The Roman Catholic Parish of St James and St William of ... · Thursday 10am Livestream Mass Fr...

Post on 15-Jul-2020

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The Roman Catholic Parish of

St James and St William of York Reading

12th July 2020



Today Jesus presents himself as a Sower who scatters the seed of the Word generously on ground which is not always ready or able to receive it. We hear of a sower who appears lavish and reckless with the sowing of the seed. Jesus is telling us of the generosity and love of God for us. God has scattered the signs of his presence generously throughout creation.

Speaking in parables, short lively images, was the way in which Jesus preached. Over the next three Sundays we will read a collection of seven parables, stories with powerful images as Jesus tried to speak to the people about the Kingdom of God, the reign of God.


I am very pleased to announce that the first parish Mass will be held on Saturday 11th July at St James. This is led by Fr David Elliott of the Ordinariate Community. On Sunday our Mass is at 11am.

To comply with COVID SAFE GUIDELINES we have a limited number of people at Mass. Please see second page for full details of Masses next week. Please wear face masks/covering when inside the church.

You must pre book your place to attend Mass. Please go to the parish website to book via

Please book 1 ticket per household. Although you are booking a ticket Mass is of course free. If you do not have access to the internet or a smart phone we have a small number of places you can book through the parish office.

Please give everyone a chance to attend a Mass. If you book one weekend please consider not booking the following Sunday.


Fr John is pleased to announce that Confession is restarting on a Saturday 5.00-5.45 at

St James.


We urgently need volunteers to act as stewards to welcome, meet and greet, and help people keep safe during Mass. Without these volunteers we cannot go ahead. I appeal today to all of you to consider helping us.

Also please note that the obligation to attend Sunday Mass remains suspended for all of us in the Diocese.


July Mass Schedule from this weekend onwards

Church will not be open for private prayer outside of Masses

We will continue to stream online our Masses at 10am weekdays and the Sunday pre-recorded Mass from 6pm on Saturdays.

Please read the attached request for volunteers, and give me a call or send an email to the Parish Office if you can help or contact Mary and Alan.

2 or 3 volunteers needed for all Masses.

Details will be published on Facebook and our website.

Vacancies for Mass intentions are now available. If you would like Masses offered for your intentions, contact the parish office.

Saturday AM Pre record Sunday Mass available from Saturday6pm 5pm Confessions 6pm Ordinariate Mass

Fr John Fr John Fr David Elliott

St James St James St James

Sunday 11am Mass 11am Mass FSSP 6pm Mass FSSP

Fr John FSSP Priest FSSP Priest

St James St Williams St Williams

Monday 10am Livestream Mass Fr John St James

Tuesday 10am Livestream Mass Fr John St James

Wednesday 10am Livestream Mass 7pm Mass

Fr John Fr John

St James St Williams

Thursday 10am Livestream Mass Fr John St James

Friday 10am Livestream Mass Fr John St James


Do you want to know more about Jesus Christ and his message? Are you a ‘resting’ Catholic seeking to reengage ? Do you as an adult Catholic wish to receive Confirmation or celebrate your first Holy Communion? RCIA Zoom meeting on Thursdays 7pm—8.30pm. You will be sure of a warm welcome. Enquiries to Fr. John or the Parish office.

REGISTER ON THE PARISH DATABASE During these difficult times we have all turned to the internet for ways of keeping connected with our families, friends and communities.

So that we can communicate better with our parish community we are asking everyone who has not registered on our parish data base to do so as soon as possible.

Please go to our parish website and press the register now button

This will mean you will then receive the newsletter each week, all parish wide communications and updates.

APPEAL FROM THE FOOD BANK - Most needed items at present are:

Tinned Vegetable; Tinned Ready/meat meals; minced beef, hotdogs, chicken in sauce etc. Tinned corned beef, tuna and sardines. Lentils. Rice 500g/1kg bags. Tinned fruit. Tea bags boxes. Instant coffee and toilet rolls. For individual people dropping off donations, it is still drop-off to 33 Boulton Road, RG2 0NH 12-2pm, weekdays, or for large donations can people call the office please? Mary Butler is also going to start doing some collections again from St James Presbytery, if people prefer to drop food at the church. Thank you!

GOOD SHEPHERD PRAYER GROUP—Wednesday 8pm. We are a small

friendly group who meet on Zoom to support each other on our faith journey.

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 857 1182 8658 Password: 468059 One tap mobile +442034815237,,85711828658#,,,,0#,,468059# United Kingdom +442034815240,,85711828658#,,,,0#,,468059# United Kingdom

Dial by your location +44 203 481 5237 United Kingdom +44 203 481 5240 United Kingdom +44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom +44 203 051 2874 United Kingdom Meeting ID: 857 1182 8658 Password: 468059


Book your place for Mass

Please wear a face mask/covering inside the church

Register with the steward and sanitise your hands

A steward will guide you to your seat

Remain in your place throughout Mass

Holy Communion will be after the final blessing & in the hand only

When directed by a steward to come forward for

Holy Communion take all your belongings with you.

