The Scallywag - Winter 2013

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The Winter 2013 issue of the Rossendale family magazine.



For Pre-school andOut-of-School Activities

NEWSUpdates on local activity groups, businesses and


OUT & ABOUTThe Whitaker, Rawtenstall

Manchester Christmas Markets

FOCUS ON:Primary School

Admissions – Update

CHRISTMAS‘What’s On’ at

Rossendale Markets


Winter 2013 Issue 31

For Local Parents, Carers & KidsFREE

TMTHE S AAAAAMAA GMMMMMMMM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YL A A A A A C LLL A LHelmshore, Haslingden, Crawshawbooth, Rawtenstall, Waterfoot, Water, Bacup, Whitworth & Surrounding Areas

Rossendale Markets


For Local Parents, Carers & KidsFor Local Parents, Carers & KidsFREEFREEFREEFREE

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page header


Front Cover WinnerAn enormous ‘Thank you’ to Sharneyford Primary School, Sharneyford,

for holding the competition at such late notice to draw the front cover of the Winter issue of The Scallywag magazine. We received some brilliant

entries! Thank you all for your hard work.

‘Congratulations’ to

Aeronwen Simkinsaged 8, who drew the wonderful Christmas Tree picture. I wish we had a bauble as big as that at the top or our tree. It’s official we are now in the

Christmas mood! Many thanks to Miss Woodhead & Miss Hartley at Sharneyford Primary

School for being so helpful and brilliantly organised!

Diary Pages Pre-Schools & Playgroups, Library Times & Soft Play Page 11 Pre-School Diary Page 12 Out-of-School Diary Page 14Out & About The Whitaker, Rawtenstall Page 7 Manchester Christmas Markets Page 17News Updates on local businesses Pages 4 - 6 Rawtenstall Christmas Festival Page 7 Feature Rossendale Markets this Christmas Page 9Focus On: Update on Primary School Admissions Page 19Family Matters So you think your child is being bullied? Page 21Over to You Stress-Free Christmas?! Page 22

CONTENTSFantastic! It has that magical feel and look, all those bright

shiny colours. However, truth be told I hate clearing up after the children have ‘created’ with it, the stuff gets everywhere. But it’s such a part of Christmas… and January and February. That said, welcome, one and all to the final Scallywag of 2013, the winter issue.

As ever, we have tried to keep this a ‘winter’ issue with a Christmas feel. Although most of us tend to focus on Christmas at this time of year, if you are feeling the economic pinch, you might need ideas to keep the youngsters entertained and your purse intact. In this issue’s Out & About we have included The Whitaker, re-born from the old Park and Museum. Now a vibrant, more family friendly venue. We also have a guide to the Christmas Markets in Manchester, a place I keep promising to go to, but never get round it.

By popular demand we have run a follow-up article outlining the Admission process to Primary Schools for Rossendale. We felt it was important to highlight some of the more significant points again, in order to avoid confusion and maximise the chances of parents getting their chosen school for their child. It is supported by adverts from some of our local schools in Rossendale. More importantly the article will detail what the key dates are – don’t miss the deadline!

As this year comes to a close we can reflect on the ups and downs we’ve encountered in our lives over the year. I do so hope you can all look back with more ups than downs!

I wish you a wonderful Christmas or winter holiday and I hope the New Year brings you whatever you wish for!


Glitter and Glue time!



Contact usTo discuss and book advertising space, ideas for future articles or just to let us know what you think of the magazine, please get in touch by any of the following means:

PO Box 267, Rossendale, Lancashire, BB4 Scallywag Magazine - Rossendale@ScallywagRoss

Whilst every care is taken to ensure the information contained in this magazine is true, accurate and fair, the publisher cannot take any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions, or for events arising from the use of this information.Any statements or opinions given in the magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher and no products and services mentioned in articles or adverts are officially endorsed by them.© 2013 All content of this magazine is copyright. No part of it may be reproduced by any means or in any form without written permission from the publisher.

CONTact us

Since Rossendale Shotokan Karate Club started the Kindergarten class back

in February 2012 we have had 9 children graduate to the main class at All Saints High School, three of whom have now gained their red belts. All the children continue to gain in self-confidence and self-control. Their team working has improved immensely. The merit badges system has stimulated the children’s sense of achievement and encouraged them to practice at home.

The class structure is tailored so that it is well balanced between learning Karate and having fun in an exciting atmosphere; this is done in the way of various games that are important for a child’s

individual growth and development but also learning team-work. What is especially nice to see is how the older children help and encourage the younger ones.

Here is a testimonial and picture from young Laurence Vidler aged 5yrs, (written with the help of Lawrence’s Daddy), one of the latest graduates from the Kindergarten class:

I started Kindergarten Karate when I was nearly four years old and I caught the karate bug straight away. First of all I learnt how to make a fist ready for punching. After that, I passed my first badges - sitting quietly for

thirty seconds and standing still, which is harder than it sounds! We also got badges for awesome effort and exceptional attendance. I

made great new friends and played fun games. When I had all thirteen badges I was presented with

my Gi (karate suit, see my picture) and joined my daddy and brother in the big class. I love it! It is more serious than Kindergarten Karate and I am tired at the end, but I am working hard to get better with my moves.

It’s inspiring to see how Lawrence has progressed and developed so well and so quickly, whilst having so much fun!

Kindergarten Karate is going strong



The jingling never stops

A lot has been happening with Jo Jingles over the last few months. Jo Corbett, who has run our local classes for over 10 years,

has now also taken on the management of the Halifax and Huddersfield area. Jo says “It’s been an exciting time. My good friend Kerry, who managed the Halifax area, wanted to spend more time with her family so she asked me to look after all her lovely customers. I was delighted to rise to the challenge!”

This comes after a busy summer for Jo and her family as they took Big Jo and his Jingling fun to both Car Fest North and South. Chris Evans, of Radio 2, had asked Jo Jingles if they could be there to entertain the children and Jo Corbett was happy to step in and spend each day in the Big Top tent with hundreds of children having a wonderful time; and they have already been booked for next year!

Jo Jingles helps with positive developments and provides quality time for parent/carer and child together. Whether you are a first time parent or not, there’s no experiences as rewarding as those you have with your baby and child and Jo tells us she feels privileged that so many families allow her to participate in these very early years experiences with their children.

As Jo explains, “A lot goes into running the business and the same is true of my classes. A lot of parents thank me for the time and thought that goes into planning each class so they remain fresh and exciting for both the carer and the child. Parents recognise the learning targets that are incorporated each week but we try to do it in such a fun way that the children just do not realise how much they are learning!”

For more information contact Jo Corbett on 01706 212889 /

Have a Stylish


There is no excuse not to look stylish this Christmas with Dawn Rose Clothing Contemporary Jewellery & Accessories.

Recently shortlisted at the Rossendale Business awards, Dawn strives to ensure that her thriving business offers a bespoke collection of jewellery, scarves, handbags and accessories all at very affordable prices. There are many beautiful items that will make stunning Christmas presents and stocking fillers for friends and family, fabulous ideas to add to your own Santa wish-list.

Dawn has sourced her new winter collection from an even wider range of designers and boutiques, to ensure this season you will look fabulous wearing the latest trends. Her expert fashion ‘eye’ allows Dawn to keep her ever-changing stock fresh and contemporary and this why her new clothing line has been so successful at parties and charity events over the last few months.

You can view Dawn’s products on her website, where her online shop offers free delivery in Rossendale. However, the best way to see the full range of Dawn’s collection is at one of her parties. In fact, why not host a party in your home, with your friends and family? As a thank you for hosting you will receive on average £40 - £50 to spend on products.

Alternatively, why not raise funds for your charity or your children’s school? By holding fundraising events you will receive a percentage from the sales in cash towards your cause.

For further information or to make a booking, or to view any Dawn Rose products please visit

There is no excuse not to look stylish



7th and 8th December - Making traditional Christmas Decorations and gifts, local artists running each workshop, 11.00 – 4.00pm. Free of charge.

12th December – Rossendale Community Choir will be singing carols while mulled vine and roast chestnuts are served. 6.00pm onwards (Free of charge).

14th and 15th December - Santa’s ‘real meaning’ of Christmas, taking place in the drawing room of the Museum between 2.00 – 4.00pm. Booking is essential plus a few details to tell Santa what your little ones have been up to, £5 per child.

14th and 15th December - Making traditional Christmas Decorations and gifts, local artists running each workshop, 11.00 – 4.00pm. Free of charge.

21st and 22nd December - Making traditional Christmas Decorations and gifts, local artists running each workshop, 11.00 – 4.00pm. Free of charge. 22nd December - Rossendale Community Choir will be singing carols while mulled vine and roast chestnuts are served. 6.00pm onwards (Free of charge).

The Whitaker Museum and Art Gallery is open 11am-4pm, Tues to Sun

Rawtenstall Christmas

Festival The festivities begin on:

Friday 29th November from 6pm onwards, with the Christmas lights

switch-on by Britney Hargreaves (Miss Teen Great Britain), which will also see the formal opening of the skating rink on the town square. The Local Christmas Market will also include a wide

range of specialty food and craft stalls and live music.

