The Smart Dairy Farms

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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WarakMonzer Osama AlShaikh Created By: 05/07/2017

2 © SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


Dairy farms are one of the critical industries that needs a lot of

taking care of the life and health of cows.

That because there is a strong relationship between the cow's

health and the quality of output milk.

So, farm manager & Cowshed Manager wants a solution that

enables them to monitor the milk production as well as cow's

health with the minimum cost.

The managers want to know the real-time information to know

the actual quantities of milk production from each cow, they want

to know which cow is the most efficient to give it more carefully.

On another hand, they want a system that monitoring the cows'

health and alerts the veterinarians immediately when any cow

has an increase in their temperature or heart rate or if the cow

falls in over-milking...

They are looking for a tool that enabling him to make decisions as

per the smart data to enhance the effectiveness and the


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“ I aim to use technology to the fullest to making dairy farms industry SMART. “

A d a m B i n

Dairy Farm Manager


Responsibilities Main Goals

Needs Pain Points

• 40, married, 15 years of supervising experience in dairy farms.

• Proactive and sometime love the details. • I work with the dairy farm on a land space 70000

square meters that own more than 2000 cow.

• Getting informed late on cow's ill…

• Some cows get in over milking which affects their health and then the quality of milk.

• I don’t know the exact production of each cow, so I can’t decide which cow must be excluded from the farm!

• It’s take very long time from veterinarians to check every cow’s health.

• Increase dairy productivity

• Make Sure Every cow has milked daily based on standard

• Monitoring the milking production Process …

• Make sure form the stability of environment and cows' health.

• Enable employees and veterinarians to manage their time more efficiently. …

• Managing dairy cows so that they produce maximum quantities of milk.

• Detect any healthy effect and notify veterinarians to act.

• Managing a team that supervises more than 2000 cows.

• I also involved with a variety of tasks including feeding, administering medication, managing waste, operating milking equipment two to three times daily, and other daily duties.

System must provide: • Live data on the Cow’s health status.

• Live data about the quantity of milk got from every cow and every group of cows.

• Quickly react on up normal cow's health effects by notify Veterinarians.

• The current location of each cow in the farm

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Point of View (1) User + need + insight/why

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Point of View (2) User + need + insight/why

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UX Journey Describe Actions, Mindset, Feelings and Touch points

User Experience Journey Template – empty


1. Visit cowsheds daily 2. Inspect the status of

fans, temperature, water and grass

Send order for grass or for fans & electrical maintenance when needed

Meet Veterinarians to check cows’ health status

Meet Cowsheds Managers to check milk production

Open Computer to right the daily report to the GM


✓ Boring but critical task to achieve.

✓ It’s a large area to inspect and

✓ How much grass’s quantity I have and how much I want?

✓ Which fan need


✓ Need to make sure that every cow has been checked.

✓ Which cows has an issue and need more care? Which one is the best?

✓ How much the actual quantity milk?

✓ Are cows milked as standard?

✓ Does the cleaning cycle run periodically?

✓ Too much data must be collected from many stakeholders then analyze it



6 Cowsheds. Cowsheds Manager.

Grass inventory & grass fans and equipments

Veterinarians Production manager

Milking Machines Veterinarians. Cowsheds Manager. Product Manager.

Microsoft Excel. Bi tools.

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Prototype Prototype screens for an IoT application to solve PoV 1

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Prototype screens for an IoT application to solve PoV 2