The Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust · 2020-04-01 · Dear Friends and Well Wishers Here we are at the end of...

Post on 06-Aug-2020

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38-47/C-2, Ghalib Road, Gulberg III,Lahore - 54660 - Pakistan

+92 (42) 3587


New Aligarh University Project,Manga, Lahore

Sir Syed College of Management Sciences,Gulberg, Lahore

Aligarh Public School and College,Gulberg, Lahore

Aligarh Public School and College,Manga, Lahore

Sir Syed College of Computer Science,Gulberg, Lahore

The TehzibulAkhlaq Trust

Report Compiled by Maria Maud Sabri

VISIONTo establish and sustain institutions that offer quality education, nurture patriotism and inculcate moral values

1. A Word from the President 4

2. How We Work 5

3. Our Management 6

4. Our Finances 8

5. Fee and Concessions Schedule - 2019 10

6. A Glance at our Educational institutions 11

Aligarh Public School and College, Gulberg 11

Aligarh Public School and College, Manga 14

Sir Syed School of Computer Science (SCOCS) 20

7. Achieving our Vision for Education 21

Academics 22

Healthy minds and bodies 26

Developing Leadership Qualities 28

Better citizenship 30

Widening Horizons 34

8. A Home away from Home: The Hostels at Manga Campus 35

9. Our Prize Winners 36

10. Successes in our Alumni 40

11. Faculty Development through in-service Trainings 41

12. Our Distinguished Visitors 42

13. Our Grand Dream: The New Aligarh University 44

14. We thank our Generous Donors (Rs.) 45

15. How to Share in our Ventures 46

Table of Contents Page #


Dear Friends and Well WishersHere we are at the end of another year, ready to share all that has been happening during the past twelve months in our educational institutions and the Trust.

As you know, we are a not-for-profit Public Trust that has been successfully growing since its inception in 1963. Tehzibul Akhlaq, the name given by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan to his magazine, draws its inspiration from the educational reforms’ movement of the Aligarh Muslim University. Graduates of this alma mater who had settled in Lahore after the independence of Pakistan wanted to carry forward Sir Syed’s mission for making education accessible to as many people as possible. They, along with local philanthropists and intellectuals who were fired with the same zeal, formed the Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust.

The first educational institution, a school for girls, was started in a hired building in Gulberg in 1965. Next year saw the acquisition of 51 acres of land in Manga, a suburb of Lahore, on Multan Road. Today the Aligarh Public School and College, Gulberg boasts of a custom-built school on Ghalib Road, Gulberg with almost 900 students enrolled in the school and college sections. Aligarh Public School and College, Manga is a beautiful residential institution with almost 1200 students, boys and girls. Sir Syed College of Computer Science (SCOCS) has proudly sent out its first two batches of graduates and is imparting education to 80 students. Sir Syed College of Management Science (SCOMS) is poised for startup in the current academic year.

The construction of the Academic Block at the Manga campus will soon begin In Shaa Allah. The architectural plans etc. are going through the various offices for approval. As soon as the necessary formalities are completed, we plan to hold a ground breaking ceremony.

We are working on the establishment of an Alumni Association and are receiving an enthusiastic response. The first meeting was held on 18th January 2020 which was attended by more than six hundred old students. Those who were present at this occasion have great plans and high dreams for their alma mater.

I would like to thank all our friends, well-wishers and patrons for their interest and generosity towards this noble cause of education.

All this work would not have been possible without the support and cooperation of the Executive Committee members and the Trustees. The Managements of the three educational institutions also deserve an applause for their dedication and hard work. I hope and pray that the coming years will see this Trust prosper, grow and expand its activities.

G.A. Sabri President TAT


The Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust



The Tehzibul Akhklaq Trust is a voluntary not for profit organization. We aim to offer high quality educa-tion at the lowest fee possible. All our trust members offer their services voluntarily. No facilities of any kind are offered. A small group of full-time employees carries out the day to day work.

In order to be sustainable, the educational institutions charge a moderate fee which covers operating expenditure. Scholarships and concessions are offered generously. A special committee examines appli-cations and awards scholarships on need basis.

The schools are registered with the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Lahore. The medi-um of instruction is English, and both Science and Arts subjects are offered.

All capital expenditure i.e construction cost is met through donations. The sincerity of purpose, dedi-cation, and trustworthiness of our pioneers has been able to convince philanthropists to donate to our cause and by the grace of Allah, this continues to be the case even today.

The Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust aims to equip the youth with modern knowledge and instill the values of our religion and culture in them. We inspire to raise good Muslims, patriotic citizens and in the case of non-Muslim students, young people with good moral values.

The schools offer coeducation till primary level, then boys and girls are assigned to different sections so that they can be allowed to grow in environments conducive to their respective natures.

We would like to share an external evaluation with our readers that validates our claim to quality educa-tion, transparent finances and sound management. Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy (PCP) Certification is mandatory to qualify for tax exemption. This evaluation is carried out in detail after every three years. Their latest Renewal Report dated March 2020 has given TAT a ranking of 88%. The details are shared herewith:

Evaluation ParametersMaximum

ScoreMinimum Required

Score Obtained


Legal & Regulatory Compliance 50 25 50 100%General Public Utility Compliance 75 37.5 45 60%Institutional Mechanisms of Oversight 200 100 177 89%Tax Compliance 75 37.5 64 85%Financial Management 200 100 180 90%Policies 100 50 80 80%Program Delivery 300 150 282 94%

Total 1000 500 878 88%


By the Grace of Allah Almighty the Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust is completing its fifty seventh year. The pioneers who began this venture are all with their Maker now but the sincerity of purpose and

the relevance of the aims have attracted others who have gladly moved forward. Our Executive Committee consists of volunteers. Chairmen and Secretaries of all the

committees of TAT are professionals who devote their time and resources to the noble cause of education.