Further details of the Skating rink and where to buy tickets are on page 9.

Saturday 30th November and Sunday 1st December, 10am - 4pm. Santa’s Grotto in Woodcocks Solicitors, Bank Street. Rawtenstall Market will be open all weekend with attractions and Christmas fun including Clown Act Lorenzo & Mrs E, face painting, children’s fairground rides, St Mary’s Primary School Choir and the Royal Court Theatre’s Pantomime characters.

Sunday 1st December at Rossendale Ski Slope, The 40th Anniversary of the slope celebration with a Winter Olympics Roadshow, Christmas Craft Stalls, Llamas, Owls, 70’s music and good food.

Monday 2nd - Friday 6th December, 12 noon – 8pm. Skating Rink on Rawtenstall Town Square and pop-up market featuring Rossendale Market Traders with early evening Christmas food and drink.

Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th December, 12 noon -8pm. Skating Rink on Rawtenstall Town Square andBaSE (Bacup Social Enterprise) will launch ‘Produce for the Table’ supporting local food and drink producers and community cooking classes.

Christmas Fun at The Whitaker

Christmas fun at bacup library

Saturday 7th December – Christmas Papercraft with Maria 10:00 – 11:00 & 11:30 – 12:30. £3 per child per session, all materials included.

Saturden 14th December – Christmas Crafts – Drop in craft session from 10:00.

Contact 0845 053 0005 to book a place, or call into the library.

christmas news


When I first moved to Rawtenstall nearly 10 years ago, Whitaker

Park Museum was somewhere I’d pop into occasionally – usually when the kids needed to go to the loo! We’d take a quick look at ‘Nellie’ the stuffed baby elephant and then exit via the gift shop. The place seemed nice enough, but nothing ever changed much. Well, not any more...

Back in February Rossendale Borough Council declared that the museum did not represent value for money and, if a valid expression of interest could not be found, the venue would be closed and boarded up

indefinitely. Thankfully three

local residents – Jackie Taylor, Julian Williams and Carl Bell – stepped into the breach. Not only did they become responsible for running the museum and art gallery on a day-to-day basis, they also set some seriously

ambitious plans in motion. In the first six months they installed a

cafe, refurbished the gallery space and began putting on regular exhibitions and events. Their hard work began to pay off and the amount of visitors per day soon doubled. They even changed the name… it’s now simply known as ‘The Whitaker’.

But the most important change by far is the feel of the place. It’s now a busy, buzzy, vibrant venue that has stacks of family-friendly stuff going on.

“When we first came here it was very much a ‘don’t touch’ museum,” explains Jackie (The Whitaker’s Creative Director). “There were notices and ropes everywhere, which I thought was quite sad.

“I used to come here as a child and I remember sitting on top of Nellie, as all the kids did back then. We want to give people, especially children, a taste of that hands-on experience. And although you can’t sit on Nellie anymore, we’re making sure there’s plenty of stuff you can do.”

On Halloween The Whitaker hosted a very successful – and very spooky – evening where professional actor Neil Bell read some spine-tingling stories and visitors were given a candle-lit tour of the exhibits. And in November the venue took part in Kids Take Over, a

national event where local children aged 4-16 effectively ran the show for the day.

In terms of what’s to come, Christmas is shaping up to be a big deal for The Whitaker.

“We’re going to have a traditional Victorian theme, with family and children at the heart of the celebrations,” explains Jackie.

The Whitaker and its grounds were originally the family home of George Hardman, a Victorian mill-owner. There was a fortune in the valley in those days and he built himself a grand house on the hillside so he could look down over his mill.

“George Hardman had seven children so it would have been a very lively home back then,” says Jackie. “I like that we’re bringing some energy and excitement back to the place.”

The Whitaker will be getting into the Christmas spirit throughout the month of December with a range of activities and events. More details on opposite page.

So if you fancy some festive cheer to brighten up those dark December days, pop along to the new, improved Whitaker. If we don’t support this family-friendly gem we might wake up one morning to find it’s gone for good.

By Jo Dearden

THE WHITAKERHaslingden Road, Rawtenstall

Tel. 01706 218858 / / The Whitaker - Rossendale Museum And Art Gallery@WhitakerMuseum The Whitaker - Rossendale Museum And Art Gallery

would be closed and boarded up indefinitely.

local residents – Jackie Taylor, Julian Williams and Carl Bell – stepped into the breach. Not only did they become responsible for running the museum and art gallery on a day-to-day basis, they also set some seriously

out & about


Rossendale MarketsLocal *Service - Quality - Value

OPEN 9AM TO 4PM WITH FREE PARKINGFor more information contact:01706 217777

This Christmas on Rossendale Markets:Christmas Market @ Bacup Market - Sat 8 Dec 10am to 4pmCarols while you shop @ Rawtenstall Market in December

BacupMarketUnion St, Bacup,

OL13 0AA (off A671)

Open Wednesday

& Saturday

Fleamarket on


OL13 0AA (off A671)

HaslingdenMarketBlackburn Rd, HaslingdenBB4 5QAOpen Tuesday & Friday

RawtenstallMarketNewchurch Road,



Open Thursday

& Saturday

Sat 14 Dec � �A Very Victorian Christmas� Arts Crafts & Gifts Market @ Bacup MarketSat 7 Dec - Whitworth Band @ Rawtenstall Market

So much to celebrate at Rossendale Markets this Christmas!

Christmas orders

now being taken


Rossendale Markets has a host of events this Christmas to enjoy.

Following on from the success of the Rawtenstall Market Family Fun Day in August, Rawtenstall Market has a Christmas Family Fun Day on 30th November 2013, to coincide with the annual Clogs on t’ Cobbles event on the Town Square. The event, organised by the Rawtenstall NMTF trader group and Rossendale Council, runs from 10am to 4pm and includes Clowns Lorenzo & Mrs E, face painting, a Christmas crafts workshop, Children’s fairground rides, St Mary’s Primary School Choir singing carols and selling handcrafted Christmas Cards, and Bacup Royal Court Theatre’s Pantomime Characters. There will also be a Christmas colouring competition for children to take part in, and customers throughout December will be invited to take part in a free prize draw to win one of 2 Christmas Hampers! The event has been partly funded by Rawtenstall Neighbourhood Forum grant funding.

The Christmas fun doesn’t stop there as Rawtenstall Market will also be open on Sunday 1 December for some extra Christmas Shopping as part of the Clogs on t’Cobbles event. Then on Saturday 7 December Whitworth Brass band will be entertaining customers with Christmas carols and the market will welcome Rossendale Lions and Father Christmas to the market.

Plus in a new exciting venture,

Rawtenstall and Rossendale Market traders will be having ‘pop up’ market stalls in the town square between 2 and 4 December alongside the Skating Rink!

Rawtenstall Market has recently welcomed lots of new traders to the market and stall occupation is at a record high level so there are loads of reasons to pay the market a visit in December. New traders include cupcakes, a florist, up-cycled furniture and homewares, handcrafted cushions, second hand collectibles, children’s accessories and Asian fabrics.

On 14 December Bacup Market will host an Arts Crafts and Gifts market as part of A Very Victorian Christmas in Bacup event in the town centre. The event is funded by Bacup Neighbourhood Forum project funding and has been organised by the Bacup Events Group made up of Rossendale Council, Bacup Pride, Bacup Consortium Trust, Rossendale Revival, and Chair of the Neighbourhood Forum, Cllr Jackie Oakes. The event will take place from 10am to 3pm and will include a variety of interesting and unique Christmas present ideas, from handcrafted items for the home, to beautiful, unique jewellery and accessories. There will be a Santa’s grotto on the market, plus face painting, hot food and entertainment both on the market and on Irwell Terrace.

So come along and enjoy the fun – with all this going on, why go anywhere else this Christmas?

stalls in the town square between 2 and 4 December alongside the Skating Rink!

So much to celebrate at Rossendale Markets this Christmas!

Rawtenstall Town Team has confirmed that a skating rink will form the centrepiece of this years’ Christmas Festival in Rawtenstall. The skating rink will be situated on the Town Square from Friday 29th November 6.00pm – 10.00pm and will continue from Saturday 30th November until Sunday 8th December, opening 12.00pm – 8.00pm.

Tickets can be purchased from the ‘Love2Dance’ stall on Rawtenstall Market on Thursdays and Saturday’s leading up to the opening of the event on the 29th November.

During the opening weekend of the Rawtenstall Christmas Festival tickets for the skating rink sessions will be available from the Rossendale Revival stall on the Town Square.

Cost per ticket is £3.00 per half hour session.



Get yourSkates on

Is your car ready for Winter?

The importance of keeping family cars on the road in winter is fully understood by owner Nick Smith, father to three young children. He says: “We understand that not everyone has the time or experience to do necessary, basic checks. That is why we will do them at Ian Knight Automotive for free, with no obligations.”

As its recommended tyres have a 3mm tread for winter motoring. Swapping to winter tyres will improve grip so cars move better even in the ice and snow. Ian Knight Automotive will assist in pricing and fitting these tyres. Nick will even provide a ‘tyre hotel’ and store your normal tyres over winter if you don’t have room at home, free of charge.

