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THE UNION CJOUNTY STANDARD Has the largest circulation of any Weekly Newspaper Published in Union County.

--·-�- -� .... :. _: .. � :.: .. � -� .. ·-··· ·-.. " : .. �: ....

VOL. XXI. NO. 15 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. J,, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1904. $1.50 Per Year Single Copy 3c.

WESTFIELD CHURCH NEWS. DEMOCRATIC COLUMN. THE REPUBLICAN COLUMN. �0'1'1!.� ,\11111''1' '1'111! Sl·!\'1-!11,\1, 1!111'1'1-:11 ll.'ml-:11 '1'111·! lliiiiW'I'IH� 1'0.'\'llt!f!'l'llllll�III·!II'I'IU!NI!I'I-:11•

m:.�mll� .\'l'IO�N, Ill-' 'I'll I·: lll·!.liiU:II.\'1'11' 1!1,1!11 \'I Sill:\' 01·' 'I'll l·l 1100/II·!H:I.'I'

'l'lu• 11111!•11 NUIII•IIe• �1•11 Ntllllllll'••

1\'hn II' Ill l11'1'11l'II••HJII'I'illl Nl•n·h•t•••• "'l'lll' 111'illl'iltill• ul' 'I' nil' 111'111111'1'111!� "llllt'li ul' till' l,n 11'•1 lllll'h uf tIll! ,\II• Hmullll' N1•hunt 111111 111'111'1'1' ,lll'l!tlu� ,\1'1' tllldnriltK llt't'llll•l' 'l'hl'l' ,hi! milll•ll'lltlun, 1111"1' nf tlu• Nr>h•m nl' 'l'nt•l•··· lll�ltt, uud lill'htt'lhh• "''1'1111"' 'l'hl'l' UU\'I'I'IIIIII'IIt loh•• 1111' .II IIIIo"

"BEE HIVE.'" Now Jersey's Shopphtll Contro, NEWARK. Close nt 61°. M.; Saturdays 10 l', M.

--------Fall Opening of Elegant Furs. Of all the Important parla ol nllady's dress there I� uothln!( th11t

R•ltl• HO mneh eleg11uce IIH fm·s, llllll there Is llothlng she l'eHll)' Jmows so lillie ·•hont, 'l'he 11\'m'n!(e I•Hson has not enongh 11ctnal experienc� to heeome even tolet·ahl.l' IICI!Illllnte!l with fur�. 'l'he d)'er'sln't mnke� It pos1lule to snu•ll· tnte, fur exnmtlle, stone marten for its sUtlerlor t ·elat lve, lmnm lliRrten, Fre•tneutly the sailor Is"" gre11tly tlocelveu a• the buyer. All this uutltos It uulHt hnpm·tnut to go to 11 !lenler In whom yon h11vo confidence. This store I• h••m·nnc9 11g11iust both <lecPption nllll lgllOrHilce.

Our grentlur business lms for Its b11sl s !mow ledge am\ fnlr lll'lc��. We hnve entere•l the flelt\ of the exdn•lve fnr·rler 111111 tuu\er •told him. We h••ve uot lowe1·ed the 1pmllty, lmt huprot'etl lt by the same skill lu or!(nUI?.n· ti•llt that le<smwl the pl'ice,

This opening is the demonstration of our superiority In the fnt flehl. Only the highest gratles 11re h ere-the only ltintls worth buying. The Hhow "triHIF.Aes ln •Jttantlty nml n•sot·tuteht, llllj' yon l11tve prevlon•ll' •eeu here. J<:t•ery ph•er' nr gnrmeut Is evitlence of onr po�l tlon of sellers of the best furs nt lower prices IIJBtt any other store,

We are sole Newnrlt ngents for the ArlJe.� Patent Proce,. Interlining ; for l'nr coat� i a garuumt with thiR impl'OV!!Illellt Ut:\'er lo�t-3 its shnpe; uerer rip.< o1· tt•ars-A nuw co11t for one that uot�.

SQUIRREL ASCOT- 14 �o ALASKA SABLE(Sknnk)SCAR.FS �llltu··•l : 1-1 slcins: •11t in ,U -L•rge huperiul , 4 skius : 17 r.o hne•l ; to tie .••.•...• · · · · eight D·lnch tnlls : cortl tas. 1 U SQUIRREL BAT WINO 11 r.o -Small shll}IB; sutiu liu- .U

ell ..... ................ .

SQUII(I(EL SCARF - Natural : fancy shape; hoolcs at 1150 neck ; nellt ot·natneut..... ,

<\\INK SCAI(F-Small sh•t>• ; two RtripH; fancy ends; brO• 00 r.o •:ad� lined............... [j[l1U

ntNK FOUR·IN·HAND-One rich •tripe : O!l-inches long, 00 00 satlu lined.............. [j ,

Ol'OSSUn SCARFS-Sable anu baum nutrten tlye : 8hlll'"'' 5 00 nml Atraight douse furs ; 6 full tails ................ :. 1

OPOSSUn SCARFS-Sable a111\ bamu m�r·teo d)'e,\ ; <lnuble 8 98 fur at neck, satiulinellends; oruameut KltLI 0lmin........ 1

se\ uud ormnneuts : llnfl'y. . ' FOX SCARFS-Sable an� Isabe lle;

long slngfe 8l<lns ; fnll natural fo.t brnsh tails: four cilltvs: 10 00 soft nnd sill<)' as $1U.OO grnde.......... •

flLflCTI(IC SflAL JACKBTS-As fine as uumy so-cnlleil Nenr•eH]: all with Arbes Interlining: r.o 00 Jlateute.l. n&wAst �le�ves : U 24·1nch, $30. $35, $12.50.. •

PERSIAN LAl'tliJ .IACKETS­�io!e curl ; lustrous: 2�· 17h 00 mch, !Jew slee1·es ; best 1 U satin liueLI.............. I

PERSIAN LAMB JACKET.S-Of a grade you often see ut .,l2u am\ $l;i,O; pln!nnml brocade 100 00 satm lhnngs; s1zes to 42................ .. . .. •

No Bmnch Stores.

L 8 PI Ut ... Co Mail Onlers. I I a g, 0 707 to 7:11 Broad .St., Newark,

On and after November I, 1904, ga� bills will be rendered

at the rate of sr.,so per thousand feet instead or $1.75. A discount of ten per cent. will be allowed on a monthly

consumption of a thousand feet or more, if paid within ten

days after presentation.

The·· Cranford Gas Light Co. "'"'"'"'"'"'"'""""'"'"'"'"''"'"""'""'"'"'m"'"'"'"' � TUTTLE BROS. Coal �Lumber. Yards-Westfield avenue, L0T'l:«ti�����E

+ Spring and Broad Sts., Westfield. • "'"'"""'"'"'""''"'"'"'"'""'.""'""'""'"""'""""'"'"

N'01't11-'l'h•J 11ftiH\l htnr" ur ttor\'ICt!M In tho ttn\'otllll·hurrl•u� w\lll�n t'mlntl In Uae Church lllr••clory Olllltt�u thrt!t•.

C:hrl•!htll l·lllllr'lll'llr lllllt t!IIII'IJI'Ih ltt1Ul{IW 'I'UiliC'!I•

'l'he snhject fot· the Chrbliun Enueav· or 111111 l�pworth Lea�ne meetln�i on !;uudH)' eveulug le, "Hot\' c�u We En­htr[(e Htul hntlrove Onr Work"! Refer· ences, Mntt. 21: 17·22; ha. M: 2.

111qotht Cl•urch,

Re1·, C. J. Greeuwooil will preach nt both ••rvlces on Suntlay, Morning sub· ject, "Enlisted Against Environment." Bvenln� suhj�ct, " The Battlefield of the Sonl." Special mltilc by the choh·, under tile tllrect!on of �lr, Wnterbnry. Smu\11y School nt noon. C. E. meeting In the eveJ1ing, JeLl by Charles W. i:lcJIOOilOVen.

'fbe Baptist State Conl'entloll meets In the Ceuh·11l Bnptl;;t Church of 'l'ren· ton on Octo 'Jer 2! to 26,

L. A. Li!(htroot hus been electe,l 11 'l'rnstee to llll the uuexpired term of C. L. Domlukk, who reel�neL! bec11nse of his remot ·al to New York.

CoUJ.;l'C!(atJcmul Church.

Dr. D�nforrh tv ill pr�ach 11t tlte Con­g•·egntlomtl Church Suuda)' mnrnlug 011

"Hope." l11i e1·enlng talk will he uhont '''I he 'l'wo Mountains." Suutlay-echool at noon,

The fit·st meetiug of the �linlsteriug Children's League nnd Ora11e Roll Re­ce�•tion will be be hi on Thursclay, from three to five p.m .. In the Suuu•y-school room. All the little fulks of the chureh 11ml Snuuay-school1ue tnvitetl to attend with their mother�.

)letiJDIIi•t Church.

Dr. Danld Halleran will preach at the Methodist Church on Sundar more· lug . Specht! service In the evening,

Sunday s chool at usual hour. Epworth Leugue to oe Jed by H. L. Rtt! sell Communion service will be bald Octob�r

30th, Instead of Not·etnber 6th, tile regn·

lnrl)' uppoluteil time. New tilembet·s will Le received.

The Ladies' Aitl S.Jciety of the 1.\Je�h·

otlist Chur�h will ilalcl11 rummnge sale the last three days of nest week at the otore opposite the church.

l're•brteriun Cburcl1,

The pulpit of the Presb)·terian Church will be occupi�tl by tile Pastor Sunday morning and evening. Sunotay School session at 110011 !lnd C •. E. meeting at

7 :00 p. m., ;to be led by tlie Pre�ideut of the !:;oclety.

Dr. Steans a!tendeil the three �lays' s<ssion of the Synod at· Atlantic City this week.


W. C, T,'U, A series of mother's meetings bas teen

arranged 'by the W. C. T. U,. on the

subj•ct of training ol' cbiMreo. P1 1pers will be presented written by 1\lrs. Tbeo. W. Me Birn•r, Honorary President of the "National Congress of Mothers." lllo· titers at·e P••rtlcularly invite,! to be present, though tile meetings will be interesting to all, The subject of the first paper will be, "The Christian spirit in the Home." Tl. e meeting will be held on 'l'uesllay ufternoou at 3.30 o'clock in the W. C. T. U. ball on Prospect street. Hi! hoped this invitation will be 11ccepted by many. Opportunity for <liscusslon or question s will be gl�en.

--+-•-+----Nearly l,OUO,ouo telegrams are sem

et•er the world's wires dally, In 1903 the total was 36l,Sl8,4H. Engla.ntl sent 92.471.000. '!'ho United States was second, with 91.�91,000. Germany, Rus­sia, Austl'in, Belgium and Italy follow In the ort!er named.


Ernest It. Ackerman J. Herb•rt Case Frederick Gell•r An11ustns V. Heely Francis deL. Hyde

James W. Jackson E•lwar<l H. Lad<l, Jr.

Churles W. McCutchen Henry A. McGee

Walt.e't·l\[:1\lcGee Georg� P. �lellick Isaac W. Rnshmore Samuel Townsend Lewis E. Waring



DEPOSITS $1,000,000 3 per rent. interest paid on deposita sn bject to check


OF"F"ICERS. 0. T. WARING, Presiuen�.

H. A. McGEE,

Vi!'e·Presitleut. Vice-Preaident.

Secretnry·Trcasarer. Assistant Secretary.

.\•·•• .Ju'l•''

Fo1· Presl•leut, ,\1,'1'11:\' "· 1'.\111\1;11,

of N aw Y ark.

For \'lc•·Pre�ldeut,

IU!SH\' C:, IIA\'IN,

uf \Veet Virglul11,

"For Uepresenhtlve In CongrE ss, .1.\Jifo:N 1·!, lUII'I'IH!,

Fnr Governor, CII,\Jti,I·:N C, JII,.\CK,

'l'he '1'111'111; We sah\ lust week tbnt the only mnn.

net• b)' which th� government could t•rotect Amerlcnn iltbot• \VIIS b)' the stop[mge of humlgratlou,. Th11t, being owoseu to American policy, us well us bting Inimical to the best Interests of tills couutt·y, the only mann•r lu which labot· can be benellted Is by removing It; bmdens.

A far!!! for revenue only, with free raw material, me1ms chenpet• goods ; ·

hence I& IH.t'get• COUSUIU ption nt hOIUE-1 am\ 1111 even chnnce with other nnlions to ""l'lliY the murkets of the wodd, Years ugc �Ir. Blaine toltl the country that, It wn,; not om· nliegeu high wages that kept us out of foreign markets, be­cause, for amonnt produced per· cuplta, wuges �ere differ little from Euglleh w•ges. RetJnblicau authority, again, p1easo uotlce,

A lurger consnmptlou mearts that more goods will be m•nnfuctnrerl, A larger quantity manufactured, means more workers wanted, no t cnly'lo wan­utncture tlte extra quautlty, but to build new [llants, and to built\ ani} install netv macbiuer)', More worlcers wnnted means big her wages, In this way, and uo othet • except a.-t above meutiouetl, can the go1·ernmeut benefit the work. lngm1m: 11111\ ntl the "protection" talk of the entire brigatle of Repnblic11u m·a­tors In Atuericu cauuot successfully con· trov�rt this statement.

Ftirtiler, the reduction of the tariff to qnite, or nearl)' to 8 re1·enue basis, would relieve the people from those oppressive comoinlltions whlcil prevent privllte capital being employed lu the field thnt they occnpy by governmental favor, to the detriment of all consnm· ere. ·If this statement Is denied. we ask

those who ntny deny It, bow it is th11t xu Engllshwllu can .buy through his agdnt here, 1111y of n huntlred . of Olll' maunfactnreu artlclee In comwon nse, at a lower price laid down in Loudon, tbau we can bn}· tht m ? How is it that the steel trust can, auu do, sell lu Canada ate•! rails for about eigltt dol · tlollars les s per lou than aoy one can buy them at home ?

'l'be workmau who told the Aocient Orator, tlt�t

''The oul)' 11ne \VIto thrives on it Is Bullion Banks, my bos•,"

l�or I'r�sideut, 'I'III':IJilUHtl IIIIIINI!I'I-!1.'1',

of New Yo!'k,

t'or YlcP·Pre•ltlent Ull.�lllol·:s \1', t'.\IIIJI,\NKS1

of Iudlnna.

For Repre•entath•e In Con�res�. CIJ.\ttU:S N, I·'U\\'1,1-!11,

. For Go1•eroor, IWW.UUI C, N't'OIU:S,

For Me•nhet'l of A•sembly, 0

lm\1'.\IW S, Cll\':H:,

of Eilzllheth.

WWtlla: II. J·:JIIIHI·:I·:,

of Westfield, 1'1-:'I"EII 'I'JI,I,JI.\�·,

of Rnbtv»f.

Fur County Clerk , ,J.\.llm; c. C;\t.n:HT.

Ftll' Regi�terer of Deetls, 1'11.\.X!{ II, SJII'I'II,

For Co. oner, 11 E:\'11 ,- 11. 1•n:nsox, .ll. n.

A receut pub llcatlou on the histoty of legis111tlou at Trenton coutuius the followlnJl concarnlng the R•llroad 'l'a:< Act of !SSJ.

"This fimtl acceptRu ce, nil aronnll; of the new 'l'a:t HCI, prllctically niKrked the end of the fiJU•I t ax uglt•ttion, and there Is gromul for the contention that, when the lnttnisitot:i•l 11.rerogat!�•s of the Stnte's taxing officers tn bun tug out the taxable a••ets of tho rHilroads i• taken into on the ban•l, !lUll tl1c uotorions ease with which the tnxa· hie persouul property of the iud�viuual tux puyer 1� hillcleu fl'Olll the \"le\'\'" of tho tux g••thercr is talceu tuto occonnt on the other llllud, there is substont!HI equslit.y in the tlistrluutlon of the pul> lie tHx bmden bet1veen the two clas�es of taXpHyer5, The ruilroads pay a sm11ller rate on all they o .vu; the iudi· vi•lunl taxp11yer pays 1\ higher r·ate on less thun he ow us."

. It is 1vell kuown with what ease the iudividuRl escapes from personal !�xes. Real tstate can alwavs be found, but

personal proper!)' c:tnnot. We 111!

know meu· iu Westtie!LI who are (Jnyiug taxes on a valu11tlon much l�ss tbau they h11ve. The result is "uneqnHI " bt>atiou; f or the realty of some other person is paying for the owlssiou of tb• personalty of these men.. As bas been shown in this column. the r111lroad8 d o (Jay 8 smaller · rate. ou. whnt they own th11n the illllii·idnol; but their vnluatlons are bigher. ·Anu the �allroaus have;uot the means ohivlldlng'tbe IISSeS!Or that the iuuivlun•l htts.

The burden tltat is born by the realty us agains t the perooualtr is s�own by th� following extract from a letter by Charles C. Black·: tvas, indeed, right.

"It lsn fact that 1\ J�rge proportion of Now come• Congressman McCall, of the personal property of hullviduals es· the Eighth 1\hssadHtsetts, tvho, writ. c11pes taxes-more &o in sowe tlistrh,t• ing in the Atlantic Monthly, says thut, tlum in otbe�s-anll this is particularlt• tariff revision must speedily come anti so ln.lutge ctt!es, where personnl rn·op· d 1 tl t "b . ' erty u �:�o eaelly couceal�U from aest's _ec arfs 1a , . •.tween a t'Rlhc�>l rev !- sord. 'l'hn•, fot the yeur 189± the rela srou, uud no revtston at Rll, the former tive valne of personal Ilroperty to reRI is prefemule "I A Republican Con. e•tate iu Hudson County was 8 1 per �:ressmun, talkie" iu that scandalous per· ·can�. of the reRlty; In Cumu�n

0 t,;onuty tt 1�11s 7.0 per cent. of the r�· manner, uutler the shadow of the Home aitl'; willie In Huntertlon County it. was Market Club I Wbere is the big stick? 3i.h per cent. of the realty, and in Mer· Hear the heretic! "If some schell- cer Uonnt)' it was 2;j,4 per cent. of the

lues are not soou chauge!l they will lm. roalt)' : in Salem Cott!tt>: it was 33;3 Jlel' • · ' . cent. of the realty; m l;omerset t.:ouuty pose the JlH) mont of 11 tribute as dt· it was 20 7 per cent. of the real tv;' etc.

recll)' as If that were tho declared pur- It · .. H 1 c • h s f tl 1 ts uecuus; ll! son oun,y a pose o

.te aw; and the plunder anti fulled to realize snllicleut from her own confisc�ttou of toduy will become tile valnatlou tltllt she Is clamoring for a vestetltnterest of tomor·row." el ice or the state tax on railronds. Ha-Whell tb�nghtfnl Hepnblicune, snch cent!)' a piece of lund. newly bought by as Mr. McKmle�· an� Mr. l\IcCall, urge, the P�unay!vania Rllilrollll, was as­the �ormer rectpro�t�)', ����\ tl�e ]utter ees•etlllt lis full value, $16,000. Exum­hnm.dlate tariff �evrston, tt 1s btg h time itmtion sbolved that it bad been form­to elect a Prestdeut aocl a Congt·ess et·ly assessed for the sum of it,600, w�1ich will hrant the needed relief. exuctl)' teu per cent. of its true vatu·. rbe worklugrueu, aud all who are In No wonder Hndsou wants to "soak:' the motlera�e circumstances can do nothing rRIIroatls. Tlte propased Deinocmtlc thst wtll be of more benefit to them· scheme would undoubtedly help Hud· selves and the entire conntry, except son, but it would Injure the balaoce of those who fatten at their expense, than the conottes. A large portion of Hud-Voutiuued ou P•K• 8. eon County,•nd much of the land use<\ l>y

W� H. Trenchard, Prescription Drucelet

Bro•d and Prospect ltro•ts. Woatftald,lll • .1. Orvlll� 1'. Waring J. HERBER'!' CASE, EDWARD F. E'EICKERT, I �----�--------------�---------��. !�====================�

11111 r11 i huuriH, I• "llliUlu"I•Hul, 1·••cl11huod ri'IJ II l lhll IJIIII'HilljH 111111 l'iVI<l' !Jy tho l'llltiiK tlllllJIHHIVo�. '1'116)' illtV� llil1l6tl In thu VllllliJH or tliiJ cit)' 11111\ hiiVO, hy vhtnu of tlwlr t�rmlnuiH, hrouKht lmil­ues; lh•l'O, A• lm•ln•HH nwl tmu•J•orta­tlou IHIH lncr•nHe•l th� tnluiH 1111•! t�e nlty lutVI! grown. Aml IIu•l•o1; County IH 11 Krwtt t'lllll'Oitll c•utHr. W ily lull! thl• l1oen trne 1 ilcl'�IIHc lire whole xtuto IHIR coulrllmlcrl tu 1111 l•o11'• JII'U!JI'eHH, 'l'he IVitnl• Hl11le (ltllri other stute•, to'J) Ull¥1! �ent R•Me•l tlalll!enijer, freight aud ex pres� bn;lues< to th• termhllll• In .J�r-· •�)' Vlty. As \\"esttlelolHu<l other com­luunltleH �ro\V thH)' ll!ol ln the growth Of •uul coutt·llmt.e their 8h8t'e totvHr•l the vulne of the terlulrJHIR !11 Jer•ey City. At 11resent the entire state Is benefitell o)' the t11x uw•u this !!t'olvtb, Aud wheu we crmh·l bute to ad deLl V11htes, we get, for the •tate at lotrge, a•!Ueil t•xe• 13nt nllow Hn1l>on to "grab'' the termluda, and w� who coutrlhot • to her pros­perity will be forceu to be content with the •II Ill line t•nuuiu!! tht ·ongh our hor­•lers, �Ir. ll111clc r�cent l)' said. pointing towuru the mllroad�. "Tiwn sh11lt not steul." Nnbo•ly IVIInts to Rllo;v them to. Unt the ftug�r of e1•er)' county of the stute coni.! well point nt Hli<IRon aUtl AUf, "Tlt<Jn Mht:�lt not st�11l," for Hm\sou drains all counties to bnllu her vralue� 1\lul no\v coiU e.s cltuuol'lug to wa­ll 1polizo them fur her•elf,

?J[y Three Callers. '\\'P.rtlth'fl �hndow onr.e fPl\ on my door. J<'orNP.Illn� hi!:;HI nn1J !-;lfts �ulore; But I with 11rcam� a1:d rhrtnt'f! thnt tlo.� Was busy. So li.e wer:t nwuy. Then Fnme, with nn C.�ectl'lc shock, Gnvl' to m�· t1oor· a HN·mlng knock; But I still Wt'dl.lPd was to art, And let nw Ia fly ,;tll'f'il depart ..

At tnst, gr·own wlsr nH years went by, 1 Rnw one othror ho,•crlng nlqh : · 'Twas La\'P, who cnugh{ me In his net, "rherc I nrn l11"lr1, 11nd bqJ]l)' yet. -J01�1 Benton, In \\•amttn's Home Compnn•

I on.

The Searcher. l{P. '"-'Cnt In senrch or Hnpplness,

lie f:Otl.L:"ht her llh.;h and low: O'P.r seas and Jllahu" l:n tr·n\"f"led far. He soarciH�d Whf're ct·owdei.l clUes nre.

When� tl·oplc l..lrerzl'� blow, And, det:!mln:ot hNn·en pi tiles�.

tre jourrJl')f'd llumc oncfl more; He took£'tl on F"ortune with distrust, l'hou!{ht llap(ltne!'ls n shrew, unjust­o�\ntl found ho:- rooiJll'lntH In the duat

Thet-e all about hi� tlror. -S. E. Kiser, In Cl1icago Hecord-IJeraJ£


CASTOR IA For Infants and Children.

The Kind You Hate AIWBJS Baupt Bears the d ./.I'� Slpttveof��

Elocution and Phrsical Culture.

MISS CAMPBELL's CJ .. ASSES, Westfield Clnb.

Mominy, Friday, Satnrdny morning,

2 autil G p. m. 2 nntil 0 p. m, 0 to 12 a. m. ·

For term s, etc., ndtlre•s

niSS CAMPBELL, P. 0, Box 524, Westflelll.


Model a

FOUNTAIN PEN is c�ustntc�ed strictly Qn lllertt. arults equal, if not superior to uny $J O<J Jl'!' o� the market today. It rs rtchly chnsed, writ�s tluen!lr and is g naran· teed not to le11k.

$1.00 Is a small •nm to Invest in � high gra1le Fountain Pen tvbiclt wltltortlinary care wilt IKst a Jifetiwe.

OUR GUARANrH : The Pen Is Solid O<Jid, l(lllll'llntee1l finest grad& l4k. Hohler I• mHde of

the best qnality rubb&r In four part•. SEST PREPAID::

�N!l�e��e���1�tu�{i��d t�t=� and Canada. It upon ex­ttminatlnn you are not em­UreiJ fl&tistled or )'011 llo not �:��"tpte t����8 :�xt��J:at cheertully retund. the mooer.