The finances are in order as the audited financial report on pages 8-9 shows. We are really indebted to our donors whose generosity helps us expand and grow. Among others this year Mrs Samia Aslam Mughal, spouse of Mr Aslam Mughal, our Vice President, donated a property worth over Rs 12.5 million towards the

construction of the Samia Aslam Mughal Block in the Manga Campus which houses the Girls’ Section. All donations, however small, contribute to growth and

we bow our heads in gratitude to Allah Almighty for the trust that people put in our endeavor.

The educational institutions operating under the Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust charge moderate fee. We offer concessions based on kinship to up to 4 siblings. We also have need based and merit scholarships too. All applications for scholarships go to the relevant committees for a fair assessment. A glance at the School Reports will give the exact number of students enjoying this facility.

In 2003 we had been gifted over 13 kanals of land by Syed Qutubuddin Shah for the purpose of building a school under the nomenclature of Aligarh Public School, Qutub Shah Campus. Unfortunately, due to his sudden death the land could not be transferred on time which has led to litigation on several fronts as false claims started coming forward. As a judgement favorable to TAT seemed to be imminent the land mafia started making frantic efforts to grab the now very precious plot.

We were subjected to such tension, mental torture and physical discomfort, not to mention the indignity, by false FIRS. I really would like to salute Mr G.A.Sabri, the President of TAT, for his tenacity and untiring efforts to retain the land. He was running from thana to thana, from one court to another to deal with the various FIRs and bogus cases registered against the Trust. In one of the FIRs he was even declared as an absconder. He appeared at each and every hearing of the Trial Court. Despite my illness and age I was also present at some of the hearings. The case has now moved to the Lahore High Court where, we hope, a fair and swift judgement will settle this matter.

However, despite these problems the Trust has been functioning smoothly and the educational institutions had a satisfactory year. We thank Allah Almighty for this and pray that this venture grows and is able to reach a larger number of youth desirous to learn.

The Trust is deeply grieved to announce that Mr. Wasif Ahmed Siddiqui passed away peacefully on 28th Feb. 20.May Allah SWT grant him Jannatul Firdous.

Wasif Ahmed SiddiquiHonorary Secretary General TAT


The Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust



The Executive Committee

President Mr. G.A. Sabri

Honorary Secretary General Mr. Wasif A. Siddiqui

Vice President Mr. T. M. Sheikh

Vice President Mr. Sultan Hameed

Vice President Mr. Aslam Mughal

Vice President Mr. Zia Haider Rizvi

Treasurer Mr. Andaleeb Gulzar

Members: Mr. Nazeer Adhami, Mr. Nazeer Chaudhry, Mr. Ahsan Sohail Mannan, Mr. Aftab Rizvi, Ms. Sabra Khatoon, Ms. Fizza Tawfique, Ms. Rukhsana Naveed

Chairmen and Secretaries of the various Committees are ex-officio members of the Executive Committee

Working Committees

Education Board Chairman Brig. (Rtd.) Ashfaq Ahmed

Secretary Dr. Humala Khalid

Finance Committee Chairman Syed Ovais Yazdani

Secretary Mir Sajjad Rafiq

Governing Body SCOCS Chairman Mr. Aslam Mughal

HR Board Chairman Mr. G.A. Sabri

Construction Committee Chairman Mr. Aslam Mughal

Magazine Tehzibul Akhlaq Editorial Board



2019 2018INCOME Rupees RupeesINCOME

Unrestricted income

Income from school / student related activities:

- Tuition fees and other funds - net 101,551,901 97,562,655

- Admission fees / test fees 3,413,020 2,317,795

- Examination and other fees 2,973,997 2,247,622

- Hostel charges 5,866,080 6,292,080

- Mess fund 10,453,889 11,417,594

- Profit on sale of prospectus / progress reports 301,500 231,000

- Income from sale of monthly Tehzibul Akhlaq Magazine 832,950 844,530

- Forfeited security deposits 286,748 364,968

125,680,085 121,278,244

Income from other sources:

- Profit on investment and bank accounts 2,965,476 1,562,371

- Donations 3,409,188 5,692,050

- Membership fee 50,000 50,000

- Rental income 213,757 118,300

- Balances written back 3,342,355 -

- Exchange gain 1,401,479 178,385

- Miscellaneous 404,731 294,212

11,786,986 7,895,318

137,467,071 129,173,562

Restricted income

- Amortization of deferred income - -

- Tuition fee against restricted fund - -

137,467,071 129,173,562


Expenses funded by unrestricted income

Salaries and other benefits:

- Salary expense 86,258,205 73,082,263

- EOBI 1,058,000 927,600

- Provident fund 4,850,766 2,799,380

- Social security 1,894,048 1,666,700

- Other benefits 645,114 694,439

Mess expenses 7,912,306 7,928,204

Repairs and maintenance 4,650,549 4,551,769

Petrol, oil and lubricants 1,500,562 1,363,667

Utilities 9,561,979 6,321,063

Students' related activities/expenses 2,336,387 1,898,653

Examination expenses 1,004,670 882,110

Expenses of monthly Tehzibul Akhlaq Magazine 757,289 727,487

Advertisement and publicity 2,134,684 2,687,843

Legal and professional charges 820,242 939,669

Parking fee 18,000 18,000

Audit fee 130,000 130,000

Printing and stationery 1,317,722 1,133,575

Telephone, postage and internet 586,884 656,842

Travelling and conveyance 766,299 757,237


The Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust


Fees and subscription 261,600 236,000

Entertainment 324,274 370,522

Qutab Shah Campus expenses 325,994 304,404

Stocks and stores consumed 234,960 -

Bank charges 406,263 313,320

Safety and security 2,750,000 2,574,752

Insurance 31,204 31,204

Training expenses 52,250 8,000

Cleaning expenses 33,339 51,353

Balances written-off - -

Preliminary Expenses 2,730,548 758,418

Loss on disposal of vehicle - 9,014

Miscellaneous 262,292 213,016

Amortization 17,108 22,810

Depreciation 12,250,890 12,698,204

147,884,428 126,757,518

Surplus / (Loss) for the Year (10,417,357) 2,416,044

ASSETSNon Current Assets

Property and equipment 683,025,622 692,037,546

Capital work in progress 13,981,341 -

Intangible assets 51,320 68,427

Long term deposits 360,250 360,250

697,418,533 692,466,223

Current Assets

Stocks and stores 4,307,957 2,918,829

Advances, deposits and other receivables 14,740,257 13,437,867

Short term investment 28,670,000 23,000,000

Cash and bank balances 17,681,275 20,362,492

65,399,489 59,719,188

762,818,022 752,185,411



- Unrestricted fund

Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust Office, Lahore (21,673,936) (17,191,599)