What a great idea!



What’s On This Winter at

Tots ‘n’ Toddlers For Parents and Children aged 1-3 years. 9.15am-11.15am @ Balladen Children’s Centre.Baby MassageFor Parents and Babies up to 1 year. 1.30pm-2.30pm @ Balladen Children’s Centre.


Baby Buddies For parents-to-be with ‘bumps’ and babies up to 1 year. 9.15am-11.15am @ Balladen Children’s Centre.


TweeniesFor parents and children aged 6-15 months. 1.30pm-3.00pm @ Balladen Children’s Centre.


Saturday Family Fun10am–12.00pm. For families and their children aged 0 – 12. Ring for the next dates.


Jo JinglesFor parents and children 1-5 years. 1.30pm-2.15pm @ Balladen Children’s Centre.Ring to book on the next block of taster sessions.


Baby MassageFor parents and babies up to 1 year. 10.00am-11.00am @ The Village Centre, Crawshawbooth.Citizens Advice BureauThursday morning @ Balladen Children’s Centre. Ring the Centre for an Appointment.Dance Tots & Toddler GroupFor parents and children 0-5 years. 1.00pm-3.00pm @ Cherry Tree Pre-School, Cherry Crescent, Rawtenstall, term time only.Talk First Baby Signing for parents and children 6 months to 2 ½ years. 1.15pm-2.00pm @ Balladen Children’s Centre. Ring to book on the next block of taster sessions.


All sessions subject to change or cancellation - please ring to check before setting out.Balladen Children’s Centre, Linden Lea, Rawtenstall, BB4 6DX.T: 01706 228501 E: W:

Blooming BumpsGive Your Baby The Best Start In Life by Staying Healthy in Pregnancy.A one-off Course delivered by Children’s Centre staff, designed and supported by Public Health Midwives.Tuesdays, 5.30-7.00pm at Rossendale Primary Health Care Centre, then at 7.00-7.30pm Tour of the Birthing Suite.Next one 3rd December 2013; then in 2014 on first Tuesday of every month.

From Bump to Birth and BeyondA free six week course for Mums and Dads-to-be, including having a healthy pregnancy, expectations, preparation for the birth and the birth itself. Through to caring for a new baby and keeping baby safe, as well as breastfeeding, and contraception after the birth. Delivered by Children’s Centre staff, Midwives, and Health Visitors. A must for all first-time parents!Tuesdays, 1.15-3.15pm, 7th January - 11th February 2014, at Rossendale Primary Health Care Centre. Also available at all 5 Rossendale Children’s Centres throughout 2014. Ring to book on a session when you are 24+ weeks pregnant.

A Children’s Centre

Tumble Tots Join Kat and Ben at Riverside Health Club for our new free physical activity sessions for 2-4 year olds and their parents/carers.Soft play, ball games, music, and fun ways to exercise, to help you and your kids get active and move more.Tuesdays, 1.30-2.30pm, @ Riverside Health Club, New Hall Hey Road, Rawtenstall. BB4 6HR. Ring the Centre to book on.

** New For 2014 **

diary pages

pre-schools & playgroups

9:00 - 1:30 9:00 - 3:00 9:00 - 3:00 9:00 - 3:00

9:30 - 12:30 9:30 - 12:30 9:30 - 12:30 9:30 - 12:30 9:30 - 12:30

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9:15 - 12:00

Helmshore Pre-SchoolSt Thomas Church Hall, Rhodes Avenue, Helmshore, 07960

Crawshawbooth Pre-SchoolThe Village Community Centre, Adelaide Street, Crawshawbooth, Sheila 01706 830796

St James-The-Less Pre-SchoolThe Old School Room, Burnley Road, Rossendale, 07901 886506

Whitewell Pre-school GroupCommunity Centre, Burnley Road East, Whitewell Bottom, 01706

Tunstead Pre-SchoolThe Community Centre, Haworth Drive, Stacksteads, Ann or Janet 01706 879894

The Learning TreeSt Philip’s Church Hall, Chatterton Road, Stubbins, Sharon 07970 358784

Hillside Nursery Pre-School GroupCedar Avenue, Haslingden01706 214162

Cherry Tree Pre-SchoolCherry Crescent Centre, Cherry Crescent, Rawtenstall, Angela 01706 229153

Edenfield Village Pre-SchoolEdenfield Community Centre, EdenfieldJean 07748 083009

Bacup Nursery School,Cowtoot Lane, Bacup01706 873856

Whitworth PlaygroupHallfold United Reformed Church, Hall Street, Whitworth, 01706 860492

The Maden Community and Children CentreRochdale Road, Bacup, 01706 879949

8:00 - 6:00 8:00 - 6:00 8:00 - 6:00 8:00 - 6:00 8:00 - 6:00

library times



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Staghills Nursery SchoolTop Barn Lane, Newchurch01706 213303



Pre-school diary





















Jolly Tots Toddler Group9:15 - 11:30 (1st Friday of every month)St Nicholas Church, NewchurchRev Sue Davies 01706 219768

Toddler Group10.00 – 12.00The Village Community Centre, Adelaide Street, CrawshawboothHelen 07982 242009

Parent & Toddler Group9.00 – 11.30Newchurch Methodist Church, Turnpike, NewchurchShirley Suthers 01706 228234

Teenie Tots9.30 - 11.30Lumb Baptist Church, Burnley Road East, Waterfoot01706 214178

Toddler Group9.30 – 11.30Acre Mill Baptist Church, Hammond Street, StacksteadsChristine Clegg 01706 873329

Talkfirst – Baby & Toddler Signing10:00 & 11.00Ashday Lea (Masonic Hall), Haslingden Road, RawtenstallSusan Broxton01706 878781Birth - 36 mths

Jo Jingles9.30, 10.30, 11.30, 12.30St Peter’s Church Hall, Hall Street, HaslingdenJo Corbett 01706 2128893mths - 3+ yrs

Mother & Toddler Group9.30 – 11.30Haslingden Sports Centre, Haslingden01706 227016

Parent & Toddler Group9.30 – 11.30Shawforth Methodist Church, Rochdale Road, ShawforthShirley Suthers 01706 228234

Parent & Toddler Group9.30 – 11.30Newchurch Methodist Church, Turnpike, NewchurchShirley Suthers 01706 228234

Parent & Toddler Group9.30 – 11.00Sunnycrest 80 Pennine Road, BacupLeila Allen – 01706 872725

Shop & Drop Crechè1.00 – 3.00 (Term-time only; book-ing essential)Haslingden Community Link & Children’s CentreBury Road, Haslingden01706 238355

Toddler Group10.00 – 12.00The Village Community Centre, Adelaide Street, CrawshawboothSarah 01706 830796

Parent & Toddler Group9.30 – 11.30Stacksteads Methodist Church, Rook Hill Road, StacksteadsShirley Suthers 01706 228234

Gym Tots (18months to 5yrs)9.00 – 10.00 & 10.00 - 11.00Haslingden Sports CentreHaslingden01706 227016

Parent, Grandparent, Carer & Toddler Group9.30 – 11.15 (Term time only)Haslingden Community Link & Children’s Centre, Bury Road, Haslingden01706 238355

Parent & Toddler Group9.30 - 11.30 Trinity Baptist Church, Market Street, Bacup01706 873093

Sion Toddler Club9.45 – 11.15Sion Baptist Church, Newchurch Road, Cloughfold01706 220392

Parent & Toddler Group9.30 – 11.30Shawforth Methodist Church, Rochdale Road, ShawforthShirley Suthers 01706 228234

Mother & Toddler Group9.30 – 11.30Haslingden Sports Centre, Haslingden01706 227016

Carers & Toddler Group1:00 - 2:30Newchurch St. Nicholas C.E. Primary SchoolDark Lane, Newchurch01706 229478 Andrea Preston

Baby Bounce and Rhyme 10.15 – 11.45Rawtenstall Library, Haslingden Road, Rawtenstall01706 227911

Jo Jingles9.30, 10.30, 11.30,Crawshawbooth Community Centre, Adelaide Street, CrawshawboothJo Corbett 01706 212889

Inbetweenies 10.00 – 11.30Whitworth Children’s CentreHall Fold, Hall Street, Whitworth01706 648747

Parent and Toddler Group9:15 - 11:00Central Methodist Church,Burnley Road, BacupShirley Suthers 01706 228234

Parent and Toddler Group9.30 – 11.15St John’s Church Hall,Facit, Whitworth

Parent & Toddler Group9.15 – 11.00Haslingden Methodist ChurchManchester Road, Helmshore

Parent & Toddler Group9.30 – 11.00St Peters Church Hall,Hall Street, Haslingden Vicky 01706 215412

Carer & Toddler Group 1.00 – 2.30St Mary’s ChurchSt Mary’s Way, RawtenstallJean 01706 217530

Parent and Toddler Group9.30 – 11.15St John’s Church Hall,Facit, Whitworth

Dance Tots & Toddler Group1.00pm – 3.00pm Cherry Tree Pre-SchoolC/o Balladen Children’s Centre01706 228501 (Ring to Book)

