty, as well as those of the

general populace.

It was a sad situation, however, because although she was approaching 30

years of age, it wasn’t possible to count the number of proposals she turned down.

It was evident that there wasn’t a single young man that could gain favor in her

eyes. She always gave a reason for every proposal that she refused. She was very

careful though, since she didn’t want to offend people, she always presented her

refusals to marry in a manner that was very polite and inoffensive.

“What are you waiting for my Queen?” said the foremost of her three

advisers. “Our Kingdom is increasingly prosperous. The economics of our

Kingdom has put almost everybody on the same economical footing, so that the

chasm between the wealthy and the poor is not very great. We are very secure,

stable, and safe. It’s time for the Queen to seriously think about settling down and

building a family.”

The Queen replied, “We have already spoken about that topic at length,

Datuk Dengar Kitab. There will be time for that later on. Don’t spend time

searching for candidates for marriage, and especially don’t try to force me! It’s

best that we prioritize our efforts and give all our thoughts and attention to the

prosperity and safety of our Kingdom.”

The citizens of the Limbungan Kingdom were very much aware of the

Queen’s rejection of many marriage proposals. Actually, she was prioritizing, and

placing the Kingdom’s well-being over that of her own. This was the very reason

why the Kingdom was as prosperous as it was. Any of the citizens of the

Kingdom that were considered in poverty were well taken care of. They had the

guarantee of food, drink, as well as a home. They were also all employed, and

there weren’t any beggars, or homeless wanderers.

The Queen’s three advisers were all very wise and discerning. All three of

them were devoutly loyal and could be trusted. The citizens had full confidence in

the leadership of the Queen and her advisers. The beauty and wise leadership of

Queen Putri Reno Pinang Masak was known by all the Kings living on the

thousands of islands surrounding the Kingdom of Limbungan. One of those

Kings, from the Island of Java, was struck with desire when he heard of the story

about the Limbungan Kingdom and it’s Queen.

The Javanese King then ordered a small delegation from his Kingdom to

go and propose to Queen Putri Reno Pinang Masak. With that delegation was sent

many nice gifts that were to be offered as a gesture of peace to the Limbungan

Kingdom. But, as with all the proposals for marriage from many other Kings, this

proposal was also refused. The consequence of this refusal was that the Javanese

King felt offended.

When his delegation returned and reported to him the news of what had

transpired, he said, “I swear by heaven and earth that I will marry Queen Putri

Reno Pinang Masak. If I can’t have here by means of peace, I will marry her by

war.” One of the delegates replied to the Javanese King, “Actually, if you force

the Queen of the Limbungan Kingdom so that she fulfills all your wishes, we don’t

need to go to war to make it happen. A war will create much suffering for our

people, as well as for theirs. The feelings of hatred will last for many generations

and will not be easy to remove. These feelings of hatred and bitterness may lie

dormant, and they could emerge at any time, creating much havoc in the future.”

“What is your suggestion?” replied the Javanese King with an explosive

voice. “If not through war, how will this be accomplished?”. “We’ll kidnap her!”

replied the delegate. “Kidnap? That’s a disgusting and insulting thought. No, let’s

attack the Limbungan Kingdom now!” said the King. Because it was still the age

when Kings ruled with an iron fist, and every command they gave had to be

obeyed, without question or argument, the planning for the attack on the

Limbungan Kingdom commenced immediately.

All the military commanders from the Javanese Kingdom conducted so

they could develop a war strategy that could quickly be launched. War ships were

prepared to transport the troops. Weapons and every type of supply were

prepared. Finally, after all was prepared the ships left and headed for the Strait of

Berhala, and upstream on the Batanghari River. The military forces proceeded as

quietly as possible, not wanting to alert the Limbungan Kingdom’s military

forces. The Javanese King told his military commander, try to kill as few people

as possible, and bring the Queen to me totally unharmed.

The Javanese military commander had previously sent an intelligence

gathering squad ahead of them to collect information about the Limbungan

Kingdom. This was done so that he would have clear information about the

strengths and weaknesses of that kingdoms’ military force, as well as what

defenses they may have. He wanted to know: 1) what type of weapons they had;

2) how many people were in their military; 3) what type of defensive fortification

they had, etc. All of these questions he had to know if he was to overcome and

defeat the Limbungan Kingdom.

It was highly unfortunately for the Javanese intelligence squad, because

they were captured by the Limbungan military. That squad was interrogated by

Datuk Rajo Penghulu, Datuk Dengar Kitab, and Datuk Mangun, the Limbungan

Queen’s three advisors. The advisers were interrogating them so they could

determine the plans of the Javanese military. After the interrogation was

complete, the information was passed along to Queen Putri Reno Pinang Masak.

After the Queen heard the news she responded, “We didn’t look for an

enemy, and we also don’t want to destroy other kingdoms and take their

independence away from them. But, if our Kingdom is being threatened, and all

it’s great blessings for our people are at risk, we must take steps to protect

ourselves. I want you, my trusted advisers, to convene a meeting and invite all

that are necessary so that a strategy can be developed which will repel any attack

from our enemy,” said the Queen.

“My Queen, it would be best if we would relocate you to a much safer

location, “said one of her advisers. “Isn’t our Kingdom safe for me?” She

responded. The Queen’s face displayed full assurance and not the slightest trace

of fear from the threat posed by the Javanese King.

The following week the Limbungan citizens commenced building

defensive fortifications. Some of them were digging ditches that were circling the

capital city of the Limbungan Kingdom. Some of them were gathering bamboo

poles, and others were gathering branches that were layered with thorns, while

others were transporting these gathered supplies and placing them along the

trenches that were being dug. All of this would enhance their defensive position.

In one month the defensive fort was completed. It had a wall of bamboo

and a thick fence of thorns on the inside. There was also the ditch that was dug in

front of the bamboo wall, which would make any attack extremely difficult. The

Queen then, along with her three advisers, inspected the fortifications surrounding

the city.

“You did an outstanding job!” exclaimed the Queen. “There’s only one

gate with which to enter or go out of the city, correct?”. “Yes!” replied Datuk Rajo

Penghulu. “The gate will be guarded by Datuk Mangun and his children. He has

taught his sons to inspect every person who wants to either come in or go out of

the city. If people don’t have permission, and they are not well-known, no matter

who they are, they are not allowed to go out or come in.” The queen being

directed to go into the tower.

The ensuring war was impossible to be prevented. The troops from Java

had arrived and immediately commenced their fierce attack. From the river, as

well as from land, the attack was launched. The war lasted three days and nights.

The two sides fought fiercely to gain the victory over the other. Because the

fortification was of a simple construction, although well built, it was obvious that

the Javanese troops at one location of the wall were gaining the upper hand.

Though the bamboo wall was built very well, the Javanese forces broke through

and entered the city. As they entered, their bodies and clothing were immediately

stabbed and stuck on all the thorns that were lining the fence on the inside of that

wall. The thorns made it impossible for them to proceed, so they quickly retreated.