Aligarh Public School and College, Gulberg, Lahore 135,701,609 135,122,041

Aligarh Public School and College, Manga (31,766,209) (29,191,600)

Aligarh Public School and College Mess & Hostel, Manga 46,822,862 45,768,256

Sir Syed College of Computer Science (21,372,519) (16,377,934)

107,711,807 118,129,164

- Restricted funds 35,987,025 14,825,320

143,698,832 132,954,484

Surplus on Revaluation of Property

and Equipment 569,410,992 569,410,992

Non Current Liabilities

Deferred income 23,614,875 23,614,875 Current LiabilitiesSecurity deposits 18,857,149 18,204,762 Creditors, accrued and other liabilities 7,236,174 8,000,298

26,093,323 26,205,060 Contingencies and Commitments - -

762,818,022 752,185,411


Concession Status

FEE AND CONCESSIONS SCHEDULE - 2019Monthly Fee Structure (Rs.)



P.G - K.G I - V VI - VIIIIX - X College (1st Year - 2nd Year)

Bio / Arts Comp. Sc. F.A. /I.Com F.Sc I.C.S.

6,673 7,235 7,502 7,476 8,600 4,625 4,673 5,775



Day Scholars



Day Scholars



Day Scholars


3113 15860 3323 16115 3827 16790 4274 17304 5034 18218






36 Full FeeKinship Concession (25%, 50%)Employees Children (100%)Need Based Concession (25% to 100%)Merit Based Concession (25% to 100%)

Full Fee: 512Concessions: (54%) 596Total: 1108





Full Fee

Kinship Concession (50%)

Employees Children (100%)

Need Based Concession (25% to 100%)

Full Fee: 339Concessions: (60%) 507Total: 846


The Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust




Profile of the PrincipalMrs. Nargis Salam Faruq, M.A. English Lit. (Punjab Univ.),

M.A. Educational Planning & Management, One year Diplo-ma in Montessori Teacher Training.

As an educationist, her specialized areas are:

(a) Plan Implementation & Educational Management.

(b) Process of Educational Planning.

(c) Teacher Education in Pakistan.

(d) Curriculum Planning and Evaluation.

(e) Curriculum Assessment

(f) Learning and Teaching

(g) Educational Psychology


The Faculty 11


Number of students

Facilities at the Gulberg Campus

The First Block Constructed in 1982

The Play Ground The Auditorium

G.M. Sabri Block (2004) A. Rehman Block

The Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust


Bio Lab

Physics Class and Computer class at the College Section.

The Library Physics Lab

Physics Lab Computer Lab

Art Studio

The Reading Room Reading Corner: Primary Section Kindergarten Wing




Profile of the Principal

Squadron Leader(R) M. Qasim Qazi, M.Ed, M.A (Int Rel), M.A (Isl St), LLB. served in the Education Branch of Pakistan Air Force for almost 25 years. He joined the Aligarh Public School and College Manga in January 2017.

In his career as a principal he received different excellence awards including Letter of Appreciation from Air Headquarters, Pakistan Air Force for producing best SSC results for 2014, 2015 and 2016. Shield for the most Inspiring Principal (2016) was awarded by GSEA (Global system for Educational Assessment, Pakistan) and Certificates for Excellence in the field of education in Pakistan by Kangaroos International in 2015, 2016

Faculty Boys’ Wing

Faculty Girls’ Wing

The Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust


Samia Aslam Mughal Block (Girls Section) 2019

797 393

Number of students

Aligarh Public School and College Manga also offers boarding facilities to boys from class one onwards. Details of the Hostels will be given later.

Facilities at the Manga Campus

Front view of the Main Block

Mrs Samia Aslam Mughal being presented the School Crest by the President TAT

Mrs Samia Aslam Mughal, donor of the building, performing the opening ceremony of the Girls Section


A classroom of the Senior School The Library


Classrooms of the Nursery Section

The Begum Nazli Bano Block: Primary Section

The Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust


Manga Campus Sports Facilities

Swimming Pool

Hockey Field

Basketball court

Volleyball CourtShooting Range

Football Field17

Ayesha Sabri Dining Hallinaugurated by Dr. A.Q. Khan in 2015 on the occassion of Golden Jubilee celebarations.

Sir Syed House

MANGA CAMPUS BOARDING FACILITIES The first building used for boarding of students was established in 1966 with the donation of Rana Abdul Hameed (Raees-e-Azam Sahiwal). This building contains 12 dormitories: half of them are used for lodging Sir Syed House students. The other six are used for lodging Allama Iqbal House students. It has the capacity of boarding 110 students.

Children of the Junior School, Class 1 to V are housed in a separate building with a capacity of 64.

The S.A Mannan Block was constructed in 2014 (Ground Floor). It has 8 dormitories where 8 students can be lodged in each room.

The T.M Sheikh Block was constructed in 2017 as First Floor on S.A Mannan Block. It also contains 8 dormitories with a total boarding capacity of lodging 64 students.

Muhammed Ali Jauhar House

S.A.Mannan Block & T.M.Sheikh Block house the Mohammed Ali Jauhar House boarders

Sir Syed House

The School Mosque19


Group Captain Rtd. Muhammad Ashraf Mughal, the Principal of Sir Syed College of Computer Science was commissioned in the Education Branch of Pakistan Air Force. He has a vast experience of teaching and Educational Management of PAF educational system including Fazaia schools and colleges. He served in the PAF for 31 years in various capacities and joined the Sir Syed College of Computer Science in January 2018.