Baby Buddies9:30 - 11:30Maden Centre,Rochdale Road, Bacup01706 871740

Stay & Play9.30 – 11.30The Maden Centre,Rochdale Road, Bacup01706 871740

Mums & Toddler Group9.15 – 11.15Our Lady & St AnslemsJohn Street, Whitworth01706 853545

Mums & Toddler Group9.15 – 11.15Our Lady & St AnslemsJohn Street, Whitworth01706 853545

Baby Bounce & Rhyme10.15 – 11.00Haslingden LibraryHaslingden

Shop & Drop Crèche9.30 – 11.30 (Term time only; booking essential)Haslingden Community Link &Children’s CentreBury Road, Haslingden01706 238355

Baby Club & Massage10.00 - 12.00 (Booking Essential)Staghills Children CentreTop Barn Lane, Newchurch01706 213303Age 0 - 12 months

Patter & Natter9.00 – 11.30St Anne’s ChurchAshworth Road, Waterfoot01706 558394 or 221889

Tots ‘n’ Toddlers(Stay & Play 1 – 3 yrs)9.15 – 11.15Balladen Children’s CentreLinden Lea, Rawtenstall01706 228501

Bouncing Babies10.00 – 11.30Whitworth Children’s CentreHall Fold, Hall Street, Whitworth01706 648747

Baby Sensory Sessions (non-walking babies)10.00 – 11.30 (once a month - call for dates; term time only)Haslingden Community Link & Children’s Centre, Bury Road, Haslingden01706 238355

Street, Tap, Ballet, Ballroom, Disco & Latin10.00 – 12.00 (Booking Essential)Sparkle Academy, 8 – 12 Burnley Road, Rawtenstall01706 22500418 mths – 6 yrs

Mini Movers Ballet & Tap9:00 - 10:00Rossendale Dance & Drama Centre, 52, Bridleway, Waterfoot01706 211161

DansTots10.45 – 11.30Dansworks Dance Academy,Pioneer Building, BacupKaren 07843 263714(18 mths – 3 yrs)

Pre School Dance (Tap, Ballet & Muscial Theatre)10.00 – 11.00Dansworks Dance AcademyPioneer Building, BacupContact Karen 07843 263714Age 3-4 yrs

DansTots (parent & toddlers)9.15 – 10.00Dansworks Dance AcademyPioneer Building, BacupContact Karen 07843 263714(18 mths – 3 yrs)

Breast-feeding Drop-in1.00- 2.30Haslingden Community Link & Children’s Centre,Bury Road, Haslingden01706 238355

Baby Bounce & Rhyme10.15 – 10.45Crawshawbooth LibraryAdelaide Street, CrawshawboothKath – 01706 224269

Little Angels Toddler Group10.00 – 11.30St Mary’s Church, Goodshaw Lane01706 830251

FundaTots (sport ed. & cre-ative play)9.00 – 10.00Burnley CollegePrincess Way, Burnley2 – 5 yrsKieran 0778 429 8974

Tiny Twisters Tap and Ballet9.00 – 10.00Fusion Fitness & DanceDoals Community Centre, Burnley Road, WeirHelen 078737 66101

Shop & Drop Crèche9.30 – 11.30 (booking essen-tial - term time only)Haslingden Community Link &Children’s CentreBury Road, Haslingden01706 238355

Streetdance9.15 – 10.00Dansworks Dance AcademyPioneer Building, BacupKaren 07843 263714Age 2 1/2 years+

Parent & Toddler Swim11.00 – 12.00Whitworth Leisure CentreJohn Street, Whitworth01706 852694

Pre-school Fun to Dance9.15 – 10.00Samba Dance & FitnessStation Road, FacitWhitworth01706 854960

Rakefoot Rascals9.00 – 11.30Rakefoot Methodist Church, York Street, CrawshawboothDebbie 01706 212880

Baby Buddies9.15 - 11.15Balladen Children’s CentreLinden Lea, Rawtenstall01706 228501

Baby & Toddler Group10.00 – 11.30Broadway Primary SchoolBroadway, HaslingdenMrs Edmondson01706 229832

Kay St Toddler Group9.45 – 11.30Kay Street Baptist ChurchRawtenstallRachel Topham 01706 213725

Goodshaw Baptist Toddler Group9.30 – 11.30Goodshaw Baptist ChurchBurnley Road, CrawshawboothAlison - 07792 487260

Baby Massage10.00 - 11.00The Village Community CentreAdelaide Street, Crawshawboothc/o Balladen Children’s Centre01706 228501

Mini Farm Explorers10.00 - 12.00Cronkshaw Fold FarmAlden Road, HelmshoreJoy – 01706 218614

Holistic Help Coffee Morning9.30 – 11.00Haslingden Community Link &Children’s CentreBury Road, HaslingdenEllie Williams 01706 238355

Family Time 10.00 – 12.00 (1st & 3rd Sat)The Maden CentreRochdale Road, Bacup01706 871740

Dad’s Group 10.00 – 12.00 (Last Sat only)Whitworth Children’s CentreHall Fold, Hall Street, Whitworth01706 648747

Dad’s Group10.00 – 12.00 (2nd Sat of month)c/o Staghills Childrens CentreVarious venues. Please contact 01706 213303

Muck & Mayhem10.30 – 12.00 (Once a month, call for dates)Haslingden Community Link & Children’s CentreBury Road, HaslingdenLisa Casy 01706 238355

Shop & Drop Creche1.00 – 3.00 (Booking Essential -Term-time only)Haslingden Community Link & Children’s CentreBury Road, Haslingden01706 238355

Talking Together9.30 – 11.30The Maden CentreRochdale Road, Bacup01706 871740

Little Turtles9.15 – 11.15The Maden CentreRochdale Road, Bacup01706 871740

Time For Me Creche9.00 - 12.00 or 1.00 - 4.00 The Maden Community and Children CentreRochdale Road, Bacup

Baby Bumpkin10.00 – 11.00(Twice a month, call for dates)Haslingden Community Link & Children’s Centre, Bury Road, Haslingden01706 238355

Diddy Dramatics 10.00 – 10.45Rossendale Dance and Drama Centre, 52 Bridleway, Waterfoot01706 211161

Various Courses9.30 – 11.30 (Term time only)Haslingden Community Link & Children’s CentreBury Road, Haslingden01706 238355

Diddy Disco1.00 – 1.30Rossendale Dance and Drama Centre, 52 Bridleway, Waterfoot01706 211161

Drop-in Baby Club11.15 – 12.15 Staghills Children’s CentreTop Barn Lane, Newchurch01706 213303

DansTots (parent & toddlers)9.15 – 10.30Dansworks Dance Academy,Pioneer Building, Bacup01706 559671

Terrific Two’s9.30 – 11.00 (Booking Essential)Staghills Children’s CentreTop Barn Lane, Newchurch01706 213303

Humpty Dumpty Toddler Group9.15 – 11.15Edgeside Baptist ChurchEdgeside Lane, WaterfootPhil Clay – 01706 226114

Parent & Toddler Swim1.30 – 3.00Marl Pits Swimming PoolNewchurch Road, Rawtenstall01706 226850

Jo Jingles9.30 & 10.30Ramsbottom Pool and Fitness Centre, Porritt Way, Ramsbottom Jo Corbett 01706 212889

Tap & Ballet10.00 – 11.00Dansworks Dance AcademyPioneer Building, BacupContact Karen 07843 263714Age 4 – 5 Years

Tap & Ballet10.15 – 11.15Fusion Fitness & DanceCloughfold Conservative Club276 Bacup Rd, CloughfoldHelen 07873 7661012 – 4 yrs


Toddler Group10.00 – 12.00The Village Community Centre, Adelaide Street, CrawshawboothHelen 07982 242009

Storytime11.00 – 11.45Rawtenstall Library, Haslingden Road, Rawtenstall01706 227911

Shop & Drop Crechè1.00 – 3.00 (Term-time only; book-ing essential)Haslingden Community Link & Children’s CentreBury Road, Haslingden01706 238355

Parent & Toddler Group1.30 – 3.00Longholme Methodist Church, near Boots, RawtenstallShirley Suthers 01706 228234

Carers & Toddler Group1:00 - 2:30Newchurch St. Nicholas C.E. Primary SchoolDark Lane, Newchurch01706 229478 Andrea Preston

Baby Bounce and Rhyme 2:00 - 2:45Bacup Library, St James Square,Bacup01706 873324

Baby Massage1.30 – 2.30Dansworks Dance Academy,Pioneer Building, Bacupc/o Maden Centre01706 871740

Baby Massage, Coffee & Chat1.30 – 3.00Haslingden Community Link & Children’s CentreBury Road, Haslingden01706 238355

Carer & Toddler Group 1.00 – 2.30St Mary’s ChurchSt Mary’s Way, RawtenstallJean 01706 217530

Baby Massage1.30 – 2.30Balladen Children’s Centre,Linden Lea, Rawtenstall01706 228501

