The student will explain the roles played by significant individuals during the American Revolution,...

Post on 11-Dec-2015

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The student will explain the roles played by significant individuals during the American Revolution, including Abigail Adams, John Adams, Wentworth Cheswell, Samuel Adams, Mercy Otis Warren, James Armistead, Benjamin Franklin, Bernardo de Gálvez, Crispus Attucks, King George III, Haym Salomon, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, the Marquis de Lafayette, Thomas Paine, and George Washington;

The student will describe the contributions of significant political, social, and military leaders of the United States such as, John Paul Jones.

The student will identify the political, social, and economic contributions of women to American society

The Role played by Significant Individuals of the American Revolution

SAMUEL ADAMSSamuel Adams - An early and

strong opponent to British taxation of the Colonies, he…

Organized protest to the Stamp Act,

Created the Committee of Correspondence,

Organized the Boston Tea Party in response to the Tea Act,

Was a Leader of the Sons of Liberty,

And one of the first colonist to speak against the British tax policies and in favor of Independence from Britain.

THOMAS JEFFERSONThomas Jefferson – is

considered one of America’s Founding Fathers because of his role in drafting the Declaration of Independence, he also…

Was a delegate to the 2nd Continental Congress where he drafted the Declaration of Independence,

He founded the Virginia Committee of Correspondence,

Was elected governor of Virginia

And he also served as our 1st Secretary of State, Ambassador to France, 3rd President of the United States

BENJAMIN FRANKLINBenjamin Franklin – the most

famous American in the World during the 18th century, he…

Was an inventor, scientist, printer, politician, and diplomat.

Tried to unite the colonies, unsuccessfully, with his Albany Plan of Union during the French and Indian War,

He was a delegate to the 2nd Continental Congress where he helped draft the Declaration of Independence,

He also served as the Ambassador to France where he convinced them to ally with us against the British in the American Revolution.

THOMAS PAINEThomas Paine – emigrated to

American from England, he… Was a radical writer, He published Common

Sense, an influential pamphlet in 1776, it was a best seller in American,

Common Sense convinced many Americans that the time had come to break away from British Rule.

No other individual played a greater role in moving the America people from rebellion to revolution.

MARQUIS DE LAFAYETTEMarquis de Lafayette – a French general and politician who greatly supported the American Revolution, he…

• Was appointed Major General by the Continental Congress before France officially entered the War.

• He endured the harsh winter at Valley Forge with Washington and his men.

• He played a major in the final victory of the American Revolution co-leading forces against Cornwallis at the Battle of Yorktown.

GEORGE WASHINGTONGeorge Washington – A Virginia planter, land speculator, and surveyor he…

• Was appointed Commander of the Continental Army by the 2nd Continental Congress,

• Lead forces against Cornwallis in the final battle of the American Revolution,

• Was elected 1st President of the United States.


John Paul Jones – Pirate, Privateer, Naval Hero he …

Was the most famous Naval Hero of the American Revolution,

Is considered the father of the American Navy,

He once replied, when asked to surrender, “I have not yet begun to fight!”


Hale was a soldier in the Continental Army.

He served as a spy for General Washington.

He was captured by British

He was interrogated and executed.

Famous last words: “I regret that I have only but one life to give to my country.”


Von Stueben was a German Officer.

He came to America to help Washington’s Army.

He trained the militia on how to be professional soldiers.

He is responsible for turning our militia to a regular Army.


Lord Cornwallis – Commanding Officer of British forces in the American Revolution

BERNARDO DE GALVEZ• He was the governor of

Spanish Louisiana during the American Revolution.

• Galvez worked with Patriot leaders to secure the port of New Orleans so that only French, Spanish, and American ships were allowed to travel the River.

• During the war the Mississippi was used to send guns, ammunition, supplies, and money to Washington and his soldiers.

JAMES ARMISTEAD LAFAYETTE• James Armistead was an African

American spy during the Revolution. • With permission from his master, he

joined the Continental army in 1781 and served under the Marquis de Lafayette.

• He posed as a runaway slave and infiltrated Cornwallis’ and Benedict Arnold’s camp.

• He gained their confidence and was able to learn about strategic British movements.

• The information he provided was essential to the American victory at Yorktown.


• Mercy Otis Warren was America's first female playwright, having written propaganda plays from 1772 to 1775.

• They were entitled History of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the American Revolution.

• She became a correspondent and adviser to many political leaders, including Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and especially John Adams.

• In 1773, she wrote The Defeat and in 1775 Warren published The Group.

HAYAM SALOMONHayam Solomon - a Polish born Jewish who immigrant to America. His role in the American Revolution was to finance the War, he…• raised the money needed to finance

the War. • You can see his impact on American by

looking at the back of a dollar bill. • The seal was partially designed by

Salomon. • Above the eagles’ head are 13 stars

arranged to make the Star of David, a well known Jewish symbol.

• Twice he was arrested by the British, the first time he was released, the second time he escaped.

• He worked relentlessly to fund the American Revolution he neglected his health, he died in his 40s.


Patrick Henry- was a very influential member of the Virginia House of Burgesses, he… • spoke out against the Stamp

Act. • He was known for giving fiery

speeches against British rule.

• His most famous quote is “Give me Liberty or

• give me Death!” • During the War he served in

the Continental Army.


Crispus Attucks – a mixed race (African and Native American) martyr of the Revolution, he…• was the first casualty

of the War when he was shot and killed in what became known as the Boston Massacre.


John Adams was a delegate to the 1st and 2nd Continental Congresses, he…• worked to convince the

Congress to declare independence from Britain.

• He was on the committee that drafted the Declaration of Independence.

• He later was elected the 1st Vice President of the United

States. • He was our 2nd President


Abigail Adams - Wife of John Adams, She… • gave advice and opinions

on many matters to her husband while he attended the Continental Congress.

• She and her husband wrote back and forth to each other during there time of separation.

• In her letters she advocated for women’s rights and an end to slavery.


King George III was the kingof England during the American Revolution. • It is he and his policies

that the Americans were rebelling against.

• He is the King who lost the Revolution and Britain’s claim on North America.

WENTWORTH CHESWELLWentworth Cheswell is known as the “Black Paul Revere.” He…• was a free black man living in the

New England colonies and was a valued and trusted member of his community.

• During the Revolution he served on the Committee of Safety, which was responsible for sending information to patriot leaders.

• In this regards we was responsible for riding through the colonies to warn people of the British invasion.

• He served in the Continental Army and fought in the Battle of Saratoga.