Sir Syed College of Computer Science (SCOCS) affiliated with the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore since 2014 offers the four years Honors Degree program. By the Grace of Allah two batches have graduated and the graduates are serving in national and international organizations. The enrolment in the college has increased from 13 to more than 80 at present. SCOCS also provides merit/need base scholarships and interest free loan facility from Meezan Bank through Ihsan Trust, Al Mujtaba Education Trust and Hazrat Khadija Tul Kubra Welfare Foundation to the students. Special emphasis is laid on interaction and internships with the industry.

Workshop on digital media and tech talks on local hack day

BSC (Hons) Computer Science SCOCSAdmission Fee Rs. 15,000Security Fee (Refundable) Rs. 2,000UET Registration Fee Rs. 5,000

Semester FeeTuition Fee Rs. 60,000Examination Fee Rs. 2,500Library & Lab Charges Rs. 1,000Total Rs. 63,500

Students AwardedScholarships in 2019

Scholarship Rate Number of Students75% 1460% 350% 1940% 1133% 125% 1420% 170% 5

The Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust


Our aim is to bring out the best in every child. Academic excellence is of course one of the goals

but we aim at well-rounded personalities who, while doing well in studies, are also leaders in their

sphere, good human beings and conscientious citizens. To this end we encourage our students to

participate in a number of activities that will help them develop other qualities besides excellent

results. We encourage every child to participate and help him/her grow into their best.

We endeavor to stay abreast of technological advancement in education. Active Inspire Digital

Boards have been installed in the schools to be used as teaching aids by the faculty.

A memorandum of understanding was signed in July 2019 between the Al Mujtaba Educational

Trust (AMET) and TAT to facilitate needy and talented Pakistani Youth to pursue their education.

As per the MoU, 4 students of SCOCS are already receiving scholarships, while another 2 students

of APS Manga (class viii) will be provided scholarship by AMET from this year onwards.

We discourage tuitions and if needed give extra classes and remedials to the students free of cost.

The Gulberg Campus also introduced pre-intermediate coaching to students from all schools

during the free months before admissions.

Let us give you a brief overview in images of our eventful school year: Our academic performance

and some of endeavours to achieve our vision of education that go beyond mere book learning.

Achieving ourVision for Education


Noor FatimaClass V : 96%

Ayesha KanwalClass VII : 96%

Asad-ur-RehmanClass VI : 96%

Hareem SikandarClass VI : 96%

Hifza ImtiazClass VIII : 95%

Najam QaziClass VI : 96%

Abdullah SaqibClass VII : 93%

Muneeb-ur-RehmanClass V : 96%

Rafia Karim1st : 98%

7 Years in APS

Mah-e-Kamil4th : 95%

13 Years in APS

Huzaifa Riaz1st : 93%

11 years in APS

Taliya Zulfiqar2nd : 98%

10 Years in APS

Zainab Noor5th : 94%

12 Years in APS

M. Abdullah Khalil2nd : 91%

6 years in APS

Rabeea Qazi3rd : 97%

10 Years in APS

Syeda Kisa Zahra6th : 93%

6 Years in APS

M. Abdullah Akbar3rd : 90%

13 years in APS



5% 0%


38% 38%











Grade A+ Grade A Grade B Grade CGirls Boys


ACADEMICS The Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust


Prizewinners of Gulberg Campus on Prize Distribution Day with the Chief Guest, the President, members of the Executive Committee and Principal

Prize winners of all classes at the Manga Campus at the Annual Parents’ Distribution Day with theChief Guest Sardar Aseff Ahmed Ali and President TAT Mr. G. A. Sabri

Prize winners of Girls’ Wing at the Manga Campus at the Annual Parents’ Distribution Day with the Chief Guest,Secretary Education Board Dr. Humala Khalid and Principal


Hassan Munir Class VI Muntaha Jameel First prize for SSCPart 1. from Dr Farhat Saleemi

Nabeeha Mahmood receives gold medal for first in SSC examination

Ahsan Shahid Awan Class VII receives his prize from Mir Sajjad Rafiq, Secretary

Finance committee TAT

Shahzaid Shahid Awais Class IX Amna Tahir of class XI receives a tablet for obtaining 85% marks in the SSC





0% 0%













Grade A+ Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade DGirls Boys


Aligarh Public School Manga Campus


The Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust


Salaar Ahmad Class IX receives his prize from Mr. Shaghil Hussain

Hassan Sardar receivs gold medal for First position in Boys’ Wing (1043/1100


Mahnoor Mushtaq receives silver medal for standing second in the SSC


Khubaib Tariq Class VIII M. Zunair Class XI first in academics Hamzla Rahim receives a silver medal for standing second in the SSC examination

Hanzla Rahim receives a tablet for securing more than 1000 marks in the SSC examination

Hanzla Rahim receives a tablet for securing more than 1000 marks in the SSC examination

Saira Zumar gets first prize for standing first in the HSC Part 1 Pre-Medical examination

Zainab Imtiaz gets first prize for standing first in the HSC Part 1 Pre-engineering examination


HEALTHY MINDS AND BODIESWe are fortunate to have playgrounds in our campuses so the children can develop a healthy body and acquire other good attributes through sports. Aligarh Public School, Manga students are especially privileged to have the possibility of participating in a wide variety of sports.

Aligarh Public School, Gulberg

Show of Strength

PT Display

Karate Badminton

CricketTable Tennis

The Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust


Aligarh Public School and College, Manga


March Past on Parents’ Day Basketball Match

Football Match Hockey Match

Volley ball match in progress

Badminton at the Girls’ Branch

Table tennis going on27

Annual English play “Pride and Prejudice”

Dramatics at Boys’ Wing

Poetry Recitation

Developing the confidence to speak in public through debates

Annual Urdu play “Taleem e balighan”

Student Activities: Gulberg Campus

Our schools offer students ample opportunities to develop their potential for leadership. We hold debates regularly, we have declamation contests, elocution and poetry reading: all to foster confidence and public speaking skills. Let us share some important moments when these programs took place.’