Pre School Tap & Ballet4.00 – 5.00Dansworks Dance AcademyPioneer Building, BacupContact Karen 07843 263714Age 3-4 yrs

Speech & Language Therapy Drop-in1.30 – 4.00 (3rd Monday only)Haslingden Community Link &Childrens Centre, Bury Road, Haslingden01706 238355

Shop & Drop Crèche1.00 – 3.00 (Term time only; booking essential)Haslingden Community Link &Children’s Centre, Bury Road, Haslingden01706 238355

Stay & Play2:00 – 3.00Whitworth Children’s CentreHall Fold, Hall Street, Whitworth01706 648747

Baby MassageVarious times - call for detailsWhitworth Children’s CentreHall Fold, Hall Street, Whitworth01706 648747

Gym Toddle10.00 - 11.30Whitworth Children’s CentreHall Fold, Hall Street, Whitworth01706 648747

Jo Jingles1.30 – 2.15 (booking essential)Balladen Children’s CentreLinden Lea, Rawtenstall01706 228501

Baby Sensory Sessions (non-walking babies)10.00 – 11.30 (once a month - call for dates; term time only)Haslingden Community Link & Children’s Centre, Bury Road, Haslingden01706 238355

Ballet & Tap1.30 – 2.30Rossendale Dance & Drama Centre, 52, Bridleway, Waterfoot01706 211161

DansTots10.45 – 11.30Dansworks Dance Academy,Pioneer Building, BacupKaren 07843 263714(18 mths – 3 yrs)

Pre-school Fun to Dance1.30 – 2.15Samba Dance & FitnessStation Road, FacitWhitworth01706 854960

Breast-feeding Drop-in1.00- 2.30Haslingden Community Link & Children’s Centre,Bury Road, Haslingden01706 238355

Parent & Toddler Swim Session1.30 – 3.00Marl Pits Swimming PoolNewchurch Road, Rawtenstall01706 226850

Little Explorers2.00 – 3.00Whitworth Children’s CentreHall Fold, Hall Street, Whitworth01706 648747

Pre School Musical Theatre5.00 – 5.45Dansworks Dance AcademyPioneer Building, BacupKaren 07843 263714Age 3 years+

Jo Jingles (booking essential)1.30 – 2.30Whitworth Children’s CentreHall Fold, Hall Street, Whitworth01706 648747

Streetdance4.00 – 4.45Dansworks Dance Academy Pioneer Building, BacupKaren 07843 263714Age 2½ years+

RSKC Kindergarten Karate4.30 – 5.30Haslingden Sports CentreHelmshore Road, HaslingdenIan Garside 01706 878795

Parent & Toddler Swim1.00– 2.00Whitworth Leisure CentreJohn Street, Whitworth01706 852694

Mini Farm Explorers10.00 - 12.00Cronkshaw Fold FarmAlden Road, HelmshoreJoy – 01706 218614

Family Time3.00 – 4.00Whitworth Children’s CentreHall Fold, Hall Street, Whitworth01706 648747

Muck & Mayhem10.30 – 12.00 (Once a month, call for dates)Haslingden Community Link & Children’s CentreBury Road, HaslingdenLisa Casy 01706 238355

Storytime2.00 – 3.00Whitworth Children’s CentreHall Fold, Hall Street, Whitworth01706 648747

Jo Jingles1.30 – 2.30Whitworth Children’s CentreHall Fold, Hall Street, Whitworth01706 648747

Tweenies (6 – 15mths)1.30 – 3.00Balladen Children’s CentreLinden Lea, Rawtenstall01706 228501

Saturday Family Fun(Once a term, please ring for details)Balladen Children’s CentreLinden Lea, Rawtenstall01706 228501

TalkFirst (Booking Essential)1.15 – 2.00 (Please ring for details)Balladen Children’s CentreLinden Lea, Rawtenstall01706 228501

Time for Tots (15 – 30 mths)10.00 – 11.00(Once a month, call for dates)Haslingden Community Link & Children’s Centre, Bury Road, Haslingden01706 238355

Diddy Street11.30 – 12.15Rossendale Dance and Drama Centre, 52 Bridleway, Waterfoot01706 211161

Diddy Disco10.45 – 11.30Rossendale Dance and Drama Centre, 52 Bridleway, Waterfoot01706 211161

Valley Shorai Karate Club10.30 – 11.00Ewood Bridge Mill , Ewood Bridge Neil 07927 3095723 - 5 yrs

Diddy Dramatics 10.00 – 10.45Rossendale Dance and Drama Centre, 52 Bridleway, Waterfoot01706 211161

Baby Bumpkins Yoga 1.30Dansworks Dance AcademyPioneer Building, BacupKaren 07843 263714Age 7 months to 2 years.

Drop-in Baby Club11.15 – 12.15 Staghills Children’s CentreTop Barn Lane, Newchurch01706 213303

Storytime10.30 – 11.15Bacup LibrarySt James’ Square, Bacup01706 873324

Parent & Toddler Swim1.30 – 3.00Marl Pits Swimming PoolNewchurch Road, Rawtenstall01706 226850




Clovers Support Group1.15 – 2.45 (20thJan, 17thFeb, 17thMar & 28thApr)Staghills Children’s CentreTop Barn Lane, NewchurchKathryn - 01706 213303

out of school diary





















Special Needs Kids Club10.00 – 4.00Tor View School, Clod Lane, HaslingdenVicky Bennett 01706 214640

Mixed Football Beginners4.00 – 5.00Haslingden Sports CentreHelmshore Road, Haslingden01706 2270164 - 7 yrs

Fearns Gymnastics Club – Beginners and BAGA awards5.00 – 7.00Fearns Leisure Centre, Fearns Moss, Stacksteads01706 8798355 – 7 years

Trampolining4.00 & 5.00Haslingden Sports CentreHelmshore Road, Haslingden01706 2270165 + years

Freestyle Dance5.00 – 6.00Samba Dance & FitnessStation Road, Facit, Whitworth01706 8549609 yrs +

Trampolining4.00 & 4.45Haslingden Sports CentreHelmshore Road, Haslingden01706 2270165 + years

Gymtots5.00 – 6.00Fearns Sports and Leisure CentreFearns Moss, Stacksteads01706 8798354 – 7 years

38th Rossendale Cub Group7.00 – 8.30Peel Street, CloughfoldRawtenstallMrs J. Smith 01706 2299458 - 10½ years

Judo Club – Kia Bear6.00 – 7.00Mechanics Hall, Bacup LibrarySt James Square, BacupBrian Moore 01282 4570485 – 7 years

Trampolining9.00, 10.00 & 11.00Haslingden Sports CentreHelmshore Road, Haslingden01706 2270165 + years

2nd Rossendale Scouts Training Band Practice9.00 – 9.45Burnley Road, BacupGraham Helm 07736 0292576 + years

Street Dance4.30 – 5.30Haslingden Sports CentreHelmshore Road, Haslingden01706 2270168 - 10 yrs

Cotton Theatre Workshop5.30 – 6.45Haslingden Primary SchoolRyefield Avenue, HaslingdenCath 01706 2143097 - 11 yrs

Alf’s Blackbelt Academy3.15 – 9.00Unit Y Tollbar Business ParkStacksteadsNigel Fagg 01706 8701084+ Yrs

Dance Classes - Various9.00 – 12.00Fearns Community Sports CollegeFearns Moss, StacksteadsKathryn 01706 211994Age 3+

Alf’s Blackbelt Academy3.15 – 4.30Unit Y Tollbar Business ParkStacksteadsNigel Fagg 01706 8701084+ Years

Alf’s Blackbelt Academy3.30 – 9.00Unit Y Tollbar Business ParkStacksteadsNigel Fagg 01706 8701084+ Years

Alf’s Blackbelt Academy3.15 – 9.30Unit Y Tollbar Business ParkStacksteadsNigel Fagg 01706 8701084+ Years

Alf’s Blackbelt Academy3.30 – 5.30Unit Y Tollbar Business ParkStacksteadsNigel Fagg 01706 8701084+ Years

Street Dance4.30 & 5.30Haslingden Sports CentreHelmshore Road, Haslingden01706 2270165 – 8 yrs

Tap, Ballet & Jazz4.00, 4.30 & 5.00Rossendale Dance & Drama Centre, 52, Bridleway, Waterfoot01706 2111614 – 7 years

Musical Theatre 5.00 – 6.00Rossendale Dance & Drama Centre, 52, Bridleway, Waterfoot01706 211161

Street6.00 – 7.00Rossendale Dance & Drama Centre, 52, Bridleway, Waterfoot01706 2111614+ years

Tap, Ballet & Jazz4.00, 4.30 & 5.00Rossendale Dance & Drama Centre, 52, Bridleway, Waterfoot01706 2111614 – 7 years

Street4.00 – 5.00Rossendale Dance & Drama Centre, 52, Bridleway, Waterfoot01706 2111614+ years

Mixed Football Advanced5.00 – 6.00Haslingden Sports CentreHelmshore Road, Haslingden01706 2270167 – 10 years

Irish Dance4.45 - 5.30Dansworks Dance AcademyPioneer Building, BacupKaren 07843 2637144+ yrs