In their retreat, that squad of Javanese troops were attacked from behind by the

Limbungan forces totally defeated.

The Javanese squad of soldiers that tried to break through the gate also

failed. Datuk Mangun, together with his sons, obstinately held off the attackers.

Finally, the Javanese forces retreated, leaving behind a large number of their

fallen soldiers. After the retreat, the Javanese King gathered his commanding

officers and said, “That Queen, who will become my wife, is very clever! Their

fortifications, which includes the ditch, bamboo wall, and the thorn fence on the

inside is not a problem. We will overcome them with a cleverly devised scheme.”

“My King, what do you mean?” asked one of the commanding officers.

“Ha ha ha….,” exploded the Javanese King with laughter. After wiping the spit

that had drooled down on his chin, he leaned over to the right ear of that

commanding officer and said, “Money! Metal coins can be ground small like a

stone, and we’ll make a canon that can shoot those metal coins. We will use silver

and gold coins with which to make our canon shot.” “And then?” asked the

officer. “Then we will shoot the gun at the entire length of one of those bamboo

walls!” said the King. “Wouldn’t it be useless to do something like that?” replied

the officer. The King responded, “You will see what I mean later, just do what I

said and make the canon. Gather together those who have the skill in

manufacturing weapons. I hope that in six months our forces will launch an

offensive and destroy the Limbungan Kingdom’s fort.”

The officer didn’t argue with the Javanese King, but immediately gathered

the workers to build the canon. Exactly six months later the Javanese forces

returned with the newly forged canon. They were going to use it to destroy the

Limbungan Kingdom’s fort.

After getting the gun set up outside the Limbungan Kingdom’s fort, they

immediately commenced firing. After several shots all the silver and gold coins

were used up, and they retreated from the attack and moved outside the area of the

Limbungan Kingdom. There were only 2-3 chosen soldiers that were ordered to

stay in that area, being disguised as citizens of the Limbungan Kingdom.

During that short attack of canon fire there wasn’t a single soldier from

either side that was killed. Two days after the attack one of the Limbungan

soldiers, who was outside the walls inspecting he fortification, returned and

reported to the Queen’s adviser, Datuk Dengar Kitab, “Sir, I discovered something

amazing that we need to report to the Queen. Their canon was loaded with silver

and gold coins when they shot at us!”Limbungan Kingdom soldiers collecting the

gold and silver coins that were shot from the Javanese canon.The other two

advisers also heard the report and they said, “Let’s all go inspect it ourselves to

confirm that this report is true!” said Datuk Rajo Penghulu and Datuk Mangun.

“If it is true, those silver and gold coins that were shot at our walls will be a great

blessing for our Kingdom!”

The report turned out to be just as it was described. Fragments of silver

and gold coins were scattered all around the ground by the walls, as well as

embedded in the bamboo itself. After returning and reporting to the Queen, she

was asked, “What do you want us to do?” “Collect it all! We will all be greatly

benefited by this wealth!” said the Queen. Because it was very difficult to get the

coins out of the bamboo, the walls were torn apart so that every piece of silver and

gold could be collected. The coin fragments were then brought inside the palace.

Seeing that the fort walls were all taken apart, and the defenses were no

longer in place, the Javanese spies that stayed behind immediately reported the

news to the Javanese military leaders. The next day an attack was made on the

Limbungan capital, and it quickly fell into the hands of the Javanese victors. The

Queen realized her tragic error, and in her heart she whispered, “That Javanese

King is truly amazing! Too bad for us that I rejected his wedding proposal. What

more can I do, ‘The rice has already become porridge” (nasi telah menjadi

bubur—That is a parable which means: I waited too long, there’s no need to talk

about it any longer.).

Putri Reno Pinang Masak, as she observes the Dutch soldiers break

through the Limbungan Kingdom defenses. Pandemonium struck the citizens of

the Limbungan Kingdom. The Queen’s three advisers, as well as all the loyal

citizens were searching for the Queen, but they couldn’t find her in the palace.

The Javanese troops were also searching for her, but they all came up empty


“There’s no need for us to return to a palace that’s been defeated by its

enemy! Let’s look for our Queen, Putri Reno Pinang Masak, whether she’s dead

or alive,” said Datuk Rajo Penghulu. “We agree!” replied the Queen’s other two

advisers, Datuk Mangun and Datuk Dengar Kitab.

At the time those events were unfolding, the citizens in the distant village

of Tenaku were gathered at a little stream not far from their village. They were

shocked when they heard the news from a farmer in that area who said, “There’s a

corpse of a young beautiful girl laying in my field. She fell to the earth as if she

were a piece of pinang bark that floats to and fro as it floats to the ground. She’s

now laying in front of my little home. Let’s go there together so it can be

witnessed by all and then we can bury her.”

There wasn’t a single person in the Village of Tenaku that knew who that

dead girl was. They were all confused as to who she was. To discover the identity

of that girl, the famous dukun (village witchdoctor) was called. In just a short

period of time after he conducted his ritual, he revealed that the girl was actually

the Queen of the Limbungan Kingdom, Putri Reno Pinang Masak.

They all immediately decided to bury here in the Village of Tenaku. One

month later, when the three advisors of the Queen passed by that area, still in

search of her, they were told by the farmer of the young lady they found as well as

what the dukun revealed about her identity. The farmer then showed the three

advisors the grave of their Queen, Putri Reno Pinang Masak.

“This is her grave!” said the farmer as he explained what happened to her.

“We named this grave Makam Upih Jatuh, because as she fell to the earth she

floated down as if she were a piece of pinang bark.” When the three advisers

heard that news they immediately fainted and then died. They are also buried

there in the very same place.



Origin of the Jambi Villages of Lempur, Tebat Gelang, and Tebat

A long, long time ago, in the Kerinci regency (kabupaten) of the Jambi

Province, there was a kingdom named Puncak Tiga Kaum. It was named that

because that kingdom was led by three brothers. The oldest was Pamuncak

Rencong Talang. The middle was Pamuncak Tanjung Sari. And the youngest was

Pamuncak Koto Tapus. Together with the citizens, each one of the three brothers

had the responsibility to manage their region of the Kingdom. Even though all

three of the regions were managed independently, whenever there was the need

for help in one region, the other two regions would provide whatever help was

needed to take care of the situation. That cooperative effort was also reflected in

how they discussed their problems, and that is, through joint discussions.

Pamuncak Rencong Talang and his two younger brothers provided just

and wise leadership. All three regions were prosperous, safe, and calm. If one of

the regions would be in need of help during the planting or harvest season, the

others would come and work together. During the harvest season, they would

conduct a thanksgiving festival (Kenduri). The Kenduri festival of thanksgiving

was normally carried out with great celebrations. All the citizens from the area

would be invited, with the famous and most honored of citizens being seated in

the places of greatest honor.