Senior School boys conducting School ceremonies

The Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust


Student Activities: Manga Campus

Debates at the Manga Campus Prize winners of the English and Urdu Speech competitions at Manga Campus

Girls presenting tableau on national harmony



Childern of Gulberg Campus celebrate the Independence Day

Students sing the national anthem at Manga as the national flag is hoisted during the

Independence Day celebrations.

Defence Day

Independence Day

Nursery childern of Gulberg Campus learn about the Independence Day

The Manga Campus boys are all ears as their Principal, a retired PAF officers inspires with stories of our heroes.

The Gulberg Campus remembers the Defenders of the country through national songs.

Our schools offer students ample opportunities to develop their potential for leadership. We hold debates regularly, we have declamation contests, elocution and poetry reading: all to foster confidence and public speaking skills. Let us share some important moments when these programs took place.’

Our objective is to help our students become patriotic Pakistanis and good citizens. To this end we introduce programs and campaigns that provide them the opportunity to understand the problems in our society and take measures, however small, to alleviate them. We also celebrate national days which become an occasion to reiterate our love for our homeland and its heroes.

The Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust


Sir Syed Day

Iqbal DayIqbal Day was commemorated in both schools with poetry recitations and speeches .

Kashmir Day

The Principal Sq Leader(Rtd.) Qazi explains the Kashmir situation and Pakistan’s stance over the issue to the students.

Junior School celebrating Sir Syed Week at Gulberg Campus

Manga Campus holds a Quiz Competition on Sir Syed Day Winners

The winners of the Inter-Collegiate Bilingual Declamation Contest at Sir Syed Day with the TAT Executive Committee

members and Principal Gulberg Campus

Manga Campus celebrated Sir Syed Week with speeches in every regional language, talks to highlight his achievements and contribution to society. The week culminated in a quiz to test the students about what they had been learning during the week

A tableau by the Girls’ Wing on the atrocities in Kashmir

The students of Manga Campus show solidarity with the Kashmiris.


Clean and Green PakistanOur biggest campaign since two years has been Aligarh Goes Green. As the Manga Campus has the space to practice this slogan in full, it has formed an Environment Club whose members and the students, plant trees and help look after them. The visitors at the Campus plant a tree and dedicate it to a loved one after donating Rs one lakh to TAT. The school looks after the sapling. This campaign has also appealed to people interested in sharing in this good deed and more than 1100 saplings have been donated and planted. In March 2019 two big events were held at the Campus which highlighted the importance of trees in human life and our role towards them.

The Gulberg campus also participated in the Clean and Green Pakistan campaign. Here you see the students surrounding their Principal, teachers, Chief Guest and Secretary Education Board

while the tree is being planted.

Girls planting a tree at Manga Environment Club members with the trees they planted at Manga Campus

Health Awareness Campaigns

Students of Manga Campus in an interactive session with Inspector Maqsood Khan of the Narcotics Force regarding the danger of drugs.

The Gulberg Campus conducted a Dengue awareness Campaign that helped the students understand the disease and its prevention.

The Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust


Manga Campus girl guides enjoying a camp in Ghora Gali

Camping in the schoolGirl Guides and Junior Guides of Gulberg Campus attend the

Independence Day rally at the Guide House in Lahore

Our aim of bringing out responsible citizens would be incomplete if we did not give our students an opportunity to learn how to elect their representatives. Every year both schools hold elections to elect the Student Council. The elected members are entrusted with responsibilities that help them attain leadership skills.

An Exercise in Democracy andResponsible Citizenship

Guiding: A Movement that Shares our AimsGuiding provides girls opportunities to learn through fun activities in small groups. Both our campuses’ Girls’ Sections have active Guide companies. The girls have regular programs at the Campus as well as going for camps outside the cities. They take part in workshops and rallies at the Guide Headquarters in Lahore.

Let us show some scenes from our guide activities:

Manga Campus Boys’ Section Council taking oath after being elected. The Head Boy being awarded the Sash during Assembly.

Gulberg Campus Principal supervising the election process

Teachers counting votes


Career counsellingMr. Aqeel Gill motivational lecturer of FAIDA Foundation (Foundation of Awareness and Information Development for all) spoke to the children about careers and choice of subjects to Matric and F.Sc students.

F.Sc students got the opportunity to meet with NEC (National Education Consortium) team. The purpose was to guide the students regarding their subject choices and how they can get scholarships to top national and International universities. Mr Faizan Rasheed Project Manager NEC

Mr. Aqeel Gill of the Faida Foundation

Promoting Reading A view of the Book Fair held at the Manga Campus

Campus Excursions The students go out for field trips to different places such as the historical monuments of Lahore, parks, industrial sites etc. The Manga campus boys went for trips to Murree and the Galliyat.

We also encourage interaction with other schools through sport competitions, matches, debates etc. The Manga Campus also hosted visit of a group of students from KPK.

Manga Girls in Aiwan e Iqbal, Lahore

The KPK students visiting a classroom and a dormitory.

Girls visit the Dalda Factory

Senior Boys of Manga Campus visit Murree

WIDENING HORIZONSAt both Aligarh Public Schools we endeavor to expose our students to learned people and new ideas as well as taking them out for field trips. At the Manga Campus this becomes even more important for the hostel students who are the school’s responsibility day and night. Let us give you a brief overview of the activities conducted with this aim in view.

The Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust


Aligarh Public School, Manga Campus is home to almost 250 boys of all ages. The hostel admits children from class one onwards. We are proud and honoured to have children from different regions of Pakistan.