ORDER TO·DA Y and nf\.me�the

"papor you sa"

1hls ad\'ert sement. in; "DDRF.:S�


PES MFO. CO,, t40. Nassau Street,


z THE UNION COUNTY STANDARD, FRrDAV. OC7'0BER Zt . J 904. ' -- �·--·· =·-=:::::::=�===�::::::::::����;;;· c-�--�-----�--� ---�---... � .. --- ... · ... -,. ... . , .

.:.-·---------· -... ---· --··" ··- · ··- ··._, . ..., _,.. _ _______ _ �---,,., .. - �-� -


.. = .. =

.. = .... == .... == .... == .... == .... == .... == .. =�::, .... ,...., Women

A re Ef ig·i ble ro l iH� hl'llt'l i ! s u[ Prudt• n . t ia l l . i fl· l n su r;lll Cl', l n .

fo r m a l ion as to what t iH•st•

h�ndl t s nrc nnd

men ·C:lll shnrc t ht•m ll' i l l ' he sent upon n•q uest .

The Prudential INSURANCE CO. OF AMER I CA . Home Office, Newark, N. J , .!t i ll!>' f", I l l\ \"! I f:�. l're•hh•ttl. l ... �'"'l•U•: I I W.t Hll, \'it't�.Prtt4!1l�!lt.

F.l>WAHO If ItA \'1 �l·t·rrtH.r)-.

( ' 1 1 ,\S. E . HAl,\,, :O:.u;J't. Bntltn, !! t lhnk Bit\� .• Jo;, Fruut :-lt . . t Prtrk A,·u., l'l•lntl•l<t, :>;,J, Tel. :m,L,

-���"ll!t�����Vtrl!!I!ElrMI!'.!Mit!lrtnl'll'l�-t iiiiUIIAIIr�>Aa�"1k·A"�.'i.ii.i",;•ito••'�"•� � Iii �

About the Panan1a Canal. I ] Olt /11{1) ' OJ' 1!/ (I J ' 110/ ud/eJ'e !hal 0111' 1

f/orem;;m!l //'as l'igltl iit lllljJI'O I'til/1 lls oppor­.tuml) ' /o sewn a Calla! across /he lslhmtts. 17tal t:" no reason Jf'hJ ' )'Oil should uol 1.1[­·PRO J!E YO li'Jl OPP01?11l.NIJ.J lo se-cure ltfe timu an ce. 1/te Dnt'ler! Slales lwl 'e been titlendtil!J for lllallJ'..J'M 1�r:.; lo

canal. Hoi/' marl)' )'ears lml'e rou

lendt'n,r; to lake oul lt'f'e insuraJlCr'.

build lht�'i b£'('1] Ill-

l l f : f ' l l l) 'f ',,. I l l ' l t l ' l ' l t 1 : 1 1.� lO I I I t ii I ' 0 ' '1' 1 " 1 : 1 1 t i t l t l l t II t i l l li ,

\ 1 I th • • 1111'11 l i t 1 1 1 . 'I'\\ l ll l 'h, 1 1 1 I I II' ' ' '" 1 1 1 1, I I null' hn 4 • 1 11)•'•·•1 l ' lt l lt l t t • lt o 111111 Ill .li t •• \ l l o• u .. lltltl l <t Ill lfl l t t ll • • · t • 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ t h l •ll rt I I l ii I I t l ll t ••Pi l ' l' l t 'ol ,

'l'lto• l'!t lrl o t•n l h t\ ittllltll M •·Pl lt t� o • l' t i t•• l ' lo l ! tlr"Jt '• l'. ,lllt i J )' l lntll" ,\ ... dul!"t t W I • , ,, J 1 nl l hi• C 'Ilutl••l nf t h1 • Pn"'l '.\' l t•t l l ll Cllm·,•l , ) t t•t �l • 1 t 1d ' •Y ll l h•l lll •l • ll. 'I ' l l • • p,., . . j , l ,. tt l . ) I to \", tl ll l t l ' l l•, t•n••l•l•·•l. Tit•• r:tt•P! I too \I'll• "l"'ltt•tl l t,r l i t •• •ltt� lu� n! l h•• � .. l l . ,r ,al 1 1 �' 1 1 1 1 1 , n l' l l•t· whl1•h l l 1 • • �t·t · lp111 1'•1"' \\'l'l't• l't•nt1 Uf 1 1 l 1•1'11)'•'1' \\' II"' 1 1 t\'1•!'1•,) h,\' I l l', \\' J, l'{ttl l ' l", A '' llll l l i i i •J • W lo& f llroli n p p ll l l ! t•tl lo l l !HIII IIa l l• ull\•·•• 1 "' !"ttl' t ht• ,•nmiUiol' ) t�ltl', 'l'h•• t'tJI I Illdll ••••, �II•"' �ll 't•h, �I t•• . S!tH' Inl t· 11 1 1•1 �lr,.. (·' , H �IIl i t h , l't>f h'•''' ltl Jll't�Jl!H't• t h.-lt· l't•pnrl, '1'1 1 • • l"t'\1••1'114 of till' ll••t'llt'.� l r. � �t'l 'l"ti• t m·y, ( '• 11 1"1'·'"1' tlltl i l llo:' �t'L'l'••tl�ry nwl 'l'l'l111"11 l'tjl' \\'t4l'l ' l't•a•l 1 1 1 1 •1 IIP)ll'o\'••• 1 , 'l'lwy 14!t 1•Wt•t l 11 ... p't4 ltll•l l't'l' ll'tl nl' wn1·lc lltlll�-' •1u l'ina.t tilt• Y�':\r In 1-h•• f tll'tt of 1111 \1"'11111

111tllt•tt lllt ••. 'l' lt• rep,.rt• llt't• �ll'ell I ll fnll l "• ln\1', 'l'ite Sulltirtll!lll� l', . l l t ll t l l l o••'• l t•)ltll'l \\'11� tbt'll l t'lt'l\'t111 Ulltl UIIUJI!t•tl. Th..- \'lllt• \\'11� tuiCl•U hy rH .. 'I'i.IIIIIUJltltHI ful' tht• fullnwln� tJIUI't'r� tn l41tl'l't't<tl t ht�lll:wl \'t':o& ;

l !nttnl llf �IMJJH�er>-�lr;. \' 0 . Bul'li<, �I I ', A. I>. Dec'l!er, �IJ·•· ,Tt-lw l'lult, �lr·• I ltttrv F.Vttll>, �lr• llnvltl �tllnley, )l r.•, ll eur�· I I . l:ll urr, �lr• �lanin \\'ell• l i t t tl �I r;, lleo�r�" I I , l>ruhree,

Ath·l••'l'l' U<lltrtl-�le><r• ,Tuhn H. l'ltllt, .J •lllte• 0. Cl11rk, \\" 0, IJeL uutt t•l·, II K Knl�l;t, II. ,J. W hlte ,Hn•l HHUtltllp ll l'erktu•

�lr·•· Hubert \\', H 11r<len •l•ll�ht�•l thn•� prr••nt with 11 \'urn! •oltl, liJIJll'uprt llt•IY t'lttl;eu Hilt! •i•lerttlltl ly renolero<l, �11·.· nuk pbt)'e<l th• ����OIII J l l lllutent.

Dr. 'l'whll'h, of the X•w11rk Uowe f\Jt' l.'l'i!'t•le•l Cldl<lreu, theu t�t!<lres•e<l i!te meetlu� t'tlll<'oruiug the worlt of tltitt ln• li l nt l ou . II• clte•l luter••tlu� t•a•es w l l h wltleb h • 1�:�•1 heeu couuect•<l ruul urgetl the Uece<<ily o f hiivlu� hi• trentmeut of th• cl'lpplt•tl dtl!tlreu Sll llJllemeut�LI hr the fr••ll ttlr tUtti het�l tll)' llvlu[! whklr th•r l{et nt lite r.mntry horn•• where they nre rec•l l'etl, He rou�rllt n!ttte,I the a.•.<ot•la thm llllllll lt!l \\'utk.

Dr. 'l' wiurh \\'liS followed loy �l r.<. All•n. of Newnrk, who r•cnuute�l her· t>::qlt'l'it�m•e tHlh'llY tht' lHH.ll' am\ cl'ipplt>tl l'llildrr:tu with \\"hnm '"Itt-� iuut lw..-.u brnn:.:-ht in l'UlltHL't. !\lr�. Alltm·� ltddres� W1ti luttor�"tit.�. tllnl!hiug, t-itl'Ut·�t uutl sir:cr,n-', tilw plen•letl for net iv� coutiunaiiL'l' of t h� \\'ol'k ftJr tht' l'hlhlrt•l l, 111111 l'om·htllt'll ber r�wud;:� with 11 r�dtRtiou ol a �dt>c t iou rrum llk·kl'lll':l with :',Ylll l,a­

lbet il' �tl•et .. A rlslu� 1·�t• of thtlllk' '�"' teuolet·r•l to :llr.. A lieu , �It·•. Hatoleu ttotl Dr,

Tn-Jill'll fnr �tllto.l' l'..:IUte�y. After tile flll'lll tl u�Jj.mrum':"nt ttN w t:J �t'l'\'"t'1l tn tlw ... �

prt'�t'llt, Tht' Pr��ill�ut. ti:=cretari�� nml Trt>a�nrtr will bt> �1..-L'tt-ll lntt'r.

.\��l'.\1, HEI'LIIIT lll' Till; CLIBUI:>I'O I:\I>ISU Sl·:cHJ-:T.\HY OF TilE

:tl " I I or 'l't!leathnnc 01·den l'rcunJttl)• l�llled I A L L GOODS D E L I V E R ED FRI:t: OF C H A RG E. SAMP;E$



Women's and Misses'

Goats, Skirts, Waists. 'L'ht• moot nttruclir� uu tumn At,rle.l . 'l' lw l{l'e:1t tnpula .1 of tlti! . t .•partrllt' l t l attt•ol.; to the t�ppt·eeintion by the pe!lplt• of �1/

t•ll'••l'to ,,.,, hlll'l' m·10l� to girc them th� mo.;'. ll�•lll tiful att•l 11 1

le l · to.

tlat<• gal'ltl!'llt.s IJL• low tht• usuul p t· it'l",

I f Three•Quarter l.ength Pan"" Ch�vlot 5ult� -T31nrk. lJlll• a ,1 h;o\�'U lll l'nll•lrl ......... totylu, tluu hle·hrt.•n .. trtl, ht tt'tl !Mt:k with ."'tltrhflf! �ij1 lt i->L'�!O. \'t<'h·�t h'IIII IUI-'t] : tHttfl,t lfru.1,tl thrtm :,:hnnt : th�l'tt'�II I:{OI'I• 1 4 �

t\.n1utl nt ���.;,Ii lii' �".!:t.llll, Wt- h1H't1 tu ,rJt..,ll the�l' . . . . , . . . . • (J

I !'"l\ irt .� i r 1 th .. t•ntntlHr ill!.!h let It t'ffr'L't, tHl h·�tt .. r J�"tllt� l'1ll1 l1t' , IQ

Clll l ,llltEX'>' l'lll'Hit\. Hum:. Th� Correspontl ing S"•retnry of the ll•J >ll'll ut ,\l:mu���·- of the Ch ilJren'; Women 's Jackets Coats and Rai'n Coata Cotmtrr Home, respe�tful ly r•ports tllnt her utl\riul wurk tluriu , the ''"'"" hn<


1 11, been n:ry l igh t, lu August tim lug the ul:.euee of all the ut ht•r cotlieer; of the I Bonrtl tuo�t uf het' \\'l)l'k WHS dou� uy ttllt>(lhUIIt' Ul' ttole�rmu. At the heutuuiu� uf the seusuu t h• nsnal tl<Jtilicatiuns thtlt the Hollle '"'" "I'"' l ! u 1 1 J retl > of tli tl'erellt style3 ; l ight, l lletl i n u 1 lllitl he:t•y awl wouhl to/reatlr Ill rec�i1·e ,•hilJren were -.•nt to Dr·. D.tultl. of the :-lew \' .. rk

I '

Hl1•PitHl tuul lutinuery fut· 1\'omeu aUt! Clti l•l reu, to Mr>, Llnlu tJrlt!ge, of the :-;,w weights to s u i t ercry faltcy · 1\'e C:tii iiOt begin to tell you all ia �·or·H City :II!.•iuu, aml to Dr. 1'winch, ur I he i:'iewnrl< lll1Ule r·m· C t lppletl this 11LI rertioelllell t . L'hlltlreu.

'!'be lir•l p trty of thirteen chihlreu CHille uut froru the lity ou June !J. uwl J:tckets of Tan Cavort and Olack All·wool Chevlot-luter iu th� wouth u:ue cripple� Wt:lre reeei\'etl from N�wnrk : JllHIIY ut' the ht.ttel Hip lt�-ugth \\'itb til ted buck ttn•l u�Jt, Lox front. (.'OJladeo . .o_.; Sew Y<1rk Corw�pontleuls iu the pre1·ions seusou that uoue tntt Ho>pltul patient> shonltl be seut !tJ n�. they hatl l•leHtletl mo•t eHt'ues!ly to lie allowetl tu seu<l "rkly H:trd Twisted Co1·ert Cloth Jalkets -Collarless, coat or tW ft'ehll'tl l'lllltll'eu, wbu:5t! cowiug tu \\'e:;t liehl uai:{ht pre\·tmt seriuu� illu�l!l:! slt>eve with IJI�it.t c .. ff, hHtiu liut'd, r;oot.l $10.00 \'Hlu�, Kml the probaule eutrKUC< lulu the ho•ptt•l . Few huspitul chiltlreu, tllerefore, 11t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , , . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4.98 6.75 1 rem•lnetl the greutor purt ut tho �e:tson , 'l'hon�h tho munuget·o hat! notitie<l our

I s•tin l ined throughont, wot·th $7.a0, ou '" '" •p•cial at , , . . , . . . :

wer� receh't>tl thi!! ye�tr. But tlie l'OUS!.'qntmce!'\ ot rel'�l\'lug uther tb�tu 1!1Uch, htl\"1" pro1·ed so 1!i.,�sterons to �be work tltls year, sh�rteuhtg tho s�tlsou, le;;eulug t�e I Loo5e Rack i Length Coats -M••le of nll·wool co1·ert 7 9S unml!orof rhthlron caret! tor, tbat the Ulllre strmgeut tule Will proll.lllly �e e�;- l'lotb-uotch collar, plaitflt in back, with lJelt ; satiu l iue11 ·

forc;d I\Uother year. Ouly 99 r!Jil<lren ont til is year IlLii uetlrl.r e1·ery woultl be goO<i l'llllle at $12.�0. onr price i• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .' •


Do I t No\N phyoidtut has roasou t o remoutllor tbe expertelltes o f the, I :\ltmsl�rJ appt'tt.r�d io tlnl)· Ktlll, thoo�h cnse8 wet� light, the contas.:eon:! I chttra.cter ot tbt! lli�eaAe put a blt.U upon our work. Ouo Jlllrty c.tlllt! unt ouly to I.Je T H E DAV D I relu rued the ""'t day ; t !Jou Hfter this <li;etl;e hat I dioKlJl•eHretl au<l lbe huu;e hatl , 1 ( STRA US CQ ueeu thtlt·oughly fumiKatetl uud prouonuce<l clean, another partr came out, of ' I 1 I which Lefore n we•k passe<1, a little boy eiute tl •Jwn with chicken pox. Lly <1rder· ..........J' of the then ph)'oiclHtJ tu chnrl(e, the bor

. ll'as placed iu the l;olntlor� roulll, the_ re>t ·i· N E lilt JtRK N J •i· • of tlw (�hil l1reu w�re returuell to the Utty Hutl tb� 1.J..Jit:!e wn:' a.�;Hw 'ltlir,mtlu��l. • • • •

Wrt. EDGAR REEVE, I This el'""'' our !IClil'e work for •not her hJt·tuight and on ly 011e other l"•rty cau"' ........ 11111111 .... 1 .................. 11 • ont lHter·. Gpou the retnnJ nf the c lli lt!reu to the Cit)' ou the appearance of 1 ehiekeu pox, " letter was >eut to our Curres11t•Utlents, by advke or our plty;ieiau,

General Agent,

54 William Street, N. Y. (Corner Pine).

• stKt iug thnt tt' they ron!tl get together a pnrty of chihlreu wlw h-.1 the tlisett<e am! �o might u� cousitl�l tcl i nuu�.;ue WI! wonhl glall!y receive th�w. The answer cuUJe that it wonl<l ue itJJpos;iule to tlo >O, "ou nccuuur of the ignorance of the parents aml th� fact tlmt tlley do uot ct�ll a doctor or unr�� fot· �light i l lueS�tos, H!Hl w� c,m uot u�certaiu whether the children we dtutl with ha\·e had chicken pux or uot, PX­rept in mre cnses where we ha1'e ha[ l•lUEtl to see the c!Jiltl wheu the msh wa• present. Such cases are uot amon� the >pecially ueetly ones at this time."

It has been au nufortuuate experieuee: the only womler is t!Jat we have passe<\ through our twelve Summers of work free front auy snch trouble. Ll11t as by such esperieuce comes kuowl :dge, we ;hal be better· prepared in the future to gnarol against a repetitiou of the s•me, aud hnth iu the selection of children for t he Home aut! iu the treatment of them npou the lirst expet·ient•e of a courageous tli;ense, we shHII exercise caution a care as never before. Upon tbe appearance of the first case of metBlee, a letter was seut to Dr. TwiuciJ, of tlte NewurK Howe for Crippled Chil!lreu, tellluR of the situlltlon tltJ<l uf the tllh·ice of oni physldaus, thtlt t he chiitlretJ be t·etnrued to Ne1nrk, uut there was uo place to se1ul th •UJ ex cept back to the bospit.l amoug other cripples, alit! Dr. 'l'witJch pret'•rretl tha t the)' shonitl romaitJ here. They nil kept well tmtil the 1·ery last uf the ;eHsou ,

I .... . - ·==- .

R. F. HOH ENSTEIN. [i ' ' �""'- Good �Ionnt.

So:ue men nre more cnrefn l of their wlteeh thnn of ! thei t· hori�. A good mount, whethet· it be cycle or


horoe, means care autl nttcu tion, Onr harness nml il l'ivers' supplies can be tlepi·nLlet! on for style, correct. ness allll wear.

Prospect Street, Westfield. Telephone c o n n ection.

J. S. I RVI NG CO . . DEALERS I N Coat Lu.mber,

· 8oildinK Matanalsl MouldinKs and KindllnK:Wood. Faritlizars 'or Lawn, Carden and 'leld • .

' ·Office and Yard---Central Ave., near R. R. Crossin�. Westfiel�

Order1 by Mail Will Receive Prompt A.ttA!ntion, ·


Increase Your Earnin·g Capacity hy taking a cour�e lhrouij:IJ the l'nlon Bmlm�5s C'ollegt:>, Onr Jmtclnl\tes Are com· lll•tent young mea aml.young women who nutkt! gooJ �fllarles. \\.h)' uot enroll now : I Day School Opens Au,r. 1'Jth-Nighl Schaal Opens Sept, 11th.

\\·ru� for hatul�ome cRll\logne. trNION B1.JSINESS COLLEGE,

208•1110 Broad St. (Oix Bulldlng1 I IIzabeth, N. J. TeltoJ'hone 20!14. f, ll. IJt:llRUIAS, Prln�IJ•sal,

�Nc;;;.7·rv";r::':����, g PATRICK oJ . FL.�NAGIAN, Proprf•tor-, .. � bcommodatlo .. s forTran'ilent Boarders. ·Board by Weel<.llr Month. (r EXCELLENT STABI.E AND SHEO I(OOM. • ..

Poslte Stand•rd BulhUn�. Telephone P•y St11tlon, Wtslfitldl, � � ,... $'i*f';1t3'3'3'i'i'"i'i'�i''i'i''�'ili'i'i'A'i'C'?'inf'i'A'�

when two were 1·ery slightly ill with rhwkeu pox, 1'be Home hus <loue umch for t he>e crrppled rhilolreu thiJ year by keeping them uearl)' 1111 Summer. Some bave been uere in pro1·ious years KD<I their ouly ohnuge from hospital l ife is the time so hap1•i ly epeut in Westlield, They are �rettt sufferer�, wearing heM·y Ut·ncetl, Ot' in plHstttr jrt.ckets year al ttn· ytar ; Ollti lit­tle !Joy who hus hlp disease, says. "he hHS heen in the hospital live yeor·s," a sad plHco for a life of eiglrt years. Oce litt le girl eight yenril oltl has been 1vith no three yearo. Sbe is a very ottracttve chiitl, gentle iu oppenmuce and mauner, whose fttther keeps a saloon in Newark. His secontl wile Is nnk ln<l to the child, am\ why tbey want her to come howe is utwxplum•ule, Nu iuterct•ssiou of t11e Newark Hoopital friend• no•· pleading of the chi ld a1•ailetl-"howe she tunst come or there would be uo home for her to come to." IV e pHrteLI from her with regret, eveu feuriug tbat the comfott111Jle garments with which she was clothe<l mlght out long be hers.

&II the ch ildren at the Home this Summer, who eame fr·om New York were of the usttal character au•l cor1ditiou ; several had come for health aut! su·eugth tt.fter opertltious or pueumouia, oue 11.ftt!r paralyiiA, Hll wert!, and two IVere iu a stnte of serui·stuvatiou. The Sv!e support of s•veral of these was the mother ot· grnud mother, iu oue ca;e au older sister, aml tutlUY ft1thers were ou the liot as "out of work." Que little boy, the bah)' of tiJem all, had no fttther, the mother imd uo WH) of snpportiug her three chiltlteu llll<l tlJe llaby n·a� ue11rly starved wheu he was brought out. He wus kept uearly oll Summer aut! wbou the City Nm·•• cume for ltim she ditl not know him, he hull gro1vn to be a fnt, whole­some. tiue.lookiug bo)'. Aut! he did uot want to go back with her. He clnng to t!Je porch of the Home, crylrur. "thio i• my ltome, I tlon't want to lea\'e it."

One Satunlll)' night, the �!•Iron heat·d a knock at the tloo", nod found 11 big Uoy staml itl!; there, \'i'hOlll she cUd uot. rccogui�e nt first, but soou tliscovt!l'etl it wu:o� Thown• �It· Williams, who wns at the Home last Smnwet·, with H brae• ou for IJip di�eue.t>, He i:1 uow well, hilS tli::c!\rtletl lti� bt·ace, Rial h>ts goue to wm·k. He h�tLl a 1\·eek's \'tteation, tltul so 11sked to be takeu in : olfering to (lilY $2.00 for a week',; bo.trd ont of th� $4.00 11 week he earus. The �latrou gave !Jitn a wek:oute, but did not tnke hi< moue)-, 118 it ls uguin>t the rnles of t ·:e Home to rtceil'e money fot· IJourd Hi,; ntotlter to 11 crii'IJIB aUt! his t'Htlter is <leud.

A!'plict�tion \US matlc by " friellll iu the Cit) ou hehttlf of llltOtiter Loy above the Hgt' uf thost' U!!tt).l l ly rec�i\'t<O, ,,·ho was uu nuder�izeU, o\•er\\•ork�d w�ak· ling ; hi• one week ot vacation from 1vork wao �ery happily SIJeut witb u; au•! VH'y beneficial to him. 'l'11 o of tiro officers of the Home for Frieu!liess, at Woodycr·est Avenue, New Yori<, vloited onr Hou.e iu J uly •nd were very much vleu�ed with i ts situ•tlon ttud met bod of work. 'l'hi� scci�tr operutea, iu llthl itiou tc> thtir Hom .. , twtl\.•e Iu ! du.triul Schoo'•, aud later uppllcatiou �<RS tnatle by the Secretary !OJ lli• IJrivUe�e of seudiu�r @Ollie of tlteir cbildt'PU to n', But us this application came dnrin� the time of •Jtlr sn ·peuded work it coultl uot bo acted upon tuis yeur. Your Secretury was rf llltt.sted to write uu llftlcle on the work of our llo1us for the August nurubtr of the "New Jersey Review of Choriti•s <IU<I Corrections," but as the tuue ullowed '�"" very •hot t to prod nee au Krticle Jf the r•qni r e<l leugtl.J our Hi•torlc•l Sketch •nd tho lust A om ... ! Report were •eut to tit• ed itor of the Review frum wbiclJ liberal •x:racts were printed.