Beginners Street Dance6.00 – 7.00Samba Dance & FitnessStation Road, Facit, Whitworth01706 8549609yrs & under

Young Performers Drama4.00 – 5.00Samba Dance & FitnessStation Road, Facit, Whitworth01706 8549606 – 10yrs

Sportex Coaching Junior Soccer School5.00 – 6.00 Fearns Sports and Leisure Centre, Stacksteads,Mark Chisholm - 075924972068 – 11 years

Sunny Feet Dance - Ballet/Tap/Jazz 4.15, 5.00, 6.00Sunnybank Social Club, Helmshore Road, Helmshore.Wendy 07776 1628944+, 6+, 8+ years

Freestyle/Disco5.00 – 6.00Dansworks Studios Pioneer Building, BacupKaren 07843 2637145 – 9 yrs

SKIDS3.30 – 5.15Sunnycrest 80 Pennine Road, BacupLeila Allen – 01706 8727258 – 12 yrs

Drama4.00 & 5.00Rossendale Dance & Drama Centre, 52 Bridleway, Waterfoot01706 2111615+ years

Happy Club (booking essential)3.30 – 5.15Sunnycrest 80 Pennine Road, BacupLeila Allen – 01706 8727254 – 8 yrs

Beginners Street Dance5.15 – 6.00Dansworks Dance AcademyPioneer Building, BacupKaren 07843 263714Age 5 – 7 years

Mixed Football5.00 – 6.00 Haslingden Sports CentreHelmshore Road, Haslingden01706 2270167 – 10 yrs

Sportex Coaching Infant Soccer School5.00 – 6.00 Fearns Sports and Leisure Centre, Stacksteads,Mark Chisholm - 075924972065 – 8 years

Irish Dancing (Novice +)6.30 - 8.00IDL Club, George Street, HaslingdenMelissa 07933189836

FundaAllstars – soccer play academy10.00 – 11.00Burnley CollegePrincess Way, BurnleyKieran 0778 429 89745 – 11 yrs

Street Dance4.30 & 5.30Fusion Fitness & DanceDoals Community Centre, Burnley Road, WeirHelen 078737 66101

Boys-Only Breakdance 5.00 – 6.00 (booking essential)Sparkle Academy, 8 – 12 Burnley Road, Rawtenstall01706 2250045+ yrs

Trampolining10.00 & 11.00Alder Grange Leisure CentreCalder Road, Rawtenstall01706 2169505 + yrs

Trampolining9.00 & 10.00Whitworth High Leisure Centre,Hall Fold, Whitworth01706 3432185 + yrs

Kids Club10.30 – 12.00Whitworth High Leisure Centre,Hall Fold, Whitworth01706 3432185 + yrs

Family Fun Session11.00 – 12.30Whitworth Leisure CentreJohn Street, Whitworth01706 852694

Junior Fun Session6.00 – 7.00Whitworth Leisure CentreJohn Street, Whitworth01706 852694

Mixed Football Beginners4.00 – 5.00 Haslingden Sports CentreHelmshore Road, Haslingden01706 2270164 – 7 yrs

Special Needs Dance4.30 – 5.30Dansworks Dance AcademyKaren 07843 263714Age 6+ Years

Dance Classes - Various11.00 – 2:30Dansworks Dance AcademyPioneer Building, BacupKaren 07843 263714Age 6+ Years

Dance Classes - Various9.00 - 3.30Rossendale Dance & Drama Centre, 52 Bridleway, Waterfoot01706 2111614 yrs +

Inflatable Pool Fun2.00 – 3.00Marl Pits Swimming Pool, Newchurch Road, Rawtenstall01706 2268508+ yrs

Musical Theatre (singing, act-ing & dancing) 5.00 – 5.45Dansworks Dance Academy Pioneer Building, BacupKaren 07843 263714Ages 4+

Kids Club11.30 – 1.00Alder Grange Leisure CentreCalder Road, Rawtenstall01706 2169505 + yrs

Ballet & Tap (Grade 6 RAD)4.45 – 6.00Debra McLaren School of Dance, 52a Bank Street, RawtenstallDanielle 07944 343217

Ballet & Tap (Grade 7 RAD) 4.30 – 5.45Debra McLaren School of Dance, 52a Bank Street, RawtenstallDanielle 07944 343217

Show & Musical Theatre 5.00 – 6.00Debra McLaren School of Dance, 52a Bank Street, RawtenstallDanielle 07944 3432175 years +

Dance Classes - Various10.45 – 4.00Sparkle Academy8 – 12 Burnley Road, Rawtenstall01706 2250043 Yrs +

Junior Street Dance5.15 – 6.00Dansworks Dance AcademyPioneer Building, BacupKaren 07843 263714Age 8 – 10 years

Irish5.00 – 5.45Sparkle Academy8 – 12 Burnley Road, Rawtenstall01706 225004

Limbering & Stretch4.15 – 5.00Sparkle Academy8 – 12 Burnley Road, Rawtenstall01706 225004All ages, all styles

Ballet, Tap & Jazz5.00 – 6.30Rossendale Dance and Drama Centre, 52 Bridleway, Waterfoot01706 2111617 – 10 yrs

RDDC Productions4.00 – 5.00Rossendale Dance and Drama Centre, 52 Bridleway, Waterfoot01706 211161All Ages

DansFit (Dance Exercise/Stretches/Tumbles)5.30 – 6.15Dansworks Dance Academy,Pioneer Building, BacupKaren 07843 2637144+ yrs

Musical Theatre5.00 – 6.00Rossendale Dance and Drama Centre, 52 Bridleway, Waterfoot01706 2111614 – 9 yrs

Primary Tap & Ballet5.30 – 6.30Dansworks Dance Academy,Pioneer Building, BacupKaren 07843 2637145 – 7 yrs

Limbering & Exercise6.00 – 6.45Debra McLaren School of Dance, 52a Bank Street, RawtenstallDanielle 07944 3432174 years +

Ballet & Tap – Various lessons9.00 – 2.45Debra McLaren School of Dance, 52a Bank Street, RawtenstallDanielle 07944 3432172½ upwards

Dance Classes - Various12.00 – 2.30Fusion Dance & Fitness Doals Community Centre, Burnley Road, Weir Helen 078737661015+ yrs

Street Dance/Freestyle 6.00 -7.00Debra McLaren School of Dance, 52a Bank Street, RawtenstallDanielle 07944 343217

Tap & Ballet4.00 – 5.00Fusion Fitness & DanceCloughfold Conservative Club276 Bacup Rd, CloughfoldHelen 07873 7661017 – 10 yrs

Street5.00 – 6.00Fusion Fitness & DanceCloughfold Conservative Club276 Bacup Rd, CloughfoldHelen 07873 7661017 – 10 yrs

Street5.00 – 6.00Fusion Fitness & DanceCloughfold Conservative Club276 Bacup Rd, CloughfoldHelen 07873 76610111+ yrs

Cheer Gymnastics 4.00 & 5.00 Haslingden Sports CentreHelmshore Road, Haslingden01706 2270164 - 11 years

Kidz Club 4.00 – 4.45Haslingden Sports CentreHelmshore Road, Haslingden01706 2270164 – 7 years

Cheerleading4.00 & 5.00Haslingden Sports CentreHelmshore Road, Haslingden01706 2270164 – 11 years

Dance Classes – Various1.30 – 4.30Dansworks Dance Academy,Pioneer Building, BacupKaren 07843 26371410+ yrs

Alf’s Blackbelt Academy5.45 – 6.45Function Room at The Grant Arms, Market Place, RamsbottomNigel Fagg 01706 8701084 – 11 yrs

2nd Rossendale Beaver Group6:00 - 7:00Burnley Road, BacupMr Warwick 01706 8731066 - 8 years

45th Rossendale Cub Group7.00 – 8.30Scout Hut Top of Hill Street, CrawshawboothChris Ashley 01706 2251938 - 10½ years

Beginners Tap & Ballet5.45 - 6.00Dansworks Dance AcademyPioneer Building, BacupKaren 07843 263714Age 5 - 7

Junior Fun Session6.00 – 7.00Whitworth Leisure CentreJohn Street, Whitworth01706 852694

Rossendale Rays Multi-Ability Swimming Club3.30 – 5.30Marl Pits Swimming PoolNewchurch Road, RawtenstallJohn Wilson 017062 25457No age restriction

Tag Rugby (Girls & Boys)10 15 - 12.00Marl Pits Sports CentreNewchurch Road, RawtenstallShaun 07858 7478675 + years

Dean’s Martial Arts6.30 – 7.30Rakefoot Methodist ChurchYork Street, Crawshawbooth07974 2191425 + years

43rd Rossendale Cub Group6.45 – 8.15St Thomas’s Church, Helmshore Road HelmshoreMrs Cooper 01706 2261168 – 10½ years

Fearns Karate Club7.00 – 8.00Fearns Sports and Leisure Centre, Fearns Moss, Stacksteads01706 8798356 + years

Bacup Swimming Club - Lessons6.45 – 9.15Marl Pits Swimming PoolNewchurch Road, RawtenstallSusan Holt 07759 662594