These boys are divided into five houses: Quaid- e-Azam House, Allama Iqbal House, Sir Syed House, Muhammed Ali Jauhar House and Liaqat Ali Khan House. Each House has its House Master and Assistant House Master. The students are fully involved in the administration as house Captain and two Prefects. The role of the House Master and Assistant House Master is to provide counselling, monitor studies - especially the weak ones, supervise the boarders’ behavior, manners, dressing etc. We lay a great deal of emphasis on cleanliness and good manners. The younger children have female House Master and Assistant House Master. The parents remain abreast of all developments and are closely involved in their children’s progress.

The boarders all play games every evening having access to hockey, football, cricket, martial arts and other games. Swimming is an all-time favourite in summer. They also have study time in the evening when teachers take turns to supervise and help them if needed. The boarders are provided regular recreational facilities. Every Saturday they have movie night and they are also taken out for recreational and study tours.

Great attention is given to the character formation of the children who are considered a sacred trust. Sports, gardening and living together helps forge friendships and develop healthy personality traits. In order to encourage team spirit and peer learning the following trophies are awarded to the House for the overall performance of the boarders:

Academic Trophy for the overall best school results

Character Building Trophy for the best-be-haved House and one that excelled in co-curricular activities

Housekeeping Trophy for the House that remained the neatest during the year.

Sports Trophy to the winner of the match-es and sports events.

Quaid-e-Azam Trophy to the house that excelled in all the areas.

The trophies are awarded at the annual Parents’ Day.

Mango party at the pool The Recreation room


House Keeping Competition


OUR PRIZE WINNERSAll the students at Aligarh Public Schools and colleges deserve full attention and we appreciate any progress made in any field of school life. Students who perform exceptionally well are rewarded with prizes and trophies. Students who received prizes in academics and the house trophies have been mentioned earlier. Let us share the pictures of those who received awards in other fields.

Gulberg Campus

Zarbaf Manzar Class V)1st Position in Stage Presentation

(Jr.Wing – Girls Br.)

Junaid Tanveer (Class VII)1st Position in Stage Presentation

(Boys Wing)

Hareem Awaise (Class IX)1st Position in Stage Presentation

(Sr.Wing – Girls Br.)

Alishba Sajjad (1st Year)1st Position in Teht ul Lafz

(College Wing)

Musfira Rizwan Class VII)1st Position in Poetray Recitation

(Sr.Wing – Girls Br.)

Nida Akhlaq (Class VII)1st Position in “Aligarian Song”

(Girls Wing)

Armin Sikandar (Class IV)1st Position in World Space Competition organized by SUPARCO (College Wing)

Tayyaba Fayyaz (Class IV)1st Position in speech competition ofUrdu Literary Society (Girls Wing)

Mahnoor Mudassar (Class X)1st Position in 7th Art Beat National Child Art

Competition & Exhibition

Fatima Nasir (Class III)1st Position in speech competition ofEnglish Literary Society (Girls Wing)

Abdullah Shahid (VII)1st Position in speech competition ofEnglish Literary Society (Boys Wing)

Areej Nasir (1st Year)1st Position in Poetry Recitation in Inter-Collegiate Declamation (College Wing)

The Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust


Manga Campus

Areeba Hussain Best Qaria of the Primary Section

Rubaysha Khalid Best Qaria of the Elementary Section

Bilal Ali being given the award for Best All-round Performance

M.Mazhar , Best English speaker of the Primary Section

Muqarrib Khalid ,Best Qari of the Primary Section

Huma Manzoor, Best Qaria at Secondary Level

Hassan Raza from Allama Iqbal House receives Qiraat Competition Trophy

Aymen Athar, Best English speaker of the Elementary Section

Muhammed bin Mustafa receivs his prize from the Principal

Bilal Ali, the Headboy, being rewarded for his leadership role in schoolv

Atika Shakir Best Urdu Speaker of the Primary Section

Hadia Fazal,Best Urdu Speaker at Elementary Level


Tofeeq Sajjad receiving award for Best Boy, Quaid-e-Azam House

Mohammad Mohsin and Raja Sharif from Allama Iqbal House receive the Quaid-e-

Azam Trophy

Shahid Shahzaib Awan from Allama Iqbal House receives the Academic Trophy

Umar Daraz from Allama Iqbal h

Abdul Ahad from Allama Iqbal House receives the trophy for Housekeeping on

Parents’ Day

Umar Daraz from Allama Iqbal House receives the Character Building Trophy

Bushra Bibi, Best Urdu Speaker of High School

Saira Zumar, Best English speaker at High School

Waqar Farooq receives the Best Debator(Urdu) award from Brig.R. Ashfaq


Winners of Urdu Debates of the Primary Section

The Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust


Muammed bin Mustafa receives Recitation award

Mohammed Tahir from Jauhar House receives Trophy for Speech Competition

Bilal Ali from Sir Syed House receives Basketball Championship Trophy

Raaj Sharif receives House Captain award. (Captain of Allama Iqbal House)

Arsalan Ahmed, Allama Iqbal House, Volley ball Championship Trophy

Bilaj Arshad from Allama Iqbal House receives Hockey Championship Trophy

Muhammed bin Mustafa receivs his prize from the Principal

Rana Umar Saeed receives Shooting Championship Trophy



Name Present Status in Life

Dr. Tayyab Amjad Doctorate from Macquarie Graduate School of Management Sydney

Manager in Nestle Australia Electrical Engineer – Managerial post in IT Deptt. of Wapda

Ms. Neha Butt Electrical Engineer – Managerial post in IT Deptt. of Wapda

Ms. Sara Zaman M.A Electronic Media Production – Anchor person Voice of America

Dr. Mushal Noor Pathology resident at University of Rochester New York

Mrs. Samina Pasha Anchor person in GNN News

Ms. Ayesha Iqbal Member of Punjab Provincial Assembly PTI

Ms. Sarosh Fatima Deputy Secretary Finance Dept. Govt. of Punjab

Ms. Zumer Sherazi Third Secretary Embassy of Pakistan, Jordan

Ms. Adeema AnisB.A. Architecture UET LahoreAssistant Director at Communication and Works Deptt.Govt. of Punjab

Capt. Nabeera Nisar Computer Engineering UET, Lahore.Captain in Pak Army

The Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust


FACULTY DEVELOPMENT THROUGH IN-SERVICE TRAININGSBeing fully aware of the importance of providing opportunities to faculty members for professional development our principals regularly organize workshops and seminars within the school and also in collaboration with other organisations. Some of the areas covered through the year are as follows:

Gulberg Campus Title of workshop Resource Person

Assessment of SLOs (Student Learning Objectives).Difference between formative assessment and summative assessment.Character building and personality development of the students.Inculcation of good manners and ethics in the students.Role of class teachers and subject teachers in maintaining social standards of the school.