'l'he S•crelllry takes great pleasure in replrtlnl! correspontlettce lletweou Mrs Bnrll•, our President, 11od Dr. J . Ack•rmau Coles, of �ew York Hud :Scotch Plains. Dr. Colts with his sister, llls• Ewily Coles, ou( Newark Associate )luu­ager, visited the Home early in S•1•tember. He uoted the qufiol•hed coud ltiou of theuew addition, saw tbe uceesity of muny iruprovemeuts aud lu hi• correopou­tlence m<de •tlgg•stions uf importance. He felt that the insuranc6 on the house strould '"' lucrea•ed, and asked that an extra fl,UQ() be put upou the sarue and oller·iol( to pay tl.Je premium on the extra Hloouut, 'rhis hilS been tloue during the present week. He also seut a mau to paiut· the water tauk aud box coveriug the •npply pipe to the home, aud r.qnested p•rml•sion to have steel ceilings and nar­row lJoKnled sidings aud WKiuscuatin�e pnt on the addition receutiy made to the • house. Prsvious to tbis be had satisfied llimself as to the le�Cal shtns of the Cbil- 1 tlren's Country Home Aosociation and nnd•rstootl thoroughly the stuudiug aut! worth of tbe ittsritutloo. 1'be iuside work ou the uew din lug room ttnd domltory I referred to by Dr. Colee lo begun tbis week aud tbe warmest !honks of the Board of Man•gor• ami of the AoonciHtiou llre tltto to Dr. Coles for hi• wi;e forethought,

CoLtluuatl ou page 7.

The Fischer

New Small Grand

The N e w Small Grand Is the latest a�t oroduct oi our manufacture. Competent judges pronounce It The Most Remarkabl" Gr,.nd Piano of Its Slzo

· Ever Made. It occupies but a lriile more space than the upright and supplies a neei where economy of room -space must be con· sidered. and at the same time pra.:llcally possesses all the_ Tone-power, Sweetness, Purity and Breadth of Melodic Expression that marks the FU LL GRAND.

It Is unique in design and satisfies the aesthetic sense of the most exacting. II must be seen a11d heard to b• appreciated. 164 Fifth Ave, bet., 2151 tA 22d 511.

and 68 West 12Sth St. NEW YORK CITY

If you want clean

COAL Bur of t E. Goodman & Sl' Brook, N. J,: Telephone 4U W, Goodw�


Time. How does yonr Watch o r Clock keep time.

We- Pride-I . I! ourse \·e on our work and guarantee fully every tim '

piece we repair.

B ro ken jewelry made like nc1r. Only at the old stand, ·

1 03 Park Ave, ue, Pial nne••

o•· J:, T, 'WHEA'l011, �UIHiEOS JJJo:S'J'J S'l\

LOYAl ... A�SOCIA1'ION. U11 1on Councll No.

1 r. me�ls tlw I bird 'l'bur�!htv t�"r..h month, Aromum Unll, ll p. m. Jllnuu t .... fink, Cottndl­Jnr : F. A. 1\lnd• • .\1, H. lh cnnler. �ut. the IMllt�t but tht! �tnmunl frateru1tl 11'-'II!OCiit.tlou.

-W �-:t���:���:,1rJ!:.,�?o�:�·.J���!h 1:��t ��SW�i�!l Tut-t-�ln�·�o; tlf �nell mn .th ftt l\l/l.�nnlc lllt.ll. Pruriclt·� Fr��tertml lMe Jnjo:nrnuce on ll smu:d Or.alwllt.l lnt.�l:!. Ed \\'ill Shelltl, Hecrul�tl')'•

C112l.�;�{··���··i�1!ED?.!f;ro�:�:st������J���e�·� �llf1b an•nue ruul ERshmUl str�:et. t:!t'n·lct•t: !!!nntlar 1 1 A M.t Wedlle!"tlH)' e\·en lllt.l' 8 o'dnck! Rt-ntlllil-:' Homo oJlen thdl)'• All are wetconw

L'llls:r-iiAI-rl�1' cliuRcu, w •• t�•l•l, N .&: .1., Rtw. t! ,J, U n:cDW00111 A. :\[., 1Jtt.stm· lt·�lll£-IH'P, 1 iTt t�lm �trPel. .:Onndl\l' rer :1ccH: Prllrer M�t!Uug 10 "· m. Prr11chln

f 10:31ltt. m. Sundttv Scbool l:! o'clock

��tln��o';!�. K.��)·��ek'1����'!ffr �c�itt��:

1ftdnt:>!dll\r � 11. m, You ue cordl"'ll)' ·tnvllt.•rl &o rtttcnd till tht!Bll eenlcctt.

C0cillm�*�}{��AJ�m•• q�U

J.9,�rth, 9f_ D.. P�tor. SundRy Prllttchln.: Hen•bl'tl 1�t ){',:Jll A. 11, 1\Dtl 7.�Ji 1', II, Hnnday f:chonl at l:! o'clock. t ieneri\I JlfH)'er met�tlni \\'educeduy 1\'t-nlnJ.: Itt �. I'· M. A heArtY Y.elcomn to nU.


-·--..... l:III'C II C;old in lhoe l111y.

Take Laxative Bromo Quiniue •rub· let�. All drnJ<giats refuwl the money i f I t f�tiiR to Cttre.

E W. Grove's siguatm·e is ou enclt Uox 2/Jc.

Special Ordinance, No. 43. AN ORDINANCE Ia pave n certain >eclion

of the southwesterly side of North avenue. Be it Ordained by the Council of the

Town of Westlicld, in the County of Un ion : '

1. Tllat that section of the sidel\'alk along the southwesterly side of Norih avenue a distance of one hundred and lifty feet in front uf the premises of E. H Taylor, be paved on and a long a line es­tablished by the Town En�-:ineer, with blue stone tlnp;p;inp; four feet wide

2. Thrat so much of the cost and ex­pense of such I mprovement as cm1 law fully be assessed upon th• property spec\ all;• benefited thereby, shall be as sessed by the Commissioners of Assess· ment.

3· Th:1t said improvement shall be made ami completed under the supcrvis· ion of the Tow n Engineer.

4· This ordinance shall take effect im-mediatelv. jii,T. J•AUL'S I'IIOTESTAN1' EPISCOPAl. Passed and adopted, Oct. 1 7th, 1904,

!r.'; .f:�"ff�::. :S�f��. Db���r ot.f:��·1,�V�1������: RANDOLPH PI:HKINS,

rttidcnce �I·! Sorth Br�nut :-5'reet. :;lenlcet�: Attest, Clwirman. 8aruht)'1 11. m. ttml 11 "' m. nml tl p.m. !.LOYD THO,"PSON, (O�toher 1o .futlt!). Fr!rtuy� : \I,:J\1 a. m. 1Uul � Town Clerk. p.m. Holy C..:ollllliUnlon tn.•ery Sunday al. 7,:10 -.---------------­L rn., flrl'ltSundnyln month at I I "· m. l l••h' . days ll:�l \\, Ill· Sutula)' �chon! !1.�5 1\, 11\. Tht church s�:�ts at� free, l\ndu\\ nru wdmtuc.

: WES1'FIEJ,O PUHLIO LIBRARY. lncor· porAtetl 1877. Hro&d street OIJJ108llt! PO!it OJllc;t, :;uh5crhltlon $:: Jlt'r )'cnr pa)·ablt'

, IIDli·annunll)' tn ftth•tt.ace, (•r 5 ceutu " Wt!t.!k : for �Mt:h hook. �tm· hooks consttmtly t�.ddtll' . Open 'l'nesflars ttntl 'l'hur!3dll.)'s from -l to tl @iturtll\rs froru !t to 1 1 a, m. ; � LD O nnrl j to.ll ID,

Resolution and Notice. ·. I IT,V•:o tluu. I t IH to I he h�st lutl!t't•�tuf nf \\"esltleltl l hat n lnh.•t•nl iW\\'t'l' eig-ht i 1 ht tlilunt!lt!l' In! bu ilt nn1l t:t•lt�I.J·uclt!ll

I I• Slllllllllt .\\'t!llllt! rt·om the JII'I'St!lll

st �;�r: l,��')\.�' �t;:��: ·; !··�i�·�.�:� ·ti�� Ill': J',:; 1 lt:t:Liow� 1m cot1�t t'lU:tL'd up 111 the sunw thnu a11d li.S il (ltut.uf

'I SI!Wel'. US IJI!I' Ol'tiiiUIUCl', lUll( tllllt l ' USSI'it�llhmt 1m lll!ldt• Ug-1\lll�l till! llbUt• l ' I�· fHI' I hJ:oo� St!Wt'l'. K H l·:mml" <

Special Ordinance, No. 45. i\N OHDINANCE to pave a certain section

of the southeasterly side of Spring street . Be it Ordained by the Council

'or the

Town of Westtield, In the County of Union :

1 That that section of the sidewalk along the southeasterly side of Spring street from the intersection of Spring street wilh the westerly side of We:;tfield :tvenue lo the northerly side of South avelllle, be pnved on und n long a l ine es­tablished bv the Town Engineer, with blue stone tiagging four feet wide. .: 2 That so m uclt of the cost and ex· pense of such Improvement a's can lnw· ful ly be assessed upon the property specially benetitted thereb;•, shall be a<· sessed hy the Commissioners of Assess­ment.

3· That said Improvement. · shal l be made and comp leted under the supervis­ion of the Town E n gln�er

a This .ordlnance shall tal(e effect im­mediately.

Passed and adopted , Oct 17th, 190�. RANDOLPJI PERKINS,

Attest, LLOYD T\-\0,1\PSON I

Town Clerk.


Special Ordinance, No. 47. · AN ORDINANCE to pave a certain section

of the northwesterly s ide of Walnut street.

Be it Ordained by the Council of· the Town of Westfield, In the County · of Union : ·


Splcial Ordinanct, No. 44. AN OlmlNA�CE to pav,c " mtaln s•ction

of the north side of.,'llorth a\'enue. Be It Ordained b\' the Cuundl of the

Town of Westlield, in the County of Union :

1. That that sect ion of l11e sidewalk flong the northerly side of North avenue, rom the intersection of the said North

avenue with the northwesterl y sid• of Picton street to I he southwesterlv side of Cenlral avenue, be paved on and along a l ine establisheJ by the 'l'nwn Engineer, with blue stone lla�ging four feet wide.

2. That so much of the cost and ex · pense of such Improvements as can l:tw fully be asse$sed a�ainst the ?ropcrtv specially ben<liled thereby, shall be as· sessed by the Commissioners of Assess­ment .

l· Tlwt ,;aid improvement sha ll be made and cnmpleteJ under ihe supervis­ion of the Town Engineer

4· This ordinance shall tal<e effect im· meJbtely.

Passed and adopted, Oct. 17tlt, 1 90�. llANDOI.\'11 PHI�KINs,

Attest, Glwirman LI.OYD THO.II PSON,

Town Clerk.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2 1 , 1 904 . 3


and Order• HAH N E & CO. W INTER

Fllle41. Broad, New and Halsey Streets, Newark,N. J. Suppllu.

Dress Porode of Winter Stgles VERY F IT TI N G that the h�ndsomest store Hhould display t h e handsomest goods ;

the exact u styles 1 11 the hest and most popular materials and work m a n­ship, all as s tro ng ly featured as any N�w York display, hut at lower prices. Our particular offer this week deals with Out.crgarments and 1\-l il l i n cqr, hut we have great and desirable l ines in all supplies for personal wear and home uses :- ·

TAIL.ORED SUITS-'L'hey u1·o nm<lu tight I!Ltiug, WAISTS IN FINE QUALITY BATISTES-also In looso coa1t·c ll't uts, Vllrlons cont lougLhs, l'luin

.colors of blue null broiVu, black, wllit�,

ncwceL 1kirts, ln l'allll lc Ohoviote Ol' \'cnuti11ns, In strtpes 111 111 plllkn .dots, fnncy stocks ; new·

blnck, blue, browu, also f11ncy mixtures, est slucrcs, smnrt ttulor.mutlo ulfects 1 50 bcnn tifully 11ntl ciTectivoly trimmed, worno11�S in snpcrb st.vlcs. Om· special lenders 'f. sizes, 32 to -14, includ ing misses' sizes for at :1.98, J.98 nnd . , . , , , . , . . , , . , , short women ; their \'lliues 11ro U6 12 5" THE THinD to *18 . 50, 'l'hoy au·e two of our , " � OREAT OFFE� P�ESENTS big Jenrlcrs, Specilll 10,50 1111t] , • , sevol'lll uew und Vllriur1 IIIO<lels in coats jaukot

WOMEN'S FINE TAILOR ED SUIT.S-:IIudc artcr six witlcly di tlurent mt:iilttls, Jacket llll tl long coat e!Tcct in Pnnno cheviots of bi'Oil ll1 blue and black, invisible plnhl s of green, brown ani! Oxford, benntif11lly trimmed wit It contrasthtg colors, of cloths or 20 5(} vclvuts ; value t29.50 to t3:J 50 [j , SJlecial 19 95 and . • • • , , • • . . . . . • ,

SPECIAL VALUES-J<;arly in tho summer 1•c purchnsctl from 11 !urge rmmu!uctnl'er 1\'ll o needed the monoy 250 Fox Sc1ufs . They nrc made f1om the entire skins, with two l.muhes 1uul paws ; the rcgulnr vnlnc of 7 �o these Scurfs in the scuson will bu , U from $12 , 50 to $10.50, Special • • . •

FINF. BLACK BRILLII\NTINE WAISTS­Tailor-maclc effects, of high grmlc 1 98 aml lustre ; made lo sell nt �2. US. • Special • . • • • • . • • , . . • • , . • • . • • . . • • •

FLANNELETTE WRAPPERS-Al l the ilcsir· nhlc colors in Vltrions patterns, popu· lur " Di� " mukc, sizes 32 to 401 o11r Sllecinl leaders at 1 .zs and • • . • , . • . .

i .bO

style various lengths : some with vest,'

collar anti onlY of velvet, fiuished ll' ith fiuc lmdr1 in l'u nuc cheviot, black, bloc nu tl ln·own · others in hnoy in 1 isible pl<tids, fnshionetl t'6 50 with braid velvet. 'l'hcse gn1·mcnts , lli'O 11!1 sizea ; val ue 4125.00. Spccinl

CHILDREN'S SUITS-In l't<ter 'l'hompson style, m11clo of fine !CI'ge or cheviot in nnvy bhw, col lar, sh iQlds aud sleeves with silk embroirJ. ei'CC] emulerns, porfectly made nucl I 98 tailored, sizes U to 14, spccinl V<tlncs 'f, ut J 98 ani! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

CHILDREN'S DRESSES-Uaulc of faucJ Scotcl1 plaids, yoke, rovers aml m11Is cassi mero to match, pretti ly trimmed with silk t oo Montache bl'llid in rerl , blue nud brown, , sizes J to H. Special • . . • , . • , . . . .

CHILDREN'S CASHMERE DRESSES-With checked yokr, lattcld and culTs to t 75 match, iu pre tty shat1es of blue, red , und b1·own1 sizes .J to 14. Special , .

CHilDREN'S DRESSES-Of goorl quali ty, cash. m ere, with tncked Jokc of silk, finishedO 98 with narrow si lk bmid l ined through.[j , out, siz•Js ·! to H. Special . . • . • • , , , .

Our Famous $4.7 5 Trimme.d Hats. In mhl i lion to showi ng tho finest nllll swellest cx:chllivc mi l linery fancies, we gi\'c the lowest pri ces

that can be put on >I handsome hnt. Onr �! . 75 hut. has hntl f or SOI'CI':Il seasons the lead of the town. A ttempts uro mm1o to copy it., but they arc min . 'l'hc i m i tation 4 75 is 11lwnys " sc>tutod.'' Others uannot p u t tho same gootl 11Httcriq1s in a h 11t to

I sell nt anything near the $.!, 75 price. Wo -ofi'cr n chance of several hum1reds or

I 'l�f:::!:���:����fr�: H�;�·�· �. ��.

· . . . ch�c� ·.�

·��� . as

. �. ��� Yo� . . 1 . ·

� ���RK, N . • J. Town of Westlicld, in the County of Un ion : i���������������������������������������������� 1 . That that section of tile sidewalk along the northwesterly side of Broad street from the line ot lhe Central Rail­road of New Jersey to the northerly side of South awmlf, be paved on 1111tl along a l ine est:tblished by the Town Engineer, with blue stone flagging four feet wide.

2 Tlwt so much of the cost and ex· pense of such improvement as can be lawfully assessed upon the property specially benetiteJ thereby shall be ;<s­sessed by the Commissioners of Assess· ment.

3r That said improvement slwll be made ami completed under the supervis ion of the Town Engineer.

4· Th is ordinance shall tal;e effect im· mediately.

Passed and adopted, Oct. 17th, 190�· HANIJOLPH PERKINS,

Attest, Chalnnan. LLOYD TliOMPSON,

Town Clerk ................................ _____ _

Special Ordinance, No. 40. AN ORDINANCE to pave a certain section of t11e northeasterly side of Elmer street.

l:le it Ordained by the Council of the Town of Westlidd, in the Coun 1 v of U nion :

2. That that sectio 11 of the sidewalk along the northeasterly side of E lmer street, beginning at a point distant fifty· live feet northwesterly from the lntersec· tion tl1ereof with North avenue, and run· ning thence northwesterly to a point fifty feet southeasterly from the l ine of Picton street, be paved on and along a line es· tablished by the Town E ngineer, with blue stone llagging four feet wide. ·

2. Tlwt so much of the cost and ex· pense of such improvement as can law· fully be assessed upon the /Jropert;• speciallv benefiled thercb;•, shal be as· sessed liy the Commissioners of Assess· ment.

l· That said i mprovement shall be made and completed under the supervls· ion of the Town Engineer.

4· This ordinance shall lilhe effect lm· mediately. ·

Passed an d adopl!d, Oct. 17th, 190�. RANDOLPH PERKINS,

Attest, Chrlirnwn. LLOYD TI-10,1\ PSON,

Town Clerk.

Master'& Sa le. )lt\S'l'��lt'S S.:\.1�1<�. Bi!Lween, Austin Cor· l1!11• 1l1l'U:itee1 comJtlllilllmt, and, UrliJibito

�Ictal Compan)' IUlll othm·o'.!, tld�ntltutt�. FJ b'tt. rr1r Slllc or mortgRgetl llrumiHe8.

By ''irtne o! n. writ. of Jlel'l frwin� In tho n.Uo\'ll !Stnted Cit.\lst.', to me tHt·cctecl, bciU'Jn�ot 1la.te on the tjlt�Ycnlb duy or October, In tht! �'l!llr of our I.or1l, ono tbousmul nine humlri.!(l 1\ntl ronr, I, i'�dward M • . '\twater, one of till! �pechll :\lnsters in Chancel'' of �ew .I erst!)', f:·�����:��11)�1�,t�� ����r.!'tsC:�lU��� ���\����e ��� H:� Y.ulllt.\'e Armon·. now used as the Court Uon!!t:. !l�rts�e.��K '\t Th\'r:�t��f�A �n!p1��:

o�·1U·)�����\� 'l'll ll(ll i •A\" m• Nll\'l!:MBI>It, :SI • E'l'EilN

IIU�UIU�lJ A!-o1D l�oun, nt tht! hom· of two o'clock h1 the aftert1oou fJ( thl\t dlt.)' Uw fol lowllll,l' tlcsct•lbe•l premise!!, to wit :--

All tUn.t t:crt1li11 tract or 111\l'ccl of land nntl

���r:J�\\�!��t��i.1t�!�ft:r�t;���:�!�,p\J��;t:o:���i State of Sew .J�rM')'• us lnicl dou·n on 1\. nut.p, entltlt!d •• :\h\11 of Gal'\\'Oinl l.-!t.nd u.nrl

!���5�·�·r,7!�,c�,?�c�·���n�� �f'����oCrc��trirnL";; ���:�.�rll�

)��� ����������·��.t�tg'�����r .���: lt.s6�·;nd1 .. ���

the block anil lot rmmlmr, htill!-f lot.s number ouo 10 tu thlrty-ei�ht (:lS) "nd mow JH\rlicu­lnrly descrii.M!tl tnllo\\'6 :-Be�innlnh at. tlu.! ltltUI'ISCCtiOil or thu ::!uuthtH'i)' �:de Ol �Ol'tb A\·erme, with tl1tJ ea�t�rl�· Foic1u of :\lnJ•le Sl rect, and runnln� thence t KSterly t\lOIII,l' said South­erlr!!hluor North A\'t�llll�, ulne tnunlr�d Rllll L\\'t.llli\'·J\\'e tll:!it) (t.>et., to a W1int in n tltrtct line with tbu Wtl:iturl)' shle ol' Gtmtl'll l"'trt•et a; laid out on th� Sot&lhtJrlr �ide of tim CuntrH.l· rmul of Sew .Jerjey. thuncc (:!) �ontherly Jn rntlj.{tJ wilh thu \\'l!�terly sltle ot' CtJnu·u SLrtJet, t.wo bmu\rm\ (:!1.\1-) ft!�l. more or l�ss to \ be Nol'thtJt•lr rll-!ht. of wns lltHJ or thu Central Httil' ou.d of .New ,l.m:ey ; t hcnctl (:J) wc:;tcrly i'/1�1�J�����1t'1Jlnft':���:{��f ������ S�r.�����· 1!1�1:1�11�f with llUtl tl l!o!tlliiL tWO httllllred (:!i.O) (t!Ut, lllfll'f! or le·!'!, �outhertr. ,,t l'lgbt IUlJ.l'lm; fa·um Ute ::;0utlll'rly �hle,Jf Sorlh A\'erme, nluo hltlldrl!tl 1111t1 t l\'l'llt)'·1lrt� (tl�5) feeL to tbu cnstcrt�· side of :\l11111u l';trect i ltluuce ( I ) uorthurlr alorllol' �mid •:nster)y shle of �IRJtl" Street t.wo l•undrt.'d (:.,kJ) ft!l!l lllUl'tl Ol' (t!SS fOth� JI)I\CC Of lu�giuniniC. Being: th� �nm� premises cum·uyctl to thtJ ffrnJihlto:\Jetlli COIJI)l/UIY hy deed or \Villhuu B. Hmlth 1t.nd wife, d�tecl !'O\'i!llllmr :lnl. A. IJ, mull, m1d tluir recortled in t he Clerk's olllce of the Coun1y of Uutou u11 the 7th dtLy of Nm·em· ltcr. A. D UJUJ, l'ml h• RtthJcct to thl! b,tlldlnu nnd nulsnnce re�trictlom� refl!rred to in f!Bid deed. 'J'ugotller with 1111 nnd Hluguiar t.lm rights, Jlrl\'llegt�!J, l�t;tl'etl ltllmonbl llllfl llPPtlrte-

��:i�:�at�.'f:�;�r,t,� tN�t;�!�1::.,c'm�r "�!t 1��!i�,!���

and prolltll thereof, lt.nd all title, interest, usc, 1Jro)mrty1 rut or the tlH.Id tleteodi'Lut,¥!·!!'a:&:e:et!E�'!�f!'ele������ee, I Dainty''�.��,,!,�:�:��:;'''"' w.\1 '''"' '''"rn• (> Unique awl bcuutifn l m ight al so be nJed in describing . �

I some more of our patterns . If your tnstc iu II' all paper c11nnot be suited hore-it can't unywhcre .

WELCH BROS., Pal:����ns���,:���0�ESTFIELD. L$·&·i'ii'S"4•3'i'i'i'?t?'� ;'3'6'3' i'�., .. i13'ft"Wt.ft;tft!1;1'At.,..,

Alb6rt E. Deck6r, .�orth Ave11ue,

Westfield, N. J.

Telephone 56.

Special Accommoda tions for Board­

ing Horses, First Class Rigs.

BDAIIDING AND LIVERY STABLES. We Make EYery Effort To Please Patrons at

Chester farm Dairy. Pure �Ilk and Cream. Orden Carefully filled.

in all its Bmnchu, Repairing and Job bini• Plans and EstimR\tl

· furnished. Pcrson•l sa pcrin tcndence on • work. 1. That tlwt section of the sidewall<

along the. northwesterlr side of W;al nut strtet from the westerly side of Prospect street to the easterly side of C l:ari( street, be paved on and. alon g a line estr.blished _____ ,;.... ________ _ b! the Town Engineer, l'.'itlt blue stone

mpA.rl)', of, In A.nd t.o IUHl tint of tho sAmt�, tol(t�tht!r with &11 bnlldlngl:!, '"tructures fixture�� engineA. cars, mnchlnen·. tools, patents, torrnulits ancl secret proce�se!l, Rnd ev. f)'tblni AJlJlertninln.: to tlle business or used in connection therewith, he!on�ln.c to the fliLld lferendaut. Graph! ttl :\letnl Uornpnny, AH ownef'!l! and holdert� thereor. nnd nlso tlluuntlnl corporiLte right& Anrl Jlro,JCrtr or the UrrwhitH

Ambrose P. James, rtount•lnslde, N. J.