One year during the rice harvest season, when Pamuncak Rencong

Talang’s region was having a bountiful harvest, they conducted a Kenduri

festival. “Hey, everyone, our harvest this season is overflowing! To express

thanksgiving for this great blessing, let’s conduct a festival right away,” said

Pamuncak Rencong Talang. “Please prepare everything that is needed, including

inviting all the guests!”. “Okay, Your Majesty,” said the leaders of the community

in unison.

The preparations for the huge feast that was to take place was immediately

started. All the citizens of the area were very busy trying to make sure the feast

would be a great time of celebration and thanksgiving. Pamuncak Rencong Talang

sent out invitations to his brothers, Pamuncak Tanjung Sari and Pamuncak Koto

Tapus. Their entire families were also included in the invitation. The festival was

to last three days. The first day was uniquely a feast for people from outside the

area. The second day was a special feast only for the main leaders of the regions,

as well as the older mature citizens. The third day was uniquely for the young men

and women.

When the Kenduri festival started, on the very first day of that three day

event, those who were invited began to arrive. The celebration proceeded as

scheduled and it was a time of great exuberance. On the second day of the event,

the invited guests from the leading families arrived. Pamuncak Koto Talang was

present with his family, as well as several of his close advisors and guards.

Pamuncak Tanjung Sari also arrived, being accompanied by several of the leaders

in the various districts within the region he governed.

On the third and final day of the event, which was uniquely for the young

men and women, Putri, the very beautiful daughter of Pamuncak Tanjung Sari

arrived, being accompanied by her mother. When they entered the location where

the party was being conducted, Putri became the center of all the young men’s

attention. Seated at the very back of the area were two young men who were

whispering to each other about Putri’s beauty. “Hey, who is that pretty girl? Do

you know her?” whispered one of the young men to the other. “Who knows? I’ve

never seen her before,” responded the second young man, “But her appearance

and clothing clearly shows that she’s not merely an ordinary citizen in our

Kingdom.”. “Hmmm… perhaps she’s from the family of Pamuncak Rencong

Talang,” said the first young man.

While the program got started Putri’s mother went to a different location

and assembled with the family of Pamuncak Rencong Talang. Putri’s mother

intentionally didn’t sit close to her daughter because the celebration conducted on

that day was especially for the young men and women. As the feast started,

everybody was happy and pleased to be able to be together. All the guests enjoyed

a wide assortment of foods, as well as a presentation of various forms of arts, like

dancing, singing, and music. Because they were all so absorbed in the events of

the festival, they weren’t aware they had been there so long, because they didn’t

even give it a thought when the roosters began to crow early in the morning. The

festival was still going on!

Putri’s mother, realizing they had been there a long time, went over to the

location where the program was still in process and told her daughter they needed

to return home. Her mother was worried that she would become sick due to not

having sufficient sleep. “Come on my daughter, let’s go home,” said her mother.

Putri heard her mother, but she totally ignored her. She was still enjoying the

celebration together with the other guests. Because she wouldn’t listen to her

mother, her mother returned and joined with the family of Pamuncak Rencong

Talang again. After a period of time, her mother again returned to the location

where the festival was being held and called for her daughter. “Come on my

daughter, let’s go home! It’s already day time,” said her mother. Again and again

Putri ignored her mother. She even began to feel annoyed by her mother’s

repeated efforts to take her away from the party and return home. There was a

young man sitting together with Putri, and he asked her, “Hey! Who in the world

is that woman?”. “Oh… that old woman is my house maid,” said Putri.

Her mother heard Putri’s response to that young man’s question, and she

never thought that her precious beautiful daughter would ever have the heart to

say something like that. The mother was deeply hurt and her heart was broken to

pieces. The mother’s thought was, “How could my daughter, whom I love so

dearly, ever say that I’m not her mother?”. “Oh, God. Forgive my daughter’s

sins!” prayed the mother.

After the festival was over, the wife of Pamuncak Tanjung Sari, together

with her daughter Putri, said goodbye to Pamuncak Rencong Talang’s family and

returned to their home. It was a long distance to their home, so they knew the

journey was going to take a long time. They had to pass through valleys, over

hills, through rice fields, and open fields. In the middle of their journey they met

with a group of young men that had spent a lot of time with Putri the night before.

Because they were all very tired, both groups decided to rest together at the same

place. While resting, one of the young men came over to Putri and asked her

something. “Excuse me, Putri. Who is that old woman that’s accompanying you?”

asked the young man. “Didn’t I already tell you she was my house servant?” she


Though she clearly heard her daughter’s reply to that young man, the

mother remained silent. However, in her heart she concealed the sharp deep pain

those words caused. After their rest they continued on their journey and they

arrived in the area of Pulau Sangkar and Lolo, which is full of swamps. When the

mother saw the swamps, she felt resentful of her daughter’s behavior and words,

and prayed for God to curse her rebellious daughter so she would be swallowed

up and drown in the swamp’s mud.

The prayers of Putri’s mother went straight to God, the One that is All

Powerful, and he granted her the thing she prayed for. When her daughter was

walking through the swamp, her feet got stuck in the mud. Little by little she

began to sink, deeper and deeper, until she was almost completely submerged.

That rebellious and disobedient Putri screamed out for her mother for help.

“Mother,… Mother… help me!” screamed Putri. “I’m not your mother! I’m only

your old and ugly house servant!” responded her mother. Putri continued to

scream for her mother’s help, and even promised she would never act

disobediently to her again. “Forgive me, Mother! I promise I’ll never rebel

against you again,” said Putri in a state of desperation.

Thinking there was nothing more that could be done for her daughter, and

that she was already sunk too far down into the mud, she gave no further

consideration to helping her. But she quickly went over to her, when she saw that

she was sunk in the mud up to her chin, and she took the decorative bracelet off

her wrist. She also took from Putri her beautiful and extremely expensive shaw

(songket selendang) that had gold thread woven into its fabric. After that Putri

was totally submerged in the mud. Since then that area was named “Lempur,”

which comes from the word “mud” (lumpur).

Seeing that Putri had completely vanished below the mud, her mother

continued on her journey home. Suddenly she arrived at a location that was a

good place to rest. While resting she saw a pool (tebat) and began to bathe. When

she was washing her face the bracelet she took from her daughter accidently fell.

When she picked it back up, that bracelet reminded her of her deceased daughter.

Not wanting to have painful memories of her dearly loved daughter anymore, she

threw the bracelet out into the depths of the pool (tebat) and left it there. Since

then that area has been known as Tebat Gelang (bracelet pool).

After she finished resting, the wife of Pamuncak Tanjung Sari continued

on her journey. Arriving at another place where another pool was located, she

again decided to rest and take another bath. While bathing, the shaw (songket

selendang) that she took from her daughter accidentally fell. Again, like with the

bracelet, memories of her daughter came back to her. Not wanting to continually

be troubled and disturbed with thoughts of Putri anymore, she threw the shaw into

the pool (tebat) so it would sink clear to the bottom. Since then that area has been

called Tebat Jambi.