Principal Mrs. Nargis Salam Faruq

Role, responsibilities and expectations of teachers, parents and school management.Teaching strategies, materials development and its use, regular assessments.Child PsychologyDevelopment of thinking skills and polish their cognitive abilities.The integration of emotional aspects of learning as an integral part of the teaching process.

Principal Mrs. Nargis Salam Faruq

Soft board decoration in accordance with academic needs of the respective levels.

Principal Mrs. Nargis Salam Faruq

Early Childhood Education & Use of Montessori Material at KG Wing Ms. Amina Noorie Time and Stress Management and Emotional Intelligence Spadework Institute of Foreign

Emblem (SIFE), Lahore

Public Speaking for Teachers: Professional DevelopmentSpadework Institute of Foreign Emblem (SIFE), Lahore

Tricky Mathematics for studentsSpadework Institute of Foreign Emblem (SIFE), Lahore

Managing Fear and Anxiety for college studentsSpadework Institute of Foreign Emblem (SIFE), Lahore

Manga CampusTitle of Workshop Resource Person

Using audio-visual aids Ms. Rubina Nazli GoindiCommunication skills: Spoken English Ms. Noreen Zaman, Asstt. Professor

BNU, Lahore

Use of Active Inspire Digital Board Soco Engineering TechnologiesCommunication skills: Phonetics AFAQ Headoffice, LahoreMultidimensional Skills for Teachers Ali institute of Education, LahoreTeaching strategies, materials development and its use, regular assessments

Sq. Leader(Rtd) Qasim Qazi


OUR DISTINGUISHED VISITORSWe are honoured to have so many distinguished visitors to our campuses during the year. Members of the Trust visit regularly. Their visits are a source of encouragement to the Management as it brings their hard work to everyone’s notice. We are privileged to have distinguished social and political figures as Chief Guests at our ceremonies. Throughout the year we also have the honour to have important visitors who take an interest in our mission, help us and act as our ambassadors to the outer world. We thank them for their interest and for taking time out of their busy schedules to visit us. Let us show some of these personalities:

Mrs Rukhsana Naveed, MNA and Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change. She is also a member of the TAT

Executive Committee.

Lt. General(Rtd.) G.M.Malik, Chairman, Al Mujtaba Education Trust visiting the Irshad Ali Shah Computer

Centre at Manga in company with the President Mr G.A.Sabri, Chairman Education Board Brig.(Retd.) Ashfaq

Ahmed and others

Professor Dr. Farhat Saleemi, Chief Guest at the Annual Function,

Girls’ Wing, Manga addressing the audience

Sardar Aseef Ahmed Ali, Former Foreign Minister being given Guard of Honour on the annual Parents’ Day 2019

Mrs Ayesha Iqbal MPA, Lahore planting a tree at Manga. She is also an old student of the Gulberg Campus.

Mr Nasir Salman, Vice Chairman, Complaint Cell, Chief Minister, Punjab being received at the Annual Prize


The Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust


Mr Munsif Raza, ex MD PPL, Mrs Azra Raza,Educational Consultant and Mr.Shaghil Hussain from USA with the boarders at Manga Campus

Mr. Rizwan Siddiqui President TAT USA with the President and Honorary Secretary General TAT Mr. Wasif

A. Siddiqui visiting Manga

Dr Moeen Anwar from USA, on the right and Aamir Malik Director McDonalds on the left, at Manga

Brig. Tariq Javed, Commandant EME College, NUST and Lt.Col. (Rtd.) S. Zafar Ahmed, CEO Sigma Motors chatting

with the boarders at Manga

Lt.Col. (Rtd.) S. Zafar Ahmed, CEO Sigma Motors plants a tree at Manga Campus

Mr Munsif Raza, Mrs Azra Raza, and Mr.Shaghil Hussain plant trees at Manga Campus

Dr Sughra Sadaf, Director General, Punjab Institute of Language, Art

and Culture addressing the students at the Annual Prize Distribution Day

2019, Gulberg Campus


After the formation of a Board of Advisors last year to determine the further expansion of our quest, significant progress has been made towards the inauguration of the next institute under the TAT. The Sir Syed College of Management Sciences has been granted affiliation from the University of Punjab, Lahore and classes should commence in the fall of 2020.

The hard work and effort from the Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust is materializing, as structural plans for the New University have been submitted and await approval. We aim to begin the construction of the first academic block at Manga very soon. Until the completion of construction at Manga the two colleges will function within the Gulberg campus premises.