E�C.Winter, Firat·· st., WESTFIELD, N. J.

tlag�ing four feet wide. z. That so much of the cost and ex­

pense of such Improvement as can law­fully be assessed upon tile property specially benefited thereby, shnll be as sessed by the Commissioners of Assess­ment. 3· That said Improvement shall be nwde ;md comp leted under the supervis­ion of the Town Engineer.

4· Th is ordinance shall tal<e effect im mediately.

Passed and adopted, Oct 17th, 1904. HANDOLPH PERKINS,

Attest, Chalrmnn . LLOYD THONPSON,

Town Clerk.

Jf.'tt'l>l:ttil>t>ltllfffiUffff.r.r. e HATS, - i ; HATS, i. . ' . � HATS. ; • • • Othcl' things too. • � ; i CLARK, HATTER. i ;.. Utt'liltii>ltll'l'l'l'l'ltt 1'1'1,;

��R����:'f:�:l\ 'h�:��t\�,l��q::�!. horctotore, Y.JJ\\'AitiJ �. A'I' I\"A'l'EIL

Stlflllcla) :\laster In Chancery of �ew ,Jerssr. No. 2PK Bmlifl foit.rf'et, EllzRbetb, N. J.

)IM�rs, COI.tE .t JJU��r l EI..,IJ, No. 7fl3 Brof\11 Street. New!lrk, N • • r.

Datetl EIIZILbetll, ;.J. J., Oct. Ulth. JllJ4,

Ashes and Garbage Collected.


N. Nei lsen, Westfield

Daguerreoty�es Can Be

Cleaned and Restored To all tholr oriRinal boanl:r by ROlla

WOOD, 1440 ltr•••dway (f.oth Streflt), JC 1'., rnr ene dollar- 8e11d bJ' mall or •• Prtllll· 'DAcnerreotJIIfll &lYe more ut11 factnrJ COI'IES tiu1n anr olher I&Jl• 81 picture,

One euotomet wrlteo: "The pootogr,.ph {eop) nf dagnorreotypelw&o received_ yeolerd&y AD( I am delighted wltb jt; reel thai I reAllY bov my •ear. &l'ftndmother with me ap.ln. Vtr •lncere1r,E. W, p,, Waehllllf.on,,D.O.'


======;=======--=r· .... ---==.::.:::.::::=.:-==---·-·===-=::::::::::.:::;.--�.=---: __ " "" _" __ __ "

---"· ----- ---=--="'---=-�------ ���--� 'J'hc Hornulfc11n Jmrty twllor�• In TOWN COUNCIL MEETS. THE LODGES AND SOCIETIES. -ra•: UNION COlfN'J'\' .�'11ANUARD

l'u\il l•li�oi OVOrl' Prloi!IV �� l'ht liillndlll'll l'trloii�Jllu� l'uJJI'L'I'II, Inc,

II JHOloclll'l• lnl'ltr. 1\nsln��� C01lll l · -- TO HoVe 0 Bank Ac t 11.,, . • ,.1 .� 1 ', ll l ' w l .� l ·,ww '1 '11 1 ,,. , , . . , •• 1'11 \ '1 '1 : 11 � \ l o � � � � 11'1' 1 1 1:11 " " " COlin tlniiH 1\I'U t•XC11l•tl lni!IY il>ll!ltii'U t o • ,, ,. ,, .... J:U .\ . ' W .IL\n' 1 1 11 1 1 1 � .\ �I ' I:H IL\ � I :f. \ 'l ' l l L �IO. tnrilr t l n luorlng, No ll<•publ lcrw . - · IS TO I IAVE

b�JIUI'CI 110 Ol'l'l' llllll ii )WI'fuot lnrltT, I'.\NKI:II , � lllo•o ul' l\"hu l 'l'lll' l' .\l'o• llll l l l�··.llo•o• l • BI'CI'Y O l iO kuowH, hoW0\'01, thut t h e l'nlh•o•mo•ll I M .\11111111'1' 1110'1'1''''"" In�· ·""' 1111111•· JJ uslnc,v8 8tnntlin!}', orus ot JII'Oif'l't'lty !uno IJtWI no· t 'uruwl••lnnl'l'• ,.,. ·' I' I"'"' "''''"''" ' ''" 'l'lw llmml Cunn•!ll nr rhij llnynl Ar· Fill-ti ll eird 8eou.I'U!J, llrchlont w i th tho t•xlstonco or l lu- ool ollfll'll\'1' 1111'111 ll•••nlutlnu• 1111'"'11. �111111111 nf lh" t!lnlu nr :SHW .h•rso•)' u no Pro;ltctblc Invc.vllfLCnt,

1',\\'Alll.l! IS A ll\'ASl'l!

Moln Olllet-!TANIIAN!I Ilulldlnl,

Wulllold, N. J, •ranch Ofllcfl NCW A k�, 11, N !omllltr,

•P.f tJroad �t. lod\·orlloln� Jlnleo lurntoho<l on RI•PII<ntlon,

Frlolny, Oclob..- �1, 1004

" Jlcre'" frft•dom 1u him thnl \\'lttl re1ul, II ere'" fi·eedmn to him t h nt wad l'i1e,

There'"' IIIIIIC c\·cr ICilrcd t h at tile truth ,.hould lu! laeanl,

Butthem whmn the truth wnd i ndite," •• Jiohm·t 1111r11"'·

.\S 1'1' J,I)Oiilol X0\1',

'l'he campaign is wi thin l ittle more than a fortn ight of its conclu­sion. Its chief fe11hrro has Lcen its quietness . Old polit icians do not recall II Presidential rncc so deroitl of escitement. '!'he oruinnry ncces­sories, - oratory, fireworks, bauds

and bnuners,-that \15\11111)' mnrk a mtional campaign hn1·� this year been eliminated to a larger extent

than ercr before . 'l'lre regnlur course of events hns been little dio· turbed by the prewnce nf n conteot for ollice . This condition of ntrairs may mean one thing. lt may be evidence tlmt tho people are in

these daya doi ng more of their own thinking before they vote . Men

no lo o1ger strain their vocal chords, get reil in the fuce, star;d up 01� their cbnirs null frantically wnve their huts because u politicnl orntor incidentally cul ls attention to the thirteen stripes and the forty-fire stars of the Jll\tionnl flag .. lf they attentl mnsa meetings at all, thoy demand tl11it those statements to wl1ich they nrc asked to Jistca shall be relemnt, competent antl mate· rial. 'l'hey reml the newspapers, periJafli! some of ' tlw ClllllpaigcJ liter· ature, and they feel capable of think­ing out the is>nes for themselves . JIIore of them now vote foJ' n pn1·ty be­cause they believe it to be right tlum because it is thnt party. 'l'ho truth of this would be proof of the health­fnl progression of onr citizenship. 'l'he featnres to which reference h11s been llli\UC may m�an another thiug in

the present campuign . They nmy indicnle the sutisfuotion of the yoters with the present mlministmtion . It is humnn nnture to wake n fuss i f things don't snit . I t i s equally that untu1·e to remain calm cou.;et·n· ing thnt which one is con ten t to hnve contin�e null menus to endorse. W c do not proclaim the fact of our good health ns noisily us we complai n' o r our ltlJ uries. I f u"re people are quiet, the people nrc quite likely conteht, However, wheth er the signs inuic!lte the jn·eference of the

" voter for his own judgmen t orer that of the profeasio·nal spellbinder, or his satisfaction with existeirt po lilicnl conditions nntl hia cleaire to have them continue, they in either case foreshadow the elect ion of The· adore Rooaevel t.

1 1 1 I ll' 1 1 TllH 'l'nll'n Cn•nwll mut In r·eunl•ll mnkln11 11 colh•ctlon ul til" t•huto�ruJoh• pn J Cllll lnr llii'A, IIIII Ol'ory OIIU I 11 or till lliH 1'11�1 l l rnllol 11•"�111� uf till! Pe,.:sonct l Conoenicn(:(J, k l I) l id I I• MeHolnll l11•l Monoluy tll'u�lu� uno < a "

110"'8 IV lilt omocrucy 1 II' Jnn • 8tuto•, mrol h11 1'u I!Jttlll 11 1 1 t•xc••J•t tl111t ol hnol n ll'hnok nt tho ln l'\tr lnw llllll Jl!l�Cil or II llll'Uil lllllOilllt ur """11"''� A, ,!, \Ve•IIJI'UIIk. Notu II•IV1•l'tl8\'111"1lt 'l'llu \1'11111 orolur of hl")lli'�M II'IIH d)! pnt tho \\' I !soil b ill on tho stntuto I'""'"'! with 111111 thu lmlch or urolh1uuc•• fur till• nu 1111�u live,

boolls. 'l'ho rpw•tlon Is, H thoro lb which )JJI<I I'"""'' on llr•t r·u.oolhrll nt 11 'l'huuu" ArnJ•IJ·uJJf.C of l�•••x Cun •1ty nnythlrrg wrong wlt!r thu tnrllr, alrnll prior meelh111 Wel'U lulcen nt• nuol '"'""" !'"''II''· Nu. �1, I 0 \l P. , tlie lltlll'

II'O cull Ill thoso will rcpnlr 1 t1 or on •ecoml 1111 11 th lr1l t·enolhlll• 'I' hi� wn• D•plllf, t•nl•l ll l'i•ll. ''' W<J<!IIulol J,o<l�e thoso who will ll'l'ock It Y

l'rl'"'' t'Uill llll' l l l , Weslllelol's elforls to secnre 1 1 Curne­

gle Librury bnlloling uru well wortb watching U)' )IHSOIIS who reullze wlmt n tremeutlon• olllvuutnge •ncb nn lnstl· tntlo11 wonltl lJe to Cruuronl. 'l'lte present coudlton of the matter In W-st• tleltl Is thnt a bnlltllng slte Vllinetl Rt tt,BUO b11s beau pnrcllHsed, nn� th� pro· moters of tbe pluu louve been Hs•ure<l by the Town Couocll lhat in cnse �Ir. Cnr. negle consents to coutriLutu $10,000 fm· tbe Lulltllug, the CounCil will •Jr�er uu election for the IIUI'[Iose of deterwlulug wuetber the citizens will unth01·lze 1111 aunuul tax levy of $1 ,000 lor th• wnlu­tennnce of the lil!f!IJY.

:llr. Carnegie's absence In Emo1oe h•• delufed the receipt of au answet· from blm, but no <loubt Is entet'talne<l on this walter. Tke one oJnesllou Ia, hnve tiJe Westfield voters the wl•dow to 1•erceive and tbe wlll lo gmsp au opportunlly In which ever)' dollar R[lproJIFiatetl will brlvg n humlredfold return ?-Crnvforol Cbronicle.

llt�J•ubllcnu Jill"� Jlt!eting,

The Repu bllcKn� of W estlield heltl 11 meeting nt. Westlleid Club H1tll last Saturdo1y night and listened to able addre,.es by Edward D, Duf\l,ld of NHwark, 1\Dd Oscnr it. Humlley or Alubamn. Defore the meeth1g the Roosevelt Club Dmm ColliS and Capt. Flagg's buttery pnraoleol nbont tOI\'Il aml entleai'OI'etl to liYen things up with noise KD<I coloreol fire, Caml idnte fo1· Asoembiy, George H. Embree, presltletl ut the meetiull' •ml iutrotlncetl the f.lpeakers. Conncihnan P�rkins, Pr�si­dent of the Hoo80Yelt Club, who ex· pectetl to presitle, wns Pl'evented from nttemliug by tlte brenk-tlown of It is �n­towoblle nt 11 tllstunt point in the turly evening. E. G. Hau!ord •ang his cam. paigu sougs iu his nsnul style, the amllence joining iu the chorus. On thu stuge sat tbe l'ice-presideuts of the meeting, A. F. Grant, '1'. ill. K. Mill�, Wellington Morehouse nud Frederick S. Taggart.

Uenant•l·atic Jlcctin;-.

Westfieitl Democrncy met ut the rooms of the Dowocrntic Clnlo •ruestlny night nod listcne<l to a�uresaes by �Iur­tin Del'ainml, of Trenton, who Bpolta on the uatioual issues, mal Jl\lU\38 e. Oou­noly or Eliznbeth who dlscus•ed Stute subjects. A large Parker 1111Ll Da1·is bauuer was raised iu front of the dnb room8, nutl 11 pnrutle nnd fit·eworks addeol to tbe occusiou. IV. E. 'l'nttle, Jr. 1•reshled nt tbe meetiug.

-·­Jtece llliou to ltc\', nnd Jh�. 1-'l'ctlcrick,

Re1·. nnd Mr8. Charlts Frederick were tenoleretl a l'eception on 'l'uestlar last at tbe home of Mrs. C. F. Conant on Dntl· ley Avenue. Mrs. CouRut, lllrs . S. F. Autlrew, iuother of the britle, and .illiss Edoa Frederick, slater of the groom, liS· siste<l in receiving. '!'be tlecomtious of uutumn leaves RUll ferns were especinll)' pretty. 'l'he floaters 1vere llli•ses Ethel Coger, Grace Harden, Benlab Light· foot, Alberta Powers, Miss Woodruff of Britlgep01-t, Ct., nut! illiss Carda Holmes of New Yurlr. More thnn two hnndreLI guests were Joreseut lo congratulate the bride and gi'Oom, Cnterer Quinn, of Pluiufield, furnished refreshments.

- · -

Jiolh I.e!(; Cut 011',

Au unkuowu mn.u was hearLl sct·eaw­ing Mowl11y night, about six o'clock, on the Contrnl Railr01ul traoks, tlirectly baclt of the Kiug bouse. W iWnw W;,·ck­off rau to his assistunce, !lULl fouml the m•n hnol been run over br a huin, nnd hml both legs se1·eretl rrow Ui! lJOll)'. Unable to get 11 pbysiciom Jlrotuptl)', 11 tl'lliu Wile f!tlggetl aud the num sent ou the ll'RJ' to Plalotielrl bospital. He died alter renching the plnce. The mau bat! uothiug on his person by which he could be iLlentifieLl. He nwearetl to be about tblrty-fiv• years of uge,

IJnclt l lell fin t�ct1t�rs.

olonu ln urol<•t' thut two uf lhij Ct�nncll Oil We1lneo<olo1)' eveulnl(, lllfll might h� e.�en•t'l from tlw Ult'd At W<oltll'Holn)' llll(hl meet IIIII of Oolol lug elll'ly. Tlwlt• J•re•ouca Wft! llPCUS• llellow• W. �[ 'l'o wuley wn� elo•cteol Sill')' lo I'""" the Ol'olhiiiiiCO•, whl�h l'a the He(!l'eReiJtntil'll I•> I he G l'll1111 J,oxlge qulra ll llllllllhU0\1� \'Ute, Some twe11t)' se .. luu, IO he IJelol nt 'l'l'elltou next two orolhtnuc•• rolntl111l to �hte,ynlk• mo11th. R\111 sewers were I"""' d. Weslfi,hl Loolye, No. 100, I , 0, 0" �-. .

11<'111'111�'· wlll loe thirty two yenr• ol•l 011 N11vem-The Council theu Joroceeoleol with the loer llr�t. lt WI'" or�Jml ze1l with IHI•eu

benrlngs lu the matter of the Elm meUihPr�. Street nuol Lawrence A\·eun� eewero, 'l'h� Prltle of Our Flag Council, �''· Dntlley A1·enue slole11'11lk, from Elm JOB, D. 11f L. wa• l11stltnlcol ut )lftRonlc Street to L11wrence Aveune, the liFO- Hnll Weolnes<lny ulgbL witb 30 cburl@l' po<e<l uosfAsment of Mountain A\·enue members. sitlewnlks, hthl Kbont t\�o )'tHlTB !lgo, the l·'urc"h!l·!ll' l·:nh) rtn1umtmt. reJIOrt of tho Cuuunlssloner� of A•••l• 'l'ha follow lug Is the J•rogrnw of HD numt for lwprol'ements lllRtle \lllllet' \'II•

enjoyable eutertulument to be given by rloua ord lnnuces of the town, unol for Court Provident, UtaO, I. 0. F. or West• ohjectlons to worlc Rntl materials on tbe 8elt1 1\t their lodge roowa In the b•nk South A1·erme sltlewalk. SeverAl 00 bnlltllng on �landRy e\'enlng next : jec!ions were mn<le uml consltleretl. A Pl•no 8, Jo. number or resolutions h(counectlou wltb n11ritoue Solo, " )Jy Own United proposed hnpro1'e1nants were uolot•letl. Stutes ". , , , , , , , 131'0, E. P. WRterblll')'

l'nmml,.iulll"'' of .\Jitleul, Keutucil)' !lowe, Oronhy•tekha lisle Qnurtet,

John S. Irving nod HlrHm L. Fink 1st Tenor, W. 1', Reger. were •ppointed Commissioners of Al• Js: BHss, 1!:. P. WaterbUl')', penl lu cnses of taxntlou to fill tbe nu 2011 Tenor, J. C. KetebHm •

ex11ired terms of Pntrick Traynor unu 2utl Baes, F. C. h':rehllor Mau,lolln Solo . , , , , • . , , , , .Shlney �ellers

Frederick S. Tngga1 t, whose offices as S�lectluos . , . , . . . . , , , BI'O. �1. S!lverwise Cowml�siouers of A weal becuw� vu Plano Solo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Albert Sltuw co1ut upon their accession to the offices Stereopticon Views. now belt! by thew. �Ir. Ir>·lug 1vas A�llle Quartet, " Iu 1!/•ence '' . . • . . · Buck

' lews. ..,., formerly a)lpolutetl, but tlid not qunlif)', " Blue Bell " . . . . . . , • . llro. �1. Silverwl�e au1l was I'OII[I)loiuteol �Ion day night. Refreshments.

Utl1cr llu .. inc ... , 'frtut.,uc1cd . ---� · � - --

A D\liUber of b\lls ll)lproyed by the Cllll'I'U.\Il\', severHI committees were ortleretl paid ---'l'he petition of the We�tfieltl Re!ll Es- .\ u n ,\u�ll•lll l-'1·cderiek,

t11te Gompnny to connect with the town The tleutlt of Miss Auu Augustu eewers was referred to the Ro11tl Com Frederiok, aged sixty tlu·ee YeiiFS, oc• wlttee. Tbe Clerk w11s tiLFectetl to ntl curred 11t the howe of ber sister, �lr.,


Trust Company IS i\ EA H AT H A N D.

Westfield Inlere81 on Dr'pusil8.

C. B., A La Spi rite, R. Rust Proof Corsets. 39c and 6 9 c.

A & few

G · , Warner's odd s1zes at


Paint That It i8 fnlse economy to nse nny other k inll. When y�a • hn\'e your home olccorntcd inside or out with a briih\

r.heerCul, lnsling-tnsty colorml paint, why not IJ&Ve ill lt is chcnper·-fnr chcnpcr, in the Clli],

HUNT BROS., Cor- Elm and Quimby Streets, Westfield, N. J.

\'ertise for biLls fm• grutllng the sidewalk L11wrence. on Sontb Bl'OIIII Street, Wed· ==�" �"""'-""""" """'"""'"""'"""'""""�"""""'""...,""""' �-'""""""'�"""""""""""'"""'"""""""""""""""" ou tbe south slole of Pnrl< Street, 'l'be Ul.'l'uny morning, 11fter H long II lues.,

Rolltl Committee was ortleretl to ro move The f:mernl servicea nre being held to.

oue of the Lill"bo:mls ,.t the cornet Ul\)', Dr. John R Wright otlicluthlg, of Broa1l nnol Elm Streets. The Conucil Iutermeut nt Newurk. nnthoriz<d the pnrch•se of another bi _ , _ _

and • • ,

S.:hool of cycle for the Police Department. One Xecollcwm·l• c;ui ld,

1 ,11\Mf& t11 LIIN5LEY, Ph . D., Prlnclvall of the Counci huetl instowce; the ut· The nuunt�l meetiug of tbe Wo•t!ieltl and

Shorthand Typewriting

geucy of thio pnrchn•e lly the fniinra of Brll'ICh of tlte Needlework Gnil<l wu� one of the policemen to reucb �Ir. Per helol nt tbe home of Mro. James 0. kins' hoi"e lu•t Sunt111y night. when 11 Clurlc on 1'uestlay nfteruoou lust, 'l'Joe lmrgl•r nlanu was sent in, 118 <plicidl t'eports of oflicers were heard, and us be might hal'e tloue with II whe•l sbowetl excelleut progreAs iu the worlr The Council olirecte1l the. renewal of 1111 of the m·gauization. 0\'et· one tbO\!lallll improvement certificate for $2,303.3 1 llRrmeuts huve heeu tlouuteol toy the auol the issuance of u certilicute of in- Gniltl olnring the year tu vnrlons cbal'i · tlebte<luess of $1,000,00. The petitions table institutions. Au iuvit11tiou wus

323 �EFFERSON AVENUE, ELIZABETH, N, �. The College Classes arc now in session Day and Evening.

Sttalents enter ut. nny timo. lronr csll l'SOS of stuoly, Business, Engl ish, Stenography, Eclectic.

'n1iH iH our 3:Jrtl yettr in the :-�r1me (lhwe. •

Apply for Information or adml.s.slon to the I'IUNCIPAL

of the Westfiehl ltealty Improvem•nt extended to 1111 members to ntteml the -��mmmm"'"'"'"'"""'""'IM"IIttiiMII•l Comvaup·elath·e to strui11hteuing Atltli- exh.iltition of gurmeuts of the Rah lVII): "'" .'J rr r r rrf rrr rrm so11 Street 111111 gmtling their property o 1 1 t •r 1 t t1 s 1 � ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " = ��:·�

·�:f.��r;�,�����!�"tt�o;�l .��-�:·:;!�tet"� P;�s�yt�








,�lom�c:;�� � Mf�l� f���l� ��� �[�fl��l[� <

p. m. est e 1 mem er� WI I enve ou ;::: : the paper; of Rahwuy, Elizabeth, New- tbe two o'eloclr trol ley. ;;;:: -ark, Plulnlielol nml Westfield for bids -·--- :::: ' for t11yilig sillewnlks for which ordl l l u r\ .. •Jinurc. ;;;::

T • � A j nrnce• ..

�,�������:- ��:�.

·.;�Frr a�2���u�!'�!:· .. ,�i��E� ��

-- s I N G E R'S �.·. ril't!IIICil!� l'nmdr., � 'l'he members of the Westfield Hose aud mnsic tenchers, wns muniedOctober

• 16th to Mis� J�Jill Eliuot· llloot·e. of � , Company went to Rurilan yestenlay :-" 1• Columbus, Ohio. It wua an excee< - � PROSPEC'I' ST., -'ESTFIELD. wbe1·e they participated in the Gram �· Fireman's Purutle iu . thut pl11ce, Del� ln�:ly 1•retty howe wet1ollnJl', 111111 th•

bride \vus cbnrmiut; in her gowu or Telephone 24F. � gntes fi'OJU m any towus ntt�mle!l, bot white mousseline. The ceren111u)' wus · :; noue snrpHSSetl tho WeotfielLl coutiugeut HJ HUH HJ JH HJ JJJ JH 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • • • • " 1 1 1 .; fol' ueatue•a 1111d bnULlsorne uniforms

porformed by t he lt"v Dr. Pottterson. -------"'"""'''",.l.t..t.HHJUUil

���:. g��t"':� •• �:·���i;S;a�;���;. ;�:u�;� ��·ud:;������� ���:S�""i�����ot��:;·,e�·

a·�� - - -Lliuuer serye(\ to them after the pnrnde :e�tfieltl , ntten

fdetl thelo

l_weclllbingl. bl\11', __




I'n_A_s_s_E_d_u_c_a_t_l'o_n_ .• iu one o f the R11ritan Churches. 'l'b Br \VIIS oue 0 om· pn lc • c 0 0 oys,

'-' {• '-' whole llffair .was votetl all un<lllalifie: �;��.fol�o�vs�;:!� i����:�����hi;::;,i;;�:u�;l::� cannot he m·•mthnaletl. �:o·er)' rooono: "'"" """ woman who •1'1•11•• lor • posllionlelnl snccess. sluce lea\'iug the unny hns tl\ken up u tu AllJlreclnte tim lmtlort�tncc nf a gootl hushu.l�� trnlutn.:. 'l'his Is the coll�ge that f'Orl1 bnsiue8s c"reer. Cougratnlllt iollH of to )'Ollr Interest In lt!a.chlng you tim thing� ron ought to know Rbout bmhleM r.ffaln.

