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The UNIA ACL PCEC AFRICA TEAM NEWS The UNIA ACL PCEC as an Ideological Driver �1 September 2019

Blessed morning everyone, Give thanks for keeping the legacy of Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey and the solidarity of UNIA fresh in our psyche. We want to honor the legacy of all members of the UNIA. The perfect honor will be to start a process for the resurgence of the Black Star Line maritime objectives. Today in Africa and the Diaspora, African peoples have the maritime skill sets to re-establish a viable African maritime enterprise. The move after the celebration of the centennial should be to organize and centralize to own our destiny via an African maritime enterprise. This is something to consider. Just imagine if this generation of Pan Africans achieve this goal. The next centennial celebration will be of great significance — an African path to total liberation. Just meditate on my humble words herein. One God, One Aim, One Destiny Ras Sela Monday, August 19, 2019

Lucy Australopithecus: Lucy {The Negro} is the common name of AL 288-1, several hundred pieces of bone fossils representing 40 percent of the skeleton of a female. In Ethiopia, the assembly known as Dinkinesh, which means "you are marvelous" in the Amharic language. Lucy was discovered in 1974 in Africa, near the village Hadar in the Awash Valley of the Afar Triangle in Ethiopia.

The African American was conceptualized as a result of the Emancipation Proclamation, or Proclamation 95, was a presidential proclamation and executive order issued by United States President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863. Lucy the Negro, the African has a history also — Lucy's 3 million-year-old bones were discovered in 1974, but even today, they're still yielding new insights about human evolution.

“Reparations for slavery is the idea that some form of compensatory payment needs to be made to the descendants of Africans trafficked to and enslaved in the Americas as a consequence of the Atlantic slave trade. The most notable demands for reparations have been made in the United Kingdom and the United States.”

The phrase "40 acres and a mule" has come to symbolize the broken promise that Reconstruction policies would offer economic justice for the descendants of the Negro Slaves. The "40 acres and a mule" promise featured prominently in the Pigford decision.The Pigford consent decree established a two-track dispute resolution mechanism for those seeking relief. The most widely used option was called "Track A". [2] which could provide a

monetary settlement of $50,000 plus relief in the form of loan forgiveness and offsets of tax liability.

This UNIA ACL document is presented to the global Black race as an unofficial solidarity contract, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) from the UNIA ACL — Africa is for Africans, those at home and those abroad.

A memorandum of understanding may be defined as “a type of agreement between two or more parties. It expresses a convergence of will between the parties, indicating an intended common line of action. It is often used �2 September 2019

either in cases where parties do not imply a legal commitment or in situations where the parties cannot create a legally enforceable agreement. It is a more formal alternative to a gentlemen's agreement.”

In an effort to give a UNIA ACL PCEC explanation — let’s start with Haki Madhubuti (Don Lee)’s “But He Was Cool, or: he even stopped for green


Haki R. Madhubuti, a descendant of African slaves, is an author, educator, and poet, as well as a publisher and operator of black-themed bookstore. Born: Feb 23, 1942 (age 77) · Little Rock, AR.) Don L. Lee is a technician,

poet-linguist continuing the development of a new language for Black poetics, the language of familiar experience, the same language Black readers have grown up speaking…. Lee effectively constructs extended run-on phrases into a myriad of thought. The total idea is expressed by letters that become words,…For example —

“super-cool, ultrablack, a tan/purple, had a beautiful shade, he had a double-natural, that wd put the sisters to shame.& his beads were imported sea shells, • (from some blk/country i never heard of) he was triple-hip.his tikis were hand carved. out of ivory, & came express from the motherland.