Pendekar Bujang Sanaya

A long time ago there were four young brothers: 1) Pendekar Bujang

Sanaya; 2) Bujang Pengukir; 3) Bujang Penakuk Mato; and 4) Bujang Buruk.

These four brothers always got along well with each other. They were very

considerate of each other, and always ready to defend each other. They had a

Queen over their Kingdom that was loved and honored by all the citizens (and she

happened to be their mother).

From the time he was very young, Pendekar Bujang Sanaya was educated

in the sciences. Because of his knowledge, he rose to take the position of his

father who had recently passed away. His three younger brothers didn’t hold any

position of great importance in the Kingdom, they were just like all the other

citizens, but they were very loyal to their Kingdom. The three brothers would

frequently visit their older brother in the palace to discuss topics of importance

and to work on plans that would help the Kingdom and their people to become

more prosperous.

One day while the four brothers were in the palace discussing a matter

concerning a problem in their Kingdom, having to do with security and safety,

Bujang Buruk said to Pendekar Bujang Sanaya, “My King, would you like to invite

our uncle to come and join in on our discussion?” Bujang Pengukir added, “It

would be good that he was invited, because he is the only brother our late father


The younger brother of the late King was living at that time far across the

ocean. At the ceremony to inaugurate Pendekar Bujang Sanaya as their new King,

their uncle had come for a visit, but he hadn’t been back to visit their Kingdom in

Ranah Kerinci Alam Sakti since that time. “Yes! I also desire to meet with our

uncle. But, now isn’t the time. Let’s wait a while,” replied Pendekar Bujang


Si Jelita was an extremely beautiful young lady, and she also happened to

be the daughter of the newly inaugurated King’s uncle. This beautiful young lady

was advised by her mother to go and visit her older cousin, King Pendekar Bujang

Sanaya. The reason her mother told her to go see the King was because the

clothing that Si Jelita desired to have could not be obtained in their country. Her

mother thought that maybe there was a possibility that Pendekar Bujang Sanaya

would be able to fulfill her desires. “If that’s what you think is best, mother. I’ll go

and meet King Pendekar Bujang Sanaya,” said Si Jelita to her mother.

When Si Jelita arrived at the Kingdom of her older cousin, she approached

him using the culturally appropriate honors that is always given to kings. It was

then that Si Jelita informed the King of the reason why she had come. Pendekar

Bujang Sanaya responded after he heard her explanation: “You surprise me with

your request! What you have asked for is an extremely difficult thing to fulfill,

Jelita! Do you think I’m a merchant? I’m not! I’m just an ordinary person. Do

you expect me to sell our Kingdom’s ancient treasures and heirlooms so we can

buy you fine clothing, bracelets, earrings, and a necklace filled with jewels?”

Si Jelita was offended by the King’s reply. She sadly bowed in

submission. The tears from her eyes began to trail down her face. In her heart she

whispered: “Even if you’re not willing to give me what I ask, you don’t need to be

so offensive and hurt my feelings with such a harsh response.”

Si Jelita pouted, but quietly she left the palace and made her way toward

the shoreline. She was hoping she would be able to find a ship that was preparing

to sail on which she could immediately return to her home. To attract the attention

of passing ships, she would wave her scarf so she would be noticed and they

would then stop and bring her on board. She wanted to take any ship she could,

just so she could leave. She didn’t ever want to see the face of her older cousin


Spread out in front of her was the sea’s surface that was covered with mist

and fog. The waves were rolling in, crashing down on the beach’s coral. Her eyes

were transfixed toward the middle of the sea when she finally saw a ship.

Following prayer, she began waving her scarf. The lookout on the ship saw the

scarf waving in the distance and they altered course towards the shoreline. When

they got a little closer to land they let down a small row boat to go and pick up

their new passenger.

The captain of the ship was very happy to have such a pretty young lady

(Si Jelita) as a passenger. That ship was currently heading toward a port along the

same coast that was not too far from the palace of Pendekar Bujang Sanaya. The

King himself was at that time heading there to meet that ship and to see what

types of interesting cargo he could purchase. On his walk to the port he was

thinking to himself what a fine wife and queen Si Jelita would have been.

King Pendekar Bujang Sanaya was surprised when he got to the pier and

saw Si Jelita on that ship. He asked her why she would ever want leave such a

secure and prosperous kingdom such as his. With a voice that was harsh and loud,

Si Jelita told him why she was so upset. “Okay! Just be calm and listen to me a

second. All the things you ask of me I’ll give you. The entire Kingdom, as well as

every beautiful thing within it, and yet more, I’ll give you bracelets, earrings, and

necklaces of gold studded with all types of jewelry.”

Si Jelita decided to remain on the ship, and after they conducted their

business with the merchants at that port they pulled out again, heading to a distant

shore. King Pendekar Bujang Sanaya considered the tragic error he had made. In

his heart he said: “Why did I respond so harshly to Si Jelita when she came to see

me the first time? Where on earth would that ship have taken Si Jelita? And, what

would her father say to me when he found out that she ran off to a distant shore

because I was so cold and heartless?”

The King then commanded an aid to call his three brothers. After they

arrived the King said to them, with a loud and clear voice, “Yesterday Si Jelita,

our younger cousin came to the palace. She requested from me extremely fine

clothing, bracelets, earrings, and necklaces studded with diamonds and all types

of jewels. I said that I didn’t have the ability to give all that she requested.

Evidently she became so offended that she doesn’t ever want to see me again. Go

look for her! Bring her to the palace. We will fulfill all that she has requested.”

The three brothers quickly went out and began their search for Si Jelita. In

every nook and cranny of surrounding kingdoms they looked for her. Every

person they met in their search they asked if they knew her, or if they knew where

she was. It was evident that there wasn’t a single person that had seen that

beautiful young lady. Si jelita was no longer in the entire region. It was a

possibility that the ship she was on had returned across the sea and that she was

going back to her father’s home.

King Pendekar Bujang Sanaya became extremely depressed hearing the

report from his brothers that she could not be found. He felt as though his heart

had been stabbed with a knife. The great sadness he experienced made him lose

strength. And because of that he said to his brothers, “Take a break from your

search! Tomorrow go out and look again.”

That night the King tossed and turned on his bed and couldn’t sleep. For a

brief time he drifted off to sleep, and when he did he had a dream. In the dream

his grandfather and grandmother, who had already been dead a long time, came to

him. He was extremely angry with himself because he had hurt the feelings of Si

Jelita. In his dream his grandmother said, “Si Jelita is already written about in

Luh Mahfus (Lauh Mahfuzh—is a book that God maintains. In it are all the events

that will take place throughout all of history). She will become your wife. At this

time she’s at a palace across the sea. Both you and Si Jelita fell in love with each

other at the same time. Now hurry! Go find Si Jelita! Bring her back to your

palace and marry her.”

Immediately the King lept from his bed and called for an aid to go and get

his three brothers. When his brothers arrived he communicated to them his dream.