42nd Rossendale Beaver Group6.00 – 7.00Trinity Church, Market Street, BacupLiz Nelson 01706 8724146 - 8 years

5th Rossendale Cub Group6.45 – 8.30Tunstead Church, Holme Street, StacksteadsMr Pepperday 01706 8765638 - 10½ years

2nd Rossendale Cub Group7:00 – 8.00Burnley Road, BacupMr Warwick 01706 8731068 – 10½ years

45th Rossendale Beaver Group6.30 – 7.30Scout Hut, Top of Hill Street, CrawshawboothHeather Taylor 01706 220908

40th Rossendale Cub Group 7.30 – 9.00St Peter’s School Room, HaslingdenA Smith 01706 2255428 - 10½ years

40th Rossendale Beaver Group 6.15 – 7.15St Peter’s School RoomHaslingdenMr Stevens 01706 2165146 – 8 years

38th Rossendale Cub Group7.00 – 8.30Peel Street, CloughfoldRawtenstallMrs J. Smith 01706 2299458 - 10½ years

21st Rossendale Cub Group7.00 – 8.30St Mary’s Church, Cherry Crescent, Rawtenstall Mrs Terry 01706 2141068 – 10½ years

Trampolining - Beginners6.00 – 7.00Fearns Sports and Leisure CentreFearns Moss, Stacksteads01706 8798358 - 12 years

38th Rossendale Beaver Group6.45 – 8.00Peel Street, CloughfoldRawtenstallMrs J. Smith 01706 2299456 – 8 years

Rawtenstall Swimming Club 6.40 – 9.15Marl Pits Swimming PoolNewchurch Road, RawtenstallCome along on a Wed night (term time only) to find out more.

21st Rossendale Beaver Group6.30 – 7.30St Mary’s Church, Cherry Crescent, Rawtenstall Mrs Black 01706 2273656 – 8 years

5th Rossendale Beaver Group6.30 – 8.00Tunstead ChurchHolme Street, StacksteadsCharlotte Smith 0773 21217756 – 8 years

2nd Rossendale Scouts Percussion Practice6.30 – 7.15Burnley Road, BacupGraham Helm 07736 0292578 + years

Under 11’s Cricket6.15 – 8.00Rawtenstall Cricket ClubBacup Road, RawtenstallSimon Butterworth 07779630922

Under 9’s Cricket6.15 – 8.00Rawtenstall Cricket ClubBacup Road, RawtenstallSimon Butterworth 07779630922

Rainbows, Brownies and Guide Groups are available in the following areas: Bacup, Crawshawbooth, Edenfield, Haslingden, Helmshore, Rawtenstall, Stacksteads and Waterfoot.For detailed information please contact or call 0800 169 5901

If you are involved in any group aimed at primary school age children, and would like it listing on these pages, please get in touch. All listings in this section are FREE.

Please note, some of the class times indicated will be for more than one lesson. Please get in touch with the contact shown, for precise details of class times that would suit your child.

Tiggers Trampolining Club (for children with Autism) 5.30 – 6.30Haslingden Sports CentreHelmshore Road, Haslingden01706 227016

42nd Rossendale Cub Group7.00 – 8.30Trinity Church, Market Street,BacupMrs Horne 01706 8740378 - 10 years

Junior Drama & Acting6.15 – 7.00Dansworks Dance Academy Pioneer Building, BacupKaren 07843 263714Age 6+




Disco Kidz6.30 – 7.15Sparkle Academy8 – 12 Burnley Road, Rawtenstall01706 2250044 – 10 years

Street (Beginners to Advanced)6.00, 7.00 & 8.00 (Booking essential)Sparkle Academy8 – 12 Burnley Road, Rawtenstall01706 225004

Street Dance7.00 – 8.00Dansworks Dance Academy,Pioneer Building, BacupKaren 07843 26371410+ yrs

Freestyle/Disco6.00 - 7.00Dansworks Dance Academy,Pioneer Building, BacupKaren 07843 26371410+ yrs

Alf’s Blackbelt Academy5.45 – 6.45Function Room at The Grant Arms, Market Place, RamsbottomNigel Fagg 01706 8701084 – 11 yrs

Bacup Judo Club (Juniors)6.45 – 7.45 Above Bacup LibrarySt James’ Square, BacupBrian Moore 0780 8002697

Valley Shorai Karate Club6.30 – 8.00Ewood Bridge Mill, Ewood Bridge Neil 07927 3095726+ yrs

Rossendale Shotokan Karate Club10.00 – 11.30All Saints High SchoolHaslingden Road, Rawtenstall01706 227016 or 01706 878795

Rossendale Shotokan Karate Club6.15 – 7.45AB & D CentreBurnley Road, Bacup01706 227016 or 01706 878795

Rossendale Shotokan Karate Club6.30 – 8.00All Saints High SchoolHaslingden Road, Rawtenstall01706 227016 or 01706 878795

Valley Vipers Handball Club 6.00 – 7.30Haslingden Sports CentreHelmshore Road, Haslingden01706 22701610 – 16 years

Bacup Judo Club (Juniors)6.45 – 7.45 Above Bacup LibrarySt James’ Square, BacupBrian Moore 0780 8002697

Valley Shorai Karate Club6.30 – 8.00Ewood Bridge Mill, Ewood Bridge Neil 07927 3095726+ yrs


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If you head into Manchester in the weeks before Christmas, you can’t miss

the Christmas Market. It is all over the city centre. Rows and rows of wooden chalet-type stalls selling a huge array of gift-type items, most of which you would not find in the shops.

The stallholders are selling either local produce or European goods. Anything from unique jewellery, hand-made bags, clothes and toys to Belgian chocolate and Dutch cheeses. There are also food court areas to keep you going through a long day of browsing and present buying, with a vast choice of street food from every corner of Europe. Paella anyone?

Markets are open:Fri 15th Nov – Sun 22nd Dec

7 days a week10am to 7:30 (9.00 on Albert


Manchester Christmas

Top Tips to help you make the most of your dayAlbert Square, right in front of the Town Hall, is the largest area of the market. This is where most of the hot foot outlets are and also where most of the crowds are. The area is cobbled so, especially if you are there at a particularly busy time, it’s not good for buggies and prams.Before you go have a look at the website and download a map. The markets are all over the city centreAlbert Square also has a strict no dog policy (except for assistance dogs). Other market sites are more open and dogs are okay there, but not advised.Evening times around the market are much busier than daytime. If you want to shop at leisure then weekdays are recommended. If you want a magical, Christmassy time with your children, head down there during the evenings.Don’t forget it is all outdoors and it is cold at that time of year. Make sure you are all wrapped up warm, especially your toes!

To cut down on litter every food and drink outlet has a deposit scheme on all mugs and glasses. It is £1 for glasses and £2 for mugs which you can either claim back when you return your empties, or keep as a souvenir.There are plenty of loos around Manchester City Centre and some shops have agreed to open their facilities to all visitors, not just their own customers. Visit the Manchester Markets website for all the details.The easiest way to get to Manchester from here is to take the Witch Way bus (X43), direct into the City Centre. Why not take advantage of the ‘two adults for £14’ return travel ticket? That’s a saving of over 17% on the standard return fare.Passengers don’t even need to live along the route as connections can be made from any of the local bus services on just the one ticket.Buses run up to every 15 minutes on Mondays to Saturdays, up to every 30 minutes on Sundays (from Burnley); last buses run between 22:00 - 23:00. So a great opportunity for a full day trip! Visit or call 0845 60 40 110 for timetable details.







ter C



out & about



Primary School AdmissionsSeptember 2014 - Update

In the Autumn we ran an article outlining the new on-line Admission process to Primary Schools for Rossendale. We thought it was

important enough to run through again some of the more significant points again, in order to avoid confusion and maximise the chances of parents getting their chosen school for their child.

So let’s start with the basics:Children are not legally required to start school until the term following their fifth birthday. In Lancashire, however, all children who have their fifth birthday between 1 September 2014 and 31 August 2015 may start school in September 2014 if their parents / carers wish it.The main route for applications is to apply on-line ( Paper copies of the application form will not be routinely available and will only be supplied, on request, in exceptional circumstances. Once completed online, the application can be amended at any point before the closing date. There is no need to send in a paper form. In addition Voluntary Aided, Foundation Primary Schools and Academies may require a supplementary form. This is not a legal requirement but must also be completed if you want your application to be assessed against the schools admission criteria.All applications must be submitted by Wednesday 15 January 2014. Offers of Primary School places will be issued by second class post on Wednesday 16th April 2014. The place offers can be viewed on the Lancashire County Council website later that evening. If the initial offer is not for your preferred primary school, you should wait for the offer letter for further guidance.

Lots more information, covering such things as free school meals, clothing grants and school transport benefits is available on the council website –

Please contact the Online School Admissions Support Helpline if you are having difficulty with registration, logging in or completing any part of the application form - 0845 053 0030

Good Luck and don’t miss the deadline!