He would greet u in swahili, &say good-by in yoruba.woooooooooooo-jim he bes so cool &ill tel li gent, • cool-cool is so cool he was un-cooled by other niggers' coolcool-cool ultracool was bop-cool/ice box cool so cool cold coolhis wine didn't have to be cooled, him was air conditioned coolcool-cool/real cool made me cool--now ain't that coolcool-cool so cool him nick-named refrigerator.

cool-cool so cool, he didn't know,, after detroit, newark, chicago &c.,, we had to hip, • cool-cool/ super-cool/ real coolThat to be black, is to be —very-hot.”*******************To embellish the point from the desk of our historiographic specialist, Min. Prof. Elder Oduno A. Tarik, we find —“A Fact for the Negro Family from the Universal Negro Improvement Association African Communities League’s PostColonial Cultural & Economic Conference (PCEC), Field Director, Facilitator for Our Own History Club —Advocator for the Policy, we read, “The authentic Spiritual Law bound the Constitution of the Universal Negro �3 September 2019

Improvement Association and African Communities League on August 13, 1920 (UNIA INC and UNIA August 1929 of the World merged in 2008 and later was registered with the state of Ohio in 2010 to become one, the UNIA & ACL 1918 and 1929 of the World). The constitution is a sacred, solemn document of descendants of Africa in the power and authority of the largest elected assembly of Africans globally; the 1920 UNIA ACL International Conference with upward of 40,000 representatives; in the capital of the world, New York City, NY, Madison Square Garden, and this plebiscite established for Africans at Home and Abroad, and the sovereign interim-government of our Noble Ancestors, under 1G1A1D (One God, One Aim, One Destiny). The terrestrial authority of these Africans and their descendants; AFRICA is Ours to Rehabilitate — Educationally, Economically and Culturally.”

Oduno A. TarikThursday, February 28, 2019

You may ask, how does Haki R. Madhubuti’s poem reflect the Elder’s narrative? Slave Reparations explain all.Slave Reparations were never paid and there exists untapped common global wealth among Negroes (not African Americans — African Americans were never slaves). Those in power reneged on their responsibility for restitution for slavery.

It is the duty and responsibility of the UNIA to correct this matter.There is a need for the International Court of Justice to intervene. It is their purpose to settle, in accordance with international law, legal disputes submitted by States. The UNIA is not a state. Precedent for intervention was established when the League of Nations received the UNIA delegation regarding the matter of Southwest Africa, now Namibia, following the defeat of Germany in World War I and issued a ruling. Constitutionally, the UNIA has jurisdiction everywhere people of African descent reside.

Reparations are due Negroes because there were no African American slaves. To be cool is to accept this fact while embracing African-American-ism. Whereas for the Negroes who feel the pain suffered by their ancestors and the blowback affecting their day to day lives, payment of reparations is a hot, hot issue with overtones pointing toward the next generation, culturally and economically. �4 September 2019

Reparations represent the hidden UNIA ACL cultural & economic model that very well makes the PostColonial EuroAmerican and their Arab and Ashkenazi Jewish brothers liable for the dehumanizing slave institution that defiled the entire Black race.

The UNIA ACL Constitution mandates that every individual of African descent is a member of this great organization. Is it realistic to think that 1.2 billion+ Negroes should as a collective fight for slave reparations from the perspective of the global Negro and race first?

What about a UNIA ACL PCEC 2022 International Constitution Convention — Black Racial Wealth Ownership Workshop? There has been talk of a James R. Stewart Research Campus, a global Black Racial Credit Union and such like designed to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date overview and analysis of the scope and scale of global Black racial wealth and plans for global Black racial improvement. One hundred years ago the UNIA ACL offered the global Black race the Garvey plan centered on ideological drivers designed to take a page from Dr. Charles S. Finch’s observations and advance them.

Dr. Finch said, “Prototechnology of the modern world is traceable to iron ore mining 43,000 years ago in southern Africa and to the emergence of photomathematics from Africa’s Great Lakes region over 25,000 years ago. From these Paleolithic beginnings, science and technology underwent a steady development in Africa, and the remote regions origins of formal mathematics, astronomy, engineering, architecture, navigation, and mapmaking I can be found there. Moreover, in the cosmo-conception of the Dogon of Mali, there are these distinct elements of knowledge that seem to have anticipated some of the most advanced concepts of modern physics. Outside the Nile Valley, 95% of the known archaeological sites in Africa have remained untouched by the spade. When the systematic work on archaeological recovery of Africa‘s past begins in earnest, more astonishing facts about African science and technology are bound to come to light.” (See “The Star of Deep Beginnings and Technology” by Charles S. Finch lll, MD) �5 September 2019

Africa and Africans’ scientific, technological, cultural and economic past, present and future must be examined from the perspective of Black racial improvement.