After hearing the dream retold the three brothers said, “Okay King! We’ll

immediately sail and find your wife. We will search for her in every kingdom until

we find her. And we will find her!”. “To sail, we need supplies for the trip,” said

Bujang Buruk. “And we certainly need a ship that is seaworthy. But, our Kingdom

doesn’t have a ship like that. What are we going to do?”

An old boat stuck in the mud on the bank of the Batang Hari River. This is

located in front of Ancol, also known as Tanggo Rajo. “There is an old ship,” said

Bujang Pengukir. “It’s been laying along the beach for years. We can repair and

use it.”. “Good idea,” said Bujang Penakuk Mato. “We’ll install a sail on it. We’ll

equip it with oars as well. Hopefully with a ship like that we’ll get to the kingdom

that our grandmother told you about in your dream.”. “Okay! We need to go to

the coast now,” said the King. “But, we need to keep our plan a secret so the

citizens won’t know what we’re up to.”

After the four brothers arrived at the coast they inspected the condition of

the ship that was half buried in mud. While mumbling to himself, King Pendekar

Bujang Sanaya rolled a sirih leaf cigarette and then smoked it. It seemed as

though the sea was proudly welcoming them to set sail using that ship, so that

eventually it would be able to swallow them up during a storm. The ship was in

very poor shape!

The four brothers were drenched in sweat as they labored to free the ship

from the mud. Even with all their effort the ship was still in its original position.

They realized that they didn’t have the ability to free the ship from the thick

slippery mud. Each one of them felt as though they had been cursed. They then

left the shore and returned to their homes.

After bathing and eating, Pendekar Bujang Sanaya went to bed. Like

before, he tossed and turned in his sleep. In a dream his grandmother came to him

again. She said to him in a very stern tone, “You all appear as though you want

everything to come to you easy and free. You all know that you are not allowed to

disturb what doesn’t belong to you without first getting permission from the

owner. That ship is the property of your deceased father. It appears as though you

want to rob him of his property without permission. If you actually need a ship to

find your future wife, make one yourself. If you need one, you can cut down a tree

from the jungle, but remember, trees that you don’t need, you shouldn’t cut down.

You always need to remember to preserve those trees for your descendants,

because someday they will be in need of them.”

The four brothers obeyed the guidance of their dead grandmother.

Through the jungle they searched for a tree that would be big enough from which

they could make a ship, but after several days of searching they still hadn’t found

one. King Pendekar Bujang Sanaya said, “Let’s go home! There isn’t a tree that

will work. All the trees are just too small.”

That night as Pendekar Bujang Sanaya tried to sleep, but he was very

restless. He was finally able to drift off to sleep, and when he did his grandmother

again came to him in a dream and said to him, “You’re not able to sleep well

again are you Sanaya? Why is it that you would rather sleep than think about

your future wife?” Pendekar Bujang Sanaya responded, “Grandma, we haven’t

been able to find a tree that has a trunk large enough for us to make a ship. The

trees we found were only large enough to make a boat. We’ve already searched

through many jungles, grandma. There’s no use in us trying again if it’s

impossible to find what we need.”. “Your attempts aren’t sufficient. You still

haven’t searched in the area of Mount Perentak Cermin. There is a tree there that

would be large enough to make a ship,” replied his grandmother.

Pendekar Bujang Sanaya asked, “What type of tree do you mean? What

does it look like?” She replied, “The top of that tree is in the clouds. The roots

reach and penetrate throughout the entire earth. If you would attempt to walk

around it, it would take you three months.”. “That’s impossible, grandmother,”

said Pendekar Bujang Sanaya. “There isn’t a word “impossible! Now go to Mount

Perentak Cermin! Cut down that tree and make the ship you need and go and get

Si Jelita,” said his grandmother.

After discussing his dream with his brothers, he said, “If there really is a

tree that would take three months to walk around, it’s not possible for us four to

cut it down. I’ll command all the people in my Kingdom to work together and get

it cut down. With a joint effort we can make it happen. I’ll prepare all the tools, as

well as supplies we’ll need for the job. What do you all think about this plan?”

asked Pendekar Bujang Sanaya. “We agree,” responded Bujang Pengukir, “But, it

would be best if we went there ourselves first. We need to first confirm that there

really is a tree there as large as our grandmother told you in that dream.”

The four brothers agreed with Bujang Pengukir and set off to confirm the

dream. When they arrived at Mount Perentak Cermin, there it was, just as it was

described by their grandmother in the dream. That giant tree was thousands of

years old. It was the tallest, the largest around, and the one with the most leaves

that has ever been seen. “It would take the entire population of our Kingdom 4-5

years to cut this tree down, and that is if they would work every single day,”

blurted out Bujang Buruk. “My King,” said Bujang Panakuk Mato, “We’ll attempt

it, although some may say that it is impossible to be cut down, even in a 10 year

time period, and even if thousands of axes and picks were striking it every second.

But, if God so wills, it’s not impossible for this tree to come down in the blink of

an eye. With that, many hundreds of citizens began to work on that giant tree.

Even so, there was little to show for all their work. Not even a small dent was

made in the task that needed to be accomplished. The edges of the axes and picks

were always chipping and breaking because the wood was so hard. The sound of

steel striking steel would be heard when the axes would come into contact with the


A delegation returned to the palace to report to the King about the

situation with the tree. “Oh, King, Please forgive the thousands of workers,

because even though we have been working with all of our strength, there still

hasn’t been any noticeable progress. Please present an offering to the spirits so

they will be delighted in us and allow that tree to be cut down.”

Pendekar Bujang Sanaya contemplated the situation, and without giving a

reply to that report, he immediately went to his bedroom and went to sleep. As

soon as he closed his eyes, his thoughts began to roam, but they didn’t disturb and

keep him from drifting off to sleep. Like before, in his sleep his grandmother

came to him in a dream. His grandmother listened to the explanation of her

grandson about all the citizens who were working to cut down that mammoth tree.

“You are wrong,” his grandmother said to him. “You commanded your people to

go and sweat to fulfill your desires. But you and your three brothers sit with your

hands in your laps. Is that praiseworthy? You should, as a leader, stand before

that tree yourself. You should be swinging that ax. Your people will follow your

example. You four must do the work. Now, I’ll tell you again, you four go and cut

that tree down.” After the King awoke, he told his three brothers the dream and

then they discussed the situation. They all agreed that they were certain that they

were the ones that should go there and cut down that tree.

When the four arrived at Mount Perentak Cermin, fear and worry began to

arise. They were shocked to see such a huge tree which had been worked on by so

many people, and yet there was so little progress. They then bowed down in

weakness. Bujang Penakuk Mato complained: “Dozens and dozens, no, hundreds

and hundreds of people haven’t had the ability to cut down this tree, what can we

four do? Let’s just return home.” The King then said, “You should give it all your

energy, Penakuk! It seems that before you’ve tried you’re ready to admit defeat

and start complaining. Let’s start our work right now, and don’t let it be said by

any of our people that we are women.”

