The Superfrog ISBI: Chapter Eight

Post on 21-Nov-2014

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The Superfrog ISBI

Chapter Eight: Back On Track

Welcome back to the Superfrog ISBI!

Last time, we saw Sketch's teen years – which meant lots of boyfriends, lots of hauntings, and lots of death. It seems Sketch Super just can't shake off the hold of the Reaper. Also, Makoto St. Julien passed away, after giving good advice and talking to a paper cup he named after Vamsi – his worst enemy, when she was alive. I think he secretly missed her. Also, I should adopt old couples more often! Anyway, at the end of the chapter, Sketch grew into an adult.

Onto this chapter! :)

We rejoin Sketch to find her sobbing. There's nothing unusual about that, but this time she isn't sobbing about death – it's the fact I didn't send her to uni.

“Wah! And now this topless walk-by will think I'm strange!”

“ obviously need someone to talk to.”

“And you obviously need a real shirt rather than a paint one.”

The next morning, as planned, the gypsy matchmaker shows up, and demands her payment. In cash, because cheques can't be cashed in by people who keep all of their money in their pockets.

“You want me to pay you? But I don't have a lot of-”

“No money, no life partner. Forever alone.”

“Gah, fine.”

Sketch got the BEST possible life partner, ever. Ladies and gentlemen, Goopy Gilscarbo!

...what? I really like Goopy.

“Hi there, Goopy. I'm Sketch, and we're going to be very happy together.”

“Alright! How many dates are we talking here?”

“Dates? You're stuck with me for the rest of your life!”

“Aw man. I'm not usually into the whole being-tied-down thing.”

“Me either. In fact, I'm rolling a negative marriage want.”

“We'll just have to make the most of it,” Sketch decided, “we don't have to get married, but we do have to live together.”

“Okay. I'll move in.”

Behind them, the gypsy wandered away, still peering into her crystal ball, “I wonder if there's anyone in this ball for me?”

As it happens, it seems Goopy has some creativity points too, as he's not too bad at the guitar.

Though Sketch seems less impressed – perhaps because it's her guitar?

And because it was so successful last time, or because it saved my bacon when my Torch Holder died, I've adopted another set of elders.

Mostly because Star and Alan would have been kicking around as elders by this point. But anyway.

This is Leo Wilkie. He looks a tad grumpy.

And this is Vyn Scott. She seems to be slightly more cheerful.

Who knows, they may end up being awesome like my last adopted old couple.

The first thing these two do is play catch, so I doubt we'll have another extreme fighting old couple.

It's funny how Sketch was all alone when she woke up this morning, and now she has a life partner and a couple of old people living with her.

Next item on the agenda: get started on the next generation.

Of course, now there's more people in the house, there are more people to interfere. And, boy, do they interfere a lot.

“I approve of woohoo!”

“Leo? Get the llama out of here!”

“Aw man, I wanted to join in...”

They a nice couple. But most of my matchmaker-dropped spouses have been pretty good so far, even Joe.

I've also noticed I've managed to kill of every spouse dropped to me so far in some sort of accident. What does this say about Goopy's future?

What, no lullaby? Get out of bed and try again!

I am very much a simmer who wants babies and wants them now. In my WYDC, it took seven tries for my main sim to get pregnant with this one guy.

Anyway, moving on.

The second time was a success :D

Although, pregnancy has been a bit rough on Sketch. She wouldn't stop throwing up for most of the first day.

“I'm pregnant and I hate it.”

I do feel bad for Sketch. Hopefully the rest of her pregnancy will run smoothly.

Goopy has also started leaving date gifts. I have feeling we will have tons of these rose by the end of the third generation.

And just to prove that Goopy does wear his tartan from time to time, here he is! Smustling with our new-elders.

Even Leo is joining in!

“Sketch should really join us!”

Too bad she's really tired from carrying his bed, right?

“Aw man, I'm out of time with the others.”

Goopy is completely oblivious to Sketch's suffering.

Sketch does take time out of her busy schedule to sing kareoke though. Look, she even has back-up dancers, in matching grey pyjamas!

Ladies and Gentlemen, Miss Super and the Smustlers!

“Watching them punch each other reminds me of Vamsi and Makoto.”

Except these two get along much better. I like them. Then again, I also liked Vamsi and Makoto.