�ll is" I\ nester Surpl'i!!lt�d . bls mlu•y lrielllld uro extemlell. ELIZABETH CO M M ERCIAL COLLECE1 . A (JJeusrmt surpr ise 11a:rty w11s gi\'en iu

honor of i\l'ss Bessie Koester at her uome on Ellller Street last night, The eveuiug wns spent in Jlla)·ing games 11fter which refreshments were served Those" present were Mar)' 3onas, Nadine Trenchat•tl, Ethel Dougherty, Jennie 11nt1 Lena Erbeck, . Florence Walker, Jeny Munulng, Arthur Cox, John Ketcbom, Clo�rence . Pope, Louis Stitt, Louis Erbeck, Milton Scbaefe1·, RlchsrLl 11Iosl1er.

J1owli11g f�c•agnu Or;:1tnized.

Star Vaudeville Co. at WEStFIELD CLUB

On W�dncsday Evc'g, Oct. �6, 'o4. POPULAR PRICE&

25, 315, 50 CENTS laugb from Start to Finish,

"The Central Journal !low ling League Curt>liu riees 11t S" Iii eharp. IVUS organized at naselle last Tnes�ay evening, 'rhe league is composetl of Bldg., :107•:109 Uroad .Street, Ell:tabeth, N. J,

A cusromm SAYS ! r------. 1 ;� W;griWi'i''i\'� .. �oci��f. uoNEST u:wd. and ret. 1 hnvo tmld COFFEE, much more for co !Teo thnn I now pn.y for Honest lla·unt!. There Is none

A xq1�:/iif� n�����S b��J! lust il!i t�oud. wn:s n Dol lnr n nounU 5 I lnstend or oni)'�5c, [ wou ltl old In one

continue to use It in pref· Pound c:ortons ere nee t1J anr other at rmy I J;�lJ{1;nJeh���e�1i�,:�����: ·.-0"_''-·--:-:--..J thnt would comrmre with )·our Houest Drnn�l.11

Maple Hill Farm - - - �

P u re Milk and · Cream.

No Preterva•Jve• ua:: Stc'k llxamlned Ne11utarly.,

TilE nr.ove are enmroles or tho11snntls of tes- Veterinary .Surgeoll, Mlltllilt !!'H����1tn�:n�'t'd'rre':.�.eived 10 JOrnlso or

Board of Health.

Mr@, F. F. Mnnu, Mrs. Geo. 1\lcCiair, We commend to om· reailera 1\ Mi•s EtheJ J,ampoey, Mrs. G. D. Hurd,

·Mrs. Cha•· Keuseu, Mi,. Ma1·t!m Bell­peres II of the 1\llUllnl reports of tho nett, llliss 111. s. K�l\ogg, Miss E. E.

leuws from clubs of tbe sever�l town8s REDUCED RATES FOR in the county who wlll compete for silver cni1 iu a three years' contest. 1'be Weotfieltl Club will mak• a otrong effort TELEPHONE SERVICE

ll �!�����s,� ��flirt�e:��cJ�b�.t�·������811i{�"�3�!

(! E:SD us St.ta Bnd we wlll shill direct to nil}" t mllr use one·ludr pound or lhe cmn·ee null • then tr not perfectly sattslled return us th� I remainder ut our expense nnd we wtll·return Chilrlreu's Conn try Home Officers Hill, !lire. A. B. Davis. printed in fnll in this issue. They are interesting, instructive an d convincing. The institution is !Jile which hns maile effective appeal to the generosity of 'Westfield , and has richly deservetl tho material response to its needs. Those in charge of the work are to bo congratulatcu npOll" their capable lltRnngoment. They merit the hearty nppreci11tion of all interested in seei ng 1\ worthy clmrity ellic,iently conducted.

l»eul'nc!lis Cannot lie Curetl Uy local apJJlicatlon�. as ther cannot ret\r h the tllsea..�d Jlortlon nf th'! cl\r, 'l'herc i::s only one way to cure deafness. o.nd thllt is lJy corutltu­ttonal remedies. Dearness Is caused b)' an In· flame(l contlltirm €'f the mucous linin!{ of t!Je J<.:ttstachlan 'J'ulie. \\�lJen this tulle is tnllamed

rg�� ��ii'\:J�����jl�1�ort��r;' rifo�':ri.ei)��cln1�����; the result, arul unless the lnt1amntfon can he taken out ami this tub� restored to Its normal condition, hol'lrhlliC will be destroyed fore\'er, nine cases out or ten ara caused by Catarrh, rh�'i�u'ga�l�l:��l&!��t au lnthnned comlltlon of

\Ve wUI give One Jiundrerl D.dlRrs for any case of Dea:nes� rcansert h)• cRtarrlr) that cnn­not be cured b�· Hall's Catarrh C\lrfl, Send for clrculnr!i free, F. J, CtiEl\EY & GO,

Holcl b>· DruJtgleL�. ii"!ol'. 'l'oledo, 0. �ake Hall's ��•untl�· Pills for constlpatton.

to ngaln ian(\ the CUll here. Aubrey B Slllitb is Secretary an(! 1'reasnrer of tbe leugue.


One dozen and a half of seallops, one cupful of. bread crumb!, one ounce of butter pepper and salt, a l i ttle chopped parsley, · squeeze of lemon ; trim fish (cutting oft beards and black pnrts) , clean six shells, butter them and strew In a few crumbs; put three scalloiiS In each, season with pepper, parsle1• and a few rlrops of lemon; cov­er over with crumbs, pepper and sai� and put l!ttle pieces or butter on top and bake about 20 minutes. Enougll &Qr six person�.-Boston Globe.

''' lew Jerk JA 111 itriiJ Ttlaphne Go.

Ifio Market Street, Newark, N. J.

333 Park Avenue, Plainfield, N. J.

you the full amount paid us. ht We invite our patrons aua !or

OUH Weatllelcl •Kent will �Cii\'er to 011y ad- • publlo geqer11llY to IPRpeclt ; c..lress In Westneld one pound or more Pl'emil!leB.

and1\���,rlll1�fre���:fm 'l:�U.�Ir'��·i·m1:'116 118 l'laeot l'eetl 'Ueed fori��­Tllloreaslll Cleaali•--OUn J:. &,ll. H. CllFFEE Is Hoo best vnlno l, ,:;:::;;:;:::;,.;;;;;;:;;��!!!!!!���� �\er one red nt tho price. Wo send It to II - · - · ' · }Our nd�ress Jmcked In G lh. boxes onJr.ut h B d St. ��.l'�to:oc ,r���gw�·�J':n".;��?l to most


rree ���S��O�U�t����r�o�a��:�l WilE:; ordering please stato whether I : \alii coiTee Ia de,! red ground or In bean. Jobbing ond screen Work • spec , :;i wn},��-IIS tr YOU use coffee anti wont the Edward II Hussey &,,81.::

National Coft'ee Co.,

RAHWAY, N. J. Carpenter 1nd Buil.der.,�.

4:17 Prespect .St., Weill�:,,::; . • ' :t:#

W \ 1 , H�:I Sf,l}:i':, 'l't•llf'1H•r of �l11111ln1ln ' 1\t•f"lr••t; rt•\\' mnrti Jllll•lh� In \\'t•"'t llnhi � •t'l•l ,.k.nll)'. Adf\ret."K, Hlt! A\'IHHle, �''w York.

i ..'iil'HE, fn•>�ll mJII,· nur/ ·�n·mrr-i" '''J ·���·���


h\' ,\ £ I' .. JIUUt•K 11\ I'. ,J, \\' illdrt•ltlt'w IIIRI'kt•i 1111 Jll'l•lld �\1 1'111, III!IU' I'I'OS(II'CI Hll't!t!�, 1111 the l hllt!o

PH I \'A'I'l<! HOitOOI .. -llli!ill :\lnnre'M Prh•�tte

,O.:,•hnnl, llJf Cl1ttk Hltl't'f, ht IIOW n&ltl\,

IIIIU:I-' l'l' l·:.liJtl HI' IN 'I' I-:11 1\Jtl'l' 'I'll .'1 .\ N\',

-Nttl"• .\luout l't•tttJit! \'uu Ktuow••IIRP•

P'"'l"'' hi lhll '1'1111'11 'l'hr11111h lh1• " ... ,�. -�lr�. , 1 , T, Wile 11 I� recov•t•lrtfl

ll'OIII U J>Illllf>IJ illiJe .. , -Ml•a l'•nrl Welu'1 llKB euhlfetl

IIHcl!etiHtowu l u�tiiiHa. -'fbe Atlvomce Clnh 1uoeh touluht 111

lhH b<:UlS or Or·. Savitt.

H t·:N'I'.Hitl .\ N il �.\ I.I·:N,

l·'tl ltllltl1111 ul' lhn \\'111'"'111 'l'l'ltH IIIIU'tlltt•"'•


"'" IIII UU:\' H I: N I'I :

llt•l:ol4 ' l·l l·l :ltl'l'lllll-:11 ,\'1' � ll l l l 'l'o

'l'fth•f' 4:t•t .. Uultt "'uh•h ntttl Nhtt•l\'1

l·'hfl UulttH' •• lti'IU't'll :�u t:lun 'l'u 1�•·111111'••·"" l'o•l·kin• .\wnkt!lll'd uutl

A br11111� ,�;; Wt•l<lh hiiYII H<lltl fut• IJIHIIIIJ> Cluunhtrlln hiM Jut nn l'r·u�IJUUI t:ltrti•l, """' u,,,JI•v Av�nn•, tn lf•rl�lft r • . AhrMmM. 'l'hiM llnu b11M r•rattul rur ChKrl•M I,, ll<rWH, thtt l•IIII'Hit� M WeKI• liHVIJ l �bll•11• fl•l•l AY•IIliH, ttl ,J<IIIIHK 1�. IJ�rtt>l', ul 'J'hH I'HKIIIHI!Vti ur ltnrHI<ill>h l't•t·k lu•,

i'hiiKtiHI(>hiK, COUIWI/rli llfl ttl J,nri{Jt, WIIH UIIM'•<I lly 11 Wm. l>oujjhttrty b uructlug ol lumHti;uu IIIIer nhoH\1 tin'tlo u'clock !11•1. 8:111•111)'

South llrotad tltreut, ruorllhll{. Thu lutrn•J,.r IJOI'I'uiVt••l 11

Jrllur �·. DrJI\'11 11 1111� HOI•! tllll Mlll•r· Ut!IJII!Ill<•r'• hur•• lrum g, !.1 . l l out lur•l'•

furm Ull llruoul 8tw�l to Nuw Yur:; uuw lmlltlinK 111!111' hy, 1111<1 •l""'' "'"'u lt -C. U. �lal•lmry will �P•n•l Snu•l•IY to wnrk ut tl1u whttluw lu liw l'tttU' uf

at l•>lkthnr >t, N. ,], lllll'li�H. _. • .._._ llw �Ill !Ill 11lcove ou w•••t "'''" al' �h·.

-i\rtllllr 1:1. ll n rNt Ia aerlcm;Jy Ill with -AIIPII U, �'!fell will 8)!1'1111 SnwlHt' P«r·kll<H' hun'"• lu till• l"'"l l iuu he tYI'iiOhl f�v�r. Ill AsiJilry l'nrk. conltl rmt hu ••on fl'lllll llw Hll'Ud, Wllh

-Mrs A. 11. King Kilt! tl.\U�hter huvu -�lr• . • 1. IJ. Unt'I'IHou IH vlsltlug In tiJe nhl or n Hhiuulu tliu whitlow wn• a·etnruetl from th•h• ot11y Ju Peun•yl. MlohlK•n. priuol OJ>�u. 'l'hu htll'l!lnr lhvn IHmml

vomla. -�llo• Hill, ol 'l'wntou, IK " uue1t of liiJJ!III\ro into Mr. l'"rklu•' •I •<'J1iu�-

-Mrs Jam•• �1. Frtnch Bn<l tlaugh· Mi•s Wittke. room, HIU] ha•l jtiHt tilne to ritlu the ter D•••le 11re vloitlu��: reiKtivea in -WllliRUI S. Hnrst Is ontrerlug with ciotuus In tile rwnu nu•l ollntch n Wlltch Brooklyn, ·

nervouo }Jro•tratluu, lllr, Hur•t'a motbHr from th� <h'eOKer, IVhHil �h·. Porklu� recently fell RD<I •ll•iocKte<l her hit'· WIH fti'IJUHed by tlw <ltJlH�. lie cHlled to -c. C. Pitch•r aut! family, of Ro•• see If the house m11i<l wel'ij walkiu�

PIHce, have r�moVe<i to Rochester, N. -A " Oueu A�ralra " l:!ooll1ble will be llhuut, and jett.llli 110 re•t•onsp, be •t•rt•

Y._�lro, A. N, ltea aml fo11nily bave :��:I ����l;:t�Hl<leuce or �'reeUlllll Blood- :1ov��u:1��:·������ lt::r���:.•KIU��"i


Mt for PhllKtlell'hlR to join �lr. Uta -The Star Vatltlevlll9 CtJWllBilY will eocMpe, Mr. P•rklna •ttnted lu tmrsult,

Schaefer's Tam o' .Shanters.

Jlu�l. I J l l�l l ty rn l l huh· Itt 1 1 1 1 89 each t.lto IIOIV Colo1'11 c 1 'l'lllliH roa· ohlhl l'oll (thu khatl to pull o1·oa· tho om) , 49C Tl!tJ1104 or nil k l lllls, 15c Rlltl 49c

F. H. Schaefer & Co. Bro ad St., Westiel1t, N. J.


SPEC l A � A G E NT.

No. 62 BOULl\IA R D ,


NEW Y O R K, '-.T E\\' HOU�t; nn lln.rr(Ntm o\\'l'rme, IH'Ilr ·� Hrmul :o;trtet, l t•n runmfoi Rnt\ h"th. fur ,:ah• or tf 111: tt'ltsun�t�1JJo fcruu. A•hlrv�, Your Brok"' m· ll. II. ;;n:ttN. The)· will moko their home there. give 8 performancl at the We•tfleld but tit• farmer hHtl lmnl••lly �ot ont

-Rev. ant! 1\lrd, Charlfs Frederick ClniJ Hnll nest W�llnesday enlliDII. tl1e wlnolow tlu·ot�gh w hich be had tu· I '--�.1"'��.�-·"'--"'-"'-·-� .... IIII .. IIII._..,..IIII __ IIII_IIII_IIII __ ,..III_III __ JII_III.-III._III_,... __ .,.. .. _I!IIII.,.._�_III_•. IIII .. III ... OI.•. _IO_IIII_III_•_ .•_._•_----

lsave today for ltochester, N. v., where -The Weotfteld Real E•tate Cow- ter .. t, and vani•h••l ha•lll)· lnto the dark· The Cranford Gas Light tbey will Ulllke their home. pany'e now eigu oo their proJitlrty at """"• WHkhlll hi• way towRnl Elnbree

-Miso Annie E Weeks bas l etumetl �litldle•ex Str .. t lo very attractive as cr .. cent. Tile l'oli�e DetJHrtwellt Wll�

from a tlvo-weeks' visit with rel�tlves •••n trow the tr•ln-. cMIIed np, IDtl Olllcer6 Btllmets autl

In ScKn<lllle, Ne1v York. -Mrs. A<ldle White, of Middle Gran- McCarthy respuml•tl wlthiu five min-

-The Westfield ball teHI I I >Ill . ville, N. Y., I• ¥1�itlnll ller pareuh Ml', II.!IJII or lh turi!IDII 011 of th& ···d llg�IH.

Incorporated 18;a. Now is the time to buy a G1s Stove for Heating.

Cul1 11t ol1icc nn•l inspc<Jt our lino of Stoves un•l ll�atcrs.

FUR H t;N·r-:!lmnll room tn UAnk HnlhllnK. L'omfort��.Lie ard well lncalml. IIIIJIIIre

�umclftrtl Ot11ce,

tl St t Ell be b 11 w 1 : J anti Mrs. W. l\1. BtKmets oo Picton 1 hey l(•thel't'tl "b"t evHeoce they couhl 18 '"" H • Z< t tomorrow M ter- street. llud, bat 1101 lltlle to lleltJ towsrd the

110011• -'l'l1e Primary DepKrtmeut of the itleutlty uf the felou. �lr. Perklns mo•t 51 Elm Stre.E..t, We..stfle..ld, -Tbe Commi@Sioners o f Appeal in Baptist Sundlly school will hold a rmn- regrelt! the lois of the IVBtcb, \Vhicb he �����'111"��'!""''111"'111"'111"�'111"�'111"'111"'!""'�'!""''111"'!""''111"'!""''111"'!""''111"��� cases of 'l'uutlon n1eet nest TuesdHV at 1 1,h , f k · v81n• • r 1 1 1 1 f 1







---------the Coullcll Room.

• m•ge •• �on llU11RY o next wee , 111 '" ·• y l g 1 y Ol' l"'rsoua reasons.

WAS'l'l�IJ-UUihli'CII's Ulll'tlt!or t!CIIIIHOUH to tu�t fn I hilt ClliUlcltr •lurlu5{ 1lttr tfuw or

for w\'f'l'�l dllJ.'l4 1!1lCIL wet�k. :ll )'Ark Slt-ett.

BULtlJ 'J't•J'rltJr PuJr8 for �alct, 1_.', A • .SctttJa· mn.)'t:r, ':' sonth ttrotul �tre�t.

WA�'J'�fJ-t:Jrl t'or guruw�tl lmusvwur:C : I•>LIIr of two &ud l'Ollll� ch!l•l. 1', 0. box


FoJB !-iAI.B HIH�AP-A rr\.nL:tl with WRI�•· tank, ft.tttLcb�d. lnrjUil'e::-tM Cuntral AYe·

Jill('. -·-· · ·---- ------

'\TA�'I'hJ)-�eH.nn�trt!sS for tllrllll !iewlnl!' nl ' "\'t'rt iHCI':S hutnu h)' tiJtJ rluy, AchlrcJO�


Gu'�·!,}rJ��:,����tl�rJ1',:u;�·{ st�����i. �lnJ•h�; IHJI

L' )�f:-lJ;!::�k��;uul����!�:,l.AI���'·'g� Wo�m�\�� \\\· .. ttlt�l•l

IF IWY of Uw rt·nrlttl'li of t)l i� IIJtJlUr, bJn•u R picture or tho htto Alfretl .1. \\'e:;lbrCloke,

will they khul ly luam IL tu Gcor�::e \\', Pcuk, f 21! Fir�t Struel, \\'ustJield, N •• l .

f . ·'l�c, Ji�;�;titr:a:;�'�o}i11��;� �tr.e�:c�,·�n�l� ��·� (i, l't'l·klmm.

WA N'!'JI-:0-Cook aml IJtlHlllrf's.'J. Hcfuroncc . •·�fJUh'Ctl. SJ Houlewml.

Notice. � I �utlet> Is hereh)' �[n!ll tlmL the amrtnenililp r. llf ClsrL•nru J,nmlmrt. nwl �imeon !Jtuntmrt, �· . �����';�� ��·�;�':!!"'�'{;�il������;r�·:;.��\!11��?,\'����0l;��� '�· �!'}·ns����keJ:flf:l������'h����c ��·����������������

fit·hl, In s••U.lmutJ1lt, � 1:\lio:ON LA�IHII;U'I'. - llutt'<l, \Ve�tllchl, S . • 1 •• Or.roltt!r i, 1\JOt.

For .Sale � � , 10 room house, all improvements, • lot 100x200, to qui<'k buyoa· r r I

� . �

Price, 54,000. ABRAMS & WELCH.


Sl'ANDARD BlJILDING TeletJhooe 25 B.

! · REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. l , Bu ihli ug lots for Stile, t . Improved prope1·ty for snlo. !_: Houses to rent from $30 to $50. [. : Pa1·ts of houses from St5 to r:sts.5o. r i Jlumished 110USCS to rent.


Cor. Elm and Quimby Sts.

-Mr, aUtl �lr• Artbnr N. Pierson left We<IDe!!tiHy for a trip to tbe St. Louis Exposition,

-Drs. Corbin, osteopathic tJbyslcians, of :JOl Broad Street, have opened a brunch office at Urnufor�.

-A Ladiea' EtJchre will be held ttl the Westfield Golf CltliJ tomorrow uft•rooou.

-Irving I. Ross has returuetl frolll a lmsiness trip iu So.uth Jorsey, Mr. Ros; i• • saleKnHn fer the Heinze pickle )Jeo­ple.

-Isaac Seeley will leAve tomorrow for a two weeks' vacntion in mul aromul OneontR, NeiV Yorlr, hili oltl haute sec· tion,

-�Ir. J olm Dixon, of Jersey City, 1111tl �li•s C11rlotta 'Vilk lnson, of North Ave· owe, wert! maoTied by Dr. John H. Wright h!St Sumlay,

-The cngngewent of �lies Jessie Porkius, of B1·ouklyn, well known in Westfield, to �Jr. IJugll Pierce, of Pllllufieltl, IS IIUilOmtcetl.

--The Ladles' Gnilll of St. P11nl's Church will holt! 11 c11ke �mle in tl1e Gnllll rooms on Elm Street, on Oct. 22<1 ne.•t.

-C. D. Smith nml Chnrlie Fredericl<s took nn notoruoblle ride t<li'OU!Ih South .lei'Sey h1st Stmtlay. They col'ered ubout 100 miles.

-�lr. Hnd l\lrs. Chnrles McDougall elltel'tllilled a number of their fl'iends lnHt �IotHby eveoiug, tbe occasion tno�iug the fifteenth omuivor•s:lry uf their wetl­diug.

-Au nutowobile )Ja1·alle will t11ke pluce ill PlairoHel<l to·morr01v ufteruaon.

'l'he start will be madu from In front of the Cresceut Avenue Presbyterlun Uhurch llt 2,30.

-1'bomas Carey, the former West­field ball tlluyer, who was I'Bt•ortetl as being tlomge1'ously hurt in an auto acci­tlent in the Catskills, died at the Pongh­l<eepsie ho•pitnl last week ,

-Miss Violet Miller and four of her fl'iends were enjoying a rltle in Miss Mill�r·s little )lOllY curt last Tuesduy when the vehicle broke down. 1'he )llll'ty were considerably shaken up but not injured.

.. -Tbere will be no Republican meet­ing in tbe Cln b Hall this e\•ening, "" the speaker• who were expectetl have bean culled elsewl•ere. A very large glllher­iug is expectell on tho 20th, however, as at thRt tirue Congressman Fowler will •11eak.

- Ww. R. Bald win, formerly a resi­dent of Westfiehl 11nd until l'ecently manager of The Dry Goeds Alliance, Ne1v York, bas goue to Chicago where

the store in the Pel'l'Y huihllng on Droottl 'i'he ch•racwr 1111d tletlll l• of the rob· sh'eet. A wagou \Viii he �<ent to RIIY be1·y are nhnost IJreclsely eimll•r to

ll<ltlre•� for tlon•t.lous, upon ncelpt those that h•ve been golu11 in town tlnr· or JIO.tlll to l\Irs R. M. Frencll. IIIII' u,. SllllllllOr, notably at tbe Rns.ell

-1'he Weetfleltl H. S. re)Jrel!l!ntetl by aud Mill• houoef, It Is �:euer·Mily be­the S. A. C. def�ated the Roselle 111gb llevetl lh•y ••·• all tile wo1·k of the same

School foQtball team Satu1·duy the score 111811• belug �2-0. '!'hey Rl;o 1lefetlte1l the North Plalufieltl H. S. \Veduesd•Y. by �\ Cinal'ltult!t�d l:tnu l·'or t•ilc!lj:. the scm·e of 0-�. Tbev tJIHy the St. Audrew• team of Eli•abeth, Satnrtlll)', on the North Bro111l Street ground•.

IIIJKJ X m>iK 1'111 N'I' I·:HK,

�lui'• oghl hHs instnlletl ll telephone h1 his store. All orilel'l! are prom)Jily filled .

�Iii's Chrysanthemum wisheR to nn· llOilllCe thllt sue is lit Woodruff's Green· houses for tho fKII senoon, \Vhether they wistl her services Ol' not, her fl'ienils Hl'e welcome,

Archbold & Scmltler'e motlu is : the b11st is none too good for oar cn•toruefl!. 'l'lteil' principia is in 11ccurtl wit!J their motto. 'l'lw bEst gradeH 11rocuraule, liS well •a the best ,servic• pcssi!Jie, is striven uft�r by this firm. Primo beef, tJork, lltrUb, snusage, veget11bles nnd fruits ; • full line on lmLd this week .

- · -Exploring :Syl'!n.