We are happy to share that many philanthropists have come forward and pledged their support in the construction of the new academic block for the university. Details are provided on PAGE NUMBER. We invite you to participate in this endeavor and get your name inscribed over the building/room. The proposed cost sharing is as under:

Lecture Theatres Rs. 10 Million Each

Reading Rooms Rs. 5 Million Each

Laboratories Rs. 2.5 Million Each

Conference Rooms Rs. 2 Million Each

Teaching Rooms Rs. 1.5 Million Each

Tiles (1x1 ft.) engraved with the donor’s name Rs. 0.5 Million Each

A. Lecture Theatres : (Rs .10 Million each)

B. Laboratory: (Rs.2.5 Million each) donated

C. Teaching Rooms : (Rs. 1.5 Million each) donated

D. Tiles: (Rs. 0.5 Million each) donated

E. Bricks (Rs. 5000/- each): 494 Bricks donated so far:

Mazhar Aslam Zuberi

Nizam Ud Din

Sabra Khatoon

Usama Maud Naeem Hassan Khalida Maud

Mirza Salahuddin


G. Z. Sabri

M Saeed Khan Dr. Humala

Shaheen Khalid

Dewan Petroleum

Asiya Khaden Sara Qureshi

Moizuddin Sabri Hala Sabri Musab Sabri

Mamoon Sabri


Abdullah Nazir by Mr. T.M. Sheikh 50% donated

Commi�ed by Mr. Shuaib A.Malik

Committed in memory of Major

General (Rtd.) Fazal Muqeem Khan

Wasif Ahmad Siddiqui in memory of his mother late Mrs. Saghira Abid Hussain 50% donated

In memory of lateMr. Ghafoor MirzaHascol Petroleum


All contributions are welcome.

Join our campaign“Donate a Brick for Education”.By contributing Rs. 5000 you can sharein the construction. Brick by Brick togetherwe will build a glorious edifice.

The Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust


MD Welfare Trust 1,200,000

Mrs. Rabia Naseer 500,000

Hazrat Khadeeja Tul Kubra Wel. Foundation 360,000

Mr. Kamran Jalil Qureshi 300,000

Mr. Moizuddin Sabri 240,000

Mrs. Mehnaz Shiraz Aslam 200,000

Mr. Mazhar Hussain 185,000

Mr. Zulfiqar Jaleel Qureshi 150,000

Ms. Samina Zafaryab 120,000

Mr. Nazeer Ahmed Ch. 120,000

Syed Shaghil Husain 100,000

Ms. Shahina Faheem Ansari 100,000

Syed Munsif Raza 100,000

Ms. Rihana Shafique 100,000

Mr. Abdul Rashid Lone 100,000

Mr. Wasif Ahmad Siddiqui 100,000

Mr. M. Abdul Aleem 100,000

M/S Sigma Motors Ltd. 100,000

Mr. Tariq Mahmood 75,000

Mr. Muhammad Rehan Shaukat 63,000

Ms. Samia Mughal 60,000

Mian Abdul Hameed 60,000

Dr. Anis ur Rahmaan 59,820

Mrs. Nadia Nadeem 50,000

Dr. Humala Shaheen Khalid 50,000

Ms. Saira Khayyam 50,000

Mr. Pervaiz Ahmad Khan 50,000

Mr. Zahid Hussain 50,000

Mr. Asif Jamal 50,000

Other Donations of less than 50,000 390,000

Total Rs. 5,182,820

Donations for New Aligarh University Project Mr. Wasif Ahmad Siddiqui 5,050,117

Mr. Mazhar Aslam Zuberi 2,500,000

Mrs. Shabnam Ghafoor Mirza 1,500,000

Pak Kuwait Investment Company (Pvt.) Ltd. 1,000,000

Mr. Uzair Wasif 805,350

Mr. Muhammad Islam Kazi 778,500

Mr. Saifullah Khan 700,000

Syed Shaghil Husain 500,000

Mr. Laeeq Ud Din Ansari 400,000

Dr. Humala Shaheen Khalid 120,000

Mrs. Shabnam Ghafoor Mirza 100,000

Mr. Ainuddin Siddiqui 100,000

Ms. Hala Sabri 100,000

Dr. Anis Rounaq 100,000

Mr. Tauqeer Nazim Siddiqui 100,000

Mr. Muhammad Iqbal Sheikh 50,000

Mr. Ahmad Jawad 50,000

Mr. Shahzad Humayoon 50,000

Mr. Muhammad Farooq 50,000

Online 4,500,000

“Donate A Brick” Campaign 256,020

Donations of less than 50,000 22,000

Total 18,831,987

Properties Donated “1. Mr. & Mrs. Shah Navaz K. Mallic donated their house

worth approximately Rs.40 million, to be sold and used for the New Aligarh University Project.”

“2. Mrs. Samia Aslam Mughal donated her flat worth over Rs.12.5 million, to be sold and used for the New Aligarh University Project.“



HOW TO SHARE IN OUR VENTURESIf you are interested in sharing our endeavour for education, kindly send your donations to any of the following addresses:

Dollar AccountMCB Bank Limited,

Title:- Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust

Account # 0586327521005561

IBAN:- PK43MUCB0586327521005561

Address: Liberty Market Branch (0218), 46-E-3 Commercial Zone, Gulberg, Lahore, Pakistan

(All donations are tax exempt under section 2(36) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001)_____________________________________________________________________

Donation AccountFaysal Bank Limited,

Title of Account: Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust

Account # 0001172070111149 (PKR)

IBAN: PK79FAYS0001172070111149

Address: Gulberg Industrial Area Branch (0457), 25-B-II, Gulberg-III, Lahore, Pakistan

(All donations are tax exempt under section 2(36) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001)_____________________________________________________________________

Zakat Account (Sharia Compliant)Meezan Bank Limited

Title of Account: Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust

Account # 02450103513182 (PKR)

IBAN: PK34MEZN0002450103513182

Address: Ghalib Market Branch (0245), 64 A-II, Gulberg-III, Lahore, Pakistan

(All donations are tax exempt under section 2(36) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001)_____________________________________________________________________

President TAT USAMr. Rizwan Ahmed Siddiqui

5410 Josie Court, Ellicott City, Maryland 21043, USA

Cell: +1(443) 739 9234

Email: rasiddiqi@gmail.com_____________________________________________________________________

USA TAT AccountUSA – Howard Bank

Title of Account: TAT USA, Inc.

Account # 2204541, Routing # 055003434

Address: 10161 Baltimore National Pike Ellicott City, MD 21042 , USA

(All donations are tax exempt under IRS 501 C(3) vide ID # 46-6858145)

The Tehzibul Akhlaq Trust