The next day, I had reinstalled ACR again. I expect I'll have pulled it out of my game by next week, as I can never make my mind up, but there you go. Autonomous romance is back.

This means Goopy and Sketch decided to spend some time together in the hot tub. I wouldn't have said a woman in Sketch's condition should be in a hot tub in the middle of winter, but Goopy obviously disagrees.

Speaking of Sketch's condition, her pregnancy has finally started showing, after hours of nausea and complaining.

Vyn decides to write about everything in her diary, but is kind of worried about Goopy reading it, apparently.

Goopy's not even paying any attention to Vyn, so I have no idea why she's freaking out.

While that was happening in the living room, Sketch was trying to catch up on some sleep in the Haunted Room, only to find herself haunted. Only not by a ghost, but by Leo.

He relaxed by her side pretty much all night. Goopy gave up waiting for his bed and slept in the bed in the quarantine room.

Leo has an odd fascination for the Haunted Room.

“Good morning, Sketch!”

“Why do I get the feeling he's been there all night? I'm supposed to wake up next to Goopy, not Leo!”

The interfering elders continue to interfere as the day gets started. Sketch wishes Goopy a good morning by kissing his hand, while Vyn stands dangerously close by.

“I just wanted to be part of the moment.”

Then again, I like Vyn and Leo, so I generally ignore their interfering. Sometimes, it's sweet, though.

“Hello, baby, I'm Vyn! Your mother and I are wearing matching pyjamas!”

Seeing as they had both pulled an all-nighter, Goopy and Vyn decided it was time for bed. The same bed, apparently.

There was no cuddling, they stayed on their halves of the bed, so I guess they're just great friends.

I don't think Sketch was happy about it, though.

“I call this one 'Get Out of My Marriage Bed, Woman!'”

The family is quickly turning very music-orientated.

Like Leo here! He started playing guitar, and he's pretty good – though Sketch is better.

Vyn has taken up singing as well. One day, my ISBI will turn into a musical by accident.

Leo's music seems to put the graveyard to sleep. Vamsi's the first ghost I've seen for a few days.

Vamsi then started picking on Vyn. It also made things socially awkward – Leo was adamant that his guitar playing wasn't that horrifying.

“Oh, come on, Vyn, my face isn't that scary.”

Vyn then realises the ghosts can't get her if she's asleep – and promptly jumps into bed next to Sketch.

Sketch moves over as much as she can, it seems.

Goopy is thrilled about it, though.

“I call this one “There's Two Women in My Bed!'”

With Vyn asleep, Vamsi has to turn her haunting attentions elsewhere. To Leo.

After that, she left for her grave, scaring Goopy once on the way out.

The night after Vamsi's Endless Haunting, the first member of generation four decides to make an appearance.

Generation four? Already? Wow, time flies when you're not writing plot!

Sketch was happy with her baby, “Look, Goopy! A beautiful baby girl!”

Goopy was less than happy, “A baby? Oh! But I wanted a dragon!”

Leo was also disappointed, but it looks like he's staring straight at the plumbbob that's hiding just out of the shot. Hmm. No, Leo, don't break the fourth wall.

The new baby was named Goblin, after a little stone goblin I found on my desk.

Hey, it could be worse. The next thing I found after the goblin was a plastic pig.

Goblin is quickly put into the bouncy chair so that she doesn't end up on the floor for hours on end.

But she throws a tantrum. A newborn, throwing a tantrum.

Goblin settles for glaring at anyone who wanders past.

Anyone want to bet that the kid is mean?

“Aw, it's okay, Goblin. I used to like throwing tantrums, too.”

Sketch and Goopy are pretty good at being parents, which is nice to see. Though Goopy did leave Goblin on the kitchen floor a couple of times.

Leo and Vyn decided they weren 't going to interfere when it would be helpful, but instead started hanging out in the Haunted Room more and more.

The next day, all of the adults manage to sit down for a dinner together. This is a rare sight.

Sure, it's hot dogs, and sure, both elders showed up in their pyjamas, but still. This happens so rarely I felt the need to include it.

Pretty soon, it was time to throw Goblin into toddlerhood. Time flies.

I don't see too much of Sketch in her, but there's still time. At the minute, she is definitely Goopy's daughter.

Anyway! That's it for this time!

Thanks for reading, see you next time!