A party uf P1·!ncetou professor-s has comt,leted nrrnn;::emcnts for a yenr's so� jonrn on sci<nl iftc rceenrch In tho old world. 1'hey wil l ser:nre Turld!=h t roops lo csco•·t them throu.�h the wilds of Syria, 1o exam i ne ancient ruins and

londmarl<s. The pnrly consists of ProF. }�nno L\ttmn.n, ot·\enta\ 1�ctm'e\· \n l1h1-losotJhy, now In "p;)'l!t ; ProL Prentlre. l'roL Butler and �I!'. 1\oro·is, of New Yorl<. The ancient mc:hife.ctm·� of Srrla Is to be matle a special study, Tills Is the second trip t o Ayrla made by the same llat·tr. on the first trip ancient ruins and r.ustoms of the natives being·


l,cttm· tn Jli .. ,.; )1. Jjoi� S1uith, West!lelcl,

Dear �ladnm: Yon nre a te11cher; here's one for yonr boys:

If the Jlaiutlug costs two Ol' tlu·ee times as much as the p11int, anti one paint goes twice 11!1 far liS another, bow mnch o�re tho•e two points worth 1

If Devoe i• wottlr $1 uO or *1.7t; 11 god· lou, how much is the utbe1• one worth 1

Ho1v much l• n gnllou of paint worth nuyhoiV 'I

The HDBIVer is ; tlepcn�s on the paint. 'rhe rem�ou is; p!lintiBn'tnlwt\ys pniut,

'!'here sr·e truu 1111d fnlse tmiut 110u sho1·t-llleHBUl'O,

H•JIV lllllcll ls a sbort·n•easttre gallon worth 'I How IIIIlCh is false paint worth 1

Itching, Dlhul, Ble�dlugor Protruding Pile;, Druggists refmul mouey 1f P11zo vinhuent fnils to cone auy case, no wat.ter of hOIV long stKUtllllg, ln a to H dave• First application giveoease nutl rest. (jOe. If your llmgglst hasn't it, send oOc. lu HtKIIljl� llUU lt Will be fOfWIII'<I81l post•

pnltl uy Pal'is :\letliciue Co. , Sr. Louis, �lo,

--·-­'l.'J .. !. W ay Ot tne WOl"JO,

r;�:���:��7���· ��1�·"\�����.���f�f. observe,

Thnl lun;•·Ht :wrwdnl:-� oft•·r, grow Qut Of Ollt !<111Hllf'!'\ tu)k,

-N. 0, 'J'Imt!l-i-DC:mocr:nt.,

Elocution and Physical Culture, Shakespeare and Literature Course.

Mis• Aunn D. Cooper, J:rnduate of the New York School of ExtJression aud certidcHte •tntleut, Snmmer course at Cnlnwbia University, will receive 'pu­l'ils in the aho\·e �lmlies for the settHOll of IDU·l 5. Shakeepenre's t•lnys studied I rom point of tlrRwalic constrnclion as w•ll ns uther inteqn·etafion, Euga�e rueuts may IJe made for Rend ing• Lee tare Recital•, lllllllnging anti coaching euter·taimuente. Day or evening, prl vute or clnRR leFsmJS given, Term8 tes timonillls mul pre�R uoticer'l ou npPlicn tiou. 261 Broad Street.


Edward P. Waterbury,

(Pupil Signor. G. De Gramli .) UHUIWR, CO:);'CEUT or ORATORIO.

STI;JJIO : 84 SOUTH A \'E;<UE. Voices trie<l r,·ee nuy evening between 7 and 8 o'clock, nt' by nppaiutmerJt,

Every Detail i n m y im•iues• rec-eives most cure­ful, tJer.onal attentioo.

Real Estate Rented, Sold, Exchanged, Loans on Bond and Mortgage

a Specialty.

ProtJ••·ty nf •II kinds iusuoetl iu the sh·ongest compauief?:.

John F. Dorvall, t2J Uberty St., N , V. Westfleld,N.J.

'l'elt•Jlholle, 5231 CortlHwlt, N. Y. !IJS-R Westfield.

How much is Devoe worth ? ---------------There are millions 11 year iu the au­

ewer to this IKst one. l Yours trnly,

-.. ·.:BUR D'S MILLINERY,· be is R@sociated with one of the largest 47 firms in tbat city.


-The several committees of the West­Held Clnb are bard at work Hl'ranging their winter programme of entertain­went. The eulertaiUioeut committoo promises a season of unusual eociability aud the bowllug committee expect mach actlvily on the alleys of the clllb.


Season I9D4-I90S• Plainfield, N. J.

·. A rcvole11tion in tho Millinery Art · ' to our muuy cnstomers. We invite

Comparison in Price, Beauty, Freshness of Style, Excel· lence of Materials and Work· manship. Polite attention to all, We p11y

trolley faro when a now bat is pnr· chased.

-The electloo Dillllt entertainment at the Westfltld Club will ooli(Jse all pre· vloas entertalurueuts of the kind ever given on a like occ�Mion. Election re­turns by prl,ate wire will be 11 feature of the evening. Announcement will be

'fwo doors west of Woodhull & Martin's. wade later re11arding the programme to be given.

Polaonolhl ;�::_,;. <:to>1es. -The gentle art of pleaoing gae@ts ·One of the most polsonous subsfanl!!ls liwla Ht expression io a table drt!lsetl with

· known to man Is au �xtract from pe�cb glassware made by DorHiugor. surely ttonn. ·

. 1. 1'0 such heaatlful table gins• ware le dls-

Oioae Belatlaus. played any"here In tb"e world �· that to • · Cupid, these days, hllll 8 young son be rouml at 3 �ud r; West. Nlr1et<entb

. o'Whoae name Is cupldlt.r.-N. o. Pic· Street, our Frftb Avenue, and 36 : :.V.Yu. . _ ·- . . .• • • . .. •.. .. . • . . . . . Murray Street, New ¥,

P. S, -Chae. Crickeuberger sells our paint.

Tbe Season's Display

-OF- FALL and WINTER Nursery Stoek. MILLINERY. Sacrifice Sale

Moat Everything at Half Price

as tile !nod m;:st he cleare<l. The latest desisns in hats. Plnce your ortlers now HUll get our The art and beauty 'In tr'lmm'lnll, low prices. Send us your list of wants u

for us •o price. ,

Belleview Ave. NorserJCompany The workmanship �uaranteed·

L. A ..

Billett, olf Park Aveoue, near Hllleitle Cemotery,

PLAINFI.LD, N, J, I:Ji Broad �!reet, We1tlielcl.

Plai nfield.

Beautiful Hats, llln1le of the choicest materials aut! Ft)'li•hly trimmed. Plenty to clooose from ut wh·o tever p1·ice }'Oil wish to pav. black nnd ull coloJe, some es­J•ecially gootl VRlues nt $3.981 $4.98, S6.98.

Untrimmed and Ready-to·Waar Hats Ever)' one of ths seasons most popnlKI' Fl)'l•• is repre•rnto l In lhi• tl•e lnrgest variety ever shown in Pl•intiel<l . We trim nll hats free of charge.

An Alarm Clock That Alarms. Old Fnthm• lime has mnny !Jlouks, By whiuh oru• liues to nwa,su.l'e, .4 few of' then� are nwde for work ,;Jnd othe1'S ju,st fm• plea .. mre. The szaulinl nutrlcs the JHJn.ce/nl lives .all free f'om elouAs m• bttstle; .tJLJJR.Al CLOCR'S serve j'or other ones To �et. up qtdek ancl httstle.

Our Repeater, Reveille or Pirate are 1irst class reliable alarm "c:locks, guaranteed for one year. Also minature Orandfalher clo,ks guaranteed to give full satisfaction.



The Crawford

For !len

The Piker Shoe Co. WESTFIELD, N, J,


Might as well give up and go to bed.

Half sick with the con­stant, throb bing pain, diz­ziness and nausea ; nerves aU unstrung.

Never mind the cause ; here is the cure : take one of the

� HEADACHE WAFERS and lie down for a quarter of an hour. :Vou will get up feeling fine, mmd clear as a bell, nerves steady, all pain gone, rested and invigoraled. This Rexall prescription is also put up in tablet, pill and powder form. We guaramee it to give satisfaction. If it fails we will rerund your monrcy at once and without question. Sold only at olll' 11ore or by tlllilo '

Frutchey &. Hath away, Pharmacists,

Broad and Elm Street�, Westfield,


3 • Sussex Street, P. 0. Box tiliG. Westfield, N. J,



Spooll\1 Or·dlnnnoe, No. 32 . \N 1 111\1\S �Sl I \ll p,ll'r n , rt\.1111 •<•ll

111 thr • ·• • t r i l l' '' '"' ol l\11 1 1 1 1 1 i\11 ,11 rolllr. 1\r 11 ( 1 1 1\ 1\llr•l l•1 \ Ill' (' 1 11111 < 1 1 of tl1r

) 111\ l l l>l l\'•• • l l n \ , I , III CIII\111\' <'1 1 1 111ll l 1 1 1 I h 11 1 1 1 . 1 1 •r, \ lu l l 11\ tllr •l,h•ll ill,

,\Iolii� 1 111 r.o•h t h •• r ·''"""'·''" , 11 1111 11 '• l•r�ltl li l ll� Ill ol \'1 1 1111 •rlrll\1 ' .,., ,. 11 h•d ""'tllt.�>h t ll lr••lll th•· l lnr •11 � ltnl• ill ,,, r1111r ,It hi Jll i t l l l l ll\ 1 lit'lllr II< t th• ,. ,,,r111· \11 •' l'"lnt lll .111 .111�lr ••I ' 1IJ l\11r ul \Ioiii\ I lin ,1\ riiiW •ll•l,tlll "''' h1111d1• J 111J l \\ rl l l \'•thrt•tt IL'rl, IIIMt' nr It"'"'• 1 1 1 1 1 \ I I IH•It•t ! l tr11111 t11r nui l llllr•l •l. !r ul t\ i llli•,III .I\ C i lUt't h• p.1 \ 1 "l nil . 111�1 . l l tl HJ.: II I I III' •••\.ll•ll•lit•l \II tl 1r ! 1111 11 l l l� l l lrt l 1 11 l lh \•\Ill' •It I l l' tl i�g \1 1� fullt ftot'\ \1 \,lr

� ) 1 1 1 \ " I 111\l\ h l!l l l t 1• �tl'o\ ollhl l \ • Auotlu 1 l t l l l !nnt l ! n�l•� l'nl q l l•'-"' -llllnt ht•t' J.:lt 1 1 • 1 1 1!4 Jill!.:'• u•ltl t tl 1 1 1

l h� IUt'llllt lttttHhl·· tot•lHn� t t•\'ot d td ���\ ,ll"L .. t1� .,. tuo .. t fnlll• : l • to Hit nnol t11 t' .. ll �ttl1• '" tHj.('/11111.1\tlnu-H ,..,i]� t tnhttwlllil th• • l l-t\11 1"' , 1( •1• 1 • 1 1 1'4 W• ri l l of tht t'llllllt'l"f j.:'IIWII fllill it i'I IIIJII r h. J u•� t ,.j ( )OII IIIltl llflPIIlhlJ: ' J '( 11 1tt1 l l l l f�· of "11\'lug ! t nl l l nllt< l}ttrlt ttl I' 1t1 nJw·thh ll nt lht• \t- 1 )' lu•�-:hl l l l l llol t ti l l'

l'� l l't' 1 1 "' lh ll lllll'rn\ l lllt:lll , .. ... .�n l.l\\ • tul l\ h• .. ... .. l .... t•d ,,,,,�,, tht l'rtlpt r t \ •!''" 1 1 1 1' h·inl l t \t,\ tlit l t h', • l 1 . 1 \ l \•r '" �� �o;.,eJ h tlu· Ct l l l l l l l "'"'tlllt'r' t'l ''""l'"''' 1 11�11 1 '111.1t , lid lm pJtll tl\lt'lll •1 1 . 1 1 1 l•r m 1J• Uhl ' ""'l'ldr,l tllhlt't \he >tlpet\ I• 1 1 11 1 t lf t la• l 1''' 11 �:n�l1u•r;or


1& l'lt>I PII :"'illl)' JIIUP ChPllni­Ftrlcth all t•ll l4tt "onl llntl full r.:: hH·h�!i " hlt'-,�.:nlar IN· ) 1\rtt-"llt.'Ch\) 69C f01 th)-, "1\le Rt •

t. 00 �!�, Mixed S uiting.

1 ,; l'ltnl'l Cnlnrt't1 11f'tlrtl l tl ('nul­Pure \H>nl-tS hu:hflto \\ lth·-dJuh to • ul• orlnto:e- r�.,:llh\1 1 oo-�peclt1.) for 69c tllt� "!1.1� hi . . . . ..

4 I hi< lltd l n '"'< �h.1il I •I•< <!It'd l i lt· lllt.\i iltil

I' t-'<J .11\J iJOt'I•J, O,t 1 7\h, 1<104, HA:O.:l>UI I'll PI HKl��.

Atte•t Ch mm.on I I 0' ll I I II 11\I'�ON, l nl\ n C \erk.

Special Ordinance, No. 33. A� 0\WINA�CI: to pa\ e ,, ,ert,lln se,\1011

of the 11 esterl)' s\Je of Elm street lle It OrJ.11neJ by the Cou11dl of the

f<111 n of WeotflriJ, In the Count)' of U n 1 on ·

1 I h>l th,tt •••tiOI1 of the siJew.t\1, along the 1\ esterlv siJe of 1: 1 m olreet, be· 1:11\1\11\� .tt the southerii'•Onterof Ch.trles Doerrer'• \.u1J 1nJ runnmg the11,e south· easkr\1' forti' feet, l•e r:oveJ 011 and :!long a hne est 1b\1SheJ b\ tl1e I 011 n Engineer, 11 1th l•l11e •tone tl.1gg111� four feet 11 IJe.

The Richest Black Fabrics at SPecial Prices. 2 I hat ,o much of the ,ost .mJ e�.

pen<e of such 111\l'ro\ ement .1s Ia\\ ­fu\11 be .O>sessed upon the prorert)' <pw.•IIY benehtteJ thereby, shall l•e �·­se•<eJ b\ the C<lll l llll•s\oners of Assess­ment, 1 ' l'�•u• IU"ck C\lt!\\nt-AI\ pute �c 1111'.:.11 1\huk ''uill'-""\ric1h: all

\\o;l ntc�h: tlnhht.>tl iJ J tncht<g \\hie, \\ool, i:?luci.J, )It>rfett black fi.Utl tt. qnRl• v.orti1 �·.c llt!f )'ttrcl, durin� till� 50 It) ft'JlUIRrl) \\ort!J lillc J�t-r )tml, 39,. sH.le, !Jlfc1Rl ftt • . . C l\Urln.:: tlll .. .. 1\lt-.p:clal •• ""

l· I h II 5,1\d 1 1npro1 rment sh,IJI be made und completed under the supervls· 1011 ot the I O\\ n Engmeer.

69oAII Silk Black Tarreta. l " ent) l1le('f .. ot t.'X(t.'llt ll! qnttlll)

all pure .. !lk hl�ck tlt!lt<ta-..!l i m bt" \\1!\e-\Juununl �oft 11111-\J nn i in �r nt ilt'm�turl tor " utnt'tl' .. \\ 1\l'-t .. , JdtiCoH.t" nutl d1op :iklrt .. 48 -\\ orth t; "-: per � tl.-"1 t- c cui for thl"' ::.J\1� t1.t

ll )1lt'l',.ll lliRdl: thii\ IHnlltLl' :\.11 lltlrto muhll!r, �Rme nn boclJ .. fd.,. .. 4ti ncllt>� \\hlt>, r�t.:h .. JJk lll .. l tt', l oo \\Ortb J :G, on "Pt:'r ial at . ,

4 l im ordm.mce sh.tll take en ect lm• meJiatel\• ,

p,,-.etf anJ ·•JopteJ, O,t 1 7th, 1904. RANDOLI'U PI RKINs,

Attest, Chairman. Ll o' D fiiOI\ PS0:-1,

To11 n Cier\,

Special Ordinance, No. 34. ;.. ;.: ORDti'AXCE to "trb a cert�ln section

of the south s1de ol North avenue. Be 1t OrJameJ b\ the Councol of the

I Ol\ n of \\ esttoeiJ, 111 the County of Umon t 1 h It ,, blue <tone •Urb be -et to es­

tabl�>heJ gr.1de anJ old curb reset alon� the south so.k of North o�enue from the e o.ter\1 >�Je of \\'e•ttoe\d �� enue to .ond mduJ1ng the premises of 1..1\\ ren,e Po\1 -er•

o I h 1t so mu.h of the ,o,t 1nJ ex· p:n�c:> uf .... u�..h unprm ement �s ... m l.m · t ulh be .l' ..... e ...... tJ ll\'Oil the propert\ <ped • I ll' benehtted thereb1·, >h 1\1 be "s­...cs ... cJ b\ the ConHnh�to nt:rs of A ... :::ess· lllt'llt.

l I h 1t s31J 1mpro1 ement <hall be m \�,�: :mJ �...omp\deJ unJ�.:r the "SUpen•1s· 1011 of the I u\\ n EnJ.:: Imer

4 I hi> orJ1n,11o.e s\JJ\1 t.1he ene,t lm­m e•llntell P,,,"J 111J nJopteJ, O.t 1 7th, 1904 HA:-i DOLPH I' I RKINS,

,\ttest, Ch:urm.m Lt o' D I HO\IP,ON, I Ol\ n Cieri. L. BAMBERGER & CO. , Special Ordinance, No. 35. 'St " .J .. r"�"' '<� Gn•1He"t !lull Order ""lui�. NE\\' ARK, N. J .

!'lii'"H tk'� (,rttattt"t 1' 111 l'StUII' A � OR DIN ��Cc to pa\ e a certa in section ot the 11 est sode the Boulevard.

WESTFIELD POST OFFICE, L. M. WHJTAKEH, Poet master, A. R. 0At.t1 .�f.6t and :'atune) Order Clerk. W)l. �1 To,�Nl.t.)', Generft.l Ut�U"tto1')' Clerk, FRED \\'IS'I'EH, Clerk

Qm('e Open front � A tu. to : tl m E!!.Ce\}t Ol Saturda.) �. Otnc� open SundMs 1or holdt�ra o� Lock Hox:es from 9 to 4 o'clock. ARRIVAL A:>D DEPARTURE OF �!AILS

From �e\\ York, East , South and 8outh rl3i�cf���� ��h�r)" At 7.00 and 8 :!5 !L. m.

MAILS CLOSE. For New York, PbtJftdelpblft, Trenton, th1

�!���b s:nillo �5������tJ5��dwtt� e��;!�n1 For Pla.lnfl�:�ld Rnd E&Jton and war etatlon �t ':" 80a. m. and ( 30 p m

�IOU:>TAI:>SIDE. .. \rrh•e at j' l) a.. 01 R.Dd 4 30 V• Wt Close ftt & 311a. m. and 5 00 p m



297-Summit R\'euue and Park street, 499-Elm street and Kimball avenue tii9-Broad and Middlesex streets, 839-Cnmberland St and South Avf 893-Fire Department house.

99-Ceuter Street, Garwood After sending In an alarm stand nea

the call box until arrival of apparatus

Andrew Roach, DEALER I�

Bluestone Flagging and Curbing.

Yard and Office, 300 Richtnoutl St., Corner Tlnrd Sl

�s1dence, 408 WasiHogton Streel


All work Wilt receive prompt attcnt1oo



BUILDER. Proapea Street,

Westfield, New JerseJ.

Estimates Cheerfully Fur· nshed.

Petition and Notice. " � the uwh l "lt:ll•d l tein,.!' th� 11\\llt:l-; r•[ ut ltn�t 1111� SlXIfl nf till' JH• 111:11 \ fJI lltlll� 1111 t JJt• lllllliOH!IIICliiS ht'l l'lll pttlt 1111eli (IJI 1l 1 1 rt"jJe�;t !u h p�tltlon \OHr huu• JUl.Jit• b • h l t haw tht southl\�"'tt'rh �1 le ••f I I IJ.('hhm•l \ \ t lltll.', t 1 u111 liw uorllnl c"\t l h "!•It: 1 1f llu \lc,\ .\I CUm' Uool th

,,t' .. te! h 1\ j l lstftlh I!' nf --�\�Hhlln•ll , •l im• I lift.) ... rx (7�.ti) f�et pme I \<lth hlne "'l•lllt llng,:m,' fo)ur feet \\ itle Tllllt t h�· \\ 11 k [,,. don�· II\ tht! l'tol\ ll n.ntl lhe co.,t lhclt•of a ..... t.., .. ed fi,!lllfl"t tlw nbnl till� Jll�lJlt•rt \ Ill L\t.:IC.-,I tltii!IC� II fth the )'I l l\ f.,IOih of ��l't\uu t�uf .m act t•lltlt\l"t\. \tl nl'l J lo\ M 1111-:' (nt the ftll lllltlltJII t-;tnhli,.)lll l t llt lllitl .,!lll t'IJIInl!llt ut tn\\ll"i, nppi OH II :\IIll ch .r. l"''lp \ I ht.>ck fur f��I IN ll" reiJU!r�tl h; <.;tlltUt� lll'COIII ]lfillif!:-. tin!; )l�t'U •n Sit{Ut•d trl<4ll '' IJ C 1., ���� ft:t t, I ' lt S\\'.\X� "$, ltM1 fl!t!l

11 '' s\\ \�1'\. lt " ' fwt ftl"(, J l TAt,BOf !', 1:J•1 ftd Dnl ' I \\c:.tllchl, 'X ,J Olt ,J,el H 1�11.4

�O l'H.'E IS l iEHIW\' lH\ 1-:X tlml the n\ ,,,, i ... n •'OIH tlf n a e .. ohnlou l l!l.'t'htftl ' ' the ('l•ltnt:il of th� 1'o\\ ll ••f \\"e�tflel l nt n 'met•lllt!l; hel•l UCttiiJel' li l!IOt llllil tlJUt the Cotlllll1 1\lll lllt:>t't nn 'l mlla\ Cll!lliiiJ:, the �tlt till\ n( �11\t>lrll ••l lVO�, nt � u clocl;, nt the C.mmcil H lfilll t•urucl Hroml nut! Jo:tm �tlccr.. \\'erstti�J I X ,J , to t.:nu ""ltlt.'l the Jl! op�N�tl IIIIJH OH!ment...; ul ... , l' mo:n· !������t�� m��rl��lo::Je�� 1;11 s����tN11�I���j�1J r ����� ·��,�� L:h•t l.:: llt tl! hcfol e tlm ti l l ll' JlhiHt! lll�llllllHt• l fOI :o�altl meetin� It b the mtentlon ' t the l o1111cll t:J pu;;� nn Ohli liiUICt! co\ clill,..:- the aho\ e t lcsi}:'JI lltt�il iluJHnlcllltnt• anti "'lllh Oilhnntue will he iUtrL•IUCI!d npun lt;.. fir .. t I ea Jlu,: Ill II ll!t:!Cllll,.: of the \'mnwa' \ • h1• ht ) ' '\1unt1a' ctt'lllltg, '$ l\ till IJCl 7, lUHI, ll tht• Conn� II Houm 1"' nl •o\J' �� ll o•tl

1. 1 0\"ll 'l l tt1�1P�U� 10\\ ll l 'i�Jll, We�ttl�hl :-.; ,J Oduhel ts l'llll

Hli.SOf. \ BD thnt It f:.; lo t11t' I t.:'"t lnlt!l est of tlll' 1u\lll of \\ t!�:>tlleld lint n "'l•lcwulk uf hluc stone thlg-!{ing r 1111 ft•t>t \\ I I�· l11• I ulll An• I con stt u�ted nll llll•l ulnu;.c the l' l .. lt!l h .. htl!' ( f IJu\\ u er Street 111 ft11Hl uf t.ile JlhiJtt It\ of 1o1m t . 1h ���

(�g�lllllthecJ f�et ftu111 the \\e:-.lelh l ine nr XOTIC'L I!:; i l l: HI B\" t.J\ es ti l tl tilt> uhove ism1 extw�t flom 11 l t'"'olutlnn ad •pte1l b\ the

��l�\0S�t�t��1'e1l���:: �fn'1 ' �l1a1��·�4�ll� 1c!1.,��,��ifL,�'lti meet ou 'lmuhn �\ tmlll.t" tile 'it.ll do.) nt :\ 1 \ember, 111!...11 ut li tH!lt:k. nt t hd t..:u\1111 II ltuom corner Clf U1�_.., l J\Ud l.lm �� rt!l!'t .. , \\t . .,.IIIL•ld, :; J. t.o con�lcler I hi!' propn,.,e I hu]•ro\ 1!11\cBti nhuT'' mentlouml. Obju<.!tlo11" to SHJ I til• po�c I 1111 {lt'O'I�II\I!UL-\ 11\ll>.t he t\lu\ l\\ 1111\111�\\lth tb� 'l'own Clerk 1 11 o1· l t.lrortt tht! t l llltJ aho\e Jn�ll tlorll'd fu1 1111\itl met•tlnt.:" It l"'i tl1c wtcutl •Ia •Jf the Council to Jln�" an otdln mt•t• l!l\!�l lug tht•

��:ic�1�1t1filt�' ��t� �lg�:�l d::��·���:-.l;�nlrlll s;1::,�d�:�� at a ruel!tln� or the Ctuut 1\ to [.,. lwt1l )t,mth\� O\"Bnlug Nu\ciJIIJ�J' i, l'tlll, lll til!! LliiiDCII Rn•1111 ns nbo'e ""Ia ted

J,t.OYIJ 'fi iOlti'�OX 1uy. n Ct, rk �·e:rtlle)il N, J , Ocl11hCI 1�, 1 1101

lle 1tOrJameJ bv the Counul of the I 011 11 of Westfield, 111 the Count1• of Union :

1. I tlwt -ect1on of the SiJ<\\ .111-alnng the \I est >1Je ot the Boule\ ard from South a\enut to Ac.1denw Pi.�<e, be p.1veJ on mJ a\o11g n \me established bv the I 011 n Eng1neer 1\ 1th blue -tone ilag­gmg four feet 11 1Je.

