The ten commandments of Personal branding on LinkedIn

Post on 10-Sep-2014

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If you are on LinkedIn and do not know how to benefit from your presence in this professonal network, these tips are for you


The10 commandments of Personal Branding on LinkedIn

Follow-up to a District 59 webinar on Personal branding and social networking Held 27 th May 2014

PRO, Distrct 59 Ruxandra Balboa-Pöysti and Nelson Emilio’ ACS, ALB

#1 - Your LinkedIn profile is all about the value you provide to others.

Don't just dump your CV in LinkedIn. Explain how you supported the companies you worked for and how you can contribute to the success of others you want to work for. Give value to anyone who visits your profile by sharing articles, videos and presentations you created.

#1 Commandment: your value you shall share

#2 - You are not your title.

Use only your name in your profile headline. Don't identify yourself with your title. You have several places in LinkedIn where you can describe your titles and awards.

#2 commandment: your are not a title


#3 commandment: grab your visitor’s attention

#3- Grab your visitor’s attention.

Your headline should raise the interest of your profile visitors as this is the first impression they will have of you. Create a catchy headline that describes what you do. Be creative!

#4 - Use a professional photo

LinkedIn is the biggest professional network in the world. Use it accordingly by having a professional photo in high resolution

#4 commandment: use a pro photo

#5 - The power of keywords.

Use keywords and phrases that you and your business would like to be found for online. You can include them in the headline, summary, website name, skills and experience, all across your LinkedIn profile.

#5 commandment: use appropriate keywords

#6 - Join groups.

Joining groups in your industry or area of expertise is one of the best ways to build your profile within your business sector. Contribute to these groups so that you can show users you are an expert in your field. Before joining check group statistics to understand group dynamics.

#6 commandment: join groups

#7 - Introduce yourself.

Don't send Requests to Connect without personalizing the message. Introduce yourself and explain why you want to connect. If possible provide a reference to you outside LinkedIn so the person can look you up before accepting your request. Remember that LinkedIn mobile app will not give you the opportunity to personalize the request message if you use the quick connection button

#7 commandment: personalize your introduction

#8 - Manage your contacts.

Use LinkedIn CRM capabilities to manage your contacts by adding the necessary details like the place you met them and who introduced you, tags that will help you categorize the contact, notes and reminders to alert you to a specific action like a follow-up for example.

#8 commandment: each contact, you shall categorize

#9 - Ask and give recommendations.

Recommendations are important even if you have only a couple of them. Ask recommendations to professionals who know your work well and recognize your value. You can always review recommendations before accepting them. Don't forget to recommend other professionals you interact with, everyone likes to be recognized.

#9 commandment: recommendations you shall ask and give

#10 - Be active.

Although LinkedIn is not Facebook don't forget to update your profile regularly with news, articles, presentations, group posts, headline changes. This will make your network aware of your activity and any visit to your profile is a great opportunity to establish contact with the visitor. Don't forget LinkedIn is a professional networking tool.

#10 commandment: action!

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“Getting started with personal branding on social networks II: Twitter” on Jun 3, 2014 8:30 PM CEST at:

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