The four brothers didn’t take a break during their work. They continually

laid into the tree with their axes. Is seemed as though the tree had become weak

and soft when struck by the edges of their axes. In less than a half a day they

began to hear sounds of things beginning to crack and splinter. “Hey! If this tree is

to come down, we need it to fall into the sea so that a huge wave will be created,

which will reach all the way to where Si Jelita is located.”. “Yes, we did it!” was

the cry that rang out when the tree came down with a reverberating echo. The

waves it made in the sea were thrown all the way to the beach of distant side of

the ocean.

The tree was then cut up so that it could be made into the ship that would

enable them to find Si Jelita. To make that tree into boards, with which they

would make that ship, they used 700 chosen people. Those 700 worked very hard

to prepare that ship so that it would safely reach the other side of the ocean.

After 40 full months the ship was completed, and now the task of getting

the ship off land and launched into the sea was on hand. Hundreds of people

worked very hard to pull and push that ship to the beach, but they failed. They

tried everything to get it off dry land, but they couldn’t.

As usual, King Pendekar Bujang Sanaya returned home, took a bath, ate

supper, and went to sleep. Again his grandmother came to him in a dream he said

to her, “Grandma, the ship is ready, but we don’t have the energy to pull the ship

to the sea. I’m very disappointed, grandma! What more do I have to do? Or what

more do I have to make?”. “I’ve already told you! You and your four brothers

need to do the work. Up until now the people have been trying to pull the boat,

whereas you have only been standing around watching. You have only been

commanding this and that! It’s not hard to pull the ship to the beach,” she


The four brothers were then certain that their grandmother’s directions

would work. They themselves, without the rest of the workers, in just a short

period of time had the ship launched and floating on sea. With the ship ready to

sail, the four brothers departed for the opposite side of the sea. After a full month

they arrived at a kingdom that they were to search for Si Jelita. The four brothers

searched for her when they landed. Several people were asked if they had heard of

her. One person responded, “Yes, actually that young lady, Si Jelita, is being kept

in seclusion, because next week there’s to be a huge celebration. The capital city

will become extremely festive and full of people, because our King will marry her.

It will be a great event that will last 7 days and 7 nights.”

The four brothers had a discussion, and they developed a strategy on how

they could kidnap Si Jelita and get her back to their Kingdom. The strategy they

decided on was that the King Pendekar Bujang Sanaya would pretend that he was

a guest that wanted to present a greeting of congratulations to the bride. At the

same time, two others would sneak into the room where Si Jelita was being held

in seclusion. Before that step, those same two would act as though they were also

bringing special gifts for Si Jelita. During this time Bujang Pengukir had the duty

to guard the ship.

Their strategy and tactics were successful. The King that had hoped to

marry Si Jelita that week was tricked. When they saw King Pendekar Bujang

Sanaya’s ship leaving the port, that King realized that he had been deceived. That

King wished he had a ship he could use to chase them and get his would be bride

back, but they didn’t. With that Si Jelita was rescued from being married to that

King. While on their ship, King Pendekar Bujang Sanaya said to his brothers,

“Let’s don’t go straightway to our kingdom.” Let’s first go and visit our uncle, Si

Jelita’s father. We will go with him to the capital city of their kingdom, and there

I’ll marry Si Jelita.”


Bujang Selamat

A long time ago, in the area (kecamatan) known as Tungkul Ulu

(Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat), there was a small kingdom named the

Merlungraya Kingdom. The King over that kingdom had a son who was very dear

to him and his wife. The son’s name was Baidawi, who also had the title of

Pangeran Muda (young prince). Pangeran Muda was fully aware that he was a

descendant of the royal family, so he always worked hard at gaining as much

education as he possibly could. Since he knew the time would come when he

would be raised to the position of King, taking his father’s position, he wanted to

know as much as he possibly could so he could lead his kingdom to become as

prosperous as it possibly could.

It was too bad though, because Pangeran Muda, being overly cautious, was

very reluctant to take risks. Because of his carefulness in weighing each decision

for its potential for loss, he frequently didn’t do anything. The Merlungraya

Kingdom had a close friendship with the Pelabuhandagang Kingdom. The

Pelabuhandagang Kingdom was famously known for its princesses, Putri

Rembulan. She was the only child of King Betuah. As part of a marriage proposal

ritual, Putri Rembulan would present to young men riddles which they would be

required to answer correctly, if they were to be considered for marriage. In the

process of time, the prince from the Merlungraya Kingdom, Pangeran Muda

(young prince Baidawai), also made a proposal for marriage, which required him

to answer questions presented to him by the princess.

The news that Pangeran Muda was proposing to Putri Rembulan travelled

throughout the two kingdoms. Everybody wanted to come and witness the event.

For several nights before it took place, Pangeran Muda was in deep meditation,

because he didn’t want shyness to hinder him from giving a clear and correct

answers to the princess’ questions. One afternoon, Pangeran Muda called out to

one of his young male servants who had the responsibility to tend to his goats,

“Bujang Selamat, take your late afternoon bath, and after that meet me at the

porch of the palace. There’s something I want to say to you.”. “What is it that you

can’t tell me right here, Sir,” said Bujang Selamat. “it’s a secret! Remember,

nobody can hear what we have to say. Even my goats aren’t allowed to hear it. If

somebody knows my plans, we both could be killed,” said Pangeran Muda.

After the evening prayers, Bujang Selamat was served a meal that was

very delicious. He had been the servant of Pangeran Muda since he was 12 years

old. He was at this time a little over 25 years old, and he had never had anybody

serve him such good food. “Bujang Selamat, please help me!” said Pangeran

Muda, in a voice that was a half-whisper. “Tomorrow there will be a ceremony in

the center of the Pelabuhandagang Kingdom (alun-alun). I will be watched by

many people, because I’ll be proposing to Putri Rembulan, and this requires me

to answer whatever questions she has for me.”. “What is it that you want your

servant to do tomorrow? I’d be more than happy to do it for you, whatever it

might be. Your servant feels greatly honored, and happy that you can trust me to

do whatever you ask,” said Bujang Selamat. “Thank you for your willingness to

help. Tomorrow we will do something very different. You will take my place as

Pangeran Muda, and I’ll become you, Bujang Selamat. Tonight we will practice

so that our imitations of each other can be perfected,” said Pangeran Muda in a

hushed voice.

“How will we do it?” questioned Bujang Selamat. “Easy! Tomorrow I’ll

wear your clothes, and act as if I’m a shepherd, and you’ll wear my clothes and

act as if you are royalty. So, we’ll have to practice our language, behavior, and

attitude,” said Pangeran Muda. “When do you want to begin?” said Bujang

Selamat. “Tonight we will begin practicing, and tomorrow morning I will follow

you to the center of the Pelabuhandagang Kingdom. When we arrive there we’ll

split up. You will sit in the place that has been prepared specifically for me,” said

Pangeran Muda. “So, your servant will be seated at the front, in the very center of

the Pelabuhandagang Kingdom all by myself?” asked Bujang Selamat. “Don’t

call yourself a servant any longer! From this very second you must refer to

yourself as Pangeran Muda, the son of the King from the Merlungraya Kingdom.