� I hat '" much of the cost anJ e�· pense of such Improvement as can \all ­fully be assessed upon the propertv spedll\\' benet1teJ thereb1•, shall be as­se-seJ b)' the Commo-s1oners of Assess­ment

3· l hat s.uJ 1m pro' ement sh.1 1 1 be m ade and complete,! under the supcrv1s· 1on of the I 0\1 n Engmeer

4 fh1s orJu\3nce shall take efiect 1111· medtatelv P.1sseJ 111J aJopted, Oct. 17th, 19.:4

R A N DOl PH PI·RKINS, Attest. Lt.O\ \) I'HO,\\PSON,

1'011 n Clerk Ci1.11rman.

Special Ordi nance, No. 36. AN ORDINANCE to pa1 e a ,ertaln se,tlon

of the north , \Je of Pa1k street. Be it OrJmneJ b\' the Coundl of the To\\ n of Westt1eld, m the Countv ot U nwn ·

1. I hat !hut section of the siJel\'alk along the ttortlt >iJe o\ Pmh >lreet, from the 1\ e•t >Ide of summll .ll euuc to a P<l l l ll Ji>tant one illlnJred and 1 11 e feet 11 est erlv therefrom, be PO\ eJ on and along a line e;tab\lshed b\' lhe fown En�1 neer, 11 1th blue stone tl.1�ging four feet wide

� fhat so much of the cost .md e�­pense of �uch tmprovement as can J ,l\\ 4 full\· be .1•sessed upon the property speu.1 \ 1 1 henefiteJ there h) , shall be "'' ses>eJ bv the ConHni'>IOiters of Assess· ment

3· 'Ihat sa1d linpro,·ement shall be m.1ue ,wJ completed under the surer1 IS· ion of the Toll'n Engineer

4 'I Ius ordmance siHIII take ettect int· meJ1 ttel\'

P.t>>ed ,mJ .Itlopted, Oct 17th, 1qo�. RAI'iDOLPH PERKII'iS,

Attest, Chairman LLO\'U I'HO,\IPSON, fown Clerk.

Special Ordinance, No. 37. A t\ 01{DtNANCE to pave a certain sedton

of the \I est Side of Summit J\'enue. Be 11 Ordained by the Council of the Notice of MeetlnK of Com• £�,

'��� ,of Wes·field , 1n the County of

miasloners of Appeal. 1 Th:�t tlliil sect1on of the sidewalk Tho Commlsoton"' nl Ap1oeat In ras• • of along the west Side of Summit avenue

t .. atlon In nnd for tho •.rown •lf \lootllatd. 111 trom the north side of Park street to .t ��·������.��.J;�;,ornilr��\\ .:'�rl'!I�s�:.���� Point one hundred and one and five-tenths tn sntd Town or \l esttleld on •ruo•tla) , the feet northerly therefrom, be paved on and "th dar or ' o'clock In the nrt"r :!long a line established by the '1'�1\'n En ­���ni��J��:;1�����t!Sr1�1,��1����;.P11f������r; gmeer w1th blue ston� flagging four feet ow·ners rne n:•1nested to not\ce time nnd Ki\!6 Wid�. their JJrlance: othenvlse no excess of z. That so much of the cost and exe 'ntuntlon which wnr �· lnld upon them " ill pense of such Improvement as can law· be r.wltted

CI.ARE:>CE B s�IITH, fully be assessed upon the property .JOHS' .J r•or<ER, specially benefited thereby, shall be as· Yii�L(frYl�Wnm sessed by the Com missioners of Assess-Commissioners ol APP•nl. ment.

Dated, Wtslft•ltl, ;l;, J , Oetobtr 11, !!lOt 3· That

111,�olr 1 1111 •"llll'lrtr.l llillltr thr tllj 'tfl I>• Inn ol thr I ll\\ II I l l� l llr< J

.J 1 1 1 1 � , ,,l in " " ' •h 1\\,r 1 l l rd llllll lr.!l,llfil',

i ',l>>t'•l ,II hi ,1J1 ptr,l, (l, \. I ;th, Il l� I H A � I H I I I I I 1 ' 1 1 1 � 1 ��.

l.h,i\1 11\olll ""' �I . I I < <\ \ > I t iu l\ 1 '' '�• ) till II C\• 1 11 .

Spccl,ll Ordlno\11"• No, 38, ,\S UIIIJ \� \�t'l tu 1'.1\ r .l . �rt.1l11 <rd\t<l\

t > \ ihr 11<•1 �IJo ol �111111n\t ollt'll\1<, Hr It t it.\ ilnrJ 1•1' lht• Coull , \ \ of tllr

I "" " • • I \\ t•l li<\,1 , In ti l<• Cuuntl' ••f 1 ' ': 1"'l

11.1t th.1t • 1 . ! Inn ••I lh<• • \dt11 . 1 111 .doll I-: tilt' \\ t 't ... h.Jr or Summit ,I\ l'IHH·, t t'�ll 1 1 1 n�o: tt lht' l.(l \lth � ''t r lrt ' '' 1 .1 11d"' ol ,\1,1 It I· ll• '" .lll<l l ll l l lli l lg tilt H,< '""u1ht'l l\ l i l t\ lt rt, h· p l \ t d nll tlld aih1 1ll! 1 \ 1 11• r• l •l·ll•ltd l•1 the I 1111 11 l· ng lntt•r, '' 1 1h l'hlt ' 11 1 1\t' 11 � � �1111: f •lit In t \� 1\lr

: I l l 1t �oon l ll\h.ll 111 t l lt \n�t . l l lJ t'\· •1r1 .-e t � l .. ulh 11npw' l m r nt ,, , 1. .''111 l 1\\ •

hi l l ) h· '''t''Hd up0n the J'I<IJ'f'l t\ 'I ,, I • I ll \•enrlitrJ thtrt l•1 , ,ll, i \1 l r ,,,.

�t, ... rJ l'\' t ht' Comm r,�l(!l\tr� of A'"'t'S!-1 IIH:'flt

1 l l 1.1t •.11J hitf'lll\ em•nt >h til \•e m.1Je .mJ <011\l'lei_rJ unJer the •ttt'trl t>· 1nn of thr I "" 11 E n�mrer

4 I In• nrJ\nnn•e •h dl 1:1\-e efltd 1111-m,Jmteh l',l•seJ ,1 11<l aJortrJ, Od l ith, tqq

H A i\ UUI I'll P�IIKtto;�, ,\ ttr•t. Cha1r111.111 LI <J\ 1J f HO.I\I>�ON, I 01111 Clerl;. 5p;ci;i Ordinance, No. 39, AN ORDI:-;ANC� to p,I\ e ,, •ert.un se•t1u11 of tlte >OUlherh• side of flr>t street.

Be 11 orJomed by the Coundl of the 1 01111 of Westt�eiJ, 1 1 1 the County of Un1011 : 1 1 h.1t that section of the s 1Je11 alk ,,\�ng the southtrl) s \Je of F1rst >tree\ from the west side of We•llleld nvrnue to the east ,(Je of New York a\•enue, llr p " eJ on and alon�: ,, lin• est.1bl1'hed by the T "'' n Engineer, 1\ lth blue stone n,,g· gin� four feet ll'tde.

2 I h 11 •O mud1 of the cost .md ex· pense of such lntprowmtnt as -.111 law­full\' b• nsses•eJ upon the l'ropert) spe�1 1 1 ly benet1ted t hereby, be .IS· se,sed by the Con11mssloners of Assess· men\ 3· fhat saiJ lmpru1 ement slta \ 1 be made .md ccmrlcted under the super\ Is· 10n of the 'I own Engmeer

4 I his orJin.uJ.e shall tal,e effect lm­medlatdy

Passed and aJoptrJ, Od I iiii, 1go� i<At\DOLPII PERKit\S,

Atle•l, Ch.nrm.m. LLO\ D l liO,\lPSON, 1 0\1 n Cieri,

H igh Crade Spec ial Values in Coods at M odest Prices.

'D ress Goods i n E n d less Va r iety.

1 :m } ) J , '" � l toml•, haln1l\nu Uhu.:k-IJlll llj' 'llt.'tty \\1-'11\'t-li to gelhet wltll le1ull 1 1� culm•, . . . . . . . . . 9�C

uo� '""' 7:i: ,.n '"'"1 �ll x t •m·•, Slcllluu•, CIIH'Iot,, etc . , HI

, . . . . . . . . . .. .. .49C yd,

Fu rs. +�; 00 double .\luHkn F"x Uou"

Ill ' . . . . . . " " ' " ' " " 19 98 tt �.IJIJ !'ox Uo•""' . . . . . , U.98 Au u.surte•l lot ul l!ouule Uuu• Hill! Seouf., I'Klm• Ill' 111 fl� 00,

1 Sj..,CIHl ft>l . , , , , " , •• 98 10 7•98

Mi l l i nery. �l•nY 11e1v uud J•retty c�eutlon•, Hut• HI �.oo, ''l""' lu uotb 8t)'lt

H ill! qnallly to j,Ufl IIUII 8.00 liHt8, A H11e •••ortweut of Vel,et Hats, value 4,1<0, ut. , , . , , • , .:1,98 i\uother lot of those 2,48 Walk­ing "' 1 . 1 91 wdmlh1g bluck,

brOIVUS RUt! ltltieS

Boys' School Ho,e . . . . . . , 1 5c il•JYS �Oc School Ho�e. , , . , aoc

A fnl l llnu Unrll l l\ < 11 1 fnr lll•n W<>IUPII 1111•l chllolren-ntt grnLles..: chuq,.•t lo lw>t - -lto�loerry Ncver•teur Silk 40c 'l'hi• tillk I• fniUIIIIR for IIH •lllra­ulllty 1111<1 fiUIHh, Hlricl!} nJI silk lVIII stnu•l the IliUM! H•l••re t��ts' \VIII rlltlleiJ II�IIhiMI CIReking, leur: lng m •lllitttng All 8\nule• 49c

clwu�eahle effect• sSe (S•e wtn. tlo•• tll•l•l•Y )

H ea d q u a rters for e l oa ks a nd Suits

Ju )1111 eh•sllll( a IU>IIIIIfuctur•r'e """PI• h1w ol Clunks IIIHI Si llill'e w•• • uot ou ly fnvul eLl l\ltb 1111 Rl• Hortmeut of thu latest nud choicest Btyl�M fHr Uelow l •gnlHr prices but �lveo ) Oil the nolv.uhK• ur uu' U• cejotlonal \'ll l'iety, Hll<l lu IUO&t lu•tnnces with no two •like (an nth••ntnge ll•l>era!ly upprecidt'll j

LadleB' Long Coats-Keroer� V euetlnu•, etc BIMcko, brown• IRu•, 10,00 vnlue, at , . . 1o,91

l.adltl' Tourist Coals-8nited fm ni l kinds wentller. V•lne 1�.00 . . . " ' " . . ' 8,75

llnn<l�ome t;ngllsh brn••lclolb f long coRt nil Mil tin lined, elabo: rntely •n;brolJered ""I'" collur, Worth tl·o, 11t . . . . . . . . . . 27 98

Cold Weather Necesseties Coal Hods, Ash Cans, Oil Heat· er�, Sto1•e Pipe, 5tovt BoardJ, Stove R··pairs.


O u 1· liue is r�mpletc nnll gunrnn· teed to ll'ot k !il st class.

Hardware Ct., Park D\·enue and Front Street,

Ernest Wilcox. Theo. A. Po��t.


103 Central Avenue, Westfield, N. J.


r�I�D�!N�s . . �DI!Hr�.!"�'���!:��r����-���r���-��-�·

If',• "''''' ,,, ,, /1, .II : SJIIII'i�l'·' �I /(1 '/1, M.

The Lauter Piano As an i nspiration to the artist

the Lauter Piano is a veritable triumph. \Ve are constantly bei ng visited by musicians, strange rs to· us, who have pl ayed upon the Lauter in the homes of our patrons, and are greatly impressed with its excellence. Th ese artists are charm· ·ed with the sympathetic quality of the Lauter tone and come here to tell LIS SO.

No one can pl,ay the Lauter or hear it played without being de­lighted. There is not only great beauty of tone but there are re­markable volume and perfect mod­u lation as we l l. The Lauter is p rono . mced superb by so many experts that there is n) c�ance of your having any but a m )St favor­able opinion also.

N:>thing gives us greater sat· isfaction than to have the Lauter investigated in our Newark factory .as well as in our warerooms. Every department of the former is open to visitors--and al l can see for themselves h )W well the Lauter is bu i lt up, and ascertain why its artistic popularity is so pronounced.

So fine a technicist as Miss Kathryn Glinnon, the well-known concert-pianist and teacher of the Mason method, has used a Lau­ter in her studio ; she speaks warmly in its praise. We repeat M iss Glinnon's testimonial here :

Latllff Co. , GmJitmm:

Nncark Studio, i Aomru.

Havbtg u.t�d tit� L;wttr Pt'.mo ;, Ill)' studio and sub;�cttd it to tlu seomst possiblt ttsls-occasimud /y! sims of profl.!SioiiJI nquiremmls -it �ffords mt mu�!t plt.rsur� to state tilat it l1as li!l' llllquiltljild .mdorsr mmt. From an artistic stattdpoint l SJ)I that it posusw a bt.,lllifirl quality of Ioiii; brilliant, J•tljit/1. 1'110 acliou is tlaslic and nsponsivt, all impirJ/iou to lht p!J;•er.

IVill, b�·sJ 1.vislus {1Jr yor�r co11tbrned sueetss, I am Yours veo' Jru{l',

{Siglltd), KATH·J?YN GUNNON, l'le� Prtdd�11t, r.f�w l .. orJc. State J(uJl� 1.'e11CI1er.1' A<�JoclaUon

We luwl! sevcml bargttius in

L t c Lauter Uprights in the Second Floor Parlors. Near· ly new and in fine condition. au ·8r o. Very low prkeB,

657=659 Broad St., Newark, N. J.

hi• l(l'l'ill l l i •>'l'll l i l )' , IIIHI ill• i l llliWIIilllt• U>ll'l')'lll� 1111l 11f I hit I > III II� •o \1'1�"1\' 111111 1(11'11'1'• uu•ll' lilll llt•,

A '"lh•l l'l'""lVt•t\ thl• 1\\U\'hliiR I• "l'l'"'''l••l Ill \hi• 1'"1"11'\ i

,J. '' ' '" l·;llli.IS C:ul.l:,, �1. ll., ��·l �I >LI'IM l:llnmt. Nllll'lll'il, N, , 1 , i l i 1\'t·•l illlth l'lll••••t, Nuw Y•.ot·lc, N � ,

Nt:\1',\llli. N. ,), IJctll l>l'l' 1�. tlllll - 'l'u n!L'M. \', O, llllrll•. Pn••l•lenl 1 1 f l it" Cl1llolru11 '• V•llllil i')' 1 1 111111• ,\Mo�d>ll i ll lli IJHIII' Mr•, Hllrl l w - 1 l'e�lltl thlll Ill)' 1>1'"' fu;;llllllli t•UUIIIoC•·III"Ill• IIIII( thto 1 1 1 111'" nf 1 1 1 1' ;J;I t•l' 11' 1 1 1 i'I'IIVI•III •HII' 11'}11!( }11'''"'111 Ill )'t •lll' Allli lllll �fe••l l l l� ll > •Xl Mnlu\1\)', \\'h11C I hiiVIl c\ollto, IIIII •loillloC 1111>1 IIIII ,\' ht•l't•lllllll' c\u fill' th•• Clill •h·o•u'• Cllll llt l')' f l llluu l• l l l ltli'I I IU 1 1 1 > 111111')' of' I l l ,\' t\ 1 1 1 1 1 . !\htt . • YIUIH e. Adtt•\'\IIIU1 H1H'hh,•11, w\"i' hl CU\\11�nht !UH\ ut\ti.UH, " llt!Vnh•t\ Chl'llo\ 11>11 1 , 11 ll lu•c JC I Uh'Jol', u friHul Ull>l piil!nn nf lh" Vhllcl i'llll 'K t:onllli'.l' 1 \ nlll"· [l lVII' wit I I tt ht•ul·tf...,lt tu ttt!"t•ttt t l lut l"'llf+ oftt•ll �o�l'olcH nf lhL• JJ;owl wurlc of t i l •+ AMIWl'l l\tlnll llliil luv•"l l l l oh•ivc• I"''' lh" Hnlllu l u ll'l lu••• tlw fl'lllt uf )'Uill' hlu>l' of tovtt , 1 •l111il •lltwt tlm etU'I"'" '"'' In ell/It'll" ol tho "'"' k 1 11 "''" to H tlmt (ht• ,.,.,.,.,, h•u•\ul'ri1 t-�tl!., lt l'l• 1H1l lu �-:cw�l l.'llllllhlon Mo tlmt ut'• tla� uont .. ln ltlllttill l ui lll'O\'tt· lliOUts nro •IT-.!t••l your Uo. n\ wl \1 be 1'1""'"1 therew ith Wit II 1•·h·ll•lly ''"�'ll't1 >1 1 ""' ' your• trnly. .r. Aci<IIIUI.IS l'•11.1;,; ,

H••Ju•cJtlllll)' enblllltlo<l : ElOIA: f,, IJHIDUI;,;, Wti•lfitiltl, N, J , Octo\M· 17, !OOl.


Westt1eld, N. J. h·om Otiober 1!), l!)r>3 lo Ortober 17, tf)O.J.

Dalauce ou hnu� frow last year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 323 87 GEXERAL FUND.

Iu�lvltlu•l Sub•crlpt!ou . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . , "Un<luy School Suuacrlptlous . . :.J . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . Preebyterla11, Episcopal nud t:ongreg.tlonol Snudo)'

Scliool< for bnyinfl and nnmln� of beds , • , , , , . , Children's " L. C. Clab '' Flatbuijh, L. I . . . . . . , . . . . , , , Proceeds from Fair • . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , , , . . , . . , . . . . Proceeds from 1\leworinl Day �·eetlv•l. . , • • . , , , , , , , , , , Interest Allowed by Banl<s . , , . . . . , . . . . . . , . . , , . . . . . . , Fair Acres Driving A�sociat!on, . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . Sale uf. At•\lles for !UQ3 . . . . . . . , , , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Coll-.l'llou Box at House, etc , , , . . . . . . . . . , , , . . . . . . . .

7�2 ':'0 103 8 1 88 �0 I� 00

7�9 74 4r. no ]j �9 2i 86 It f>Q 4 OL H 61 Tmu,f•rred frow Play Hot1se Fuud • • • , , , . . . • , . • , , . , , Totu\ Recelptd . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

-- $1.80i 7 1 � ,UH 5 �

l'AY3m�rs. New Ad<lltiou on House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1, 010 12 Retmlrs on Honse, . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . , . . . , 85 47 Pl umlliug . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 02 Premium Oil Fire Insurance . . . . " . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . " 0 aa Lnbor on Ground• . . , , . . . . . . , , , . . . . . . . . . , .. . . . . . . • 67 Ot Crusho•l Stone. , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , , . . . . , . , . . . . 12 42 C11re of Wind llill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 110 Matron and A,l,t•mt . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . , , . . , 208 l•i llleat a11tl Vegetables . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . , , 92 :;o ��;��i��: ; � : � � : : : :�;; � : : : : � :' ; :· ; ;:· : : :: ; � � ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; : �� . :� �i Mecl!ciue . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . , . ;. , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , 3 02 Irou Beds ami Mattresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . 7 5 GO Awning! aud Sbade& . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 60 Printing nud St�tiouary . . . . , , , . . . . . . • . . . . . , . . . . • . . . 49 7t Fr•ight awl Exprus•ge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 3 99 'l'elepboue Service . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5G Tran!portatiou of Chi ldren , . . � . . . . . , , , , , . . . . , . . . . , . . . . 16 00

Total Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . ---- $1,0J:i 3! l'L.\Y HOUSE �'UXD,

Balauce from Lll.�t Yenr . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . .. . . . . . , . , 1 80 ;jj r.\. \:'31E:'iT$,

Ptlintiog aud Staiulog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * a,; OG Trau•ferred to General Fund . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . H 6l

Total lu Treasury . . . . . , . . . ; . . . . . . . , , , . . . . . . . . . . , . , , . , . $ 176 2� Rlli!pectful\y subwitte<l.

(SEAT,) MARl" H. FERRIS, Treamrer. Audited an t fmuul cnrrect. Oct�ber l7, WO!. FLORE�CE M. �IBREE, Fin. Com.


Cl!ll,DREX'S COt:XTII\" HOllE.

A;t the twelfth au'!nal meeting of the \Jhiltlreu'a C011ntry Home Association, held 10 the Congregational Church, :Monday, October 19th, 1�03, it wus uece,sary to elect eight new mauagers to s,rve for a term of three years' aud 1111 ad•·isory boar.l ot live w"u to �•rve for one year. The following woweu 1vere elected m•nagers : .Mie•e• Emma L. Bridgeo, Annio Ill. crark. Emma Halstat! Mrs. J. B. Hnrrisou, Mrs. H. E. Knight, Mro. MRrtio Snyder, �I•·•· J, B T"ylor


Mre. J. A. \Voodw .. rd. The advisory board wa• elected a• follows : Mr • . Job•; Pla�t, )Ir. James 0. Clark, Mr. W. G, DeLamater, �Ir. J. J. Savitz, l\Ir. H. J, w�� . .

Dnr!ng the past )"eHr there have been se1·eu regular meetinJ1:3, and one •pecial meeting of the ':Jilna!lore, At �he tl�et regt1lar meeting, after the auuual meetlng bold Novemoero, !903, the ro.,gn•tlon of Mrs. Westenfelder made a < acaucy ic1 tbe boarll that \VIIS filled by Mr1. B018table, a former meruber of the board. It I• is with grief and regret we recall n_nother vacauc)' 111 our board-that caused by the <leatil of �Irs. Per�lns. Her bnght face aud cileerful, enthusiastic iutere JI lu the work of the Home is greatlv misseol.

The anuual election of ollicers, held that saw9 da)', resulte<l as follow.; : President, Mrs. V. 0. Burti�. Vice Presidimt, Mrs . .Marlin Welles. Correspoucli11g Secretary, 1\Iiss E111wa L. Bridge�. Recording S•cretary, Mr>. J . B. 'l'aylor. 'l'rea.surer, .1\lr•. Joseph Ferris. Tbe usn11l committees were �lso appoiuted. As it is customary each year to augweut the fund for car�·yiug on the work

of tl1e Hotue by some sorl of entertainment •luring the winter, a fair was held early in D•ceruber, under the auspic?S of the Finance Committee, of which lllre J. A. Woodwanl ls chairmau,:auol great credit le due her aud each mau•ger of the Home for the splenclid zeal aml nulted work which wa•le the Fair such a sue­cas•. Tile sum realized was between *i50 aud tSOO. We are ihllebted to the whole town for their gan�rous donations aud patronage, aud extend to them our warmest thonks. ·

Our umal opeuiug Festival was held June �th, tbls year, instead of Decoration Day, as heretofore, aud frow It we received u;;.uo. During the year the bouse has beeu great!)' lm11roved and enlarged by th� atlditlou ot a uew wing, coutalninl{ a commmliou• tliuiug.roow au the gronlld floor aud above it a fine dormitol')', 'rile groun�s around the HomE have have also been Improved by a ne1v road, ancl the removal of tbo old fence In front and the grape trellis. The special buittling com. mittee, ancl e•pecillll/ the chalrm1n ,,f Ci1at cowmittee, lllrs. \Velles, de;erve ou1· thanks for the fiue wurk accomplished,

At the beginning of the rear there remained in the Play House Fuutl the emu of $80 . .';7 ;part of this wa• u•ed to curtain the rear of the Play House unci tlms protect it frow the storms : when this wa• tlone the balance of the fJu�, fH.Ol, was transferre•l to the General Fun�.