Parents are asked to give THREE choices of school, in order of preference, rather than just nominate a single school. The three preferences will be judged against each school’s published admissions criteria, and the highest preference school for which the admissions criteria are matched will be the one for which a place is offered.

This sounds complicated, but it isn’t really. What it means is that a child may not fit the criteria for their first preference school (if, for example, the child does not have a religious affiliation which that school requires), so a place could be offered at the second preference school, or even the third, if they fit the criteria there.

So choose your three schools carefully, research the schools in your area, read the most recent Ofsted report and check the school league tables. Ideally, make an appointment to visit them and take your child with you to have a look around. This can all help with your final decision.

It is important to remember that our Children’s Services Authority will issue offer letters for all maintained primary schools in Lancashire, that is to say for Community, Voluntary Controlled, Voluntary Aided and Foundation Schools; as well as Free Schools and Academies. Therefore you will only receive a single school offer for a Lancashire primary school.

focus on:



Bullying can not only be difficult for children to talk about, but also difficult for parents to handle. If your child tells you that they are being bullied, your

immediate reaction might be to get angry. But flying off the handle won’t help - for some children bullying brings on feelings of helplessness, guilt and shame, so adding your own anger to the mix could just make things worse. Here is our guide to help you cope.

So you think your child is being bullied

Signs of BullyingYoung children won’t know the right words or may not realise what is happening, older children may not want to tell you about it for fear of making it worse, so look out for the following signs if you suspect something is wrong.

Changes in their mood, becoming withdrawn and feeling anxious.Coming home with cuts and bruises or losing belongingsReluctant to go to school, or wanting to change their journey or time of their journey to school.Doing less well at their school work.Changes in their behaviour, for example wetting the bed or maybe difficulties sleeping.

1. Be openBullying is a difficult subject to

broach with your children, but being open, honest and approachable will make it easier for them to discuss their feelings. Tell them that you are worried about them and why you are worried, that you want to help them and that helping them to be safe and happy is the most important thing for you.

2. Praise them for opening upIt’s not easy for children to admit

out loud that they are being bullied, so praise them for taking that important step. Now they have spoken to you, you can support them in getting the help they need.

3. Reassure themDespite so many children going

through it, there is still a huge stigma associated with bullying, and sometimes youngsters feel as though it’s their own fault. Reassure your child that they are not alone and it’s not their fault. 4. Work together

If can be tempting, but if you take matters into your own hands and go off and deal with the bullying by yourself,

you will make your child look and feel more helpless by taking away their power to make any decisions. Talking to the bully or their parents may lead people to accuse you of threatening behaviour and give the people doing the bullying more to humiliate your child with. Instead, let your child know that you will not go behind their back or do anything to get help without talking to them about it and having their agreement. It is important that you make this commitment and honour it.

5. Get help from the schoolEncourage your child to report

the problem to the most appropriate teacher at their school. All schools are legally obliged to have an anti-bullying policy and will work with you to find a solution to the problem. Teachers are usually the last to know there is a problem so when you make an appointment to see staff, gather as many facts as you can beforehand. What exactly happened and when? Who was involved? Were there witnesses? Was it a one-off incident or is it an ongoing problem? It’s worth asking about any school schemes to tackle bullying, such as peer mentoring, where

certain children are trained to listen and help with problems.

Don’t be impatient. Keep in touch with the school but allow them time to deal with the situation.

6. Get help from other organisations

There are numerous organisations set up to provide information and support for parents and children alike, if they are being bullied.

Family Lives is a charity that runs a free and confidential 24-hour helpline for parents. Call 0808 800 2222 or visit

Kidscape is an anti-bullying charity that runs a telephone advice line for parents and carers (08451 205 204) or visit

Childnet is a charity promoting safe use of the internet by children. Visit

Most importantly, let your child know

that if they are being bullied they have a right to get help to stop it, and that you will help them yourself and support them in getting that help.

How to talk to your child if they feel they are being bullied.



family matters


So, why do I do it? I still haven’t worked that one out. Some years I have tried to be terribly organised and buy in advance. Then I forget how much I already have and only realise just quite how overboard I’ve gone when I begin to wrap! My children have been through some lovely ages and stages where just about everything in the shops seems perfect for them. Pester power is so incredibly powerful, even though I swore I would never give in! My circle of present buying friends has continued to grow, as has the size of their families! But most of all, I want everyone to have a wonderful time, have all their wishes come true and a Christmas to remember. Unfortunately, this ultimately means I remember it for the following year on a monthly basis.

What can I do about it?Any suggestions are always welcome! I am still going to try and be terribly organised, buying in the sales and

spreading the cost throughout the year – but with a difference. This year, I have paid a regular amount, small but steady, into a savings account to cover the cost of Christmas. Any purchases have come out of this and I have kept an up to date list of what and for whom.Everything is still perfect for my little angels and yes, they would love them, but do I really have the space? Will that toy that needs 16 batteries not just get on my nerves after hours of continuous playing? What about granny? Wouldn’t she love to buy that? I have pinched a great idea from a friend – all the best ideas are plagiarism! She has a present shape for each member of the family stuck to the fridge onto which everyone sticks a picture of or writes an idea for a gift throughout the year. By the time birthdays or Christmas come around and Auntie Mabel is asking what little Johnny wants, I can just post her the idea most suitable! Perfect. Everyone’s happy.

The present on the fridge seems to have stopped the pestering for me too. Find it, stick it, zip it! I have finally had a present buying cull! I plucked up the courage to phone my friends and distant relatives and say, ‘Look, I don’t know how Christmas is for you, but it’s all getting a little out of control for me. Would you be terribly offended if we didn’t buy Christmas presents for each other this year? Perhaps if we just get for the children?’ You know, so many people were completely relieved! Just make sure if you do that one, you don’t leave it too late, as some organised souls may have got your present stored away already!Relax! What makes Christmas Christmas is the people and the fun they have spending time together, not the presents.

One of the best presents I ever gave was also one of the cheapest (also a pinched idea, this time from Martin Lewis, Money Saving Expert)… you know how young children love boxes? Well find the most enormous box you can, fill it with balloons (helium filled if you’re feeling rich!) and pop in a few stocking filler type presents. Wrap the box and wait to see their faces. My daughter loved the fact she had a giant box, the balloons were a hit and the box became a myriad of things over the day, the other presents didn’t get a look in.

But that one has to be quick, before they’re too old and say, ‘But where’s my real present mum?’

Stress-Free Christmas?!

By Rachel Green

Christmas – love it or loathe it, it’s almost upon us. The shops have been reminding us of its imminence for weeks or

should I say months and now the adverts are sent to tempt us into parting with our hard earned cash. If you are anything like me, and I hope for your sake you aren’t, the New Year is welcomed in by a hefty Credit Card bill. I’m just about straight again when the shops begin their yearly taunt all over again!






over to you


Blackcurrant Sponge Cake

After a bumper harvest of our blackcurrants this year which Lily and Eliza enjoyed picking, bagging up and

freezing, we are now enjoying using them and this is one of our favourite recipes:

You could always add extra fruit to the top of the cake to decorate it or serve each slice with fresh fruit of your choice.

This has been a great exercise in growing our own main ingredient for this recipe. The children have learned how to recognise the ripe fruit when it is ready for picking, they have washed, trimmed and stored it correctly and then used it to bake their own cake. The pleasure in eating it was increased by the fact that it was from our blackcurrant plant in our garden.

By Julia Boon

Ingredients :100 g margarine100 g caster sugar2 eggs100 g self raising flourApprox 100 g blackcurrants100 g icing sugar mixed with 1 tablespoon of water

Method :Heat oven to 180 CLine a loaf tin with baking paperCream margarine and sugar togetherBeat in the eggsMix in the blackcurrantsFold in the flourPlace in the prepared tin and bake for approximately 30 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the middle of the cake comes out clean.Turn out from tin and when cool decorate with icing.



Wonderful Little Things, a forest pre-school and toddler group

based at St Mary’s CE Primary School in Rawtenstall began this half term. This Lottery funded group uses the enclosed safe woodland area of school grounds to give opportunities for parents and their pre-school children to engage with nature, wildlife and the outdoors in an outdoors environment. The group aims to help new parents make new bonds within their communities.

Activities offer a chance for both parents and children to experience natural play and the benefits of it. It is hoped that they will learn new skills so activities they take part in and enjoy can be carried out in time outside of the toddler group. The sessions are centred round the childhood development, offering them chances to explore the natural world, develop motor skills, aiding them in independent play and learning.

Examples of activities are outdoor storytelling, mini beast hunts, outdoor cooking, den building, model den building, wild art, mud play, flag making, leaf prints, sensory games, hide and seek. Sessions are led by a Level 3 Forest Schools Practitioner from Newground and assisted by Teaching Assistants from school.

The group which, thanks to funding by the Lottery’s Community Cash Awards, is offered for free for a year, is run in 6 session sets. A new set of six sessions starts every half term and advance bookings are being taken for Spring and Summer term. There are two groups – one for 2-3 year olds and the other for 3-4 year olds. If you are interested in Wonderful Little Things, call the school on 01706 216407 or email Kate Crane on

Wonderful Woodland!




to J