I will immediately begin thinking of, and calling myself, Bujang Selamat, the well-

known goat shepherd,” said Pangeran Muda. “It’s too strange for me Pangeran

Muda! I’m still wearing the shepherd’s clothing,” said Bujang Selamat. “Okay,

let’s immediately exchange our clothes,” said Pangeran Muda.

The sun was then beginning to emerge over the eastern horizon. The

weather that day was very clear and bright. The two young men, Bujang Selamat

and Pangeran Muda, had very successfully altered their appearance to resemble

each other, and they proceeded to the center of the Pelabuhandagang Kingdom

together. When the two entered the area and they saw that it was packed with

people, and the leaders of the program sitting in their respective seats of honor,

the crowd burst out with shouts and clapping of hands. The entire area was

echoing from the happiness of the moment. But, Bujang Selamat, who was

dressed as Pangeran Muda, didn’t enter into the merriment, he quickly moved

forward to the center of the crowd and took his position, as “Pangeran Muda.”

“All that are present, I respectfully honor,” said the leader of the

ceremony, and he continued to explain to all that Pangeran Muda is proposing to

marry Putri Rembulan. The princess will present questions to Pangeran Muda, and

if he answers correctly, she will become his bride. Putri Rembulan questioning

Bujang Selamat, as he posed himself as Pangeran Muda. Putri Rembulan began

with her first question: “Will you rob all the treasures and wealth of my father’s

kingdom, the Kingdom of Pelabuhandagang?” With a clear signal, Pangeran

Muda, who was really Bujang Selamat, indicated “No.” That response made the

princess very happy. Her second question was then presented: “Will you,

Pangeran Muda, take a second wife, in addition to myself.” And again, he clearly

signaled, “No.” With her third and final question she asked: “Will you love but

only one person?” The response he gave, with the nod of his head, was a clear

“Yes.” All of the responses were favorable to Putri Rembulan, and plans were then

made for all the citizens to conduct a huge wedding party the following week,

which would last 7 days and nights. When the time for the wedding arrived, every

type of entertainment was present: dances, music, singing, etc.

One year after the wedding, after Pangeran Muda (who was really Bujang

Selamat) was trained and prepared by a group of teachers, he was raised to

become the King over the Pelabuhandagang Kingdom. After his inauguration as

King, he was no longer referred to as “Pangeran” (prince), he was now “Raja

Muda” (young king). This King, although he was really Bujang Selamat, was no

longer able to retain the deep secret that he was not who everyone believed him to

be. He then told his wife what he had done, and how it was he that answered her

questions, and it wasn’t really Pangeran Muda.

She responded, “My husband, that secret you must never repeat again,

ever. Not even to a single person! Wherever you are from, I love you! If you would

agree to it, let’s invite ‘Bujang Selamat’ (who is really Pangeran Muda) to come

and see that ‘you’ are really and truly loved by me, and that he can see what has

become of you.”

“Yes, my precious wife, because of Pangeran Muda I have the great

blessing of being able to be married to you,” said Raja Muda. “You are truly a

very wise woman!”

“Yes, I hope that my attitude and behavior will be imitated by all of my

friends, and that the deceitfulness used by Pangeran Muda won’t become a

behavior of mine,” said the queen (Putri Rembulan).

“And, I ask that you would forgive me my wife, for that deceitfulness on

my part, when I played the part of Pangeran Muda,” said Raja Muda.

The queen replied, “Yes, or course I forgive you. And you must remember

never to allow that secret to leak out to others. I want you to permanently become

Pangeran Muda, and don’t you ever change back and become Bujang Selamat!”