'l'he Home was opened June 3nl uu<l closetl Qj\ohar 1st: blr;, Sw11rtz, our Matron, has proved mast efficient iu e<er)' wny, >md uuuer wo•t tn·iug circum . stances, for ber work has not been the simple rontiu• work of 1\ m•1trou. Sl;e has been nurse wother, compaoion ·-e\·erythill!l' to the ohlhlJ·eu cowmitted to her cat·e.

Se1·erni cases of meueles au<l chickeu.pox 11111de it uecessnry to place the Home In a state of t!Uarautlue <luring se�·eral week• of the sum wet•, so wo were n no1ble to care for •• m�ul' parties of chil<lt·eu thi• year liS usMI. The Sunday school ser. vices h11ve been couducte� by the IUllnagec·s as far us possible <mder the circum. stance• state<! above .

We are ludebtett to the Lo\11\e•' A ill Societies of the Cl1t1rches i n town and also to the Needle Work Guild for genet'OIB contributions of c'othiotl for the use of the chll�ren, nlso to the Conllregatiouq) aud Eplscopnl Sunday School• of the town and the Cilildren's L C. Clllb, of Flatbush, tor betls provi•Jed fo1· the crippled cbihlreu. We thank lllll!!t earnestly all our frlemlo in 'V es'tiel<l, aud out of It, for their generous support aud sywpathetlc interest In the work of the Home Hud woulcl rewind thew hl8o tbat we ueed thew still, for our work is growing deeper aull broader each year. Respectfully submitt•cl,

ANNIE H;· TAYLOR, Recording S·cretary. Oct. 17, 1904,

Mount &nlrat E:::v:t��:���· JOHN COLT�A, Cr•am•ry Milk and Carpenter & Bu1lder.

" " - Cream. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Plans Furnished If Desired. IRA 0. LAMBERT, Pt�ol'. Reeldence ll!l Po.rk l!ltreet,

Steam lar�le and Granite Worts WESTFIELD. NEW .TJ;.R�EY. Tel. 26 F

John L. Miller, rENDING FOI\ CE31EURY PLOT!!,

Larae Variety or Oranlte Monumenll

Pa•w•attc Tool• for Letterlna 1ad carw-1•1• L. L. III.ANNING a SON,

l'roat at., C:•r. C:••tral ...... .. LAINFIILD.II • .1,

I!IANITAI\Y PLU!\1DING, Steam, Hot Water and Hot Atr Heatto11



'Ill Proapect ltreet. Weatfleld Telepbone 30-B.

Promotes Di�cstlon.Cbl>errul· ne�s and Resi.Conllllns ncillll)r Oplum.�lorphinc nor �llll£ral. NoT N.\JtCO'l'IV.

-···-"' ,..� Of.t /i'.WttJD.I'ffr'MH

�f�· l /W.IJ. ·"" . � .... --�

AJllllf:ecl Remedy forConsllpll. nan. Sour Stomach, DiarrhOea Worms,Convulsious.Feverish· ness nnd LOBS Of SLII!P.

J5c�ig:=w;:;-or �

MJ;;::;::::::a ..,. :..o-• For Bedroom Suits of solid oak golden finish-heavily car­

ved-130 regularly. "PORTLAND RANGES."

Tbe country's greatest in lm· provements, in baking qualities, in long wear. Portlaod's only sold �· be e.

Nearly I 00 other K Indo of Ran· 1es, Heating Stoves-Self· Feed• ers, Oaks, Cylinders, Pot and Laundry Stoves, now ready, ell guaranteed. The " Reliable '' 011 Heater for " �oollsh days.

Complete line o£ Stove Repairs always in stock. Lowest prices eve.r asked.

CASTOR lA For Infants and Chlldroa.

The Kind You Have Always Bousht

Bears the Signature

or AI � I n

Usa For Over

Thirty Years CASTOR lA

$8.49 Couches velour covered, deep tufted, e x t r a wide.

$8.49 -You)ll

see t h e same line tc-..,.._., at $12.00 el!lllwhere �.�:w:�lllJ���-r--�� tron bed• - contin­uous posts bras:i trirumed.

$4.89 -Soli<! Oak Cbff!. on i e rs , w i t h 5 dra we• s-were tG. -bes t va lue in Newark !


WEEK. 1.40 Extra Axminster yd. 9&: 1.25 Axminster, yard . . . . 89c 1. Hl M oq uet tes, yardJ . . . . SSe 1. 00 Vel \•ets, yard • • • . • . . 75c 1.00 Brussels, yard . . . . . . 7sc 65c Ingrains, yard , . . . . . �

NEW MATTINOS, Belt •nd chnput. llne In town, 1 � yd up

AMOS H.V AN HORN, Ltd. B& sure you !ee 11No, i8'' and rlrst name "A:.\IOSu before e11tering our .'itore.

����:�• 73 MARKET ST., NEWARK, N. J. BAIY Near Plano St., West of Broad St. PAVMBNTS A/lt,llb�1 1Nt4ffwt"•""-'•

NA,A:f?�XJA�ti 'Vt

W. Manhattan DEALER IN

All Kinds of BLUE STONE. ReJidence so Elm Place, Plainfield, N. J.

Flal[ini, Cnrbin(, Sills and Copin(. All work done nnlier my peraonal supervision an:i guarall•



STMofDARD. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 2 1 . 1 90·1 . 8 THE UNION COUNTY ..:::::::::::=:�=:r=���- '""'.- -:--:-:-. - - · · · ·: """ .... . . . .... .

YDll w.1nl .. -----�-��=-�B�N��� .. -���L � ; ""Io·l•'"''·l, ,. , , �· 1 1 •�·'·L·��.� ��������.' 1·: 1 • • , •• ,1.,,1.

.. . ··- c:·;:::·.--":.,;=',:.:� ·;�""'=�:-:--·-�-"":;:... ----· ·----·---··-- •.• -- -� Fal l Necess i t ies In Hardware. Brist Boomerang. B l• J ll't•lll'h• ·• I I I I I I IP ( 'lllqwl �!Pt•lt�' p\'tt l l l l l� . 11t•l \'lt• .. • \\ I I " l iP id tlll 1' 1 \ l t •l . t t' t•\'t ' l t l t• ;.:

,\ l ��t h\' ll l t l t tt t'l\'1'•1 111 t l t,.. ll• • tn•• uf �I t·. nuol l't' 1 1 1 1• ll'tt•lt·t· .. l d ! • • . t .\ l l h tu· �. Stove Healers , Stove P i ll S , Etc. ' I ' l l ·· :\ • · 11' 1 .! 1 11'11 l i 11 1 11 1 ' , ' l ' i 1" l i l'<'!lti'H � ��1'1•lty n11 Fu· · i t l 1 1 · 1 1 1 n i l . l •u i i 1 1 1 1 1 i ''''' t i 1 1• 1 1 , io'ul' 1nh• Di l l)' loy " ' 1• lita

uwl �� 1'�. Th111111'" t 'l u lt, Hnll•l t\' tnnt'll• l ' t • t •• •l l ul' \\'"•l llt•l•l l 'ht·,q., • • S tnl t h tll'"• t nnh• h•t1.

,\ t'oll lt t l l l t l •·•• \\' I I \ tHT PJif•' f • • l ' 1 1 1h! •

I � t !l\· r as �pt•cla\s l lt' .� l � I • • l l · d;l\', \\'t·d iii' S t ! ;t�· ;t l l d S a t t l l'· d:t\' S11yder's, "Of Cou rse I �I I' ,\ . � 1 . p,,rklnu•t nlt ••11il••• l I l l • • W•••·h I''' '" ,., tn•·• •f f i ll • t ln· · • l hlh t h •• w i t .

�\'1 \ l l tl t t!' S'tl l\' ,J,•t 'flt ',\ l l l ill l l l lll lll .\ l i !UI hT lllitl 't l j ,. hnJn••l l••ll•l•• r • 1 1'••111 \\' t • ! · l k l 'lf ,r t l li• w•·•·ll . 1 11 .. 1•1 •· ·1 11 ''" l"'' '•' ·l1··· · 1 .

:'\11, 1 o : �,, i l' ! l l l i ll•·i I '" : , J ! o n,] • 1 1 '

25''' t't•� l l la�· : 1 1 1�·· N ewsdealer a n d Stationer,

:mel Ins ist on having it.

1 1 1 : .11 1 1 ( ' 11 .\'1' 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 1 . 1 ' .11 .\ . l't�tlli Ut>tl l t'o!IJI Jllh(t' 1

to Hl�ct tht> l'IUHlitlllt� O( thtt Llt�lUIH'I'it l fl' }Hrty for Prt-�:-�lttt>ut n111l fur l't 'l iJ.llt"�'>:O.

( ', \\' , �I'IIHntl tl\'t ll h 1,. lwt ll ••tl,\d) hlll �H ,. · I·:nllll'l ( J 11•h•• •ll •punt �1111 11'\\' l i t 1 1 W•·••h '" \'lll't l l lnrJ. (� · •lt�t d l l w i t h 1 1 •1' " '"''''' �l r • , F' rnr;\.;.

�1 1·. ll. l l , l'\1111 I• 11111'1 1 1� Ill• ul•l < '· · · ·t •· I' lulll"'.,. tnt'll tl•H\' 1 1 , 111111 Ill''' II Il l tlu• \h •• I I . �. [,\t t ••H 11'1" l't't.'<�\'�•n••l fl'lllll L:r•uuHl lll'•mll•l hi"' 1w\\• h1111,.,., n · ' ""' I l int•,:-. I

'1'11·· �1111,1,1�· · .. 1'h•'•ll ih•j..d ll"' nt :1 ,,.,.,,,,.Jr, H, t J.•ttl l"' ••l't•l•t\u� n hnlltlll l� fPI' I lul'41tttul •lf :t.a•l . hh• u�w 1 J �l,.,,./,1 { 'nt•t r u ��·p·1ratnr, -- ..,. • �-·-- \\', :\, :\ ( tU't'••l l nl l , l f l l l l i l)' llt' !'\t't\' tH'I� .

\\' in1 l 'r ' l'om·J .. I 'l'lt•l,t' l .. un � u lt• tu l ilt• toJit'llt �1\n•ln�· ' '" t!t1 � :ott!'l of �;. F 1.�+-�t' Stull h , o��\ lllHU llftr•r�n tlolltu· .. \\' : tot rrnl i.�··•l

The !'oulhet'll l!llli ii'HY lllllllllllll'l'' !nun l h•· r ... 1 i l' ' ll h·l· l l · o·l l-'1' 1·111)' e \'1'11 · thnt ell'e<·t ln• tldnher 1r•lb, \l'lnh•l' '""· Tonti:oat t ldr.·t� wtll lw pllll't'tl nll P>i'llt< ut Uftl\\tl�· tt-\ll\\'\1t\ \'Uh1� tt\ 1 \ \1 th"" Vt'liiU \­IItlllt l't'l'ltl"t14 !4111\th tlllll "llO t h l\'t'l'lt.

'l'loe ;ntwrlt '"r1•l••• P!l'er•••l hy t h \; gr�ut lliJ.!h\\'ll)' of t i'U\'�1 !'itlllfh t•tlltlllt'� i l �< pntron!'o tll n•11l'11 t h� rt-:oort:oc n p , t ! l znu .. t nttl"lll'lh·•· �t·h��llllt'�, t�h•,

O.OD:(;Off.&E Atlll Oon1l To·!\ hurl uoont',

Tr\' th1• l'Atuf\UI 110.\10�.\ ('tlt'r t:t�, llliL•, Ib, l'tl·�lll)' tl•nsh•tl, l•lltt·, lu.•n\th·�l\·lnl.!, tll·lkhltll", Dl ll�l ,.,., .ll••lukal ; 11\wsra J •a•'\;o·tl ir &ll•. ln•lr·llln.rk llat:!l.

fREE! ;l���r;;i\ 11'�11��!1�10��: �d·crnl tuAI!tlllkl'lll J•tt•tuhlfiH!,

, ••. n· u�···ll •·tl t corrn:� . . . . . . J"ll", lh, -rt:.\:ot. . . .. . . . . • un(', .. �· n:;. .. , 111,

I � : 1 \ in n 1 1 1 1 • • I I ''" "' nt J :Z . · , 1 ' • •;:1 1 · l r rr l ·"�t •

\'o•l )' �l l' • l l l� t i l'<' �illll' < • i ; I l l 1 :1 • : l'I'J,: I I Inr 1 .11-,

: : J l t'• ' l l� t � h·k iP•1 tn\\'t•l \'at•:..: t i l 7 • ' , l'l'i.:ll lal' l i lt • .

't tl :+\ '! ,', dnl l l' lllllts, u t .Jt)t', l'' .�tdnl'

Hill', 1 .· 1 1')!•1 whi tt• i l l n11d nll t >idt• ll' lt S i l

loot < l ll 1 1 1 ,10e, n·�lllar :l�c· , I IIII' S(o\'1 ' pnl i ;n , 5•'. !'t•ll •1 \'I I I I I' H•WIIt•.> t l ' l' 1:ttll l " 1 1 1 1 . 1

o i l to 1111; to'1cwicl;, I know how t<• ''" l i l l'lll l' ' '.'i"'t ly.


George W. Baker, I 24 Broad Street,


B"'L'aU�t" w � l'Uttltl not tli�L'U\'H 1 . 1 t l w l t w uf ���S t h • t t n i l mlh llllll J'rop•l ll' Jt•ti•l ' lll ·h11l t' of o1w Ju>r c�nt., Lt�tlitlt- ot.� Jlt!r ���nt uu �t�l'Otlll l·lrt�." Pl'l'l't>flY, n1111 JJotwith"IIIIJi.!int.:: \\'t' \\'t'l'l'! told hr n

Vodll �ll fl'it�lhl, - \ft! hll \'t' 1111Lt]t' HUollltor lUi .. •talt·ltl'"'llt, [ur WlJkh Wtl la•n•lly m tkt! uo r np Jlugy to ll lll' t rit'utl ltlltl to a l l •JUt r�tlllt'r�. hotb Ht•pu\tlh.•Hu llllll Ue1WJ�rnth·. The tux paid hy the C�11tr:tl ll[nlU 8t"CJU tl da.o� {'l'll}lt'l"t)', �� out� 1\Htl Oil to-half ptor l'ettt.

Pl't'l iHI'llttH'Y tu th� \\"tlllt-1' t-�t>lll'oll, tttHl fp\lowlng tht' r�c�nt l'll111pltotiou u(

tlu-' tlonhltt tr·auok lonf.C bd,lg•• n\'t't' t l 1.., Potonnc Rl \·pr, I ll" ll!it>tl by tht- :;.ni!IH•ru Rnilwur. uuuottlll't-lllrnt i.; unw tuutlt· of tht' ll}lettiu� uf lhtt uew 1lunhl� t 1'111'1i: bt"tWPPil \\'m�hin�-tton !\!Hl Urn::�o:t�. \·a , Ot•tnbt'l' t H II . a tli�I IIIH'P uf �"'i�ht.v-fir .. mil••. A\1 1 1'11111• of 1he :,\r•Uihel'll Hnil· Wll\' nt'\' npe-rntt'tl nn•t· t t li� tuntl ... n, trnl·k whll'l1 will �rl'at ly fll l'ilh�tt•• tlH• 1110\'t-��uPnt of ull tr1tit1� to llthl fnttll ail part� of tlw Stint h.

For fnll llhtl l'l liJ.l ih•k inful'lll'• l l t t l l t''l li nn1 or n•hln���. Nt•w Yurl< dlkt :o ·:;t a11tl 1 1 :0::.i Hrn:ul wny. - .\) ... x � Tlawt>:l t t , Eu�tl-'1'11 P:•�!"Piil!tl' AL:t>llt

\\'••lte :t� nun• f11r i!rl'l\1 l't•t•e fiill't H�t �th11wlt• �! J•n·!Llillm� ..:lvl'n wlllJ foJn:dal pnr.·lla�o!' loa'l :\lhl rofl'tl'S.

'J'h" t�t·t•nt .,lllt'rh·nn ·r .. " t'n, , t llt l 't. S. I ... . l

n J .aa l'l'"'''Y :-itreet, l'. l•. l:1 � �,.,, ��·w Yt•rl;,

··� --- To Cure .a Cold in One Day �� Take Laxative Bromo Qqini�e. TaMets • .A P1l � a � Seven MWion •o•cs sold in p4st 13 months. Tbis Slpature, (9. ;,"C� IIOJI.2Jt, " un.lmt'll.

Th� Wtmhnau wa� thl" l i th• or t1H· ver�.JUit!.{e \\·hll, \t lat:'U Tll!ll lllllll�' WU"' i l l fnl ! Ui•Jttlll 1111 111"1' )lnJlll' \"tUI \\').l'li. collt:-d .. •l prl•tt'di•tll fn•111 th� :oo:d.n•tJ:' awl tli\'t1"' iu ;;i'w Yurk. l'lli.; pral't il't• w.t."', o:· l'Uilf'"t', al.Jh· ll'l't'tl by all • ltl't'l t l p�<�[J! r:', Hlltl \\'it:O: 11t1� u t ( ! It> \.'i\ll .. t•:o- o l th� �:- l .. <:tivn o f �lr. L.!'J\� .

.:\ •.n\', without l lktu iug- the l'haral'tl": ot th� Nriliounl Ht"pnlllit.:a11 l'owluittt•t: tu thu"e who ut that t im� eLJWllO�t'd tht:> oll�ar�hl' or T•mutauy, il b •euliiug St!'it:!!'ti.l l'tJlll"ctor�. wlw �tt\ud l.igh in th� c mn�.:ls llf thtl JHtrrr. oat ntuoug tbt� hn'.{� CorpnrH.t it,u� tUtc', Tru�t�. to l'Ol lt:ct fuwl::o, tnu�:h ot wlul'h will iut'\'ita· hly u� u�etl to l'Ofl'llt•t llltlll}' \'Ot'!'J'S. It i8 l'!<dtl tlmt UO 1Jromise;; uf protectillU are w�ttl�; Ut"ith�r wel't' t"ttldt promi�t':; by Tttwwnuy, ltut iu lJotll cn3�� it was uutl i:O, nutloul.ttt'tlly nml�rstuoll.

B�uj B. Otle\ 1 , ll vveruor of l he- �l't'tt.t st�th: n. Nt-w York, Lua�ts tllHt be h!B f..,IJO,iJi'JU to use for �lt'ctiou lHlflHl�t's ou� oi tht:' np-�tat�t tl i:-ltdbntor:; of this fuutl op-:�u1y Sllhl: 0L't�t Yt'llt' we \"0tt"d tree<, tbi; )'e"r we will l'ote the leave,· "

No greutt"r 11i::gtnce nutl �hmgt'l' i� ILeuaciug ou r conutt·y 1Lt pre.seut thttu tbis whole•11le eOI'l'Ul•tiuu o[ the lmllot­ltox, 1\"llil'h is mmle not ouly po5�iblt-, but probuLI•, by tbe \'list sum th"t io Leiu• collecte1l from those who C<U amply afford to P•Y fur the pri\·ilege u[ roULing the p�ople.

Right here. iu Westfield, this outrage ha� be�u, null will agniu lJe, committ�ll. w� ha\'d hail uo el�:ctiou wbicb iuvol\"ed a matter o[ snfficieut. intere>t , for yenr;, bnt th!lt vot�s ha\'l• bt>�u Uongb t aml p:tiJ for in cush. 'l'his Is 11 bold st•lte meut, lmt it cannot be trulhfnlll' 1le· uieU. 'l'he \'eua\ vote exists every\\:llere ; iUU th13r� are meu who Rre \"ile euongh to buy it . IV h)' the de>pic,tlJle sellet• of his \"Ote should he�it,tte to cheat h 8 buyer, j� H COIHIIHlfllW, lt CR.IIUOt pOd Bibly make him l'iler th11u he is, und, 11s BOtue o f thew know how they shonhl vote, HS lo1v down in the sc11le o[ bu mauity Its they are, they wonl<l still render their country a beueficial •er· vice b)' cheating theh· <lirty buyer.

It is part of the Pt\triotic duty of every honest voter, to protest agaiust the col­lectinu of the�e vast smus for electiou pnrposeo. Everr man cap:<ble of cast­ing au iutelligeut bnllot knows th•t , eveu the mttlti·millionnire, tlot1s uot, es­pecially i n a politicnl cmupaigll, give tbOLuamls RtHl e\·en hundreds of thou· '""'Is of dol lars for uothing-nor for Jl<ltriotic pnrpose; ; m.<l e1·�rl' citizeu who has mitul flllongh to recogtJize the 'Value of 1111 hallest l'ote, >honld loudly protest I hat any &nm of money shouhl 1wt offse\ his own.

Alloth>r (li llu to co't'npt the bnllot­hox is that of coloni?.ation. This <les­ploable scheme is being worked by the Republicans in tho city of Ne1\" Yo1·k. L';t S11tnrday, un les• 1\ person11ge than the sou of New Yorl<'s Repu blic11n Post Master wus nrreste<l lor engaging in !Iii • vllhlinon• outrage l Thl•, too, is for IV hilt part or the lllOIIB)' goes, that was, anrl is still being collected for the use of the Republican pnrty lly It• eminen tlv re•pectable wanlwen !

BiHner &Fitzpatrick DEALERS I,N BEST

Lehigh Coal. Office, PICTON, N� J.



�ENDEL'S PURE FOOD MARKET Cor. Broad and Etn Sts. , Westfield, N. J .

Ask for Red Stamps Ask for Creen Stam ps

Grocery Department Fresh Egg�1 Very U!:!�t New Ynrl\ per tloz., Priut Butter, Stute L'ht'f'�f. a t . . . . . . . . . . . . per llOiliHl. • • • per potunl . . . .

�-H llOGUl!S of XX :XX "'1om, nt . . . . .

a t•nu� of S�tlmou,

a eHn� t:trin!.! :J c•ws Saked at . . . . , . . . . . . . B�;ln:-�. B�Hu�.

nt • • • • . . . • . . • . 'lt . • . . . . . . . . . .

Lltl':.!e lm�het p,,latol-'!'1, 1t . . . . . . . .

IOU Stau1ps I lb. 13 ohin.z Pnw(l�:-t'

100 Stnmps L'uuh Chop,, wi1h ubi, Best 1'"1' 1'0111111, Flour . . . . . . . bw�. pet IJIJl. , . . · " . . . . . . . Ht . . . . . . . . . . . . $6. 98 $ 2 .49 1 4c 1 2c

au Stump� frt>t:' with 1 l h , gootl 'fr:-;1 . • • • •

liJ S[slwp.; I rer wltll 1 l l o, llf Cutl'tt� . . . . .

S1>nl' Kntnt, Lltuhtl rger per qnart, C!tt-t:'St', at . . . , . . . . . . . . p•1· ponml . . , .

Bine Lo��tllel E�g1L• )lilk, 3·1 ontul p11i1 IJ J!011lu1� of Cutsnp, p�-�r euu, of LHn1, Holl�d ptlt' buttle . . . . 1tt • • • • • • • • • • , 1it • • • . . . • • • • • • Uat�. nt . . . . . .

uf a pnek t g't'rl or H.1tisiu�.

a JWC}{Itge� Of Cnrrentll, Itt . . . . . . . . . . .

New l?n:.ol\· whrmt, :J.Ib. purl"u.::•··.

Salt Pork, l3aeou. per pon tttl. p�r ponwl. "i ·2c ·: r4c

10 I Qn'rr .t.r Syrup . . . . . tiic I But tie Ptclcl•s . . , , . . , t:Jc I Bottle A tumouln , , 10c

St 1 Bott le Blneiog . . . . . . , tOe

amps I PaclwgJ M•ccaruui . . 10c 1 PnckHgto SJlllU;.{t"tt i , • • 10<: F I Pack•ge Farirm . . . . . . 10c I Pat:k•!!• P•Pper. , . , . . 10c rea � Packnge TH !Jiuca. ' ' . . 10c o Snlr M�tck�rel. • • . , . . . 2:ic

Ptwk Cht �t,:-o, A l l l� im1� d I•er [IOilll !l , Boln�!ll,, nt. . . . . . . . . , . . prl' 1 ''.'1111•1 . . • • 1 4c 1 2c

Pk)!. Shrelle•l Cml Fish, I Oc 1 Pkv, Pretulnm Florr. tr.c Bos Cocoa . . . . . . . . . . , . . ISc 2 CHil• lleHt �( illc, c•UI , , tOe l·Pouucl Box Mendel's

Powder . . . . . . . . . . . . 2iic I Gl•s• Be•t ·'"'" · . , , . . J2c Bottle Worcestor Snnce We Botlle M n•IJord . . . . , . . . 12c Bottle Ylluill• , , . . . , , . . tfic



Maple Syrup,




Ging-er Snaps, Apples, Sweft Potatoes New Potatoes Fresh

Eggs pouncl,

15c 3 1c Jpkg


40c Basket, Basket,