Black racial public wellbeing is a UNIA ACL twenty-first century PCEC model that needs to be discussed and collectively understood. PCEC offers an opportunity for a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of the scope and scale of UNIA ACL public wellbeing. The PCEC model aims to debunk frequent misconceptions about the alleged inefficiency and underperformance of public ownership and argues that it offers powerful flexible solutions to global Black racial sustainability while dealing with current problems of inequality, instability, and unsustainability.

The PostColonial Cultural & Economic Conference (PCEC) offers a vision of deploying new forms of Black Racial Communiversity, public ownership broadly, across multiple sectors, as a key ingredient of a twenty-first century UNIA Black racial improvement system beyond corporate capitalism. PCEC is formulated to produce valuable extensively researched resources that set forth the past record and future possibilities of public ownership at a time when more people are searching for answers.

The UNIA ACL President General, the Honorable Cleophus Miller, reminds us — “the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League is a provisional government led by a spiritual ruling governing body that is established for the purpose of the general uplift of the Black race. In keeping with this purpose our goals involve activities aimed at relieving the sufferings of the Black race and include the following: - Education and Training - Nutrition and Healthcare - Housing - Arts and Humanities - Agronomy and Applied Sciences - Building and Trades - Manufacturing - Economic Development �6 September 2019

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The Honorable Cleophus Miller Jr, President General of the Universal Negro Improvement Association African Communities League visits Belize. �7 September 2019

The Hon. Cleophus Miller Jr., President General of the Universal Negro Improvement Association African Communities League, visits Belize. (Belize is an independent and sovereign country located on the northeastern coast of Central America. Belize is bordered on the NW by Mexico, on the East by the Caribbean Sea, and on the South and West by Guatemala.) The President General was warmly received. The receiving delegation said, in part — “For the record, a big thank you President General Cleophus Miller Jr. for bringing and delivering the requested documents that now unearth all the hypocrites and the hypocrisy in the UNIA-ACL. The UNIA-ACL and Garveyism in Belize will now be regarded by Garveyites and non-Garveyites with far greater favour than in former years. Let’s revitalize the UNIA-ACL’s social, friendly, humanitarian, charitable, educational, institutional, constructive and expansive society and build the reparative justice program to unify as one community. The disunity produced by poverty and the perceived scarcity birthed and maintained the greed, jealousy and envy used by the status quo and in certain elements of the UNIA-ACL’s rank and file for personal gain has produced an increasing state of apathy among Black people and an indifference concerning the Garvey

The President General (second from right) and the UNIA ACL delegation adjourned with this statement, “It is time for us to REMEMBER OURSELVES we must reject restraints now imposed by immorality in m a t e r i a l i s t i c governments. It is Liberation Time.”

Celebrating Marcus Garvey August 17, 2019 — A Personal Commitment Monday, August 19, 2019

Greetings ALL

For the record, today, August 19, 2019, at 2:00 pm we Garveyites in Belize will raise the Red Black and Green Flag at the Belize Liberty Hall as a symbol of appreciation of Marcus Garvey's works and new beginnings. A big thank you to the UNIA-ACL 1918 and 1929 of the World Inc's President General Cleophus Miller Jr. for bringing and delivering the requested documents that now unearth all the hypocrites and the hypocrisy in the UNIA-ACL.  The UNIA-ACL and Garveyism in Belize will now be regarded by Garveyites and non-Garveyites with far greater favor than in former years. The Nation of Islam, the Moorish Science Temple as well as leaders in Africa are speaking to the very necessary African Redemption that must now occur for the survival of all ABORIGINALS in AFRICA and their SEED SCATTERED ALL OVER THE WORLD

