The Tell A Friend Software Marketing Leverage

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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description The tell-a-friend software avoids the waste of time and money by providing marketing leverage.


The Tell-a-friend Software Marketing Leverage

Leverage is a mechanical concept that involves the multiplication of force.

A similar concept is used in online marketing with the use of tell-a-friend software. This software provides leverage for viral marketing by making it faster and wider in reach.

It also helps a marketing campaign more sustainable for longer period of time.

Initiating a viral marketing campaign can be successfully done even without the use of sophisticated marketing tools such as the tell-a-friend software.

As long as there is strong incentive for people to transmit the message of a viral marketing campaign, the campaign will expand and become sustainable for a period of time.

However, the expansion rate and sustainability of a viral marketing campaign can be significantly improved by using the software.

The result is higher sales volume and profits for a commercial website. A single customer can potentially lead to hundred or even thousand new customers in just a matter of days.

By comparison, an unaided viral marketing campaign expands very slowly and generates few leads even with excellent incentive scheme.

Minor delays can result to major losses. Online marketing leverage is never gained through delays.

In business time is always equated to money. Hence, wasting time is equivalent to wasting money.

The tell-a-friend software avoids the waste of time and money by providing marketing leverage. Large number of visitors and customer transactions are generated by the rapid spread of information. With the aid of this software, a few initial visitors can attract more visitors at geometrical expansion rate.

The software provides easy and fast way of propagating the campaign by using the referral principle. One customer can automatically generate multiple referrals by simply validating his or her email account. The software can extract the email contacts of the customer upon email validation.

Typically, the software generates a confirmation link that is sent to the email address of the new customer. Upon clicking this link, referrals are extracted and invitation letters are automatically sent.

The automated referral extraction and email invitations are accomplished in matter of seconds. The automated referral capability of the tell-a-friend software is more powerful than spam emails.

However, the invitation letters generated by the referral software are not easily ignored because they bear the identity of persons known to the referrals. This is the beauty of using social networks as conduits for marketing campaigns.

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