Appendix 22 T-table

















1 1.00000 3.07768 6.31375 12.70620 31.82052 63.65674 318.30884

2 0.81650 1.88562 2.91999 4.30265 6.96456 9.92484 22.32712

3 0.76489 1.63774 2.35336 3.18245 4.54070 5.84091 10.21453

4 0.74070 1.53321 2.13185 2.77645 3.74695 4.60409 7.17318

5 0.72669 1.47588 2.01505 2.57058 3.36493 4.03214 5.89343

6 0.71756 1.43976 1.94318 2.44691 3.14267 3.70743 5.20763

7 0.71114 1.41492 1.89458 2.36462 2.99795 3.49948 4.78529

8 0.70639 1.39682 1.85955 2.30600 2.89646 3.35539 4.50079

9 0.70272 1.38303 1.83311 2.26216 2.82144 3.24984 4.29681

10 0.69981 1.37218 1.81246 2.22814 2.76377 3.16927 4.14370

11 0.69745 1.36343 1.79588 2.20099 2.71808 3.10581 4.02470

12 0.69548 1.35622 1.78229 2.17881 2.68100 3.05454 3.92963

13 0.69383 1.35017 1.77093 2.16037 2.65031 3.01228 3.85198

14 0.69242 1.34503 1.76131 2.14479 2.62449 2.97684 3.78739

15 0.69120 1.34061 1.75305 2.13145 2.60248 2.94671 3.73283

16 0.69013 1.33676 1.74588 2.11991 2.58349 2.92078 3.68615

17 0.68920 1.33338 1.73961 2.10982 2.56693 2.89823 3.64577

18 0.68836 1.33039 1.73406 2.10092 2.55238 2.87844 3.61048

19 0.68762 1.32773 1.72913 2.09302 2.53948 2.86093 3.57940

20 0.68695 1.32534 1.72472 2.08596 2.52798 2.84534 3.55181

21 0.68635 1.32319 1.72074 2.07961 2.51765 2.83136 3.52715

22 0.68581 1.32124 1.71714 2.07387 2.50832 2.81876 3.50499

23 0.68531 1.31946 1.71387 2.06866 2.49987 2.80734 3.48496

24 0.68485 1.31784 1.71088 2.06390 2.49216 2.79694 3.46678

25 0.68443 1.31635 1.70814 2.05954 2.48511 2.78744 3.45019

26 0.68404 1.31497 1.70562 2.05553 2.47863 2.77871 3.43500

27 0.68368 1.31370 1.70329 2.05183 2.47266 2.77068 3.42103

28 0.68335 1.31253 1.70113 2.04841 2.46714 2.76326 3.40816

29 0.68304 1.31143 1.69913 2.04523 2.46202 2.75639 3.39624

30 0.68276 1.31042 1.69726 2.04227 2.45726 2.75000 3.38518

31 0.68249 1.30946 1.69552 2.03951 2.45282 2.74404 3.37490

32 0.68223 1.30857 1.69389 2.03693 2.44868 2.73848 3.36531

33 0.68200 1.30774 1.69236 2.03452 2.44479 2.73328 3.35634

34 0.68177 1.30695 1.69092 2.03224 2.44115 2.72839 3.34793

35 0.68156 1.30621 1.68957 2.03011 2.43772 2.72381 3.34005

36 0.68137 1.30551 1.68830 2.02809 2.43449 2.71948 3.33262

37 0.68118 1.30485 1.68709 2.02619 2.43145 2.71541 3.32563

38 0.68100 1.30423 1.68595 2.02439 2.42857 2.71156 3.31903

39 0.68083 1.30364 1.68488 2.02269 2.42584 2.70791 3.31279

40 0.68067 1.30308 1.68385 2.02108 2.42326 2.70446 3.30688

41 0.68052 1.30254 1.68288 2.01954 2.42080 2.70118 3.30127

42 0.68038 1.30204 1.68195 2.01808 2.41847 2.69807 3.29595

43 0.68024 1.30155 1.68107 2.01669 2.41625 2.69510 3.29089

44 0.68011 1.30109 1.68023 2.01537 2.41413 2.69228 3.28607

45 0.67998 1.30065 1.67943 2.01410 2.41212 2.68959 3.28148

46 0.67986 1.30023 1.67866 2.01290 2.41019 2.68701 3.27710

47 0.67975 1.29982 1.67793 2.01174 2.40835 2.68456 3.27291

48 0.67964 1.29944 1.67722 2.01063 2.40658 2.68220 3.26891

49 0.67953 1.29907 1.67655 2.00958 2.40489 2.67995 3.26508

50 0.67943 1.29871 1.67591 2.00856 2.40327 2.67779 3.26141

51 0.67933 1.29837 1.67528 2.00758 2.40172 2.67572 3.25789

52 0.67924 1.29805 1.67469 2.00665 2.40022 2.67373 3.25451

53 0.67915 1.29773 1.67412 2.00575 2.39879 2.67182 3.25127

54 0.67906 1.29743 1.67356 2.00488 2.39741 2.66998 3.24815

55 0.67898 1.29713 1.67303 2.00404 2.39608 2.66822 3.24515

56 0.67890 1.29685 1.67252 2.00324 2.39480 2.66651 3.24226

57 0.67882 1.29658 1.67203 2.00247 2.39357 2.66487 3.23948

58 0.67874 1.29632 1.67155 2.00172 2.39238 2.66329 3.23680

59 0.67867 1.29607 1.67109 2.00100 2.39123 2.66176 3.23421

60 0.67860 1.29582 1.67065 2.00030 2.39012 2.66028 3.23171

61 0.67853 1.29558 1.67022 1.99962 2.38905 2.65886 3.22930

62 0.67847 1.29536 1.66980 1.99897 2.38801 2.65748 3.22696

63 0.67840 1.29513 1.66940 1.99834 2.38701 2.65615 3.22471

64 0.67834 1.29492 1.66901 1.99773 2.38604 2.65485 3.22253

65 0.67828 1.29471 1.66864 1.99714 2.38510 2.65360 3.22041

66 0.67823 1.29451 1.66827 1.99656 2.38419 2.65239 3.21837

67 0.67817 1.29432 1.66792 1.99601 2.38330 2.65122 3.21639

68 0.67811 1.29413 1.66757 1.99547 2.38245 2.65008 3.21446

69 0.67806 1.29394 1.66724 1.99495 2.38161 2.64898 3.21260

Appendix 23 Documentation



Alilnst' Fslkultas Ilmu Tarbiyah daa Keguru*n UIN STS Jambi. Jl. Jsrnbi-Ma. Bulien Km.16 Simp.Sungai Duren Kab. Muaro Jambi 36163

Consultation Card/ f inal Task

ku 08-PP-05-01 l -3 -2019

NameStudent IDAdvisor ITitle


: Alyssa Ayuningtyas:TE. 151539: Dr. Jamaluddin, S.Ag., M.Pd.I:"The Effet of Jambinese Folktalss On Students'Comprehension At MAS Al- Ikhlas Jambi ': Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

Jambi,29 April2019The First Advisor,


Dr. Jamaluddin-S.Ag"M.Pd. I



1 Friday, 7e December 2018 Revision Chapter I /r2 Thursday,3'd January 20 1 9 Revision Chapter II u /nJ Friday,4th January 20 I 9 Proceed to sendnar U/n4 Monday,2 le January 20 19 Rertsion Refferences /^u5 Monday, 22f, April}}lg Revision Discussion I u/t6 Thurday, 25eApril2019 Revision Discussion II lr //7 Friday, 26n Aptil2}l9 Shown the table based on

AFA sMeolt

8 Saturday, 27ft April 20 19 Approved to Munaqosah U

NrP. 1 974 1 2 292003 L2 rcAz

NameStudent IDAdvisor IITitle




: Alyssa Ayuningtyas: TE151539: Hilma Suryani, M.Pd:o'The Effet of Jambinese Folktales On Students' ReadingComprehension At MAS Al- Ikhlas Jambi': Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

Jambi, 18 April2019The Second Advisor,

Alamat: Fakultaq 4mu Tarbiyah dan Seguruan Unli lIt Jambl. ,Jl. Jaob:i::Ma. Bulim Km.l6 Simp.Sungai Duren Kab. Muaro Jambi 36363

Consultation Card/ Final Task

1 -3 -20t9



1 Friday, 7* December 2018 Revision Chapter I (2 We4l9'December20lS Revision Chapter Itr :.KJ Thursday,3'" January 20 1 9 Add Instrument t

4 Friday,4*Janua4t 2019 Proceedto seminar

5 Friday, s*April2019 Revision Chapter IV L

6 wdd, 10-Aiii1l2019 PidSent fie fuidings in grtphs ,7 Friday, l2*April2019 Books with English expert &8 Monday l5-April2019 Add manual calculation

9 Tuesday, l6*April2019 Related the discussion withorevious studv d


l0 ?hursday, 18th April 2019 Approved to Munaqosah &,

Hihna Strvani. M.PdNrP. 1 986 1 2 2620 t s 03200s


Studcnt IDDate of BifrhAddress


ReligionNationalityIdentityEmailContact Person



: Alyssa Ayuningtyas: TE 151539

: Jambi,04 September 1997

: Jl. Perdana Raya Rt. 33 Kel. Paal tima, Kota Jambi:Perempuan

: Islam

: Indonesia

: Coilege Student

: alyssa.echaO 1 @grnail. com:0813 73863288

: Tahun 2AA7 *zAD: Tahun 20Ag -2A14


a. SDIT Nurul Ilmi :2AA3 * 2009b. MTsN Kenali Besar :20A9 -2012c. MAN Model Jambi :2A12 -2}rcd. UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi : 2015 -zA]-9

2. AdditionalEducationa. Ganesha Operation

b. Lia English Course


1. Member of Palang Merah Remaja (PMR) MAN Model Jambi2. Member of Pergerakan Mahasiswa Islam Indonesia (PMII) UIN STS Jambi3. Teacher in Pensil Privat

Jambi, 13May2019

Alyfsa AyuningtyasTE. 151539