Let’s build the reparative justice program, to UNIFY as ONE AFRICAN COMMUNITY WORLDWIDE. The disunity produced by poverty and the perceived scarcity birthed and maintained the  greed, jealousy and envy used by the status quo and in certain elements of the UNIA-ACL’s rank and file produce an increasing state of apathy among Black people and the indifference concerning the Garvey doctrine written in the Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Mosiah Garvey. It is my opinion that the truth written in the record we have received in Belize is a good start and will help us to advance our Reparative Justice Initiatives on the ground that is what we as an African People born in Belize need and want for improved welfare and livelihoods. What we need does not differ from the mandate written in the words of the DECADE OF AFRICAN DESCENDANTS — 2015 to 2024.

The defenders of Marcus Garvey’s work and African Redemption declare that the  UNIA-ACL 1918 and 1929 of the World Inc has been maligned, and the African world are accepting of the statement. Many may want to cover the dirty secrets within and may say that it is unjust to judge the perpetrators of the abominations and absurdities that marked their reign since 1937. �8 September 2019

I must ask this question, have these persons forgotten the meaning of the cry of One God One Aim One Destiny, put forth one hundred years ago? We cannot give up the fight for our liberation and freedom. This claim must continually be affirmed

by us in the twenty-first century with greater positives than ever before. The oppressor with its colonial principles benefits from our suffering and asserts that the “Colonialism

must be strengthened once more in this century, the principles that governed her course in the past.

The slave master and his church will never relinquish their claim to the wealth generated from our misery. The international political economic system now institutionalized its methods functionary, Compradors/Neo Colonials/traitors of the people, the persecution of those who reject the IPE dogmas it holds to be right. It is time for us to REMEMBER OURSELVES we must reject restraints now imposed by immoral materialistic governments. It is Liberation Time.UbuntuL. Emerson GuildMarcus Garvey Disciple

= - = - = �9 September 2019

Universal Negro Improvement Association® (UNIA)

PostColonial Cultural & Economic Conference (PCEC)

PCEC and Africa Team News are products of the UNIA ACL

Universal Negro Improvement Association African Communities League

P. O. Box 6657 Cleveland, Ohio 44101-1657

216-264-9673 (Visit

— PCEC Planning Committee — UNIA ACL President General

The Honorable Cleophus Miller H. E. Wesley Jr UNIA ACL PCEC

Director of Operations Oduno A. Tarik UNIA ACL PCEC Field Director

** The Africa Team ** UNIA ACL Ambassadors

UNIA ACL Tanzania Marie Shaba UNIA ACL Ghana

Rabbi Kohain Nathanyah Halevi

UNIA ACL Kenya Ajamu A. Wesley

*************************************** �10 September 2019

Morter's statue near St. John's Cathedral in Belize City — Isaiah Emmanuel M o r t e r ( s o m e t i m e s spelled Isiah) (1860 – 7 April 1924) was born in 1860 in the Freetown district of Belize. He was of Igbo descent (some say his parents were Ashanti royalty) [1] coming from a line of slaves brought to America from Nigeria.

Blessed Greetings, "Those men who refuse to accept the judgment of the colonizers, who held unswervingly to a VISION of an Africa EMANCIPATED from POLITICAL, ECONOMIC, and SPIRITUAL domination will be REMEMBERED and REVERED wherever Africans meet..." (Emperor Haile Sellassie 1st - O.AU. Inauguration) "Tell the people to come home, it’s here they originated and it’s here they can reach their highest plane of usefulness and honor..." (Crown Prince Ras Tafari message - 1922 UNIA Convention) In REVERING and SALUTING the Hon. Prophet Marcus Mosiah Garvey who founded the UNIA on August 1st 1914 from a VISION when he was on his back on his bedroom floor…! THE BACK TO AFRICA Pan-African Vision/Mission still stands TODAY!!! Sharon Parris-Chambers


VISITS BELIZE CHAPTER �11 September 2019

UNIA ACL Pres. Gen. Miller Recruiting New Members

Belize UNIA ACL Liberty Hall (above) — to the left, Historic Leo Bradley Library