When receiving Holy Communion please remove your face


Observe social distancing and receive Holy Communion in silence

Leave directly by the Lady Chapel door

Do not re-enter the church and we ask you not to congregate


STATUES AT ST JAMES REPAINTED All of our statues at St James have been repaired, restored and repainted. We would like to thank James Lavell for his hard work and attention to detail for this work. Please take a look at the statues when you are next at church as they are truly beautiful, notice the details and colours.

ENVIRONMENT GROUP — Reflection for the Week

Think about setting aside a corner of your garden as a wild area to encourage a wide variety of insects and birds to visit.

Or choose plants that attract wildlife.

PLASTIC FREE JULY... a global movement designed to raise awareness of the harm done by single-use plastic, and encourage people to opt instead for more recyclable or reusable alternatives Please say “NO” to single-use plastics...


Every Sunday 10 to 10:30am and 12noon to 12:30pm

Zoom link— By phone use One tap mobile ++442034815240,,8911457194

Or dial from a landline: 203 481 5240 When prompted please enter the

Meeting ID: 891 1457 1947 Password: coffee


Fr John is retiring in early August. As you know, he has been our Parish Priest for the past 10 years, completing 51 years of ministry as Priest in the Diocese of Portsmouth. If you would like to contribute to a farewell gift please use the following options by FRIDAY 31st JULY:

Use the DONATE button on the Parish website

Please make sure you leave a message saying the donation is for Fr John’s retirement. You can also leave a good wishes text message for Fr John.

Electronic bank transfer Account name: PRCDTR READING STJAMES&WILLIAMOFYORK Sort Code: 30-93-04 Account No: 00885887 Ref: RETIRE, your name

Cash or cheques should be placed in envelopes and either posted or delivered to the Parish Office. Please make sure you clearly mark the envelope with ‘RETIRE’. Envelopes are available at the back of each church.

For all options: if you are a UK tax-payer please remember to Gift Aid your donations. A Gift Aid form is available on the website; alternatively complete the form on the envelopes available in each church.

PARISH PRIEST: Canon John O’Shea Parish Secretary: Catherine Ledgard Parish Safeguarding Ginika Okoye (StJ) Ministers: Françoise Le Saux (StW)

St James Presbytery, Abbey Ruins, Forbury Road, Reading, RG1 3FD

Tel: (0118) 957 4171

St James & St William of York Reading

Website: Royal Berks Hospital RC Chaplain

0118 322 7105

Private Mass intentions week 5th July

Saturday 14th Week in Ordinary Time

Catherine Fappiano RIP

Sunday 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Deceased people & priests of the parish.

Monday 15th Week in Ordinary Time

Regina Conibear intentions

Tuesday 15th Week in Ordinary Time

Wednesday 15th Week in Ordinary Time

In thanksgiving to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Thursday 15th Week in Ordinary Time

Deceased Sisters of St Joseph’s Convent

Friday 15th Week in Ordinary Time

Holy Souls

Saturday 15th Week in Ordinary Time

Frank Prendergast RIP

Sunday 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

STAY CONNECTED: Fr John continues to be available by phone or email and is willing to help in anyway possible.

Please consider joining our parish Facebook group. Simply click below and ask to join: CLICK HERE

Sunday Masses will continue to be on line from 6pm on Saturday evening. Weekday Masses will be live at 10am Monday to Friday. To view any of our Masses on YouTube please see the link on our Facebook group or via our website.

Andrew writes

Last weekend I completed a 'solo' half mara-thon to raise money for the Royal Berkshire Hospital. Proceeds will help buy bottled wa-ter and drinks for staff who are in need of quick and convenient refreshment after wearing Protective Equipment all day.

Spiritual Communion — Prayer by St Alphonsus. My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.

WEEKLY COLLECTION PLATE: Thank you to all those who make their weekly

donations by monthly standing order. The collection at Sunday Masses forms a significant part

of our parishes income. As we have no parish Masses we would like ask you to make a donation

by the use of a bank transfer to:


Account No. 00885887 Ref: STJ&W; Your name

Or use the ‘Give’ donation button on our website. Or post your donation through the Presbytery letterbox. Thank you for supporting your parish during this difficult time.

Catholics in RBH:

Catholic patients at the RBH, relatives or friends should explain to staff that they request a visit from a Catholic priest in cases of serious illness.

Due to recent changes, Priests can now more readily respond to requests to visit the sick in hospital.

We have a team of Catholic priests in Reading who are available for this Ministry, so it is hoped that no Catholic patient at the RBH will die without the Last Rites. Contact the duty priest at the hospital on 0118 322 7105.

Please consider starting a Standing Order for your planned giving donation: “PRCDTR READING STJAMES&WILLIAM OF YORK”

Sort Code 30-93-04, Account No. 00885887

Ref: Your Name If you are a tax-payer please Gift Aid your donation. There’s a Gift Aid form on the website.